Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    I I I'j I 1 M I I i T ' V' . * l V , , ' .
Thursday Morning April 6 ,
Weather Report.
( The following observations are taken
the same moment ot time at nil the fil
lions named. )
WU DWARtMWrr , TJ. S , SlO At , 8KRVIOX ,
OMAHA , April 5 , 1832. (1I5 ( ; p. m. )
River G feet SJnchcs abet e high water mark
Omaha and 3 feet 7 at Yankton ,
- Dnprez& Benedict to-night.
It looks as if the rainy HCH OU hi
fairly set in.
Fineat aasottincntof 1'raug'a and hai
' painted Esstcr cards at Jfofip'e'a. al-2t
Three-fourths cf the fire alarms n
now pent in by telephone.
Lori Hawklnn , the young colored ins
, „ , who attempted suicide on Monday nixli
IA pronounced rnfc ,
* Thorny conncil did tnoio work i
* less tinio Tucsdny than * at nny tucelic
* * ' * " '
ever h'eld by them.
The funeral of the late Mw. T. Mi
Vittio took , place , at JO a. in. yestcrda ;
Interment nt Prospect Hill. _ ,
f It Is4a-remarkaule coincidence , tlm
HA > calI an'djllornlfcrglr were each beato
by just ninety-nine vote1" .
The district , court yesterday afte
tran'nfiting a 1 ttlo ( irdinary bnsmcHS , tob
u receia until 1:30 : pf in.
* --Tlio entertainment under , the auipico
3 of the Sodality of the Holy Family parisl
has been poatponeil to the 2Gthjn t.
' Fresh Cows for Sale Two extra liiu
thoroughbred JerHey cows ; two extra fini
common cowg , kind and > gentle , Grahau
1' . Browne , Nebraska Poultry Yards
West Omaha , wcdf at&wcd
There is nothing that draws a crow
in Omaha like a minstrel ahow and Du
prez & Benedict , who "take the cake' ' i
that line , will have a big house at lioyd
a , Rev. J. y > T < lugram was compelled t
abandon his meeting atShuyleronaccoun
* of an attack of fever. He returned horn
. Tuesday and is HDW confined to his bet
Duprcz Ac Benedict's minatreU , th
oldest traveling organization ( > f the kini
in cxhtenca , will appear at Boyd's ot
Thursday evening , and as tuual will b
greeted by a largo audience.
w It is said that the men recently Mi
" charged at the U. P. transfer were thoio
who came over and attended the funcra
of the late Geo. Armstrong , and tlmt tha
wnn the cause of the bounce.
The rain , which has been increasing
tc.v.iily , extends as far west ns Sidney ,
The rainfall is heavy over the whaU dis
tance. From Laramle to Green River it
was snowing , and from the latter point to
Ogden the rain was falling heavily.
The city friends of the Saratoga
.Lyceum , will be glad to learn that the
closing meeting is deferred until next
week , We incsclay , April 12th. The prcs
ont condition of the roada would othcrwiso
' deterjmany from attending ,
In the police court yesterday cnio
dnmk was sent to jail and one disturber
of the pence ditto , A warrant was issued
tor our worthy street commissioner on the
charge of striking a man. Considering
all things it wan a remarkably creditable
docket for the day succeeding election.
When Major Uoane arrived at the
treasurer's office yesterday , ho was confronted -
fronted with a card upon which the vote
of yesterday was recorded m lurge letters ,
followed by the words , "Ipsu Dlxit. Toes
up. ' He lays It to the city oUiciol who
has a surplus of initial ) .
The party arrested Tucuday under
unspiclon of stealing the Burgical Irwtru
4'meiit sold to Sohroteri Becht was did.
jtihorged by Judge Beucke yesterday , it
appearing that he had come by the prop
erty'through the mistake of a pnrty win
' carried off hii own valise and clothes am' '
'loft'him a satchel containing among othui
things these two speculumH.
Now Tomivlool , String Beans , Aupar
1U . Cucumbers at Wlenion' , aprO-St
| The government Btoni-whtol htouinc
General Sherman arrived | it tha ! per
TneVday en toute from St. Loui
to Bismarck , whitlur the boat fecs to
transpoit governm > nt supplloa to the up
per Missouri riyer. The hteauier lolt St
fjonin two weeks ago , with a light had o
'supplies and no pasucugcro , bound for lien
I ton. .
The ladlci of the Congregational
church are preparing an entertainment
"Jwbich will shortly be given In the church
parlor * In which n fan d ill will bo the
principal feature , llepurtx from the re.
lieir.tila indicate one of the moat unique
und pleasing entertainments of the eeaeon
which will certainly draw a large audience ,
, , r-0n Sunday morning last , Abrom
Buaklrlc , of Mainelaad , Catu county , u
youniiuan of twenty , attemv-ticg to shoot
t geese , exploded the left I arrel of hU
1'un , shattering his hand no badly that am-
patatlon at the wrist wax necessitated ,
Dr , George Stewart , of South Bend , per.
formed the operation ,
Tuesday was the fifteenth nnnlvcr-
nary of the arrival in this city o ( Mr ,
Bertram Il&nsen , for many years con
nected with the Lnlon Pacific land de
partment , front which he retired April
23d , last , ou account of falling health.
Since April 4th , 1807 , Mr. JJanseu has
tieea many chinges in Omaha , which , In
those years , his risen frJui a vlllige to
metropolitan importance. He has hold
many ieipon lbe ) pwitlona , and under hU
1'uidaoce and eUorts tbousendi pf settler *
have taken up their hornta In Nebroiku ,
| /Uthough / he has traveled the world over ,
teoayahe basnodetlre to leave Omaha
again , and will make it his home for all
timcja.come. He U the agent here of
die { 'loific Coast SUpmBhlp company.
; i.
The Annual Beport of the OH
Engineer on Public
The Street Grading and Qu
termpf Done and to
Be Done.
The Waterworks Hnnqcom Port
TUo Viaduct , fltc.
The annual report of the city oni
nccr , Mr. Andrew Rosewatcr , up
the general subject of public wor
has been aubinittcd to Mayor Hey
who will present it to the city coun
next Tuesday evening. The center
of this report will bo of interest
every citizen and the suggestions inn
will bo worthy of especial nttontio
The report is as follows ;
The following work has been pra
tically concluded under the head
Kradingdurinp ; the past twelve month
Cass ntreet , from Twentieth to Thi
tconth was completed by the Duf
Bros. , nul accepted by tllo city ,
embodied 17C03 cubic yftrtla of grai
ing at 10 cents per yard , amounting i
$2,820.08. Tenth street grading , 1
to Luke McDermott , in just beit
brounht to a clooo ; it Hvill ombodj
approximately. 10,000 cubic yard
which , at 24 } cents per yard > wi
amount to § 3,217.30. Ou the abovi
Jlj2(7.50 has been paid thp jcohtrai
: ortodato. ThoVorkon thoatrocl
j/tho street commissioner aegrogatc
to March 1 , $13,17. , > 42 , leaving a
ixliibit of approximate oxponditui
'or'grading and crosa-walks and n
pairs , 9W,21t . ' Of this , ' , § 3,000. i
wid by special tax , thus leaving a
; olal cxf onso for grading , by coutrao
a id othorrriso , for the year endin
March 31 , ubout § 10,21 ! .
In addition to the grading done b ;
.ho city , the county has radoi
Twentieth street south of St. Mary'
vcnuo , to a width of forty foot ; aho
.ho extension of Farnam'street , Citin
ng street and several main thorough
ares connecting loading county road ,
ivith the streets of the city. ,
At your solicitation an ordinanci
stablishing lines 'twenty foot fron
; ho property line , or Joho-fifth tin
.vidth . of otrcots , was prepared by nn
md adopted early in the aeaaon
\nothor , ordinance inercasinf ; thi
tenth of gutters was also paused , ant
yiil very materially improve tin
Irainago capacity of the streets ,
Since the adoption of these ordinance :
! io contracts for curbing and gutter-
ng wore lot , one on
0 Messrs. Drosol & Mack , extending
rom Farnam street south to Pierce
trfotj'it is now about two-thirds
omplotod , though some of the work
irill have to bo modified to comply
nth specifications , bufora being no-
optable. The' total extent of the
ontract amounts to about $11,000 ,
icing based upon the following rates :
08 cents per linear foot for curbing.
73 " per foot for 3 foot gutters.
89 " " for 5 " "
105 " " for 7 "
A contract has also been awarded to
ohn Green for curbing and gutter-
ig Dodge street from Twentieth to
'hirtoonth street , based upon the fol-
iwing rates : 70 cents per linear foot
ir tourbini ; and $1.35 per foot for
uttering. This will aggregate about
0,800.10. The rates of assessment
u that part of the street west of
ovcnteonth street , whore curbs have
cen directed to bo sot thirty feet
om the property line , will bo somo-
hat increased in the blocks aiFected ,
tving to the increased lengths at the
Drnors of the streets. My oxpor-
mco in the past season loads mo to
jggost the appoiiitlnont of proper in-
[ > ectom to romuin on all such con-
met work during the construction ,
) BOO to the proper enforcement of
pocifications. [ t is impossible for
: ip city engineer to see to the com-
lianoo with specifications in all do-
nils , for the reason that whenever ho
1 called away advantage is taken by
bo contractor in work which admits
f concealment. The cost of inspec-
ion should bo a part of the expense
mbracod in the levy against the prop-
rty on which the cost is assessed.
Tin , most extonsiyo public work
one ia the past year is the adoption
f plans and actual construction , since
> ctobor Jut , of three and ono-fourth
illes of small pipe sewer ? , covering
lie urea between Farnam and How-
rd streotsj east of Twentieth. The
ystom , as is well known , is designed
or the disposal of aoworaqo only. Ita
onoral operation has already boon
escribed in special reports submitted.
only wish to eny , therefore , in collection
ection with this subject , that a claim
ivolvinjj the payment of a royalty of
an cents per.foot on all pipe laid under
! un system may como up in the courts.
t is based upon n patent issued cov-
ring various special contrivances , for
uahing , voptilatlinf , oto. ; also upon
10 brood ground of the UBO of the
ipos on the general principles in-
Dived in this system. So far as the
utontod contriyanoon are concerned ,
hayo made special designs for the
ork carried out here , which does the
pcossary service of ( lushing nutoraat-
* lly by an ontirolydifferent moolmn-
in from that of the patentee. So
iat the only basis upon which , in my
Binion , a royalty can bo enforced , is
decision that the ponoral principle
E automatic sewer flushing , regard-
SB of the mechanism used U cov-
red in Mr. Wnring'a patent. This
uoalion has not as yet been tested
i the courts of this country ,
ough it has boon much discussed m
iigiueerfm * journals. In the interest
t all parties concerned , I woulu ad-
ISO the city to let the courta pass
pen the claims , unless theyare with-
rawn. The cost of the three and a
u t ° r nilcs alluded to is as follows ;
in" ? , -of mainB wh' ' ° include
JO ieot of Bixtooa-ineh iron pipe un-
jr the tracks , and all air
) les , grading , shooting , concrete
ork , cement , etc. , eonneotod with
o work , 810,123.70 ; feoa patd to
rl rning' J M-BS ; to Mr. Bert
rt , § 400) ) local engineering , etc. ,
1,141.10. Total , $18,787,61.
has been in addition to the
above $2o8G drawn on the bond fill
to pay1 for pipes usnd in the lateral
which , however , will revert back
that fund as soon as the sppcial levi
which cover this excess in the fo
districts now completed are colloctc
This , therefore , makes the expen
thus far actually incurred by the ci
on the small pipe system !
lly sener dUlrlct No , 1 , 4,570 fift
lly aewtr dlitrht No , 2 , < , 41 fcot
y cr dlttrlct No. 8 , 3Mi3 feet ,
Uy ewcr illnrkt No. I , 3lfll loot
ToUl , 15.PGO fcot , , . . . , . . , ! < lfi,221
1\\c \ coat of laterals has been sligh
ly increased above the original oat
mate , owing to a general demand I
have pipes sunk deeper in order I
drain the lowest collars , and , wit
that in view , 'they were sunk froi
ten fcot to as great a depth as twonl
feet. The general demand for sow (
connections in this city , since the ;
sewers have been built , is so grot
that , in order to extend facilities fc
lateral newer connections throughpt
the city , I would recommend the irr
mediate advertising for the irmtcrii
necessary for the mains oxtonsio
north to Cuming sheet. The cosU
material and laying of pipe will ir
volvo an expenditure not to cxccc <
§ 10,000 , from its present tonninu
near Dodge street to Cuming streol
It will also bo necessary to lay th
pipe around the bluffs to Dax'cnpoi
and Ninth streets , through privat
grounds. The cost of sach right o
way would bo nominal compared will
the improvement secured in the gen
eral grade and nature of foundations
The entire work of laying pipe sewer
on the main and part of the Intern
was carried out under the .persona
supervision of my assistant , Mr. Gco
W. Tilsbri , C.'E. , whoso care , skil
and fidelity to the interests of th
city I cannot commend too highly
Very frequently when workin
through wet , treacherous ground
where water had to bo pumped da ;
and night and work prosecuted with
out ntoppago , ho remained with th
work as late as 2 o'clock in the morn
A contract for the completion a
the storm water newer in South Oma
1m creek from Thirteenth to Nintl
street , wAs lot early in October ti
Messrs. McCauley A O'J3rion. ' .
It includes the , construction of ol
catch basins , manholes and nthor ap
purtcnaiices , on the cntiro line o
/owor contracted to bo built. Undo
these representations the city wa
led to arrange for the curbintj , gutter
ing and grading of Tenth street , will
the expectation of filling the etreo
full width , and carrying the surfaci
nroet water through the basins inti
lho sowers. A brick inspector , at i
; est of § 100 , was. also appointed to in
ijisct brick claimed to bo on hanc
cady to go into the sower. Althougl
, hny were to have bpgun work on or
> cforo October 15th , 1881 , and prose
: ute work at the rate of ton feet poi
lay , for every working day from dnto ,
tot a brick has yet been delivered 01
aid. I recommended last fall , that
ho city annul the contract , in view oi
heir breach of good faith , but no ac >
ion has as yet boon taken , though nc
ess than 80 working days hayo passed
iy since the time set for beginning.
Under the direction of the council ,
urveys wore made nnd proposals
skod for a viaduct on Eleventh street ,
rom Jackson street to the alloy , bo-
ween Maray and Mason , last fall ,
'ids for an iron structure , with a
wenty-sovon fcot paved road way ,
nd a foot way on each'aide.for pedes-
riuim , were received , varying in
mounts from § 05,000 to § 100,000 for
ho entire work comploto. The Union
'aciflo railroad company have inti-
mtod that at least one-half of this
mount would , bo paid by them. The
reposition has , however , as yet as
Jiuod no definite shape.
From surveys made by mo on
'hirtoonth ' street , I am convinced
liata viaduct under the lowest tracks
pen that street , (10 feet wide , can be
naily constructed , with a light change
f qrado between Loavenworth and
larcy streets , and at a cost not to ox-
Bed § 8,000. Considering the im-
ortanco of that ntroet aa a main
lioroughfaro to Sarpy county and as
business street , so small an outlay
) secure travel from any possible
ancor , by avoiding the crossing and
: aok , I regard this as the most prac-
cublo and cheapest route at present
> South Omaha.
Although the council ordered plans
) r water \ > ipo lines and fountains for
: io park last fall , want of time has
rccludod any more than general at-
mtion to this wubjoct under any cir-
iimstauces. Want of funds would
ave prevented much outlay by the
ity at this time. From general ex-
initiation of the grounds , I believe
iat by widening of the south ravine ,
ith a stone wall across the Jowor
i d , a very pioturesquo lake can bo
ovoloped , by the UBO of water from
10 waterworks , which for park pur-
OSOB is guaranteed tree. 1 am not ,
owovcr , at present able to detail any
, 'stpm of improvements in that di-
iction. The construction of the
roct railway to the park this spring
ill naturally augqust these improve-
louts. The question , however , will
0 uitu of finance ,
The past year has developed rapid
id very much needed facilities tor
ator supply of the city through the
instruction of waterworks. Although
ie system with a high reservoir iaono
iat could not well bo improved upon
1 a system , yet there are features in
toi execution of the present works
hioh the oity for ita prosecution
lould carefully see carried out.
The contract with the city requires
to proper location of hydrants with
iforonco to grades and curb linos. It
ills for a specific capacity of the on-
nca ; a apociBo capacity of settling
4Sins and storage reservoirs , and ovi-
Micei pf the proper laying of pipes
id the cifootive capacity of pumps ,
o. ; itepccifics sizes and heights of
reams to bo thrown in testa to bo
) pllod by the city council. Quito a
umber of those tests were attempted
t year , and with the oxcoptiouof the
Igh Bchool test none proved satis *
otory , that is , came within the stiict
lunda of requirements , The testa
the eight ; otreama on Farnam street
iveloped the fact that whatever fault
: isled at the pump works , six Btroams
uld readily roach the standard
'ight , but when more than that was
tempted the waste of water exceeded
e pumping capacity , and en a result
the streams fell short , decreasing wi
the prolongation 6f the effort. The
is no doubt in my mind , from obsi
vationj noted , that the eight-Direr
test applied to the reservoir direct c
bo readily made , as calculations has
upon hydraulic ptinciples nubstanlia
such expectations. I wish , liowcvt
in the public interests to make t
suggestion , that aa those tests a
indicated in the contract a ;
the city is empowered to make ( ho :
that the city in future take chaigo
the tests when making thorn' and o
net the opening of all valves throug
out the line of pipes laid , I wou
further suggest , as the most impot
ant of all tests , that of the pumpit
capacity of the engines themselves-
that in the future the tests begi
there. The uitj * has nothing to t
with the economic duty of the 01
gines , but simply capacity.
AH the present system is dosignc
for the fire protection as well :
water supply of the city , I would suj
gcat also that the laying of anothi
aixtcon-inch main from the pum
worka to the storage reservoir I
urged , At present the pump an
supply main are the sixmo. A broal
ago tin ita line at night may , bofoi
discovery , result in the absolute o ;
haustion of the storage reservoir , an
at the pamo time preclude direct su |
ply. The latter suggestions nro mad
in yiow of the numerous leakage
which have occurred on the main i
the past six months. Whether thi
double line can bo demanded by th
city under its contract I do not knov
but J simply allndo to it as animpori
ant precautionary measure agaim
possiblu accidents to city interests , t
to the city's advantage.
The complex system now in vogue
touching the construction and rcpai
of sidowulka , nialcca it impossible
without tnkine up several .vooki
time , to furnish any accurate dat
uunn { hat branch of public works.
The only method to secure unifoi
mity in that branch is to direct th
construction of walks by uniform die
triers or street lines , directing th
engineer department to prepare dc
script ions on any line desired to b
perfected , of all now walks ncodo
and these to be repaired on ouch line
and then proceed with a general orde
without exception. As it is now
partiality is often shown and misun
ilcrstandings and improper dosciip
tions constantly arise , which make th
drawing up of levies a most diftlcul
task , and the enforced collection upoi
thorn one of uncertainty. Contract
for construction of walks of variou
specific sizes , in&tead of being lo
avery few weeks in small batches
ihould bo let per lineal foot in widtl
if different walks , to bo ordered any
ivhero in the city for periods of thro <
) r six months at a time , and so alsi
'or repairs , at a given rate per 1,001
'eet of lumber.
Absence ot proper field notes 01
naps , of additions and requisite sub
tantial corners as basis for futuri
vork , leads mo to suggest , as the onlj
irptection for the city , that adoptioi
if a rule requiring all street and al
oy corners to bo designated by oal
losta or stones , and a complete set ol
iold notes duly certified to by the
urvoyor upon the plot. No adaitior
hould bo accepted without being firs !
auctioned in the particulars above
ciontioned by the city engineer.
Under provisions made by the citj
ouncil , I was authorized to employ t
Iraftsman and such assistants as wore
bsolutely necessary to prosecute the
urvoys and carry on the public won ; ,
"his was done under restricted in
unctions of economy. A largo part
if the work of the previous years
fhich had been loft recorded on
ooso scraps , was permanently en-
ered upon record books procured for
ho purpose. Profiles of streets , al-
oys and sewer lines have been on-
erod and rapidly transferred * from
11 sources to largo profile books , con-
ract and specification books have
leen started for ready ro-
jronco , and a draftsman is
iow engaged completing the record of
U pipe junctions in every block of
tie four sewerage districts in which
ewers have boon laid. The incroas-
ig labors incident to lower work and
lie largo amount of work which the
flico is called upon to do daily , in tur-
ishmgliQUBO numbers , data of grades ,
to. , to citizens , render it necessary
liat a draftsman and clerk bo porma-
ontly employed. In addition to this
corps of assistants , rodtnan and
hainman , should bo supplied com-
tensuratu with the work on hand.
Throughout the past year I have
irnished a horse and wagon at my
nrn expense. It ia necessary to have
tie for the department to haul stakes
id other materials for the ready
ansfer to distant sections of the
ty. The city should supply this
ocossary convenience itself. The
ilary of the city engineer , which was
1,200 per year at the time of assum-
iy the duties of the ofllco , though it
as raised to § 1,600 on November 1st ,
entirely inadequate. The work of
10 city 1ms grown to such an extent
iat the salary should bo sufficient to
iy for hU entire time , which ? an be
3votod exclusively to city interests ,
i the city's advantage. _
Nothing Could Bo Stronger.
ST. Jvouis , Mo. , Jan , 20 , 1881. J
II. H. WAIUUK & Co. : Sirs -I
ivo been troubled with kidney dis-
isp aincu my childhood. It would
3 impossible for mo to describe how
uch I have suffered. Your Safe
'idney and Liver Cure has done mo
ore good than the combined skill of
1 the physicians 1 have over tried
iiring my entire life.
_ npr4-dlnr
The only one of the kind over made
Omaha , A fine stock of imported
alian Marble Centre Tables , Stands ,
asos , Fruits and Flowers. This is a
and display of fine arts.
Sale to commence Thursday morn-
g at 10 o'clock , at 211 14th street ,
itwoen Douglas and Fauiham ,
D. S , M. FiiETSiBLt , Auctioneer.
Photographs of Jesse James , taken
tor death , can bo had by addressing
, Uhlman , Photographer , St. JesepliJ
o. Card size , 25o ; cabinet size , 33c.
Elegant spring suits for children at
, Ilellmau & Go's. ni-w-s
Echoes , from the World c
The Emigration Boom for 18
A well known railroad man sa ;
tlmt al no distant day Omaha will ha'
the finest and most convenient rai
road yards in the United States. TI
< vork of the B. & M. in leveling do\v
the hill or. the river front shows whi
can bo made of n hitherto ncglcctc
portion of the city. Other roads wi
follow suit , the U. P. , Omaha and S
I'aul , and Missouri Pacific , all ow
properly in this locality , and it is pn
dieted that they will in time , buy u
the whole space between 8th strei
and the river , and from the pum
house to Boyd's packing house an
make it one of the finest propetties i
the city by covering it with freigl
and passenger depots , tracks , etc.
certainly would not bo a bad idea an
by filling up the ponds and gradin
the hill would make a first class rai
road headquarters.
The newly appointed minister froi
Russia to the United States , Bare
Struve , who recently arrived in Sa
Francisco from Japan , where ho wa
consul-general , passed through th
city Tuesday , enrouto to Washing
ton City. Ho occupied the Pullma
hotel car "Interlmtional" and wa
accompanied by his family and
retinue of servants. The party wen
east over the Xorth-\Vestorn.
iir.visisu rniioiiT : IIATIX
The Iowa Trunk line associatioi
has just issued a now freight tarifl
By it , the rates from Chicago to th
Missouri River will not bo changei
but the now tarifl effects a reductioi
of about 5 cent per hundred pound :
on lirst , second and third classes , anc
classes A , B and C , from Peoria to thi
U. P. transfer. There will bo a complete
pleto change in the rates on railwaj
equipment. For passenger cars , or
the standard gauge trucks , furnished
by the shipper , or loaded on Hat cara ,
from Toledo , Detroit or Adrian , vh <
now rate will bo § 90 ; from Chicago ,
875 ; from I'eoria , G5 ; and from East
St. Louis and other east Mississippi
river points , $ GO. The rate for mail
orbaqgatro cars , per car , from Toledo ,
will bo § 71.50 ; from Chicago , § 55 ;
From I'eoria , $49.50 ; from East St.
Louis , § 44. The rate on box , stock ,
coal , and flat cars , per hundred
pounds , will bo : From Toledo , 2c
Bents ; from Chicatro , 20 cents ; from
Peoria , 17i cents ; from East St
Louis , 15 cents. Locomotives and
tenders , on their own wheels , and ilal
: ars , actual gross weight , will be
sharged for as follows : . From Toledo ,
18 cents per hundred pounds ; from
Chicago , 15 cents ; from Peoria 13
: ents ; from East St. Louis , 12 cents.
A new lima card is in preparation
> y the Northwestern road , which will
; o into ell'ect about the ( Hh insr.
The railroaders in the employ of
Fohn Fitzgerald , at or near Tecumseh ,
o the number of about 200 , struck
ho orher day'for higher -wages. The
; reat railroader refused to accede to
.heir . demands.
The two ends of the U. P. depot are
irnamented with scaffolding , as a new
: oat of paint is to bo put on the roof.
Grateful 'Women.
.N"ono receive so much benefit , and
lone are so profoundly grateful and
how such an interest in recommond-
ng Hop Bitters as women. It is the
mly remedy peculiarly adapted to the
aany ills the sex is almost universally
ubject to. Chills'and fever , indigos-
ion or deranged liver , constant orpe-
iodical sick headaches , -weakness in
ho back or kidneys.pam in the shoul-
lors and different parts of the body , a
eoling of lassitude or despondency ,
11 are readily removed by these bit
ers. [ Uourant.
Supreme Court.
The following decision has been
ondored by the supronu court of No-
nxska :
Parker vs. Nanson. Error from
) ouglas'county. .Reversed. Opinion
y Lake , ( Jh. J.
1. Evidence examined. Held not
3 support the verdict and a now trial
2. A tenant in possession of prop-
rty under a lease cannot dispute his
mdlord's title , nor take from another
paramount title to the injury of his
mdlord , nor absolve himself from
10 payment of rent to his landlord
y taking n lease from a stranger.
Quick , complete euro , all unnoyinK kid-
ay , bladder nnd unrinary diseases , SI.
'epot ' at C. V , Uoodmnn g.
The Largest stock of .lowelry and
batches , substantial and good at all
rices at Huborman's , corner 13th
id Douglas.
eiDe Meyer's
The antidotal theory , now admitted fo bo
ie only treatment which * will eradicate Qatar-
ial Poison.
Uov. Chm. II. Taylor , 140 Noble atrcet , Brook.
n , N , Y. : "Ono ] > ackaio erlected a radical
iro. "
Rev. Geo. A. Rula , CoblcsklU , Schohirle , Co. ,
, Y. : ' 'It restored mo to my ministerial 1
Rev , W. II , Sumner , Fralerlck. Md. : "Fine
aulta In fix cues In iny family , "
R r. Goo , E. Pratt , St. Stephen's Rector
il a. : "Quite wonderful ; let me dlstrlbut
lur 'Treat ! o , "
Chaa. II , Stanhope , Ncu-port , R. I , ; "I no *
odeaf to hear thochuith bells ring ; hearing
' . "
e'orcd. W , Lambrlght , 73 Biddli afreet , Baltl-
ore , Md. ; "Suffered 0 years ; perfectly
. "
; red.
Mrs. M. E. Shenney , S022 Sarah street , St.
> uls ; "Tlio first natural trcath In 0 years. "
Mm. J. W , Purccll , Golden City , Col. : "Used
lly one pickago ; entirely cured ; nuUcrixl 24
iar . "
Dr. F. N. Clark , DentUt. 8 Montgomery street ,
in FrancUco ; "Buffered U jcara ; perfectly
ircd , " etc.
Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Popular "TREATISE"
i C Ur h mailed free. Tha great Cure U do.
rered by PruggUta , or by D. B. Dewey & Co , ,
ij Fulton etteet , New York , f r I 00 ,
Dum-wed-frUMaUw eektow
Hurrah for No. 1.
The boys of Engine Company N
1 held their mooting nnd cntcrbi
mont Tuosdny. Pipnoor Ho ;
nnd Ladder Company Xo. 1 nnd t !
mombura of the t" , P. band we
thoirguestBnnd thoboya exceeded the
former efforts to pluaso them , m
with the lunch , ainqing , speech-ma
ing and music , they had u fine Urn
At the closoof the entertainment tin
Crave tlireo cheers nnd a titter forChn
Hunt , their candidatn for clicf cnj
neer of the Omaha fire department.
10NEY TO LOAN Call at Iiixw Ulnca of
M L. ThomM Room S Crelehton Block.
COfCA AHrtTW tOAA At 8 per ccntl
5WDU.UUU tcrest In nums.of $2,800 i
upw nls , ( or 3 to S years , on flr t-cl 8 city i
farm property. Bsuu URAL EsiAin nd
AOKJCT , Utt and Douplas StJ
- nltl at the Western Hou
WANTEO-Oood - St. C62-d'
Attlrl nt Omaha House , app
A Rlrl Immediately for
WANTED tall nt oiiccn' . the Turner Hall Itc
t.iumiit , Corner 10th ami llou ml &t. 674-
ANTED - Immediately nn expcrlcm"
W saleslady at McDonald I , one nho.xnci'
Oorinaii prcftrrcd. 109 5
Three Rood men to work. Fit
WANTHi south o'l lair uoonJs. Totistc
flit" . CG7-7
TVD A respectable trlrl for yencr
hou'onork. Aoply i5th ! and Dotl o s < :
second homo from cornt r. Cf0-B *
WANTED A ulrl as waitress. Applratzni
Cass street. 6C * 0 *
ANTED-A No. 1 brick inouMer , 01
that i-an mould and dap brlik. No othi
reed apply. 0-11 oj or address J. I' . Flyni
WANTED HI n butlrcss man from Virgin :
n situation. Una best ol tele encc. Ai
ilrcss J. F , U this olllie. UJ5-7 *
VCTAN > ED Cams sors for Ucdpath's Unltf
VT , fctates Ilhtory. The lixtfsrn-jdbest mil
! I UIp wnsoj modu. Addresi Gcnen
t , care Omaha Km. eiMi
\TTANTED HelfaWo men to ( RI.O orders fc
VV < ur fxndly photograph albums. Soldo
\eekly pejimijt" , Ilhuso a.c the limit gocd
: ier clferrcil to the public. We ha\o on linn
i lull line tf standard oabhcatlots. I' . A. Oavli
1503 larnam St. room 10. C47-5"
r ANTED Ajrlrlto do general housework
, . ApulyattoQ S. Ibth a..d Lca\fnw.rll
trett. 052-0'
A N Kvperienccd Infant ! nurbo vhccs n placi
ti. or would take child to board. liefereiie
; i\cn , 1607 Davenport strett. B400'
CTrANTKD A watclnmko r : it IVUtn on's
YV Jewelry anil Mctnro store. CJ9-5
IT7"ANTED T o ja'rtcra ' acd piper hanpcrs
VV Address ornpph Uco , A , litillocK. Fro
nont , Neb. 037.5
WANTED Place by a rounx man 18 year
of njro to woik for h s bi i\rd mid o ti
cliaol. Willing to n ak hli.isell joicrally use
ul. Address J. P. JameS , i oem 6 , Creishtoi
Hock. ot .s
ITTANTED Girl about 14 to do light house
Vf work , during the day only. Apph-atBei
' " ° -
ANTED Basement In ct. for boird
W Other boarders too. 003 N. Uth street.
re/"ANTED D nlngrom glrlat the Creishtoi
Yl Jlons ? . C07-tt _
A KIRS I-CLAS.S talesman desires a siluatlor
t\ . where his fcnices wo ld be required
Lddressfor one week , box 051 Coui.iII l ! til
owa. mSO-Ct , "
m ANTED A food Rirl at corner Hamilton
VV and Pier nts. , fclilnu'a addition. Cut I
ages given. SSS-tt
[ TTANTED Tosella barber shop , ( rood lo
V.V cation , good business , satisfactory reason !
ir selliDB. Inquire at 117a. ISth etreet , Omaha
fob. B37-tf
[ T7 ANTED Family of Rood HandlnR to adopl
YV a child without any compensation. I.-
ulrnat s. Christianson , Mld > rife , No. 800 ICth
ttcet , between Cuming ana Burt. B13 5 *
[ TrANTKD Hoarders at the Garlield hocse ,
VV N. W. corner 14thandJackjon tits.
- ; 4u tt
[ TrAOTED Fuaduig brldje nd school bonda
V\ H. T. Clark. Bollovco. ? ( tf
children oa boarders In a otloct
school , at 19th and California St L. B.
OOM IS. _ 757-tf
_ _
VY ANDPU&H'NGMAN , wno understand *
leto bound hooks , ) to tale a GENkllAL
GENOY of our Sub.'criptlon Pnb'katijni tfor
maha and vlcUlty. iluH boabloito imest
100 for stock of books. To thu right man wo
mil cller mil control of Territory , extra large
Ucounts , a lintot npld selling books , attractiic
irculan , and all fa"liHci ! for aauro and good-
yms huslncaa. G. W. OAHLETON &CO. .
029 3 Piibl'shers , New York.
" 1 KOUiSUS1 BOOKS WANl'bU Uo keep OVL-U-
T ines in return for trade , P. 0. Box C02 *
_ _ _
iTTANTED 2 unfurnished rooms for man and
fV wife , mutit bo moderate In price. Ad-
reas II. , Bco olllee. 207-tf
SALE20 lota near Hanacom I'arkvest ,
roll Park A\nnue. ? 4&0 to [ sDOO each. Ml-
p. Poitolflcv. 671. tf
710R KENT Helng alictit to line the city , f
otfpr my cottage of teien ro ms for r. nt ,
rriUhcd or unfurniehei. Oj2 no. in Iflth t-t ,
675:5 * J , E. COOLIKIR. 5
JldK RENT t'o'tUrn house tf ilh five rooms ,
atabionnd nutbiiildinse , well and cisterns.
qulro until Saturday , at four o clock at thlj
lice. C65-7 *
1O RENT Two furnished rwrn * , suitable for
. li ht home-keeping , at 221U Capitol are ,
K. Hollowas. 076-11 *
J1OH HK.NT Sleep ng room tor two gentle
' men , room 10 Jacobs Block. OS4-if (
pOR RENT Handaomelyfurnishod front room
' togeiiilcumn , mcilcntu mit. Referenda.
1 1312 XJodgo fct. , between ISthand 14th.
_ ucs-icp
nUHNISHEDROOM light house-kuip-
f Int ; $15 a month , 2218 California at.042tf
ilOR SALK My resideiieo at bead of .
Mary's Avenue lot 74x140. William
iCaudllth. 020-7
pOR HENT- First ll or of a brick home In
1 exchange for a Iaile board , 003 north 17th
rect. Pleaeantly located. 034-tf
flOR KENT Hno > omc1r furnUlud par'or
1 and alcove room , 2018 Cans at. 6bO-tf
riOU RENT One turnlaned room 172J JJou-
1 Unit. 687-4 1
10R RENT Pouse lurn and 8 ocrea of laud
1 Inquire leth and Howard. Humane O'NIel
690 tf _ _
OKNT One Urge furnlalicd ro m , with
; bjird , on first floor , outside ciurunco. If 03
ifornla at , C45-tf
R Ml FurnUhwf tottage. tlx room * .
2210 California at. M B. Hall. 621-tf _
i1UUNiaJltl > ROOM"iO liKoT At 2020 St
Mary's Avenue. _ 4SOtf
) EMIS rents hou e , lots , farma , stores ,
> rooms etc. Qtllcea 16th and Douglaa Sta
OR RENT N. E. i , bee. 0 , T. 16 , R. 11. un.
: Improt ed Douglaa county land , li'tuilej
n II. R. atatiou. Inquire at 2118 Datenport
eet. 423-tf
WK UfcfcT otoru room m tirict uullding , N.
E. corner 16th and Cuiulng. C. F Good-
in , 1U FrnhMiiBt. _ _ 203-tf _
10R RENT Furmsneu uuu iuom , N. E. cor.
Pth and Jtcknon. _ 58-tf
1011 KKUT * lurnunoa jooun ov t At * .
chnU' Exchtn ( , N. E. cor. 18th tad Dodg ,
10B RENT Nicely furnished rooms with 01
without board , Reuonable prices. 011
M St. > * " > M
nU > R SALE A gentle pony , suitable for fam-
JL1 lly me. Inqulrcat the i-lue Barn 16th at.
betwcenDtilpe and Capitol A\cnuc. C66-0'
"TT1OK SALE Three non cs neu I' . P. depot ,
Jj can remain r n gr.und , nd lso top In ( ry.
Knqnlro at this ( tTlco. 1- C5otf
TTMlltSALi : E'shty-flio head of sheen , Kn-
JL1 qulro nt f rm o Tom Murray , one mile
south of U. P. < cpot. CKS-tOt
KultiSALiSihrio work mulec ,
STOCK wirk or drUIni ; hursc * , three \\8ifona
four act'douMo harnrm/ / two bugirlcs , one tmce
spring Dem crat wagon , nnd , two cov.s for
sale ( heap TIIO . Snin ,
05'i-tl Car. ICth and Chicago sts.
SALE A Rooil ftorc , dry gond , boot *
EOR shois , groceries , etc. J. M , Ester ,
OakUad , lown OS2-10
"TTlOn SALE Cheap one open"buggy.Fn"
JJ quire ol J. 1C. Maunders , at Ilicry ( talile
next duor north City IMI C39-tf
77\0lt \ SALE Don't full to scots o llollno Cab-
L In'ctOrgan t Flodiunti and Lkblatd , to.
209 N , 16th st. for > ale cheap. 132 0
TO , _ , SALE HcnitCMdttto full lots Ml 1m-
Jj proicmcnls nearly new. Host location In
town , only S2000 , half down , balance on time If
deolreil , Immlrdcf 0 , Fullmati tth and Dorcas
street. 619 6'
SALE House of 4 or 6 rooms and cor
ner lot on 10th and Mason $1.000. McCagua
opp , postotnco. 63S-tl
Thoromjbbred Jersey Bull No. 332
EUIlV . S. II. II. " . winner cf prlrofat Stale
Fair. Stands for tcr\ Ice tt Nebraska Poultry
Yards , West Omaha. Grahntn t" . Browne ,
HAM -14 lotfi In N.V. . part o ( city on
JOII lecallon. S2CO to SKOoach , on
monthly pajmcntl. Sic' guc , opp , ' "
BEAUTIKUtJ $5 per luorth. LEMIs , 3i > cnt ,
16th and Doula Sta.
SALE One ? ccoid-h | ml 25hors power
Eon , Rocdaa ncwol'a t o8 horsorioivtr ,
and two Ifi horiCponcr engines , now , Bllcrs
of a'.l sire' , row. Inquire Omaha Fourdryan
Jlachlno Co.U. P. lly. bet 17th and IStK
lilOIt HALE House three rooms and half lot.on
Jj Mth Street north of Creek , § 900 cvh. On
month y p Miients $ ICOO. John L. ilcCa tie ,
opposite post iflk'O. " C33-tt
SALE. Kino family mare ; joung ind
FOIl . Hex 424 , Council Hl'ltfn. ' Ia. 24-J
SAI E House and lot on easy terms.
Apply at 611 Wa'nut ttract between th and
6ticoU youth of U. P. depot , also cntira
household good * . 631-C *
OR SALE Saloon stock and fixtures and
E l vo given , good location. Enquire ol L.
H. Fpcncer , northeast corner llth and ilarney.
spl 4 < 0-t (
hALE 1'hcaTen of land on saundo.s
J71OU } ctt , with flue ri's donee , barn and other
lmprouneiit8. . Price S2DOO : terms ca y.
47i-tf W. U. IHrt'ctt , Uoil Lstate. '
E1IIS Bo'ls hoiiicn , lots , farms
B Otlice , 15th and Dotlglfti StJ.
SALE A new house and lot , 25th and
FOIl St. Inquire to A. Bouinan , Cth
und Farnham Ms. * 418-lm *
171OK BALK A Wa'.o(0 octa < c ) , m i-\cellent
JU c.nd t oncry ; chop. Inquire at IhU otflce. .
l. V't S.iLi : Five .cro < vjf land , 2 Ktpry frame
Jj house , barn2 wolla and other Improve-
nents , cast side of Saundtrs street , near Fort
Jmaha. For particulars addiesj Ceo. U" . Brew-
itcr , Oikland.Ncb. _ 401-tt
SALE House with 6 rooms , barn and
FOR loaio of lot. on 16th St. , bet. Butt and
U'cbstcr. Inquire at EJholm & Erlckson'a.
355 tt
IV.OK SALt ; Car load of fac blackey mulea
U broke. Apily of J.V. . bklnner. Coin Ia ,
S20-lnio *
JP.OU SALE 32 re idcnco lots on and near Ibtn
r etrect. Price , S3EO to SStO each. Te ttma
: asy. JIcCAQUE , Agent , Orp. Post OSIce.
, SCOtf
lOlt SALE Bicycle , 4W-inch standard Cnluui-
B bia. Apply Union Elexator. U6J-tf
OTS , SHO each , S5 down and & 5 ptr month
UEilld. Agent.
I7IOIS SALE Or will c\cha ? o ( or Omalrpro -
" I IP ° i'Ti an Iniprcved sec on of land adjoln-
ng a station on U. P. R. R. il. DUNHAM , 1112
tamtam St. , Omaha. 72J 2pit
HICK FOIl i-'Ai-Ji.
203-tf E3TABROOK & COE.
Poundsolcho co country butter for silo
cheap ; also freih milk every day at
Seal's Gioccry store , corner ICth and Uodiu.
UlCK. tOK ibALE T. Murray.
B Ufl-tf
ALED UAV At A. H. Sander's Feed Ssor
B 1013 Ilarney St. 8l9-tt \
3MAHA near Karnam. Business houses ,
irmeiB and families can b ( upplled with com-
ctent lulp. Anygradocf employment. Rail-
oadanpillalnp outfits on short notice F. D.
lolte , Kmpln ment Agent. B64-im *
_ poen's will be received until 12 o'clock a.
i. , April 12th 1862 , for matcrln.s , erection ami
ompletion cf a thieo etcry brick , with stone
liF.emcnt , school house , to bo. erected on Hou-
rd street , between Oth ar.d lOth at reels , Omnha ,
fcb. 1'lano mid tpecldoitions to bo been at tbo
Illco of Dufp-no . % Mendelssohn , architects
'be ' tight to reject any or al b ds ts reserved.
IDE BARBUGOV To exchange for phaeton
j Apply Angel , Bowcn K Wh to Opera House.
_ C27-7
"JTHAVCD Bean inaro about 4 y ars od ; ,
J rhort mane , lone till and white hi U foot ,
randcd on ieft i la li > tter" "nitha line through
enter. Findcd wLlplcaso lca\o Information at
515 Dodge st COQ-5"
L/TAMMOTH / Clutter Black cop raspberries
VJ. 0 cent a dozen , 92.00 per hundred , 310.00
or thousand at "Idle-Wlldo Placo. " Leave or-
era at 1414 Dodge st. John O. Willis.
mch'25-ov sat-4t
L si-alciaro again In perfect order. Call on
Ir. Van Onnan at stock ja'dg , 10th St. , bet.
apltol avenuw and Da\onrart St. Plenty of
ard room and aUbllni ; . Brl ght straw In hale
r bed-ticks. K ESTABHOOK.
_ _ _ 425-tf _
- E1IIS' HKW CITV MAPS , lOe. Mounttd
J JIapa.C2.6p. GLO. P. BEJIIS.
3IANO AND OKGAN Instruction by Ills * * t
. S. ParBtt , S. 20th St. . below Pierce. l-tf
) OOMS And lirst class table board , at 2011
.t CassSt. _ \ _ inMm * _
1AYE RENT-Choice of 0 full lota to lease
) near Crelghton College forS2o per year.
cxtcr L. Thomas & Bro. , lloom 8 , Orclghtoa
lock. _ 'O.--tt
: ONAL1ST , 498 Tenth Street , between F rnh m
idllnrnoy. Will , with thu aid ot i urdUn
Irlta , obtain for auy one a ylanco at the past
id present , and on certain conditions In the fa.
re. Boots and Bboca made toder. . Perfect
Absolutely Pure.
fhU powder nmer varies. A m > rtel ot pu
, strength and wholesornenet. . Jlore econo-
wl thtn the ordinary klnda , wid cannot h
d In comi ) tlllou with the multitude of low
t , ahort weight , iluin or phoaphata powdtr * .
Sold only In cans. RoULUMt.O ! POWDER Co. .
I Wall St. , New York