Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
i 1.1 V VI'A IV ' * * v/ A uu i : . OMAHA DAILY BEE : THCBSDAY. APKIL 6 1882- ADDRESS OP K. S. MOLONY , OP ( NEBRASKA , Before the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives of the United States. > lr , Clitlrmiui atid Ocntlcmcnjol.tlie Committee I appear before you as one of the nine delegates appointed by the St. Joseph convention , November 2lth. ! 1881 , which convention represented four states and two territories , viz : Missouri , lown , Kansas and Nebraska and Dakota nnd Montana territories , said nine delegates to represent said states nnd territories , before the com mittees of commerce of the congress of the United SUtos. Said conven tion momoralized congress for the creation of a Missouri river commis sion to consist of seven members , throe government engineers nnd four citizens , ono from lown , one from Kansas nnd ono from Nebraska , and for an appropriation , which , in the judgment of said commission , shall bo adequate to be expended by them under the supervision of congress , for the general improvement of the navi gation of the Missouri river. The basis upon which said convention stands in making this application to the congress - gross of the United States , is a report to congress through the chief of en gineers of the U. S. Army , by Charles II. Sutor , major of engineers , who has been for two or three years past in charge by government appointment of the survey and improvements of the Missouri River. Said report can bo found in Doc. No. 02 , house of representatives , forty-sixth congrcBi , third session , dated Fob. 2 , 1881. Major Sutcr by methods and plans , detailed in said report ( which was so clearly and satisfactorily explained to this committee yesterday by Mr. Allen , representative of Kansas City , ) assures congress that n channel for the Missouri River can bo located nnd its location permanently fixed , for low and high water ns well , of not less than 12 foot deep of water , of sufficient width for all wants of com merce from its mouth to Sioux City , Ia. , 800 miles with greater ease and rapidity and with less cost than any other river in the country , and says the Major , the value of the improve ments herein outlined can hardly bo overestimated. Tho. river , by , f do vices nnd expe dients , detailed at length in said re port , which Mr. Allen has made so plain to you , is made the agent for creating its now banks and securing its new channel , the cost not exceed ing $10,000 per mile , or 88,000,000 for 800 miles. I am before you ; gentlemen , for the purpose of showing you that the claims of the Missouri division of the grand Mississippi valley and its terri tories are not loss than these of the upper Mississippi. The Ohio nnd the lower Mississippi divisions all have no merited much , very much , moro con or sideration than they have received ci' from the general government , but the AI Missouri valley , the most interesting th and important of them all , has been nc simply ignored. The commission soUi asked for the Missouri river is essen Ui tially the same as the commission in fu existence on the Mississippi river pcm since 1870. It lias worked well on m that river. Its call for money has RT been heard and its use of money fo appropriated , approved of by con sh gress , all of which wo approbate most nc cordially and asked for them much in moro of the same thing for the na so tion's welfare. In all this congress ar affirms the expediency , nationality ar and constitutionality of the nppropri- in tions. to tions.Now , I proceed , if the committee te please , to show you that the Missouri ohTl Tl Division has claims for aid in money for the improvement of its great river , bo from the national th ; government at least equal to the divisions of the upper us Mississippi , the Ohio or the lower seth . The th : Mississippi. Missouri River Vol ley , embracing the States of Missouri , ov Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska , nnd the po territories of .Dakota nnd Montana , th ; say the "St. Charles delegation , " in no their "plea for the Missouri llivor , " is in the most interesting nnd Important , in the least known and best abused of VII the four jrrand divisions of the Mis th ; sissippi Valley. "To the popular di mind , it was twenty years ago , and to an some extent it is still , ( after you have th traveled fifty miles west of the Mis an souri river ) a vast treeless region of M little rain-fall. Hero was the Great 111 American Posort. Hero the sage th brush dominated the vegetable king an dom , and yet , notwithstanding all the pc evidence , to the vc contrary , a largo per tion of the people of the United States pn still regard it "a lal as region of drought nnd scanty herbage , the homo of buf thwi falo and grasshopper and the natural wipc abiding place o " "the Sioux Indian and pcn the U. S. army. " pcbj bj ' JJut for the facts , which are oflicinl ; bjm h The Missouri river division has 525- , m 000 square miles ; the upper Missis y sippi has 162,000 square miles ; the rj Ohio division 214,000 square miles. pn The Missouri river division is three in n times as largo ns the upper Mississippi , tr Hi over twice ns largo ns Ohio division , trm and nearly equal to the Ohio and ar ( I , lower Mississippi divisions combined , ou : The corn of the crop Missouri divi la sion in 1880 was 580,000,000 bushels , mi or more than one-third of miwi - that of the wi whole United States. It wa 82 per wiwt cent of the of the corn crop five upper ne 3Iississippi river states. It was more neM than double that of all the Atlantic we states , their corn crop being 253,000- , ha 000 bushels. Kansas and Nebraska , 81 ? including Dakota , during the fiscal 00 ) year ending Juno 30th , 1880 , sold an 5,000,000 acres of public landi , or ca more than one-half of the pub- co lie lands sold for that i i year tin in the United States. This tndi- ba cated a marvelous growth and settle- tin montof that fertile'section , and is til predicted by one who is well qualified Stl to judge that in five years the four iv states * of the Missouri division will ) produce more grain than all of the K upper Mississippi river states. Mis tru souri , Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska coi produced , in cereals of nil kinds in wl 1880. 780,000,000 bushels. Dakota foi and Montana during the year ending of Juno 30th , 1880 , contributed to the of gold and silyor coinatro of the country en 8,500,000. The Missouri division been now contains a population of 5,000- on 000 , Out of it cnn bo carved ton pn . states as large as Illinois and as rich wli 'in ' agricultural , and far richer in win cai oral wealth , and from the rapidity of bil its settlement under the stimulus the of on improved Missouri river 30 ! this division of the Mississippi valley ig will have a population of 10,000,000 I * under the census of 1800. The num I pot \ ) ! \ paid by the producers of the Missouri valley for transportation by rail of their products in 1880 in excess to what they would have paid by water transportation , had the Missouri and Mississippi rivers been wollimproved , equals fully the estimate made by the Mississippi river commission nnd that of Major Hutcr , for the improvement of the Mississippi nnd Missouri river * combined. It is safe to Bay that n fixed and permanent channel of twelve feet deep at low water on the Missouri river from the mouth to Kioux City , and on the lower Mississippi , with width sulllciont for the purposes of their commqrcc would save nt - - . . . --.i. ono half of the freight now pain to the railroads by the producers for the transportation of their surplus pro duce to homo and foreign markets The division of the Missouri river is in the geographical center , cast and west , of the United States , uOO miles from Duluth , 740 from Chicago nnd 080 miles from St. Louis by mil , while the other annul divisions before rolorred to nro ono hnlf of the dis tance in reaching by railroads the markets above named , thus showing the great necessity to the Missouri di vision of the improvement of its great river. In fact , gentlemen of the com mittee , the people of the Missouri , Mississippi and Ohia valleys , ns well , regard the permanent improvement of their great rivers by the general gov ernment n necessity. Wo have no doubt of their national expediency and constitutionally. The necessity for them is so urgently felt by our people , that upon that question there will be no divisions among the pooplo. Upon tariffs , finance nnd most nil other questions parties will form among us , but upon the question of an improved transportation of the ox- pnnsa of the general povonunont from the Yellowstone , St. Paul and Pitts- burp ; to the Gulf of Mexico , our dele gations in congress will bo as ono man u favor of it. Who are the people , calling for the improvement of these rivers ? They inhabited , cultivated and are developing "tho vast broad producing area of the world , " Ihis territory reaching from the Allegheny mountains on thn cast to the Rocky mountains on the west , and from the Dominion on the north to the Gulf of Mexico pn the south , drained by the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and their countless tributaries , upon whoso ! rolling floods to the sea , it has been decreed by n power higher than man , shall forovcr ride free its inter nal commerce. This vast area con taining 20,000,000 people or more , inhabiting twenty or moro states , paid of the internal revenue of the nation in I860 , 70 percent. Its inter nal commerce is one-half of the inter nal commerce of the United States ; twelve times as great as the foreign r.ommorco of the United States , and oqunl to the foreign commerce of the civilized ' world. The vastvalley of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their navigable tributaries , has now nearly half of ( ho senators and repre sentatives in the congress ot the United States , nnd in the very near future , we shall have a majority of the people of the United States. We can tnako and unmake presidents and con- Tress and our urgent needs and calls , for the improvement of its rivers , ihould not , and cannot long bo ig nored.The west and the south have these great water highways an ab sorbing aud common interest , and wo are sure very soon , to come together , and net as ono nun drawn by mutual interest , ( if for no stronger motive , ) solve this question , supremely in teresting to us nnd tothom , in favor of jheap water transportation to the sea. Tlieso rivers will bo a bond of union between west and south , created by ho Almighty , nnd destined to make orto people forever , commercially , locially nnd fraternally , and the giving ho producers of our glorious union jverywhoro nn assurance of its endless lorpotuity. While I represent here ho Misrouri valley , especially. I , lor the people whom I have the honor , part to represent here have our ntprests hemmed in by state or di vision lines , but the upper Mississippi , ho Ohio nnd the lower Mississippi livisions , have our liveliest interests ind support. Further wo nro also for in .ho Honnppin canal , and the Illinois tli vnd Michigan canal nawuniting [ Lnko no Michigan nnd the head waters of the tli Illinois river , nil of which should nt ri the earliest day practicable bo made iv ind enlarged nt the expense of the ivbe people of the United States , BO that beTl resiols drawing six foot of water can ai pass nnd rcpass from our northern aiKl Kl lakes to the Gulf of Mexico nnd return , at thus opening up n cheap water high atWi way , forever free to the producers nnd people of the Missouri and Mississippi HCWi Wi rivers , and their navigable tributaries , Wim lakes or gulf at their election. But say sectionalism , selfishness and ai th monopolies of every hue and'shado , you will bankrupt the national treasu yt ! I think there is no cause of alnrm that score. Our Atlantic seaboard the past fifty years have received Ci trom the national treasury many times Cibi moro than Uio millions wo of the west \TO now asking for the improvement of CDl mr rivers , a largo amount of your At- antio , appropriations hnvo boon , of nore than .doubtful propriety. Still hnvo berne it if wo have not ill- vays consented. Also for our conti- lontal railroads , running from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean , G the people of the United States , mvo Riven probably not far from 100,000,000 , in money and § 200,000- )00 in land , for their construction , ind not ono expression of alarm same : from the recipients of these For soloasal ! appropriations lost AK , , thereby , ' national treasury would become mnkrupt , so I think these gentlemen nay safely dismiss their fears now lint ! the people , producers nnd con- timers ! nliko , uro calling for. the nion- from the treasury needed to com- lew loto these vast continental water nghways which will give the cheap nuisportution , which will ever con- lecrated nnd free to the people nnd vhich has become n nntional necessity the roirulation of railroads. All our demands for the improvement these rivqra and the making nnd mlargin of these canals nro nnd will according to the estimates of gov rnnient exports nnd will not exceed .robubly 8100 )00,000 ) , the value ol rhich to the people of the country not bo overstated , if cauntnd by lillions. Hut look nt the condition of Uuited States Treasury on the Oth of September , 1881. After pay- nil the ordinary espouses of the ; ovcrnment for the last fiscal year , elisions , interest on the public debt and largely reducing its prin cipal , wo had a balance in the treat- ury , drawing no interest , of $250,000- ' 000 , or about that , which amount will bo increased by the . ' 30th of Juno next to about 83riO,000,000 , the govern ment bonds readily taken at three per cent. So wo , the people , think if our draft for 8100,000,000 should bo honored by congress from time to time there would bo no danger of its bursting I'nclo Sam. In the langaiigo of another , "Was there over such an opportunity for statesmanship over before granted t'o the legislators of any people ? .Shall such opportunities bo improved , or shall we , as hereto fore , allow certain great private nnd selfish interests to thrust themselves richt across , nnd so block the great highway of national developments ? " THE B. tt M. EXTENSION. The Work on the Grade is Nearly Completed. Arspilioc I'loneor , From n surveyor who has been "at the front" a reporter gained n few ad ditional items ono day this week re garding the extensive railroad build * ing going on west of hero. The grad ing is completed and rails laid to 144 miles west of Gulbortson , or about GO miles west of the state lino. From hero to Denver the grade is almost , if not quite , ready for the rails , with the exception of several half-inilo grades , which w > ll bo completed in the course of a month , and the "big cut , " which has yet some sixteen foot of ground to bo taken out before the general grade contemplated is fin ished , although trains will bo run over this work before it is entirely com pleted. Many of the sub-contractors nave completed their- work and quit. Our informant estimates that the rails will bo laid through to Denver in eight weeks. The hishcst grade over the rood , going either way , ia but forty foot to the mile. The company have commenced work ou a good depot - pot building at Arkon , which it is supposed will bo the first Colorado di- vioion station , and they have already laid out depot grounds and built aomo half down switches and side-tracks. A Vexed Clergyman. Kven the paUprjce of Job would become exhausted were ho a preacher and endeav oring to interest his audience while they wore keeping up an incrcHsant couching making it impossible for himto _ bo lieard. Yet. how very easy can nil this bo nvoidud by Kimply using Dr. King's New Discove ry for Consumption , Coughs and Colds. Trial Itottlcs given away at Schroter & liccht'x drug Rturo. Tbo Queen's Household. Chambers' Journal. The clerk of the kitchen has a sala ry of .1700 a year and his board , and to aid him in his work he has four clerks who keep all the accounts , chock weights and measures , and is- BUO orders to the tradespeople ; ho has alee a messenger and a "necessary woman. " Besides these ollicials of her majesty's kitchen , there is the "chef , " with a salary of 700 a year ; and four master cooks at about 350 annum each who have the privi- Eor : go of taking four apprentices at premiums of from 150 to 200 each two yeomen of the kitchen , two M > Blatant cooks , two roasting cooks , four scourers , thro i kitchen-maids , a store-keeper , two "green oflico" men. , and two steam apparatus mon. And in the confectionery department there In are a first and a second yeoman , with salaries of 300 and 250 , respective ly ; an apprentice , three female assist ants and an errand man ; and , in ad dition to these , there are also a pas try cook and two fcmalo assistants , a baker end his assistant and three codec-room women. The ewer de partment , which has charge of all the Jinon , consists of a yeoman and two female assistants only , The gentle man of the wino and boor cellars or , properly speaking , her majesty's chief butler has a salary of 500 a year. Ho has -select and purchase wines for the royal establishment , to super intend the decanting , and send them qp to the table. Next to him are the principal table deckers , with 200 a year each ; the second table decker , with 150 ; the third , with 90 , and an assistant , with 52 their duties being - ing to superintend the laying out of the Queen's table before dinner is nerved. The plato pantry is under the cnro of three yeomen with sala ries of $100 , $150 , and $120 , respect ively , besides lodging money and board a groom and six assistants , A These ollices are of great trust and N Mi are not overpaid , seeing that at a MiEr rough guess the gold and silver plato ex Windsor Castle alone is probably lea cu worth about 3,000,000 , and includes tri uorao very precious specimens of art flv workmanship. The getting in of her prW majesty's coal muet bo an important co and : arduous task , as no fewer than chmi miRe thirteen persons are employed all the miI year round on this duty alono. Re A Favorite Cough Remedy rci For Colds , Bore $ hroat , Asthma , rcif Catarrh , and other diseases of the bronchial tubes , no more useful article f can bo found than the well known "Brown's Bronchial Troches. " upri-ooditwlw FAST TIME I In going Kait take the aff Chicago & Northwest- tli ne 8P11 Trains leave Omaha 8:40 : n. m. and 7:10 a. m. lull Information call on If. r. DUEti , Ticket \KVHt , Utli and Kunharn Uts. J. UKLL , U. I' , 'itllway Depot , or at JAMES T , CLAHK , Goner- Agcin , Omaha. jalTnite tt W. J.CONNELL , A.TTOENEY - AT - LAW. Owe * troutKooms ( upstair * ) Inllanscom D brick bulldlnir , N.Y , corner Fftcentb ed 'o Murray & Lanman's ' 'alac FL81I01 W/ITEi Sad We , , . - . . . . - . . _ . . - - - , . / , * miii ir > tftrtmrf n * cn Pest for TOILET. BATH roAT rest. : A I nd ( HAHBKEB.CHIEF. | lfe w STOMACH & BITTER5 For a ipiartcr of a century or more Hostettot's Stomach M tiers lias been the n\sn\ag \ \ peclfle for Indlgestlondyftpep l , fever and tpnc , 1053 of physlralBtaiTina liver complaint and othtrdlvir aen.'and has been most emphatically Indorsed by medical men asn health acd strength rcitor atlvc. It counteracts n tendency to premature decay'and smtaius and comforts the aged and Infirm. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally. nl to ml TRUTH ATTESTED. Known People "Wholly Verified. In order that the public may fully realize the genuineness ot the statements , AS well as the power and value ol the article of which they speak , we publish herewith the fac-slmlle signa tures otpartles whoso sincerity is beyond ques tlon. The Truth ol these testimonials Is abso lute , nor can the fact * they announce bo Ig nored OMAHA , NIB. , May 24 , 1881. II. H. WARKXR ft Co. : DEAR Sm : I have frequently used Warner's Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure .or local affections attendant upon severe rheumatic attacks , and have always derived benefit therefrom. I have also used the Safe Ncrrlno with satisfactory re sults. I consider these medicines worthy ol confldcucfl Deputy Treasurer OIUOA , NUB , M y 24 , lt > 81 II. H WARKIR ft Co. , Rochester , N. Y.t QBXTS : I hart BM typur Safe Kidney and Liver Cure this spring as a Ivor Invlgorator. and 1 find U the best remedy I ever tried. I have used 4 bottles , and It haa made mo ( eel bolter than ever I did before in the spring. U. P. R. Shops. 'OMAHA , NKB. , May 24 , 1681. H. H. WAIUIIIR&CO. : SIRS : For more than lo years I have suffered much imonvenlonce from combined kidney and liver diseases , and have been unable to work , my urlnuy orgins also being affected. I trled'a great many medicines and doctor ; , but I grew worse and worte day by day. I was told I had wnsovor known to euro tna disease. and 1 "have not been disappointed. _ The medicine has cured mo , and I am pcrfcc'ly ' well to-day , entirely through your Safe _ KIdney and Liver Cere rcmili xi all tucc sa In publishing this valuable icdftbroutfh thn world U. P.R. R. Shops. Thousands cf equally strong endorsements many of them In cases where hope was abandoned have been voluntarily Riven , snowing the remarkable power of Warner's falo Kidney and Liver Cure , all diseases cf.tho Kidney * , liver or urinary or- Kan a. If any one who reads this has any phys ical trouble renumber the great remedy , mePULES ! PILES ! PILES ! A S&re Cure Found at Lastl No OnoNeed , Suffer } A Bare euro ( or lillnd , bleeding , Itching and Dlccrkted Plies has boon discovered by Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box h&s cured the norst chronic cases of ZS or SOycaro standing. No ono need sutler flvo minutes attcr applying thla wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , Instru ments and electuulea do moro harm than good , William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense Itching1 , ( particularly at night alter getting warm In bed , ) acts as opoultlco , gives In stant and palnleM relief , and IB prepared only for Piles. Itching ot the private pares , and lor noth luir elso. Head what the lion. J. U. Ccfflnbcrry of Clove- and says about Dr. William's ludlan Pllo Oint ment : I have used scores of Flloa curce , and It afforda mop eajuro to nay that I have never found anything which gave ouch Immediate and perm * ncnt relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For tale by all druggists or mailed on receipt price , 11.00. 11.00.HENRY HENRY & CO. , Pyop'r. . , CUVU.IKD , Omo. For tile by 0. F Goodman. MERVOUS DEBILITY , D. A Cnro Gnoranteod. Dr. E. 07 West's Ncrre and Uralu Treatment spccl&a far Hysteria , Dlizincss , Convulsions , f Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Loss of llemory.SpcrmatorrhoKt , Impotcniy , In > oluntary all Emissions , Prcnmturo Old Ago , caused by ovcr- exortlon , self-abuso , or over-indulgence , which leads to misery , decay nnd death. Ono box will euro recent cases. Ka h box contains ono month's treatment. Ono dollar a box , or six toscs for flvo dollars ; tent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With ; each order received by us for six boxes , AC. companled ; with flvo dollars , will send the pur chaser our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not cQYct a euro. 0. I f. Goodman , Druggist , Sole , Wholesale and Detail Agent , Omaha , IScb. Orders by mall at regular price , d&wlv THE KENDALL PLAITIMIACHIE ! \ DRESS-MAKERS' COMPANION , It plaits from 116 of a n Inch to Milth In the coarsest felts or uncut silks It 1 docs all kinds aud styles of | laltlnfr in use. No ] lady that doca her own dress-making can ifford to do without ono as nlco plaiting is never out of fashion , If seen it sells Ifrelf. For Uachlnej , Circulars or Agent's terms address CONG All & CO. , 113 A.dainBSt. Cbtcai-o 111 , ( e til 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880 , og KANSAS CITY , 3t Joe ( fcOonncil Bluffs J , OT U T8I 0.1LT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST Prom Omaha and the West. ch .nj o ( cm between Omaha aud 61. uoait , and but one between OMAIIA and NEW YOHK. . Daily PassengerTrams tuim Be KUCItlSO 1U > m : TERN AND WESTHIN CITIK3 with LESS lead GIIAUQKS and IN ADVANCE of ALT. tui ; OTHEK LINKS Mil cnUro line lJ oqulpjwd with t BUgplUK Curs , I' 'iOa ! > ay Ccachc nt afctv I'latlorui anil Coupler , and Iha cui to ' ' nghoute Alr-brakf. aJ. AT ca that your ticket r * Jl VIA nAKSAS ITV , tT. JOSEril & COUN01I , ULUi'ra IU II , via Bt. Jooeph a J fit. Loula. Ttckcb ( or ttlo ai all COUIKIU itatloni In tb ( . J. F. 11AUNABD , 0. DAWES , den. Suut. , 8t. Joseph. Mo Ocn. VIM. aud Ticket fc-t. , St. Joseph , Uo. HWf BOCDIM , Ticket Agent , ICiO Farnham iticet. 4B. Diuifta Oencral Accol , OUAUA , KK Burdock BITTERS J on suffer from Dyspepsia , use llUnDOClv 'LOOD BITTKRS. II you arc aflikted * 1th Biliousness , use IIUUDOCK JILOOD IJlTTF.nS If you are prostrated with tick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD B1TTKRS II your Bowel * are disordered , regulate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. II your Blood I * mpurc , purify It with BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you hac Indigestion , you will find an antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you are troubled with Spring Complaint * , er adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Ifyeur Liver Is torpid , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver la affected , you will find a sure re storative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any species of Humof or Pimple , tall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curathe remedy will be found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 1.00 pei Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ott FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Co , , Props , BtTFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish ft McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Je 27 cod-mo English Eemedy iNerer tails to cute Nervous Debility , VItal - tal Exhaustion , Emls ( ions , Seminal Wcak- ncsies.LOST MAN HOOD , and all the evil effects of youth ful lollies and exces ses. It stops pcrmv ilicntly all weakening , imoluntary loss sand drains upon the sys tem , thr Inevitable re- , , , suit of these evil prac tices , which are so destructive to mind and body and make life miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Ncrvc9Brain , ( momoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Organs , It restores to all the organic functions their former vigor and vitality , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , 93 a bottle , or four times the quantity 810. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Letters ri- questlne answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills . .re tr s best and cheapest dyspepsia and blllloua euro I it the market. Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents. MiNTiF.'a KID.NST RRMEDT , NKFKKTICDM , Cures til llnd of Kidney and bladder complalnto. gonorrhea , sleet and Icucorrhca. For tale oy all daugtr.sts : $1 a bottle. KNOLISII MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Otlve St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. Jon25-lv If Totiart < mnnl ylt you nrr i. of Luilncw.wcuk-1 i m n nt In. coed ty tlip strain or tCtTtO/lillRO'- ' . . . your duties nroli' nlKlit work , to ri torn brain nerre iinJ Hop Bitters. * : . UM > Hop B. If you are ycunp ana IpnfferlnK frotnauy lu discretion or dlsjlpa Itlon ; 1C youarctaar- ricii or single , old or ByouDir , tufffrlnc frou poor health or languish iinir on & bea f uck Lctc , rely on Hop ! | Bitters. Whoever yon are. , Thcuuna * ute AD- whenertr you feel naallyfruiu BOUIC that your system form of > ! onor needs cleaiuour. ton. -djRMse that mlcrUt Inif or stlmuIotuiEi B iiarobfeniire cnl s 1 br tlnioly use of talte Hop Hcpcner : BMte . 0,1. O or tli nuruconi- dlfose In an I clutv plaint , ana Irresltta- of ti" f romacA , - . HOP blo c u r n la ( l ! > lCl . ttOOCf. drut.kcnno > . - I Ui-er otntms use of opium , You will be tobacco , f ctirtdlf youu6 n&rcotlo. Hop Bitters If you are simply SoldbjrdniR ? tsts. heflfof weak and ply lowMrlted.try NEVER CUcuU.r. itt It may uomrrrrw , envo your life. It has FAIL BTO CO. , itavcd hun Roefceiltr , H , T dreds. ATcronto. Onl. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most Successful Remedy over dlscov. ered , as It Is certain In Its effects and does not blister. HEAD 1'UOOl * ' BELOW. Alee excellent for human lleah. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WosblnKtomllle , Ohio , Juno 17 , 1831. DR. . J. KKXIULL , & Co. : Gents Reacting your ad. vertlseincnt In Turf , Field and Form , of your Kendall's Spavin Cure , a d having a valuable and speedy liorjo which had been lame from pavln for eighteen month ) , I sent to you for a battle by express , which In slv weeks removed laincncsi ) and enlargement and a largj splint from another horse , nnd both hones are to-day astound ai colt ? . The ono bottle was worth tome mo ono hundred dollars. Respectfully JO'.rS , II. A. llKUTOLBTT , M. D. Send for Illustrate ] circular giving positive proof. 1'jlccSl. AH Druggists have It or can get It for you. Dr. U. Kendall & Co' , Pro prietors , Knoaburgh Falls , Vt SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS , ( l.vv-ly To Nervous Sulterers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is posjUvecuro for Bpermatoirhea , Bemtna \Vookuesj. Impotancy , and all diseases resulting trom Bolt-Abuse , u Mental Anxiety , Lonsi Memory , Plna In the Back or Bide , and dlaemet that lead to Consumption Insanity an , ekrlygrave The Specific Medlelno U being used with wonder ful SUCCCM. _ _ _ . _ Pauiphleti teat < tee la all. Wrlta for thorn and get full par < tlc-ilare. , Price , Speclflc , tl.OO per package , or six pck- ages.forfo.OO , Address all orders to B. B1USON MEDICINE CO. Sos. 10-1 and 100 Main fit Buflilo , K. T. SoH In Omaha by 0. K. Goodman , J , W. Hell , 1C. I lj , and all QUAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK ThA , fJna'TRADE MARK KnglUhrem- oily. Anun. ( ailing cure ( or Bemln&l Weakness , 8 per water- rLea , Impel cncy , aim al Dlccoscsthat' BEFOIETAKIRQ.io1iueVnce9 ! TAKINQ. Self-Almse ; as Louaol Memory , UuUcnal Lassi Y tude , Pain In the Hick , Dimness of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and miny other IMicaboi that to Insanity or Consumption and a i'rema * uro Oraro. XdTKull particular In our pamohlet , which doslro to send Irca 1 r mall to every one. rSTTho Spcclflo Medicine I * old by Ml druggist * tl rxr luckuxu , or 0 juckMrcs ( or SB , or will K'nt ( rue by mill vn reel pt ol the money , by Mldrc ilijf TUEGUA 4EDICINKCO. , Bi:36.1o' , N. V. Olarkson & H rnt , Euccc6 - ' o Ulchaids ft II lit , H ATTORNEYS - AT LAW G UlbBtr t Ou HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF _ IFA. . IP IE IB AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. I 08 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND JIETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT KTCEIXC , MTBTATE AQENX FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY ) Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA.NEB JT S. - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades- 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , H. M. & M. PEAVY CLOTHIERS ! 1 1309 Farnham Street. WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Suoons and forks. X only nndI ( Ulonal plate-that original firm oflj is giving for Instance - Rogers Bros. / stance - single All ou Spoons , i 9C-T ? / Forks and plated Spoon a Knives plated triple thickness with the greatest -rfl % " 11 plate ttly on of care. Each § 11i i the s e c t i o e lot being hung on a scale while whore expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby insure a full deposit making a single posit of silver on plated Spoon them. them.Wo wear as long asa Wo would call a triple- plated especial attention . one. tion to our sec- vcvni Rival. Tioool All Order * In the West should be Addressed to A. B. HUBER'MA-NK Wholesale Jewefer , OMAHA , - - NEB Special Attention Is Once More Called to jthe Fact thai Bank "foremost in the West m Assortment and Prices ot CLOTHING , FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OP Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps" Wo oro'propared to meet the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styles and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connectionjj RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th at Hair Goods , Notions , Ladies' ' FurmsMiie ; Goods , Ulsters , Circulars , anil Suits , O