Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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the Omaha Be
Published every morning , except Snnc
Che only Monday morning dally ,
Dne VT AT.,810.00 I Three Months ,
Six Months. 6.00 | One . . ' .
WEEKLY BEE , published
cry Wednesday.
One Yenr. § 2.00 I Three Months. .
BlxMonths. . . . 1.00 I One . .
jfttlons relating to Novrs nnd Editorial ti
era fihould bo addressed to the EDITOH
THE Brn.
Iiettere And Remittances should bo
TAUT , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks nnd Pi
olfico Orders to bo made payable to
order of the Company.
Ei RO5EWATER. Editor.
have had enough fncts nbi
the railroad question.Vhnt I
, country needs uow Is legislation ,
FllANClB AlAM lost $2
000 at bunko , Charles Francis shoi
know better than play such games.
LAST vook government bonds si
at the highest figures over touched
those BOCuritioB. Four per cents
Friday touched $1.195.
T JESSH James is dead and old m
r Uondor ia reported captured. M
souri is rapidly crocking her ropu
lion as the robber atato.
ia complaining tl
Tier police frequent saloons. Omah
police don't know tliat such things
saloons nro running in the city.
TmiEF. thousand marble cutters a
striking in Now York and not asinj
militiaman is under arms. Govern
1 Cornell trill not loam a lesson frc
OMAHA , republicans of the Btnlwr
stripe Wore the bolters in the ci
election contest last Tuesday. So
ard Republican ,
And they were most beautiful
HTATON has modiGod his c
dor forbidding postmastora from ru
ning with the political machine. W
llatton has | ] been postmaster on
and ho knows how to circumvent
civil service order.
FUOM the court of claims to tl
navy department , and from the na
department to the St. Potorsbu
mission is Mr. Hunt's record of ofl
holding for the thirteen months on
ing April 7 , 1882.
AND now noonoof Hascall's frion
can bo found who suspected irauds
l f connection with the recent election
this city. A fraud investigate
might place the brogan very rapid
on the other foot , and Hascall isn
likely to forgot it , either.
BOUBAOTES Funioio POPE is worl
ing for the support of sentiment !
| f eastern congressmen in his aapirntioi
' ' for General McDowell's Uara. Tl
man whoso headquarters were in th
saddle puts in a vigorous proto :
; against starving Indians on thoagonc
. system in vDguo in the southwest , ant
threatens to rovolutiouizo affaira c
t ' hU own responsibility.
. 'fortune of over $500,000 , Not n do
Jar waa loft to any ono bcnring th
"Yanderbilt nnmo. Tlio will bo < nicatl
od $225,000 to his friend and coinpat
ion Qoorgo Terry , an old hotel kooj
er , and the remainder of his proper !
was dovinad to ngphown and nioct
nnd relatives oi his wife. There wi
1 > o no contest of the will.
TUB effect of the presidents veto c
the Ohinoso bill upon the Pacific coot
f will probably provo fatal to ropublica
BUCCOSH this fall. Democratic suppoi
. of the measure woa gained in order t
to used for political capital for tha
party during the coming canvass am
' the interposition of the executive voti
will throw the odium for thofailuroo
the bill upon the republican party
Other bills have already boon introduced
ducod in congress , but they must tukt
their place at the bottom of the calen
dar and it ia aafo to say will novel
Teach a vote. The democracy in tin
house are too elated over what the )
consider an excellent republican bluu
dor to permit any nnti-Chincao measure
uro to bo made special over bills claim
- ing precedence on the calendar.
\ AGAIN wo are told that Govornoi
Nanco has decided to delay his cal
for an extra session until next month ,
The reason given for this change ol
heart is that the governor desires tc
Include in his call auch legislation na
may bo necessary toward ratifying
the change in the northern Nebraska
boundary. This ia all very well , but
people will naturally suspect that
there is a darkey in this woodpile
' ' somewhere , Suppose the governor
ff.SS ' $ * 10 'nc u 0 * 'l ' ° propped change
i.vflfjof < ; boundary lilies in hin call , would
that'prevent him from issuing a sup.
plnmontary call to cover this casu
while tholegblaturo was in session ?
There is no doubt now that the BOB
laloo. will last fully two weeks , and if
the legislature convenes the latter
par pf this month , it can hardly con-
> lude its labor before the middle of
Mr. UpdografT has introduced
bill into the house of roprcsontati'
for the appointment of a board
commissioners to regulate intor-st
commerce. It provides for thoi
pointmont by the president of ri
commissioners , throe of whom ah
servo for ono year ; and on the 1st
July of each succeeding year vacanc
shall bo filled by the appointment
three commissioners. The board sli
have especial supervision over tl
portion of the business of railror
from ono state to another , with pot
to fix n schedule of rntrs with a vi
to allowing the companion to cnrn ,
per cent on the cost of their roads a
equipments. It authorizes the hot
to examine the books and accounts
railroads , and requires the roads
make sworn reports each year to 1
commissioners of their business , i
ponditurcs , etc. ; empowers the bor
to determine and decide what shall
doomed not profits ; to hear co
plaints , and if allegations nro RI
tamed , to assess upon the railroad
railroads throe times the amount
damage showd to have boon sufiorc
which assessment may bo enforced
the district court of the Unit
States. The bill provides that
case of complaints of violation of a
laws of the United States the attorn
general shall file information and tr
by jury shall bo had , and in case oi
verdict the fine shall not bo loss tli
$500 nero moro than $10,000. T
bill prohibits any discrimination , i
bate , or drawback ; authorizes t
commissioners to summon witncssi
call for books , papers , etc. , in case
investigations , but requires said i
vcstigationo , when possible , to
hold where the principal ofllco of t
defendant oompany is situated , T
measure ia moro radical in some of i
provisions than , any yet introduce
It supplies some of the deficiencies
the Reagan bill , but ia objcctional
an account of the excessive pow
which it gives to the commissionei
Railroad commissioners nro not vr
Jifforont from other men , nnd ha
been found perfectly capable of boii
ipproaohod by bribes to close the
oycs to many of the most llagra
evils of which the people complai
With three only in the board it wou
bo much moro easily controlled tin
if the number were larger. What tl
nation needs is such n railway In
is will leave an llttlo as possible to tl
judgment of the railroad comini
lion beyond taking note of infractioi
uid prosecuting oil'ondors.
PIINNBYLVANIA has been suing tl
Itandard Oil Company for back toxe
md has lost the case. The suitturnc
ipon the question of the right of
state to tax n corporation doing but
ness within its limits upon the who
if its capital stock. The Standai
Company was a foreign corporatic
> wning only certain terminal facilitii
n Pennsylvania. 'Out of the thn
nlllions of back taxea sued for'tr
itato recovers only $33,277 , tl :
ourt holding that the state had n
ewer to impose taxes except on tl :
iroporty actually situated within tli
lordora of the commonwealth. Tli
special value of the trial waa tli
ight which it threw upon tli
normous profits of this gigantic m (
lopoiy. It bogatyvith a capital sloe
f $1,000,000 , incroaring it firat b
irofita to $2,500,000 , then to $3,500
00 , nnd at last to $25,000,000. Be
ides this enormous growth of capiti
took , it declared dividends frm 187
o 1880 to the amount of $101,425,00 (
laking not profit of $32,000,000 i
ight years. Jtg dividends have fr <
uontly boon 100 per cent and its er
ire not earnings nro placed at $12 ,
00,000. This is the gigantic corpo
Uion which menaces oven railroads
urchasos legislatures nnd strangle
3mpotition by taxing every koroaon
imp in the United States.
to the sudden taking o
osso James , The Cincinnati Com
lorcial says : "Mr. James , who diet ]
iddonly in St. Joseph , Missouri , tlu
; her day , and is much lamented 01
10 border , was ono of our subscrib
s. Though a man of romnrkabh
.roer , ho passed andor an nssumoc
unothat of Thomas Howard. He
d n retired life , because ho desired
avoid litigation. The man whe
lot him said , in tolling the story ol
10 final tragedy :
' "During the day ho would stay
ound the house and in the evening
) would go down town to the news
> pot and get the papers. Ho said
ere were men hero who ought to
low him , but they never did. Ho
OK the Chicago Tribune , Cincinnati
unmorcml , and Kansas City Times
Ktilnrly , nnd nlwnya know what was
ing on nil over the world. About
week ngo ho road a piece in ono of
o papers that JCBSQ Jnmos1 career
u > over , and Charlie said ho was
rful mad about it. ' "
JESSE U. PAUTUIDOK , of Maryland ,
0 now minister to Peru appointed to
ccuod the late Gou. Hurlbert , has
da long career in foreign affairs of
ia country , Ho WOT at ono time
voy extraordinary nnd minister
anipotontiary to Lruzil , nnd at
other tiuio minister resident to
juduras , Salvador nnd Venezuela ,
1 also served oa arbitrator on the
rt of the United States to ndjudi-
e the claim of Earl Dundonald , a
jject pf Great Britain , against the
government , which arbitration resu
ed in nn award of 58,675 sterling
the claimant.
Parliament has adjourned for <
Easter holidays , after which the i
bate on the "cloturo" will bo resumi
Two preliminary votes on amei
mcnts to the bill , resulting in a go
majority for the government , foret
the success of the measure. * It 1
been somewhat modified since
original introduction but the Icadi
features are the same. Cloture dtft
somewhat from our form of "previc
question" in being prepared by t
speaker , and not by x number of t
house. Briefly stated , Mr. Gladaton
proposition provides that debate m
bo cut short nnd n division ordered
the discretion of the presiding oflii
if the proposition bo sanctioned
moro than 200 members when t
majority oxcccdn 40 , or by moro th
100 members when the majority is li
than 40. These restrictions nro i
tended to prevent the forcing or pa
ago of bills by n majority in an omr ,
The tone of the English papers
the feeling in this country in favor
the release of the Irish * American si
pccta is moderate but firm. A Icadi
article in the Times maintains t
right of every government to protc
itself against alien or domestic or
mica , and severely criticises the assi
tions of General Grant , mndo to t
deputation from the meeting th
waited upon him. The Times co
eludes with the opinion that the Br
ish government will notify our go
ornmont that favorable considerate
will bo given to the case of any citizi
af the United States , who will , if r
leased , agree to leave the countr
As the Times is the recognized orgi
3f the British government , this c
prcaiion is significant as pointing
the Drobablo solution of this questffi
unless moro active measures are tak <
an the part of our government to s
juro the immediate release of tl
An immense Gorman emigration !
preparing to leave for the Unit <
States. A recent letter from Fran'
'ord says that the actual number <
3orman emigrants who loft the com
.ry by way of Hamburg , Bremen , <
Stettin in 1881 waa 184,309. ]
1880 the number was only 94,900 ; i
; hat the increase in the past tweli
aonths was nearly 90,000 , or almo
LOO per cent. But those numbers e
lot represent all the German em
; ranta of the years in question. Mar
lid not emigrate from German port
> ut left by way of Antwerp , Rotto
lam , or Havre ; while others passe
hrough London , Liverpool or Glai
; ow. In addition to the 184,309 wl
eft by the three Gorman ports , thoi
y-oro 20,178 Germans who last yei
imigratod direct through Antworj
naking in all 210,547 for these fo\
torts alone. . The numbers wl ;
lassod through Rotterdam nnd Havi
n 1881 have not yet boon nacertainc
iy the Gorman authorities , whi !
lost of those who wont via Londoi
jiverpool , or Glasgow are included i
ho Hnmburah , Bremen , nnd Stotti
eturns. Altogether , when to tli
10,547 Germans who emigrated b
aitworp nnd the three Gorman porti
lioso nro added who wont via Rottei
am , Havre , nnd other routes , it i
robablo that the total of Gerraa
migranta in 1881 will bo foun
a exceed n quarter of a million. S
ir during the pact month the de
arturca from Hamburg nnd Brome
liow a largo increase ns compare
ith last year. From Hamburg , i ;
ict , during the past month thor
ave twlco as many persons omigratoi
i twelve months ngo , and when th
no weather approaches the tide emigration
migration promises to continue nn <
roatly outnumber the largo total o
10 past year. The majority of tin
orman emigrants belong to n das
hioh make the most excellent col-
lists. They nro mostly imiall farm
a , or sons of farmers , whoso presets
> ots in thia country hnvo for n lonj
mo past been those of diminishing
osperity. Thousands of the thrift )
tasant farmers of the Rhino district *
o leaving for America , as in then
itivo Jnnd they have for several
iars past not been able to live with-
it encroaching on their small and
ird-earned capital. They are selling
f while they have something loft ,
d nro following their relatives to
o states , where in a few years they
0 certain to bo proprietors of largo
d prosperous farms. It is a signifi.
nt fact that the population of the
go towns , and especially the manu-
ituring districts of Germany , coutri-
to in proportion to their numbers a
ich smaller percentage of emigrants
in the agricultural classes of the
The cost to Great Britain of the
ghan war ia now sot down , in round
mbora , at $108,000,000 , but this
imnto does not include the annual
yments for political pensions or al-
vancos for Ynkoob Khan and for
rious Afshnn refugees , to aay noth-
{ of the pensionsgrantodfor wounds ,
to widows of officers who were
led , or to the heirs ot native sold-
ajontitlod to pension , some of which
1 continue to bo paid for the next
rty or forty yeara or oven longer.
oTory reaction , of which some talk
ia heard in England , will hardly
aided by thia citation of Boaconsfiol
reckless and extravagant policy ,
return for all this expenditure of ca
tal nnd vast sacrifice of human 1
the English government receives i
solutcly nothing.
The population of Russia incroa
moro rapidly than that of nny otl
state except Holland nnd Den ma
It doubles itself in fifty-eight yen
The period in other countries ia
follows : Denmark , ofl ; Holland , 1
Germany , GS ; Austria , 95 ; Switz
land , 99 ; Italy , 141 ; Franco , 1 (
The births per 1,000 inhabitants a
Inllussia , 49 ; in Germany , *
in France , 20. The doath-n
is higher in Russia 37 { per 1OOC
than any European country except !
Hungary. The mortality is great
among children. The death rate
infants ono year old in Russia is 1
4 , in Franco 1 in 5 , in Prussia 1 in
nnd in England 1 in 7. The most i
markablo contrast between Russia a
the rest of Europe is the comparatl
absence of illegitimacy. The rate p
1,000 illigitimato births , which
England is Cl , in Ilaly GG , in Fran
73 , in Germany 88 , in Sweden 90 ,
Denmark 110 , and in Austria 124 ,
in Russia only 30.
The scheme for the establishment
a government tobacco monopoly , oln
orated by Bismarck , haa provok
unanimous opposition throughout t
empire. The parliaments of Bavni
and Saxony first declared against
and Baden has since requested i
representative on the Bundosrath
Dpposo the measure. The princir.
argument employed against the mo
spoly is that in the prciont state
matters it would ruin thousands ]
families , nnd oven , as in the case
Bremen , entire towns. The proposi
indemnity of $80,232,000 , largo as
teems , is ridiculous when compan
ivith the interest involved. It is eal
mated that the receipts from the mo
jpoly would amount to $83,464,90
md the exponao to § 41,307,940 , lea
ng n neat produce of § 42,090 , %
ivhich. again would bo reduced 1
various charges to $39,717,100. Tl
nonopoly would bo placed under tl
personal direction of the chnncollo
tfo provision is made for the divisic
) f the profits among the various stnte
A drought is prevailing in Austr
ind Germany which ia without prc
iodont during the present centur
/ienna is threatened with a failui
if water supply from the mountai
iprings at Payorback nnd Gloggnifc
md ovpn such rivers as the Danul
md the Rhino are shrunken to lei
han half their normal dimension
The bed of the latter river wi
Tossed dry-foot near Kotsch ono do
ast month , nnd the Roman ruins i
11 trip have been left bare by the re
oding watora. On the 14th of Fol
uary , at Bonn , the Rhine fell to t\i
nchca below the lowest water-mm
.ithorto registered there , just sovoi
y-six years ngo ; and the committi
f the Bonn Carnival club avnile
liemsolvos of the opportunity thi
Herded them for the performance i
supremely eccentric feat , by holi
ig a conference after dark on a
aisis of dry land near the middle <
10 river-bed. Having convoyed
iblo and chairs to this oasis and gor
irough the regular formula of
immittco meeting , the celebrant
xrried an ofligy of Prince Carniva
icorted by torch-bearers , from thei
ub house to the mid-stream place c
mdczvous , which they then ilium :
ntcdwith Bengal fire The jolif
ttion that ensued lasted far into th
ight. After executing an olaborat
rograrmno of humorous spoechoE
imio songs nnd bacohanaliai
lorusoa , the committee subscribed
rotocol recording the proceedings
tiiquo in their way , of the "Kap
msitzung , " enclosed the documen
a metal case and buried it in thi
id of the river as a record of ln
gh-jinks celebrated upon that ver
ot by the Bonnor Faaching-Voroin
i St. Valentino's Night , 1882.
It seoma strange to read of atrlkci
id labor riots in Spain , Few poopli
vo supposed that the average Span
: d felt enough interest in hard worl
pot excited on the subject.
The rush of immigrants to Man !
ba continues. Saturday 400 nr <
red at Winnipeg , nnd 1,000 more
ire expected. The young motrop
s of the fnr northwest is said to be
nsely crowded.
There is n scheme on foot in Lon-
11 for providing "n burial place foi
t animals , dogs , cats and little
da. " An association has been
mod calling itself "Tho Zoological
icropolis company ( limited ) , " which
ika to supplement the efforts of the
'iotios which care for animals in
> by seeing to their interment after
ilo'Congressioiml Rodistriotiug-
ttonal Press Association ,
COLUMBUS , April 7 , In the house
districting was special order. The
iiority report wns agreed to aye *
nixya 2 ( > . Thia uavo the ropubli-
is 15 , nnd the democrats G ,
allnndigham's amendment giving
i republicans 11 nnd the democrats
waa defeated naya 5G , yeas 28 ,
voons pll'erod a nubstitutu giving
i republicans 10 and the democrats
jocko offered an amendment giv-
the democrats 3 and 1 doubtful.
The oleander U now n fashionable flo
for parlor decoration.
Ladles with Titian red hair should w
only black satin And Jet ,
The newest thing In wall decoratl
this spring U papier rnachc.
At spring dinners crisp lettuce i
strawberries will be served with thn fi
Handsome parabola have frllla of li
and others a bunch of Hewers on the t
The servants at some of the watcri
jilnces thli summer will be tmlfonnei
the English style.
Such things as elopements never fag
In the romances of China. A Chinan
might steal n dog , but a woman , never.
The sunflower nnd the lily nre seen
printed drcs fabric' , and In millinery
nitments , larepins. bangles , nnd ffti
buttons or enamel under crystal.
White foulatd night-dresses npp
with shirring over the shoulders nnd U |
the sleeves , nnd are trimmed with Met
lace nnd bows of whlto satin ribbon ,
VerylorKitoc'rflng.mlU In tan , lick
green , flbi.h nnd almond tints , and also
black nnd white , will be much worn wl
the weather becomes worm enough.
A htldo's traveling dresn Is t f dark n
velrct. Another l of gendarme blue clo
fastened with steel buttons and looped
ono eldc with bows of satin eumlime.
A St. Loula street car driver went ho
nnd pounded his wife when he he
that ho had fallen heir to $50,000. Th
a-o variouH ways of betraying deep er
Four young ladle * In Michigan , wi
ing to find n life of n Iventure on
plaint , started down tli * Grind rl
in a boat. They have not ninca been he.
Irish batiste , In soft pal a shades
color , as sky blue , lilac , shrimp pli
cream , ivory , fawn , nnd corn color , v
ba among the list of popular fcumr
An Iowa woman wrote to Queen \
torla Asking her if she intended to w
hoops this summer , nnd she has been
the postolfico over twenty times wltlu
receiving a reply.
A woman nsver quite forg els the fell
ivho was hopelessly in love with her wl
ihe was young. She would give the wo
bo possess his scalp , just to exhibit It to I
; rand-daughtera.
A brakeman who list a hand while ci
pling cnn got § 5,000 from a Chics
n ry. When n brnkemnn now offers 1
land to a young woman , she knowa ji
ivhat that hand Is worth. [ Boston Tri
Spanish lace drapei many of the styli
rlsltes and cloak * of black satin ni
nirali , but in the height of summer i
oundntionH will be dispensed with , ai
.ho rich lice alone will bo used for visit
md dolmans over toilets of the pale
: olors.
New evening shoes of pale blue , lih
awn or black velvet , inre laced up t
ronti with slender chords of gold
liver , nnd the pointed toes are cover
vith embroidery worked in gold or ailv
breads intermfugled with silver , gc
intt amber beads. They are made ov
Spanish lasts , and hava high French hee
A woman in Now York accused
niudlmg jewelers out of $1,000 worth
ewelry , brought into court tares pairs
wins , the oldest of whom were'only fo1
oars. The children were turned eve
o tlu society for the prevention of cruel
o children , nnd when the separation toe
il ice the "cries of the six twins were
ilerclng that everybody had to hold the
Among the model bonnets from Pai
re pote-baped Panamas , lined with v <
et nnd trimmed with handsome satin ri
ions , trails of the most exquisite fluwoi
nd aigrettes nnd pompons in soft ai
eauttful tints. Ono of these is faced wi'
ark laurel-green velvet. Around tl
rown is a wreath of stullar , wood mos
nd gold-tipped mignonette blossoms inte
lingled. At the left side is set a clust
f wild roses , overshadowed by two fu
jtrich tips shading to pale gold. Tl
reen satin strings' nro embossed with
tea design in gold color.
Handkerchief pouchesand bags contini
a fashion. They add very much to tl
ellc te finish of full dres designed f
ny occasion , be it ball , party , weddingj
pera. Some very dainty oncjnccoinpnr
, ewly imported garden patty toilets , mar
f them in envelope shape being made <
atin , exquisitely hand-minted and trie
aed with gold or silver lace ; others in tl
jrm of tiny mull's lire bordered with whi
larabout feather trimming , but the pra
lest of nil are in Greek style , depcndii
iw on the skirt from a nne gold or silvi
haletaine , and trimmed with Grecian en
rodery and bows and ends of satin ribboi
For spring and summer wear fancy sill
rill bo in great demand. In taffeta
muulno , glace , cliene , and other liul
ilks , re found some novel and attracts
atterns and combinations. These fohrk
iako inexpensive and dre sy costumi
hich , with care , will last two season :
specially if n thin lining is used in mal
ig them up. A pretty model for a set
da costume is made of fine shepherd'i
laid silk in black and gold. Three kilte
idles trim the underskirt , and the fn
mniers are edged with black lace. Lon
> oped bowa of Mack satin , faced with ol
ltd , ure Added , nod the visitois of tli
ime material , tiimmod around the boi
im with two ruffles of lace. A zigzag fa
' . lace Is arranged down each 14e of tli
! ite in front , which is closed with titr
> ld buttons.
A woman wns buying tea at A place i
nshingtou where , on certain days , dia
ends , rings and purses of money nr
veu away as prizes in ft otrtaln nnmbc
' packages sold. The other day ft lad
epped forward and invested her dollar
I'll give you $5 for your package befor
> ening , " sold tin clerk. She declined
was opened. There were only fiftee ,
nts in it. Kho bought another package
; o same offer made and declined. Ther
ere only fifteen cents in that one , Sh
night n third package , "I'll give yoi
; \ She hesitated , then consented. I
is opened anil found to contain $500 it
Id piece * . Thi * attracted attention , aw
e buying of $1 packages became ver ;
isk. A gentleman followed the lady t'l
r hotel and asked her name. Mrs
, said the clen. It was the wlfi
the proprietor of the tea store.
Mr , W , II , Lenke , the well known
tor , waa married lately In New Xaa
Mies Hamilton , of San Francisco , wni
irrieil in Jfarlc , France , on Tuesday last ,
Sir Sldo > y Hcdley Wnterlow.
Marriage * between gentlemen of eight }
d ninety years nnd widows of n corre *
ndlng period of life are becoming re-
Likauly tn < iiient , and yet they say that
irriagti li on the decline. *
\ young nun of 1'ort Jurvis was en-
; cU to mnrry ft young lady , but she
rogtuded ou hlin. lie then took n
p tai-ther nud proposed to her mother ,
y nre , now dossing that girl together.
ltlK Ilattla Hooper , daughter of Hon.
, H. Hooper , ex-representative to con-
'M from Uub , is to be married to
sntentnt Young , of West Point , ft sou
the Lite Brfcluin Young , In the full.
jurtnKuun > , of Hollaml , has prepared
her &i * , er Heljn u wedding gift which
1 | a of > iaU ute to that young lady inv
i \v rn > And dliujy winter of { ogland ,
In a magnificat sledge formed like n
in , palnM In the Wutteau style nnd
) d with ftquiltea blue satin.
U ooznitartd with the population , there
more muiringc * in Franco than in
gland. The percentage in given nt 83
the former an I 83 for the latter. In
mce , however , the biith rate continues
leciewe , wLlcli U repirded by French
nomUU sm vtry onimoua fact ,
it a fashionable church wedding rc-
tly tba brlddsmalju were dressed in
rt , dark creen > ehet drestes with livrfo
inbboron b l U of the euino trimmed
with green and gold ostrich plnr
They wore Ions , tan-colored moust
Ulro glove * , nnd bunches of crimson r
fastened under the chin nnd carded in
There Is a great deal of talk In Col
rm . Ohio , over a recent marriage. '
bridegroom wai Win , D. Pugh , son <
judije , nephew of a , inpmb r of congr
heirjto § 250,000 , and of very rcspecti
social connection * , The bride v/as ]
Doggfi. a dancer In n low on cert gan
Pngh knew that lie would be ottracl ;
and so started for New Mexico with
wife , after closing the bujine-s affairs ,
tending never to return.
Qnymond Holmes ulll manage the 10
ton Soldler ' Homo Theater tliia sutnm
A young Now Orleans octoroon , Ly
Montro e , ii ono of the coming wlnt
A bntantes.
The Fun on the Bristol Comblont
Railed for Enropa last week. Limpoo
the First bland.
Hooy and Hardlo'n Combination upei
San Franciico on May 19th at the liu
street Theater.
Mr. Jefferson will reappear In Ty
York lat In September , at the Un
Square theatre.
Wnchtel hau left Wiesbaden and gi
to llerlin , where he will sing this sumi
at Kroll'a theatre.
FrederickPau'diughas returned to N
York fully restored to health. He she
ho willstHr again next season ,
Now that Oecar Wilde Is In "Frisc
Billy ( beg pardon ) William Kmerson i
probably revive the "Big Sunflower. "
Mnn ! ! Cummlogs announce that
will take tbo road again. Wo call u ]
tho'Boardof Health to protect u ft
this epidemic.
Mr. Gladstone witnessed the last t
formance of tha "Flying Dutchman"
Carl Itoea's company in London , c
fully studying the text book between
act ? .
And now project is on foot to eft
Huh nn Academy of Music fur Scotia
A Mieetlng has been held , and subsci
tions of § 600 each received from the Di
of Buccleucu nd the Earl of lloaobery
It Is n striking proof of tha increas
popularity of opera bouffo In London tl
within tlio past eighteen months th
new theatres devoted to that species
entertainment hava been erected aim
within n stone's throw of each other.
Strauss'a operetta , "The Mnrry Wa
lius turned out to bo n very successful v
turo at the Thalia Theatre. It has
traded largo audiences nil the week a
rewarded the managers for their enterpr
nnd judgment in bringing it out so prom
y and well.
An audience haa a right to expect p
: cction from the elemeuta wken seated i
i all or theater witnessing a play , 3
ilazel Kirtta was given a few nights sic
\t AVnbah , Indiana , under a roof whi
eaked to badly that umbrellas had to
mt up during part of the performance.
The fo'lowing fourteen operas wore gl
> n at Leipzig during the month of Febi
iry : "Carmen" ( twice ) , "Aida , " "Fre
: hutz , "L'Africaino , " "Fra DJavole
'Hans Heiling"Fault , " "Rattenfa
" " " " " "
-cr , "Tannhauser"Lohengrin"llhei
" "Walkure " " " and "Gf
old , , "Siegfried ,
erdammerung. " It will be noticed th
* Aida" ii the only Italian opera in t
ist ; and even that is not really nn Italii
The dates of the fifth musical festival
Cincinnati under thn direction of M
riiomaa are the IGtb , 17tb , 18th and 18
f May. The principal solo pcrforme
/ill bo the sameasnt the New York festiv
nd someiof the numbers of tha pt
ramma will also b ) the same. Followii
Is purpose to five every part of hia fesl
al schemes n dignified and noble valu
Ir. Thomas has this year made the nftt
eon programme contribute to the educ
tonal influences heretofore confined to tl
vcning concerts ; instead of series of u
elated piece ? , he presents each afternoc
number of selections from 01
f the maaLirpiecca in opera , C
lie first nrTirnoon there will 1
our pieces from Mozart' * "I
s'ozzo di Figaro-tho second will be giv <
p to Wagn r , the excerpts beiug mac
rom "Die Meistersinger , " Das Rbeii
old , " "Die Walknero" nnd "Die Ooette
ammerungj" tha third will present fet
ieces from Weber's "Kuryanthe. " Tl
irge works of tbo festival will be M
art's "Kequiem , " Handel's "Dettingt
'e Dcum , " Bach's "Pifsion-Music , a
ording 10 St. Matthew , " the third pai
f Schumann's "Fnust Scenes"the secon
ct of Berlioz's "Fall ot Troy , " and M
V. Gilchrist's "Forty-sixth Psalm. " Tl
ymphoniej will bo Beethoven's nuvent
nd eighth , Schubert's ninth ( in C ) , an
, iszt's "Dante Symphony. "
The Presbyterians in Minnesota numbi
,4 , 9.
It is said that five denominations ha >
50,000 members in Texas in a populatio
A Hartford church is connected I
ilenhone with the house ot 100 membei
f the congregation.
The fifty-second general assembly of th
'umberland ' Presbyterian church wi
leet in Huntsville , Ala. , May 18.
The Rev. T. J. Knapp , DD. , a Bapti.
tiniiter of Colorado , has left that denom
atlon to join the Protestant Upiscopi
The pope will hold another consiator
L May when the archbishop of Cologn
id the Papal Nuucio to Spain will b
eattd cardinals.
The M thodist Episcopal church in
eased the number of its churches las
; rby 3M , and the value of its churcl
roperty by more than 52,000,000 ,
In 33 years the number of ministers ii
ia Christian connection his increase !
om 920 to 1,25-1 ; of churchoi from 875 t
1V1 ; of monitors from 28,892 to 70,000 ,
The nonorul synod of the Reformer
resbyterian church will hold iti uunun
salon ia Dar iogton , Penn , May 17th
leRer , J. G , Boico preaching the open
g sermon.
The Kansas Methodist conference re
irts 17,522 jnembera a gain of 08 ant
ICO [ ) rob.itljnord in increase of G31. I
is 211 local preacera , 1C9 churches , nnc
9 Sunday schools.
The general assembly of the Pouthen
-eabi tarian church will meet In Atlanta
) . , May Id. The openintr ecrmon wil
preached by Dr. R. P. Farris , moder ,
arof th * last assembly.
Of all Protestant Evangelical donomfntt
ins there are 49(3 ( churches In the city ol
jw York for nn etitimated Protestant
pulation of 500,000 to 000,000. The
mberof "missions" is 133 , of which 118
a Protestant.
The Metropolitan tabernacle , London ,
r , Snurgeon's church , ) continues to
> w. It now has 5,310 members. Last
ir 271) ) were received by baptism. GS by
ter , and 85 by profession , making a
al of 382 , but there was decrease
315 ,
L'he original Scotch National covenant
1038 is utill in existence. Tha vonera-
perchment WAS exhibited recently at
i sitting of the Victoria ( Australia )
isbyterian general assembly. The
sent owner , the Hon. W , IVareon , is n
; al descendant of one of the signers of
Do Not Bo Dtoclvcd.
h theie times of quajk modlclna ndver-
menu everywheie , It Is truly gratify-
to find one remedy that it worthy of
In * , and whlnh really dues aj recom-
: ided , Llictric Blttera wo can > ouch
as being a trua and reliable remedy ,
I one that will do a * r couiinemleii.
> ynv ! rUbly cure Stomach mid Lher
uplaluts. Diseased of tha Kldners and
iniiry dltliculties. We know wheieof
ipeak. and can readily ay , giro thim
ial , Sold nt fifty ct > nt a bottle by
roter & Becht.
For Sale By
near 22nd and Wobstcr streets , 10 rooms , stable
and splendid order. A Impala at f 000.
178 , llonno s roams , lull { lot on i'icrco noa
SUth street , 8I.CM.
177 , House 2 looms , full lot on Douirl&s near
26th street , 8700.
176 , Beautiful rosldonco , full lot on Cues ooar
16th street , 812,000.
174 , Two housosnnd i lot on Dodro near 8th
street , 81 GOO.
170 , House threa roomi , two closota , etc. , half
lot on 21st t ear Grace street , 8300.
172 , One and ono-half story brick honsa an
two lot * on Douglas near 28th street , 81,700.
171 , House two rooms , wellcistern , stable , etc
full lot near Pierce and ISth street , $950. *
179 , One and one-halt story bouse six rooma
and oil , halt lot on Convent etroot near St
Mary's aronue , )1,8M > .
No. 170 , HOUM three rooma on Clinton street
near shot lower , $325.
No. ICO , HOUM and 83x120 feet lot on
street near Websfc r street , $3,600.
No , 168 , llouso ol 11 rooms , lot S3xlSO feet oa
19th mar Curt ttrcct , (5,000.
oji 107 , Two story houeo , 9 rooms 4 closets ,
? oed cellar , on 18th ttreot near I'opplctoa'p
No. 166 , New house of 6 rooms , half lot on
Izard nf nr 19th street , 81,850.
No. 101 , Ono and ono halt story house 8 room *
on 18th street r car Loavcnworth , $3,600.
N. 101 , One and one-halt story Louse ol 6-
roomi near Hanscc-m Park , $1,600.
No. 163 Tno houses G rooms each , closets , etc
on Burt street near 26th , $3,600.
No. 167 , hotua B rooms , lull lot on 10th street
near Loavcnworth , 82,400.
No. 160 , Houeo i large rooms , 2 closets
hall nerd on Burt ( treat near Button , 31,200.
No. 166 , Tno houses , ono of 6 and ono ol i- '
rooms , on 17th street near Marcy. 53,200.
No. 164. Three houK * , one of 7 and two 0(6-
roon > each , and corner ot , on Cass near 14th
itrct , $5,000. '
Nr , 153 , small house nnd full lot on PaclO
near 12th ( trcct , 82,600. .
No. If 1 , Ono story house 0 rooms , on Leaven
worth near 16th , $3,000.
No. 160 , House three rooms and lot 02x11
iear26th nnd Farnhnm , f.2,600.
No. 148 , New house ol eight rooms , on lEth
itreet nmr Leavenwortb , $3,100.
No. 147 , Uouso ot 13 rooma on ISth etroot
i ear Marcy , 85,000.
No. 146 , llouso of 10 rooms and IJlots oa 18tb ,
itreet near Marcy , $0.000. -to "
No. 145 , Houeo two large rooms , lot 67x210 fee '
inSheraan avcnuo (16th ( street ) near Nicholas ,
* 600.
No 143 , Rouse. 7 rooms , bant , on 20th street
icar Lcavonwortn , 82,600.
No. 142 , HOUFO 5 room * , kitchen , etc. , on 10th
itreet near Nicholas , 81,875.
No. 141 , Homo 3 rooms on Douglas near 26tb
trcet , $ fliO.
No. 140 , Large houfo and tno Iota , OD 24t
tear Farnham street , 88,000.
No. ISO , Houeo S rooms , lot COxlCO } ( cot ,
) ouglas near 27th street , 81,600.
No. 137 , HOUBO 6 rooms and half lot on Capita
iVonuo near 23d street , 82,300.
No. ISO , llouso and hall aero lot on Cumin ?
trcet near 24th 8S60.
No. 131 , House 2 rooms loll lot , . hard
iota 21 t street. > 00.
No. 129 , Twohtueua. one ot 0 and otio ol 4
oonis , ou leased lot on Wcbrtcr near 20th street ,
No. 127 , Two story houto 8 rooms , halt lot on
Vcbutcr near 19th $3,600.
No. 126 , Houeo 3 rooms , lot 20x120 feet on
Oth street near Doupas(376. ] (
No , 125 , Two story house oa 12th near Dodge
trcct lotSSxCfl feet 81,200. \
No. 124 , Largo house and full block near
'arnham and Central street , 83,000
No. 123 , House 6 rooms and large lot on Bann
ers street near Barmcks , 82 100.
No. 122 , House 0 rooms and hall lot on W b-
ter near 16th street , $1,600.
No. 118 , House 10 rooms , lot 30x90 feet on
apltol n\enuo near 22d street , $2,950.
No. 117 , House S rooms , lot 30x120 feet , on
'apltol ' ai cnuo near 22d $1,600.
No. 114 , llouso 3 rooms on Douglas nutvr 20tb
: rcct , 8760.
No. 113 , House 2 rooms , lot 06x00 feet on
ear Cuming street , 8760.
No. 112 , Brick house 11 rooms and half lot on
osa near 14th street , 82,800.
No. Ill , Uou9ol2 roomsjon ( Davenport nca
2th street , S7HO.
No. 110 , Brick house and lot 22x132 foe on
ass street near 16th , 83,000.
No. 108 , Largo house on Harnoy near 16th
roit , 80,600.
No 109 , Two houses and 36x1 loot lot DO
8) near 14th street , 83,600.
No. 107. House 6 rooms nnd half lot on Izar
ear 17th street , 81,200.
rio. 106. House and lot 61x198 ( cct , lot on 14th M
ear Plerco street , fOOO.
No. 116 , Two utory house 8 rooms witht ) lob
n iSeward near Saundcre-etreot , 82,800.
No. 103 , Ono and ono ball story house 10 rooms
Debater near 16th street , 82,600.
[ No. 102 , Two housca 7 rooms each an J J lot on
Ith near Chicago , * 4 , < M > .
No. 101 , Howe 3 rooms , cellar , etc. , 1 } lots on
jiith avenue near Pacific itreei , 31,650.
No. 100 , Houio 4 rooms , collar , etc. , hall lot
i Itard Btreet near lOih , $2,000.
No. 09 , Very largo houeo and full lot on liar
ey near 14th street , SO 000.
No. 97 , Large houeo ol 11 rooms on Sherman g
rcnuo near Clark street , make an offer.
No. 06 , One and ono hall itory house 7 rooma
1140x401 feet , stable , etc. , ou Sherman avoID -
ID near Grace , 17 000.
No. 92 , Largo brick house two lota on Daven >
> rt street near 19th (18,000.
No. 00 , Largo house and lull lot on Dodo
tar 16th ttrott , 87,000.
No. 89. Large hauso 10 rooms half lot on 20th
T California street , 87,600
No , 88 , Large house 10 or 12 rooms , beautiful
met lot on Caa near 20th , (7,000.
No. 87. T o rtory bouse 3 rooms 6 acres o
Dd on Saundera street near Barracks , $2,000.
No. 85 Two store * and a realm nee ou loosed
lit lot.near Mason and 10th street , 8SOO.
No. 84 , Two story homo 8 rooms , closets , etc. ,
in G acres ot ground , on Blunders street near
nah Birrnck , 82,600
No. 63 , Houtool B rooTB , hall lot on Capitol
enuo near 12th street. 82,600.
No 82 , Ono and ono hall story r ouse , 6 rooma
II lot on Pierce near 20th street , 81,800.
No. 81 , Two 2 story houses , ono ot D and ona
oems , Chicago St. , near 12tb , (3,000.
No. 80 llouw ) 4 rooms , closcta , etc. , largo lot
18th street near White Lead works , 81,300.
No. 77 , Large house ol 11 rooms , closets , eel-
- , ct : . , with 1lotou Farnham near 10th street ,
No. 76 , Oceaniono-hallstorv house ot B rooms ,
; 60x81 leet ou Casancar 14th street , (4,600.
Ho. 76 , HOUM 4 rooms and basement , /'o '
1x132 K-et on Marcy near 8th street , 8076.
Si'o. 71 , Large brick house and two lull lots oo
. \tuport near 16th Btreet , 816,000.
No. 73 , Ono and one-hall story house and'lot
H32 leet on Jackaon near 12th street , (1.600.
No. 72 , Large brick house 11 rooms , lull lot
Dm uiport near 15th itreet , (5,000.
S'a. 71 , targe home 12 rooms , lull lot on Call-
nta near SOth street. 87,000.
fo. 65 , Stable and S lull lota on ran In street
ir Saundera , 82,000. ,
Vo. Ot , Two ttory frame building1 , utoro
I rooms abet e , on leat d lot ou Dougu
h street , $800
to. 63 , House 4 rooms , basement , etc. , la
230 feet on 18th street mat Nail Works ,
DO.o. > 62 , Neir house 4 rooms ono > f ry , lull lot
To. 68 , House ol 7 looms , ull lot Webster
r 21st Ktreet , 2,600.
Hartley near 21 t street , 81,760.
lo. 61 , Large house 10 rooms , full lot on Bur
r 2Ut Btreet , 85,000.
'o. CO , House 3 rormi , hall lot on Davenport
r 23d street , (1,000.
o 69 , Four houses and half lot on CMS near
istrett ? 2600. .
4 „
0 12 , House 0 rooms ard lull lot , Itarncy
r 28th street , 82.COO.
' 0.9 , 'Ihreohoujcsand lull tot on Cass. near
1 ttrctt , $ j,200.
15th and Douglas Street ,