Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1882, Image 1

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Short Discussion of the Army Bil
By the House.
How Officials in Washington
V Are Fixing Up the Slate
For New York ,
Progress of the Schema to Eun
Folger For Governor and
Exile Cornell.
The Fate of the Chinese Bill to
Bo Decided by thn Cabinet
at To-day's Meeting.
Mlncollnnconn Koto * of a Nationn
National Associated trcw.
WASHINGTON , April 1. The senate
ate was not in session , having ad
journed on Friday till Monday.
The bill was reported giving Nebraska
braska an additional member of th
present house.
At 1:30 : p. m. Iho house wont into
committee ot the whole on the army
appropriation bill. After further dis
cusston of the army bill , the hous
adjourned at 3 o'clock , without actioi
on any portion of the bill.
National Associated Prosa.
WASHINGTON , April 1. A specia
correspondent of a New York papo ;
sends the following : "The report
which makes Secretary Folgor a
candidate for governor of Now York
sets politicians to wondering what is
coming next. " This talk revives the
story current at the time of his appointment
pointmont that it was in order to keep
a desk for Conkling. This report ,
however , does not obtain ROToral ;
credence. The gossip is that Folger
f has been already sounded and found
inclined to regard the project favora
bly in case of an assurance of nom
ination , with the approval of both
faction ? . Those who know hiiu say
it has long been his ambition to be
governor , nnd it is said hero Cornell
can exile himself in any ono of the
several courts of Europe , if ho indi
cat03 any desire in that direction to
The probabilities regarding the
Chinese bill is the principal topio of
discussion here. There are all shades
of opinions ; those in the best position
to know insist that the bill will be
signed. The Pacific coast members ,
while they hold out stoutly that this
will bo the case , are really much ex
orcised over the matter and watch
every movement with great anxiety.
They admit that the cabinet is against
the bill , but insist that the president
will sign it. Attorney General Brew-
ster is said to bo at work on a docu
ment relative to the bill ; if so , it may
bo inferred that the document is a
veto , for Mr. Brewstor is reported as
personally and officially ad verso to ibo
There will bo no cabinet nomina
tions until the Chinese bill is disposed
of. The cabinet is equally divided on
the qvestion , Itis ascertained to-day
that Attorney General Browster's
opinion is to bo presented at the special
meeting to-morrow ; it will state clear
ly that the bill is a direct abrogation
of the treaty , and that the president
will express the opinion that the treaty
should bo modified , if at all , in a less
summary manner. It in positive the
president will not sign the bill , and it
is thought to depend on the cabinet
conference whether ho vetoes or al
lows it to become a law without his
signature. The California delegation
still behevo it will bo signed. Any
etlort to have the bill amended would
bo bitterly opposed in the house , if
such effort bo possible.
There scorns good ground to fear
that notwithstanding the benefit of last
summer's ' experience , the Potomac
flats are to remain unimproved for the
present , so much time is being taken
up in congress providing for the Mis
sissippi flood and its consequences ,
and yet the river delegations are annoyed -
noyod by the failure of the bill to
send a commission to the scene of the
floods , and fears for the inadequacy of
congressional treatment are enter
tained. The District commissioners
aecm to have neglected the flats too
long , and it is now thought the ses
sion is too far spent for the proper re
sults , Meanwhile the river channel
is becoming narrower and the scope
of the work is increasing.
Work on the Washington menu'
mont will bo resumed this week.
Enough stone and iron \vork is now on
the ground to occupy * ho force till
July 1st.
Mr. Rounds arrived to-night and is
conGdont of his confirmation ns gov
ernment printer. He says his legal
disqualifications of being a typo foun
der is overcome by making the foun
dry a joint stock concern.
A special cabinet meeting will beheld
held on Monday for final action on the
Chinese bill.
The postoffice at Broadway , Va. ,
will bo abolished , because the resi
dents , not liking the politics of the
postmaster , took their mail to the
train instead of the postoflice , and as
his salary depends upon the cancelled
stamps , their treatment soon reduced
the salary to nothing.
Frelinghuysen has a cablegram from
Lowell that out of deference to the
request a respite of a fortnight has
boon granted Lamson to give him time
to furnish evidence from here on the
question of insanity , but It is no
feared from this that final commuta
lion will follow.
Tlio Smithsonian institute has ro
reived from Prof. Forester , of Berlin
the announcement of the discovery b ,
Palisa of the SOth of March of a piano
of the twelfth magnitude in 12 houti
and 52 minutes right ascension and
degrees and i ) minutes north declina
tion , with a daily motion of thrco min
It is reported that Lioutennn
Bradley , recently ordered from th
war department to join his regiment
will resign to escape oourt martin
irregularities in the settlement
mont of state claims.
Senator Logan walked out to-dny
To-morrow the supreme court benc
will bo full for the first time in n year
Tholilncoln Gnard of Honor.
National Associated Treca. /
CHIOAUO. April jiJLr-Tho Lincoln
Gunrdof Honor , nforganisation in
this city incorporated : under the laws
of this state , is sending out circulars
announcing its parposo to receive hon
orary members from any and all the
country from among the people who
hold the name of Abraham Lincoln in
nffectionato mc'inory. ' Since its or
ganization the Guard of Honor has
held at the national Lincoln monument
ment interesting memorial services on
the loth day of April of each year ,
the. anniversary of the president's
death , and upon Decoration day. The
12th of February , the day of hit
birth , has also boon appropriately ro
mcmborod , and it is the desire of the
secretary that this day be ndoped by
the whole country as a national holi-
dny. The purposes of this society arc
to acquire by purchase , or otherwise
the old home of Abrahnm Lincoln , it
Springfield , III. , together with nil its
mementos of his domestic nnd public
lifo nnd to care for nnd hold them in
trust for the people ; also , to provide
for memorial services at his tomb , ant
also make proper observance of the
anniversaries of his birth , death ant
other important days , as well as upon
Emancipation day _ and Decoration
day. The society Js organized solely
for patriotic purposes and is composec
of the most public people of this city.
Cattle Thlovoi Lynched'
National Associated Frees.
L'UEULO. Col , April 2. Two notorious
rious cattle t hievcs , W. T. Pho-bus
and James W. McGreen , were taken
from the county jail'between 2 ank
o'clock a. M. yesterday by sixteen
masked men and hanged to a tree on
Santa Fo avonuo. It is supposed the
work waa done by members of the
Cattle Growers' association. The
manner in which they worked was the
coolest and most deliberate -imacina
bio. No other prisoners were liber
ated. They gamed entrance to the
jail on the representation that the
deputy sheriff wanted to deposit a
prisoner. After leaving the jail the
lynchors rode ton miles to Reynolds'
place on the St. Charles 'road , sur
rounded the house and captured three
more men , Chastin Berry and Chastin
and Frank Omsloy , suspected of being
cattle thieves , -took them to a patch of
timber a short distance from hero and
lynched them , loading them hanging
in this manner. Five cattle thieves
wore put out of the way. There is
now only one of the gang at largo.
a Burglar.
National Proaa Association.
NEW YOUK , April 2. About mid-
light on Saturday Charles J. Rose ,
West Eleventh street , was awakened
n his room on the second floor by a
noise and the flash of a light , after
which nil was dark. Rose then pro
ceeded to search the room , and in dong -
ng so fell over a table , when someone
ono beneath it caught hold of his leg.
A lively tussle followed for a few
minutes in the dark , when the burglar
oloiaed himself and darted into the
rent room. Rose called for help ,
'hero was another struggle in the
rout room , but Rose got hold of the
obbor and pinned hun to the floor ,
Wanting his knee on his breast. In
Ilia'position they wore found by an
flicor when ho entered and tlio burglar
wf.s secured. The man gave his name
s Joseph Callahan , 25 years of ago ,
No. 192 Taylor street , Chicago. To
ny ho was put undorbonds of § 1,000
or trial.
Tlio Act of u Flond-
National Associated Press
INDIANAPOLIS , April 2. A 3-year-
Id child , the daughter of E. O.
'ritclmrd , late editor of the Kokomo
iiepatch , was stolen from its crib In
,8 , parents' room at an early hour
cstorday morning and was outraged ,
'lie whole village was aroused and a
louse thief was subsequently arrested ,
nd an examination of his person and
lathing furnished conclusive ovi-
enco of his guilt. Ho was placed in
ail , which building has bocon sur-
oundod during the Uay by ever ono
lousand excited citizens who are de
manding the prisoner. Ho gives his
lame as Chas. Crimson and says he is
rom Franklin , Ind. The child is
lorribly mutilated and in a critical
ondition. It was with difficulty the
athor was restrained from killing the
Convict Labor.
ational Associated Press.
JOMKT , 111. , April 2. The connnia-
onora of the Southern penitentiary
b Chester , III. , are about to contract
10 labor of 225 of" the 430 convicts
low in their institution and are hero
.0 . learn the modus operand ! of letting
> risen contracts.
Children Burned to Deatfe-
atlooal Associated Prps .
STUHOEON BAY , Wis. , April 2.
'ho house of Isaac O'Ncil , of the
own of Claybank , were burned to the
[ round. O'Neil'js two children , who
ore in the building , were consumed
by the flames. The parents were ab
out when the fire occurred.
A Bribed Juror.
ational Auoclatcd Pros * .
CUIOAOO , April 2. Joeso Shepherd ,
hargod with accepting & bribe as a
uror , was bold to iho grand jury in
tail of 2,000. Ho was a juror in
10 celebrated case of Gribblor , on
rial for bribing jurors.
Progress of the Extorininatlon
of tlio Jamos1 Gang ,
A Confession That ia a Dead
Give Away on Misfiouri
Implicating a Largo Nuinbo
Who Fed and Cared
For the Crowd.
Departure of an Avenging
Member of the Gang From
Little Rock , Ark.
AlitcollanoouR Trnlu Robbing Now
nnd Pnrticiilnrs-
National Associated I'tat.
KANSAS CITY , April 1. The Iria
of the train robbora is now progressing
at Independence ; . John Lnnd's ful
confession is published in the morn
ing papers. The points have nil l > ooi
given hcrotoforo. Dick Little , 0110 ol
the old James bojs' pang , who has
been in the custody of the oillccra for
aomo time , has inn.dc n full confession
and told everything connected will
the gang and yivon full details of nil
their operations since the close of the
war. The ofllcers refuse to make the
statement public , but it is known thai
ho tolls about nil who harbored nnd
fed nnd protected them ( luting their
raids into Missouri. Xho nfllcora
hnvo nil the names , and when known
they will create n grand sensation.
Other arrests will soon como , unlcsn
they hnvo ilcd. Two will bo taken in
After the Blue Cut robboiy the
gang wont to the homo of the mother
of the James boys in Clay county ,
where a quaircl took place nnd Jcsso
James killed Ed Miller. Then they
wont to Kentucky nnd stopped with
the father of Jeff nnd Wood Bite.
'Hio old man Hi to had a young wife ,
ind Dick Little became enamored ol
her. This led to a quarrel between
Wood Hito and Little , nnd the former -
mor was killed. Wood Hito being
cousin of Jesse James , the latter
swore vengeance , but Little escaped
ind through hia wife opened negotia
tions with the authorities to surron-
lor. Ho was promised immunity il
10 would toll nnd assist in looking up
the gang. The first result was the ar
rest and sentence of Jpff Hito to
; wenty five years in the penitentiary ,
'or which § 5,000 reward was paid. Of
hia reward , it is believed , the officers
lave given Little S500. Little is
; opt closely by the officers. .No ono
ins been allowed to interview him.
The information given as to this story
comes from his uncle , with whom ho
stayed for some time before giving
limsolf up.
In thq Uial of the Blue , Cut train
robbers to-day , at Independence'
Jno. Land , onc'of the parties engaged
.n the affair , was put on the stand and
cstificd to precisely the facts heroto-
"oro given in his confession.
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , April 2. A re
iablo citizen confidentially stated this
evening that Anderson , ono of the
lotorioua James gam ? , loft hero to-day
'or Independence , Mo. , to kill Little ,
ono of the same gang , who , for the
sum of $5,000 , offered by iho governor
> f Missouri , ha ? promised ts give in-
nrmation that will lead to the capture
of the James brothers and their band
of cutthroats.
LITTLE ROOK , Ark. , April 1. Every
now and then some interesting inci
dent arises in connection with the son-
ational robbery of the Iron Moun-
ain train near Hope , this state , in
September by three beardless Texas
oaths. Ono of them , named Sulli
van , the son of n Methodist preacher
at St. Augustine , died a f < nv weeks
after incarceration in the penitentiary ,
of a broken heart. His partner in the
light after the robbery , named Archie
lowe , the other day revealed that ho
could point out the spot , near Ultiim
Thule , on the border of the Indian
lation , where ho and Sullivan had
liddcn several thousand dollars of the
mount taken from the express mos-
onger. In charge of Captain Will
Yard , son of Col. Xob Ward , lessee
f the penitentiary , ho started to-day
0 point out the spot.
Decoy od Him to His Do nth.
atlonal Associated 1'rcss.
ST. PAUL , April 2. Wm. Christie ,
TIO decoyed Ilarvoy Strum into a
wamp near Bluffton , Otter Tailcoun-
y , and shot him dead , was arrested
t Spruce Hill , Douglass county , and
akon to Bluffton for examination.
U first ho denied hisguilt , but on boil -
il ! confronted with the body of his
ictim , ho weakened and made a full
onfcssion. Ho said ho killed him for
is money , aud only got $ UQ. Strum
ormorly worked for Christie's father ,
1 Hancock , Iowa. Christie has a
vifo and child , and his reputation has
eon good heretofore.
Challenge to Sullivan.
rational Associated I'rcsj ,
NEW YOUK , April 2. Jim Elliot
ublishes a letter , in which ho says
phn L. Sullivan crawls away from
lis proposition. Elliot offers to bet
jl,000 Sullivan can't atop him in
our rounds , the winner to take the
takes and entire proceeds ; ho also
( flora to fight next September for 81 , .
00 and the championship , to fight
with the naked fists. If Sullivan
ron't fight him in six months ho will
laim the championship. Ho refuses
o fight Sullivan for the lattor'u
ecuniary benefit in an exhibition.
- I
Bad Railroad Accident.
National Associated 1'ieti ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. April 2 A bad ac-
ident occurod to the train on the riv-
r division of the Milwaukee and St.
aul , duo hero at 2:25 : p. m. yostor-
ay. At a point between Lake City
nd Red Wing a wheel broke , upsott-
ng two sleepers and smashintr ono
adly , 0. A. Hall , an invalid , of
Albany , N. Y. , had his head cut by
being thrown n aimt a wirdow ; A. V
Griswolfl , of Erioj'Pa. ' , n d a fowoth
ors were slightly injured. The trail
reached hero at 4 p. in.
Snloldo ofVomiR Cornoy" Vnndtr-
National Associated Frets.
Nr.vr YOUK , April 2 , Cornelius J
VRiidorbilt , brother of Wm. II. Vnn
dorbilt , cotmnUtnd suicide this oven *
ing at the Glcnliam Hotel , KifH
avenue and Twenty-second , by shoot
ing himself in the hond ,
From what oould bo learned nt the
hotel of the affair U appears flint aboil
4 o'clock ono of the employes of the
hotel hoard the report of a pistol in
Vnndorbilt'H room. Ho told thoclcik
nnd on his going inio the room ho
found Mr. Yandorbilt lying on the
bed bleeding from h wound in his
head. Dr. Weir , 51 r. Vaiulorliik'n
family physician , wns immediitelj
summoned and a dispatch also sent to
Wm. II. Vanderbilt and other rela
tives. When Dr. Weir nirived nt llio
hotel Mr. Vanderbilt was unconscious
and beyond all human aid. Ho
hoyor regained consciousness from the
time ho fired Uio fatal shot , nnd died
nt 0 o'clock. u. O'Farron , n guest nt
the hotel and a friend of the deceased ,
n ho woo ono of thofir tie enter the
room nftor the shooting , snid ho found
Mr. Vnndorbilt lying oil the bed with
n bullet wound in tho' right , temple.
The weapon with which ! ho committed
the deed was a. small sized iivo
chamber Smith & W.c on revolver ;
it lay by his t > ido on thu bed. Mr.
Teriv , n very friend and
companion of the deceased , who wns
nt , the hotel titthotimoot theshuoting ,
said : "Mr. Vanderbilt nnd myself ,
about four woolen ago , returned from
Florida , where Mr. Vanderbilt
liad been spending the winter
for his health. On our.arrival in this
city , Mr. Vanderbilt engaged a suite
of rooms at this hotel. ' His health
liad been very poor for some time
past , and ho had "been subject to fits
} f epilepsy , and had been confined to
tlis bed for several days. " Mr. Terry
was of the opinion that the deceased
accidentally shot hhnutt while in a
Win. H. Vnndotbilt arrived at the
lotel shortly after his brothor'o death.
Ho appeared to bo very nfuch nffoctcd
at the occurrence. Ho gave instruc
tions for a special train to bo in
readiness to-morrow to convey the
remains of the deceased to Hartford ,
where they w ill bo interred by the
side of his wife , who died
years ago. The deceased was 51
fears of age , and had no children.
The coroner nnd his deputy arrived
it the hotel some time nftor Mr. Van-
dorbilt's death , and after examining
ho dead body gave a permit for Its
removal. They then called nt the
Thirtieth street police station and left
xslip , which road as follows : "Cor
nelius J. Vanderbilt died at the
Gleuham hotel from a pistol shot
wound in the head while laboring un
der great mental excitement. " No
date has been fixed for the inquest.
CUigraoad Himself j > yjg ? \MdotT. .
* * * * ' ' ' - '
National Associated Press < >
LOUISVILLE , Ivy. , April 2 , - Yester
day morning , nt New Albany , In
diana , Robert Byrne , a man of rc-
ipectablo parents , committed suicide
> y shooting himself through thn head
on account of being arrested on the
orious charge of attempting rapo.
The offense with which ho was
charged was committed on Wednes
day. Ho wan intoxicated and con
ducted himself in n most outrageous
manner , exposing his person on the
irincipal streets in the presence of
lovoral ladies. After that ho entered
; ho yard of E. S. Crozior , of the
Jouisvillo custom house , and nt-
.emptod . to violate the 4 year-old
daughter of Crozier. Yesterday the
officers attempted to arrest him but
10 escaped , 'ihb morning at his
ather's liouso hoshothimsolf through
; ho head. The coroner's verdict was
hat ho came to his death by his own
Dirty Family JLlnow.
'ational Associated I'rcia
CHICAGO , April 2. W. H. Harper ,
well known citizen , called nt Justice
} rcndcrvillp's office and asked that n
varrant bo issued for the arrest ot his
vifo and Joel D. Harvey , United
Hates collector of interim ! revenue ,
n the charge of adultery. The jus-
ice being temporarily absent , Harper
opartcd , excitedly stating that ho
vould return. Mr. Ilarvoy is now
bsent in Washington. Mrs. Harper
s living at the St. Denis hotel , apart
rom her husband.
Another Rascally Collector.
ational Associated View.
IlAiiitiHiiuna , Pa. , April 1. It wns
iucovorcd to-day in settling up tax
uplicates of the past year , that
acob A. Faunco , ox-collcotor of the
Tirst ward , and now a member of the
ity council , is guilty of defalcation.
Moro developments are expected.
ational Awoclatcil Press.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April ! * .
'or the Lower Missouri valley :
fair weather , southerly winds , lower
> aromotor , stationary or higher torn-
Do not buy a pig in the bag , when
'ou want a firat class suit of clothes ,
> y ordering them from Tom , Dick
nd Harry , who go about the country
aking orders for suits in such a man-
icr that you must pay for the goods
> eforo you sco them , but go direct to
1. Kalish , the Star Tailor , and select
your goods from a largo nnd elegant
assortment , and have everything
; uaranteod as represented , and pay _
your each when you are satisfied with
what you have ordered.
The Star tailor has been in Omaha
or six years , and has never misrop-
osontou an article or had a dispute
with a coatomor.
Call and examine his stock , which
s now and complete. Elegant bust ,
ness suits from $30 upwards , Ho-
member the place , ono door west of
Agaliwt the Present Starvation
Wages Being Paid ,
A General Strike of the Build
mfj Trndoa of Now York to
Occur This Wook.
The Spiunora of the Pall River
Mills Threaten to and Prob
ably Will Strike To-day.
The Lawrence Mill Strikers
Holding Out Firm aad No
Prosptotsofa Oon-
Strilco ominouliilntii iu Now Jornrj
nuil Trniilciiicm in Connect Ion * .
National Axocinted I'rrai
NI.W YOUK , April 1. There is
every indication the coining week
may witness a general strike nmong
the various trades in this city. Ma
sons , bricklayers , liouso piintorn ,
| ) nstert'ifi , and , in fact , nil branches
connected with the building trade ,
Imvo notified the cmployera that un-
ICBS their wngcs are increased from 25
to CO per cent nnd the hours of labor
reduced to eight hours , they will go
on n sttilce. Some trades submitted
their dom.xnds to tlio bosses nnd gnvo
.liciu till Monday to como to a con
PALL Uivcu , Mass. , April 1. A
nccting of the Spiunora' union was
lold to-night. The striking spinncis
> f the Sagumoromill worn present nnd
.old their grievances. 3t was voted
.ho remaining apinncis of that mill
should strike on Monday. The
cause of the dilllculty is the weights
on the mules are too heavy and cause
: ho yam , which is of a low grade , to
jrcnk. The spinnora have boon com-
) latning for n long time , nnd all ullbrls
ownrd nmicablo adjustment Imvo
nilod. Similar complaintn are made in
other mills , and the ttoublo is likely
o increase.
LAwnrM'ri , Mars. , Apiil 1. The
? nciflc mill atriliorshold a masu moot-
iifi to-night in the City hall. About
,500 were ] ) rosont. They were ad-
Ircsacd by Prcs'dent Oghvio , of the
Weaver's union , Et-CongresBinanTar-
> ox , State liopresontativo , T. D.
joothman , nnd others. Ollura of aid
voro received from other cities. 1 ho
strikers remain firm , but their nuin-
icrs are buing rapidly diminished by
lundrcds u ho are rapidly accepting
employment elsawhero. There are
10 signs of concession on the part of
: ho manngomont. Kopnirsat the mill
are being pushed.
CLinnvooD , N. J. , April 1. Ono
luudred and fifty hands , engaged in
: ho machine shops , struck for more
Watc ; iday , and. the mon , are per-
ouading the moulders to stop work.
WATEHIIUUV , Conn. , April 1. All
.rackmcn the ontiru length of the
NTauatnck ; ; railroad struck this morn-
ngfornn advance of wages from $1.50
to § 1.75 per day. The company will
not comply.
FALL RIVKK , Mass. , April 2. The
spinners at thu Sagamore mill held a
nooting to-dny and agreed not to go
o work to-morrow.
NKWI-OUT , B. L , April 2. Last
light 200 members of the Laborers'
union and other laborers , to the num-
) or of several hundred , struck for nn
idvnnco of wages from § 1.50 or § 1.75
, o § 2.00 n day. The gas company ,
vator works and soveial firms of
lorists and builders hnvo ac
ceded to the demand. Jt is
; onorally conceded tlio demand is
ust and no interruption to spring ini-
) rovomontHill be occasioned. No
imployer has definitely refused the
ncrcaso and work will go on as usual
o-morrovv. There has been no ill-
celing over the mutter.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 2. Mom-
> ors of the Painters' union to-day do-
ided to strike for § 2.50 per day , and
efuaod to work in shops where non-
mien are employed The strike goes
nto efl'oct to-morrow.
Mincollanpons TologrnmH ,
CAIAOO , April 2. A 10 cent fund ,
already liberally patronized , has boon
tarted in this city for the benefit of
ho family of Sergeant Mason.
CiM.'iNNATi , G. , April 2. There is
great interest in Monday's election on
Account of the infusion of the temper-
once question into politics ,
DiiTitoiT , Mich. , April 2. The de
cision made yesterday holds the next
annual regaita of the national nsaoci-
ition of amateur oarsmen at Detroit
n August. There was much rojoio-
ng among local boating-men.
PIIILADKIAHIA , April 2. In the
uit of the Kcoly Motor company
against Kooly , the court ordered
vecly to divulge to the stockholders
iis secret , and in answer to his plea
hat the court could not compel him
o open his mouth , the court said it
vould find a way of doing so.
EAHION , Pa. , April 2. John Du-
gan , of Mauch Chunk , aged 19 , died
rom the ufiects of a singular accident
resterday. A hawser attached to an
engine , drawing cars on the Now
Torsoy Central railroad , snapped and
ono end struck Dugan , breaking his
ollar bono and an arm , and cutting
off the other arm and doing ether in-
urios. IIo suffered much until
OAMDKN , N. J. , April 1. Delia
Whaluii and Mary Messenger , while
valking on the West Jersey railroad
rom South Camden , were struck by
ho southbound train and thrown
rom the track. Delia Whalon was
nstantly killed and Mary Messenger
was taken to the hospital seriously
Harry Lull' , hold on the charge of
malpractice undar suspicion of causing
.ho death of Miss Appor and another
young lady by the u o of poisonou
drugs several months ago. returned t
this city after a long absence and wn
acquitted in Judge ltri [ > gs' court to
WoncKSTEK , Mnss. , April 1. Th
examination of the tlirco ctulol
charged with burning the Ilighlam
Military Academy ended to-dny. L
A. Nowcomb , of Hartford , wns hole
in $3,000 bail to await the action o
the grand jury. Willie Starr , of Ore
con , and llnrry C. Curry , of Brook
line , Mass. , were discharged.
MIMVAUKKI : , Wis. , April 2. Th
board of state tUh commitstoncrs hat
ono million young white fish placet
in Lnko Michigan in the vicinity o
North Point. The fish nro noarlj
two months old , but so small that up
wards of . ' 100 of them may bo plnco <
in a quart measure.
Diumvoon , p. T. , April 2. For
literally chopping his who into
mince-meat , Michael Donclan 1m
bion sentenced to the punitcntiatyfo
twenty-live years.
AunoitA , 111. , April 2. A boy 15
yonra of ngo , Charles Egbert , wns nr
rested for outraging the person of hi
little cousin , Ida , only 5 years old
Ho has been hold to answer tlionction
of the grand jury , nnd in dofnult o
bail lies in the county jail.
HALIFAX , N. S. , April 2. Mr.
Fryp , of Belfast , Maine , newly ap
pointed United States consul genera
nt this port in plnco of Judge Jack
son , has arrived and assumed the du
ties of his office.
OTTAWA , Ont. , April 2. A deputa
tion is hero in the interest of Ameri
can manufnctuiors to oppose the con
templated duty on elm logs , etc.
KANSAS Cn v , April 2. There wore
ivo deaths from small-pox in the city
; o-day.
NHW YOUK , April 2. By a fire in
Ann street this morning , 250 opera
tives are thrown out of employment.
A Torrlblo Torimdo.
. ' tlonal Associated 1'iens.
UKAUIXII , April 2. The torriblc
ornado which passed over this section
of country about 2:30 : o'clock this
afternoon resulted in a fearful acci-
lent and loss of life near the mouth
of Angelica creek , about a mile below
this city. There is a water tnnk with
a capacity of 12,000 gallons erected on
i wooden frnmo work 1)0 ) foot high ,
strengthened with iron rods running
down through nnd into solid masonry.
J\OSQ \ by is a straw shod , belonging to
.ho . farm of Gcorgo R. Frill. Mr.
"rill had opened the gateway leading
nto the barn yard , through which a
- carringo entered into the
straw shod , containing George Shcl-
horne nnd wife , their daughter Rosa ,
igod about 12 , their son Chnrlcs , and
x nephew. The boys jumped out ,
and while Mr. Frill wna in the nct.of
lolping the ladies out the storm broke
n all its violence. It struck the
ofty water power , snapping the timers -
) ors about the middle and landing the
ank some distance away. The great
mass of wooden stnictui o foil on the
straw ehed , covering up the human
joings , horses and vehicles that had
gene under for dhqltovwltli otrnw
ind debris to a depth 01 f-t'elvo foot.
Neighbors were summoned and all the
jodies were extricated. Of these
3oorgo Sholthorno was dead , his
iroast being crushed. His little
laughter Rosa was also dead , though
ooking very natural , having probably
> ccn suflbcated. The boy named Kruao
was also killed. Gcorgo Frill's ' ribs
ire broken , and Mrs. Sholthorno's
tack is crushed so horribly that she
cannot survive. These two were ro-
novcd to the farm house adjoining ,
ind at this writing are in a critical
ondition. The parties are all well
mown , Mr. Frill being a prominent
itizon. _ _
Mexican Matter *
atloiul Associated 1'rcsa.
CITY oi' MKJUCO , April 2. Senor
Szoquniol Montez , secretary of the
lopartment of justice and public in-
truction , has resigned and the prosi-
out lnm accepted it. Senor Montez
ndeavorcd to ofl'cct changes in the
ircsent system of public instruction ,
md on certain representations being
nado to the oxccutivo regarding the
idvisability of the ohnngoa. the latter
ntorposed in behalf of the present
ystom. His resignation is the result.
ionor Joquin Homes , a native of Yu-
atnn , is suggested as his successor.
The Mexican senate and congress
onvcned yesterday.
The Mexican congress was opened
or the last period of the Tenth sos-
ion yesterday , the afternoon beiiiff
occupied by the president's address ,
' address gives a general review of
' refers to the
; ho country's progress ,
different railway extensions , nnd hopes
congress will promote in ovury way
> ossiblo tlio roads under construction.
lo recommo.ids'that general banking
aws bo enacted similar to those in
ho United States , that investigation
jo had into the dilllculty in the state
of Jalisco arising out of the late elec-
ions to ascertain the legal govern
ment , that measures be adopted for
ho encouragement of colonization ,
ho material development of the
ountry and foreign enterprises. In
onclusion , the president said the
Jautonmla boundary difficulty will bo
ottlod to Mexico's satisfaction. The
oading of thoaddrossrecoived marked
attention. Tlio hall was filled with
looplo both in the afternoon and
ivening. In the evening the hall wns
ightod with electricity. _
Kearney's Canal.
l cblJUiatclito | THE DUE.
KKAUNKV , Nob. , April 1. Kearney
a jubilant ever the success of our
nuch talked of canal. Seventy thou-
and dollars waa subscribed inside ol
wonty-four hours. The canal will
soon bo commenced , as wo r.ow have
plenty of money without- any * .tft " ' W
aid. ' \ - .
National Ae gcUtcd.tK . - .
KANSAS CITY , April 2. N. W. Un-
dorwood & Co. , commission mer-
chantB , has suspended. Liabihtios
§ 76,000. They expect to be able to
resume in a few days.
Tlio Efforts Being Made For the
Boleaso of Dr , Lamson ,
Collision Between Steamers in
the English Channel and
Great Loss of Life.
Russia Endeavoring to Explain
Her Warlike Activity to
Germany and Russia.
OnoSidoofa Police Barracks
in Limerick Lifted by
The General Now * that Coma
Over the Cnbla.
National AnoclatcJ Press.
LONDON , April 0. The Times ,
Standard and Telegraph this morning ,
commenting editorially on the respite
of Dr. Lnmson , question the wisdom
of such an act.
A dixpntch from Vienna says there
has been a fresh outbreak in tno
Bosnian insurrection and largo bands
are roving between Drina and the
Turkish frontier. Advices from Get-
tmgo , but which are considered
doubtful , claim the defeat of the
defeat of the Austrian troopi by the
Caucasians , after several hours fight
ing on Saturday.
MADUID , April 2. Order has been
restored in Barcelona and basilicas
Ima boon resumed.
LONDON , April 2. The royal mail
steamer Duero collided with the
steamer Itural off Capo Finistorro on
Sunday morning and both sank. The
loss of lifo , which is very great , is un
known. Eighty-four persons were
It is reported hero that Russia has
made explanations to Austria and
fiormany regarding the activity dis
played in her different military de
partments , declaring that such ac
tivity was limited to a reorganization
of the army.
VIENNA , April 2.- The Austrian
steamer Stola has sailed from Trieste
on an Arctic expedition ,
Sr. PCTEUsnuna , April 'J Lieut.
Schuvanoff , the marine oflicor recent
ly convicted of complicity in the mur
der of the czar , waa shot in the pres
ence of the troops nt Cronstadt on
Friday last.
DUIILIN , April 3. Ono side of the
police barracks at Limerick was
blown up by dynamite yesterday.
Several persons were hurt , but none
nf the constables received any injury.
Three arrests have been made iu con
nection with the affair.
LONDON April 2. At the request of
President Arthur , through Minister
Lowell , Dr. Lamson , sentenced to bo
hanccdon Tuesday , the 4th inst. , for
" his brother-in-
causing the death"of - -
law by poison , hag been respited un
til the 18th inst. The prisoner has
been warned that the respite raises
no presumption that ho will bo re
In the university boat race yestor-
jay the Oxford crow boat the Cam
Sr. PETEiisnuKG , April 2. The
: zar has ordered the instant execution
Df the assassins of Gen. StrolnikoiF ,
ind they are to bo hanged publicly on
Saturday at Odessa.
The commander of the Grenadiers ,
Foaiing another belligerent speech by
Skobolcff , has prohibited the officers
af his command from accepting his in
vitation to the banquet.
Marino Intelligence.
National Associated Pros * .
NEW YOBK. April 1. Sailed The
I3ritannio for Liverpool , the Holland
ind the Egyptian Monarch for Lenten -
ton , the Vaderland for Antwerp.
Arrived The Adriatic from Liver
pool , the State of Florida from Glas-
ANTWERP , April 1. Arrived The
Holgonlnnd from Now York.
HULL , April 1. Airlvod The Salerno -
lorno from Philadelphia.
LONDON , April 1. Arrived The
Sreoco from Now York.
QUEIJNSTOWN , April 1. Arrived
f ho Batnvin from Now York.
IlAVitK.April 1. Sailed The Cim-
iria for Now York.
NEW YOIIK , April 2. Arrived
CJio Pictor do Conick , from Antwerp.
Sailed The Ethiopia f6r Glasgow.
HAVIIB , April 2. Arrived The St.
Laurent from Now York.
Sailed The St. Germain fdr New
fork. - '
LIVERPOOL , April 2. Arrived The
Satavia from Now York.
SOUTHAMPTON , April 2. Passed
fho Salior and the Donau , from Now
ifork for Bremen.
. AMBTEIIDAM , April 2. Arrived
Hie Jaron from Now York ,
HAMBUHO , April 2. Sailed The
Bilcsia for Now York.
National Associated Vtou.
PITTSDUUO , Pa. , April 2. The sum
mer resort known aa the BayesviUo
hotel , located ton miles from thia
city , on the Fort Wayne road , waa
entirely destroyed by fire at an early
hour yesterday morning. Loss , $40-
000 ; insurance , $15,000. The fire
was the result of incendiary , a can of
oil nnd a pile of shavings having been
placed in the building and fired.
National Press AMOotatlon.
ALUANV , N. Y. , April 2.-TheErie ,
Cliauiplain , Black river , Oswego nnd
Oiyuga cinals open on Tuesday , April