Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    I i i t f M i I i r - '
iw ttiiwa'mifir ME ATK'L 7 1882
Friday Morainpf April 7.
Weather Report
( The following observations are taken nt
the flume moment ot time at nil the sta
tions named. )
Wlft D f ARtMECT. 0. 3. SlO'At. S 7IC ,
The wind is fast drying up the mud.
There is scarcely a ripple of excite
ment since the election has patted.
Thn annual election ot the Omaha
Fire Department occurs on the 12lli.
Table nnd Scea Potatoes , in any quail-
tity , from ? 1.00 to 81.50 per bushel , at
The internal revenue collection1 ! for
tbo month of March In the district of
Nebraska amounted to 581,128.7 .
The regular monthly meeting of Fire
King Kngino Co. No. 2 , took place Init
evening at Firemen's Hall.
The thirteenth annual ball of thu Km.
met monument association will bo given at
Kuony's hall next Monday evening.
Wborsc Wednesday fell Into a ditch dug
. "by the water waks men and but partially
filled up , ncarllth and Howard UrcctH.
The B. & M , railroad fompany lina
erected a temporary in-freight depot vrosl
of the Seventh street bridge , around which
it ban laid a stoco pacment. .
The Tcanntcr * ' Union will bold a
meeting Saturday evening nt 7 o'clock at
Bohemian Hall , on 13th street. By otder
of M. J. Mclis , President.
The fair for the benefit of St. .Tohoph's
hospital begins next Monday evening in
Creighton Hall. llev. Fr. Knglish will
conduct the fair in bchulf of the sisters.
, In tlie police court yesterday the
tramp who was discharged yesterday wan
re-arraigned aud sent up for ten days on
bread and water. There wcro two plain
drunk * ; ono paid and one went to jail.
Gov < Nance designated Wednesday ,
Apiil'lOth ' , ai "Arbor day , " the same be
ing n day set apart for the general pnt.t- ]
" ing throughout the State of forest , fruit
aud ornamental trees , shrubbery , etc.
The case of Owen Connolly , indicted
for stealing hog * haj been continued to the
Juno term , Xllff'priaoncr Wednesday en-
- * .tercd a pl'a of not guilty , counsel assigned
sftd hail fixed at 3200.
A ttlegram to "BrauVtteel" Wcdnoa-
llay announced failuroof John Miller , gen-
* jj eral utore , at Schuyler , Neb. The assign
ment was made Monday evening nnd put
on record Wednesday , Liabilities are
placed at $10,000 and assets at $9,000.
i , Trinity Cathedral Good Friday ser
, . -ic ftt 11 n , m. and 4 p , m , , and Eaater
" * ev/Saturday { ) services at ! p. rn. , with ad-
f ' ministration of baptimn will be in the old
chureih. The Easter services ot 7:30 nnd
11 n. m. , and the childrens1 service of
carol nt 4 p. m. will bd at Masonic II nil.
A sad bereavement has fallen on thu
family of Mr. Julius TrJtsohko , during
his absence from home. A little three
year old daughter diodat 4 p. m. , Wednes
day , of croup. Mr. Treltchko In in St.
Louis but (4 ( expected homo to-day. The
funeral notice will be publlthed hereafter.
The German friends and the members
of the Flrat German Presbyterian church
are cordially Invited to meet for service
to-day at 10:30 : a , m. in the lecture
room of the Second Presbyterian church ,
corner Dodge and 17th stiett. Preaching
by the Rev. P. II. W. Bruechcrt.
Thiity-one railroads have agreed to
. cirrry members of the society of the nrmy
of the Tennessee to the reunion to be held
in St. li.\\\t \ , May 10th , nt reduced faics ,
uud members \\lw desire to avail them
selves of low rates should communicate at
once with Colonel David Murphy , secre
tary of the executive committee , in St.
Louis , as all roads rcqutio a certificate as
means of identlllcatlon.
Among the largo number of Catholic
clert-ymen , from many parts of the Stall * ,
were yesterday noticed Fathers Itynn of
Columbus and Smyth of O'Cotnor ,
Urecly county. They probably repre-
Hent the extremes of ngo nnd voutli in the
uacred ministry in tli la vlcariate. Father
Ityan h , it is believed , both in years and
benlce , the oldo > t priest In thU vicnriate ;
: md Father Smyth , if not the youngoit , nt
least not far from oujoyinn the distinction ,
honorable an it would he , especially so be
cause of the services , he has rendered the
Irish ( olony in Grccly , the management of
which hai almost entirely been in his
"We lh ! * Health He newer" restores health !
/xud vigor , cures dyspepsia , impotence. ,
nexual debility. $1 , lewt | ft U. 1' .
ilasa Meotlnir Friday Nlglit Bonds
In the District Court.
There will bo a grand inas.s meeting
of tbo 0. P. L. U. and citizens OH
Friday evening , to jellify ever nnd
ratify the election of Tuesday last , in
wbicli tbo '
wotkingmen'a ticket won
aucb an overwhelming victory. The
uicotln ; will bo held at Turner's ball
and Bomo very interesting matters
will como up.
iestcrdaywaa lost but ono of tbo
district court , and although but littla
woe done , tbo court remained virtual.
ly in session to accept bonds from the
remainiri" , men indicted for riot at thu
dump. Messrs. Walsh and all the
rest , except Knight and Quinn , had
given bonds or entered into a recogni
zance for their appearance at the next
term of court. The latter two will
give bonds to-day ,
One of the Great Religious Fes
tivals of Holy Week Sa
credly Celebrated by
the Catholic
Church ,
How It Waa Commemorated In Tnla
Yesterday the Catholic church cele
brated Mnunday Thursday , so called
from tbo ceremony of was ! ing the
foot , called in the Kubrick , Man-
datum. It also commemorates the in-
atitutton of the Eucharist , a subject of
joy and thanksgiving , expressed by
the ringing of bolls and the white color
of the vestments and the brilliant or-
namcntatton of the altar , The celebration -
bration of the institution of the Eu *
charist as a day of thanksgiving is ,
however , hold on the feast of Corpus
Christ ! , aa the commemoration of the
event which was fcstorday made , is be
cause the church , wholly taken up this
week , as slio is , with the pasaion of
Christ , could not refrain from some
expression of joy and gratitude on
the very day on which the Lord was
pleased to give so wonderful n pledge
of his lovo. After the "Gloria in Ex-
cnlais , " the bolls are all silent during
the day , all Good Friday nnd Holy
Saturday , and this is intended to
honor the wonderful silence of our
Saviour during the , passion , and to
express ) astonishment and mourning
of the church for the death of her
In the mass there arc two hosts con
secrated , one for the sacrifice of this
day and the other to bo carried in sol
emn procession to the repository , a
plnco adorned withlights and fragrant
ilowcrs , whore it is kept with great
splendor for the oflico of Good Friday.
The faithful make it a practice of vis
iting the Blessed Sacrament on this
day , and hence , the several Catholic
churches have been thronged with de
vout worshippers/
The attendance at the mass at the
Cathedral of St. Philomona yester
day was very largo , and tlo : services
wore more than usually interesting.
The choir was reinforced for the occa
sion , and the number of clergy was
augmented by the arrival of priests
from many of { ho interior towns of
this vicariato.
Pontifical high mas-i was celebrated
at 'J o'clock , Uishop O'Connor officiat
ing , .isolated by thu following clergy
men : Father Phclun , of Grand
Island , assistant priest ; Fathers
Jennctt of Exeter and McCarthy of
Omaha , respectively , as deacon and
sub-deacon of honor ; Fathers Kelley
of Omaha and Scraphinus of Colum
bus , deacon aud sub-deacon of the
mass ; Father Colanori , of Omaha ,
master of ceremonies ; oil bearers ,
Fathers llyan of Columbus , Quinn ,
of Fremont , and Conwoy of North
Plat to ; croaa bearer , Smyth , of
O'Connor. Besides these gentlemen
above mentioned , there were also in
attendance , and taking part inthe
consecration of the oils. Fathers
Riordan of this city , O Connor of
Fremont , Wolfe of Crete , Emblen of
Exeter , Geary of Central City , Mar
tin of Lincoln , aiid Daxachor of
Omaha ,
At the conclusion of the mass , the
procession , consisting of the above
clergymen , attended by acolytes ,
was formed , the blessed sacrament
borne to the repository , after which
Bishop O'Connor gave papal benedic
tion. Ho rend his authority to
bestow this blessing four times
in the year , the next occasion
on which , it will bo given , being Eas
ter Sun'day next at 100 : ! ! o'clock
mass. * "
Lant night the Tcnobrao was sung
ut 7:30 o'clock.
This evening the , Woy of the
Croio will commence atY : ! > 0 o'clock
nnd bo followed bv the Passion ser
mon , which will bo delivered by Rev.
Father lliordan.
At this church the attendance at the
8 o'clock mass filled the church. The
sorvicoo wore conducted by Fathers
Shaflul , Hillman , Dowhng and Miles ,
and Messrs. Blackmore , Borgin ,
Myor and Orrona. At the conclusion
of the mass , the Vies scilpucramont was
deposited in the depository , the pro
cession to which , consisting ot the
clergymen named , about twenty acolytes
lytes ai.d fifty little girls dressed in
white. The decoration upon the re
pository is of the most elaborate or
der. A great number of flowers
have been made use eland
and so disposed as to make the reposi
tory ono of the most beautiful of the
kind over soon in Omaha. Immcdi
atoly in front of the sacred place is a
inngnificentdcBignin lloworo , of Faith ,
Hope and Ohnrity.
Last nioht the Tcnobtiu was
chanted , the several clergymen con
nected with this church , as also those
of Croighton college , taking part
After the Tcnobnu , the Passion ser
mon was preached by Fr. Ilillmun
To-day , at 8 a , m , the veneration
tion of the crop will take place , nn <
in the evening at 7:30 : o clock tin
Tonobrtu will bo chanted for the las
time , followed by the Way of th
croaa ,
Homo from Switzerland.
Among the citizens of Omaha or
riving from the cast Wednesday wa
Mr , Herman Meyer , a gentleman wh
has as many friends almost as ho ha
acquaintances in the Gate City. Mr
Meyer returned from a three month
absence , in which time ho crossed th
Atlantic and visited , after many years
his relatives and native home it
Rhoinfeldon , Switzerland. Mr. Moyc
postponed shaking hands with is do
lighted friends long enough to give hi
JiEK reporter a cordial greeting an
to narrate some ot the interesting experiences
porioncos of his trip , which was
throughout very pleasant and re
freshing , Ho passed through Pari
twice , and is full of enthusiasm eve
the new beauties of the gay capital c
Franco , and aays that the sunny Ian
of the Frenchman is smiling wit
green fields and blossoming flowora
In Switzerland ho visited many of th
historic places made dear to his men
ory by the legends of childhood days.
cd ch the Switz people's prosperity ,
however , ho apoko somewhat
discouragingly , and stated that Amer
ican i < products and manufacturers were
competing very actively with those
natives. _ Mr. Meyer brought with
him on his return his younger brother
Earnest and his sister , Miss Bertha ,
who will make their homo hero. Of
all places in the world Mr. Meyer
aays there is none like Omaha , and
even with its mud nnd unartistic
structures it stands , in his opinion ,
away ahead in the spirit of enter
prise of any city ho has visited or
passed through.
They Got up tbo Bosa Water Motor of
the Ago.
A BEI : reporter wasyestorday shown
an interesting piece of machinery at
, ,
the . Novelty-Machine Works , on Four
teenth street , between Douglas and
Dodge , of which Mesars. E. P. Tavia
and A. Thompson are proprietors.
It is a double turbine water motor ,
constructed on a principal entirely
different from the old style of turbine.
The now motor received the water at
the center and discharges it at the cir
cumference , thus getting the benefit
of the centrifugal action along with
the pressure , while the old turbine re
ceived at the circumference and dis *
churgod at the center. The motor
fust completed by Messrs. Davii and
Thompson runs \vith about one-fourth
the amount of water formerly required
and such is the nicety with which it
works that it will start up when thu
water gauge does not indicate that the
supply has been turned on nt all. It
haa a three-inch wheel , and with a ,
seven and one-half pound water run
will run any sowing machine. The
"Turk , " heretofore considered the
"Bocs" motor , with a four-inch wheel
uaea sixty pounds of water.
With the now invention n cubic foot
of water an hour will run fifty sowing
machines , or at the rate charged by
the water company ( at a cost of sixty
cents par day.
The machine ) seen by the reporter
had been running nearly four days on
four thousand gallons , and a number
of competent judges have examined
it and pronounce it far ahead of all
motors , and that it has an advantage
of ai least twenty-five per cent in the
natter of water consumption alonu.
evoral motors will bo Bent to Bt.
and also to Atchison for trial
y the water companies at those places ,
nd already many orders have been
ocoivod bore at homo.
Jt is certainly a very valuable in-
cntion , nnd the inventors will make
ig money out of it. They have al-
oacly filed a caveat to protect their
ghts , nnd expect to improve the mo
or still further before it ia done with.
Quiet Wcddlnf ; cvn St. Mary's
Avenue Xiant Night.
A pleasant wedding took place on
t. Mary's avenue Wednesday , which
as kept so quiet that reporters wore
otawaro of its occurrence until pcotcr-
The parties wore Edmund Peycko ,
: the well known firm of Peycko
troa. , and Miss Christina ( Sturny , a
ister-in-law of Mr. Dorn , secretary
f the Western Live Stock insurance
ompany , of this city. Mr. Poycko
as been a resident of Omaha for
bout twelve years , and is ono of our
most popular and substantial business
men. Miss Sturnoy came to this city
about six months ago from
( Vustria . , and is a lady of the highest
. ipliahmonts ! and of rare beauty.
The wedding took place at the resi-
lonco of the "bride's sister , and waa
ttondod by only a few , including the
olativcs and most intimate friends ,
"udgo Boneko , the genius of munic-
pal justice , was the officiating clergy-
nan. At the conclusion of the ccro-
nony the newly married couple and
heir friends sat down to on elegant
upper , the menu being handsomely
mnted on heavy , cream white cards ,
nth the monogram of thu bride and
uroom on the back. Judge Bonoko
ironounces the whole nil'air the finest
10 ever was present at in America.
The Torrlblo Discoveries of Fraud In
the Second Word.
Humors of Haacallity in the Second
yard are boingprotty freely circulated ,
and with them is coupled talk of a
contest of the seat given Mr. Fred
[ Johni , in the uity council , by 30 largo
a majority , Hascull , of course , being
; ho contesting candidate.
The case in favor of the contestant
a being worked up by Frank Walters
md J , J. Noligh , and as usual the
legal counsel employed is the same as
found on the utiy roll of the railroad
A great Jlourish of trumpets has
been made at the outset , but the
walls of the city nro stouter than
those of Jericho and as yet show no
signs of falling down.
Real Batata Transfers.
The following are all the transfers
of real estate recorded at the county
clerk's oflico on Monday , Tuesday and
Wednesday as reported by John L.
McCaguo , real estate agent and con
veyancer ;
Jos. Barker and wife to Peter
O'Rourko , awj swj BOO 11) , and nw |
ncl sec 30 , all in town 1C , range 13 ,
w. d.s § 1,200.
Helen McCaslan to W. P. Mum-
mah , BBO | of aw } , BOO , ' 12 , in town
15 , range 1U , east , w. d. ; 82,600.
John W. tlugus and wife to Owen
P. Thompson , lot 9 , block 7 , Shinn'a
add , w. d. ; § 750.
Thomas Collin and wife to F. Bit-
torou" , o CO feet of lota 13 aud 14 , in
block 7 , Kountzo and Ruth's add , w.
d. ; 81,550.
Sarah F , Bartlett aud husband to
Dennis Dee , lots U and 1C , block 108 ,
Florence , q. c. d. ; § 10.
Heirs of G. 0 , Monoll to W. J.
Welalmns , let 8 , block'F , w , d. ;
Win. Q. Shriver to Jus , Emblem ,
lots 0 and 20 , block S , Lowe's 1st add ,
w. d. ; $390.
John T. Smith and wife to Annie
J. Dodtre , one-half of > J of lot o ,
block 37 , Omaha , w. d. ; &J.
Annie .T. Todgo and husband ( o
John T. Smith and wife , i of n of
lot 5 , block . ' 19 , w. d , ; 8101.
Henry Anderson and wife to N. D.
Bcrgrcn , lot 1 and o. i of nw. { nnd
nw. } of nw.t sec. 8 , town 14 , ranpe
10 , also A of o A of so. | of the nw. [
ol BO. and lot 8 in BCC. 15 , town 14 ,
rantjo 10 , east , w. d. ; § 1,000.
II. O. Clark and wife to J. II
French , the so. J of sw. \ of ne. \ and
arcol in sec. 30 , town 10 , range 1 , ' ) ,
. c. d. ; 81.
V. C. Morgan and wife to John
tnhcn , the B. H of n. A of 8. A of no. \
f nc. ( of sec 9 , town 10 , range lit
ast , w. d.j 82,535.
Andrew B. Williams and wife to
lonry Donoker , the so. ] of sec. 20 ,
i town 15. range 11 , w. d. ; $1.050.
II. 0. Clarke to J. U. French , lot
block 10 , West Omaha , w. d.j
Wm , A , Rodick to May Dotiqhorty ,
ots 22 , 23 and 24 , in W. A. lledick's
ddilion , w. d. ; $750.
Auir. Kountzo ot al. to Robert
< eng , lot 22 , Ilorbach First addition ,
> . d. ; 81,700.
Ksra Mi Hard and wife to Michael
'us , lots 3 , 4. ami fractional lots 5 , G ,
and 8 in block 4 , JVIillnrd , w. d. ;
A. J. Hanscom and wife to Alfred
'oreman , lots 31 , 32 , 'C3 and 34 ,
lock 8 , Hanscom place , w. > d. ;
llomnr O. Merchant to JaJius F.
helps , part of s , w. f of n. W. } of
cc. 15 , town , 15 , range 13 cast , q. 'c.
; S2.
Aug. Koutitzo ot nl. to Guctavo
esoman , lot 27 , block 112 , Kouatzo
nd Ruth's addition , w. el.6500. ;
David Frank lo Henry Ostrom , lot
block K , Shinn'a Second addition ,
, d.S200 ;
! lao Chicago , Burlington , fe Qulncj ?
The twenty-eighth annual report of '
10 Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy
ailroad has been prepared , and from
dvanco sheets the following facts are
) tahied. The gross earnings of the
ompany , including all leased lines
uring 1881 , were § 21,321 150 , of
Inch § 16,598,818 was from freight ,
nd 93,010,090 from passengers. The
Derating expenses , including taxes ,
ere ' 911,01(0,514 ( , leaving the notcarn-
gs $10,257,035. Tile amount fur-
icr to bo deducted from net earnings
eludes , for fixed charges , 34,428.-
67 ; for dividendsj1,319,280 ,
nd for amount to renewal
md , $1,000,000 , leaving as the not
urplunfortho year , 947,9,981. The
eoroaae of net earning from those of
880 was § 128 017. The agprcgrto of
tpital stock December 81 , 1381 , was
> F,3S7,34G , and the total funded
ebt $ .V.,122,72i > . The total miles
perated December 51 , 1822 , was
024- ; . the construction for the year
oat 9' ,7J)944 ) ( , making the total cost
: construction and equipments for
10 year $0,014,240. In Illinois and
own during the year 75A. miles of
ngl * main track have been laid with
teol rails in place of iron , and 1 ! )
liles of steel rails hava-been laid in
o AT second and 25A uiiloa in now side
racks. The total number oi miles of
, eel rails in all tracks east of. the
. .
liesouri river December 31 , 1881 ,
iras 0,170. This includes the whole
main line in Illinois and Iowa. The
umber of miles of second track
wned by the company December 31 ,
881 , was , in Illinois , 131 ; in Iowa ,
2. In Nebraska , duaing the year ,
4 miles of mainline track have been
aid with steel railsin place of iron ,
making the number of miles of steel
ail sinclo track west of the Missouri
river 120.
The general condition of the entire
oad and equipment has boon fully
naintained during the year. The av-
rage length of road operated in 1880
vas 2,053 miles ; in 1881 the average
ength was 2,882 miles. The report
ays : "It will bo observed that , not
withstanding the increase mileage in
881 , the net earnings have decreased
5420,917. The gross earnings , how-
vcr , show an increase of § 832,103 ,
.nd . the increase of expenses has been
§ 1,202,020. Of this about § 100,000
nay bo said to bo duo to the increase
if business , leaving about § 850,000 of
ixtraordinary increase in the
jest of operation and maintenance for
, ho year , or about § 305 per mile of
road operated. This is duo to the in
creased prices of material nnd labor ,
and also to the snow blockade of Feb
ruary and March , J 881 , and to the
extraordinary Hoods in the Mississippi
and Missouri rivers , both in the
spring and autumn. The spring Hood
n the Missouri river was the highest
linco railroads occupied that region.
Iho now mileage added late in
1880 and during 1881 , increasing
so considerably the average num-
jer of miles operated in 1881 ,
is mostly in now and unsettled regions ,
Lo nnd from which business is natur
ally light for the present. The staple
crops aloni { our lines in Illinois , Iowa ,
Missouri and Nebraska wore seriously
injured by the extremes of wet and dry
weather during the summer , the effect
of which we still feel. In 188'- the
policy of improving and streimthoning
the property has boon continued , as
shown by .the account of expenditure
for construction nnd equipment.
Land eales have not been BO largo as
in previous years , partly owing
to the diminishing quantity of
land wo have had to offer. Pay
ments on account of land sold have
boon us largo as we had reason to
expect. It cocaine apparent in the
latter part of the summer that the
interests of the company would bo
promoted by an extension of their
line to the base of the Rocky Moun
tains at Denver , and an addition to
the Republican valley system in the
eastern part of Nebraska. A plan
for carrying these objects into execu
tion was approved by the stockhold
ers at a special mooting hold Septem
ber 28. Little or no benefit has been
derived in the earnings from those
extensions , work upon which was
begun so late in the year.
llussia Salve has genuine
merit * . n all who me It will testify , Trice
' . ' . ' e , Try It.
OlookB from 81.00 upwards , at Ed.
helm & Eriokson'a.
Another IOWA Bosd Huns Its
Trains Into Omaha.
The K. C. St. Joo& C , B. Coming In
Vln. Plottsmoutu.
The first important stop in the di
rection of bringing the Iowa roads tea
a common terminus in Omaha waa ac
complished in the running of 0. , B.
& Q. freight trains into Omaha by
way of J'laltsmouth , and it is but a
question of time when all the pool
lines will run into this oily. A now
announcement in the aame line is
made to-day , in the fact that the
trains of the Kansas City , St. Joe t
Council Bluffs railroad which hnow
included under the Chicago , Marling-
ton & Quincy and B , & M. mnwigo-
mont , will run into Omaha by the
way of the Missoari river bndpo
nt PJattsmouth and the B. A ; M. rail
road. Col. A. 0. Dimes , general passenger -
songer agent of the K nos City , gt.
Joe & Council Bluffs railway , will ar
rive in Omaha this morning for the
purpose of meeting the T . A : M. ofr %
cjals to arrange the time table and
other details , so that tjo arrange
ment can bo begun next ] Vonday.
The evening train south , leaving
hero for Kansas City , and the train
from Kansas City , arriving ftero in the
morning , will run over ths Plaits-
n uth bridge and ever the H. & M.
track in Nebraska , between Plaits-
month and Omaha. These trains will
deport from and arrive at the 3. &M.
depot in this city. They will bo solid
trains mail , baggage , oxprois , day
conches and sleepers. On the * tram
jrrivrng here fn the morning , there
trill be day coaches switched off at
Pacific Junction for Council Bluffs ,
and to accommodate Council Blulls
pasBitngora in the-PTeninir n train will
ibo run from ( Sbuncil Bluffa to Pacific
Junction to connect with the Onsnha
express for the south.
On the morning train Joaving hero
'for Kansao-Ulty ; awen the evening
train , arriving from Kansas City , ( Jay
coaches will be run from and to
# maha , and the sleepers will 3o
switched off afc Pacific- Junction for
Council Bluffs , as the sleepers on the
above two trains a'JO the through
sleepers which are now being run be
tween Kansas City and' St. Paul.
The above arrangement lias long
been under eonsideration , and it has.
been finally brought aboa * by efforts
of the B. & M1. olllcialsv The time
will fiivo people nn hour and a half
more time in Ohiaha , as the evening
train will probably leave Omaha for
the south at 7":30 : ; white at present
passengers have co go over to the
transfer at 0 pi m.
One af the Duproz-BenodlcS Minstrels
Comes to Gl'i&f.
About o o'clock yesterday afternoon
thora was quite-a liltlo matinee at the
intersection oF Tenth and 1'nrnam
streets , which attracted ! crowd , of
It appears that some- four years ago
"Sandy Forbes , " now'ai teamster in
Omana , was driving a- street car on
onoof the Chicago Unas. Late ono
niglit ho had some trouble with a gay
party who were returning' home after
19 theatre and'incurred' their enmity
A few nights , later happened in
. .f a variety theater about closing
mo , and waa attacked" ' and severely
oaten and kicked e-y a clique of
oung men , among whom were a por-
ion of the number involved in the
treet car racket.
Mr. Fovbes subsequently came to
3maha , and never paw his principal
ssailant , who kicked him quite sev-
rely when ho wrfs down , until yester-
ay. A few days ago ho saw on the
ill of the ministrol company the
ame of Ira Holston , who appears as
bo great female impersonator in the
Recognizing the name , no at once
otermined to get oven with his old
ntagonist. Yesstorday as hoi was
walking up Tenth street ho suddenly
ame upon the party ho was locking
'Is your name Ira Holston ? " he said.
"Yes , air. "
"Well , do you remember me'
"No sir. "
The reply was a blow between the
eyes , and Holston wont to grass. Re
covering himself , ho ran out into the
niddlo of the street , followed by
Torbes ; who hit him again. This
imo the coat of the female impersonator
senator ( low open , nnd some .of his
private baggage , including a pair of
joautifully embroidered hose , flow out
and fell in the mud.
At this juncture Special Policeman
Armour arrived and took thn belliger
ents to the city jail , followed by quite
a crowd , who supposed that from the
peculiar nature of the truck dropped
by Holston ho had robbed some
woman and boon detected.
On arriving at the jail , however ,
the assailant was locked up and the
assaulted man released. About 10
o'clock Forbes was also released on
bail.A fmv years ago Forbes mot a man
who had licked him at North Platte
cloven years previous , and gave him a
solid threshing , recognizing him al
though ho had not soon him before
since the occurrence. Ho evidently
has s good memory , and it isn't ad
visable to take any odds against him.
Homer Stull for President and J. J.
L , , c , Jowett for Clerk.
A caucus of the new and holding
over members of the city council was
hold last evening with a full attend-
The object was the nomination of
candidates for the oflices of president
and clerk of the council.
The ballot resulted in the election
of Homer Stull for president and the
retiring clerk , J. J , L. 0. Jewott , for
clerk , each receiving ten votes , and
two of the council , Mems. Loeder
and McOuckin , not voting.t
Mr. Jewott hns made a ntte t record
as i city clerk and his ro-olection is a
well i deserved recognition of his ser
vices. The oflico of president was n
delicate ono to fill , as it is supposed
that ' the president will bo acting
Mayor of the cily for at least three or
four months of the ensuing year , no
1i leading 1 candidates for the position
were Messrs. Herman and Kaufman ,
but 1 Mr. btull was the compromise
Mr. Jiiwott'a vote is ijnito compli
mentary to that gontloronn , as ho drew
all the old members of the council
and font of the aix now members ,
Grnt fnl Women.-
None receive o much benefit , aftd
none are so profoundly grato/ul and
show irach an interest in recommend
ing Hop Bitters women. It is thiJ
only roiWL-dy peculiarly adapted t6 the
many ilia the sex is Almost universally
subject ta ChilU ntd fever , indiges
tion or deranged liVfcr , constant orjie'
riodical silk hcadncho , weakness in
the back orkidnoys.iMm in the shoul
ders and dii&ront patto of the body , a
fooling of htositudo ot despondency ,
all are readily removed by thcao bit-
VONEY TO LOAN Call ot Law Ulncc of D.
L. Thomas KoomS Crolghtcn Block ,
° LOAN At a yet cttitln.
tcro ln Bums.or 2,5tt > and
upWrds , for 3 to S yean , on Crst-clws dtjr end
farm property. Diiuts HeAt , KB/AT * * nd LOAM
Aaxxcr , 16th and Douclin fl'n
-TTirANTEl > TnpB ntIetnen orinMii ana wife
YV to t l < e iilco larco furnlsliert room , wither
or wKilout bwrd. Good location. ApjIytoW.
tliUolIUo. ti"fl-9
" 1TTANTBO A uooA L'lrl ft > r' nenaml ho-ne-
YV ork n email lamilj. Oil ] at Atkln-
son's Ulilin ry etoro W'f-S
WAfTED-rrst-c ! < at fscn iit gltl. Apnlv
2mineitt\trjr ) Id Mr . K .Uhlibton , St.
.Mar ; ' avc , lictivcen Wth dml CCth sto ;
WANTED Oirl to do. troncfil hoUHfiror'i til
in farul y of t\\o. Inqul.-o at'172J Dri.
Icaetrcvt. , e
. „ . hcns'worlc. Ap
ply nt th.and at. JHry'a A\rnuo. C.
W. Hartley. ' 035 12'
WANTED A vo"d tccond co-ilcnl the St.
Charili Hotel , llnrncy strvct , wotrnii-
preferred. GSO-7
ANTED Goodpltlattlic Western IIoii r.
YV Picroa near 10th st. C82-S-
WANTED A girl Immediately for ecner.-v
hcl.-\- call at once at tbc TtirnerilalMltrt-
t.iutant. c'oniun lUthnnii Houanl s ? . b71tf
WANTf T-TJiree > ; oed nun to world I'Jrst
l'ae& south ol ( nlr trouiid . Tftnslcy
llros. G(17-r
"ANTED A tlrl oj waitress. Apf lynt 2nil
Cassb < reet.
WANTED- No. 1 brick monlidr , onn
that can mould and flap bilek No other
rued apply. 11 011 or address J. X. Hyii' ,
None.Ik , belt- ap5il. . cdtsai" "
WANTED By a fcuslrusa man Irom Virginia
a sltLfjtlnii. Has bi-st of rclu.ence. . Ad-
drees J. F. 0 tills olScc. 015-7 *
TXT&NTED A jlrl o do general houseuork.
YV ApDljiafetoO S. Ibth ai.d Lca\rnm rtlli
etrea * . C52-i' (
-GIrl abnnt 14 to do light ho'-sio-
orkf d'iring the day only. Applj at Dee
olflccj ! 024-tf
W \ ANTED Basement In ox. for board.
Other tioarderj too. 003 N. 17th etreet.
WANTED D nlnjjroom Crtishton "
Jfoiise. _ W-tl'
A FHtS I-CLASS talesman desires a situation
J\ uhcro Ills services would be required.
Address for ono week , box Obi Council
WANTED A good girl at corner HtuuUton
and tier sts. , thlnn'd addition. fi <
uagcg given. i 638-tl
ANTED Boarders at the Gartleld hoaee ,
YY N. W. corner 14th and Jackjon Sta.
414 tf
WANT-ED To sell a barber shop , coed lo.
catlont ( rood business , satisfactory reasons
fT eulilio In culrc at 117 S. IGth iticct , Otaihn.
Neb. 31-tf
Funding brldgo and chool bonds.
WANTED Clark. RnVlnvu e. ? tf
4 children as boarders In a Heloct
WANTED , at 19th and California St. L. n.
\JT ings In return for trade. P. O. Kos 02.
: A'ITED 2 unfurnlbhod rooms fornnan and
w- wife , must bo moderate In prite. Ad
dress II. . Bee otHco.
i Room , with board , jtas nmi
JJ bathroom , at 1718 Dodge st. C7T-W
OTAHE.K10 KNT Corner 10th and Douglas ,
Oi Aiiplv at Nowtpipcr Union 12th aril' Mow
nrd sticets. * l-7
TTtCHSALE 20 lots ne r Hnnscom Park.'wost
P ot 1'urk Avenue. WO to ( WOO each , 51 * .
p. I'ostolIlCL- ,
HUNT C'ottairo liouao with Ive rooms ,
FOR and outbiilldlnga , well and cisUrini.
Innulru until Saturday , at four o'elocit at this
ofii'co. 085-7 *
KENT TnounfiirnUhcilrm in > .cilt U < ifor
TO llL'ht homo keeping , it 2219. t'apltol am.
Jl T. JlollaHay.
, . IIENT Slcop'nji room for ta ircntle
men , room 10 Jacobs Block. Mi 6) )
T10H HENTHandsomefuinls&cd frontroom
C togenMcman , mcdcratemit. Itefcrdices.
A11U12 Uodjjo st. bttweon 13th ani 14th.
' Forlltht ) housc-kejp
FUHNISUEDlt'OMS 221U CalUoiula st.042tf
' 17(011 ( SAU1 My residcnta at hroJ of rt.
Jj MaryiA > ciiuo lot TlxUU. William
UlnnnnilltaVi . 0207
OOH REST-First llaor of a brick housei in
JU exchanKO for a la cs board , COJ north 17 tl
street. Fledfantly loc-atod , 02J-tt
Il 11ENT Hindiomcly lurnUlud par'o
and alco > o room , 20iaCtE8 st. obu-
KKNT-Onc luiulBbed room IT'-UJUouif
Uu it.
T710H UKNToujf bsrn nnd 3 f ere * of. laud
Jjlnqulro ; 16th anU Howard. Eu a noOW HQAff l
rnO'KhNT-Ono Urge fnrnlil fd room , ttitii
I bjard , on first floor , outildo cucrance. lt-0
California st , 5 "
oit nENl-KurnLhed tott B . ilx rooui.
2210 California st. M'S. Hall. 621-tf
WE T-At 2020 8
ilary'e A enue.
rents houscslota , farms , stores ,
BEJ1I6 etc. Olllccs ISth and DouulM St
KENT-N. K. I , Pec. J , T. ID , 11.1 , un
Foil Improved Douglai county land. 1J mile
from H. 11. etatlou. Inquire ut 2118pa\tn ] > or
street. _ _ _
UEBT dtoro room m brick building , N
Foil . corner 10th aud Cuming. C. V Uood
ui n , 1110 r'arnham St. _ 203-tf
IOK11KNT Furnisnm uuu luom , N , E. cor
dtb and Jackson. tl-lt
T7\OU HKNi luinwoua ruouu over M
h chants' Exchange , N , E. cor. 16th nd Dodg
ttroet * . 883-tf
OR RENT Nicely furnished ioom with o
without toaid. Reasonable
St. _ _ _ _
TTlOtt BALK Ohoan-- new sida ,
JD I.UOT ) , Apply t l Mk iiilOnhop , ) jnt
Uth &ad Lt * eiwgrth tiwt. oss-o *
filOR SALE A larpo Mosll r * " " " " ' ' .
H tfcodaaticw. Apply t Western > e sraicrI
Pnlon 12th and HowaiilBtrpot. ' ' "
FOR SALE A ( tcntlo pony , 1aW ° f"V"t ;
ilymc. JnijHlrelkt the Ice
; c'.ticcnUt lg ftndCi > plltl . _ .
OK SALE Three nouses ne r V , IjSVepot ,
c n remain i n gr.tintl , and also tifj >
Ktiqulro ftt this"
TOUR SALEEleMy.fUo head of h p. Kn-
1 } finlrc nS farm o Tom Murray , one mile
ronth of U. P. ccirof. rv"nt
' KURiSALlTS xllariro * orh raul < ; e'
STOI'K work or drhlnjr horses tlirco - . . -
four sets double barncfs , f no uu ? le , one intea
prlntr tHtn'.cnt nngon , ml | two ce9 for
nalo cheap. TflfH. SWIFT ,
OJ .tf Cor. 1Mb and Chicago 8ts
SALK A peed etorf , dry gondp ,
EOR hofs , srocerlcs , e e , J. M.
Oakland , low. <
T OR SALE Cheap one - ,
U nuiro 0 < J. K. aaiiQden ? ,
' iloor north City HMI
TitOItgAIiK Wont f ll to see the Hollno Cab
L * Incf OrKMi at Flodmnn airf ELbUrd , > o.
SOS X ICtb el , Von sale cheap. 132 8
TOOll SALE ilou o aid two full lots all Im-
Jt ? iirtneraentd nearly new. Uosf locaHon In
town , onlj$2000 , Zl l ( ! down , balanur on time If
dcrinil. Inimlro of 0. Futlman fcth And DorcM
trbot , 81G'
POlt" SALE I f oiiWoT fbTV'roniM'.imf cor-
IKV Jof on Iftth irtJ Mason Sl.OOtt McQwua
'I'TV J'ocfoflleo. 5SiJf
MUtl'J Thoronirlibrtd' Jersey Bull Ho. 332
C 'VI , 8. H. n."t winner of prize | at SSito
'air. HtjNiili for sertlco VS Nebraska Poult ) ?
Yard * , W l Omaha. Graham . Browaj ,
70lt BA1.E-14 lots In RV W. put of : I v on
I ? nljjhtl ? lAIkttfnh . JTOJ "to" S2SO c-wlt , on
payat-nt ) . Met'o Or , opp. po ! 6Hoe !
Si-dawn itel 85 permord. EEMlsrwnj-
IDth and Doiiilaa Sti. - _ - - *
T710II " SAtiH Oito fccond.ha.fi1 & 5 horaa pott'- .
J ? e"nJJo , pnoilai ncwal oUfog horsotovnv
and t\\n lITllorM r > oer onKln > , now. llMlorg
of a'l HI ! , now , Inquire Omr.nn i'ourdryan
Machine Co.U. I' II ; . Ietl7tbt > ml 13lh ( iir.ah'i
\j\OH \ 8ALK Ilcrwothrcoroom.fand half lot.orv
D 20th BtJcot mirth of Crook , .1300 cash. Ofti
nonth y jxijnients ! 1COO. JohrrL. Mcnue ,
FOU SALE. Fine tatullr niMSf } outi nnd *
gentlo. Dfoc .ret. Council lllufT n , la. 24-2
FT10R SA' ' R HDUSO nnd lot on easy ternn
P Apply aiGlV\V 'jtit ) utroct bflt * ei-i. I th and. '
ith strccU boutlf of I' . P. depotnUo entire
> ou9choldgoo&i : . 631-0 *
Moll RALE Sftldon ttorx and Ixtiires and I
Ij lca e ghen , t-oorf Ascntlon. Ljqnlrc ot L.
I. Spencer , nou'leaaT corner llth ami Il.i
sol M tf
[ ? OK SALE yrro apTisa of land o.i * f aumJoie '
U bt'cct , with iiho r "i rfencc , barn and offin
mpnncmcnts. P.-fco fHfOO : terms e ty. A
47i-tf W. Jti DartidtJ , Heal hstaU Agent.
> EMIS BO.In house * , loll , ( arms am1 '
) Otllcc. lEth antUP" das Sra
[ TIOH BANE A now houar and lot , 25tll ami
L ? Douglas St. iftiuirvto A. ttouman , 25th
and Farnhum MB. 418-lm *
[ 71OK SALE A Vl3Tio(0nttatcs ) , n r\celltnt
L'c.'nil tioncryvjiecp. ; . Jnquiteat tthollke.
[ T10KH. LE Fivoocro iif fend , 2 story frame
1 } house , barn 2 veils a d other Improve-
aienta , cast sldo o ( Oiundrn struct , neir'FgJt
) raalia. For particcttr8tlalifsj ! Ceo. AV. Rrrp-
a r0akl _ nd. Neb. -I0btr _
JIK SALn Kour rt7ltli. 6 rooms , barn anil
r ton ? Jcaso of leMon 135h St. , bot. Kurt and
Vobatcr. Innulro otEUlmlln & CilckoonV.
355 tf
SALE Cur lead of'fac bhckcy niulca
broko. Apply cZ'JIW. fakiuncr , Coin la ,
5JOR SALE 32 res'Oonco lots on and near lOUl'
if etreet. Price , -5 to 560 each. Torrua
aej. ilcCAQUK , Ayont. Opp. Test Office.
SCO tf
IJJOK SALE BIcycJ'iyiiMnoh. Standard Colum-
Ef bla. Apply Uni n'ClMato . 203-tf
: J/TS , 811.0 each , 8u down and ? 5 per month-
Li HEMIS , Airont.
nOH SALE Or will cxcha t'o for Otnaha pro.
[ TMperty , an Improved ec oo of land adjoln-
"n > a station on U. P. ? J B. 11. DUNHAM , Hit.
Varnham St. , Omaha. 720 SMt
III A I'oundofct t'teconntry Butter for :
y\l\J cheap ; also ; rtsh.inllls e\ery
liai"a"Oioccry ttorc , corner.lCSh and Dodge.
FOR SALE T : Murray.
ALEU HAY At A. H. Bander's Keod ate
B 1013 Ilarney St.
.li A11A tMl'U > Kn : O aUKbAL' 'Unth'i
O street near Karnain. Biislticai house ? ,
brmtrs and families calk bo fu i'lltd with com-
ictdnt h lp. Anygranocfi imjlonient. Kal1'
cndanp Ml.ilnifoHlflls on shoit notice I'-
( eltu , Kmpln > meut A ant. C84-
po \\lllborowhed until 12 o'clock .
MI. , April 12th 18S2 , lor : aatorU.s , erection and
completion cf a thres story Brick , with stone
> sement , school houro , to bo erected on How.
udstreet , betnccn 9th aidHOthetnatM , Omaha ,
feb I'laiisnndtpecISritlonsto bo seen at tbo
f&eo ol Dufrt-no i * 2Iendel-sohn. archltcct
Tlhe tight to rcjcc : any or al Olila i
MAMMOTH Clue tr lilock coi rarpborrleo
tO cci.t a dozen , S'iCJ-jifr hundred , $10.00- >
j r thoueand at 'JlIe'"iVIM Place , " I eave or-
tiers at 1414 Dodge tt. , John 0 , Vvlllls.
mch 25-ev eat-JU
_ _ _
TIO nro ogahi in perfect order. Call on
Mr. Van Onnan atotook jaids , 101 li St. , bet.
; aptlol nvenueanill 9aveutnrt St. Plenty oi'
, ard room nnd etauDng. . Brl ght ctra ln ' > al -
orhcd-tlcka. E ESTABliOOK. ,
425-tf I .
Mapfl , OEO. P. EEMI8.
TIANO AND OltGAN Instruction by E
JL S. ParlUt , P. S9th 6U. below Pierce. 91-H
EOOMSAnd nret-cUsa Ublo board , at SOU
CassSt. ml-lm- if
UBN'l Oooice of SO full lota to lev ]
SAVE Crolgbton Collfge for $26 per
Uextcr L. Thomas & Bro. , Itooia B , C'rcltr
Illook. ° ' " "
TlONALiar , 403 Tinih Street , between Fam aoi
andllaiooy. Will , with tun nl > l cf KUMdUu
eplrltd , obtain for any ono a Rlaneo at tbo pao
and present , cail on certain conditions lu thu tu
ture. Boou and Bhoea made to ; rder. Pcr/ao
Absolutely Pure.
ThUpowdwnoier varies. A roan el ot i
Ity , strcn.'tb and uholesomencm. More eeotv-
micftl thta the ordinary kinds , and cannot \ie i
sold In competition with the multitude of low '
test , abort elht | [ , alnuicr piiuphato powdir
Sold ily l cam. ROTAlJBiulSM POUSIF.GJ. ,