OMAEA DA1L.Y BEE : SATURDAY. APpIL 1 1882 , THAT OTHER SIDE , Sirs' . Elton xrna a very romarkabl woman. She had h faculty of making everybody lose their temper , whil flhe kept her own ; nho ruled her fam ily with unlimited sway ; kept a nharp eye on her daughter Grace ; worked a little , visited a little , read a little and talked a Rrcat deal. She was , withal a decided manhator. Whoever proved rash enough to bestow a glance upon the pretty daughter was directly annihilated by a terrible look from the watchful mamma. So terrible that twenty smiles from the young lady could hardly compensate for it. Grace was very pretty so Bait every one whb had seen her face BO thought many who heard her voice 5i the pwlm on Sunday ; and when she was eighteen her dear mamma groaned in her secret soul that she should bo the mother of BO bewitch- n'croituro. Her papa began to grow fidgety. It was time for his sweet flower to unfold to leaves , ho thought ; but how to propose to mamma to send forth her beautiful child to bo spoiled in the wicked world ? Mr. lilton meditated long upon a subjcoi which lay near his heart. At last , even as a cat pounces upon a mouse which it has boon long marking for its own , so Mr. Elton pounced upon the matter in question. "My dear , I shall bring homo with mo a young man whom I am deter mined shall marry Grace. " "My dear , " replied Mrs. Elton , coloring slightly , from the surprise caused hy the sudden flash of spirit her mo ok husband , "ho shall not see kor. " Mr. Elton gave up quietly. lie had watched his mouse in vain. Grace was fortunately , a very quiol sort of a girl. She loved papa and mamma , her books and her Uowors. Moreover , she loved her pretty friend , Mary ; and , for aught I know , might have fallen in love with the only young man of her acquaintance , Mary's tall brother , had it noc boon for a great pair of eyes of a fiery color , stealing out from under a moss of stif hair of the same fiery hue. Mamma was convinced that Grace would never fall in love with any one , until the proper moment whor she should desire her lo do so Am to tell the truth , Grace would as BOOI have thought of stopping to admire the the very stones by the wayside as the young men aho mot everywhoro. Great , therefore , was Mrs. Elton's astonishment when , ono morning at church , she detected her daughter's eyes in the very act of gazing in an other direction than the pulpit , and a pair of doubtful hue returning the compliment ! Her movement of sur prise called poor Grace to her souses. She turned seriously to the preacher , resolved not to move her eyes from his face again through the morning. Yet when her mamma , a few minutes after , glanced at her face to BOO that nil was right , the blue eyes were ab solutely directed toward another part of the church. The look of indigna tion which Mrs. E. thought proper to assume -was not lost upon Graco. She did not again venture to lift her eyes from the glove which she had boon pulling to pieces. Jerk the first off came a button- jerk the second a . i great rent through the length of the glovoj jerk the third a finger ampu tated. "Mercy on mo ! What is the child about ? " mentally ejaculated Mrs. El ton , as she rapped the knuckles of the offender with her fan "a brand now pair of gloves ! " Grace felt that her mamma was dis pleased with her , but film tried to por- auado herself that it was on account of the gloves. "I'm sure I've done nothing else1 , ' said she to herself apjain and again ; yet somehow she anticipa ted u lecture , and trembled at the thought. The next evening Mr. Elton , with his wife on ono arm and Grace on the other , sot off on their usual walk. The retired lane to which they bent their stops was a favorite of Mrs. E's , because nobody else over thought of setting foot there. Grace liked it because - cause mamma never ordered her to draw her thick green veil over her face while there , and Mr. Elton was satisfied because there was noth ing in it to call for i special like or absolute dislika. In the midst of this green Iwio there was an old house , and on the garden gate there sat a man busily engaged in drawing. . On , hearing footsteps , why should not ho turn ? And on seeing pretty Grvco , why should not look pleased ? And when looked upon by a handsome young man , why should not Grace blush ? Mamma perceived the stranger yes terday ; she perceived the look of do- liuht , and the blush of Grace , and pinched papa's arm. This being the signal formally agreed upon between them. Mr. Elton prepared to obey it. But as each part of his face was of itself a distinct smile , it requir ed a considerable length of time to screw up his broad and sunny coun tenance into the eall'trnd-viuogar ex pression desired. So the young man received Irom the good papa what ho conceived to bo a very gracious smile. "I'll got an introduction to that roan , " said ho to himself , and the throe wore gono. The next night Mrs. Elton debated whether it would bo expedient to go where he of the eyes might choose to wander ; but at last , concluding that no ono save horsnlf would take BO dis ' mal a walk more than once , she alter I * ed it without reluctance , There the young man sat on the post , and again bin eyes mot those of Grace , "I'll never sot foot hero again,1 vowed Mrs. Elton. The next evening Grace came down more becomingly attired than usual. She had evidently been enjoying private interview with her looking glass. Perhaps it had said to her , ' 'My love , you look prettily in your last now dress. " ButI can t positive ly assort that it had said anthlng , ' "Shall wo walk to-night , mamma ? " "No , " and Grace ran back to her room and fastened the door. Present ly ehe heard her mother's voice ant ] flow to unlock it. "Why was your doors fastened , Grace1' "For nothing in particular , mam ma. " "Nothing in particular ! People do not ; fasten their doors for nothing,1' said Mrs. Elton , looking suspiciously it Gracn. At this moment she starlet * suddenly and closed the blinds will no gentle hand. Grace started , loo. aiid had time to see that the young stranger was in the street. "Graco.don't lot mo find your blinds open aijain for a month , " cried nminma. "My love , " said her father , ono ' 'do remember that iiipht at tea , you wo saw a gentleman sitting upon Hit qato of the old house in the lane a few- nights ago ! " "Yes , papt , " answered Grace , col oring in spite of herself. "Well , I have found ouS to-day Miat ho is the author of those poems which you admire so much. His name is Liwrcnco Norton. " Up stairs , two at a time , flow Grace , and snatching a well-worn volume from the shelf , sat down to the twon- ly-sixlh reading. The poems wore never half so beautiful before , she was sure of that ; but somehow she could not help feeling a little uneasy sensa tion as she cathcred from certain odd lines that the poet certainly loved Bomobody with all his heart. Who couM it bo ? What a happy creature his sistororhis wife must bo ! The next Sabbath she saw the poet at church. When she felt quite sure that ho did not know it , she looked at him , because ho wa ? a poet. Cer tainly ho had a fine intellectual head and face and his eyes were so dark and expressive ? But then it was not riijlit to have such thoughts on Sunday ; so Grace ordered all vain and foolishoncs to depart from her mind. Ono evening OB they together at tea , Mr. Elton said to his wife , "My dear , do you remember your old friend , Luoy Lawrence ? " ' ' 0 , yes ; but it is many years since I'vo soon her. She married who was it ? Odd that I can't remember , ' "Thoro is a BOH of hers in town , and as I know you would like to BOO him , I invited him to spend an evening - ning with us. His name is Law rence Norton the aamo of whom ] spoke to you Graco. " "Well ! " said Mrs. Elton ; but her countenance expressed anything but pleasure. She seemed absorbed in thought several minutes ; at last , sud denly starting , she addressed Grace : "My dear , I quite forgot to toll you that your friend Mary is not well , and I think you had bettor g this , evi ning and see her. "What if ho should come while ] am gene ? " thought Grace , and she thought it expedient to drink half cup of scalding lea. ' "Why , what's the matter with the child ? cried Mrs. E. , seeing her eyes full of tears. "Tho tea is so hot , mamma. " "Hardly worth crying aboutr how ever. " Grace sot off on her visit to Mary. On her return homo she danced into the parlor singing what do , you think she was singing ? Ono of Lawrence - , ronco Norton's songs ! And who' should bo there but the poet himself ; and probably ho know that the words were his own. How should Grace recover from the confusion into which she had thus dunced ? It was rather late , and she know- .hut ho must stay only a few minutes ongor , The few minutes , however , were well improved by the young man ; for ho lost no time in getting acquainted with the beautiful ono who ifuvsung his song. It was natural enough that Grace should bo pleased when she hoard him invited by papa to come nqal.1 it was right for the young poet to bo glad to como again. Grace could think of nothing else 'or a whole week. She read his looms. She could not help hoping to neet him if she walked out. She ran to the window many times a day when some tall personage was passing. "How delightful it will bo , " thought she , "to hear him talk the vholo evening ! I hope ho will not send mamma word when ho is coming again. If ho does , woo bo unto mo . shall bo sent away. " "However , " thought ahe , "I have always admired him since I saw his poems , and there's no harm in think- of a poet. " At this moment her foot caught it- iclf in u string which lay tangled in lor path. To save herself from fati ng , she caught at the nearest post , finch post proved to bo none other han Lawrence Norton. In her haste to release the aston- shod poet from her embrace she full ; ud the * young gentleman imagining hat she had fainted , took her un- iormoniously in his arms and carried lor into the lioueo that seemed loarost. Great waa his mortification when 10 four.d that she had not fainted , and f ho might judge from the color of icr face at that moment , had no nought of doing BO. It was , happily , ho homo of kind Mary Hartley , and iho had a faculty of making every- > ody at case in her presence. It was soon ascertained that Miss 3raco had sprained her ankle , and mr walking homo was out of the uostion. Mary was very sorry , but ioithor papa or brother were at homo ; o Lawrence Norton wont on very hourfully for a carriage. Grace was issistod very carefully to creep into it > y the poet ; he could not do loss than accompany her , and in a few minutes ho gentle , uncomplaining girl wa ying comfortably upon the sofa at * loiuo , with papa , mamma and Law rence Norton around her. What could mamma do ? Could she send ho young man out of the house ? ) ould she forbid his looking ox- remely handsome ? Could she order lim to become tedious , commonplace , prosy-doay" in his conversation ? The next day , however , Mrs. Elton took good care to confine Grace to her own room. "It will never do , " she said , "for you to stay down stairs , where wo are constantly in danger of having visitors. " Moreover , the dear mamma , anxious to obtain , if poBaiblo , the state of her daughter's lieart , began to talk of Lawrence Nor ton , But how should she discover that which Grace know not herself ? A serious address on the evils of fall * ing in love followed this examination ; and to deep was her interest in the subject that Mrs. Elton did not per- eoivo the approach of the dinner hour , nor the well known ring of her hus band. _ At last a forcible entrance was made into the room by the dear little man himself. "Why , what's the matter ? " cried ho. 'Hero I've boon waiting for dinner this half-hour dinner growing colder aud colder , and I hotter. Then I como and knock at your door till my knuckles are black und blue-no an- Answer ; call till my lungs are 8' > r - no answer ; and DOW , 1 should like lo know the meaning of this. " By this time Mr. Elton's wrath had ovoporatcd , and ho throw himself into a choir and burst into a fit ef uncon trollable lautrhtcrivhoti tha astonished mamma made known lo him the sub jcct of her morning's lecture. "And all because you fancy that poor Grace may bo smitlon wilh the perfection of Lawrence Norton or the poet with hers. Did I not tell you , my dear , that the man has a wife ? " And Mr. Elton ran down to the par lor. lor.Mrs. Mrs. Elton followed her husband , and Grace , with the blood rushing away from cheek and lip , throw her self back upon her pillow in an agony of contending emotions , She had learned that of her heart which is not often easily taught Why aliould she not with wonder and with shame own to herself that she loved ? Poor Grace ! How her mamma wondered at the feverish flush ot her cheek as she re turned to her side ! How she in stantly sent for Dr. Morton , and how anxiously nlio watched his face as filio Bat by the pillow of his patient. The doctor wari a wise as well as a good man. He did not attempt to administer a dose to the sick heart , but simply recommending , quiet in a significant tone , he withdrew. Alas ! to what quiut was Grace condemned. The sorvanto wont about with listed slippers ; papa was obliged to par * ith his boots the moment ho entered the house , and the really kind nminma flitted noiselessly about like a spirit. At last Grace contrived to convince her papa that she would die of im prisonment in this room of profound stillness ; so while Mrs. E. had gene down to scold a servant for slamming a door , Mr. Elton took Grace in his arms and Bafoly bore her to the sofa , in the parlor. When Mrs. E , entered the room th era lay the poor invalid with a bright color in her chock , more than had been llicro for a week , She was de cidedly bettor. What had papa whia- I'orod in her onr when her head lay on his shouldur on the way down s'airs ? Oh , ho had only told her that Law rence Norton hud boon there every day to ask respecting her that ho thought him H line follow that ho wished ho had a son exactly like him. That evening ho came again. Why should not Mr . Elton receive him graciously ? Was ho not a married man ? Why should not Grace frankly acknowledge oho was glad to see him again ? Why should ho not stay as long as ho chose ? Delightful mar ried man ! Grace had never liked any body half so well ; she could not help thinking that nobody had over thought so well of her. As ho was taking his leave Mrs. Elton smilingly asked if hia wito were in town. "My wife , madam , " cried the poet , looking as much surprised as if he had never heard of such a thing before. "Oh , nhl I understand she is in town. " And Lawrence Norton looked at Mr. Elton , half laughing , and add ed : "I did not know that I had told you about my wife , or at least I had forgotten her for the moment. " "Welll" cried Mrs. Elton , the mo- nont ho had Ukou leave , "a finu hus band , truly ! lloally ho looked as much astonished as if I had asked the most ridiculous question in the world. But all men are alike , I boliovo. So you see , Grace , what you may expect if you are ever married. " "I don't want to got married , " said Grace. "That's a good girl ; and now we'll nivo you upstairs and to bod. Poor child ! you munt bo sadly tired. That man hoe asked you many quostiona , and made you talk so much. I could BCO that you wished him out of the louse all the time. " What could Grace say ? She satis fied her conscience with a faint "Oh , no , indeed ? " which her' mamma did not hoar. The poet came BO often that Mra. Elton botjan lo got out of.pationco. "Ho comes at all sorts of odd loura , " aaid she. "And what vexes mo is , ho never mentions hia wife never asks mo to go and see her lover brings her to see ua. Poor hing , how much she is loft alone. " "My dear , " answered Mr. Elton , aoriously , "I could give you a hint of something , " and ho glanced signifi cantly at Grace. "Oh , I sue now , " said Mrs Elton to loraolf. "Why didn't I think of it sooner ? Of course it's not odd that iho is not to bo soon. " It became quite evident that the roung go.itleman had "something ipon his mind , " as the phrase is. } nco or twice , when Grace had boon ilono with him for a minute , ho had Jogun to say something which had lover boon finished. Grace wondered what it could be. One morning papa nsistod on taking hgr out for u ride. [ t was a iino day , and there was noth ng t prevent yet Grace Boomed lomowhat reluctant. She was think ing how the poet might come during ! ior absence. Papa , however , would not allow her to decide for herself , \nd they sot off. Presently they saw Lawrence Norton coining down the street. "He's going to our house , I dare say , " thought Grace. Papa must rinods gets out of the chaise to speak to the young man. In a few minutes tie returned declared that ho had jusinoss that roquired.attontion that ( jTorton had nothing to do , and would ike to take1 his place , if Grace wore willing , Why should she not bo will ing ? The pcot , in u happy mood , ex erted himself to onterlain his com ; > anion , and Iho ride proved a delight- : ul ono. At last there camu a pause in the conversation. All pauses are awk ward , and rather limn say nothing , 3raoa said something about Mm. Norton. "You refer to my mother , I presume - sumo , " said he. "Oh , no to to you mentioned your wife some weeks ago , I think. " "My wife ! Ohl I remember. IB it poBiiblo that you thought mo serious that you believed that ) " "Indeed , " said Grace , very much alarmed , "my father assured mo that you were married. " "That is very odd. Some time ago before I had soon you , or rather be fore our acquaintance had commenced your father had said lo mo ono day : 'Wbon " "o you lo bo married ? ' and I answered , 'Oh , for the present , poetry is my litllo wife. ' " The young gonlle- man improved Iho opportunity of making known lo Grace that ho had never boon In love until now , etc. And Grace had owned that she was willing to have hitn ask mamma a little tlo question. Certainly when the chaise stopped at Mr. Elton's donr Ihoro were two bright faces rovoalod. The poet took papa away , and Grnco was glad to dance up tu her room. "Woll , my dear , " aid Mr Elton , "Lawrence Norton has proposed. " "Proposed what ? " "To marry Graco. " "What , our Grace ? What do you mean , Mr , Elton ? To take another wife ? " "Yes , my tk-nr. " "And what did you say ? Did you stand still and smile ? " "Yes , I emilcd , I asfitiro yju , and told him if Grace happened to fancy him , I was willing. " "Why , whnt is the matter with mammat" cik-d Grace as she cnterod the room. "Gracel" cried Mrs. Elton , "your papa has told that vile Laurence Nor ton thai ho may have you for his wifo. if you wish it. " Grace looked down and smicd ] slightly. P.ip.1 thought proper to ex plain. Mrs. Kltnn listened . with a mixture of vexation and atniizoment , and at lust promised to think of the matter , and by Iho time fJrncp wan vi > nho might give'Her an swer. In mo year there was a wed ding. For a quarter of a century or more Hostcttcr'a Stomach Utters lias been the reigning specific for Indigestiondjgpeinli , fever and nprne , 1013 of physicalBtarrinix ll\crcomplaint andotli rdl-i > r acrs.Vind hM been most emphatically Indorsed by medical men na a health acd strength rcttor ntlvo. It counteracts a tendency to premature decay , ' and sustaus and comforts the njcd and Infirm. For ealo by all druggists and dealers ( icnerally. nl to ml TRUTH ATTESTED. SomoImportnntStalomo 'ts ofWol Known People "Witolly Vorlflod. In order that the p'.iblic may fullyloi'lrc the ( enulnonosa of the statements , a ! well as thi power and value of the article of which the } Bpcak , wo publish her with the facImilo s' ' nt. tureaof partlcH whoie sincerity Is beyond qucs tlon. 1 ho Truth of thcso tcotliuonlals U abso lute , nor can the f.uti they announce be Ig nored OMAHA. MKB. , May 24 , 1831. II. U. WARNKB & Co. : BitAn Siu : I hue frequently used ' .Varncr'e Safe KIdno ) aud Liver ( Juru .or loeal affections attendant iipon severe rheumatlu attacks , and have always derived benefit therefrom , I have also ustij , the Safe orfiuo with satisfactory to- nulta. I consider these medicines worthy of confidence Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , NRB , May 24 , 1.-HI II. H WARNKn & Co. , Hochcster , N. Y. : OXNTS : I have naa , your afo Kidney and Lhcr Cure this spring an a Ivor Invlgorator , and I find It the bust remedy I over tried. ] ha\t used 1 bottles , and It has made me feel better than over I did lit/ore In the tprln ? . U. I' . It. Shops. OMAHA , NEB. , May 24,1ES1. II. II. WAUNE.I&CO. : SIRS : For more than lo yiars I have suffered much In onvenlcnco from combined kldri'j ami liver dlteaacs , and have boon umhle to work , myurln , y org ns also being affected , I tied a great many medicines and doctor" , but I grew worse and wor > e day by day I was told I hail lirlt'ht'B Disease , and I wlxhod myself dead If I could not have speedy relief. I took your Safe Kidney and Liver ( jure , knowing nothing cite was ever known to cure tha disease , and I have not been disappointed. The medicine has cured mo , and I am porfeo ly well to-day , entirely through your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1 wish you all succ ea In pumUhLig this valus.t > Ii remedy thmui'h ihfl world U. P.R. R. Shops. ThouBA-ds of equally strong endorsements many if tlicin In C.WCB where norm was abandoned have been voluntarily Klvon , i-howlng tbo rcmarkablo | > owerol U'arner'u Snlo Kidney and Liver Cure , nail Ulewescf the Kidneys , Intr or urinary or- cans , If any ono who reads tills has any phys ical trouble renumber the great remedy. Womnn'a Trno Priontl.- A friend la need i * a friend indeed. This none can deny , especially when resistance Is rendered wlien one is sorely aflUcted with disease , more particularly those coin- plainln and weaknesses BJ common to our female poimlatio a. Kvery woman should know that Klectria Bitters are woman's true frleml , and will positively restore her to health , oven when all other remedies fail , A single trial always proves our as sertion. They are pleasant to th- taste , aud only coat fifty cents a bottle , Sold i > y Schroter & llecht GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARKT > ' < > a tTRADE MARK English rem edy. An un. falling cure for Seminal Weakness , Siurmator. | rlioa , Impotency - ency , and all . o AFTER TA5IHO. ij' ' * , , " , ' : Lot * of Memory , Universal Usi.1 i ! lajlnthe Bck , Dlmnesaof VJslon. Pro Jn u't ° llJ Age , and m ny other DIse se8 that 'Sre ' 0 " " 'ft ' or Consumptlou nd a Prema- P rtlcuUw lo our p mohlet , which . to end free 1 v jukll to every one. * 5TThe Spedflo Medicine la told by all druggUts t fl per Pack g , or 6 packages for 6 , or will Si i "by mail on reel p tot the money , by ( addicsslrij TauoiU JEUICINECO. , Dudalo , N. V. J. C. ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Bas Fitting ! Turbine Water Motor. , JOBBKKB IM Pumps , Pipe Fitting nuil Bruns Goodi. Cor. 14th and Ilarnoy , Omaha , Neb , AVirsn Mrs. .t. n. nolicrfcon , I'lttstnirjr , 1'n. , write"I surtcrinjfrom general debility , wntit of ap petite , conttlrat i , ito. , BO that Wo van ft Imr don ; alter \ti\tig \ Il.mlock Illoo < l Hitters I felt lict tcr than for ytars. I cannot pralao your Bitters too much. " K. Olbbs. nf nuffftlo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour Burdock Wet Hitters , In chronic dlicoscs of the blood. ll\er ikn.i kidneys , ha\o been signal ! } nmkcj u 1th success , llmvo used them inyjef with best romltd , for torpidity of the Ih or , and In cnpoot a friend of mlno suffering from droiwy the cfTcct was irmncloue. " llnieoTurner , Kochcster , N. rewrites : ' ! have been subject ecrlous dlnnnlcr of the kldnc3 and tmablo to attend to busline ! ) ; Burdock Bloot Hitters ri'Iloud mo before half a bottle "as used I feel confident that thcv will entirely euro me.1 AKcnlth Hall , tllnghampton , N , Y. , writes : "I Bttflcrc < l with a dull jialn threugh my cfl lung and shoulder. Lent my spirits , appetite and color , and could with dllllculty keep up all day. Took jour Hut-clock Illood Hitters as dl < reeled , and have felt no jsxln since first week af < tor uslnir them. " Mr. Noah Batoi , Elmlra , N. T. . writes : "About four yearn ago I had an attack of billons fo cr , anil never fully recovered. Jly digestive organs were weakened , and 1 would uocompletely pros trated for days. After uslnf * two bottles of your Ilurdock Illood Bitters the linproicmcnt so vMblo that I was astonished. I can now , thoueh 01 years of age , do a fair and reasonable day's work. C. Blacket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forycars I sulTcrcd greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used your Ilurdock Blood Hitters with happiest resulw , and I now find mvnolf In better health than for years past. " Sirs. Wallace. Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have used Burdock Illood Hitters for ner\ous and bil ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a cure for bllllousncss/ ' Sirs. Ira JIullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several years I have suffered from oft-recur ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com plaints peculiar to my sex. Since using your Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 81.00 pel flottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti FOSTER & Co , MILBUM. . , , Props , BUTFAI.O , N. Y Sold at wholesale by leh & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Je yt cod-mo If you nroasnnn I fir you am ft of liu IncFF.wiak ' ! man nf I" fiioilljy thOftrnlnor terstofUiiK four duties ovok' nlpbt work to ro * it'iiiulantsnnil ut - H tore brain nervenn * * Hop Bitters. j WOitt''U.Mi HOP B > If jou are ycunK uncll JaiiltcriiiKfrornKtjT IL discretion or dlsfipa L f tlon ) u you arc ar t lea or slnulo , old ur [ i younp , sultcrlnp trct > poor health or luicruUh f ling on a bed t IcV uesn , rdy on Hop ! I Bitter * , Whoever yon arc. Tlinuvnia. me a whenever you feel . nualljrfroru s > 'uic that your system I form of K ! needs clcnnslnR. ton- ' dlsc&so chat Int ? 01 ( "timulatinB have boeniirc cut tlmoly usBof 'i.1 ? ? . H ° P kidney Or I. C orto'iiariieom- disease \h \ an Absolut ) jimfni , of t.S * > /o * acA , nnil IrreslKta blood HOP blucure Ic , failed * , drunkennest liver ornnr s / use of oiiium , Vou will been tobacco , o" on red If you use narcotic- Hop Bitters Ifyouarectm- floldDydniif wcnk and ? lits. 8iadt ) > fly ntrlU-dtry NEVER Circular in It may HOP DITTEK iavo your FAIL llfn. It has UTO CO , navoct him * R < ht.l THr clredat ATomotc , Out. 1880. SHOBTMLifJE. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , IH TU oxr.T Du-ect Line to ST. LOUIS AND TIIK EAST Prom Omaha and the Waal. Mo chinge of cars between Omaha and Bi. i ouli. and but one between OMAHA ud NKW YORK. Dai ly Passenger Trai ns EA8TKUN AND WESTERN CITIE.J with I.KSf CIIARQKS tnd IN ADVANCE of AIL OTUEU LIXEi. Tiiit entire line Is equipped with I > ulltu a i aluue Bleeping Cars , Pildce bay Coaches , MlUor'f TQ'ety Platform and Coupler , and the calcinated \ \ u Inghouse Alr-braku. KXr. > ee that your ticket reads VIA nANUA. JITr" , T. JOSEPH & COPNOIL BLUFFS K.v romi , vK St , Joseph and St. Louis. Tiel rte for B'.o at all coupon stations (11 ( it < VoH. J. F. BARNARD , A 0. DAYKB , Ocn. Sunt. , St. Joieijh , Mu Oun. P j tid T.ckct Agl. , St. Josepli , ilo AJBT BOUDKN , Ticket Agent , 1020 Farnham strret A. B , DIBHABD General Aireut , OUAHA , NE The English Kerne dy Never falls to cuio Nervous Debility. V | . Exhaustion , Emls- lilons , Seminal Wcak- lncs8e8I.OSTMAN. iIHOOD , and all the l vllcffccta of youth- I ful follies and execs- lies. It stops pcrma- Iiicntly all weakening' , llnvoluntaryloss sand drains upon the ays- . Jtcni the Inevitable re- k > * j- i , * 7 = aa "sult of these evil prac tices , which are so destructive to mind and body aud make life miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death It strengthens the Ncrves.Uraln , ( momoryf Illood , Muscles , Plgcstlvo and Ileprp- ductlvo Oriruns , H restores to all the owilo fuiKtlrns their former vigor and vitality , ma- Inir Hfo cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a bottle , or four times the quantity 110. Bent by express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. sent , except on receipt of 91 u a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie'u Dandelion Pills are tl I best and cheapest djspcpsla and blllloui cure | the market. Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents. PR. UIMIK'S KIDMIT Ruuor , Cures i II kind of Kidney and bladder complalnte. gonorrhea , Rloet and leucorrhca. For rale ay all dauug stu : * 1 a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Loulo , Mo , For Sale In Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. ' Jan26-lv Toervo is Sufterers I H UHLo ( huHGPfcAN RuMEDY U i i . ' in i > uru for bi rujtoirlic. , eu.tu * r/fOUDw * . ItupoUncy , and all dlsc soi icaultla. un faulf-Aliuxe , u MenUl Anxlet ) Lossi tiv..ory , l'aln < lu tha luck or tilde , ana dlaeaso < * * ' ' ' ' " * > ikj. | eon umptloa lusunlty anTe T/e / bpoclfic 'ttcdUlne U ) lH.ULg USOd I ful auccesa. til , Writs for them Mid get full p r- I'Hce , . * . , I' , V1.0u vr ( tackagc. or * U pick ages for M CO Adi. . ! ! orders to ' B. HfMBOK MEDICINE CO. Nos 104 and luH Unln BL tluffalo , N. T. SoM m Omaha 1 C. F. Uoodmao , J. W , Bell , JK. I b , a-idall iruy'itsevcrywhere. ' i ! -cow STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , W AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of GIQAB8 ItfUIAOTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAPLIN & RAND POWDER 00 : ! AND KKTAII * DKAI.EIt IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMEKT TBTATE AQF.Nl FOR MILWAUKEE CF.MSKT COMPACT' Near Union Pacific Decor , , OH& IPOW0R AND HAND fSSsfflP Steam Pumps'Engine Trim nmgs , MACHINERY , liEI.TIKU , HOSE , flKrtSS AND IKO.srtw , pipK , PACKINO , AT R AND UKTAIU. _ ; _ J HALLADAWIND-IVJ1LLS , GHURGH O SCHOOL BELLS A 3SA.N3. SO'i ' tf * - * St. , Omah .1 ° AND TT1 Mining and Milling Company. . . - 83W.OOO. Capital Si : ook , 81,000,000 Par Value of Shares , $25,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND HOW-ASSESSABLE Minea Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DU. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wy WM. E. T1LTON , Vlcc-Prcsldent , Cummins , Wyouilnt- K. N. HARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. O. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming Dr. J. I. Thomai. Louis Miller W. S. Dramel. A. O Dunn. E. N. Ilarwood. Francis Leavens. Geo. II. Falos. Lewis Zolman tl Dr. J. 0. Watklns. QD22meBm OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale of Stock : B < " ' " Omah . Tfeb. Tl WHOLESALE- T TnUTRW1 fCl 4 T " ® fir T T" ii U MLJjJlsJC& ? UUJ&JLa C& Jul. On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , O1SMC -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 FarnhamJStreet , . O. WHOLESALE GEOCEB , , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , W.B. MILLARD. F. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 PARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. 'Agents for Peck & Baunliers Larfl , ami Wilber Mills Flour , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . KRFEREtfOES J OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO , HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1108 FARWAM % T. - - OMAHA.