Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1882, Image 6

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Monday Morning April 10
sunscniPTioN KATES :
Byrnnler , - - - - - S0c nt t > tr wt V.
ByMMl , - - - - - - eiOOOptrYo&r.
Offlco : No , 7 Ponrl Street , Near
C. B. MAYNB , Mun.jrcr City Circulation.
H. W. T1L.TON , City Editor. _
This evening the Bluff City running
town give their nmiunl ball.
ThoUoundT..W : < ! rnoct to rnoIrowevo
l1lng nt Mr. .T. W. Squire' * residence.
The lAwment of tlie CongtcgntionM
oliurch Is belnfi improved and beautified.
A new lecf anil vx > ikM > c1eliig cutab-
Jinhment ! nu enterprise promlncd for tha !
city thin eetKon.
YcitsnUy there were ISO letters
written nnd mailed nt the Ogdcn house ,
and It wat declared to be poor Sunday
lor letter writing , too.
Tlio examination of John Pirraon
lie fore Justloa Prnlncy on n charge of ns-
faulting nnd robbing Situ. Hubbard , was
sot concluded Saturday.
A store nearly opposite the postoflico
Jl being rnu'h Jmpr6vc < l and adorned ,
with tba view uf Mra. Good occupying It
with n t'tock of hair goods.
Ono of the fine plftta windows In
Ilnrry Sterns' liquor btoro him been
p mashed to tmitheiecn * by a barrel which
was being unloaded striking It.
In accordance with tlio decision of the
city council , all Balouiilats who IKWU not
paid their Jlcenaei by to-day nro to be
prosecuted by the city mnrelml.
1'ermlt to many was Saturday giv n
to George aincliscn and Mary Ji'iiHtn , of
this city , nnd to lid Williams , of Ourner
township , and Margaret liuatun.of llnzel
t Tom Ingalli , the notorious burglar
captured hero , and roturnnd to the Wit-
conain ttato prison from which ho had
escaped , it ) reported uu "quite sick nnd
confined to his bed.
This week there is a run of entertain-
1 merits , Genevicvo Itogers nnd Krauk
JVlken occupying Uohauy's ' , nnd' Logreuia
talcing Bloom & Nixon'n hall with n slight
of Land nnd gift show.
The Young Mon'n Christian associa
tion Is to meet this evening in the Bap
tist church to duct officers nnd ucrfect
it organization. All interested nro urgent
ly requested to bo pro nt.
Deputy Shoriu MctcaU has tnken
llr < . HcudrlckB , the iu-iuio woman , to
Davenport , whore aho will bo taken care of
by the Sitterd of Mercy. This tnnkea
eeven irmno persona sent to the nsylum
from tliia county uluco the 1st of .lonuary.
I'M. HcndenihuU , who served an a
target for IStlith Uray'ti revolver tome
mouths ago , was gobbled licit ) lately by
the city runrthal , who gave him hii
cheico to either senro tlma a a vagrant
or leave the town within thirty miuutcx.
He left.
Several galoonn at least were ycnter-
'day apparently doing as thriving business
ft I on any week ilay.despito the ordinances.
What will the mayor and the marshal dn
About it , In view of tha instractlons given
by the council to enforce the ordinance
-without fear or favor ?
TUB BED having called attention to
the fact that despite the action ol the
council the ordinance regulating saloons U
being duly violated , and having given
names and placsi , the other poperu of the
city now follow in its wake , and ccha the
cry for un impartial enforcement of the
The young man Piersons , who mode n
'futile attempt to commit eulclde by
throat-cutting , was sufficiently sobered
Saturday to allow of his being let loose.
He seemed very repentant , nnd declared
ho had been taught a lesson which would
forever keep him sober , Ho nays he can
remember nothing of the attempt.
The Nonpareil entertained its Sunday
> readers with another column of abuse
of the churches , because , lontootb , aomo of
'its members choose to wear rood clothes.
It charges them with having "the dropsy
of pride. " Even that dropsy is prefer
able to the whisky dropsy. Ono thin' . ' IB
certain , The Nonpareil its
advocacy of nlovenllnees.
In the consideration of the question
of having Council Wulfi furnished with
electric lights it will prove of intercut to
the citizens to note that nu electric light
; company with a capital of 830,000 was
organized in Dubuque a few dnyn ago to
I light the city and business houses. Lampa
of 2,000 candle power will bo placed on
three bluffs nnd utated places.
. ' In the United States court Satuiday
, the jury in the caeo of Gallagher v . the
' , GhlcagoMilwaukee & St. Paul railway rt > .
i turned A sealed verdict. The trial of the
case of Kedman , Cleary i Co. vs. Prank Ii ,
1 Lawrence , of lied Oak , was , begun. The
court has been holding evening tceiions the
past week , but thn nmouut of business will
necemltatu sessions most of this. week.
The funeral servlcta of the Into Lowli
Jlenn were held yesterday afternoon at
the family residence on Vine street , and
was one of the most imposing and largely
attended held Of late In this city. 'J he
Kulghts of Pythias , the Grand Army of
the Ilepublle , and the fira department
joined in goodly number * In pnjlng due
respect and exprcuilon of sorrow at the
Joss of their comrade and brother. Many
friends , too , were in attendance , nnd the
services , as conducted by Jlev , Mr. 01 .
n land , were very tender and thoughtful.
Religious services were held yesterday
at the jail. Theae service * are d ubtless
resulting in some good , but much of this
good Is being offset
by carelessness in the
practical treatment of prisoners , Thoi-s.
nuranco Is too often K ven them that when
they are roleweil they will be given help
to get bone t work , nnd tluw ussuronce *
re too often forgotten when they re illy
are set true. Ono poor fellow who had
been tonfineJ for some time for teHiu" a
. drink of whhky to u Indian , was buoyed
up by the promike of having work enougji
to get money to pay hl fate home , but
when rohaaed was left
penullw * and
could et no work , Last week nh lt
promise wns mode tha'tsomo flonvratvonld
beeontin for Waiter , but Sunday ciinc
and not a bud or nrecn leaf appeared
fgomo o | these little oversights , due largely
* to caralettnew , roll the prisoners of much
/ ! th la pretense * o ! frluudllnetu.
'wrEri"'tWpV ; , fc * " " * * * " .
Their Doings ut the Lnto Con
vention in Neola ,
Election of UfllcorBnnU DlBCUBElonol
The 1'ottnwnttnnuo county
zchool convention at Neola concluded
lie busincsB Friday evening , and ad
journed to hold ita Annunl ecision in
the llaptist church of Council BluilH
on the first Sunday in October.
Fifteen delegates wore present from
this city nnd Inigcly contributed in
making thia n successful meeting.
The convention wai called to order
nt 7:30 : p. tn. on Tliursdny by the
president , D. I ) . Clurk , of JCnno town
ship , and 0. 0. Filch , of Council
IMufla , was appointed assistant se
cretary. Tlio permanent secretary ,
Mr. J. 8. Love , of Avocn ,
conducted the c'avotional exorcises ,
which were of an interesting charac
ter. After a few rcmarkn from the
president , Mr. Stevens of the Blull's
and Mr. Itwin of Avoca gave the ad
dresses of the evening.
In rc-assottibling at 0 o'clock on
Friday , Mr. Slovens conducted the
devotional oxcrciso. Hcripturo was
read , and remark ? nwlo nj.propriato
for Good IMdny. Mrs , Ledge , wife
of the banker , presided at the orran ,
and greatly nidcd in tlio nirvico of
tlio song. The regular Bosaion opened
with reading the minutes of the laat
mooting. The tirnt topic , "Tho Paat ,
Present and Future of the Sunduy
School , " was opened by Mr. Love ,
who was followed by Mr. W. S.
Homer , H. M. Stevens , Ilov. Mr.
Lemon and W. Ji. Mayso.
The sorond and third topica , "Im-
portatico of organized and united uf-
tort in Sunday achoolork , " nnd
"Ultimate aim of Sunday .school
work , " were blondcd together nnd
ably discussed by Mo t > rs. Love ,
Slovens , Hongland , Muyno , Wulkor
and Irwin.
Mr. J. S. Love niado a Hpcc'ml re
port , presenting a constitution as a
substitute for the ono now iti use.
The report was received and variously
discussed until time of adjournment.
The afternoon session was opunud
with singing and prayer. Mro. Don
A. Judd presided nt the organ during
the session , and spirited songs
were sung from Gospel hymns.
Messrs , A. B. Walker , O. D. Murtin
and John Buchanan were appointed
on committee of nominations , and
Messrs. Stevens , Irwin and Ilimgland
on resolutions.
Mr. J. S. Love read the report of
his labors for thu past year. Ho was
followed by superintendent ) ) and dele
gates , who gave reports of thuir indi
vidual schools. Thoao rppoita were
very oncournginc ; and indicated a
healthy growth.
Tlov. J. G. Lemon , delegate from
the Council Blutui Ministerial associa
tion , gave notice of tlio prohibition
convention to bo held in the Metho
dist church at Council Blull's on Tues
day afternoon , and on motion the fol
lowing gentlemen were appointud to
attend : John Buchanan , of Noola
township ; 0. 1 > . Martin , York town
ship ; D. B. Olark , Kario township ;
Mr. Holland , Koola townshiy ; J. 0.
BoaraUnion township ; Nelson Lowia ,
Lewis township , and J. S. Love ,
Knox township.
The committee on nominations presented -
sonted the following names f ir perma
nent oflicora : D. B. Olark , president ;
J. 8. Love , permanent secretary ; H.
M. Stovpns , F. JD. Iloagland and 0.
D. Martin , executive committee.
On motion the assistant secretary
wan instructed to cant the ballot of
tlio convention , and the above were
declared elected.
Mr. A. B. Walker wnu ulso unani
mously elected treasurer.
The following were elected to nt-
tend the otato Sunday school conven
tion that moots at Webster City on
the Oth of Juno next : Mr. Luandsr
Lodge , Mr. J S. Love , Mr. and Mra.
H. M. Slovens , Mrs. Don A. Judd ,
Ilov. J. G. Lomcn and D. B. Clark.
The committee on resolutions reported
the following , which wnu adopted :
Resolved , That the tlmnkj of this
convention are duo and are horobj
tendered to the trustees of the l'rcs <
bytorian-cluirch of this city for the use
of their ehurch ; to the citizens of thii
place and vicinity for thuir goneroui
hospitality , to the propa of the count }
for thu use of thuir columns , to tin
0. , R. I. & P. 11. R. for reduction o
faro and to all who have in any wii ]
contributed to the success of thii
At 3 p. m. Dr. P. J. Montgomery
gave an interestint' address on "Prac
tical Teaching. "
The topio "How to introduce tern
poranco mos succcssfully and permanently
nontly in the Sunday sohool" wus ublj
discussed by Messrs. Mnyse , Homer
Martin , Olark , Dr. Montgomery am
Ilov. J , G , Lemon. After the clom
of the afternoon aosaion most of tin
delegates returned to their homes.
The closing session was called ti
order by Mr. Love and in the absenci
of the president , Mr Lcandor Lodge
was called to preside.
After ainpjnp and prayer addrossa
were made by Messrs. Buchanan an ;
Irwin. The nppoaranco of n atom
brought the meeting to a close am
after appointing Misses Kate nm
Jennie Buchanan and Mrs. Boncdio
and Messrs. Lodge , Irwin and Beam
as delegates to the district Simcla ;
school convention that is to meet ii
Oounoil Bluffs on the 24th of May
the convention adjourned ,
Gold ! Gold ! Gold !
The Preparations Mndo For tlio Open
Inpr of tuo District Court.
The district court for Fotiannttn
niio county opens here on the fiftoont
of May. Thu following uro draw
as the
A. 31. Bittollo , L. Prouty , Stophe
Janioa. J.W. Butler. J. AV. Crnplanc ]
A. II. Prentice , 0. Muugor , Gcorg
Fdlrmux , L , Kireoht , J , 0. Lowio , J
J. Jennings , Woostor Fey , J. L. Fet
ter , 8. G. Morohouio , M. G. Griifln
Thn following were selected ns the
petit jury :
J. Brockman , J. F. Grono , John
Sluhr. Joseph Tjc , M. M. Spencer ,
J. Cull'OMon , O. Crnndnl , H. S. Gregory -
ory ( If Onron , Joseph Porfer , John
TCoiOi , B. Ilarcourt , John Flint , Eli
151n'irGef ) . L Fnllcrton , A. B. IIowo ,
E. Thornton , J. S McElroy , W. M.
Maxwell , D. F. Eichcrs , Joseph H ,
Wntkino , Jacob Winlanj , R. Rickotts ,
E. G , Scars.
For further particulars see Fifth
Column of this pagp , or go o F. J.
Cbborno'ct Co. , 1G2 Broadway.
The Fnrm Machinery Which Is Bolnp
Scattered Over the Country by
the Shugart Implement
Company A Visit to
Their Dig Waro-
The success which has crowned the
enterprise shown by the Shugart 1m-
picmont company makes that estab
lishment ono to which the city may
well point with pride , and those who
have not vieitcd it would , indeed , bo
surprised nt its extent nnd the amount
of business being thcro carried on.
It has grown yrently oinco ita atari ,
in 1808 , its location then being in a
frame building on upper Broadway.
A change wns afterward taken to
Main street , nnd in September , 1880 ,
it was incorporated as a stock com
pany , end the following -winter lots
were purchased on Main street , upon
which they erected their present spa
cious building , it being of brick ,
thrco stones and basement , nnd cov
ering mi area of fifty by ono hundred
teot. This building is used mainly
for salesroom nnd oiiico purposes , but
larco an it is , docs not begin to fur
nish the room needed for the great
ami varied slock ,
The company have found it neces
sary to erect , largo warehouses be
sides. One is ut the .Northwestern
depot , nnd has un nre.i of 44 by 85
feet. It is used exclusively for
wagons , of which nu immense num
ber are handled , the company hand
ling such well known makes na Bnin ,
Schuttler , Buchanniin , Jackson and
Olds. Another xvarohouso , 52 by 100
feet , with sheds 20 by 225 feet has
been built near thii U. Ii. fc Q. depot.
Each of these warehouses is located
on a sidetrack nnd provided with plat
forms and convcnitncea for loading
and unloading earn. The extent ot
these facilities may bo judged some
what by the Bt.itemont that the com
pany him in all 37,1)00 fquaro foot of
ttoriiffi ) room. Even thn amount of
apace is none too much as it is wall oo
cupluU by all sorts ot tana iiiacliiuury ,
implements nnd extras , in fact , every
thing from the smallest bit
ot casting to the mammoth
threshing michincs. The goods do
not stwid idly then' , for the average
thus far this year , through dull as well
as busy days , hns been a carload of
implements handled every day. The
buainunF ) this year will go beyond half
a million dollars. From ten to MX-
teen mon are employed , two tauns
and trucks nro kept busy all the time ,
and often there are as many ns five ,
and everything nnd everybody seems
astir. Thcao t'oods nro scattered all
vnr western Iowa , over Nebraska ,
ute northern Missouri nnd into Da
kota , giving a wide paid.
Much of the success attained has
icon duo to the company having had
riginally the choice of implement * ,
nu having hold to the agency of such
3 provo to bo thu belt. Besides the
nukes if wagoim named above , the
iompnny bus in the line of corn plant-
irn. Farmers' Friontl , Brown's , Evans
& FOO& * nnd Ayi'ry'o. They jieop the
ilowa and cultivators mndo , by Furst
fc Bradley , J. I. Case and Weir.
The celebrated Buckeye reapers ,
unworn , harvesters nnd binderu
ire nl BO handled by this com
pany. Of buggies and carringjja thorn
s kept here tlio largest stock west of
the Mississippi , one entire floor buinu'
ilovatod to samples only. The Ot
tawa and Sandwich power shelters are
being extensively handled , nnd thu
company has u largo sale of Coates1
lock lover auiky hay rake.
From puch familiar names as tlioso
given it is evident that none but first
class implements are handled by this
company , and by being fair in price
and treatment , the company has
gained ateadily and surely until it
now takes rank na among the largest
and best in the land. Thu corporate
company consists of but four men ,
who oflicorit as follows ; President ,
E. L. Shugart ; vice prenident , C. B.
Waite ; trousurer , F. 11. Davis ; secretary -
tary , W. 0. Stacy. The management
mingles wisdom nnd experience with
enterprise , nnd permanence and in
creasing success uro assured.
Qoldl Qold ! Gold !
The County Board Creates Ono and
Chrlstonn It Carton ,
The county board of supervisors
closed tlieir session Saturday , thu
chief business of the day being the
allowing of claims , and the important
action of forming a new township.
The now township it mndo up of tha
southerly two rows of suotioi-s in
Belknap townohip , and the northerly
two rows of sections of Macedonia
township. It has been christened
Carson township , in recognition ol
the town of that imma which is thr
metropolis of the new township.
The township of Belfcimp as form
ally organized had two towns , Onk.
field in the northeasterly part ane
Carson in tlio extreme Bontheastorlj
part. In the township of Macedonia
la tho'town of the saniij naiho , ant
between this town nnd Carson then
has been aomo rivalry. This addct
to the fact that many residents \\cri
inconvenienced in the transaction o !
township bubiness , voting , etc. , hm
led to the change. It will give Car
Bern n little boom ai being the ccntei
of the now township , .uid the changi
will bo heartily welcomed by them ,
'Gold ! Gold ! Gold !
Kind Words.
The Operator , the well known or
gan of the telegraphic fraternity , haa
Iho following words :
When operators leave the business
it ecoms Hint they shine brighter no
where thun in Iho journalistic profes
sion , a fact which is being brought to
our notice almost every day by the
vigorous writing and business-like tact
of many ox-operators filling leading
positions upon various newspapers.
Among thii class isMr. E. Rosowatcr ,
editor of Tun OMAHA. ( Neb ) BUB , one
of the liveliest nnd brightest newspa
pers in the west. Thin enterprising
journal has just established n branch
department in Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
under the management of Mr. 0. E ,
. Mr.
Mnyno , another tx-tclcgraphor.
Mnyno wns formerly in the \Vestern
Union office at Omaha , and is well
known as an expert nnd reliable oper
ator , nnd the sterling qualities dis
played by him in our profession nro
well adapted to the wider field and
more responsible iJOsition to which ho
has boon called ,
Gold ! Gold ! Goldl
Dr. Lawrence h of ! for a trip to
Chicago ,
Captain T. B. Hart It planning to teen
cave this city nnd locate in Minneapolis ,
Genevieve ] legers , Frank Alken and
others of that troupe spent Sunday nt the
Ogden. ,
J. S. Love , of Avoca , nn enthusiastic
undny scliool worker , spent Sunday in
this city with his ten.
Captain 1) . 1 ! . PcRram , form'rly pro
prietor of tlio Ltndtll hotel , St. Louis ,
spent his Spumiay at the Ogden.
W. B. Bishop , of Glcnwood , together
with icveral of h H fiiemls , had a happy
time at the expense of the host of the Og
den Saturday.
O. T. Wadsworlh , who resigned his po
sition as conductor on the Northwestern
betweed hero and Boonc , nnd who resides
nt Ponca , Neb. , was greeting old friends
hero yesterday. (
Gold ! Goldl Gold !
Parties in this city think they have
struck a startling discovery in the way of
a motor power , bordering on the per
petual motion mystery. They nre getting
n sample machine made , nnd if it works
works ns they expect U cy think they
hnvo n fortune , nnd doubtless have.
These understood to bo chiefly concerned
nro John llnsltin * , William Wycoff nnd
William i'lfield.
Gold ! Gold ! Gold !
A Ni-Rty Chicago Cnac.
National Asooclatod 1'rcss.
UniOaao , April 8. A largo crowd
gathered to-day to hear UK ; Staiuka-
Ilaialer bastardy case. Everything
was ready to proceed , when the attor
ney for the prosecution suddenly
moved for dismissal of the suit. On
investigation the attorney had discov
ered that the man whom Mrs. Staaika
charged xvith bastardy wnu her nephew ,
son of her own sister. To push the
case would be to stand confessedly
guilty of incest. Another develop
ment made was that a. prominent wit
ness wi\a Mrs. Staatkn's husband , who
deserted lier twelyu years ago and has
Btnco married ngnin in Chicago.
Gold ! Gold ! Gold !
NO riC'tl Special mhcrtlscuiunte , u
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Itont ,
Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo tn this
column at tha low ratoot TKN CKNTS l'E
LINE ( or the fln > t Insertion and F1VU OKNTr
TKK LIKE ( or each su'jaoqucnt Insertion
Lcaio adv crtlscraontg at our olllco , No. 7
I'ca 1 Street , ncir L'rcatlnB } ' .
lilisr. 'l\vo rooms rcn'raUy located.
1710K J _ . tlato. ! , ,7 NortU Slain alrcct.
' HAI.E Kx-Mnjor Vaugr-iin clTcis the
FO'l itori-H ' ni-il "two clt&troom real'
nincts' niljolnfi K Dtflmio's oicra lnu o and
n ] < po > lto the city market , fcr talc or trailo tit a
liirtoln. Iliti tour Lulldlnpi ru neil ada ted
( orn Imgt bonding tBtablltlimint , lioto. hos
pital , o-i : _ aplM (
Avonnri ( o , ua'h andiron.
WANTED at tlvjnr Claik'D , Ko. 231 r omh birutt , Couiuii UlLdt. I pl7 4C
'TIU Twofxnfrtcrccd silc men to sell
WA slilits a d Ki'i.ti furnlshinp rooduln No
' > ia ka ami lona. licteientcs leiiulrid. OroJ
talarv to KOOd men. * ' . F. Fein ,
\TJAN1KD- Active , Inwllliont Solicitors ( or
thoilutual lloncnt Association o < Counc I
DhilTa ( cr tcwntond ccnnOci In lown. A | > ) > ly
li"iuoiallyc.r t/y letter to the Secretary. al2tf
WANTIU ) A wldrw lady lth four chil
dren nants to keep hoii-o on a ( arm. Tor
p.rtlciuori li.iiiiro | at Uco Olllco ,
IltNT Ono or tuo ( urnUhcd rooms ,
with or without board. CommJuit to
trani , rr. > r . W U. I radbury , Fourth avo-
i.uo , KTUiJ vutikor vtkt Kticiitucntli utioct.
qp8 Ot
. W. U PATTON I'l'j'io'an " < ! Oculist.
Dlt. cure any casnoforocjo . It Ii only
u matter ot ilnio , and can euro ( roncrally in
from thrco to the ucckB It tualcs noilifler-
oncu howkuj ; i'-cu"til | , Will fctrulKUton trais
lytn , oicratu and remote l'lrtKiumi , ita. , and
li.but urtlUclai c > cs. np5-tt
I Oll HAUVIlcaitlful residence lotn , 833
1 } caili ; iiollilnirilown. and 91er ) ucck only ,
AN YON K WANTING fonreHne nu llty brosm
u 'Hi K'ld can u-ft It bv wrlllrtf to
uplS t ( p. V , MAYNB , Ojuncll nitiffj.
'XTT'ANTKU To buy hou n nd lot on monthly
YY pauunti. AdJrcH X , I'.eo otHce.
" \TrANTKu To cn a ennll cotlagH xt once ,
1V Addrcta C. 11 , or cnqulro at BXK nfllce ,
'ANTKD K > crybody In Council Bluffs lo
, , to takoTils UK , iO touts per veok , de
lUered by carriers. Office , No 7 1'carl Htrcot1
" \T7"ANTii ) To buy 1WJ Wus tirooin corn.
VY For particulars addresa Council llludi
llroom Factory , Council UluO , Iowa. 0&S-l3tf
FOUSALS-Old pipers He p [ > r bunilreJ ,
The II o WHeo. Council BluBK . .M27-U
7KM IIKNI' lAtga hpuso , centrally located ,
J nko irrounda , cti. % , 916 ptr uioiitb , Enquire
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public ,
416 Broadway , Council Bluffs
llccili oml innitngcB drawn d acknowledged
Gold ! Goldl Goldl
Are Supplying the Aesthetic
Wants of the Public in
With Everything in Staples at
the Lowest Prices ,
Fresh Roast Coffees ,
Chioce Drawing Teas !
Boston Tea Go.
16 Main Stand 15 Fearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
Road , Track , Coach & Livery
IX II. SHKIUIAN' , Kuslncss Manager.
WM. ClIlUSTOrilER , Mechanical Matter.
124 S. Main St. . Council Blutfa , la.
Brifht [ nud yellow nnd h vd nnd cild ,
Atoltcn , graven , hammered nnd rull'J ,
Heavy to net nnd IlKhfc to hold ;
Hoarded , battered , bought nnd sold.
Stolen , borrowed , squandered , nnd doled ;
Spurned by the young , Lut hugged by tlio
To the very verge of the churcliynrd
mould ;
Fiicc of many a ciirno untold.
If von want to have gold yni must
spend vourmoney to tha very bestndvant-
npj. Do business with cush men , nnd
where only ono price will be asked or
"A tree is known by ita fruit "
A titore by its prices.
Our prices are ricjhr. Our business is n
guarantee that fair dealing is our watch
word. XLCR is our motto. Our bus- !
ncsH U in n most healthy condition. Every
department is doing good work. Canned
> Goods nre going oil very cheap. Teas
and ColTees a choice assortment. Fancy
Shelf Goods for the million. Cotne and
see u % we will do you pood.
F , J , OSBOBNE &GO , ,
162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden
Offlco ana Works , Mtxln Street ,
Wo giro EpccUl attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will receive prompt attention. A general as
sortment ol
Brass Goods. Belting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke ; Ooal ,
Bixby & Wood ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. )
Rlcb Out Glnsa , Pine French China ,
Silver Ware &c. ,
MES , fl , J. BILTOJS , M , D. ,
222 Broudwoy , Council BIuHV
Drs : Woodbury & Son
Cor. Pearl Jis lit Avo. COUNCIL 11LUFVB.
Attorneys & Oonnsollors-at-Law ,
, ORGUTT & CO. ,
Broadway , Dor , Fonrtli St. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
- -
11 U JuiljJLi
Ohiokering , Wober. Lindeman , J. Mueller
and other Pianos , $200 and upward.
Burdett , Western Cottage , ; Tabor and
Paloubet Organs , $50andupward. Musical -
cal Merchandise of every diecription , IM :
Italian Strings a specialty ; imported
direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , Toys ,
Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TT
tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash
and on Time. Stock is largo , full and com
plete. Musical Journal tree on applica
tion. Correspondence Solicited.
Address :
a d. MUELLER , i ;
103 South 5th Street. o
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Anil Dealers In all hinds ol Produce Prompt attention trlrcn to all consignments.
Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable
In their season. Orders promptly filled nnd dclh creel to Express office free of charge. Send lor
CaWoiruo ,
Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing1 , Etc. . Wood and Metallic Coffins. .
2To. 430 Brondway , Cor. liryant St. , Council Bluli'd ,
STARR & REYNOLDS. 107 Main St.
Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves ,
CSO UJ JBOTOXXi TRT. U Jfc'Jfc' , , -
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands ,
and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE. over Savings Bank , - CQUVOlLi BLUFS
The New Styles for 1882.
Largest Stock in Western Iowa.
s ,
Or , in the language of Cromwell , we say to the little
souls who deal in Shoddy Goods and Misrepresenta
tion by telling their handful of customers that Our
Prices are above their own , to "Fire Away Flanigan. "
Our Customers know we deal in
Honest Made , Comfortable Fitting , Stylish
Andtlmt * our prices are aa low aa ic la possible to soil good goods. Investigate
gate for yourfcolf.
I' '