OMAHA DAIlAr BEE : SATURDAY , APi 1L 1 1S8 * . DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS , PliOPlilETOKS ARLINGTON. J. Q. MelNTIRE , Lincoln , Net , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLINIU3 , Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , DROWNSVlLLF , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , StronnUut-R Ne HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK. Blair , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J , G. MEAD , NcllRli , Neb GRAND CENTRAL S.t.SEYMOUR , Nobrnska City , Net ) MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wntor.Ne COMMERCIAL HOUSt A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb , GREENWOOD HOUSE , G.W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , NouJ v COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clarlnda , Iowa END'S HOTEL , E. L. END , Ercmont , Neb , EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0 0. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , TRAHK LOVELL , Atklnoon , Nell. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GmiUD , Guide Recd , Neb , SUMMIT HOUSb , SWAN & BECKER , Oreiton , In , JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKIN8 & BRO , , Red Oak , U. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. OALPH , Exlra , la. REYNOLDS HOU8C , C. M. REYNOLDS. Atlp.nllc , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , AuHubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS , Ncola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl tl. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINGS , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.fL. AVERY , Stanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL , . J. W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , In. PARKS HOTEL , F M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , DnylH City , Neb. D&GNELL HOUSE , CHAS.BAGNELL , Collcga Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , < VM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvcrn , In. BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdnJGrovo , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Oolumbut , Neb , WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarks Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Aslilnnd , Neb. WHO LES ALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades , 1304 Farnhain St. Omaha Neb. . I. OBERFELDER & CO , , WHOLESALE MILLINERY AND NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUG-LAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearlyComplete ) ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE. Fine Watches and Clocks. Pianos , the Steck and others. Diamonds at Importers' Prices. Oigans , Whitney & Holmes. Jewelry , most Artistic Styles. Music Books , Sheet Music. Silvenrnre , an Elegant Stock. Accordiatis , Violins. Spectacles , Eye Glasses , &c. Flutes and Fifes , Guitars. Opera Glasses , Ohoice Assortment. Music Boxes , Harmonicas. Engraving , in'Bost Styles. Violin Strings , Guitar Strings , Pine Repairing a Specialty. Inducements Superior to others. Prices in Plain Figures. Our. Motto , "Plain Figures J1 SSTA.B we copy none of our competitors STYLUS or advertisement we politely re quest aocturn of the compliment , Opera House Block. ANGELL , BOWEE" & "WHITE. lucsisat HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH AM WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the Jowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. vip $ r-srar T 7 p'p ; , JB , $ J Jis JL W J. JLi JKj J& ' 1313 Farnham Street. * OMAHA , - s- - - NEBRASKA , IROTIH : & Wholesale Lumber , No , 1408 Farnki Street , Omaha , HOVEL GIFfS FOR EASTER , Ohickeno no Tokens of Friend ship ( vnd Eg lor Caricatures. CbnnRos In the Character of EuHtor Hcmombranccs. N. \ limit. It is within a period of two years tlm < the custom of making pres ents on Easier hna comn to bo a well- obaorvod fashion. Before that time such remembrances of friendship as wore oxchang cl consisted of eggs hard boilud , and with shell resplen dent in nay colors , Occasionally the shell would boar some trilling de sign , or the uorcU : "E'stor , " or "ihr Lord is llison , " picked out in white on the colored shell , or in col ors on the white shell. Within the two yeara passed all this has changed , and Enstor has conio to bo n day on which the exchanging of presents become us common and fashionablofas on Christinas , The egg has given way to the chicken , and the exchange of Easter greetings is now made by means of elaborateh painted and illuminated cards. P iv sibly the change from the egg to the cjjjcken m an evidence of the pro teu- sion which characterizes American p.'o- pie. Whether this bo so or not , the ihicken has now , to a considerable ex tent , usurped thu place that the egn once occupied aa an Easter offering , At almost every store in the city where a specialty is now being made of Eas ter novelties , or whore this class of goo ls is dealt in nt all , were bits of chickens no larger than an ordinary epir-sholl , and whose coats liavo not fully developed from n mass of downy fuzz into well-defined feathers , play an important part. Ever since the first of the year the incubators , or ar tificial mothers of thousands of young chickens , have been at woik hatching out tlieir broodn for thu UBO of thu caterers to the demands of this very recent and singular taste. Thu chick ens have a v ery brief existence after they leave the shell , raruly exceeding a week , being turned over at thu end of that time to thu hands of thu taxi dermists. J3y them they are butcher ed , thu delicate skins carefully prepared - pared , ot tilled , and then turned over to the hands of the manufacturers of Easter novelties. There are several houses in the city now engaged in pre paring these birds for the market , and for months past they have been pressed to their utmost capacity with orders. Oa leaving the hands of thu taxidermists , thoau little chickens are mounted in all sorts of fantastic and grotesque shcpes.A favorite method is to mount the chick so that it shall , with hrad askance , seem to bo gazing wonderiugly at a broken egg-shell from which i , hud seemingly just emerged. A pretty effect is produced by mount ing a couple of the liulo fellows beside side two broken ahel.a , and as they are represented us aazinj ; wonderingly - ly at one another the result is quito comical. Frequently the yellow down- covered chicks are represented as sit- on a nest lying in a mass of dried grasses and iljworj. From underneath its smooth little body and wings vainly sttetchod in an attempt to hide them from \-iow peep forth Irom tno to fou-i egg-shaped pellotts usually bits of wood or clayo arefully covered with silk of red , white blue , pale grconor mottled tints. In other cases the chick is carefully mounted against a plaque , represented eometimca as feeding.again as nestling in n bed of weeds ana grasses , and frequently aa kicking from the nest the egg shell in which it had passed its clays of incu bation In this way , and in many others , ducklings of not over a week old , and humming birds , finches , thrushes , and other small birds are sacrificed to furnish material for the construction of these yiocce , which are just now the particularly proper things for use aspresents for thu Eas ter season. That the egg has not beoomo obso lete is assured by the many forms in which it appears among the mass of signs for Easter gifts. In A Broadway tore the humorous side of the pre vailing furor is very cleverly shown , and funny .caricatures of wo 1 known faces are -the result One of those eggs is set upright with the jnoro pointed air. The largo end ia encircled with a Byronic collar of white paper , M bit of blue ailk serving aa u necktie. From the pointed end a mass of black worsted falls over t2io back and side of the shell , the mass being carefully parted in the middle. The portion of thu nholl loft exposed is.painttd . to represent a face , and the result is ono that needs no labiil to inform the observer who thu carica ture represent. Oacar Wilde ia as' ' clearly to bu seen in this clover bit of work as in one of Barony's portraits. The brpud aide ui an egg moro nearly round in shape nerves for the repro duction of Dick Deadeye , the popular character in "Piueforo. " In this case cotton .batting servos as gray hair and whiskers for the treacherous old salt. A BaiJor ! tarpauliu , with "II. M. S , Pinafore" ou the silken band , and a collar of blue paper , with a necktie of black eilk , servo to uiuko the carica ture complete. The largo end of an egg properly painted , a macs of golden- red worsted lor hair , a. jaunty straw liot , with flowing ribbons , and a bit rf muslin to represent thu neck of a iress seri'o to reproduce General Stanley's iwwrite daughter Mabol , : ho huroino of the "Pirates of Penz- nice. " The possibilities in this line jf really cloror work are innumerable , 'or , with thu proper shaped egg and a , ittio facility in tKctchiiig awl tdtiio in ' .resting , almost < iiy fuc < i csn ho ro- Hwducod in caricature. Pcmiibly the ajse with which the caricatures may to produced has led to the conceit , a lovalty of this season , of a donor's ilaciutf , aa though it wore u bit of iecaleomanio work , hia or her pic- uro on the ahull designed ian n Easter offering to friends. The liniaturo cartes do vieito , such us ras in vo uo two or three years ngo , ro used in these cases , and the por- rait , when uluck on the shell , is sur- junded by a framo-liko collection ol iind-paintod floweu or some funtas- c designs. These to w servo make u fa ury pretty gift. The real ohicken'a f ; g is hardly uaod in th novelties inat j Tercel for this season. b.'U ' tutcs of attn oed , china , clay ana other mate- atb als being used.Vhoro the size of tn b < 10 egg , or an approximate ? ( hereto i retained , and decoration is in , these substitutes are usuftlly ly covered with silk in shades of red and blue. Often thuso silk covers nio handsomely painted by hand with TO productions of the passion flower or flowers , or bear mottoes appropriate to the day or season. The proper thing for a jounq Rpntlamaii to present o n joung lady friend is now prescribed by fashion to l > o a jewel or bon-bon box iimdo in the shapu of an epg , mid varying in si/.J from the cge of n tnr key to that of nil ostrich. These an always covered with nilk , frequpntlj decorated with elaborate hand painted denigns , and , in the case of the jewel boxes , lined with silk or satin of Bonn- brilliant color. When china ia the material used in the construction of the Eastur gifts the conceits of ninnu- faeturuts take a wider ran o than in the liner grades of goods Kgm nro thu * miulu to bring into beinp very singu lar products. A hrnkini shell will reveal - veal children , bunches of flowers , bouiuiutn , and other impossible out commas of the natural egg , ns well us impossible chickens and birds of im- porftiblu ) ilnmago and decorated with garlands of impossible ( lowers. Those who cm afford to purchase find hmuK some presents for favored friends in the huge ostrich eggs , elaborately dec orated by haiid , and theru is this sea- DOM ( [ iti'o a demand for theio at the leading jewelry stores , and the houses of dealera in brie n-hrnc and rt nov Itios. Plnquesaiu in demand -this season , and Hi-aigli thu mtrkot IB largely supplied , the supply by IK means exceeds Ilio demand. The painted plaque seems to luivo given way to the plaque of wood covered with ailk or satin , and thu decorations uro generally floral. A lily in full bloom , n water lily and bud , with sev eral leaves , all bound together by a band ol nbhon ; n boquet of passion flowers , bunches of daisies , und occa slomdly n su.iflower , are the favorite artificial tluueis which bloom upon thu plaquob or panels. Standing well out from n dark background , as they do , the effect is very protty. A single peacock feather often forms the decoration - ration instead of flowers , and a uiima- turtjialotio m united on n miniature oa&ul lake * the phut of the plaque or pinel. llasli'o's of ui.u crusurs , with Canadian anou'-birus ou their nests , are nuvultiiM brought out this HUISOU , and they maku a very prot'ty orna ment. Cornucopias of fantastic shapes , made of delicately woven wicker woik , lillwl with grasses or neatly made artificial fljnurn , are n ! . o among thu noveltica. uul git 6 , that have u lasting value , are tambourines with heads of eilk , on which seine tasteful design is painted. For a gift to la- die" , a pretty conceit is n satchel bag. thu front of which bears a cross of white flowers or a bunch of some deli cately colored flowers. This front , which covers the satchel bag , can bo opened , and reveals au appropriate Easter greeting. Ono of the most novel of the distinctively now gifts is a. representation of n stork , which stands bcsidu its roughly constructed nest of twigs and leaves , and hasinita beak a naked china doll. This is an imported novelty , tlio work of the Dutch artisan , and represents the legend current in Holland , whore thu children uro taught that it is thu stork that brings thu babies as their contri butions to Holland's population. Other special features shown in the utoroa are crosses made of flowers , grasses , etc. , from the Holy Land , and these find a ready sale at the prices charged , from 825 upward. Station- Dry with special designs for Holy Week and Easter Day finds some buy- era , and duiing that period many letters - tors will bo written lly fair hands , principally to inform their friends that the fair writers can afford to in dulge in epecial Easter-time station ery. Doves mounted as if just about to take flight , or arranged with out spread wings , the latter designed for suspension from a convenient chan delier or in an arched doorway between - tweon connecting rooms , find much favor as especial decorations for houses.during Holy Wook. Easter cards , with special designs , in which crosses , passion flowers , doves , etc. , play an important part , are standard goods in the markets , and thia.year largo numbers are imported - " | ported from England and Germany to compote with the designs of American artists. Texts of Scripture , Easter greetings , or selections in English or Latin from the Episcopal or Catholic Easter services , generally adorn these cards , gome of which are handsome and command largo prices. Cards with designs of various kinds innot , or "cards" of satin , embroidered or hand painted , are the novelties in this line for the coming Easter holi days , which begin with Banter , April 9th. Sudden Cbanerea of the Weather O/- t&n Cuuso Pulmonary , bronchial , and asth matic troubles. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" will pllay irritation which induces coughing , oftentimes giving immediate relief , m'JO-lw The Methodist presiding elderu of the lurthwost are shortly to bold a conven- .Ion In Onlcago to diaoum the duties and > ] ] j > ortuultied of their oliio. It lu stated that the revision of the old ugtatnent In fiiildhed , with the exception if occleuliisteu ind the song of Holomoo , Hie Bocnud revision will take tlid whole if 188.2 , and the finished work will be xililiuhed in 1683 , The Kansas Methodist conference re- iortn 10,030 members and 3,234 prof loner * , and it hai 133 churches , valued t. $3"0,000 , It does not include all the liurtliea In th U flats. A Jan-e number re to ba found In the South K 'lisas onn < uttnco. There are in thisonntry 3,23'J Lutheran ilnlflterH. Of these , the larcent number n any one state in in I'ennmvmiia , which as 650 ; IHIuoU has 305 ; Ohio , 310 ; Win. onuln , 205 ; Minnesota , 223 ; New York , R'jlowa , 108 ; Indiana , 1:6 : ; Michigan , 18. No other state has a hundred , The annual statistics of the Moravian burch in thin country iliow that there are ow 'JG'J7 communicants , i gain of 130 ; on > coiimunlcantn over 13 years of age umber 1,5.0 , and there are 6,307 children , luring the year , 25 'Were excluded and 13 "droiiiMJd " Father Scully , of Cambridge , Mais. , ho has vigorously denounced church Ir * , believed iu thuui heartily ten years ; o. Wlie u his church was building every ducoment was held out to 1'rotcxtahta to tend the /tir and take part in a radio. span of hornet ! , with bUnkutK ou thuiu iariug a notice of the fuel thut th y were > be rallied for at this fulr. were driven i ut I'umbridge. ( ' Sunday , and were trotted Mo wly before nt least ono of th 1'rotcsUnl churches uhin the congregft. tion were dl.ipcrMn ? nftcr w whip. Many 1'reOntftlin * icjard Ilio fcrxicc f tliclr irmrihiH H too nnld , a tl f v > r tlio ftdoi'tl > n t n tkuftl. Siyn n 1'retby- t rlnn inper- I'll ret < nntmn < colder or harder or in unloxely tlnti th ordinnry Prpuliytcrlan strvicV , with it utercntypml Imrt jirnj-i r , loni ; jir yer , ttin of ItyiiiiK , lermim , and bcncdlctli > n If th I'rt iliy- tcrinn church Is to grow in tliu futiuo it will phc its people a tmrtuli ntinn In the smlceof the chinch If ti falls t" < lo IhN it ill letrogradc , nd < IIP of tliptc dnyii sallnlicintii uill clil nlfjl'ri ! " > t r- ii\us under the do < lxnntl < n iid ce 1 ueoiis nr s. . nttcrinjr , \ \ \ \ { o l/pUcnimy ulll will- plant it hi mniilii ! \n I fiiltiiunce If mil in fcimonlo power A Good Zio A e > ort housewiti.hi'ii slio i Riving lierhoiisn r spring ronoxa'u r hould boar in tint the dour inmates of hi-r hoiiso are mmv procmtu than inanj lieu < o % and that their RyHicins neul chansing by pinifyitig the blond , rcculatiug the Rtniiiaub mM bowels to prevent und euro thu discuses arisinu from spiinu malaria and miasma , and she must know that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly ami surely as Hop IJittiT * , the purest and best of mediums. [ Concord ( N. HC Patriot. ml7 d ( -a. X-X.X3XT3E1 FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts England South-East. IIIKLINKCOMI'IUSRS Nearly 4 OK ) miles .Soill ! .Smooth Steel Tincks All ooniRctloiiB nrc nmilc In UNION DtPOTS U IIIH a National Itcputatlnn en lolnc the Great Through Car Line , unit In unhcrmlh conceded toll , the FlMEbT EQUIPPED Itnlf In tinworUl for nil clabs sol tr.iM'l lr > ll umlou ulll llnd tritvcllng n Inxur ) IneUiit ot a UUcomfort. 'Ihronnh Tickrta \ U Ills Cu'.i'liratoil Line for silo at nil illlcfH In the Wca . All Inlornmtlon about Uatcu of Knrc , ElcctilnK \cocnuuoJitlorn , Time Tati'cs , Ac. , will Im Lhvcrfully ( 'lM'n liv inip'jliiln. tu T. J. POTTER. 2d Vlcc-l'roh't it Gon. lUniiKcr liluiuo. PERCIVAL LOWELL , QQII. I' A\t. \ Chicago , \V. J. DAVKXPOIIT , Gen Acnt | , Council IHnlln. II. 1' . 1) 'EI.L , Tlckit A t morn-cd ' - 13' 3& § ! $ A94r -wj , & * $ * * ' + \ fa iji ? i J tl tC9 * Mtrr im 11 ( * a * MT r tniw eovT * ! ssC . uS' ScSr5 ? * - ' < i - * . - Afe.S " , ! Vi-Ttlf N-r./n'j.'frJ > " \ "M - JL Jh Wuaitai ticlni ; thu ii list JU4CI. 'inickuit , n safest line coiKKotlnK too irr'"flMip.illd. . Clll CAOO , nml ih < ! KAXOIUN , Ncsnii.rlAJtTiiiot , i I't arid SUUTII-KANTKUM LiN > 8 , whloh tvriiiliiatotlwrn , nlth KxNHts Out. CilAVFnwuuiii , ArnrutON , COUNCIL dorm * > ni OMAIII , thr Cfwmnrik' uu l.ivli rkillatu LINE OF nAD ( h t peiiDtrate" yj'r Om'lnont from tde Utt iu IllvcrtofhcPAi'inrHloi" Ir. OHIOAHO HOCK ISIANO * IV CAflfi IU1LWAY - nl ) line ( roni Cfir'iK.i tri ; IFWIK .u * , .Nr wlilth , lij IN 01.1. fnJ , ruu.iuin ch i nVioui rjr.ntel. S'i I A < V.V < ( ! * nt'i.jc Mlt-HlNO < 4)XXl 1101 < ' X 'iJ'ldllMK III II tfintllntoi ) or iini3tAii cats , n > xv.iix ivxafefi fjr carried In rcximj , clfan tnl inluted efwbf- - ijioti Kuni Kxi > r > > 'I rplm DAT Cxiih ol unrlvalrH nm ul COUCH , ( 'uUifii PALAOK MLiiirriN'i f : > ru > . and ourtun Anilil-fur KJNINQ OAKS , ujiou which in' l * ri < wrvm * of -wtjcJ uicoli r e , at the low r tte o ( SVVK. , , i CUNTS ticn , w 'h * niile | tl-nn for h ( lhfu | Ihroutih 'art uixoiivi. t'rni. . , , Vif , tl rauknnnii't Mlin u , rl tutor i'llnu < -lo n n uootlnnn at til poln' - if int rn-ni/i > iji , i q . We tKkut tlo lot Mini inUillriuily 40 jv > i iii'.ca ot Importunes ( n unevi. N l/f AiVo. 131' . llllla , WvoinlnUUh ; , ( dilio , No\atU , Ualliuri rrtory | , itnd K w Mtixlni. A beral arrtu { ; tut .l < n ) < any other lice , tii'l rntat of faro aluay * is o * " > comiHtltor § , whn furnlxh htil IHhe i the fort. fort.DoLo DoL-o Ulij UCUlu of > ) > oruiauij It on llckoU , timpd and fol'leri at all prlnclii | > offices In ibo United ' { tat' * and Oanaik U. U. C'AIU-K , E. HT , JO. IN Vies Pre 't li < lcu im. TK ! andf'kf'r At Manaircr. ( n\\cmrc\ \ \ MAIL LETTINGS. MOTIOE TO CONTRACTORS DmmMBNT 1 , I > . 0 , Martli 10 , 1882. / 1'ropoaalu will bo received at the Coiitrac. Hike ol thin itxpartincnt until 3 p. m , of Aiirl 0 , 1B82 , for carrying null of th United Stalin iion mcBuciiKor and tranufcr rauto In the 011 ] . Omaha , Htato of NoliratLa , from July 1.18H2 : JunuSO , 1880. Adurthcmcnt of route , In- _ ttfUctlorm to ba'ers , and all other noccnuary In- > > atlon ulll bo fuinlihod unon application to lie pogtiiusterat Omaha , or the Second Anals'- nt 1'ottniantcr ( Jeneml. Jeneml.T , A' HOWE , I'o.tmaitor Genii r l , HarlBinle vSatCt. THE KENDALL PLAITUfG IACHDJE I DRESS-MAKERS' ' OOMPAHION , It plait * from M6 of 11 Inch to Idth lu the coarufdt felts or fluent 11U I II does all klndu and it ) leu of ( tailing lu use , No lady that does her own drosmnaklnit can lord to do without ono as rilio plaiting It over out of faalilon , If BCCII It ncllii Itucll , For lachlueo , Circular * or AKeut' tcrum mldrewj CONOAIt & CO. , US AdaiiiH Bt. Chicago 111 , John G. Jacobs , ( FoiiUerlyof GUUAJtcobt , ) ' " ' ERTAKER WliVE OF OAnPUl" iiiiJtoT urn und plear PRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Men's , Boys' and Children's ) CLOTHING Vr Ibn vv ' y I I I B li % | Ready for Inspection AT- Palace Bio tog House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED [ V--- 131G Fnrnnni Strool , Near 14th , MirlCeoil. < > a f& * J"IP1" "TW > t P9 fVTWl"'l'J T * IB * / * * BASWITZ & WELLS , MK in nK n H M t * fL s4 * " " * 7M' M H B * t k ' 'W tf E * M * * 3EiM BOOSE SHOE STORE , Under BoyJ's Opera House. Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of I And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good Goods ! Low Prices ! AND SQUAR * . DEALING AT THE " Opera House * Shoe 8tor3. " | ixiini-(13ra "HI 1 ? i m LOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FARNHAi STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST YARIcTY OF BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! : s > HR-IOOES CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L BRASH , - - 1308 FARNHAM ST. tuca-thvr-Bat The Oldest Wholesale and THE LRAT5INO Retail JEWELRY HOUSE HOUSF in Omaha. Visitors can here IM TtK WEST I Genera ] Agents for tht find all novelties in SILVER Finest and Best Pianos and VER WAR 3 , CLOCKS , Organs manufactured , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as ihe Latest Most Artistic any Eastern Manufacturer , , 'and ' Dealer , and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs soiri REOIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock ot WATCHES at as Low Prices Pianos Steinway , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers , Call anos , and other makes. and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren , Store , Tower Building , Sterling , Imperial , Smitl ? corner llth and Farnham American Organs , &c , Do not fail to see us before purchasing Streets chasing MAX .MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES Large Stock Always on Hand. Opera House Clothing Store ! J" . F. ILiTJIfcTID. Daily Arrival * of Now Suriitg Goods iu Slothing and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" I am selliuj * the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'e Pine Shirts , known s the BEST Fitting and Moat Durable Shirts Made , 217 SOUTH FIFTEEN fH STREET ,