THE OMAJJA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. APB1L iO I88& ' = NT LEAVING. With Few to Mourn Jta De parture and the Doming of Easter. Beflectioneonthe Forty Days o Social Mortification. With n Few Items of n Gossipy Cnar- nctor Regarding Coming Events. Lent an usual in Omaha has been noted for the scarcity of social HOWE nnd its abundance of gossip. Tlio mortification of the llcsh , which is supposed to bo religiously observed , lias never been considered applicable to the tongno which runs on with greater vigor and increasing speed during the forty days when the foot nro forbidden to tread the mazydanco. The privations incidental to Lenten scaton have not boon without compon- cation , aside from spiritual ones. Sundry damsels nro escaping the morning headaches nnd bad spirits that follow nil-night parties. Quito n number of men , by total abstinence , have regained health , vigor and decent good humor , and many mother * , who try to pay society far moro than it demands , now arise in time to BOO their children before they start to achool. But the largest class that has reason to bo thankful for Lent in undoubtedly that which consists of lovers. Young people ple must have diversion , and when they cannot iind any ether they take to love-making na naturally as the politician takes to theft. Balls and parties are capital devices for bring ing young people together , but they also keep them apart. The most ar dent lover who wants to press his suit is no bettor off in a parlor when the lady of his choice is surrounded by ecores of ether ladies and ad mirers than ho would bo if a thousand miles away. But if the young lady with whom ho has fallen in love ob serves Lent , ho begins to bo encour aged , for ho is sure of finding her alone. His opportunity comes to say moro than can bo expressed in a two- minute chat at an evening party , and the lady loams to distinguiahhis in dividuality frorn that of any ono of the acoro of men who , dressed exactly alike , and making the same stereo typed speeches , flit around her in the course of the crush. The result is ' that the young man soon commences to ask the price of engagement rings. Speaking of engagements several liavo boon announced and an equal number denied during the past few weeks. Gossip has already voted old the coming marriage of a Twenty- third street belle to a Detroit stock broker , which will bo celebrated , in Juno , apd congratulations ever the npproacMngovont may bo safely given. Whether a certain officer of the Fifth cavalry is to carry off shortly another Omaha young lady is not considered so certain , although Dame Rumor refuses to accept any contradictions on this point and already discusses the questions of trousseau and the data of the occasion. Such delicate subjects are however , somewhat out of the ino of nowopapor comment until they bocorno assured facts relieved by marriage bolls and the service of the church. It may bo so } , down as cer tain that the hopes and fears of at least three Omaha gentlemen will beset sot at rest aa soon at Trinity cathedral is sufficiently completed to permit the passage of a bridal procession up its aisles. 1 Social festivities will bo resumed at once after Easter , and the various orchestras may prepare for any uum bor of "extras" in addition to the regular programmes. On Monday evening the Ooncordia society will give on Easter party at Turner hall , for which great prepara tions have been made by the members of this select and popular Gorman organization. As quite a larqo num ber of tickets have been disposed of a delightful time may confidently bo anticipated. The "Sans Oeromonio" club will give a Gorman on Tuesday evening at Standard hall in which some thirty couples will participate. On Friday a complimentary rocop tipn will bo tendered by the Pleasant Hbura club at Masonic hall to their treasurer , Mr. J. M. lloss. The re markable success of the "Pleasant Hours" as a social organization has boon in the largest measure duo to its faithful and earnest officiary , and no officer has played bolter his pnrl/ / < than Mr , lima. As this will bo the first party of the club since Shrove Tuesday n very largo attendance maybe bo confidently anticipated. 4.t the Congregational church par lors , will bo given on Thursday evening - ning , April 13th , the celebrated Fan Drill , with sixteen pretty maidens led by o young professor from the court of Qucuu Anne. Ice cream and cake will bo served at the close of tlio entertainment. BTAU'JSS A Variety of Domestic Events-Holl cnouu and Educational Notes. Clarity J'ope. of Heaver City was mar rriea on the 2tli ( to MI * Laura Mowbny of Oxford. Jlev. T ? V. JoJmton , of North Platte IMS acut d toffc waWan olugant ea y chair , tJiJttJft of lib Ijble claw. Mr , WJujBlicnt/pf North 1'lattf.fwa t , ' cnned by hit friends on tlio evening of the 31st , the fiftieth Anniversary of his birth , .T. S. Bennett and Mlm Caroline Onto * , of Teeumpoh , wore launched on the in&tri- peMon the 30th ult. Mutton Clark nnd wife were installed in their homo by ft large party of friends on the 28th. A Urge number of useful gifts were received. The voting people of Mlllnrd , ami fovernl from Pappllion tnd Omaha , danced "all night till broad ilnylighl" nt tlio resi dence of Horace Hollenbtck , recently. Johnny Hnrriion , of ClenrCreelr , Snun. ders county , has become tired of HI-ing nlone nnd luw tnlten unto himself a wlfo in the person of Miss Blunt. The marriage of Hnrry I ) . Hall and MisiMimaJ. Jtnndali wa * tha occn loa of agrand celobrntmnut Otis , The bridal gilts H era unusually numerous mid elegant. Joseph 1' . Jvclsov , of Dakota county , wmi married on tha 28lh ult , to Miss MolUe Henry , daughter pf Dr. Henry , tbe physician nt the WitmclTago nnd Ciiinba ngcncles. IJoyd W. AVilllntnn , of SJieltnn , Hod to Mi Homo Nutter of Gibbon on tlio 'JStli. At tbe same titno nnd place Oeo. W. Parker nnd Miss i'aunio JL'itehercro made ono. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. 11. Phillips , of Sownrd county , colebralcd tbo twentieth nnnivcr- B.iry of their marriage oti the 20th. A largo party of frlomU ntormcd their homo mm made the event a joyful nnd inctiior * nblc one. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ifenry Jocnka. nf Tecum- soli , celebrated their nilvcr wcddin < on tbo 27tli , on whieb occasion they were tho're cipients of many valuable nnd appropri- nte presents. llov. 0. Dudleigh , the pn tor of tlio M. E. church nt Wood Klver , hai taken nhcl > - meet , onn of the belles nf the neighboring towu of Gibbon , Mlns Ada D. lillis. The hnpljy event touk place on the 28th ult , Lc.imlcr Pnyno nnd Miss Mary 8. Camp bell were married nt Wymour on the 4th. A largo number of guests were present nnd tuo occasion wus oioof highest en joyment to all. The gifts presented to bride were muny acu elegant. Eld. Andrew J. Cudnoy , of Sehuylor , wft married to Miss Aniilo E. Itoyd of Fremont , on the evening of April 4tli. Kid. Cudnoy is a minister of tha Seventh Day Advcmist denomination , nnd ia very highly esteemed by liU people. Mies An- tiio LJ > yd ia n graduate of tlio BixUlo Creek College , at 13attlo Creek. Mich , , nnd has been engaged for HOIDO time iu teaching ia this Stato. G rnfttm was ehnlccn up by n Racial earth quake last week. Dr. JJafinrd , a distin guished leader of the bachelors , wns cap- turo'l ' by Miss Lor.i A. HcnberBon , of Crown 1'olnt , 11K , wbo was visiting her sinter in tlio neighborhood. The ceramouy took pUce on tlio afternoon of tbo 4th. A largo concourse of friends wuro present to bidthcm God speed , nnd tender tboiu sub- stantinl uvidoncoa of esteem , Mr. nnd Mr * , liallatd spent a day or two in Omaha on tlieir wny east. Tliey will rustionto nt tbo homo of tbe brido'n parenta at Crown Point , n fexr lulled from Chicago , Educational I tains. North Bend has 203 children of achool nge. nge.Fremont Fremont hni 1,002 school children ; Blair Tekninah will build another Bcbool this summer. York' * school opened with an attend ance of 315 , KxotorhaH 114 children of school ngo , not enough to entitle it to a school board. Dakota City lias levied a tax of 12 mills io run schools uevou out of the twelve monthi , Graf ton will have nlno months Bchool the coining year. The new school house will be completed in May. Wyrcoro hag 375 children of school uge. Tbe population increased 260 iu January and i'obruary. A nw fifteen hundred dollar school liouso Is to beerocted immediately at Clear Creek , Saundorn county. Mrs. lloag , a candidate for a place on the Wymoro school biurd , was defeated by twovoteu. Tlie sulferlng Biutots desertej he . i ' -i Tha census of PJattsmoutli , just taken , shows n total of 1,480 children of school ago 720 innlos nnd 751 females. The girls ns usual get n wny with the boys. Central City lias 278 children enrolled n her school * , an increase of S3 over last , , -ear. The value of school property in the district is 5100,000. Tbo Stito Teachers' nssoolntion mooting it Crete wns a tlecldod success. A very arge number of teachers wore present and , he excrciic.i were very iutorcstiug. The district meeting nt PapilHon was a quiet nffalr. John Schnnb wns re-elected .reasurcr. A tax of 8 mllla wns voted for ; ho coinins yonr. Thr < jo teachers are em- [ iloycd. Iho oxponnej of last year were 31,100.75 ; estimated expenses of the com- year , $2,220. Tbo Wymoro school board Ima levied a tax of 25 mllla for school purposes 10 for teachers' wages. 10 far the contiugent fund and five mills for building purpose , Tne schools hnvolcupt pace with the remarkably rapid growth of the town. The expenses last year were $731,20. Bholtomlcs wo wrestling with the ques- lion , ' How will the puoplti bo able to build a now school. " The rnpid increase of Bchool children and the limited facilities for touching , forces the qucstiou into im- tncdinto prominence. Tuo y"tng ! of BUfli- .clout bonds is out of the intention , Ai , the annual echool meeting at the school house , nt Alexandria ou the 3rd , Isaac Selleg wns re-elected district treaa- ur r for three yearj ensuing. A tax of 8 mills was voted for teachers fund , 8 mills for bond fund and 4 mills for contingent fund , making in all 20 mills on the dollar. It was also voted to have 8 months school during the coming school yenr. [ Nowa. 'lokaumh's levy for school purnoiei amounts to 25 uitlla 13 for teacb r ' wnges , 0 for buildings , nud 4 for inciden tals. Tlio new school board in composed of active bueinent ) men. who will push tha interests of oducatlou fully up to the needs of thu town , A now 85,000 school wan de cided upon. Prof. Livingstone's labors were highly complimented. The annual review nnd examination of the Falls Cltv schools recently was the most thorough nnd satisfactory in their history. The Journal speaks highly of the work of the teachers and clones with these words : " 1'he people of Polls City IIAVO reason to bo proud of their school * , aud * hould cordially support Prof. Itlch ia his efforts to keep thum up ti the hiub standurl they have nttnlned under the management of him nud his nblo anoint- nts. " Trof. llubboll , in hia address nt the slate teachers' meotinff , pointed out the im portant duties of parent ! iu educating their children ) lOne way tn help a teacher is to Bpuaktt good word for him. Many appear to rejoloo in the failure of a teichor. He worltii linnl to succeed } say a good won ! forjilm , In the higher grade * , when Jtudy must be done at home , parents cau help the teachsr by enterlu < into Hym- pathy with the plan of dtutly. Where Uaucltiff parties and kindred amusements occupy ovcniuits which should bo given to stuUy , Ihcro will not bo much progress. Another way to liclp the teacher U to hnvenu oversight of children's rending. Uoys who rcaa clime novels and The Police Uarotte uill not do much eolld work etudylmr. Parents cau co-operate ly see- " "that the teuclier bud fair wage * for his Mattora. | The arethodbU of Ncllgh will Lulld at an early day. churcu at NI ° - ar ° i Tllei 9rmu Methotihts of Fremont d dded to build n par ouage. A muting of thd prcsbykry ot the Omnlm dMrict will bo hold nt Oakland on the 18th of April. The United Brethren ccpfer nce fit Kino Valley ) n > t wrck was nil Important nnd fmcc'-Bsfnl gntho Ing. Jlov. K. J. KoMn-ton labored for neveral cflcR in Louisville. Cue * county and con verted twenty , limiting n total of fifty member * . K even conversion * were made at Grand Prairie. A convention of tnlnl'tcra of nil dctom- Irmlioru in the fltnto of N brinka i * called to meet at Lincoln on Mar Oth nnd 10th , 1R82 , for the imrpoi-o rf uniting the roll- -join IntcrentK in ilio cauio of tcnip rancn , nnd to fyhtcmize thtlr worV , etc. The fol- InwlnR ni'ing other siibj cti have been st-lecti-d for tlleciisfion ; 1 , Cnn homo edit cation be complete , unlcfH the lirinclplc * of totil nbilinoncc from all Intoxicating drinks nro Inculcated ? 2. Tlio relation nnd renponilbility "f our educational iu- Rtltntiotm to the tcmpcr.inco cau ej 3. The place the teinnernnca question ought to occupy In our Sunday tchoolj . The ren- tlon of the churches to the temperance cause , nnd what lias the utato a right to expect from them ? 1'rollt , G1VUU. "To sum it up , six long years of bed-ridden sickness , costing $200 per year , totnl 81,200 all of this expense was stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters , taken by my wife. She has done her own housework for a year since , without the loss of a day , nnd I want everybody to know it , for their benefit. N. E. Farmer. A Stranpco Duel. Jan 1'ranclsco Chronlcio. A ntrango story of a duel comca 'roni Poland. A short time ago two founij fellows , journeymen bronzo- imiths , wore sitting in a small Wariuw ; afo , playing doinitiooa. A glass half "ull of liquor stood on the table bo- .woon thorn , and ono or two of their 'ollow workmen were Iboking on at the gatno with eviJont interest. There was little in the appearance of the group to attract especial attention itill less to BUggcst the improbable lotion that the four youths composing it were two duoliats and their seconds , or that the stake of the domino match was n human lifo. Presently , however ho game having comoto a conclusion , iho younger of the two players , n lad of 1C , named Stanislas Julian , lifted the glass to hia lipa and drank of iti jontcnts at a draught. Five minutes ater ho was a corpse. The wretched soys had quarrelled and agreed to fight a duel in such sort that the death of ono or the other must ensue , [ laving placed themselves in the Imncla of two seconds , these latter ar ranged that their principals should play a "sot" of three games of domin oes , upon the solemn understanding that the Inner should swallow a dose of the deadliest poison procurable This hideous compact wao carried out to the letter , nor did any of the sur viving persons concerned in it , when interrogated by the police authorities buforo whom they were subsequently brought , betray tno least remorse for their share in the ghastly transaction. Julian's adversary , indeed , boldly avowed that , had ho lost the match , ho would have fulfilled his pledge to drink the poison as faithfully as had his dead antagonist ; and the seconds protested that they had only "done their duty in seeing the duel fairly fought out according to the condition ! settled beforehand " For Gelds , Sore Throat , Asthma , Catarrh , and other diseases of the bronchial tubes , no moro useful article can be found than the well known "Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Table Etiquette. Lmmle Boomerang. It has been stated , and very truly , too , that the law of the napkin is but vaguely understood. It may bo said , however , on the start that custom and good brooding have uttered the de cree that it is in poor taste to put the napkin in the pocket and carry it away. The rule of etiquette is becoming moro and moro thoroughly established that the napkin should bo loft at the house of the host or hostess after din ner. ner.Thoro There has been a good deal of dis cussion , also , upon the matter of fold ing the napkin after dinner , and whether it should bo eo disposed of or negligently tossed into the gravy-boat. If , however , it can bo folded easily , and without attracting too much at tention and prolonging the session foe BBVorul hours , it should bo BO arranged and placed beside the plate , whore it may bo easily found by the hostess , and returned to her neighbor from whom oho borrowed it for the occa sion. If , however , the lady of the house is not doing her own work , the napkin may bo carefully jammed into a globular wad and fired under the table , to convoy the idea of utter recklessness and pampered abandon. The use of the finger bowl is also a subject of much importance to the ban ton guest who gorged himself at the expense of his frion ta. The custom of drinking out of the finger bowl , though not entirely obso lete , has boon limited to the extent that good breeding does not now per mit the guest to quail' the water from his finger bowl unless ho does BO prior to using it as a finger bowl. Thus it will bo seen that social cus toms are slowly but surely cutting down and circumscribing the rights and privileges of the masses. At the court of Eugenie the cus toms of the table were very rigid , and the most prominent Rticst of II. 11. H. was liable to got the G. B. if he spread his napkin on his lap and cut his egg in two with a carving knife. The cus tom was that the napkin should bo hung on one knee and the egg busted at the big end and scooped out with n Bpnon.1 A prominent American nt her table ono day. in an unguarded moment , shattered the shell ofa soft boiled egg with his knife , and while prying It apart , both thumbs were erroneously jammed Into the true inwardness of the fruit with so muck momentum that the juice took him in the eye , thus blinding him and maddening him to aucli a degree that ho got up and throw the remnants into the bosom of the hired man plenipotentiary , who stood near the table scratching his ear with a tray. Aa may readily bo supposed , there was a painful interim , during which it was hard to tell for five or alz minutes whether the prom inent American or the hired man would come out on top , but at lost the American with the egg in his eye got thu ear of the high priced hired man In among his back teeth , and the honor of our beloved flag was vindi cated. Free of Ohargo. All persons MifferinR fromotitrh < ' , Coldii,0 Asthma , Bronchllic , Low f V. Ice , or any affection of the Throat nnd Lungs , arc re to call at Schroter & BwhlV drnif Btcre nnd get ft Trinl Hottlo of Dr. KIng' Discovery for Con umptlon , frco of churce , which will convince them of Its wondeiful meriU and show what regular dollar-niro bottle will do. Cnll eirly. For a quarter of century or moro Hostottot'a Stomich Ittcru has been tlio rclgnlnc tjwclflc lor ln < llccstiondjf | > qnli , Icrcr and ague , lo of phyrirnittatrinn liver complaint and other dl * > r aern.'Mid him been most emphatically Indorxxl by n-eillcal men M a health atd strength rotor atlre , It counteracts a tendency to premature decay'nnd gustaii.s and comtortg the aged and infirm. For ealo by all drugirlsti and dealers generally al to ml DRAY'S SPECIFIC MTJJICINE TRADE MARK ajr THIJJBISAIIK eily. Anun- telllnif , cure ( or Bcmlnal Weakness , Spermator- rhc& , Impotency - ency , and all DlMCUcsthat' . of AFTER TARIHQ. Solf-Abtiso ; as LO-J otllcmdry , Universal Lassi tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness ol Vision , Premature - mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Coiimimptlon and a Prema ture Grave. X3TFull particulars In our pamuhlet , which wo dcelro to eoml ( rco I r malt to everyone. jtHTTbo Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at $1 per package , or Opackiscca for 65 , or will be sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , by addressing TI1EGUA JEDICINE CO. , Buffalo. N. Y. oraaler octtno-eod MAIL LETTINGS. NOTICE TO OONTRAOTOR3. rosTorncu Dr.rAninENT > , D. 0 , JlarcJi 10 , 18S2. f Proposals will bo received at the Contract Ollk-o of this department until 3 ] > . in. , of April 0 , 1882 , for carrying mall cf thn United States , pou iiicuienjror nnJ transfer riuto in the City of Omana , State ol Ncnraska. from July 1 , 133' , of Juno SO , 1880. Advertisement of route , In- ttructlons to bidden , and all other necessary In formation will bo'fumlshod upon application to the postmaster at Omaha , or the Second Assist antPcitmaster General. _ T. A' HOWE , Poitmagtcr General. MarlEmSo ivSatOt. CRAIG'S OITY GREEN HOUSE Is DOW open to the publio with a full supply o Cut Flowers and Plants For Bale. . Wo will be glad to bare tbe public all and ice us , Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Green House , 8. W. Cor 17th and Web- itcr , coo block from 10th street cars. Nursery. 23a tr ct pt > p < j lU Foil. Ju. Y. Crater , florist -W < I labkxinainumnor. Y FebS-flm. S. KALISH , THE STAR TAILOR. 1 Door W , of Orrackshank's , Has now n flno complete Stock of Spring Good i consisting ot French , English and the best Do mcstics. Prices low or the low eft. inlilv DexterL-ThomasMro. WILL BUY AND SELL ASD ALIi lOAMBAOTIOa OOKSIOTXD Tnianwiin. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc , llf TOO WAST TO BUT OR BRU. V 0 ' Ollc * Boom 8 , Crel/h'OD tu trk.'Ojmhi. H. M NNWEILEK 3Eg , j:3C : ] S.O A.JJ Emplopent Agent Railroad Ontflt on Short Notice. llth St. , Near Farnham. ml-eod-t d. L. WILKIE , HANUPACTUREIl OP PAPER BOXES. and 220 8.14th St. - TUUDBt- d. P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW UO dDuth Thirteenth Utreet , with Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodge 8U. , Omaha , Neb , This ( joncy does BTBiorw * brokerage huaiocM. Dounteiniculatg and therefore ny bargains oooli M - iDBiirid to . Instead THE KENDALL PLAITING liOHUE I DRESS-MAKERS' UOHPAHIOH , It plnitd irooi 1-lflol n n inch to width in the coiriest folUi or Dnebt si ki It does all kinds ftod tylet ol | lilting In UB . No lady that does her own drewi-iuaklni ; can aBord to do without onc-M nice I'laltlngU _ novcr out of fishion , 11 neeti It nll itself. For Uachluea , Circulars or AK nV tsrms addrw CONGAB & CO , , 118 A-dnmsSt. Chlcapo 111. ajiiti rrnTniaiiif IMPERISEABIE PEJBFUM& Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATEB. Pest for TOILET. BATH ? nd HANDKERCHIEF. yon suffer from DiFpcpali , use llUUDOCiLOOD DITTERS. If you are afnlctail w Itli Wllousncw , na BUIIDOCK iJLooi ) iinrnns t you are prostrated w 1th tick Heri'lachc , Uko HUllDOCK BLOOD DlTTnUS ( your Howcta arc dlwrdcrcd , rcpil.ite them with IlUrtUOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ( your Blood Is mpurr , purify It n 1th BURDOCK BLOOD BlTTEnS. ( youhare Indigestion , 3011 nlll Imdan anttdoto n BURDOCK BLOOD B1TTEK3. t rou are troubled with Spring ComplalnU , cr- adlcato them with BURDOCK BLOOD BlTTEnS. ( j-our Llrerls torpid , restore It to liwiltliyoctlon with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEU8 ( your Llvor li nfTcctcd , you will find a sure ro- tomtlroln BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. f you have ttnj epeclcs of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BURDOCK IILOOD BITTERS. 1 you hao any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will be found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Imparting strength and vitality to the J-B. -cm , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the y Um with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , l.00j > ei Bottle ; Trial Bottle ! 10 Ct * FOSTER , MftBURH , & Oo , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Bold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-rae The Great English Remedy .Never . falls to cuie Nervous Debility. Vi tal Exhaustion , Emis sions , Seminal Wcak- nen'cs-TjOSTMAN- IHOOD , and all the evil effects of youth ful tollies and execs- ! < C3. It stops perma nently all weakening. iru oluntary loss , s and drains upon the Bys- tern , the Inevitable re- , suit of these ovilnrac- „ „ tlccs , which nro BO destructive to mind and body and maUe life miserable , often Icadlnp to Insani ty ard death It strengthens the Ncrvcs.Braln , ( memory ( Blood , Sluscles , Plsegtivo and Repro ductive Ore ms , It restores tt all the oreanlc functions their former vigor and vitality , maKing - King life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , S3 a bottle , or four times the quantity 810. Sent by express , secure from observation , to anyaddresd , on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except on receipt of $1 as A guarantee. Letters re questing answers must inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills are tt j beat and cheapest dyspepsia and blllloua euro I. . ! the market. Sold by all druf gists. Prlco 0 cents. Da Urarni'8 KJDNKT REMRDT , Cures til kind of Kidney and bladder coraplalnto , gonorrhea , clcet and leucorrhca. For ealo Dy all daugglsts : 1 a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale in Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. Jan25-lr _ TRUTH ATTESTED. SoraBlmportantStatemoxU of Wei Known People TO holly Verified. In order that the public may fully realize the genuineness of tbo statements , M well as the power and value of the article of which they epoak , wo publish horawith the fac-elmile Blgn - turci ol pirtlei whose sincerity Is beyond quea tlon. The Truth of these testimonials Is abso lute , nor can the facta they announce bo norod OUADA , NEB. , May 24 , 1881 n , II , WiRNr.a & Co. : DXAR SIK : I have frequently used Warners Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure .or local affections attendant upon severe rheumatic attacks , ' and bavealnaya derived bencUt therefrom. I have also used the Sato Nervinevlth satisfactory re sults. I consider these medicines worthy of confldeucn Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , NKB , May 21 , U81 II. IT WARMIR & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. : GRSIS : I hav nw ( your Safe Kidney and Lhci Cure thla spring as a lor Invlgorator , and 1 find It the best remedy I over tried. I have used 1 bottles , and It haa made mo feel better than ever I did bcf ere in the spring. U. P. B. Shops. OMAHA , Nan. , May 24,1881. H. n. WARNBBtCO. : Bins : For more than lo yrars I have suffered much Inconvenience from combined kidney and liver diseases , and have been unable tc work , my urln try orpins also being affected. I tried a great many medicines and doctor * , but I grew worao and uono day by day. I was told I bad Bright's Discano , and I wished myself dead If I could not have speedy relief. I took your Safe Kidney and LHcr Cure , knowing nothing else waa over known to cure tha disease , ana I have not been disappointed. The medicine has cured me , and I am perfeo'ly well to-day , entirely through your Bale Kidney and Liver Cure I with vpu all success in publishing this valuable remedy through thn world U. P.R. n. Shops. of equally Etrong endorsements many ottlicm In ci c < i where hopuuaj abandoned have been vulunturlly given , ( bowing the remarkable power of VTurncr'u fa'o Kidney and Liver Cure , In all dlfica'tscf the Kldnryu , liter or urinary or gans. Jf any ono who read * this haiauyphjg- leal trouble renumber the great remedy. EXOURSiON ! 10- EUR \Jf ( BiU Ar ran god by Hnraugnri Maen- norcbor. C N L Y" $90 , In the [ Cabin for JHouna Trip. From Wow York to Atuwerp nnd Eotuvn. en- York Juno 10 , 1F 2 , on the tha new and tplenidd Mall Steamer liel enland , f TKcturn tickcta peed ono jcar on any of the H l Star Lino. Faro ffom Antwerp to Paris , only $1.60. Ticket ! , 'Prospectus and all Information Onlytobolmdlrom M & , R. UUIiQHCIM , Dooktcllert , 104 Vine Street , Olnclnnattl.O. The Clncinnatti Humgurl Manner- cuor. upl-mio-cv cut-It w , MUIO. HI. A. o. DOANE& CAMPBELL , At tor neys-'at-Law ' W.D. MILLARD. \ F. B. JOU ON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , OoinmissioE and Iliolesale Fruits , 1111 PARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Baushers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Fldur , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . REFERENCES : OMAIIA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JdllNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. STEELE , & CO , E AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of IANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & SAND POWDER 00 -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 FarnhamjfStreet , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & Ou River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas' Sts. , I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE MILLIMRT AHD BOHDI8 , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stook very nearly Complete HENRY LEHMAOT JOBBER OF AND 108 FARM AM ST. OMAHA. . J. A.TraOLESALE TraOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER IH Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS.OILIME , CEMENT /WBTATB / AGKNI FOB BftWAUKKK CK1IKNT COUPANY1 Near Union Pacific' Depot , - - OMAHAWEE -WHOLESALE- BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St , Omaha Neh. Hair Goods , Notions , Ladies' FurnisMn ? Boofls. Ulsters , Circulars , and Suits , o rr 3r 3E3iKrof3SE JSIG HOUSE. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. Fine Watches and Clocks. Pianos , the Stock and others. Diamonds at Importers' Tricon. Organs , Whitney & Holmes. Jewelry , most Artistic Styles. Music hooks , Sheet Music. Silverware , an Elegant Stock. Accordinns , Violins. Spectacles , Eye Glasses , iSo , Flutes and Fifes , Guitars. Opera Glasses , Ohnico Assortment. Muaio Uoxes , Harmonicas. EngravinK , in Best Stylco. Violin Strings , Guitar Strings , &c , Fine RopairiiiL' n Specialty. Inducements Superior to others. Plain Fiures. Our Motto , "Plain Figures. " ot STYLES advertisements we politely re < tVAa wo copy none our competitors or qutut a return of th * outnpllnicnt. Otora Houge , Block , ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. - ' * } - tuestwt