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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1882)
HE OMAHA DAILY ELEVENTH TEAE. OMAHA WEDNESDAY MORNING , APRIL 5,1882. 244 NOT CONE YET. flie "Heathen Uliinee" Given i Breathing Spoil. The President Vetoes tha Bil Restricting Chinese Immi gration , and Proba bly Kills It. The Pacific Slope Congressmen Very Angry , and the Re publicans Generally Satisfied. Qonornl Exprosslon of Opinion on the Subject , nuil Other Con- Matter. SKN'A'IK. April -I A vetoot the anti-Chinese bill reached the senate ate at 1:20 : p. m. The prsMtdent says that ho is fully persuaded that the bill is is violation of the treaty , and other remedies for the alleged evils should bo found if ho accepts the bill as nn expression of opinion from congress gross that the immigration and rest dunce of Chinese in this country nro injurious to the people. In negotiating the second treaty the Chinese commissioner told China that he would not consent to the ex clusion of nil Chinese from the United States , and the United States com miasiouors agreed to substitute for the word "prohibit1 words "regulate , " "limit" or "suspend. " China then g.wo her views that classes > , t Chinese who onioyed the provision of the Eurlingnmo treaty were entitled to the priviledgo enjoyed by most na tlons. The system of personal pros pects was undcmocratic'nnd hostile to our institutions. Tlio bill also made provisions that the Chinese trade was valuable nnd p recent crowth , and needed more liberal legislation. On motion of Mr. Farley the message was laid on the table and ordered printed. Consideration of the bill giving the St. Louia & San Francisco railroad the right of way through the terri- torj' of the Choctaw nation was re sumed. Further consideration of the bill was deferred until to-morrow. On motion of Mr. II ill the Colora do bill , admitting free from , duty ! ir- ticlea for the mining exhibition at Denver in 1883 , was taken up and passed. The following nominations were Bent to the senate yesterday and con sidered in executive ression : John J. Piatt , of Ohio , for consul at Cork ; D B. Scarles , United States attorney of Minnesota : Benjamin T. Simpson'United States marshal of Kansas. HOUSE. The committee on territories re committed the Alaska bill to a sub committee , with orders to prepare a bill for a simple government and no delegate. They also authorized the bhairman to give passage of the Da kota bill under suspension of the rules on the third Monday in April. The house committee on elections adopted a report in favor of Lynch and against Chalmor in the ShoeString String district of Mississippi. The house spent the entire after noon on the army bill , discussing the paragraphs transferring quartermas ters' claims to the court of claims and retiring army officers at C2 years of age , but arrived at no conclusion , ex cept to amend BO as to allow ofllcors to retire at 35 years' service , if they desire. The pros-dent sent a letter from Frelinghuyson regarding American citizens in the British prisons. It says that negotiations have been go ing on for months between the two governments , and that on the 22d of March only three American citizens remained in prison in Ireland. Since that date O'Oonnoll ' , Hunt , Walsh , Dalton and White , imprisoned in England , have boon roloased. Nego tiations are still going on to release the remainder , and are likely to bo successful. Adjourned nt 4:51 : p. m. 1IOW THE DOSIJ WAS TAKEN. WASHINGTON , April 4. The veto of the Chi.icso bill is the solo topic to night. Politicians nro divided as to the effect. It is concluded that the bill will not pass over the veto. The democrats think it will redound to their benefit. The Pacific delegation lias boon disappointed and are almost nmd. Miller thinks it a great mis take from a republican point of vioiv , but doubts not that California will ' take the matter in her own hands and keep the Chinese away. Is Farley eays the democrats ot Cali fornia can stand it if the republicans of the whole country can. Bayard will vote to sustain the bill , also ; Book , Pondlotan and nearly all the democrats. Beck says the bill is. kill- ' d , and ho does not suppose anything can bo done. Jones says the presi dent puts himself in a silly light m suggesting any form of bill that would auit him. The republicans generally are satisfied , except Miller , of Cala- fornin , and Hill , of Colorado. Jones , bo of Nevada , la not hero. Miller , of Now York , Sawyer and Vnlo , of the aoven republicans who voted for the bill , will now yoto to sustain the voto. Paoheco , of California , said he very much regretted the matter , as it would cause great agitation on the Pacific coast and injure business and upset things in general. B/osecranz said ho supposed they would have to stand it , but it was pretty tough. It was the deathblow politically to these bringing it about. Hewitt said lie presumed it would bo passed with n ton years clause insted of twenty. It would hardly pass the house over C the veto , oven if it did pass the aon- ate , and there was no disposition to push in this matter. Moore , of Ten nessee , who opposed the bill , had doubts even of its passage with the .ten years clause. Carpenter , of Town , who opposed the bill , did not believe it would injure the party , for no parly could bo injured permanent ly lor refusing to do wrong. Ooortro , of Oregon , thought it n dangoroui blow to the Republicans ; it was nn injustice to the Pacific const nnd the people of that section. Willis , of Kentucky ; , a champion of the bill , SAYS it insures the Pacific coast to the Democrats. Kobinion , of Massa chusetts , was satisfied with the veto , and was sure it would not hurt the party prospects. No party could af ford ( o do a wrong not for efi'cct. Williams , of Wisconsin , chairman of the foreign nfl'airs committee , was pleased with the vote , and , while ho would oppose the bill with even n five or ten years clause , ho presumed that such n bill would pass. If the Chi nese were to bo excluded , ho thought it should bo by treaty to thnt effect , by which China would keep her sub jects nt hcine. Page , of Californin , refused to express himself on the subject. Kosson thought this the only construction n thinking man could roach , Ho thought tlio ton years bill would pass Vith n change in the pisfport sybteni. I Washington Wirings. National Anaoclatod 1'ross. Scovillo is sick , being used up by overwork. Ho oxpccla to have to ir- TUO the Guiteau caso. Guiteau has iiis book ready to print. The Mason case was considered in : ho cabinet to-day. Lincoln approves jon. Swain'a decision. No final ac tion will bo taken until the supreme court proceeding are concluded. The benefit for Mrs. Mason to-day netted $1500. The fund now amounts to nearly $4,000. The redemption nf bonds when busi ness closed to-day amounted , under the lODtb call , to $ ! ) , < ! S7)50 ! ) ; 100th call , $18,415,550 ; 107th call , $15,509- 800. 800.Admiral Admiral Balcb , writing from Co- luinbo , Chili , February 25th , reports an interview with Troscott , nnd that 10 loft the Alaska for TrescoH to ro- .urn homo. Secretary Now attributes the suc cess of the democrats in the Indiana elections entirely to prohibitory meas ures , which were opposed by the dem ocrats. The republicans did not make ho issue on the liquor question , but ho democrats saddled it on them. In regard to the statement that a jroposition had boon made by Now York nnd Boston bankers to replace , ho outstanding government 31 per cent , bonds now payable'at the option of the government , with an issue of ' 200,000,000 of legal tender note * , scaring 2 per cent , interest , which ; ho national banks may count nmong ; heir assets , Folger says the bankers recently submitted aunh a proposition o him , but the subject has not been considered in the cabinet. FOREIGN National Associated Press. AVTEK FOSTEH'S SCALP. LONDON , April 4. At a meeting of .ho reform club last evening the ma- ority adopted an address to Glad- itcno ashing him to remove Foster , secretary for Ireland , and toinitiate , .ho Irish coercion policy. AMERlCAif BTAJlVJ" ' ( Sffl " J n the house of commons to-night Postmaster General Fawcot stated hat ho had refused to discontinue the mail eorvico which had hitherto boon ofl'orod by having the stamps which carry American mail stop at Qucons- ; own. This servicewhich practically amounted to the saving of a day's imo , would bo-continued. Sir Chas. ) ilko , under the secretary of state 'or foreign affairs , stated that he would consent to produce the official orrespondonco between England and America regarding Dr. Lamson. 'UESH OUTBREAKS AOAINBT TifE JEWS. A dispatch to St. Petersburg rom KiefF reports that great oxcito- nent exists there , and fresh out- > reaka against the Jews are imrai- ont. ont.The The students of the university as- ombled there yesterday , armed with ovolvors , and marched in a body to the prison in which their comrades ar rested during the recent disturbances are confined. They clamorously de ai manded n rclcaso of the prisoners , and they would hnvo forced an en is trance into the jail , had the military not presented n bold front. It is well known , however , that the troops sympathized with the mob , aiid fears are entertained that if the disorders continue they may refuse to act against their frenzied co-roligioniate. The conflicting reports about Gon. ESkobelcfPs future movements are set tled by his going to his estate at Ria- in jon. The current belief hero now is that ho will remain there until the itorm has blown over , when ho will return to share the czar's council. I'hat ho has boon ordered to Turkestan discredited. TEUUIUrB DISAHTEli. : The latest dispatch from Corrunn , in Spain , says that forty-six persons lost huir lives by a collision between the tteamship Douro and the steamer 1'ruroc Bat , off Cdpa Finiatoro. HiAid ; ) I'KOV , LONPON , April ! . In the house of commons to-night Gladstone , in re ply to an inquiry , said that commu nications between the United States nd British governments continue to passed , but ho doomed it inadvis able at the present time to state the substance of the correspondence. * N MADIUD , April 4. The Spanish senate vote of confidence n. to-day passed a n.ft dence in the government that it would maintain order in Catalonia , Shops ii and manufactories remain closed ° throughout the province. at IJONDON , April 5. It is reported h that Mr. Chamberlain , president of ti the board of trade , and Sir Charles tiP tin Dilke , under secretary of state for P foreign affairs , will withdraw from the t < ministry on account of the opposition B extension of the coercion policy of the fl government. fln Important Railroad Change. National Associated 1'resn , N PHILADELPHIA , April 4. The Pennsylvania railroad company have determined since the resignation of D. W. Caldwell , gonernl manager of the company's lines west of Pitts- burg , to divide that system into two department * . Of the Pitlsburg , Fort Wayne ifc Chicago railroad and con- tribuling lines n department is made called the Northwest. William Bald , win is appointed manager of thoPnti- Hnndlo road nnd contributing lines. JnniM MncOren , superintendent of the Now York division , is made man- ngcr. This is called the Southwest department. President Roberta last night denied emphatically the report that ho will resign on Mny 1st the presidency of the road. Ho says there is noj difference between the board nnd himself. JENNIE CRAMER'S MURDER How tlio Imllotetl Partlo * Plcmloi "Not Guilty. ' National AwochtcJ I'rcsa. Niw : HAVENConn. , April ! . Con trary to official announcement. Wnltor nndJnmoa Mnlley , Jr. , nnd Blanche Douglas were brought from the county jiil to-dny to plead before the April term of the superior court on the charge that between the 4th and (5th ( dayn of August they killed Jennie Cramer byadminislerinsiaMonic. All pleaded "Not guilty , " Walter very calmly , but .Inmea nnd Blanche in n very nervous manner. The boys mot Blanche in the court room for the first time since last August , but she spoke to neither of them. The preliminary business1 of the court is loss than was expected , and the _ trial may begin next Tuesday. To avoid a crowd in the court room the newspaper reporters were in formed yesterday thnt the prisoners need not bo expected in court to-dnv. The boys came from the jail in n hack , ind Blanche was driven to the court by Jailor Stevens in n privnto car riago. They took n circuitous route in ardor not to attract attention. LINCOLN LaCONICS. ELECTION DAY IN TDK 'AV1TAL CITY. Correspondence of Tlio Ortiiihn Jlco. LINCOLN , April 4. The city oleo- .ion to-day is exciting an unusual amount of interest in this plnco of nammoth majorities nnd one-sided political contests. Bands of music are perambulating the streets nnd crowds of voters surround the three polling places. The chances , of course , favor the election of the straight republican ticket , by a ro apcctable majority. The coalitionists expect to defeat Gaimes , the regular nominee for alderman in the First Ward , and elect Shaborg in his stead. It is also 'vithin the limit of possibili ties that Uon. Montgomery may defeat - feat Bon Cobb for police judge. The latter is young and inexperienced , having just boon admitted to the bar. The chances ser the success of the antis would bo greatly increased if there were only some means of shut ting Elder Miller off. His loud mouthed advocacy of the ticket will cost them a hundred votes. The weather iv very favorable , for election purposes , a hard rain last night having laid the dust completely. Yesterday waa certainly ono of the neanest days that over dawned upon ; his place. The dust blue around in dense clouds from morning till night , making it at times impossible to see across the street. The governor is as non-committal as over on the subject of an extra session. Notwithstanding his serious protestations of innocence on the ecoro of further political ambition , there is no question in the mind of any close observer here that ho wants to go to congress this winter , and that if ho dared to resist the overwhelm ing popular sentiment in favor of n meeting of the legislature he would gladly do so. Patrick , the Seward county wife murderer , was captured yesterday morning about twenty miles south of Sowarc } , and is now in jail pending examination. United States court opens to-day , and a number of Omaha attorneys are on hand to attoird to their cases. It not expected that court will last over a week , as there is nothing of , Importance coming up. Amiu.s. ToJtocrnpliio Twinklings. A committee of prominent coal icalers on Monday afternoon pre sented President Gowan , at Phil.v Jplphia , with a silver centre piece for liis banqueting table , costing $2,000 , recognition of his eTorts ( to sup press the Molly Maguires. Dave Hitter , a watchman in Leb- uion , Pa. , aged sixty-four , was found lead in nn alloy near Yost's bcowory , liis face battered nnd froth at the mouth. The circumstances uro auspi- tous. Ho was insured for $30,000 favor of other parties. A fire Monday afternoon do- itroyod the Hossolor Iron works near Proppan , Auatria. Loss heavy. The workmen of Barcelona , Spain , threaten to renew their riots. Largo crowds opposed to the financial policy of tha government paraded the streets , but nothing disorderly oo- ourrod. Shops were all closed and business entirely suspended. Toxau. Divoraitj- . National Asaoclated Preu. ATLANTA , Tex. , April 4. A man named Williams went homo drunk , Cell upon a Dutchman named Schu- mayor , and , without provocation , stabbed him throe times , each stab reaching to the lungs , and then shot him , the ball grazing the top of his head. Ho then commenced prepara tions to leave , but the strong Dutch men said "nix , " when ho gathered a pistol , jumped upon his horse , and told them to stand from under. Three shots were fired at his retreating form. It is believed with effect , nut nothing definite has been learned , Kuniai Stuto Fair. tloa l Associated Prcu. TOI-EKA , ApriN. The Kansas state directors hold A meeting hero to-day , Premiums to the amount of 15,000 and a speed purao to the amount o $8,000 were decided to bo oflercd and S2fiOO to bo expended for ntnuso mcnts. The state horticultural soci cty , the state wool growers' nssocia tion and the state poultry nssoctatioi all nnito in holding the fait1. The capacity of tlio display buildings wil' bo doubled. The soldiers feunioi will be ? held hero the same date of the fair , September llth to Kith. Preparation will bo made for an im- monsog.ilhcring. Congress has grantee tents mid artillery for the occasion. BERNHARPT MAKRUEP. The Great AatroM Become * the Wifoofn Groolc Gontlflmau. AtsocUtcd PrrVs Losiiox , April 4. Sarali Bornhardt was married to M , LXitnaln , 5 Ureek gontlemfln , in this city to-day , nnd goes to Barcelona to-night to fulfill an engagement. She will continue her theatrical . career. _ _ A SEWAHD SLAYER. Dick Patrick Kills Ills OTfo und Escapes. Corrcsjiondcnse of llio t. < v. gf. SFAVAIW , April 2 A terrible mur der was committed last evening by a Mr. Patrick , seven miles northeast of Sownrd. The victim wan Ilia wife , with whom there lias existed ft very unhnrmonioua fooling over since thry were known in this county. They were in town yesterday in company with a married snn , nnd , according t * > ; ho latter , quarreled before reaching lomo. The son loft thorn nt their louse and went to his place , one quarter of n mile further on , when ho was attracted by his little sister run ning to the field , whom anothnr urothor was plowing. Before ho could get to the ccono his mother lav a corpse , the ball entering the heart and producing death , instantly. Meanwhile the young Jnan had reached the house from the field nnd was up stairs after hi * revolver , m it seemed to be the intention of the sons to kill their fnthor ihould ho over injure their mother , which they 'eared ho would do. However , bo- 'ore ho como down , his older brother lad came up nr.d fired ono barrel of tis shot gun at the old man , earning urn to retreat into the house , whcie several shots were fired between : hcm , one killing the horse the son liad ridden. Hearing his other non coming lown the stairs ho fired two shols ; hrough the doors , neither taking of- 'oct. As the older son had only hiu shot gun , ho could do no more and started homo , and the old man cnnio out and started oil' . The authorities were notified , and the sheriff with a wrty started out , but up to a late lour nothing was heard of the f ugi : ive. j LATKII. It was reported ho had como to the Park House about three o'clock a. m. , slept the emaindor of the night , got his bnakfaat ahd walked leisurely off. MONDAY MOIININO. Nothing has been heard of 'him up ttf'ihis time. BEE. Northern News- National Asioclatod Press. ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 4.r Th'o ice passed out of Lake Pipin today. . This is the regular annual signal of the opening of navigation on the upper Mississippi. Governor Hubbard to-day appoint ed II. D. Baldwin , of Redwood Falls , n native of Now York , judi o of the ninth judicial district , to succeed E. St. Julfon Cox , whoso impeachment and removal on the ground of drunk enness , created such n scandal. It has been formally announced at a meeting of the chamber of com merce , that hereafter all army sup- dies for the Department of Dakota shall bo advertised for in St. Paul and Minneapolis. Heretofore the Chicago merchants have had the ben efit of these profitable invitations. Health Along the National Associated Proaa. SpitiNoi'jy.Li > , 111. , April 4. The lecrotary of the state beard of Health ms announced that the annual moot- ng of the sanitary council of the Mis- aifiaifipi valley will bo held at Cairo on ho 1'Jtli inst. The subject coming jcforo the body will bo the inspection of immigrants with regard to small inx , beginning nt maritime ports. Tlio prevention of the introduction of yellow fever , nnd particularly the mnitary condition of the Mississippi , B likely to bo affected from Cairo to ; ho gulf by the great overflow. Legalities. National Associated Prow. Si'iuNai'iuti ) , April 4 In the United States circuit court to-day nn order was issued modifying tlio in- unction heretofore obtained against ; ho state treasurer , prohibiting the ) ayment of interest on bowla issued > y Franklin county to the Bellevue & Eldorado railway. The order directs ; ho payment of interest on nil overdue duo coupons held by the parties in ntorost , to the exclusion of all other coupons of the same class , and re- Borvcs all questions of merit for adju dication. Largo Flro. National Associated I'lea. I'lTTSiiUito , April 4. The oil tank of the Standard oil company's ' reflnery liero exploded and fire broke out about 10 a. m. to-day , Their warehouse , JOOxlBO feet , throe stories high , was burned , containing machinery and empty barrels. Two tanks burned , ana ono barge containing empty bar rels , The tire extended over eight acres of ground , The loss on 25,000 empty barrels was $ . ' (0,000 ( ; on oil , $125,000 , and the total loss is about $200,000. _ _ A Chance for tbo Widowers. National AeeoclateJ Prcu. OrmvA , April 4 , The bill legaliz ing marriage with a deceased wife's sinter lias practically become a law , the senate to-day having passed the second reading by a vote of 40 to 18. INDIAN UPRISING. Au Outbreak of tlio Olioyennes and Arrapalioes Expected , The Whole Indian Nation "Wild and Woolly" Over the Prospect of Invad ing a Railroad. Great Ploodo in Minnesota , on the Manitoba Line Run ning Northward. Two Disastrous Firc , which Cnmo S500.0OO LORI of Property. Expoctoil IntUniv > Cirl lii } ; . LKANKNWOIMH Apiil1. . The fort considerably excited over the rumor ( lint tlio I'lic.vonnca nnd A raj hoot nro threatening an oiitliroak near Fort Ilono. Tlio Indiana number two thousand. Tlio griov.uiee is that they have boon put on half rations of beef , and that the proposed brunohKof the Atlantic & P.icitic road will dcXroyvtheir hunting ground. Major Itnndnlpias eight companies of troops on tho. gtound , but think them inndcijuuto to suppress a general up rising. Grout r.moil lu Minnesota , louiki Associated 1'ii-si. F.uuio , Dik. , April 4. A dispatch from Glyndcn , Minn. , ouya that washouts - outs , several nn'lca in extent , have oc curred on tl < o Manitoba lino. North- em travel is stopped for a time. No injEcnger train runs either way. There is quite n ooncentration of poo- lie liero housed , going north , for ivhoni hotel accommodations are very nadcquale. Sixty car loads of stock en route for Manitoba , are in the B.imu fix. It is bad to stop , but worse : o go on. The weather is turning colder , which will check the prairie loods. The track between Brockcn- ridge and Orookatono is under water 'or the \vholo distance. The Fii-o Vatlonal Associated PIUBB. PiTTsnuuci , April 4. The ware- loiiso of the Standard Oil company on Twenty-ninth street , in this city , was totally destroyed by lire this morning , together with IJOO barrels of distilixte , distillery tanks and 17,000 empty barrels. The Ices is estimated it $76,000 ; no insurance. A TOWN IIU&TROYEII. Ilopiu.VToyMass. , April 4. Incendiaries - diaries at " > this morning with a fuse gnitod n quantity of powder in the nisomcnt at the rear of P. W. Smith's clothing , starting n fire which de stroyed every busings place in the town. Total leas , § 400,000. Among the losers are .Bridges & Co.'a shoo manufactory , tlio main stay of the town , which employed iOO hands. They had 8200,000 worth of machinery , stock and. finished the building , nil totally do- itrpyod. .Loss $200,000 ; insurance 8150.0QO. Tlio following were also totally "destroyed : I' . VV. Smith , clothing , loss $500 , insured ; II. 0. Wilbur & Co. , groceries , loss $5,000 , insured ; postoilice and tele phone central office ; A. A. Sweet , dry goods , hotel and juildings , loss $7,000 , insured ; store building occupied by Sweet , worth 910,000 , owned by Bridges & 3o. , insured ; ch pol building of the Congregational churchy Barry Mahon ) uilding , occupied by Mahon & Co. , Iry gooda and groceries ; T. T. Obor , nlliardsr L. Parker , barber , and sov- iral residences and the town hall , valued at $15,000. The Kolcomo Floiiil JJyiicUod. National Associated Pint. KOKCVMO , Ind. , April 4. William ticliard Long , alias Chas. Ciimson , ho train ) ) who outrnged a littlo.U-ycar old girl , waa taken from the jail early his morning and hanged. lie denied the crime to the last. The only re quest ho made was that ho bo allowed o sing a aonc , which wan granted , To Hang ' 'See ' That My Ocave'a Kept Jreon " The box vaa kicked from under him at 2:110. : Tlio entire popu- ation of the town witnessed the mnging. Lone hua a brother living a Lone Hill , Nob. Killed U.y n Falling WnlJ. National Associated PrctH NKW YOUK , ApiilI. . While n number of workmen w ro engaged hia afternoon tearing down an old > uilding at No. 11 .Tamcti street , the vail suddenly collaprod , precipitating ho workmen to thn ground and bury , ng two childro : ? , John Dow , aged 14 , and Louisa BrodrJchc , ngcd 4' , in the lobria. The two children were taken out from the ruins , few momenta af- lie wall fell , but both were dead. The contractor was arrested by order of the oronor , nnd placed under a bond of 5,000 to appear bnforo the coroner's nquest. Jeiio James1 Body Fully Identified. National Associated Preen. KANHAH CITY , April 4. The body of .lease James , tlio outlaw , having been fully identified by his mother , still remains in St. Jostj h , but will > robably bo taken to-morrow to Cearnoy Station , Clay county , which a near whore his mother resides. Jovornor C'rittondon 1ms boon in the city all day. IIo says Frank James * will bo captured or killed before ong. J\u Expensive Arm. National Ai50iatetl Prew. TAIWTON , Mass , , April 4. George [ I. Jtankin brought a suit through rjeneral B , F. Butler against the Taunton Locomotive works for 820- )00 , the price of an arm lost in the company 8 works a few years ago. A Now Railroad Projected. National AMOcIated I'ress. KAKCIO , 1) . T. , April 4. The Red Hirer and Lake of the Woods Kail way C'ompnny has filed articlca of ns tion with the Secretary of State , will ( j. F. Copelnnd , Frank Ives , Artliu Yeervault , J. H , Conolnnd of Crook stone , and W. J , Jvcs of McLeoi county as incorporaton. The capita stock is 82,1100,000. The projected road i from n point on the Red Jlivoi along Ucd Lake river to the mouth o Thief river and thence to the Lake o the Woods. Miunrii1 Strike Proliablo. National Associated PmiADKtPiiiA , April 4. Private ndvicoi received from the Cumber land , Md , , coal region , say thnt the strike is likely to continue some time. The operators , if the strike is not ended in two weeks , will intro diice foraign labor. There is a dn < cidedlj' rcstlucs feeling nmong the miners in the Olearlield reuiott o this or n Jnl > . National Associated Press ATLANTA , tta. , April 4- About sev enty-five members of the Atlanta bar met to-day , and appointed n commit * lee to gn to Washington and place before fore the president tlio name of an ex judgoof tlio supreme court of Georgia , Jl. 1C. McKay , for judge of the dis trict court in the northern district of Jeorgia. Go hi K to Sotllo tip. S'Mlonal As'oclitud Prosn. f PiHT.AiiKi.vmA , April , President Gnwnn , who sailed for Liverpool thin evening , will place § 40,000,000 of the ivo pur cent consols in Europe. Thh , with $10,000,000 realized on deferred jonda. will mouti the floating dubt , redeem the treiicivil mortgage bonds , nnd incut the scrip on coupons duo in July. _ _ Stock Growers' Unnh nt uhoyouno. National AtaocUtcJ Press. WASiiiJfOTOjf , April 4. The Stock Growers' National bank at Cheyenne , \V. T. , has been authorized to cnm- nonce business. O.ipital $200,000. A TREASURE TROVE Jnearthed While Making an Excavation for a Sewer. A Genuine Bonanza Struck by "Cluck' on Hagorty" Yeatordny. The joy that permeated the frame of Edward D.xntcs when ho uncovered .he wealth of gold and glittering gems on the barren isle of Monte Oristo , or that swelled in the bosom of Con Jregan when ho turned up the won derful treasures while digging u grave 'or n minor in the gold region of juajnqunlla , must have boon a com- j'mation of feelings similar to those which surged through the breast of tlr. John . Haggorty whenhorostod lis oycs on a crock full of gold , silver and paper money which waa found on iis promises yesterday. Mr. Hag- ; orty is an old resident of St. Louis , and drives a good business in poultry and game at No. ! ) ll Broadway under ; hp firm name of Haggorty & Son. His residence is at No. ! U1 Collinu street , and has been for the past sev enteen years. The house in which he ivos is an old one , and in the days when it waa n mansion with white walls and clean appearance it was the mme of Montgomery Blair. MIt. B-taiU lltm.T Till : HOUSE , and previous to hia departure from St. liouis , sold it to Samuel Gaty , Esq. , rom whom Mr. Hngorty purchased it n 18G5. Yesterday morning at half-past 11 o'clock two men employed by Mr. lagcrty , named Daniel Shields nnd Thomas Hiqgitia , while digging a ronch in which to run n sewor-pipo rom an to the Collins street $ sewer , on llogerty's lot , struck tlipir spades against something very solid , jhiolds stooped down nnd removed the clay to find the dimensions of the ob stacle met with. The obstacle proved o bo a otono jar or crock , similar to is termed "buttor'crock"and vhnt n , , with the aid of his companion and the > owcr of curiosity , ho unearthed the ussel , which proved to bo decidedly icavy and tested the strength of tie ) ncn. Calling to the inmatca of the louse they proceeded to open the nystorious receptacle , which waa .hickly scaled with wax. The cpvor waa finally torn od'and its removal re- oalod to THE TVONIlCU-SrUK'KHN OI1OU11 what they had only seen before in airy-story books , a veritable pot of { old and silver. They inserted their lands into the blackened metal und lulled out whole hnndfulo of gold ami ilyor coin. Tlioy rung them , bit > .hem , teHtod tliom in every way , ookod at the dates , and when they ound it wiia really good money they actually cried out for joy. Just then Tagarty appeared and took posses- aioii. Ho brought the crock nnd the coin into the lioune , brightened up ho time colored metal , und turned ho whole treasure out into a wash- ) lib. This revealed to his ga/.o a small amount of Continental scrip- , rhicli was down in the coin. The gold and silver and paper were sop- ' itatod. The paper nmountod to tbout $200 , the silver , mostly in del ors , with n few half-dollar pio'coa , was in such a quantity as to com pletely conceal the bqtton of the wash-tub , and the gold coin was in oven ( JIIEATKH 1IUI.1C THAN TUB SH.VHlt. * Ire. Hagerty put the gold into a dish-pan , which tilled out one-half the space in the pun. The gold consisted nostly of English sovereigns. Noth- ng less than n soyoreign was found among the cold coin. How much it all amounts to has not yet boon nscer- .aiiiud , Mr , Hagerty immediately icld a love feast , and gave put coins rrooly as mementoes to his friends , and during the course of the day pur chased a house and lot on Broadway of Marcus A , Wolff for seven thou sand dollars. A Republican reporter last night about 11 o'clock , in company with another newspaper man , called on Mr , Hagorty at hia residence , He wan in bed at tlio time , but willingly arose nnd gave the reporters n cordial greeting , Ho was surprised nt their having heard the nowB , but , in order ( o dispel the idea advanced by ono of them that it was nn April fool narra tive , poured on the piano DOU.AM IlYTlin HANIUTI. . They 'voro all well worn nnd bore dates from 17 Ti to 1830 , The scrip was nlso shown , There wore billi of the denominations of $00 , $55 , $10 , $3 , $7 , $3 , $2 nnd $1. The follow ing is a copy of a $ ! l bill : Tin : UKITII : HTATES. Three Dollars. { | In the circular seal in the right hand corner of the bill is a device , an cnglo hovering oier a crane , the beak of the crank being in the carlo's neck , nnd around the circle which sur rounds the device nro the words , "Kxitua in Dubio eat. " There are : \vo signatures written in the loft hand corner of the bill , which are legible ind just barely perceptible. On the jack of the bill are the words , "three lollars , " "Printed by Hall & Spllern , 1777. Thu bill measures 3 inches n length by 2j [ in width. THI : OI.IIKHT PI ECU OK FAPIIH reads an follows : "Three HhillingH , No. 18,207. 1 This bill of 51 shillings proclaim * , ion is emitted by a LAAV of the colony of Now Jersey , palfed in th Fourteenth Year of the Jteign of Hia Mnjealy King * GL'OUGK the Third. D.ited March 25 , J770. [ HF.AT..I "Three Shillings , 1'Jona Dears ; "Robt. Smith , "W. Smith. " The eariiest date found waa 1775 ; ho latest 1832 ; the latter on n gold lovcreign , the former on a silver dol- ar. The money must hnvo been bur- riod in the thirties , probably about 833. Not n line of writing wns bund , nor the slightest trace of the iriginnl owner. Some member of the Jlair family may have buried it , nnd t may have boon buried by a man vho hud committed n crime and thus lid the evidence against himself. Whoever buried it , or at what time it vua buried , , will probably always ro- nain n mystery. J t is hoped bytlm [ Ingarty family thnt itvill. . At any rate n fortune was turned up in the construction of n sewer that will amount to $25,000 , nt the lowest cal culation , nnd may run up to $ . " 50,000. and the right and title is nt present vested in John E. Hagarty , poul- crer. The Council Meeting. COUNCIL BLUFFS , April 4. A > t nn adjourned mooting of the council oat night the chief engineer of the ire department presented his report , showing that during the past seven- ecn months there had boon twonty- ; hrco alarms and two false alarms. , Total loss , $ G4,21C. The council allowed Mr. Sodopskr $137 for being injured by a defective sidewalk. J The final reports showed only $7,717 of the general fund unab- orbed , nnd of that amount over 1,000 had boon enjoined , which , nth the uncolloctcd taxes , showed the ity to bo behind from $15,000 to 520,000. The resources reported consisted of $3t,435 delinquent taxes and $14G8fS ash , making a total of $45,118. The liabilities consisted of n bonded ndobtodnesa of $147,400nnd $19,21 , looting indebtedness , making a total udobtedness of $100,013. Collcco Crnoltioa. National Associated Prim HAIITFOUD , Conn. , April 4i Thrao ophomores of Trinity college , Tan ahillo Hills nnd Jfurdy wore brutally lazed Sunday night by thirteen sen- ors on account of personalities which ppearod in the annual college publi- ation , " " \ o Jug , " of which tlio three ephomores were the year editors. The Boniors placarded the oity Sunday vith the words ' -'Grand Tribunal , " nnd in the evening the three aopho- nores were enticed from their rooms nnd taken several mileu out of the ity in carnages , the _ car- iagos being 'driven in different directions. The letters "G. T. " were urnod into the backs of the hand of ho victims with chemicals. Ono was nhumanly paddled , and another was eft blindfolded in & swamp nnd hade o walk back to the college. There is roat excitement over the affair. Thu ophomorcs publish u list of the saatlants , all of whom are well known n society. Fuw years- ago the metn- ors of the "Cirand tribunal" cora- littoo were expelled. Fostol&oe Burglarized. 'atlonal Associated PFOBJ. MKXIA , April 4. The postoflico was burglarized last night of seven or eight hundred dollars and stamps o an amount unknown and sulwo- [ uontly sot on fire , but the llamea voro discovered and thu fire ox- inguishod. Off for Europe. National PICBB Association , NEW YOUK , April 4. Mmo. Ade laide Putti and Signor Nicoline , Bailed thia afternoon for Liverpool , n the steamship Arizona. A num ber of theatrical people were also passengers. Mnratimo Movement- National Associated 1'reat. NF.W YOIIK , April 4. Arrived Tlio Oity of Paris and Baltic front Liverpool. LIVEHPOOL , April 4. Arrived The Catalonia from Boston , Smoked Geese Breasts and Smoked Tongues at Mots & Eoaenateiu's. N