Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    m.-r : Fi > WA.Y MARCH 01 i-W.
The Omaha Bee
IVibllahert ovary morning , except Bundo ]
Tv only Monday morning dully ,
One V r $10.00 I Three Month$3.C
Bit Months. 5.001 One . . 1.C
WEEKLY BEE , pnblkkedw
ery Wednesday.
O-ioYear $2.00 I ThrcoMontbs. , f.
BuMonUia. . . 1.00 | One . . 2
latioun relntln to New * nnd Editorial mai
m fhould b addressed to tha EDITOR o
Littire nnd Ilomlttancog nhould be lu
dMwlto TUB OMAHA PcBtwiimo Con
FANV , OMAHA. Draft * , Checks and Poj1
oltlce OrnYiB to bo imide payable to tli
oriler of the Coumany.
MR. TM.LEHS nomination alill hnngi
firo. It is barely possible that wo nr
to bo treated to another caao of Sar
THE Nebraska legislature will b
called presently. Acting GoTorno
Thurston is almost ready to tssuo the
CITIZEN YOST , Oitizon Miller ani
Citizen Brooks are now hand in hanc
for the protection of Uio community
against the terrible communists.
COKSTKUCTION rings in every branch
of corporate enterprise , and are rapidly
making the monopoly managers
wealthy and robbing the pockets ol
stockholders and producers.
TUB "unanimous state press , " about
which the Republican bragged in con
nection 'with the labor troubles , seem
to bo very generally on THH BEE'H
aide of the fence.
THE only grounds that thu U. P.
crowd have for calling themselves
business men is because they mean
business in the coming election. So
do our merchants and workingmcn.
J. STEIILINO MOIITON has evidently
put in on appearance at Washington.
That malicious and scurrilous , attack
on Senator Van Wyck to the Chicago
Times shows his oar marks. And the
Omaha Herald by design has copied
it , of course.
ONE of the candidates for the may-
prahty of Kansas City gives as a plank
in hia platform "A rigid enforcement
of the laws where the rights of the
public are invaded by persons or cor
porations. " Omaha needs a little of
the medicine very badly.
WHILE thu south is clamoring so
loudly for national grants for educa
tional purposes , it would bo well for
her to see what rho can do without
> . them. Iowa spends annually ono and
four-tenths per cent , of her taxable
property for school purposes , while
Georgia contributes but ono-tonth of
ono per cout. for this object.
AMD The Denver Tiibuno Ima ut
lost found out how it hupponod. It
says : "It now transpires that Dennis -
nis Kearney instigated the recent la
bor trouble at Omaha. This exoner
ates Mr. E. Resonator , the nihilist
editor of THE OMAHA BEH , on account
of whom Editor Miller , of the Herald ,
has been wearing stool plated corsets
and shout iron pan IB for the past
seven years.
PETTY official thieving is made the
text for an admirable article in the
Philadelphia Proas , in which the
email peculiarities which are con
stantly going on the national capital
are characterized as leas endurable
than the larger scandals. Big expos
ures , Bays the Press , are like thunder
storms , they may level tall trees but
they clear the air , while the drizzling
bowers of small scandals , with which
the country has boon drenched for six
mouths past , do nothing but do moral-
ice. It looks as if official lifo in aoam-
od and corrupted with entire disregard
of a high honesty in email things.
"Tho govommont architect gets
up house plans drawn by government
clerks on government stationery in ti
government oillcu for everybody in
official place , and govommont me
chanics build the buildings , "tempor
arily" rolloved from the government
pay roll. The govormnimt bindery
binds books for congressmen and
sends in no bill. The library of con-
gretts and all the othur government
libraries , big and little , are run like
subscription libraries for ofllcials.
Government stationery turns up a very ,
where in Washington , government
clocks tiok in acorei of private houaos ,
government denks aland under private
roofs , government carpeta cover pri *
yato floors All ever the government
porr'.i u ix raining in some shape and
private porridge pots are kept right
side up with care to catch the drip
The scandals in the army and navy
departments are Bald to bo quite ai
bad as in the civil oervice and the
Map , perfumery and toilet articles
dealt out by the medical purvey are
the joke of half of Washington The
official conscience needs sharpening
until the doqtrino that the theft of a
small article is theft as much as the
embezzlement of millions , becomes
recognized and is acted upon at the
national capita ] ,
The Bo-called mooting of citizens c
Omaha to protect themselves ngaim
un imaginary disaster from organize
labor is very transparent to ever
thinking man. With JohuM. Thuri
ton at the head , and Frank Waltora i
the tail , the citizens' anaconda is i
reality , nothing raoro or less than
dciporato move on the party of tli
corporate monopolies to retain contn
of our city council , and prevent tli
possibility of an anti-monopoly deli
gation to the next legislature ,
It was the same old crowd that w
have scon hero so often , mustorin
under the U. P. flag. With the cj
coptiou of four or live prominent tna
payers who have lost their heads ovc
nincn the late labor troubles , the busi
ness men did not put in nn appeal
nnco. The procession that filed oti
of the Hoard of Trade rooms Inn
night , as near as wo can romombci
was as follows : John M. Thurston
U. P.jjpoliticnl attorney ; Lcaviot
Buriiham , U. P. land commissioner
A. L Robison , U. P. right-of-wn
attorney ; Howard Kennedy and I1
L. Pcrino , U. P. land department
Q. F. Labagh , U. P. storekeeper a
Holly notoriety ; J. S. Gibson , clorl
t U. P. transfer ; Paul Vondorvoort
: hiof head striker ; Charley Gtcen , B
& M. attorney ; Robert Taylor , B. f
M. olork ; W. I. Baker , U. P. em
? loyo ; Fred Nash , U. P. car ac
: ountant ; Guy 0. Barton , ox-U. P
tonator ; John A. Horbaoh , railroai
right-of-way man ; Joe Barker , ga
nonoplist ; Caspar Yost , Datus Brooks
[ . W. Minor , brass-collared troupe o
; ho Republican ; Charley Bankes , M
tl. Risdon and Frank Waltora.
And these are the solil merchant
> f Omaha.
Of the ticket these parties put U ]
vo have little to say oxcc | > t that th
indornmont from that crowd will hard
y commend them to men who wan
[ oed > : ivorntnont in the interest o
ho rcu1 tax payers and not in the in
orost iif the corporations. Mr. Me
3avock was at ono time an out am
lut anti-monoply man , but ho hn
ompromisod his differences , and nov
s heartily endorsed by Thurston , Van
lorvoort and Frank Walters. W. J ,
Connody is a rospoctblo man , and i
; oed citizen who wo would like to sec
n the city council. But ho has boor
lut up by Thurston as a dummy tc
iclp Hascall whom the corporation
appors intend to pull through in the
ocond ward by ways that are darl
ud tricks that are vain.
Mr. August Weiss was put forward
a a dummy to help Hornborifoi
hrough , who is the real choice of the
'same olfl crowd" and will receive
heir support. Weiss has already do-
lined , as ho was expected to do , and
ho field is now open to Hornborgor.
With Messrs. Dunham and Daily
70 have no fault to find. Mr. Daily
las already declined. Whether Mr.
) unham will stand remains to be
eon. Mr. Baker la a reputable citi-
un but , of course , represent * his
mploycrs the U. P. road.
Tlio school board has no political
ignifioinco and Tliuratou thouphtit
in Imps hcttt to lot the old board ro-
The citizens wcro ndviscd not to
ako part in the party primaries ,
rhioh have become very corrupt , but
vhon the convention muots the people
rill bet in to smell a mice. Thurston
nd Frank Waltora will moan time aeo
o it that only their old crowd will go
3 the primaries and carry out the
ookod up programme.
Shiphord'a Peruvian guano achomo
aa directed attention to the report
tiat immense guano deposits exist in
'exos ' , which , if properly worked ,
'ill render our country independent
f all others for a supply of tlu's for.
ilizor. Mr. Morton Frooven , well
nownto many in Omaha aa a wealthy
Vyoming atook raiser , has visitedthia
usno territory , which liea in JJvaldo
ounty , western Texas , and reports
hat the deposits really exist and uro
ound in immense caves , which for
onturioa have boon the resorts of bata.
'ho largest , known iwthoUvaldocavo ,
located nt'ar the Trio river. The
i > rmar owner declared that the do-
twit in thia ono c.vvo ulono could not
j oxlnuatod for the next hundrnd
cats. Mr. Frceven personally viaitud
uothor C.IVO , known us the "Oibalo , "
do entrance to which was about fifty
not hixh and Uouty.flvu foot wide.
L long paBEago leads , to the outorcavo ,
rhoso floor for thirty foot id covered
rith the dry fertilizer. Thu atmoa-
hero is dry , and five yeara ago the
uano caught fire , the whole surface
eing burned ever to the depth of
jur foot. Binco then , eight
jetof guano have been deposited , and
Ma , a&yaMr. Froovon , provea that
no fertilizer ia being dop wited at the
te of more than a foot and a half a
ear. ThU ia only the ante-ohamber.
> n the far aide of thia outer care , In
be aide of the dome , ia an opening aix
set by eight feet in aiie. Through
bla the bata go to an inner cave ,
'hich ' has never boon explorwd. It la
olieved , however , to be very extun-
ivo , because of the Immense number
f bata which daily Bleep in it , and be-
rose at the time of the fire great
uantitiesof atnoke escaped through
revicca in the rock , near the Oibolo
, ver , on the opposite aide of the hill ,
fro and a half miles from the main
utranoe. "
This cave ia believed to be twp
miles long nnd very broad , whiln tli <
Uvaldo cave is six times ns Inr f
During the war the Confederate
worked the caves and obtained larg
quantities of salt potero from the < 1
The construction of the Texas Pacifi
railroad has made thteo great gunn
deposits available. A few wcoka ng
ono English company made their fire
shipment of American guano to Lot
don nnd capital has bcon secured t
thoroughly work all the deposits. A
the guano Bella readily at from fift
to sixty dollars n ton , the Texan cave
are as good as a silver minu to the !
owners , while the immense quantit
of the material on hand assures to th
country for ninny years to come n
cxhaustlosa supply of this valuabl
fertilizer independent of the wars an
contentions of our South America
Tim time would nppnar to bo com
ing vhon Gould and YandorbiU , lib
Alexander the Great , will sigh be
cause no worlds remain for them t
conquer. It is understood that thcs
mighty monopoly map nates have com
to an understanding , and propose i
parcel out between themselves th
greater portion of the transportatioi
traffio of the country , if such an enterprise
terpriso can bo accomplished by th
aid of boundless energy and untoli
wealth. Now York advices state tha
negotiations have boon begun for th
consolidation of the YandorbiU trunl
lines , including the Chicago & North
western with the Union and Centra
PaciGc , thus givi.ig a einglo route
under ono management , botwcoi
the Atlantic & PaciGc. A second sto
is to bo the consolidation of all th
Gould properties , making a grea
southeastern route to the Pacific , J
money part of the coal roada and ;
consolidation of all the tolcgraphi
and cable companies ia also mention
od. Whan these pinna are conaum
mated it will bo in order for the people
plo f the United States to turn eve
the entire government to thtso worthij
ucntlnmon on condition that they wil
aaaumo all its liabilities nnd pormi
to people to exist as best they oat
under the monopoly monarchy.
rolhiFd tor of IHB IlKB
III a recent editorial , quoting t
speech delivered by yourself hefun
the workiniMnun , you ay : "Ev rj
American \vorkingman is entitled ti
sufficient food and a comfortable
ionic. " Will you kindly inform t
subscriber just what you moan bj
-his auntunce. I am not ono ol
hat class who boliuvo that
' 'tho world owes every man t
iving" unless in vivluo received
or his labor , and I cannot BOO what
JifToronco there ia between auoh atato-
raonts as that quoted ubovo and the
: on.muuistic bowlings of lazy and
worthless demagogues of thu Justus
Schwab school. I think that Ian-
{ ungo of this kind has a tendency to
Jo a great ( levt ; mora danmpo than
jood , both to the cntiso of lub < jr and
ho iutori'stH of society. CITJZBN.
Our position plainly stated is this ;
n a country aa produc'ivo as the
Jnited States every able-bodied man
vho dai's n full day's labor should
ani enough wapes to eupply food ,
lothing and shelter for himself and
iia family. In other words , every
nan in thii country who is willing to
vork in this country ia entitled to
uch wages IIB will pay for coarse ,
) hu'n and wholesome food , for com-
ortablo shelter nnd decent clothing.
When mou who are able and willing
o work do not earn enough to moot
lioho simple wants and necosaitioa of
To thorn is a radical wrong. Society
ires every working man a living , but
t owes nothing U the drones that ro-
oao to work. If thia ia rank com-
uunism the editor pleada guilty to the
Colouion far Man It ola.
fttlonul Awoctatod 1'rvw.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 29. Dr.
j. Waraaho omiRration agent for
liu.igan tor ho Manitoba road , ro-
urnod to-day from the Rod River
alloy , whiTe ho hus soluotoJ a loca-
on for aevurnl colonies of Polandera
loin Bay Oily , Mich. , nnd Sullivan
ounty , Pa. 'i'litau Bottlers will como
iio latter part of April.
One hundred of the throe hundred
? .uiadim txcurmonista now traveling
hrouh | { this country reached St. Paul
ind Minncapolia to-day from Chicago ,
voroeutortaiiiud a few hours in Min-
R-npolis and paeaud on for Winnipeg ,
I'hoy only tarried a few minutes in
hia city.
MONTHEAL , March 80 , One hun
Ired English farmura are tin route for
ilunitob.i. It is estimated that emi-
intioti from Eniland ; to Manitoba
rill averogn 1,000 a veek during
Ipril. People nro pouring in Win-
> ipegat the rate of COO a day The
hurdiea and public halls are being
hrowti open to accommodate the
Ittloiul AwocUtod frtm.
riTTHBUuon , Pa. , March 30.-At
o'clock to-night a train of empty
oachea and flu cara waa crowing the
itteburgh , Fort Wayne. & Chicago
'ridge ' at Allegheny. The end car
umped the track. The train waa
topped , and it waa found that thaao-
ident waa caused by runnlnu over a
oy , whoae vital organa trailed alone
de track and in a horrible manner
lia name waa John Miller , of Allo-
Jim \ViIiun , of Tamo.
lUoaal AwocUt < i frew.
DEsMoiNBa , March 30.- Governor
hermaii to-day appointed Jamea
Vilaon , of Tame county , member of
Iio board of railway comrainaionera ,
j auccoed M. D. Woodruff , who e
arm haa expired.
An IndUn at Gold Hill IIM yellotr , cui
ln < hair , ftnrl it the nearest nppronch to i
nlblno thu bo iginen have furnnlieJ.
Of 231,410 > cro encli cdin Mrndocli
Coaiity , rn'y ' CO 108 ncrf are uuder cull
Vftlion ' 1 he county cnn'alnn nbout2,00 (
000 cr i tbe most nf which in Govetnnu
lai.d , open to prc-emtion [ or hoinenteodln
The mur.tcr nf Clmrlcs De Young , ed
tor of I lie 8n l'r > nclico Cbrcnicle , ft L
ing revived latlie cnirtoby the pro-er
ii' < n uf ncrerul of K llochV wtnesic f
pur jury Ooe'f thtm received $75 f
> wfnr nx tli t De Youi K rired a hut
A dlrgnlar di en e has ai > r are < 1 ntnoi
the I ef In S.n lle ) o t'ountv. It nen
'o nttflcK tlie ftronerit nnd best hi e
Tlie beoi lircomo ! ck nnd helpless , an
urn hen drivBcd out of the hive by tl
well ones. Thoeofun He on ti.t . oroiit
nn hour or nuita before ilylnjj. When n
tnckel with tie dl eno tlio le. ) H lira
them * Ives up , n < la cramped , and are ui
nb e to tiee tlieir win .
At tl.o . pre eQt time there ts a remark ;
lite Rcaniiy ot salmon in tjie Hacr.unnit' '
Frcim olil i t\o captains It ii oarno I ttu
o lonv nn the rher dutn not li-o ti
helk-hruf twenty feet or over th > ro is "in
to be n vriy Hxlit inn ol tho-to full. T
he exi1flli | > n < y fnyi'ni ; that until tlio TO
tune of water u tliat gnat it { < > ut piece )
tible out an far as thu oldtn Uatr , conn
qiiently thn inlmondo n t nutiio ! ( , au
und remain uut i < f tlie ocetn.
Immigration t > > the teriitoryii rapid ! ;
increasing .
The n.ineral nnd agricultural interestb i :
the territo y wll o pretty tiiowu hly de
vel.ipcJ thecomlng sunuuor.
\vl 1 bj carrUd on far mve ex
rly in the Meagher valley nroun
tlie SprmK" thin eeaaon than ever before
Stock men anJ wool owners _ are hipp
over the pru'tpect of a largo i creasd i
thtir herds > -nil ilucka this Hpriug.
At the Bczemnn tunnel quite a nettle
mvut ii i < iiuijing upC "lns nn IU8' | '
nesu houstH are bcin erecttd und it look
an though a live town will be established
Ti ere Ima been a catch of nt least 40,10
budWliirobea on Little Dry ciork th'B win
tor. Tnere have hcou inure than 100 whit
buffjlo huuttrain Uu BBCIJUU nil winter.
Nnih on Wood lliy < r nre nearly a
tcaice as lion'x te-th. Mire buil nty
would be Blurted imt for this fact.
Cuttle buyers in the Yukium country ar
oflerli g 520 per head lor t u/ck , tali
Ing br.nidi including j'emh'DK'
which Ii juit duublu thu price pud nt till
time luat year.
The Charlej Dickenj mtna in Ysnke
Foik is developing into n little bon IIZH
Lirn qiun > itua ol nuggets > f pure met. )
are being talcn out. ooitio ut the-o ar
lirgu ci link ? , and Vr ry beautiful , HI d ai
about three- fourth * niiver nud one-fourtl
god. ! The quartz nf the entire \ein ( noai
ly two lu t ) in \\Miid-ifnl richueaj.
Tlio young men of On'den htvo organ
ized an athletic club wi.h thirty-two ac
live members.
It in said that tlie co-operative atoros ii
Salt Luke City wil hera.iter conliu
thtm-o.vea tj wliole.salo biHiiieid ,
About three weeks ago there w.ia n sifi
lobhery a1. Kayeville , niid a span of Htolu
h THIS and u biig y w ra found next d j
hitched to a lence iu Undou , Near tin
bufg ; or in it were found HI me I urglm
tooln mill a T/ni' n P ciho batgag4 elite
The check c.i ltd for u viry heuvy satche' '
xuppotid to burglars' tuolri , etc
Ordota were gi > e _ by otBciaU to arr l
the petaoii ca linft' fiirthat paiticulur pifci
at i aggage. On the 15t i innt. , a HIM
same to the ollloe nnd eat i thai
the sat.hel beluu ed to him and that the
: heck W B lust. He wa tId that if hi
jiid for the lost cbeok an i gave a receipl
[ or t e baggiigu he Cjuld hayo it. 'I he
ba agenunWr stated that be wuuld gel
.lie necera ry I npcn * , and started off foi
1 1 olIcninoD , The man waited till IIB BJW
: hi bui'guge int-bt r ittumirg uith th
itflcer , ulinii bo BUrtuil to tuii. The elli
, er o'dered him to ntop , and than aliot ul
hfellow. . He kept un , turning t-j ex
.liangti the avitli hid pttrou-rn. Af'ei
.lircodoz n ornioro ahuts had bean tired ,
her i bir (11 und was captured. Iii
up , o > ed that he had nccom licet- , und
; iiu olliierj ure nv tracing llum our.
The Laramie fire big ) have been put
) Ut.
Jtawlins has not hit I n hnnglng bee for
i wh liiucclc. The vi ilanttitf luvo lojt
liuit uu ii ing.
t Wyoming oil lands are bcoming s.inie
.vlut . priiiiun lit. There 14 noivu co.itci
: .IM ; before Iia land uflljerd at Che ) emu
therein < nt hun lied un twenty crtsa.o
> f oil an ii in Northwestern Wyoming
km In diipute. which are valuo.t ut out
iu drcit and nfty thomai.d dollars.
Laramie city niake.s n goi d financi i
liow ng. Tno total' > to.tueR on the
lltli t Anrch [ wad $1,707 CG. Tliuio is
lue loin tha Union reel no railront S'-
1 0,78 , Uxm for tha lane two yeara. II
bin were paid , it will be Been that the
ity it nut cm'y ' out of debt , I ut IIJH mjney
o luun certainly a good allowing.
The Wyoming telephone and telegraph
oin.taiiy ijled certificate of incorporation
rues , lay. Tha object of the company la
0 build nd iimuuge telephone and telo-
raph linea in all Dortiona of Wyoming.
itn the vrlnclpal oIKte ut Cheyennu.
'hs capital rtock ia placed at fdO.UUO.
'ho prino pal btickholdvn are U. I' , tele-
' '
'A'l laiidi ontha'linj of tha A. & P.
ilroa'l ' in New Mexico will bo uurvoyed
iti ifctluna thia year.
Liw Vrgai in to huve an opera house ,
entrally lucatfd , lu coat 3J ,000 , with
Beating c p..i ity of 1,009 , , ttud with all
lodi rn entivenitncos.
'Ihe 'Hrmita o' district , located tiitv
lilea a mtliweut of Socorm , excited much
Ueuli in. the oie ou the nuriace runt
oiii $10 to $15 ! per tuu in gold thloililu *
1 ly tuoilufuiiavti beea bunk , e ih 2"i
o ; devp ,
The latustTchcoverr' in At J on t is that
[ a vermillii > n iiiiuu of great extent. There
ro c ui44 out in .1 titioly pnwdeiej st tu ,
nd U of a rich col > r between \ermillion
nd cut minx , one of llio luoit tuiiMcioiu
.lokiug qualitim ; bettor , in fuo' . ill in
: iy i.f the wiue.ul pu\utJ fouud in tlie
larlct , _
Over $50,0 0 were invirteil In 1'einblna
iwn luti within ucah Ulely.
Thu firneia of OUy county have
nuttd a dftirymeu'ti and dtockraio-ra an-
Tre school dlitrl ta of GayTllle nnd
enttal will consolidate and build a $5 000
heel houne.
' 1'he dllfurent order * of the lloaonlo
aternlty of Bloux Fulla hava recently
t'e I up elvjaul roouia at au exiienie of
, .
. Iha ooetumelof H'gh Dear , one of tbe
idUn wltneaaea in th Cr-w Dot cse at
J , o > naaU ; of aeatlet leggina , a
* ek coat , au'd a tall atlk bat.
1'nrtlca from lUinoti are endeavor-
g to purchase 10,000 cre of Yankton
mntv land for a colony they doalgu
ilnKing out Their offeic. however , are
: low tae value tf land in thU motion.
Over one hundred ol the principle bu < i-
! M u < en uf Dead voo < i have kigned a petl.
un Mklug for tha di'contlnuance of bible
ad Ing and religious wonbip in the pub-
The following poatoQicei have been e -
bll he I iu Southern DkoU lately !
exter , Oodlngton county , Arthur Cut-
ag , postuiMterj Hazleton , Daviion couu-
, Nancy K. Prlngie poitmaiter ; Midway ,
.OMly c.iunty , Morgau M , Taylor , post-
* ter ; Wanurl Boa llomme county ,
ilward 0. Maoy , pottmatter.
TboStroote , Bulldlnss , Hotels , The
tros , Churchoe , City Hall , Moolmn
lea' Exposition , Stereo , Lndlos'
DrcsBOS , Children , Million-
ntros on Knob Hill , Cable
Street Rail roada , Parks.
Drives Bnd Storm
nt Boo.
BAnFriiuclftco Cor. of St. txiu's n puMlc n.
The city nulhoritioahoto acem < o I
ill the a.tmo dilemma they are in S
Loula in regard to the improyomon
or even repairing , of the atroot
Hero the strouls can only bo improve
or repaired by apucial tax and nt tl
uipenso of the property opposite , nn
under certain restrictiona , which ni
often taken ndvuntago of by the pn
porty.holder , and the result ia tli
strciits are in n fonrful condition an
in places positively unaafo for man c
boast. This ia the more incxcuaubli
as the mounlttins just back of the cit
nro co in Dosed of n kind of mnrblc
ivith n proportion of iron lignite , thn
when Iciid on the atroots or roads nn
rolled with n heavy roller , cement
firmly nnd nmkea n splendid road u
The atroeta nro of good width , vnrj
Ing from CO to 150 foot. The best , n
tail streets nro Montgomery nnd Ke.u
icy , nnd the tin cat improved ruaidonc
atroot ia Van No s avonuo. It if on
liuiulred ur.d fifty feet wide nnd i
iiniformly builtup withflno rostdoucee
Still there many line residences niii
grounds not on thitt uvonuo that hnv
coat from a half to a million dollars
among which uiny bomontiot iJ thos
> f Stanford , Crocker and otht-ra upo
Ivuobhill. They stand on th liyhos
point of California atroot , ovi .ookiiij
; ho bay. These houaoa are largei
than nny privt\to rasidoiicoj in St
Louie , and with the grounds , whici
are beautifully kept , frequently cove
an entire auuare. The atylo of architecture
tocturo varies , some nro gothlc , run
ning into Eastluko atylo , while ether
are compraite with Corinthian column
and ether finish.
The hinnulur part of it is thc'so pa
acoa nro all built of wood , while th
atops lo.xdincj to , and the wnlla sui
roundinuthem are of mtsaivo granite
ao that when Mucauliiy'n Now Zeal
ander , who ia to moralize over th
ruina of the London bridge , come
; lii3 way and finds the star of cmpir
li.ta tukon its way still westward , h
tvill find thcBupalAcoalmvo either gem
jp in amoko or resolved thcmsolvc
back into impalpable duat , while th' '
ippronchcs nnd walla surroundiiij
Uiein will still remain as mementos o
the rise and fall of nations and civili
nro all in full blast , Baldwin's boiiij
the fineat , but not the laigest. Nom
of them are making nny money , owin ;
in purt to the fact Unit there are i
number of winter gardens where fail
but cheap optra nnd other plays an
dispensed at twenty- five cents udmis
fiion , nnd where the pocket , if not th (
cutthotic taste , incline people to go ,
The anthotic craza has broken out
hero in the most violent form and ii
venting itself in u ly Scotch torrien
in arms and hideous monstrosities it :
dell -ind chinn from Japan , in ever ;
richc. Many of the young ladioa art
already wild ubout Oscar , and if hi
does not puc in an nppoanrico soon ii
ia feared their posing and kangaroc
h'ait will all go to wusto. It ia pro
posed that a committno of younf
Indies shall receive him nt the depot
and tcndor him the freedom of tbi
city on a big suuilowor.
Are not as numerous in proportion tc
the population ns in Sc. Louis , noi
.no they us musaivo or finely finuhed
Still , there are t > vo or Wireo , incltid
n g one of the synagogues , tint tvill
compare favorably with these of nny
Has boon in course of construction
jvor seven yearn , nnd is not yet fin
shod. It was intended to cost 81 ,
300,000 , but has cost Already neurlj
5,000,000 , uud will cost $1,500,001
nuru. It ia not nn imposing build
ng , being long nnd stragglim , ' , with
> ut proporiouuto height. Tlio style
) f architecture is C.irinthiati. It wil
lever bo n conveuiont building , ow
iig to its great length and dispropor
ioimto width , and besides being lo
iacd * entirely too far from the busi-
ueii centre ; nor will it over bo an
.remtoctural ornament to the city.
luat opposite the city hall ia being
iroctoa a
omo SOOxGOO foot , which is dosignoc
or a permanent opposition of mo-
hanio and ether arts , and for entor-
ainmonta and evening promenades ,
rith music.
If San Francisco can support an in-
titution of thia kind , surely St.
juuin , the third manufacturing city
n the United Srr.tua , ought to.
arry laruo atocka of goods , though
( iiio us largo us Simmons in haitl-
are , or S. 0. Uavia in dry goods.
'ho rotnilor < ) luyo u flash way ot'ad -
ertising by placing ovur thuir htoros
laring rtid uanvua uigna covering thu
'hole front i > ith nuoh IIH , "Uiuu
llearanco Sale , " Bankrupt Salu , "
'Bolow ' Coat for 30 l > aja , " &o. So
liat a person unitiutcd would think
ho mcruhanta of Sun Francisco weto
11 gene broke , CJotlunt ; und moat
ther gooda are as cheap hero as in St.
lOuls. Flour is cheaper , $ . 2a per
urrol. Meats and vegetables nnd
tnta about tha sumo prico. SorvanlH
nd fuel are 50 per cent , higher.
'avat-akiu cloaka
ruta extravagantly ; -
r.d velvet dreaaea are ar common aa
ig-Uila on Chinamen. The ladies go
ut iu all woathera nd have a healthy ,
rourod look , not cauaod by thu aun ,
ut the winds , which prevail much of
10 time. Many of the children are
ioturea of health and beauty , prov-
ig that the commingling of nationaJi-
ea ia producing u higher typo of
umanity ,
ro a perfect success , climbing the
: oopoat hills and ox tending four miles
i length , though none ot them here
ia in Chicago ) turn at right angles.
hey run at a speed of about six miles
i hour and are under perfect contra1
! the brakcman , who stands on the
out car , called a "dummy , " hand *
ng a lover like that attached to a
iw pressure engine. On the lower end
! the lever ia a clamp that takes hold
E the wire cable , which ia in constan
motion , about 18 inches nndor gronr
and ia reached by the lover through
slot in the middfo of the track. Tt
car cannot go backward , nor can
atop on n steep hill , except by the ui
of the ordinary brake , as the cabin
constantly going ono way , while o
the ether track it is returning. Tn
oars are attached ; the first ( dummy )
an open car , with the ncnta turnc
outward nud back to back , Hko a
Irish jaunting car , nnd , singular ns
may appear , the majority of the ladii
ptufor to ride in thnt car , with the
font turned outside , nud the result ii
when the wind is blowing , thcro i
often n finer exhibition of calve
than > ou will find nt the Octobe
agricultural fair.
The faro is o conta , which often in
olttdos n frco transfer on some croa
line , owned by the same company
San Francisco haa no cause to com
plain of her street cur lines , thougli
is in St. Louis , sumo of thorn do no
{ tfcp between the tracks in order
Altogether it is a great stop in ad
vance ever the poor tired car-hors
and should bo adopted in nil citice
L'lio ordinary horse car hero is no
ookod upon with aa much disgust n
tuo people of St. Louis look nt tin
The only park of nny cousidcrnbl
dimension is the Golden Gate park
omtnining about 1,800 acroa. It lie
between the city und the oconn am
waa purchased ubout eight years ngo
when it was nothing but n sand heap
while now by economical nnd carofu
nntiagomcnt more than half of it ha
boon reclaimed by the setting out o
evergreen and oucaliptio truos wit !
oloao cut pints of greensward tha
vould rival even now any EiiRlial
awn , and making excellent drives o
uarl and gnwol found in the moun
tains near by , that when properly laii
on and rolled mukoa n splendidly ban
and smooth drivo.
The distance from the heart of tin
city through the nearest park to tin
ocean at the Cliff house ia about H
niles , and every day in the week , bu
uniculorly on Saturday afternoon
the streets and drives leading to tin
park and or an are lined nith vehiclei
ol every do cnption , a * wull 113 ladioi
and gontlonifii on horseback , nnd tin
writer would respectfully loquost tha
'ou send out your''Adonis , us tin
ady equestiionnrs seem to bo Inrjjoh
n the ma jo. ity , and there is no dotib
hey would hail with ploisuro the ar
ival of seine of the manly specimen1
hat are wont to txhibit themsolvei
n the saddle to the admiring eye o
.ho softer sex in St. Louis.
The Cliff house , as its naino indi-
ates , H anils on it prominent rock jut-
ing out into the sea , nnd while u is
'opon to all" for a hostelry and ros-
nurant , it ia so conducted the mpat
ustidious can find no fault.
It was near this point that a fnw
lays a o the writer witnessed
The ciouda had been lowerii < *
Iio afternoon , nnd about five o'ui u.1
iio sky took on a leaden hue , and the
term was at its height , with n full
ido. The wind blow a hurricane and
: ie waves , in fapid succession , spout
iiomselves against the sea rocks , just
utsido the CluT house , and at times
ntiroly engulfing thorn , though the ;
; and more than bftyfeeooutof wator.
in and on the waves came , aa if bent
n reaching the Cliff % house , which
teed thus far safely ensconced bo
und the seal rocks , but finally as
favo after wave broke over the outer
mrriera the shattered waves continued
heir course in spray and foam , until
t times the entire building was en-
eloped , and so the strife of the olo-
ncnts continued until night set in ,
taking the econo , if possible , still
nero weird. It was a wild scene , but
enjoyed it , for having been in a
toim at sea where the elements waged
vur on die vessel anil all on board , I
olt a kind of eavngo mititf.iction at
seeing the waves vanquished by the
immovable rock a , that secmod to say ,
"Thus far almlt tliou go , and no far
ther , " nnd while sitting and enjoyinp
liiitiro tecuiily from tlio Htorm , I wua
reminded of an old gentleman who
; amo on deck during a storm ut
ica with pallid lips and heaving
uoinach who said the man was a fool
who wrote "A Lifo ou the Ocean
vVavo. " I was reminded at the same
: imo of the Irishman that looked at
, hu steam excavator at work and daid ,
Ye may dig canals , and yomay uinko
railroads , but ye can't vote ! " And
10 I could ait and enjoy the ocean in
ta fury , without the tear of being en-
; ulfod by its waves' or even having the
tornach turned. It waa a grander
light than to stand andaea some other
nan's property burned I
Very respectfully ,
Po3t6tllco Ctmrig'6a
n Nebraska during the week ending
.lurch . 25 , 1882 , furnished by William
/"an Vlock , of the postoflico depart-
nent :
Eatablishod Addison , Knox cnun-
y , , Olivtr H. Dyer , postmaster ; Ver-
luii , llichurdson county , Huiburt B.
Diacontinuod Savammh , Butler
Postmasters nppointsd Danbury ,
ted Willow county , Frodoriok Yountj
fora , Nuckolla county , Jno. II. Wliit-
igVillow ; Creek , Snundora county ,
lloyd N. Taylor ; Winnobago , Omiiliu
luaorvo , W , 0. McBoath.
Eaftbhshed--OeniidMarshalcoun- ] ]
f , John Van Arsdel , postmaster.
Postmasters appointed Butler ,
[ eokuk county , 1'utor Sewer ; Car-
on , Adams county , Benj. Mouru ;
lahlont-gu , Wapellp county , M. M.
Ana ; D.UUs , Marion county , Win ,
leif ; Eagle Centre , Black Hawk
3Uuty , W. E. Soylor ; Oalvion , Caaa
aunty , D. V , Hyde ; Gonport , Ma-
Ion suiinty , 8 H. Mears ; Green Bty ,
larko county , John 0. Tullniatij
lardin City , Hardin county , A. L.
: ichard ; Uayoaville , Ktokuk county ,
oorgo Utohardaon ; Little Kiver , Do-
itur county ; George O. Van Beck ;
faine , Appanooa county , Solomon G.
oyer ; Merrimac , Jeflerapn county ,
fm. Bricd ; Plo aaut Prairie , Mueca-
no county , Jamea K MoElroy ; Reuo-
or , Jaapor county , Wm , 0. Elliott ;
od Hock , Marion county , William
[ yora ; Selection , Monroe .county , A.
. Arnold ; Sheldaho , Story , S. W.
nider ; Upper Grove , Hancock coun-
' , Thomaa Elder ; Walnut City , Ap-
mooao county , W. T , McDrutf ;
Taraaw , Wayne county , W. S.
oughman ; Wilaonvillo , Van Buren
junty , F. M. Hirlau ; Winchoater ,
'an Buren county , Richard Work-
tan ,
Ufill CO y ?
HUUdto <
For Sale By
178 , House 8 roomt , full flot on Plcro nuir
2uth street , $1CM ) .
177 , House 2 rooms , tall lot on Douglas DOM
17B , BcikUtKul'rcsldonco , full lot on Caw neat
10th street , $12,000.
174 , Two nou8o and J lot on Dodro nesr Oth
street , $1 COO.
170 , House thrco rooms , two closoto , etc. . hall
lot on 21st t car Oraco ttroot , 300.
172 , Ono and one-half story brick house an
two lots on Douglas near 26th street , S1.7CO
171 , House two rooms , * cll.cutern , stable , etc
full lot near Plcrco anil 13th etrott , 80fiO.
179 , One and one-half story house six rooms
and well , half lot on Convent street near bt '
Mar } 'a avenue , $1,860. I
No. 170 , Ilouso thrco rooms on Clinton street !
near shot ( oner , { 325.
No. 109 , House nn4 83x120 feet lot on '
street near Wcbstt r street , $3,600. I
No. 16S , House of 11 teen B , lot 83il2J Jevt on I '
16th n > ar Hurt ttroct , ? 5,000.
oj 187 , Two story house , 9 rooms 4 closets , I
rood cel'ar , on Ibth ftrcei near 1'oppleton'g *
No. 1C5 , Now lioumrf 0 rooms , half lot oa
tzard n r IDlh 8krM t , $1.850.
No. 161 , 0 MI tuif ) on- halt story house 8 rooms
nn 18th Btrrat > ar l.uivet worth , ? 3,500.
N idl , Cine ntl nn.-ljalf ttory louse of &
rooms near Hunccom Park , ? ltX)0. )
No. 153 Two hontoS 5 rooms each , closets , vtc
on Burt sttcut ncnr 25th , $3,600.
No. 167 , hous" (1 ( rocws , fill 1 t rn IPth etroet , i
iCArLca on orth , 8J.400. 4 f
No. HO , Homo i larj- " rooms , 2 clos-sta
salt aero on Butt trco near Hut on , f 1,000.
No. 165,1'tto IIOIIECO , ono of fi end ono ol I
rooms , on 17th street near llaroy 8J , ' 00.
No. 164 , Three liouncs , onr of 7 and two ot 5
rcoaucacli , and corner lot , on CvH near 14th
troet , $1,000. \
Nr. 153 , umall hou < c and full lot on Paclfl [
near l th utrect , $2,600. |
No. 161 , Ono f > tory house B raoin , un Leaven j
worth no r 10th , $3,000. I
No. 160 , HD > BU thicu rooms and lot 02x11
uear Cth and Farnhnm , (2,600.
No. 148 , New house of eight rooms , on 18th
street n > nr Ltau'nnorth , $3,100.
No. 147 , llouio ol 10 rooms on 18th street
ear llarcy , $5,000.
No. 140 , Houo ot 10 rooms and llots on 18th
ttctt ncur Jlarcy , $0 000.
No. 145 , Ilouso two large rooms , lot 07x210 fee
nHheruan a\enuo(10th ( u' root ) near Nicholas ,
No 143 , UOIIFO 7 rouiiis , liaro , on 20th street
ear I.caonwortt , S2.COO.
No. 142 , II ou o 5 rnrni" , kitchen , etc. , on 16th
treot near ti'lcholiw , Sl.bT1)
No. 141 , Hou u 3 roo.if o > . Uouglas ucar SOth
ic'-t , 8liO
No. 140 , Lar > .o hou'o utd two lots , on 241
ic-r Famhamstreit , $8,0 .0.
No. 139 , HC.UBO S rooms , lot COxlGOj feet ,
Douglas near 27th street , $1,600.
No. 137 , Ilouso C roomi and hall lot on Captto
n enuo near 23d scroot , $2,300.
No. 138 , House and half aero lot on Cumlug
Itreot n.-ar 24th $ S60.
No. 131 , House 2 rooms , full lot , on Inrd
lein 21nt B erect. $800.
No. 129 , Two houses one of 6 and ono of 4
rooms , on leased lot on Webster near 20th atreot ,
(2,600. (
No. 127. Two story t OUBO 8 rooms , half lot on
iVcbstor near 19th $3,600. \
No. 120 , House S rooms , lot 20x120 feet on
! 6th street near Douclafl , 1675.
No , 125 , Two i.tory houte on 12th Dear Dodge
itrtet lof.'SxCO feet $1,200.
No. 124 , Largo house and full block near
? arnham and Con ral street , $8,000
No. 123 , House 6 rooms nnd Urge lot on Saun-
leru s'reet near Banackg , $2 100.
No , 112 , Ilouso 0 rooms and half lot on Web-
tcr near 15th btrtet , $1,600.
No. 118 , Ilouso in rooms , lot 30x90 feet on
? apltoi avcnuo near 22d street , $2,050.
No. 117 , ItO'.ao ' 3 roDMis , lot 30x121) foot , on
Japitol avenue near 22d $1,600. /
No. 114 , HouitTJ rooiasoa Douglas near 20th
trcot , 75J.
No. 113 , Hou o 2 rooms , lot 00x00 feet on
tear C'ninl' K ttrcot , $760.
No. 112 , llrlck hoiiBO U rooms aud half lot on
! -at near 14th Htreut , 2BjO.
No. Ill , Houiol2 roonulon ( Davenport neu
I2th ttroa , 7,0 0.
No. 11U , llrlLk house and lot 22x132 fee on
.tum strict near 16th , $3,000.
N'o. 108 , Largo house ou Ilarnov near 16th
aalt , $1,500.
No 100 , Two houses and 30x1 foot lot no
8 * n > ar 14th street , $3,600.
No. 107 , House 6 rooms and half lot on Ixar , $1,200.
.so. 100. HOUDU and lot 61x193 feet , lot on llth
car Pierce street , $000.
No. 1' ' 5 , THO story house 8 rooms with 1 ] lot
n beward near iUundera street , $2,600.
No. 103 Ono and ono ha > l story house 10 rooms
t'obstcr near 10th street , $2,600.
QS'o. 102 , Two housoi T rooms each and j lot on
4th near Chicago. $4,0 0.
No. 101 , Houaa 3 rooms , cclltr , etc. , 1) lotion
outh avenue uoar Pacific stroa , $1,050.
No. 100 , House 4 rooms , cellar , etc. , half lot
n Izard street near 16th , $2,000.
.No. 09 , Very large haute and full lot on liar
oy near 14th street , $9 000.
1 No. 97 , Large hout-e of 11 rooms on Sherman
ronue near Clark street , make an offer ,
No. 99 , Ono and ono half story house 7 rooms
it 240x401 feet , stable , etc. , ou Sherman ar -
ue nearUraco , $7 ( ,00.
No. U2 , Large brick house two lots on Daven
ort street near 10th $18,000.
No. 90 , Large house and lull lot on Dode
ear lEith'treif , $7,00) .
No. 89 , Large hauso 10 room * boll lot on 20th
ir California street , $7,600
No. 88 , 1 argo house 10 or 12 rooms , beautltu'
mierlotonCuti * mar 20th , $7,000.
No. 87 , Two story house 3 rooms 6 acres o
, ml on Haunders street mar Barracks , $2,000.
No. 86 Two stores and a rtsiuince ou Icaiod
all lot , near Mawn and 10th street , $300.
No. Bl , Two btory hou o 8 roonii , closets , etc. ,
lili 5 acrett ot gruund , on Saundtra BtrtHitnear
inaha ll rrncks , $2 600
No. 83 , IIousuol 0 rnoTS , half lot on Capitol
. cnue near 12th street , 82M)0 ,
| Vo fc2 , Oto and ono halt siory } ouso , 6 rooms
ill lot on Plerco near 20th street , ll.KO.
No. 1 , ' 1 wo 2 story houses , ono ot 9 and oua
rooum. Chicago bt. , near 12ib , { 3,000.
No. 80 lloua ? 4 rooms , closets , etc. , large lot
1 18th stre.t mar Whlto UwHorku \ , $1 , 00.
Nn. 77 , Largo house of 11 rooms , closet * , col-
r , ct : . , with 1 } lot in Karnhaiu near 19lh struct ,
No. 78 , Orcani one-half etory house nl 8 rooms ,
1 60x8 > feet on Caeaneir 14ili street , $4,600.
No. 76 , Ilouso 4 rooms and bawrnent , i 'o '
U132 f.ct ou llarcy near 8th ktreet. M76.
No. 74 , Larga brick house and two full lota on
ivenport near 16th Direct , $15,1 00.
No. 73 Ono and one-ha I story liouio aud lot
xlB2 foot on Jac.oon near 12th. street , $1.800.
No , 72 , Large brick house 11 rooms , full lot
i D > e port near 16th street , fS.Oxi.
No , 71 , targe hou-e 12 rooms , lull lot on Call-
mla near 20ih attett. $7OiM.
No. 65 , Stable and 3 full lots 00 ran in street
ai Saunden , li.OOO.
No. 64 , Two story frame bulldlnir , store botew
d i ooois above , on leated lot on Doug * uocr
th street , 1800
No. OS , Douse i rooms , basement , etc. , lot
1230 feet ou IBJb itreet niu hall Work * ,
o. 62 , New house 4 rooms ono story , lull M
No. 6t ) , House 01 7 rooms , ull lot WotxUr
ir 2Ut street. $2,600.
Uarney near ilut atreot , $1,7(0.
Wo. 61 , Urgt house 10 rooma , full lot oa Bui
> rSl tit t , $5,000. ft.
lo. 60 , HOUM S ro ms. hall let oo Prrenport
> r 3d strwt , $1,000.
fo 69 , Four houae * and ball loton Oa < Mnw
h street $2 600.
fo 12 , HOUM 6 rooms ad lull lot ,
ir ZOihttroct. 2(00.
> Jo. B/'lhre houioufcna lull lot on CAM D M
16th and Douglas Street ,