Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
* m I DAILY Bi JiJ : THURSDAY AI'JRIL C , i882 THE DAILY BEE 010 F rnhsm , bet Cth and 10th fitreelt. TEUMS OK SUBSCRIPTION , O fl moolhi cop7 lCirIn iT ' ncopMnJ ( ! ! ) . . (10.00 " . . . 6.0C mwlh " I1 . . . S.OO T 4JLWAY TIME TABLE , 1 CA I > rnicAoo , r. PACL , MixKRiroua isa .OMAMA lUILDOAD. Lt vo Omaha Pattcnger No. 2 8:30 , : * . m. Ao > tmrcJjUlon No. 4 , 1:0 ( p. m Aitl'tOranlitt riMcnecr No. 1,8:20 : p.m. ftccn- edition No. 8 , 10:60 : n. m. t\Bt < 3 OMAHA IA8T Ok JOtTtfl 10DRD. ' C. , B. & < ? . 7 : < 0 a. to. 30 p. m. C. ft N. W. , 7U a. m. 3:10 : p. m. 0. , R. I. 4 P. , 7:40 : ft. m. 3:40 : p. ro. K. C. , St. J. & 0. B. , leaves tit 8 ft. m. and 6:30 : m. Arrive l8t. Louis at 6:30 : at. m. nd B:52 W.J flt.L. 4 P.leAicat8 ft. m. nd 8:40 : p. Arrttcs a St. Louis tO:40 : a. m. and 7:30 m WMT OR Bocrnwnra. D. * M. In Neb. , Through Etprras , 8 : > . to. D. * it. Lincoln Exprcw 8:20 : p. m. U P. Overland Exjirwu. 1U : P. ni. 0 , * R. V. for Lincoln , 11:45 : . ro.j 0. A K V. for O eool , 9:40 : x m. C. P frclcht No. 6 , 8:30 : a. m. a. P ' rciglit No. 9 , 8:20 : x tn. U. P. freight No. 18 , 2W : p. m. C. P. frolchl No. 7 , 0:10 y. m.-omif ! n . -P. ! Denver express , 7:35 : p. ru. R. I1 , fwirht Nn 11 , 11:30 : p. ra. . U. P. DenvM freight , 8:56 : p. m. AH1VUIO fUOM IA8T AKD MUTO. C U. fc V ' 4CO : IN. m. 7:2S : P m. C. fc N. W. , nis : a. rn. 7 : S p. m. C. R. I , ft P. , 9:46 : . tn. 9.05 p. ra. A. C. . St. Joe bO B. . 7:40 : . m.-8 : 5p. Attamfd rsoM TUB WEST ASD 0. ft U. V. from Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. U. P. Tuciflc Kxprt-Mt 3:25 : p. tu. . B fc V. In Ncli. , Through Express 4U : P ro P. 6 II. Lincoln ExprcsH 9:40 : a w. J C P. Muivcr oxnrc'n , " : S1 a. ui. % U. P. freight No. 14 5:50 : p. iM U..P. So. 8 6:10 : x u > . KmliT ant. U. P. freight No. 11 , 12:1G : p. m. U. P. No. 8 9:00 : p. m1. U. P. Kfl. 12-1:45 : a. m. ' U , F.Dentcrfrulirbt.lilOa. m. ] A 0. & R. V. rulxei , ar. < :15 p. m. T Pt'MUr IBAISfl B rWI3S OMAHA AHO COUNCIL BM.TW. LC.VO Omh at 8:00 : , 9OT : , 10:00 : ami 11:00 : P m. : 1-0 ! ! : CO , 3:00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 p. > n. Lvo Council Bluff at 3.23. 9:26. : 10:26 and ISS6 i.m. ; Iffl * . 2:55 : , 3S5. : * and 6:2S : Pm. . Sun > * yn--Tho ! duicmv ICRVM Omaha t 9.00 and 11:00 n. m.2:00 ; : , /'M ' V Oonncll Clutls t 9X5 : tnd 11:25 ft. m. ; Yss , 4 . M nd fi : p. m. ThioJuh and loavl pMscnyei twlni between Omih * mid Council Bluffs , tjwro Otn h6:15 : , 746 ! , 8:60 : n. m. : 8:40. : 6:45 : , 0:00 : . _ ' " A .vs ° Oin hi--:40 : , 11:35 , 11:45 a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , , :16 , UO p. m. t Opening enl Cloilng of M ll . HOBT CLOSB. ft. m. p. m. ft. m. p. m. 1 Business Directory. 1 Abstract and Real Eatata. JOHN t. McCAQUE , opposite Post OOce. W. R. IJAUTLETT 817 South 13th Street Architect ! . DUFKENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 11. Crclghtoa Block. A. T. r-AUGK Jr. , Room 2. Cielebton Block. Booti and Shoes. JAMES.DBVINE & co. , Tine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment home work on hand , corner ISth and Ilarney. THOS. ERICKSON , 8. E. cor. Idth and Doujclai. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 30B 10th Btreet , manufactures to order good work at [ lr prices. Reoalrlncdono. ' Bed Sprlnct. .LARRIUER Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlu it. Books , Now * and ( Stationery. J. I. FRUEUAUF 1015 Farnhun Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCHROEDER , too oldest B. and E. house to Nebraska entiblUhed 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTADRANT , 1IR3. A. KTAN , lonthweii corner ICthand Dodie. ; . Best Board for the Monr-y. Sttiahctlon GuAranieed. Vllliat all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Tlnn Carriages anrt Road Wagons. WM 8NYDER , 14th and Harnev Streets. Clothing Bought. He J , HARRIS will pay hlgheatCaih price for second hand clothine. Corner 10th and Farnham. IF Ct oewo er . JOHN BAUMER 1S11 Farnham Street. JunK. H. BERTH OLD , Rags and McUl. B. Lumber Lime and Oement. B.BlU FOSTER & ORvY comer flth and Douglas Sts. Lampa and Qlassware. } . CONNER 1303 Douelas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A. LINDQUEST , One ot our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re s ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen a wear. StylUli , durable , and prices low as ever 21613th bet. Doutr.&Fnru. T ] Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , ih Hosiery , Gloves , Coreeta , &c. Cheapest Houae In the Weit. Purchasers save 30 per cent. Order by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WEARNE&SON8 cor.Hth& Jackson 6t TO Hour and Foed. OMAHA CITY HILLS , 8th and Farnham Sts. , and i Welshans Bros. , proprietors , Dal Wei Grocers. Hal t STEVENS , ! ltt between Cumlng and liar X. A. MoSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Streets. Isu Hardware , Iron and eteel. run sag OLAN ft LANOWORTHY , Wholeaale , 110 tof Sloi 113 16th street SloiT A. HOLMES come 1Mb nd OallfornU. dll narneis , baddies , * c. Clt ] the B. WEIST 20 13th St. bet Faro. A Barney. and nee Hotels ; ANFIELD HOUSE , OM. Canfleld.Sth & Farnhau i DOR AN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 918 Farnham St. c SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. you the Southern Hotel Oils. Hamel 9th &Leavenworth Thr Drugs , Halms and Oils. KUHN & CO. rhftrmaclits , Fine Tana Goods , Coi. Htn and , Douzl > s ktreeta. W , J. WHITEHOU.OE , AVbolcsale&ReUll , ICth st. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR. Prugglst. IQtn and Howard Streets. Dentists. vPR. PAUL Wllllamt'Block Cor. 16th * ; D lge. Ury Uoooa Notions , ttc. JOHN U. F. LEilMANN & CO. , Hew York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 131 } Farn * IIAUI struct. L. 0. Eniwold also boots and shoes 7th & Pacific. Hai com ines furuiture. A r. GROSS , New and Bwond Hand Furniture nd Stoves , 1114 Dcusrlas. Highest caab price aid ( or second ban j zoodi. BONNBR 1308 Doorla * t. Finn gftodi. he. r free Works. OU4EA FENCE 00. BTJHT , TRIES 4 CC 121tTarneySt. ! , Improve sd Ics Boxti , lice ftcd Wood Fences , Offica Pa' > lnir ( . ( Yinnlrc ? ln and Walnnl. Pawnbrokers. o i -BOaKNTELD , 10th St. , , ft Hal Olgar * and Tobacco. WEST & FRITblllKH , mimifnuuicrl Ot Ctfirs , anil WholfsMo Dettenl n Tobacco * , 1306 DoaglM. ff , T. LORKNZEN manulMturer HID i'atnh m Florist. A. DoniKhiio.'planU , cntflower * , seeds , coquets sre. N , W. cor. l6th aud Dourlas ttreeta Olvll Engineers and Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATF.R , CrclRhton Block , Town Surveys , Grade and Sewerage Systems * Uommltalon Merchants. JOHN O. W1L LIS.Hll Dodge Street. D B. 13KEMER. For ilftAlls see large ftdrertlse. tnent In Dallv ftnj Weekly. Cornice Works , Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Cornier , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofiln ? . Orders from any locality promptly executed In the best manner. Factory and Office 1213 Harnoy St. C. SPECHT , Proprietor. Galvanized Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. ) manufactured and put up In any part of the country. T. SINIIOLU 416 Thirteenth street Crockery. J. BONNER 1309 Douglas street. Good llns. Clothing and Furnishing Qoo < a. OEO. H. PETERSON. Alw HaU , Caps , Boot * , Shoos Notions and Cutlery , 804 8.10th street. Refrigerators , Oanfleld's Patent. 0. f. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. ft Ilarncy. Show Case Manufactory. , 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ol Show Cases , Upright Cases , ft . , 1317 Cam St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street , between Leavonworth and Marcy. All goods wtrrantod flrnt-clMj. Utovot ana mwara , . A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators Odd Fellows Hall. ' . Physicians and Surgeons. W. S. GIBBS , V. U."Room No 4 , Crelghton Block , IGth Street. P. ti. LE1SENR1NO , M. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , onp. poetofflco DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurlst. S. W 15th and Karnham Sts Photographers. GEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. FUst-cIaes Work and Prompt aetw guarantcen Plumbing , Uan and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. , 210 Uth St. , bet. Farnham ind Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street. alntlnt : an aper anKlng. TKNRY A. KO TKUS. HI Dodge Street. 8hoa Utorei , Phillip tan 1820 Karnhfm ft. h l ! S h A 14th. Second Hand Store , ? ERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douglas St. New and iocond Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , : c. , bourht and sold on narrow marrlns. : ualoons. HENRY EAUFMANN , n tne new brick block on Douglas Stroat , has Just opened a most elegant Boci Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. Caledonia " J FALCONKR 67016th Street. Undertakers. HAS. RIEWE , 101 * Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. 60 Oont Stores. O BAflKTTR 1205 Fmmham St. . Fancy Goods SYPHILIS n any.atago Catarrh , ECZEMA , r ) ld Sores , P P Pimples , ci cib 3OI-LS , b P : or any P1ni IMn Diseas . i nis Cfot ot ota sipi pi inii \ii \ urea When Hot Springs Fail 811 MAVKR.V , AEK. , May 2 , 1831 di Wo hive 01304 In onr own town who lived at of it Springs , and nerollnally cured with S. S. 8. McCAHJio.v&Mnili. olPi Pith YOU doubtcomo to ice us and WE WILL IRE YOUR OR charge nothing I ! Write for th rtlculars and copy of little Book ' 'Message thor the Unfortunate buffering. or 81,000 Howard "ill bo paid to any of cmist ho will line ] , on analjsla 100 bottles et S. U. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide rotas- m or any Mineral substance. in SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. us Atlanta , da. 'rice of Small size , $1.00. th e elzo 81.75. th Sold by KENNARD BUOS. & CO. , lei iuta Ucnerallv. do ionx City & Pacific tli kn > 3B SIOUX CITY HOUTB us oa : Runs r. Solid Train Through from Council Blufia to St. Paul coi rat /Ithout Change Time , Only 17 Hours ha IT is C O MILES THE SHORTEST ROUTE ins fnc nox OOUNOIL BLUFFS vie ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS to DULUTH OR BISMARCK dif all points in Northern Iowa. Minnesota and [ Ota. This Hue la equipped with the Improved stlnghouso Automatic Air-brake and Mlllo fisl tform Coupler and Buffer : and for 181 SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT as nsurpassed. Pullman Palace Stooping Car aw through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kau City and St. Paul , via Council Bluffs and son ix City. rains leave Union Pacific Transfer at Couu. BluflJ , at 7:35 p. m. dally on arrival of Kansas r , St. Joseph and Council Illuffs train from South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 p. m. , at the New Union Depot at St. Paul At 12:30 : An { 'HOURS IN ADVANCK OF ANYJOTHER AnT ROUTE. At STRomember in taking the Sioux City Route Ook get a Through Train. The Shortcut Line , OokJ Quickest Time and a Comfortable Ride In the J xmgh Cars between caa COI'NCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. the STSeo that your Tickets read via the "Sloui ' and Pacific Railroad " Prc S. WATTLES. J. R. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Oen'l Pass. Agent , you ' . E. ROBINSON , Asa't Gen'l Pang. AK t. , moi Missouri Valley , Iowa. caning W. E. DAVIS , Southwestern Agent , finunH Rltiffa low * ing nou S. KALISH , seri HE STAR TAILOR. fool plai tal 1 Door W , of OriMsliank's ' , rela relaI now a fine complete Stock of Spring Goodi I listing of Kiench , English and the boat Do- ont tics. Prices low or the lowest , uih Iv eno ixterL-TlioinasMro. and - . iniii WILL BUY AND SELL not had AHPAU torn not OOMKICTIO TUiBiwrrn. y Taxes , Bent Houses , Hto. acne lor TOO win to BDT os am brai OS : Room 8 , OrtVh'on lu O 'Ooulu. 8001 ing THE COMING OP.EA.T COMET. Some Speculations Tnoso * Erratic Wixnderora Exolto. Xew Yori Sun. Iftho comet that was discovered by a young astronomer in Albany a wcok nco fulfills half of the promises made for it , wo may expect to behold , in May or Juno , n coleslial nncctnclo such us has not been equalled since 1838 or 1811. This comet , nlthougli some 200,000,000 miles from its peri helion , which it will not reach for thrco months , shows n bright tail nnd n atar.liko nucleus. The inference is fair that Iho comet is a very laraoono , and that when it g ts into our neigh borhood it will mesont a mncnificont appearanco. Jloreovur , Professor Chandler's figures atiow that the comet is plunging almost straight at the sun , which it will probably approach with in 100,000 miles The only other comets in the lonp list-of those bodies whoso orbits have been calculated , ivhich approached anything like as near to the sun as this are the comet of 370 B.C. , the comet of 1068 , the comet of 1080 , often called Xuwton'n comet , the comet of 184 ! ) , nnd the comet of 1880. The last named was observed only in South America and Australia nnd at the Capo of Good Hope. Concerning the comet of 070 I ) . C , , of which frightful things am related , and which is sad | to hnvo split in two , not much is known , but the measurements mndo in the other cases are generally to bo depended upon. In fact , it was the nearness of the approach of the comet of 1C80 which Ird Newton to anticipate possi ble peril to the earth from the tall .of a great comet into the sun. This is not the popular view ot the , danger from comets , the fear usually being that they may strike the earth , or produce pestilence by mingling the aubstnnco of their tails with our nt- mosphnre. Of late the other view has been made more conspicuous , espec ially since Mr. Proctor's recent nrli- clo on whitt ho calls the inonncini ? comet of 1880 , which ho anticipates may return in 1807. The appearance of this now comet on the heels of the discuasior awak ened by Mr. Proctor's suggestion gives the subject renewed interest , espec ially in view of the announcement that the coining comet is going so : loao to the sun. Unless the calculat- 3rs have inado a very great blunder it will pass through the corona , and , if , largo enough , may graze the luminous itirfnce. It should bo noticed that ; here is a discrepancy between the os- imatcs of the perihelion distance nado by Professor Chandler , of Har- ; ard University , and Professor Ross , if the Dudley Obsrrvatory , the latter inking the distance considerably ; reator than that above given. Uoth igreo , however , that the approach rill bo a close ono. The question yhethor the earth may not nt some imo bo in danger from a great comet 3 all the more interesting because ncn of science are not exactly in ac- s 1 , ord upon it. Mr. Proctor is not the nly astronomer who thinks that if or. . ver the world is to bo destroyed with r.a eat it will bo when a great comet r.d lunges into the sun. Even those who liink Mr. Proctor is mistaken in his tlb : tla ( inclusions admit that , given a comet ! ig enough and massive enough , un- ir a oubtcdly its fall upon the sun would irfc rove disastrous to the earth. But fcre ioy say it would require a body hav- reel ig a mass something like that of Ju- olW olal iter to produce such cfl'ects ; and com- W al ared with Jupiter , the most inassivo alhi Dmots over seen are more pigmies , hia iesidcs , there seems peed reason to a : oliovo that a comet would alfr , on ap- fr reaching cloao enough to the sun , bo frdi di tilled to pieces and so drop picce- diw leal into the great orb , the fall being w Bl rolpnged perhaps through many rov- fc lutions , so that the accession of heat msed by the conversion of the com- alci /s motion would be distributed over ciw considerable period of time. Bo w des , as Professor Young has pointed cc it , if a comet fell into the sun the aih crease of heat would bo mainly h < tli iod up in producing expansion of the in's orb , and would afterward bo ra- aluc atod out again through a long .space uc . Another COat years. very interesting > jcction haa been raised to Mr. atd rector's theory , namely , that as IT d rcc-quarters of the surface which isl o earth presents to the sun is cov ed then with water , such an increase al- the sun's heat as the fall of a coin- alS might producn would cause a great lal crease of evaporation , which would o up the extra heat and so protect en o earth from harm. According to ty bo is view wo are icasonably safe so inca Dg as the oceans last nnd the sun 03 not got too hot. ca Of courao the reply may bo made to gr < in ese objections that although no ) fri own comet is great enough to c use harm by its down-fall upon the ag rth , yet wo do not know but that tic mete exists thoitrands of times tuoro tssivo than that human po any eyes hit vo over seen , and that such a comet iy at omo time pay us n visit. In na it wo have had a rather distant i - , iw of ono comet that really aoomcd belong to an order of magnitude an lero'nt from that of ordinary comets Th * sort of celestial wants among yeme . This the me ics. was famous comet of Ll which had head kit , a almost as big the sun itself. But it kept far. tin ay , its perihelion distance being slu no ninety million miles. CO ] tin no ; PRESENTMENTS. clu Br Investigation of the Causes ] of cia hobo Dark Forebodings which fas [ ako Powerful Men Weak , the len Kule. thi rluch apprehension haa been oc- the ionod throughout America from km announcement inado by Professor fos > ctor that the return in nineteen am rs of the great comet of last sum- att r will cause the destruction ot the n ill . th. But while people are bocom- of BO strangely exercised over the an- hin incomont , an event of far moro pee ous importance , which is taking are 30 to-day , Booms to bo wholly over- pnc < ed. The nature of this most vi- disi subject can bo boat explained by disc [ ting the following experience ; of lishop E , O. Haven , known to the croi ire land , was unaccountably awak- con d ono night out of a sound sleep , von lay awake until morning , Ilia crei id seemed unusually active , and he upo only reviewed his past lifo , which two been an eventful ono , but laid ox- of > ivo plans for the future , Ho did ofnou fool especially ill , but could not oft > unt for the unusual activity of his dps < in , nor for the restlesanow which give nod to possess him. In the morn' Fwv ho had but little appetite , but wag mes apparently well in other respects , n n few days , however , ho began to feel restless and morbid , Although ho tried earnestly to overcome the feeling which had taken possession of him , But try as ho would the shadow of some evil seemed to follow him , nnd ho was conscious of n gradual sinking nnd wasting away of all his physical faculties. Ho had been mi earnest nnd dilligunt worker , nnd in his zeal frequently over-taxod his strength , nnd being ab sorbed in his duties , failed to observe ' the common aymptons with which ho was ntllictcd , thus permitting the work of destruction to go on mi- heeded. But the end finally cnmo in a most peremptory manner. Shortly before his death ho wrote ft loiter-- the last ono ho ever indicted- which ho speaks ns follows : "A belief that death is near affects different minds differently , but probably all who nm in n fair condition nnd mental strength instinctively shrink from it with an indefinable dread and horror. A dying man Is no more nblo of himself to foresee his onn deotiny or the destiny of these ho loaves than ho was before ho began I to die" The recent end nnd sudden death of Clarkson'K. Potter is ono of the most serious warnings ever given in the long list of innumerable cases of fatal neglect. It is not aufliciont to say that many other brilliant men , incluomrr 12vorctt , Sunnier , Chase , Wood , Wilson , and Carpenter , woio swept away by the same fatal iroublo. The question is , wcro those1 mon suf ficiently careful of their health , nnd could they have been saved ? The Albany Arcus , in speaking of Mr. Potter's sudden illness and death , says : "Ono of the physicians * who at tended Mr. Potter hero was inter viewed last ovoninij. Ho u'tatod that Mr. Potter's inability to converse hnd for sonio time served to b.illlo the physicians in their ctforts to deter mine the root of his illness. It eoems , however , that. Mr. Potter , some two years ago , suffered a slight attack of kidney disease. Unwieo dopbnconco upon a robust constitution and natu rally perfect health , and neglect of proper clothing , doubtless sewed the seeds of disease that needed but some juch personal neglect as that of Tiles- Jay morning to develop. From the lymptoms at first shown , it was thought that his only trouble was lorvous prostration ; but hia longcon- ; inuanco in a semi-unconscious stale cd to the belief that his illness was icatod in a chronic dilliculty moro nysterioui nnd dangerous. Up to the latter part of last year Mr. Edward F. Rook , a member of ho New York stock exchange was loing business in Wall street , Now fork. Ho had everything to on- ourngo him , and made lifo Jinppy , nit was the victim of unaccountable ineasinoss. His oxpcrienco as de- cribed by ono who know , was as fol- w jws : "At unexpected times , and on ccasions when ho had the greatest sason io fcol joyous , ho was irritable nd haunted with atrango feelings of iscontont. Ho endeavored to check ioso feelings and appear plouiant , ut it required a great effort to do so ; Ftcr which ho would again relapse ito his former morbid mood. This eling continued for a number of lonths , wheh ho became conscious Fan added sensation of lassitude. Ho as tired oven -when resting , and though experiencing no acutp pain , ad dull , aching sensation in his limbs nd vanouspartsof his body. Shortly [ terward his head began to ache most cqucntly and his stomach failed to igest properly. Being told that ho as Buffering from malaria ho con- iltod an eminent physician , who in- irmed him that his kidneys wore ightly effected , and gave him modi- no to restore them. But ho grow orao it. stead of better. Ho then insulted other eminent doctors of lothor school and was informed that 3 had a brain difficulty somewhat in 10 nature of a tumor , but in spite of 1 efforts to the contrary ho contin- id to grow worso. At this time his indition was torriblo. What WCTO first simple symptoms had ivcloped to tsirriblo troubles. 0 was flushed and fever- i , constantly uneasy , and yet ivaya weary. Ho had an intense ap- tito ono day and very little the next. is pulse was irregular , his breathing N bored , and every moment ot oxist- ce was n burden. Those disastrous mptoms continued , his face and All K dy became discolored , his heart was ItQr cgulnr in its action , and his breath Qr < mo in short , convulsive -gasps. Ho rca con ow constantly worse , notwithstand- rcaT ; r the utmost precautions of his IllBITl ends and finally died in the greatest Bale ony. After his death ai' oxamina- A in as to the actual cause was made , chu Cur ion his brain was found to be in a rfoct condition , and the reason of 1 disease was of an entirely different turo. " The experiences which have boon od above all had a common causa d were the result of ono disoaso. lat disease , which so deceitfully , t surely removed the people nbovo 8 intionod was B right's diuoriso of Blffl Inoys. In the case of Mr. Rook DOO 3 examination after death , while ctot trot iwing the brain to bo in perfect strc idition , revealed the terrible fact strcFl it he was the victim of a elight kid- thtc y trouble , which had gone on un- crcct Boked , until it resulted in acute t iglit'a disease The In tl , leading physi- crcc ns and scientists of the world are air ) t learning that moro than one-half Tl ) deaths which occur are canned by or > tru K s monstrous scourge. lti | ono of lent' > most deceitful maladies ever Incl ( ant own to the human race. It inani- lain ts itself by symptoms so slight rcct1 acco i common , as to acorn unworthy of rcct1Al ontion ; and yet these very insig. Injf' ' .cant symptoms are the first stages Injf'T the worst complaint known in the the tory of the world. Thousands of even iplo have died from troubles that Onia will called heart disease , apoplexy , Bald tumonia brain and Til , fever , similar am i jasos , when it was , in fact , Blight's Kit jaso of the kidneys The ravages bo m thii disease have boon greatly in an J i Jrc8i _ _ . _ , - 1 r ll. e L ii V - - - if i wed from the fact that until re-1 t years no way was known to pro- " t its beginning nor check its in- IBO whoa it had bocotno once fixed n the eyatoin. Within the past years , howovcr , wo have learned moro than four hundred pro- need cases of Bright's diaoaao many 1601 i hoiu uiucli worse than thoao above jribod. and moat of whom had been m up by prominent physicianswho Omal nls. e been completely cured , The 0. F ina uacd to accomplish this end haa been Warner's t > fe Kidney and Liver Cure , manufactured in Rochester , X. Y. , n remedy that has won its way into the confidence of the public solely upon the remarkable merits it pos sesses. As a rcJUiL it is more niacly used and thoroughly praised than any medicine which 1m * ever boon before the American public. Indeed , there M not n drug store in the entire land whore it cannot bo found. Although Bright' * disease N so common in cities , it ia atill more pro. 'rnlcntin the country. When emin ent physicians in the largest cities are not able to recognize Bright'a disease , it is only natural that in the country , where tlioro are few physicians of nny kind , nnd these few so unacquainted with the disease na to call it by some other name , It should rngo terribly and yet unknown to the ones who are suffering with it. Thousands of people - plo can look back and recall the death ( if fri ends from what waa supposed to be some common complaint , when it was really 11 right's disease , and no ono know it. The terrible plcuro- pneumonia , which has been ao dreaded , ia usually the result of tiromic or kidney poison , Lung fever can bo traced to a similar source. Most cnscs of paralysis arise from the satno dilliculty , M well as ' innumerable fevers , 'lung , throat , head nnd bowel troubles. A vast number of ladies have suffered and died from complaints common to their BOX called * Ticrhnps , general debility , trhen. could the real cause have been known , it would have boon found to bo Bright'a disease , masquerading un lit r nnothor nnmo. In marked con trast to the sad cases which have been above described are the expe rience * of many prominent people ivho were ns low as nny of the persons iimitioticd , but who were remarkably cstored to former health nnd vigor > y this snmo remody. Among this lumber are the following prominent mines : Colonel John C. Whitnor , \llana ! , Oa. ; II. K. Larrabv ! "s on , Mnss.j rjonornl C. A Icckmnn , Phillipaburg , N. J. ; Rev. ) . D. Buck , D. D. , Geneva , N. Y. ; > . F , A McManus , Baltimore , JVW. ; lilwin T'ay , Havonport , Iowa ; Rev. \ . C Kendrick , LL. ! > . , Itnchoator , f. Y , ; J. S. Matthews , Portland , ihch ; C. W. Eastwood , Now York ; ) r. A. A. Ramsay , Albia , Iowa ; Chan- cllor C. N. Sims , D. D. , Syracuse , . . V. j Dr. S. P. Jones , Marionette , Vis. ; T. H. Ingraham , Cleveland , 0. ; lonry T. Chnmpnoy , Boston , Mnss.j ! ldor James S Prcseott , North Union , > . , who is n prominent member of the rmker community , nnd many others. To all candid minda the force of th.o bovo facts must como with special ower. They show the importance of romptncsa nnd attention to the first fim'toma of disordered health bo- ire disease becomes fixed and hope pimrts. They show how this can iccossfully bo done , nnd that the Angora winch await neglect can only ilh difficulty bo removed. DC "WINE OF CARDUI" mafcei rosy Us anil nlcnr com lexioiiR. -FOR HIGAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , EWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts fast and South-East , TI1KLINKCOMP1USK9 'parly 4 OIK ) sullen , HelM Smooth Steel Tracks connections ro male In UNION DhPOTS. has n National llopntatlori n holiiir the : at Through Car Line , nnil In unlicmally reded to ha the FINEbT EQUIPPED Half. t ! In Iho work ! for all classes ul tra\cl. ry It and you will IlnJ traveling a luxury tcart of u discomfort. lirough Tickets via ihN CclchratoJ Line lot at all o'li'i"t In the Went. II Information about Uatui of Fare , f leenlng . \cocniiundatton9 , Time Table" , ic. , will hi ) oifully cUi'ii l > y apulvlnln ? to T. J. HOTTEU 2d Vira-crim't & Gen. Jlviagcr-Chlcajo. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Gen. I'ubsciv.iT Ajl. Chicago , W , J.1 UAVIINl'OKT , Gelt Audit. C'onntll IlnlT ! . K. I1. IJUKLL , Ticket . \Kt.Iomaha. morn-cd Iy DnsalH for FaviilKLStrootn in the City of Omiiliii , riobraika. ualccl prodosalg will bo reecho J by the under led until Saturd y , April 15th , Ibtj2,1' o'clock n , lor the pa/liiir o ( JJoiixlas strict nnd the is BlrcutH between U nulls nnd Karnham n Olh to lOlh btrca * . Including Uth arid lUtb eta , lr > t , For a foundation i f concrete 0 Inches In kneis with a supcrstruituro compoiiel of a leotu.l Ludar block K Indict In length got nith lalt KI d sand , icond , For a found tlori o [ concrete 9 Inchca hlckneiii with a bintcretructute competed ol uotol [ ilne plank d li.c los In length , not vlth lalt and Band. nrJ , For a loundatlon ol chan conna Bind ratvl 12 Incbei In thickness with a miper. cture toinpoued ol wdir block 8 inches in th and not lest than 4 nor moro than Sinches lameter to lie eet with utphaltand mn < l , The I or gravel lor foundation .to hu thorouifdly I mod or rolled. All Die work to be done in rdanco with upctillcatlona and under the dl > Ion of the city engineer , .10 , tin1 city Mill consider proposals for pav * with Klin blocks or an > other material , or other mode of coiutructlon , I proposals or bids Hhall bo accompntcd by names of proposed luretlon , who , in thu it ot contract bclni ; awarded enter Into a bond with the city ol ha tor thu true aud faithful performance ol contract. leclty council reacrtei the ri.-ht to reject aid all hUs. itolopei containing propolis 0' bldl lhall larked "l'rOK | ) alu for I'at in , ; Doughs Street Jrosj Strceta In the City of Omata , " aud ad- ledto the undcr l n d. J. J. L. C. JKWKTT , libha. March 10th , 183. . City Cleric. iteskaLandigeni DAVIS & SNYDER , I Furnham 6t , . . . Om h , Nebr * iOOOOO dXUEIBI uUy btlectod land lo Out/era Nebraska lei Great Barctlni la Improved f rmj , will hti city property. Spi . .DAVIS WKUSTKB IKTOKBJ LiadGatc'l U.P. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. ARLINQTON. SARATOGA HOTEL. MARSH HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSE , OITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , ORANO CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , ENO'8 HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , MORGAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , UUDKINS HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL. CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOI EL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , COMMERO AL HOTEL , DAQNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKIN8HOU8E , GALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , GRAND PACIFIC , WOODS HOUSE , DOUGLAS HOUSE , EXCHANGE HOTEL , PROPRIETORS J. Q. MelNTIRE , J. S. 8TELLINIU8 , DROWN8VILLE , JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL , CHENEY & CLARK , J. Q. MEAD. . | 8EYMOUR , P. L. THORP , A , O. CAARPER. O. W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. E. U ENO , 0. B. HACKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. L. OHUDB , SWAN & DECKER , JUDKIN3 & DRO , , GEO.OALPH , O.M.REYNOLDS. D. H. WALKER , 8. DUROESS , DI 0. WILLIAMS , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , J.IL. AVERY , J. W. DOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS. CHAS. DAQNELL. tVM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , D , F. STEARNS , J. NORTON , JOHN EOKERT , J. 8. DUNHAM , O. D. HACKNEY , TOWNf Lincoln , Neb. Mllford , Nel > , Neb. J Slromthurjc Na Loultvllla Olalr , Neb. Nellgh , Neb. Nabrntka City , Nab Weeping Wnter.Ne Hardy , Neb. Greenwood , NebJ Clnrlndn , Iowa Eremont , Neb. Athland , Neb Atklnion , Neb , Outdo ftocd , N b. Oreiton , la. Red Oak , la. Extra , la. Atlantic , la , Audubon , la. Neola , la. Harlan , la. Corning ; , la. Stanton , DurllnRton Junction , M * Dlanclinrd , la. Shen.nndoali , la , Diyld City , Neb. College Sprlngt , la. Vllllica , la. Malvern , la. IdafGrove , la Odebolt , la Columbus , Neb. Oiceola , Neb. Clarki , Neb. Athland , Neb. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND V IE IR , Mining and Milling Company. forking Capital - fSOC.OOO. upltal Slock , $1,000,000 ar Value ot Shares , 25,000. JTOOK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BBAMBL MINING DISTRICT. ' Ir DR. 3. I. THOMAS , President , OJb'ibMCCJUJbCS Cummins , Wyoming. i WM. E. TILTON , Vice-President , Cummins , Wyoming I B. N. HARWOOD , Secretary , Cummlna , Wjomlns. A. G , LUNN , Treasurer , Cummlna , Wyoming. r. J. I. Thoruis. Louis Miller W. S. Unmet. A. O , Dunn. , N. Ilirnood. Francis Loarcni. Oeo. II. Faloa. Letrii Zolmaa. Dr. J. C. Watklns. > 2Srn om OKO. W. KKNDALL , Authorlicd Agent for Sale ol Stock : to" * * n-.o , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN : four , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and 1I 1 All Grocers' Supplies. I i A Full Line of the Best Brands of MES IMUFAOTUBED TOBACCO , rents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWDEB CO -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 FarnhamgStreet , A'.B. MILLAHU. K. ] ) . JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , korage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STEEET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED , ; ents for Peck & Bauehers Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour , > MAHA , - - - NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. : OSTER&GRAY , WHOLESALE- .UMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , I. OBERFELDER & CO , , HOLESALE IILLIMET AM NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. ring floods Receiving Daily and Sfcook veryjiearlypomplBta