,1 o rHJB OMAHA BAliiY BEEi MONDAY..APEIL 3 1883. THE HASH MILL MINORITY ThoHopo For Offlco Springs Eternal in the Bourbon Breast , But They Rarely Get There. The Copper Bowelled Brigade Baptieod With Cold Water With Fatal Results. PnlinliiR Off Iniliofl-Dooltttlo in tlio Distance The Sojmlo- rial Dark Ilorso. Special Cotrc pen < lcncc ol Tim Jxn. LOXCOLN , March 01. The demo craW of Lincoln , who arc few rind far between , hold n caucus last evening to discuss the advisability of nutting up a ticket to offset that to bo nomi nated bjr , the republicans to-morrow. It was decided to appoint ward com mittees and canvass the situation holding another meeting to-night for the purpose of taking final action. II is probable that if they BOO fit to irmke nominations , J. J. Imhoff will bo the candidate for mayor , and will in thai event bo supported by numbers of the Temperance and Methodist brethren. There is a reliable republican majori ty of 500 in this city AT ANY TIME , BO that it is rather a ouporiluous piece of : formality for the democrats to put up a ticket , Their is apparently a need for change in the system of issuing notarial com missions in this otato. The present plan is to distribute thorn among the counties of the otato in proportion to the vote polled by each for governor in 1880. When that apportionment was made it gave such a big increase in the number of notaries to each county , owing to the heavy increase in the vote , that it oLomed as though the quota was ample. Some of tlio counties are already full , however , with dozens of application ? pending , while others have plenty of vncanclcr. Those counties which contain land ofllcos scorn to bo ESPECIALLY DEJUIUBLU for notarial work , as in Franklin , Hall , Madison and elsewhere , there is no end to the applicants. On the other hand , Cass county haa over a dozen vacancies. Omaha has one hundred and five notaries and Lincoln eighty-seven. The contract for the erection and completion of the two now wings to the Insane flsylum was let yesterday to J. J. Butler , a builder of this city , for $31,000. Other bidders were as follows : F. S. Potvin , § 03,430 ; Eu gene Warnisr , $33,489 ; W. II. U. Stout , $33,707. The two hew winqa are to bo added across the ends of the present wings , making a sort of double T of the buildings. Work on the now state houaq wing is rapidly going on , the walls being tip to the third story. It will bo IlEADV FOll OCCUPANCY next winter. One very stupid blun der seems to have been made by the Architect in designing the now repre sentative hall. The spenkor'a desk lias been put right in front of the en trance door , instead of on the opposite aide of the room , facing the gallery. As it is now arranged , the members will bo obliged to pass by the speaker in going to and from their seats , while -with the lobby ao close at hand , the annoyance will provo considerable. Another grievous cause for complaint is that the reporters' desks are to bo placed under the gallery , where their occupants will not bo able to got oven a glimpse of the girla. The state authorities should see to this. There is a falling oil in the number of occupants of the penitentiary. THE TOTAL NUMIIKH now incarcerated is 273 , of whom 200 are Nebrftskans. The balance belong to Wyoming and Now Mexico. Yesterday was Governor Nance's birthday. Ho is thirty-four years old the youngest executive in oflico , In the evening a number of his friends decided upon a little surprise , and to the number of twenty or thirty gath ered at his residence. State oflicials and prominent citizens constituted the visitors. The Burlington & Missouri depot in this city at noon is the busiest point in the state. Six passenger t.nins ar rive and depart tnoro within an hour , and the long platform is crowded with hundredB of voyagers. The comple tion of the Denver line will add trv this scone of bustle. The government square has been adorned with a largo number of dim inutive trees , from six to eight feet high , and practically nakedof branches. It will take twenty years' growth to make them presentable. AIMIUH. THE JlEl'UBLICAN CONVENTION , LINCOLN , Aprfl 2 The republican city convention yesterday wns a most harmonious gathering. Doplittlo's nomination for mayor as ratified by acclamation , there being no other can didate for the position. Bon. F. Cobb , a son of thtf judge , was made the can didate for police judge , after two bal < lots. A. 0. Caen was nominated for city treasurer and 11. 0. Manloy for city clerk. N. S. Scott will bo the next surveyor. When it came to tlio election of members' ot the school board , a hot discussion arose over the question of putting a woman on the board , Mr , L. 0. Burr and Col. Philpott heartily advocating such a course , and George P. Tucker oppos ing it , Mrs. Dr. King , a loader of the female suffrage movement hero , was the candidate named for the position. The convention proved itself decidedly ungallanti however , aa the three can didates put in nomination were all Jiorrid men. The coalition ticket whicli ii now in process of formation , will perhaps accord woman this trifling recognition of her rights and thereby scoop the hard-hearted republicans. "YOU AKE WAY OIT , " Haiti a prominent 0. A. ft of thiscityv "jn your prediction that Thuver will bo the soldier candidate for the Uni ted States seriate npxt winter. " "How so ? " queried tlio reporter , "everything see-os to point that way. " "J don't think to , " replied Uio ox- veteran. "In the first place Wallicha , the fitato auditor , is a candidate for re-election , wiUi excellent chances for getting thoro. " "How docs that affect iho situa tion ? " azkcd the news pathercr. " Tuat in this way : Wallich.i being a resident of Grand Island , his nom ination would hurt Thnycr , ho being from the same plnco. 'iho delegation from Hall county in the etato conven tion will ask the privilege of ronomin- ating Wallichs. The county cannot consistently claim liny mote prefer ment than that. " "Then the G. A. 11. will liavo no senatorial candidatef'intcrroyatcd Iho scribo. "Yes it will. Oon. Chns , F. Man- dcraon will bo its candidate , " "That is oflicial , hit ? " "It may not bo oflicial , but you can set it down an a fact. " "Then how do you explain Thay- or'a movements on any other hypo thesis ? You cannot deny that ho ja actively engaged in working up his boom ? " "Very true ; but the situation is just this : Thayer io trying to run the Grand Army , while the Grand Army is running Mandorson. Do you see the distinction ? " The reporter naw , but did not be lieve. It does not look as though the ox'otntcsman was doing all thin skip ping about over Iho state , lecturing cn "Genius" at every cross roads and inaugural ng now posts for nothing , and without aomo assurance to back it. It hardly soemo reasonable. Lincoln enjoyed the firat dust storm of the season yesterday. Wo suffer from this cause quito aa much as you do in Omaha. The street sprinklers wore sot at work , but wore wholly unable to cope with the oppos ing Influences , and gave up the fight before noon. Anaus. BURNS CLUB CONCERT. A Scottish Musical Melange. Fripay quite a select and ap preciative audience mot in Masonic [ lall to enjoy the excellent concert ; ivon by Miss Jeanie Watson. Mr. J. F. Hardy opened the concert with a brilliant pianoforte eolo , "Tho Land of Burns. " On Miss Jeanie Watson making her appearance she was greet ed with loud applause. ' She sang a fine old Scotch ballad entitled "The Auld Scotch Songs , " which was re ceived with onthuniastio burats of ap plause. She haa a beautiful rich loprano voice which aho Ima evidently highly cultivated. Mr. J. F Jlnrdy gave Miller's "Scotch Lissio Jean" very effectively. Tliia gentleman haa v very line tenor voice which ho known liow to use with great effect. Miss Watson then .sang the JSugliah ballad , "Murmur of the Shell , " for which ahc received n well merited encore , when olio gave "When : v" ye gn'cn awa1 Jennie. " / After an interval of tan minutes , \Ir. \ Hardy opened the second part of he concert with an organ solo , intro- lucing some exquisite imitations of ho Scotch bagpipes. Miaa Jennie Wataon ro-appoared and Jegalcd the audience with a splen- lid rendition of "Tho Shamrock of rolnrnl , " and for an encore , "Kil- arnoy. " Mi. AVm. Moldrum made a hit in us patriotit\roudorin [ of "Where baa lootland IJound Her Famo. " The song which wis undoubtedly the uuc- cess of the evening waa "Sheep Stoal- ng , " who , being loudly encored , favg "Oronics 0' Mine" in lively stylo. Subsequently ho created con- idcrablo mirth by bin funny pre sentation of "Out for a Nijtht , " and isiiig encored rendered "Tho Widow. " Mr. HavJy informed the audience ; hat thu Bong he was about to give , hem waa a purely Scotch nong , but , 10 added , those who don't understand scotch will bo able to read iv transla- ion in to-morrow's BEE. Mr. Moodio ho\vod up well in 'Away ' for the Highlands1 and Miss loanioVatson qavo enthusiastically he national Scotch sonpf , "Szots Wha Hao" and the American Na tional son ? , "Star Spangled Banner. * ' "Auld Long Syne , " by Jeanie Wataon and party , in which the on- .ire audieneo joined in , concluded ho very enjoyable ovoning'a enter tainment. A Farmer's Testimony. OUESTON , Iowa , May 21 , 1881. II. II. WAIINEU & Co. Sirs My little son has boon cured of weak kid neys by the use of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. M. 0. BEVMUU. HAMLIN'S HOTEL- Tlio Deeds of the Property Beady lor Dollvory-A. Good Title Assured. For some time past there has boon considerable talk about the magnifi cent now § 250,000 hotel to bo built on the corner of 10th and Farnam streets , which a morning paper pronounces now to have fallen through with. In correction of the reasons given for the failure in the plana of Mr. Hamlin , THE BEE can state on the authority of the repre sentatives of the Lowe estate , that they are all ready to close the matter up and it will bo settled one way or the other this ovmiing. The sale of the property was confirmed by the district court , the deeds are all ready to bo delivered and a perfect title and immediate possession can bo given and the attorneys of Mr. Hamlin satis fied in every respect. The buildings on the property wore all built under leases , which ter minated to-day , so that the represen tatives are ready to close the matter up at once. Arrangements have boon made to clear the block of all ob structions at a few days' notice , and the work of excavation can go on at once. Woman' * True Friend. A friend In need i afrlcud indeed. This nouncan deny , eqioUally when a lttaticols muU'reu wlirn rnf h porrly fsflllctecl with dlveiue , inoro paitSoulnily tluxo win. nlnlniH etui weaUieiM n to common to our fomulo nojmluUcn , limy wum.iti iltouhl know tint Lcoirln | lllttciH uro wainnu' * true friend , nucf will positively rc toro her ti > health , even wlicn nil cither i/medle * fall. A tingle trial alvvnya proves our as * Bertiou , 'JJjoy uro iikawnt. to tin taste , ami only crn fifty cents a bottle. Sold by Sclirotcr & Uecht , TIMBER THIEVES. Wholesale Bobbery of Public Land3 Near Port Niobrara. A Uofonso of Ctxpt. Mon < Kornory Skinning Contrnotora The Sutlers Outfit. OMAHA , March 31,1882. TolhalM'torot lliKllru Wo were glad to oeo eonio things ventilated in THE I3r.r in regard to Jlio wholesale stealing of timber from the public lands near Foit Xiobrara , Wo earnestly hope , with "Potkin , " that the commander of the divinion of the Platlo , or congress , or , if no one clso will do if , that Tun Bin : itself will tackle this mailer , and not only "investigate , " but endeavor to put an effectual atop to auch outrageous and wanton destruction of valuable tim ber from the public domain , cape- cially where it is so much needed by aettloro , But "Potkin" himself acorns to have got thinks badly mixed , and by awccping charges and inaccurate state ments doca great injustice to Capt. Montgomery , the prcacnt commander of the post , aomo of which wo feel it our duty to endeavor to correct. In the first place ho was not in command till near the 1st of June , 1881 , and the wood contracts wore awarded hero at Omaha by Major Ludington some time previous , 2d. The statement that in Juno , 1881 , "ho discovered that a largo cat tle ranch was a good thing to have , " and "that section 27 , etc , wan a good place for such a ranch ; " fails entirely to give the facts. The tract in ques tion was known as "tho old Simp's ranch , " and was pre-empted by'a man named Jacobs , Ho sold it in May or Juno , 1880 , to T. M. Head , who took out homeatcad papers. Ho and Montgomery bought Jacobs' ' stock , added others , started a dairy , built tholhotul , and many other valuable improvements the same summer. Wo know what wo say , ns ouo of us worked for Mr. Head , and a part of the time milked und took care of these cows , and boarded at the "Door Park hotel , " of Head & Montgomery , from the middle of August to the middle of December , 1880. So far from "making money" aa stated they lost money by the invest ment , and lost no much of Ihoir block , during the terrible winter following that Head bcc.uno discouraged and sold out his nharo to Montgomery. ld. $ Tbo statement that in Juno , 1881 , "ho prepared an order declar ing an enlargement of the reserva tion , " is equally incorrect aa is proved by a letter written in Novem ber or December previous , from A. D. Buckworth , llegistorof Land oflico at North Platte to F. M. returning application papera and foes , and re ferring him to "Circular letter , " of September 21st , 1880 , withdrawing said reservation from settlement , by pro-omption or homestead. John Dion's land is hold in spite of the commander , under papers issued previous to that datn. One of Captain Montgomery's first acts , on assuming command , was to notify all persona of suspicious or doubtful reputation , nuilo and female , and all persons without visible means of honest support , lo skip out at once ; but wo have the first instance to hear of , of any one engaged'in any lawful or proper employment annoy ed or hindered in any way , by him. In regard to what may have trans- [ jirod since , wo left the fort , wo have nothing to say ; but from what wo know of him from personal inter course and acquaintance with him , wo feel like giving him the benefit of every doubt till wo have full proof of the contrary. In regard to the other parties , the sutlers outfit of Cornell , Thatcher it Co. , the boat possible use that could bo made of them would bo to place them whpro they should properly belong - long , with Doc. Midtlloton , Jack Nolan , oto. , in state's prison , for the rest of their worthless lives. The latter were honorable , respectable men , compared with th'om. There is just about as much sense and regard for "the eternal fitness of things" in appointing "Chaw-Mouth" Cornell United States commiseionor aa there would bo in inakinir "Whisky Jack" police judge of Omaha , or appointing > Ies8ol\amc8 ) a judge to try the Blue Cut train robbers. Much has boon said lately in regard to Jira Stevenson advertising for laborers , and when hero , pay. inu them ofl'at reduced wages. Yet this was precisely what was done by Maj. Upham , commanding the post , during the summer of 1880. Six mechanics were promised hero in Omahii , S90 pur month , and transpor tation there. When they got there they were offered § 00 , which they could either take or go back again. Others wore hired there at $75 per month , and when pay day came they wore paid off at the rate of 070 , for the first month , and 05 for the next. Others wore reduced to ? CO , und when a general "strike" was threatened , wages wore put back to § 70 , By a spooiul combination between Upham , King , Ouswoll and others , no one dis charged by or refusing to work for the one , would bo hired by either of the others. This was boycotting with a yotigonoe. Much more might be said , but this is enough for the pres ent , and ovf ry statement can bo veri fied by every mechanic who worked there. Four NIOUHAUA , Gen'l ' Insurance Agent x Abaumuco Co. , of London , CaahAmctU. . . . , . , „ . 55.301,601.00 \Vcbtchtnscr , K , V , , Capital , . 1,000,000.00 The Merchant 1 , of Ken ark , N. J , , Capital . IS76COO.O Olard Klro , I'tiUvlolphla , Capital. , , , 1,200,000.0 Ftremeo'iiFund. , , , . , . . . . . , , . , , 1,239,916.0 Ilril'eh Amcrlcn Anuranca Co , . 1,500,000.0 Offlco , Boyil's ' Opera House , W , J. CORNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , OrriP * kront lloouis ( upttnln ) In lUot-cni oiw br .ck building , U. \ \ . corner r/tecntb oj irulao Strettr. Fcr a qunrtcr of n century or inoro Hosteller's Stomach ' Ittera has been the relgnlii ? iiicclflc tor ImllRCitlon.djs ; * : ! * ! ! , fever and aK i'lo s of phj deal i tan : ina liver complaint nnd othlrdlvr dcrc . .niid has been most emphatically Indorsed by trtdlcal men ai a health acd etrength rotor ntlvo. It counteracts n tendency to i ronmturo dcraj- , ' and jusUlts nnd comforts the nvul and tnflrm. For Eato by all druggists and dealers Rcncnlly. al to ml TRUTH ATTESTED. SomoIinportrmtbtatomoi'tH of Wcl Itnown People "Wholly Verified. In order that thapnlilte may fully ro Uzo the tmhicnesn cl tlio etxtomcnts , a * ucll ftJthf ittcrftnd vnluo of the article of which they speak , wo publish lier.wlth tlio fac-slmllo olfrnt- turca of parties whoso sincerity I ) liryond qucs tlon. Tlio Truth of thcso testimonials Is alino- lute , nor can tlio fact3 they announce bo IK- liorid OuAiu , NUB. , May 24 , 1SS1. II. II. WAIWIKR & Co. : DBARSm : I hnvo frequently mcd Warner'e Sato Kidney and Liver Curu .or local alTcctloni attendant upon Hovnro rheumatic attacks , and Iinvo Rln ays derived benefit tlicrefrcin. I hare also used the Sato N'cmno with c.vtlsf tctory re sult * . I consider thcso medicines worthy of couflJcnr" Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , Urn , Slay Z4 , loSl II. H WAimim & Co. , Koclicster.'N. V. : OKKTS : I have use tyoiir bale Kidney and I.Ivor Cure this Hiring a ? a Itcrlnvigorator. nnd 1 find It the bcbt remedy I oicr tried. Ihnvc wed 4 bottles , and It 1m madu ma feel batter than over I did before In the spring. U. 1 > . II. ahopa. OMAHA , NEB. , May BJ , 1W1. H. II. WARNER JE Co. : SIRS : For inoro than la years I have Buffered much In1 onvtnlonca from combined kidney and l\fr ! ulsc.ascs , MIC ! hruo been uniblo to work , my nrln ry organs also being affected. I tried a great miiiy medicines and doctor" , but I grew worra and uorto day by day. 1 via told I had Kriisht's Disease , and I wished nnsclf dead 1(1 ( could not hzo speedy relief. I took your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , ItnowiiiB nothing else \\oo o\or known to euro tha dlstane. and I have not been disappointed. The medlcinu haa cured me , and I am perfectly well to-day , entirely through your Safe Kidney and Llr Cure 1 wish you nil BUCC as In publishing th > 4 valuable o world U. r.B. H. Shors. Thoimnds cf equally strong endorsements many of tl em In cifco.s where hnpo wai ablutioncd tiavo been voluntarily frlvcn , Khonttigtlia rcnurkablo power of Warner's nlo Kidney and Ll\cr Cure , til all dlsca < csohJiC ; Kldmy , Ihcr or urinary or gans , If any oV.r Vie roadj tl.is has any ph ; a- ital trouble rem.'mbcr the great remedy. FAST TIME ! In SO'DK liwt talto the Trains lorvvo Oinahi 3:40 : p. m. nnd 7:40 : A. m. For lull IntormaUou call on II. IV DUEL , licket Agent , llth nud F. rnlmm MH. J. HErl < , U. P. Uilhvoy Depot , cr nt JAMEi ) T. CLAItK , dcnor- Accni , Omaha jalTtnio t ( Sioux City & Pacific _ . . THE SIOUX OITY KOUTE Runs a .Solid Train Through from Council Bluffa to St. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hours ir is "H-E8 TIIKJ SIIORTEST HOUTK FROM OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO HT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLin DULTJTir OR niSMAROK and all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line Is equipped with the Improved WestlPKhouso Automatic Alr-brako aud MIHo Plattoim Coupler and Under : and ( or BPEEIJ , SAFETY AND COMrORT Is uneurpassod. Pullman Palaca Bleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan eaaOltynnd Ct. Paul , via Council llluffs and UIoux Olty. Trains ICHVO bnlon Pacific Transfer at Couu- ell llluils , at 7:35 : p. in. dally on arrival of Kansas City , Ht. Joseph nnd Council lllufta train Irom the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 p. m. , and at tlio New Union Depot nt St. Paul at 12:30 : noon. IKN DOUIIS U { ADVANCE OP ANYJOTflBH KOUTK. tjrilcincraljcr In taking the Blonx City Route you cot Through Train. The Shortest Line , iho Quickest Time nnd a Comfortable Rldo In the ThrouKh "ars between COUNCIL ULUFKS AND ST. PAUL. /tarSoo / that your Tickets road via the "Sloui Cltv and Pacific Itallcoad " J. S. WA1TLE3 , J. R. DUCHANAH Superintendent. ( ion'l Past ) . Atront. P. li ROBINSON , Ass't Oen'l Pass. At. ( , Missouri Valley , Iowa. W. E. DAVIS , Southwcetern Affunt , Counci Dluira Iowa 1380. SHORTJ.INE. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , 3t , Joe & Council Bluffs U TUI 0.1LT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIKKAQT From Omaha und tlio West , No change ol can between Omaha and M. uonli , aud but one bttween OMAHA and NKW Y011K. Daily PassengerTrains KA8TERH AND WK3TK11N CITIES with LESS CUARUE3 and IN ADVANCB ol AIL mam UNBS. Thi | entire llao 13 equipped with Pullmm'i PaUco Bleeping Cam , PalW P y Coachei , XtllJert tialety 1'lr.tiomi aud Oouulor. and the colobratoj WcvtlostiOUM Alr-brake. that jour ticket > oadi VIA nANBA8 OlTlf , CT. J08EPU & coUNOit BLUTlfa Ka U toad , via 8t. Joiwi > h and SI. Loula. Ticket * ( or ul at all coupon itatloni in Ibi Woat J. K. BARNARD , A 0 , DAWE3 , Oca. Bupt , St. Joieuh , k'o Ota. { 'ML and Ticket Agt. , BL Joieph , Uo. CIT DQDII > , Ticket Ai ml , UiX ) Faruhuw ctrcaL . TUB WO SAU3 , At Hncoln , N . . on Thurndiy 33th Marjii nt oMo.t u. HI. , l.JOQiisji Cf yoi nj tr dcJ ew hi lamtu.lii loistotuit , iC ; ) Dl ftltOE. sa M Mrs. J. 0. HoVertaon , Plttsbnrir , Pa. , writes : " ! wni nullcrlnjr from general debility , wmit of np- petite , constipation , etc. , so tint flfo WM a liur- den ; utter lng llunlock Glood Hitters I felt bit ter thin for j tars. I cannot praise your Hitters too much. " U. dlM > , of fiufTato , N. V. , writes : "Vour Durdock nicv. Rltters , In chronic diseases of the blood , Ihcr auj kldncjg , ha\o been Pl nnlly marked with RUCCCSS. Ih.ivo used them mself with best results , for torpidity of tholltcr , and In case of a friend of nilno mmcrlng from dropsy , the effect nag marvelous , " Bruce Turner , Rochester , N , Y.wrltcs-'I ! : haie been subject to bcrloua disorder of the kidneys , and unable to attend to business ; Durdock Ulood Bitters rclloied mo before half abottlo was uaod I feel tonQdcnt that they will entirely cure me. " > Ascnlth Halt , ninghampton , N. Y. , write * : "I BUlTcrcdnltlia dull pain through my eft Inn ; ; and shoulder. I-o tmy spirits , nppctlto nnd color , and could with dllllculty keep up nil day. Took jour llurdock Blood Bitters 01 d | . reeled , and lifu o felt no t > am since first week af ter uslnif them. " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About four years ago I had an attack of bilious fever , and never fully recovered. My digestive organs were weakened , and I would bo completely pros trated for days. After using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Bitters the Improvement waa so \ t-lblo that I was attonl'hcd , 1 can now , though 01 years of age , do a fair and reasonable day's work. 0. Blackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Out. , writes : "Ferycars I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used your Burdock Blood Bitters nlth happiest resultx , and I now find tuvnclf In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' -I hnvo mod Burdock Blood Bitter * for nervous and Ml- loui headaches , nnd can recommend It to anyone requiring a euro for bllliousnoss. " Mrs. In Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several I have suffered yearn from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , nnd complain - plain U peculiar to my ECX. Since uilng your Burdock Blood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " Prlco , 91.00 pot Sottlc ; Trial Bottlss 10 Cts FOSTEll.HILBUEN.&Oo Props . . , , , BUTFA1,0 , If. V. Sold r.t wholesale by Ish fc UcMahca and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo The Great English Eemody Never falls to cuio Nervous Debility , Vi tal Exhaustion , Kmls- Seminal Waik- . HOOD , and all the eUl effects of youth ful follies and execs- cs. It stopi perma nently all weakening. Involuntary loss Band drains upon the sys tem , the Inevitable re- „ , „ suit of these evil prac tices , which arb BO destructive to mind and body and inafco life miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death It mrengthcns the Nerves , Brain , ( mcmorjf Blood , Muscle's , Pigcetlvo and Repro ductive urzans , It restores W all the oraanie functions their former vi-'or nnd vitality , ma king life cheerful and cnjojablo. Price , 63 a 'lottle , or four times tr.o quantity 10. Sent by cxprcsa. secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. 1 > . eent , except on receipt of 81. as a guarat.too. . Letters re questing nnsn-trs must incloeo stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion , Pills are tr j best and cheapest dyspepsia and billlous cure i' ' ! the market. Mold by all druggists. Price 60 cents. DR MINUS'S KIDNEY RKUCDY , Nr.rnKTiciru , Cures til Uindof Kidney and bladder comnlolnte , gonorrhea , gleet avd leucorrhca. For Ealo Ly all daug fcts : SI a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Louh , Mo. For Sale in Omaha by byC. . F. GOODMAN. Jan25-lv _ United States Depository first Mlial Bank , OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnata Bts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IS OMAHA. 8UCCE600RO TO KOUNTZE BROTHER3. ) DTAIUSHED 16 8. Organized a n National Bank August 0,18(3 , OAPTTAT. - . eann.pnn SUEl'LUS ANDPnoFtt'3 - 9150,000 OniCZZK ASD DIBKOTOM i HIUKAII KODOTZR , President. Auo" TU3 KOUNIZK , Vice President. I' . 0. DAM * , Cashier. A. J. 1'orri.KTOH , JOUKA. CttSIOIIIOM. Thl bank rocelvos deposits wlthou regard to imounti. IBSUCS time cortlflcatca bearing Interest. Draws drafto on San Francluco and principal cities of the United States , also London , Dublin Edinburgh cud the principal cities ol thacontl nent ot Kurope. raivldtf THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE IN NEBUASKA. GALDWELL3HAMILTON&GO Business trannnotoil sarao as that of nu iucorporutod bnnlr. Accounts licit in onri'ouo or old Bulijoottosic'Ut check without iiO- tlco- Gortiflontos of tloposit i'Bnortpav- alilo in three , six nnd twelve months , bearing Interest , or on do- nituul without iutorest. Atlvaucos mailo to oiistomora on approved securltioa at market ratoa oflntcrost. The interests of customers are olosely guarded , and ovoi-y facility compatible with prlupiules of sound bonkinc freely oxtondoil. Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland , Scotland , and all xinrts of Europo. Sell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS PnOMPTLY MADE. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE THADE MAnK Th.B.atC ! tTRADE MARK KnglUh rein. cdy. Auun * ( ailing euro ( or Seminal \Yoalnci8 , Spermator > BirtRETARIHO.soqucnce of AfTIR TARIHQ. Bell-Abuse ; M Lossol Memory , Universal Lamt. tudo , Fain in tha Hick , Dlrancsa ol Vision , Pro * uuttura Old Age , and many other Dlscnoa that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Puma- turoOrave. fiTKull pirtlculars In our pamohlet , which no dcelro to cond Irco I v mall to every ouo. riTfho Bpoclflo Medicine la sold by all drugglati at WporpackaKf , orOpackiitea ( or f6 , or will be kcut lice by null on rcoi ptol the money , by oad ; .33los TUKOUA JECIC1NECO. , tJ < Buffalo , N. Y. Qualm" _ ( Hiimc-uoJ JOBBER OF IF .A. IF IE IB , AND EASTERN PR1GES DOPLJGATED. 108 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA. WUOLK3AW5 AND IIETA1I , DKALEU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , BOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LME , CEMENT KTBTATK AGKNl FOH MILV.'AUKES CEilKNT OOUPASY1 Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA.WEB WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEAMtt N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Fqmhaxn St. Omaha Neb. IP. O. i&HZi rfUJu&tfrt I2E3 Farnham St. . Omaha , HAS THE BESMCK Iff OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRICES. MIRRORS , FEATHERS , Window Shades , Cornices , Curtain Poles , Lambrequins , Office Desks and Every thing Pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade , GHAS. 1206 , 1208 , 1210 Farnham , mar23coJv ] tiff svaaccgpzi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SASH , BOOBS , BLIPS 15th and Cuming Sfo OMAHA , NEB .23 ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. Fine AYatchoa and Clocks. Pianos , the Stock nnd others. Diamonds at Importers' Prices. Organs , Whitney & Ilolmes. Jewelry , most Artistic Stylus. Music Books , Shoot Music. Silverware , an Elegant Stock. Accordians , Violins. Spectacles , Eye Glasses , &o. Flutes and Fifes , Guitars. Opera Glasses , Ohoico Assortment. Music Boxes , Harmonicas. Engraving , in Best Styles. Violin Strings , Guitar Strings , & Fine Repairing a Specialty. Inducements Superior to others. Prices in Plain Figures. Our Motto , "Plain Figures. " 42TAs we copy none of our competitors STYLES or advertisements we politely re quest a return of the compliment. Opera House Block. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. tucs&eat WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOBBERS OP f = ifai * r t "tg * Tf * i r - % * * g7T * - - v3 rJTAffM'Mt3 ' CO UJI I i JEWELEES1 TOOLS AM MATERIALS ALSO WESTERN AGENTS F0 , THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN GO.'S ORGANS. Spectacles of [ the Ooloteatefl STAR TINTED MAKE arelsold ex ! \ . . , . .f'1 elusively by us , DIAMONDS IN LARGE VARIETY. nil line of Sheet Music , Eastern Prices Duplicated EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , WHOLESALE JE WELEP.8 , Opp. the Post fOffice OMAHA , - - - NEB.