Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 OJV1AHA .B&E : MOEDA ? APEIL 10 I
The Omaha Be <
Published every morning , except Sand *
Kho only Monday morning dally.
One Vsixr.$10.00 I ThroeMontn ,83 ,
Blx Months. 6.001 Ona , . 1 ,
WEEKLY BEE , published c
ery Wednesday.
One Year. $2.00 I ThrcoMonths. .
Bit Mouths. . . . 1.00 I Ono *
efttlono reloUni ; to NOWJ and Editorial mi
ar eliould bo addressed to the Emron <
Iiottew nnd Remittance * ehould uo n
PANT , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * and IV
office Orders to bo made pnynblo to t ,
order of the Company ,
OMAHA PDBLISfflHQ 00 , , Prop'r
EAIUY spring rains are cauninir 01
farmers to whistle ohcorfully througl
out the state.
TUB sudden death of Joaao Jnmi
probably saved two Nebraska ban !
from boinp ; robbed last week.
A CLUB thrown anywhere in Don ;
las or Lancaster counties would knoc
down a half a dozen candidates fc
TIIEJIB is n general impression tha
the Chinese must uo but how to kco
them from ilrst coming is what irout
les the Pacific coast.
OMAHA paving awaits the swAt
of Qovornor Nance and the direction
of.iho U. P. attorneys as to whothc
ah extra session will bo called.
iceberg , but ho warmed the hearts o
the Boston bunco men who manage- -
to worm $17,500 out of him by
shrewd gambling contrivance.
IT will now bo in order for The lie
publican to print n few "unanimou
expressions of the state press" on tin
late election in Omaha , and the over
throw of the Union Pacific citizens
SENATOK VAN WYCK is spending tin
Eostor holidays in Nebraska. Tin
( senator's speech on congressional com
missions has received unusually worn
commendations from journals of nl
parties throughout the country.
WHEN DCS Moines imports her potatoes
tatoos directly from Scotland there i
room for the belief that a number o
Iowa legislators could bo profitably
spared from the state capital and pu
into the garden patch.
, CiwoMorvof the fifty wopion in Nebraska
braska who voted at the late election
for mombora of various school board
ought to bo prepared for campaigi
documents by the committee of tin
woman suffragists. Nothing is raon
pertain than that' Nebraska ( ladies di
not want to vote and would not i
they could ,
OMAHA'S boom in real estate may b <
carried to an extreme. If the htgli
prices of property prevent large
transfers wo. may expect to hear the
Herald and Republican explaining
that the diminished real estate salci
nro caused by the late labor troubles ,
THAT polysyllabic humbug , ROY.
Joseph Cook , has boon making a toui
'and delivering lectures in ludia , II
is interesting to note that uinco hie
departure from Oalcutta a now jour
nal called the "Anti-Christian , " has
been started in that city. Mr. Cook ,
with hit meaningless discourses , is on
antidote for any thrco foreign mis
sionary societies , i
NATIONAL banks especially and citi-
Eons generally will bo interested in a
decision rendered last week by the
federal supreme court regarding the
recovery of taxes collected illegally ,
The court holds that a tax collected
under a law and upon a method since
declared invalid and void cannot be
recovered unless explicit protest was
made at the time of payment based
on the precise objection now raised.
The oo'urt based its decision upon the
gpnoral principle that the benefit of
thq doubt is always to bo allowed to a
atato authority in the exorcise of its
eovoroign right of taxation.
EVEKY now and then the supreme
tjourl of the United States gets down
lof business and gives us an opinion of
real value , Its latest effort thoroughly
disposes of the troublesome question
a * to what docs not constitute an intemperate -
temperate man. A man in taking out
R life insurance policy stated in the
application that ho was "of tompcratd
habits and had always been BO , " After
his death the company in which hu
was insured contested the payment of
t the pplicy because the man was found
t ? have had an attack of delimit ! tro-
metis before the date of hia insurance.
The court decided that the answer
k was not Buflloioat to vitiate the policy ,
holding that delirium tremens ma >
, result from a single instance of overindulgence -
indulgence in liquor and that it if
possjblo for a man who had Buffered
from that discaso to truthfully dis-
crlbe himself as always having bcoi )
tempo faol { - ,
Both houses ot the Now York leg !
laturo having passed the proposi
amendments to the state consHtulio
by which the canals will hereafter
free from tolls , the people of t !
Empire state will bo called upon
the November elections to ratify t !
action of the legislature by n popul
rote. Every portion of the west , i
less than Now York sUxto iticlf ,
interested in an nflirmntivo vote <
the proposition. The Erie canal h
for years partaken of the clmr.tcler
n national highway , millions of to
of merchandize , valued at hundrc
of millions of dollars , has annual
passed through Ha banks and loc
from the lakes to the neabonrd. 13
fore the introduction of railroads
was the aolo outlet for the produce
the then developed west and since tl
era of railways it has proved tl
greatest check to the extortiona
demands of the monopolies. F
ciiht ( months of the year a cheap nt
constant competitor for traOic n
requiring speed in delivery. Its cleat
at the end of the season has al wa ;
been the signal for an immedinto n
vance in castbound freights by tl
trunk linos.
Decreased coat in railroad mail
tonanco , increasing competition ontl
part of rival lines , and diminislu
tariffs , have taken away from 11
Erie canal many of the advantnx
which up to a few years ago it po
sosscd over the railways as a compel
tor for freights. In 1880 its trad
was greater than over before , but la ;
year it fell away to such an cxtot
that it became evident that incastin
must bo taken either to make it frc
of tolls or to operate it at a constant !
increasing loss to the state. Tl :
proposition to remove nil tolls froi
the canal was introduced into the loj
islaturo of Now York , and at one
met the hostility of the rnonopolici
Tito lobby at once recognized that tli
removal of the canal tolls meant cot
slant low rates on the railroads , an
they fought the bill with all the :
weapons in both ansombly and sonat <
Iho anti-monopoly league did excel
ont Bprvico on the other side. Ever
member of the legislature elected o
inti-monopoly pledges cast his vet
for free canals , and the monsui
passed. It was brought out in th
lobatos on the question * that full
30,000 citizens of Now York are or
jaged in commerce on the canali
3arning annually not loss than § 25 ,
000,000 , and that the tax nocossar
to maintain free waterways woul
bo iscarcolyono-fifth of a mill a yea
in each dollar of assessed valuation.
"When the amcndmento are panned
is they doubtless will be at the comin
sleotion , the great canal will bo n
much of a national waterway as th
lakes , and with the , construction c
the Hennopin canal , the 'Misaissipf
itid the Atlantic ocean will bo joino
by a b'ond over which the monopolie
sannot exercise control. !
NEDUASKA needs greatly a lai
iftninut the manufacture and sale oleomargarine
) loomargarino , lardino and other vn
riotios of bogus butter. A gtfod don
> f this fltufl is already on sale m ou
sity , and is daily dealt out to h
) ooror classes for the Pennine'article
Whether the stuff Is healthy , a
ilaimod , is not the question , althougl
omo experiments made in. St. Loui
vould throw considerable doubts 01
hat subject. According to the re
> orts of a private detective who hai
icon investigating the manufuctun
if butter sold in that city , n gooc
leal of the bultor consumed in St
jouis is made from the carcasses o :
load animals picked up on the ntrooti
rhich are cut up , the fat sopaaatoc
iy a chemical process , the oloomarga
ino extracted , colored , packed am
ont down the xivor. There it ii
larked "dreamery } { Butter , " ane
hipjjod back to St. Louis dealers.
Missouri has a stringent law ogahmi
ho manufacture or sale of the stuff ,
, nd a number of arrests will bo the
icxt thing in order. If such adul-
orations were sold as adulterations ,
ho case case Jwould not bo so bad ,
or people could choose between higli
iricoa for the genuine article nnd i
iwor price for the imitation. At
miters now stand , they are delibor
toly swindled by the substitution ol
ho ono for.tho other , and the , dealers
oap Iho enormous profile resulting
rom the fraud. Obtaining monej
ndor false pretenses is crime , and
; ought to bo treated as such in what-
rer form it is perpetrated.
. Hoiewftter received a tcrribla black eye
t West Point last week. With great
QIWI and blunter ho attempted to tickle
'ttlentlue In ha Immediate home , Imt h !
Ifactory glnnda BCfnted u WOUBO and ho
rawled put throDEh the back door. He
Idn't form an nillanca there. The f r.
iiew saw In him too plainly tbe txilltlcal
Vrenar" that ho l-Norfolk Journal.
Mr , llosowatordidn't
receive a black
ye , ho didn't attempt to Uoklo Val-
intmo , ho didn't crawl out through
ho back door , the farmers didn't see
n him a political greaser but
, a con-
lemau who has labored long and
aniMtly with voice and pen in their
nlerosts. With time few correct.
ons , and the addition that Mr. HOBO-
- . ' PP vo
onthuwutio audience hero and
ros the moans of organizing ajx Alii-
uco. in this county , the Journal's or-
lola will PUM.-WC.I Point Progress
Mr. Olarenco Solah , editor of the
forfolk Journal , and his hrothor-ic.
w , S. H , Jkrtlptt , editor of the West
'oint RopubHcan , arc only trying to
pay a debt with bogus currency I
coining lion about Rosowator.
It is a matter of record that Valoi
tine procured a back pay ponsio
Amounting to over $1,000 for Mr
Eliza Sclah , of West Point , tr
mother of Clarence Sclah , upon po
jurcd testimony representing Isn ;
Sclah , the husband of Eliza an
father of Clarence , an an habitui
dntnkaru who had for sixteen yoai
pant failed to provide the ncccssarii
of life for his wife and family whc
in fact the family were able to ial
care of themselves nnd Isaac Sola
was able and willing to work , Th
is the milk in the Bartlett and Soln
cocoanut. Wo admire political grnt
tudo , and if these champions of Va
ontino would only aim somowJiei
near the truth in their gallant cflbr
to sustain their patron pensioner , v ,
should not demur.
Ofli cial copies of all Iho papers i
the "Selah claim" on tile in th
Tun house committee on postofllcc
has agreed upon a bill that will offer
the people much needed facilities fc
sending small sums by mail. The ol
shinploster currency was at ono tim
a very useful medium for this purpos
but since silver has taken the place i
fractional currency great inconvot
ienco has been experienced and muc
loss cnttoiled to many branches e
business. The bill prepared by th
committee provides for the issue c
money orders for sums under five do !
lars , payable to bearer on demand
any money order office which romitte
shall select , for n fee of four conti
Thio is , perhaps , about ns small
charge as the sorvics performed wil
justify. As the order must bo en
closed in an envelope the full cost o
sending small sums this way will b
usually seven cents ; but as the envoi
opo will ordinarily enclose also a written
ton communication , the coat oi th
postage stamp will not properly b
charged to the cost of the order. Th
alteration of the postal order is rendered
derod impossible by the amount beinj
indicated by punching from the threi
rows of figures on the margin thosi
representing respectively the araoun
of dollars , dimes nud cents which tin
order calls for. The Only safcguan
against theft is Iho small amount fo :
which the notes are issued. There ii
at least no more danger of loss fron
this source than existed in the case o
fractional currency.
The committee lias further agroet
to allow ono hundred dollars to bo the
limit of a single money order , insteat
of fifty dollars. The charges proponec
are very nearly the same as at present >
ent , eight cents instead cf ton boinc
the lowest charge for sums not exceeding
coeding ton dollars , and for surai
over thirty dollars the average charg <
of ono-lmlE of ono per cent ia retained ,
With Iho repeal of the two cent tas
on bank checks it may Doom to bo ad
viaablo to make a corresponding reduction
duction in postal order charges. Th <
government could even now transact
its money order business at a profit al
n considerable smaller cost to 'the
public. Wo cannot expect everything
at once , however , and may be contenl
Eor tljo present with a reduction oi
letter , postage to two cents a hall
aunco , and our money order system
rendered more available for the chcaj
transm uaton of small sums of monej
through the mails.
GOVISUNMHNT employes in Washing
ton are notoriously overwoked , from
the register of deeds , where office
liours are from 12 to 1 daily , to the
[ jeer clerks who are jlued to theu
losks from 0 in the morning nntil 3 in
iho afternoon. Those oppressed sorfe
) f the national government have now
node up their minds that they worked
.00 many hours and h&vo set on foot
t movement to recover back pay from
ho government for two hours work
linco the end of General Grant's term.
3on Butler haa the "caso in hand and
SO per cent of the claimants have put
heir claims in his hands.
Omo is almost as much amazed as
! Tow Jersey over the power wielded
> y the monopoly lobby in her legisla
te. The Cincinnati Enquirer in-
ilines to the belief , although the stato-
nent may not generally bo credited ,
hat at least ono official in the logisla-
uro is not open to the charge of hav-
ng accepted a bribe. It says that
'up to date there is absolutely no ovi-
lonco that the members of the lobby
lave ever attempted to influence the
haplaiu of the legislature to make in
heir behalf any special plon in certain
uorters where ho is supposed to have
lore or less weight.
TH08K Gushing letters are not
opyrighted. Dr. Miller ia at liberty
o republish the first six chapters
hat appeared in Tun UEK last week.
? hey are very interesting.
EX-GONEBNOH ROCTT is to atop into
lr , Toller'o senatorial shoos , and ho
trill more than fill thorn. Ho is by
11 odds the ablest man in the con-
onnial state ,
TUB Philadelphia Press remarks
'The ' cabinet consists of sir of a
ind and Chandler ,
Shelton polled C3 votes.
David City bin 207 voi r .
Stilton "frewed" 81 rotes.
Ttrkwnah claim * 1 210 InhfthUante.
Three women voted at rinltswonth.
TrohlbKIon prevails ftt David City.
Ucntrlce voted strong for prohibition.
David City \oted strong forprohll
tlon ,
WaUrloo wanti a pleasure yacht on tl
Klkhorn ,
The temperance ticket was swamped (
The llccnio ticket ncooped the offices I
Oaceola rfccMcd to try license for at
other year.
The temperance ticket took the platU
at Ahhlnnd.
The liquor mtn ( ccoped the bosrd t
Plum Creek.
Nor/oik distributed 100 votes nraon
thrco ticket * .
Nellgh cast elghly-soven votes nt lr ,
la'o election ,
As usual Kosowafcr Is on top. [ Fal
Ci'.y Journal.
The democrats raked in all the ofllci
in Cohtmbui.
The Dakoti City creamery has con
mcnccd churning.
Itntn WM routed at Central City by
majority of 23.
The "merrv liorglar" Is busily engage
Hi I'Jfcttsmouth.
Johnson county cleared $100,000 by tb
late fall of rain.
The lied Cloull creamery will soon h
ready for business.
Thirty-one women voted t the schoi
election in Mucllson.
The Itaht-finger gentry Is nimble nn
numerous In Lincoln.
Church politicians received an edectli
sot back at Hastings ,
The democrats captured moat of tl
( polls In Nebraeka City.
The law prohibits flhootlng ducks aftc
tbo Ifith ot thii month.
The Graud Inland Independent lead
the pictoiiul procession ,
The cold water clan walked off with th
liquor men at Ilumboldt.
Eight waloons in Otilumbni contribute !
$4.000 to the school fund.
A yr.uthful South Bender blow oil hi
arm wlh ; an unloaded gun.
Work has commenced ab tin now pack
Ing house in Nebraska City.
Dodge county relieved itn poor to th
extent of $1,480.03 , last yoar.
The Sun and Itlada ia n beauty in iti
ew Easter bonnet , horce-made.
"Broken Jaw , " fourth cliiof of the Pen
uai > , turned up hla toes last week. '
Hastings 1ms organized a detective ns
Boci.'ition to puuish horeo thiovca.
The state Sunday school convcntini
meets at Co'umbus Junction SOth to 22d ,
The B. & 31 , company have dccidc <
to put up o telegraph oflico at Oreopolia
The citizens have voted ngainst licens
Ing valoons. Demijohns are now iu order
A $20,000 steaui mill nnd elevator wil
bo built at Humboldt the coming summer
The Bnrt County Agricultural Societj
will otTer Sl,2tO in premiuoiBnt the count }
A farmer near Pairmount lost IOC
liuahoU of corn nnd Jiu barn by prairit
Tecumsch reveled in the excitement of i
itrike , a parade and a band of music , lasl
Tfie North Nebraska Eagle is Hart
ess. John 1' , Spencer has clipped iti
1'retnont ha two aldermen who utanc
ilx feet six when in fighting trim. Thej
un well.
The peach crop of Cass glvos promise eli
i large yield , unless the frost nips it in
.hu bud.
The Democrat estimates that the B. S
St. paid out S2.GOO to elect its pets ir
The telephone company will open of
Ice a in Columbus soon. The wires are be
General John M. Thayer Is swinging
iround the senatorial circle , lecturing or
"Oruiun. ' ) '
The Nebraska Loan nnd Trust oRsocfo-
inn ia one of the latest inititutions it
Flastings. Capital S100.COO.
The democrat * captured the spoils ir
Platts month , and the Deacon refuses U
10 comforted.
Parties are looking nbout Norfolk f"r a
ract of 8,000 or 10,000 acres on which tc
ocate a colony.
Central City voted strongly for prohibl
Ion , She wants a creamery now , to howl
( > on buttermilk.
A catoon keeper In Tecumseh was Sta
sumbcd out of 825 for putting up a blint
3 dnde his "pizon. "
Wife beating is becoming epidemic in
) . ) kliuil. Brutes c f this cluss should be
iunf up by the thumbs.
Two barns were burned In Burt count }
nst week nnd several bend of atock lost.
fho loss will reach $2,500.
Th wrestling fever is contagious ir
'ul B City. Even the newspapers arc
wrestling on circulation.
Oakland decided to keep beer on tar
nd budge in bottles. The antMieonsi
mtn v ere scooped at the election.
A farmer in'Harlan county made IC5C
ut ef his broom corn crop. The tale ol
eed will raite the total to $1,000.
A nine-yoar-old boy , ion of Joseph
hvrn , living near Bhelton , was crushed
0 death by a ground roller lost week ,
Twenty ladles braved the etorm and
uln , and voted nt the ichool meeting t
'alrraount. The girls are b acirnr up.
The B. & .M. depot nt Nebraska City
as been definitely located , and work on
ho building will begin in a few weeks.
Calvert is not yet ona year old , yet it
u ntithi * tlmo about ICO hnu es within
, a boundaries residences and business
ousea ,
To be r or not to beer was the question
t the 1'awneo City election , A bare mn <
> rity decided In favor of lemonada with-
ut n spike.
A little girl of Antelope county tipped n
lilllat of hot water over ono of her arms ,
aiding it so badly thai it loosened the
esh from the bone.
The postmaitor at Harvard sold 82,3'JO
rorth of stain ps last yeir , paid money oren -
en to tha amount of 10,054.10 , nnd isled -
led SIS , H. . 78 in money orders.
Vour girli at the Fogg house went off
n n "strike" U > tt week and the militia
rere not called out either. Schtiyltr
un. Probably John Doe would bayonet
lein ,
Prairie fuen deutroyed a large amount of
roperty in ICnor county last week.
1 iuiy farmer * loht their ttoclc and Htalilot ,
he town of Walnut Grove was badly
The temperance party were scooped in
uuiaU , This is the town where Apostle
inch was charged with several grave
rimed agointt good morals. Hence the
A little girl , ( he daughter of John
hooater , of Dodge county , wan drowned
st week while attempting to crona a
1 > t Irlngo over Maple creek , in tha west
xrt of the county ,
A trio of mBHked tramps routed a drug
erk at midiiidit nnd persuaded him with
ieir little gat lings to give up three pints
' whiiiky , after which they departed with
ieir shirts bottled.
John Daley , o , husky plowman employ-
1 In the neighborhood of PJalbmiouth ,
isulatej $60 from the purfo of hla part-
T , He started for fresh fvlds but was
on taken in and forced to di-gorge.
Work has commenced in oarnett.on the
i & M , improvement * at Hexl Cloud. A
large force of men are at work on the ne
round houee , whilr n force of carpcnte
are busily engaged framing timbers for tl
ow depot.
A company has been organized at Alrr
to prosecute work in Conklin'u conl hoi
One thousand dollars hasbo-n put up ft
Immediate work. An expert in the bus
nc hnnbeen engaged , ind the shaft wl
be sunk 1,000 feet , if necessary ,
A Grand Inland barber , armed with
razor , Hurled to carve the enemy , bt
three citizens In n row laid him on h
back in Gticcesri n , nnd the foutth mm ,
policeman , landed him in the ccoler. Tl
citizens evidently are "way up" in tl
Another of the Knevals deeds was file
for record at .Beatrice liwt Wednesday
The document embraces over 3,000 ncn
of land , only 40 acrci of which nra locate
in Uils county , nnd this forty is now owne
by M. V. Nicholls , nnd wns patented 1
years ago , and the title is perfect !
straight ,
Springfield Moods were ou ft tear lap
week. A free fight occurred thereon Mor
day evening. Hocks , revolvets nnd knive
were the weapons , nnd heads thf tnrgtti
Several bull'n eyes were made , and th
tnrgets wrapped up nnd placed in eaf
keeping until the judge can award tli
prizes to the ninrkemcn.
A large equa'l of noble reds cntortalne
the po iplo of Norfolk with n wnr-danc
one night la.t.wcelc nt ten cents' heat
The mu io wns furnished by nn orchcsti
of three young "bucks , " who harnmcrc
with stick ) on nn old barrel , while tl
ImUuca b { t)0 Knng jumped uliff lcgg
nround a circle within tbo crowd of epo
fc\tors ,
Will Storens , eon of ono of the pionce
af Beatrice , Orren St6\on ? , skipped tl
country last week wjth some teams b <
louging to the old gentleman nnd $70 (
bin money. The old gent didn't take th
matter to henrt _ very greatly , but walkc
up to thy First National bank ; called fc
his will on deposit in the strong box , an
toning it upon the bright coal ( ire wntc ]
f d it burn until H was reduced to nshei
The result of the destruction of Iho will :
tlMMr. WillSlcTcns is out about te
thousand dollars.
Mr. ThornM Wolfe hna retired froi
the management of The Seward Uopoi
ter , to devote his ontlro time to the bant
log buftineis. His career ns printer , mam
per and editor wni n most successful nn
honoraSlo one. The Reporter has boo
n firm , uncompromising supporter of th
producers ami business Interests of Sew
rd county nnd city. Under the manage
ment of Messrs. Peter Wolfe and F. G
Simmons it will continue in the straigh
and narrow path of truth nnd justice.
Grateful XVomon.
None receive so much benefit , nni
none are BO profoundly grateful am
show such an interest in recommend
Ing Hop Bitters as women. It is th
only remedy peculiarly adapted to th
many ills the sex ia almost univofsall ;
subject to. Chills and fever , indigcs
tion or deranged liver , constant or periodical
riodical sick headaches , weakness ii
the back or kidneya.pam in the shoul
iers and different parts of tha body , i
Feeling of lassitude or despondency
ill are readily removed by these bit
: ors. [ Courant.
i. Birth In Madison Square Garden
A pretty faced and intelligent look
ing little monkey called Minnie , bo
ongtng to the Barnum show , prossec
i diminutive imago of hcraolf to hei
ireaat yesterday , and cast half
iffrightcd glances through the barn ai
, ho crowds. "Minnio preaanted Jock ,
; ho father , with twins yesterday , '
sxplained Keeper Sam llodges
'Both were temalcs. One novel
Irow the breath of life , but the other ,
lafo and well in its loving mother' !
inns , will doubtless grow up the pride
if its parents. " When Mr. Hodges
irrived at the garden Sundas
norning ho found Minnie witl
i babe in either arm. Ono was lm ! [
uid motionless , but the other was ap-
jlying itself industriously to the task
) f extracting nourishment from the
naternal breast. Mr. Hodget
nounted the step-ladder to take awaj
ho dead babe , and Jock , the father ,
vho was in the next compartment in
'murderer's row , " became greatly ox-
sited. Ho almost succeeded in
vronching open the door , and he did
iUcceod iu grabbing Mr. Hodges bj
ho hair of the head. Ho pulled un-
nercifully , and only by vigorous oo-
ion in compelling him to release his
told did Mr. Hodges save' himsoll
rom premature baldness. When he
tad caused Jock to relax his grasp ,
Mr. Hodges reached into Mmnio'f
lomportmont and took her lifeless i ri
ant from her. She cried like a child
it the loss , while the tears coursed
lawn her cheeks. She was nearly
Listracted , and , with her live oflaprinp
n her right hand , extended at arm't
ongth , ran into the far corner of the
go. She moaned and wailed fez
i while , but finally dried her eyea
rhon she naw that she was cufe from
urthor interference , and gave her un-
lividod attention to her young one.
Ill day long yesterday iho held hei
iabo tightly in her arms , and wae
olicitqus for its welfare as any othoi
aother could bo. Mr. Hodgni said il
ran tha first time twin monkeys were
vor born in captivity. The suryiv-
iig twin is about five inches in length ,
rith a tail about an inch longer than
Uolf , an abnormally developed head ,
nd a perfect picture of its mother ,
rlinnio is four years old and weight
bout 15 pounds. She was brought
rom Africa when a year old. Jock ,
he father , hns reached the ngo of 1C
nd weighs 20 pounds , Ho was cap <
urod when four years old.
Pattl'a Second Husband.
hlladelpbU I'reM.
Adolina Patti has been interviewed
> y The Press. She laid : , "I was luck-
38 enoti"h to have ono husband who
indertook to play the brute , and no
luii after that could presume to dotn-
imto me" . No. My husband is a per-
act child in his devotion to mo. He
i adored by my family and my inti-
late friends , and , " she added , coquet-
ishly , "I adore him,1' putting her
ands with charming grace into the
wo palms of the handsome fellow , as
o sat rapturously devouring her
"No , " she continued , "Monsieur
ficolini doesn't know just much of
iy uHairs as iny maid or my agent.
le simply doesn't trouble himself
bout them. I know it's useless to
y , er for you to write nnd publiih
liis , because it is a great deal more
tquant to read that I'atti is punished
> r reclaiming the right to earn ker
wn living free from a tyrant and an
igrato than it is to believe
er settled down in unobtrusive do-
lesticity with the husband of her
eart , all legal objections laid aside.
\'o \ are this in 'law and in fact , as
oorge Eliot was Mrs , Lewes. I don't
now whether it is prudent for mo to
iy all this or not , especially if you
old to your throat of publishing ; it )
ut oomohow these 'indiscretions' do
not acorn so bold in French as the
may do when you turn them int
English. "
"It were better to say nothing n
all , " interposed Monsieur , gravelj
"Those _ who have read calumnies wil
still believe them ; those who hav
magnanimity ononfjh to study ID ;
wife's life-work will need no asaui
anco from herself that she has not become
como an imbecile. As for myself ,
have the whole love of my wife. Sh
is mine that is enough. "
"Yes. that's very well to say , " responded
spondod the diva ; "but wo are botl
agreed that if things were hero a
they are in Franco , some of the scandalmongers
dal-mongors would have tj upholi
their calumnies to the sword o :
pistol1" ,
"Do "Not Bo Deceived.
In these times of qnnik medicine ndvei
tisemeutfi everywhere , it h truly gratify
jnx to find one lemedy that i * worthy o
pnxUe , nnd which rcallv docs n rocotn
mended , llllotric Bitters wo can voucl
for ns being a true nnd reliable remedy
end one that will do M rrcommendeil
They invariably cura Stomach nnd Lh e
Complaintn , Diseases of the Kldne.VR nm
prinary difficulties , Wo know wlwieo
we speak , nnd can readily say , give thcu
a trial. Sold at fifty cents a boltlo b
Schrotcr & Becht.
Cyclone \Vymoro. .
Special dispatch to Tun Dun.
WTMOHK , Nob. , April 8. Thoquio
sloop of n busy life was suddonl ;
awakened last night about 12 o'clocl
by a heavy thunder storm , followei
by a young cyclone which complotol ;
demoralized six dwelling houses , on
business house and a largo food nm
livery barn in this placo. beside
twisting and moving from the founda
tion about thirty others and as man ;
minor buildings and sheds. Fortunately
tunatoly no lives were lost , Mr. Johi
Daloy's house was completely smashei
and his family , consisting of wife am
two children , were tumbled out of bci
in their night clothes and rolled abou
in the mud and drenching rain. Mr
Daley narrowly escaped his life witl
a few external bruises and broken rib
Mr. N.V. . Curtis' two story dwollini
was moved six feet and sot down witl
force that the inmates were throwi
iuriously across the room , but nc
damage was done save the breaking o
a lamp chimney. Stove pipes , chimneys
noys and plastering are reported
broken all over town. The storrt
loomed to bo general and struck
promiscuously about the village and
astcd but a few minutes. Aboul
three inches of water fell in ICES than
is many hours. The entire damage
a estimated at $15,000.
rvSAGEOKANGE HEDClK-Ilj' the thousand
J cr million. Address D. S. Lake , Shnuan-
leah , Iowa. ap5-3t'w
Olieap Newspapers & Magazines ,
jcnd 6 cents { or catalogue of 3,000 Nowaparera
ind Magazines ntClubKatoa. Agents Wanted
_ H. A. KENYON , P. M. , Dwl ht , III
81.OOO Rownrd will bo paid to anj
homlst , who will Ilnd , on analysis 100 bottles
.8. B. , one pfirtlclo of Mercury , lodldo Potaa-
ium or any Mineral substance.
Atlanta , Go.
Price ot Small elic , $1.00.
Largo slzo 81,75.
Bold by KEHNAUD BKOS. & CO. ,
.nit DruRKltta Uencra'.lv.
380. SHORXJ.INE. 1880 ,
Oirect Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omaha and the West.
Jo c&anga ol cars between Omaha and bi.
and but one between OMAHA and
Daily PassengerTrains
Tula entire line Is equipped with Pullroan'i
alaco Rloeploic Can , Palace Day Coachu , MlUor1 *
afetjr Platform and Coupler , and the ffclebrated
footln jhonao Air-brake.
larSee that yonr ticket readi VIA &ANSAB
01 , via Bt. Joseph and St. Loula.
Tickets for aale at all coupon iHttona la tbt
Felt. J , F. BARNARD ,
L O. DAWKS , Oon. Bupt. , Bt. Joseph , Mo
Q n. Paos. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , Mo.
1 ASDT Bouua , Ticket Agent ,
1020 Farnham Btreet.
A. B. DlUAU ) General Agent ,
Room 4 , Crelghton Block , Fifteenth Btre t.
1882. 1882.
The KARIiIKtV guoi Sweet Coin In tte world ,
nd BO rerognlitd by tieodmaa , who place It al <
ajeat tbe head of their IlsU , tlius nttwtln ?
tiatgreat law of Naturetn t the "further nor h
icdiaro ( frown , tlie earlier and , better their
roiluct will be. " Ttio a are the incit coitliern
eel farms on thin Continent. The primlple
nda further llluttration In our gnuaw Corn ,
ed Ulvtr Corn , North Star Golden Dent Corn ,
B. JllrnfWta AiubcrEiigarOano ,
; cd and Yellow Onions , Ilcrt-t. Carrot * , Wheat ,
otatoea , 1'ois , Ileanii , etit Sixth Annual Cata-
) fuu now rcaHy free.
T. JI. METCALrYFt. I'auJ Ulnn ,
Idewl Grower Jobber , and Importer ,
Wo will Send on SO Days' Trial
lr , Dye's Electro-Voltaic Bells ,
Suspensories ,
kTidotbor Elootrio A nliannps TO
IEN wtr rln from Xfarvnuii Bolilllt- ,
i > st Vitolltetc. . , speudlly rettotlni ;
[ nulth and MaJihond , Aljoltt Hh < iuni-
'Isrn ' , ParaljrsU Ii Ivor and ICidney
roablon aua mnny ether diseunok.
uotrated lauipbltt froS. Addrei *
rOI > TA10 BEIjT CO. , Marshall , Mich.
H igP Hw
m m\ _
ua. rK > jf
LOTS ! '
For Sale By
No. 187 tiA oFis Her i AID CotiMiR Lor
ntar 22nd and Webster strtcti , 10 rooiiH. sUblo
ind splendid order. A bsriraln at $0000.
nn , Mouse 3 rooms , full [ lot on fleroo ma
2Uth street , tIRSO.
177 , Homo t rooms , full lot on Douglas near
20th si reel , 8700.
176 , ncaiitlful roil Jon cc , full lot on Cam neat
19th street , $12,000.
174 , Two houses and j lot on Dodpcnoar 9th '
itrect , 81.600.
170 , House three roomi , two closets , etc. , half I
lot on 21st r car Grace street , 8SOO.
172 , One and onc-b tf story brick house an
two lots on Douglas near Zfctn street , $1,700.
171 , House two rooms , wcll.clstern. stublo , etc
full lot near Fierce and ISth street , { 960.
178 , One and one-half etory house six room * / - .
ind well , half lot on Convent street near St v t ?
Mary's avenue , 81,850. It
No. 170 , Home three rooms on Clinton street . * |
near shot tower , $326.
Ko. 109 , House and 83x120 feet lot on *
itrect near Webtkr street , 3,600.
Ko. 108 , House of 11 rooms , lot 33xl 0 feet on t
IBth n < ar Bnrt street , 35,000. )
'OH 167 , Two story bou/e , 0 rooms 1 closet ) , '
good cellar , on IBth street near I'opploton'a !
No , 1C6 , New house of 0 rooms , half lot on l
bard m ar 19th street , 81,650.
Ko. 101 , One nnd ono half dory hotwe 8 rooms
an 18th street > ear Lcnvcowortb , $3,600.
N. 161 , Ono and one-half etory touoo of 5
rooms near Hanscom Park , 81COO.
Ko. 163 Two houses 5 rooms each , closets , etc
in Burt street near 25th , $3,600.
Ko. 167 , house 6 rooms , full lot on 19th street
icar Lcarenworth , $2,400.
Ko. 110 , Ilnueo 4 large rooms , 2 closeta
half aero on Hurt street near Button , 81,200.
Ko. 169 , Two houses , one of 6 and ono of i
rooms , on 17th street near Marcy. $3,200.
No. 164. Three houses , one of 7 and two olfi
rooms each , and coiner ot , on Casj near 14th A ' f
itroct , $5,000. .
Kr. 163 , small houfo and full lot on Facia
acar 12th etrcct , $2,600.
Ko. HI One story house 0 rooms , on Leaven
vorth neir 10th , $3,000.
Ko. HO , House thiea rooms and lot 92x11
icar ZGtb and Farnham , $2,600. ,
Ko. MB , Kew houxo of eight rooms , on ISth
itrcct nf ar Leavenworth , $3,100.
Ko. 147 , House of IS rooms on 18th street
icar Marcy , 85,000.
Ko. 140 , HouKOof 10 rooms nnd IJlots on 18th
troot near llarcy , 80.006.
Ko. 146 , Houaotwo Urge rooms , lot 07x210 fee avenue ( ICtli street ) near Nicholas , L >
Ko 143 , House 7 rooms , barn , on 20th Btreet
icar Lcneuwortb , $2,600.
No. 142 , Houro 6 rooms , kitchen , etc. , on ICth
trcct near Klchola , $1,876.
No. 141 , House 3 rooms on Douglas near 26th
trcet , SD50.
Ko. 140 , Largo hou o and two lote , on 24t
car Farnham street , $8,000.
Ko. 1S9 , House 3 rooms , lot 60x1061 feet ,
) ouglos near 27th street , $1M > 0.
Ko. 137 , House 6 rooms ar.d half lot en Capita
venue near 23d street , 82,300.
Ko. ISO , IIousc and half aero lot on Cumluy
trcct near 24th $ s50.
Ko. 131 , House 2 rooms , full lot , ! hard"
ein 21it street. $ SOO.
Ko. 129 , Twohcuscs , ono of 6 and one nf 4
crams , on leased lot on Webster near 20th street ,
i,60 < ) .
Ko. 127 , Two story house S rooms , half lot on
lobster near 19th 83,800.
No. 126 , House 3 rooms , lot 20x120 feet on
Oth street ncarDoutlas , ( , $076.
Ko , 125 , Two etory house on 12th near Dodge
treet lot 23x00 feet $1,200.
Ko. 124 , Largo house/ and full block near
'arnham and Central street , $ SWO
Ko. 123 , House 0 rooms and largo lot on Saun
ters street near Barracks ; f 2 ICO.
Ko. 122 , House 0 rooms and half lot on Web-
tcr near 16ih street , 81,600.
Ko. 118 , House 10 rooms , lot 30x90 feet on
Apltol arcnuo near 22d street , 82,050.
Ko. 117 , House 3 rooms , lot 80x120 feet , on '
lapltol avenue near 22d 81,600.
Ko. 114 , House 3 rooms on Douglas near 26Lh
.rcet , 760.
Ko. 113 , House 2 rooms , lot COxOD feet on
car Cumin g btreet , S760.
Ko. 112 , Brick house 11 rooms and half lot on
UBS near 14th street , $2,800.
Ko. Ill , House 12 roomsjon [ Davenport nea
2th street , S7OuO.
Ko. 110 , Brick house ana ot 22x132 fee on
ans street near 15th , $3,000.
No. 108 , Largo house on Iloincy near 16th
rot , $0,600.
Ko 109 , Two houses and 30x1 foot lot uo
ea near 14th street , $3,600.
Mo. 107 , House 5 rooms and half lot on Izar
car 17th street , $1.200.
ho. 100. House and lot 61x198feet , lot on llth
ear Fierce street , $000.
Ko. 105 , Two etory honss B rooms with 1 } lot
n Seward near Saunders street , 82,800.
Ko. 103 , Ono and one half etory houae 10 room *
fabster near 10th street , $2,600.
JNo. 102 , Two houses 7 rooms each and J lot oo
Ith near Chicago , $4OtO.
Ko. 101 , House 3 rooms , cellar , etc. , 1J lots on
outh avenue near Pacific streei , $1,650.
Ko. 100 , House 4 rooms , collar , etc. , half lot
n Izard street near 16ib , $2,000.
Ko. 09 , Very largo home and full lot on Hat
ey near 14th street , $9 000.
Ko. 97 , Larco house ot 11 rooms on Sherman
renue near Clark street , make an offer.
Ko. 96 , One and one-half story house 7 roomi
it 240x401 feet , stable , etc. , on Sherman are-
ua near Grace , $7 000.
No. 92 , Large brick house two lots on Dave-
art street near 19tb (18,000.
No. 00 , Largo house and full lot on Dodo
ear 18th ttre.t , $7,000.
Ko. 89 , Largehause 10 rooms hall lot on 20th.
ir Calif ornla street , $7,600
Ko. 88 , Large house 10 or 12 rooms , beautiful
irncr lot on Case near 20th , $7,000.
No. 87 , Two story house 3 rooms 6 acres o
.nd en Saunders street near Barracks , (2,000.
Ko. 86 Two stores and a resilience on leased
alt lot.near Mason and 10th street , $300.
Ko. 84 , Two story bou e 8 rooms , closets , etc. ,
lib 6 acres of ground , ou Blunders street neat
maha Uirrncke , 82.603
No , 83 , House ol 0 rooTB , half lot on Capitol
, -enuo near 12th street , $2,600.
Ko 82 , One and one half story rouse , 0 rooms
ill lotou Ficrco near 20th street , $1,800.
Ko. 81 , Two 2 story houses , one of 0 and ono
rooms , Chicago Bt. , near 12th , $3.000.
No. 80 House i roomi , closets , etc. , large lot
118th street mar White Load works , 81,300.
Ko. 77 , Large house of 11 rooms , closets , eel-
r , it : . , with 1 } lot on Karnham near 10th street ,
Nn. 70 , Ore an j one-half story house of 8 rooma ,
100x84 feet ou Caasncar 14th street , $4,600.
No. 76 , Housa 4 rooms and basement , ( to
11x182 feet on Marcy near Stb street. $07.
No. 74 , Large brick house and two full lob on
a-veil port near 16th street , 816,000.
No. 73 , Ono and one-half story homo atidllit
1x132 feet on JacKson near 12thbtrvet , $ l$00.i
No , 72 , I.arjo brick house 11 roomi , full lot
i Davenport near 16th street , 3O.H ) .
No , 71 , Large home 12 rooms , full lot on Call-
rnla near 20ih street , $7,000.
No. C5 , Stable and 3 full lota on ran In street
: ar Baundors , (2,000.
No. 01 , Two story frame building , store
id rooms above , on leaded lot ou Dougu
tli btreet. 00
No , 63 , Haunt ) 1 rooms , basement , etc. , In
x230 feet on Ibth street mar Nail Works ,
Ko. 02 , Now house 4 rooms ) one story , full lot
No , 68 , House ot 7 rooms , ull lot Webatur
* r fct street , $2,600.
i Hartley near Slut itroct , $1,760.
No. 01 , Large house 10 roouii ) , full lot on Bar
ar 21 st street , 85.000.
No. GO , llouuo 3 rocius , half lot on Derenpoit
arSSdbtrett , * 1COO.
Ko 69 , Four houses and half lot on Caw near
th street $2600.
Ho 12 , House 0 rooms acd full lot , lUrney
arSGth street , i-i.GOO.
No , 9 , Three houses and full lot on Cisa near
th etrcct , 83 , 00 ,
16th and Douglae Street ,