6 THE DAlLir JBEE-COUKCiL BLUEPfS , IOWA FRIDAY MARCH bi Ib82. THIjDAILr BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning March 3\ ' SUnsCUIPTION KATKS : By Carrier , - - - - - JOccntMipr wrfk By Mull , - - - JIOOOptr\cir Offlco : No. 1 Pearl Street , Nonr Broadway. C. E. MAYNE , Manner City CircnUtton. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS , Prong's faster car Js at Seaman's. mchUdtt -Have yo t cen that fine display of UaHer curdi at Uuahnell & Hrackolt'sT mchllodtf There were three lodger * who took ad vantage of tha city' * calaboose ns ft free hotel l t night. Ths jail It getting rather crowded , Thjre are now eighteen prisoner * there , and more on the way. I * . J. McMnhon A Co. jcsterday re ceived for their rral ostnte oliice a , imm moth safe from Mixlor Ac Co , , ( Jlnclnnutl , Its weight Is 10,000 and Us delivery at tracted quite a crowd. There is the prospect of a t eng Young Men' * Christian Association in this city. In the work of organi/atlon , there have a'ready been xecurcd the iiAinci nf 68 gentlemen a ? member * , ami nearly 50 Indies as aisoilato members. The ordlmnce regarding theclosing of saloomatll o'clock of evenings h belug better ubservtd than In years. It U tube hoped that the now bro in , which nuw sweeps so clean , may i t yet wuar to a Btnrcp before the municipal ycir Is bver Jo'm Ltobdlt while walking hlon- Broadway hto Wednesday evening , hud a narrow eicapo from being shot. 11 in re volver In some wa/ slipped about In his pocket nnd became discharged , the bullet pausing through his coat and gracing the skin. Yesterday the plowing ncason bcgau on Broadway. The dirt along the gutters wai thus broken < U > nnd cleaned edt , sod the work Is making n marked improve ment. Still the paving of the street Is the great need , nnd the Roouer that is dune the better. One of this city's Httlo girl * is prov. in * rather expensive luxury for the fond parents , at she has formed the habit ol swallowing everything that U not too large for her mouth , nud ha * a special fancy for coins. Her bill of faro yoaler- pay included two buttons , a dime , a nicklo and several plm. In the United States court yesterday the case of Bo\vs vs , Williamson was still on trial , the argument being bcgu i in the afternoon , so that the end will probably bo reached to-day. The grand jury re ported , returning seven indictments agalns parties for violation of the rovtnuo lawn , nnd were then discharged. Arrangement * arc made for holding the sixth annual mettlng of the North western Academy of Medicine In this city , Tuesday and Wednesday , MuylfHV and ICtk , in the Ogden house parlors. It is cxpecttd that the State society wil ] meet in thin city Immediately following this vosslon. 'The officers of the academy . are P. J , Montg > mery , M. D. , of this city , president , and A. P. Hanchett , M. D. , of this city , secretary , Her , Mr. Lemon , pastor of the Bap tist Church , isto preach next Sunday evening on " 1 ho Relationship of Capital a ad Labar. " As this question is an all- important one , and one ot absorbing in- toreit , many will gladly avail themselves of the opportunity of bearing what thU well-known speaker has to say about it. It is safe to predt ! that some valuable thoughts upon this theme will be pre sented , Mason Wise lately employed a young fellow U work in his liable , and while ho was away to Salt Lake the young man slipped out taking with him a pair of rubber - bor boots and soma other property of minor value. Yesterday aflernaou Mr. Wise discovered the fellow on Broadway and nabbed him , and then started for the police. There were no police on hand , and the young fellow succeeded in break * ing away and running. A chase waa given and several cltlztns , joined , nnd soon a crowd waa going pell-mell to the north ward , most of them having no idea what they wtre running for beyond satisfying their curiority and exercising , tlioir legs. Chief i'lelda joined In the rush and suc ceeded in running th young man down and locking him up In jail , The evening glow worm feels terribly because It cannot get up u controversy with some one , and attract enough att n tlon to keep from getting stepped on and crushed beneath the heel ot those who stride on to success. It tried to get Chief Field to notice it by abusing him , but when he called out that he wes going to shy n stone at the glass house of the tenv yorary editor , the glow wonn crawlec' under a leaf and hid itself. ItecognUlui , the Urge circulation of Tim UKI It 1ms fancied that it could get some cheap adver tislng by abusing it , and among the grav charges It makes Is that TliK BKH take news from its columns. If any on * can tell how any news can be had out of a grist of patent medicine advertisements ho will explain a mystery uniolred , and especially no when even these accounts of wonderful oils and liniments have to be repeated on different pages of the window-light sheet to Oil oven the little space supposed to he devoted to newt. PERSONAL. Miss Nellie Abbott , daughter of K. J AbbHt , is visiting friends in Dunlap , It. I { , Paige , who has been on a thoi trip eastward , has returned home , am dropped in yeeterday to admlie the new BKS'pffiee , t PllESn ! LOT QF MULKS. Mace Wise haa juet received ' /JO head of finonjulea , which ho oflbra for salofat low pricoB. Call and sea then at HACK WJSE'B BiitN , Scott struot , near Broadwuy. Council Bluffs. in30--U Hon. M. 0. Woodruff , ex-editor and railroad commissioner , has re cently purchased 3BO acres of land m Clay county and is about to become a granger , JOYFULLY JOINED , Brother and Sister Meet Afte Many Years of Silence and Separation. How Tfcoy Found Each Other In Tnl City Yesterday , nOMANOE IN BEAL LIFE , A strange and hnppy meeting occurred currod in this city yesterday between a brothor'ixnd sister who , for twenty three years , have boon separated , nnt who [ have during this wcnry strotcl of time never hoard from each other. The family name is Miller. The brother James and his sister Edit wore made orphans at an early ago , ami the family being broken up and the children left homeless , bcc.imo separated , being taken by difforonl families. She was but throe years old and ho was her older by only a few years. The relationship thus broken in childhooJ , before the tics of blood liad been strengthened by years ol a common home-life , caused n silent separation to grow up between them , and during the years they have lust ill track or trace of each other. The brother has boon living in Chicago cage for years past and is now n mu- , urud man of over thirty years of age , llo has married and is the head of an titorcstiiig family and happy homo. IIo has been connected with one of the afgo elevators there and has amassed u goodly amount of property , besides Imvmg n liberal income. Iho world lias uied him well , and surrounded by c'utnfort nnd happiness , about the only anxiety which crept into his thoughts was the remembrance ot a Luby sister , who'xo features had ul- moat faded irom his memory by the lapse ot many years. lie lias woii- dercd what had become of her , how she was netting along , and longing to jet some trace of her that he might ihare with her the prosperity with which his industry and shrewdness bad been crowned. lie made many inquiries , but in rain , until ho learned that a person named Eda Miller was in Omaha , llo at once used the wires only to bo doubly disappointed oy lunrp.ii g that while the name was the same , yet the woman was not his looked-for sister. The inquiries which ho then made in this vicinity were not wholly in vain , though. Strange enough , those very inquiries revealed the iact that in this city was a woman named Eda Miller , and hope revived. Ollicora Morse and Cusic took hold of the matter , and found that she was really ho sister sought for. The brother arrived yesterday , and , in company vith the oflicers , found the young woman , and such a meeting ! * lt rould bo dealing too rudely with the delicate feelings which are snored to lidividual life to attempt to portray t. It is sufficient that the dontiDcatien was complete , and that irotlior and sister were 'alike over- eyed at again mooting each other after so many years of silence , in which their lives had been strangely uiiod and widely apart. _ The sister , Miss Eda Miller , has , iinco girlhood , been obliged to make lor own way in the world , and has one so , honestly and nobly. She > aa been employed hero in Lower's lotol , on Muin street , and has also orved for a long time as janitress of ho Center shoot school. When found > y her brother she was dressed plain- y , as became her duties , in which she vas actively engaged at the time of neoting. Uor dross was soon changed , owovor , and she soon appeared bo- eckod like a lady , much of the im provement in toilet being duo to the irompc generosity of the overjoyed irothor. IIo purposes to take her > ack at once to Chicago , where , ho ays , she shall share lib happy homo with him. NOVELTY AND MERIT. Too TwoOomblnod In a Charming En tertainment Given Last Evening ; . The tuithotia and dramatic enter tainment given lost evening under the auspices of the ladies of the Presby terian church caused Dohany's hall to bo packed , and the audience was one comprising representatives of the best classes of Council Bluffs. The entertainment was one of decided nov elty and much merit , and it proved particularly interesting because of the Fact that BO much local talent was con cerned. Whatever weakness or defects might have attracted at tcntlon from a sharp critic wort not of a nature to lesson the enjoy ment of the audience , for all ucomoi delighted and applause and encores wore liberally bestowed. Miss Olam L. Gibson , of Chicago , was allotted the liberal portion of tin programme to which her talent and skil entitled her. Her readings showei that she had gained a wonderful con trol over her vocal powers and facia expressions , and her selections wore not only well chosen , but admirably rendered. The tableaux vivant formed a very interesting portion of the entertainment mont , and wore of a more novel ordci and more elaborate than is usual witl entertainments of this nature. Tin ladies arranging those and the partio ipants certainly merit pralso for theii work upon this attractive feature o the evening's programme. , The musical portion of the enter tuinmont was fully in Cooping wit ! the high order of the whole. The duet , "Fly Away Hireling , " by Misses Pusey and Merkol , called forth hearty applause. Miss Kate I'usey also gave a charming solo and Mrs. JuliaOlliour guvo an instrumental solo , which she rendered admirably , There Mas novelty and spice neat trred throughout the programme. The fan drill , with which the evening opened , captured the audience on the very start , and the showing of wsthot- icism , in which the utterly intense , liliil affection , devotion , weariness and contentment wore portrayed , gave a happy finish to the prograntae , and sent everybody homo merry and de lighted , The entertainment was in all res pccts a success and reflected mucl credit upon those who have workcc 7ealously and wisely to amuse thr pcople. It was one of the best horn entertainments ever given hero niu ladies hero well earned their Inurols and the financial success attending th enterprise. LET THERE BE LIGHT. The Talk About Using Electricity Instead of Gas m tills City. The last council shortly before go ing out of oflico empowered a com mitlco to hunt up facts and figures re garding the practicability of usin ; electric lights in this city. The now council is also taking some steps it this direction , nnd especially Alder man Newell , who is a practical olcc trician , and who is also progressive ii his ideas and policy. Amoni ; thb places from which information haa been sought is Aurora , III. That the public may have , the facts gathcrec as speedily as possible , Tuc But jives a few figures showing the way the export ment wns tried in thai city. Aurora chums to bo the firs I city in the world to adopt the sever a ! .owor system of electric light , they laving been turned on November 8 , 1881. By the old contract between ho city and the gas company which md been running about thir teen years , the city was paying § 42. CO per lamp lost. The city , at the expiration of the contract , oilercd the company § 25 , > er post. The company wanted ? 28.r > 0. While this contract wus Bonding , neither being willing to , 'ield , the Bush electric light was in- reduced , and soon a contract was nude. The electric light company was to furnish a dynamo-electric ma- shine , the power for running it , the iclp required to attend to it , the wire , 110 lamps of 2,000 candle power each , and keep them running on "tho Philadelphia schedule , " fr , § 0,000 per year and § 300 per year for each additional lamp that the council might suu tit to order. This "Philadelphia schedule" provides for light at all lours between daylight and daylight when the moon in not in the sky , and 'or twelve extra nights in the year , ntonded to supply light for stormy lights , when clouds obstruct the noonhght. By the contract the city urnished towers , telegraph poles , and the labor of putting them up. The circuit by which Aurora is lighted is over five miles in extent. In this cir- suit there are seen light Htations , ivc of which have two lamps each , ind two of which have three lamps , nuking sixteen lamps in all. The cost A the seven towers was SI ,050. The additional expense to the city was ! 188 for 140 teleqrnph poles , and bout $130 for labor. It is claimed hat under the gns post system only Hie-iifth of the city was lighted , there > oing 318 posts , costing under the old ontract § 42.50 apiece , or over § 13- , 00 , to say nothing of extras , while andor the rate proposed by the gas ompany , § 25 n post , it would coat 17,050. Tlieso uro the facts and igures sot forth by Aurora , and will ) rovp of interest to the public in its onsidoration ot the question as to low to light Council Bluffs. Practical Piety. Bo many flings are thrown out bout the work of the churches being onlined to the prayer room and the nlpit , to the neglect of the more radical side of life , that it is rather ofroshing to notice that the churches re doing something moro than many rodit them with. The Congrega- ional church , for instance , has a 'committee of comfort and relief , " ho instructions to whom are given as allows : This committee stands and acts as ho representative of the church in its rork of ministering to some of the pocial needs of men. They are ox- > octod to have in mind and to bo watchful over the following kinds of need and service : Cases of sickness among members of the church and congregation , To visit such and suggest to others , To arrange for watchers or other at tendants when needed. To provide reading matter , or road- ng aloud when desired. And generally to minister in such ways to the necessities , the suffering , or the weariness of the sick , as Chris tian affection and sympathy would prompt , and as muy be possible un der the circumstances. This service is not to bo confined within the limits of our own congregation tion , but to bo extended beyond , as opportunity may offer. IOWA ITBMB. Thieves are numerous and diligent at Croston. Sioux Falls stone is being used to riprap for the bridge opposite Blair. Dr. and Mrs. Frank J , Williams were warmly welcomed homa at Ores- ton Monday o veiling , Judge Love , of the United States district court , was tendered a banquet by the Kookuk bar lost week. Atlantic will not have water works at present , owing to legal barriers , It was contemplated to erect works cost ing 802,000. There being no mqnoy in the treasury , the works would have to bo built on credit , and as the con stitution limits the debt to bo con tracted for such purposes to five per cent of the assessed valuation of the property-jut the city , Mio project has been abandoned for the time being. A Bribed Juror. N tlonil AtoOclituJ 1'reM CiuuAoo , March 30. A sensation was created in the criminal court this morning by the announcement made by the state's attorney to the effect that u juryman now in the celebrated Gribler bribery case had himself boon guilty of receiving a bribe. All the lawyers withdrew from the case , say ing they would not try the case before the jury. CONCERNING THE CROOKED The Caeca Which Took the Time nnd Attention of Courts nnd Officers Yesterday. The young m&n named Chafin , whoso cross-eye has got him into so many troubles of late , as narrated in yesterday's llr.F. , was kept under lock and key until the arrival of oflicers from Onitn , who wore expected to identify him , but they didn't. They said ho was not the man who was wanted for forgery , and Cliafin was allowed to go treo. lie wont of ] cursing that cross-oyo of his as the cause of all his griefs. The trouble in the dutt-outs seems to continue , and the threat is now made on the purt ot the authorities to clean out the whole row of gopher holes. Another colored mnn , Del Ilonnis , has been arrested on two charges , olio of assault , the other of malicious mischief , lie is a partner of "Texas , " the coon who lately was arrested for smashing down a dug-out door with an axe. It is claimed that these two ha\o been raising many disturbance ! among the dem/cns uf the holes in the bluffs , and that they have been raiding the dugouts , smashing furniture , otcalmg old clothes , and doing other deviltry. Ilonnis is to have a hearing before Justice Abbott at 2 o'clock this after noon. George Johnson was arrested Wed noaday evening for threatening to shoot llenry Williams in a little rum pus which these two started. Joseph Ijotts , the negro charged with oDsaulting and robbing Mr. St'u- debecKor in Keg Creek township , had ! iis examination before Judge \yles- worth yesterday afternoon , Attorney Scott appearing for tile stiitc , in the bsence of Attorney Hight , who is at Dos Moincs. Col. D.uley and Attor ney John Lindt appeared for the prisoner. Betts , on being walked hrough the streets to the court room , loavily ironed , was thu observed of all observers , and the examin ation drew together quite a croud of curious ones Mr. Studebeckcr and his wife wore among the witnesses 'or the state , also Oflicer Edgerton aid Jackson of Omaha , and Julia Miler - er , of Omaha , to whom Betts made a lartial confession. John Walton , the vitness who claims that he was first n the plot , but finally backed out , vaa also put upon the stand. The acts elicited were about us have al ready been giv n by THE BKE The defense introduced no witnesses , and Fudge Aylesworth hold the piisonor or the grand jury's action , bonds bo ng fixed at § 2,000 , which , of course , 10 was unable to give. The witness iValton was also locked up , his bonds ) oing placed at $500. The Okolona "States" Man. Mr. Jvorman i ho famous fire cater jfjTho Okolona states , writes fromLo naia to TheSioux City Journal : I find ho folio A ing paragraph in the patent utside of many dcmi-Btnm-domocratic papers published in the noithwcst : Kornan , the author of articles in ) ho Okolona States that created such xcitcmenfc on account of their secoa- ion sentiments , ia now employed on a iountry paper in Iowa. Ho'saysthat 10 has always been a republican and \as paid for writing the articles. Permit mo to say in your columns hat the closing sentence of this quo- ation is AN UNQUALIFIED LIE , And the man who wrote it is AN UNQUALIFIED LIAR. The sentiments of The Okolona States were and are my sentiments ; rore and are the sentiments of the outhern people , as a people , and were he identical doctrines of the northern icaco democracy in 1861-5. The man who dares to deny this tatcmcnt is either A fool erA A knave , And 1'eivohim to wear the cap md bolls of the ono , or the blistering Immo of the other , as suits him ) est * Ono thing more : I never received i dollar for writing the articles in Tha States , save and except from Col. A. Y. Haiper , the proprietor of that pa- > or a man , by the way , who fought ho stars and bars , and whoso democ racy is unimpeachod and unimpeach able. able.I I want those facts thoroughly un derstood , once for all , and I want it urthor understood that whoever de nies my democracy and says I am a re- lublican and was in republican pay , s a liar , and lies in his lips , lies in his hro&t , and lies in the black cor o of his putrid heart. Thine for state sovereignty , WiuH. . KKUNAN. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT1CK. Special mlmtlflemcntu , u < Lost , Found , To Lo n , For Sale , To Kent , Wantt , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low rate of TKN CUNTd PER LINE for the first insertion nml FIVE CENTS PEll LINE for each subsequent inscrtlnu [ xuto oJv ertltcmcnU at our olllce , No. 7 i'ea 1 Street , near Uroail y. A N IXl'EUlKNCkD paper haueer n find ± \ . utetulv employment by ndilromlnir dtor/o It. lleari ) , Cfluiu.ll Bluff * . Iowa. Notlouch nt til apply JIarSO . uould recommend Joe Sandcl m thu ba > t WR tliocltvat totting out trees. He in a my flue lot ot maples , bjicldcn ) and other shade trees on band. fit Oil SALE 150. aioiloxlcin N tlo ml 81,000 E coupon bond : vuluo and history i iknown , A. D. I'ACKAUB , iu07t VTctton , loya To bur lioutoand lot on monthly WANTED . AUdres X , IJio office. . mac 13 tf. "IXfAlvTED To rent ft emtll collage at onco. TT AUdre 0. M. , or enquire at HKK ctllcc. ftbMf \v ANTED To rent A ten room housu In bomo good ntk'tiUorhootl or two suuller houses fide by side , AUdrtJis I' . 0. Itox 7P7. Council IlluI ( . or in > ll > at UK * otllco , Council illuDs. 4U-tf " \irANTKD-E\eryboily In Council BlulM 18 YY to takoTuvBu , SO ccnta tier week , do Ivcred Ly carrier * . Offlco , No tt I'tarl btrnt' icur tlroadttay , "VITANTKO To buy 100 tons broom corn. VV for particulars address Council Bluffi Hrooia Factory , Council Wufls , low a. 663-29K 7710H 8ALK-Old papers 40c per hundred , M jj The Boo otHce. Council Blufls. Q i7-H "BLACK-DHAUGHT" - cures ' " ' " vstlon nud heartburn. TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aosthetio Wants of the Pubic in FINE GROCERIES , With Everything in Staples fit the Lowest Prices , Fre-h Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Co. 16 Main St , ami 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTtmER OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery o FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. It. SHEUMAN , Business Manager. WM. CIIKISTOPHUa , Mechanical Manager , 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs. In. The Loading GROCERY EOUSE IN THE CITY. We keep everything you want in First Oliss , Choice , Clean GEOCEfilESand PEOVISIOKS [ t will pay you to look our es tablishment through- Every thing told for' Cash , and at the very dos t margins. We have a line of lOo CANNED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern ami West ern Goads put up All Canned Goods ivduced 10 per cent. Send for our Pxicesi } triot attention paid to Mail Orders Agent ? for Washburn's Super lative Flour , F , J , OSBOME & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS rc > i A MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We giro special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment ol Brass Goods. Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Ooal , OHAS , HENDBIB , President Mrs , Smith , where did you gei the * fine Chandeliers ? ° -AT- BIXBY & WOOD'S , THE PLUMBERS. On Banoroit or ( Fourth btreets. ) J. M. PALMEE , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MAURTSR & OEAIO , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Glass , Flno French China , Sliver Ware Sec. , 810 BROAOWAT. . COUKC1L BLUFFS. IOWA. " KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite , North Fifth 8t , Council Bluf < Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & lit Ate. COUi CJI , BLUFKfl. W 8 AMENT. JACOB SIMS. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oouneellors-at-Law , COU N OIL BLUFFfl. H WA. HARKNESS , ORGUTT & GO. , DRY GOOD AFD CAEPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , Weber. Lmdeman , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Weatern Cottage , t Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $60 and upward. Muoi- cal Merchanaieo of every disoriptiou. nvt Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Shout-Music , i'oyy , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Ko- TJ tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Oaeh and on Time. Stock ia largo , full and com plete. L/luaical / Journal tree on applica tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O , J. MUELLER , J 103 South 6th Street. O IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING- AGENTS An J Dealers In all klnils ol Produce Prompt attention hcn to all consignment * . N08. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. "W. SI. IFOSTIEIE ? , WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled and ( fathered to Kxprcsa office frto of charge. Send for Mirrors , Upholstery , Urpairinp ; , Etc , Wood urd Metallic Coffins. No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant br. , Council Blulla , Iowa. K ) W A WYOMING COAL. HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , STARR & REYNOLDS. fQ7 Main St. METOALF BRO S WIIOU'SALK I3KuHl8 PI Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and N braska. Office with W. S. MAYNB. over Savings Bank , - COU VOf L BLUFS I I The New Styles for 1882. WALL PAPER ! Largest Stock in Western Iowa. SEND FOR SAMPLES ! T Geo. R. Beard , 11 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , G-IEI WK CAIIHY THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINE BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Coiinc * Bluffs , All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW , Gall and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive , Z. T. 'LINDSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARJNDA IOWA ,