Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Thrco Cormotticut Manufacturing
vTowns VJowaof n Representative -
tivoVondnff Now England
Correspondent of tha N. V. Pott.
MERIDEN , Ct. , Great induatria
contrbs like Birmingham or JManchoi
lor in England are rare in this country
outside of the great cities , yet here
within ft radius o twelve miles arc
thrco vigorous young towns , which , i
they have not already attained tha
position , are fast approaching it. .
refer to Walorbury , twelve miles west
in the heart of Naugatuok Vnlloy , the
centro of the brass interest of the
country ; Now Britain , ntno miles
north , the Sheffield of .Amcriei , and
Mcridon , the seat of the silver-platinj ;
interest and of n score of important
industries beside.
This city is certainly an industrial
marvel , without a poor in rapid devel
opment , and its rapid changes and
picturesque sittualion present no end
of kaleidoscopic pictures to the tour
ist wise enough to devote a few days
to the careful study of them , The
town lies in the deep valley of the
Qainnipiack , eighteen miles above
Now Uaven , and the same distance
.south of Hartford. East and west
are high ranges of windstono hills ,
capped by great , black , jaggud masses
of volcanic rock , forced up througl
the sandstone crust to the height o :
hundreds of foot which have boon the
wonder and study of geologists for
generations/ Great brick factories
each an industrial villiago in itself , Til
the narrow valley , and the hillsidbi
&ro dotted with charming villas ant
pretty white cottages that form the
of 20,000 people. The streets climb
the hills or cut their surfaces into
squares , and from the cottages thai
line thorn appears every morning , a
few minutes before seven , a throng o
six or seven thousand operatives
neatly clad , generally with cheerful
contented faces , that pours like n
flood through the city , and is swal
lowed up quickly enough by the
grim-looking factories. At seven the
city's day begins , and after that hour
noisy trip hammers strike the cruio
metal into shane , hugo shears clip of
iron bars as easily as n lady's scissors
-snips off n ribbon , molten motnl pours
liiasing into clay moulds , looms olang ,
glass blowers ply their nnciont craft ,
And men who have reached tbo hoighti
of industrial art cut delicate tracery
on glass , and engrave chaste patterns
and beautiful designs on the tableware -
ware of the millions. All this and
more ono may BOO in a leisurely tour
of the workshop. At noon thoifao
torics stop for an hour , at six the day's
work is done , and the throngs are in
the streets again homeward bound ,
leaving the grime and dust of the
day's toil behind with their workaday -
day habiliments.
Intelligence and cultivation are
much higher here than in most factory
townsj owing to the fact that skillet
labor is chiefly employed in itn facto
ries , The city has its clubs and "so
cieties" ef all sorts , literary , dramatic
and musical , its , social sots and cir
cles. The seat of the State lleform
School is hero. I notice all the ad
juncts of the citv an opora-houso ,
gas , paved streets , water-works capa
ble of throwing a stream from the hy
drant over any of the church spires
and fed from a beautiful pond far up
in the mountains , police , common
council , mayor , and until recently n
municipal ring , The grand list of the
city this year amounts to nine mil
lions ofi dollars , assessments beinf
.laid on the basis of one-third of tlu
real value. It claims a population ol
twenty thousand , double that report
ed in the census of 1870. Ono hun
dred and ninety-two buildings were
erected last year at a cost of half a
million , and for the present year sixty-
two promlts have boon granted one
for a hotel to cost ono hundred thou
sand dollars. This prosperity is
largely the work of the last twenty
years. It has achieved in thoabsonco
of all those natural advantages which
are supposed to make cltio" ; mines ,
navigable waters , a tributary country ,
are wanting. There is not oven a
mill-stream hero capable of furnishing
water power ,
Much of this phenomenal growth is
duo to the business pntorpriso of the
citizens , but I am inclined to attri
bute the town's prosperity largely to
the patent laws. It is a city of inven
tors. Mechanical genius is attracted
hither as the artistio is to Paris or the
literary to university towns , ( jjlts great
workshops have been built up and uro
sustained by the scores and hundreds
of patents they control. Every ether
man ono moots has taken out a pat
ent , or is about to do so , or is working
at "an idea. " Some inventors have
taken out eight or ton. Several have
become well-to-do by a fortunate in
ventive inspiration. A friend took
mo to see an inventor who had boon
at iwork nearly seven years on an im
proved water motorhis expenses meantime
time- being paid by a local company
which had been organized to manufac
ture the invention as soon as it should
bo perfected. Another gentlemen
whom I mot had disposed of two pat
ents at a comfortable figure , was man
ufacturing under two others , had a
fifth passing through a patent oflice ,
and also acted as an agent for the pro
curement of patents for his neighbors.
The inventors are chiefly of small ar
ticles in hardware and silver plate , or
for household use , and when secured
by patent are sold or leased on a roy
alty to the manufacturers , who enjoy/ /
a monopoly of the nrtiolo until the
patent expires , and are built up by it.
Bomo of them would eeom to have
reached the limit of expansion. Ono
company carries a thousand men on
its pay-roll , and covers eight acres
with its building" . Another follows
closely , with its five huge workshops
and GOO laborers ; and there are nine
other firms carrying from 200 to 400
men on their pay-rolls , To show the
remarkable variety of articles manu
factured , 1 give the following list from
the catalogue of one firm : Domestic
hardware , plated and Britannia ware ,
.spectacle ? , tobacco boxes , door hangers -
ors and rollers , butts , hinges and fas
teners , f net ion plates , hammers ,
. ,
coffee and spicb mills , bootjucka , fuu-
cots , shears , skimmer , lanterns , can
dlestick's , gear drills , shade rollers
Sargent B Souvenir ,
* > /-Tho political admirers of cx-Bena-
tor ' Sagoant" California , tendered
him a t arwell banquet at the Pacific
hotel , San Fnuicbco , on the eve of
his departure for Berlin to nssumo
the duties of United States Minister
there. As ft momonlo of the occa
sion Mr. Sargent was presented with
n beautiful plojo of gold and silver
with the menu of the feast engraved
in the center ,
The plato is heavy solid silverabout
eight Inches long and six wide. On
the initial side the letcor "S , " in-
closes , in the circles formed by the
lower and upper halves of the letter ,
two landscapes. The upper ono is
the Golden Gate at sunset , n steamer
and bark with all sail sot being intro
duced in the foreground , and Fort
Point showing on the loft and Point
Bonita on the right. In the iowor
circle is a picturesque view of the
Rhino. The ground work of the side
of the plato is of yellow gold , satin
finished ; the "S. " red Rold , raliovod
with silver , and the landscapes of en
graved silver. The insciiption on the
initial side of the plate is at follows !
Banquet to Aaron A. Sargent , Minis
ter of the United Stitoi to Germany ,
by the Citizens of San Francisco , Pnl-
ace Hotel , Thursday , March 30,1882.
The reverse sldo of the plato is an
unusually artistic bit of engraving and
metal working. The entire side re
presents a view of the Bridle Toil
Falls in the Yosemite Valley , framed
on the sides by two towering sequoia ,
from whoso highest branches , across
the top of the picture , forming that
portion of the frame , rests a broken
limb. Suspended from the centre of
this limb are flags of the United States
and Germany , draped to the right and
left , caught up on tho.branchos of the
sequoia , and , finally , twining their
gracef ulfoldsaroundtho ( | mighty trees'
trunks. The conception and execu
tion of this design are faultless. The
groundwork is silver , satin finish , the
massive rockwork , over which the
water falls in misty torrents , is of
yellow cold , the text uro oficct being
produced with what is called Scotch
stoning. The falls themselves are of
delicately engraved silver. In the
foreground ii a placid stretch of river ,
the water effect being produced with
the graver , and dashes of gold. The
details of vegetation and the region
are in red gold , engraved. The red
in the ilagn is of red gold , the black
and white of engraved nnd sntin fin
ished silver. The plato was hold in n
handsome embossed contra piece of
morocco on ono eido inscribed in gilt
letters , "Aaron A. Sargent. " On the
side of the case was a oilk menu of the
A Western Scout's Story.
Boston Trua 1'latf.
"When wo hoard about the massacre
ho sent out scouts to find out who the
murderers were , and when they re
ported to him that they were Mor
mons , off ho want with his entire
command for Bait Lake City , swear
ing every rod of the way that ho
would hang the murderers if ho had
to hang every Mormon in Utah. Ho
intended to give Brigham Young
twenty-four hours to surrender up the
murderers , and unless this was done
Later Day Saints would bo mighty
scarce around there.
Before ho reached Salt Lake City a
messenger overtook us with orders
from thu war department for Harnoy
to return to camp ; that the civil au-
tjioritios would attend to the massa
cre business , Thou you ought to
have hoard the old man swear. Ho
damned the government enough to
sink it. I never mot a man who
could swear more violently than Har
tley.Ho thought the matter over for a
little while , and then declared that
ho had started for Salt Lake City
and ho would go there if ho was court-
martialed and" shot for it. And ho
wont , too , and if the war department
over hoard of it , no action was taken.
Wo camped a short distance ouundo
the city , and stayed a few days to givi
the animals a rest ; and they needed it
Badly , for wo had traveled fast.
The morning that wo started back
to Yumn a young girl about seventeen
or eighteen years old came out to
camp and applied to Brady , the train
master , to help her escape. Her pa
rents were English , who had joined
the Mormons not long before , and ono
of the elders wanted to marry her.
Her parents were trying to force her
to this polygamous marriage , and she
oould only avoid it by running away.
Slio had an undo ana an aunt in San
Francisco , and to them she wanted to
go. Brady wasn't the man to say
"no" under auch circumstances , and
ho stowed her away in the Hour wagon
by-piling the barrels around her in
such a way that uho couldn't bo seen
iroru either end.
Wo hadn't got far before n dozen
Mormons overtook us , the girl's fath
er buiug along with them , and they
wont through that train until they
found the girl , After they had got
her out uho turned to Brady and bade
him good-bye , at the same time
thanking him for trying to help her.
That , of course gave him dead aw ay ,
uid the Mormons arrested him for
cidnapping ti.o girl , and away they all
wont toward the city. Harnoy saw
.hat there was something wrong with
ho train , and back came a messenger
0 see what was the 'natter.
As soon as liarnoy was informed ot
vhat had occurred , ho ordered the
rain to halt and stay there until ho
; ot back , and , o wearing worse than
> oforo , away ho and all his troops
wont for the Mormons. Tiioy iiad got
n long start on him , however , and
reached the city first.
Do you suppose Harnoy stopped
vhen ho reached the city ? Not a bit
of it. llight up the main street ho
vent at a gallop , and when ho jumped
rom his horse und cried "Haiti" it
vas right in front of Britain's olllco.
There waa n musket and fixed bayo-
ict ; but as ho brought his weapon to
1 charge Harnoy gave it a kick that
turned the guard half round and the
next instant lie was disarmed.
liarnoy strode into the olllco with n
lalf-doron soldiers at his heels , and
, wo minutes [ later Brigham was
a-slraddlo of a 'horse , and galloping
down the etroot in the centre of n
; roop of cavalry , It was fun to see
, ho I onnons gturo as they saw the
old man in such company , but before
they could hnvo time to nut they were
out of the city.
About live wiles out liarnoy or
dered a halt , and it wasn't long bo-
'oro a lot of Mormons came riding up
as fast aa their horses could carry
, liom , When they got up within
sound of his voice , Uamoy ordered
, hcm to halt or ho would fire on
, hein , aud they halted. Then he or
dered Brigham to tell them to go
back to the city and bring Brady and
the cirl back with them ; and said ho
to Briglmm !
"If they nre not hero inside oi two
hours , I'll fix your carcass full of gov
ernment loadl"
"You don't dare to , " nays Brig-
ham."Why , you , " naya Harnoy ,
"I'll ' shoot you myself 1"
Long botnro the two hours were up
Brady and the girl wore there , am
when wo got to Yumn , Harnoy sent n
Quard with her to San Bernardino on
hci way to San Francisco ,
Tliat'B the kind of a man Harncy
The Compliment.
Arrayed In snow.wlilto rmnts and veil
And otlior raiment /Air to view
I flood before my nwcpthcnrt Sue
The charmlnj ; creature I love best.
"Tell me , anil does my cmlume sultJ"
I Aikeclthnc npiilo of my eye ,
And then the cliRrmer made reply
"Oh , ycr , you do look awful cutel"
Although I frcqiicnely hud hoard
My sweetheart vi > nr her pleasure eo ,
I must confer * I did not know
The meaning of th t fnv'tito word.
But presently at window ldo
Wo utood nnd wntthed tlio passing
throng ,
And soon n donkey parsed along
With COM like wlngH extended wide , _
And Razing at the doleful foruto
My sweetheart KB von merry cry
I quote her language with a siirh
" 0 Charlie , nln't ho awful cute ? "
The Meadow Brook.
I3e > ldo the meadow brook she n'.nyed ,
A h.ippy child with laughing eyes ;
Above her milled the soft blue aldci ,
Around her there the sunbeams played.
The brooli went babbling on Itn wny
Adown the meadow white with Uowera
Of early nprlnfr , and through the hours
Mfido merry with her nil the dny.
She B&t beside the meadow brook ,
A maiden fair In tummcr time ,
When the nweet year was In Its prime ,
And la her hand * hands she held it bojk ;
The sumo blue nicy Broiled bright above ;
The brook it ran < n tender uoug
Of lova to her the whole dny long ;
The book she ru.idwai nil of lovo.
Bcftldo the meadow brook she stood ,
A matron In tha noon of life ,
A happy mother and a wife ,
Who loitered tluro in pensive tnocd.
Around her fell the autumn leaves ;
The meadow brook \v , < n nl neat dry ,
And In the harvest fieldi hard by
The reapers found the Inst year's sheaves.
Once moro beside the brook eho stnnda
The willow's branches round her there
Hang ienflesj In the winter air
An lined dame with folded linnets.
Old memories her thoughts otgngc ,
Whoso over link she cannottrace ;
And , frozen o'er , the brook'u still face
Is wrinkled like the face of ago.
The sunflower craze la coming to n bud.
It takes n good able-bodied dentist to
extract the cube root.
What grocer outrage can there bo tlian
landed sugar and vhort weight of the
same ? ,
A loctnrcr is telling "How wo Hear , "
It in easily told. Somebody tell a a friend
of our ? , and tells him not to toll ; 'that'u the
way wo hear.
During the past year no lees than nine-
pawnkrokors failed In business in the
United States. Of course they went into
outnido ipoculntiona.
English nnd French doctors don't ngreo
ni to what causes sen-sickness. We
thought It wni caused by going on the wet -
t r. { Detroit Free Press.
William Henderson Imi been arrested
out In Utah for n dciperato uRsnult upon
n Mormon. William seems to bo a prac
tical Hort of Anti'Folygatny Bill. )
A man who won't take his horeo out on
account of the weather itm'tabit surprised
t' > meet his wlfo sluahiug around down
town. What injures a horse won't hurt n
woman a bit.
A Colorado miner had n piece of inch
gaplo | driven through him and yet lived
thrco days , or until the inun who read the
metert came aloug nnd was going to charge
him up 800 feet.
It is getting to bo common nowadays for
m < m to murder pomobody and then kill
themselves. Well , that nave * th expense
of trying them aim turning them loose to
kill somebody else.
It is said that the population of this
country hiii increased 1/,000,000 blnco the
war , tut a man who wants Bomo one to
help him move- cook stove can't be ma lo
to bellovo any suih yarn as that.
A Nebraska woman missed her husband
for three weeks before she raised any row
about it , and she might not have naia any
thing then if his boots had not been drawn
up in the well bucket. [ Detroit Free
1'rcss ,
"Tho cxecut'.vo force of Ituisian opin
ions , " sayH an English critic , "Hen in the
army. " [ Now York Herald. The execu
tive force of American opinion lies in tbo
newspaper , and liei like thunder , too ,
An IOWA man crowded n turnip into hit
mouth to show whnt , sleight-of-hnnd could
do , nnd a doctor cut nt It for two hours to
show what surgery could accomplish.
That chau will keep his mouth skut for
two weeks to come ,
An Irish attorney practicing la the
Ilutte police court was reminded by thu
opposing counsel of an error in his Btnto-
ment of facto. "Miy it plaze the court , "
he replied , "if I am wrong iu this I have
another point that is equally conclusive. "
They tell of a man out west who wan
putting. ! * blast in u well , audit went off
prematurely and blew him out into an
apple tree about ilfty feet away. In n
moment ho rocovoro 1 himself , nnd remark
ing , "The ] jord knows better than I do ,
after all ; I gaeas it li almost time to go
oruntng/'took n largo pruning-kife from
hid pocket aud not to work ,
Now arlth metlc : A house painter con
sumes foity.clght minutes In lighting his
pipe ; fifty-live mlnuteu In telling etorlea ;
twenty-two minutes in watching a kitchen
( 'lrl ; thirty-six minutm in binding up a
nero Huge , und qiilU work nine minutes
before U , JIow much time did he beat his
employer out of , an I how long will it take
him to work himself to death ?
The stage of a western theater took fire
the ether evening , but a panic and rush
for the door wni averted by the manager
who , with great presence of mind , slipped
to the front and said : "Lndios and gentle
men , wo have prepared a Httlo surprise
for you. Au immense kettlu of whiuky
punch in uow being heated , nnd in n few
moments waiters will pass through the
nudlunco aud distribute It. " After that
the audience had to be pulled out , one by
one. [ Philadelphia Newx.
Prc of Charge.
All penoni ullerlur from Couglw.Coldi ,
Aithin * . UroDchltij , JJOM of Vi/ice , or uy
affection of the Throat nnd Lusyn , are re-
quitted to ftll t Schroter k llecht's drug
tor * nd get . Trial Uottle of lr. King's
Now DUcovery for Consumption , free of
clam , irhicli will convince them of IU
woudurful morltt and show what a regular
dolUr-niza bottle will do. Call early.
Geo. P. Bern is
IBth * nJ Dodge Ut . , Omaha , Hob ,
Tbil e Dcy dOM BIKIOILT * trokcrngc burlnoM.
DOM Dtipoculatt aud tiieittftv ary batgalci
cook i aieliuuted to
For a quirtcr of century or more tlostcltcr'i
Stomnch i Ittcn liMbccn the rclKilu ? Micclflc
lor Indlemtlondii | > cii , fever and agiic , lo of
phyMral ( tamina Hi er complaint and olhc r d ! < pr
derOiml hw beenmo t emphatically Imlorsod by
medical men on a hcftltn acd rtrcngth rotor
nitre. It utomioncy ( o ( ircunturo
decayand BUsiMt.B nnd comforts the ajcd and
For sale by all dm ? flats and dealers generally ,
nl to nil
Known People "Wholly
In order that the public may fully roallzo the
gonulncncM ol the utatcmcnte , M well as the
power and value of the article ot which the ;
rpvak , wo publinh herewith tha fac-nlmllo lgn ! >
turesot parties whoso sincerity In boiomlquoA
tlon. Tlio Truth of thcwo testimonials Is abso
Into , nor can the / cU they announce bo lg
OMAHA , Nun. , May 24,1881.
D AR SIR : [ hnvo frequently used Warner's
Safe Kldnov and Mvcr Cure .or local affcctloni
attendant upon wjvcro rheumatic attacks , anc
have always derived benefit therefrom. I have
aim used the Uafe Kcruno with satisfactory re
suits. I coiuldcr tbcie medlcluc * worthy o
Deputy Treasurer
OUATIA , NUB , May 24 , le&l
II. WARNKR&CO. , Rochester , N. Y. :
TH : I hata nso oour Bate Kidney anc
Llxcr Cure thin spring a > a hcrlnvlfrorotor. and
1 find It the beet remedy I ever tried. I hive
lined 4 bottles , ard It hM mule mo feel better
than over t did before In the epilng.
0. P. n. Shops.
KICK. , May 24 , Ibal.
SiRg ; For more than ID yrart ) I hmo Buffered
much Infonvcnlonco from combined kldnuy and
llier diseases , and have been unibloto work ,
my urlmry orging nlao bclnjf ntfucted. I tried a
great many medicines and doctor * , but 1 grow
wors'j and worjodiy by day. I waa told I had
Drlcht'a Disease , and I nMiod mjsclf dead If I
could not have speedy relief. I took your Safe
Kidney and Liter Cure , knowing nothing else
waa over known to euro tha disease , and I have
not been disappointed. The medlclno baa cured
mo , and I am pcrfoc ly well to-day , entirely
through your Sale Kidney ami LhcrCuro J
wish Jou all 8ucc > w In publishing thlo valuable
remcoV through thn world
U. P.R. R. Shops.
ThouBinds of equally strong endorsements many
ot thorn In caeca ivhcre hope waa abandoned bat o
been Yoluntirlly"clYen , showing the remarkable
power of Warner ufa'o Kidney and Lhcr Cure ,
in all dleco'cs cf the Kidnc } K , In cr or urinary or
gans. If anyone who reads this has any phys
ical trouble remember the great remedy.
Murray & Lanman's
. .
' r-n n-ni - ii..mL
Pest for TOILET , BATH
, ,
And all PoluU East and South-East.
Nearly i.ouo miles. boUl ! Smooth Steel Tracks
AUoannuctlonsnronialaln UNION DtPOTS.
t h s a National llopntatlon a belnir the
Qreat Through Oar Line , nnd Is unUorsally
conceded to bo tha FINEfaT EQUIPPED Half-
end In llio world for all classmuf tra\el ,
Tryltand\ou will find traveling n luxury
uttcad nl a dlncomfort.
Through Tlcki-ti via ihli Celebrated Line for
sale ataUntttcrsIn the West.
All InfoiDiatloii about llatei of Faro , ( looping
Jar AconmiLxlitioni , Time Tables , Ac , , wlllba
cheerfully Klvon by appllnlu < to
d Ylcc-l'ros't & Qtn. MuiacrChlcago ,
Gen. Agt. Chicago ,
Cicu Agent , Council IHuffj.
II. P. UOELL , Ticket Agt-Jomaha.
inorn-cd ly
It pUlU from MO of a n Inch to
tldth In the coirnmt felt * or finest sllki
II dots * all kind * and etyle * of I lalting In use.
No lady that dev her own droaa maklnj can
afford to do without ono as nice plaiting It
never out of fashion , if Keen It wlU Itself. For
Machines , Circular * or Ageut'ti term * add r tea
113 Adams St. Chicaco III
yon suffer from Dyspepsia , use
If you arc afflicted with Billou ncss , uio
If you nro prostrated nlth nick Headache , take
If your liowtlsaro dtaordcrcd , rtgulatu them with
If your Blood Is mpurc , purlly It with
If you have Indigestion , you will find an antidote
If you are troubled with Spring CompblnU , cr-
adlcato them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEUS.
If your LUcrls torpid , restore It to healthy action
If your Llyor It affected , you will find a sure re
If you have any spcclw of Humor or Pimple , fal
If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous
Soroe , a curative remedy will be found In
For Imparting strength and vitality to the iyg
tern , nothing can equal
For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the
Price , I.OO pel Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ctt
FOSTER , MILBURN , & do , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. P.
Goodman. Jo 27 eod-rna
The Great English Rflmedy
aNcvcr fails to .cut o
Nervous Debility. Vi
tal Exhaustion , Kmta-
slon ? , Seminal Wcak-
HOOD , and all the
\ 11 effects of youth
ful follies and execs-
ics. It stops perma
nently all weakening ,
oluntary loss , s and
drains upon the sys
tem , the Inevitable re-
. . „ 'suit ' of these ovilprac-
tlccs , which arb so dcstruotlvo to mind and body
and make llfo miserable , often leading to insani
ty and death. It strengthens the Ncn csBrain ,
( meraorjf. Blood , Muscles , Digestif and Repro
ductive Orifnun , It restores to all the orsranlc
functions their former vigor \ltoltyma- ) -
King llfo cheerful and enjojablc. Price , S3 a
bottle , or four times the quantity S10. Bent by
express , secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. sent , except
on receipt of 21 .as a guarantee. Litters rj
questing answers must tncloeo stamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
are tt j best and cheapest dyspepsia and billions
cure In the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
SO cents. '
Cures i II kind of Kidney and bladder complalnto ,
conorrhca , gleet and luucorrhca. For ealo by all
daugelsts : 81 a bottle.
718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
II Is a poajUvo cure for Upormatoirbea , Oemlna
Weoknesa. Impotancy , and all diseases rcsu'.tlcj
from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Losai
Memory , Pains In the Back or Side , and dlsoisot
Insanity an
early gray
The bpcclfl
Medicine Ii
being ujud
with wonder
ful success.
Pamphlet !
tent iteo to all. Writs lor them and got full par
t'.cnlars. '
Price , Specific , f 1.00 per package , or ilx pack
ages for'85.00. Address all orders to
NOB. 104 and 106 Main St. Buffalo , N. T.
Sol't In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Belt ,
J. K. 1st ) , and all dnigglgtsevery where.
t Sd
English rem-
edy. An un
failing euro
for Bemlnal
Weakness ,
rhca , Irapot'
cncy , and all
Diseases that1
follow aa n
Self-Abuse ; aa LOBS of Memory , Unlicrsal Lassl
tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Premature
mature Old Ago , and many ether Diseases that
lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema
ture 0 me.
OTFull particulars In our pamphlet , which
we desire to send frco t r mail to every one ,
rJTTbo Specific Medlclno la Bold by all druggists
> t 81 per package , or 6 packigcs for $ t > , or will
bo gent free by mall on reel ptof the money , by
addressing THE QUA dKDICINECO. ,
Buffalo , N. Y ,
orsalei * ncfmo-eod
Arranged by Harnugarl Maon-
C N I , Y $90 ,
IntnelCabln for ( Round Trip.
From Wow York to Atnvrerp and
Keturn ,
arlcaIng New York Juno 10,1882 , on tbv
hu now and splendid Mall Htcamcr Ilclgenbnd ,
Jirneturn tickets good ono ) car on any
ttcamer of the lied Star Line.
tSTRMrotiti Faro from Antwerp to
Paris , only $1.5O.
Tickets , I Prospectus and all Information
Onlyto be had from M. & . R. BURQHEIM ,
Bookielleri , 404 Vine Street , Cincinnati ) , O ,
Tuo Clnclnnattl Hnrugarl Manner-
apl-m&c-cv eat-4t
, D. 0 , March 10 , 1832. f
Proposala will be received at the Contract
Otllce of Ihla department until 3 p. iu. , of April
9 , IbUJ , tor carr ) ing mall i of thn United States ,
pou mciuciiger and transfer route Iu the City
of Omana , State ot Nebraska , from July 1,18S2 ,
of JUIH.-80 , lt > SO. Admtltcment ol route , in-
tructlona to bidden , and all other necessary In
formation will bilfumliihed upon application to
; he poatnuster at Omaha , or the Second Abslit
autt'oitmnster General.
General.T. . A' HOWE ,
Poitmutcr Ucniral.
MorlSniSe cvSatUt.
V. DIM 10. MI. A. o , cmrtsij ,
At tor ne ys-'at-Law
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Denot , , - - OMAEA.WEP
Wall Paper and Window Shades r
.1304 Farnham St. Omaha Web.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha ,
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A SRANG , 2W ( Fo 1 * " St. , Omaha
1309 Farnham Street.
Finest Silver Hated Spoons and Forks ,
The only tmdfj jtional plato that
original firm of |
m is giving for In-
R o g o r B Bros. mil
atanco - oinglo
All our Spoons ,
Forks and plated Spoon a
Knives plated triple thickness
with the greatest
plate nly on
of caro. Each
the a o o 11 o a
lot being hung
cSn a ecalo while whcro expo d
. being plated , to to wear i , thereby
insure a fall de making a ainglo
posit of silver on
pla ed Spoon
them.Wo wear as long aa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial atten
tion to our BOO- ono ,
Rival. Tloood
AH Order * In the Wont should be Addressed to
. B. HUBER ° MANN ; ,
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Lath , Shingles ,
15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA. NEB
Hair Quota , Notions , Ladies' FuraisliinE : Goods , Ulsters , Oiroulars ,
and Suits ,
507 Toajxr-acraac ccvEcxixia ? jwc flL ac a. DE OB