Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1882, Page 7, Image 7

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    1JE OMAHA DALLy BEEMONDAY. . APiUL 10 188 * .
010 F rnham , bet Oth and loth 8tr at .
-01 * copy 1 year , la adiancodxxtrald ) . . . Jio.00
6 mottM " " . . . 6.00
month B.OO
IOMAIIA juimun.
Ixavo Oi.iahi 1'.uwcTiKor No. Z , 8:30turn. : Ac
tnrpoUitton No. 4,1:0 : ( p. m
AltivtOniaJ-ft "winKcr No , 1 , 6JO : p. m ,
.Acctt s : dvtloti : No. S , 10iO : a. tn.
l\Ot 0HIU ( AST OS tOITtl ! SOOKD.
O , , B. i Q. 7:401tn. : . 3:10 : p. ni.
C. A K. 'A.i 7MO a , m. SiO : p. ra.
fl. , H. J. ft P. . 7:10 : a. m. Tw : p. tn.
H. C. , St. J. & C. 5. , ! oii nt 8 a. m. and C'SO
HE. AttlvcuatSt. IxmUat C:30at. tn. and 5K :
m.W. , St. L , & P. , IMVM at 8 a. m. vi < S E:40 : p
Arrlm a St. Louis at 6:40 : n. m. and 7:80
B , ft It. In Nob. , Through Express , E:50 : a. m.
IB. A 11. Lincoln Kxprccs G.JO p. to.
U P. Oxcilnntl Kxprcec , 12:16 : p. tu.
0. ft n. V. lor Lincoln , 11:46 : a. m. )
O. & R V. for Osccolft. 9:40 : n. in.
U. P frciclit Xo. t , 4:30 : . m.
0. P t rrtlit ! | No. 0 , 8 : 0 A. ro.
IT. P. frclpht No. 13 , 2.60 p. m.
tJ. V. freight No. 7i 6:10 p. m. emigrant.
w.P. Dem cr rxprcM , 7:3S : i > . nt.
3J. P. frclclit Ho 11. 11:80 : p. m.
TJ. P , Dcnvci freight , 8.2G \ < . m.
< 3 B. k O ( .00 a. m. 7:25 : p m.
< 5. k N. W. , 913 ! a. m. 7:25 p. m.
C. n. 1. ft P. , 0:45 : n. m. 0-06 p. m.
il. 0. , St. Joe & .C n. , 7:40 : It. tn. 0:46p. : m
0. k R. V * . from Lincoln 1.03 p. m.
TJ. P. Pariflo KxprcRS 8:25 : p. in.
TJ L U. In Nob. , Through Express 4:16 : p ro
B. A M. Lincoln r.xprcs * 9.40 ft in.
O. P. Denver express , 7:35 : n , m.
U. P. Freight No. 14 2:60 : P. ro.
U.i P. No. 6 5iO : a. ra. Kmljt nl
TJ. P. freight No. 14,12:15 p. m.
O. P. No. 8-9.00 p. tn.
U. P. No. 12 1:45 : a. m.
D , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. ra.l
O. & R. T. mixed , ar. 4:45 : p. m.
Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and
5) m. ; 1:0 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m.
Leave Council llluDs at S:25 , 9:26 : , 10.25 and
l : a. m. ; 1:25 , 2:25 : , 3:26,4:25 : and 6:25 : p. ro.
Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 :
And 11:00 : ft. m.j 2.00 , 4:00 : nnd B:00 : p. m. Loavce
Oooncll Bluffs at 0:26 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2S5,4:36 : :
clod 6:26 : p. tu ,
Through and local paascnpcr trains between
.Omaha and Council Uluffs. Lcavo Omaha 0:15 : ,
7tlG. 8:50a.m. : ; 8:40 : , 0:46 : , O.oo"p. Arrive
Omaha 7:40,11:86,11:46 b.m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05,7:15 ,
110 p. in.
Opening aid Clotlne of Mfflli.
ROBTI. ores. CLOii.
a. m. p. m. am. . p. m
/Ohlcaco&N. W 11.00 9:00 : 6-30 2:40 :
ChleaSo. U I. & Paclflc.ll:00 0.00 6:30 : 2:40
iCtlcago. 1J. & Q. . . . .11:00 D:00 : 6:30 : S:10 :
Wab 9h ! 12SO : 6:80 : 2:40 :
3ioux City and PaclQc. . DCO : D.SO 2:40 :
< Unlon I'aclfla 4:00 : 11:40 :
Omc.haiR. V 4:00 11:40 :
X , * 11. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 :
1 > niaha& Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7SO :
IB , &M. Lincoln 10:80 : 6:04 :
a. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 :
J. P. Denver Exp 0:00 : 0.30
O. , Sioux City & St. P..11:00 2:40 :
Local mails fcr State of Iowa leave but once a
day , vis : 0:30a.m. :
Office opeu Bundaya from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business Li
Abstract and Real tstate.
JOHN L. MoCAQUB , oppoalto Post Office.
W. K. BARTLETT 817 South 18th Street
Room 11. Crelghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Crelghton Block.
Boot * * nd Shoes.
jAilEs DIVINE & co. ,
fflne Boot * and Shoes. A peed assortment
4iome wort on hand , corner 12th and Barney.
THOS. KBICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and DonglaB.
40110th street , manufactures to order good work
el fair prices. Repairing done.
Bad Spring * .
F .LARRIMER'Manufacturer. 1617 Donrlasst.
Books , New * and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEIIAUK 101S Farnham Btree * .
Butter and Egg * .
AIcSHANK & 8CUROEDER , the oldest B. and B.
JIOOEO In Nebraska cstablltihcd 1870 Omaha.
MRH. A. RYAN , .
tonthwaat corner ICthand Dodge.
Beet Bourd for the llonoy.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Citillat all Uours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnished Unntnn Supplied. J
uarrloscj ana Itoaa Wagon * .
BNYDEH , llth and Harnov Streets.
J. UAKUIH will my hlghcstCuhprlco for second
hand clolhlnr. Corner 10th and i'arnbam.
uewo eit.
JOU.V BAUMEU 13H Farnhara Street.
H. REUT1IOLD , Itaja and MU1.
Lumbar Llmo and Cement.
FOSTER & OKY corner 6th and Doutlaa lit * .
Lumps and Qlaitwaro. of Dc
J. CONNER 1309 Donalaa St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * . J.
Ono of our mott popular Merchant Tailors la ro- J.
celrlng the latest Uealzns for Spring and Summer
Goods for gentlemen's wear. Stylbh , durable ,
cd prices low an over 21518th bet. Dousr.&Paru.
MBS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Coratts , Ac. Cheapest House In 0.
6h West. Purchasers euve BO per cont. Order
by Hail. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHK WEARNE&BON3 cor. Idth & Jackson st *
Hour and Feed ,
OUAHAOITT MILLS , 8th and Farnham BU. ,
WeUhacs Bros. , prorirlotore.
Grocers. P.
K. BTEVKNS , list between Cumin ? and Izai and
T. A. MoSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Street * .
Harawaie , Iron ana Utcot.
OLAN & LANQWORTUY , Wholeeale , 110 snl
113 leth struct
A. DOUIK3 come 16th and California.
Marnsss , Onadle * . ttc.
B. WEIST SOlSthSt. bet JfarPHarney. .
Hotels ' .
; ANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. Canfleld.Dtb & Farnhau ft :
DORAN IIOU8E , P U. Gary , BIS FarnhatnBI.
BLAVEN'S HOTEL , P. Slavcn , 10th St. ID
Boathern Hotel OUB. llatnol 9th & Lcavenwortb
Oruji , Paints nu utm ,
KU11N & CO. 1
rharmadsti , Fine Y&ne Uoods , Cor. Httt and
W. J. WniTKIIOUFK , Wholcrate & Retail , 16th et.
0. FIELD 023 North Bldo
, Ginning Street. P.
PARR. Druifgiit. into and Howard Street * .
DR. PAUL Williams' Block Cor. Uth A Dodge.
Ury Goods Notion * , Etc.
JOHN H. F. tEilMANN Ac CO. ,
tw Tork Pry Goods Store , 1810 and IBIS Fam-
ham Itrtet.
L. 0. Kncwold also boot * and hoci Tth A Pacific.
A t. GROE3 , New acd Efrjond Hand Purnltnre
nd Stores , llli Dcurlaj. Ulghert cash price "
kid ( or second b ni rood * . For
.BONNEB 1809 DonU st. Fine goods , tx.
ftrce Work * .
BUST , FRIES * CO 1218 Harney B ! . , Improve
d Ice Boies , Ircc ac4 Wood Fences , Offlw
tllnes. ( V > untli ? lne and Walnut.
Pawnbroker * .
B08ENFELD 10th St. . btt T1 , * lUr ,
Refrleerators , Oanneld' * Patent.
0. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. F ra. & Uuney. * \
Floxrers ana Music Brighton tbo Spe
cial Services Hold In the Churchos.
Yesterday being Ewtor there was a
flowery and musical indication of the
event in nearly all the churches , and
nearly all the services wore Arranged
with special appropriateness to the
occasion. At St. Francis Xnvier
church thcro WAS n very largo
gution , ninny beint ; mmblo to secure
seats. There was high mass and apj.
propriato sermon by Father McMo
noniy. The music was unusually ex-
cellcnt , and among its special features
was n solo by MM. O'Neil , "Quoon of
Heaven , .Rejoice. "
At the Baptist church thcro was a
profusion of lloivnrs , airangod very
tastefully nbout the pulpit and nltnr.
Thcro were callaa , folingo plants ,
potted plants in bloom , boqucta , and
u llttloiuu running urounu thu cdgo
of thu loatruin. A beautiful white
satin cross , hand-painted , alao ap
peared , ami the whole gave n charm
ing effect.
At the St. Paul's Episcopal church
thu lloral decorations wore quito elab
orate. Above the altar appeared a
beautiful cross of cut ibwers. There
were coino bright boquots , nnd par
ticularly noticeable were the unique
nnd tasty arrangement of ferns.
Plants in bloom , cullas , vines , flotvors ,
and happy shadtngs of green foliage
plants served to inako the whole a
summer bower. Special music was
given , and in the evening u children's
service was hold.
Broadway M. E. church presented
a bright , cheerful appearance. They
have just finished repairing and pa
pering the rooms. There wore inuny
Deautiful ( lowers tastefully arranged
round the pulpit and choir stand and
above the organ in handsome letters
the words , "Ho is risen. " llov. Mr.
Brozoo delivered a yrand , earnest ser
mon upon the subject of thu day. A
Sunday school concert was given last
The Congregational choir fairly sot-
tied itaolf at the services yesterday
and thu congregation joined heartily
in its part ot the musical and respon
sive services. Tlio pastor preached a
very instructive and appropriate ser
mon in the morning. The Sunday
school hold a special Easter service ,
and in the evening a song service was
held. The church was adorned with
flowers and plants in great variety.
Upon the pulpit was a beautiful bask
et of cut flowers , and a bouquet. Just
beneath it was a beautiful cross of
white flowers , and in front of the plat
form was a mound of floral beauty.
Stands of potted plants adorned each
side , and there was a wonderful show
ing of callus.
The Presbyterians also recognized
the day in thoii services though not
with so many floral tributes as the
Gold ! Goldl Cold !
Clears nd Tobacco.
VEST & FIUTSCDER , manufacturers of Cigars ,
ind Wholesale Dealers ! n Tobacco , 1305 Douglas.
H. F. LORENZEN manufacturer 1410 Farnham
A. Donaghao , plants , cut flowers , seeds , floqaeta
etc. H. W. cor. 16th and Dous-las strceta
Civil Engineers end Surveyor * .
ANDKEW R03KWATER , Crelghton BlocV ,
lown Survoye , Qrada and Sowcrago Syetcnn a
UommlMlon Merchant * .
JOHN O. WIL LIS.HU Dodge Street
B. BEEMER. For details tee large advertisement -
mont In Dillv and Wockh' .
Cornice Work * .
Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron
Sornlco , Tin , Iron and tllate Itoofllng. Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the beat
manner. Factory and Office 1213 Ilaruey St.
C. SPECUT , Proprietor.
Oalvanlzod Iron Cornices , Window Capo , etc. ,
manufactured and put up In any part of tba
country. T. aiNllOUJ ilO Thirteenth utreot
Crockery ,
, BONNI'.H 1R09 Douflts ! Btreot. Good line.
and Kurnlihlna Ooo' .
QEO. U. 1'ETEIISON. Alno llata. Cape , Boot * , C
Shoti Notions and Cutlery , SOI B. 10th ecroet.
Show Oa o Manufactory. ,
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Coaler tn all kinds of Bhow .
Cases. Upright Cnaco , Ci . , 1317 Caa8 St.
KUANIt L. UKHHAUD , proprietor Omaha
show Citso manufactory , H1U South 10th street ,
betueon Jjcivon ortli and ilarcy. All gooda
warranted Urst-clast.
' dtoves ana inware.
ler In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer
Tin Iloofo and all Muds of Building Work.
Odd Fcllowi1 Blotk ,
BONNElt. 130a Douglaa St. Good and Cheap.
( ieedt.
KVAN3Whol > Alaaud ruutl seed Drill * and
Ooltlvatora OJd Fellow * Jlallt.
Physicians and Burgeon * .
, B. OIBI1S , M. D. , Koom No i , Orolebton
BlocJ : . 16th Street.
P. B. LKISENIUNO , at. D. tlMonlc Block.
L. HART , U. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poetofflco
Orullst and Aurlat. 8. W 15th and Farnham BU ,
Photographer * .
Grand Central Hal lory ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Ila onlc Ilall. Flrat-claia Work and Prompt-
guiranteen '
Ua * anil Uteam Uttlng.
W. TAKPY & CO. , Z1012th tit. , bet. Farnham
Douglas. Work promptly attended to.
D. riTZPATlUOK. 1400 Douelas Streel.
alntlnie an aper anting ,
TTKKUY A. KOSTKK3. Ill OodKO Street.
Shoe titorcs ,
Phillip Jj.n 1220 Farnham bt. bet. IBth tt 14th. ;
bocond Hand Btore.
& tKAK , laid Douglas Ht. , Now and .
S'.occd Hind Furalturo. liousu Furuli lni ; Goods ,
. , bought and acid on narrow marrlns.
HENttY '
tee now brick block on Doujihs Btroet , ban
Just ojwned a most elegnut lica Hall. atca
Hot Lunch from 10 to It ca
evtry iluy. caWi
Caledonia " J KALCONKIt C70 ICth Street. til
UnaertaKen. tilA
CQAB. UIEWE , Ult Farubaui bet. 10th & lltd.
09 Cent Gtores. " .
0. BACKUB 1 06 Fumhaoi Ht. funov OooJi .
In going Kant take the
GMcago&lrtliTOt- to
"Trains leave Omaha 8:10 : p. m. and T'lOa. m
full Information call on H. I' . DUE' , , llckut "
Agent , JUb and F rnhim flta. J. Ut'.lL , U , I' ,
iallway Depot.or at JAMEa T. OLAItK , Oemr "
Agent. Omaha. JalTmAc If
Dexter L.Thomas , '
. _ _ Bnom KWreljlitoii Film
\j wakes a hajipy household ,
A. Picture of Roynl Ohlldron at
Their Studies.
The Thorough TrAinlns of Prlncoannd
Princesses lu
A Tutor's Chat
Botton Itcraltl , .Marcli 12.
Dr. Kiohard B llotonthal , linguint ,
orientalist and traveler , hna boon BO
journing . at tlio Parker Houao for a
few d.aye. Sneaking vt-.vlily ton Ian-
quages , and nt a pinch four more , tjio
learned pundit nd cosmopolitan is a
most interesting gentluinnn. llu con
verses in English with n slight Gpr-
man accent , employing an extensive
vocabulary and scomingly perfectly at
homo with our idioms and colloquia
lisms. The Doctor was asked to give
The Herald some account of his oxQ
potioncca while occupying the posi
tion of tutor in English aud Spanish
to the imperial family of Austria , a
position which ho hold H few years
ago. llosaid : "I nm glad of the op
portunity afforded mo to dispel the
prevalent idea that princes and prin
cesses live in a sort of n fairy land ,
indulging their romantic 'fancies , nnd
idling away their days in pleasure-
seeking. Fur from it. While at Vi
enna I became intimately conversant
with the routine of palace life , and I
can assure you that the Archdukes
and Archduchesses of the imperial
IIOUBO of Austria are under as strict
an educational discipline as your ca
dets nt West Point or Annapolis. I
was summoned from Berlin to Vienna
to give lessons in the Castilian tongue
to the Archduchess Elizabeth , mother
of the Queen of Spain ( an Austrian
princess , as you will remember ) , and
also to the Archduke Frederic ; I also
JAVO instruction in your noble idiom
: ho English language. On my arrival
n court the Emperor Francis Joseph ,
n ' good and kindly man gave mo my
' 'I was to treat his children just as
f they wore the children of n mer
chant : , to show them no special favora ,
never to indulge their caprices , but
rather to make them study iaithf ully ,
and so learn their lessons. The Arch
duchess Elizabeth had been studying
tlio : Spanish tongue in the old-faah-
onod way for a year and was unable
; c converse in it , and , as she was soon
to ; visit Spain , together with the Arch
duke Frederic , it was necessary , out
of compliment to the Spanish people ,
tl hat ; she should bn able to converse in
; heir language. I also gave instruc-
: iou i in the samp language to several
nembora of the Court. I found that
the routine of studies waa a very rig
orous ono. The Emperor , an early
riser himself , and an indefatigable
worker , made it a rule that his chil
dren should retire daily ut 91 > . u. and
irise at 5 in the morning. At that
[ jour the children were served with
cof&o and a rail , and took a walk in
; ho park. Then they returned to the
palace > : and the real work of the day
began. Ahl the life of a prince is
not by any means a happy one. From
5 , or G o'clock in the morning ono tu
tor succeeds another till the day has
gone. Austria aa you know is a poly-
jlot empire , and its rulers must bo
completely equipped linguists. The
Emperor's children must speak not
only Gorman , but Italian , Hungarian ,
Bohemian , Slavonian , modern Greek ,
and also , by way of further accom
plishment French and English. All
this array of languages must be really
poken ; and , to tell the truth , the
imperial children finally learn to talk
til those tongues fluently. You ask
low the polyglot perfection is ac
quired ? A most natural question.
Let us sop. At 2 years of age the im
perial children have French nurses ,
tvho talk nothing olao but their own
tongue. Thus a perfect accent is ac
quired. At the ago of G the child ia
provided , with a German tutor , who is
111C the society of the prince or prin
cess ( half the time ; so the child adds
German to his French. At 8 years of
ago [ an English tutor appears on the
scene ; then the child's day is divided
. .
nto ' three parts ono devoted to
French , ono to German and ono to
' 'As soon us the young Archdnko ia
able to enter the ollicor's school ho is
provided with a Hungarian adjutant.
who talks to him continually > that
diflioult tongue. Tu another year a '
lohiiniiu ) instructor comes on the
stage , and BO on , new languages being
gradually added to the linguistic
stock of the young princo. You will
realize what a many languagod em
pire it is that the Austrian Emperor
rules over , when I toll you that the
Austrian paper florins each contain
en languages in their printed regula- '
ions , Recently , when the Prinness
stophr.nio of 13olgium was betrothed
x > the Austrian Crown , Prince llu-
lolph , she had to take up the stndyot
two of the most intricate and puz '
zling languages in the world , Hunga
rian and Bohemian , in order that she
might be fitted to assume her future .s
ilaco us Empress of Austro-IIungary.
assure you , my friend , that the ;
Princess , who is still studying , has
shod many bitter tears over these Ian-
uagcs. The imperial children are as >
horoughly instructed in music aa in
anguages , and for the young men
.hero is instruction in military science
and mathematics. Ono of the Arch
dukes said to mo ; "I envy you your
'reo life. I wish I could walk about D
and look ut whom I pleased. If I
cast an admiring wince nt a pretty
woman , all Vienna would bo Buying
the next day , "What u sad rake the
Archduke - is ! " Wo cannot make
confidential frionda an cm you ; wo
lardly over hoar nn honest opinion
about ouiflolvca , bccniuo the people
who comu to UH have either a favor to
ask of us or ere trying to Ihttor us ,
For my part I shall bo only too glad
when the time coiueii for mo to go to
Spain , for thewl elmll travel incogni
, and shall have the pleasure of
roaming about the xtrcots of Par-la ,
with no one to bore mo. For a few a
daye , at least , I shall bo able to lay
down the burden of princedom ,
"P.Uaco life , " continued the Doctor ,
"us very dull nnd full of ccrcmonioi
and formiihtiog. Lito in u pulitco lu
vety like lifo in a great hotel ; it ia
'ull of gossip and small talk ; ovary- ) d
ody tuiuuloa. >
"My rektioim v tu my imparic * }
pupil * , Uoy\ov r , w ro gf ( the pleai-
antost JM'"ro ' TJi , y were ovcr'io-
gpoctfnl and obedient a very goo
example for many pupils in Americ
and England. Speakim ? of the edu
c\tion nf ot royalty , lot mo give you a
few more facts. My friend 5 1 re
liauor , head instructress to the clnl
dren of the Prince of Wales , has told
mo that her instructions from his roy.
al highnoas woio to deal with hia
daughters exactly as if they worotobo
thoroughly fitted for governesses' po-
sitions. jn the German Ktnpiro the
children of the imperial family tire
sent to t1s gymnasiums ( hih ; school ) ,
and also to the umvoniities. When
they Jentor the army it is us private
soldiers , and thotico they rise , ntop by
stop , to lie uJlljcru. This in nl o the
caao in Austria. They don't become
Colonels [ and Major-Generals ut
"Right hero I think I ought to tell
you a lutiny story , though it is a * my
expense. When I was lust proiontoa
at the Austrian Court to tlio Aich-
duchess Elizabeth ; I managed my
Court suit and my introductory boua
very well , but , on taking my lua\e ,
the Archduchess hold out her hnnti
for mo to kiss , but I , being ignorant
of Court ways , gave it ft very he.iriy
shako , at vlilch the noble poqilu
present smiled broadly ; but the
rchduchess , with a lady's taot , ro
liovcd my embarrassment
'Doctor , you must have lived in Lon
don or in America. ' "
Surah Wasn't Thoro.
Doitolt Free 1'rcss.
Charley Shaw , of the Detroit Opera
liouse , was grinnitm fit the window of
the box ollico thu day , when in Walk
ed n chap with an agricultural bronze
on his face and asked :
"Docs any ono perform hero ? "
"Oh , yos. "
"This "
afternoon ?
"No ; to-niKht. "
"How much to see 'om1' , .
"Well , I can give you ii seat for
"adollar , and you can hold your
; irl on your lap. "
"Wouldn't anybody laftT
"Not much 1 Wo don't allow any
auqhing in this house. "
' 'Well , maybe wo'll ' como. Hna
; his theatre oyor burned up ? "
"Never. "
"Any danger of fire on the Btagol"
"Not a bit. "
"Any pickpockets around ? "
"None. "
"Doea any body neddlo lemonade ? "
"No. "
"Any prizo-packagoa civon out ? "
" " '
"Tako a half dollar with n hole in
"Yes. "
"What kind of a play ia it ? "
"It's "
"Tr.igedy ? Them that lays mo out ?
Sarah was to a circus last year whcio \
some one hit n fellar who crawled un
der the canvaa with a neck-yoke , and
she fainted so dead away that they
liad to unhitch her corset and jerk elf
lier shoes. Lot her see a play where
: ellors ara jabbing with pitchforks ,
cnocking-down with crow-bars , and
slicing each other up with swords , and
she'd tumble kerplump and otop the
show dead still. I hope you'll do well
and all that , but I don t bring no
Sarah to see no tragedy , and don't you
'orget it ? She fainted on mo once ,
and my hair turned gray at the rate of
a bushel a minit ! "
Carp Culture.
Washington Star.
The yearly draining off of the water
'rom government carp ponds was com
menced last Saturday and was con
tinued Monday , llesults show that
; ho season for breeding lias boon suc
cessful beyond the expectation of Pro- to
lessor Baird. There are now three or
argo ponds in which fish have boon
cultivated. In * .ho group at the foot
of the Washington monument , another
much larger than the others , will bo
added the coming season , containing ljr
eight acres. This pond will bo com
pleted in a few days , when the water
" " bo lot in and a stock of about 250
arge carp will bo put in , which , it ia
expected , will materially increase the
annual supply to moot the orders re
ceived constantly by Professor Baird. noc
The number of young carp of lust
pear's spawn thus far taken out of
hose ponds , nnd placed in the pools
pn tlio small island by the lakes ,
is estimated to be about 340,000.
Those are the young fish hatched out
last season in May , Juno and July , In
and are now of noaily a uniform size ,
healthy , ' and just in a condition to bo
shipped. The entire number sent
'rom this city last year by Prof.
Baird was about 300,000. Tim num In
ber will probably bo nearly doubled 8I"1
ihis year. The largo pond will bo
stocked this spring for the first-time ,
ind it is thought will swell the num- ing
oor to bu distributed next year to at any
east 1,000,000. There are about thu
seventy of the original fish brought o >
'rom Germany still alive in the sea will
ponds. The > are about thirty inches eald
n length and largo in proportion.
3omo of them weigh from fifteen to any
twnnty-Cvo pounds , Carp grow much boIK
'aator during the first four yearn , IK
while attaining the full spawning ago ,
after which the growth of thu female
retarded. The young fish hatched
out last May vary in length from three '
o leren inches.
When the lakes are drained caoh
all the eels and catfish are thrown
ut , as they devour the young carp. if 88 f
Dr. Hofisol , who lias charge of those lev
akes , told a reporter that last sum Hi
mer ho put into one of the small ponds aud tn
m tlio inland a large pumpkin weigh- tnwi
ng sixty pounds , lirat cutting a hole 10
the fiido of it , so that the small fish .la !
could got inside , lip stat a that it III
was entirely devoured in eight days , ) uro
rind and r.ll , and during the whole nil
tnno it waa constantly in motion from (10
the HcliooU of fish *
young always nt in.
work upon it.- They seemed exceed- in.ol
ugly fond of the aweet moraul and nai ' !
appeared to thrive on it. Ol
The sides of these lakes , paved with > lie Id
ntoiio have to be and the
, ropavod clay IOU
veil packed at the lower edge , as con
every year the carp undermine the
valla by burrowing and boring for
mull worms. Ono of the substances
which the young fish seem tu relish , is
sort of aqueous plant , always sub-
norged , of a deep green color , and
uliiiiy. Tina , when soon thiough a
nicroacopa , is a masj of plants full of COI
oint3at ) regular intervale , nnd swarm 4
tig with uninmlculii nil in constant tala.
motion. Thcsoaroco latently dovoui-
by the carp , ami aa constantly 0.
oing reproduxd , no Ihitthoro CQCIDB
bu no oud tq the irup of food.
As to the pauuiuury success which
ms buon attained by carp culture thus
everything ia promising. Ono
gentleman , in ono of the southcn
states , reports Hint from the twenty
five fish ho received about two-nnd-
a-hftlf years IMO ho sold last year
$ GOO worth of young cnrp Ironi the
lirat spawning. Dr. llnskol places the
cnrp next to tint shad in point ol
value HS i\ food fish , but does not con-
sldir it equal to the salmon. The
leather cirp ia the fnrorito , ai it 1ms
no scales find it is j.livnys thrifty AIK !
vigorous. 'I ho pwt winter lias been
qutto fnvcr.xblo fcr these lish , as they
IniVo boon nhlo Host of thu titno to
food. Hundreds of peisons who hnvo
received fish from l'iof. Ihird give
the mont s.itmf ctnry accounts of sue-
loss Mdst of thine iiccoiiiits coino
from fiouthorn status , wliiiotho ponds
ire not BO olid.
Dr. Hajsel nlntca thnt ho Iiopcn
I'rof. Iliird'ii next crop will number
( it least ii uiHion , and l < o believes it
will , should no accident hippen to the
jirop-igntmg lakoi. 'Iho entire area of
u.Ui v whicli will bo given to carp raic-
nig tlio coming season will bo twenty
icres ,
A Cnrn Geurnntroil.
lif. h. C , UrttuJiorioanU llmin i refitment
A ntx-cMo ( or llyMrrh , l4tiltioM , UonviilMoiu ,
Nervous Ui'ruliUio , Mcntil Dij > rt slon , Loiooi
itenioryai < rrm&lortha'- l ipotom3In\ol\intr )
Qn MOH * , I'ron ntilrc Old A c , cumml l > y our-
i urtlon , eilf.nlmw , or otrrlmlulftoiicc , which
owli 10 misery , Jpcay rnl death. Ono hoi will
cute recent CMO . Ka h l > o cnntalnannenionth >
regiment , Ono ilolUr r boi , or MX boxo * lot
l\o ilolhr ! tent \ > y mall | trcpalil on rcculpi ol
trlco. Wo gutnititco nix huim to uiro nny caw.
With wch order rccvUcd by ng fortlx boxog , ao.
coni | > anl < > d nltli flro tlollan , wilt noiul the pur
dialer our vrlttcti guarantee to return Hie
aicupy If the treatment tloet not oil ct a cure.
C. l' . Goodman , Dninrlnt , Bold , Wholannlo and
ilctftll A.'ent , Omaha , Nob. Orilor * by mi'l ' t
royulivr price. il&wlv
The Most Successful Remedy e\cr dltcov
crcd , ni It Igcorlnln In Itn cirocU and ilaoi no )
illotcr. UK.M ) PKOOK UKuoVV. Also excellent
or human ( loll.
WntMnntomlllc , Ohio , Juno 17 , 1831 , D * .
1. J. KIIMIAU. , & Co. : U
crtlscmcnt In Turf , Flald nnd Kurm , of > nur
vend > 11' Hi | > In Cure , a d hming n Mhialilo
and , oiJy hor.'O which lul been Uma from
pa\ln fonlKltccn month' , t emit to > ou for n
bottle by oxprcsi , whUi t nix ccks rutmncil
all Imncnoii and onlarj ; < ! mcnt and \\r\fi \ npl'tit '
roiu another liorse. and lioih horses nro to-uay
R.itounil ai colt' . The ono bottle \\ta worth tn
no ono hundred dillnrs. Ka < p'clfiilly
n'.rs , It. A. UI.UTOI.HTT , JI. l > .
Send Cor 111 Jttrnto I clro ilar nlvuij ; ponltlvo
iroof. PrlceSl , AH Driiiriiljt * h > o It or iau
get It for you. Dr. It. J. Kendall & Co1 , Pro-
itlotorH , Knoaliuruli I'nlU , Vt
A Sure Cure Found at Last I
No Ono Wood Snlfar !
A suroeuro for Blind , bleedlm ; , Itching ; nnd
Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Will nmV
Indian Ointment. A dingle box hog cutcn ihc
wGratchronlo cases of Zfior SOycan stanjln . No
one lined suffer flvo minutes alter applying tlili
nondorful soothing medicine. Lctloim , IiiBtni
incuts nnd electuaries do moro hnrm than peed ,
> IllUm'a Ointment abjorba thu tumors , M.\yt
the Intense Itching , ( nnrtlculanly at nl ht alter
pelting warm In bod. ) acts as apoultluo , given In
ttant and mlnloso relief , and la prepared only for
I'llee. Itching of the private parts , and for noth
Inp else ,
Uead what the Hon. J. M. Ccfflnborry of Cle\
and oars about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint
ment : 1 have uijod scores of Pile ! cures , and It
affonla mop oosuro to say that I have never found
anything which gave such Immedlato and forma
noni relief aa Dr. William's fndlau Ointment
For sale by all diog Ute or mailed on receipt
price , 81.00.
HENRY & CO. , Prop'rm. ,
CtlVlLASl ) , OU10.
Forsaloby 0. F Goodman.
Genius Bewarded ;
OR ,
The Story of the SewingMaoli
A haniromo llttlo pamphlet , blue and ROli1
cove , vtth numerous cngrnvlnga. will bo
any nuult pcrsin calling for It , at any bnnch
Btiu-ottlu ) of Iho HIiiL'pr tl.-u.u/acturini , ' Cum *
pauy , or will bo sent by null , post paid , to
any person llilng at a dlotanca from our olllces.
Tlio Singer Manufacturing Do , ,
Principal Oilice , 34 Union Square ,
MI :
Prouonaln for Fiiviug fHrootH in tbo
Cxty ol' Onmliii , Ncbrnalia.
ScaledTro > 'ae'a'8 ' ' ' w' ' " ' ' " recoUed by the under-
eigtad " until iUtmiljy , April Itth.lSSi , Ii ! o'clock
noon , tor the pi'Iri of Douglas street and the
crocs HtrtotH littutun D u la < anil Farnham
from Oth to 10th fctreita , lucludlnif Dili aud lUth
Klrot , For a foundation 11 concrete 0 InchciH lu
Ilikkiieis wHhn Bupctstriianru ( .ompOHoi of a
creototo.1 loJar bloik H Inthcalii length net with
hccond , Kern foumlitlon of concrete 0 Inchon
thlckno > 9 with a auporetruiture tompowd of
criodotu I plno plank ulticueitlti lenjtli , net with
aji'halt ' and Bind.
Tmrii , For a foumhtlon of cl an coiino sand
orgnuul 1InihoJ In thlcknens with a super
tructiirc compose J of ctdar block H Inchon In
Icniith an I not less than 4 nor moro than blndics
diameter to bo tetnlili unphaltund mO'i. Tlio
eunJ or gravel for foundation to bu thorougdly
taiiinieU or rolled. All the work to be Oono In
auconlaucu with spccldcntloni and under the dl-
ruction ot the city untflnocr.
AUo , the city will consider proposal ! for pav
with Kim blocks or any other material , or
other mode ot conitriK tlon.
All piopooala or bldl shall be acrampanlcd by
n tiiim of proposed nurttlej , who , In the
c nt ol contract being awarded
enter Into a bond with the city of
Ouuha for the true and faithful performance of _
contract. o/l
The city council rcserres the right to reject
a dull 1)1 Js. , R
Du elopes containing proposals o1 bldl shall *
markud "I'ropatn I for 1'avlng Douglas Street
d CroHK Htrc-cU In thi C'lty of Umaba , " aud od-
O.tiuha . , March 10th , 183 A City CIcrK.
l'JiOi'OHAl.3 l''Ou ' 111I ; . UOMSTltUcTllUN Or
OfflCH OF , 1 fla
Sealed propomls will ho received at the olllco
the i undemlcned until Tuesday April 16th ,
8S2 12 o'clock n on , tor ilia conitruutloii of
cuuis In North Omaha a follows : 1000 feet Ol
feet brick er72Sfeit 6i foot brlclt nownr
7S3 ol C { fict brick tewtr , loceUd on Ir rJ
trcct between 16th aud 17th , and on 17th be-
ween Iiaid and Nicholas , belnven 17th and
letstrflttH , together vtlth all noitBuary man-
iocii ) , lamiwholiii , and catih lia.lns , M jwr
an > and upecllliatlaua III thu city lCn lnctH
Illcu. I'ropooaUta bo prcjurcU upon blanks
< il hci bthocjiy Kiijflmur. Illus will also
received ; fcr the construction of a timber out-
embnuni ; the furiliiiliik' | and driving of
ORI : pllcu more or le s M fvet Ion12 to 8
nelics , .nd ! , ) feet of oak lumber as per plant
iid.peclllcMtlon * In the Knj.'lti er < olllco. Work
InL'ln on or before Juno lit. and to be coin
iletcd December J t IBdi 1'aymeuti to be
node montbly lu ea h wariants , 15 per tent to
rt im < l until- final completion , and accept
nco of work by the proper uitnorulca. All
toboaceoiiinanlod by the slgnatur * of fro-
od sureties who will met cut ol awarding cl
iuract enter Into bonds of the i Hy for ixecu-
of the work In the uni of f30,00 (
J. J. L. 0. JKItSTT ,
2n City Clerk.
UlebraskaLandAgeo ! n
Karnhum Ot , . . . Omah * . Nebr *
t.ully eslo'teu land la Lantern Kebnuka/oi
. tirt-At U rf ln la tmprOTtil ( arm * , and
tu&Iia city propurty.
ti nd Oam'f n P.
And Notary Public *
Men's , Boys' and Children's }
Ready for Inspection
Palace Clothing House.
131O Farnnm Street , Near 14th.
IB Now Located in His New Store ,
One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. .
t tics-tin
, I
Under Boyd's Opera House.
Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of , * it
And invite the people to call and examine
Good Goods ! Low Prices
"Opera House Shoe Store , "jj
The Oldest Wholesale and THE LEADING
m Omaha , Visitors can here IN THE WEST I
General Agents for the
find all novelties in SILVER
Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
uhe Latest , Most Artistic , any Eastern Manufacturer V
. and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
RECIOU3 STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all FINE
descriptions of
A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianob , Knabe
ces as is compatible with Pianos , vose & Son's ' Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren ,
Store , Tower Building , Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
llth and Farnham
not fail to see us before pur
Streets chasing.
Large Stock Always on Hand.
Opera House Clothing Store !
J" . I3. HiTJlsTD. F
Daily Arrival * of Now Surluc Goods In
Clothing and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods
And Sold At
n am Belling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'a Fine Shirts , knovm.
the BEST Fitting and Moat Durible Shirtu Made.
: t ' v