I I'i I rt I I i lH N . . . .I i I t i rv. OMAHA DAlL c B&fr APRIL 7 The Omaha Be < Fabllthed every morning , etcept Snndt Cbe only Monday morning dally. TEUMSBYMAIL One Vtftr $10.00 I ThreeMonUu.83 Bis Months. 6.001 One . . 1 WKEKLY BEE , cry Wednesday. OffiUMSPOST PAIDs One Year. $2.00 I ThrcoMontbs. . HbiMonUi 1.00 | Ono , . , OOnRESPUNDENOE-All Commu Iktions rclatini ; to News and Kditorlal m en should be Addressed to the EDITOR THE Bin. BUSINESS LETTEIIS-A11 Bnsln tetters nnd Remittances should bo f dressed to THE OUAHA I'cntismNO Co FANT , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks and Po office Ordein to be made payable to t order o ! the Company. OMAHA PDBLISfflNO 00 , , Prop1 ! Et ROSEWATER. Editor. THI : Republican says tliaf Thrano may bo elected. Who ea that ho isn't elected ? IT cornea natural for Doctor Mill to cry fraud. The ghost of Cron atill haunts the Herald office. NKUHAHKA has fallen off in tl number of papers published in 188 There is still room for improrcmcn SEVERAL political slates woi smashed in our city election , hem there is weeping , wailing and gnus ! ing of tooth. Tuu Republican intimates that M McGuckiu refused to make pledges I Ilosowater. What pledges was 1 asked to make ? NOTHING horrifies Hascall as muc ns the suspicion that some of Ilia ow political methods may have boon use by other parties in Omaha election ) only man that The Ilepublicn can't stomach is Prod Bohm in th Second ward. Fred didn't want t' ' Kiro up oreell his proxy last year an Yost thinks ho is u very bad man. THEKE wore seventy-seven vote against the proposition to take up i the house the bill to extend natiom bank charters. The charters of noai ly three hundred national banks 01 piro in February next. IN nine months the United State has reduced the public debt by $114 , 332,389 , and , should the present rat of payment bo maintained until thi end of the fiscal year , the total deb payment for'tho twelve months wil amount to $15U,443,18u. TIIK grain crop of the season on th < Pacific coast promises to bo unusually -good. Heavy rains h vn fallen , anc farmers are happy. In California alone the wheat crop is estimated n about 1,515,000 'tons. A few raon statistics like those will knock tin bottom out of eastern wheat corners ANNOUHCEMENT is made that con venation through the telephone hai been successfully carried on botwoot Uoston and Now York. What Omahi would bo especially interested m is t telephone which'could bo successful ! } worked between the exchange am residence and business houses' in 'tin city. COLOUADO is .badly torn up over the senatorial vacancy created bj the appoiStment of Teller to the cabinet. Governor Fitkin , who hai the Ronatorship at his disposal , ii besieged by the friends of half t dozen candidates , and the executive chamber is packed with monster po titiona. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. Tins manner in which Jessu Jamei was killed is denounced in eonu juartors as cowardly. But as the Chicago Times very sensibly pointi out the belief was general that he would have to bo reduced to the con dition of a corpse before a warrant could bo served on him , and though the method of his arrest was a little irregular , it could have boon accom plished by no other means than those which were used. SUNATOII VANWYUK'S inquiries into the land surveying frauds have result ed iu a bill , reported by the senate committee on public lands , which pro. vides that there shall bo appointed by the president , by and with the advice ! and consent of the senate , not exceed ing five inspectors for the surveyors general and district land offices , who * h ll each be entitled to a salary of $3,000 per year and actual traveling expenses , whose duty it shall bo , under - der the direction of the commissioner of the general land olllco , to inspect the surveyors general and district land offices , and the operation of ( ho public land system , includidg the sya > tern of survey , and who shall perform aucli.dutioa as may ba required of th'eiu - by the * aid commissioner or secretary of the interior. They ahall have authority at all times to examine the papers and records of the survey ? onf'general and district , land ouiccs ( and the workvof the jleputy surveyors in the field , and shall have power to administer oaths to all , parties whose * f -f > * > - * evidence may be. required . in the / . * * .Vcv * + .tJ * ' course of their investigation. .1 PHRAUD ! PHRAUD ! FHRAU The editors of Tlio Herald and 1 publican , who wore dumb-founded the torrriblo disaster that overU their crow on Tuesday , have rcc ored sufficiently to raise the hue t cry of "Fraud ! Fraud ! Kraudl" 1 usual harmony that prevails botw < these brass-colored twins inanifc itself again in this case when tl btlh cry "Wolf" at the same memo Dr. Miller says that there "is c dontly serious ground for the cha : of fraud in respect to the method o ployed to vote unregistered men ntlldavits. The number of theao a davits in proportion to the vote c In the second and third wards is ' liovcd to have been altogether t largu for an honest vote , and it also charged that nhoso nflldavitswi illegal in form and fraudulent on th fnco. " There is no doubt affidavits wi ( [ uito numerous in the Second ward they always have been since Ileac has been registrar. For years every election complaint has be made that Hascall Jiai gorrymundai the registration lists ut the Scco ward leaving out those ho didn't wti und accommodating parlies whom believed disposed to vote for him. T ( rears ago and last year there we more men sworn in on aftidavits th there wore this year. Oouncilm McNamara who had some exporion with Uascall's way of registering vi 3fs can toll his follow councilman hi the legal voters of the Second wa wo annoyed an'd harassed every yci Haacall can never bo found wh looplo want to bo registered , ho a rortisos a sitting and fails to put in ippcardnco , and purposely neglects mblish the printed list of register -oters until the morning of oloctia Fhoro were fully four hundred vote mtitlod to vote in the Second wa vhoso names didnot appear on the Hi Flu-re was no other way for those w ! Fcro loft off except to swear th < otcs in. Many , of these were c .nd well-known residents of t rard. These who swore their vol n did so on affidavits sworn to ai ritnessod before notaries. Aa to repeating and fraud , if the ras any , lot those who know an hing about it nuke the proper coi ilaint and have the parties arrcftn Vith the decided majorities given ho First , Second and Third war lioro can bo no doubt as to the voi the people in that respect , but lie defeated candidates desire to co ; 3st these scats there is a legal rer dy provided. So far as the count i concerned they have no right to j ohind the returns. The council mply to witness the canvass ar irect the clerk to make out dolivi ortificates to the parties elected , ny fraudulent voting has been doi 10 contesting candidates must set ioir remedy in the courts. If the ; jrporation organs are raising the ci f fraud for the purpose of commi ng a fraud on the electors , they wi iscovor that they will stir up a' ho ot'fl nest. IESTKOYINQ THE FOREIG MARKET. It is a serious question whothi icoulalivo prices in grain and pn isions.aro of any real benefits tq 01 roducora. Iuring the past winti iHlions of bushels of grain have bee ickod up in elevators and storohousi iroughout the country. A sti'o : : op and the prospoctsiof a largo fo ; ign demand at once raised Iho prie F all cereals to a limit higher Urn ad boon known for years. A "co : or'1 in wheat , lard and pork was in lodiatoly formed by capitalists i archaso in largo quantities and hoi ir an advance , and within a fo lonths over thirteen millions of busl Is of grain were securely locked 01 E the market. Grain rose steadily nd the prices obtained by our farn rs recompensed them handsomol fen with a shorter crop than usui > r the market. That there was resent gain to the fanner was admi d by many. The question prcss < self whether the future will novo < eve the advanced prices to lm\ ion dearly purchased by the pn icors of the country. In the first place there is great dai : r that the speculative high prices c o past winter have greatly in ired our foreign market. Th > wor of readily disposing of ou irplus production of breadutulls ha rontj influence upon the homo ma : its. In 1880 the United States oj irted of wheat alone 1GU,252,7 ishols , valued at 8l)0,548I05. ! ) } I o following year , ending Juno . ' 10 181 , the exports foil to 150,570 , 78 iluod at 8107,008.485. Of thi lormous surplus a largo proportioi unt to Great Britain. It is plainl ; our intnrcst to supply the foreigi imnnd for produce at the lowes ice consistent with fair profits mt demand has proved the balanci our domestic demand , and has actci a constant relief to the homo mar ta by ; preventing overstocking anc lintainiii } ; prices. JJut our aurplui last year's crop has been held bi orncra"in various forms manipu ed by shrewd and unscrupujou orators. WJiat has boon the result aoricuH wheat has been virtually at ouC from Kuropean countries lich would gladly haye token oui ) dv ce ut paying .prices , but whc re now been compelled to scour tht world and secure from the rcmot points far larger supplies than wi over before obtained or would lit been thought of but for the course speculation hero. The American Agriculturist , ono the ablest of agricultural papc points out the important con qucnccs which have followed fr < the American corner in who During five months ending Febru : 1. Great Britain recoccn from British India , Hus and Germany nearly 13,000,000 bin ola moro wheat than during the sa : period of the previous year. Th ( thirteen million bushels have lain the whila in our storehouses and c valors , and would have been Ink from us at good paying prices , a the cash returned , had gambli speculators not prevented it. A what is worse , not only have m sources of supply been opened , a larger production stimulated to co polo with us in the future , but Grc Britain has practically secured and h within siqht so largo a stock that ' are likely to lese this season > the si of much Wo have to spare , Oth figures show that up to February Great Britain had already secured wheat and flour for consumption , 2 , 703,530 Ibs , , moro than at the sat date last year ; a < JO02,800 Ibs. , mo than in 1880 ; and 1(4,448,4)2 ! It moro than in 1870 , Yet with tl fact before us , with relatively larg stocks on hand hero than at the sat date last year , the speculators won delude the public into believing th the present or higher prices will pi vail ; and they will keep this up un they inveigle enough ulambs" to to off their hands their enormous spec lativo holdings and contracts. The same effects are noticcablo our other staple products , especial lard , pork and bacon. The only a vantage -which appears is that a few our producers succeeded in realizing little better prices than would1 ha prevailed without the speculati mania. But as the Agriculturist poin out , "this single present ga is quito likely to bo oils in the future by the gre stimulus given to wheat culture : [ ndia , Australia , southeastern Europ northern Africa , and elsewhere , whit will compete with us hereafter in tl European markets ; and our farmo are thus likely to lese in the end fi moro than they have gained by tl great grain speculation of 1881-2 , High prices , which destroy a mark- - and frighten away purchasers , are m profitable in the end , and if this turi out to bo the result of the "corne ng" operations in our largo cities 01 armors will have none but the spoci atom to thank for the result. THE CABINET. The nomination of Hoiuy M. Tt or as secretary of the interior ar Win. E. Chandler as secretary of tl navy complete President Arthur cabinet. It won generally concedi hat Robert Lincoln would remain , bo head of the war department , or 10 is the only member of the Ga iold cabinet retained by Garfield ucccssor. It was eminently propi or President Arthur to select as h ounsollors men whoso political viov ro in accord with his own. Wil ho exception of Mr. Chandler , tl : abinot is made up from what cnown as the Grant and Conklin ( ring of the republican party , and i ull harmony , politically , with tli resident. Mr. Chandler was Mi Maine's ablest champion at Chicagc ut this concession to the Blaine win f the party will not meet with favc rom any class of republicans wh csiro to see a clean handed ndminif ration. Mr. Chandler is reputed t 0 second to no man in thi ountry as a political organizoi ut does not 'enjoy popula onfidenco as a man to bo trustd nth the responsibility devolving on abinet officer. The proposed revivn f the navy , which will involve 01 utlay of over twenty millions wil llbrd temptations and opportunitie or jobbery which may become i ourco of scandal under Mr. Chand or that would relied dishonor upoi ho republican party , and bring dis ; race on the administration. Tin election of Henry M. Teller as socro ary of the interior will also moo rith little favor among republican rho desire to BOO the affairs of thi , ; overnmont administered in the inter st of the people rather than corporati nonopohes. Mr. Toller's former em iloyinent a8 attorney of the Unioi 'ftoifio , coupled with tjio fact that thi 'acilio railway managers have urgec is appointment , cannot .fail to cause rave concern. President Arthur has committed ui npardonablo blunder in placing the itorior department under control ol 110 land grant railroads. Mr. Telloi light have filled any other cabinet osition without detriment to the pub' c interest , but he cannot in the aturo of things discharge his obliga- ons to his railway backers , except a ! 10 expense of the people of the Uni- id States. It would have boon moro satisfac- ny to the section west of the Mis- ) uri to have continued tl coo years inger without a special representative 1 the cabinet than to ba misrepro. mtod , . since Mr. Teller , at best , 111 represent New YorV and Boston A good deal moro than ho will N brnska , Colorado and the Pnci slope. _ Mit. EADS is an excellent lobby ! and his friends in Washington f confident that the ship railway t will pass both houses of congress decided majorities. There are soi strong arguments used in behalf the measure , { treat stress being laid the point that the government asked to do nothing at a vcntu : Captain Eada is required to build t miles of railway with the necessa terminal works , and to carry a vosi that distance by rail before any liab ity is assumed by the govornmci while the entire railway must bo co structod and a vessel of six thousai tons transported from ocean to occi before the government liability o cceds moro than ten millions of d ( lars. When the road is completed tl government guarantees fifty millie of the company's bonds , which i dobtodncss is to bo discharged by tl company within fifteen years. Du intf ninoty-nino years the compai agrees to transport free all govcri mont storoi , mails , ships and troop Although several prominent enginoc declare Captain Bads' scheme foaslbl it is very probable that the Unite States will never bo called upon to o sumo any liability in connection wi the undertaking. Fan the first time since the 24th September , 1878 , the supreme cou of the United States again consists nine working members. Owing the long-continued incapacity of Ju ticos Clifford and Hunt , and the pr traded vacancies which followed tl resignations of some of the othoi the court , always behindhand , h fallen hopelessly in the roar of i business. It is impossible for it catch up without relief from congres but it ou ht at least to prevent the lor list of cases awaiting a hearing fro becoming any longer. All the a ] [ jointocs of the last five years , con prising now a majority of the court- Justices Harlan , Woods , Matthew Gray and Blatchford are men ha1 ng their work still in them , at should together be able to give a fo ward impetus to the supreme cou business , of which it has long stoc in need. The leisurely methods an frequent adjournments of the suproa court and the indisposition of many < the old judges for continuous woi ire undoubtedly largely rosponsib for that body's being nearly foi years behind its work. FIIANK WALTEHS and several othc patriotic scavengers are working u BO called election frauds in the Fin and Second wards. It looks voi much as if Citizen Thurston , of tl U. P. , and Citizen Green , ot the J & M. , had put their heads together I concoct a scheme for counting 01 the men elected by the people. Li these patriots proceed , and wo slid presently see whore the fraud comes ii TUB assessor is now on his round : ind ho ought to do his duty withoi Fear or favor. .Lot ns have a fair an just assessment for onco. Put ovoi awnor of property , whether it bo a individual or corporation , on the sam lovol. Compel the tax shirkers t boar their share of the burden , an jxempt no property that is not 02 > mpt by law. TUB Omaha monopoly bureau ha copt very significant silence about th esult of Tuesday's election. The mvo not telegraphed a word to th lastorn press. Ii Thurston's citizen tad carried the day , dispatches fror ho Omaha bureau would have boo ory voluminous. PBESONALITIHS. John 15. Cough In buttering from neural in ut the stomach. Uen Butler begin * to show tint burden ( nge. Street cars luo to wait fnr him Trinco Leopold JIM no sub-cuticle , bu e 1ms Bcionticnlly chosen n bride who bite : er nails. New Mexican newspapers nay Dorsey i Ick , and is BOWEL- out his cattle business lid to be worth $70,000 , A Nevada young woman who is still ii er teens has been divorced fr in two bus ands and has married the third. General Joseph K. Johniton bay been Jr ialtlmorej attending a meeting of fin nderwritew. HIuve \ U ruddy , and hii yen bright. Gen. Curr , hming been dnly "Admon * ihed , " will now return tn his command mt proceed to lick tuoru Indians than lili ipTior oflicer ever saw. Belle Boyd , the Confederate spy , hua led ubout twenty times during the last ve years , und is yet living. She didn't ? y enough to hurt anything. A correspondent refers to Oiotr Wilde ii "ft Bluco e cllsslhle Of the beiutlful" hie It the nevorert blow glucose has re- slved yet. [ Norrlstowu Hera'el , Dr. Mary \Vnllcer wauU her pension ilscd. Tuilon' bills are higher than they ere a year or two ago , and the doctor innot afford tn go shabbily dresaed. Captain Mogardus ia a tremendous fel. w at glass bull * , but wo doubt if lie mid destroy as many Mi ball * a * the .e'ftge New Knglaiuler , [ BoUon Com. orcial Bulletin , Though the czar ia displeased with Icobeleif. the latter seeinn htill to be ublo i eat and drink , and he has not been dered to hi * estate , or reduced to the , nke , or takeu out and shot , or anything the kind , Says The Baltimore American. "A. II. liomas , jr. , son of a prominent minister Memphis , was found dead in the street Ma pistol ball wound In the noith\ve t- u suburbs. Ho is supposed to have been urdered.1 Does a wound in the notth- stern suburbs gcneially prove fatal ? ostonPobt Frank H. Pusldug. tha enthusiastic ung etiKologUt who is learning so uch of the inner life cf the Pueblo Iu. > ns , and is now in the eait with his .ml comrade' , Mheou cf an ccccuirio country doctor , nd the brother of an c thtisiastlo RlaMball and pigeon ( hot. MI B M nnte Hank h aludy ef very ni certain temper. She declared the otli dny , on account of a fancied grltnam that she won "out of Mnpleson'o cotnp.w and would oln ? no more with it. But t thine was All lijced up again , and Ml IlBtik sang at the Saturday inatlne Minnie has her little tnntumi once In while , but she ueUi over them , A e | > ort has been circulating In t papers to the effect , first , that Senator II hnd paid to a friend that he had given \ all hot * of recovery : and , second , that brother and > ter of the senator had dl of cmcer and that it was hereditary. V have the ve.ry bc t authority for rfenyii both these fitatcmentg. Mr. lliil h never given up hope of his recovery , ai was never BO hopeful and c.infldent as 1 Is at present , lie never had cither a si ter or brother to Hie ( it cancer , or an thing like tt , nnd there has never been i cither sldo of his family , as far as he c ; teaaomber , any sort of cancerous tain Vhete are facts that the tcnator'n fricn mid the public may rely on absolutely. [ Atlantic Constitution. THE OLD RITES. The Jewish Refugees from Rui Bin. in Philadelphia. Solemn Kolljrloua Services The First Prayer forthe United States- Bathing thoBabios. Philadelphia Times. Straugo sights wore witnessed ye terday m the old West Philadolph depot , where the Israelite refuge from Russia , through the gonorosi of the citizens , are afforded a temnor ry home nnd shelter. With sundoTi the Kabbath commenced the first sabbath in what they hai been led to regard the fr < and promised land where the would be permitted to worship God i peace according to their conscionci As evening approached , a certain a of formality , and an indication of tl near approach of an important occi sion , became perceptible. Every mai woman and child had rested , after tr trying fatigue of over six weeks' coi stant travel. They had bathed , th men and children's hair had boon cu boards had boon trimmed , and over person was attired in clean clothe from head to foot. There was an ur mistakable Sunday appearance aboi every ono who emerged from the sop orate dressing rooms set apart for tli two sexes. A little before six o'clocl iccording to old orthodox Jowls rites , all the mothers of children pre jont took a candle , and making a cii : lo with it , stood by the bedside an blessed it with a prayer , These can Jles were then HO1ITED BY VO0NG OIllL And placed on an altar improvise ilong the shelf of what was formerl iho ticket window , and still bearin : ho sign. The immense space i which passengers used to wait for th trains has been divided into two parts ind the part nearest Market street Including the ticket window , is fillc with cot beds , where the women an : hildron &leep. When the candle were lighted , looking very strange a ; hey stood together , secured to th 3at surface , and without any othe jbject whatever on the altar , all th ivomen and children in the roor itood silent and engaged in their de returns , facing east , where the sacn ioial table , with candles , was erected The women's prayers , different fret ; the men's , are never audiblo. Thi icrvico on the part of the women i ilways preliminary to the service i : which the men engage. It had 11 sooner finished than a small , sorioui lark-bearded man emerged from th men's room , and going into what wa : ormally a restaurant , and now usei is the dining room for both men am , vomen , placed the "tailith , " or fringei nantle , over his head and shoulders > poned his book , printed in large He : > rew characters , turned his face clos 0 the wall , looking eastward , and be- jan the special Sabbath service o .hanksglying. Very quickly an re y quietly all the men gathered i ows , ono rank behind another an ill facing east. Every man were hi iat through the service. Small a jad been their baggage , every mai iad his well worn and thinly-thumbo irayor book m his hands. After ro ) eating , in a low , solemn voice , wit hat rapidity of short syllables whic s a peculiarity of the Hebrew ton ; uo , a number of selections about Da 'id , the simple shepherd , and Goli , th , the proud possessor of power , th ihantor sang in mere JOWI'lTIj 8T11AINS David's victory and the giant's fall , a chich all present in chorus intonec .ntiphonally some of David's owr ongs , such as : "Tho Lord is nig ] into all | thom Tthat call j upon Him lo delivoroth His people. Sing unt < ho Lord with thanksgiving ; sinf iraiso upon the harp unto our God ? ho Lord upholdoth all that fall anc aisoth all that ho bowed down. He > ersorvoth the strangers , Ha roliev- th the fatherless and widown ; bu lie way | of tha wicked ho turnoth up ide down. " A hymn from Samuo : as then intoned , followed by the 9potitionof thocommanduient respect ig "tho Sabbath day , to keep H oly. " ( As a sort of climax the mos npressivo part of the service was ther jochod , when the cantor proceedcc > relate the usual prayer for rulers , ftth who knows what reluctanca il us boon their custom in the past , ac- srding to the ritual , to pray for the KtLT. For the first time in their yes they sent up with ono voice the rayer that "tho Presidant ol lese United States in whoso uds wp now rest , and all loth- s in authority , may bo given isdom and spared to usulessnosa and asperity. " During this invocation 1 stood with their faces upward , and imo raised their hanps. In the spo il pnxyor for deliverance from bon- igo , which closed the service , ox nations of joy went up from every roat. Following this the women find lildren tiled out , and after a solemn easing ull sat down to their evening eal. It was very late on Thursday glit before the ablutions of the par , insisto'd upon by the committee , ) ro fmishod , and TUB WA8HI.NO OP TIIK IIAI1IKS . 'as a scene such as has never boon itncssed hero before. Owing to nitod accommodations nndthohurry | , o four largo tubs , each ubout tenet ot square , had to bo filled at onco. lore were forty or fifty screaming flints und children in the tubs at splashing and kicking and fight- y the ladies who were suporintend- g the dillicult operution. When ey caino out there was not time to ces them , und they were put in bed at as they were. The trauforma- tion of the men and women to th now clothes was remarkable , a made them look anything but Hi sian. Blue polkadot wrappers , dro es with flouncts , tight-fitting basqt and a variety of other garments whi people of wealth had worn a little a laid aside made a marked change the nppearanco of the women. Th all insisted , however , on tying thor handkerchiefs given out around tin heads , and could not bo persuaded take them of I" . The men were rigg in high hats and slightly worn sui many of them of late fashionable ci Mr. Sanson , ono of the intorprotc of the courts , who was present , tal cd considerable with the rofugccati ! found that they were all happy a ; full of p rot cations of thanks for t kind reception they oncountorc The " 'omen , on meeting the ladies the committee , usually courtcsey ai kiss their hands with great politonci The moro they are seen the inoro I vorablo the impression made strangers , nnd scores of offers of situ tions are coining in. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS , CALIFORNIA. Crop report H from all sections of t state give unmistakable evidence of prosperous season. ] teporta from Butte nnd Coluaa count say that the wire-worm is ( doing mu damage to the nheat fields in many' CAlitie- . The brbom factories ot Lou Angeles i forced to send cast for broom corn , becai the fanners in the vicinity neglect its c tivation. The people of Kern county are cathes advocating the project of n narrow-gai rmlroad the entire length of the S Joatmin valley. Nickel has at last been discovered r ewer California. Some ore which \v supposed to bo coppir , upon testing pro\ largely , in nickel. The citizens of LOH Angeles propose ; ender Gen Hancock an ovation when , 'isits their city on liin tour of inspect ! if the military posts of the cout. . NEW MEXICO. Katon in a rattling town. Mcsilla has a population of over 2C icmU. Albuqueniue builders nay they we lever BO busy nn now. The territorial Indian xchool ban be ocated at Albuciuerque. Grass Is growing finely nnd block loing wo'l throughout the grazing sectio if the state. A strike of a ledge of tin ore near Cm Station on the Atlantic & Pacific railroi s reported. The geologist tf the coi > anr has visited the lead and vouched f he find. This discovery , if it tuina out ID what in claimed for it that it is a ver ible ledge of tin ore , will entitle the di 'overer to a i > riTnium from the Uniti > tat s goveramentof $2J,000 immediate ! Ex-Governor Sanford , of Ari/on itTeredthe Lake Valley Mining couipan \Tew lexico. 5COt 00 for the privilege rorking twelve hour , in one qt the min rith a shovel and pick , and to have tl nineral he ( should mine by his own pe onnl labor. Another offer of $500,0 ras made the company for the privilege rorkmg the name mine thirty days. Bo Hern were declined. WYOMING. liillyDavis.'tlin champion shoulder hi er , is about to .be installed president < he " ( forty Liars. " The club has an 2Jj 0 business. Five night oflices on thoLaramie div ion of the U. 1'J have been abolished , i allow * ; Point of Kocks , Washakle , Se tion , Kdson and Wyoming. The Wyoming Stock Growers' a'soci ion held their annual meeting at Che nno lost Monday. The association robably the largest in the country , rei esenting five counties cf Wyoming at wo of Nebraska , and carries on the rol n active nieinbernhip of two hundr ( tock owners , ropresentim ; closely six hm red thousand head of cattle , worth S12 00,000 to S15 000,100 , besides horses , re ; I'ate , and the plant necessarily connecte lierewith. _ COLORADO. Bloody tragedies , fuieldes nnd scandal mko Denver the paradise of pencil pus ! 1H. 1H.The'trauk The'trauk of the Denver & New Orleai lilroad is now u-Ithiu thirty miles < 'ucblo. The capital invented in manufactory 1 Denver amount } to S3,5C5.000 and tl nnual prodiictH foot up $5,007,000. There is great activity in nil the minini 'ro pectorn uro packing their grips , an ie tender foot brigade are moving. By a recent decision of the Colorad mrta , A large number of hardened oiim als will be turned loose. It peema thi le last sens ion of the Colorado legislator jpealeil the criminal law of the state an ossed another , but no Having clause w : ut in the new bill , eo that nearly a rimes less than murder committed bi veen the first day of March and the fin ly of .lime , 1H81 , will go unpunished. DAKOTA. Au Immense amount uf corn will I [ anted in Clay county this eejbon. The Masons and Odd Fellows of KI1 oint are preparing to erect iv hall. A new hotel , costing $25,000 , Is one c 10 cooiing improvements at Mitchell. The Presbyterians of Tyndal and vicini have decided to erect n 81,200 house o orshlp the coming Hummer. Ordxvay has sixteen stores , one bank to hotels , one newspaper , three lin m ? , two physiclanH and tw ) clergy en. In the case of Bon Iloimne count ; ; ainst I'Ved ' Wells , ex-twusurer , the jur ; turned a verdict of $1,400 In favor of th unty , Thomoii W- Locke , the ao'dier recently nvicted at Deadwood for the murder o leutenant Cherry , was sentenced ti jht years' imprisonment in the Detroi iuse of correction. MISCELLANEOUS. TueMetbodUt college of Eastera Wash ; tou , has beeu located at Spokane Kails Tt.e Mullan Tunnell on the Northorr iclfiu is bored 100 feet , Th west em irking will start up ia April , and the tenuediato flutft will ba f > unk without lay. In a few weeks tunnel work propei 11 be nui-hed ahead from four diifercnt : Ings. iV philanthropist , who lim been vldting e of the Indian reservations In Idaho , } 'plains ' that the government furnishes thing In the way of amusements to the liant , and writes to Tim 1'res ? , urging it the agents supply the noble red men th "l > a e-nall outfits , croquet sets , foot. Us , dominoes , checker boards , marbles , " Woman's True Friend , V friend in need Is a friend indeed. This 10 can deny , eipecially when assistance is idered when one is nortly atllicted with ease , more particularly those com. iut and weaknesses BJ common to out tale populatioa. livery woman should MV that Klectrio Bittern * are woman's e friend , nnd will positively restore her liealth , even when all other remedies . . A sluglo trial always proves our as. tion. Ihuy re pleasuut to thi tantc , I only cost fifty c uU a bottle. Sold by irotttr Si Hecht. I'ake " DLACIC-DRAUGHT " 'nnd ydu I uuvtr bo bili"- ' HOUSES LOTS ! For Sale By 9 FIFTEENTH AND DOUOL1S 8TSr No. 1ST LMUH KISK Hnrti > MI CORSSR Lor ncir 22nd and Webster streets , 10 rooms , stiblc and Rplendltl order. A bftrgaln nt $ GOO. 178 , House S rooms , full [ lot ou i'lerce nea SVth street , 81,050. 177 , House 2 rooms , full lot on Douglas noai 28th street , 8700. 176 , Beautiful residence , ( ull lot on Cus near 19th direct , $12,000. 174.Tuo houses and } lot on Dodconctr 9th. street , tl COO. 176 , lloum three roomt , two closctt , etc. , halt1 lot on 21st i car Grace street , (800. 172 , One ttnrt one-hilt story brick house an two lots on Douglas near 28th street , $1,700. 171 , House two rooms , well.cutern , stable , etc ( ull lot near Pierce and 13th street , goto. 179 , Ono and one-halt story house tlx roomo < Mid well , hill lot on Convent street near St Mary's avenue , 81,860. Mo. 170 , House three rooms on Clinton street , near shot toner , $325. Mo. 109 , HOUM and 83x120 ( eet lot on street near Websk r street , 3,600. No. JCS , House ot 11 roortg , lot 33x120 ( eet on 10th mar Burt street , 85,000. OK ICTl Two ttory houte , 9 rooms 4 closets , ( rood cellar , on Ibth street near Popplcton'r No. 105 , New house ot 6 rooms , holt lot on < Izard near 19th street , 81,850. No. 104 , Ooe and ono b< story houcc 8 rooms- ou 18tb street i car Leavocworth , $3,600. N. 161 , One and ont-haK etory louse ot D > rooms near Hanscom Park , $ lttOO. No. 168. Two houes G rooms each , closets , etc on Burt street near 25th , $3,500. No. 157 , bouse 6 rooms , ( ull lot on 19th street : near Leaven * ortb , $2,400. No. ICO , House 4 large rooms , 2 closets bait acre on Hurt street , near Dntion , jl , < > 00. No. ,165 , Two lionet * , ono ot E nnd ono ot & . rooms , on 17th street near llarcy. $3,200. No. 154. Threohouses , one ol 7 and tno of 6- rootru each , and corner lot , ou Casa near 14th. street , $5,000. Nr. 1C3 , small houeo and ( ull lot on PaclQ near 12th street , 2,600. No. in , Ono story house 6 rooms , on Leaven , worth near 10th , 83,000. No. 160 , Iloiiso three rooms and lot 02x11 near 26th and Farnham , 2,500. No. 148 , New house o ( elpht rooms , on 18tb > street near Leavenuoith , $3,100. No. 147 , House ot 13 roams on ISth street near Marcy , $5,000. No. 140 , House ot 10 rooms and lUots on 18tb > street near Marcy , $6.000. No. 145 , House two large rooms , lot 07x210 ( ee Dn8horuana\enuo(16th street ) near NIchola ? * No 143 , Uonso 7 rooms , barn , on 20th street near LcavenwortH , $2,600. No. 142 , House 5 rooms , Wchen , etc. , on 16th street near Nicholas , $1,876. No. 141 , Home 3 rooms on Douglas Hear 26tb. street , $050. No. 140 , Larfo lioute and two lots , on 41 acar Fomhaiu street , $8,000. No. 139 , House 3 rooms , lot CO.xlC.Cj ( eet , Douglas near 27th street , $1,500. No. 137 , House C rooms and half lot on Capita ivcnue near 23d street , $2,300. No. 136 , House and hall acre lot on Coming- itreet near 24th 8S50. No. 131 , Houeo 2 rocms , ( ull lotv Izard' lean 21st B'.rcet. S-00. No. 129 , Two hcagos ono of 6 and one of 4. oems , on leased lot on Webster near 20th street * J2.600. No. 127 , Two story house 8 rooms , halt lot on- IVebster near 19th $3,600. No. 126 , House 3 rooms , lot 20x120 ( eet on- ! 0lh street near Douglas$676. No , 126 , Two etory house on 12th near Dodgo- itreet Iot23x6 < ! ( eet $1,200. No. 124 , Largo house and ( ull block near fornham and Central street , ? SOOu No. 123 , House 0 rooms nnd largo lot on Saun * lers street near Bar/acks , $2 100. No. 122 , House 6 rooms and half lot on Vf .b- ttr near 16th street , $1,600. Jio. 118 , House 10 rooms , lot 30x90 ( eet on. Capitol avenue near 22d street , $2,060. No. 117 , House 3 rooms , lot 30x120 feet , on 2apltol acnuc near 22d 81,500. No. 114 , Houeo 3 rooms on Doughs near 2Ctb trcet , 8750. No. 113 , House 2 rooms , lot C6x09 ( cct on icar Cutning ttreet , 760. No. 112 , lirlck house 11 rooms and half lot OD 3i8i near 14th street , 2,800. No. Ill , House 12 roomsjon IDaveniiort ne 12th street , $7OoO. No. 110 , Brick house and lot 22x132 ( ee on- : as8 street near 1Mb , $3,000. No. 108 , Largo house on Uarney near 16tb > rojt , 88,600. No 109 , Two houses and 36x1 foot lot no es near 14th street , $3,600. No. 107. House 5 rooms and half lot on Izar car 17th street , 81,200. I\o. 106. House and lot 51x193 ( eet , lot on 14thv iear Pierce street , $ COO. No. H/5 , Two story house Brooms withljlok in fcowarj near Blunders street , $2,800. No. 103 , One and one hall story house 10 rooms- Vebater near 16th street , $2,600. INo. 102 , Two houses 7 rooms each and } lot or > ith near Chicago , ft,0'.0. No. 101 , House S rooms , cellar , etc. , 1 } lotsoD louth avcnuonear Pacific street , $1,650. No , 100 , House 4 rooms , cellar , etc. , haU lot n Izard street near lliih , $2,000. No. 99 , Very large house and ( ull lot on Hat icy near 14th street , $9 000. No , 97 , Large houfc ot 11 rooms on Sherman. \enuo near Clark street , make an offer. No. 96 , Ono and one half story house 7 rooms- it 210x401 ( eet , stable , etc. , on Bhvrman ave- ue near Once , 97 ( XX ) . No. 92 , Large brick house two lots on Daven- ort struct near 10th $18,000. No. DO , Large house and ( ull lot on Dodo car 16th it red , $7,000. No , 89 , Large hause 10 rooms hall lot on 20th r Call ! ornla street , $7,600 No. SS , Large house 10 or 12 rooms , beautlfuT Drnor lotonCoss mar 20th , $7,000. No , 87 , Two story house 3 rooms S acres o ind on Saunders street near Barracks , $2,000. No. 85 Two stores and a rcsloinco on leased al ( lot.ncar Mason and 10th street , $ SOO. No. 84Two story hou < g rooms , closote , etc. , 1th 5 acres of ground , on Haunders street near malm Btrracks , 8iMH ) No. 83 , lloueeof 0 roon < 8 , half lot on Capitol venue near 12th street , $2,600. No 82 , One and one halt story r ouse , fi roe > u ill lot ou Plerco near 20th street , 81,800. No , 81 , Two 2 story bouses , ono of 9 and one rooms , Chlcojro St. , near 12tb , $3,000. No. SU House 4 roams , closets , etc. , large lot 118th street near Whlto Lead works , $1,300. No. 77 , Largo house ot 11 rooms , closets , eel. r , eU. , with IJloton Farnham near Iflth street. No. 76 , Or e an ! ono-lialf story house 0(8 rooms , 166181 ( eet on COM near 14th street , $1,500. No. 76 , House 4 rooms and basement , /o 11x132 ( eet on Marcy near 8th street , $675. No , 74 , Largo brick house and two ( ull lota on- avenport near 15th street , $15,000. No. 73 One and one-half story house and'lot 1x182 ( eet on Jackson near 12th street , $1,800. No , 72 , Large brick house 11 rooms , ( ull lot i Darui > port near 16th street , $5CKXl. No , 71 , Large home 12 rooms , ( ull lot on Call. rnla near 20ih street , $7,00(1. No. 65 , Stable and 3 ( ull lots on ran In street ar Eaunders , $2,000. No. 01 , Two etory froine building , utore d rooum nlxire , ou leuixt lot on hoanu th itroet , $ 00 No. 63 , House 4 rooms , basement , etc. , lo x230oet ou Ibth street mat Nail Works , rue , No. 62 , New house 4 rooms ono story , ( ull lot So. 68 , Housu ot 7 rooms , ull lot Webster ar SI st street , $2,600. Harn y near " 1st street , 81,760. So. 61 , Large house 10 rooms , ( ull lot on But > r 2Ut strtet , S5.000. ft > . ( SO , Housu 3 rot.ma , lialf lot on Direnport ir 23d street , $1,000. > o. 69 , Four houses and half lot on Com near hbtroet $2500. * < o 12 , House 0 rooms ard ( ull lot , Harnoy ir 26th street , $2.100. < o. 9 , three homes and ( ull lot on CMS near h street , 83,200. EAL ESTATE AGENCY 16th and Douglas Street ,