THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : SATUKDAY , APEiL 8 i88 fflE DAILY BEE OMAHA. Saturday Morninir April 8. TVenthor Report * ( Tha following observations are taken ft ths naino moment cf time nt nil the stv Horw named. ) WlK DRPAKtUKXT , U. 8 , SlOIAt. SlRTICt , 1 OxiIU , April 7 , 18S2. (1:46 ( : p. ra.J River Gfeet 9 lnchcabov high water mark a 0 maha and 0 ( cat 7 at VinVton , LOCAL. BBHVITIEtt. Tlio district court han adjourned elite die. Tlio Pleasant Hours club will give a reception to its treasurer on next Friday evening. The funeral ol Mr. Julius Trclt Hclike's litllo daughter will take place nt 2 y. m. on Sunday. Mcasrs. Knight and Qulnn gave bal yesterday for their npi > caranco at the jjcxt tcrni of the dUtrl court. Sixteen car * of tea , China goods am Kllk , were brought in over the Union Pa elfto Thurrd y ami were uliipjicd out ovc the 0. , B. & Q. A uew saloon ii nhnrlly to bo Btiutci on Fifteenth streo * . by a wholesale llquoi < Taalor and ona of the most popular bat tenders in the city. It is believed that the second story ol the new Omaha 'National bank building will bo secured by tha Western Union as telegraph headquarters. The Teamsters' Union will hold a mcetfaff Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at Bohemian Hall , on 13th street. By order o M. .T. Melit , President. The regular quarterly meeting of the Omaha City tnlsnlon will bo held nt tu mission building on Tenth street , on Sat urday ovcnlni' , April 8th , at 7 rmock. The Binall pax scare U not yet ovtr 'Die red flog vras yesterday hung out a1 the residence of a colored family nrtmoc Nelson , corner of Eleventh snd Capito UTtnuc. The remains of Alonzo Gunn , whc died of small pox a few nights ago on Twenty-fifth and Davenport streets , hare J > ccn transferred from the Douglas county cemetery to Prospect Hill. The brick-work on the Paxton hole was completed Thursday and the bulldlnc entirely enclosed. A. It Allen , of St % Joe , has the contract to finish the carpen ter work of the three lower storUn foi S20.000 , The St. George's noeioty will meet at Kuony'a ball , Houthweit corner Four teenth and Dodge , at 8 o'clock this even- in R. The preiident will deliver n lecture on the life of .St. George. All members nro requested to be present. Willie Newman and Ohas. Martin , two colored ladn , wore caught by Officer O'Donohue in the act of steal ing lumber on North Sixteenth street. The proof yesterday was not deemed suffi cient to convict them nnd the case was continued. Mlas Lucia Kfmball will give a free temperance lecture Tuesday , nt 3 p. in. and 7:30 : p. m. , at the Baptlut church. Miss Kimball comes highly recommended by Mtis Frances Willard , us n fine speaker and educator. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to bo present. Bishop Clarkson will' hold confirma tion services in Trinity cathedral , on Kaster Sunday morning ; in St. Barnabas church on Easter Sunday night ; in Nor folk Kaster Monday night ; InOakdaloon Tuesday night , April llth , and in Noligh on Wednesday night , April 12th. "Sandy1 Forbes called at TIIK office yesterday and denied the state ment made by The Republican to the ofTact that the thumping lie ( Forbes ) gave Italnton was at the Instigation of Man ager Jack Nugent of the St. Klmo theater. Korbea plead guilty to the charge of fight ing and paid his fine and costs , and feels hat he had his money's worth. In the month of February there were 88 railroad accidents in the United Statoi , * Idlllnff S3 persons and injuring CO. Thr o- tour tha of the whole number of Casualties were among employes of the railroads , only iJx of the killed and 17 of the injured being passengers. Twenty of the acci dents are unexplatnable. There were 32 collisions and 52 derailments of all sorts , Two were maliciously caused , one by mliplaciug a switch , and the other by placing an obstruction. on the track , The who win ? I * remarkably favorable one for February , but largely duo to the open weather. The grandest military display and Hpecta'Milar drama over seen on an Omaha httge will bo given at the open house to- Jills orenlng In the final rendition of tlio Union Spy. The battalion of regulars from Fort OrnaU * will come down in their full new uniform just iisued , with the new regulation helmets , etc , The splendid band of the Ninth infantry will accom pany them. This will be the last chance to witness this magnificent play , and Col , Tcmplo and his caste ate sure to receive an ovation at both matinee and evening per formance. The gorge which formed above Bis marck and caused the water to fill 30 rap idly as to catch on the boats at the Bis marck levee on the bank , let KO , raising the river six feet In within a couple of hours and floating the boats again. The river at Steiuon fell five feet Wednesday , and two feet at Buford. A party of men were caught in a tiatboat by the sudden rfno at the fourth pier of the bridge , They ascended to the top of the pier , where they remained all day in the rain and cold Wind. Not a dollar * * worth of damage has bean sustained by the boats at BUmarck during the emauh-up in the rlrtr this epring. CANING WALSH. The President of the Labo Union Surprised by Hi3 Friends. Pleasant Event nt the Ratifica tion Meeting last Night. Interesting'Spoochos by Various Par tics. Pursuant to a call published in Tim BEE last Droning tlioro wan a mac mooting of workingmen nt Turno ll.-ill to ratify the election of Tuesday The mooting was cnllod to order by President Walsh who announced the object to bo a glorification ever the victory of the recent election , Ho then introduced MR. c. c. TIIRANP. the councilman-elect from the Firs ward. Air. Thrano in ado a short bu earnest epcoch , thanking the poopl not only for what they had done fo him , but for what they had done fo themselves. IIo congratulated them upon having won a victory oror th enemy , not by force but by the ballo which was the proper remedy for tlio people. IIo promised to survp them m the council to the boat of his nbil ity.Tho The next called upon was Mil. Kit LF.EDE11 , councilman elect from the Fifth ward Mr. Loader said whether it rains o storma it seems that the hoodlums wil turn out. [ Laughter. ] lie had no much to nay , but ho had undorstooc that this mooting was hold to raHfi the election of councilmcn. IIo liopoi that they would Imvo no occasion to regret his election , and ho did no think it was necessary to ratify him- auH ; ho left that for his friends to do. Mr. Loodor then thanked them in c nontfviiy for their help , nod promisee to do what ho could for the workingmen - men to obtain living wages , llu would endeavor to represent them ably in the council. [ Great applause. ] ' Mil. JOHN QUINN was called upon. Ho said ho wns glad of an opportunity to stand buforo them and this red-handed mob af tor a bloodless victory. The political con flict was not of their own seeking. The ohnllongo was thrown down to thorn when the loaders of the two parties foigncd to abandoned their principles only to prevent the people from exorcising their rights as Ameri can citizens. Ho then reviewed the conflict of the past few weeks , and apoko at length of the mistakes which had been made on both sides. On one side the monopoly managers hud made the mistake to imagine thai shyster lawyers and editors should call themselves citizens and win the battle. It was impolitic to ar ray ono class of citizens against another. That they had made another mistake when they undertook to declare that men who are wealthy wcro burn to rule while in this coun try , while another class loss favored hpuld bo only political serfs. Thai this was a country in which master minds would always rise to the top round of the ladder. Among the mis takes made by the workingmen was that of allowing speakers to got on the rostrum and onunci&to principles which they did not endorse but had to bear the odium of. Another mis take was that made by some of their speakers to drag the private affairs of citizens before the public. They had the right to hold public officers responsible for public acts bul thnro wore closets in every household and in many of these closets wore skeletons , and ho hold that it was no business of the public to pry into private affairs. Ho said the workingmen appreciated the fact that there were other interests besides their own and were willing to recog nize this in a proper way. 'IIo alluded to the nbuao of Walsh and the charac ter of those who had boon loud in their cries against him , and said that ho would conclndo by saying that Mr. Walsh was a brick as well as a brick layer. [ Tremendous applause. ] MM. II. llOSEWATEn was next called upon 'and came forward - ward amidst considerable chnorintr. Mr. Rosewater said that his budgol should not bo serious , but a funny ono ; the only serious ono they had was at Hnscall's ratification at the Academy of Music. IIo was willing to adopt the motto of the perform ers that were left at the Acudomy to play to an audience of twenty-five. They had put out a ticket with the motto ' 'In unity there is stre frth , " and this was also his motto. They were there to ratify ono of the most brilliant little cam paigns that over took place in Omaha. It had taught ono lesson to the poo- plo. That is that corporation attor neys cannot bulldoze business people into arraying themselves against other oitiaons whoso interests are identical. They had shown forbear ance nt tlio points of the bayonets , and had subsequently asserted their rights in a manly way at the polls. The bulk of the business men did not turn out on nicotian day. an they did not believe that that their lights were jeopardized by the workingmen , no they either kept away from the polls or voted with thorn , nnd bo it said to their credit that they refused to be dragooned into line by Thurston and Frank Walters. This was only the beginning of the season's campaign Mid. demonstrated ono fact , which bos been spread throughout the state , which wa that the workingmen were in accord with all other classes of ntizens who want to resist the polit ical rule of monopolies. The work , itigmon are beginning to understand tlwt great combinations of capital mean the enslavement of the people. Four or five capitalists meet in Now York and raise the price of every thing that men wear or cat , or they may lower the products of labor at their pleasure , They dictate who is to gov ern and they direct a pretidont whom hey desire to appoint to the cabinet , [ f such things ere permitted to bo the ndopondenco of the American citi. zens would soon bo destroyed. There are some fundamental principles which all must rocogniro , among which nro that all men are born equal. Some of the greatest moi this country has over produced were born in the coltngo and on the farm Andrew Johnson wns a tailor , who did not know how to write until hia wife taught him , and still his mes sages will compare favorably will those of any of the most loarnet statesmen of this country | Stephen Douplna was a cabinet maker , who worked nt his trade , ant made his way into the highest coun cils of the nation. Ilcnry Wilsor died vice president of the United States , but ho started ns a cobbler , nnd while working at his trade wni acquiring nn education. IIo ranked among the ablest statesmen that this country ever produced. If _ any evidence was wanting that workingmen nro capable of expressing themselves as intelligently and tersely as any lawyer , Mr. Quinn's speech that preceded him afforded ample proof. It would not bo necessary for the workingmen to organize any separata parties if the lessons taught this spring will bo carried out by the ex isting parties and men are nominated who represent the people instead ol corporations. They will bo able to divide as usual , according to their own political inclination , If the cor porations are going to pack the con ventions and put up their own tools the workingmen will bo compelled to resort to independent action and there is no doubt they will bo successful. In conclusion , ho expressed the wish thai when they mot again the united mechanics would bo unitoc with all the other elements of labor. [ Loud and prolonged cheering. ] A PRESENTATION1. President Walsh was about to ad journ the mcolinrr. when ho was in terrupted by Mr. Con way , who stopped in from the wings carrying ir his hand n massive and beautiful golc headed , cano. Addressing Mr. Walsh ho Raid : Worthy president : "I am com missioned by the Omaha Laborer's Protective union to express to yet the nontimont of profound esteem and confidence , which they hold toward you , and have tha honor in their name to ask that you will accept this slight , but enduring testimonial , oi the affection and respect of your com rades in labor. [ Applause. ] Wo have passed honorably and tri umphantly through no ordinary crisis and ordeal. You have borne the colors of the Labor Union to complete victory and there they will remain as long ns the workingmati has the intelligence to understand his rights , nnd the spirit to maintain them. Your shield , sir , is without stain or reproach. Your honor and integrity is unimponchcd , and the laboring men of Omnhn , upon whoeo broad shoulders the peace and honor of our city repose , bid yon Qed speed , for you hayo boon weighed in the balance nnd been f lithful ever these things. [ Applause. ] May your path in life bo as smooth and straight as the polished cano , arid your character keep as bright and pure as the burnished gold which sur mounts It. May it support you when your de clining years , full of honor and re ward , will have filled the measure of a long and noble public and private career. Whenever you look upon it , it will remind you of the stormy days , in which you bore yourself so gallantly and taught our people that the poet spoke the truth when lie said that "A man's n man for f , ' that , The honest man , though o'er sao poor , Is king o' man for a' that. " [ Loud and continued applause. ] Mr. Walsh endeavored to reply , but was BO overcome with surprise find emotion that ho had td excuse liimsolf , and sat down amid the en thusiastic cheers of the audience. Short speeches were made by Mr. Quinn and Mr. Hosei water , who both Dxprcsscd their gratification at thia linndaomn recognition of the presi dent's services , and took occasion to say some very flattering truths about him. him.Tho The regular mooting on Monday evening was announced to take place at Bohemian hall , and the mooting then adjourned. THE BEK reporter had an opportu nity after adjournment to look at the cano presented to President Walsh and it was ono of the handsomest in Uio city , being of ebony , with a mas sive gold head beautifully chased and engraved , and bearing the inscription , "Presented to Edward Walsh by the Omaha L. P. U. April 7th , 1882. Mr. Walsh will no doubt value it beyond price as his friends value the services ho has ro.idorod them at such a sacrifice to himself. Official Notice. Col. A. 0. Dawcs , Superintendent Iloldrogo , Division Superintendent Winton , G. T , A. Eustis and other oflioiali , after consultation yesterday mad * > the following official announce ment : On and after Monday , April 10th , all trains ever the K. 0. , St. Joe & 0. U. R. II. for * St. Joseph , Atchison , Loavonworth , Kansas City and all points south , east nnd west via Atohi- son , Topeka & Santa Fo and South- L'acifio railroads , will arrive at and eave from Omaha direct , without rnnafer They will arrive at and leave from the B. & M. passenger depot , running via PlnUsmouth through without change , by this means making an lour shelter time to all points on heir road than heretofore. Trains rill leave the B. & M. passenger depot , Omaha , at 8:30 : a. in. and 7:45 : ) . m. , and arrive at 7:35 : n. in. and 1:45 : p , m. Tickets on sale at company's office , 1020 Farnam otroot , and at B. & M. depot. Baggage will bo chocked through to all points. DOMT DIU IN THE HOUSK. "Hough on Rats" clears out rats , mice , caches , bedbugs , flics , ants , moles , chip munks , gopbeie , ICo. Boao Ball. The ninoj solootod to play in the natch game in Lakes addition to-day will bo found pretty evenly balanced. The players are as follows : Brandt , catcher ; Crosby , pitcher ; foreman , jlrst base ; Neville , second base ; Monroe , third base } Saxo , abort top ; Housoworth , left field ; Good- nan , center fieldj Fairfield right. Bandlo , catcher ; Durkot , , pitcher ; Seymour , first base ; Funkhousor , second end base ; Bnnt , third base ; Nnsh short atop ; Ross , loft field ; Smith center field ; Lyndon , right field. The services of Mr. Charles Grit weld , ono of New York's finest nun tuor ball players , have been securot as umpire , which nlono would insure nn interesting game. Game to bo called by Mr. Griswold , who is promptness personified , nt half past two precisely. 'THE UNI ON SPY. " The Public Clamor For Another Sight of the OroatDrnma. It Will bo Repeated. "Tlio Union Spy , " which was pro duced at the opera house three nights of lost week , will bo repeated this afternoon in matinee and this ovoning. This will bo gratifying notra to the public who are anxious to see the Grand Army receive an ova tion on this occasion. The following correspondence will explain itself : OMAHA , April C , 1881. To Frank M. Moore , Commander Geo. A. Ouster Post G. A. Jl. , and Col. Temple : GENTLEMEN We , the undersigned , most respectfully request that you reproduce - produce the "Union Spy" once more before Col. Temple leaves the city , as wo can bespeak for you a full house , as many of our people have not had the opportunity to see the beautiful military drama. ( Signed ) Judge Jus. W. Savngo , E. F. Smytho , Wm. H Adams , Geo. E. Lake , Henry Grebe , Edwin II. Crow- oil , Judge Bencko , F. J , McShano , J. E. Blake , Wm. Heins , W. Bennett , 0. B. Maxwell , J. 0. Cowin , Ed. Gorman , C. S. Chase , JV. J. Burnlmm J. N. Ferguson , Wm. Coburn , J. II. Butler , A. H. Bradford , II. B. Nic- odemus , F. P. Gridloy , D. N. Miller , J. P. Effing , J. J. Galligan , J. 'Tea- lion , L. Drake , 0. II. Bullou. OMAHA , April C , 1882. Hon. Judge SavageCol. SmythoGon. J. C. Go win and others : GENTLEMEN : Having received your communication in recrnrd to the re production of the "Union Spy" at Boyd's opera house at an early date. I am pleased to announce that I have consulted with Col. Temple and the "Union Spy" cast , and they have consented to put it on the stage Sat urday afternoon and evening , April 8th. Thanking you for your appreci ation of our own feeble efforts , I sub * scribe myself. FnANK M. MOOUE , Cera. Geo. A. Ouster. Post JSo. 1 , G. A. II. POISONED. Willlo Klngsloy's Experience With Wild Ivy. On Saturday last Willie Kingsloy , on of Mrs. Ellen Kingsloy , who re sides on Thirteenth and Jones , went down the river about six miles and crossed over to the Iowa side to boo an older brother who is engaged at the fnw mill at that point getting 6ut timber trees. Willie is nbouiMhirtcon years old and a a printer by tiide , having worked of late for Mr. Mortiilmr. On Monday morning hi got up to go to work but found ono of his eyes swollen shut and his face in bad shcoo generally. Dr. . Purcell woa sent for and at first supposed it to be erysipelas but soon discovered ns the swelling -spread that it wns poison , and learning of the patient's trip know it came from wild ivy. The whole body was attacked severely , but that gradually loft , and now the little follow'a face is in the worst con dition , being ono mass of' running sores. For several days his life was feared for , but this morning the re sults of the doctors' treatment bid fair to bo favorable , and the boy will doubtless recover. It is as bad a case of poisoning as has ever boon soon in this locality. Captain Noligh Explains. To the Editor of The Dee : OMAHA , April 7. In THE BEE of last evening , under the head of "Heavy Hoscallity , " in an article re ferring to the alleged contest of the election of Mr. Bohm ns alderman of the Second word , by Mr. Huscall , the following paragraph appears : "Tho case in favor of the contestant is being worked up by Frank Walters ind J. J. Noligh , and us usual the legal counsel employed is the same as found on the pay roll of the railroad corporations. " In justice to myself , I cannot leave the statement hi the extract , as re gards mo , go uncontradistod. I have not boon spoken to in the matter of working up the case of the contestant , and consequently could not bo , nor nm I engaged in , the work. Mr. Behtn is an old friend of mine , for whom I entertain the highest respect , ind to whom I would dislike greatly to do anything of the nature of an in jury. I fear that your information must have come from somebody in terested in the promises , and who has nn ax to grind. lloBpnet fully , J. J. Njaiaii , Omaha PostofiQco , The business of the Omaha post- ofllco for the month of March was the argcst of any corresponding period in ts history. The following is a state ment of what has boon delivered by carriers only , and does not include nail delivered through boxes and the general delivery ; Jarriera employed . 10 U'fbtercd letters delivered . 1,098 Uull letters delivered . 120,042 Mall postal cards delivered , . 23,412 fwoial letters delivered , . 12,586 [ jocal postal cards delivered , . . . , . . 9,042 S'ewipapen ) , etc. , delivered . 03,8'Jrt Otters collected * . , . 43,260 L'ostal cards collected . . . . 20,398 S'ewspapera , etc. , collected . 'J'MO Everybody who contemplates pur chasing FUIINITUKK will find it to their own interest to inspect the im- nenso stock at the store of CIIAB , iSuivKiiiCK , who unquestionably has ho finest assortment of FuiiNiiauE. etc. , from the best manufacturers and ho newest styles , and ALWAYS MAKES LOWER PRICKS than any other FURNI. 7 trim dealer in Nobaaska. CUAS. SUIVERIOK , 120C , 1108 and 1210 Farnam St. m37-iuon.wedit at-maudo.lmtf POPULAR PIONEERS. Kemnrkablo Success of at Omaha Business Firm. A Splendid Showing1 at Their Thirty tlxth Opening. If any firm in Omaha can justly claim a title to the name of ' 'pioneer' it is that of H. and 0. F. Hickman , who hove recently removed theii famous mihnory headquarters to No 1307 Farnam street , in Central block Starting in in the year 1804 , they have just hold their thirty-sixtl opening , and it mot with n reception and appreciation that amounted to ai ovation. For several nights the store , which occupies the whole three stories of the block , has boon crowdec with visitors , for the magic name i in itself sufficient to draw a crowd a any time , more especially when it is known thatTa full stock has been opened up for the inspection of their patrons. THE CEJJTEIl OK ATTRACTION. Of course the store was put in unu sually fine trim to satisfy the taato o the proprietors and the ndmiratioi of the ladies who ( lock to Htckmans in a body on occasions of this kind. A BEG reporter followed the crowd as it wended its way in and.about tha commodious promises , and it may bo said in general that it was a very beautiful sight , and that the most artistic taste and conscientious sys tem was displayed in the arrangement ot overthing from the richly drcssoc and attractive windows which caught the eyes of all who passed that way , down , everything complete. These wcro so elaborate and perfccl that no ono would interpose an objection tion if they should receive attention prior to the stock. TUB W Sr WINDOW is trimmed with n mammoth horseshoe shoo , formed of butter cups and daisies and festooned with smilax , loud lilies , lilies of the valley and irtificial plants nnd flowers of various amis , the most conspicuous objecl joint ; an enormous sunflower. The window is filled with untrimmed Tuscan hats and bonnets of fancy iraids. THE EAST WINDOW s decorated with a design of hand some dress buttons , forming the letter "V , " with a bock ground of wide 'ancy ribbons of tlio moat stylish uid popular shades of the the day. The base of 'tho window is filled with Duttons , mitts , gloves , hosiery , fans , and parasols. Ono has hardly time , o recover from the effect of these landsome windows when ho or she is ushered into the store , which is laid iff m departments , localized by circu- ur arms trimmed with lace , in which s displayed the goods pertaining to each department , with an embroidered satin banneret attached to each of the arms. THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS comprise the display of ribbons , lace mitts , silk handkerchiefs , fancy linen ind thread gloves. Another section s devoted exclusively to hosiery , a ourth to lace goods , consisting of neckwear ; the next to buttons , and riraming-gimps , with lace edgings and veilings ; corsets and hoopakirts ; mrasols , hand-satchels , pocket-books ind fancy hand-baskets. In still another department are children's ; ooda in lace caps , knit sacks and un derwear , neck-ruchings , hair goods ind perfumeries , domestic patterns , : ephyrs , dam-asses and material per taining to fancy work. On the west side cf this room are millinery goods , intrimmed and trimmed hats and ) onnets , plumes and feathers. On ; ho long coutors in the centre of the room are 'displayed white goods of 'ancy designn , jewelry and fancy nov elties in ornaments and Easter cards , the latter very novel and unique. ON THE SECOND FLOOR. Passing up a broad , carpeted stair way , the ample rooms above are found dovorod to flowers , * ribbons , trim ming , silks , laces , neck wear and nov elties intended for the wholesale trade. Iho only exception is the front part of the room which is aot apart for Mrs. Elickman's specialty in fine millinery. [ n her room the reporter found such an abundance of fine goods that it is mpossiblo to particularize as the dis- > lay must be soon to bo appreciated ! Chis department was crowded with adies having their measures taken and being fitted. In fact in several 'isits to this house of late Mrs. lickman has always been bund busy and the number of adies in her rooms , settles tlio quea- ian of transacting businos in the second story , which many insist can- tot bo made successful. | THE THIRD 1'LOOH s devoted exclusively to untrimmed mta and bonnets in the case , and lore we might say that , although heir room has bocn so much in creased of late , it is already insuffi- slont to accommodate the large stock. Chero is a power of business Iran- lactod in these upper stories , thowing hat people will find out and go to any part of a a building , if there is something there to go for. 1 his is he last evening of THE Ol'ENIKO and as the members nf the firm are al icady busy taking orders , it will bo ho last chance for persons to get a ; oed look at the goods under tha par- loular guidance of the Hickmans , who will still , however , stand ready o welcome all , at all times. Nona ghould fail to attend this evening. Grateful Women. Nona receive so much benefit , and none are so profoundly grateful and ihow such an interest in rucomnend- ng Hop Bitters as women. It is thp only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills the BOX is almost universally ubject to. Chills and fever , indigos- ion or deranged liver , constant or pe- iodical sick headaches , weakness in ho back or kidneys.pam in the ihoul- [ era and different parts of the body , a eeling of lassitude or despondency , all are readily removed by tbeto bit ers. [ Courant. _ Garden and Flower Seed of all kinds at Win. Gentleman's. ap7-2t. ROLLER SKATING Saturday after- i on and night. Ladies admitted ree. PERSONAL. Maj. D. H. Wheeler , of 1'lattsmouth , Is in the city. The celcbratcp brands of 0. K. N < Plus Ultra and Utah Flour , to bo hat at all first class groceries , MlLLARD it JoHX&ON , ap7-3t Wholesale Agents. ATKLNSON'S OPENINO TO NIOHT , Spring Lamb at Harris & Fisher's. HOLLER SKATINO Saturday after noon nnd night. Ladies admitted free. For boots and shoes at Fullriodo's. Now Maple Sugar at French's. Omaha City Mission Notice. For sufliciout reason there will bo no meeting of the Industrial School at Mission Building , corner 10th [ and Capital avenue on Saturday , the 8th inst. , nor of the Sabbath School on the 9th inst. By order of the Presi dent. ALEX. G. CHAULTON , Secretary. RINGER'S OPENING TO-NIGHT. SPECIAL NOTIUES. TO LOAN MCWSi M ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law tlmca ol O. L. Thomiw Room 8 Crolvhton Block. fififiTO W > Af-At 8 per contln- .UUll terest in Bumn.of 82.00 and upwards , for S to fi years , on Bret-class city and larm property. HKKIS Rut , ESIATX nnd LOAM AOKMTT , IMh and Dourlae atn. HELP WANTED. W ANTED Coin > etcntstrl'for general homework work , llu t bu a Rood coolt. Mr < . M. , corner IDtti and 1 lunmworth strict" . 0:9-tf "VXrANTED My n young man a volition ns V V booK-keepor , or cierk , having lud vru-- tlcal experience. Write ) a good hand , Addreia 703 S. IbthsUcct. Ol-ll * WANTKD Employment good book-keeper good salesman , fifteen year * experience In retail trade. Addrisj V n Can this oillcc. C5Z & " ( _ ANTED A-good waiter nt ilirrltt'o Rc7- tnurant , 1007 Farnam st. 700-ld * WANTED Neat house 7 or 8 rooms ( with barn ureferred ) convenient to new Court houjc , lmnll > of four , no Hiuall children. Will Ica'js II tout H recallable. Ap < ) ly to J. * ' . * Coots , .it new Court hou < e. I G03-10 WANTED man aril wife , n situation , man as coachmau , understands linrecs , and wife as hou.-e-kotper. 703-11' ANTED TO RENT A good house in a de W ll able location. II. ( ! . COL , 701-3 It07 Fnrnnui St. ANTED A neat qu'ck ' girl as an a-slst- ant In housenork , 1704 Capital Avenue. rAFTED-Kitchcn girl at 205 S. 9th street. 700-10 r TOUNO MAtfberiran ) wfhora position Xi. a ( arm laborer , or to take care cf horses utnocity. Address Hotel CarU , tlty. GS7-8 A porter nt "O.K. " barber WAN1ED corner 12th and Fainam st. 193-10 WOJIAN WANlED At Omavn Shirt WASH ctory. C07-10 YTrANTED A woman as cook. Apply nt YV 17th it. near .Oodgr , next to Christian Church. 09010 " \T7"ANTED Two gentlemen or mm ana wife YY to take nice large furnished room , wither or without iioard. Good location. Apply to W , thli oillco. 07H-3 A good girl for Rencral house work Inn umall family. C.ill at Atkin son's Millinery store 67G-8 Flrst-claai servant sltl. Apply WANTED to lira. Ed Johnston , St. Mary's ave , between 10th and 20th t , 031-7 Girl to do general housework In WANTED y of two. Inquire at 1723 Doug. us street. 688-8 ANTED Girl for general homework. Ap W ply at JStri.and tit. Mary'd Ai enue. W. "Harney. OSS 12 A good cook at the St. WANTED Hotel , Harney street , woman preferred. G30-7 \TTANTED-Oood filrl at the Western Ilonoc , YY Pierce near 19th st. C02-S' A gtrl Immediately for gcneia WANTKD call at once at the Turner Hall Res urant. Corner 10th and Howard st. b74-tf Three good tuen to work. First WANTFD south ol fair ground * . Tousley Bros. 007-7 A No. 1 brick moulder , one WANTED mould and slap brluk. No other reed apply. CM ! on or address J , P. Flynr , Norlt.r ! ! < eb ap&-CGl-wcd&sai * WANTED By a buttress man from Virginia a situation. Has best of refoiencr. Ad dress J. F. U this office. CI&-7' - about 14 to do light house work , during the day only. Apply at liee oillco. * fl24-tf ANTED Basement In ox , for board. W Other boarders too. 003 N. 17th street. OuOtf ANTED Dining room glrlat.the Cr lghton W Home. 607-tf XH7 ANTED A good girl at corner Hamilton YY and Pier sts. , eblnn'd addition. Beet wages given. 3S-tl WANTED Boarders - . . . at the . _ GarUcld . . IIOCBO , y , corner 14th nnd Jack nn Sts. 414 tt To sell a barber ( hop , good lo cation , good business , satisfactory reasons or selling. Inquire at 117U. 12th ttKut , Omaha Neb. Funding bridge and school bonds. WANTED Clark. BelWtJB. W-if 4 children as bnardcra In a select WANTED , at 19th and California Bt. L. B. I/OOMIS. 767-tf 2 unfurnished rooms for man and WANTED mutt be moderate In price. Ad dress II. , Bee oillco. 297-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. Houao seven rooms , well and FOlUlKNl Inquire at 1221 North lOlli st. * COO-11 RENT Furnished room. 010 19th tit. bet ween California and Wcbiter. 834-t RENT Two good rooms lor rent , corner FOR and Karnam sts. Inqul > e at Nlndel & Krcllo'i Hat ttore. " 07-tl niFRNISHKD Room , with board , ga and 1 } bathroom , nt 1718 Dodge tt. 077-12' TO KENT Corner 10th and Doughs , STABLE nt Newspaper Union I2th and How ard sticets. 031-7 RENT Cottaco house with five room , FOR and outbuildings , well and cisterns , miulro until Saturday , a ; four o'clock at this oillco. 065-7 * RENT T ounlurnlslicdroomiiillaUcfor TO light houie-kcoplng , t 2210 Capitol ate , J. p. ifollowny. 675-11' KKNT Iln.ndsomtlyfuinU.hed front room FOR gentleman , moderate rrnt. References. A ) 1312 Dodge st , lot"ecu 13th and 14th.tosici tos-ici ROOMS For light housekeeping FURNISHED month. 2210 California st OH JtK.vr first floor of a brick tunue In exchange lor a lilies board , 003 uorth 17th trcct. PloJLtantlr located. 021-tf RENT lUndiomely furnlthcd par'or FOR alco\e room , 2013 Oasj tt. tbtl-U ) lt RENT Oliu f urolshod room 1723 Doug Its it C37-4t RENT Bouse barn and S acres of laud FOR 16th and Howard.a Eugene O'NUI 690 t rpo RfNT On large fnrnlslci ) room , with JL board , on first floor , outside emrince. 1S03 California st , c4S-tf 171011 KENT Furnished cott ? , lx rooms. JL1 2ilO California gt. M s. Hall. 621-tt _ fTIUUNISIIfcD KOOM 1O HE A T At 020 St JJ Mary'a Avenue. 4SOtt FOR RENT N. K. } , Pec. C , T. 16 , R. 11 , un- ImproMs ! Dauglna county land. 1 } miles from R. R , elation. Inquire nt 113 Davenport street. 423 tf ' 171011 JU.KT store room in hrlck building , > . JL1 E. corner 18th and Cumlng , 0 , F Good man. 1110 Farnhim St. 203-tf KENT Furntsncu nun mom , N . E. cor. FOR ' . end Jaclnon , M-tf KKN1 1 rmmsouj room * over. ii , FOIl Exchange , N.K. cor. 18th and Dod ; itroot * . 230-tf 770R BENT Nicely furnished roomg with 01 JL1 without board , Reasonable price * . 2011 CauSt. * BALE 7OR SALE JO lot ! near Hanicom Park , nest I.1 of Park A * enue. * 4tO to [ JOOO each. Me- CftgUO Opp. PoStOfllCl ! , 071. tf 011 BALL My. residence at head of St. _ Mary's Avenue with lot 74x140. William McCandllth. C20-7 ° ll SALE Ono home and lot at n bargain house has four rocmi , closet , pant'.v , cis tern Ac. Inquire on premises , no. 122 26th et. Hoggs & Hill's addition. Jlrs. A , L. Ifgron. . OP2-7 * - A largo JIosl r& Datimanniafe , V , B " . M ncw ; AVrAy t Western Newspaper Union 12th and Howard street. 67i-12 I 71011 SALE Three homos no r U. P. depot , ; can remain -n ground , and also top brgy. Enquire nt this cfllco. CGo-tf FOR BALKE'Rlitynvo head of sheep. En. quire at firm o' ' Tom Murray , one mile south ol U. P. depot. 053-lOf FOR SLE A good Horc , dry good" , boots and shO'B , groceries , etc. J. JI. Enter , Oakland , Iowa C5S-10 FOR SALE Cheap ono open bugxy. Fn- qulro of J. K. launders , at lUcrv stable next duor north City lull 'C39-tf . SALE Home nru"t o full loin all ! m- FOP. piotctncnt * nearly no . llcst location In town , only $2000 , half down , bahnco on time If desired. Inquire of 0. Fullmnn tth and Dorcas etrcot. 019 0 * SALIC Hctiso of 4 or fi rooms nnd "cor- FOR tier lot on IDUiand Mason Sl.COO. ilcCAdto opp , loitolllco. BSS-tf ITIURY Thorotiuhbrcd Jersey Hull No. 332 I ; " .M.S. H. R. " , Inner cf prize Ut State Fair. Starda for service vt Ncbnukn Poultry VurdsVoit Omaha. Graham t * . Browne , _ _ _ _ _ _ 585-lm T7IOR SALE 14 lots in N.V. . p rt o ( city on .1 : filthily location. $2CO to ? KO each , on monthly payments. Mcl.'ague , opp. postolllco. _ _ _ _ _ S3t-tf EOR SALE -Ono second-hand 25 horse power engine , good as'o two 8 horse power , and two 15 horse poncr engines , new. Bllcra of nil sei , now. Inquire Omaha Fourdry n Machlno Co.U. P. Ry. bet 17th and ISth omahl _ _ _ _ _ _ 602-lm _ "T71OR SALE House three rooms and'hal f lot.on C P20th street north of Creek , fOOO cath. On month'ypaj ments 81,000. John L. JlcCatue , opposite iwtollicc. _ 33-tf T710R SALE Salooi stocK and fixtures ami K Irase given , seed location. Enquire ol L. II. Spencer , northeast corner llth nnd Harney. . _ 81)1 41-tf fALE Fhoarrcs of land on t-nundoia F10K Sticct , with fine residence , barn and other improvements. Price 82,500 : tcrnwcniy. 472tfV. . R. Bartlctt , Heal Kstate Agent. " (71011 3AI.E A new house and lot. 25tll nnd JU Douglas St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 2Gtb and Farnham Ms. 41S-lm * I1UU SALE A IMano (0 octaves ) , in excellent cnd tion ; very cheap. Inquire at this office. _ . _ spU29-tf ITIORSALE Five acre ? uf land , 2-story frame JJ house , barn 1 Hells and other Improve ments , cost side of Saunders street , near Fort Omaha. For particulurs addiess Geo. W. Brew- ster , Oakland. Kcb. _ 401-tf T710R SALE House with 6 rooms , barn and JD long lease of lot on 15th St. , bet. Burt and Webster. Inquire at Edholm & Erickbon's. _ 4 _ _ 355 tt 1011 SALE Car load of fat blackcy muled E broke. Apply of J. W. Skinner , Coin la , 820-lmo * "T71OU SALE 32 resilience lota on and near 16th JD street. Prlcc/oKfiO to" ftlO each. Terms easy. McCAQUK , Agent , Opp. Post Office. 360-tt riOIl SALE Bicycle , 48-Inch Standard Coluin- JD bla. Apply Union Elevator. 263-U OTS , SlOO each , 85 down andjgS per month . BEMla , Agent. T7IOB SALE Or will excha jre for Omaha pro- JD | ( petty , au Improved sec to of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. R. R. 11. DUNHAM , 1413 Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 8m t RICK FOR B 203-tf ESTABROOK ft COE. QM A Pound80cno ( ce country butter for sale Ol/U cheap ; also ftosh milk every day at Ueal'i ) Grocery Store , corner ICth and Dodge. 474-lmo' _ _ BRICK FOR SALE T. Hurray. _ 119-tf HAY At A. II. bander's Feed btui BALED Harney St. _ il9-t ; MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ 0 PLASTERERSPropOiaU for plastering ; th Pacific House , Tenth st. no < r Daven port , will bs received by Oeo. W. Or y , 213 12th > tre > t. 695 S < -T.N YOU WANT your jord sodded , tine blue I crass. Leave orkera S. K. at the Ceo cfllcc. 705-13- A California Magpie , lost Sunday. FOUND can have the name by proving prop erly nd paying for this advertisement. Inquire at Julini I'religchke 20th and Leaven worth st. CS3-10 ' From the premises of the sub scriber In U'entOmaha 1 fourjcarold horse , n i ray , with strap htltnron. Any Informa tion left at my stoi > 1318 Harney at. near 14th will be liberally rewarded. . R. W. CABI-EM B. 7047 * _ n .AILOllINU Oont.omeii'i clothln ? of all JL kldns maae and icpalrod , next door east to Doe oillco. 7057" / VMAHA KMl'LOIMENT BUIIEAU Tenth \J street near 1'arnam. Uu ! neo touies , farmers nnd families con bo puppllcd w Ith com petent h IP. Any gralo cf employment. Kail. road np Mining ontflls on shoit notice F. D. Nolle , Employment Agent. Ofi-im" TO CONTIt ACTORS ScaUd pro- NOTICE will bu received until 12 o'clock * . m. , April 12th 18S2 , for matcrln.s , erection and completion cf a three tier/ brick , with stone Utscment , school house , to be elected on How. aril street , between 9th ar d 10th streets , Omaha , Neb. Plans and bpecifliMtlon * to bo been at tbo otllce of Dufreno & Mendelssohn , architects. Toe light to reject any or all hliU 19 mened. _ 672-11 V Absolutely Pure. TbU powder nem varies. A marrel opn . More ecOBO- and strength whplewrneneM. ty , klnd and tannot Va nl l thiu the ordinary . old In competition with the multitude of I o est. short weight , alum or phosphate powder * E ld oily In cam. RorALUittso Tovpu Co. , 00 ) W U St. , New York