Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1882, Image 1

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    > - w 4 * I T-1
The Whereabouts of the Default
in * State Auditor.
Interview With the Gentle
man Who Did the Legal
Business For Him
l ) He Was 'The Scapegoat of th <
Reigning Administration"
of Nebraska.
And Had to be Scared Away tc
Prevent Too Many Foul
Smelling Disclosures.
Ho May Poulbly Return Wlum the
s Others Go Oat.
' " ' _ Hl > eclal Correspondence.
tf LINOOLW , April 10. Tim BBE un
doubtedly remcinbera Leidtko , the
York county statesmen , who in the
all of 1S78TfiJ elected state auditor
on the republican ticket. In the fall
of 1870 a great political scandal waa
brewed over the fact that the afore
mentioned gentleman had appropriat
ed to his own use sundry funds ,
which , his critics claimed , should have
boon covered into the public ex
chequer. The supreme court having
endorsed the demand made upon him
by the governor for the return of Yhis
money , Mr. Leidtko refused to
but incontinently fled. From that
day to this his whereabouts nas been
merely n matter of conjecture , ho hav
ing at various times been assigneda
local habitation and a fictitious name
in Chili , in the Fadcrland and at var
ious other points in the
spacious globe. It may seem to Ti
' JT BEE that it is rather irrelevant I
bring thia subject up at present , an
BO it would bo , were it not for som
additional information which has jus
como into your correspondent's pos
session regarding it. Having happened
poned to make a chance inquiry abou
the absentee a day or two since , you
correspondent waa told that Mr
F , a worthy member of the 'Lin
coin bar , stood in confidential rcla
tions to the ex-ouic'al in a legal ca
pacity and was probably
who could give any information con
cerning him. Acting on this suggcs
tion , the inquibitivo news gloatic
"happened" into Mr. F 's offlo
this morning and timidly asked tha
'accumulation of profound wisdom.
| whcm-ho found there whether ho coul
J obtain from him Mr. Loidtko'a ad
"What do you want it for ? " querie
tbo lawyer , eyeing his interrogate
rather suspiciously.
"Is it something personal' " aske
the legal sharp , still suspiciously.
"It is , air , " continued the reporter
relying on his cheek to carry bin
' hrough.
; "You wouldn't care to entrust m
vith the message ? " inquired Mr. E
till desirous of
"I don't think I ought to , " re
plied the mendacious correspondent
"You see , it isn't altogether my owi
affair , somebody else is concerned ii
it. "
After a few moments of laborious
cogitation , in which his massive
brain worked like a trip hammer ,
the lawyer rummaged around amoni
a lot of papers , found what ho wtmtei
and made a copy of it. Handing it
to the reporter , ho said with some-
thin ; ? akin to a sigh :
"I take it you pro honest in this
matter. If you wish to communicate
with Mr. Leidtko , enclose a' letter to
him in that addro. s. "
The reporter gathered it in solemn
ly and read it. It waa the address ( if
a prominent barrister at Montreal
' Is Mr. Loidtko in Canada then ? "
aaked the reporter.
„ ' ' * Mr. F. gave no direct answer to thia
innocent question , but carelessly ap
plying the end of his right thumb to
ho made a alight convulsive move
mcmt with the lingers , accompanying
the same with an oppressive droop of
the left eyelid.
The reporter "tumbled. "
Mi. F. evidently did not care to
"givo the thing away. ' ' Forced to bo
content with tlio information gained
on this point the reporter tried an
other tack.
"What was the measure of .Leidtko's
offense ? " ho asked.
"He waa merely a scapegoat , " re
plied the lawyer vigorously. "While
constructively guilty of the matter
charged , he only did what his prede
cessors had done without stint.
'In what manner was he a scape
goat ? " persisted the itemizer ,
'Ho had an unpleasant disposition to
look up back records , " answered the
lawyer. "He unearthed too many
uncomfortable facts to suit the balance
of the reigningadminiatration and they
roao in their might to crush him ,
Another campaign was coming pn
and it
to allow Leidtko to bo a candidate for
re-nomination ; BO various interests
> combined to got rid of him. "
tf "What intereata do you refer to ? "
vf waa hurled at the lanyer.
r "Tho State Journal , the State
rI librarian , the governor and the eecre-
rotary of atato were prominent in it. "
I , ' 'How ' did the State- Journal come
to figure in the matter/ "
"They learned that an undesirable
publicity was to be given to their
straw bid1 manipulation of the publio
printing. "
"How were the officers you name
Concerned } "
"I do not care to state explicitly
just how they were connected witl
the thing. It is sufficient to say tin
they did not cnro to Iwvo Leidtb
pursue his investigations. "
"Is there any indictment pondinj
against Leidtko now ? "
"No ; ho never was indicted. Ii
fact ,
the 'mveitigation' was dropped , am
those most actively engaged in j-ush
ing it took no further interest in tin
matter. "
"No search'lias been made for hin
them , then ? "
"None at all. Mr. Lcidtko can ,
and very likely will , return hero whei
the present administration passes oul
of power. They will do nothing tc
him "
Failing to extract anything clso ol
any particular interest from the ex-
auditor's attorney , your corrcspoii'
dent gratefully thanked him for the
information thus tendered and with'
dro\v. It is not likely , however , thai
Mr. Leidtko will over illuminate tl\r
streets of Lincoln with the sunlight o !
hin presence. A general opinion pre
vails hero that the lamented states
man , in taxing his hurried departure ,
found a surce.ico from complicated
which had for : \ lorg time sorely
vexed his soul , and that ho would bo
extremely loth to voluntarily renew
hin position in society.
* For the sake of consistency , by
the way , and to relieve your corre
spondent of the unwitting nasnranco
ho gave the lawyer tlmt ho wished to
communicate with Mr. Loidtko , it
might bo as well to mail a copy of the
paper containing this article to the
Hon. W. S. Walker. B. 0. L. , Bar
rister , Montreal , C.mada. It may
ttrike THE BEE that your correspond
ent has performed tin's task in a bung
ling manner ; but he , with all his
modesty , thinks that ho displayed a
shrewdness worthy of a fox in fact ,
Foxworthy. Ann us.
Drowned In tlio Ravrhido-
National Associated Prcsj.
FUEMOST , April 10. Mr. FJatman
wns drowned in attempting to ford the
Itawhido last evening. Ho and Chris.
Wesley had been out hunting , and on
their way homo , in attempting to cross
xt the ford , found they could not an
n trying to turn out of the cree
.ho horse became unmanageable
frowning himself , and Flatrrum.
Foreign Nows.
Cational Associated I'm 8
LONDON , April 10. Charles Stowar
Parncll , the land loagno loader , wa
elcased at 0 m m. from his imprison
nent at Kilinainham and atonco win
tboard the morning mail train
outo for England.
GKNENA , April 10. Five students
if the Geneva , university , while ou
joating on the lake yesterday , wer
irownod by the boat capsizing.
LONDON * , April 10. The roiease o
Darnell was granted to nUend hi
unoral of his nephew. The g'ovorrf
nent announces ho will bo pcrmittei
o remain at liberty for a week.
The Pacific Milli.
' ktlanut Associated Prete.
LAWRENCE , Mass. , April 10.
twenty strikers responded to the invi
ation of the mill owners to go to tin
nills this morning and got employ
nent until it could bo ascertained i
wges were higher in any other place ,
'hoy entered the mill , but.soon left
aying thera was no work , and the an
omiccmont wns only a blind by the
orporation to avert criticism.
Paralyzing a ' .
Minimi Associated Frew.
DETROIT , Mich. , April 10. Dis-
utches from Muske on to-day show
10 situation still unchanged , five
undrcd boom hands and two thou-
md mill hands being still on a strike
> r tun hours a day , and the mills are
llo and tl < o whole industry of the
> wn is parayized.
atlonal Associated 1-rm.
MILWAUKEE , April 10. Both Mr.
id Mrs. Hod Jones , living five miles
est of Eau Claire , waa shot late
at night by an unknown man , who
red through their bed room window.
.tloiml Associated treat ) ,
RED WINO , Minn. , April 10.- The
ock bounded by May , Burr , Third
id Broadway burned last night ,
bout a dozen stores , besides u largo
rcry stable and opera house , were
istroyed. Loss , between $76,000 and
HAMILTON , 0. , April 10. A fire
ippoaed to have boon caused by the
rerturning of a lamp , broke out in
dlison'a livery stable near the city
lilding Jaot night. The h'ro depart-
ent were slow to respond to the
arm and by the time they did arrive
the ecenu the livery stables of W.
Jollison and J. C. Barialow were
flames , which soon spread to the
3 house of Daniel Pabet and then to
0 city buildings and the largo brick
lilding.i occupied by the O'Brien
'heel Company. The records and
1 city papers were taken out of the
lilding and saved , but the building
iclt was consumed. Loss , 20,000 ,
Storm ou the Pacific.
tlon l Associated Vieat.
> . During the terrible storm yestor-
y a boat's crow of six men left the
ore in an attempt to reach their
sscl , but were svvampedand drowned ,
is feared there uro a number of
cclcs on the coast. The storm was
o of unexampled violence.
Storm on tliolinlio ,
the Editor of 1 ho Dte.
CIHOAOO , April 10. During the
avy northeaster this morning the
liooner Milwaukee , laden with ties ,
is driven ashore and wrecked on
o breakwater at the foot of Twenty-
th street. One sailor was drowned
d the body subsequently washed
[ lore. Several other wrecks are ru-
jred aloiiK the shore , with consider-
le IOES of life ,
Yesterday's Proceedings in tin
Senate and House ,
Tbo Entire Day in the Lattoi
Devoted to Discussing the
Potomac Plate ,
The House Elections Committee -
too Repott in Fnvor of a
Republican Contestant.
The Convention of the National
Laud League to Meet
Mincolliiuconfl Note * of Cn National
National A&toclltud 1'rcBS.
riiouKKmNos IN iui : SENATE.
WA.HIUXOTON , D. 0. , April 10.
Vest presented the minority report
against the admission of Dakota
Mr. Hn-vliy piusented n memorial
from the Cherokee , Creek and Seminole -
inole Indium * , petitioning the govern
ment to defend their treaty right.
Resolutions were adopted request
ing information from the atato department -
partmont as to legislation needed to
protect and encourage the cattle expert -
port trade with Great Britain , and the
trcsh and salt meat trade with Franco.
The elections committee reported
in favor of giving Makey , of South
Carolina , the Heat occupied by Dib
bles. Ordered printed.
The honso spent the entire day in
committee of the whole on thq' bill to
reclaim the Potomac flats at Washing
ton. Much criticism was olfured upon
the bill as presented , as it did not , in
the opinion of members , proposu a
suflicient and just plan for performing
the work.
At 5 o'clock the committee resend
\nd the house fixed the 24th inst for
: onai(3 oration of the bill , and ad
During the call of states to-day Mr ,
White , of Kentucky , who has bte
, 'iolontly opposed to the bill extend
ng the bonded period of diatU
ipu its , introduced a resolution of in
luiry , asking the secretary of th
treasury what , if any , influences wor
jrou ht to bear ou the commission :
) f internal revenue to persuade him
; o favor the bill in question . Tli
resolution was referred to the way
ind means committee , from which th
> ill emanated , although Mr. Whit
3rotoatod , desiring reference to som
> ther committee.
? atlonarABSoci tcd Press. * I"T -
WAHHINOTON , April 10. ' The senati
: ommitteo on naval alLii'ro have agroei
0 favorably report the nomination o ;
3haudl < .r.
Oflicial atatemont of the postoOlo
lepartmcnt for the first half of thi
1 resent fiscal year : Receipts , $20 ,
11,107.85 ; expenditures , § 19,021) ) ,
87.11 ; suiplus , 8182,320.10. In the
irat half ut the last tiscul yoac the do
latency was § 2,000,000.
Thu Mtirmon church conference at
ndependeiico , Mp. , sent a telegram
hanking the president for signing the
nti-poljgnmy bill in which they say
nti-polyKainy docs not belong to
liem or iruo Murmonism. |
Judge Wylio this morning decided
fiat the indictments uuaintit Brady ,
) orscy and others charged with star
rmto frauds were properly found ;
liat the M.irj'land atatnto ot 1772 ,
ndor which the motion to quash the
idictmontas madu on tne ground
mt the act was still in fcnce , and
as violated when the district at-
> rnoy Bent the cases to the grand jury
imself without ii direct order of the
) urt. As thoi act in question was
'ally repealed when the district of
olumbia passed from under the con-
ol of the Maryland law and was su-
arceeded by the act of 1801 , which
itablishcd the circuit court in the
[ strict , this act of 1801 , the judge
aid , though it contained no afiirma-
vo declaration , repealed the act of
' 22 by establishing a new court with
jw powers made adherent to the
lice of the district attorney. The
iwers lodged by the act of 1722
. the courts. The decision wus that
i indictment was sufficiently certain
its specifications , the thirty-six
vil acts charged being different in
mo respects trom ono another , and
u allcgatic n of the use of fictitious
tinofl , false signatures , etc. The in-
ctmonts were sufficient to sustain
o charge of fraud. The motion to
tash waa therefore overruled.
On motion of Mr. Mcrriok , of
unset for the prosecution , the rccog-
zaiico of W. A. Dorsoy was decided
rfeitod , and the bench issued an or-
ir for his arrest , and 3 p. m , to-day
is sot for reading the indictment * .
At o'clock Thos. F. Brady , M. 0.
aidoll , J. Jl. Minor and W. H. Tur-
r were arraigned on thu charge of a
ar route conspiracy. It took
veral ' hours to road the
icumont ; meanwhile the judge va-
ted the bench , coming back to ad-
urn court. All the defendants
cad not guilty. By subsequent ar-
ngomont n bench warrant will not
nerved on Dors y , but ho will nu-
ar in court on the 17th.
The house eloctiono committee were
gaged until 4 o'clock hearing argu-
lints in the cuso of Smith vs. Bhel-
f in thu Fourth Alabama district ,
iclloy , Meyer and Woods spoke fore
o contest , and Jeremiah M. Wilson
II address the committee to-nior-
w for the contestant.
Bonds preaontud for redemption tote
to under the lOGMi call , 818,705,760 ;
7th call , 815,850,750 ; 108th call ,
0,027,850 , ,
The prcnidont has signed Toller's
ramission as eocrutary of the inter -
> r , The new secretary cannot say
when ho will nasumo the duties of th
Postmaster General Itowo will son
to congress and ask nn appropnatio
to carry out plans for adding n stor ,
and a half to the present postofllco dc
partmont building. This , it i
thought , will relieve the ovorcrowdd
condition of the building in n cheapo
way than by any other plan. The re
port will discuss the plan of rcmovinj
the city postofllco back to the- department
mont buildingthus enlarging its room
A lively scene occurred to-day bo
twean Dr. Mnry Walker nnd n womai
who accuses her of opening her letters
tors , The doctor admits opening i
letter but says it wais n mistaKO. Tin
case waa mt concluded , but it i :
thought it v ill bo squashed.
The convention of the nntiona
land league meola hero Wednesday
moniitig at 10 o'clock. It will proba
bly last three thys. There will be
two sessions each day. It is oxpcctoc
350 delegates will bo present , Mnssa
chusctts nlono furnistnng 100. ilon ,
P. A. Collins , of Boston , will preside ,
The secretary of the treasury ha
decided not to call any ( i per cent ,
continued bonds until nil 0 per contt
huvo been called. When the eccro.
tary eturtod to redeem continued C'
ho had $178,055,150 outatnnding. He
IIIIM called $110,000,000 , and has pur
chased noariv $5,000,000. There arc.
now uncalled of O'a of 1801 about
$12OCO,000. and of ( Ms about $18-
000,000 , making about § 00.000,000 in
all. From estimate * made nt thu
treasury department the secretary
thinks liis surplus will admit of $15-
000,000 being called , § 1,000,000 ol
the April call having been already
made. No 5'a will bo called undo !
any circumstances until Snptombor.
Enonpod Jail.
National Associated Press.
LEIUNON , Pa.April 10. Dick B.ock
and Frnnkllauch , the parties arrested
about four weeks ago in Kansas for
robbing safes and committing burg
laries around Lebanon , and confined
hero , broke jail early this iroriring.
After coing to the house where Book's
wife lives and threatening her with
death if she guvo the alarm , they loft.
They are armed and are dcspcrato
characters. They were to have boon
tried at court this week. The prison-
era were in an iron cell and could not
Imvo escaped without help from other
prisoners. The cell door was wide
ipun and a note loft contained their
Easter compliments to the shorilF.
T > 3cnn Railroad Legislation-
1 iitlonol Associated I'rcas.
AUSTIN , April 10. A bill was in-
reduced in the senate to-day provid-
ng for the creation of a state board of
ail road commissioners to bo appointed
jy the governor. Their duties will bo
.o inquire into all matters pertaining
o railroad companies , and to report
, o the next session of the legislature
vhat laws are necessary to correct
ibusos'and reduce rates. It requires
iompanies and their agents to give all
nformation desired under a penalty ,
> f 85,000. * . * - - „ .
A bill passed the senate prohibiting
lie further issue of laud certificates t
ailroad companies.
A similar bill passed the house , am
[ oca so far as to forbid locating cer
ificates heretofore issued.
Jewelry Burglars.
'atlonal Associated I'rcsn.
EAST LIVEIIPOOI- , Ohio , April 10.
larly this moniing burglars stele tools
rom a blacksmith shop with which
lioy cracked five safes , from four ob-
\ining small amounts , but from Al
ert'a jewelry store § 0,000 worth ol
jwelry. The drijled quarter-inch
olos near the combination in Albert's
ifca , nnd with a wire throw the bolts
nek. The utoro was completely
uttod. No clue to the thieves.
TLo St Joe Bond Robbers-
I'lorml AHwmttxi I'rett.
NBW YOHK , April 10. ( i. M. Irwin
id James Fiato , under arrest for at
impting'to negotiate § 100,000 of
olen bonds of the city of St. Joseph ,
[ o. , were arraigned at the Tomba
id committed for further cxamina-
on. The detectives who made the
rest told the court they believed
10 prisoners merely the tools of poll ;
siaiiH in St. Joseph , who had stolen
10 bonds and given them to the prio-
lers to negotiate , ns the latter had
it § 300 in their possession when ar
Mexican Matters-
tlormt Aatocl&tod I'rc63.
OITV OF MKXIOO , April 10.The
itivo Indians of Pueblo show hostile
flings towards the recently settled
ilian colonists in that stato. The
fooling has grown out of the nb-
rption of land by the colonists in
o immediate vicinity of Indian sct-
mionts. So bitter has this antipathy
como that several colonists have
en assaulted by the Indians , and
nous trouble is anticiDated. The
torvention of the government has
en asked to prevent open warfare.
Mariuo Intelligence-
tloiml AssocUtcd CrdM
NKW YOKK , April 10. Sailed The
mpulco for Aspinwall.
Arrived The City of Brussels and
o Lake Nepigon from Liverpool.
BAI.TIUOUK , April 10 , Arrived
to Ohio from Bremen.
PLYMOUTH , Annl 10. Passed The
ioland from Now York for Ham-
LiVKurooi- , April 10 , Arrived
10 Brittamo from Now York , the
> Iynesian from Boston.
UAMJIUHO , April 10 Sailed The
icnania from Now York.
First Boat of tlio Season.
tloiial Ateoclatcd 1'fCUn.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 10.--Tlio
jamor War Eagle of the Bt. Luuis
St. i'aul line , which loft St , Louia
tesday , reached hero this noon ,
ing the first boat of the season.
itlonal Press Association ,
JlEi > 4JANK , N. J. , April 10. Jacob
hofiold , ugod 80 years , a veteran of
12 , a relative of Gen , Schofiold ,
d ex-member of the legislature ,
pd at Kunsomo to-day.
Digest of the Board of Agrioul
tnro Reports ,
Continued Bad Luok Will Dim
inieh the yield of
Wintnr Wheat.
Spring Wheat Abandoned bj
About All But Half a
Dozen Counties ,
"Pinkeye" Ravages Cause n
Wuilto Go Up From All
Parts of the State ,
But Cnttlo , Stvhio uiid Sboop Arc
In Good Condition.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 10. The
Journal to-morrow will contain n
special from Topcka Riving u summary
ot thu condition of Kiiiisan crops tu-
ported to the state board of ugricul-
: urc :
Concerning the item of winter wheat
it is estimated thuro has been a de
crease in the urea sown as compared
with last year. The greater portion
of the decrease occurs in the eastern
part of thu state , where farmers
have for the last thrco years had
bad luck in growing it. It is
estimated in round numbers that
the amount of loss will not bo less
than § 500,000. Winter wheat looks
nicely at present , and all correspond
ents agree that a heavy crop will bo
harvested , provided the outlook con
tinues aa oncour.igtncaa at the present
time. The weather lias boon so favor
able that the secretary ot the state
board feels warranted in saying that
the loss from freezing and other
causes will not amount to over 1 pur
cent. A majority of the correspond
ents ngrco that the early sown wheat
promises a greater yield than
that put in later in thu
fall , and in those instances where the
late Bowing is good they are almost
unanimous in the opinion that the favorable
vorablo winter alone accounts for the
fact. Taken altogether , winter whca
never looked better nnd never prom
ised greater returns to the rgricul
turint than to-day. The prosperity
in this line of furmingia not confined
to any ono section , but is practically
The condition of rye is tiaid to bo
excellent. The increase in nvorago
has been very little about 10 per
sent , or thereabout. In the majority
af c.iacs the grain is Down for uao in
pastures and is regardedns n fine adb
stituto for the coarser grasses.
With * ho exception of the counties
3f Washington , Jewell , Republic ,
SlVahaU , Brown 'and pNemaha , the
wlsing.qtjiprijg-wheat has boon , alMost , -
Most abandoned l > yiW filers of , the
soil. Some counties have not rp-
ported an acre of this grain within
iho past three years Outside of the
: ounties mentioned it seems to bo
generally agreed that it cannot be
iroGtably grown , and where profit islet
lot there is the Kansas farmer scarce ,
[ n the spring wheat counties the
irop looks first-rate , and will give
nero than ordinary yiold.
From all portions of the ctato
hero cornea up a diamal wail con-
crning the ravagea ot the "pinkeye,11
lut the disease has been uniformity of
mild typo , and but little damage
as occurred. With the exception of
liis disorder , no other diseases are
oported that have moro than a local
Cattle in good condit ion aa regards
enorally health , but are not remark-
bly overburdened with ilesh. The
ccont abundant rains insure a good
aaturn 'o on the range , and it will
ike only a short time for the bovinea
) become fat. That is the opinion of
10 sageof } the board of agriculture
uyway , * >
In the sheep Industry many cases of
: ab aio reported , but aa the diaoaao
i readily controlled , the losa from
lis cause will not" ' ut an appreciable
guro in the total amount received
om the Bhoaring of 1882.
There are n less number of hogs in
10 atato than usual , the high price
" corn forcing farmers to Boll. No
pidemioj are known to exist and
ith the exception of beinj ; thin the
vine uro in good condition and will
race thotabloof the merchant princes
i on yore.
The Virginia
itlonal Auoclatoj 1'rtsn.
lliciiMONi ) , April 10. The logisla-
ire will probably soon adjourn 5no
iu , as u resolution fixing tlio datu ut
ith of this month passed the ncuato
tia morning.
Senator Lybrook spokp at length
- upon the resolution having
r its purpose the calling of the state
invention , in order to revise and
lopt a state constitution ,
Arbor Day In Olifo-
Ltlon&l Anoclatod Vieta
COI.BMIIUK , 0. , April 10. Governor
astor has issued a proclamation
tablishing April 2th as Arbor Day
id requesting citizens of the state on
iat day to plant trees and groves on
liatover plot of ground they may
vn ,
Shot by HUMirtroHS ,
atlonal Aoclatcd 1'rctu ,
PiTTHUUiui , April 10. Elizabeth
[ cKoogh shot James McOtio through
10 loft shoulder thia afternoon , lie
ill probably livo. Cause , illicit re-
tiona ,
Tbo Flooded Region ,
atlonal AtsoclatoU 1'jtua.
Lirrtr HOCK , April 10 , Partioa
'om ' dilforent sections of the over
awed district report that in about a
eok the water will bo entirely on" all
ibmerged land in this state. Prop-
rations for moro active fanning work
mil ever are going on , and there are
respects for abundant crops. Some
of the sufTcrera by the ovorlloi
will bo tmablo to cultivate a
much land as usual on aoount o
stock , but it is predicted that tnkin
the cut ire Btato a wider area will b
placed under cultivation and a largo
and better yield of various product
gathered. In some sections of thostnt
less cotton and mcro wheat nnd otho
grains is planted. The season in thii
section is two weeks in ndv ncoof las
A Sontouord Man Reipited. '
Nut Ion il Afnoclntol 1'rcM.
LITTLR HOCK , April 10. L. B
Taylor , sentenced to bo hanged foi
the murder of ono Black in Clai
county last December , has been re
spited by the governor , a convict ii
the penitentiary named Mulhollaik
having undo confession that ho wrj
the murderer.
Suit for Falun Representation.
NKW YOUK , April 10. WarranU
have been issued for the arrest ol
( Jon. Clinton B. Fisk by JudgoDonn- ]
hue on the suit ot ono Popg for al
lotted faUu representation in connec
tion with certain mining invcstmontn.
The suit grow out of a misunderstand
ing in regard to the diasolvtd partner
ship between Fisk nnd Williams and
McKoiiKio , whoso tool Fogi ( is nllegcd
by the dofonco to bo. There was no
arrest , Fisk being in Detroit.
MothcilUtRHnlRtorinud tlio Veto ,
NMIonil AK xl tml I'tixvi.
Piiii.ADUU'Jiu , April 10. The
Methodist iiiinistorn' association this
afternoon appointed n committee to
convene a meeting of the denomina
tion to support the veto of the Chin-
eao bill. Subsequently so much feel
ing tras aroused over the mattSr that
the resolution vaa rescinded and a
few of these prcaont signed n paper
expressing the satisfaction of thu
preachers at the veto.
Judgment AuuJugt a Defaulting
Katloiul Araactatcil 1'rcra.
Rr.AiiiNti , Pn. , April 10. Thos ,
McC.xmant , cliiof clerk in Auditor
Qtineral Lomon's of lice , was closeted
to-day with thu aurotiui of defaulting
Ex-County Treasurer Dumlor , whoso
whereabouts are unknown. Judg
ment has boon ontorml in favor of the
atato for $19,770 20 , with int res
that being the amount of licenses and
itato taxea duo.
Cingan Golnc to tlio Hot Springa
National Aiuooutctl Vitas.
LITTLE ROOK , Ark. , April 1C.
Senator Lot/an , of Illinois , passed
through hero this afternoon enrouto
; o Hoi Springs. Ho was accompanied
> y ox-Senator Challeo of Colorado
ind It. C. Kermis , director of the
Iron Mountain railroad.
Fatal Boll or 'Explosiea. ' > -
al , AbaocUM < PUJM. T ,
LITTLE HOOK , Ark. , April 10. Tlio
toiler of H. Ai Bowman a saw mill , 8
uilos south of hero , exploded this af-
ornoon with terrible violence , sat-
, erlnj ( tho' building- killing two men
> no jiwnftd'iVank A. .Nyinklsr recently
roiri 'Oolumbl s , Jn'd. , fatally fiij Wing'
.wo and seriously three others ,
the Standard Oi
Utlonil Associated Trees.
CoLUiiiiUK , O. , April 10. In the
louse Scott's resolution for invostiga-
ion by the auditor of the charge that
lie Standard Oil Company was ovad-
ig payment of toxes1 wus adopted.
itlonal Ataoclatcd I'rcn.i
CINCINNATI , April 10. The condi
! on of Ex-Mayor Wilstach thia ovon-
ig was \vorno , ho being in an un-
jnscioua ctatn. He is not expected
) recover.
Hope Ahead.
A committee of stockholders who
'aited ' upon the superintendent of a
alifornia mine in days gene gpno by
) ask why in blazes the said mtno
adn't panned out anything but as-
jssmonts were graciously received ,
ivited to bo seated , and the official
xplaincd :
"Gontlomon.'you are all aware ot
10 fact that wo had scarcely begun
'ark when the mouth of our mine
ns blocked by n land slide. That
ut ua back n month. "
They nodded their remembrance ) .
"Then wo had just got in nhapo to
iko out 4,000 toiiH of ore worth $2,000
! ir ton whan the mine caved in.
ou recall it ? "
' 'Once moro wo bent oursalves * to
> the burden of reaping $000 for
wry ton invested when the inino was
oodud by a subterranean river , " was true ulap.
"Then wo had junt got the water
ut Y hfn wo discovered that our mine
as 1 cnted on another man's claim ,
e h id him uliot to prevent trouble ,
nd ojiuo moro wo were about to do-
laro .v dividend of 200 pur cent ,
hen the dead mun's huira put in an
ppoaranco , There were three of
loin. Wo cluiocd ono orer the range ,
nd another hung by the vigilance
immittoo , a > < d I am happy to inform
3ti that I have four men out after
10 other , and am every hour expect-
ig to hoar that ho has tumbled elF a
ilF. Gentlemen , there is hope ahead
golden hope. Please como up and
rink with mo , after which thcra will
3 another assessment of 10'nor , cont. "
Oniaun Flro Department-
The regular meeting and annual
lection of olliccrs of the Omaha fine
upartmont will take place at the city
Duncil chamber , Wodneuday evening ,
piil 12th , 1882 , at 8 o'clock.
JUIIOMB C. L'KKT/.EL , Hecrotary ,
Kvcrybody who contemplates pur
Imsing FUUNITUUK will lind it to
lieir own interest to inspect the im-
leimo stock at the etoio of CHAR.
mvKiaciv , who unqucationubly has
lie fineat afisortmcnt of FUKMTU
tc. , from thu bout manufacturora and
lie newest styles , and AI.WAVH MAKKS
OWKH HtioEB than any other MUSI
URE dealer in Nubaasku ,
1200 , 1108 and 1210 Faruam St.
Effort to Secure a New Trial For
Onitoau ,
His Sister Files a Petition For
the Appointment of a
Alleging He is Insane andOan-
not Take Gixro of Him-
eolf and Property.
The Whole Question of Hia In-
oanity to bo Tried Again
in Chicago
At the RoRnlnr Mny Term of the 1
Uook County Court.
CHICAGO. April 10. Francis M. '
Scovlllo thia afternoon filed a petition
in the county court praying for the f
appointment of n conservator of
Charlra J. Otiiteau , on the ground of
his insanity ; that ho ia possessed of
certain person U prdprrty , consisting
of copyrithtn. ; manuncripls , etc. , and
ia receiving the sum of $15 a day from
Iho ailo of autographs ; that ho is also '
negotiating for the disposal of his
body aftar death ; that ho ia totally
unlit to take care of his moneys and
property , nnd she prays therofoio a
gimrdiiin be appointed for his pursou
The nttornoy for Mrs. Scovillo in
thin case ia Win. 0. Johnson , Esq. ,
of U ! ) Washington otrcot , who is ono
of our brightest ydung criminal la nr-
yera nnd has much cxpcrienco in m-
oano c.incs. In the celebrated closet
murder trial hero Johnson cleared his
clirut , Minnie Diwn , on the ground
ol insanity , Ho wns formerly oniagod ;
with Him Emory A. Storrs in the
practice of the law.
Tim is n now and nntiroly unox-
pccted turn or affairs in the Guiteau
a isu , and the whole question of his
insanity will bo tried here In Chicago ,
whutborGuitcuu ia present or not. It
is not known whether ho will bo
brought hero or not. The caao
requires a trial by jury before Judge
Loonna , and thu question will again
301HO up an to whether Guitoau wns in-
iano or not afc the time of the shoot
ing of President Garficld. It is
: iow k.iown that nowdiscovered ovi-
lencq will bo introduced at the trial of
; hucaso in Chicago. Many witnesses
ivlio were not present at the Wash
ington trial , will bo in attendance
aero , , ' The ' casp will como up rogu-
' " .bourt'in l
I orly'Vit'tHB"'t8rm6f f . ! . . . \ t - , May.J , . , , , , .
Handling a TonnoBeo QrowtL , .
Jatrolt I'rce Prcajf ' ' % , t
A Michigan man who has n patent
windmill wont down to Tonneaseo
.ast fallto BOO what he could ddomong
the farsiora of thafc'/stato. llooching , ,
iV tbwrt' ir ? the cqhtirar > pMt 'bLthak - . -
itato hf > wont 'tod dealer in ricul- ' *
tural implemontB , end stated bis do-
lira to erect his machine and call at-
; ontion to it.
"Well , it can bo tlono , I guess , "
vas the reply.
"But how had I boat proceed ? " '
"Well , you kin put her up over on
ho hill thar , I don't know who owns
ho giound , bin if you treat the crowd
iguess no ono will object. "
"Very well. "
"Next Thursday is market-day , and
hcro'll ' bo heaps of folks in town.
rou want to bo around early and treat
lie crowd. "
"Yes. "
"Set the old thing going , and ask
lie boys over to drink something. "
"Just so. "
"You want to stand on a bar'l and
lake como explanations , of course ,
ir it will bo now to most of 'em. But
on't talk too long. Male it about
jn minutes , and then treat the
rowd. "
"Yes. "
' 'If you have to talk any moro ,
; 11 'om there's another drink uhoad. "
"I soo. "
"If the old man Jones comes in
'ith the boys thoro'll bo a row in the
rowd. They shoot on sight. Keep
our eye pooled , nnd if you BOO any
gns of u row ask the whole crowd
ut to drink. "
"Yes , but "
"Look out for dog fights. If ono
ikes place you can't hold the boys a
linuto. Keep your eye on the
mines. If you EOO a yallor dog begin
> bristle up , ask the crowd to step
, -or and moisten. "
"Yes , but by that time the whole
owd will bo drunk , " protested the
[ ont.
"Sartin it will , and that's what you
ant , of course. That will give you
chance to skip out and take your
fo along with you , and if you make
atop anywhere within a hundred
lilcs I'll send the windmill by
eight provided there's anything
ifttoeondl Nothing like knowing
( jw to handle a handle a Tennessee
rowd , my friend. Did you aak me
ut to take Bunthin'l"
OUAHA , April 8 , 1882
The copartnership heretofore exist-
ig under the firm name of Angell ,
kwon & White , is hereby this day
mtually dissolved , Mr. White with-
rawing from aamo Messrs. Angoll *
b Bowen assume all the liabilities and
nuke all collections of the said firm.
F. K. UowuN ,
J. WiurE , Jit.
The undersigned would respectfully
mnounoo that the Jewelry and Musio
juaincsi will ba continued at the old
land , Oporu House Block , and hav-
ng a line stock in quality and styles
\i pricca which cannot fail to insure
latisfaction , wo solicit your patronage.
2all and examine ,
AprlO-3t _ _ A ui5Hi & Bcwuy.
Spacious light ofllces for rent at
1808 Fiirnam atroot. Apply to John
H. F. Lohmann & CO.'B. npl-2w