OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. APRIL 8 188 , THE DAILY BEE CMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETOHO. 010 Farnham , bet. 9th and 10th Street * . TKIWI8 Of SUBSCRIPTION. 0 e copy 1 fcar.ln * 1rancei ( > Cfttrald ) - - J10.CO 6 months " " . . . 6.00 Qinth " " . . . 8.00 T ML WAY TIME TABLE , CARD CfllCAflO , T. TAtTL , MtXKKArOLU ASP ( OMAHA RAILROAD. Leave OrnAl'A PASKcnitcr No. S , 8:30 : A. m , Ac- mmodMlon No. 4,1:0 : tp.rn Airhc Omaha Passenger No. 1,6:20 : p , m. Act ! c 3 Matltm No. 3,10:50 A. in. JtlMI OXAUA AST OR fOOTtl BOUKD. C. , B. ti O. 7:40 : A. w. 8:40 : p. m. C. & N. W. . 7:40 : A , ra. 3:40 : p. m. 0. , R. I. & P. , 7:10 ft. ra. 8:40 : p. m. K. C. , St. J. & C. . , ICAUS M M n. rrl. fcnd 0:10 : Ui. Arrh cnt St. Louis at 6COat. : m. nnd 6:62 : m. m.W W ( , St. t. fc P. , IOAVOT at 8 A. m. Mid 8:40 : p. Arrives A St. Louis AtC:40 : a. m. and 7SO m wist OR Botmnrwre. 0. b 11. In Neb. , Through Kxpros ? , 8:10 A , m. B. & JI. Lincoln Kxprciw 6M p. in. U P. Overland r.xproM > , 12:16p.m. : O. ft It. V. lor Lincoln , llilt A. ra.j 0. & R V. lor Ofcroln , 0:40 : A. m. D. 1' frclpht No. 6 , 6 : 0 n. m. 0. P ' rcltrht No. 9 , 8:2d : a. in. U. P. freight No. IS , 2:60 : p. in. U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emlpranl. . . . P. Denver cxtircKK , 7:36 p. m. O. P. frelrht No 11 , 11:30 : p. in. U. P. Denver freight , h:26 p. m , AttlYU-G-PIlOH 1A8T AtD HOOTO. 0 n. t. Q 6:00 : a. m. 7:26 : p m. C. h N. W. , :45 : a. in. 7C : p. m. 0. K. 1. & P. , fl:4& : n. ifl.-9.05 p. m. . . C. , SU Joe & C B. , 7:40 : A. m. 6:46p. jn Aummo FKOU nm w.vr AM > BOUTUWKT. 0. A H. V. frcm Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. U , P. PAdflc KxpusH 3:26 : p. m. B ft M. In Neb. , Through Kipioan 4:16 : p m , II & M. Lincoln Express 0:40 : A m , J C P. Denver ciprcte , 7:36 : A. m. 0. P. Freight No. 14-2W : > p. m. " : U. P. Ko. 6 6:20 : n. m. Emlg ant U. P. height No. 11,12:16 : p. to. O. V. No. 8 0:00 : p. in. U. P. No. 12-1:15 : A. m.1 D , P. Dciucr ( rcl.Klit , 1:10 : a. m.1 0. & R. V. mlxod , Ar. 4:451 : > . m. B3UUT TRAIKS SKnVXCI OKAI1A 13V OODNClL BLUnH. > OioAbA 6t SCO : , 6.00 , 10:03 : and 11:00 : p m.j 1 o 2CO : , 8:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leiu u Council LlluilH nt S : , 0:26. : 10:25 : and 1 : A. m. ; 1:25 , 2:26 , 3:23 : , 4:2fi : and 6:26 p. ai. Hun-ajs 'Tho dummy Ic-ivw CmahA At 9:00 : And 11:00 : a. m. : 2:00 , 4:00 : mid 6:00 : p. m. LcavM Oanntll Bluils at 9i:6 : : and 11:26 : A. m. ; 2S5 : , 4:2 : } AnJ 6:26 p. m. Throaghand local pusionRcr trains between Omaha and Council illuflB. Leave Omaha U:15 : , r:46 , 8:606. : in. ; 8:40 : , CI5 : , OS30 p. m. Arrive OniAha 7:40,11:35,11:46 : : a. in. ; 5:40 : , 7:06 : , 7:16 , | 40 p. m. Opening ant doling of Mr 111. ROUTS. CPKN. OLOHX. A. m. p. m. A. rn. p. m. OhloARoftN. W 11.00 9:00 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , K I. 4 Pacino.11:00 : 8:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Chicago. B. it Q. . . _ . .11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : WAU h ! .T 12:30 : 6SO : 2:40 Bloux City and Pr-cinc. . . 0:00 : 6:20 : S : 0 Union 1'aehis 1:00 : 11:40 : Ouviba & R. V 4:00 : 11:40 : t.Jjil. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : OnMm ft Siour City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 : B. Ai M. Lincoln 10:30 : 6:00 U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 J. P. Denver Exp 9:00 : B:50 : O. . Bloax City & St. P..11:00 : 'MO Local malli lor Statool IOWA leave but once dir , vlt:0:30 : a.m. Ollco open Sundays from 12 ra. to 1 p. m. THOS. K HALL P M. Business Birectorf , Abstract and Real Latato. JOHN L. MoCAOIIE , oppoelto Post Office. W. K. BAHTLETT 817 South 13th Street Architects. DUFRKNK & MICNDKL8B01IN , ARCniTEOTB Boom 11. Crtlghtou Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Koora S. Crelghton Dlocfc. Dootn end Shooa. * JAMES DiiVINK & CO. , Una Boots and Shoes. A good aveortment homo work on hand , corner 12th and llarney. TliOS. ERICK80N , S. E. cor. ICth and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , CO ! ICth rtreet , manufacturea W order good work at ( air prices. Ueoalrlni'done. , / Ded Sprlngo. ' F. LAnRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dowlas et. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1018 Farnhafa Street. Butter nnd Eggi. UoSUANB & SCIIROEI'ER , the oldest B. and K. homo In Xehnvska catablrhcd ! 1875 Omaha. RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , tonthweet corner lethand Dodge. Beat Uor.r J lor the Money. Catlefactlon Guaranteed. Kcill&talinours. -Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms lor Caah. Furnished llnnms Ruppllod. Unrrlasei and Road Wagons. WU SNYDEU , 14th and Harncv Streets. II IIrj Clothing Uounht. J. IIARUia will pay 111 fhest Cash price ( or second to band clotbln/ . Corner 10th and Farnham. Jowo era. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Btroot. 8 OunK. H. BERTIIOLD , Rr s and MoUl. Lumbar Lime and Cement. FOSTER & an.\Y comer tith and Doutlfts Hta. Lamps and alassware. J. BONNER 1809 Uowrlas St. Oood Variety. Merchant Tailor * . 0. A LINDQUE8T , Ono ci our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re ceiving the latest dcalLOia ( or Spring and Summer Occcla ( or gentlemen's wear. StylUh , durable , and prices low aa ever 21618th bet. Dousr.&Farn. Millinery. UBS. 0. A. RINQER , Wboloeale and Retail , FAIL oy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Coarda , Qoelery , Olotes , CorsoU , &c. Cticapcst House In IheWeet. Purchasers BAVO ZO per coat. Order , by Mall. 116 tlltccnth Street. tfo foundry. JOHN WEARNE & SOKH cor. 14th & Jackson eU Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Fatnham Bid. , W lehans Uros. , proprlolora. Urocera. t BTEVEN3 , Slst between Coming and Itar T. A. McSITANE , Corn. SSd and Camln ? Htrecti ft l-turawaie. Iron na uteoi. Sere OLAN & LANQWORTUY , AVboleeale , 110 ani1 W 112 15th street QI A. HOLMES rorne 1Mb and Calllornla. roi Harriet * , o aaie , uc. roW B. WKIST 2018th fit. bet FarnlUrney. . W A Hotel * ; AN FIELD nOUSEOoo. Can9eld,9th & Farnhan ) LORAN 1IOU8B , P. H. Gary , 01S FarnhAm Bt. SLAVtUTB HOTEL. F , Slaven , 10th Bt. Southern Hotel flna. Haroel Oth A Leaven wort h Drue * , KMinci ana Una. KUHN & CO. ftarmAciata , Fine Fane Uoode , Cor. litd and Don l > s trcote. j I W , J. WHITEHOUPK , Wholcaalo&lltUII.lCthot. 0. FIELD , 2022 Morto Side Cumln Street. PARR , Drugget. IQtft and Howard Street * . DentUti. PB. PAUL WllllAma1 Block Cor. ICth & Bo.lge. ury Qoods Notion * , ttc. 'or JOHN U. F. IEHMANN & CO. , New York Dry Ocodi Store. 1S10 and 1813 Farn- hum etraet fc.0. Enuwold alto boots and show Tth & I'tclBc. ruruuure. A V. OUOS3 , New And Eevoud Hand Fnrnlturo cd Htovcx , 1114 PcucUs. Illghcet cuh price df kid lor second btai gooot. .EOSKKR 1BO ) DaurlA st. Fine coodi. &c. r erco Works. OMAHA KENCE CO. CCST , TRIE34CO 121ERaracySt. , Imrror * ' d Ice Boxes , Itcc aca Wood Fences , 0Cc ( Th > llny . Couptti * ? < IIB and Walnut. Pawnbrokers. au nOBKNFKLP 10th fit. . bl far. A Har Fir Refrigerators , Otnfiuld't Patent. Brl 0. y. QOODUAN llth Bt. bet. KMU. & Harney. Glean nd Tobacco. WK3T ft FRITSCIiERrnanulA < : turenof ClfTAra , A d Wliolrmle Dralortl D TobAccos , ISO5 DouelAj. y. F. IX > UKN2KN roAnulacturtr 1416 FatnhAm Florist. A. DonA hnt , plants , cut flower * , coMt , ooqnetl etc. N. W , cor. ICth And Douclni streeta. Civil Engineers and 8urvoyon. ANDREW ROSKWATKR , Creljthton Block , tcnn Survcjs , UrMoand S nit e Systems * Commission Merchants. JOHN 0. Wit. L13.1414 Dodce Street. D B. HKEMER. For dctftlls e l reo Admll o- mont In Dally anil Wecklj. Conilco Works. W lcin Cornice Work * , Manufacturer ! Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron anil 81&to Uoofllnjr. Orders frcn any locality momi'tlr cxccutMl In the Iwst manner. Fuctorjr & d OUieo 1213 Ilirney SL C. SPECHT , rroiirletor. Gfhtnlirxl Iron Cornices , Window Cur * , tie. , manufactured ml nut up In any part of the country. T. SINHOLU 410 Thirteenth street Crockery. J. IJONNKR J300 Donztw direct. Good line. Clithlng find Kurnlthlng Goo's. OEO. II. I-KTEIISON. Atra Huts , Cups , Hoot4 , yhooa Notions And Cutlery. Ml S. 10th etroat. Show O B Manufactory. ] O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In til klndg ol Show CASM , UptlRht Cues , A . , 1317 CAM St. FltANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omiha Show Case inMiufictory , 818 South 16th street , between Loatouworth auj Uarcy. All foods warranted flrst-clAw. Utovoc unit A. DURME3TEU , PoMcr In 8t < n on mil Tinware , and M nuacturcr ! of Tin Roofa und all klnd of Building Work , Odd ( Fellow a1 Block. 3. HOHNKR. ISM PonglA * St. Peed and Cheap. Seeds , J. EVANS , Wholrmle and Retell Seed Drills and CultUOon Odd Fellow IM'.fr Physicians anS Surgeons. W. a. GIBBS , U. I ) . , Room No 4 , Oielghion niock , 16th Street P.'S. LKI8EN1UNQ , a. D. Uaaonlo Block. 0. L. UAKT , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. pOBtofflec DR. L. 11. QRADDV. Oculist and AurUt. B. W 15th and Farnham Sta Photographers. GEO. 1IKYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. neAr Maoonlc Hall. First-cjMj Work and Prompt' new iruarantoen i Uab anu utaam Fitting. 1' . W. TAUPY & CO. , 210 ISth tit , bet. Karnham and Uou 'ItJ ) . Work promptly attended to. D. riTZPATUIOX. KOI ) Doucloa Btroot. IntliiR an aper onglng. HENRY A. KOSTKRS. 141 Dodeo Street. Shoe Stores. Phillip LAO 11880 FarnhMn lit , bet. 18th A 14th. Second Hand Storo. PKRK1N3 & LKAR , 1410 DouRlaa Bt. New and Second Hand Furniture , House Funilihlng Goods , Ac. , boorhr Ami pold on narrow margins. HENRY If AUFMANN , In tne now brick block on Douplaa Street , has Juat opened a moat elegant Beet Hall. not Lunch from 10 to IS every day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 67916th Btroot. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWK , 10111 Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. ' 00 Oont Stores. P. 0. CAOKU8 H05 Farnham St. . Faney Ponds SYPHILIS n any stage Catarrh , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BO.I-'LS . , or any Skin Diseas . Cures When Hot Springs Fail MAVSR.V , ARK. , May 2.18SI Wo have cues In onr own toivn iwho lived at Hot Springs , and were linally uircd with S. S. S. McCAMUOS&MUBIir. IF YOU doubt.como to Eeous and WE WILL CURE YOUR OR chartfo nothlns ! 1 Write ( or particulars and copy of little Book ' 'Message the Unfortunate Suffering. 81,000 Rnwnrd "I" l > o paid to any chemist who Mill find , on analysis 100 bottles H. U. , ono partlcloof Mercury , lodldo rotas- Blum or any Mineral substance. BW1FT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Oa. Prlco ot Small size , $1.00. Large size $1.75. Sold by KENNARD BROS. & CO. , and Druiccltta Uonorallr. 1880. SHORTJ.IHE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , 3t , Joe & Council Bluffs of a mi onr ly Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AHD THE KABT From Omaha and the Weat. to change ol can between Omaha and M. ucmlj , and but one between OMAHA and NEW YOHK. Daily PassengerTrains Bucarxa ALL JAUTERN AMD WESTERN CITIEa with LEflM OUARUE8 and IN ADVANCE of AUi ' OTHER LINKS ThU eullro line is equipped with Vulluiar. ' ! 'alace ( Ileeping Cars , Palace Day Coachof , UI Her'n - talety Platform nnd Coupler , and the celebrated Veetlnghouso Air-brake. i CiTjue that your ticket reads VIA nANOAG 3ITV , IT. JOUEPlt & COUNCIL BLUFfU tta II Old , via St. Jcwph and Bt. Louis. Ticket ] ( or Bale ai all coupon stations In the Vett. J. K. BARNAHD , BO C. DAWKS , flon. Bupt. , Bt. Joeeph'jJo 0V Oeu. PA U. and Ticket Agt , St. Joseph , Ho , ca : AKDT Bouvt , Ticket Agoal , 1020 Farnbam street. lei .B. BlRBARD Uer.eral Agent , iis _ OUAHA.WB BO FAST TIME 1 BOE : a dl In going Koat take the BMcago Mortarest- tea nc ! th doGi Gi Trains leava Omaha 3:10 : p. m , and 7:10 : a. m. nn full Information call on H. P. DUKV. Ticket tgent , 14th and ftrnbam fits. J , BELL , U. 1' . no laliway Depot , or at JAMES T. CLAHK , Gener- ov Agen ] , Omaha. JalTin&e If ovOi M. R. oc . . pi , en'l ' Insurance Agent GiTO ] br 5Sfll,601.00 hame k'estchesscr , K. Y , , Capital . , . 1,000,000.00 Monhanti , ol Newark , N. J. , c"lj'ta' ' ' . 1,276,000.0 roi liard flie , Philadelphia , Capital. . . . 1,200,000.0 Oi Iromcn'a Fund . , . . Oimi 1,239,015.0 mi irltlsh America Assurance Co. . . . . . . l.COOOOO 0 Ga Office , Boyd's Opera House , GaH ( CRANKY CORNEUUS. The History of the Struggles of the Dead Brother of W. U. Van- dorbllt. Chicago Tribune. The contest of the will of the Into Commodore Vanderbilt , in which Cornelius J. Vandorbilt's sister , Mrs. Lit Han , was the contestant , was one of the moat protracted and bitter controversies ever heard or deter mined in an American court' and lasted ever 200 days. Hy the terms of n will executed in January , 1875 , the Commodore mndo his son William 11. his urinciplo logaluo , giving to Ins wife 85,000,000 in cash , aomo other bequests to hia other relatives , and to Cornelius J. the inouno only of $200- 000 to bo invested for his benefit. In a codicil executed in the sumo year he extended the bequests by civiiiy to hia grandson , Cornelius J , , $500,000 , nnd to his grandsons , William K. , Frederick W.nnd Qoorgo $2,00,000 each , lie did not , however , augment the trust annuity to Cornelius J. , of which William U. Vanderbilt , Cor nelius , and William K. , sons of Wil liam H Vanderbilt , and Mr. Samuel Barton were created tiusteos , with di rections to pay the annuity only In such sums and at such times as scorned to them advisable. To each of his five daughters ho gave $500,000 , Mrs. La Bau being included among them THE TRIAL OP TUB CONTEST was not begun until November , 1877. Cornelius J. encouraged hia sister in the suit , and ox-Judgo Jeremiah Black , Scott Lord , and Col. Ethan Allen were among the most promi nent of the contesting counsel. On the side of the proponent William II. Vanderbilt , who was present in the Surrogate's'court during nearly every day of the long and tedious trial , ox- Judge Comstock , of Syracuse , nnd Mr. Henry L. Clinton were the moat conspicuous lawyers. The contestants in order to establish the Commodore's mental weakness and incapacity , in troduced the most extraordinary testi mony as to his habits of life , lusphys- ical ailments for a quarter of a centu ry back , and his association with pe culiar persons , such as Spiritualist ) * and fortune-tollers. The medical ex perts almost literally dissected the dead man in the presence of the audience by their minute descriptions of the condition of every part or organ of his anatomy. Charges of bribery and subornation of perjury during the trial were also flung back and forth , but finally , on March 19 , 1879 , Sur rogate Calvin rendered a most volu minous opinion and decision sustain ing the will at all points. Prior to the beginning of this struggle Corne lius J. Vanderbilt had CEOON A SUIT IN T1IE SUFRKME COURT to recover from William H. Vanderbilt bilt § 100,000 which ho claimed the latter had promised him on condition that ho refrained from contesting tno will. This suit was not'triod or dis posed of until the close of the will contest was reached , and the plaintiff was exerting himself strenuously through his counsel to bring it on for trial. Mrs. La Bau also was making preparations to appeal in the will con test , and there wan a prospect of a very extended litigation. Soon after the Surrogate's decision , however , diacreob friends appear tohavo exerted themselves to bring ' harmoni ous settlement of the various differ ences , and negotiations were begun through coansol to that ond. Early m April , 1879 , it became known that a settlement had been reached , and the various suits were discontinued. a Although no really authentic state ment was then made as to the terms of the settlement , it became generally ' accepted that William H. Vanderbil't had consented to give Cornelius J < , and Mrs. La Bau $100,000 each and an allowance of ? § 250,000 for the liqui dation of their counsel foes and other legal indobledueas. Facts which sub sequently came to light , however , showed that the settlement' actually mndo was not reached until May , 1879 , and that , BO far as Cornelius J. was concorncjd , his brotlforWilliam II. had merely provided for him a handsome income derivable from a fund of which Worcester , Secretary of the principal Vnnderbilt railways , was made trustee. Almost itnmedi- w , atoly after the settlement Cornelius J. wont to Europe , accompanied by hia B w particular friend , Mr. Terry , and remained - mained abroad over six months. ) PEHHONAIi Cornelius J. Vanderbilt did not ex O' hibit of the oturdy rugged O'K any , , phyii- ical qualities which BO greatly distin B guished his father , the old Commo W dore. Ho had his statue alone , being WV over air feet tall , but in the middle V his lito oren ho was iilendor , poor dovolopol , and without much phy ai sical enorgf' ; and as ho grow older ho aidi began to stoop at the shoulders , and di displar the wanness and attenua diol tion of ftmures that usually betray tl : Lho coiiBiniptivo | tendency. Hia fea hi tures , uniko [ the Xfominodoro'B , were hiw Jolicato and by no means strongly m narked. His hair was of a dark brown ri uul wheu ho was not moro than 30 th pours of ese it was streaked with gray. Sf Llis nose was small , his lips thin , and Sfm iis mout'i narrow , and his dark eyes m -voro rather lustreless , but always had kindly , genial expression. m HIS FINANCIAL WJUKNEfiHKS. Cornelius J , Vanderbilt was always of > omowlmt disinclined to pay hia debts an ivon in tie days bgforo hia , father bo- th ame angered with him for his reck- la ; ess habits. Ho borrowed money from dr friends in his early yours and. ab- diM olutely refused to make settlements. M SxcopUona prove a rule , it is said , and ip notallo : exception to his general enmi liainclination to Bottle his indebted- mi icss wia the payment by Cornelius J. bu the daughters of Horace Greoley of , < largo debt which he had owed to ya heir father for many years before his ve loarh. The exact time when Horace 5reolojr began to lend Cornelius J. he noneylias never been publicly stated , ior haiany other reason for the loans ver boon given except that Mr. treeley'a generosity induced him to iccositnally assist a ycung man who „ : , ileadec his distress to him. The loan fjgregtted about ? 10,000 , nnd Mr. ireolej took notes for them. Jt ia eportcd that UIOBO loans caused a tot roak u the friendly relations that cai an previously exiatod between Com. lOH lodore Vanderbilt and Mr. Groeley. yoi THE CJUEELUY LOANS omainod unpaid until April 7 , 1879 , tint day Cornelius J , Vanderbilt wo let Its. Ida Qrooloy Smith and Miss jut labriftlo Greoley , the daughters of ing loracj Greeley , and their advisers at BIX . ' * * the Hoffman lloitso , nnd there paid them $01,000 , the principal of the loans , with accrued intercrt. It w at first reported that William II. Vanderbilt paid this money for hia brother , but Cornoliui J. indignantly denied the statement , and declared that ho paid the tlobt out of the first 1 irqo Hum of money ho obtained , and that ho always intended to pay It. Soon after the Vanderbilt family liti gation I Zichariah E , Simmons , who was for many years n friend nnd com panion ! of Cornelius J. Vanderbilt de manded I the payment to him of ? 50- Ii 000 II I which , ho assorted , the latter hnd conyonantcd i to pay him when all his difficulties ( with ills brother wcro sot- II tied I , Cornelius J , rejected the de mand I , and last Juno Judge Donolnio ! gave judgment for Cornelius on the Bround that the condition on which the $50,000 was to bcoomo duo was the success of the effort to overthrow ! Commodore Vamlerbilt'a will , and that no proof was botoro him that the effort had succeeded. Tlln REASON OIVKN by Cornelius J. for not taking an na tive part in the will contest was that his brother William U. promised to give him $1,000,000 if ho would keep quiet. Aa ho did not receive this sum ho began n suit for it in the Supreme - promo Court while Mrs. La Bau'scaso was pending before the Surrogate. A struck jury was selected to try the caHe. Whila active preparations were making for nn immediate trial ho sent n lacnnio note to his attorneys tolling them to stop proceedings and ask no questions. The case was discontinued. After the compromises of the celebrated will contest it is said that Cornelius wont into Wrall st-oot nnd under the directions of pcraona standing close to William H. ho was nblo to mnko n number ot clover moves , but immedi ately after reaping his big profits ho struck out for operations of his own account. IIB WAS SUCCESSFUL , nnd ho soon lost nn amount far great er than ho hnd won. "Cornoil was nlwnys n singular sort of nn individu- n ) , " said ono of the deceased man's ' intiinato acquaintances nt the Hoff man House last night , "From the time ho waa always at outs with every body. The only thing ho ever did that pleased the old Commodore was in Ins marriage with n Conncctiuut lady. His father was greatly pleased with the match , nnd gave $50,000 in cash as a wedding gift. While his wife lived Cornoil for a time led n comparatively correct life , but the reins wcro not nlwnys strong enough to hold him. Ho had no children , nnd when his wife died there was left not n single power in all the world to influence him for good. " QUEER EPITAPHS. Strange Romances Told by the Tomb stones on Rocky Mountain Graves. Denver Republican. There arc some queer headstones scattered throughout Colorado in lonely places which mark the butt end of many n man in n singular manner. In lonely mountain gulches the tra < eler will suddenly run across a rude grave mark , which tolls in a fow-ilncs the cause of death of the form which moulders bolow. * 0no of no queerest of these epitaphs is 9.35 nt Florida , a little town of les i than 100 inhab itants , on the Son Juan extension , of the Denver . .c JRio Grande. The grave over which the epitaph ia written lies Hitle way from town beside the rail- rodd , and waa discovered by a pas senger who wandered away while a break in the train gear waa being re paired. Over the grave waa a rude cross bearing the inscription : "Ho had Band ! u his craw , Hut was slow on the draw. So we planted him out in the dew. " And on the opposite side : "John Dee , Now York ; To fiesh 4G cnllbrc , May C , 1881. Kilt by old Hall and n Gun. " This is a succinct history of the man's fate. Thu nimo , John Dee , plainly indicates that the man was unknown. It is definitely settled that "ho had sand in his craw , " which , , in minors' parlance , moans that ho was a bravo man , "but ho was slow on the draw , " and "Old Hall and hia gun" blow his light out. \Vpuld that all obituaries wcro as brief. In May , 1880 , a tragedy occurred ever ' in Gunnison City by which "Dutch Bill , " a noted desperado , was sent on the final trip lo that bourne whence no desperado ever returns. Dutch had killed a man ut Buena Vista and fled to Gunniuon. Ho wan ying in n tent , with n pistol on each In lido of him , when n sheriff nrrivedand woke him. Dutch did not like to bo iiatutbed , and opened fire upon the ri jllicer , who ran , but , shooting back hrough : the tent as ho fled , ho killed iia man by'a ohanco shot. Dutch yas burled with impoaing ceremonies a little knoll near the Tomichi Ivor , and u withered branch was hrust into the ground to murk the ipot. On this stake waa written in enotl "Dutch Bill , " only this nnd lothing moro. Away up in the mountains in Sum- nit county , near the present site of Jobinaon , lies the old deserted town Ten Milo , which flourished in 1809 iul died soon after. The wash from ho mountains covered it up , and it iiy buried for years , until paoplo Irawn by the Lendvillo excitement of Ib lisintorred it. T/io / records of Ton ee ililo are nomowhat obacuro , It was 8 1 : in the wilderness of mountain auti , ( ti rags and ravines , uway hundreds of tw iilin : from the outposts of civilization , ho 21i iut its graveyard tolls a different pli jory. It is a very healthy grave- oil ard and must have ( Ul , run the town lie ery close in numbers and inhabitants , ill In this the 1K AII nun graveyard , on tuu principal Inc eadstono , ia the following epitaph : Jack Crane WAS o good fellow , 3 Wtio drank hi * whisky mellow ; Me lint he fell through , on mountain dew , 1)0 ma And now nu'tt gone to hell 0 , nn < On another small atone , shaped Ids ith a rude attempt at artistic style , ia 00' : "OurSallie , aged 30 , died 38C2. " tloi Perhaps this was ono of the charac- rs BO often soon in the old mining tloiu imps , but now almost extinct. Seine u woiniin who wandered out bo und civilization to Jiido heraolf but peculation is useless , for ' 02 ia a long raye back for Colorado. ISC lit 1870 a scouting party of soldiers ere over in the South Park , when , CAr lull at sundown on a summer evon- Om , they came across the skeletons of 0 , men , They laid in irregular pool- tions , with pieces of B/iddloa , bits nnd bridles scattered nreund , with hero nnd there a horse's bono nnd some cooking utensils. The soldiori put the skeletons down as the result of ( tome Indian nxissnero , but in looking around found in n cleft in the rocks a board , on which was rudely cut : "Snowed in nnd dying , Jan. 1C-D8. I nm the last. Penuo. " .TKIIIIV D t t. " ( Probably Douthitt. ) This is perhaps the only epitaph over written in Colorado by the hand of Iho man to whom it belonged. The mines of the othora were never known. Nothing Could Ho Stronger. 1-100 PAI-I.V STiuinr , \ ST. Louis. Mo. , Jan. 20 , 1881. J H. H. WAIINKU & Co. : Sirs-1 I have been troubled with kidney dis < ease since my childhood. It would ' bo impossible for mo to describe how ' much I have suiTored. Your Safe ' Ividnoy and Liver Cure has done mo moro ' good than the combined skill of all the physicians ) 1 have ever tried during my entire life. CAIIOMNE F. FJVMMINO. : npr4-dlw NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Gnro Gnnrnnteotl- Dr. K. 0.Vent'i Nerve and Drain Treatment A epeelflc ( or llttcrla , Dltzlncii , Convulsion * . Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Lorn ol MemoryHpcrniatorrhccA.Impotcncy , InxohmtAry KmlMlon * , Premature Old ABC , caused by o\cr- cxortlou , > cl-abuto ( , or ovcr-lndulRcnco. which le ds to misery , decay ami death. Ono Vex 111 euro recent caecs. En h box oontatnioneinonth't treatment. Ono dollar iv box , or six boxcj ( or flvo dollnrg ; tent byniM prepaid on receipt ol price. Wo guarantee nix boica to euro any CMC. with each order received by us ( or six IIOXCB , ac companied nlth llvo dollar * , wilt tend the pur chaser our written iruarantca to return the money II the treatment docs not edict a cure. C. F , doodnnn , DrURflst , Sole , Wholmulo nnd llctall A < utit , Omaha , Neb. Orden by mall at regular prlco. tIAwlv KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most Succctiful nemedy oxer discov ered , as It IB certain In Its effects and doca not blister. UBAD PHOOF IJKLlMV. Alee excellent ( or human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. \Vrx < sMn'tcm\lllc ( , Ohio , Juno 17 , IftSl. Du ll. J. KrxUAt.L , li Co.i < ! cnts Hcidlneyour nd- % ertlscment In Tur ( , Field and Farm , of jour ICundiU'H tipavln Uuro , n d Imvlnt ; n Aaltiablo and s.ccJy liorao which had been Huio ( rotu fpa\tn ( or eighteen month * , t sent to you ( or n uottlo by cxprc \\hlch In six necks removed all lamcneM nnd cnlarKement and a lir J epl'nt ' from another homo , and both hones nro to-uay astound aj colt ! . The ono bottle v > a3 worth tome mo ono hundred dollnra. Kojp-ctfully jo'.rs , H , A. UmiTouiTT , M. I ) . Send ( or Illustrate ! circular tflvlnc ponltlM ) proot. 1'ilcoSl. All DnitreUtn ln\olt or can Kctltfor you. Dr. 11. J. Kendall & Co' , Pro prietors , Knonbnruli rails , Vt. SOLt ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. tl-wly PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No Ono Need Suttorl ' A ourocuro for Ullnd , lllocdlni ; , Itching ami IT. I .rated 1'IIos has boon discovered by Dr. Wil liam 1I 1 , ( an Indian remedy. ) called Dr. Wlll.ara's 1i 1i Indian I Ointment. A single box has curcit the w oret chronic cu c3 ol 26 or 80 jro ra standing. No ono nocd suHor flvo minutes alter applying thin \ \ondorlulooothlng medicine , Lotions , Instru ment ! and electuaries do moro harm than ( rood , 1I Wllllntn'a 1 Ointment absorbs the tumors , nllaya the 1t I Intonio Itching , ( pnrtlculaaly at night alter getting t warm In bed , ) acts as a poult leu , gives In stant and iwlnlowj relief , and Isproparod only for Piles , ItcmuK ol the private parts , and ( or noth Ing clso. Itcad what the lion , J. II. Ccfflnbcrry oi Clovo- and says about Dr. William's Indian Fllu Oint ment : I have uood scores ot Pllos cures , and It iflorda mo p oasuro to say that I have nvor ( ound anything which gave such Immediate and perm * cent relief on Dr. Wllllam'a Indian Ointment for sale by all druggists or moiled on receipt j prlco , 11.00. 11.00.HENKY & CO. . Prop'rn. , OblVILAMD , OltlO. ForMloby 0. F Ooodman. Genius Rewarded ; OR , TliB Story of the SawingMacli A handxomo little pamphlet , blue rind goli * co\o , with numerous cngnulnjja , will ba GIVEN AWAY to any auiilt person calling ( or It , at any branch or sub-olllco of The Slnccr Maoulacturlni , ' Com pany , or will bo sent by mall , post paid , to any person Ihlng at a distance from our olficcs. The Singer Manufacturing Do , , Principal Oflico , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK.fchlS fchlS i1 vr Prouosnls for Pftvinc Strootw In tlio Cltyol Omaha , \Nobrunlia. Scaled prodoaalsill bo received by the undersigned - signed until Saturday , April ICth , 1B82 , IV. o'clock noon , ( or the pi 'Ing of Douglas street and thu cross streets between D uplaa and Farnham from Oth to Kith utrcctn , Including Otli and ICth streets. First , For a foundation ot concrete 0 Indies In thickness with a HUper'tructuro coinponol ol a creosoted cedar block 8 inches In liiigth net with asphalt aid sand. Second , For a founditlon o ( concrete 0 Inchon In thlckncts wlthaeuporntructuro componod of crconotiU pine plank S Inches In length , tot with asphalt nml KuiJ. Third , For a foundation o ( clran cOKrto oand orgrnvcl 12 Inchoi in thlckutsd with n super structure composed of cedar block 8 Inches In length and not less than 4 nor inoru than bluihcs diameter to bo tot wlih asphalt and n\n t , The Band or gravel ( or foundation to bu tborougdly muiined orrollod. All the work to be Uuno in accordance > vlth specifications and under the di rection ol thu city engineer. Also , the city will consider proposals ( or pav jj ing with Kim blocks or any other material , or jja any other uiodo of construction. All proposal ! or bid * nhall bo accompanied by jjB the namcu of proposed uuretlai , who , In the utont ol contract being awarded B tvlll enter into a bond with the city of Omaha lor thu true and faithful pirlormauco of mid contract. a Thu city council reserves the right to reject uiyn. it all blJs. Knvolopoi containing proponals o' ldd < ( hall o marked "I'ropou ilor I'avlng DougUa Ktrcet ind CroiM Htrects In tli4Clty of Oraahu , " and ud- c Iroascdto the uiidtrslgnod. J. J. L. C , JKWETT , h , March lOtli , 1802. City Cleric , iiiirl3-30t a nOI'OSAL3 FOR THE CONbTHUCTION OF S Oyrau ov Cm Khai.NKKii , ) C ( UHAIIA KKH , 1891. ) Scaled proposes will ho recalled at thg olllco S the undersigned until , ' 1'ucatUy April Itth , bS2 ! 12 o'clock iiuon , lor thu coiiitnutlon ol euors In North Omaha n follows : 1000 fuct of feet hrkk sow cr72H futt D | ftct brick townr ud 728 ol 6 } ftet brick CCWCT , located on Izird trcct between Utli and 17th , and on 17th he- wccn Ixard and Nlcholm , between 17th nnd Utbtrctls , togetlur with all iietessary > lOles , lamps holes , mid catch habliu , ni per ilano and specifications In thu city Knglracrs Illce. ProponaU to bu prepared ii | > oii hlanks urnUhod by ( ho clly 1'nglneor. lilas will also received for the contraction of a timber out- cmbraciiiK the fnniMilmnnd driving of ) OIK piles more or los 26 ( tot lony , 12 to 8 lilies , and l.OOi ) fict of oak as per plans tuUpccltlcatlona In the Engineer * olllce. work begin on or before June Ht , and to be co.n Ictod December lit lb 2. Paymouti to im mdo monthly In ta h warrants , IS per cent to resort od until final completion , nnd acupt ace of work by the proper authorities. All to bo accompanied by the blgnaturo of pro- Quod buritlcs wlio will in eient of awarding of 1'iiract enter Into bonds of th < * 'Ity for execu- of thu vork In the turn ol JO,000. , ) , J , L. U. JitwKrr , D : 2w City Ckrk. DAVIS & SMYDER , ! Farnhatn Ot . Omalio , Nobra t&OO. . knvully wlwted land In toiMru Nebraska ( ol H , ( Jru.t Ilargalui lu Improved ( aims , anil as i maha city property. K. . DA via wiaiaTK * BKTCJCE ; LiDdCoio'r U..P. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF len's , Boys' and Children's ) LOTHING IU | 1 1 1 II U Ready for Inspection -AT Palace Clothing House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1310 Farnam Street , Near 14th. Marldool. 1 T3BCI3 LOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , FARNHAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK GF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S ' 'AND ' CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L BKASH , - - 1308 taHAM ST. tuoa-th\r-nat - \ - II SHOE STORE , i Under Boyd's Opera House. Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of SPEING. GOODS ! And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good Goods ! Low Prices ! AND SQUARE DEALING AT THE "Opera House Shoe Store."J ] Ian31-d3m Che Oldest Wholesale and letail JEWELRYHOUSE n'Omaha ' , Visitors can here ind all novelties in SIL- rm WARE , CLOCKS , fcich and Stylish Jewelry , he Latest , Most Artistic , nd Choicest Selections in IEOIOUS STONES and -11 descriptions of PINE BATCHES at as Low Pri es < as is compatible with Lonorable dealers , Call nd see our Elegant New Itore , Tower Building , orner llth and Farnham Itreots THE LEABINQ .J. A-i-J-J , * - AJb -r AlJ * MUSSG HOUSE .1 IN THE WEST I General Agents for'the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. , Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianob , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , 1AHUFAGTURERS OF : SHOW GASES Largo Stock Always on Hand. i ) pera House Clothing Store ! GT. IP. LTJZDsTID. . . Daily Arrivals ) of New Suriuc Goods in. lathing and Bent's ' Furnishing Gooils GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" I am Bellini ? the OelelJrnted Wilson Bro.'s Fine Shirts , known the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Bhirtia Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. rttlMdl. 1 * V