Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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, . . NEW YORK , April 1.
S > V ito.vEr.
The money market closed nt 4 per
Exchange closed firm at 4 87@4 90.
Governments clo cd firm.
Currency G's ,180 bid
4's coupons . . . .118. ' . bid
4VH coupons llnl bid
< Vs continued 1031 bid
G's contiuiied 101.J bid
Pacific railroid bonds closed as follows :
Unionists 11(11 ( l > id
'Union Land Grants 112 bid
Union Sinking Funds 1174 bid
Centrals 1"
The stock mnket to-day was comparn-
tiv lyuiettheRalcsnuly ( [ aggregating 200-
OOOslwcs. Durin ? the morning the course
of prices wna very irregular , but after
midd.iy n strong tone sot In , and prices be
gan to advance , the market continuing
strons : on the advance to the close , when
the highest quotations of the day were
current in most cases. Northern Pacific
shares were features of the final sales , nnd
ndvancsd sharply. Closing quotations for
the general list showed the advanos for
the day $ to 21 per cent. Lake Shore
quoted nn extra quart rly dividend of 2
per cent.
The following were closing bids :
* v
' ?
The following were the 8alo of the more
active stocks to-day. Totsl sales , 200,000
, V U 17900 0500
USEx 100 K&T . 8000
CC&IC 2000 LS . . . . . . . .10100
C. I ? . & Q . . . . 100 M E . 100
NYC 31)00 ) Northwestern . 800
N J C 52800 O & W . 0000
Mich Ceil 2400 O&M . 200
N P 21100 PM . 110 ! )
Preferred. . . 33100 Reading . 20700
CP 400 RI . 100
MoPac 3300 San Fr.mci-co. 2200
TP 83CO Ht Paul. . 10100
OS 2203 M.L. S&W. flOO
dies. &Ohio. . 200 Wabash . 2000
DL&W8300 Preferred. . . 8MO
D&R.G 178,0 M& Cist pfd. 7000
Events of the week in financial circles
were important for the strength disi layed
by securities generally on the stock
Money loaned at from J to 0 per cent.
During the latter part of the week there
were exceptional transactions at higher
and lower rates ,
Government bonds were firm and frac
tionally higher.
Foreign exchanges were firm throughout.
Railway and miscellaneous speculation
was buoyant early in the week , with an
advance in active stocka extending from
2 to 7 per cent. The upward movement
was assisted by large purchases for invest
ment and upeculativo account , and by
favorable Developments as regards tele
graph companies. Subsequently there
was a reaction from the highest point un
der sales to realize a profit.
The bank statement to-day ia unfavor
Loans increased S 1,001,800
Specie decreased 1,228,400
Legal tenders desreasod 022,800
Deposits decreased 030,200
Circulation decreased. 141.HOO
Reserves decreased 1G17,1 ! > 0
The public debt statement for March
shows a decrease for March , 1882 , of
$14,162,910.75 ; decrease since June 30 ,
1881 , 8114,33U,38y.G3 ,
Cash In treasury 8253,291,701 72
Amount outstanding of
silver certificates. 08,355,370 , 00
Of fractional correucy . . . . 700.4K3 807 00
Legal tender. 34,008,100 CO
Cash balance available on
April 1,1882 151,038,281 05
Bonds held to secure bank circulation ,
$309,910,700 ; bonds to eecnra circulation
deposited during the week , $1,308,5CO ;
to secure circulation withdrawn dining
the week , 51,327,000.
CHICAGO , April 1.
The market to-day was very active ,
with a slight indication of weakness in the
price of governments or , rather , there
there seems to be a check to the advance ,
4 per cents uling from 115J to 11BJ. . The
demand for the extended .Vs and O'd is lesi
acthe , and prices for thesa securities arc
a shade lower.
Railroad bonds of leading roads are no.
live , with yekterday'a prices fully main ,
Foreign exchange quiet , with 110 chang <
in rates ,
Clearings for the day , SU.JWS.OOO ; total
for the week , $40,199,000.
hfOCKH ,
SV Extended fixes , 1861 1011101 |
oS'riExtended liven , l63.lU2f ! )10'Ji )
3i'd Coupons UPiillC
4's Coupon 118K31183
Mlnnesata Stale , 4V nnd Int. . 101
Sterling , sight , .4891
Sterling , GO days * . .4FGf
Chicago , Mil. k St. P 7's 120
1 ) o 0 j'n , Dubuque division 1031
( ! . B.&Q.4V. . 87
Burlington & Mo. 4's in Neb . . SI
Wab-vho's 83. ' ,
Chicago iV Northwestern 6V. . ! Ut |
Jacksonville & Southeast. O's.K \ > \
The opening of the new stock exchange
bus been postpone I until the loth hut.
omnrm Wliolcunlo Market-
Saturday Evening , April 1. J
The wholesale trade in nil lines report
thopa t week n * active , particularly HO In
dry goods , carpets , boots and Fhoes , liats
nnd caps , clothing , fumMiing goods , nnd
millinery , nnd quotable changes mo unim
There isngood movement In country
produce. Sales of the more perishable ar
ticles being quite free on local account and
n f Jk'r shipping Inquiry ulso existed for
some of the leading staules.
The butter market Is weakening some
what under heavier receipts , yei for
holcelots there is nn active demand being
almost of iv local character , as It has been
for come time past.
Poultry Is still scario and advancing.
The supply of eggs still continue liberal
aad sales only moderate. Prices declin
Strawberries are In the market nnd are
selling nt oO&GOc , according to condition.
Vegetables , both ocal and southern are in
good supply , and ngood trade being dono.
We noticed to-day green pea , cucumbers ,
tomatoes radishes' , lettuce , kale and spin-
Oranges , leraonsnndbananas'nro in liberal
supply , more active movement , andhirhor
p'rices sustained ,
Tha flour uiaiket Is still quiet , and
prices remain unchanged , while nn active
demand exists for bran , and chopped feed
at still higher tigures.
Grain icceipts still continue good for
the season , and higher prices 1mo pre
The only changes reported In the mar
kets to-day are as follows :
Wheat , rejected , advanced lc.
Rye advanced Ic.
Corn advanced lie.
Oats advanced 31c. *
Local drain Dealings
WHEAT. Cash No. 2,118 ; cah N.- .
3 , 9 Us : rejected , G8c. *
UARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 92o ; No. P ,
RYE. Cash , C8c.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 55Ae.
OATS. Cash , 37f.
STREET PJUOES-Corn , 50@45 ; oat ? ,
HAY SO C0@0 fiO per ton.
BRAN 81 10 per hundred.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
32o@8r > 0 ; "Pioneer" California , 5100 ;
patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight
'rade S3 S5@4 2o ; patent.S-1 50@5 OOjgra-
hani rye , 82 F,0 ; Wheat , 83 00 ; Queen
Beo. S4 25 ; Jasper , 83 87 ; Big Sioux ,
$3 50.
RYE FLOUR 63 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 1 10
per ton.10 00@17.00 ; icroenings , per cwt.
SOo ; shorts , per cwt 1.10 ; chopped feed ,
per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ;
white. St GO.
° OTATOES Nebraskas , 1 25@1 35 ;
.mported Scotch Champions 1 5.0 © ! 00.
siWKET POTATOES Gcnuiuo Musca-
tne.4 ! @ 5c per lb.
EGOS ll@lljc.
1JUTTRH Dreamery , 40@4c ; choice
roll , 30@33c ; cimmon roll , 22@2oc.
AJ'PLKS Good , sound , very scarce
; § 5 50@G 50 per bbl.
LEMONS Steady ; per bor , ei25@
151) ) .
ORANGES-per box 4 7B5 00
BEESWAX Yellow , aOfeii2c.
ONIONS-S3 50 per barrel.
CRANBERRIES Per tbl. , SJO 00@
CELERY Per doz. , 75c.
DRESSED GEESE Pcilb. . , 9lle.
OYSTERS-Solects,45o ; standards , 3oc.
Mediums 25o.
CHEESE 10@14o.
58 25 a 9 00.
Grocers List.
COFFEE. Rio , lair , lie ; Rio , good
2c ; Rio , prime to choice , 12Jc ; Old gov't
Inva ; 20&28&c & , Mocha , 28Jc | ; Arbuckle'B ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c
Choice , G0@75cj Imperial , good , 40@45o
Choice , 60@75o ; Young Hyson , good , 36@
50c ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35cj Japan , choice , G0@75c : Oolong , gflud | ,
35@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
good. 3540u : choice. 35ffl4Bc.
SUGARS. Cut loaf. lOJc ; Crushed
Sc ; Granulated , 10c | ; Powdered , lOSi-j
Kinepowderod , Idle ; Standard Coffee A :
9 3 ; Now York Confectioner's Standard
A. OJc ; Good A , V'lc ; Prairie Extra C ,
s ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbln. Socj half
bla , 57c ; kegs , 4 j gallons , S2 ,10 ; cholco
table Byrup , 4'Jc ; half bbU , Die ; kegs , $2 35 ,
SODA. Dwiftht's lb papers , 83 00 ; De-
and do , $3 00 ; Church's , 88 CO ; Keg soda.
STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , B\
@ 8Jc ; Corn Starch , 8J@'Jc ; Exoeleioc
Gloss , 7c ; Corn. 7Jo.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 83 ; Ash-
ton , In sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , S 45 ;
bbls dairy. 100. 3s. 805.
DRIED FRUITS Choice halves ,
evaporated peaches,7o ; Salt Lake 10Jcvap- :
orated 516 boxes,13Jc ; Michigan , 7 c ; New
York apples , 7c ; Pruned , old , OJc ; new ,
7405. Currants , 07u ; Blackberries , new ,
loc ,
CHEESE Full Cream , 14o ; Part
Bklm 11 Ic.
WOODENWARE Two hoop palU ,
1 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub
9 50 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 60 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 60
pioneer w&shboarcu , 1 85 Double Crown ,
2 90 ; Wellbucketx , 3 25.
LEAD Bar , 81 65.
SPIOES.-Pepper , | 19 ; Allspice , 19cj
Cloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , 6100 ; 25ouaasiu ; ,
Mace 8100.
MATCHES Per caddie , 90o ; rounil
cases , 87.G5 ; square cases , 85.10
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , l.'U
sholce lanl , 14c ; dried beef , 13Jc ; should
era , 9o : hams. 13c ; bacon , sides , lljc.
NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrels ,
89 00 ; do in half bbls , 5 25 ; smalls , in bbU
12 00 do , In half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , It
bbla , 14 00 ; do , in half bbla , 7 60. l
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lOo
pure apple , 13c : Prusaine uuro anole , IGo
HOif IN Y-New , 5 00 per bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked 84 2 (
per bushel ; navy , 81 00 ; calef navy , 84 0 (
ROPE-Sisal , i Inch and larger , 8(5 (
9c * i incii Dc
SpAPS klrk'a Savon Imperial , 330
K rk'B eatlm 8 SO ; Kirk'a utandarti , 3 05
Kirk's whl Russian , 500 : KIrk'i
Eutoca , 20 Klrk'a Prairie Queen
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 65(2 (
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , lli nz , SB
lOojboxes 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , 6a. 16c.
LYLAmerlcan , 3 40 : Greenwich 84G
Western , 275 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis
lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH-PennsylvauIa cans , 4 doz.
In case , 3 3j ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case
1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz In case. 160.
FIELD SEED-Red clover , chold
new , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , 87 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00
vl alf-k clover , new , $12 60 ; alslke , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , now , 83 00 ;
liluo grass , extra clean , $1 60 ; blue grops ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grans , $2 M ) ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; mlllet.German , $100 to SI 25 ;
Huncarlan. SOc.
HEDOKSEED-Osago orange , 1 to 5
bushels , ? 5 00 ; osage ornngo , 10 bushels or
over , § 4 60 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per
F1S J Family whlto fish , 90 lb hf bbls
$ 7fi ; No , 1 white fioh , 90 lb hf bbls , 0 70 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits. 110 ; family
10 lb kits , S."c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 135 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum
bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorpVl
Bank codfish , 6c ; Gen. bonelow codr.vvi ,
9Jc ; boneless fish , RSc.
MACKEREL Half bbls messmackerel ,
100 lb , $1250 : lit bbl No. 1 ex chore do.
100 Ibn , 800 ; hf bbls , fftt fftmily do , 100
Ibs , 0 00 ; mcos mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 2. > ;
No. 1 ox shore , 12 lb do , 1 B0 | No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do 7oc.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb
( Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 GO ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; do
2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lt > ( slack ) ,
per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
lb. per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozen
2 55. Sardines , email Mi , Imported , one
quarter boxes per box , 14Jo ; American ,
quarter boxes rer box , He ; do half boxes ,
per box , 21 Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do S lb per
case , { 300 : Corn2 lb ( Mountain )
per case , 3 20 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 33) ) ;
string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Limn beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case. 2 25.
Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
ncr case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case ,
280 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 76 :
raspberries , 2 lb , per case. ' 2 75@3 00.
Damsons , 2 ID , per casts , 2 45 , Bartlctt
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 11) per
cusc , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50.
Green gagcs,2 lb per CMC , 3 50 : do choice * , "
lb per case , 4 60. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per cano ,
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case. S 10 :
do 3 lb. case , 6 00@0 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
oase.385 ; duple , G It ) , per dozen , 3 60.
RICE Carolina , 7@8c ; Louisiana , 7
(28Jic ( ; fair , 0@6i.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten-
nessce , 9o per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb ;
raw white Virginia raw , 10c ; roasted ,
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS-AtlanitoA , 8ic ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , SJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
7ic ; Chittenango A , GJc ; Urcat Fnlls E ,
8c ; Hoosier , Gic ; Honest Width , 7Jc : In
dian Head A , S c ; Indian Standard A ,
83c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ( Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7io : Pcquot A , 8Jo ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 6 0 ; Wnclius-
ett B , TJc : do A , SJc ; do E 48,12io ; Wal-
cott BB. 8Jo.
4-4 ; 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3o ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL. Glc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7cj
Bennington C 4-4 , G c ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJco
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia 0
39 , SSc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-4.
lOc ; Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do O 32. 7jc ; do R
36 , 7fc ; do E 39 , SJc ; Pocasset 0 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Wamsutta4-4 13c
cin L 4-l,9JcBIackstoneAA ; in.perial S\'c ;
do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4 , S ;
Fidelity4-4 , 9JcFruit ; of theLoom , 10 ; do
can brie 4-4,13c ; do WaterTwist.lOic ; Great
Falls Q , lOic ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c :
Lonsdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; Now
York Mills. 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepperell
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontaa 44 , 9jc ;
Pocasset 4-1 , 8e ; Utica , He ; Wamsutta
O X X , 12ic.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o
7c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone Star , 8 o
12c : Savnce. 18c.
UUCKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown.
8c ; do C , .irab , Jlc : do .A. .stripes and
plaids , 12ic ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; Brunswick brown , 8c ; Chariot fancy ,
121c ; do extra heavj20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown. 13c : Noponset A brown , 15c.
TICKINGS Amoskeag A O A 32
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jo ; Arrowanna ,
9Jc ; Claremont B B. 15Jc ; Conestogn ex
tra , 174c : Hamilton D , lljc Lewiston A
,30,15c ; Minnehaha 4-t , 20c ; Omega supei
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32. ICfc ; Put.
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotuokot S
lOio ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8Jc
DENIMS. Ampskeak , blue and brown
ICJc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlington
blue Scotch , 18 c ; Concord OOO , blue and
brown , 12Jc ; do'AAA , do do 13J ; doXXX
do do 14ic ; Haymaker's blue and brown , ,
9ic ; Mvstic River DD stripe , ICJc ; Ponrl
River , blue und brown , ISJc ; Uucnsvillo ,
blue nnd brovvn , M-Jc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 54c ; Eddystone
lining , 24 inch double face , Sic ; Garner A
glazed , 5c : JSInnhattan glove finish , 5Jc :
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5c ; Pequot dc
5c : Lockwood kid tmish , 6e.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8c ; Andros
coggin satteen , SJ-j ; Clarendca , OJcjCones
toga Ratteens , tic ; Hollowel , 8c ; Indil
Oror0rd 7Jc ; Narrigansettlmprovedo
Pepperill sattnen Oic ; Rbckpoii , 7 0.
PllINTS- Aliens , Gicj American , Gjc ;
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4Jo ; Cocheco , To ;
Conestoga. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell ,
GJ@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , GOJ
Harmony , 5Jc ; lOifckerbocker , GJc ; Mer-
rimao D. 7c ; Mystic , SJc ; Spracues , GOJ
Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , 5c ; Oriental OJc.
GINGHAMS Amcskeag , lOJo ; Amos-
kesi ? dress 12 ' Argyle , lOJe ; Atlantic ,
9c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; H'ehland ' , 8Jo ;
Kenilworth , 8ic ; Plun kett , lOJo : Sus-
* 8c.
Agate. Wo ; American , He ; Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 13ic ; Clarion D nnd T ,
17Jc ; Deccan Co.stripes DandT.lCc ; Key
stone , 13Jc ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonpareil ,
lOoj Ocean D and T , 13Jo ; Royal , 10J ij
Sussex , 12o ; Tiogn , 12io ; Wnchusett shirt-
In ? ibecka. 12Jc ; do , Nnnkin , 12Jc ; York ,
plain Nankin , 12Jc ; do , checks , stripes and
fancy , 12ic ; do. 8 oz , 20c.
SHEETINGS Androscog8inlO-t.27Ac !
do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; Now
York mills 98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22ic |
Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 10-4 , 28o ; do
7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell 90 , 29cj
do G7. 21o ; do 67 , 18c ; Utica 90 , 35o ; dc
68 , 22Jc ; do 48,17o
OlRnrs and Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut.
825.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana ,
850.00 ; Clearllavann , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Knle ,
24 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rope ,
first quality , C2c ; Star , pounds , Z-
lb , butts , GOo ; Horse Shoe , pounds ,
24 lb , butts , GOo ; Gilt EdgeJ
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy ,
pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc ; Lorfl
lard's Climax , pounds , Glc.
FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Boat
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80o
Favorite , 65o ; Rocky Mountain , GOc
Fancy , 65o ; Daisy , 60o. In tin foil
Catllns O. 8. , 5 lb boxes , per lb G3o ; Lori
Ulard's llger , G5o ; Dlamoud Crown , GOo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 251 <
SSc. Granulated Blackwella Durham , II
oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , SOc ; Seal o
North Carolina , 1C oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 16 oz , SSc ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bugs
perlb , 81.85 ; Marburg'Puck , 2 oz , tli
oil , rf Be ; Dog Tail. 65o.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lead , Omahi
P , P. , 6ic : white lead , O.P.&O Co .S.P.C
pureG < inIar83llle8green ; , lto D lb cans , 20
French zinc , gts n seal. 12c ; French zinc
red seal , He ; French zinc , In varnish asst
20c : French zince , In oil asst , 15c ; Rav
and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw am
burnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13.
lefmed lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c
i ory black , lOc ; drop black , lOcj Prussia :
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chnun
green , L. M. & D , , 14o ; blind and abutte
green , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris green. 18t
Indian red , 15o : Venetian red , Oc ; Tusca
iliv , 22c ; American Vcrmlliod , I. & P. , 18 <
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D O. , IBc
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; paten
dryer , Oc ; graining colors : light oak , dar
oaV , walnut , cheitnut and ftsh 12c.
Dry "alnt *
White lead , 6io ; French Tine. lOc ; Parl
whiteing 2ic ; whiting gildera , IJc
v lilting com1 ! , IJc ; lampblack Gcrmac
town , I4c ; lampblack , ordinary , Be ; Prui
Ian blue , 45c ; nltramnrinc , 18c ; Vandyke ,
rown , Sc ; umber.lburnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
i ctenna ; . , burn t , 4c & ; Mennn , raw . . , . . 4o _ 11
nillicm , America , 18o ; Indian red. lOc ,
ese pink , I4o ; vcjictlnn road , Cookson's
jet Venetian red Am. , lcj rod lead , 7Joj
hrome yellow , genuine , 20o ? chrome yrl-
ow , K. , 12c : ochre , rochellc , 3c ; ochre ,
'rcnch , 2jc ; ochre , American , IJo ;
Vinter's mineral. 2Jc ! lehlgh brown , 24o :
panlsh brown. 240 ; I'rlnco'a mlnernl 80 ;
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon.
"unilturo , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
1 ; furniture , U. 85o ; coach , extra , SI 40 ;
JJonch , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Dainnr , SI CO ; Japan.
Oc ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , 93 60 ; bam
U finish. SI 30
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , lljol50 ;
cadllfiht , per gallon , 12c | ; 175' hcndllght ,
CT gallon , IGlc ; cryntoliuo , per gallon , lOo ;
nsecd. raw , per gallon , 02 ; linseed , boiled ,
> CP gallon , Goc ! lard , winter t M , per galen -
on , 05 } No , 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , C5c ; castor ,
KXX. pr-r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet ,
> er gallon. 83o { sperm , W , U. , per gallon ,
33 j fish , W. 11. . per gallon , COc ; ncntafoot ,
xtra , per gallon , 7oc ; No. 1 , G5o ; lubri-
attng , r.ero , per gallon , 30c ; hummer , IBo ;
olden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
' , SO ; rpcrm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tor-
icntino , per gallon ' , l > jcuapthn ; , 71 , per
allen , SOc ; Cl' , 20o
Heavy Hardware Lltt.
Iron , rated. S310 ; plow stool , special
cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; special or GonnanGo ;
ast tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , set ,
25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
ry , 1 40 ; tongue. , each , 70@8oc ; nxles ,
nch , 76c ; equaro nuta , per It ) , 7@llo ;
washers , per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , ] > er lb , llo ;
oil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 80 ;
ron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Co ; harrow
eth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 6 00 ; spring
tool. 7@8c ; Burden's horseihoes , fi 35 }
iurdcn's muleahocs , G 3Ti.
NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 8 75
d , 4 00 ; id. 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d ,
me , G CO ; clinch , nil sizes , C 23 ; Gd , casing ,
76 : 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd
nish , 4 75 ; 8d finish. 0 00 ; Gd finish , 6 25
lalf keen , lOo extra.
SHOT. Shot , 51.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 :
) riental Powder , kegs , $0.40 : do. , hall
cqgs.S3.48j do. , quarter kegs , SI. 88 ; Blast-
DBkosrH. . S3. 35 1 Fnso , er 100 feet 50o.
BAI.BEDVIIIK . In car lots,8 39 per
100 ; in less than car lot * . 8 55 ucr 100.
Hone * and Mules.
The market is brisk and all grades are
oiling well at p. Might advance in piices.
'ho demand for good horses exceeds the
upply considerably. Prices range as fol-
ov.'e :
Pine single drivers , 81CO. to 300. ; Extra
raft horses , $175. to 225 , ; Common draft
[ Ones , $100. to 150. : Extra farm horses ,
5110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
590. to 8100. ; Extra plugr , $ GO. to 70. ;
Jommon plugs , $20. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , 8125.
0 150. ; 14 4 to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ;
4 to 14 i hands , S75. to 100. ; 13J to 14
amis , $ CO. to 75.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 SO per wino
; allen ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
. 30 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits.
187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
vfciakieH , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 150 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Kr n-
, uckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BllANDIES Imported , SO 00@1GOO ;
domestic 140@1 00.
GINS Imported. 4 50@G 00 ; domestic ,
1 403 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; New
Poland. 2 00 U 00 ; domestic , 1 603 50
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
2HOO31 OjAmsriM.1 , case , 1200 ®
.000 ,
CLARETS Per caee , 4 50@1G 00
WINES Rhino wine , per case , 0 00 ©
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 007 00.
We quota lumber , lath and shingles on
cars at Omaha at the following prices :
under , S21 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00.
TIMBERS 10 ft. and under , $22 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , S23 OP ;
20 ft. , 821 00 ; 22 ft. , S27 50 ; 24 ft , $27 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G in. , $22 00 ;
No. 2. 820 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
bowls ) SIS 50 ; No. 2 , $1700.
- STOCKS BOARDS.-12-in. D. $23 00 ;
12-in. C , $33 00 ; 12-in. B , $40 00.
SIDING A , $24 03 ; B , $21 00 ; C ,
SIS 00.
FLOORING , $10 00 ; B. $37 50 ; C ,
$32 00 ; D , S23 00.
SHINGLES No. 1 , $1 75 ; 0-in. clear ,
$2 75 ; star , $3 25 ; extra A , 81 00.
LATH No. 1. 83 00.
SHIP LAP -Plain , 823 0 ! > ; O. G. Nor
2 , $21 00 ; O. G. No. 1. $35 00.
CEILING i-in. No. 3,82500 ; fin.
No. 2. $37 00 ; J-in. No. 1 , $12 50.
'FINISHING Lin. No. 3 , $37 CO ; 1-in.
No. 2 , $43 50 ; 1-in. No. 1. $18 50.
THICK FINIS H-S48 00@55 00.
TA 1115 ED FELT Per lb , 3o
STRAW BOARD-Per Ih , 3c.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per bu
55o. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaste
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tarro
felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Straw board , $4 CO
PAPER Sti aw paper , 8c ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7o ; manlla paper , lOc ;
news paper. 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , ? 12 ;
Morris Run Blossburg , $12 ; Whitebreast
urap , SO f.O ; Whitebreast nut. SO 50 ; Iowa
ump , SO 50 ; lown nut $0 50 ; Rock Springs ,
88 ; Anthracite , all size ? , 312 00@12 50.
Jarbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartarlc , OOa ; Balsam
/opabia , per lb , 75c ; Baric , Sassafras , per
b , 14c ; Calomel , per lb , 75c ; Cinchonidin ,
icr r > 7. , SI 00 ; Chloroform , per lb , 1 OOj
Dover's powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Epson :
salts , per lb. 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
45o ; Lead , Acetate , pur lb , 2lc ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per al , 1 30 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $125 ; Oil ,
Olive , per pal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 50c
Opium , $5 23 ; Quinine P. & W. & It. & S. ,
: > er oz , 82 40 ; PotasBluin , Iodide , per lb ]
52 35 ; Salacin , per oz10c ; Sulphate oi
Morphine , per oz , 6100 ; Sulphur flour ,
pur fb.4&c ; Btrvcbnine. tier oz , $1 50.
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy ,
13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20o } ;
washed , choice , 32c : fair , SOc ; tnb-uingy
and w. , 28c ; burry , blackand , cottod wooU
2@Ge less
Hides f-uri , Etc. ,
HIDES Green butcher's hide , ; ft\dfii \
cured 7 jc ; hides , green salt , part cured ? :
hides , Uic ; dry flint , sound. 13@14c ; drj
calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , sound ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Iba. . 10 < ailc
green call , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50o
green pelts , 50@81 25 ; green lamb ekliw
61 10@125 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut ncorcd and ono grub , claused two
tLirds rate , ) branded hides. 10 per eent. off
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3
20 , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 60c ; No. 2
SOc ; No. 8 , 15 No. 4 , 60. Fox , No. 1
GOc ; No. 2,25o. Skunk , No. 1 , black
G5c ; short stripe , 40n ; narrow stripe 25o
brood stripe , lOc. Tallow , Gc ,
Leather ,
Oak dole , 38c to 42c ; hemlock eo'.c , 28o t <
3Qo ; hemlock kip. KOc to 100 ; runner
G5o to 80c ; hemlock cjlf , 85c to 1 20 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak upper. 2lc
alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c
Greisenkid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , Wo t (
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 'JO to 1 30 ; French kip
1 10 to 3 55 ; Fiench calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ru *
Belts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 60
toppings , 0 CO to 10 60 ; B , L , Morocco , SOi
to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon
2 fO to 3 00.
HARNESS-No. 1 star oak , 42c ; No I
do , : i7c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , Stic ; No. 'J do
37c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c _ ; I < o.2 _ do , 35o
Oliloa o 1'roaaoe.
CHIOAOO. April 1 ,
Flour In moderate demand , steady am
unchanged ; the inquiry was mainly fo
iood tocholce paten c i ; common to choic
7 00 ; patents , G 758 25 ; winter whe *
brands , 4 607 00 ; buckwheat flour
1 C0@5 00 ,
Wheat-ln Ko. 8 spring very litt !
iislncss was transacted. The market
rulH ilull through most of the session ,
with flnctuaUbiM In prices of from 6J@53c ,
The tie h erics onApril contracts werofnlr ;
h weather waa watm and bright nnd the
narket clnccd nbout 2 © lower M followai
30 for cash and for Anrll ; 1303 for
M. y : 1 2S for June ! 1218 for July ; 110J
'Til lOjf for August ; 1 d3j for the year ;
To. S pring ( piiet at 1 OSfel 12J ; rejected ,
Ol > rn The market was unusually ncltvo
o-hy ; attended with much strciiRth and
xcltcniont. The demand for the tnoro dc-
erred deliveries was tint sinlly li isV , and
irlces were advanced lgnh' ) : and the ( in-
irovmieiit was well maintained ; No. 2
lo cd nt O'Jc for cn h and for Aprils 72o
or May ; 71 0 for June ; Tljo for July ;
lie for the year ; high mh d. 7lJ for
lit edge receipt" , and GSJffifi'.ljo ' for win-
cr iccolpUj rejected. GSJfeO'.lc.
OaLs Scarce mid lilchcr. Under liber-
I compct't'nn ' the imrkot advanced quick-
y. The hlijlier prices w cto ell maintain-
d. No. 2 closed at 40Jo for April , nftcr
cll'lit : from 44 to I7c ; 4 sJ@l8go for May ;
7jE ® ISc for J unc ; i.V'o for July : 33o for
ho year.
Rye Steady and firm ; but very little was
ono ; Xo , 2 , Slo for April ; SGlo for Mny.
B.rloy-Very dull ; No. 2 , 1 0@LO.V !
< o. 3. Wo
Pork Steady nnd slightly Mghcr ; inosa
lr , cd .U 17 2o@17 371 tor cash ; 17 2. ( < fl
730 for April ; 17 4fi@l7-J7J lor May ;
7rM@1707Jfor June17821@17 ; 85 for
uly ; 10 12Uor the year.
Lard Kiiirly active and steady ; closing
111 OtKailL 0 , for cash ; 11 05 tor April :
120 for May ; 11 H2\ \ for June ; 11 12J
45 for July ; 11 ISJfcill 50 for August.
Bulk Meats Steady and tinner ; short
ibs 9 55 for cash ; 1) ) 52J@'J 5" for April ;
GO ® ! ) G2J for May ; 0 70 ® ! ) 721 for June ;
77J@)8U ! ) for July.
Wusky-Qulct at 118.
Butter Market quiet and lower ;
rcamery. choice to fancy , 3R@llc ; fair to
rood , 33@37c ; dairy , choice to tancy , 32 ®
7o : do fair to good , 23@2Sc ; freRli made
jacking stock , 18@"Sc : low grades , 10 ®
3oj grenie , 7@0c ; roll , 18@25o for coin-
mon to fair , nnil 2S@3 Ic for good to choice.
E g8 Plentiful , and fail's forced at
ewer prices ; strictly fresh , 14iu.
Rcc'ta Shipm'ts
Flour 10.0S1 8,77 ! )
iVhcat 12,827 5,51 ! )
'orn 50,871 5 , " > ,375
Oats 63,475 2l,073 !
Rye 1,000 1,112
Barley tiG51 , lt',570
Council Elulfs Market.
Flour Crystal Mills Golden Shcnl ,
t GO ; California Eureka , patent , 3 80 ; boat
iraiul of Kansas , 3 50@3 DO ; Kansas and
Missouri ( lour 3 50 ® t 25 ; graham , 3 75 ;
rye flour , 3 40.
Bran and Shot U 15 00 per ton
Chop Com 22 00 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , $112l 15 ; No. 3 , 72c ;
rejected , 52c.
Corn 52.
Data Ko. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 3Cc.
Barley No. 2 , 90c ; No. 3 , 75o.
Hay Lee e , 5 00@G 00.
Wood 5 50 ® 7 00.
Live Hogs 5 25@5 75.
Cattle Shipping , 4 50@5 00 ; ' milch
cows 30 00@45 00 r > er head ; butchers
stock , 3 00@3 50.
Sheen 3 75@4 2. ' ) .
G Hides-Bo ; G S hides , 7c.
Butter Creamery , 30c ; In rolls , wrap.
ied , 25c : rolls not wrapped , 20o ; mixcil
colorc , lutjWOc.
Eggs Packed , 2.\c \ ; fresh , 15c.
Potatoes 1 30 ; Salt Lake , 1 50.
Onions 1 25@1 40.
DiessedPoultry Chickens , lOc ; ducks ,
8c ; gceec , lOc ; turkeys , 121c.
Live Chickens 2 75@3 00 per dozen.
St. JJouIn Proiluoo.
ST. Louis , Apiil 1.
Flour Quiet and unchanged ; fancy ,
: i 40@G fiO ; choice , 0 1B@0 2" : family , 5 8i
@G OJ ; XXX , 5 50@5 G5 ; XX , 500@n 15.
Wheat Weak nnd lower : trading lixht
nodcninnd ; No. 2 red , 1 27 § for CJish ; I 2S
For April ; 1 31V f ° r May ; 1 21 for June
1 081 for July ; 1 OG for August ; 1 05 for
the year ; No. 3 , 1 21 ; No. 4 , 114 asked
Corn Sharply higher and very strong
demand urgent ; 71o for cash ; 70f@70Jfo
\pril ; 71e for May ; 711,0 for June ; 71Ec
tor July ; 71-io for August ; Elc fur th
year ,
Onts Stiff nnd the market higher ; 53Jc
for cash ; fcOfc for April ; 4iJc for May
4SSo for June ; 3'J ' o for July.
Rye Lower nnil dull ; pales at 81@82c
B.irley Quiet and unuhanijed ; sales at
Lead Quiet and nominal ; refined , sole
at t 10.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 40@l5c
dairy , 30-10c.
Eigs Steady at ISJc.
Whisky Unchanged at 117.
Flax Swi-Firm at 133.
Pork Steady nnd firm ; 17GO cash17 ; 07 ]
: or April.
Lard Quiet but firm ; refined , 10 75.
Reo'ts. Shipmtn
Flour J.-11B GO
Wheat 14,025 2,17
Corn CO.V35 19,80C
Oats 3H.017 1,017
Rye none none
Barley none none
Now Yorli Protlnoc.
NEW YOIIK , April 1 ,
Flour Steady and unchanged ; southerr
flour quiet.
Wheat Firm and higher , nnd demam
moderate ; No. 2 red. H2J@141J ; No. 1
white , 1 S7H@1 3D ; No. 2 red , April , 1 4i
@ 1 43J ; do'May , 1 42i@l 4BJ.
Com Exulted nnd feverish , anil 1 to . }
higher ; No. 2 mixed , 81@82c ; white west
era , 88c ; No. 2 mixed April , 81@82c : de
May , 78 ( (81c. (
Oats Excited and 2@jc ! higher ; extreme
trome advance ill April option-JNiP. 1 white
G5c ; No. 2 do. ( i3@Glc ; No. 1 mixed , ( iitu
No. 2 do , fl'T ) ' ( < Gc : ! ; mixed weHein , Gig
Glc ; No. 2 mixed April , 57@GO'jc.
Rye Dull at 88S)3c. ( ! )
Birlev Strong ; No. 2 Canada , eastern
105.PorkNew mcsc,17 50@17 O''i. .
Lard Strong , fnirly active and higher
11 324 f"f calil' "iul April ; 11 374 f ° f aV
Whisky Nominal.
1'elroleum Dull. *
Poorlu Produce ,
PEOIUA. April 1 ,
Corn New firm and higher ; high mlxet
G9J@70o ; mixed , G01@70c.
Oats-Norninal ; No. 2 white. 48J@49a
Ryo--Dull and nominal ; No , 2 , 85 ( [
8Gu.HIghwineH Unchanged at 11G.
Roc'ts. Ship'tfl
Wheat 1,800 45
Corn 44,000 55,00
oaS : : : : : : . : 24 > o 23,02
Rye , none 60
Parley. . . ± . . 7.200 lion
Oinolnnnti Prodnoo.
Mess Pork Firm nnd heavy at 18'5.
Bacon-Clear Hides , 10 70@10 7rj ,
Flour Fairly ao-ive ; winter family , b „ ,
(3)7 ( 00.
Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2 red , 1303133.
Corn Demand good but less active ; Pc
2 mixed , 734@734c , sales. , , , . _
Data-Supply better ; No. 2 mlied , 6Sc
Rye Cloned dull and eany ; No , 2 8c ! ) (
SXJc. )
Barley-No. 2 , 1 CO.
Whisky-Firm at 117.
Chicago Ijive Stock.
CIIIOAQO , Arril 1 ,
The Drover's Journal reports a followt
Hogs-Receipts , ! ) 000 head. The rani
ket lor ho rulud active , und uwlni ; w tli
light receipt' , prices ruled linn and 5@10
hfglier ou light packing and h IIP n
grade * . Heavy packing and ihlppln
were firm but not quotably huher , .Sale
ranged from G 45@0 80 for light packin
and shipping ; G 3T.@r 00 for fair to cholt
smooth heavy packing , nnd fromO WtStlA
for good toextia smooth heavy Bilppin
lots. 'J'ho market cloaed firm , with abou
all the offerings Bold.
Cattle-Receipts , 1,050 head. 'Ih
market was again active and firm for BOO
to extra grades of shipping uteew. Wit
he bulk of the offering coKl city opera-
ors , who were ) nircliR ! > ini ; liberally , silo <
an cd from 4 00@4 2-1 for cownj I 75 ®
30 for feeders ; r > 15 for liutcliers' stock ;
00G 40 for fair to good steers ; G SO ®
10 for choice Miippin < slccrp , and from
157 30 for extra smooth shipping
icove ? .
Sheep Quiet. Most of Ilia salei ranged
rom 4 7f > ( < f 5 2. .
St-Louls JLlyo Stock.
St. LouN , April 1.
Cattle Nothing doing , nn-1 prices nnm-
inally unchanged ; exporters , 0 8. > ( K > 7 ' 5 ;
oed to choice nnlivo Rfccrs , GSOSG.Vi ;
nrdiiini to clioiie , 5 " " > ( & < > 50 ; nativ
locker * , 4 35gj 1 SO ; n itivo cows nnd heif-
r , ( 2. ' > ( r > iV. Kccclpls , 280 head ; ship-
icnts , 402 head.
HOIJR Dull and slow ; deman 1 moilcr-
tc : light , GJO ® ! ! 30 ; Yoiknrs. 0 35@G B' ;
taltitnoro , G CO@A 05 ; jiickini ; , (1 ( 00 ®
GO ; liutcliers nr.d select , ll 70 ( < ? 7 ( pig1" ,
O-WiLU Receipt ! ) , 3IOhcad | slilninent ! ! ,
458 lioid.
Baltimore Prodnoo ,
Flour Quiet.
Wheat Southern ulcndy : Full1 .S3 ®
38 ; l.oiiKbotr.r. I 431 5S : No , 2 red
cUcrn7lnttr firmer at 1 37j@l 37i for
vh nnd Apiil.
Corn White nouthern firmer nt 7GJ ®
7c ; yellow firmer at 77@80c : mixed we t-
cm strong at TUohld.
Phllnactnhin Proilnoo.
rniiu\iKiriHA , April 1.
Wheat Firmer at 1 38V < ® 1 391 lor ciwh
and April : 13Sg@l 3D for May.
Corn-Firmer nt Rl@8.'o for cash and
April ; 80\o \ for Mny.
Oats Easier at fiGgoSo for cash and
Ryo8i@8Sc. (
BufTnlo Hvo Stock.
Hogs Fiimer. Receipts , 03 cars ; ship
ment * , 30 cars ; light to choice Ynrkcw ,
0 S07 10 ; good medium weights , 7 20 ®
7 * 'Y t
Cotton Miirltot-
NK\V YOUK. April 1.
Cotton Spotcottondull at 12Jc formid-
and \ipluiut ; italcs 200 bales for export ;
' 1-.bales to spinners' ; GOO bale i delivered
n contracts
Futures firm ; April , 12.00@12.01 ; May ,
2.13 ; Juue , 12'Jd ; July , 12.43 ; August ,
En at Liberty JLivo Stock.
EASTLlliKIilY , Pa. , April 1.
Cattle Nothing doing ; icceiptx , 1,051
cad ; shipments , 51 head.
Hogs Slow ; receipts. 3,800 head ; ulilp-
lents , 310 head : I'hiladelphinH , 72- . I0j
Worker. ' , G fO@G 75.
Sheep Firm and unchanged ; rccelptn ,
,500 hind ; shipments , ISM head.
Liverpool Prodnoo.
LiVKiirooL , April 1.
Flour American , 10n@12s.
Wheat White winter , ! li ( W@lOi 8d |
vhitc , ! h Gd ® ! ) ! ) J ; upriiig , i ) © 10d ; club ,
Corn Gs 2Jd for new , nnd Gs @ 'J' ' Gd for
Pork 77s.
Lard-1 la Gd.
Clovolnud Market.
GLKVlIA.fl ! > , April 1.
Petroleum Firm ; Nlandnrd white , IK
cat , 7o.
Toledo Proauco.
TOLEDO. April 1.
Wheat Dull ; No. 2 , 133cinii ; 1M !
April ; 1 32J May ; 121)1 ) June ; 113 ;
Tuly ; 110J August ; 100 jear.
Corn Light demand ; No. 2 , 72o CIHI
"Uc April ; 72c May ; 7 l@71io June
725c Juh ; year , 5tlc ; hijh mixoil , 72c.
Oats Nothing doing.
Turpontliio Mnx-lict.
WILMINGTON , N. C. , April 1.
Rosin Strained , 1 UL'i ; eood , 1 U'i.
Spirits Held hiaher at 57c.
Tar Firm at 1 75
Sacramento mills patent ( bur ( re
brand ) . Our bent Eureka patent ilou
( blue brand ) . The only patent Hour mac
ufactured on the Pacific coast. We clair
it in the whittet , etronge t and bcftfnniil
Hour in thu statn. Auk your grocer for it
Try it and you will usa no other.
E. M. McG'iuiAKY k Co. ,
T. J. EVANS , Agent ,
Cryutal Mil's ' Comic ! ! 231ufr
The Republicans Put a Tickei
in the Field , Including a
. Candidate For Treas
The Democrats Moottind Make Tboli
Saturday night was a lively tinv
and the number and variety of inuj-t
infs ? hold nbout town gave every an <
n chance to suit thoinsulvca. Ton
Kuono at the opera houao and tli
mass incoting at the Academy drO\
tlioir respective audiences , but thi
city conventions at Kiromon's hall am
the council chamber were not ncg
Icctcd. The republican convontioi
waa hold at the first named place , am
was called to order by the accretar ;
of the central committee , L , II. Web
Bter , Esq.
Mr. Walter Bennett was ulcctoi
chairman and Mr. T , U. Brunnor see
A connnittoo on credentials waa ap
pointed na follows : Messrs , Carlton
Redman , Mcan > , Lcavitt , Tallon am
Callahan , who reported the names a
the delegates entitled to seats in th
convention. The report was adopted
The temporary organization wa
made permanent.
On motion the convention proceeded
coedod to the nomination of cit ;
Mr. F. D. Kent named MBJO
G'oorgo S. Doane for city treasurer
Mr. Doano wai unanimously noini
natod by acclamation.
Mr. P. L. Purrino moved that
committee bo appointed to confo
with the dcmpcratio convention as t
the nomination of members of th
board of education without regard t
Qon , O'Brien opposed this movement
mont , as ho believed in sticking t
party politics.
A gentleman said that the dome
cratic convention hud adjourned.
Mr. Perrino stated that the dome
crats had nominated Messrs , Long
Thrall und Counoyer , und ho move
that they bo also nominated by tl
republican convention.
M. 0 Meany opposed the nomini
lion of democrats.
Mr. Perrino's ' motion to appoint
committee to confer with the dumi
crats was tabled.
Qon. O'Brien moved that the cor
vention nominuto tlireo good ropul
0. J , Grecir moved to amend t
nominn ( ing the members of the old
school board.
Gon. O'Brien did not bolioro in
ratifying any disorganization. Re
publicans in convention rssombled
would thus stultify themselves. The
republican parly had been baptised in
blood , and should not now surrender
its principles to the democrats.
Mr. Porrino stated that a commii-
tco from the democratic convention
was present and < ronld like to bo
Several dologfttrs objected to this.
The chair ruled that no democrats
could appear on the Jloor unless by
unanimous consent of the houso.
A vote was now taken on Green's
Amendment , which was losb
The original motion of ( Jon. O'Brien '
was put nnd carried.
J. S. Bennett , K. 1C. Long , Clark
\ \ oodmnn , Morris Morrison , 0. M.
Connoyer , Homy Livoaoy nnd aeorco
Thrall were named.
Objections were made to Connovor
and Ihrnll on account of boinc demo
The following were elected : Ben
nett , Long and Morrison.
First ward-James Callahaii , Chas.
Salholm , A. R Swickard.
Second ward M. 0. Moany , J. B.
Lippmoolt , John W. Ilonzn.
Third wanl-M.H. Carlton , Ohas.
Banks , Peter Williams.
Fourth ward-E. F. Test , Charles
Turnoy , E. R. Overall.
Fifth ward John Erck , A. 11 ,
Swcnby , 1) . St. Ooyor.
Sixth ward Walter Bennett , TL
0. Lcnvitt , CJoojgo U. Cragor.
Tlio now republican city central
committee will meet this morning at
10 o'clock at Fireman's hall.
was called to order by T. W. T. Rich
A. X. Ferguson was chosen chair
man and F. J. McShano secretary
T. W. T. Richards , August Weisu ,
Richard Ivimbiill , Martin Kennedy
and Oeo. E. Pritchett were appointed
a committee on credentials.
They reported the delegates entitled
to seats , and + ho report was adopted.
On motion of A. McGavcck the
temporary organization was made per
On motion of T. W. T. Richards
the convention proceeded to take n
formal ballot formonibew of the board
of education.
On motion of A. McGavock , votes
for the three candidates were deter
mined to bo taken together.
The first ballot
resulted as follows :
E. K. LOUR , 25 ; Charles Connoyer ,
' 27 ; George Thrall , 21 ; Mark Hanson ,
fi ; Clark , 2 ; Win. A. Gwyor , 1.
On motion of T. W. T. Richards
the thrco highest named wore declared
the nominoea.
A. McGavock moved that a committee -
too of three bo appointed to confer
with the republican convention , and
to inform them that ono candidate-
was a republican and that they should
carry out tlioir understanding.
The motion to appoint was carried
und the cluir named A. McGavock ,
F. .1. McShano nnd D. T. Mount.
The appointment of a city central
ommittoo was next in order :
George E. Pritchett moved to reduce -
duce the number of delegates from
two for ono to each ward to onxblo
them to got together nnd handle tlioir
work more readily. s
j Mr. McGavock oppjjsed this , and
r favored retaining two delegates
from each ward , nnd"s Mr. Richards
seconded this.
Finally it was learned that the cen
tral committee was elected for two
yearn , and ou inction of Mr. Richards
the present committee was continued
for the next year.
Ohnrloy Stratman , chairman of the
Sixth ward committee , announced
that they hud nominated 0. P.
Straight for councilman from that '
J. J. CmnmiDgH left for the cart yeiilur *
Tom Kceno and party left for the east
laxt evening.
M. Cumfngt left for Chicago last even
ing , via the Northwestern ,
F. W. Eauboer , land pgentfor tha U.
P. , left Snturdiy evening for St. IJOIUB ,
being culled thither by a telegram an
nouncing the serious illnctH of hla father.
Mr , Oscar ( iroEcIielli- , for many yearn
connected with the drug Gnu now known
aH McMulmn , About & Co. , leaves to-day
for a trip on the road in the interest ) ) of
the IIUUBO. Ho is nn A No. 1 man , a gen
tleman and will do r to the firm
wherever ho goes. He commended to
the courteHiea of the dealers generally ,
The First Ward Ticket.
( CoimiiUnlcatoii , )
At the citizens' mooting last Tues
day there was a committee appointed
thrco republicans and thrco demo
crats to nominate a candidate for
councilman from the First ward. The
committee consisted of Paul Vandor-
voort , William Doll and 0. F. Good
man , republicans , and Henry Gilmore -
moro , D. Guild and Henry Sio elko ,
democrats. They mot at 10 a. in.
Wednesday , and agreed upon Ernest
Stuht. During the afternoon pres
sure was brought by Dr. Miller and
others , including Frank Walfera , to
make no recommendation of Mr.
Stuht. That night Paul Vandor-
voort , on behalf of the First ward
committee , said they hud no report tea
a make. When asked why de did not
r report ho said ; Let them go on with
o the primaries , nnd then if the right
o man was not nominated by the demo-
o crats and republicans they would act.
A recess of fifteen minutes was taken ,
BO that the First ward committed
could report. During the recess
Vandorvoort was asked why ho did
not report on Stuht , as the committee
were disposed to. His reply was ,
first , that Stuht reads TJIK 13UK ; second
end , that live years ago ho opposed
Hitchcock and wus a friend of Judge
Brigga ; lastly , ho was objected to bo-
causu that he , wiih ether people west
of Tenth street , lavored the Eleventh
street viaduct. Thereupon McGav
ock waa endorsed by the citizens'
mooting , I submit whether Vander-
voort ia just the kind of man to force
candidutea on the people of the First
ward , to further certain cnda ho has
in view , which will bo ventilated pres