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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1882)
THE DAlLf J3EE-COUSTCaL ] BLUFFS , IOWA TIIUIxSDAr APKIL 6 1882. THE DAILf BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning April 0 " SUBSCRIPTION RATES ! Br Carrier , - - - - - 20 cent * rtr week - - - - - - - 810 00 iwr Ye r Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Nca Broadway. C. E. MAYNE , M n pcr City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Prang's Kastcr Card at Senman's. mchUiUf Have you seen that Tine Display o Easter Cards at Bushnell & Brnckett's. i tnchlleodtf There has been. 11 ! ' marriage licenses issued in this county < o far this year. Miss Oeneve\e ! Itogere , supported hj the Frank Alken combination , are to put in all of next week hero. In the United States court y * tcrdaj afternoin the argument in the cose ol Hollowny vs. the C. , B. & Q , ullw .y . was begun , The county board of supervisors wa < still In session yesterday , but did little ol public interest , the most of the work being deciding certain tax grievances and other matters of individual concern. A special streetcar train was put on yesterday , for the benefit of those w were enxious to get to and from the court houaa from the Ugden house , without get ting drenched by the rain. The new council succeeds In dragging out Its proceedings for Its delight If noth ing else. At the present rate the equali zation | of taxes will take .two or three weeks of nightly meetings. The Pearson' case has had fur ther continuance , nnd Is now set for to day , Tliero seems to bo some trouble among the attorney * , and also o difficulty in finding such witnesses as Jim Gnod- derly , Godfrey , et nl. Henry Swipgert , of the Cnllfcpnia hotisr , has had himself appointed a special policeman without expense to the city , so that he cm preserve orderln that vicinity , rows frequently occurring and no policeman - man near to make arrests. Among the great needs of Council Bluff * is a complete and accurate city di rectory. The last was published nearly two years ago , and even in its day wns not what was needed. It has survived it ) usefulness - fulness and a successor ! a needed , Mr. Slmgart has purchased Mr. Wcis' interest in the building and lot on First avenue , formerly owned by them jointly. Mr. Shugart now Intends building upon that site a four story brick block , to be finished this auminer. Marriage licenses \vere yesterday Is sued to G. W. Jacobs , of Topeka , IKansati , and Miss Carrie Allen , of this city ; to William Cleary and Miss Mnggio A. Tin- dale , both of this city ; and to Rinalds M. ' IFarr nnd Miss Murthn L. Loyd , of this city. city."A "A man by the name of Johnson , a stranger in the city , while testing nome of the poor whisky and equally poor side walks here , took a tumble to himself and tmcceeded in breaking his arm. The un fortunate man , bolnor homeless nni money less , was taken in charge by the authori ties. Ir. ) Lacey was called In to attend to his injuries , and the man wan then tok- tn to the poor house. The city haa taken upon itself , to-bo very economical In regard to nome matter * in view of the financial condition , and yet it in paying for a standing notice blgned by the chief of police , warning everybody not to violate the ordinance in regard to depositing rubbish in streets and alleys. No such notice is needed. * Everybody ix expected to obey the law without wasting money in tolling them not to break it. There seams to bo a disposition on the part of the management of the fire de partment to huddle its apparatus In ono part of the city , iu and about the now en gine houseIt would seem a wiser plan to scatter it somewhat , and'give other sec tions of the city some protection. There is a Urge amount of valuable property south of Broadway , along Main and Pearl streets. Why not BO place the apparatus as to put Home of It In that part of the city ? The case of William Probetele , better known as "Dutch BUI , " was called up before Judge A.ylesworth yesterday morning. 0. It. Scott , acting as county attorney , caused the charges ot vagrancy and of robbery to be dismissed , there being - ing a lack of evidence tn substantiate the robbery charge , and Bill having already remained long enough in jail to form n fair' punishment for vagrancy. lill promihed to leave the city at once for the city's good. I.1 CItyAttorney Mayno nnd Mnwhn Jackioa paid an oiiiclal vMt to the old frame building jutt cunt of the Bryant house on Broadway. They found it in a deplorable condition , and some of itx occu pants fully in keeping. The building is an old log one , and Is among the earliest laud marks , but hai passed ita day of use fulness , and citizens deeming It n tinder bo * , want it removed as a miUance. The city attorney U not quite decided whether it can legally bo done or not. I One solitary drunk booked a "Ghostly Bill" appeared before Judgi Aylesworth yesterday morning. Jle had only a little change in his weasel-akin nnd so stoutly asserted that he was n lab oringman , who bad unfortunately taken a diop toi much , that bl honor told th marshal to set him at work for a urlef * ea , * eon , and then let him leave. Jackson ac cordtngly awarde.i him the contract o cleaning up about the calaboose , and while the officer' * back was turned , the prisoner climbed over the barbed-wire o the fence and went forth to seek his fort unes anew. Some of the builneis men on Pearl atreet , just south of Broadway . .petitioned the old council for a crews-walk to be put down from In front of the board of trade entrance to a point across the etreet. Thin petition Is among the lierltance * left to the new council , and action upon it is being urged. It will meet with opposition , as there i < arising a just feeling agalntt the cross-walks being laid down. They prove annoying and troublesome to teams , tut they break up the streets , and they cause ths city much additional expense , benldei much bother. l erj businew hous wants a crowalk directly in front ol il nnd the ixstltioni come In thick and fust One is about as much entitled to consider atlon M another. The only seemingly fai way is to do a way with them cltogcthcr \cept at * treet corners. Much annoy ance to nldernien , much trouble to team * much expense to the city can be saxed by liavin ; them all done away with. The Inaugural. There are some features in the late inaugural of Mayor Uowman whicl naturally excite some comment. Ono ia the remarkable absence of any utterance toranco regarding the enforcement o ordinances and the bettor preserving of law and order. Ho recommends an increase in the pay of policemen , but lias not ono word to say nbout the increase in their clticiency and excou tion of law , Another feature which naturally ex cites comment is the boorish praise given to the railways , nnd the proud shoffinir of the amount of taxes paid by them. Nearly one-fourth of the inaugural is devoted to n free pun"of the railways , and what they have done for this city. Another interesting feature is the exhibit of the assessments made , show ing that in 187 < i the total of real and personal property was SO IH HU ; , while in 1881 it had shrunk to $2- 32'.i,250. ' , lias not the city grown any in five years f Have not the railroads , ivhifih hold so much property hero , and ivhoso payment of taxes is BO paraded , iwellcd the assessed valuation any ? Why is not the growth in the city in Heated in nn increased assessed valu ition rather than a shrinkage ? This itrnnpco slate of things is lightly passed > vcr by the inaugural , the only lomments on the facts being that 'they may proyo of some interest as a [ uido to public duty in the matter. " Chora is some disappointment felt hat some moro direct words were not [ ivcn concerning so important a foa- uro ot the financial condition. The organ which supported Mayor Jowinan must feel a littln disappoint- d over the kindly words which lie ; ave in his inaugural to the city im- irovomcnts , for which the organ so inmorcifully thumped the old council , nd also the kindly words which ho .as for tho1 poiico fund , including a iroposcd raise of salaries , which force ho organ pronounced as corrupt time nd again. The organ must have for- otton the charges it brought against JhiofjFiohl , for when Mayor JJowman ccommomh that the chief's salary hould bo raised to 81,000 , the organ ironounces the suggestion a sound no and endorses the whole inaugural n like manner. They Swept the Board , tclnuy I'lalndcalcr-Tclc'ifrapli. As the time for the municipal oloc- ion in Omaha approaches , the Herald nd Republican , of that city , who iavo not now nnd never had any con- option of the rights of laboring men , nd who , during the late unpleasant- icss , took every opportunity to force hem to bow to capital by unceasingly irging property owners and the state lilitia to hold the "degraded rrotches" in the lowest depths , are low in a tnrriblo state of fear that the lonost bono and sinew of that city ssort their rights at the pells. Every isuo of these journals is teeming with ditorial matter calling on their brass- ollar friends to uao their utmost on- [ favors to keep the "yellow dogs nnd lumnod rascals" from capturing .tho ity offices. While pounding the poor nen ever the head in the merciless fianner they did a few weeks since , hey lost sight of the fact that every nn of these laborers nnd their friends af whom there are many among the roll-to-do classes of .Omnha ) , hadpro- iaoly the same right , nt the polls an hey did , and now that they have been ompolhd to throw down their hand n the labor question , as regards ro- lunorativo wages , it ( lashes most ividly across their benighted brains hat the game is not got concluded nd the enemy is about to rake in the list ppt and all the political capital of ho city of Omaha. PoatolUco Changes. The following are the postoflico Imngos in Iowa during the weak end- ng April 1 , 1882 : Established ArthurHcnry county , Mrs. Martha J. Young , postmaster ; lavelock , Pocahontas county , S : H. jill , postmaster ; 1'aulona , O'Brien : ounty , David H. Adkinr , postmaster ; ( lenwick , Ilumboldt county , Frank I. Stoddard , postmaster ; Somorsvillc , Boone county , Frank M. Somers , postmaster. Names Chanced Book's Crook , Shelby county , to London ; Now Bor- gun , Emmett county , to High Lake. PostmartcrB Aj > i > omtod--Bontons- per } > Van Buran county , A. II. Stevens ; Braddyvillo , I'.igo county , \4 , C. Lnwronco ; Gtirloy , Shelby county , Mrs , Mary T , McDonald' ; County Linfj Joll'urson county'L. A. Braun ; Hickory Grove , Monroe county , Win , Battiu ; Mount Etna Adams county , Jacob W. Foes ; Pro tivin , Howard county , F , Chyle ; Hut land , Humboldt county , Ernest A Wilder ; Slaylo , Kookuk county Frances M. Shaw ; Western College Linn county , Isaac N. Potter. Doalb in Dirt. The following uro the transfers o real estate reported , as taken fron the county records , by J. W. Squire it Co , , abstractors of titles , rpal cstatu and loan agents , Council Bluffs. H. P. Mudgo to A. H. Emarino B i , sw 27 ; BO , so 28 ; o A , no''Kl ; n A nw3t ; aw , uwJ4 ! ; 75-4J $8,000 , " Treasurer Potta. Co. to Henry Daw son ; I in ! , Btutsman's 1st add. to city-82.62. SV , II , Arau ( han to J. L. Homing ton ; 1 in.11 , Mullen's ' suV city 801 S. A. McMahon to ( ! . E. Smith ; 8 in n Curtis & Hamsey's add. city 8325. G. S. lUco to J. A. Taylor ; u half B rand nw , BO 1-75-41 81,8JO. ( J , Schroeder to Ij. S. Axtill ; par 11030-77-23-825. e , FRESH LOT OF MULES. Mace Wise has just received 50 head of fine mules , which ho otters fo sale at low prices. Call and BOO then at MACE WIHE'H BAU.V , Scott street near Broadway , Council Bluffs m30-4t THE MYSTERY UNSOLVED No Corpse Yet Discovered to Account for the Cry of Murder at the Flo- tel Shots. There seems to be no satisfactory explanation discovered yet to account ' .or the mysterious doings in the rooms on Houston street , ai. account of which was given in yesterday's BKK. The neighbors and others are confident that there was some bloody deed committed , and seem determined that the corpse of a woman is to bo found concealed somewhere in the woods , but as yet no such ghastly spectacle has been brought to light , and no now evidence secured. Be sides the broken vial and the snide seal ring found at thu spot , there has boon picked up seventy-five cents in silver , which wns apparently dropped by Bonio ono of the parties concerned the mysterious affair. The evidence thus far obtainrd is that two men and a woman rode thither ; that the men were boating the woman ; that shots were heard ; that screams and outcries of murder were heard , and : hat the men returned alone ; but as ; o who the parties were or what they really did no ono seems to know. Among many the impression pre vails that the whole wns H bawdy rower or n drunken trip , in which perhaps n revolver wns fired , frightening the lorso and causing a spill-out. The dctcctivo talent of the policoforco _ lias an excellent chance to show itself- WILD DRIVING. Tom Prmdlo Is Keeping- Shady as the Result of His Afternoon Rlclo. The young man concerned in the runaway accident on Sunday , in which us companion , n young woman , wns njurcd and the rig smashed , still ccops out of the road of the officers. Yein further information it appears hat his name is Tom Prindlo and that 10 is a plasterer by trade , The horse ind buggy belonged to Holland & SVaijnor's livery stable and was lot to tim for the purpose of a two-hours' ride in the country , under the pro- eiiao of collecting some money due lim. That time having moro than > assod , the proprietors became uneasy ind in looking after the young man , Vfr. Holland spied him just driving up n front of the St. .Too house , in company - pany with a girl. Ho had just order- ad beer for the two when Mr. Holland topped up and , taking the horse by he head , told the young man ho had Irivon long enough. The young fol- ow assured him ho was just going to .rivo to the stable , and Mr. Holland rood his hold. Instead of going to ho stable ho whipped the horse ilmost into a run and skipped out round the corner. In a few minutes Ir. Holland gave chase on horseback , ) ut was utmblo to overtake him. The ext ho hoard of the rig was when a oy brought the horse back to the nd told him that the buggy had been mashed , the girl had some ribs arpkcn. and tha young man had kipped. In company with a poiico ) fficer Mr. Holland tracked the rounp man to the St. .Too 1 ouso , and vould soon have had him , but the poung fellow was' too slick , and by etting himself down from an upper irindow escaped , and has not reported inco. The horse was badly injured ind the buggy smashed , so that the lamngd is estimated as reaching fully 5200 , to say nothing of the fact that ho girl is so badly hurt as to require urgical and medical treatment. It vas a wild Sunday afternoon ride , ind the young man is not probably uixious to face the consequences. WILL HE DO IX ? rho Plain Instruction Under Which Marshal Jackson Is Expected to Act. The ordinance defining the duties of the city officers , declares that it shall bo the duty of the city marshal : To cause to bo enforced within the city , the laws of the state and the or dinances of the city , in relation to iconsos and traffic in intoxicating iquors , the suppression of gambling louses and houses of ill-fame and vagrancy. In addition to this the city conn cil has lately passed the following : Resolved , That the mayor and marshal bo , and they are hereby in structed to enforce rigidly and iiu partially the ordinance defining mis doncanor and fixing punishment ; also the ordinance concerning the closing of saloons and tippling houses. As in well known the city ordinance referred to provides that saloons shall close at 11 o'clock at night nnd shall keep closed on Sunday. The poiico have reported a number of violations of the 11 0'elook ordinance , and have also reported thirty-threo saloons ns open last Sunday , and the names have boon inado public in TUB BIE. : Whul does the marshal propose to do aboul it ? It is not the province of ofilcora to decide whether the ordinances are good , bad or indifforont. There was it wonderful alacrity shown in onfor oing the ordinance driving the wagons oil' Broadway , It now remains to be Been whether a Hko alacrity is to bo observed in enforcing all ordinances What is sauoo to one is sauce to another. What will Marshal Jaoksoi do in view of the instructions given him ? A Coloroa Policeman Thu proposed ordinance taking the power of appointing a park policcmai out o ! thu hands of the mayor has been passed by the council. The now ordinance provides that the counci may employ two men to work in the parka at $40 per month , said men to have power to preserve order iu the parka. It is stated that Mayor Bow man promised the colored folks to ap point one of their number aa a police man , and that ho sought to fulfill thii promise by making Charles Warner t park policeman. Some of the counci ! think that this is a sort of evasion , and that ho should make his promise good by appointing n colored man or the regular forco. The mayor's powei to appoint n park policeman boinj taken nway , it remains to ba sceti what ho will do. The council witl probably employ Walstein and Jack son , It appears that each of the par ties striving for power nt the last election promised the colored folks to have ono of their number appoint ed on the regular police force in case of success. After Mayor Bowman was elected the colored folks sent him a petition asking for the ap pointment of Adam Topert upon the force. Instead of doing so , the ap pointment of Warner as park police man was made , and now the council lias knocked that all over. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The Proceedings of the Convention Opened in Noola To-Day. To-day the Sunday School conven- ion of Pottawattamio county opcnj n the Presbyterian church at Kcola. A. number from this city intend to bo ) resent during moro or less of the ) rocoedlngs. The exercises thin oven- ng consist of devotional exorcises nnd in address. To-morrow morning the exorcises will open twith devotions , ollowod by the discussion of such liemea as "Tho Sunday School , nd Present , " "Importance of Or ganized and United Effort in Sunday khool Work , " and a special address. In the afternoon'.tho report of supor- ntondcnts and delegates will bo re ceived , the temperance question will DO discussed , a children's mooting will bo held and the themes , "Things That are Respected in Sunday School Work" and the "Teacher Out of School" will bo discussed. Election of officers and other business will bo ransactcd. The 'sessions [ promise to ) o very interesting to thoao concerned n the work. Arrangements have been : uado for entertaining the delegates , ind the schools of the county are ox- iccted to contribute ono cent per capita toward defraying the expenses. PERSONAL , . ( ! . B. Jennings , of llssex , Iowa , inado i pleasant call at THK BEK office yester- lay. , Mr * . J. M. KewcU and Mrs. 11. M. losick , of Des Moincs , former residents ) f Council Bluffs , are in the cltv visiting rlends. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IOWA ITJiMS. The now court house at Burlington , jostinfj § 150,000 , is now ready for oc- : upaticy. A company for the manufacture of aundry and toilet neaps , is being tvorkcd up in Marahalltown. Under the new road poll tax in 'owa , male citizens over forty-five rears of ago are exempt from work. In March the papers in twenty-five livorco cases were filed with the clerk ) f the court of Polk county. For the first three months of 'tho i oar real estate of the value of $ Q08- , ' 80 changed hands in DCS Moinea and ? elk counties. The prospects of an abundant crop > f all sorts of fruits is excellent. 3omo damage by wpim weather hoa Doen done in localities by the warm February weather , and cold days fol- > wing , but not enough to cause se- lous damage. In Des Moincs on the 1st a score or nero of people scornfully passed an Did pocket-book lying on the side walk. Couldn't April fool them , finally a boy picked it up , and opon- ng it found two $20 gold pieces , three 510 greenbacks , two § 5 greenbacks ind some small change. Profit , 31,20O. "To sum it up , six long years of bod-ridden sickness , costing $200 per year , total 81'JOO all of this expense wns stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters , taken by ray wife. She has done her own housework for a year since , without the loss of a day , and I want everybody to know it , for their benefit. N. E. Farmer. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT10K. Special advertisements , ur. Lost , Found , To Loan , For Palo , To Itcnt , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low rate of TF.N OKNTS PER LINK for the first Insertion and FIVK CENTS I'KIl LINK for each subsequent Insertion. Lcavo adv crtUcmcnts at our otllce , No. 7 l'i rl Street , near liroadwar. ITJANTJJD AttUe , Intelligent Boljiltora for YY the Mutual IJoncflt Association of Council for towns and i > otm les In Iowa. Apply ] > Honally or bj letter to the Secretory. atf.-Jiv \TTANTKD-A widow lady with four chll- W drcn ttants to keep home on a farm. For liutlculuH inquire at Iloo Olllce. - coed ruper hanger ut once. WANTKO-A licard , Council UlulU UEXT- One or two unfurnished rooms , EOU or without board. Convenient to trans or. Mrs. W II , Braduurj , Fourth me- niie , ecceiicl nv t door west Seventeenth street. _ _ _ apB-lit It. W. U I'ATTON I > h } lclan and Oculist. Can cure any casn of sere eye * . It lJ only a matter of time , ami can euro K ncrally in from three to thu wecki-tt niakea no Uilfer- unce how Ions diseased. Will straighten cross ejcs , operatu and rcmo\o PljrfglnmB , etc. , and nuert urtlllclal CJCH _ _ _ ap5-t ( TOR BALK-llea-itiliil residents lot ; & 00 L1 each ; notlilujfUoMti. and tfJ per veck only , by E.N-MAYOH V.VUQHAN , aplS-tt _ NVONi : WANTING eorcellno qu llty broom corn seed tan iff t It bv writing to uplS tf 1' . I1. JIAYNE , Council niufl . jnOH SALE-5n. die Mexican N tlo jttl 31.COO Jj coupon bond : vtiluo and history < iknown , A. . I'ACKftKI ) , mtO-7t _ WeUon , Iov > a _ To buy housoftnil lot on monthly WANTED . Addrca X , lieoofflce. marlS-tf , ' \\rANTKD 'lo rent ueinill cotlago at cruel W Address C. M. , or enquire at E K olllcc. - rent-A ten room homo In WANTED-To neighborhood or tMocnullet houses side Hy side , Address I' . O. Box 7U7. Council Uluft , or applu at UKB offlco , Council " r ig-ll Even body tn Council Bluffs late WANTED THS BBH , 20 cents per week , de Ihurod by carriers. OtBce , No 7 I'earl 8treo.t < near UroaiUay. _ _ To buy 100 tons broom com. WANTED address Council Uluffi Broom factory , Council UluBs , lova. 663-mt Oil SALE Old papers 260 per hundred , al The Uee office. Council Bluffs. M87-U poll KENT ! * rgo tout * , centrally located , JJ nice ground ! , etc. , 8J5 per month. iTB roffic . TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Public .in PINE GROCERIES. With Everything in Staples at the Loweat Prices , Fresh Roast Cofiees , Ohioce Drawing Teas. Boston Tea Co. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , ' Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTtJUEU OF Road , Track , Coach 8s Livery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. K. II. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CIIU1STOPHE3 , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY , We keen everything yon want in First Ohss , Choice , Clean QEOCERIES and PKOVISIONS [ t will pay you to look our es- ; ablishment through. Every- ihing sold for Cash , and at the very closest margins , We have a line of lOo CAJSTJSTED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern andWest- > rn Goods put up. All Canned Goods reduced 10 per cent. Send for our Prices , Strict attention paid to Mail Orders. Agents for Washburn's Super lative Flour. F , J , OSBOENE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office nnd Worka , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We give special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment ot Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , OokeCoal , , OHAS , HENDBIE , President. 2 , OSCAR WILDE 2. GAS FIXTURES. Bixby & Wo9d , THE. PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MAURER & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Qloas , Pine French China , Silver Ware &c. , 340 BROADWAY , COUNCIL 1ILUFFS , IOWA. MES , W. fl. HILTON , M.D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , S22 Bronilwoy , Council Bluffs- Drs ; Woodbury & . Son , Cor. Ptarl * l t A\e. COUNCIL BLUFFS. W. S. AMENT , JACOB BIM8. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law , COUN OIL BLUFFS. IOWA , HARKNESS , ORGUTT & CO. , RY GOODS AND OAEPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-3m -r - - J. MUELLER'S JhiokermgWeber. . Lindemau , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdott , Western Cottage , ! Tabor and Paloubot Organs , $50 andupward. Musi IM : cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a' specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , Toys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re 'TJ tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cosh and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Jourqal tree on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , i 103 South 5th Street. C IB COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHEER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention clvon to all consignments. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W . SI. IFOSTIEJIR , WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled and iklhcrcil to Express office free ol charge. Send for Catalogue , FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairincr , Etc. . Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 430 Broadway , Cor. jBryant St. , Council Blufla , Iowa. FbWA WYOMING COAL HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , STARR & REYNOLDS. 107 Main St. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS'.IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO IBICES DUPLICATED. COTTBBTC3X3C. 3B3C. U Jb-Jb'S- - X Vfr REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved -and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landa , and a number 01 Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - CPU VOILi BLTJFS ELEGANT ! ELEGANT ! The New Styles for 1882. WALL PAPER I Largest Stock in Western Iowa. SEND FOE SAMPLES ! Geo. R. Beard , 11 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MMBMM a HHB V TT 1 JrC daMi I WE CAKRY THU LAKQEST STOCK OF FINK BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Counci Bluffs. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive. Z. 'T. ' 'LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,