J.JUL.U JL/jttJLJjI THE DAILY BE ] Wednesday Morning April E V/oathor Report. ( Tlio following obBervfttlons nro taken the gftma moment ot time nt nil the st tions named. ) W4 DBrAStMRNT , U. 8. BltMAt. SlrRVlOl , \ April * , 18S2. (1:45 ( : p. m.J nh cr fi feet 7 Inches l > o ; o high water mark i Omilii and 3 feet 0 at Vankton , LOCAL BREVITIES. The Teamster * ' I'nlon mcetH nt Kes Jer's Hall nt TtfO Wednesday evening. The County Coinmi .soncrg ! tit t tiny. The tecond tcnn of the Omahn A cat tiy opens Monday , April 10th. m. 3Mm. Bemls HEN1S Houscn , LoU , Fnrmi &r The afternoon train yesterday cai n'cd four Pullman cnachci nml came it IHO sections. City property for Bale by > rct'iut List on third page. The DUtrict Court ndjounietl MOB ilty until Wednesday morning. No inquest was deemed neccsfary i tlio Biipposed case of infanticide nnd th u obligation re\cale > ' 1 rothing. The overlond train yestsrda Itroiiglit n large number of delayed Califoi The work of guttering Dodge street i lieiiig puihoJ along , nUo thnt of lowe Tenth street. Four cars of the Btrcet railway lin have gone into the 1T. T. nlioj > 3 for re pntrs. Holy Week sericea of Trinity C'atlie ilral are helot ; held in the old church corner of Capitol avntte nnd 18th street Twenty cure of cattle nnd hogi wcr received on Saturday nt the Omnh.i steelyards yards by C. 11. Smaller. IScautlful Ko-idenco Lots $100 each $5 down nnd $5 per montli , licials , agent ICth and Douglas streets , tf 1'rcnh Cows for Sale Two extra lin thorough-bred Jersey COWH ; two cxtnv fin common cows , kind anil gentlo. Ornhati P. Browne , Nebraska 1'oultry Yards Weit Omaha. wod-sat&wcd Tlio blizzard Monday waobadcnougl in Omaha , but west of the city was tin worst seen for ten yeara past , thrcateninj at times to blow the trains off the track A splendid tain fell at Grand Island. While responding to the fire nlarn Monday thu department wagon cast : tire from ono of the hind wheoU at th < corner of 13th and Farnam , but the boyi made the run all the same. The special car "Palo Alto , " pasned through Omaha Monday , en route to Sar Vrauclsco , having on board several valua ble horses belonging to Leland Stanford president of the Central Pacific. All the assessor j in the county ara re quested to meet at the county clerk's ' oflici on Thursday next nt 2 o'clock , for instruc lions from County Attorney Cowin and congratulation ) ) from Clerk iiaumor. In police court yesterday there were two drunks and one tramp up to an > uwer. Of the former , one wan nllowed to BO on promise of leaving tne city , ono was committed and tlie tramp who was in eir.'h of work was discharged. The fire at 15oyd's packing house Mi if day will not , It is thought , result in clew low of over SSOO , which is amply covered by insurance. It occurred in one of tlu smokehouse * wherein were 3,000 hams , The doorj had been left open and the Htrong wind blowing in fanned the amok icg fire into a flame. Luckily the superintendent tendent discovered the danger nt the outtkt , The Ited Cloud , expected uii the rlvei for1 several daya , i lying disabled neai Nebraska City , where the broke a plstor and blew out u manhole. At leaht twt we kn delay will occur. The Htcamcr ii loaded to the guards with freight nnd hai about ono hundred and fifty passengers foi Montana , a number of whom nrj lea\lii | for their destination by the U. P , utid U J " KOUGlf ON HATS. " Clears out rate , mice , roaches , llicn ntn , bedbuL-s , * kunl ; , cblpniuukn , ' r . IBc. Uruffgists. I ) . 0. Howard , of Fremont , Is in tin dry , AVm. Kdull , agent of the L. S. & M. S 11. 15. in Sin Francisco , warf a west-bourn passenger yesterday , Mis * Anna 12. Umkell , of Creatou , Iowa , U In the city for a short visit to hei brother , Harry Haskell , foreman of Tilt IHa : news room. Mr. Aph Cox , for the last stxyeiu Intht employ of Milton Itogor * & Son. , lft yes i terday for LM Vegas , N , M. , Intending tt locate if he finds the country any won W. . : attractive than Nebraska. II ! MUs Fannie Butterfield , teacher lit the ' .Third ward , leaves to-morrow to visit hei nephew , Clem Cha\e , in Lincoln , and lici elster , Miss Nelllu Uutterfield , a teachei at Hastings. She will be absent about a Everybody who contemplates pur- chaaing FuitrJiTUUE will lind it to their own interest to impoct the im- meiiBOBtook at the store of OIIAH. SIIIVJJKJCK , who unciuestioimbly Jma thq finest assortment of yuuNiTuitK , otc , , from the best manufacurera | and the newest styles , and ALWAYS MAKEB LOWEK ruioex than any other FUIIKI- 'SVKK dealer in Nobaaska. furniture sold on monthly pay * BienU at cash prices. OUAH. BIIIVURUIK , 1200 , 1108 and 1210 Farnam St. ju27-mon.wodtiat- inde-lrutf THE COMMUNE'S OYOLONE. The Labor Union Victories i Four out of Six Wards. The School Bonds Ctirried an the Jefferson Square Prop osition Defeated. An Overwhelming Victory fc the Workingmen , The Result of the Election YoBtorcla ; The election yesterday passed o more quietly thnn was expected. 0 n hot day like Monday there woul liavo been more cxcitcmnnt , moi drinking nntl everybody's bloo worked up to fever heat , but wit the falling mercury the spirits of th crowds everywhere fell considorabl ; and all settled down to a quiet bu hard contested battle for victory. A call nt the pulls in all the ward in the forenoon and another ufU dinner , resulted in no roliabl information as to the result. Th number of tickets in the field wn legion and each had its worker ; Tlioro was no blood shed so far c Itnrnecl , though n nculllo or two 0 ( currcd in the "bloody third" nni seine bad language was indulged i elsewhere. I'llivr 'WAHD , Cntinclltnan C. 0. Throne . . ' (7 ( A.McGnvock . 2. " Thranc's majority . 11 Treasurer Win. Scxnucr . 31 Goo. S , Uin.no . ! Hoard of Kducatlon , T. , T. Points . 14 W. K. Crpelnnd . U C > I , Cnnnoycr . ' 10 Woodman . . .T . Jlorris Morrison. . . . 10 K. K. Long . 3 : , t. B. Bennett . ( ! Uco. Thrall . 20 Scluiol Donds Tcftorxon Square Proposition Ves . 10 N'o . i ! I Total t otea cast . Oil BKCOXD WAIII ) . Councilman F. S. llaflcall . 1 ! ) I'rcd Uehm . 2 ! ) \V. , T. Kennedy . R , Benin's majority . I Treasurer Scxauer . . 29 ! Donne . 2 Scxauer'n majority . 201 Board of JCducalion Points . 12 Dojjeland . . . . ' . . 10 Donnoyer . . ' . .10 : Woodman . 1\ \ Morrison . 12 ! [ j B . : . 10 ! Dennott . : t ! Thrall . . . i ) ( School Bonds Jefferson Square Proposition 08 . 81 So . . 27 : Total votes cast. , . B.r > l HIIROnu. . Councilman 0. L. McOuckip . 321 E . Hornberger. " . , . 22 ! Trcanurer Jexnuer . 33 ; Doano . , . 4J Board of Education L'olnts . 21 ] 3opclund . 20 ) onnoycr . 33 ; iVoodman . 4 ] ylorrison . 7 ] - ring . , . 13 ( Jermett . 4 ( Chrall . IK School Board Jelferaon Square Proposition es Total votes cast . CO ] xoi'imiVAIIU. . Conncilman Martin Dunham , rep . 25C iV. II , liuehmau , dem . 121 Dunham's majority. . . . . . 13 ; Tieasurer iVm. Sexa-er , dem . o ? Scorgo S , Doano . , . 14J Doanu's rnajoritv. . , . fil Momlieru of the Board of Education P. . ( .Points . of > V K , Uopeland . 7 ] J. M. Connoyer. . , , . 2Ti7 3. II. Woodman . l Morris Morrison . , . jj " " " U , K. Iiong . , . . "s.V T. H , Bennett . , , , . . , " ' . fi [ Jenrqe Thrall . , ! . i D. Van Kttati. . . , , . . ; . . , School Bonds _ AJIirmatlvo majority. , . . , . 7n j Jefferson Square Piopusltlon - Yen . . , ' . . 2fil N" . 81 AfHimatlvn majority . IKI ' ' " Hcntierlcg . / , . Total number of votes caht. . . . . . 381 nmncllnmi Ud Lccder. i . , . . , , . * i t t t vtft < i ( > i Y i Joseph Kedmati . 10 ; ' ' ' ' Wlgman . , , , , , . . . . . . , . . . . .171 fjeeder'a majority . . ifw Treaiurer . . . 8 ( Members Board of JMuoAiou- L'olnta , . oof ' ' " ' ' . Jopeland . , . . . . . ! . . . . . , . S05 Jounoyer. . . . . . , , , . . . . jn ! iVooUman . , , . . " ' m . . Ut School bonds- en . ' . . , , , , , , ( > ( f ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Tot a'l \ otei VaVtV , ! . . , I . . . . . . . . . , , . | o3C MVTII WAllll. CUcl'nen Oily Treasurer Vlllfiuu / H. Doaue . . 108 rolmStauton Hexauer . . < . . . , . , . , 170 Memben of Boa. d of Educa'tYon- ' ' ( . . JV. liQtlg . QM M " . . . ' lorrla Morrison 8 , Burnett l70 .T .T. Point . , . . * . W. K. Copeland . ( icorgc Thrall . . . . Clark Woadman , , . . Jefferson Square propoiltlon Yei . . . . . . . . .E Xo . New flihool house Yci . No . A' . Whole number of votes cast . 4 The total vote was ns follows : Connoyi r . . . 2,0 Copeland . . . . < . . . .1,2 l-orff . 1,2 Point . 1,0 Woodman . 2 Morrison . . . . . . ft Pcnn tt . . . 4 ThrMl . X The school bonds are carried almo unanimously. The Iell'eKon square market prop sition is defeated , The total number of votes cant w ; n,024 , or less than one-half of the ci tire votes of the city. ELECTED. Fiifct Ward-0. C. Thrane , Lab < union. Second Ward Fred Behin , Lab ( union. Third Ward D. L. McGuckii Labor union , Fourth Ward Martin Dunlmn republican nnd citizens' ticket. Fifth Word Kd Lecdcr , Lab ( union. Sixtli Wnrd-\V. T. Baker , ropul Hcan and citixons' ticket. Thrano , Uohm , McOuekin , Dut ham , Lccder nnd liakcr are olectc councilmcn. Connpyor , Long nnd Crpelnnd ni elected in the school board. School IIOUBO bonds are carriec and Jellerson Square market propoa tinn is defeated UKMOCHATIO VKTOnY IX KIIEMONT. Special DlipaUh toTilK llfr. . FUKMONT , Neb , , April ! . - - Tl democrats elect the entire city tick ) by from 8 to 50 majority. The n pulicftiin elect one councilman. Thoi was no fight on the school board. MUNICIPAL KI.KtTIO.VS ELSR1IEUK. . In Dayton , Ohio , the entire derm cratip city ticket was elected by mi iorities ranging Irom 300 to 1,001 The ( lumocrnla pain two membora c the city council , but that body tti remains republican. lloturns from Columbus , Obit show a democratic victory of from iiO to 800 majority. The election in Cincinnati rcsultc in n defeat of the republicans by 4,00 to 5,000. The liquor interest was th causa of the defeat , all of the Cei ! mans voting the democratic tickel About 5,000 democrats voted the re publican ticket in disapproval of th action of the liquor dealers , but the wore not numerous onouph ; to ovoi some the heavy vote which went th Dthor way. The township elections in Indian wore hold throughout this state o Monday. In the Indianapolio town ship the democrats forced the prohit itory question into the canvass MV sarried the township by from 800 t 1,000 majority , a democratic gain o aver 2,000. At Richmond the republican trm tee was defeated for the first time ii \ number of years , owinq to locc : ausoa. In Now Albany the republican alcctod their trustee for the firs time , by n gain of over 1,000. Lirm : ROCK , April 4. Thqro wa \ municipal election hero to-day , bu the result , had no political uisnifi : anco , as nil the candidates claimei to be either independent or the nom incos of a citizens' mooting. In thro wards there was no opposition and ii three the contests turned on Issue entirely disconnected from politics. Si-iUNdi-iEU ) , III. , April 4. At th Charter election to-day the proposi lion to reincorporate under the pnn sral law was carried by a largo major ty. The result is close on mayor jut at midnight Jnyno , republican sclaimed to bo elected over McClonry lamocrat , the present incumbent I'ho republicans elect a majority o iho nldermon. The ticket is mucl icratohod and the count cannot bi completed before morning. CHICAGO , April 4. The munioipa md township elections to-day had i ight vote , owing to continuous rain The rnsulb n a democratic victory ii icarly all the wards and townships. THE great distinguishing feature o lledding'H Hustia Salve IB its power t cduio Inllanmtlon. HAZEL KIBKE. * _ 1 Splendid Audlonco nnd a Fine Plaj "Hazel Kirko , " the most auccccsfu ) f modern drama now on the boards iras played nt Boyd'u opera house las light to a very largo audience , Th Company la Stoclo Mclvuyo's Madisoi square theater company , of No\ ork , and the cast Is one of the mos ivonly balanced of any thnt has np peared hero this season. The gr'ento > art of these people composed ths nd nirnblo company that has playec "Hazel Kirko" in Now York Btendil ; for the past two nnd n half years" ivhicli is guaranty enough for thoi merit. Tho' audience last ovonin < | vas led unconsiously from tears t < bughtor repeatedly by the fine pr.s nutation of this powerful play. "Ha K1 f is froiu the P ° ot Ir Stee o Mokixyo , the a tor and play wight , who has made him justly fa .nous. . Ihroo years ago , when tin P.W ! yi ? first produced as " The Iroi mil , it vrna not a success , nnd tin uuno was changed to "Hazel Kirko , ' unco which its immoneo populariti las shown no signs of waning. I'EIIO.VAL. Miss Bell Archer Las for aomo tinn jeen loading lady of tho.Mndisoi 3quaro Theatre company , and is ni totross of great talent. Miss Margaret Cone is a sister o tity in "Two Orphans. " Mr. Charles Wheatloigh ia an ok itaeer from away back ; is well knowr jotli m Europe and America , and nl liuoront tunea has been mansffor oi few York theatres. & Mr. Edward Oolornan is the oricinal 'Barnoy ' O'Flynn" in "Haisel Kirko.1 Mr. John Dillon , the well known omedian , who in the esteem of Onia- a audiences is the best in the world , as been with the Madison Squaw ompany five weeks , finds in "Pitta. us Green" a character well fitted to im. He is making a decided hit. Mr. Archer who plays the part of "Arthur Carringford , " is the husbat of Mis"j Bell Archer , the star , and an actor well known in the oast. "Hnxal Kirko , " will bo repent * again to-nipht , when the last oppo tutiity will be afforded of witness ! ! the admirable play. The compit close the season in Montreal ncj month , BOAHD OF EDUCATION. Proceedings of the Regular Monthl for April. At n regular meeting of the Boat of Kducation Monday there wci present Messrs. Anderson , Connoyoi Ferguson , McShano , nnd Mr. Pros dent. dent.Tho The minutes of the preceding nice ing were road and approved. The report of the Oily Treasurer fc the month of March was submittei nnd was as follows : DJt. Fines and license1) collected . S 307 r Taxes collected lor Febiuary. . . . ! ) " 3 t I'axes collected back , , . 1.335 f Halance . 0,1107 Clt. Warants . . 55.802 . ' Transferred tn hinklnjjfund.128 1 lialanco to sinking fund , , ! . 2,1-02 C Balance in sinking fund . 2,087 C A resolution was introduced by Mi Andoraon that the Qunloy school dii trict bo allowed their proportion c the sttto apportionment for thro children for three years , those ohildre living iii the city limits and nttondin school in district 'J7 , of lougln ) county , for this length of timo. Th resolution was adopted. The resignation of K. 0. Cooper janitor of tlio South school , wn accepted , nnd the delegation from th Fourth ward mnpoworcd to fill th vacancy , The appplication of Isabel Gardne for the position of janitrcss of th Lnko addition school , was placed o Clo. Clo.The ' The application of L. S. Walker for tlio position of janitor of th South School , was filed. The committee on claims reporter in fuvor ot paying the janitors' am teachers pay loll for the month o March which was as followa : Janitors , $450 ; sixty-five teachers § 1,081.55. A communication received fron Truinann Buck , City Treasurer , sub milting the report of the city treasurer or , na to whether or not , ho shoulc be custodian of the bonds purchasct by the board as an investment of i part of the school sinking fund. The city attorney's opinion wns tt tlio efl'cct that Mr. Buck should bi the custodian. "Tho bonds are no such 'documents' as the law contemplates plates should bo kept by the score tiiry , nor such 'property ns is to b < exclusively in the hands of. the board but rcprcsont and are substantially money , nnd although bondn are stil practically a part of the sinking fund whenever moneys nro invested , ii sccma to mo are securities and should bo in your custody. " The communication requested thn1 the securities referred to bo handec over to the writer. Tlio papera were referred to th ( committee on linance. Nothing Conld Bo Stronger. 1400 PAWN STBEET , "i Sr. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 20 , 1881. / H. H. WAHNEK & Co. : Sirs ] have been troubled with kidney dis ease since my childhood. It woule be impossible for mo to describe hovi much I have suffered. Your Snf ( Kidney and Liver Cure has done me moro good thnn the combined skill o ! all the physicians 1 have over trioc during my entire lifo. CAROLINE F. FLEMMINO. apr-l-dlw I.AW LIBRARY. Important Mooting1 of the umahc Association. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Omaha Law Librarj Association held Monday at theii room ? , 1512 Douglas street , Col. Champion S. Chase was elected chair man and R. W. Gaylord secretary. After the formal business had been transacted , the stockholders elected a board of directors for the ensuing year , as follows : E. Wakoloy , Ueo. W. Doano , 0. , S Char o , Howard JJ. Smith , Mr. Hunt , Andrew Beoins , W. 0 , 3Jartholomow , B , 13 , B , Kennedy , A. Swarizlandor , R. 13. Gayloid. Jos. B. Olarkson. _ The financial condition of the asso ciation was found to bo in surplus or der nnd the association in prosperous condition financially. It has about $10.000 worth of the choicest law books , including reports from nearly nil the desirable states. At n meeting ot the board of direc tors , held upon the adjournment of thu stockholders' meeting , the follow ing oflicors cf the nsiocmtion for the coming year were elected ; President , Champion 8. Chase ; vice president , B. IS. B. Kennedy ; treasurer , Goo Hunt ; corresponding secretary , Jos. Olarkson ; recording secretary , B. E , Gaylord , The board of directors then ad journed to moot next Monday , April 10th , at 4 o'clock p. m. , at the librnry rooms , when it is intimated Judyc \Vukoly will give his views as to the manner in which thonssocintion should Qonduct its affairs. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON , ATKINSON & Co..s "Acknowledged Loading Milliners and Ladies' Furnishers. Giimr SEMI-ANNUAL MlLLINKllY DlHVLAY , Will take place on April Oth , 7th and 3th , commencing Thursday evening , it 7 o'clock p. m Store closed on Thursday from 1 j'clock until time of opening. Mrs. Atkinson has lately returned : rom New York , nnd Mrs. 0'B.eilly 'rom Chicago , where they attended ill the first-class openings , and are iropared to tell the ladies of Omaha iud vicinity what they know about nillinory. This being their thirtieth opening , 10 pains shall bo spared to make it , .s . heretofore the event of the season , ALL AUK MO.VT OOUDIALLY INVITED. No Cords. Cords.ATKINSON & CO. , Oreiguton Block. Fifteenth St. tprJ-tf DIVIDED IN DEATH. Joseph Jonas , the Murden nnd His Victim Buried To-day- The Wifa by Her Pnmily , at the Husband by the County. Additional Facts Concernlnrr Yeste ' day's Tragedy , The inquest in the case of the tv Jonnaes , whoso terribly tragic deal .was recorded Monday , was co eluded during the afternoon. Tl witnesses wore Olllcer ( Jr.idy , Jam Jni-ca , Officer Knspcr , Adolph Buk nnd Mr. and Mrs. Thoo. Roesing , tl latter a daughter of the deceased. The jury was composed of Jamt Franco , 0. 0. Megenth , F. M. M Donagh , 0. II. Witlmoll , John Hi nnd John Miles. Ko important fac wcro elicited more than were give yesterday , nnd tlio verdict wns tin Franccsca Jonas catno to her death i the hands of her husband , Josop , ) bnnn , who then killed himself. General O'Brien , who wns the n tordoy of Mrs. Jones , is authority fi the following statement , which me bo relied upon ns being correct : Francesca Jom > s wns llfty-sove years of age , nnd wns born in Guttei burg , Bohemia. About thirty-six yeai ago * ho was married to Joseph Jens at Quttonburg. Two years passed I when ho was arrested , convicted an sent to the penitentiary for ono yw for destroying his brother's gr.ui Upon the expiration of his term , Ii returned nnd lived with his wife fc ono year , when ho was arrested fc maliciously killing a neighbor's host for which ho was sent to prison on year. Upon his release ho again r < turned to hiswife , and onlysi short tini passed , by when ho was nrrcste for killing deer on a privnto reserve nnd for this offense has served n ton of nine months. When tins term wa ended , ho wont homo again , nn again was ho arrested , this time for moro serious offense the charge c being the murderer of n woman. H was convicted in n lesser dogreo- correspondmg to the second degree ii this country and he was scntencei to twonty.'yeara' imprisonment. Af to serving sixteen years ho wns released together with a largo number of othe prisoners this being done by tlio cm poror of Austria in honor of the birtl } f nn heir to the crown. The subsequent history cf the coupl lias been given in full. Monday afternoon Judge Benoki ivas handed two letters by a Bohe momian woman , a friend of Mrs Jonas. Ono was written in Bohomiai md the other in English , with direc tions to bo delivered to the polici judge. The English letter was datet March 2d , the day pn which she bean ; an her divorce suit , and was as fol ! ows ; March. I will to my daughter ono iialf of the house , and the other hal lo my son Joseph ; and to my othc : ion § 50 , for the reason that ho has ro : eived § 400 already , and to my bus Dand , who never made a living to mo " > for a rope to hang himself with. FHANCESOA JONAS. A translation of the Bohemian lot , or shows it to be substantially th < iamo thing in every detail and thoj nroro undoubtedly intAdcd by thi , voman to bo her last will and testa nont in the event of her being killec jy henhusband , which she undoubt idly regarded as moro than probable Both the bodies wore coffined bj ; ho coroner Monday and thi 'unorals fixed for yesterday. AJ ; ho murderer was utterly rejected bj , ho family , while his victim was oi , ho other hand beloved by them , it ivaa necessary to bury each separate- y as to time and in separate graves. Mrs. Jonas was buried by her fami y this afternoon from the Bohomiai Jatholic cathedral , the remains boini ntcrrod in the Douglas couniy come' ory. Joseph Jonas was buried at tin : ounty farm and at the county's ex tense. BURGLAR ARRESTED. U Least tlio Indications Point tn < Prisoner Out ns Such. About ( o'clock yesterday an .In lividual who had all the oar marks oi , first class crook was arrested on BUS licion of being a burglar. Ho wns r tranger in the city , about 35 years ol go and carried a very piratical cargo. The first known of him ho was ai Sohrotor & Bccht'a whcro ho offered or sale .a couple of very valuable sur- ; ical instruments , for which he asked tut two dollars , where they wore forth ton or twelve dollars , They rero two silver-plated opcculunis , o aginal and an anal speculum. The Iruggists nt once suspicioned hat the tollow had not come > y the property honestly , and accord- ugly after paying him his price in- rited him in next door , wlnlo the } [ uietly informed the oflicors , who soon ook him in out of the wot. Upon being searched there were ound on his person n quantity ol ovonuo stumps , several keys , matches , wo pieces of candle and a lump oi ugar. The two latter commodities ire , it is claimed , always carried by > urglars , and the oflicors , including Mcctivo Hazen , who made the ar- cat , feel satisfied that they have aught n tartar. The matter will be horoughly investigated , and any ihysician who has lost ono of the bovo described articles ean find them iy showing up at police headquarter ; . Grateful Women. None receive so much benefit , nnd onu are so profoundly grateful and liow such an interest in recommend- ig Hop Bitters as women. It is the nly remedy peculiarly adapted to the inny ills the sex is almost universally abject to. Chills and fever , indiges- ion or deranged liver , constant orpp- iodical sick headaches , weakness in 10 back or kidneyspain in the shoul- era and different parts of the body , a joling of lassitude or despondency , 11 are readily removed by these bit- > ra. [ Courant. Front , 81,200. "To sum it UD , six long years bed-ridden sickness , costing $200 p year , total 81 , ' 00-nll of this cxpon was stopped by three bottles of HI Hitters , taken by my wife. She h done her own housework for a ye since , without the loss of a dny , and want everybody to know it , for the benefit. Jf. E , Fanner. Tlio Only Known Bcnl Cnro. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN-WON t , IONEV TO LOAN ( Ml at Low Otnce Of ! M L. Thomas Room 8 Crclehton Block. GOKfi r AATO LOA At 8 per centl D/40U.UUU tercst In um .of ? 2,500 l upwards , tor 3 to 6 years , on tlrst-clari city M farm property. DKWIS KRAI ESTAIB tnd LOJ AUIKCT , 15th ted Dnuylss SU HELP WANTED. _ \TrANTKD-A No. 1 brick mouMcr , 01 V > tbvl inn mould and flap brick. No otb ceil apply , i MI on or uddrcsa J. I' . Fljn Nor.i.lk , t < el > ' WANTF.D Fly n bu | ress man from Vlrsln a situation. Iluj bc > t of rcle-cncf. A Ires ? J. F. 0 thU otnco. 045-7' XTTAN'ED Cama ecru for Kcdpitli's Unlti YV btntcs lihtorv. The luti t and best pn * u I. llltf wa ol made. AUdress Gen-r \ti'iit , euro Omaha Eia. CJ4 ti ) Hol'ftblc men to taKe orders t WANIKI ( ur \inlly photujraph albums. Soldr weekly p nunttl : esc 'nieith.i flnttt poci fl > erolTcrred totho public. Wo ln\oon Imi n full line if itnndard yubhcatlots. P. A. 0vl 1503 Farnam tt. room'lt ) . M7-fi WANTKD-nrlck inoult.vr. Aily ) to IS Ia\cnpart ) st liotncen Isth kiuf 10th ' cr 0 p. ni. ( Mo 4 WANTED A t-lrl to Oo general Iioue or1 ApolyattotJ S. 18th a.d Leaxenw rl trett. 052-t ! ' A coed second cook , nomtn n WAKTHD at the ] St. Charlis [ Hotel llarrc - ANExpoi-li-need Infants nurao vtoc3a plat or would Uko child to boxrd. flcferem ghcn , JC07 Davenport etrcet. 6406 * 'ANTED A good gill at nnrtli-east cornc 17th and C'hi.n o s' . 031-4 WANTED Ono good man to j | scl ! atap' goods on ln tallmcnt . Permanent nil uatlrn. Call at 121 nouthloth st. C57-H - \ watchmikor nt Pjtt3rson'i WANTED 1 Icttire store. 059-5 WANTKD An cxpcriene.U gardener n man with rcfciencc. A pcrnimitntflti ( ton hy calllnpat Solmon's I'slnt ar.il Oil store A German preferred. C41-J * \Tr7"ANTiD A man that ' .ndurs'anda mould YY in ? and setting hriH ; . i no and one ha ! miles south of depot. P. Washington. 030-4 WANTED Tuo fa'ntcn nndpipor hinjrcr1 Address or anplj Uco. A. Dnllocit. Trc mont , Neb. 037-6 - good cook and dlnlnp-rocr EANTED-A GtrfleM House , llth an on. _ 040 4 Place by a Toung man ISjcat WANTUD to worK for h's In nrd. and xo t schooi. M llilnp to " ak himself encnilly use lul. Address J. P. James , i com fi , Creihtoi ( Dloclc. - WANTED Olrl about 14 to do light house work , during' the day only. Apply at Be * 3HICO. _ 62t-tf ANTED Basement In ex. for board W Other boarders too. 053 N. Hth street. _ G09tf W ANTED D nlngroom gtrliitltho Crcishtoi _ House. _ 007-tt A FIRS -CLASS I talesman desires a sltuatioi jt\ . where ha | services woUd bo required Address for ono week , box 001 Council B.uff Iowa. A good girl at corner Ilamlltoi WANTED sts. , thlnn'd addition. Be. ivKRcs given. SS-U A situation In a business housi WANTED young man nho can keep Dooks Not pa tlcularm to Mhai pcstion. B lary a Int no' to much an cbjoctas a place when ucrlt Mill bo renardcd. C.in tI vo Rood referenci If era proront omplover as to chiracter anc ability. Addreta M F. thlt oince. 601-tf To sell n barber shop , r-ood lo cation , Rood business , satisfactory reason : for celling. Inquire at 1178 , 15th tttctt , Omahi cb. _ S'J7-tt ANTE L' Family of good standing to adop W a chlhl without any compensation , In- juirn at S. Christianson , Midwife , No. ROOlOtl itrcct , between Cuming and Burt. 513 5 * 'ANTED Boarders at the Oarllold house W N. W. corner 14th and Jackton Sts. 414 tf Funding bridge and ichool bonds WANTED Claik.DcVlovue. _ ta-tf TTTANTED 4 children as boarders in as dec YV school , at 19th and California St L. U LOUMI3. _ 7S7-tt / - ROCEIIS1 BOOKS WANTED To keep oven Ijf jngs In return for trade , r , 0. llox 602. 3&2-M "AN ! ED 2 unturnithccl rooms for manane W v.He , miutbo modcrato In price. Ad Iresair. , Bre olllco. _ 297-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. P"OR KENT Sleeping room for ttt men , room 10 Jacobs Block. (151 Ct HIGH HKNT TIandsomcl } f urnlehcd front rooir 1 } to gcnlkman , moderate r 'iit. Kofernicis 66S-10 PlUnNISnEDUOOMS For light houso-kojp D Ing $16 a month. 2219 California st.012tf 012-tf JlUit HUM mrnlshcd cottage UU5 N. Ibtli EJ 1 st. Runt paitly exchanged fcr board. IJ10U KENT Fiirnltlie'l rooms tultablo for L hoiise'kecplng. Ccr cr IStnand and Claik treet. Inquire ol K. V , Smitli , 19th nurih ol ( raceetrcet , 623-i - \ SALK-lly. rcsldcnco at hta'l of bt. 1-r\OK ' Aunlio w.th lot 71x110. William tKCnndlUh. 020-7 KENT First ihor of a brick house In exchange ( or a la lies board , U03 north litli trcct. l > l aeantly located. 02Mf 11ENT H nd onicy ) ( nrnUhtd por'oi FOR alcove room , 2013 CJBS tt tbS-lf HENT Ono furnished room 171K POU it. B87 H [ 71011 KENT rurnUhed room with lioard. L Modjiiiinjpro\cmenw. niSDoJgost. " 678-3" UBNT House No. lin mil 118 B. 12th FOR . , suitable for rcstauranibaa dins house. * ill D. Jones. eod677-S \TJCELY furnished rooms one door north Jof IN Uodge on 18th at. MS- * nonjlENT Koue barn and 3 tcrea of laud L' Inquire Iflth and Howard. Eu/ono OJNlel OUU ti HO UVNT Ono Urge furnU'.ied roam , lth L board , on first floor , outside eutunce. ItOS ialifornla st , _ " 6 tf THlliENT-FutnUhed cotuge. tin roam * . P 2210 California st. Mis. Hall. 621-tf 10 JIE.ST-AI 020 lit Mary's Avenue. _ < SOt ( n EJ1I8 rents hou e.loU. ; farms , stores , [ j roams etc. Qlllcia 15th nd Iounl > s Sts T-N. E. J , tec. 0 , T. 15 , K. 11 , unImproved - Improved Douglas county land. 1) ruilcx era R. It. station , IniUire tt 2118 Davenport ; r ct 71OU Uttrr storu room in brick uulldlng , N. ' K. corner ICtu and Curulng. 0. F Good- in. 1110 Farnham Bt. 203-tf 71011 HENT Furniueu tiuu loom , K. E. cor. < th and Jackwo. 6S-U \ ft Rr.NT J fnrntibed roomn ovsr Mm FOR ' Exch npeN. ; K. cer. IBth knd Dcclf- Sa9-tt 771011 tKNT Nicely 'urnlshcd room * with Of Jj without board , Reasonable prices. 2013 Caw St. fan l.lUitSAI.K InncliDii-M tieir I' . V. dipot , L cm remain en ground , and also top bngzjr. hnqulro nt this tfllco. TV" Cfli tf ; K ! lit.v-Qio huid of sheep. In quire nt firm o- Tom Murray , DM mill south of U , I' , ( .cjiot. 0.13 lot T0 < K Foil tYAliK S \ ( linro work mules , four work or Jriilii ( { horscn , three wntrons four scti doulilo tmntsfi , tno bugrieg , one thice ( print ; Hcm.crnt waRon , nnd , tno c&v.s fertile tile cheap TIIOO. SHUT , C..i'-tl Car. llith mid Chlcajo its. SAI.K A Rood ttorc , dry ito-xlf , boot * EOR _ she , groceries , etc. J. JI , Eeter , Uftkliud , Io .i 65S-10 SALE Cheap 3ne open VjnjzjFn - Eon of .1. K. svindars , nt Hvery ft table next door north City 1111 ( U9-tl T7IOK 8AM : Don't felt to neot , o Molina Cil.- -f L luot Organ At Floilmnti and > kblatil , ro. 2J8N. luthst. ForeaJc cheap. 1320 B Uood team , Hnrou mid L1 1030 South 10h street , a. It. SALE-.ltowe aril two full lots all lm > FOIt memeiilfl nearly new. licit localloi In town , only $2000 , half Oo n , bnUmo on tlmalf desired. InqulroofO , Fullmaii tth anJ IJorcas street. 019 6' SALE Hoiiso of 4"or 6 rofms nnifcor" POH on llKii and Mason Sl.COO. JIcOiRita opp , jioitoinco. 63S-tf "fJlUtV Thoronglibred Jerie.v Bull No. 332 U "M.S. 11.11. " . winner ri pilzojht StUe Mr. Stands for perUco tt Ncbruki Poultry Yunls , West Omaha. Graham t * . llruwnc , "TOOK SAI.U 14 lots In N. W. pvrt of city on J ; slshlly Iccitlon. yKO to $230 each , on monthly pa } mcnti. Jlc'.ague , opp. po'totflcc. Ml-tl ' UKSIDK.NCt ; LOW 9100 each , BKAUTH'UIi So per month. CKMIS , n ent , 16th an A Douglas Stfl. TTlOll SALE Ono second hand 25 horse power JJ engine , peed as ne\vnl'0 t o8 horse i out r , and t o X51iorfopoi\cr engines , new , IJ-.llcra o ( ft'l size' , i'C . Inquire Omana Kourdry nn Machlna Co.U. I1. IlJ. bet 17th and 18th omahi f.G2-lm _ _ Ii'VOK SALi ; lloii'e three rooms and hslf lot.on JU 20th street north of Creek , fDODeiih. On month j'pijmenU $1,000. John L. JlcOi-ue , opposite pOdtotlit-o. C33-tf FOR SAtiE. Flno family mare ; joting and gentle. Uox4'J > . Council Hl'iH a. la. 24-g "TJ\OIl \ SA1 K Housa aiuJ lot on easy terra' . JD Apply ut oil Wa mil ttroct betwci-n tth and Othetrectj isouth of U. P. depot , also entire household good * . 531-0 * "I710U SAI.K Sajoo-i sloe * and fixture and 1 } lca o ghen , k'ood lootlon. Enquire ol L. H. Spencer , northeast corner llth and ilarney. apl 4 0 r..OIt I'-AI.h flic arrcs of land on taundo.a JJ S t cct , ith Hue roidcucc , barn and other Improvements. Price 82,600 : terms ca y. 472tfV. . K. Uart ott , lical rstate Agent. Ell IS se Is houses , lots , farms an'1 ' < B Ollicc. 16th and Domlas Sts. T7IOU 8M.K A new house and lot. 25th and jj Douglas St. Inquire to A. liouman , ZGth and Farnh tin Ms. 418-lm * TTlOJt MALI : A PHDOO octaves ) , in excellent Jj cand tioticryihcup , Inquire ac ( his otHce. | ,1ultHlLb rivo.tiu < v.1 lunu , y elo U house , barn2 wells and otlicr Improve- ncnts , cast aldo of Saundcrs street , near Fort Omaha. For particulars addicsi Gco.V. . Urew. ter , Oakland. Kcb. 401-tf SALE House with 0 rooms , barn and FOR lease of lot on 15th St. , but. Hurt and V'cbstcr. Inquire at Bdholm & ErlckconN. 355 tl [ 7IOH SALE Uir load of fat Mickey mules j broke. Apply of J. W. bklnncr , Coin la , 3ic-luio : * [ 71 OH SALU 32 rcsidenco lots ou&ud uear lotli I * atrect. Price , S350 to 5J60 each. Tcraij nsy. McCAGUf , ARcnt , Opp. Post Office. 360 tt [ T\OK \ SALE Bicycle , 4X-tnch standard Uoluu * FOK . Apply Union Elevator. 263-tf f OTS , SHOca.ch.SJ don and 33 per month U BBMld , Agent. 70U SALE Or v/111 cxcha pe for Omaha1 pro. J I ( perty , n Improved sec on of land adjoin- DK a station on U. P. U. K. M. DUNHAM , 1411 arnham St. , Omaha. 720 3mt KICK FOR t'ALX B 203-tf ESTABKOOK * COE. tlfloundaotcSio \ co country uuttcr tor sale > UU cheap ; also fresh milk every day at cal'd Cioecry More , corner ICtji and Docile. 474-lmo * KICK FOK SALK T. Murray. B ) HAY At A. U. Sanclcr'k Feed bw , BALEt Hartley St. ' sl9-t ; MISCELLANEOUS. nAILORINO and repairing done nlco'v mi L short notice. Call at one door taat of Bee nee. 65S-4 710UNU A pt n lor kitchen ajduiou to briCK J roild'nco. having Mansard roof , tntjulre t this ortlcc. 631-J rjlDE BAR HUGO V To exch Pgo forpb&eton J Apply Angel , lioncn K Wh te Opera Home. 0 7-7 "JTBAYED Bean mare about 4 jtars old , j short mane , long tall and white hid foot , irandcd on left i ID letter"1" with a line through enter. Flmlcdl 1 please leave luforniatlon at D16 Dodge st 600-5' Cluster Black cop raspberries MAMMOTH dozen , 82.00 per hundred , $10.00 per thousand at "Idlc-Wildo Place. " l.ea\e or- era at 1411 Dodge st. John O.M11U. . mch-25-ov sat-lt BUTCHEUS AND STOCKMEN My cattle TO are again In perfect order. 011 on ! r. Va'i Oiman at stock jatds , 10th Si. bet. apltol Rvcnua and Davencart St. Plenty of ard room and stabling. Bright straw In halo " EMIB' JTEW CITY MAPS , 10c. Mounted B Maps , 82.M. OEO. P. BCMIS. OIANO AND OUOAN Instruction by Miss E L S. ParlUt , P. 20th St. , below Pierce. 0tl And nrst class table board , at SOU ROOMS at. _ ml-lm * _ RENT Choice of 80 lull lots to lease j Heir Crolghton College for Sia per year. ) cxtcr L. Thomas & Bro. , Koom S , Crctohton Hook. _ 20f-H EDWAED KUEHL IAQISTEH OF PALMYSTEHY AND CONDI 'IONAL1ST , 403 Tenth Street , between F rnb m ndllainoy. Will , with the aid of auardtun pirlts , obtain lor any ono c glance at the pail nd present , and on certain conditions In the fa uro. Boots and Shoes made to 5fdcr. Perfect POWDER \ Absolutely Pure. This powder never \ r'ei. A m r el ot pu . More eefao- r. strength and wholetouienen. lc l tlun the orJln rjr klndi. and tannot be Id In competition u 1th the multitude ellOW it , short weight , alum or pho phat po d r . Bold oiily In caoi. ROTALUA reo POK GBR Cl. ( 3 Wftll St. , New York