THE DAILY B.EI CMAHA PUBLI8HINQCO. . PROPRIETORS filO Farnham , bet. Oth And 10th Streets. TKHMS OF sunscntPTtox. 0 it copy 1 joir.ln advancepn ( pr ld ) C10.C 6 month ! " " . . . 6.0 micth " " . . . s.C T A.ILWAY TIME TABLE. CARS CHICAGO , ST. fACt. , VI.NXrJ.POU9 K .OMAHA KAIUIOAD. Uftre Oruahi Pawcnpcr No. 2 , 8:30 a. tn. A ( inrpCHlatlon No. 1,1:0 ( p. tn Air.rc Omaha Pawcni-er Ko. 1 , 6SO p. ir Acccs.datlon : No. 3,10:50 : a. m. JUXO OMAHA ( APT 01 KOCTH OMD. C. , D. k 0. 7:10 : a. ci. 3:40 : p. tn , 0. & N. W. , 7 : 0 a. m. BJO : p. m. C. , n. I , & P. , 7:40 : a. m. Sti : > p. m. H. C. , St. J , a C , 3. , loaves lit 8 A. m. and 8Si : res. ArrUca ut St. Louisat C:30tt. : m. and 6:6 : ! m. m.W. , St. L. k P. , loaves at 8 . m. and 3:40 : p Arrive ) B St. LouU At 0:10 : a. m. and 7:31 : m wear 01 Bociitwiara. . , ft M. In Neb. , Through Express , S0 ! a. to U. ft M. Lincoln Express 0:20 p. to. 0 , P. Overland ExpreM , 12:18 : p. m. v 0 , k P. . V. for Lincoln , 11:43 : a. m. , < O. & U V. for Ofccola , 9:40 : a. m. U. P freight : > o. 6 , 6:30 a. m. 2-F. ' . ' ! " * * U. P. Dcnvet freight , 8:25 p , m. o rHOH IAHT 0 D. it O S 5:00 : n. ra. 7:26 : p m. C. & N. W. , 9:46 : R. in. 7:25 p. tn. U. R. I. tl > . .9)3 . m. 3:05 p. tn. A. C. , St. Joe &C 1) , , 7:40 a. re. 8l6p. : ru 4XBI7RIO PKGMTOH flMT Am 0. ft R. V. from Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. U. P. Pacillfl F.xire | ? SI5 : p. m. B . 't M. In Nob. , Through Kipreiii. tl5 ! p tn , P. & M , Lincoln Exprm * 9:40 : n ID. ] C 1 * . Denver expre s , 7:35 a. rn. U. P. Frtlcht No. 11 2:50 : p. tn.1 C , ) ' , Sn. U CiO : a. m. Kmljt ant. U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:16 : p. m. U. 1" . .S'o. S 0:00 : p. ra. U. P. So. 12 1:46 : a. ra.1 L' . P. Hem er froisbt , 1:10 .1. m.l 0. & U , V. mixed , tr. 4:45 : p. tu. DC1IMT 7 S.ltWRI.X OUAUA AK1I Lt\v. > at 9:00 : , fl.-CO , 10fiO : and 11CO : i ? O.J 1 0 2M , 3M : , 4:00 : end 6:00 : p. m. ItM-e Council BluffH at " .IS , fl:26 : , 10:25 : and l5 k. m.J l2S ! , 2:25 : , 3:15 : , 4S5 : and 55 p. 111. Suu'avs The dummy IravM Oaiiha t 0:00 : and 11 :00 a. rn. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : Lnd SCO : p. in. I-eavca Council BluilJ at 0:25 : t.nd 11:25 t. . m. ' , 2:2 : $ , 1:2 : ! nd 6:2o : | ) . m. Thraash ; nnJI local paniern'cr trains between Oman's aurt Counill Hlu3 . Ltavo Otn'vha (3:15 ( : , 7 : 5 , 8:33 : n. m. : 3:40 : , 6:43 : , P.-OO p. in. Arrive Omiai 7:10 , 11:35 , 11:45 a. m. ; 6:40 , 7:03 , 7:15 , lit . tn. p. _ _ _ _ _ Opnnlng ann Closing of Metis. C-08I. K. ru. p. m. a. m. p. ni. .CUc ; o&K. W 11.00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : " sJo , n I. ft Pftclfls.ll.oo OSO 6:50 : 2:40 : o , U. J : Q 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:80 : 2:40 : 12 : 0 fiEO : 2:40 : Blonx City Mid Pacific. . 9:00 : 6$0 : 2:10 : 'Onion Pacific 4:00 : 11:10 : 4:00 11:40 : ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' S. b U. In Neb . . . . . . . . . 1:00 8:10 : Otcahn & S'oux ' City. . . . 0:00 7:30 : f B.&M. Lincoln 10:31 6:00 : U.r. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 : J. P. Denver Exn 0:00 : 8:30 : 0. , aious City & St. P..11:00 2:40 : Local tnaih for State of loua leave hut once a day , vli : 6TO a , m. OSc open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 r > . m. TTlO'i. F HALIi P M. \ TMTas. . Business Blrectory. Abstract and Real tttate. JOrtt' t. JIcCAGUE , opposite Peat OfBco. W. R. DARTLETT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUIKER ! : & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14 , Crclghton Block. A. T. LATtOK Jr. . Room 3. Ctdghton BlorV. Uoot and 8hoa . JA1IE3 DsVIKB & CO. , 3\nv \ Boots and Shoes. A good aa-ortmont 'hsmQ rtork on hand , corner and Harney. tHOS. ZKICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglss. JOHN FOUTUNATU3. > J06 ICth ntrett , manufactures to order good work . > fair pike . Renalrint done. _ Bed Springs. ? . LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douda ai. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FUUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. rbc3HAN'E & BCIinOKDF.U , the oldest B. and E. .u Kobraaka efltabllnbed 1S7S Omaha. RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , : uthwc3t earner 16thand Dod o. Beat Board for the Money. SUlafactlou Guaranteed. U till at 11 Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month , Oood Terms for Caeb. Furnl'hnd HOOIHB Supplied. UarrlaRes and Road Wagons. Wll 8N7DER , 14th and If arnev Streets. Clothing ; tlouglit. . J. HARRIS will pay hlghcstdflh price ( or second hand clothlnc. Corner 10th and Farnham. uewo ers. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEBTHOLD , lUja and Metal. Lumber Lime and Cement. FOSTER fc GRAY corner 8th and Douglas tits. Lamps and Qlasiware. J. CONNER 1303 Douglas St. Oood Variety. Merchant Tailors. Q. A. L1NDQUEST , Oce of our moet fcpular Merchant Tailors la re- tolvln i the latest del na for Spring and Summur Ooode lor gentlemen's wear. Stylish , durable , . ad prlcss bw M ever 216 13th hot. Dou ? . & Farn , Millinery. HKS. C. A. HI NO EH , Wholesale acd Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyra , Card Board * , ucjlery , Olovrs , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In lha Vi'sjt. Purchasers eave 30 per cent. Older br V.M , 113 Fifteenth Street. foundry , JOHN WSARNK&SOWS cor. Uth & Jackson tit Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Sth acd Farnhim SU , . , proprltlora. Urocers. 1C. STEVENS , 21et between Cutnlng ami liar T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlni ; Streets. dataware , Iron nu btocl. OLAN & LANCW'OUTHY , Wholeeilo , 110 and 112 Uth street A. HOLMES corno IMh and Callfnrnla. arnt , tjnudirs , c. B. WEIST 201tbBt. ! ! bet Faro. & Harney. Hotel * , ' &NFI KLU HOUSE , Oco. CinOcW.Cth & Farnhan ) DORAN HOUSE , P II. C ry , D13. Tarnham St. BLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. SUven , 10th St. Bonthrn Hotfl Ons. Unmel flth ALeavrnwortb Uri4i ( , Puuitsanu Ulis. KUHN ft CO. Fhiimaclat * , Fine fane Uooda , Cor , Ute and DouclfS btreota. W , J. WHITEHOUPE , Wholcsale&Retall , Uth at. 0 , FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR. Druirirlst. 10th and Hnwani Strteta. Dentists. . DR. PAUL Williams' Block Cor. 16th k Dodge. ury Goods Notions , htc , JOHN H. F. LEllMANN & CO. , . Stw York Dry Goodu Store , 1S10 and 1812 Farn > ham etrect. L. 0. Encwold also txwiU and shoes 7th k Pacific. ruruiture. A If. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture Dd Stovee , 1114 Ucavlai. Highest each price aid for second hand goooa. I1ONNEK 1809 t. Firm cod . Ac. f tree Works. OMAL'A FENCE CO , OUST , FRIES A CO 1213 Harney St. , Improve d Ice Boxel , Ircc and Wood Fences , Offlcs iltnr * . flonnlf i > ? < nn and W lnnl , Pawnbrokers. B08ENFELD 10th St. . b t / r. ft lUr Refrigerators , O nfleld' Patent. 0. r , GOODMAN Uth Bt. bet. Farn. & Uarner. Clears and Tobacco , ( VF.ST A FRtTSCn ES , manuUcturcrl of , nd Tiolf ivlo DoAleral n Tobaccos , ISOSDouelM. y. F. LOUKXZF.N macufacturcr 1118 Farnham Florist. A. Ponajhns , planti , cut flowers , seedi , ooqnetl etc. N. W. cor. 16th and Dourlas street * Olvll Engineers and Surveyors , AJJDRF.W ROSEWATER , Crelchton Block , Town Stmejs , Grade and Sewerage Syntems a 9 | > flftlty. Uommlstlon Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL LIS.11U Uodgo Street. D B. BF.EMER. For details see largo advertise ment In milv and Weekly. Cornice Works , Western Cornice Worka , Manufacturers Iron Conilce , Tin , Iron and Slate Rootling , Orders from any locality promptly executed In the best manner. Factory and Oncc ! 1213 Harney St. 0. SPF.CIIT , Proprietor. Oatranlzed Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. , manuf > ctured and put up In any part of the country. T. 81NHOL1) lie Thirteenth street Orockery. J. BONNER Ii03 DoneiM ntreet. OMxlllno. Clothing and FurnlshifiK Ooo * i , OEO. II. PU1ER&ON. Aluo Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes Notions and C JtJory. 804 S. 10th street. Qhaw Caio Manufactory.i 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Ciuej , A ' . , 1817 Oass St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Caec mimnfactory , 818 South 16th street , betnoon Leavoimorth and Marcy. All goods warriutod Cmt-clos.i. Utovesano inwaro. A. BURMKSTEll , Detler In Stoves and Tlnwaro , and Manufacturer of Tin Koofj and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. nOWNVR. IKOOniucl'MRt. Oood and Chp n. 8'jedi. J. EVANS , Wholculs and Retell SeoJ Drills and tora Odd Fellows Hul p Physklrns an1 Surgeons , W. S , GIBBS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crolghton Block. IMh Strrat. P. 8. LEISENIUNO , A ! . D. Manonlo Block. C. Ii. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflce DR. L. B. GRADDY. Ootilln and Anrlnt. 8. W Ifith and Farnham Stu Photocropners. GEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Maunlo Hall. First-class Work and Prompt- iioal vtiair.ntetp Hlurnaina , Uas und utenm f-lttlng. P. W. TAHPy & CO. . 21612th St , net. Karnham and Douglas.VorS promptly attended to. 1) riTZPATUlCK. 1401) Douglas Street. nlntui , ; an nper anting. V A , KO TKRS. 141 Oodtro Street. Ghee atores. Phillip Lan 11S50 Famham t. bnt. 18th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS ft LEAK , 1110 Douglas St. . Now and Second Hond Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , &c. . bouirht anil oM on narrow mnrrlns. tiaiooni. HEIfRY EAUFMANN , In tno new brick block on Douclaa Street , has Just opened a most elegant Beoi Hall , Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 879 16th Streal. , UndortaKeri. CHAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet. 10th Si lltd. 00 Cent Stores. P (1 BAGKUR 120n Varnhum St. . Fancv Goods FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGAEA FALLS , NEW YORKBOSTON , And all Potuts East and South-East. THELINECOMPRISE8 Nearly 4 Oix ) miles. Solid Smooth Steel Tmcka All connections : ire made In UNION DhPOTS. It has a National Rcpntatlon as belnir the Great Through Car Line , and Is universally conceded to bo the FINE&T EQUIPPED Rail road In the world for all classes of travel. Try it and you will find tra\ellns a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhls Celebrated Line for sale at all lifters In the West. All Information about Rntcs of Fare , Sleeping Car Acocmtuodatlons , Time Tables , Ac , , will be cheerfully given by nppljinhu to T. d. HOTTER , 2d Vlce-f ru 't & Gen. Minagcr.Chlcago. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Gen. Passenger Agt. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNPORT , Ucn Agent , Council BlulTj. H. 1' . DUELL , Ticket AKt.omaha. morn-cd ly it JVK .t | " jl11"ls ! ! i'JJiTAM'VS/0""m'"lu- ! ! - i cetfor being tbo most direct , qulckmt , an latest line connecting tbo frrwat Metropolis. CHI JAdO , and tbo KAHIZRN , NORTII-ICABTHUN , I ) I ( kiid SOUTII-KAEIJRM LINUS , which teimlnatothcro , vith KASHAS CITT , LHAVKKWOBTFI , AICUIBOH , : OUNCIL BLOFFB and OUADA , the COUUIRGIAI 3urnu from which radiate EVERY LIKE OF READ ; hat penetrates the Continent from tba Hlwonr Klver to the Pacific Slope. The 3HIOAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY Is the only line from Cbhngo owning track In Kansas , or which , hy Its own road , reached tb xilntfl above named. Ko TBAtisrviui BT CAnaiAai : T0 uisaiita CONNBCTIOHS I Ko huddling In III ventilated or unclean cars , as evcrr inssenger yvrrkid In roomy , clean and ventilated crachei upon Kast Express Trains DAT CABS of unrivaled magnificence , PotLUAi PAUAOI SLKBrwa OAKS , and ourownworld-faiaoui DININO CARS , upon \vhlch mualu are served of un- suriupaod excellence , at the low rate of SSVEMT FISH Ca.NTSiicii , with ample time for bealthfu : nlpyraent. ThrouRb Cara between Chicago , Peoria , Mil # aukee and Missouri Hirer I'oluta : and clone con sections at all polnU of Intersection with otbei roads. We ticket ( do not forget tbli ) directly to every place of Importance ! In Kaaaas. Nebraska. Bbx-t illlla , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , Callforcu , 3r gen , Washington Territory , Colorado , ArUona i nd New Mexico. Asll beral arrangement * regarding baggage ai my other line , and rates of fare always asl ow M ximpetltors , who furnish but a tithe o the com. : ort. Dogs and tackle of cportsmon free. Tickets , maps and folders at all prlnclpa > Bees In the United States and Canada. B. H. CAULE , E. ST. JOHN , /ice Prei't & Gen , Qen , Tk ( andPass'rAg Manager , Chleaxo Chicago. CELEBRATED CHEESES. Foreign and Domestic Manufactures Detroit Kroo Prcs , "Such ntulf s Jrcniiis nre made of. " The manufncturo of chcoso , whiol now plays so important a part in tin dairy industry of nearly every coun try on the plebe , is enid to hnvo boor learned by the English from the Ro > mans about the Chrintian ora. There nro many different kinds and iinalticj of cheese , varying in richness from cream cheese , tnndo entirely of cream , to the famed Suffolk , made of milk "threo times skimmed. " With but ono or two exceptions , all the cele brated variation of ether countries hnvo bcuu transplanted to the United States , nnd although they are of line flavor nnd splendid quality they do not acquire by ago the rich ness of flavor that English chccsoa do. Of the foreign varieties , Stilton i * the highest priced It is made in Leices tershire , England , but obtained its nanio from n small town in Hunting- don hire , whore it was first publicly sold by retail. The process of making it was kept a secret for a long time , but is now generally known. The cream of the preceding nuiht'c milk ing is added to the whole milk of the mnrnine , with a small quantity of ro- met. The curd is taken o it very carefully nnd placed in n sieve to drain , when it is gently pressed until it becomes firm nnd drj * . When ripe n green mold appears on its surface. Tire years is about the time it re quires to mature. Gloucester and Cheddar chccso re ferred to by Bloomfield in the lines : ' Ye Cheshire meads , Or Severn's flowery dales , where plenty tread" , Wns your rich milk to euif : t wrongs like these. Farewell your oridc ! farewell renowned checne , " Arc both highly prized. The latter is produced on the rich crass farina near the Cheddar rocks , the mosl ro mantic part of Someraotshiro. The celebrated Parmesan , which is obtained from Parma , in the north of Italy , owes its excellence to the su perior horbiRo on the banks of the river Po. It ia made from skimmed milk , and the coagulation is affected in a cauldron hung over a iiro. This cheese is kept n long while , generally three years , nnd none ia considered fit for Palo until it has been made eix months. Westphalia cheese , which is also much liked by the English , is said to derive its flavor from the curd bo- intr allowed to become putrid before it is pressed. Cheshire cheeses , mndo in Cheshire England , weigh from 100to200 pounds each , and about 14,000 tons is pro duced annually. Gruyere is a Swiss variety made in the Cantons of the Alps ; it is a small Drocn ; ehoeso , in which the curd is mixed with the dried leaves of the mclilot reduced to powder. When Baton it is grated and mixed with fresh butter and is spread on bread. The "armors who make this chceso send their cows during the summer to the Alps on common pasture ; the milk of ill is turned into ono stock , and each jwner at the end of the scascn rc- : eives his proportionate share of the profits. The Swiss also make a cheese from the curd loft in the whey after better chccso has been made : it has ittlo flavor but serves people Hying'in ; ho mountains for bread ; they cut ilices of it , spread over butter and a thin slice of chceso over that , and wash it aown with a cup of fresh whey , or , if they can afford it , a glass of kirsch- nrossor. In the United States Swiss cheeao is made New York , "Wisconsin and West Virginia. In Wisconsin it was irst made by the Swiss emigrants yho settled in Green and Winnebapo : ountics , in 1845. The quality was it first often poor , but after many ixperimcnts a very fair article was produced , and the quality and quan- ity have steadily increased. At the ast annual mooting of the Wisconsin Jairjjmen Hon. John Lachaingoe , in elation to this product , said : It is plain that Swiss ehoeso of good ( uallty can never bo made on so largo L scale as to overstock the market. 1. Because , while a fair article can > o made on any good dry lands , with killfull treatment , the best results .to only attainable on soil and under auditions which moat resemble its lativo home. The lime stone hills of lortiona of Wisconsin and ether lorth western states have proven most avorablo for the production of a first lass article. On low lands failures TO most invariably the rule. 2 , Because the process of manu- accuro , as is evident from the do- criptinn of the mode ernpl9 > cd , can tot bo varied to work on a largo scale mloss as great expense nnd at a risk if injuring the Hnvor of ether char- ctoristics. Limbergor cheese made in Now fork , Wisconsin and Illinois is un mitation of a variety made m L'm- ' mrg , n province of Belgium , from . 'hicli it Jakes its narnc , and from Invre a neighboring province. Fromago do Brio and Nonfchatel re made from the milk of goats and hoop , which ia much thicker and ioldamoro cream than cow's milk , 'ho former is much esteemed nt Mont . 'Or , Central Franco , Both varieties re manufactured in New "York stato. foufchatel 1ms recently made its np- earanco in Detroit , and commands a ory largo sale. The cheeses are very ich , nnd nro wrapped in .thin ; white apor nnd then encased in tin foil , In , apland thoie cheeses are made from ho milk of the reindeer , those beauti- ul and useful creaturea being brought omo every night to the Lapland uses to bo milked , which produces a ery gay scene at the gammo , or on- ampmont. Each door has to bo hold uring the time of milking by a cord lipped around ita horns , as they nro ory restless , In Germany a small chocao is made y turning the milk aour by the heat f the fire ; the whey ia then pressed ut , and the curd is then broken fine 'HI ; the hand in a tub. It remains i this state , until the putrid formon- ition begins , when it ia made into ttlo balls and dried. Sometimes irrajvay coeds are added. They are , ot bad in flavor , but have a most un- leasnnt smell , Dutch chooses nro lade of skimmed milk , the curd being oil washed and saturated in salt and ator before it ia pressed into the lould , Many kinds of choeuo aroartificially alored , which was no doubt originally one to make the chccso look richer , .nnotto , a red dye , produced from tie pulp of the seed vessels of a tree &lled bixa , and brought from the West Indies , is the substance mot frequently used ; but the jnico t parscloy , sago leaves , marigold lion ers , oranges and carrots is also 0111 ployed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUo Llmo Kiln Club. The blowing of noses in the north west corner of Paradise hsll final ! ; came to an end , and when Trustc' Pullbnck had Hung his whole soul inti ono grand effort to cough his head off nnd failed , Brother Gardner arose am said : "My kcntrymon , when you moot i man who knows juit wlmr ho kii borror a dollar who has'friends it boat political part'os ' who gita invi tations to nil church festivals wlu am pinorally spoken of ns a KOOC feller , you have foun'a man wh < mokes n study of humrm nniur' . Di student of anatomy cnrves up n en daver to diskivor how do bonea an put togodor wlmr' de muacios lio- how do vital organs nm nailed on Do good feller studios do livin' 'stead of do dead do mind 'stead of the body. Do human mind nm full o co'ns. Tread on ono of 'cm an' dnr am n back-nckshun to onco. If J should want n five dollah hill nirlj Monday mornin1 , I should slip ovoi an' ' ax Donktin Jackson for it. lli ( big eo'n am do belief dat no ono kin bo saved onloss ho am battizod ] in di ribor , nnd I have bin keerful to walk all aronn' dat co'n.I I o obcr to hif house wld n jug o' cider in ono hnn' ' an * baptisnial nrsymcnta in do odder , an' sometimes ho feels BO good dnt ho'd like to douse me in the rain bar'l"If "If I wanted Bonip onion eots , I'd go obor to Elder Tiff * ' , Du cider's co'n am n belief dat he was bo'n fur n Croat preacher. I'vo walked all obor him a hundred times , but l'o : nebor ntubbcd my too acin dat co'n. I've sot down with him an' praised do build of his head , an' the slinpu of his mouth an' h's ' pose nnd gestures , nnd I'zo ' stuck to do clm'r while ho talked an' cavorted fur n Btraiaht hour. 1 f I wanted onions he'd fall down celler to git 'cm fur mo. "When you como across a man who imagines dat ho am nu unit or , donu' j ibo his booms ; it won't ' hm t anybody to let him keep right on finkin * BO , but it will make him your deadly inotny if you try to conwinco him flat ho was cut out fur a blacksmif. Dar" am people - plo who write stuff an" call it poo'try. Izo got'a nay bur who writ forty-four yarsos of sich stuff las' fall , an' read it to mo an * axed my candid oninyun. Did I toll her it was bosh ? Did I jump frow do winder when she reach ed do second varso ? Not much ! I listened wld do uttnos' diligence , an' when she finished do las' line I advised her to publish a book o1 poems. Do nex" week 1 foil sick , an' dat poetess w s fust on do groun' wid chickon- broth an' currant jell. "VVhon 1 meet a man who has made up his mind dat our cityguv'nifnt will go to smash if ho doan't git office. I incouragc him. I incourago do young to become Washing ! ons I incuiirago do ole to hang on nil da world has to recognize deir greatness. A word nt do right time moans do loan of a dol- Inh means thiity off wher you want a now whitowauh bruah means a bushel o' linio free gratis means a recommend if you want to jino do purlcoce fo'ce. Tech my co'ns an1 I'll ' want to kick yo All men am do same. Call 'em co'ns or call 'em hob bies , but ho who goes slashing around widout oarm' whar He puta his feet will make twenty inemics whar' ho gains one friend. Study our man. Take him apart put him togedor fin' out whar' his co'ns lay , an1 don step high an' softly , Lot ua now ir- regulate to bizneas. ' ' OBITUARY. OENEUAI , STKIUIKNA. HUBLIIUT. The news of the death of Lion. Stephen Hurlbut , United States Min ister to Peru , at Lima , March 28 , was announced in The Leader's telegraph ic dispatches of Monday , and is con firmed by those published in this morning's issue. Mr. Hurlburt win born in Charleston , South Carolina , March 24 , 1810 , and had just passed his sixty-seventh year at the time of his death. Ho received a thorough nnd liberal education , studied law , nnd was admitted to the bar in 1837. During the Florida war ho served as Adjutant in a South Carolina regi ment. In 1845 lie came north , and settled in law practice at Bolvidpro , Boone County 111. , whore ho has ainco resided. Ho was elected as a Whig to Lhe Illinois Constitutional Convention in 1847 , and several times represent ed his country in the state legislature. [ Jo was ono of the earliest voluntoera in the war for the union and was ap pointed Brigadier General ofolun - tcors May 27 , 1801. Ho commanded * t Fort Donolson after the capture , * hd the Fourth Division at the bat- tie of Pittsburg Landing , otherwise known as Shiloh , in 1802. Uo was ippointod Major General September 17 , 1802. 1803 ho was assigned to the command of the Sixteenth Army 3nrps , with headquarters at Memphis. In February , 1804 , ho commanded a ) orpa under Sherman in the oxpodi- ; ion to Meridian , Ho succeeded Gon- jral Banks in the command of the Department of the Gulf in 1801 , and was mustered out of the army in July , 1805. In 18W. ( soon after the first nauguration of Gi'iiTul Grant , ho vns appointed Minititor to Columbia , md served for throtj years. Iteturn- ng in 1872 , ho was elected us a Ilo- publican to the Foriy-Uiird Congress 'rom the Fourth district of Illinois , md was re-elected to the For ty-fourth vongrcsa , In 1875 ho was an indo- icndont candidate against William jathrop of Ilockford. the IJopublican loimnee , and J. F , Farnsnorth , Dem- tcrat , and came put third in the poll , tfr , Lathrop being elected. Ho re- nainod in political rntiroment until L881 , when ho was appointed minis- or to Peru by President Garfield , ipon the recommendation of Secretary iJliiino. His course in that oflico has jocn the subject of considerable criti * lism , which has , however , boon Homo- vlmt mollified by the publication of ho diplomatic correspondence be- ween himself and the Department of Hate. The insinuations of Shipherd , if the Peruvian company , that ho was ipproachablo in his official capacity vitli propositions for his personal advantage - vantage , have been proved to bo base ilandora by the files of his letters to ho State Department , in which ho mcloscd Shipherd's letters , and pro- cstod against their attempts to im- ) roporly intluenco him. The death > f Mr , Hurlbut , ininiBtor to Peru , 'ollowing so after that of General Ivilpntrick , minister to Chile , do J jirivcs Ihis coutitiy of diplomatic rev ' presontalivcs to both tlioso countries now ongagcd in important diplomatic negotiations for the final sottlomonl of the rccont war between them ; ami it is t > bo feared that it mny prove < i calamity to these two South Amorl can republics ns well na to the United States. Monster Consolidation Schonio. The Cincinnati Gnzotta says : The rumor that Vandcrbilt contcmplatci the consolidation of the Now York Central , Lake Shore and the Chicago Northwestern railways under the Lake shore charter has gained strength nnd in accepted pretty generally in Now York and Chicago railway cir cles , na being aubstaiitially correct. Saturday rumor had it that the Cleveland - land , Columbus , Cincinnati & Indian- upolis would in all probability bo embodied in the scheme , and that Mr. Ynndorbilt in no * jottating with the European lioldors of the Bee Line stock for the purpose of securing their consent and : o-oporation. Cincinnati it Indianap * olia to the system will bo understood very readily , when it is stated that a loublo track line from Cleveland to ; ho center of Ohio and then scparnt- .ng , ono prong tapping the Ohio river at Cincinnati and the other the Missis- ppi nt St. Louis , would increase the : nnnn o of the trunk line between Cleveland and Now York fully -10 per cent , if not inorp besides giving the Lake Shore a Cincinnati and St , Louis connection "under innnngoment of its own neluct ion. In cnso the schema in carried out , it in understood that Gen. Dovoreaux will ono of the vice presidents of the system and general engineer of all the lines between Buf falo and Chicago combined. Theao properties will make the most power ful nnd strongest railway corporation in the world. The total mileage of the consolidation lines will bo about 0,000 nitlus of line , besides about 2,000 miles nf second , third and fourth tracks nnd sidings , nmkins ; a grand to tal of ! > ,000 miles. The combined stock nnd bond debt will bo § 327- 200,000. The equipments including locomotives , service cars , etc. , will ag gregate over § 000,000,000. Besides , the cotnpiny will own several of the largest olovalora in the country : also locomotive works , car manufacto ries , etc. , worth several millions more. Profit , 81-00. "To Bum it up , six long years of bod-ridden sickness , costing $200 per year , total § 1,200-nil of this expense was stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters , taken by my wife. She has done her own housework for n year since , without the loss of a day , and I want everybody to know it , for their Donefit. N. IS. Farmer. FroDonuls for PnvIngStroot * In tlio City of Oinnlm , X4obrn ka. ( Scaled prodiwi's x\ill bo revoked bv tlio under * signed until Satutdiy , April , IK o'cloik noon , for thu pi > inj * of hou Us xtriTt and the crosH Htrculs lietwccn U iiglan and 1'arnham from Oth to 10th atrecta , Incliidlng : Qth and ICth strrcta. Flrat , For a foundation i f concrcto 0 Inches In thickness with a bupcratruituru compose 1 of a , ircosotuJ cedar lilocl ; g inches in length eot with a > phalt ai il sand. Second , For a found tlnn of concrete 0 Inches In thickness wlthftMipcrhtrui-tiiro coropoaed of crcosotul pine plank U lucnusin length , net with aHl'lmlt nnd eand. ThirJ , For a foundation of cl'nn conrec Band or nra\cl 12 incho In thickce a with a super structure composed of cedar block 8 inches In lentthanJ not lean than 4 nor moro than Slnclies In 'diameter to ha set with asphalt and satirf. The sand orgrnvcl for foundation to bo thorougdly lammed ot rolled. All the work to bednno In accordance ulth spcciflcntlons and under the di rection of the city engineer. Also , the city will consider proposals for pav ing with Klui blocks or any other material , or any other mode of construction. All proposals or bids shall ho accompanied by the rmme-s of proposed sureties , who , In the event of contract being awarded will enter Into a bond with _ the city of Omaha for the true and faithful performance of eald contract. ' The city couccll reserves the right to reject any a d all bUs. nvclopc9 containing proposals o * bids shall be marked "Proposals for 1'aUng Dbuglas Street and Uross Htrcets in the City of Omaba , " and nd- drrsacd to the undcrslgnod. J. J. L. C. JKWETT , Omtna , ifarch 10th , " 183. . City ClerK. PBOl'OHAI3OK TUB CONSTKUOTIUX OF 8KWEUS. Omen op CITY RNdMscR , ) OMAHA Nm. 1881. f Denied proposals will be received at the ollk-o of the iindurBlgnod until ' .Tuesday April 16th , 1b82 IS o'clock noon , lor the construction of sewers In North Omaha a follows : 1000 feet of 8J ( cot brick newer 728 feet BJ feet brick sewer and 728 of & } feet brick Fewer , located on Iz.rd ttrcet between ] 5th and 17th , and on 17th be tween Izard and Nicholas , between 17th and 2Ut streets , together with all necessary manhole - hole < , limps holcH , und catch baidiis , as per piano and ujii'dllcatlons In the city Bnglnccrs olllco. 1'roponals to bo prepared upon blanks furnlbhodby ihoclly Knglncor. Was 111 also i o received for the coiiHtnctlon of a timber out- full cmhracmt , ' the fnnililng ) and ilrhing of 100 onic piles more or less 25 feet lonir , 12 to 8 Inches , und J.WW feet of oak lumber an per plans and.psclt'fations ' in ( he Knglnccrs olllcv. Work tn begin on or bcforo June Ut , and to bo coin pletcd DcciMiihcr 1st 18S2. I'ajmonti to bo nmdo montrly In oath warrants , 15 percent to bu reserved until llnal completion , nnd acceptance anco of work by the proper authorities. All bids to bonccoinpanlod by the nlgimturo of pro- poeodiurotluiulii will in uvcnt of awarding of u' ) iract Liitir InU bonds of the i Ity for execu tion of the vuri In tho.nni of $ ,10,1100 , J , J. L. U , JKUKTT , 2rt City Clerk. JOHN HrAm.KK , KS.OUK HCIUUP , I'rcflldcnt. Vice I'rcs't. W. S. , Soc , nndTrcas. THE NEBRASKA IffiUFACTUEM CO Lincoln , Neb. MANUFAOTUUKUS OF Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Roller * , Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket Elevating ; Wind ml Is , &c. Wo are prerarcd to do Job work and manul turlt K for other parties. * Addros all orders NKUUA8KA lIANUrV.lJTUItlNa CO , , N "H United States Depository First national Bank , OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING K3TABUBIIUKNT I OMAHA. BUOOE80ORO TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) DTAUL1U11IID 1EM. Organlted as a Matloual Bank August 0 , 1818. rui'ir/ir , - - aoo.nno 8U1U-LU3 ANDPUOKIT3 - SIBO.OOO Or/IClKH ANP DIBIOTOM I , . AUOHHTUS KOUKTZI , Vice President. t' , II. Dull , Cashier. A. J. I'orrutroM , . Cftiiauioa. Tht bank lecelros deposits wUhou regard to imount . IISUDI time certlBcatea bearing Interest. Drawl drafts on Han Francisco and principal cltlei ol the United State * , alto Lee Jon , Uubfln Edinburgh mi the principal cities ol thtcontl nentol Europe. nutvIdU 1 DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERH HOTELS HOTELS. PROPRIETORS ARLINQTON. d , a. MclNTIRE. Lincoln , Neb , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. B , BTELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , BROWNSVILLE : , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , Stromiburg No HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & OLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL C.ISEYMOUR , Nebraska City , tub MISSOURI PACIFIC HGTEL , P. L. THORP , V/oepIng Water , N COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , 0. W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa END'S HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. D , HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atkinson , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. ORUDD , Guide Rood , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Oreston , l . JUOKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & DRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUBC , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8 , DURQEGS , Neola , In. CITY HOTEL , Dl D. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINQ3 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL , J , W , DOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Qlnnchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS. Dnyld City , Neb. OAQNELL HOUSE , CHA8. BAGNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKINBHOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdalQrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odcbolt , lij GRAND PACIFIC , 0. NORTON. Columbus , Neb. WOOD3 HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. S. DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining'and Milling Company. Working Capital - $300,000. Capital Slock. $1,000,000 Par Value of Shares , (25,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. 1 DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummlni , Wjomlng. WM. E. TILTON , Vlco.rrojldent , Cummlna , Wyoming ! 1N E. N. HAHWOOD , Secretary , Cummliie , Wyoming. A. Q. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. S. Bramcl. A. O , Dunn. N E. N. Harwood. Francis Leavens. Gco. H. Falos. LewU Zolman. ' Dr. J. C. Wntklns. I' niZmoSra GEO. W. KENDALL. Authorized Agent for Sale of Stool. : Br > - ' " > - h .Neb. I'W STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of 3I01B8 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. Igents for BENWOOD KAILS AND LAFLIN & EAND POWDER 00 -DEALERS HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo * I" i. " 1 1020 FarnhamgStreet , ! a W.I ) . MILL AllD. VJOHNSON. . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Iliolesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. igeiits for Peck & Baualiors Larfl , aud Wilbor Mills Flour , OMAHA , - - - NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLIMEBT MD NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily ani Stock very nearlylUomplBti