13JUJK : 'JFK1 D.A i MARCH 31 , i882 THE DATLY BEE CMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bat. Oth and 10th Street * . TEnna or SUBSCRIPTION. O copy 1 year , In adiancc ( postpaid ) tlO.OO 0 monifi " ' - S.OO talnth " " - - 8.00 ' 1 A.ILWAY TIMS TABLE , ClllCAOt ) , T. rAPl , MINSSAPOU * KT > IOSUTIA RAIUROAP. i Otnahn fttttngtt Ho. 2 , 8:30 : . m , Acc - c -miroJatlon No. 4,1:0 : ( p. m Airt < t Omsla ra-voiiyor No. 1,8:20 : p.m. Acctr . illation No. 3,10:60 : a. m. msO OMAHA KAST OK tOCTn BOCHD , 0. , 0. & Q. 7:10 : a. ci. 8:40 : p. m. 0. & N , w. , 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : p. m , x ' 0. , n. I. ft r. , 7:10 : t. . m. 3:40 : p. m. > - K. 0. , St. J. i C. B. , leaven at 8 ft. tn. and 0:80 : pm. Arrives at St. Louis at CSOtt. : m. and 6:6 : ! PW.i Ot.L. * P.lc c-jnt8 a. m. and 3:40 : p. Arrives a St. touts at 8:40 : . m. and 7:30 : n wrar OR B. I : M. In Neb. , Through Kxprow , 8:10 : . tc. B. b M , Lincoln Impress 0:20 : p. IT. 0 P , Overland ftcprea * , 12:16 : p. IE. O , k n. V , for Mnoln , ll:4D : B in. 0 , < fc n Voi OeccoU , 8:10 : a. m. U. P frc'.irht No. C , fi:3fl r. m. 0. P ' rolL-iit No. 3 , B0 : n. in. U. P. Irclcht No. 18 , 2:60p. : ui. U. P. Ircljrht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m.-emlgr nt , - . P. Denver exprcv * , 7S5 p. m. 0. P. frolrlit No 11 , 11-31 p. m. U. P. Penvoi freight , 8C6 : p. w. fif.T ! . AlCD HOVID , 0 A li Q t:00 a. re 7:15 : p m. 0. 6 K. W. , P5 : a. ir. 7:25 : p. m. C. II. I.VP..8ir. : a. m. q 05 p. in , v , . C. , fit. Joe & C' U. , 7:40 : n. in. 6:4S : f. m mnivih.i P OM nu wrar ASH > i.TutjiaT 0 , & It. V. frnm 1'ncol i l.OS p. in. U. P. Pnclfle Exptcw 5VS : \ > . in , R < i M. In NrK , Through lj.pio 4:16 : p m. P. & U , Lincoln Kxpns * tt.40n IB. C P. Denver express , 7 : 5 , m. U. P. Freight No. 14 SW : p. m. U. P. N'o. 0 6:10 : a. ra. Km ! * ant. U. P. freight No. 14,15:15 : p. m. U. P. So. t : CO p. in. U. P. So. 12-1:46 : B. ra. H , P. U.'iivor frcljht , 1:10 n. m.J 0. & R. V. inlie.l , ar. 1:15 : p. w. BUHUT TOAt.NI ) luIIWKrj OMAHA AK.1 OODKtlLBLUflB. . ( A-JLVO Oinoha nt S:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : &nd 11:00 : p IE. ; 10 2:00 : , 0:00 : , 4CO : aud 6:00 : p. m. F.cii o Council lUuOa at S.25 , 9E6. : 10:25 and 1:26 n. in. ; 1:20 , 2:26 , 3:25 : , 4:25 : and 6:25 p. m. 8anir.yo The iluramy leaves Omaha at BOP : nd 1100 n. m. ; 2:00 : , 4SO : ami 6CO : p. m. Lravtn Council Blufie at 0:25 : tn.l 11:25 a. m. ; 2:25 : , i5 : ml 6:26 : p. ID. Through and local pawcngor trains between Omiha aud CouiHl IJluItn. Leave OmMii QI6 , ; :16 , SEOn. : in. ; 3:40 : , 6:4f : > , 0:00 : p. m , Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:3 : , 11:4C : i > . m. ; 6:10 : , 7:05 , 7:16 , 1(0 p. m. _ _ _ _ Opening an" Cloclnc of soirrii 01-X. OLOBB. v m. p. m. . in. p. m. _ jiN.V ) .0 < i 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Cbliayo , U I. A lucttlj fin 0:00 ( j'.SO 2:10 : CMc-vco , It. ii ij UM > SCO : 5:30 2:40 : W1)ft6i ! 12:30 : 6:30 2:10 : Slot ! ; City Mi l I'nrlfic. B.PO 6a : : 2:10 : Onion P.ulil coo 11:40 : Omh AH. V 4K'0 11:40 : l.tM. In Noli 4:00 8:10 Omaha & Kloux Olty. . . . C:00 : 7 : ! > 0 K. AM. Lincoln 1BSO : CDO : t7. P. Lincoln , Sun.Uy. . . 1SO 11:00 : J , P. Demer t3xp ; W 0:30 0. , Sioux City t St. ! ' . . llM : LosM tnclls for iUt.te of lown Icr a but once d\v. vlr : 6:80 : n. m. Oftlcfc open Butidiys froa > 12 m. to 1 p. in. -rlCiy. V HALL P M. 300 flirectorv. Abstract And Kozl ttlate. J01IN L. McXJAOTK , apposite Post OHco. W. R. MARTLETI' 817 South Ibth Street. Archltf.cti. DUFRKJJK ft UKNIELS30HN , Alt Orclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Kooni 2. Ciaiihtcu lilock. Coott , nnd tihuut. JAMES DKVINK & CO. , Fine 3ootd ca.il Sbctd. A oed aitortraent home uivk oa ham ) , corner IQtb nnd n&rnov. TUOS. KR1CKBON , S. B. ct > i. ] 6th cad Couclia. J01IM FOU'l UKATU3 , 606 10th titrsct , ra nufactuns lo order poctl norl < kt Ulr prlcoa. r.tualrliulone. . Had Cprlnj ; * . / . F. LARUIUHB Manufacturer. 1617 D < wta st. tSoo'it ' , Ne\v and { Stationery. J. I. FRl .itAUr 1015 Farnhom Otrect. Duller and Cggi. UC3HANK 4 : SCHUOEDKIl , the oldest B.od K. honso In Noliranka cRtabllshod 1S7C Onaha. CKNTRAL UEHTAURANT , MRS. A. KYAH , icnihncbt coruer letbnnd Oodiru. Best Board for tbo llonoy. B tljfactlon QuarantC9'l Uullntxll llourj. Ronrd by the Day , Week or Mqnth. Good Tern-D for Cwh _ rurnlehnil r nnn > H Supplied. _ Uarrlaiet end floao Waftona. W1I BNYDEH , llth und Ilarnev Strcda. Clotlilnc bought. J. HARRId will pay hlghc tCa h prlco lor scicr.J hind clotblnp. Corner 10th and Varuham. jewa era. JOHN 1IAUMER 1814 Farnham Htrect. Junk. n. DBRTHOLD , Raga and MeUl. Lumber- Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GR&Y corner Bib and Dou.'lu tila. L&inps and Qlaitwara. J. UONNER 1SCO Uotuilat. St. Goon Vtrldty. Merchunt Tallon. 0. A L1NIJQUEST , Ono erf our moot fcpular ilerchanl TMiura It re celvlni ; the latott JcJilinii ; for Spring atid Uiunmui Ooodg for gcntltmcn'u near. Stjlhli , durable , ted prlcea low as ever 216 13th bet. UOUR. & F r , Millinery. UKS. 0. A. RINOER , Wholcnalo ted Retail , Fan oy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card lioarde lioulery , Olovca , Coracle , tic. Cbeapeat Iloueo It the Woet. Purchasers save 80 per cent. Ordci byMtll. IIS Fifteenth Street. rounary. JOim WEAUNB&8QNB cor. 14th AJarkeoneti Mourand Feed , OUAUACITV MILLS , 6th and Farnham Ms. WtUhana Bros. , proprietors. Urocen. t. STEVENS , Slit between Cumlng and Iiai T. A. MoanAHE , Corn. 23d and Cumlnf ? atroeU Harawaie , Iron and ateel. OLAN & LANaWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 n 112 Uth atroet A. nOLMEa corner lath and. California. Harriett , Baddies , &o. B , WKIBT 20 15th Bt. bet Faro , b Harnei Hotela ; ANFIKLD HOUSE , Geo. Canfleld,9th & Farnhai DORAN HOUSE , P II. Gary , 918 Farnham B BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. Southern Hotel Qui , Ilamel Sth &Lc venwojt Drugt , Palnti and Oils. KUHH & CO. rturmacltU , Fine fane Uoodu , Coi. Ictn c DouKlf ttroota. Wholesale & Retail 16th a W. J. WHITEHOUPE , , 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumin ? fitrce PA11U. Pnigrirt. IQtn and Howard Streeta. " Denllati. DR. PAUL WlllUma * Clock Cor. Uth ft Dodge , Ury uoodt Notion * , fcto. JOHN H. F. LEtlUANN & CO. , Hew Toik Dry Oooda Store , 1810 and 1818 Fan him street. L 0. Enewold alM boota and ihoea 7th * Ficll ruruituro. N w acd & onnd Hand Furnltu : A / . OROiiS , cash pri od Stoves , illl DooztM. Highest aid for second h oi roooa. bONKKR 1809 Daurli at. Fine eooda , k rcrce Works. OV/HA FENCK CO. 8UaT , PRIES fr fO 181J Harney St. , Itnproi Offl and Wood Fences , d Ice Boxes , lice lllnjs , Oooaliir Floe and Walnut * t _ Olsrurt and Tobacco. ( VEST A FRITSC'DER , nuumfactotcn o ! and \Vholcsnlo llfr l n Tohaecef , 1305 y. F. LOUKNZr.v manntvtnrcr 14181'atnham Florist. A. D3" vhu , t'l tit , cut Con ui , teti * , etc. N , > V , cor. IGth auJ Dou/kg itrccU Civil Enclneen nnd Surveyors. ANDREW R03EWATEU , CrcUhton Mock , Town Survey * , Urado and Fcvrtnifo Systcma a Specialty. Uommlsslon Msrchantt. JOHN 0. WIL L1S.1414 Dodge Street. D D. ISEKMF.R. For ilctalls cc large advertise ment In Dsllv and Wcoklj' . Cornice Work * . Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Uomlcc , Tin , Iron and Slate Rootling. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the best manner. Factory and OQice 1213 Ilarney St C. SI'KCHT , Proprietor. Galtunttcd Iron Cornlcw , Window Caps , etc. , 'UMiuficturcd nnd put up In any part of the c'untrv. T SINIIOLU 416 Thirteenth trott * Orockery. J. BONNER 1503 DouitlM street. Oood line. Clothing and Furnlihlng Uoodt , i EO. II. PBTRnsiON. A1 o Hate , Cap ? , Boole , 9.hft 9 Notloni and Uutlurv , SOI ft. 10th street. fiarlgratort , Canflcld'a Patent. C. f. GOODMAN tllli Ht. het Fart ) . & Hartley. Ghow Cnao Manufactory. , 0. J. WILPK , Manufacturer Mid Diwttr In all hlmln ol CTaio * . UprlRht Cases. & „ 1317 C M Bt. Fi-ViK L. OF.UIIAUD , proprietor Oman * Sorioiniufactoiy , 318 floutli 16th Btnct , Iwlwecn I k\tmuoith rnd Uircy. All gooil ? Pawn'iroKora. 10th St. . het. fat , ti Kat inware. A. nUUHKSTKU , DtAlcrln StovconndTlnwarw , and Manufacturer of Tin Honfo nnd all kludt. of Itulldlcp Work , Odd FdloKO1 lilock. 1. BONNER. 13C9 DounKn St. Coal and Cheap. Beodt. ) . EVANB , VHialp-ole and UcUll Seed Drills and Culthalore Odd Fellows HM1. Phytlclnnt an1 Eurijoons. W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Room Ho i , Creli-htou Bloc ! ; , 15tLi fltrett. P. li. LKI2KIU1NO , d. D. Masonic Block. C. Ti. 1IAUT , M. 1) . , ! IM ard Kir , opp. poeto Hcp UP. . L. R UUADDY , Ocullil icil Aurlit. S. W 16lh and Fatnhtm St ; GRO. IIKVK , PI'.OI. Htand Cciitrnl fiallerv , 212 Sixteenth Street , near M.s jnlc Hall. I'lraS-clAss\Vorli and Prcnipt- Plumbing , Gas and Qttani Flttlnn. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 216 I'Jtn bt , bet. Farnham ird Douffhi. Work promptly atttndod to. 1) . F1T2PATHICK. 1109 Douvlas Street. an per anting , HENRY A. KOSTItRS. 141 IJodue Street. Ohoo Utoreo. Phillip LaiiR ISM rarnhaiu ct. b-t. 13th & 14th. Second Hairl Qtoro , PERKINS fi LCAtl 1418 DcucUal lit. , New and Sacond Hind rurnlture House Kurnlahlng Goods , &c. . bought and eoU on narrow man-Ins. tuioonj. 1JR.VRY K.\UriIANH. In tr.u nuw brick block on Dou.cj Street , jiibt opcuid a raibl clo ant Bcu Hall. Hot Lunch froui 10 to 12 a\ cry day. " CfaU4oni " 3 FALCOVRP. H70 loth Street. UndertaKare. CUAS. RIE\\E , 101'J Farnliatn het. 10th & lltd. DO Cent Qtorci. P C. BAOIiL'3 1S05 Fsrnhura St. . Fancy Goods _ In gnInK East taku the IJMcago & lortliwest- Tnlng Icntc On ah i 3:40 p. m and 7:10.1. lu For full information till on 11. P. DUFA , Ticket A ( ' , < nt , 14th and Kirnhaui Stu J. BHLL , U. P 'iiilway JJcpot.orat JAMES T Ol.AKK , Goner Aucn ) , Oin iha ) nl7in.to rf W. 8. G1J3BS , PnYSICIAlI 1RO SURGEON , Room NoCrnljihtnji Blocli. 15tli Streot. OIVTAHA. NEBRASKA. 'icr Houns ; 10 to 12 A ir. 3 to 5 P.M. le tilinn"'nniiHi'toil wi'h C Vrnl ORp ( AND Store 3'"ixiiir Work nd Trench Douli o Tlilck 1'lr.t and Bent Show Cafco ( ilarti 0. J. WILDE , 1315 and 1317 Oass Street. ' - Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , Ilitli tin 1 DcvO-o Gti. , Omaha , Nob. Thle Mt'ii ) noenximciLrahrohcrftKohualnes ) . nt 8T < nulut and tlnri'lpr any bargain ! , i MI Irxuri'dto nn Gen'l ' Insurance Agent . 1'hoenlx AwumiKO o , , of London , CashAasctU. . , . $5,304,604.00 Wcstchcseer , K Y. , Capital . 1,000,000.00 , The Merchants , of Newark , N. J , , Capital . 1,27GCOO.O Glard Fire , Philadelphia , Capital. . , . 1,200,000.0 Firemen's Fund . 1,230,915.0 British America Assurance Co . 1,600,000.0 Office , Boyd's ' Opera House. J. L WILKIE , MANUKACTURHROF PAPER BOXES , JU8 and 220 S. 14th St. CLEVES BROS. , ARCHITECTS , 1'ublle Ilu'ldin/s , Churthcs , Ketidcncoa , btoicalnmtry ttfls. Attention 1'hcn to Pattnt OHico Drawings , Office Room 10 , Crelghton Block , Omaha , Ntbrotka. THE NEW AMERIOAN NO , 7 , SEWING MACHINE A FINE OPENING , We u ant a itood ll\eftcti > e person totakvtti agency In Omaha. 'Jho but Llr.d of terms ( wl botlv'ja. Call at onr office In JaeoW Illock , ( U ) thoofiico at 244 Wabaih. A v Jlla. , at onu ; . mar-24-tf ' trial " BLACK Forty yours' oil proveu the be t liver modidue j AN ELEPHANT AT AUCTION. The BIffgost Animal In the Country Under the Hnmmor Mr. Colo'a Bid of $0OOO the Highest. New Tork Sun , Manh 20. The biggest olophanl in tlio United Stntoa , according ta Ghnrlos lleiclio , who owned him , nud neil to thu big * Kcst , nccording to each circus limn who hns gob an clopl-.nnt of any si7.0 whatsoever , was ndvoitiecd for sale at auction yesterday nfternoon nt 2 o'clock in Hoichc > t Brothor'a atablca , Hobo- kon. llnlf an hour earliur the Sun reporter found Mr. lloiolio , John O'Urion , the showman , of Frankfort , Pa. , and Mr. Charles Clinton of Hoboken - bokon soaicd in a square room , bare of everything except a for chairs , HOIUO hay , a stout haws r , and an enormous elephant , which had become a white elephant on ono aldo by con tact with a cnlcimincd wall , nnd which James A. Bailey , of liarnum , llailoy & JUutclihiRon's show , said locked "very much like a balloon behind. " "Hero comes Cole , " said Mr. Bui Iny us W. W. Cole , of Colo'a Now York and New Orleans Cirtus , now wintering in Uticn , entered the stable ; "I'll bet good cigut-s for the crowd that ho buys the clrphnnt. " "I'll takothiit but , " Mr. die replied - plied , adding : " 1 don't want the elephant I only came over to nee it Bold. Mr. O'Briim will buy it 1 can RCO the blood in his eye " "Ol l'vogotolepliantsonough/'Mr. O'Biion ' replied , ' 'and ono of them is most us big us that ono. By the way , I'm the only one hare who has meas ured him. Ho in tun loot two inches high.1' ' 'How tall is ho , lloiche ? ' asked John Derris , of Uatchollor & Dorris' Intcroccan Cirrus nnd Menngerio. "Well , " said Mr. lloicho , who hnd skillfully evaded answering that ques tion a dozen times in an hour. "That depends on where you measure him. Bolivar , that Forepmigh has got , has yet a bowed back , while thia ono'a back is level. It you measure this onu from the crown of run head when his head in held up he'll measure over eleven feet. " ' 'Showmen usually ineaeuro from the tip end of the tallest hair on the highest point , " said Mr. B.nloy. "It I got him I'll ' bill him thirteen feet , " said Mr. O'Brien. ' "Why don't some of you younger fullowa measure him' 1 bought a rule on purpose , and brou ht it with me. " A stock that when hold upright reached somewhere in the neighborhood - hood of the ceiling in ( ho region where in the elephant's back was swaying to and fro was laid on the floor , and the keeper measured it withMr. 0'Btien'n rule. George Fursman , of Myem iV ShiU-b'a Gru.il United St.ttca Cucus ot Jiuiii ; Georjjo W. Middluton , formerly with Coup , and now with O'Brien , and Harry McCartney , measurer for AV. C. Coup , came in aud either announced aloud or whis pered to their friends that they had not come to buy the elephant , bat were merely lookers on. In the meantime the trainer pronounced the stick to bo nine feet nnd eleven inches long , measured it over und found it ci ht feet and eleven inches long , and ruineasured it , and declared- nine feet good measure. By this time there were a great many reprcsmnn- tivo elephant herders in the room. Mr. Bailey represented a drove of twenty-two , not including Jumbo , how on his way over the ocean. Mr. Derris had n partnership interest in two elephants , Mr. O'Brien had ono his hands , Mr. Cole had four , Super intendent W. A. Conklin , of the Central Park menagerie , % v'ho had joined the party , has two in his care , and there are uthera in Coup's and the Myers & Sharb's circuses , both of which were presuit by proxy. Mr. Colliding triedjo buy tha ? elephant , but be hud not time to raise sulliciont money. Ho said the rich people were so pestered for charities that they had no surplus left for elephants. "Well , gentlemen , " said auctioneer MuSlur , who was to aoll the monster , " 1 am now going to oil'ijr this animal at auction It'a a class ot goods I ain't ' used to selling. Thin animal came from Ceylon t o London , whore Mr. lleicho purchased it n year ago. It has never been exhibited in a cir cus. It weighs about seven tons , and is the tallest and biggest animal ol any kind in America. It can carrj a band of fifteen musicians on it ; back. What am I offered for it , gen * tlemen. " "I'll open the bids with 82,000 , * said Mr. Dorris. ' Three thousand five hundred del Inrs , " said Mr. Ci'lo. "Oh , the , trunk's worth more thai that ! " arid the auctioneer. "Four thousand dollars , " said Mr , Dorris. "I may as well say right here , ' said Mr. lleicho , "that I expect 2 ( per cent cash , und .vill take the bal. unco in paper. ' "fhoro'a no paper in the Madisoi quaro garden , I hoar , " said ono o the showmen. "I understand tha the oldest circus , mon have to pay t < get in. " "And I'll keep the elephant om week at my own expense , " Mr. Rotchi concluded. "Forty-live hundrii dollars , " said Mr. Cole. "I go g& better81,000 , " aaid Mr. O'Brien "Four thousand seven hundred del lais , " said Mr. Dorris. "Oh , boom her up , " said Mi lleicho. "James , take the oleplmn outside and walk him around and le the gentlemen sea what it looks like This sale is genuine , and I want all t understand It. " Doors that walled in half the side c the house wore thrown open , and wit a swaying motion like that of a balloo whoso gas begins to lift it from th ground the enormous animal lounge out of the stable and lurched froi side to side across Mr. Heioho'0 baci yard to the intense delight of th children ot Hoboken and a number c other cities , that wore swarming an shouting beyond the garden railing , "Five thousand dollars , " Mr. Co ! remarked. Derris said § 5,100 ; Col added 8100 , and'ao did Dorris. Co ] added 8200 , and Derris madoit5GO ( Cole lengthened that by 8100 , an then jumped tp § 0.000 , "Keep your shirts on , gentlemen , suid the auctioneer. "There's plenty of time , said M ; Derris , adding "mako mine 80,100. "And mine $0,200 , " eaid Colo. "He's worth 88,000 right hero i IToboken , with no sea voyage to r cover from , and the season just eon ing on , " said Mr. Q'Brion. "Make it 80,300 , " Mr. Dorris. ' 'That's worth another hundrei that laying down is , " said Mr" . Colo. "I bid SO.-IOO. " Presently the elephant nroso , ono joint of a leg at a time. "That Rottin' tip's worth another ( I hundred , " said'Dorris. [ "Six thousand six hundred dollars. " said Colo. "Sixty-sixth hundred , oncj sixty six hundred , two ; sixty-six hundred , third nnd last I give you fair warn ing gentleman , " snid the auctioneer "Do you make n better oiler ? do you ? do you ? or you ? " ho aakod , pointing dually to the reporter. 'No ; lot her go , " said the reporter. "Gone to Mr. Cole , " said the auc tioneer. "Gentlemen , I really think t Hint " elephant is nt least twelve foot nigh , said Mr. Colo. WorhtnK'ilon. Before you begin your heavy spring work after tv winter of relaxation - tion , your system needs cleansing and wtrongthoninu to prevent an nttnek of Ague , Dilidua or Spring Fovtor , or some other Spring sickness th. will unlit you fur a season's work. Yuii uill suvo time , much sickness and tiroat expense if you will-usu ono bottle - tlo of Hop Bitters in your family this month. Don't wait. Hurling- ton lltiwkuyu. marl7d2 DIslTwa'or. There waM a rattling among the dishon ot an up-town bearding house , the other diiy while the select feu Were waiting for supper. "Who can lull , " said the tea-urn , why those boarders are like waijon wheoU" ' 'That's a bad break for you , " said the can-ins ; knife , as it fell from thu hunds of the astonished hostess strik ing the handle of the tea-urn. "Because they are nhvayn round , " spoke up the biscuit p'ato. ' iresh.1 enid the You nro entirely too . pickel dish , trying to smile. "It's be cause they nro composed of good fel loes. " "No. " "Because there's n hub among them , ' , said the sugar bowl. "Oh ! you are too sweet , " said the maple syrup juc ; . "It is because some are spokes-men. " "Too thin , altogether , " said half a duzen dishes at once. "Don't believe th.ittea-umhad any grounds for that conundrum , " roared a tea-cup. "Don't give mo any of yoursaucor , " said the tea-urn , indignantly. "Oh , it's entirely too tough , " re marked the dish which hold the Btow- ed chicken. "Give it up ! " cried the whole out- lit. "Because they are tired , " laughed the tea-urn. And the > ] adyof the house remarked to the table waiters , "Pour tilings , " [ Hello. Woman'N True Pi-loud. A friend in need ! < a friend indeed. Thin nnnu can deny , e < pecinllv when i sistancttis tendered when one is eurtly uill ic ted with disease , mure particularly those com- D aiii-s mid weaknesses BO common to our female population. Kvery wom'iu should know that Klectrio Bittern are wonmnV tr e friend , nnd will positively restore her to health , even wlion nil other n medics fall. A single trial always proves otir as- nortion. 'Jhoy ure pleasant to th * taste , iui'1 only cunt 'fifty cents n bottle. Soldi'- ' Schroter & liecht. TRUTH ATTESTED. SonicIznportaatMatcmo-'tB ofWol Kno-wu People "Wholly In onlcr tliattho public may fully realize the ( tcMUliicniy * ot tha utataircnU , JD well as the power niul v.iltio of tha article of which they vpoak , we publish licr.wlth the frvt-ohnllo ulgnt- tmvsof iiartlcHli030fcliiccrlty la boyonil qucs lion. The Truth of tliooo trethnoiiUIn la almo- UUv , nur < au t ! > o IA > - ll.t.amiomux le Ig nored OiJAllA , Nm. , May 24 , 1881. H. II. WAIINRR tCo. : ' DMK Sin : I have frequently u o < l Warner' * Snfo Kiclncn nuil Liver Cure or local udcctioix attendant upon sovcro rhouiiiatlo nttAcliR , and ha\ual aya derived hciicllt thorvfrom. I have al > so need the Safe Ncrvmo ulth xalisfuctory ro- biilla. I consider these medicines worthv of conQilcnrn Deputy Trooaurcr OMAHA , Nun , May 24 , IhSl II. n WACNKR & Co. , Rochester , N. V. : GUSTS ; 1 lmv tu i > our bafa Klilnoy and Uver Cura this sprint ; as a UerlnvlKorator , and 1 find li the beat remedy I vtor tried. Iluvt iiBcJ 4 bottles , and It has mailo mo feel bottci than over I did before In the U. P. II. Uhops. OMAHA , NIB. , May 24,1B81 , n. II. WARNER & i o : SIBB : For mon than lo yari I have Buffered much In onveiiici i-o fron : combined kidney and Ihcr uisefujca , .in ha o been umliluto work , my urin y ort'.na also being afft-ctud. I irlod a great many medicines and dotter > , but I greu \\orHaand\\ortodaybyday. 1 wan told 1 had UrlKht's Disease , and 1 wiRhod mjnelf dead 1(1 ( could riot have Hjiocdy relief , I took your Kali Kidney and Liver Cure , knotting nothing olx waa oor known to euro tha dlsoaso , and I havi not been diaappolnted. The medlcfno hoa cured me , and I am pcrfoo ly well to-day , cntlrtlj through your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1 wlnh vou all buec s In i > ubl ! hlni ; this valiubli rcnicaTthrough thn world u. r.it. it. siioj * Thoui4id of equally etroiw cndorecmenti man ; ol them In caeeaulicre hoixi uai abandoned liav been voluntarily Kien , khowlMctho rcmwrkab ] power of Warner sUlo Kidney nd Liver Cure In all illsca'cucf the Kidney * , liter or urinary oi ifans. If any ouo who read * this ha ny phyi kal trouble remember the great remedy , offiUilneiw , iBuU rn.nlbTU.eiitn.laor . y.iur ilutle evolil JllinulanHand Hop Bittera , differinK Iroui my li If YOU arc xouiiic nd dli'-Ktlou If TOII are mil , - " " cr ilFw-lpa tlou | ' riutf u" "ineto , oW orB jrouwf , wlrrliif | froji' ' poorlieiUUurlaiiKUlsliBfnir ou a t < J. ) t lci O [ t uml IrreiUtu. hie euro f oi druukenn , avt of opium , tcbaooo. a' au-ootlog. NEVER FAIL uved hun dreds. X3XTI3 run. OHIOAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , Anil nil Points EnU nutl Soiitli-Cast. TlllIUNKCOMPHtSKI Nc r'.v 4 OiO nillci Solid .Smooth Sti-cl Tracks All raniucllntiD tire inn U In UNION Dt-.POTB It Ins a Nnt'unv Itriuit.itinii m lolnir the Gient TliroiiRh Cnr LI o. nnd H unUiTsilly un.doil tob. ihii UNEHT CQUIPPED Half r nil In the unrUI for n'l ' clnsi nnf tr.url 'Irj it and to i nlil llnd lr.t\elltu ; a luxuij Inttov ! rl adl'roniForl. lliruuKh Tirkttsl'hit Uo'i-lira'ctl ' Line for rale nt nil illl vuln thuo . All Itito'imtlon about Itnti-s of Vare , ' Icoplntt Car Acoi-iinuidi IOIH , Tnno TahU" ) , , c. , \\lll be ihvoif lly pi vii liv ni.t | Intiu to T. J. t'OTTen. 'Jil Vlre-"rc-'t .t Octi. MiimcrrhlcnKO. PERCIVAL tOWELL , ( li'ii. I'aisiu'er Jut. ChUi j0 , W. J. DAVI'.Nl'0-T , ( icil Aceut , Comicil IlliilTi. II 1 II hLL , Ticket Ast O' " h - morn-od ly _ _ _ _ _ _ For a quarter of t century or more IIn tulter' tomicli Ittorj II.IH been ( hu rulg < il < i ) ; Fiiecllle r lnillKC < tlond.\H'ii"tift , fo\or and ague , I'H of hnhaletnirina lUcreoiiiphlntanil nth rdli- i it , tnd 1m In en mott omi'lmtl al'y ' Imlorscd by ( dual intn nun hcn't > a d Btreii th ri. tor live. It counteract * * atoin-onr-y to ] > ninnturu ca'i\nd piisUniis and comforts the n ud nnd II riu. 1'or xale by nl ! driigctste and iliale'Hgenerally al to ml THE KENDALL PLAITMIACHIMI DRESS-MAKERS' ' COMPANION , It j'lnits trout11(1 ( of a n Incti to Mth In the LOarwcst felts or Illicit Mlk < It il'ii'sall lilnd nnJstjlc- ] laitln in use. .Vo lijy tli&t dots her own drosa-iniklns can "on ! to do without one as nlco plaiting It overc'at of l.iMilon , If i > cen It veils lUulf. For i hlmn , ClrcularH nr j\'ont'rt ( tonim nddresH CONOAR & CO. , H3 A damn St. Chicai'O 111 PROPOSALS U. S. I.MII N tKIl ICK , ) I'IMI ' KlIHIK AOKACV , AKO A ( Mar , 20 h 18 1 2 j Staled pr | > o alii , < < dor d 'n diiill | < nt o the irccllon of n < iidian Ho rdlncho 1 t thin KCIICJ , In accordaiiielthp1ans and epcclll a ion on flic , < It i the Chiel ( jiiartvrinabter , I ) lartmcutoi thu I'litle. Oniiilm , Ni'ii , , niul ill .I'ctitl to the undo tlcncil , earo of the Chief rjiinrtcru niter , ' euitm n of the 1'latto , llinnhn , el ) , uill o received until 12 o'clock teen , on Mondoy , May 1 t. 1H32. ontract to bo reunrdcd to the lowmt ' lo pon- lib o bidder , bilbjort to thonppiotal of 'the do- nttmcntof tha Interior. 1 ropoaals mutt otato length of tlmo rojulrcd or toniplctlt of building , alter apro\al | , of cnntr ct , and must bo accompanied by a certified check upon komo U 'ltd States Depositor | > ay- ablu tn the order of the undciKlfriicd for a least five (6 ) per cent ol the amount of the prn- pon.1 , which iheck ehn'l hn forfeited to ho Unllidbhi I-H 1 1 CUHO unj bidder jocuivtnt' thr nuard , uhall fall to execute promptly a roiitraet with peed und uulllcicnt wirctl , accordl ( , to the terms of his hid otherul c to bo returned to the bid Icr. Mam bulldhiK l < to 'id two ttory EOX40 , ad dltonn to bo one story 32x100 , of lumber. I For further Information addrcsd undersigned at I'lno i ldKOjency , Dakota V f Hc.lLVCUODV , 24 d3w U. H Indian AKent. OUDINANUE NO , 495 , An onllnaiicc nmcntllnir srcilons 20 anil UO nl ordln nc No , 277J mtltled an ordli.amu to oHtabflsli the Kindu at ceiUIn utrecti In tin city ol Oinahi. Ho It ordained by the City Council of the City of Oinnlm ; tiHTioN 1. Thattttllon 20 and 30 of orillniiiu No. 2771 entitled "an ord | anrr tocitahlhh th ( grade of certain Mreeti In the City of Omaha HKO. 2. In sections V'.l ' In place ot the lluurci 1M on the west euih < if Ittn Hrie aid tin n irlh'eurh of Kanmmarut. the IlKiires , 141 bi I lucid , and In place of thu Iliruru ) 165 uixm tin east curb of litthstrcit and north and svutt euib ot FarLaiu the Hxur 143 be placed. Hue , 'A. In section 3J In p'acj of th * U urei 134 on the north curb of Karnani and th > wcs curb of 17lh street , the li : ures 1' J ho rut , am In place ot the huuru i 12) on thu north curb o Farnu'ii ' and'cait curb of 17th the Kk'nren 121 hi pUctd , and In place of the flKiircs 142 6 , M tin center of alley t-outh LctAten Fariutn and liar ney etrecU the figures 132.76 bo placed on tin wist curb and 131,5 ot the rast curb. HtC. 4 , Ordlnar co No. 487 tstahllnhlni. thi gradool the alley In block HA , In thd city c Omaha and all olherorJlnanu.sar.il | rts of or dlnanecs tonlllctlng with Iho | ire > lnions of tlili orulnance are hereby repealed , BBC. C. Thli ordinance hill take effect and bi In force from and after It * uassairo. THOU , H. DAIMJY , Pres't City Council. Atteats J. J. L. 0. JKWK'fT , City Clerk. J. K. IScni ) , Mayor. Pftxaccl March 2lnt 1882 Aiiprove-1 - March 27th 188J. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY-AT-LA\A \ Hoom Clou 10 , ft. UOiNI. A. o. cuuriuu DOAHE& CAMPBELL , At tor neys-'at-Lav\ ' \ J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY * AT MO South Thirteenth Htfeet/wltb STEELE , JOHNSON & GO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of ibe Best Brandy of OIGAES IINUPAGTUEED TOBACCO , igontt ! for BENWOOD NAILS m UFLIK % RAtiD POWDER 00 era House Clothing Store ! T. IP. Dnlly Arrlvnlb of Now Surlnji Gooiln ia Olotliiug and Gent's ' Purnisliing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , Anil Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE ! " I am selling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'a Pine ShirtB , known na the BEST bitting and Most Duruble Shirts Mudo. 217 SOUTH FIFTSEKTH STREET. , „ , „ , I U ) Single Brooch Loading Shot Buns , from S5 to S18 , Double Breopli Loading Shot Guns , SIB from to S75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , from 86 to $25 $ , Fishing Taoklo , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Dasos Always nn s jvg.UJUii MU mm * mii i . , . . - . . . . _ . . . _ . _ , Imported arid Key \V \ est Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood pipes and every thing required in a First Class C'gar ' , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price ist.nd Samples. fATT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SAflH , DOOES , BLIPS AM MOULDINGS OMAHA. HEB MAKERS OF THE Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. The only und | Itional pinto thui firm of ' | original is giving for in- Rogom Broa. lance single All on * Spooiia , plnted Bpoon a Forka and Kinvos plutod triple thioknoHB pSrttp uly on uf crtru , Kaoli the nc t i -i i lot bo iijr lung in a Kculo vliilo when * \'ii d D.iint , ' pliitod , tc to wuur , thereby maun } a full do making a ainglo loait ofuilveror [ plated Spoon thuin. wear aa long asa Wo would call a triple plated ospooial attention one , tion to our BOO- Rival. Orient- AU Order ) lo the West Bhould be Addreued to Wholesale Jewe'er , OMAHA , . - - NEB. Hair Goods , Notions , Ladios1 Furaishine Goods. Ulsters , Circulars , . and Suits , BOV