Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
OHIAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. APRIL G 188 * . of Shenandoah , Page County , Iowa. | on the Wabaah and Hamburg 13ranch of the ,0. , 15. & Q. ] .T. H. Heed President of Iho First National Bunk H. F. Wilson . ' Cashier of Page County Bank 0. S. Burr & Co Stonm Elevator nnd Mill IJ. W. Jlorso it Co , Steam Klovnlor Eddy it Smith , Stonm Klovator 2. I ) . Mathuss Grain .r. T. Kemp it Bro Coal nnd Grain < ieo. Palmer & Co Lumber ( 'rillith it Lester . . , Live Stock B.V. . Carey , Live Slock Campbell . . , Livery Hollowny it Wlthorow . ' Livery F. M. Park 1'ark's Hotel H. 0. Gillespie Boarding nnd lloataurnnt M. ,1. Heater. , .s Boarding , Bakery nnd Restaurant John Argus , * . . . . . . nnd llostnurnnt .1. K. .Jnckson Urocory nnd Restaurant Pace , Wilcox it Co Dry Goods nnd Clothing Vawtor & Haggorty " . Dry Goods A. McCorimck Dry Goods It. 13. nnd 0. K. Craso General Merchandise Meutzor Bros Groceries Trotter it Lancoy Groceries Woodford Bros. . . . ; Groceries Brown & West Groceries W. C. Campbell Groceries A. D. Hurlburt & Co " . roconos J. D. Thomas Noota and Shoos A. J. Grose .Clothing W. 0. 31 artin it Son * utmluro M.O. Johnson . . . . . . * uri turo Burnt Crosse m and Hardware H. C. Holme & Co ' I Tin and Hardware A. D. Hurlburt ? m and Hardware. . ) . Q. Anderson it Bro * ftnn Imp foments Elliott , Cass it Co Farm I'-np omonts Hoaglnnd & Co * arm Implements C. V. Mount : Jo wo ry W. E. Palmatter Vr * ' ; , r ? Rockafellow Bros Meat Market William Priestman . M ° fc ? inrkot John O'Day Moat Market W. H. Brewer Photographer D. W. Trotter it Co. Wire > enco Manufacturing Company Wm ' Ryan Shenandoah Manufacturing Company Geo. A. Quimby Carriage Factory Bellis & Davis General Blacksmith and Repair Shop Cyrus Reed Wagon nnd Carriage Shop W. T. Pcnnington Blacksmith It , . B. Craso . ' .Secretary of Creamery Company P. H. Mentzor President of Canning Works J. G. Schneider Merchant Tailor Miss M. A. Talbut Millinery Store Miss M. A. Daniels Millinery Store Ladd & Son Books and Stationary Jacob Bender Harnesb J. B. Armstrong Harness H. P. Dullield & Co Drugs Burnet it Miller Drugs J. C. Stevens Drugs H. P. Duflield , M. D. , . ' . . ' . Physician Roes & Whiting Physicians E. K. Bailey , M. D. , Physician h J. C. Stevens , M. D. , Physician J. W. Humphrey , M. D Physician James McCabe . Law Geo. H. Castle Law , Justice W. P. Ferguson Law C. S. Keenan : Law M. Oppenheimor & Co. . Foundry , Machine Shop and Agricultural Implements Cotrill it Beard Contractors and Builders Rhodes & Stephenson Contractors and Builders Copson & Gaff Republican G. W. Gunnison Reporter E. M. Gaddy < Iowa Amateur Wm. Laws % Brick Yard and Coal Redfield Bros Barber Shop M. T. Morse Barber Shop W. S. St'aplcs Barber Shop and Bath Rooms T. E. B. Mason Nursery D.lS. Lake Nursery & Wholesale Lumber. No , 1408 Farnham Street Omaha ; M-3mo \ "FUN ON THE AdmittanceFree 12 yds. Lonsdale Muslin $1.00 12 yds. Fruit of Loom Muslin 1.00. 16 yds , Fine Brdwn Muslin 1.00 21 yds. Prints 1.00. 20 yds. Dress Goods 1.00. mf 14 yds..Ginghams 1.00. 20 yds. Crash Toweling 1.00. 8 yds. Lonsdale Cambric 1.00. Renfrew Dress Ginghams 10. 84 Pepperal Sheeting Blea ched 25 9-5 Papperal Sheeting Bleached - 27. 10-4 Pepperal Sheeting Bleached 30. L B. WILLIAMS & SONS. Having Imported the above from Spain and.from fiist Hands , we are enabled to make tha above low prices. WE LEAD IN LOW PRICES. To.keep these Goods out ol the hands of our competitors , we will not sell more than the quantity named in any one bill. OUR I0c'RIBBON ' DEPARTMENT Is far ahead of anything yet offered in this city. "OUR EASTERN BUYER. " Is Sendine us Lots of Bargains , We shall open in a few days a regular lOc. Department. That will astonish you when you see it , See the Line of Gents 25o Fancy Half Hose ( L B. WILLIAMS & SONS , 1422 and 1424 Dodge Street. BEYELATIONS OF A RAMBLE , "Buckeye" Browaiug Among Business Men in Southwes tern Iowa Townn. 71it > Stone of the Fntnro Polto \Vell * ' Farewell Tonr. Special Correspondence of t\a \ liar. CIIKSTOX , lown , April 1. In my rambles this week , along the line of the C. B it Q. , I have mot the usual amount ot business activity , sensational happiness , police news , political war training and good weath er , the latter of which has been for a day or two like the "balmy days" of early June. MAU LHN is all ajog over a now packing house , that is to cost 850,000 , with capacity for packing n hundred thousand hogs a year , and is trying to got the now college away from Shennnboah. The Judkins has changed its name and hereafter will bo labeled the Wilkinson House , while brother An derson continues to hold the fort at the Central with n "full house , " and "tho boards" arc making it fashiona ble to call for buttermilk , ninco the creamery has begun to dc business. AT HASTINGS , iho closing scenes at the "Temple of liacchus , " during the last hours of the "license system" were appropriate and nf nn interesting nature , as wo lieard it from the car window. EMEII.SON * lias fed stock in largo quantities this winter. Its schools are closed , and ' iho professor wandering in th'o Black tTills , while the Emerson house con tinues to wait on its patrons in the same quiet way. The Chronicle is published with its load of good sense , and Tin ; BKE is road every day. RED OAK seems to have boon quite lojthetic in taste , or else to have had an over dose of theatricals , for we found J. W. Garner , playing Rap Van Winkle tn an empty house , when anything Garner would play , in the eastern or middle states would always draw full houses. Antimonopoly seems to bo very strong here , and is often spoken of in connection with the names of Chas. Van Wyck and Vol. Sap , and a Tow days ago the the secretary of the state alliance was hero and organized a farmers alliance , nnd an antimonopoly nopoly league. The Secretary , Mr. L. E. Williams , a practical farmer from Montrosc , Leo county , Iowa , is state lecturer for the order in this state , Is a nephew of Judge Williams , of Chicago , so noted for pluck , and ho ict forth in clear and forcablo , man ner the needs and aims of the alliance which is being organized nil over the state. I deem him the right man in the right place , and thought he had very clear ideas of his busi ness. ness.Brother Brother killots , of The Express , lias dropped the daily , and has plenty of job work in addition to his weekly issue. The Telephone , published by R D. Sperry , has a good circulation also , and wear n "green back" label , while The Record will hereafter bo "worked off" from a now Campbell press. Red Oak has an intelligent and genial class of quill drivers. VILLISOA seems not to have been effected by the dry season and poor crops. The Western house has n fine new porch ornamenting its two fronts , and Mr. H. S. Lott has secured the old "Southern" and reorganized its in wardness and cha'ngcd its sign to Cottage hotel , whore ho will bn"ready to attend to the traveling public day or night , while the Commercial house is full , full all the time , and the genial landlord and his cheerful lady know how to "keep a hotel , " and the boys have found it out. There is a good deal of real estate changing hands. W. A. Woodward , the C. B. it Q. land ngent , who has just changed to now and very grand quarters on the corner opposite his old stand , says ho has plenty to do , and W. R. Minert , is selling land and joining money every day. Two bus iness houses hero are doing a very largo business and it may bo intcrestiug to the readers of TIIK BEE to compare some of their facts and figures with those in other towns or in other States. The hardware house of Barnes & Watterman are doing a business that will compare with the business in a large city. In looking at their books I saw the cash sales nf last Saturday were almost a thousand dollars , and a few days before the cash received in one day was twenty-two hundred. As 1 wandered up the street to the north west corner of the square , the mammoth - moth store of A. Harnoy , is the at traction. The numerous signs and bulletins make announcements of now goods , and prices and kinds of pro duct bought , but the large "boo hive" painted on the outer wall is the most expressive , emblem end correct label. I entered from the front fac ing the public park to find a building 120 feet Ion ; ; , with ware house and refrigerator at the rear. This monster room is divided by a partial partitirn , or diaphragm , near which the office desk is loratod in the center of the building. From llio front entrance wo are introduced to the departments of dry goods , silks and1 dress goods , housekeeping and linen , woolen and domestics , hosiery and underwear tor ladies nnd gentle men , cloak and shawl department , millinery , notions , and the Demorcst pattern department. Passing the diaphragm to the west wo find a full line of groceries and provisions , with the exit on to Third street , conven iently located near the main entrance to the butter and egg department in the cellar. An idea of this og- , ' trade , which is only a few months 'old , may bo shown by the statement thatduring the first three days of this week he shipped a thousand doznn , and sells to the largest dealers in the vest. The butter and i > gg trnllio is a very largo item , and is fast becoming an important feature ot the business of the town. Mr. Harvey cumo here less than a year ago from Monmouth , 111 , , and late in the sum mer began to prepare for a trade in butter and eggs , and ho has already established a reputation in prices , that brings him the good butter from many of the smaller towns for twenty miles around , nnd ho has no trouble tw sell all ho can get , although ho lias ship ped 15,000 or i.0,000 pounds during the winter season , and was some times a ton or more behind in ftllini ; his "rders. * Ho has all the machinery and appliancas for working and picking , which is under his personal supervi sion , and is putting up butter , worked and packed in his butter department , in 5 nnd 10 pound Voxcs. 1H brand of "Boo Ilivo Creamery Hut- ier , " with the stamp of the "Boo Hive , " in the butter , is already known in the mountains , ton or fifteen then- sand feet above the sea level , m Col orado , Missouri , nnd Illinois , and in many of the cities in Iowa , Nebraska , and Kansas. The enterprise and suc cess of this trade here , is working up other dealers to the idea , that there is a right mid n wrong way to do busi ness , and the general public all along the ilopo are beginning to rcalio that the dairy is far more reliable nnd profitable than the grain crops , nnd that good butter always finds a ready market. The evidences show that Homo and Pompeii excelled in gladitatorial plays , nnd most of those theaters and games were open to the sun ; but in this land of improvements , most of the strifes in "deadly combat * are attended to in "suitable buildings" and in the night time , and wo pass by those "incidents" of which every town is ashamed , to one which should interest ovcrv citizen of Omaha. It was in the early part of last Jan- Mary , that THE BEE called attention to n very important invention , just being patented by Hoxio and Patterson - son of Corning , Iowa , which was anew now process of manufacturing stone. THE Ui'.E was the first to call atten tion to this stone and.its great variety of ueos , and now ngain , after months of careful inquiry , and watching it during the most critical tests by prac tical stone men nnd builders , ns well as the skilled in chomcstry and geological logical experience ; I say to the poole - lo "you want this. " It is the only manufactured atone that is made by n real perfect crystallization of the sand , which is the basis of the now rock. It is harder than granite , beautiful in finish , will bear the severest tests of fire and water , and in cost can bo placed in competition with brick. For weeks have studied and counseled with able mon as to the practicability of using this stone to pave the streets of Omaha. It can bo secured nnd the sand ot tno Missouri can bo made into a beautiful solid road bed , or laid in sections , nt the pleasure of the contractor , making n road harder than granite , clean and perfect , that can bo repaired ns easily as a house wall can bo patched with lime mortar , and that will not cost more than the cheap wooden pave ments. The great Napoleon , filled with prejudice and led by popular clamor against the practical use of the steam engine , lost one of the golden momenta when ho said : "There are a sot of men , adventurers , charlatans , at every court in Europe , whb try to irrposo inventions noon the authori ties for money , which have no exhist- once save in their own imaginations ; and this American Fulton is ono of thorn. Do not mention the subject to mo again ; " and wo insist that if the business men of Omaha do not look well to this now paving stone be fore going much further , and before souio speculator purchases the right of Douglas county , it will bo a. terri ble mistake. 1 Col. W. W. Patterson , for years identified with many of the impor tant business interests of Kearney. Nebraska , and now a resident of Corn ing , Iowa , is the inventor. The colonel nel has been for many years engaged in manufacturing the many stones used at present , and is well known all over this country , nnd will bo remem bered particularly ns associated with Col. Thorp four or five years ago at Lincoln and Omaha. 1 may have boon looked up as one who is very easily talked into some new thing , and so 1 put n few others onto the stand by saying that wo fear Omaha will overlook this , while heavy capitalists in Now York City are forming n stock company with u hundred thousand dollars to control five counties , in eluding that city. The superintend ent of the Inter Ocean mining com pan } ' of Colorado , and the heaviest stockholder in the company , cainu hero to secure territory , as thoheaviost stone dealers and largest contractors and builders in the nation , who all join with the scientists in pronounc ing this tlio stone of to-day , and any body who investigates will see that it is , without a shadow of doubt , what it claims to bo. The notorious Rivcrton bank rob ber , Poke Wells , passed along this line Friday evening in charge of Sheriff Chandler and Sheriff Dan Far rell for the State's prison n\ Fort Mad ison. They were assisted by G , T. Hatton , of Sidney , who has nuised him since his confinement in that jail. Poke Wells refused to be carried to the court house but insisted on walk ing , and in court plead guilty to the larceny of a horse and the money taken from the bank , and was sen tenced to five years for each ; and many think ho will never live the ton years to bo tried for any other charges. At Red Oak while transferring to the main line , ho hud a very poor spell , and suffered much from his lame leg and from the ball Furroll loft in his right'bi-east , and from Homo of the other twenty-eight pistol and gun shots ho has received , nnd seemed to have u chill , and the sheriff tele graphed to Creston for n surgeon to join the train , but ho Boon revived irom the chill and icstcd easily wliilo chatting with the attendants who gathered around his bed , BUCKEYI ! , Jcwi MTAULKK , taoim nouur , IWdcnt , Vko 1'rcn't , \V. fa. UKISUKB , Bee. ant ] Trcas. THE NEBRASKA IMMURING 00 Lincoln , Neb. MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planter * , Harrowi , Form Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , ducket blevatlng Wind ml li. & .C. We are prepared to da jab work and umiiul turli fe'for other pirtlcn. Addrcs all order * NEIMA8KA IIANUKACTUIIINO CO. , LINCOLN tin ( Vest for being thti most direct , qnlckMl. tn fe t line connecting the erc l Metropolis , OIII CAOO , nd the EAtimur , mxh It LKM , hlchterralnikt < > thtrt , With KAKdiH ClTT , LimiWORTn. ATC11ISOK , Sooxcit , Hurra and OKAIU. the Couuitcui CIXTIM from vhtch nullato EVERY LINE OF R0AD ; h t p nttr tw the Continent Irom the Utnoai Hlvrr to the r clrtc Slopo. The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY ! the only line trom Chk RO owning track In Kinm , or which , t'jlit own rotd , rctche * th point * abov nunM. No uuxtrinui T CAiMAai NO Husma coNXieiioxsl No huddling In 111 \ entlUtcd or unclaui cam , M tverr MReengcr carried In roomy , clean and TontlUtod crMhti upon Fut Eiprcn Trelni DAT CAM of unrivaled magnificence , PCU.VAJI PAUCI BLiima CAM. and our own world-faaoui DiKiKd CAM , upon which moali are tcrrcd ol nn- lurpwaod excellence , at the low rate of 81 VINT Fill Cum ncn , with ample time tar healthta I enjoyment Through Can betwMa Chicago , Puerto , UII waukee and Illmourt River Point * : and clou can ncctloni at all point * ot Intertectlon with othrt road I. We ticket ( do Dot forget thU ) directly to every place of Importance In Kontai , Nebraska , Bla < k ItllU , Wyoming , UUh. Idaho , Nevada , OUIIortv , Oregon , WMhlngton Territory , Colorado , Arltoni and New Mexico. Aill bcrnl amngemenU regarding baggage at any other line , anlratet of fan alnayi Ml ow M competitors , who furnlih but a tithe o the com fort. fort.Don anil tackle of sportsmen tree. Ticket * , tnapa and folden at all prlnctpa offices In the United BUtei and Canada. R , R. OABLK , B. BT. JOHN , Vice Pres't ft den. Qen. Tkt andPon'rAg Manager. Chlaura Chlcaro. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS O. SPECHT. Proprietor , 1213 Hainey Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GALMIZED IM Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IEON I SLATE ROOFING , Specht's Patent Metalic Bky- Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar nnd BRACKET SHELVING. am the general State Agent for the above ne of goods. IRON FENCING. OrattlnB * , Balustrades , Verandai.tOfflco and Bank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT f Pe rson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. norl/IM THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELL.HAMILTON&CO Business transacted same a thai of an Incorporated bixnlr. Accounts ko-it in currono- old subject to sight olieolr without uo- tioo. Certificates of deposit issued pav- able in throe , six and twelve months , boarinc interest , or on de mand without interest. Advance * made to customers on approved securities at marhot rates of interest. The interests of customers are closely guarded ) and ovary facility compatible with prlnoinloa of sound banking freely extended. Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland , Scotland , and all oarta of Europe. Soil European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. Genius Eewarrted ; OH. Tlie Story of the SQWiDgMaoli A handaomo little pamphlet , blue And K ° ' 1' emu , with nuintrouD uiijmIngv , Kill bo GIVEN AWAY to any u.iiilt pin-ii calling for It , at any branch or sub-olllco ol The Binder Manufacturing Com- pan ) , or Mill bu mint by mall , post paid , to any 1'cruoii ' Ihliiy at a dlntanto trom our olllccs. The Singer Manufacturing Co , , Principal' Oflico , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK. ( ( MS cl&.w M. R. RISDON , Gen'l ' Insurance Agent 1'liocnlx Atsuratuo Co. , ol London , CukAsiiettg . 93,364,604.00 Wcstcficsscr , IV. . , Capital . 1,000,000.00 The Merchants , of Newark , N , J , , Capital . . . , .1,276,000,0 OlardKlro , 1'hllidclphla , Capitol. . . . 1,200,000.0 Firemen's Fund . 1,230,016.0 British America Assurance Co . 1,600,000.0 Office , Boyd's Opera Houso. ELLIOTT & CO. J. C. . Plumbing , Steam & Bas Fitting ! AUUTH COR Turbine Water Motor , [ ALSO VOUBKB8 , IS Pomps. Pipe Fitting and Brass Goods. Cor , 14th nnd IfarnoyOmnlm / , Nob. A WTS iJOTOa IM CQMITAXt OvuKiTIOM. Emplopent Agent 1 Railroad Outfit oil Short Notioo. ; ilth St. , Near Farnlwm. ml-cocl-t Dexter L.Thomas , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Cloo SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF Men's , Boys' and Children's ) CLOTHING Ready for Inspection AT- Palace Clothing lonse , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. Mkriecod. 1 CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FAR N HAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S'AND CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! : \ \ cc CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L BRASH , - - 1308 FARNHAM _ . _ . . ST. tucs-thvr-Bat BASWITZ & WELLS , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. ffl Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of SPRING GOODS ! * And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good Goods ! Low Prices ! AND SQUARE DEALING AT THE "Opera House Shoe Store. "J J E Wt L E R SNt > M U SIC D E A L ERS. , OMAHA , NEB ; The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in'Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in RECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LBABING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. . I Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Alfjo Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAXMEYER : & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES Large Stock Always on Hand. Opera House Clothing Store ! EO" . Daily Arrivals , of Now Snriug Goods In ClotMng and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , ! And Sold At "STRIOTLY ONE PRICE I" ) I am selling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'e Fine Shirts , known as the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET.