i i i r M i i i k u THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JF.RTDAY. APRIL 11882- THE JOYFUL GENTILES. The Mormons Already Dispoa of Their ) Superflu ous "Ribs. " A Variety of Horns From the Junction CUT. Corrcjpomlfnre of The llet. OODEX , UTAH , April 3. The past few weeks in Utah have be n full ol Interest to the musses. During dis cussion on the Edmuds bill in co gross , both parties in Utah watched the proceedings very closely , and the Unal passage of the bill was hailed with delight by the non-Mormons , who hope that it will bo effectual in wiping out polygamy in the territory. . At this time there ii much anxiety over the selection of commissioners nndor the bill. Prominent men in Utah are spoken of as likely to bo op- pointed , while there is a fear that the president will make his selection from among politicians in the east , who arc clamoring for office and arc willing to tko anything for the uako of oflico , Unfortunately there is a feeling in the east that Utah is a iorl of grave yard to aond broken down politicians to got them out of the way. A bad mat becomes fastened upon some depart tnent , and ho has such a hold on ofiico through BOtno relative to his wife thn ho is often kept there notwithstand ing the clamoring of local politicians. Finally some ofiico become * vacant in one of the territories , and then the senator or congressman who has boor trying for years to cot Jones out ol the way , discovers that ho is a fit man to send out to that territory , ahd heat at once goes off and aska the president to send Jones to fill the place. Utah has been cursed with just such men in official positions , but wo think the day has passed when bad men should bo sent hero. Oar pres ent federal ofiico holders arc men thai loyal citizens are proud of , and in the history of Utah there never has boon a time when it was moro important to hare true and good men in oflice hero than at the present time. It is very hard to calculate the results of the bill , and yet wo already see some of the effects of it. Wo are told ol several polygamists getting rid of aomo of their women. Ono case the man waa offered a divorce from his legal wife if ha wished to leave her and cleave to the second ; but in this the wife of his first love conquered and bo sent off the other woman. In Ogden a few evening after the paasagn of the bill , the city council was called together and six members resigned , ono after another , and their places were filled by the others. There are nine members in the council , and the six wcro all pplygamist , their places being filled with monogamist. This course has been pursued by offi cials all over the territory whore the places could bo filled by appointment or election. Railway building in the West prom- IBOS to bo loss lively than it was last year , and yet plans are out for much moro than any former season. Rail way complications are liable to defeat rapid building of new linns. Each of the prominent companies aoem to be watching the movements of the others , like players in a game of chess , and the constructing of now lines and ex tension of other lines seem to depend -very much on the movements of others , as in the pamo of chess. The winter has been a long and cold one , but now it is almost summer weather. The hills are well covered with snow and wo are promised a fruit ful season. The murder of E. Durnall at Park City , of which THE BKU had a tele ' graphic account , cast a gloom for the time over that mining town. - At the sitting of the United States Court in this city in May , there will . bo n trial three murderers besides ono mail robber and many other criminal irYi Yi inal cases. \Vo are in hopes of having shops here for doing the work of the Union alK Pacific. This is the natural center for K ouch work for th'o Union Pacific , Utah bt & Northern , Orogun Short Line and to the Utah Central' all Ol , belonging to the aamo management , and it is hoped a nr largo foundry , machine , and other Is shops will bo erected hero to do this work. The Union Pacific shops at Evanston - ton were lately burned , and as Ogden IB a much bettor place ftr the location of such works it is most probable that the shops will come here instead of "being ro-orortod t Kvanston. The Utah & Northern and the Centaal Pacific roads have both boon much annoyed with enow and water the past few weeks , but it is hoped that the delay of trains will not take place hereafter. The delays have very much interfered with business and have cost the companies heavily. Emigration to the Wood lUvor country has already sot in , but the condition of the country is such that no proapocting can bo done at present , and the snow will not bo out of the way for aomo time. Three or four weeks from this time will bo soon enough for persona to start there in hopes of getting to business at onco. Those who go sooner will lose time and suffer much from difficulty in getting around after having a hard trio to reach thoro. The emigration to Montana is al ready very largo , the Utah & North ern trains going out crowded every day. V The &Tasbor and the Terrier , New York Star , A woman and terrier dog roaohud the Union depot , yesterday , half at hour before the time of the Grand Trunk line train for .Buffalo , and , while the woman em down in the waiting-room , as the beat thing oho could do , the dog undo the tour ol the room several tiinoi , and then curled up on a coat not fcr away , to get a wink of Bleep , before being turned over to the tender care of the "baggage-man. All things were so-so , when a young man , with a good deal of cano , and watch-chain , and neck \ \ tie , sauntered in , and took a cool sur vey of the various females , The ono nearest the dog not pnly had a younc by and pleasant face , but she was all ry Alone. After satisfying himself of this , the young man advanced , made a graceful bow , nd inquired : "Beg pardon , but do you go east ? She nodded. | "Ah ! I thought so. If you have any bnggngo , I shall bo moat hnppy ah shall bo most happy - " IIo had all the time been preparing t to sit down beside her on the dog. and the sentence was not yet finished when he sank gracefully back. Som dogs hove boon sot down on so ofto that they don't mind it , but this terrier rior had always been a pampered pet and had been guen proper timo. t sh ko oir sloop and get his legs undo him , When suddenly hurled undo 140 pounds of masher his ideas mus have been terribly confused , but no long. A clock couldn't have ticket over six times when the young mo began to rise up and whoon , and h was scarcely up when ho made a cours for the door which upset every band box and satchel for a width of toi feet. As ho wont out of the door black object lot go of him and trotted back , and it was only who the dog began rubbing himself against th baseboard to restore himself to hi former round shape that any ono wa able to discover why the fronziec young man had loft in such a hurry A SHOWER OP VITRIOL - Poured Over the Head of n Boautlfu Olrl. 1'hlUJelpliU llccord , April 8. Miss Mollie Boyer , a bewitching young girl of 17 ? whosn handsom eyes , fair complexion and wealth o dark tresses are not less charminj than her gentle disposition , was brutally drenched with vitriol on Sat urday evening , about ! > o'clock , as nho utwi entering her father's residence wiN o. 1910 Morvino street. The awfu iquid struck her almost full in the 'ace , and burned like coals of fire into thai tender flesh. Throe of her young ady friends , who worp bidding her ; ood-by from the opposite side of the itreot : , saw the liquid fire pouring from the third-story window of the loighboring house , and witnessed will lorror the awful havoc i lad made , as it splashed 10n n a torrent upon the hcac md shoulders and facoof their friend. ana , the aim of the assailant boon bot- er : there would have been no escape ' rom horrible mutilation , and proba- bl ly ; from death , for the victim. Some ofr the vitriol was thrown upon the > ricks of the house front , and some oi t stuck to the window shutters in its lescont , leaving a terribly suggestive ilackoning streak in its course. Miss tlollio was blinded by the blistering shower , and fell with a cry of agonjj nto the arms of her sister , who had come to the door to admit her. The coo young girl was taken into the IOUBO , and the vitroil as quickly as > ossiblo was wiped from her faco. II vas found that ono of her eyes had VIC ) eon dreadfully burned , and a portion ofGi her hair burned from her head. jroat red splotches were blistered allover ever her cheeks , and her shoulders were ( badly burned , Misi Mollio's sister - tor fortunately escaped injury , but anew now and handsome silk dtoss which she was wearing for the first time was completely burned. The motive for such an outrageous assault is shrouded in mystery. Mr. Tohn E. Keys and his wife occupy the louse from which the vitriol was hrown , their four year old son being the only other occupant of the resi dence. Some of the young lody ricnds of Miss Hoynr who saw the vitriol thrown say that they saw .an elK lady , who it is < supposed wai Mrs. Eveys , lean out of the third story win dow from which the fluid came , as if wi the effect of the deadly sh . The two iamilios are not ac quainted , and no trouble oi any kind las occurred between them. Mrs. Keys , who is suspected of hav- ng thrown the vitriol , is an old lady , md the neighbors say possesses a via- ont temper. She and her husband recently moved into the house No. 1912 Morvino street , which they after- -vard purchased. As soon as Miss Bayer's father arrived at homo a po- .iceman was summoned , but ho was lot able to got into the house , which md boon locked and tightly shut up. Yesterday the house was closed and al the windows barred and bolted. A warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Keys will be sworn out this morning , but as yet there is absolutely no clew the motive rf the assault , cxcont ono based upon the general belief among the neighbors that the woman crazy. Another Kind of Doctor's bliop. Old Bill McGnmmon , who keeps a jrocery store in the suburbs of Aus tin , is ono of the closest men in the state of Texas , and ho abbreviates his words in writing. Ho abbreviated the nambs on the drawers and boxes of contents in his grocery , instead of painting the names in full. For instance , ho painted on the sugar barrel "Ur , Sugar" for brown sugar and so on , List Tuesday a fooblo-looking stranger dropped into Bill McOam- mon's store , und after looking around , said : "Is Dr. Prunes in ? " Old McGammon stared , and said ho reckoned not , "Is Dr. Codfish in , then ? " asked the stranger. "No , ho is not , " said old JlcGam- mon , emphatically , "Then toll Dr. Oherrioo I would like to see him , if ho is at loi.suru. " "You got out of hero. I believe you have escaped from the lunatic asylum. This ain't no medicine col lege ; this is u grocery , " retorted old McGammon , getting rod in the faco. faco."If "If this is a grocery store , then you had better carry back them doc- tors' signs to whcro you stole them from , " responded the atrangor , stroll ing out. Old McGammon looked where the Hlrangor had pointed , and for the first time noticed the result of his abbreviating viating the word "Dried" into "Dr.,1 for on the drawers ho read , in largo lottew ; Dr. Prunes , Dr. Poaches , Dr , Oodllsh , Dr. Cherries , Dr. Pens , Dr , Apnlos , Dr. Huuf , A Vexed Clergyman. Kven tlie patfpticj of Job would become exhauiiteil were lie a preacher nnd eiuloav oring to Intejcst lilt atulitnce while they \\ura keeping up nu Inereannut coucbine inaklii ! ; it Impossible for Mm to he heard. let , how Aery c.uycan all this be molded simply using Dr. Kin 's New Dlscove- for Consumption , Coughs and Colds. TrialUottleaKhen away at Hchroter ic JJecht u drug store. A REAL ROMANCE. A Capitalist from the Rocky Moun tains MatTloa a Chambermaid. St. Louis Rtpubl'can , April 4. A rugged lookingcapilnliat from the wild canyons of the Ilooky moun tains , named Jnnioa .Tones , is now the hero of a social sensation which , nince yesterday morning , has produced no small commotion among boarders at the Planters' house , where ho is slopping - ping , llo retired early Sunday night , but found himself too restless to sloop , During his fitful attempts to slumber the idea worked itself into hia brain that it would bo unwise for him to return to the rriilches _ of the Ilockioa without n wifo. This idea troubled him to such an extent that ho arose yesterday morning nt.5 o'clock aud started out in ooarch of a help- niftt.o. Among the first persons hemet met , after leaving hia room at that early hour , was n chambermaid , who goes by the name of "Dutch Mary. " In an olfhand businoes-liko way pecu liar to men who hail from the mining districts of the far west ho told the chambermaid that ho waa looking for a bettor-half and aakcd her if slio wouldn't become hia brido. "Och , no ! " replied Mary , "I don't want to have anything to do with you , 1 don't know you. llow do yon ox- poet mo to know you I Of course I won't marry you. " After saying this Mary turned on her heels and WENT AnOCT 1IEII WOUK , but poor Jones took heart in the thought that there were plenty of as pretty chambermaids circulating around as over wcro caught. Ho ac cordingly continued his persistent search until ho ran across "French Florence. " To Florence ho proposed bluntly , and aho bluntly refused , say ing that "aho wouldn't do anything of the kind if she know herself and she thought she did. " By this time the mountaineer began to fool blue , as there were no other chambermaids in sight. However , af ter a moment's reflection ho concluded to "tacklo" Dutch Mary again. Ho wont back to her and duplicated hia appeal , when she relented and said : "Why , yes , my dear , of course ; 1 WILL MAURY YOU TO-MonilOW. " This anawor made the ardent lover's heart leap with joy and was the causa of hia returning to the hotel , after a short tour about the city , with any amount of stun" which ho laid at the foot of hia intended , as presents. During his tour about the city ho pur chased her a ยง 175 silk dress ; a $22 parasol , a gold watch and chain and two elegant gold rings , heavier than those worn by any of the lady guests at the Planters' . This display of lib erality astonished every ono , aa people looked upon Jones as some common hack , possessing NK1TUEU FltinNDS JfOIl MONEY. It if ) useless to say that the agony of "French Florence , " as she looked at "Dutch Mary's" pile of tinory , was al most unbeatable. "Well , " said ahe , addressing Mary , "ho asked mo first. " "No ho didn't " , neither , retorted Mary. "Ho asked mo , and I refused him , and then ho asked mo again. That's how it comes. " When some of the ladies inquired of Mary where she expected to make her future homo , she said , "Why , in the Rocky mountains , of course. That's where ho lives. " The wedding in grand style takes Elaco at the Planter1 to-day. Jones i about -10 years of ago.and the bride 21. Nothing Oonld Bo Stronger. IdOOPAi-iN STIIEET , \ ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 20 , 1881. j H. ff. WAHNEU & Co. : Sirs-1 have been troubled with kidney dis- oasp since my childhood. It would be impossible for mo to describe how much * I have suffered. Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has done mo moro good than the combined skill of all the physicians I have ever tried during my entire life. CAKOUNK F. FLKMMINO. apr4-dlw WESTERN C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Hartley Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF BALTA1ZED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON fi SLATE-ROOFING , Specht'a Patent Metalio Sky- Patent Aduttable | Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. am the general Btato Agent for the above no of goods , IRON PENOINO. Draftings , Balustrade ! , VerandasK > mce and Dank Railings , Window and Cellar Qpards ; also 'GENERAL AGENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Dllnd. novVIM 1'JtOl'OSAI.S. U. B. I.M'I ' K iXIl ICX , ) I'IM H IHJK Aiir\n , i < Ako A v Mar-i' , 0hl8 3 j R'uHnl ] ir | x > alt , lrdor.nl , In dui > llcat ifor the rtitloiofai ndlan Ho rdln < 'b'clio.l t this agincj , In accordance with plans and specillca lionon Hie , wit * the Chid Ouartcrnntter , DC partmcnt ol the 1'lutto , Uimiha , Xto. , und d | . reUtd to the undo tinned , tarn of thu Chief Quartermaster , iieputmm of the t'latto , A Onmlm , Nut ) , \\lll oncthcd until 12 o'clock noon , on Monday , May 1 t , 1852. ontract to l > o rewanted to the lowc t ie pon- slblu bidder , subject uthoappiotAl ol tlio do- lartmcntof the Interior. Proposals wmt utato lonijtli of time required for complain of building , alter ni.jiro\al . of uonlr.ct , and rnuit bo aeioiupaulod by a certified ihock upon some U 'ted titates Depotltor tax In able to the order of the undesigned for at least IU ( t > ) per cent ol thu amount of the pro- pou ) , nhlch rheel : eliall lu forfeited to Ilia HHed Stu is In case an > bidder Jecchlnu the award , thall fall to uiecuto prcmptlr a rontract vlth ( rood and vnlllclcnt surctl > B , actordl L-to the turns of hia yd. otlierwlio to IKJ returned to tllU lllllllT. Slain bulldlny U to'jo two itory OUO , nd > illt'oiu ta bg uno tory UiMOO , ol lumbir , ( > Kor further InforniUlon rnldrcM undt lincd al I'liiu til L'u Au'cnry , Dakota. V.T.ilcilM.TCL'UDk , M d3\v I , u Indian Agent , COUNSELOR " . AT- LAW J. H , McOULLOOH , Kooui i , Crclgltuu Ulock , Fllteenth Street. U0STETTERV | J * * CELEBRATED 'I A For a quarter of a century or more Hoitelter'a Btonucn * liters linn been the rclinltifr tpcclflo lor Indlgcitlondy > pcpfii ( lc\cr and KUC , Ion of phytlcaVitammix litercomphlntandothtrdlfior deriOknd han been most emi'hatlcallj Indorsed by medical men m a health acd strength rcttor atlrc. It counteract ) atetidency to premature decay'and ( mstuiLs and comforts the aged and Infirm. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally , al to ml TRUTH ATTESTED. 8omaImportaatbtat me tfJ of Wl Known People Wholly Verified- In order that the public may fully realize the genuineness of the statements , A well as the power and talno of the article of which the ) ( peak , wo publish horDWlth the fac-slmlle slgni- turca of parties whose sincerity Is beyond ques tton. The Truth of thne testimonials la also- lute , nor can the facts .they announce bo Ig nored OHAIU , NIB. , May 24 , 1881. U. H. WAMXR fc Co. : DXAB SIR : I have frequently used Warner's Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure or local affections attendant upon severe rheumatic attacks , and have always derhod benefit therefrom , I have also mod the Safe Ncrrtne with satisfactory re sults. I consider these medicines worthy of confidence Deputy Treasurer OJU1U , NEB , Way 24 , Ie81 II. H WARNXR Ac-Co. , Rochester , N. V. : OUSTS : I havi DM "your 8,1(0 ( Kidney and Liver Cure this spring aa a Irerlmlgorator. and 1 find It the beat remedy I oicr tried. Ihuvt , used 4 bottles , and It has ma Jo me feel better than ever I did before In the spring. U. P. R. Shop * . Ol ! UU , NIB. , May 24 , IbSl. H. II. WiR.NRK & CO : SIRS : For moro than lo years I have suffered much Imonvcnlcnco from combined kidney and liver diseases , and have been unable to work , my nrlmry orgtta also bclnjf affutcd. I tried a great many medicines and doctor" , but I grew worse and worto day by day. I was told I had Brlght'a Disease , and 1 wished mjsclf dead If I could not have speedy relief. I took your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing nothing else was eor known to cure tha disease , and I hat o not been disappointed. The mcdlclno baa cured mo , and I am perfec ly well today , entirely through your Sato Kidney and Liter CureJ wish jjju all euco 83 In publishing thin valuable remedy through thn world U. I'.R. R. Shops. Thouunds of equally strong endorsements many of them In cases where hope was abandoned have been \oluntarily given , fthoniugthe remarkable power of Warner's f ale Kidney and LUcrCurc , mall dsca ! escf the Kidneys , liter or urinary or gans , If any one who rcadj this hasanyphjs- leal trouble renumber the great remedy. Sioux City * & Pacific SIOUX OITY ROUTB Runs a Solid Train Ihrough from Oouncil Blufis to St. Paul Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hour * it IB MILES THE SHORTEST ROUTK COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTIT OR BTSUARCK nd all paints in Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota , . This line Ii equipped with the Improved Westlngbouw ) Automatic Air-brake and Mllle Platform Coupler and Buffer : and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la uniurpasaod. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan eos City and St Paul , U Council Bluffs and Sioux City , Trains leave Union Fad DC Transfer ai Couu ell Bluffs , uf7S5 : p. m. dolly on arrival of Kansaf City. St. Joseph and Council Bluffs train from the South. Arriving at Stonx City 11:36 : p. m. , and at the New Union Depot at 8t. Paul at 12.30 noon , TEN BOUR8 IN ADVANCE OP ANYOTflEn | UOUTE. jCSTRemcmbcr In uklng the Sioux City Route you cet a Through Train. The Shortcet Line , the Quickest Time aud a Comfortable Ride ID tht TbrouKU cars between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. tSTSea that your Ticket * read via the "Sioux City and Pacific Railroad ' J. S. WATTLES. J.R. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Gen'l Pool. Agent. P. E. ROBINSON , Au't Gen'l Pass. Apt. , Missouri Valley , Io . W. E. DAVIS , Southwestern ARent , round niiitTn Inw 1880. SKORTJ.1NE. 1880 , 3KANSAS CITY , 3t. Joe & Council Bluffs U TUI 03LY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AMD TUB EAST Prom Omaha and the Weat. Ho change of care between Omaha and BI. j uli , and but one between O1UUA and NEW YORK. Daily PassengerTrains CA8TERN AND WEaTKRN CITIES vrtth LESS OHAJUK3 and IN ADVANCE cf AU. OTUEH LINK- * ThU entire Una It vquirixii with tnllman'i Pultce RUrplne Cure , PaUcd bay CoachcitMlUei' Safety Flatforui and Coupler , und the twoWntcd WaifnRhouso Alr-brahc tST&eo that > out Utkct reUl VIA nANHAS C1TV , kT. JOSEPH i. COUNCIL ULUf S XU II road , \U bt. Joseph tiid St. Loula. Tickets for ealo at ill coupon gtatlonslntbt Wnt. J. F. DAHNAHD , 0 , DAWKS , Ocn. Supt. , Bt. Joseph , Ho Ceil. 1'au. and Ticket AKI. , bt. Joaepa , Mo. AUDT IIOODKS , Ticket A gent , 1C20 1'aruhini etrcet. 4 , 11 , lUtaikD Unncral Ayont , OUAUA. HE ORAIG'S OITY GEEEN HOUSE now open to the iniblb with a full supply o Cut Flowers and Plants For Sale , We will bo find to nave the public call and ceo U3 > Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE BHOKTKbT NOTICE. City Green House , s. W , Cor 17th anil Web' ' Ur , ono block from U'tli utrotit CIM. Nursery , Jju fctrixt : , pppo lto Koit , Jas. Y. Cralir , I'lorut ami rjtHlaviiHl nlripr Vcli'J.iiin Geo. P. Bern is , REAL ESTATE AGENCY , lEtri end Dodge Cti. , Omkh * . Neb , Thli Keocy doca ITSICIIT& broVcnge bujlneu. Oo iottpcoulato nd thcref ( > ra uy bargain ! oocki ait Insured to o Burdock. BJTTIRS > on suffer from Djspcpala , uv > BUADOCrv 'LOOD BITTERS. If you are afflicted with nillousncw , USB CUKDOCK BLOOD BITTEUS U you arc prostrated ulth lck Headache , take BU11DOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Boitelaaro disordered , rcgulatu thcmulth BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERa If ) our Blood ts tnpurc , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you ho Indigestion , you will hndan antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If Toil are troubled with Spring Complaint * , er adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If y ur Lit crli torpid , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liter la affected , you will find a rare re- itorath o In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If 3 ou have any specie ? of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. It you hae any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curathe remedy will be found In BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the j tern , nothing can equal UUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the yitcm with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , I.OO pel Mottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 CU FOSTER , MILBURH , & Co , , Props , BUFFAI.O , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Isb & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo The Great English Eemody ' " * " , Ne\er falls to cure | tfenous Debility , VI- tnl Exhaustion , Kmls- Nlonp , Seminal Weak- lncs e9LOaT MAN HOOD , and all the i 11 effects ot jouth- ful follies and execs- tea. It stops perma nently all weakening. Involuntary loss sand drains upon the BJB- tern , thpinoiltablo rc- 'suit ' of these oul prac tices , which rb so dcstruotli o to mind and body and make Ilfo miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death It strengthens the Ken eiBraln , ( inemorjf Blood , JIusclcs , PIgestUo and Repro- ducth e Orgms , It restores f > all the onranlc funjtlns their former ilgor and vItallty , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , ? 3 a ' )0ttle , or four times the qaamlty ? 10. Sent by cxprces. secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except on receipt of 31 as a puarantee. Letters re questing answers must inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills are tb s best and cheapest djepcpsla and billions cure in the market. Bold by all druggists. Frico 60 cents. DR MINTIR'S KID.NIT Reurar , NEPRBTICUM , Cures til kind of Kidney and bladder complalnte , gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. For ealo oy all uau gists : gl a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olho St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. Jan26-lv To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a positive euro for Upermatoirhea , Scmlna Weakness. Impotancy , and all dleeaaea resulting from Solf- Abuse , aa UcnUl Anxiety , LOJJI Memory. Pains In the Back or Bide , and diseases - - - that lead to Consumption insanity an. earlygrare The bpeclfic MeJlclno Is boln ? raid with wonder ful succe-vi. _ Pamphlets nc lieu to all.iUe fcr them and get full par- lie 'Urs. Prlrc , SpeclHc , 1.00 per package , or six packages - ages for Jl.CC. Addrc o all orders to U. SIMEON MEDICINE CO. Nos 101 and 100 Main SL Bnffulo , K. 7. SoM in Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , J , K. Isb. and ail druccUWevcrywhore.S > S . 2w OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK The OrcatjRADE MARK English rem edy. An un failing euro for Seminal Weakness , Spermator- rhea , Impot- cncy , and all Dlsaiscsthif ot AFTER TAKIBQ. Self-Abuse ; as Loss of Memory , Untfcrsal Lassi tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Orruo. XarFull particulars In our pamohlet , which wo desire to send free IP mall to c\ cry one. jtaTTho Specific Medicine la told by all druggists at II per package , or 0 packijjca for S5 , or will bo sent free by mall on reel ptofthe money , by addressing TIIKGRA aKDIClNECO. , Bcflalo , N. y. SYPHILIS n any stage Catarrh , EOXEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOI-'LS , or any Skin Diseas . Cures When Hot Springs Fail MAVIKV , ARK. , Maj 2.1ES1 \Vo ) mo citei In our onn town who Iliul at Hot E'ilm8 [ ; , anil ucrollnally uuctlith S. S. H , JJ i CANNON &Miut\ , IK YOU doubt.como toroBua and WE WILL CUIIE YOUlt OK thnrjfo nollilnj ' ! Write for particulars and copy of little liook to the Unfortunate ftulleriti , ' . 81,00(1 Howard will \ > o iialj to any chemist vyho will Iliid , on analytic 100 bottled B 8. ! ) . , ono lurtlcloof Mercury. lodlda 1'otM- slum or any Mineral substance. SWIM1 Sl'ECU'IC CO. Proju. Atlanta. Ca. Price of Small * lte , $1.00. Largo slio # 1.75. SolJ by KCNNAHP BUGS , t CO. , ind Urtiirilsta Uc.-icrollv S. KALISH , 1 Door W , of Oruioksliank's , Ho ) now a fine coinplctu Stock of Sinlog flood I consUtlutr of Frcnib , tnclleh nnd the best Do- ucitic * . I'rlccslow ortheloncet. mh 1 > HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. I 08 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA. IVVKM A * tfV * "n * W""B rS * * W"T | HP TPi JA . WAEEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT JE ir > , EJTC3. MTSTATE AOENl FOR MILWAUKEE CEMKNI COMPANY Near Union Pacific OMAHA , NEB -WHOLES ALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER : AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. . O. WHOLESALE GBOGEB , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha. Nftb. H. M. & M. PEAVY THE CLOTH 1309 Farnham Street. JEWELRY AND iUSIG HOUSE. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. Fine Watches and Clocks. Pianos , the Stock and others. Diamonds at Importers' Prices. Organs , Whitney & Holmes. Jewelry , most Artistic Styles. Music Books , Sheet Music. Silverware , an Elegant Stock , Accordians , Violins. Spectacles , Eye Glasses , &c. Flutes and Fifes , Guitars. Opera Glasses , Choice Assortment. Music Boxes , Harmonicas. Engraving , in Best Styles. Violin Strings , Guitar Strings , &c. Fine Repairing a Specialty. Inducements Superior to others. \ Jfrices in .Plain Figures. Our Motto , "Plain Figures. " tSTAs we copy none of our competitors STYLES or ertisements we politely re quest a return of the compliment. Opera House Block. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. tucs&sat Opera House Clothing Store ! CT. IF. LTTZtsTD. Daily Arrivals of Now Soring Goods In Clothing and Bent's ' Furnishing .Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" * -I am selling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'s Fine Shirts , known as the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. ' rml8fldlIB EDHOL : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOBBERS OF Si.I r23 > JEWELEES1 TOOLS MDIATEEIALS ALSO WES'miN AGENTS l-'Oll TJIE J Spectacles of the Celebrated STAR TINTED MAKE arolsoltl exj elusively by kus , DIAMONDS IN LASGHS VARIETY , u1 t Hue of Sheet Musio , Eastern Prices Duplicated , ' EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp. the Post jjOffice OMAHA , ! - - - NEB. I1