Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1882, Image 1

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    JM "lit
1116 Farnliani Street ,
Most Respectfully An
nounce to the Ladies of
Omaha and the Public
Generally that Our Stock
is now Complete in all De
partments and Now Eeady
for Business.
By Offering Good Goods
at the Closest Possible
Figures , Attentive and
Courteous Treatment to
all We Hope .to Merit
Our Share of Patronage. .
All are Most Respect
fully Invited.
Matter of Application of M. A. McNa-
mara for Liquor License.
Notice la hereby given that M. A. McNamart
did upon the 26rd day ot March A. T ) . 1632. flic
his application to the Mayor and City Council
ot Omaha , for lltenso to ueli Malt , Splntuouj
and Vinous Llquorr , at No. 214 and 21(1 M. 14th at.
Third w rd , Oiiialia , Kch. , from the 10th day ot
April 1882 , to the 10th day ol October 18S2. '
It there De no objection , rome etran-e or pro
test filed within two weeks from 25rd of March
A. D. 1832 , the Bald license will bo granted ,
M. A. McNjMARl ,
'JAX OMAIU D/ILY IKK newspaper vrl 1 publish
the above notice once each work for t o weeks 11
the eifxj so of the appllcint. The Cltyi
Omaha U not to bo chared therewith.
J. J. L. C. .IXWKTT ,
2t City Clerk.
" "
The Mutual Life Insurance" , ,
F. 8. WINSTON , President.
Anets January , lit 1082. . . 04.702.057
' " '
N. V. Stondird , over 12,000.000
Tlio Largest , Strongest and ' Bent Lifo
Insurance Co. , in tho'World.
Chas. K. Coutant , Agent.
21 SB 13'h Street , Omaha , Neb.
AVDITOE'S OU'lCK.Li.vcoLV , Feb. 1 , 1B82. , f
ItUherebycMtlOidthat the Hut ml LUe In
surance. Co. , of New Yoik , in the State cf New
York , hu compiled Hi til the Insurance law of
thlabtate , and In authorized to tr.innact the
business ol Life Iniurarica In thU SUto for the
current year ,
WHnesi my lundaal 8ial of tlio Auditor of
Public Accounts , the day an J yuir abov e v , rlttun
Auditor of Public * ccou'it .
Ji t In chartte of Innuranco Department.
Sioux Gitj & PaBiflc
Runa a Rolld Train Ihrouj h from
Council Bluffs to St. Paul
Without Change Time , Only 17 Hour *
. IT is
and all points In Northern Jowa , Mlnneaou and
DakoU. Thli line la equipped with the Improved
Woxtlntfhouse Automallo Alr-broko and UlUe
PUtfonn Coupler and Duffer : and for
la nnjurpaasod. I'ullmon Palace Hlecplni ; Car
run throughWITHOUT CHANGE between Kau it
aas City and Bi. Paul , via Council Illuffi and
Sioux City , 1
Tnlna leave Union Pacific Transfer at Couu.
ell UluuM , at 7S5 : p. m. dolly on arrival of Kantat
City , St. Joseph and Council liluffa train from
the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:36 p. m. ,
and at the New Union Depot at BI. Paul at 12:30 :
iarHeinembcr in taking the ttloux City Routt it
you vet a Through Train. The Shortent Line ,
UM Quickest Time And a Comfortable * Itldo In tin
Throuih ( ' n between
xaTBoe that your Ticket ) read via the "Sloui
City and Pacific Railroad " . . .
Superintendent. Otn I Pass. Aecnl.
P , Jt OBlNBON , Awt Oen'l Paw. Ag" . ,
UUaouri Valley , low * .
VT , K. DAT1S , SouthwMtern Agent ,
Councl Uloflj Iowa
The Indian Appropriation Bill
Passed by tlio Senate ,
With a Large Amount of
Money to to bo Uaed in
Educating the Kodskme.
The Army Bill Under Discus
sion in Committee of the
Whole House.
The Ohinofe BUI to be Invited
Baoic to Both Houses for
MUoollnnooni Note * of n National
National Associated Press.
March 31. The bill
to 'erect public buildings , to cost
$250,000 , at Columbus , Ohio , passed ;
also one nt Hot Springs , Ark. ; also
ono for the courts and postoftico at
Erie , Pa.
The Indian bill waa taken up , Mr.
Bayard favoring the education of the
Indiana ,
Mr. Teller , in the course of u long
speech on the Indian ques
tion , announced ho would vote for a
modiGcd forin of Mr. Hoar's amend
ment for $500,000 fur Indian cduca-
lion. Hu took exception to the state
ment that wo would civilize Indiana
in five or ton years. A largo percent-
igo of Indians educated in the past
lave returned to savagery.
Mr. Allison said the amendment np-
iropriatcd more money than was no-
: cssary to carry thu objo-t in view.
L'ho only * ay to solve the Sioux prob-
im was to educate them on their own
Mr. Beck declared every effort to
"ducata the Indians was a step toward
rcakir.g down hostile relations with
ho United States.
AfteF further debate Mr. Windom
novcd to reduce the amount to
Mr. Hoar accepted , and the amend
ment , as modified , was adopted 29
Mr. ( Halo offered an amendment to
ontinuethe old powers of the board
f Indian commissioners. Lost.
The bill then passed.
The bill for scientific explorations
n Alaska was reported favorably.
After executive session the senate
djourned at 5:25 : p. m. till Monday.
The morning hour vrau dispensed
with in order to take lip the army np-
ropriation bill , which passed It np-
iropriates. $27,011,000 , an increase
vt-r last year of $1,000,000.
The house spent the entire day on
ho army appropriation bill , to which
the committee had attached n section
removing war claims from the quar
termaster's department to the court
of claims , and retiring officers at the
nge of 02. The last named section
was favored by Messrs. Bragir and
Buttorworth. The first mentioned
was vigorously opposed by Messrs.
Updegraff ( Iowa ) and White , nnd
supported by Messrs. Springer ( Illi
nois ) , Buttorworth and his commit
tee. Without action the committco :
roso. )
roso.A message was received from the
president , convoying copies of com
munications with the British
govern Ni
ment regarding the protection of
American citizens in Persia during
the Kurl-Persian war of 1880 , which
had been asked for by the house ; also
a copy of a letter from thu state de
partment to the British government '
asking to attend to the protection of
American missionaries in Persia if
needed. The object of members of :
the house in calling for this corre
spondence is to show the necessity of ; .
establishing diplomatic relations with
The house at 5:30 : adjourned until
National Associated Press. :
WASHINGTON , March 31. - The presi
dent signed the bill pensioning nil in
living widows of presidents lit 85,000
Senator Brown ( Ga. ) to-day asked
indefinite leave of absence for Bi n , , ,
Hill. "V
Indian Commissioner Price iu
bays Bi
powwowa with Indians are a waste of BiGi
time and money. Ho also Bays those
parties Belling liquor to Indians on en
reservations are to bo wpocdily prone- BCl
It is now known that an extra
called session of the cabinet was hold mi
on Wednesday night , before Secretary re
Folgor loft for New York , at which Tl mi
the Ohineao bill was discussed. It ,
was decided to refer the question to
the attorney general for an opinion , to )
That opinion was presented at the tin 3
cabinet meeting to-day , and discussed
to unusual length. It is defiMtoIy SF
known that a message will bo sent to jV {
both houses on Monday , including
the legal opinion in support
of the ground taken , which ground
is expected will be that
the best policy would bo for congress Nil
jointly ask the return of the bill
without signature for modification. Pa
There ia a difference of opinion as to PaMi [
the exact decision reached , but the
weight is with the idea that the bill SOI
will neither bo signed or vetoed until a <
cornea again before congress. all
It ia definitely stated that Secretary de
Folger'a absence has no political sig sh <
nificance. Ho wunt , on private busi lit [
ness and only kept his destination en
secret to avoid annoyance. in
The senate confirmed the following all
nominations : To bo consuls ; Selah
Merrill , of Massachusetts , nt Jerusa
lem ; Frank W. Ballon , of Now York ,
at Knhl ; Jacob V. Carter to bo In
dian agent at the Sac and Fox agency ,
Indian territory. Postmasters : Thos.
M. Card well at Harrodsburg , Ky.j
Mrs. Mary L. Ross , nt Newport , Ky. ;
Mr * . Virginia C. Thompson , nt Louis
ville , Ivy. ; John G. Lee , tit Lamotit ,
111. ; Isaac C. B. Summon , nt Valparaiso
raise , Ind. ; Andrew M. Like , nt Jof-
fersonvillo , Ind.j Samuel O. Fletcher ,
at Parson * , Kansas.
The following nominations were re
jected : John Ham , to bo postmaster
nt Mnryvillo , Mo. , and Jos. II. Har
ris , at Moberly , Mo.
National Awoclatod l're * >
CHATHAM , Va. , March 31. Doc
Wright was executed hero to-day.
The drop fell nt 18 minutes past 11.
Ho died with scarcely a struggle. But
few persons were admitted nnd every
thing was quiet and orderly. ,
SKI.MA , Ala. , March 81 Albert
" ci * ngcr and Bill Ledlow , convicted
Ibo murdcr.of old man Wcisongcr
In' Dtcombor , were hanged to-day.
Crowds of curious nnd idle negroes
gathered n round the jail nil day before -
fore Sheriff lloundtreo admitted nny
whom the prisoners would sop. More
Hino wiw tnken up wit' ' < spiritual ad
visers nnd when naked if they were
ready the reply _ was : "Wo nro ready
to GO nny tiim- . " The law requires
hanging to bo private , hcnco the slier-
ifi' closed the etockade and only ad
mitted ofticers and members of the
press. At 1'J o'clock the condemned
entered the enclosure , the sheriff bid
them good bye and sprung the trigger.
Lodlovv's nock wai broken and Wois-
engor was strangled.
Possible Mnrdor.
National Agaoclatrd I'rrs' .
WADINA , Minn. , March 31. The
body of H. R. Stull , of Blufton , was
found concealed under pine boughr in
the town of Compton , six miles from
here , with a bullet hole under the
right oar. Ho had money when last
seen. Ofiicors are after a man named
Cliuso , who is supposed to bo guilty
of the murder.
Stngo Lost in tha Blizzard.
National Aasociated 1'rcra
MIMIANK , Dakota , March 31. An
unconfirmed report is current hero
that during the late blizzml the stage
from Webster , Day county , to Water-
town , was lost with eleven persons.
Collccc Students Suspended.
National Associated Press
WILLIAMSTOWN , Mass. , March 31.
Among thirteen Williams college
students suspended for cheating at
the examination urn Henry D. , son of
Col. A. F. Rockwell , Garfiold's friend ,
and Arthur Perry , son of Prof. Perry ,
of the college.
National Associated
ST. Louis , March ,31. A special
from Antonia , Jefferson county , Mo. ,
says that at midnight Thursday thu
general store of Joseph Yergor was
fired by an incendiary. When Yer-
ger left his house near by for the pur
pose of visiting the store , he was tirnd
upon and riddled with buckshot and
killed. Yorger was postmaster at An
tonia , and dida large money loan busi
ness. Suspicion attaches to a man
named Tresler , with whom Yorgorhas
iiad trouble. The police of this city
ivero co-day furnished with a descrip-
ion of Tresslor , and nro on the look-
ut for him.
The Brady and Dorsoy Case * ,
fatlonil As oclatod I'russ.
WASHINGTON , March 31 In the C
itar route cases against Brady and
Dorsoy upon Ingursoll's motion to Ir
juash the indictment , Ingersoll made 1
ho claim that the law of 1801 trans- ;
'erring the control of the District to c
songress did not repeal the statute of
1772 ordering direct order of the
ourt before the case could go to the n
rand for indictment.
jury The court nc
.aid that if the facia were as stated it tl
vould quash the indictment. ol
In the star route cases this after-
loon Jeff Chandler , for Brady , fol- \
owed Ingerboll , holding that the ofhi
'ense charged waH not specific and the si
ourt had no power to define the
rime , it
At 3:10 : court adjourned till to-
Clio Andre Mcnnnunt Dynuraitml
itttloim ! ABSoi-mtod Prc&e.
, TAUHVTOWN , N. Y. , March .11. '
'lio Andre monument across the river
Tupuan , erected by Cyrus W. Fluid
I ho tpot where Major Aiidro , the
Sritish spy , was hung by order of
Jeorgo Washington , and having
ngrayed upon ono of ita sidou an in- f )
cription by the Into Dean Stanley , at P'
iiiduight hist night was partially do- ar
troycd by dynamito. to
Since the attempt to destroy the lei
11 '
lonument by George Hendrix Tl
, now n Tlm
ofugoa from legal pursuit , the Field m
lonument has been carefully guarded ,
'ho mystery is how the perpetrators dc
this last attempt succeeded in th
dging the explosive in it. They had of
act quickly , as shown by the fact dc
liat dynamite was placed on the ta
round beside the base und then ex taTi
loded. The report was heard a great Ti
stance. All the watchers of the tr
roperty hastened to the spot , The lei
aso was completely shattered. be
A Daliy Telozraph Operator.
itlonul Akftuclatod 1'rctn
Ky. , March 31.H. . T.
arkor , telegraph operator on the
issiesippi Central railroad , had a thBi
amo of poker with Henry Homier Bi
n. Whoii the pot amounted to
quarrel ensued and Parker scooped M
the stakes and skipped. Hender- dt
n subsequently compelled Parker to
eliver the money at the muzzle o' a be >
lot gun. Parker later on waylaid in
ondorson and shot him dead , then
mbarkod in a akin" and was capsized lora
[ >
the river. When nearly drowned leD
was captured and jailed. Later ho ra
ttackod the guards and escaped. as
Cowardly Assassination of a
Prosoouting Attorney ,
Tbo Marriage of Pnnob Leopold
With the Princess of Waldok
Again Postponed.
His Health Being Very Bad ,
It is Doubtful if it Ever
Takes Place.
European Cabinet Ofllcers
Threatening to Resign for
Various Oauees.
Tlio Oonornl Notra ttmt Came
Over tlio Ca1)lo.
National Associated
LONDON , March 31. Cairo advices
nro that thu European poworn will not
Further interfere in Egyptian nfl'iirs
if order is maintained , dubta paid and
mixed tribunes respected ; but it is
loubtful if the two latter will bo
ST. PBmisiimto , March III. It is
officially announced that thocztrhus
ordered the commutation of nil death
sentences passed nt the recent trial of
nihilists to indofinitp hard labor in
the mines , except in tho' caseof
Lieut. Suchonoff , in which the sen
tence is confirmed , na his position us
an olliccr aggravated the crime , lie
was , however , given a military execu
tion , which took place to-day ;
The Golos says that the police are
about to continue the oxpuhion of
Jews from Moscow.
ODESSA , March 31. A tcrriW.ocrime
was committed hero to-day und the
city ia in a statp of profound agitation
and consternation in consequence of
it. Gsn. Strolnikoff , public prosecu
tor of the Kicff military tribunal , who
hnd been remaining hero to conduct
examinations preliminary to the poli
ticul trials approaching , haa been
aasassinattd. Ho was passing through
thu Boulevard , which ia a long tcrraco
overlooking the bay nnd lined with
line residences , hotels nnd public
buildings , when ho was shot , the ball
penetrating his head and coming out
through the forehead , killing him in
stantly. His assailant , who evidently
was in company with n number of
accomplices , fled with his pistol in
hand. A carriage was in waiting close
at hand in which ho entered
and was being'rapidly driven off by
an accomplice , nnd when seeing they
wore closely pursued , the two turned
and fired on their pursuers. Several
persons were wounded by thesushots ,
but the two men were nt last arrested.
No inform.Uiun concerning thorn has
up to this tiino been made public.
General StrpniVoff had .ihoiirr'4 > the
enmity of the nilfilfsta fcy"tlie wsal'
which ho had displayed in searching
for evidence of their conspiracy , and
in arraigning evidence against'them.
LONDON , March 31. The marriage
of Prince Leopold has been again post
poned until July , and it is now prob
able will never take placo. The
health of the prince was never good ,
and has of late been growing worse. a
Much sympathy ia felt for Princess
Helena , of Walduk , in consequence
of these repeated postponements of
her marriago.
MADUID , March 31. The Spanish
ministry will probably resign if the
chamber of deputies rejects the finan
cial measures proposed by Senor
ATHENS. March 31. The Greek
minister of war lias resigned in consequence
quence of the refusal of the chamber
o accept his proposed changes in the [
onstitution nnd equipment ot thu
ST. PKTKUHUuna , March 31. The
issombly ; of nobility at Moscow has
idoptod a violent address to the czar ,
ho warlike tone of which is markedly
fft > nsivo to Austria and Germany. ;
LONDON , April 1. No proofs of the
\mor.cnn nationality of Dr. Lanison
iavo as yet been furnished the home
secretary. >
Revenue returns for the year ond-
ng March 31 show an increase of
Cl,780U01 over last year ,
MADIIIO , April 1. Catalonia has
jeon proclaimed in a state of siege ,
P.U.KIIMO , March 31. There was a
neat brilliant commemoration of Si-
iiliun vtjspu's here to-day. General .
'laribaldi WUR too ill to appear.
MUcoUanpaui Telegrams-
National Associated PruM
DETIIOIT , March 31.Tlio Alioo
tales , comic opera company fell to o
lieces ut Bay Oity last night. Alice
.nd five miimborx ot the company loft
own with the baggutjo nnd money , 10
saving _ the . othora . . . at . a _ hotel . penniless. '
t ? t * 11
'hose who remain state the manage-
nont owes them about $2,000.
SpniNOFiELi ) , Ills. , March 31. Thu an
loath of Arthur L , Franco
, cleric ot of f
he Leland hotel in this city , formerly an
South Bend , Ind. , occurred aud- at
only to-day. The remains will be of
ikon to South Bond. dc
NKW YOKK , March 31. William hi
'racy , a well known sporting man , on an
rial ; for the murder of Chas. P , Mil- of
r in a Broadway saloon last Novom- injwl
or , was acquitted this afternoon after wlP.
ho jury had consulted four hours. P.vo
The Kings county grand jury in- vo
icted Nias Lizzie Wall , neo McOall , ycwl
ho actress , for manslaughter in thu wl
bird degree for killing her husband , on
Jarry Wall. la1 ,
DAYTON , O. , March 31. Mary Ann 01
laim ( colored ) , ngod 7 years , was til
irownod in the canal this afternoon. he
The Gem Oity polo club , of Dayton , ° or > 6
eat the Stars , of Chicago , thin oven- fr
ug , 6 to 0. frd (
NKW YORK , March 31. Moaoa Toy- dc
r has ordered $270,000 worth of ci
elawaro , Lackawanno & Western lo
ajlroad first mortgage bonda to bo aot
.side for the oatabluhmont of a hos-
pital at Scranton , ] \ \ . , for mon disa
bled in the employ of the road nnd
the company's Coal mines.
ST. PAta , Minn. , March 31. 1 lab-
itues of the opera house to.nighlworo
confronted by a darkened house and
the announcement that Barney Me
O.uiloy , now playing an engagement
huru. would not bo able to perform on
account of sickness.
OTTAWA , Out. , March 31. Nowa
from Magdalen Island ia that the in
habitants nro in great distress from
want of food. Purl of the sealing
fleet ia ice bound in Pleasant Bay.
GALVEsrotf , March 31. L. H. Bel-
linger , n prominent Market street
physicians , died lost night of totoivns ,
rosujtiiifj directly from the effects of
vaccination. Bellinger was vaccinated
by Mr. Hart , n well known resident
living on the island. Inflammation
it in nnd medical aid was summoned ,
but too Into. The sere was fully four
inches in diameter. It ia opined that
the virus wai of an unhealthy charac
Jl nothpr Wounded Duolil
To the IMitor of Tlio Dec :
"No roRiio f\r felt the halter draw ,
With good opinion of the law. "
This morning's Herald contains an
effusion from an indignant citizen
who writes over the initials " 0. P.
LI. , " which cabalistic signs are inter
preted in n commendatory leader by
the editor to signify 0. P. Haafoid ,
nt Oakclale , and in nn introductory
paragraph as referring to n Mr. Uar-
ford , but which I doubt not that a
largo proportion of thu business men
and bankers of Omaha will readily
recognise as identical with the signa
ture to innumerable scraps of paper
containing dishonored promises to pay.
The burden of this Jeremiad is thnt
' 'O. P. JI. " was distppointed in ob
taining n special rate on trans
portation of material for build
ing n church seminary by ren-
iion of thu provision of the
"tub law , " which prohibits discrimin
ation. But while shedding thcsu
crocodile tears on behalf of the church
of which " 0. P. H. " i m > bright and
shining n light flu'uxni liejp the
church ! ) , the true imvm Jnesa of this
latest complaint of the cupri'SBion of
thu "tub law" ' is brought out by the
following extract from " 0. 1' . II. V
letter : "Just before thu pissngo of
that law wo had n bpicial rate on
flour to last fjr a certain period ,
but as neon as thu tinio expired
the tpccial rate was withdrawn , and
the local freight on Hour advanced be
tween sixty and seventy per cent.
This of cpurso was n fatal blow to the
milling interest , " tto. As " 0. P.
U. " is so devout n Christian , and ,
without doubt , reads hia Bible at
least on Sundays when the water is
low , I will commend h m fur hia next
Sunday'ti reading to Acts xix:24 : , et
aeq. , for n parallel to his own
disinterested Christian statesman
ship. But every cloud has its
ail very , . .lining , , and , whjlq. thp
"church seminary" 'is in this "very"
"slough of despond , " by reason of
having to pay thu same as other people -
plo for its transportation , "O. P.
tl. ' has just received notice that
"yielding to the urgency of our ap
peals , " the Sioux City & Pacific road ,
in its "generosity , " will establish
low rate on flour , and
thereat " 0. P. H. " gushca hia
gratitude. And this low rate
is to bo madu "general nnd equal all
along their lino. " This is a result ,
liowover , that " 0. P. U. " does not
want to bargain for. Ho wants the
low rate , but ho wanta it for thp ( lour
manufactured at the Oakdalo milland
that the law prohibits , "honco these
tears. " But why should the consum
ers of the ilour weep ? Tney obtain
the benefit of tlio low rate instead of
ihe dificrimco being pocketed by " 0.
' . H , " nnd thu other railroad pots. \
L'his is a fair siunploof every complaint
nadn against the operation of
ho law , outside ot railroad managers
heinsulves. They aru not expected
o sco anything but blue ruin in any
aw which is calculated to check their T
reed or lessen their power.
Is it not about time for The Herald
iditur to order to the front his other
ieutenant , Jo. Connor ? The
ublic is yearning for an-
ither statement of facts from
ruthful Jo. Then with what
ibility and disinterested zeal will the
Monopoly forces bo led in thu holy
irusadu against the tub law. Dr.
Miller , Joe Connor and " 0. P. H. , " .
par nobilo f rat ruin , " all having dis-
.mgiiialiod themselves aa notorious
allures , and becomu bankrupt in ;
lursu and character until picked upas '
ibjocts of charity by railroad corpora- Hi
ions , they would bo migrates , in- ,
lood , did they not nerve their masters i.
thu best of their feeble abilities , i.ft
n so far us this service involves hi
inly their own personal degradation , of
ono perhaps should complain be- ai
'ond the fooling of shame for such ac
ixhibitioiia of the venality of human 15OC
taturo , But whun such position is OC
mod to extort from the hard working pt
nd industrious a portion of thu fruits ci i
their labor , without contributing in ciQ J.
ny degree thereto , it partukoa uG
tront-ly : of the characteristics G
the blackmailer. Does Dr. Miller llB
eairo a specification ? If ho doca lot Ol
tiiii deny if ho dare that ho U to-day ca
nd haa been for a long time in receipt
an enforced dividend from the earn- ta
iiga of a most worthy gentleman ,
ilw lias been in the employ of the U.
railroad company and who has do- \
oted his whole tinio and energies lor at
earn to the performance of his work , ofG
rhilo Dr. Miller , though receiving G
no-fifth of fruits of his &
ibor , has never contributed SIU
no dollar in money , nor ono hour in U
imo to the production thereof. Until tl :
can either make some decent npol- ki
gy for this upocics of black-wailing ,
shall repent of it , and bring forth
ruita mute for ropontanca by aban- [ >
louing such contemptible practices , I to
not acknowledge hia right to oriti-
jso my action as a legislator , much
osa the motives which actuated mo.
OUAUA , March 11 , 1882 ,
NO Prospoot of Settlement fo
the Gumborlantl Coal Moo ,
Although the Operators Snj
' 1 hey Can Have Sixty Days
More Grace.
Stevedores in Philadelphia
Strike and Postpone a
Stoamer'ti Departure.
The New York Oigarmakers
Protesting Against Tone-
raent House Work.
Other Mnttom of lutorott to Mnn
Moil Wlio Lnbor.
Tlio Cntnborlnnil Goal Minor-
.VktlonM AfKicUtei ] I'roM.
DALTIMOKR , March 31. It lins beet
learned thnt nothing delinitj resulted
from the meeting ot thu comimltco ol
Cumberland coal minern with the
presidents of the companies ycster
day , but the latter hope that ul
timatcly good will lusult from it.
They will civo the men sixty dnys
longer before employing new men.
PiULADhU'iUA , March 31. Sixty
stevedores on tlio American line ol
oteamcrs struck for nu advance ol
fifty cents. The company refused the
: lemnnd and the men declined to Jond
: lie steamship LoidGough , ndvertiaed
I o sail on Satuidny , nnd her depar
ture is postponed.
NKW YOUK , March 31A mass
mooting of cigar makers M. u held this
evening to protest ngainst the manu
facture of cigars in tenement houses.
lU'solutionn were adopted calling on
the legislature to prevent it.
CIIIOAOO , March 31. At u meeting
of the Seamen's union this evening
sailor's wages wore fixed at $2 per
day for the season of 1882.
Filibustered for n Good Purpoto.
Natluiml Aiuwctatcil 1'rcns.
TKENTON , N. J. , March 31.-Tho
legialnturu closed i's session amid the
moat disgraceful disorder in thu as
sembly nt noon to-dny. Senate bill
107 , ( the railroads' Jersey City water
front bill ) , wns at the bottom of the
struggle. Opponents of the bill
fought to prevent prolongation of the
session until midnight , nnd friends of
thu bill filibustered to prevent rending
the Sliinn bribery investigation re
port. Thu clerk proceeded to read
the report nnd the direst confusion
succeeded. The rending went on , bm.
had not finished when the ftpcakor'x
gavel dropped and the close of the ses
sion was announced. The report sus
tains Shinn'a charges. Bill No. 107
and n vast number of others remain
unncted upon. It is believed the gov
ernor , willrcconvono ; th.p
act on numerous bills ,
Marino Intolliaonoo.
Nation * ! Trust Association.
NKW YOUK , March 31. Sailed
The Colon , for Aspinwall.
Arrived Tlio llhiwindda , from Car
QOISKNBTOWN , March 31. Sailed
The Germanic , for Now York.
RoTTEiiDAM , March 31. Arrived
The Rotterdam , from Now York.
GLAHQOW , March 31. Arrived-
On the 29th , the State of Nevada ,
from Now York ,
"Wells' Health Ronower , " gmateat
remedy on earth for impotence , lean
ness , sexual debility , &o. Ono dollar
\t druggist's. Depot , 0. P. Good-
ail. (5) ( )
Pho Mutual Union Telegraph ?
Company Taken Captive. p
far Gould and Western "Dillon the
Prime Manipulator * .
Jew York Special to Chlogo Ttnio * .
Contracts were executed this oven
ng which give the Western Union
.oh'graph company control of its latest
ind only important rival , the Mutual
LJniontolograph company. Ncgotia-
ioiw to this end huvo been pending '
'or butno time. Just how they origi- tic
in'ml ' could not bo ascertained , but b
v o of the persons who have been ci (
utircated in them are authority inh
'or the statement that Mr , Gould h
aa purchased outright 33,500 shares
the capital stock of the company ,
ind that pnrsona who have agreed to
ict in accord with him have acquired
shares total of 52- pn
.3,600 , making a , -
100 of the 100,000 shares of the com
lany. The 52,000 shares were prin-
pally those owned by the late John nami
: . Evans , the president of thu Mutual mi
Jnion , together with thoseof John
. , Moore & Co. , the contractor * who
iavo been building its lines , and ;
William Ballon & Co. , the us-
al agents , of the company , . ' Q1
The Sun says ; The transaction par- Pru
akes of the nnturn of : u
A POOL , Ri ;
Jay Gould , holding U3-
\OQ , and George Baker , president ,
nd ; Ii. O. Fahristock , vice president
the First National bank , and
Bcott , of Uoorgo 8. Scott '
Co. , and prosidnnt of the Iron ,
Steamboat company , holdiut the 18- m
tOO nharos. The four are to hoW
lioir stock in a block , aud are to
con it in accord with the Gould
loluing BO long aa Mr. Gould'a policy if
rolutivo to the company docs not iiu-
uir the rights and business Ni
which the conipany way be
tairly entitled. They , in fact ,
hold , the balanoo of power , will [
the eamo pledged to Mr. Gould BO
long as the intoreata of the individual to
stockholder * are properly cared for
U is understood that tlio
was made both on account of the in
dividual holdings of Messrs. Baker.
Fnhnslock , Evans and Ballou , and
their friends who have embarked in
the enterprise. The price paid for
tl o stock is not given , hut is under
stood to have been nomethinrr loss
than $500,000 for the entire block.
The pool also agrco to tnko n certain
. .tnount'of thu bonds of the Mutual
Union company , paying therefor
about $1,000,000 , which sum , equal to
ton ppr cent on the stock coos , it ia
Raid , into the treasury ot the Alutual
THE riuca
paid for the bonds is not stated. Tncjr
have IHOII nominally quoted of Into nt
$00 to $05. But within the last fovr
days thuro hnvo boon transactions at
$711. The negotiations concluded to-
nighC will result Grst in a change of
the board of directors of the Mutual
Union , which has consisted of eovcn
members , The now board will bo
composed of Messrs. Baker , Ballou ,
and Peck , of the present board , John
G. Moore , senior partner of thu firm
of contractors who have built
the lines , and II. 0. Fahimtock , all
of whom may bo considered as repre
senting the Mutual Union as it stood
hoforo the transaction of to-day , nnd
Gun. G. M. Dodge , of Washington , E.
Connor , and probably Jay Gould and
Ilia son George Gould. It is possible
that George S. Scott will bo decided
upon in place of ono of the Goulds.
John G. Moore is to' bo president of
the company. The Mutual Union.
Telegraph wns started about two
years ngo by the Into John Q , Evans ,
who up to tlio time of his death , last
winter , was president. Its capital
was § 000,000.
It is proposed only to build lines
letwcon this city , Washington and
ioston , and to lease them for private
use About a year ago , inspired pos-
ibly by thp Absorption of tlio Amori-
um Union , this company decided to
ncronso its capital and build n gonor-
1 telegraph system. To that end it
was decided to
n $10,000,000 and issue bonds for
5,000,000. , A ca > h subscription to
Ti.OOO.OOO of the stock was oU'ered to
lie public last spring upon the terms
liat each subscriber to ten shares of *
lock should receive ua n bonus a
11,000 G per cent bond. The disposi-
,1011 , of the rest of the stock was not
tatcd , but it is understood most of it
vas to go to the contractors who have
built the company's lines. When the
ompany was nearly ready to issue its
took to its subscribers , they having
aid up their subscriptions nnd ro-
eivod thp bonds to which they were
utitlod , it vns prevented from doing
10 by an injunction \yhich was ob-
ained by Pliny Babbitt. The sub-
cribera are now awaiting the result
f the Babbitt suit in order to obtain
I HI ntock tn which they are ontitlod.
Ic is uii'lurstood that the public took
buut $4,000,000 of the subscription
llertil. Incidental to the contract
made to-day is an understanding that
hall bo withdrawn so thai the atock
all the securities shall be listed upon
the stock exchange except the 52,000 *
held by one syndicate , which ia to be
hold in trust , or otherwise withhold
from the market. The lines of the
Mutual Union will , under this arrange
ment , bo opened in harmony with
the Western Union , possibly by
, fur a certain percentage of the
earnings. It is understood that thu
business of thu Mutual Union insures ,
lot only the interest on ita $5,000-
)00 of bonds , but includes a dividend
n the stock. The company haa put
ip about 16,000 milna of wire , readi
ng ] all the principal business centers
lorth of thu Ohio and east of theMis-
lissippi , and has opened about 460'
iflicos. It has competed with the
iVestern Union at all points where ita
noot profitable business was obtained.
Tlio Northern Paoiflo Road- i '
National Associated Prpaa.
CIIIOAOO , March 31. For Fobru-
try the approximate gross earnings of
ho Northern Pacific railroad wore- >
2G,000 ! , an increase of § 00,196 over f
lie same month last year. The com
pany , now operates 250 more miles of j
rack than in February , 1881. It op-
iratos 072 miles of track in all. For ,
ho first week in March , 1882 , the op *
jroximato groaa earnings were $94- \
X)0 ) , an increase over the aamo period
n 1881 of $55,970. The survey of K
ho line between Kalarao , the tormi- ! _
iua of thu Pacific division , and Port-
and , there to connect with the Ore- j
on Railway and Navigation compa- ]
y's system , and with the Northern t
'acilio buyond , ia nearly finished and ; ?
ctivo construction will commonoo
bout Juno 1st. The Northern Pa- .
ifio work of 1883 will then bo con
ned t > about 200 miles of road in , , .
10 < heart of Montana.
Mexican. Matters-
itlonal Associated Press.
CITY OP MEXICO , March 31. Thoi > ll
regress of contagious diseases in
loxico , and- the fatality with which. |
ley are attended , haa alarmed tho. ]
ational beard of health , who roaom-
tended ut its session to-day that Dr. .
Alvarado ba the United
gnaoio sent to i
tales to consult with medical author- J
ica there aa to the beat means ot i
revonting the spread of contagious ,
iseases. The government haa ap , '
irovod of the choice of tbo board off
lealth. Dr. Alvarado ia a diaHn-
uiahed phyatcian , well known in the , ,
Jnited States aa Mexico' * ropreaoata-
ivu in the international medical con- , |
oronco held in Washington some years l
A dispatch received here atatoa that 'f
,000 pounds of powder exploded on -
island near uuzatlan , entailing so- .
IOUB loss of life , but givea no particu- < ,
ars , Ijaat Juno an explosion took * >
lUce in a powder house m the coutr * ' *
Mazatlan , killing forty people.
Indication * .
National Awociated Piwa.
WABHINQTON , D. 0 , April 1.
Kor the Lower Miwouri valley ;
Isnorally fair and slightly warmer
weather , wind mostly from thp south ,
west , falling followed by rUing b , >