JD.AILY J3.UE : MONDAY APRIL 3 , i882. THE DAILY BEE CMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet Oth and lOlh Street * . TERMS OK SUnSCnlPTION. ' O' copy 1 year , In < 1ri ic ( nostv' ld ) $10.00 0 months " " 6.00 snntli " " 3.00 TIME TABLE , 1 MUD C1IICAOO , ST. PACt , VI5NR.VrOI.I3 AXD IOMAIIA RAILROAD. Leave Om&rn fiU'cnRcr No. S , S:30n. : m. Ac- 1 ommoiliitlon No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m Airhc Onitthft PaMoneor No. 1,8:20 : p. m. Acctc srdMlon No , 3 , 10M : > & . in. omtu BAST on eotrtn JOOHD. 0. , B. Is Q. 7:10 : . m. 3:40 : p. m. C. & N. W. . 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. , R. I. b P. . 7:10 : iv. ro. S:40 : p. in. K. 0. , fit. J. L C. B. , leaves at b it. tn. and fiSO : Jim. AtrhcsitBt. Loulaat 6SOU : , m. n4 5:5J : m. m.W. , St. L. ft P. , lc vo at 3 ft. m. and StO : p. Arrives & St. Louis at (3:10 ( . tn. and 7SO : m WIST OR rotrrnwKTs. n. fe U. In Nob. , Through Ejr > ri ? , 8:60 : ft. m , n. & It , Lincoln Kxprcss ( MO 11. m. U P. OMithml KxprcKi , 12:16 : p. m. 0 , h It. V. lor Lincoln , 11:4S : . m. O. .t R V. for Osccola , 0:43 : a , m , 17. P freight No. B , t:30 : a. m. O. P ! reicht No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. U. P. freight No. 13 , 2Wp. : m , U. P. fruIgM No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant , -P. ) Dinvcr express , 7:35 : 11. m. U. P. frelrtit Nn 11. 11-30 p. in. U , P. l > cn\ct freight , 8:25 : p. m. ItST AND HOOTS , O B. fc Q 1:00 c. . in. 7:25 : p m. C. t N. W. , BS5 : . m. 7s:5 : : p. m. C. R. I. M'.9 : iv. tn. 9.03 p. m. u , C. , St. Joe & 0 I ! . , itlOa. lu. 6lBp. FROM TUB tJFJT ARD SOUTIIWHST. 0. A R. V , frnm Lincoln lOS : p. m , U , P. 1'aclac Kxr > TM 3:55 : p. iiu II & M. In Neb , , Throuzh Kxpress 4:1B : p tn. K. & It , Lincoln K < c | > n" 9:40 : a IE. C. P. Domcr cxiirois , 7:3fl a. m. U. P. Freight No. M StO : 11. rn/1 U.JP. No. 0 6 : 0 D. ia. Ernie * nl. U. P. freight No. 14 , 15:15 : p. ra. U. P , No. 8 BM : ) p. in. U. P. No. 12 1:46 : a. m. U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : i. m. ] 0 , & R , T. mixed , ur. * : ! & p. m , CCTUIT TRAINS BtUHJP.I OMAHA tS9 OOU.SUL BLUfPa. Loivn Omaha nt B:00 , n.OO , 10:00 : and 11:00 : p m. ; 1 0 2:00. il.OO , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. tcavu Council BluIJa etJlXB , 0:25. : 10:25 : and 1:15 : a. m. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , SOT , 1:25 : anil 6:21" p. m. BuiJayB The dummy Ic-nca Omntia at B:00 ind 11:00 : . ro. ! 2:00 : , 1:00 : and li-.OO p. m. Leaves Council Eluffj at 0:26 : and 11:15 . m. ; 2:26 : , 4:25 : kQd C:25 : p. in. Throagh and local raa'cngcr tralna between Omaha and Council Ilu0s. Ioa\ Omaha 0:15 : , 7:16 , 8:60 : a.m. ; 8:40 : , 5:45 : , 0:00 : p. m. ArrUo Omaha 7 : W , 11:35 , 11:45 : a. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 , 7:15 , 1 10 p. ui. _ Opening ann Clotlnz of Mpllt. | BOUTS. orm. CLOUR. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. OhtcigoftW. W 11.00 ' 0:00 : 5:30 : " 2:10 : Chicago , K I. & PaclUc.11:00 : 0:00 : 0:30 : 2:10 : Chicago. B. & Q. . . . . .11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Wabash 12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Union Paclfl : 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha & R. V 4:00 11:40 : I.ft M. In Neb 1:00 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 : n. & M. Lincoln 10:21 : 0:00 : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:20 : 11:00 : J. P. Denver Exp 9:00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux city & St. P. . . 11:00 : sio Local mnlla for State cf lena leave hut once a dayvli : 6:00a.m. : Offlco open Sunday ] from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TITOS. K HALT , p i. Business Directory , " Abstract and Real Lttato. JOHN L. McCAQUK , opposite Post Office. W. R. BAKTLnTT 317 South 13th Street. Architect ! . DUrBENE & MENDKLSSOHN , AKCniTECTa Room 11. Crclgbton Bloc ! : . A. T. LA.RQE Jr. , lloom 2 , Cielehton Block. _ Boots nnd Ohoei. JAJIE3 DuVINE & CO. , ITIne Eoota aud Shoos. A good assortment home work on hand , corner 1-th and Ilarnoy. XHOS. ERICKSON , B. K. cor. IBth and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATU3 , I OS 10th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Rcoalriar done. Bed SprlnRi. & F .LAimtltKK Mc.nulacturer. 1617 Doarlaiet. ? Uooki , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Famhara Btreeb. Sit SitI Duttornnd ERC . MoaUANH a SCHROEDKR , the oldest n. and B. honao In NebrasLa entabllnhed 1S7D Omaha. Clt thpn CENTRAL pn RESTAURANT , cor 1IU3. A. KYAN , ult conthwcsi corner ICthaml Dodic. the IJoet Uoard for the Honey. Sfktljfactlon Guaranteed , lev VcdfatMl HoutB. oil \ Board by the Day , Week or Month. ull Good Terms for Cash. Hinl Unoma Supplied. in UarrloRcs and Road VTM BNYDER , llth and Harney Streoto. At Clothing Uought. J , HARRIS will pay hiKhcstCaah prlco for eecocd hiad ciothlnf. Coiner 10th and Farnham , Jowo era. JOHN BAUMCR 1311 Farnham Street. ilty Inti Junk. [ 0. BEBTIIOLD , Rai and Metal. Lumber Lime and Dement. FOSTER & GR&Y corner 6th and Douclaa titi. Lampi nnd Qlaiswaro , J. BONNER 1309 Dooclaa St. Good Variety. B1K1 noc Merchant Tnllorn. croi a. A. LINDQUEST , froi Btri Ona of our most popular Merchant Tillora la re BtriF ceiving the lAldul duuliruu for Hiring and Summer Ooada for gentlcuieri'e wear. StylUli , durable , thlc : and prlcea low aa ever 216 13th bet. Dout.&Fani. crcc : ap Millinery. Int URB , 0. A. R1NOER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan. crc cy Goods In great \ arloty , Zcphyra , Card Uoard , asp Doeltry , Qloveg , CoracUi , &c. Cbcapcet Iloneo In T the Wost. Purcnser3 ! uava 80 pet cent. Order or by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. Btri lent foundry. Ind JOHN V/KARNK & SONS ccr.llth'A Jackaonet ) iand I am Hour and Feed , accc rect O1IAHACITY MILLS , Eth and Farnbim Eta. , rectA Wolaluna Broa. , proprliftora. Intr Urocors. any A Z. STEVKN3 , 21et between Cumlng ami Ir. r the T. A. HcHHANE , Corn. 23d and CnmlnsrBtraota. C\CI > Mill Hurawaio , Iron una Oteol , Omi OLAN & LANGWOP.Tny , Wholesale , 110 ant1 eald 112 15th street 11 A. UOL1IK3 corner lUh ( and California. any Ki HarneM , Snddlei , &c. he D. WEIST 2013th St. hot Farn. & Ilainey. and dro Hotolo ; ANFIELDIIOU3EGeo. Canfleld.Oth & Farnhaai DORAN HOUSP , p. II. Cary , 913 Farnham Bt. SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F , Slaven , 10th Bt Eouthern Hotel Om. Hamel pth A Loavonwortb Oruj , Paint * ana Ulli. KUnt ( & CO. Si fharmaclstt , Fine Vane Uoode , Cor. Uta and cm : Dentin ttreeta. agei ion W.J.WHITEHOUPK Vholcsato&netiill.lBthat. parl 0. FIELD , S022 Worth Side Cumlng Street reel PARR. Drugirli.t. loth and Howard BtreeM. Qua Oun Dentltn. loon PR. PAUL WlllUnn1 Clock Cor. 16th A Dodse. ell < ) ! ur > uooa fiotiunt , ttc. i an JOHN H. F. LEUMANN & CO. , ani1 How York Dry Oooda Store. 1810 and 181J Fani- for ham ttr.et. con ihei D. 0. Knewold alee boota and nhona Tlh A Parjflo. abli ruruiture. lvo(6 posal A V. GROSS. New and Second Hand Fnrnltnro Ulli od Stuvca , illl DriurUi. Hlfhoat cith price iward aid for second LBDi xcoet. wltl .BONNER 130) Dourla it. Fine gooda , Ac the tot totII r rce Work * . II OMAHA FENCE CO. dltlF OUST , FRIES * CO imiUrnoySt , Improve at I ti Ice liozis , Iicr ar.U Wood Feucea , Offlca \\.ntt \ ' , Couctiif Vine and Walnut. OIc r and Tobacco , WEST ft FniTSCUKU , mnr.ulMturcmot Cigars , ndU I al8 IValoral n Tobaccos , 1S05 Oci Us. N. F. 7X3KK.V7.KN manufacturer 1416 Farnham riorlot. A , Dcnujthnc , pKntf , cut flower ) , lomts , ooqneti die. N , W. cor. IBtb nd Uoucln streots. Olvll Enulncert pnd 8urve > or . ANDREW ROSKWATER , Crclshtfln Town Burveya , ClradoanJ Sowera e Sj-ntcnu Uommlttlon Morchnntt , JOHN 0. Wit , 143,1411 Dodge Street. D n.'liKKMKU. rn details see Urge ndveitlM- tnent In D llv nil WMhlr. Cornice Worka , Western Cornice Works. iUnuhctnrora Iron I Ccrnlcc , Tin , Iron nnd Hhto Hooding. Orders Irani any locality promptly executed tu the best manner. Factory anil Oll'co 1218 Harnoy Bt. C. Sl'KOltT , Proprietor. Qtlvanltnl Iron Corrlcos , Window Caps , cl . , m nuf cturod and put up In my trnrt of tbo country. T. SINltOLU 41C Thirteenth street Crockery , / . BONNER 1S03 DougitJ ttrcct. Good line. Clothing nnd Furnlthlnr ; Uoods. OKO. It. I'KTERSON. Aho Hal * , Car * . JBoote , Shooa Notions and Cutlery , SOi a , 10th street. RotrlReratorc , Onnflold't Patent- I C. F. GOODMAN llth 8t bet. Fain. & Harcor. Ohow Oaia Mnnufnctory , ! 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all klmli ot Show Casol , ( JprlKht Cases , 4' . , 1317 Casa St. ! FltANK L. OKUI1AHD , proprietor Omaha Show Crt'd uiAnuttctory , 818 South 10th street , botncon I.ravcnworth and Marcy. All poods warranted flrnt laM. Pawnbrokers. ROSKNFKLD. 10th St. . ht. < . f r. * Har mware. A. 1HIRJIESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Koofa and all klnclo of CulUIng Work , 0 < ld Fcllowa' Block. J. BONNER , 1309 Dontrlaa St. Good ami Cheap. Ceodt. J. KVANS , Wholoealo and Retail Seed Drills and Cultlvntora Odd Followa Hall. Physician * and Surgeon * . kV. S. OIBP.S , : : . ! > . , Room No , Crc.'ghton Block , U.th Street P. S. LEISKN1UNO , 11. D. Maeonlo Block. C. L. IIAHT , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postoQco DR. L. B. GHADDY. Oculist and Aurist. S. W Uth ana Farnhim Sta Pholccrapiiora. GI0. ! HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. cear Manonlc Hall. Flrat-claea Work and Prompt- new ( -uarantocp Plumbing , Qaa and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY A : CO. , 216 12th at , bet Farnham and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. D. riTZPATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street. I alntlnj ; an nper anr-ing , 1KNRY A. KQqTKRS. 14t Oodge Street. Shoo Btorot. Phillip Lanf > 1320 Farnham St. bet. 13th & llth. Second Hand Store. PERKINQ & LEAR , 1110 Douxlas St. New and Second Hand Furniture , House VurutshlngGooda , 4c. . bonht and gold on narrow marrlna. Ualoon > . nENRY EAUFMANN , la too new brick block on Douglaa Street , baa Just opened a moat elegant BCCJ Hull. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. Caledonia " J FALCONER 07910th Street. I UndcrtaKora. CUAS. RIEWE , 101U Farnham bet 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Storea , P. 0. BAOEUS 1205 Farnham St. , Fancy Goods Ca SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 290 , Cl Cu Forlovjlnca special tax for the construction Cli and repair of sldownllci1. Bec itord'alned by the City Council of the city of Omaha. Co : I.N 1. That rcvrral the sura set opposite Clt to trio following described prcmtaoa to-\\it : Lot 1 , block ID , $22 03. Cu Lot 3. block 49. $17 82. Ck Lot 11. blocl : 11 , Sbinn'i addition , $12.05. Lot I 12 , block 1 * , Shlnn's addition , $2 00. Clc Lot 15 , block 1 , Armstrongs addition , $33 13. Co Lot W. 44ft 8 , block 2071 , $2260. Ou Susan Rich , lot 18 , section 15 , T 15 R 13 , $20 40 James O. Blatter , lot 10 EOC. 16 , T15K13 Co 2 CO. CoCo Anna H [ McCormick , lot 22 , see. 15 T 15 R 13 Co Ella A. Arnjld , lot 23 , soc. 15 , T15 K 13 , Cu $1600. Cu C' . F. Goodman , lot 7 , ECC. 27 T 15 R 13 $20034. Total . ? 12527. Cri Bclntr the cott and expi uses. opprn > od by the Cu City Council for the construction and repair. ) of the sidewalks in front rf and adjoining eald Ola prcmlicsby Charles dnrdlncr In purnuanco of a Ola car-tract entered into by the City of Onmtii Ola ulth Charlcn Gardiner and afccr thu failure of ounuc thereof to do the same , after duo no Coi tici , bu and the simo are hereby respectively levied and ' assessed a alnEt each ot saldto'a.paris Do lot-f and'prcmlrcs , pa } able to the cltyTrcasurcr \\ithln thirty (30) ( ) dajtt from this Uato. D.v tics. This ordinance shall take cllcct and bo Du force from an. : cftci Its passage. Do' TJIOH , H. DAILV , Prps't. City Council Dai Passed 1 March 21 , 1882. Do Attest : Da' .T. J. L. C. JEWETT , Doi City Clork. DilDo Approved , J. JG , BOTH , Mayor of Omaha. Do The nliovo mentioned taxes will become dclln Dei iicnl on April , 21t 1SS2 , niter will h lUtenjj-n- Do : of ten per cent , will bo added , togcthrr with Interest at tha rate ot : nu per c'nr. per month , Dir uyablo In advanco. TRUMAN DUCK , Doi 66 Ci.y Treasurer. Da Pronosnls for Pavin IE Strootn in the Du City of Omaha , Ifoaraslin. Doi Dai Scaled prodosalo will bo received by the under. Det iiXliud until Saturdty , April 15th , 1S82,12 o'clock Doi noon , for the pa ilng of Dougloa etrcu and the .TOSH btrccts bctuecn p u 'laa and rurnhaiii Doi 'roin Dili to ICth ttreets , Including 9th and 10th streets. Flrdt , For a foundation rf concrete 0 Inches In lilckncs8 with a superstructure compofol of a Elg rcnsotod cedar block H inches In length set with Ehi uptmlt ar d sind. Edi Second , Tor a founditlon of concrete 0 Inchcn thiclinoES with a cuiicrstriictmo composed of Eiu ! Demote i plno plank 8 lucfles lu length , not with EBB ijphMt ! and sand. Third , For ft foundation of clran corrie pand Elli gravel ' 12 inches In thlcknens with n super Elr- itructuro composed of cedar block H IiuliiM in Krii enctli and net less than i nor moro than bluchea diameter to lie net with asphalt and han't , ihe Ekl or gravel for foundation to ho thorougilly Eyt aniniod or rolled. All \\oiktolodonoiu iccordancu with specifications nnd under thu d | . Eile ectlon of the city unglnccr , Eati Al o , the city will consider proposals for pav. with Klm blocks or any other material , or ' other mode of construction. Fog All proposals orbldd thall bo oecompanlcd by Flai nauica of proposed Burctlos , who , In tha Fit \cnt of contract being awarded ' enter into a band with the city of Fin maha for the truuand faithful performance cf Fox contract. ' Fail IhoUty council the reserves right to reject and all bl Is. I ' os Kmclopci containing propoaal.i o * bids nhall Ful marked " 1'ropoealn for l'a > ini ; Douglas Street ' Cross Strtulu in the City of Omaha , " and ad- Fits ; od to tha undersigned. Fro J , J. L. O. JEWITIT , ' Vov , , March 10th , 1832. Clty'cicrit , I ' inaria-SOt ' Fial PllOPOSALS. Fre U. S. IKIU'N Exn'ICB. ) Fly 1'I.NI UlUOK AOKXCV . , t AKO'A. [ ' 'nrd Maran , 0 h 18)2 ) Sealed pr'iwals , IrdorMd , In dupllcatifor the Fid rectloa of aa jndian Doirdinir fc'choj < t this ' igency , In accordance with jilans and upcciflca- Fafj ' < on file , ulta the Chief Quartcrmastc-r , De- Fre lartmcnt ol the 1'lttto , Oimiha , Nco. , arid dl- For ccttd to the undo rlgncd , care of thu Chief jaartcrnmster , Ucfartmeni of the 1'iatte , Voaa Jiuaha , Neb , , \\ill uu received until 12 o'clock , on Monday , May l > t. 1S3Z. IrafT cutract to bo rewarded to the lowest leipon- fioc ilbloblddrr , vubjuct tothu appioial of thu do- artmcntof tha Inteilor. Ora 1'ropoials mutt fctato longlh of llino required Oisi coinplctln cf building , alter approval rf xmtNct , etui must be accompanied by a certified Gih heck uuon borao United States Depository pay- Gill to the order of the umlt-iglgncd for o least Ore I ( % ) tier cent ol the amount of the pro al , which iheck thall bo forfeited to iho Irosa Jnltcd Sti'cs In case any bidder jorchlng the Gra , shall fall to execute promptly a contract Gru ( rood and cutllclont uurctlif , oK-ordlrg to terms of Ida bid. otherwise to bo returned Gill the bid ler. Gor Jlaln building Is to bo tuo story 0x40 , ad. lltlons to be ono story 32x100 , of lumber , I Gro For further Information address undersigned GUI I'lno tldgo Agcnrv , Dakota- Goc V.T.JIcCilLLYCUDUV , it d3vr U. 8 Indian Agent. Gro KLJQISTlvATION LI31' , FIRST WARD. Abncy Chas Alilstrom Peter Adnir W S Ahlstraml S Abernnthy Chns Ahtnatisoii John Alilstratul Ed Anderson Andrew Alnnaiison . J A Aycr.l 1J ( Armstrong 0 D Andurson John ] ' Anderson N V Andoraon L M Andorsoii.Lars Atkins II Aeonstoin Gotliob Anderson Andrew Abromcit D.in'l Andurson K W Andctson Ulu Anderson 0 P Asliburn Hub't Anderson J F Andersen N T Anderson D 0 Antlios Gen Arvedson John Anderson N T Austin Sain'l iVndorsin C Althauso Gornrd Armor W B Ailiswortli F S Brandt John Uovrer Chan Uurko Gustavo Dertclsen 0 Uirkott 0 I' Dallard Thos IJrawlcy Jliehaol Uocaon 1'liil II Bjorkland ATfrcti liurrlinH'i Hcnn Jno Brucgur Chris Blnck D 0 Bodwcll B F Basing Gco Ihiohlcr Miuh'l Barry Jlich'l Bcrginnn Chns Ballard FV Blnck Jos Bruekcr G F Banks Thos Brndluy Frank Botz M Blond 0 N Brown W II Black D D Bell Adam A Barbour Joseph Bird 11 Benson John L Bronncn Frank Biirgstrom S J Barrett Edmund Benson B Boll J T 1)B Henry Burna John Boll John W Bird Chai Boycr Peter Bpoison Peter C Banks J W Bislng John BurRstrom Aug Bohno Auq Bed , well FP Ucranek John Busch Fritz Bergtnin Jlax Buck P BI 3Jonn Gco Baush ] ; Jncob Buck J Bolihnan Gee IBnxdy John Buchanan A G Bocknmn Joseph Blumborg August Borgquist T P Bryan John Dimlerup Julius BiB n Jolin M Dcrgreif Bailott ; Joseph Bandhauor F W Brandcs Chaa Burke Oliver E Brown II M Basaett A N Boatty . Joe T Briggs A F Berry < John D I3oylo T Bang Hans P Burns Thoa Boiaen Anton Bohlovcr Jao Brown Ed Bull H D Brecht Fred Burns C E Brown Jaa N Bruno lions Barnes L P Bleick Adolph Bolivor Jacob G Baumann John Boloy J W Brundborg Peter III Brown T A j0 Co Chas M Cliristophorson J Ca J B Casey Thos Callahan E B Callahan Jas Jol Callahan H P Casey Oliristophor Joi Co S D Cooper Ed 0 Jol Ca B H Collins Timothy Jus Christiansen Jan Christiansen Lars Jo Christiansen Jno Christiansen Jno-2 Jui Coleman A M Convalin. Fr Jol Cluisttanaen Andr Coloshavvll L Jol Cady E H Camm Thos JO Olark W E Connors Pat Jol Connors Michael Cotvloy W Joi Carrier C S Cook M D Jo Cloburn W CuerJP Jol Cummings Wm Corrigan Timothy Jol Christiansen JacobCoppa Henry Jol Olark Jas T Christiansen M Jol Collins Dan Collins 0 W Jol dark A B Cunningham Auto Jot Junnincham Dan Cassoles Abraham Joi Slatk W E Coflin Chas M Jac L/lark M Coulter Jerome Jol Donnor : John Connor E Jei Dumminga A R Cummings llobt Jac Dorrydon : Timothy Challis JJ ? Jei Donnora Jas Croolpy Chaa Ctarrikan James Cunningham M Ke Dumings W A Castlea Andrew Ke Sutler Frank Cuir Wm C Ka jriglor Jas Case L H Kn DunninghamS ; L Gogan Domonlck Ka 31ark 0 W Cox John T Ko Jlarkins Thos Camp \YIII Ko father 0 D Consonlius Gou Ku 3orrigan SI Conioii Nicholas Kei Doyio John Dennison P F Ke DavittPat Diodorioli Saul Kla Duncan Manco TDaley P II Kei Dovcrick Robert Dioturich Herman Kir Daemon Alex Davis Jas Kis Dolor ! S A Davis J S Ku Davia 0 M Darrow G M IvO Decker Oliver G Darrow II H Kai Dillon Itodmon Pinneen John Kef Doyle Jas Doheny Lawrence Koi Dennis J II Danks M 0 KOI Dolan ! .T U IDavidnon Ohns Kai Dinan Dan DuckerholTJohn E Kol Dorfliniror Chas Davidson John E Ke Daley ] Ilugli Dickey John A Kva Duncan : G W DumpcrtValentine Kn Donnelly G F Dougherty T , T Kai Davis D A Dillon Patrick Krt eamond Pat Doyle Peter Kei [ onnollyW Daud H A Kei ell Win Kui Idon A 0 Eriling E 0 Lac llguttor Morris Epperaon S 0 Lou Ihronfibrt Henry England Chaa Lin Idward M G Engstrom Albert Lig nowald Jas C Edatrom John Luc Ewing Jai P Lir John Edwards Jos Lin Ilpin Dan Erathfm Lou Iriclcnon Jens Ealingor Martin Lor Ikland Aug Enawald Lawr'co E Lar lydon Fred Ellia Perry Lar Illsassor Chria 0 Elanaser Jacob Livi Istollo Lo B Elmisaor G F Lar Lan 'ogarty John Farrer L P Lar 'lancry Peter Frost John Lin 'itzgorald John Ford John Lin 'lam John Foley P D Lati Stephen Frick Andrew Jninoa P Foley HJich Lov 'ostcrVm Frey Larson Lou 'uller F 0 Freeman Andrew 'itznatriok Wm Fiaher J 0 Loii 'rouorickaon M Fiala Faclay Lar 'oraborg Ghaa Furnosa Edgar 'pearly D F Foil Albert Leu 'iahcr Bernard Foley Michael Luti 'reao E J French E U Lav 'lynn Wm F Flach Goo U Lyj Isaac Fiahor Au # E Lov 'ioklor Gee Forbes A H Lov 'agan Jainea Fiiflua TJ Lar . 'redrickaou Jens Foator John Lati 'orboa Rubnn Facklor John J Lar Fred Mai Gee B GraiTj II Mel loodman 0 F Green tfohn II Mei Irapp Wm Gillo Fred Mai iisoko Ilonuan Gilday Frank Moi lilmoro ilonry P Gannon D Mel J M Guthard John Mic rooms Gee Green \V E Ma ] A G Goddard S M Mai Irampa Joe Grady Mich Mai Irubaugh Wm Galligan J J Mai lillmoro Ellia Goodman G E Mai lunalor Andrew Gntzsch Henry | Moi Iroba Fred Gorman John Mai Sunn A 8 Gillon Patrick Mai loodyenr Ezra Grabor Andrew Moi irocox Thoa Gartland Francis Mnl G ( J G 0G (5 (5G 15 (3 (3II Hosier 1 James Huntnigton 1 ! G HansenP.V ] Hughes W E Hnag Jacob Hnnaun Andrew llerizniann JF LID Hopkins Harry Hustings Patrick Hardinu Win H HartoWinF Henry J A IIn Hanson Mark Hickstoin Fiilz Heller John Holler Joe Hanson Bertram Hutted 0 0 llnnaon M 1 lower lVk r Hanscn Julius Hanson Goo Hanson Hans Hansen Jens H I loaly John Hamilton John Hanting Win Haimnn Paul Harmon A .1 Harmon L A Harmon Eugene L Harmon A S HirtMiclmpl He HVrn Peter Honsicksor R H oilman Gee Uauson W 0 0 Hniiu'l Gnat Ilnniputt Frank Ho iu John iiu maun Chas llnrmon Wm Higgins Gco Uobim A , t Hnyatron John llnrl Win Hiss N K Hibbatd WmlJ Helm Chas llaannan G H Hansen ; Olof Ilochstrnsser Hackott , Antony Hanscn : Peter Hnniann w F Hamann F H Ho &n Pat Uoromann D ' Hanson Christ llallonbock Wm Unneon Uaamtis Hctikley . Win Hobbioll 0 Hollonback Frnnk Ur.nsun Jens HiHi Uaarmann C F Helm John Hanson Chris F Ilnncon Chris Ilodin Chas Hi-nmii Allicrt Hoinehey ( Pat lluiiderson Jaa Hanscn Jesa Ilui'hcaP w Hormiah J It Hcnsen l'1erd LIoovci1 D.ivid Hic'.a ( Joe N Uayca H P Hsiitinan Jncob Ilogonaen John Hi'ysn Wm llomclius Clias H.iysThos Uerlicka Jacob Hnvell John Hinx Peter Ilnrnuy C W Hunt G .i HolstS W Holland Thoa llcnningson H Hanscn Wm Hrnri\l " Uamersclilag Wm Hannnn Patrick Iloldcn John Huron James Haaso August Haluiul Nuhon Uaycs J A Htilchinsoullll Uenningson II Howe Charles Halquiat Otto nglolmrfc ! B E Her E II Johnston ; Mi Johnson T A 1 Tohnson Ma nns Jenkins F A renkinann K G Joot-onsen S Johnson John Jonsun G R lonson P H Johnson S P Fohnaon Peter JohnsonAndrow-1 Justus W 0 Johnson Jacob Johnson ! N Johnson John A Funscn Jeim Johnson T A Johnson J A 1 Jensen Nils rohnson B Johnson J A 2 renny L M Johnson Chas Pi Fohnaon J W Johnson S J' Fonson J R Johnson Christ Johnson ! Robert Jonsoii Anton Fohnson Androw-2 Johnson Nile Fohnson AS _ , , Johnson Bonpt PoPe Fohnson Douglas' Johnson Frank PoPe Fohnson A Jess Claua Po rohnson A L Johnson Enos Pfl Fones Clias F Johnson Isaac Pr Fonea D P Jelcn Vacloavo Pe lackson Henry G Jones A L Pu rohnson Arthur Johnson T A 2 Po Fcnson Jacob Jameson Henry Pe rackson James Johnson Nelu P Pe Fensen Anton PC Pe vempf Aug Koiser Aug Pi vearncy Jaa Kearney Martin Pr vaasch F J Kin 0 H PI vnott John Kroisaman Ed Pu vaufmnn Chaa Kountzo Herman Pe Cent Josiah Kimball Thoa L Pa Coppera Mich Kill Peter Pii tuemmell Fred Kaatnor Tlioa Pit Celly Paf Klint Christ Pu Crtiio John Kennolly John 1 Cellner ! A F Kemmorling B Qu Claa Fredk Kirk Cornelius Qu Ccmmsut Antan Knupp Mich Qu Cirkland John Kidder JIC Qu Lisaono Ricli Kuca Albert Cucern V Krauao Fred Re Coster ! Henry A Kroba Ernst RaRe Cast Simon Kirlcland W J Ro earnoy Franlc Keck John Ito Lonneily Jolin 2 Knapp F 0 Ro ornahan J B Kiichon Win G Ry atiBchcit Ohas Kelley M artin Re olb Joseph Klodo Joseph Ro eefo Timothy Kostor Ohaa M Ro vauso Theodore Kane M SJ rumel Gee Koyea G II Kaufman Henry Knodoll Henry Rii rcxck Joe Kccham Lewis Ry eiley W A Kroulick Jos Ro Kennedy Pat Kootter Fred W Re unz Fred 0 Knoodaon Samuel lie Re iacoy J H Lewis E D Ito ionz Max Larison Potor-1 Ru iindsoy John Livin Mich Ro ago Henry Larson Hana Ru iucas II R Larson Nela-1 Rii iiraon Ole Lindburg Fr Ro lindholm L Lind John Ro jong Ebnor K Liddoman Barney loronzon W F Laokstrom John Scl kiraon Christian Laraon Anton Slu arson , Lira Laraon A G Soi livermore S B Laraon Petor-1 Sin laraon Abraham Larson L 0 Ste laraon Nils P Laraon G P Sw larson T A Laraon J P Sot lineel ! Gustavo Lommo Chas St linahan Thos Linhart Herman Sni lambcrtsonJ W-l Lambortson Peter Sui iQwis E D Laing Robert Hal rowery T J Linahan J A Sti longproy L T Larson E Sw laMaiteis M F Leary P J Shi iciniiiK Herbert Livingston B F Sti large Peter R Lappin T Sol landenborger Fr Laibol Leonard Sw lUinioux Lewis LaChappcl Alex Hni ludwick George Lathrop N T Spi iawlor M arlin Libber Max Scl lynch : P J Lahnca David Sol iQwis U L Laraon Nilf-2 Sti lovujoy II W Larson S J Scl .araen Jena LowiH 11 L Scl landon E Lovolaoo George Su , Peter Scl Sin langon Lawrence M oyora R M Siv Fred Matkol J E Shi Icriclo Goo C Murphy Wm Soi lalonoy Jainea Mitchell Benj Sui loran Cornoliua Marquott David Slti Ictcalf J M Mullen Michael Scl lichaoleen Peter Morrison R C Spi lalono Thou Mfidson Peter Sin ladeon B F Mnollura D 0 Str lartin Peter BlathiuHcn Aug F Stc fallen M- Mathiuaon Hana Sui lafcs Chns DIaurer Eugcno Sir lonroo J W Moore Wm B-l SU latliiason John Mori'iaon Wm Stc lataon John Madneii Peter Stt lorton John Moou W R Sts Inttaon P D ' Moore W B-2 Bel Murphy T Murray J U Miller John Alarah Charles Alathiawn Nols Mack C II Alotzger John Miller Alfred Atathiason W C Meyers Lonh 1C Jluthins E R Morris B Mnhoney Al J Martin F 0 Alurslncy Frank Mills J rimes Aforcnpt Robt Af aasion Andrew Masiion Alfred Alolzi Peter Murpliy Jamc.i Mulvohil Jerry JMaolandor J P Mullen Henry Alooro E 5 Mundschonck P Martin John Alnlvchil John Alontag Joseph Mtnlpy Thos Moore S D Murphy Patrick Alaulandcr Chas Minoguo John McCarty Pat Ale I high Wm AleNoil IMt McCarty Cliaa Alclntyro Chaa McGororn John McG.uock A McDonald R AkCallVy Pat AlcArdlo John McTntyro David McKeona 11 J AJcMamis G W McCarty Alartin Alcllugh Jas AlcClnlnTo fc'anutol AlcKvoy Patrick AIcAuloy .lohn McCormick P R AlcICilliii David AlciS'amara Thoa McQuaao James Alclveo D Jl AIc ( uo Edward AlcO.uty John M AlcNcil C S AIcAI.ihon James Murphy Hugh Alymhaiiflon Goo Al iRsolt John Alundng IXiniel Alorohonao H Muyors Emanuul Aloscr Geori o Minklor Alton Monk Andiow Moore Thomaa Ahllor Goorgu Alonfort R T Matliiaien Henry Afaynntd J W Alarkhnm 0 W Alula Charles Al { Catty Charles AluBrido Daniel Norton J.imos Norlandor Wm Nelson 0 I ) Novill Frank Nolnon Loren Novak li'rank Nowhouso Nelson John Nelson N 0-1 Nelson Swan NiXi Nelson Paul Noonan Thoa XiNi Nelson Ole NelsCn Peter NiNi Nelson Rasmus Nulson 0 R NiNi Nelson N F Nelson Win NiNi Novasu Janice Ntilnon Sorcn NiNi Nelson N 0-2 Nell John NiNi Nelson N F Novotny Frank Nuvo Wm Nowcll 0 L O'lloarn John O'Connor John O'sullivnn Ed Olson 1'olor 1 Oitruin II J Olson James O'Bion.Tohn Oncll Charles Obcrg O car Olaon Swan Oliman G Olson Hans Olson 0 Olson Peter 2 Olson John 1 Olson Olof Olson Jonli 2 Olson Ole Olson Chas Olaon liana 0 Oliman Frank O'HriotiGco Al Jr Owens \ P B O'Byrno Patrick O'Donnoll Patrick Oman Jacob Olson Nols-2 0'Grady Jerry O'Toolo Patrick Ovcrton T II Olacn Nels P.nnlson Andrew Pickard Eugene Proctor Wm Pinch Clina Peterson. N 0 Peltra W T Pjorron Al F 1'jorren J T P.ulocl : II ( .i Porter James R Peterson Gee H Peterson James W Priea Robt Pizonscham F Pivonkn F Pomoy Guatavo Potcr.ion N 1 Paine II E Po F 0 Peterson F AE Pe John Peterson Edw Person Andrew Poteraon Jena Petersen Robt Power John Peterson Clirist Proelmaka Jos Porter A L PflaimnR Will Pflaigina Win F PoriorV W Preston Wm Pearson A F Peterson James Poteraon Peter Pugnor Martin Pilnty Joe Peterson Ole Petz John Pendoraon J H Pearson John 2 Peterson N 2 Petersen Bartol Peterson N P Pattoraln F G Peterson Jones Peterson A F Petora ! A D Powsr W A Prichard Joseph Ponoyor Win- PhilhrickEE : Pivoka Yacian Pope James PoffA R Peterson N 2 Powers Horace Patton John Porter J B Pioronett Tlios A Priehard Joa B Pickard R II ] Jhilips Win Purcell Alichaol Pickard Joe A , ! did l'l ' ( in Vli ti\\ \ | t toil A , thu Spolliman F A Sexton John Sponcar G w Shanahan Jerry Still Chas Schneider Lwia Swobo John A Scatnons N A Shaldn F S Swanson Theodore Shoughnoo Pitl'k ' Shalncr Henry 0 Stables Chns Schroth Chaa B Soldon Clmi Spooii 0 E Scott .las N Sobronn F R Torkolan Peter Thrano 0 G Tuttle T M C Trahor Wm Traynor Andrew Tuttle Jas Traynor John Thomas Alichaol Thomjinon Nolaou Trinerny C Tosar John Titui E D Touploton W A Toy Thos Thompson F Thomaa Aug E Thomas E S Trott Jos Taylor John G Trmnhull Goo I Travis John Taylor Chas II Travis Abtior Thompson W Al Turtle J W Tracey John Totturmor S Thompson John Tracoy Win Thompson A Tiihnago Frank W Tobin David Tidcman Jolin Tritely Jolin Thompson Paul Till Nicholas Umpforton Win rtitott'AugC Chlicli August Vandonvoort W 0 Vatidorbeck S J Vnrperson llonry Arandorwort Paul Vanoua Jos jr Vanoua Jos sr VodicaFr Aranoy W H Van DURCII Uonry Volkmoyor E Vodica V L iViltis Goo ID Woodward 0 Al A'obsterLH U olata Jaa iVcijif Peter Wagner Fred iVadson Henry D WittJH Wood G E Winlmgon Paul 'alatrom Jolin Ware w D Walker Lanrcelot Willrodt Ohriat Wilcox w P Winsldw L U Wilkins Goo Wostman Fred Woisbroad Goo WortliinglonChas \VasobaJoB Williams Aug Wilson U F Watson 0 H Warner ES Wanner J II Whalon Owen Woodward R S Willoford J U Wioborg Aug iVilling Leopold Walla Jolin iVagnor Julius Willia 1 A Willis John N Willis 0 W Wilcox w S Wallace R A Welsh Pat Wilde Richard Weeka N Weeks L P Whitney Goo SI Winding C J A'atson E P Wells Fred iVinthor AInx Wrightor W D iVarwick Rob Welna Frank iVnitosido Ben Wolf Joseph Yard James Wallol Wm iVall Win M Walker Samuel G A'illis Gee Widoll C W iVillis S U Windhoim Ernest tValsh Edward Woutborg Jolin N u iVallincton Goo Watkin * A 0 iVard John Wells Harry J .VullschlegorP . F foung Hans York Goo Zimmerman G Xatler Matliiaa kisser Albert Zoh AUR Xeskowsy Anton Xang Win Xessin Win Sr.vrn or NnintAbiCA , \ rili Douaws COUNTV. J " * Tliia is to certify that the nbovo is a true list of the registered voters of the First ward , April y , 1882. E. Al. SrENiiEitn , U. Register First Ward. SKINNY AlEN. "Wells' IIcallIi Ronowor , " gr"atcst remedy on earth for impotence , lean On ness , sexual debility , &c. Ono dollar at druggist's. Depot , 0 , F , Good- 'an. (5) ( ) ' rne < l by tlion Of } uur ilutlps nliflit wnrk , to tlni'itnrit < nnil tnrtt brain Hop DHtoro , nasttf , uw > Hop B. 811 If jotiB ant liluictlon or dliHliu u If ynu urr rnur * ttn lieC or Blnglo , olil wr y ounc. eniri-i Inr ; fron | ionrlii * Uli or Uiiicululi inir on a bva ft IcJ twi lie D , ix-ly on Ho p BltttTAr AVJioorcr yon on- , , hoi ori n > ur sLenuicr you fid | > Hut your HTftcm format func ! ollli nrrda cleaiiflnu- ill : i. , i ihat mtirht InK or tlinuUitlnif , harn bfcn jir < ; ciitf.i ( [ bv tlnioly 'iw 1)01 tulin Hop fall 100 Incl O.I. O anil to [ ClMkllltk * All nnd Irrualata- plcl lilo curt * f 01 nmi , { ioirr/0 , Hooif drurikennp , * * bo Ifvirutnenetl UBU of opium , You wl ll Iiu tobacco , or anc cured If youu j u&rcotlcf. bldi Hop Ulttorn | )0 ) .0111 r.ly IfrruaMdlrnJ w K B k And ? . ll. CL- tlor luwHilritiil.try NEVER Circular. Hi It mny nniDITTUA mivoyour llfo. It hub FAIL n'l-a c . , Ala navoU hun Haibrtlr'-ilfi Yt dred Or Aloro tn , Out WESTERN lilo COI [ ) Hill Oa C. SPECHT , the Ne or : Proprietor , 27t 1213 Harnoy Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB , thu MANUFACTURERS OF \VC . GALVANIZED IEOI the Tin Mii Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IMl g SLATE ROOFING , pen ' Metalic 1) I . Specht'u Patent Sky mil light. Boll Patent Adu | tnblo Ratchet Uar nnd un BRACKET SHELVING. ' am Iho fonoral fit-ito Agent ( or UA nbovo no of good * . or IKON FENCING , Mwil wil Oreitlne * ! Oaluitradei , Ver ndn , ( Office and wil'J Dank RallliiKi , Window and Oeilar ' Guards ; alto ! lish ! GKNEUAL AGENT two The Peerion nnd Hill Patent Inilde Ullnd , the DOVitt Matter of Ajipllcatlon of Alfred Wool ! lor Liquor Ltcense. NOTICE. Kotlco h hereby ylvot that Alfrcl Wooll upon till ) 2Uri day ol .March A.D.U8I , Hlo hi * upplk-atlon t ] Iliu MM or and C'lty Couni-ll ol inulu for llcinbj to tell Malt , Ifinlrltuoua and VliKiUD Ll'iuom at H.W , U'jiiil ai.ilCiiinlnif trtut , Pf BUth Ward , Omaha , Nob. , ( roiu the llitli iluyof Airlllb82tutlio Kith day ol Octobir IBS' ' . II them Imiio objection , rcmrmetr&iu-o orpro- 0 filoil within t o wft-tiu Iroin 'J tli of Jlurch l > . 1SS2 , the bald llccimo' will lie rniitc-i , 'AlYlllO F. WcoLf , Apli'luint. TIIKOMAHA HKK iiowsjiapcr ulll i > u > IU > itha la aljoyo iiutli'uonco each wi-ck ( orluu ucvka lit cxpuii o ol the applltunt. 'Iho City ol OmaluU not to boi-hanul therewith , For J , J. UC. Jiswrrr , 21 City Clork. Bo John G. Jacobs , ( FoiiQerly of 01 tj4J cobi , ) t eU " ERT.AKER 3d SYPHILIS n nny stage Catarrh , ECXEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , B O I LS , or nny Skin Diseas . Cures When Hot Springs Fail IfAVimv , Ant ; . , May 2. 1831 Wo htm ciioi In our own town Mho Ihcil at lot Springs , anilcto II nail v uircil with 8 , 3. S. P YOU iloulit.coino to icj Uf and Wr. CUIIK YOUKOIlclmrRa nothlnsr 1 1 Write for urtlcuhrs nnd copy ol llttlo Ilaok 'o the Unfprtiinito HiiliV'rlnif. _ _ Q l.OOO Kownrcl nil ! bo paid to any nomtn who will llnd , on annl > > lii ll > 0 bottlej S S. 11. , ono j'.irtlcloof Slcrcury , lodldo Potaj- iliiin or nny .Mineral milwtnnco. SWUTP SPECIFIC CO. Prop * . Prlco ol Small iilio , 81.00. ' Uirgo elzo J1.7B. Sold by KCNNAHD DUOS. & CO. , lcncrallv ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Ilylrtno of the nulhorlty rested In rncX Jntiios K. llo\d , .Mayor of the City ol Omaha , do hereby proclaim to the rpiallflcdotcrs of the City of Omthn anil ol the ic pcctUo wards thereof , that an nmmil city election \\lll ho held In nald cltv on Tuesday , April 4th , 18S2 , for the election of the folloftliiff olilcerslz : Ulx ward councltmcn , ono from each ard , each toscrro lor the term of two y am. Three members ot lioinl of education , each to er o for the term oftnoycixrs. At such time , In aceord.it ce with a resolution of the City Council , thiro nlll lie eiihmlttcd to the quillllcd voters of Kd city the following question ; i-halltho cltv lease Jcffer- son nqimro for the erect on of n building to bo iiRi'il aa a market Mouse and city hall ? The polls at said annual city election will bo oprli at 8 o'clock a. m. , and bo kept open from tint : hour until 7 o'clock p. m. , and no longer , and at the following phcca In the respect la watd.i , \r. : waI First I WArd I'cllx Slavcn's grocery torc , Tenth street , near Icav < nnorth ktrect. Second Ward Wallcnz hotel , I.cax-cnwortli ntrcct , bct ccn Ihlttccnth and Fourtctnth street. Third Ward Dr. Hyde's offlce , southwest corner Txvolfth and Dauglu streets. Fourth Ward Co.inty Court House , north- cant corner Sixteenth nncl Farnam streets. Fifth Ward Holmes' hardnaro store , north- cat corner Slxtecntli and Calif ornlt street. Sixth Ward-DeldrlcVs drujf store , No. EOOf Cumliijt ttreet , south'sldc , botuecn Tucnilotli and Thinly-first itrcfits. niuI witness \\hcreof I have hereto not my hand and canted the seal of paid ilty to bo afllxcd , till ICthday of March , A. D. , 1BS2. J. E. BOYD , Mayor of the City of Omaha. MchlCtoAprin. _ Mntter of Apidir.iUonof MnrgarettaSiert for Lirjuor License. NOTICE. Kotlco Is hereby given that Jlargnroltn SIcrt rild ! uiwn the 31st day ol March A. U. 1882 , file hoi application to the Ma ) or and City Council ot Omaha , for license to roll Malt , Hprlrltuoua and Vinous Liquor. , at No. 1414 Farnam street , Third Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the 13th day of April 1S8I , to the 13th day of July 18h2. If thcro ha no objection , remonstrance or pro * test filed within tvorocks from March iSlst.A. . ISb'J , thouaid llecnto will bo granted. MAROAIttTTA ElKUT , Ily Henry Elcrt , Applicant. TIIK OMAHA DFR nenapapcrr\vll ! publieh the ahova notl.o once each ucck for two wcok at the uxpcnto nf the applicant. The City of Omaha : is not to bo chargt.il Ihoranlth. J. J. li. C. jKftKTT. City Clork. PUODOSAL3 FOK THH CONSTUUOTION OP SEWEKS. OrricK OY CITY KKOINEKR , > OMAHA Nun. 1881. f Scaled propostli will ho received at the oltlca Ofm the underslgnod until ( Tuesday April ISth , 1SS2 12 o'clock noon , for the construction of sow ore In North Omaha c follows : 1000 feet of feet brick sow er 72S.fett 5 } feet brick sewer and 728 of Gj. felt lirlck sewer , located on lurd ttroct bctxvcen ICth and 17th , and on 17th be tween ftard and Nicholas , hclnccn 17th and 21s streets , together with all necessary man holes , lamps-holes , and catch haMng , as per plans and specifications In the city Engineers Dlllco. Proposals to bo prepared upon blanks urniihcd by Iho clly Engineer , lllas will also received for the construction of a timber out- embracing the furnl'hlng and driving of oaK piles moro or less ° ! feet IonIS to 8 lichen , and l.f/O'l ' feet of oak lumber as per plans i peclUuatlons In the Knginccrs olllett. Work begin I on or hoforo Juno Ht , and to be com iilctcd December 1st 1832. Payment ) to bo naJo monthly In cash warrants , Ifi per cent to rcscncd I until llnal completion , and accept- xnco of work by the proper nuthorulcs. AH to be accompanied by the signature of pro- loeed eurctlos'.w lie will in event of anardlngof met enter Into bonds of the < ity for execu of the work In the mm of 630,000. J. J. L. C. JI-.UKTT , Zv , _ City Clerk. Matter of Application of Guild & Petre for Liquor License. NOTION. Notlco IB Kivcn that Guild & Poire did , UMIII tlio L7h { dixy of Alarcb. A , D. 1882 , Jtlx application to tlio mayor and city ouncil ! of Omaha , for license to sell rnnlt , ipirituous , and vinous liquors , nt thu mthcast conicr.of North Sixteenth and Oalifornia Btrects , ] ' 'ifth wiinl , Omaha , Neb. , from the 10th dnyof Ajiril , 1882 , to 10th day of July , 18S2. If thcro bo no objection , remonstrance , proto-it li ud with n tuo wtoka from the 7tli day of Alhrbli , A. D. 1882 , the Bald licctuo will bu granted. GUILD &PKTIIF , AppHcanta. Tin : Oir.ufA UKK nowspaiier will publish above notice oiiro each week for two .veoka nt thu expense of the applicants. city of Oinalm ii not to bo charged .liureuitli. J. J , L , O , JEWKTT , _ City Clerk. Gutter of Application of Horeu Kcilaenfo Liquor License , NOTIOK. Tfntico IB hereby given that Sorcn Neil. , did upon the 2/th / day of Jfarcli , A. , 18S2 , file his application tn the Mayor City Council of Omtihn. for licence to Malt. , Spintuou nnd Vinous Liquors , No. 707 and 70U Eleventh treet. Tifth A'urd , Omaha , Neb , , from the 10th day of iVprll , 1882 , to the 10th day of July , 1882. If there be no objection , remonstrance protebt ] filed within two \ \ eeku from March 27th , A. D , , 1SS2 , tha saiil license lo gran ted , SOUE.V KKIIMSS , Applicant. Tin : OMAHA BKK newspaper will nub- ) the above notice once each week for weeks at the expense of the applicant. City of Omaha i * not to be charged therewith , J. J. L , C. JKWBTT , _ City Cleric. DexterL.Tliomas&Bro , WILL BUY AND BELL tHO tUi TRlN&iCTION COHNICTID TOIKIWirn. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. lir YOU WAST TO BUT on BUI Offlcn Boom 8 , Crel.'h'o * OKAIff'S I 0117 DBEEN HOUSED now i opeu to the publb lth a full supply a Cut Flowers and Plants Sale. Wo will bo glad to nave the public. call and ceo uj. Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE 8HOHTE3T NOTICE. City Green Houw , 8. W. Cor 17th Md Web- , ODO block from 10th itroot cars. Nursery. struct , oppailto Koit. Jas. Y , Crate , Florui '