Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1882, Image 8

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Friday Morning March 31
( The following ob erTfttlon nre taken n
the BAtno moment ot time ftt nil the nil
tlona named. )
DWAR-METT , U. H , 8I8TA1 , 8 V1CT , 1
OMAHA , March 8) , 1S8Z. (1:45 ( : p. m. ) f
RATIO ! I. n
Dt r. . . . . nsi Cleir
C1 nne. . JO.J8 NW Cetr
\Vi takle. . . light air
PltUo. , 30.S7 Fir h Fair
. . . . i 14.60 tMh Clear
Tankton. . . , M > .4 ( K i i Crar
DoaMolncs. , O.S3 'nub
Davenport..i 3)IO Krc h Uloudr
B I. Paul. . . , W.CO Mlht Fair
ft. Lonls . . Fresh Fair
I'jorbewl. . . , Light Clotidr
incont. . . . 3).tl Fr.h Cloudy
30.27 Fn h
. . ford. . . . . .10 21 ' r'alr
Out < > r. . . 10.23 Il'lgh
3) 31) ) Ilruk
Anfttn.olne hre-h Fall
1 Ivcr 4 f t 11 Inchon tbo\ high water mark i
Onahi and 3 Feet ft at Yankton ,
"Hazel Ktrke" Ii coming with Job
Dillon nnd GmrA Morrln.
Kvery vomnn who hai n tear to nle
will xhed it at the woes ni "Hazel Kltke.
Sunr ynoxtli 1'ulm Sunday ndth'
comci I ! . tr S > nday an I colored CMH.
Up > jful Ilo Idcnco Lots 8100 each
$5doind $5 per month. lUmlR , agent
IClh t 1 Douglas ( itrccti. If
It .1 suggested that Uio county bnlld i
pwt hoiiao at Florence cut-off and nav
traniporiutlon ,
The tolitic&l ] > ot ID bollin ; nnd uandi
date * are to bo founl aa thick ai black
There is plenty of moonlight to wall
In these night" , and the young folkn an
improYi'ng the opportunity.
P h Gown for Sale Two extra fin <
thorough-bred Jerney COWB ; two extra fini
common COWB , kind and gentle , Orahan
P. Browne , Nebruka- Poultry Yard ;
Weit Omaha. wed-Hkt&wed
The Odd Fellows are making arrange
enta to celebrate their 63d annlvcrwary ot
tin 23d of April by A parade in the after
BOOH and an entertainment in the evening
Tbe popular tragedian , Thumao W ,
Ktene , will play Richelieu thii evening ,
Pool's Itavongo Saturday aftornoan ; and
Macbeth Hatntday uvening ,
Andrea * Bazar , 1008 Farnam , agent
for the Universal Fatthton Company's Pflr
feet Patterns. Spring'itylvn now rrody ,
New Idea * . Catalogues free. inoh27-Gt
John Miller , n teatnutar , was struck
by a man named Qarrlganwtth a billy ear
y Wednesday and finite severely
cut about the head. Tbo amault won the
result of an altercation ,
Several hotel runners were arreated
Wedneiiny for not wearing their badge * .
Tney put them on.
P. Dalton , tbe man who was so eor-
ionsly Injured by the prairie ( ire recently ,
di d at 10 o'clock Wednesday night at his
homo six miles west of this city. | „ .
Thomas II Daily announces that he
will Absolutely decline to accept tli3 nomi
nation for Councilman on the "cltizn "
ticket or in fact any other nomination by
ny party whatsoever , lie says ho IB out
of politic * and will hnvo nothing moro to
do with it.
"The Union Spy" waa played for the
< ( Iwt time Wednesday to a crowded house
i * and met wi h A warm reception. An ex
tended notice in review of the play and ao-
tors la unavoidably deferied until Satur
day's issue.
The patient who way brought in to the
pe/it bouse Wednesday from Florence was
supplied with bedding by the County
CommiHsionorH who aho or lered tl o city
physician to take charpo of the cane. The
county will have to foot the bill * of OOUMQ.
"Hazel Kirlu" matins'H ' in the great
cities are cou i > icuoui for the hr o per
oentago of Indies , young and old , in vast
audlencea. The play nppeala very Rtroni ; .
ly to tha fair nex , yet is not altogether un
mindful of the sympathies of thoottind int
lords of creation , limited in nnmhor though
they bo.
Sidney Smith , the former sewing machine -
chine agent , who is indicted for embez
zling , from the Wheeler A Wilson Com
pany , was brought back from Little Ilock ,
Ark. , Wednesday by Deputy Sheriff Greb * .
He claims to have not ! Bed tbe Chicago
bonsaof his contemplated departure for
Little Rock and that he was going to work
for their manager there. He thinks the
ease will be cleared up In anch shape aa to
allow hia return to Little Hook.
It U reported that Carl Orandpro ,
formerly of the Omaha Post , has been ar
rested in Fort Wayne. Ind , togt ther with
hU wife , for embezzlement and conspiracy.
The ground of complaint was. that while
traveling aa manager of an anatomical
museum owned by Carl bll , Unndpre
And bin wife succeeded , during u serious
illneM of B1U , In inducing him to make A
will In ( aver of Mrs , Graudprs , the old
n being quite wealthy ,
Cord of Tkuks.
Frederick Folkor nnd wife express
herewith their thanka for assistance
rendered on the occasion of the burial
of their only BOD , William Folkor.
Especially are they grateful to Mr.
Geo. W. Homau , Br. , Tor furnishing
carriages and hearse ; to Mrs. JJullen-
bach for collecting 810 for Geo. Hill
the butcher ; and to Mr. Fred Wirth
of the City hotel , who assiatod m
making arranfiremoiita for the funeral
and collected the sum of $50 for us
Fred Folk erund Wife.
First Ward Caucus.
A preliminary First wnrd caucus
was hold last evening in Charley
Bauer's placa on Tenth otreot. Mr.
Webster was nominated as chairman.
Upon motion Ernest Ktuht was unan
imously nominated by the council for
'councilman from the Kit at ward. Jle
briefly Jhauked the caucus for its com-
plimant to him. The following com-
$ Mtto ° to represent the ward on tjiu
rntnU committee were appointed :
\O.Jft Goodman , A. J. Jlobon , 8.
' J. Zw i , Wm. Spafford , W . v' Doll ,
' f
niunWATIVlhN ,
YOUDK Man and Womn
Shot While Riding
Through Town.
One of the Greatest Outrntf oa of U
Among thoHO who Attended the o :
tortftinincnt at Boyd'a opera houi
Wednasday were E. B. Fry and Mi
Ella Fry , a young man nnd his aisle
who reside about seven miles north i
this city.
At the close of the purfortnam
they went down to the opera houi
restaurant for supper , and immediate !
after left for home. This was a litt
aflor midnight. Young Fry wan dri
ing a team of four-year-old colts an
took the road out by Saundora stroe
Just after crossing the bridge , ar
when near Ool. Patrick's rosidonc
two young men suddenly stopped ot
into the road and ono of them o :
claimed : "I have you now , you a-
of a b , and I'll have my revenge u
you. " Instantly two shots wore fire
at the occupants of the buggy , or
taking elloct in Miss Fry
left shoulder and going clear througl
The other struck her brothtr on tl
right thigh but inflicted only a flea
Thn assailant who had npokon fin
then said : "Now , I will pivo it 1
you , " and fired a third shot , which ci
QUO of the lines as if by a knife. /
this the horses bocuno unmrxnngi
iblo and atattol to run , soon leavfn
the highwaymen far behind. The
ran until near the road house in San
toga precinct , kept by Johnny Qai
oor , when , in making a turn , the
jpset the vehicle nnd throw Fry an
bis sister out on the ground. Th
latter had her loft arm broken by th
fall and her brother had his right an
broken between the wrist and elbe
ind hia shoulder put oat of joint.
The two picked themselves up i
soon aa possible and made ( heir wa
to the road house , whore they woi
taken in , a moasongor dispatched fc
their folks and another for n physi
: ian. Dr. Search waa summoned froi
this city and dressed their woundi
The horsoa had in the meantime rni
iomo and the father of the yean
souplo aoon arrived.
Iho injuries received , while seven
ire not dangerous , but it waa a won
ler that Mud Fry won not killed a
; ho roTolvor was a forty-two calibr
md had the ball gene a little farthe
lown would have shot her in th
Ycatorday about 9 o'clock Fr
mme to town and notified the oflicon
3o stated to a BP.R reporter that h
sould not tell who hia assailants wor
ind know of no cause to suspect an
mo in particular. Ho did have sotr
roublo with a young man in Nortl
) maha about a girl whom the latto
md insulted and had been tolH tha
its lifo waa threatened , but ho wouh ,
int nrotend to say who did the wort
Vadnosday night.
A Vexed Clergyman.
Even tbe patlonce of Job would becotn
( haunted were he a preacher and endcnv
ring to interest his aitditneo while the ;
eri keeping up an incres-ant coughing
inking it impo'as'ble for him to tie heard
ctfTiow vo y eHuyojii all this be avoidec
V simply win * Dr. KDK'S ! New DIscover
r for Consumption , L'oughs and Colds
rial Dottlea given away at Schroter S
acht's drug store.
no Railroad Y. M. O. A. In Omaha
Nearly two years aio , or , the occa
on of ( ho visit of E. D. Ingorsoll ,
moral railroad secretary , and a mem-
ir of the international committee ,
i this city , there was a movement 01
LO part of these who wore interested
the mat cor to organize u
anch of this kind hero , and
committee waa appointed
oni the Y. M. 0. A. to look niter the
moral interests ol the railroad men
i this particular. However , the way
idnoi Boem to bo open , the intoroal
it BufUeiently developed , and action
as deterred until more recently.
Sinoo that time the Y. M. 0. A. haa
: quirod a strong membership from
nong the railroad men , and of late
IOBO members have boon anxious
i start the work among their friends ,
t the last monthly meeting a commit-
10 waa appointed and a sulto of com-
irtablo and well arranged rooma haa
c i aoourod by them over Roodor'a
rag Btoro , Siztoenth and Burt Btroota ,
na being a central location for the
invonieuco of the shop men , ongi-
oer and firemen particularly. A
laseoftho rooms has boon nocurod
nd they are being transformed into a
lejwant plaoo of resort for those who
ould otherwise have no place to
send their evenings except at oomo
lace wjiero vice
would form a con-
ant temptation to them.
The attempt will not bo made
i first to keep these rooms open day
id nioht , , but thpy will be open every
ronmg from the start.
It is expected that when two or
ore of the roada centering hero join
i building a union depot , they will
How the example of Denver , Olevo-
nd , Oolumbua , New York Oily and
her largo places , and give the
yi pleasant qusrtera in their depot
aiding ,
There acorns to have been some
> uti on the part of these who were
ing into this new work aa to
tiotbor it should bo under the super-
stun of the local association or not ,
it it was eventually determined chat
should. On this point thoauthority
so eminent a man as Oornollus
underbill ought to have a peed deal
weight. Iu a letter signed by him ,
id published in the proceedings of
o second international conference ot
ilroad Y M. 0 A. ' of the United
aiosand Canada , Mr. Vunderbilt
"It acorns t ? mo very fortunate that
o movement is under the fostering
ro and guidatico ot the Youim Men's
iristian Association. That gives it
permanency , position and power not
liorwiw attainablo. The Young
ona Christian Association has bo-
mo national institution. Ita in-
enoeu felt and recognized
ie , end IU wtive countenance and
support ia of the greatest iraportanc
to this work. "
It la to bo hoped that this now moi
will proro successful , and will rrcen
the support of nil , individuals an
" MXISS. "
Annlo PUcley ftt Boyd'a opera Hovw
This evening Annie Pixley appeal
at Boyd'a Opera House in that stirrin )
breezy play of the mountains an
mines "M'Lisa , or the Child of tl ;
Sierras. " The girl , M'Liss , is a gel
nugget , lumpy and knotty , but aipi
bio of refinement , and taking th
stamp of the genuine coin of womat
hood , lli.sfl I'lxloy renders the cha
acter in tine style , oa these who sa
her on a previous appearance hero ca
testify. Her popularity everywhor
is great equal to that of any artisl
that travels. The Now Orleans Don
crat snvs : "Annio L'ixley in M'Lii
crowded the St. Charles theater ngai
last night to ovoifiowing , and evci
climax of the play was applauded j
on previous nights ; the porformam
passed off delightfully , and every on
loft more than pleased. So great ho
been the crowd at M'Lies Air. Hie
well will , during the rest of the weal
reserve the central section of the pai
quetto chairs for the ladies. "
Manager Mulford , of the "M'L'ss
party called at the BEE oflico thi
morning in company with Manage
Marsh and miulo u pleasant stay , dui
ing which ho expressed his satisfac
tion at the cliango from the old Academy
omy to the now Opera Homo.
Tno , E/UorUUnmont at Masonic Hal
A grand ballad concert will bo given
on this evening at Masonic hall b ;
Miss Jeanie Watson , "Queen of Scot
tish Song , " under the patronage o
the Omaha Burns club. Miss Watsoi
ia the great ballad vocalist and will b
assisted by Mr. James F. Hardy
the celebrated tenor ainger , humorist
pianist and violinist. The entertain
ment will consiHt of "Songs of Ou
Nativ.o Land , " as aung by Mias Wat
son and Mr. Hardy in England , Ira
land , Scotland , Canada and thi
United States. The Kansas Cit ;
Journal soya of their porformanci
there :
"Tho popular concert given bj
Miss Watson and J. F. Hardy a
Board of Trade Hall , lost night , wa
a decided auccesa. Nearly erer ;
number of the programme received i
hearty encore. Miss Watson haa i
powerful voice , and sings the ballad
of her native land with much apiri
and fine expression. Hardy , as i
comic ballftdist , is a success. It ii
gratifying to know that these peopli
propose to give another concert hen
sotno time in the near future , and we
bespeak for them a good audience
now that they have given such proo
of their eicullonco. "
Hon. Charles Kaufman Succeeds H
W. Yates in the Fire Insurance
The handsome oflico of the Kanani
City road at No. 1020 Farnam street
Max Moyer'e building , is as busy i
place as can be found in the city , and
3110 of the busiest men in the place ii
Mr. Charles Kaufman , the well-known
: ouncilman from the First ward and
mo of the most respected and popular
gentlemen in the city.
Mr. Kaufmann was for Boino time in
the ojflco of Judge Weiss , acting BE
solicitor , but on the onjanir.ation of
; ho Nebraska National bank and the
iloctiun of Mr. H. W. Yates as its
sashicr. the latter at once turned
Ivor to Charlia ins insurance ngoticios ,
which included five first class com
panies , including the fo.lownig ; Con-
iccticut , of llurtford , Conn , cash
sapitul , $1,000,000 ; Lion , of London ,
England , § 1,000,000 ; Scottish Union
md National , of Udiubun. , Scotland ,
U.413,000 ; Trailers , of Chicago , 111. ,
5500,000 ; Merchants , of St. Joseph ,
Mo. , $200,000. These com panics all
ank high in the insurance world and
Hr. Y ut es chose as hia successor
L man who will bo able to do hem
till justice. Mr. Kaufmann , while
10 will devote most of hia time to in-
uranoo , will buy and Boll real
state and carry on a general business
n this lino. Ho ia a number one
tusinosa man , undertakes nqthing in
rhich he dooa not auocoed , and above
11 posBOBsea the entire -confidence of
ho business inoa generally. Wo look
o BOO him make a great auccosa in his
tow move in the tire insurance line ,
nd none will be more gratified there-
> y than TUB BKK.
BT - - j
THE Kwat dlatlnf-ulshlnR feature of
{ eddini'H IJussia Salve in ita tiowor to
exluce Inflaniatiou.
Jonolualon In the District Oourt yoe-
terday-'Wulflh'a Coso to be
Tried Next.
The district court was occupied dur-
ng the forenoon with the conclusion
f the testimony and argument in the
ABO of George Grooms , indicted for
Assault with attempt to kill ,
At convening of court in the after.
loon the case of President Walsh was
lolled for argument on the plea in
ibatomont to the indictment. The
ounsol for Walsh stated that it waa
iccessary to have the members of the
; raud jury present to testify to the
Beta alleged in the plea , and there-
uro Bubpomaa were desired for the
iiembors of the grand jury which
ound the indictments against Walsh.
'hia was granted by the court and
lie case continued until this
lorninj ? , when the argument will
rooccd ,
A Farmer's Testimony.
OKKSTON , Iowa , May 21 , 1881.
II , H. WAUNKK & Co. Sirs My
ttlo son 1ms boon cured of weak kid-
oys by the usa of your Safe Kidney
tid Liver Cure , M. 0.
Consequently you can have your
owelry , Watches or Glocka repaired
n the shortest notice at Edholm &
IrickBon's ; the Jewelers , cor. 10th
id Dodge , opp. the P , O ,
' CRUSr-
Throngo Visit His Palatial an
Beautiful Kstablishmont.
And Qaze on the Store of Rio
Goods from the World's
The Most Magnificent Opening ttvc
Seen In thoWcet
Ono of the moat magnificent dii
playa over aeon in this city waa thi
made by the firm of A. Cruickshanki
Co. Wednesday , on the occasion <
their annual spring opening.
The aight from the outside wan
moat attractive ono , as the intoric
glowed and flishod with the lighl
from hnndreds of gas jots falling upo
magnificent cloths nnd poods of over
color. From 0 to 10 o'clock a crow
of ladies , with their escorts , throngc
the establish ment , and BO great we
the crush that TDK BIK reporter hate
to make a second attempt before h
could force a passage to the intcric
of the store.
When an entrance was eObctcd
splendid sight niut the eye on over
Bide. Oppoaito the door , m front , sa
acanino Oacar Wilde , a big Brills
buil dog surrounded by lilies and sun
flowers and with the same rasthoti
flowers at his feet. Looming up bu
hind him was a case of rare laces am
above and beyond that a pyramid a
ribbons of every hue. The latter ar
tnoro varied and beautiful this yea
than ever before and the rich shadei
colors form a most boautifu
picture when displayed artistically , a
on this occasion. The glaas case ii
front of this pyramid was filled witl
collu rot sand fichus of the finest lace
The crowning fcaturo to bo seen 01
entering , however , was to the right
where a mimic fountain was playing
Thistountain was made of thomostdeli
cato and lovely lacoa , Oriental , Eidol
woUa , and others. From the apea
sprays of lace fell from ono basin t <
another , through five successive basins
so delicate as to almost deceive the eye ,
In the fountain the irrepressible lillici
grow in profusion , while the summil
was ornamented by a pyramid of FOB
tor kid gloves , surmounted by a lovelj
boquet of hot house flowera.
To the loft of the fountain waa thi
lace department , which was dis
tinguishud by the sentence , "Oui
laoo department , A. 0. & Co. , " done
in delicate lace of fabulous price and
of fabric BO fine as to look like the
tracery of frost-work. In front ol
this a row of cases wan filled with
every variety of lace that over adorned
woman. There were silk and thread
lace ; Spanish i > ui pure and Spanish
Matolasao ; D' Aurilac , Fau and s
dainty namesake of the exquisite opor.i
of "Olivette. "
Next to this came the department
devoted to sash ribbons and opern
gloves , and this waa a magnet chat
drew the attention of the ladies , for il
< vos a magnificent display.
On the opposite side of the store
case of ailk handkerchiefs and anothoi
of Bilk mitta stood side by Bide , as Mr.
Cruickehanka said , "enough to fur
nish every lady in Omaha. " The
handkerchiefs were attractively ar
ranged and were of rare beauty and
design , color and quality.
Another case contained all the
varieties of buttons known to the
trade , the sample cards on the Outside
containing thousands of patterns.
A startling sight was the array of
the various styles of corsets told by
the firm , and they were extremely
Ino and decorated in the highest style
jf art.
Among the numberless piles of silks
md dress goods , the moat extreme
lovelty of the season was the import-
id cashmere dresses , embroidered.
Sach pattern is put up in a box by
tnolf and on the lid is u model show-
ng the drees complete and ita effect
in the appearance of .tho wearer.
L'hia is the toniest thing ever brought
0 the town. In the same department
s a full line of nuns' veiling , bunt-
ncB ; and lawns and aoino elegant pat-
orns of moire antique were shown
ho reporter , who WHS informed that
hat goods was rapidly displacing the
triped satin BO long iu vogue. Cruick-
hank & Co. keep a full line of these
uoircs in all colors.
Ono of the most prominent features
if the whole store was that under the
itlo of "Now Hosiery , " which motto
ms formed in a unique and tasty way
iy the very articles it advertised.
: ho firm hai a most remarkably fine
ino of hosiery , ranging from domestic
D the boat imported silk and brilliant
jislt , , both in ladies' and children's
The reporter also noted , during his
ound , the full line of gents' furnish-
ug goods , a huge case of parasols of
very shade of color and price , and
nany other things which can-
ot bo enumerated. In the
ucond story , cloaks , dolmans and
100 curtauiu are displayed , and
tore , else , is the headquarters
f their dressmaking department. In
ho basement a mammoth stock of
oinestica are kept , picking the room
rom floor to coiling.
In brief the opening was the most
laborato and magnificent affair of the
ind over BOOH in a western city and
reditablo in the highest degree to the
roprietors , who wore busy all night
nguiooring the vast crowd through
! io place. They are entitled to in-
nite praise for giving the ladies such
stock to select from and it is to beeped
oped that their shadows may never
row leas in the financial and business
Messra. Cruickshank & Co. wore
bly assisted in the successful arrange
lent and carrying out of their open-
) g by the force of clerks em
toyed in the store , all of whom turn-
1 in and worked with n will that
lowed its result in the handsomest
isplay over made in the west.
Army Orders.
The following arc the latest orders
sued from the headquarters of the
apartment of the Platte ;
The following changes in stations of
aspital Btowards are made , viz. ;
Robert Garrard , from FortDouulaa ,
. T. , to Fort Fred. Steele , W. T.
T. N. Gunu.fromFortFred. Steele ,
' .T. , to Fort McKinney , W. T.
F , S. Horton , from Fort McKinnev ,
' . T , , to Fort Douglas , U. T.
The hospital stewards named will
report in pcraon , without delay , 1
the commanding officers of their nc
stations , for duty.
The quartermaster's dopartmei
will furnieh the necessary transport
tion. It is impracticable to can
cooked ratioin.
Private Charles Randolph , re-e ;
listed at Fort Douglan , Utah , is a
signed to company 1 , Sixth infantr ,
The following letter is published f <
information of this command :
WASHINGTON , March 21 , ' 82. J
The Commanding General Department
the I'lAtto , through Headquarter * Mi !
tary Diviiior of the Missouri.
SIR : Referring to your indors
mcnt of the 20th instant , forwardin
n letter from Captain J. M. Leo , 91
infantry , requesting certain inform
tion as to Chevrons to whieh soldin
are entitled on account of service i
volunteer force during the war of tli
rebellion , I have the honor to infori
you that to entitle a soldier to tl ;
"aervicu Chevron" ho must hav
served a term of enlistment , but
volunteer Boldier of the war of the n
bollion may wear a "War Chevron ,
whether ho has served out his onlis
mont or not. I am , sir , very icspcc
fully , your obedient servant ,
R. 0. Diinst ,
Adjutant GonUal.
The Democratic Primaries Mi :
Things Up as Usual.
McQayock in the First ; Mahoney 1
th6 Second ; Horabergor in tbo
Third ; Bushman in tbo
fourth ; Wlgman In the
Fifth ; and No Ono
in the Sixth.
The democratic primaries hold Jar
lost evening brought forth some quce
results. Among the nominees fo
councilman are aomo names whicl
bnvo boon mentioned by the trade
unions and citizens' conventions , am
iomo of them have not. McGavook'i
nomination in the First ward is an on
Joraemont of his nomination b > th <
citizens convention.
Hornbergor'a nomination in the Src
ivard ia an endorsement of the trade
iniona * action , but ia opposed to'thi
iction of the citizens convention whicl
rory emphatically sat upon Hank1
jnam when it waa brought forward
md nominated instead his particular
: hampiun , Mr. August Weiss. Bush
man's nomination in the Fourth wan
s also an endorsement of the trade ;
miens' action , but not of the citizen
jonvontion. Wigman'a nomination it
; ho Fifth ward ia at , ynrianco witl
3oth the preferences of the citizmib
sonvontion and of the trades union ,
.vhilo Mahoney in the Second ward ii
i left-hander ut Haacall , who ii
niown os the trades union man , and
s also at variance with the citizens
icket. ' Iu the Sixth ward the mosl
irofound silence waa observed , thi
lomocrats either not thinking il
fforth while to nominate any one
igainat Baker , who will probably gel
ho republican nomination , or else
hey are laying low to combine with
ho Morchanta and Manufacturers
mien in trying to shove a dark horse
.o . the front on election day to defeat
ho republican and citizens' ticket.
The following arc the results of th <
irimarios by wards :
For Councilman McGavock , whc
ecoived 285 votes against 75 for V.
i. Vodicka.
Delegates - C. Connoyor , H. Dea-
aond , B. F. Madeen , Thos. Ciaoy ,
L. J. Ilimnan.
For councilman , John J. Mahoney ,
uoeiviag 83 to 67 for Haacall.
Delegates , Julius Troitachko , M.
L. McNam.tra , A. Pokorney , M. W.
Kennedy , Vincent ? Buikley.
For councilman , Henry Hornborg ,
Bcoiving 214 votes , with little oppo-
Delegates , Aug. Weiss , Charles Og-
on , Pat Ford , Goo. Schmidt , Rich-
rd Kimball.
For councilman , Wm. Bushman ,
ominated unanimously.
Delegates Truman Buck , T. W.
Richards , George Pritchott , W. J.
[ ount and Charles Ogdon.
vmu WARD.
For councilman , John E. Wigman ,
ominated with little opposition.
Delegates A. N. Ferguson , Wm.
lovers , Jero Whelan , Jamea Bollin
nd Jasob Kaufman.
No nomination for councilman was
lade. Seventeen votea wore cast ,
ho following are the delegates ; G.
! , Stratmau , Mr. Ojnnomeyor , A.
mith , James Powell , H. Ritter.
be Jury 8till Out and Qrooms Behind
the Baro-Change in Walsh's Bond.
Nothing of particular interest Iran-
) irod in court yesterday afternoon
'tor the order to subpojntu the grand
try who brought in the indictments
i the labor cases was issued. Just
rovious to the conclusion of arguments
t the Grooms case during the fore-
3on , the prisoner's bondsmen became
little weak in the knees and finally
irrondored him to the keeping of the
10riff. That official gave him com-
irtublo quarters in the county jail.
This action of Groom's bondsmen
lemed to have affected several of the
hers temporarily. Abont U o'clock
ucaa , who has been on Walsh's bond ,
quested that the president of the
bor union bo hunted up , as ho was
isirous of getting off the bond ,
ucas' wish waa quickly gratified , and
about fifteen minutes the name of
> hn Brandt appeared instead of his
i the bond.
At 11 o'clock last night , the jury
the Grooms case waa still out , and
ith no chance of reporting before
day ,
DALTON.-lVtric * D ltfln.
ye < ri , died \YcdneccUy evtntog. Flint
ftl will take place from the residence
Wm. Dftlton neur tJonidy Cexttry t
morrow at 2 o'clock , p. m.
[ ei De Meyer1 :
Tbo Only BHOTTO Heal Onro ,
TO LOAN Call at Law Omce of 1
MONEY IloomS Crelihton niock ,
N At 8 pi
„ terest In lums.of { 2WO at
upwards , ( or 8 to 6 years , on QrsVclasn city at
( Arm property , Umis KiAb aad LOJI
Aomcr , 16th and Dourlas fits.
- -
1 ANTED Diningrojra RlrlU.tho UeUhtc
W ; _ House. Ct/7-l (
ItumcdUUly poixl paper h rRi
and nMmlncr. Atipy to A. Harmni
S. W. corn r 1Mb and Curl -t . (04 Sf
Ihieogorid lalntew. Apply I
A. Harmon , cjrner Itth and llutt t ,
60 - !
A largo Ke box. Addrcei
WANTED A. irut A Hand.
-Competent girl to do gencri
WANTED . A | > ptv tt mliloica of I . /
OrcH , Terrace nduitlo , or at otlico ol OroCt
Itjtn , omeiy , over Om&ha Katl jnal DA. k.
ANTCD DooJ i irl fur K < neril bou enor
xvurk. Call utlOJ North loth at. M
onlc Flock. 692-30 *
WOOD FOR SALE Pare 40 < oid go < xt dr
ocxl Will BflUt depot J200 cord At
drcas Auguit ItotJor , Mudall , low a. Ctifi 10 * |
\ ; ANTED A ( t'll ( or dining room. App !
> at Flutters tiotue , corner Dodge and lot
tr * t. COd-31 *
- : tteady m n with small car
WANTED-Ood , 1418 tlarno > tt.
_ ; _ t93-3
TTT ANTED B an tip rie'ctd Balocmae. .
Vf lltuaUoninkirr cory orptorUInn ton
Beet ot rronc < M. AdJrois J. F. Boo office.
437-1 *
WANTED-Hltuttlon to cook , wa-h a-d Ire
Is fully competent to lake chooga ol
kltoheo. Cell or addrwi "Jcnulj" Ocjldunb
Uot l. . 631-30'
'ANTED A girl at French's CoO < * Houi
W 10th ii. _ 589-32
ANTED A Rood tailored on cu lor
W pant } . Apply 1220 Fa naro lit. 679 S
'ANTHD A oomrotent Uandrccr. Urr. B
W Konntto , 8.10th strott. 67t-l *
FIRST-CLASS I atciman deelrca a tltuatloi
A where hit services wo lii bu required
Addrcea lor one week , box 6 1 Council I ) iid
Iowa. mTO-et'
A waman cook lira , lie Coy no )
WANTED ernmeut corral ) . Must be a go <
one , no other need apply. SCJ 1'
Immediately an expcr'ence <
WANTED for a m Hinery houso. AddrcK
A. WOUB KDro. , LI coin , Nub. 601-21
A situation In a LUPKHPB houp.
WANTED man who cm keep ticokn
Sot pa ticjlarat to wha p at on. B lary n
Hrgtno'o much an tbjectoa a place when
merit will be riwanlol. I'-vn ( , ' , > oRocd relercnci
Ir m pro-ant omplovur ns to chiracter anc
iblllty. Addro B M F. IhU ollice. tOI-tl
A food Rlrl at corner Hamilton
WANTED ts. , thlnu'd addition. Do. I
* agee given. f'3S-tl
VrTANTED Tosella barber ffcop , ifflol o
VY cation , good business , Bilitfiit-.ryrewm !
' r Inquire at 1170. 16th ttioa , Omahc
Keb. _ 63 ? . tl
\TtrANTED-Apoodhoueoea8tol23rd street ,
W between Fainam and Dodge. A D. M r < <
i Ith am Farnam. 63230
Family ol ( rood Handing to adopt
WANTEt1 without any compensation. I -
julrnat a. Cbristlanaon , M dwife , No. 800 ICth
itieet , between Cumiog and Burt. < 613-5 *
'ANTED First clats coat and pantt
W makers. Motcall Bros. Council llutld.
60030 *
\TTTANTFD-Oood 'pastry and meat cook
YV at lha Niagara house. Tenth xtroit , be-
, wwn Fnri.auianil Douglas. Apply Immo-
lltttojy 1BI31 *
ANTKD-Boardcrs at tbe Oartle'd hoesc.
W N. W. corner Kthand Jack.rn St > > .
414 tl
Good Rlrl. A | > ly at 1080 North
' A gouu gin i'r general ho'let-
W'ANTED also a nurao xlrl , northwest cir-
UT 23d anil Unit street ) . 3s3-t (
[ "IT"ANTED Funding bridge and school bonds.
VV II. T. Clark. liellerue. 86-U
[ TtTANTED 4 children as boarders In a select
YY school , at 10th and California St. L. B.
.OOM1B 767-tf
UOCEK8' BOOKS WANTED To keep even-
JC Ings In return ( or tnde. P. O. Uox 502.
rTTAM I ED 2 unlurnlsheH ronms ( or man nnd
YY wife , mu t be moderate in i > ricu. Ad-
rtss II. . Ere offloe. 2fl7-t (
L\i O'Counell Homo loth it between Douglas
nd UpJire CtMl *
\ FUltNlsniCD ROOM KOK KENT For one
nL or two ( rentlemen , at 1011 Houth llth st
ne block from U. r. Depot. 601.1'
moil RKST Furnished cot'ago COO N. 18th
[ J st. Rent paitly exchanged fcr board , -rsw
eos-i *
[ 710K HBNT 'I nd emely ( urnl.urt " ) par'or
J and aloote room , i013 Cisd st. Cb6-tf
rnOIt KENT One lurnhbed room 1723 Douc-
t : las > t , 487-U
71UHNI8UF.D mom to rent SCO Farnam
J st bet , 16th and 17th sts. 057-31 *
/on Ktn r IIOUBO 01 leven toouu > , barn , etc.
[ j Enqulis ) . 1'hlppa Hoe , 1612 H. KUth St.
,1011 ItKM Kutnlshed room > flth hoard.
? Modjinurproveraenla. 1718 DoJge nt.
ItnHT lloi ) u o. 110 PDd 12 fl. 12lh
EOK . , suitable lor reetHiirambM ding house.
D. Jones. eod 677-31
RENT-IIanaxomely lur > Uhud front
u room , to gentleman , tnoderaU rent. Hef-
rtncca 1312 Uodga U between 13th and Itth
ireets. 68.-1 *
RENT Furnished rooms at 1407 Howard
J between 14th and 16lh streets couth stde
itbln 3 blocks south eatt of poatotfice. 664-tf
7.HR RENT B * e rent In exchange for board ,
J with ether boarder * , alto Iront chamber
irnUhtd 603 N. 17tb it. 6U3 tl
OlTE.Vr Fmm T , "Murray , "
D 643-tI
CTICELY furnlthed roim * one door north ol
N Uodga on 16th st. 613-4 *
7IOK RENT ' ousi- barn and 3 retc ol laud.
} Inquire 16th and Howard. Eu.-ouo o'NItl.
[ 10 lit NT One lurgo fnrnUl el roiru , with
L bi rd , on llritrloor , entrance UOo'
t46 tf
nOTl nl.lfl r'uriilJHoU cotu , rU lOJtun
! 2218 California si. il s. Hall. Kl-tt
10 ItKssT-rAt SO-20
! Mao's Avenue. 48011
poll RKNT N. E. i. Eec. 0. T. 16 , B , , uo.
1 Improved Douglas county ( and. JJ mllei
3m R. 11. station. Inquirti af 8U9 D > tnport
nult KtCT etore room In t > nck uullitiun , N.
11 corner 10th and CuuJjXrf , " C. ' r' Qood-
; \ '
RKNT HOUM on arerm n mcnao.
J1 roimi , wtth taM AitljtoN. W M
1111,9078.12th Bt. J07-M
OR KENT Furnuneu iruu mom , N. E. ror.
F f.-tf
( Hh and J rinon -
1T10R RKNT t lurnnned ro 3tu o "i
i.1 chanl 'Kicb ng , N. K eoj l tt
text * . _
EMI8 rents hOQ'M.lotii , 'nrinn , toro-i ,
rooms etc. OOlcr * 16th arid Douglas Bt *
BKNT Nlcelj' ' ! urnl < b < i rooms with 01
FOR board. Reasonable price * . 2011
* Pt. ' * "
BALE House ol 4 or 6 ronmi and cor
ner lot oa 10th and Mason 11.600. lltOipm
opp , postoOlcc , 68 U
TraURY Thorou < hbrod Jcrsiy null No. 889
L1 "M. H. II. H. " , * lnmr < ( prlre fat BUte
Fair. Htands ( or rerrlca vt Nebra ka 1'oaltrj
Tards , Wwl Omabx Urahim c * . Browne ,
SALK Team ot work hor-ca. will ex.
FOR lor colt or cattle , 314 S. 10 hit.
674 81"
8ALE-14 lo's In N. W. put ofdlT 01
FOR lecttlon. ? ! ' 0 to $ ! M each , on
monthly payment ! . Mo igue , epp. pofitotflce.
FjU SALK Ono ( wcond-h'tid SJhirac po cc
engine , peed M o two8 bornfli owir ,
and two U horse po or emlnc * new. njtlera
ol a Ire I , i cw. Inquire Unmni Foaidty > nd
Htchlna Co.U , I' hy. t t 17lh and IBih om h .
BKMIS sola hovieca , lot ) , ( arras iui'4 ' <
lilllco , 15th uml D glaiSfi < .
FOR SALE Home threeroorag ( ltd luldot.on
20'.b i'.rcet norlh ol Crook , JOOO cuh. Oa
month ypmentc 3lcOf ) . Johu L. Mo'n ua.
opposllcjwet fflco. J33-U
' ' . Flno family nivo : jomiir < uid
FUH''ALB. at42l , Coincll niiTg , U. i.j
SA1 E Housi nd lot on oa y terms ,
pplj at 611 Wa'mit ( traet between f th and
tot < bou'h ol U. 1'depot , a so entire
household ROD Js. C3l-fl *
. A Ri > od Ptock of B noral mer-
FOH8AI.E . will Inrolce between ( our anil
live dollnrn , or will rnh iigu tor
land Address , 9. O. Tnotnai , Kulrbury , Neb.
T710H SALE Saloo > stock and fixtures and
L' 1 < ate Rlvon , eood loo.tion. Enquire ot L.
H. Spencer , northeast corner lllh and ilarney.
- . FlMi ai-res ot land on nuurto s
1 Ht eet , with fl 10 rrx dcn , barn and other
ImprovfliEcnls. Price 12,600 : terms ca y.
47Mf W. R Bart ett , heal t state Agent
T710II SAI.K A nevf home and lot. 26th ant
17 Douglas Bt. Inquire to A. Bouman , 28th
and Farnhamts. . 418-1 m *
H BALK A IMa o (8 octavos ) , in ciocHent
c.ndton ; very cho-ip. Inquire a ; thisoffios.
8 LB Kive acre * of land , t ntory framt
house , barn 2 wells and ofwr Improre-
ments , cast side of Baundt rs etroot , near Putt
Omaha. For particulars add.MI Oeo. W. Orew-
ter , Oakland. Neb. 401-tt
, S1CO each , $5 down andjifi per month
LOTS . Agent.
"TUMI SALE House trlth 6 roomt , barn and
J ; long kttso of lot on 16th St. , bet. Hurt and
Webster. Inquire at Kdholm & Krickson's.
358 U
EACTlfUL KKtmiONCE ) Ll/m 1100 each ,
(6 down and SS per month. BEilld , ajtent ,
16th and Douglas Bts.
SALE Cur load of fac blackey mule *
FOR . Apply of J. W. Bkinner , Coin Ia ,
IOR SALE 32 reoldenco lou on and near IBth
J ? ttrcet. Price , (360 to ( DbO each. Terms
ta y. UcCAOUK , A ( cent , Opp. Poit Office.
360 tl
rum 8AL nicjcln , 4v-lnch Standard Oolom-
JL Ma. Apply Union Elevator. 203-U
Famham St. , Oniab . 720 Bmt
B B03-H < t"1/l ' < H > i < t "OK.
I'onndi o'cho cecoiiritrj'utfcr lor sale
chenp ; also finsh milk u\i'iy d.y at
KtaVa O'ocery rtore , cornir llth and Dodgo.
* 7Miro
_ _ _ _ _
f ) HICK KOH BAUK T. ilurra } .
! ) HAY At A. H. 8 nlcr' Feed Stor
BALK llarns-y rit. Pl9-r '
A blue 1 1 Id double ehaul Bomewbero
LO3V cr near 23r.l ut. 1'lcane Itave at B e
nttce. S.2 gl
Roan mare about 4 yiarj old ,
3TRAYED , Unt tall end whl'e hlid loot.
> randed on left i j lrtter"O"witb a line through
renter. Kludid will please leaio Information at \
1616 Dod e Bt 600-6 *
W Wo hare ill covered a new proceed ol
rli'le-platlng common Hteel knives and forks ,
irifs lorks and Bio-ns | , at one-tenth tbe cost
it elcctro-pUl Ine ; In appea-nnc > ; equal to Dew
> latcd warr , and for durability warranted to
rear for jrars. Saves BOiurniB ; ; saves the
mlves. Ai'y onocm lo'rn. Vou' can m ko
10 to $20 a day plating at 81 per doi-n. One
nun hus made $72 In three days. Thcro la
mrdly a family but has knlvoi to p'aio. We
till eond the lull art and instruct you free OH
cyclptofSl and gunrantee.WO per cent , profit.
ldrtr s Hiith-cl id Silver PaUi | Co. , 607 Olh
venue. New York. _ 582-30
\TKS WINCIIisiElll9 : prepureil to receive
LH piiill4 | or Instruction In pat tin- . Please
a 1 at N. W. cor 2 ithJJOtary ave. | 665 30
' ' "
\/T AJIHOTll'ciuetei IlUck crp iafpl > rfes
.Yi 60 coi.t a dozen , S2.(0 per hundmi. 810,00
or thousand -'Idle-Wildo Place. " I cave or-
ursut 14"4 " Uotlgoat. JohnO.VllUa.
mch-25-ov fat-it
) K f\f\C\ \ & 1 rnaplo troosTTsaleTlO to 12
j > ) . \J\J\I fcethlgn , one mile westjol Fort
luialu. Addreu W. C. Alnaworth , Omaha Neb.
* . _ 470-r
L scale * are igau ! In perfect order. Cull on
Ir. Vai Oman at clock ja'ds , 10th St. , bet.
apltol avenue and Da\en art St. Plenty ol
ard rorm and BUbllti ? . liri int straw in hale
rbed-tkkk E KSTAUHOOK.
. 425 U
_ _
AND OKOAN Instruction by lllsa K
PIANO , P. SOth .St. , below Pierce. 9J-M
> Ouild And flrat class table board , at SM11
A ) COM Bt. nil 1m *
ON TYPE-wiuTKas-w
L are In frequent receipt ol applications lor
pjrutoni. IlELli & AMES , 1600 Farnham ,
Kent * Uemlntrton Type-Writer.
HKNT Obolca ol 30 lull lots to leas *
J near CrelKhton College lor $ to per year.
oxtar L. Thonmt n lira. , Room S , Crelghtoa
lock. flMl
_ _ _
IONALI8T , 498 Tenth atret , between Kirahun
idllniney. Will , vrltrt tbe aid ol s-uintlan
> lrits , obula for kuy oem iUiioo at tbo put
id present , anil on certain conditions Iu tbe la
ire. Boots and Shoes made to ; rder. Perfect
" 'action rnarauteed
Absolutely Pure.
this powder ue > ir rit . A man el of pa
' , strength and wboleiOui ne a. More ooooo-
wl thin the onllnary kind * , and cannot b
d In competition with the multitude of tow
I , short weight , alum or pho pb&U powders ,
told only la cans. KcTiJ. JBuuiia Pol * > 0 * . ,
I Wall 6t , N w T rk " * '