THE PAIL fJBEB JOUJGIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning April 4 " SfllSOItllTiOX UATHS Hy furrier , - - 80c nt < prr w k. By Mall , - - - - Oaico : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near * Erondwny. C. II. , Maiuper City Circuhtlon. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. _ MINOR MENTIONS. Trans' * Hauler CnrJs at SeMnanV mchll-tltf Have yftufccn that Kino Ulsplay uf Eftiter Cards at Uuilincll & llrackctt's. inchllcodtf V. 1' . 1'orJ guarantee * the best Sl..O JI.V5 end 62.10 shlrU made in the west. Ulufl and \Villo\v-8liccU. A2 tf The wind and diwt had it H tlicir own way jcstcrday. The Hoaiul Talilo inccti thli c\enlng .iHMr * . Ilcwltt'u hoiifo. The benefit concert tendered Mu Ubncho Oliver U to bo given this u\enlti ( { . The ItftptfalH arc to 1m ; o a sccial at Mr. .T. 1' . riltcrt'8 hoiwo nbxt Thursday owning. "Muldoon'fl ritnlo" wa < ( jlvcn nt IJoliany'a last nlxht. The company made tlio Ojdon house headquarters. ' The Methmliit church improvements will bo completed this wcok f-o that Kis- tcrnsrvicoscanbo held the next Sunday. The county board of wipcrxtoots did not meet yesterday , the members not ar riving in time. They will cloubtlcs-t start upon their labors to-day. The hlRh wind yo-lerdoy earned a " mgn ou Mueller's inu ! c store to tale a tumble , crushing tliroiiRh the rear win- down nud makinf ? an exteiifllve miash of glass. The widow and family of the lalo Jo- Biah James dcslro thhrough TIIK EK to exprcus thanks to these who aiaUtcd nnd cotnfurtod them in the hours of thtir deep troulilc. Ii.irs .Tcnien , charctcd with exi > o ing a . BlawUrou horse , was yesterday discharged liy Judge Aylcswnrth , there being an iu- Hufliclency of evidence to show that ho had exposed the horses of others. The Young Men' * Christian a'socia- tion held a ( social mootin. ? at the Haptlst church lait evening. At soon na the or ganization can be made more complete va rious forma of work will be atarted , look ing to the helping of young men. Yesterday Milton JJrown wai arrest ed for Blabbing James Taylor in ai nlTray Saturday night , n full account of which appeared in yesterday's UEK. Justice Abbott heard the evidence in the cane , and bound the young man over to the t < raiid jury in the uuiu of $300 , In the United Stales court yesterday the case of Ilblloway vs. the C. , ] ) . & Q. railway was on , it being a suit to re cover damages for Injuries received In n railway accident , in which the plaintiff aud father were , and by which the father wan killed. Another case of like title for damages on account of the death of the father was continued until the next term. THE UEK yesterday moruing called at tention to the carcletm way of leaving oil barrels and other combustibles exposed where they can easily catch Cre. Yester day a very narrow escape from Buch a bla/.o occurrjbd on fourth avenue. . A family had purchased a baarcl of gasoline far use in a patent mimmer stove , nnd left . it in the yard. Homo of the oil had oozed out aud trickled along on the ground. A neighbor thoughlessly ularted a bonfire , nnd , some loaves catching , tha uind blew the fire directly toward the gisolino , and 5t was approaching it rapidly when others , noticing the danger , rushed to the spot and slumped it out. Two lltllo children were found near the Northwestern depot yesterday , wan dering about , badly frightened , and ton little to toll where or to whun they be longed. They were taken to the nearest Kchool building , but none there could tell who they were , and they were taken th another , where Bomo of the Hcholara recog nized the little wanderers ai belonging nn .KouHh avenue. In the meantime the inotlier of one of Iho children got of ! uf a bed of slcknctB , and had walked out in ficaich of her child , her anxiety giving her Iho needed strength. The neighbors and friends along Fourth avenue had < | ulto on excilemont about the waiuUrern , and > wash day , with its ! rush of work , was badly broken into , i Sunday evening a young man , whoso name is unknown ; hired aiigof Wagner U Holland , and took Mlas Maggie Hart out for a drive. Tlio young man was pretty full of budge , and Iho horse wa driven at a speedy gall. When speeding f.long Uroadway , flying under the whip , tha young man jumped out and the horn wenl running without rclu or guide Turning up toward the new engine lioiisc the buggy collided with tlio bridge tipped over an I throw the young bid ; out. After wrecking the buggy , tlioliorai cleared himself nnd went on. The youuf lady was picked up aud carried Inti Dowdy's reoUurant , whore the had beei employed , an I n doclor called , who founc that Iwo of her ribs had been broken Bhe suffered some bllshter injuriei also and is btlll under Iho doctor's caro. Th young man Is t > aid to Imvb bklppcd th town. PEHBONAU Col. Cochran has relumed from Hill Sioux , 1'O. . Leonard , of tha Timca , IJucn Vista , Cul. , was yealerday in the city , i guest of the Ogdeu house , , James P. VJnccnt.euperintemlent of th Florence Cut-olf , wai In the city ycslei day , on hi * return from Ouawa , Iowa. H honored THK BEK office with a call an some cheery words , ' Board of Trade , The board of trade held a rogula mooting last night , nt which little wai done , owing to a limited attendance Adjournment vua taken for ono week at which time the question of recom mending a location for the proposed government building hero will be taken up. THE INAUGURAL , Mayor Bowman Presents In- torcstinp Pact and SUR- Costioua Concerning Council Bluffd. Hia Viowa of What the Folicj of the New City Gov- ormnout Shall Bo , Themes foV- Thought , Talk one Action. A mcoHng of the city council was told ycatordny afternoon , nt which al ; ho inombora voro prcaont cxccpl Aid. Gouldcii. The now city clerk , Mr , Saviacoo ) , occupied his chair fui the lirat time , Hccordor JJurko returning - ing to hia duties na auditor. Tliorc was little busincsa done beyond ar ranging for the equalization of taxes , nnd listening to the following inaitgu- ral by Mayor Uowinan , after w iich adjournment was tnkunuhtil evening , Gcntlcmun of the City Council : In meeting fir the transaotlon of tlic public lmmricfi. ' , nt n , titua do > ignntcd In .h < i IBW wlilch constituteur.pre ontolinr < , cr , I deem it _ ] irojicr to nmko poino lefen : ncp , nt tliii time , to rome linittcrs of pub. Ic interest wlilch ought tr , ciirrngo our nt- .ontlnn dining the coiriin ? year. The nb.tiuloniiicnt of tlio ppecinl chatter , by n lecinivo vote , In t October , and thu * tin- ) hitic expression of lha popular will , n lie recent election , nro indications tf an earnest nurpoBo on the [ mrt of the people hnt uvory poisiblo energy of Council ( hiUs filial ! ho ] > ut forth in the attainment > t Kcncral prosperity , and tlio c < unt > lctc aim and object of n municipnl government nt'uincil. ' It will bo linuofisiblo todo more linn nutlino BOIIIO of tlio snggcntioim I de- ire to make The lirst tiling tlmt occurs ii the finin- cinl condition of tlio cily. A committee \-BH arpointcd to examine into tills niatlrr , o that there might bo fdnio intelligible jnein of nction. Tlint conimitteo will nako iU report nt this tension of tliecoun. il and may bo anticp ! ited now. Tlio fo owing N thu tax ntntemcnt : TAX .HTATKMKXT. A com | > arnUve statement ia also prcscn- cd which may bo of HOIIIO inturcat us : i ; ui < lo to public duty in this matter' \1SESHMHKT AND TAX J.KV1 1870 TO 1881. 1870. ! cnl estate 52,70 ,58 ! ) 00 Peraoiul r > U4,778 00 Total $3i31,301 : 00 Tax levy ID mills. 3877. loal estate ! 82,74li51 01 "crsonal ' . 540,020 00 Total $3,282,077 OC Tax levy 15 mills. 1878. teal estate $2,711,000 00 Personal 612,08i 00 Total § 3,233,148 CO Tax levy ITJinHU. 1870. leal estate § 2,100,120 OC 'cnonal. . . 1 410,280 OC Total $ . ' ,600,400 00 Tax levy 2-1 mills. 1880. leal CHtato 82,075)09 ! ) 0.1 'orsonal 027,001 00 Total 82,703,510 00 Tax levy 10J mlllH. 1881. teal estate $2,270,010 00 erbonal (139,311 ( 00 Total 82,929,230 00 Tax levy 21 j milk THieio are SO.COO of the bonds of the city which fall < ] uo In Febutary iioxt , Ami tale the Jlbertyof recommending that loma provision bo made for tlio iiaymcnt it thusu obligations lit maturity. It oc- IU8 that the best method 'of douiK HO rould bo to levy < i ( nxfcr that purpoKo natenil of inmlng bomb , to iciiow those ihl ones. It also CbiiiH that Hoinothiiic jhoiild at once bo cluiid to make gciiem ! 'unil ' warrants i > ar unil keep lliom there. thin flhould be clone by n Hullideut tax ovy to reduce the amount now out- utnnulnt , ' , and then with the proper to- Btrnlts of the statutes regulating theii uture lesuance , niul xiiuh oriiinanco as exist the credit of the olty mfcht bo inaln < .allied without the biicrllicu of a discount . < > \Uilcli nho IIBB BO rcipuenlly been com- jiollcd to submit , mid from which uho now iiilfcru. The Rtrecls and alleys of the city arc important matter * to o\ery citizen , nc mrtter what lilx crcuinRtancen. ! Dnrhi' other niiminialratloiiH , and under othvi circumstance * , the city undertook tin imiUiit , ' of certain improvcuientf , and ! mi oxpetiled largo Bums of m-ney that art not now available because of the tin HntHhcd condition of these tin proveiiientH. Jiesldcw the u oral utility of those works , It would bo : HOrloua general lots nut to proceed to thel ojinpleti n. This is thd cane with tin KradinK of Main tired , of the Wasliingtoi avenue extension , of Union avenue , and i material uml important change to be mad < in Ynuxlmn avenue. Of the latter , r. per Konal examination shown that n chance ii location should be made at the Koclc li Uml right of way. BO as to avoid n danger oils approach , and aluo an uunecuesary ex expense in connection with tin co t t the city of nn approach to thebrldg which the county propose * to erect , In close connection with the last olas of improvements Is the construction of i dyke or levee , so as to guaicl the went part of the city azaiiibt any future over How. Tha necessity of Mich nn improve inciit is not debatable. The resources , uc cording to feasible and economical plain are within reach , and no delay uhould b allowed , nud iiono would bfl judicious now while the danger it distant , bu which nevertheless confronts us at al times. I'roperty , both public anil private is In great danger In case of tlood fron the flume in Indian creek nbov Market street because of it worn-out condition , beyond repair and in order to save the valuubl bridges below that point I would frecom mend its removal at once , I would alsi sugjjest that regulations be at once adoptct so that all sewers , whether public or pri vale , emptying into that stream , bo ui adjusted that their contents shall cease tt be a constant menace to the health am comfort of the people of the city. Itli iniM > rlant to notice a matter by a propei prohibitory ordinance , and that U tin erection of'barbed wire fences within tin citv limit. * , as both dangerous nnd tin- . aving watched the opcrntinn * . of the Rrc drpnitmtnt of the city nlnce itx nr an- ! r.\tion , I hava nrt hcilUnu.vlnfi.tyinj ; that no better organii'iiUon exicta in any citj in the Urjion , No mnn irnpnitant de- pat tment is connected with the general admlnistratinn. No money spent for jntl ) . licpuipoiea lm < been morco'ononiicallyM moiewicely spent. No dt of mon have ever roiponrlcd to a call of duty with mo alacrity than the of the fira department of Council Ilulf , and the liberality ol former administration li.n been fully jus tified l.y m nly nnd energetic work from asctof yonnc men who have derived nr pcrhonul and pecuniary benefit from the organisation , I ml who have cheerfully under all circumstancof , performed n pub lic duly In the interojlo of all. Tor that reason 1 would recommend the most lib eral expenditure of money in that direc tion , consistent witli our financial condi tion 01 a proper nnd jud ( clout outlay. I cannnt dhmlig this subject without a par. tlctilar reference to the chief of that de partment , Mr. Licy , whoio equal for skill and fidelity scarcely pxatfbut ! whoso com pensation , In my judgment , hat not been and is not now , adequate to ho service performed nnd the responsibility of the position , Th time II H COHID , too , for the adoption of some method of fire alarm , by tslegrnph , say nt each hoio house in the c ty , fo ns to avoid mistakes nnd delnv , and to increase the ifHcIcncy of the de partment. Upon the ollicleucy of the police depart ment depon is the dftfelyof the HVPS and property of the citizens In tha firt In stance. This h a matt'r , then , of the highest importance. The inott effec tive police force it only attainable when compensation for duty Is Mich M to nttrnct to it men who ar- the best qualified , in every reaped , for thee trust * . With that in view , it Bccmito bo uuwi'o to expect thn bust men to lie at tracted to the service with sdnrlei that are iiin-lequatf. I would therefore recom mend that the galarv of the chief of po II e bo raised to 8CCO { per ycir , and those ot the other officers of tliq force to 505.CO per month , and made payable out of the police fund. In that way the Hal- nrics will bo fixed , nnd not fluctuating , a ? if paid in any other manner. That the council may Imvo n general Idea of the force , Kinco lha 10th of April , 1881 , I have abstracted from the annual report ol III 3 chief of police home facts tlut nm pcrve n a puido in thoj future The total number of arrests during that period was l.lin. These may bo cl.vsed nn follows ; Tor murder 1 , robbery 3 , nrson 2. forgerj 2 , passing counterfeiting money 1 , < mhez- lenient L' , assault and batt-ry 0 , bur- glnry 3 , larceny 01 , bhootlug nn the flticetl : . ' , immoderate driving 23. disturb ing the pence 203 , intoxication 503 , cairy- ing concealed weapons 11 , keoiiinff houses of ill-fume 83 , keeping gambling bouses 27 , vagrancy 35 , violating Sunday ordi- nancslO , violating oriiinanco In lolntlon to common carriqrn _ 0 , malicious niiscliluf 3 , insanity 2 , rc'ictins ; an officer 3 , actiny ns t ominon , carriur without ijceiito de frauding hotel kccpcra 4 , felling liquor to minors 1 , keeping disorderly lumso 1 , keeping Haloon without llccnso 1 , adultery 1 , debauching females 1 , incorrigibles 4 , driving on sidewalk 2 , trespass 1 , nnd refuting t > pay poll tax 2. Much of llio'work mentioned in this re port was done without compensation , the bo rd of Hiiperviiois , mrler n decision of the Htinri me court , having refused to allow the policemen anything for the largo num. bor of arrests made in state cases. It la Important that when Mich duty IH per formed by the police , nnd public interest ? demand that they do frequently pcrfcrm it to prevent e capen , Homo provision should be inado to compensate them for such extra duty , in coma form or anothei as shall seem the wisest. I ha\o n.ado an examination of the col lection of licenses for the year just ended , by an inspection of the records , including a comparison of the books of the city re corder , nnd the receibts of the city treas urer , I find that licence ! ) have been col lected for the year ending March 31.1882 , in the BUinof 88,432 07 ; in Hues , $2.878.34 , making n total of $10 831. 11. \VATKH WOKKS. An enterprise to vital to the general prospeiity of our city and the well b'irig of its inhabitants should receive from u inoie tha a mera passing notice Nc contemplated industry in our city com- bands such universal interest by our peo- [ > lu as this. Much speculation hae bean indulged in by all , and no pmall amount of opposition been interposed by some of our bent citizens in regnrd to the construc tion of t licao works by the American Con struction company , with whom our pre decessors contracted for the completion of the B.imo by the 21th day of January , A. D. , 1883. Whatever may bo thought of the merits of this contiact , nnd I am aware that many regard it jnequjtahle to the people of our city , yet. it having been solemnly entered Into by the city and said company , in my judgment w ought not as the true reprteentatlvcs of the people to do anything but to carry out on the part of the city in the utmost good faith , all the requirements of said contract which tha city was to pcrfo'iu ' , and in every legitimate innnner aldnnd nttsist the company .to construct nnd complete the workx an contemplated by nil parties , acd I feel that this council will justify mo in extending such assurance to the water works company us the policy of this ad- ministration. 1 am credibly informed , and I have no doubt myself , but that thu works will bo built within the time prescribed in thu - ontrnnt , unless by the net of the city or ! tt citizens the H.IIII-J shall be prevented , Already , as I nm advised and my author ity is direct proceedlugs Invo been Inaugurated to purchase or condemn the uecottnry grounds upon which to lorato tha works ami rtMoivoirn of the company , The new and additional contracts have been let to our own pcoplu within the last few dayH for the construction of the Iron work and material to bo used immediately In the comtructli.u of the wnr < s , and that within thirty days from this date , active operations will Imvo been commenced in our city , looking to the xpcudy construe- tion and completion of the woiks. Ol'll 11A1I.IIOAI ) INTKllESTH. Council Bluffs is prominently n , railroad conler/and'to its numerous railways it it indebted for Its reputation abroad in being ; the grtmtest railroad center in our state , and in fact west of Qhicago , This great intemt ought not. nor could it , be Ignored by us In the administration of the alfairs of our growing city. It ng < gregatea and brings to our exchequer us v city nnd people moro than any other ten Industries therein combined , nnd to Illui. trate 1 have casually gathered a few sta tittles rolntin f to our railroad Interests The following in an exhibit of city nml school taxes paid by rulln\ids on cits property for 1881 : Nume of Company. Tax Paid. Chicago , Hock Island & Pactao.S 3,102 3 ( Chicago & Northwestern . 1,111(1 ( fV Kunsas City , Ht , Joienh& Coun cil niuifs . . . 23i.i ; : Chicago , liurlluutun & Qiilnoy , OU3 11 Council Uluifa.lJt. Lauu & IV clfic . 403 3i Union Pacific . 10,330 2. ' Total . 82.VJMH In my judgment one-third of our labor ing population are employed directly b\ the railways centering in the city , tfroni this , It may bo gtthercd the important connection which that industry hno will general prosperity nnd growth. ICach ol the six trunk HIIUH centering here lu.vo during the past year , and are now ex pending nearly u quarter of a million of dollars iu the erection of one of tht finest elevators in the north-west , all ol which money has been disbursed in oui city , and at least one-half of it it expend ed amoui ; our people. The la t line here I refer to the Chicago cage , Milwaukee nnd ( St. 1'aul railroad companyhave , during tht past season. purchased from our people and paid them the money for nearly S15OOC for leal estate necessary tor us u .c and to accommodate our people in their business. The other llooa havt been and are ntill making purchased o thousands of dollar * for their a' commoda lions , and will BO continue to make addl Hanoi nutlnya in our midst ns their in creating buMnefi wants mint demand. Al this adds wealth nnd tirosperlty to oui city and to Its poiple. In fact , I tuny s 13 thesa great lnnu trics have 1 ocomo n par and i nrcel of our city itself , nnd the srea' ' oirporations controlling them look upot our city and to its people as n place when nnd by whom their g eat intcrf-fto , w clostly identified vith our own , will receive coivo the cams just duo nnd proper con Mdetatlnn nt our bunds ai nny nnd all in dustrics in our midst , nnd in my Judg tntnt our policy towards them thonld be not only Just , but thoroughly liberal It is important that the city govern ment have additional facilities for the tr < naetion of bu incn , Thh is rec'.g ' , nizcd In the prctfting wunt of n bulldiiif suitable for city ofllccw , acourt joom am accommodations for the ( superior court better prison f < clllUe , market nn ( cround" , etc. , all of whic.h have received the con idcration of the e'tizens , nnd < lc in nnd tha earnest attention of thccitj Kovermnent. ICntcrinp , as no nrp , pen a now rrn ir the history r > f Council Blllfl" , it in R r < iteitly hoped that- all classes of peoplnwil ! net in harmony in every enterprise circu ited for the general good. OPEN HOUSES. Those Reported for the Violation o tlio Sunday Law A Square JJoal. The ordinance requiring saloons < ( close up ut 11 o'clock at night and t ( keep closed Sundays lias been n cleat letter so long that it acorns ns if tin oflicials had forgotten that any sucl ordinance had existed. With UK comitw > of the now adminUtratior the following renolution was adoptet by the now council : Resolved , That the mayor and mar shal bo and they arc hereby instructed to enforce rigidly and impartially the ordinance defining misdemeanor and fixing punishment. Also _ tlio ordi nance concerning the closing of Ha' loons and tippling houses. Tno ordinance referred to providct that saloons shall bo kept eloped from 11 p. m. to 4 n. m. the next day , anc fixes the penalty at not less than § i and not moro than $2Eij also that sa loons shall bo kept closed on Sundaj under penalty of not ICES than § LC nor moro than $25. Last week the police roportctl n number of places open after 11 o'clock at night , and yesterday they reported twonty-tlireo places open on Sunday. Oflicer Uuanolla reported Burchc- son & McCalsfcr's open until ] o'clock at uiijht , and the beer garden as open until 12 o'clock. Ollicor Sterling reported the follow ing places : D. Frazer , Calif ornis house , Metropolitan house Ander son's ' , Porbes' , Peter Johnson's , Beclo ley'a , Maivo White's ' 'at the Pacific house. Ollicer Earhyto reported as open on Sunday : Tlio , Pat Lacy , Peter Dechtolo , Leo Mitchell , Ex change , Sam Ford , Ogden billiard saloon , Hatch , Henry Leland , the saloon under Turner hall , Moss and Lawrence Hull's old place. Ollicer Clough reported the Lowei home , MikeNoland , Burlington house , St. Joe house , Kofi's house , Dick Kennedy , Creeton house , Nick Shurz and Chris Swinger. Under the resolution of the council , it is the duty of the mayor and city in a rah al to enforce the ordinance , and as ihcao thirty-three violations are re ported , the question naturally arises , what will bo done about it ? Thus fat nothing has been done beyond making a report. There Rooms to be a de termination on the part of the now city government to enfoico the ordin ances. The expressmen have been made to move on to the side streets and driven off Broadway. If it is fair tc enforce the ordinance as regards ex- pressmen , there should bo no hesi tancy in enforcing this ono. Tin council have issued the order that the saloon ohall sell as required by law. Numerous violation * have been of ficially reported. If they lot the matter drop there , the whole thuij ) wil bo a farco. Having taken a stop , it remains to bo scon whether thoj will retreat or go on. Having started in on the express ordinance thej should- make it a square deal for all violators of ordinances , or else rescind < scind the ordinances altogether. Council Mooting. The city council met last evening , J. M. Baldwin presented n rorbn petition in behalf of the policemen that they bo paid from the poliui fund , instead of tlio general warrants , which nro at n discount. Referred A remonstrance was presented signed by fifty or more , against rais ing the saloon license § 1,000. The auditor presented his report o expense for April at § ! ) ,000. An ordinance was introduced pro vtding for the council to ehooso parl policemen , instead of the mayor. The mayor presented tlio name o C. P. Warner as a park policeman. Adjourned until this evening. COUNCIL BLUFFslsPEciAi NOTICES. NOTIOB. Special advertisements , -tin Ixwt , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Ucnl Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will be Insetted In till column at the low rate of TKN CKNTH I'EI LINT ( or thu first insertion and K1YU URNT I'iH : LINK for each subsequent luscrtlni Lcavo tulv crtlscmcnta at our olllce , No. 1'carl Street , near Uroadway , TnOll SAliU Uea-itiful residence , ou , * 0 n each : nothing down , and 31 rcr wool : onlj bj hX-JlAVOH VAUQIIAN aplS-tf A NYONK WANTING eoirctlnc qiultty brooi J\ corn teed can irrt It by writing to " )13 tf 1' . t. MAYNK , Ojuncll ninll * . T710H 8AI.K 3W. caio Mexican Natloinl ? 1,00 I'couvon bond : ' vuluo and history uiiknowu A. D. 1'ACKftHl ) , mtO-7t Wei ton , Iowa ANTK1I To buy houroand lot oninoiithl raiments. AUJrcs X , licootlicc. nurlStf. AM'KU To rent a einill collage at oucx W AiMrcts C , U. , or enquire at Beit otllci fib4-t ! ( To rent A ten room house 1 WANTED good neighborhood or two uiualle houses etila by IJc , Address I' , 0. i'.ox 7Ui Cauiull ISluOs. or anplii at UKS olllco , Counc - K > cnrx ly In Council llluBs I to take TUB IIM , 20 centi per weak , dc H\eroJ \ > y carrion. Ottlcc , No 7 1'carlBttool near Uroadway. \TrANTEl > To buy 100 tow broom sorr YY For particular * aJdrcm Council BluD Ilrooai Factory , Council BluH , Iowa. 663-23t BALE Old rapen S o | > or hundred , t POK lies offlcu. Council llluflj. toii7-tl T7\OU KENT Large hou e , centrally locate * I' iilco irrounda , etc. , 28 | > tr month , tonuli at 1) office. ftpll-tl TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Public in FINE GROCERIES , With Everything iu Staples at the Lowest Prices , Fresh Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Co. 16 Maiu St. and 16 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTOHr.H OK Road , Track , Coach & Livery Quo Cw CVy o FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. SUEIIMAX , Iliwlncsj Mariner. \VM. CIIIllSTOl'Iinn , Mcchinloxl Marker. ISA S. Main St. , Council Bluil'd , Ia. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keep everything you want in First Chss , Ohoioe , Clean GEOCERIES and PKOVISIONS It will pay you to look our es tablishment through. Every thing sold for Gash , and at the very closest margins. We have a line of lOo CANNED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern and West ern Goods put up. All Canned Goods reduced 10 per cent , Send for our PriceSi Strict attention paid to Mail Orders , Agents for Washburn's Super lative Flour , F , J , OSBORNE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OHlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo give special attention to Stamp Mills , Sinolting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general us- ecrtmcnt ol Brass Goods. Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , CHAS , HENDftlE , President. 2. OSCAR WILDE 2. GAS EIXTCliES. Bixby & Wood , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) ' J. M. PALMBB , DKALKU IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MAURTDR & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Glass , Kino French China , Silver Ware &c. , 8JO DROADHAT. COUNCIL 11LUFFS , IOWA. KELLEY & [ Vl'CRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. . Council Bluff Drs ; Woodbury & Son , dor. Pearl & lit Avo. COUNCIL IlLUFr'd. W. 8. AMKNT. JACOB SIMS. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & OounsBllors-at-Law , COU N OIL BLUFF8. IUWA. HARKHESS , ORCUTT & GO. , Broadway , OOP. Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-Hm , Weber. Llndouiua , J. Mueller and other „ Pianos , $200 nud upward. Burdott , Wegteru Cottage , " Tabor and Paloubot Organs , $50andupward. Musi cal Merchandise of every diacription. Italian StriDfja u specialty ; imported direct. Muoic Books , Sheet-Music , Toye , TJ Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re- tail. Pianos and Organs Bold for Cash and on Time. Stock ia largo , full and com plete. Musical Journal ireo on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : J. MUELLER i a . , 103 South 5tli Street. o IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , BOWMAN , EOHEER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merc'hants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol ProiTuco Prompt attention ? l\en to nil conslpmucuta. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W. ZFOSTIEIB , WILL SUPPLY OS SHOUT NOTICE - Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled and dolhcrcd to Express office free of charge. Send foi . C.tttlozue. Mirrors , Upholsterj , Eepairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins , No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blufls , Iowa. KW A WYOMING GOAL. HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , STARR Si REYNOLDS , 107 Main St. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS . .IX Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves , CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. r * * ' ( f * 4ribk * * K3f" ILjvBfcJP J > Js fe * . 9 IT ATE AG-ENT N 9 & i&i&a * Sm * id JSou\M Ju9 SL Jm Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landa , and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYXK. over Savings Bank , - "COUVOILj BLTTFS The New Styles for 1882. Largest Stock in Western Iowa. 'O ' 11 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. T WE CAUUY THK LARGEST BTOCK OF FINE Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of CouncI Bluffs , 1 Ml Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive. Z. T. 'LINDSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA A J And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,