FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR , OMAHA FRIDAY MORNING , MARCH31 , 1882. 340 NEW STORE ; r , NEW GOODS. Til DRY GOODS STORE , 1116 Farnham Street , Most Respectfully An nounce to the Ladies of Omaha , and the Public Generally that Our Stock is now Complete in all De partments and Now Ready for Business. By Offering Good Goods at the Closest Possible Figures , Attentive and Courteous Treatment tea a . We Hope to Merit Our Share of Patronage. All .are Most Respect fully Invited. GEO. P. BROWN. MarchlS-ly United States Depository first National Bank , - OMAHA. - Oor. 13th and Famam Sta. OLDEST BANKING E3TABUS1IMKNT IS OMAUA. ouooEaaoRO TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) OTABUBIIBD 1E56. OrKtnlzod M * National Bnnl : Aiiiruat 20 , Ibtt rupiTAT , - t2nnnnr > HUHI'LUJ ANWPHOFrrS - SIGO.OOO . ornci.iin IJn ll < U'fit. Koiri.Tzs. Vice I't i > ) rt < ii > F ( ( . Dxvn , Ctuhl.i. A. J. iMrtiroM , JOIN A. ItJ l.iok toe \\vi \ rlepoDlu with" " Hl UQtl. tout * tlnio certl&raton Iwarlni ; InMirenl. Drawn ilmfts on ttorj Pnuicuca and prlnchM dtlos of tbu United tJUtoo , t.\3o \ London. Dubfln tdlnbunrh an 1 the prtnelpal eltlea o ( thecontl cf E'iror"1 UeiterL.ThomasMro. WILL BUy AND HELL AKD AU , TBANSAOT101I CWKHIOTID TUUIWini. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc. lor TOO WIST TO Birr an BAU 0 OIBc * Boom B , Orelch'on lukrt Onb- COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J. H. MoOULLOOH , Uooa 1 , Crelghton'Block , FKtcenth Btrwt. TH OLDEST ESTABJUlUKJiU BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLjHAMILTON&CO Business traniaoted same aa tliat of an incorporated bank. Acoouuti lieit in ourveno or old abject to sight check without xio- tloe. Certifloatos of deposit i snoU par able in three , six and twelve mouths , bearing interest , or on de mand wlthont interest. Advance ! inado to oustomors on approved securities at market rates of interest , / The interest * of customers are closely guarded , and every facility compatible with principles of * ouud bankins freely extended . Draw viffbt drafts on England , Ireland , Scotland , and all carts of .Europe , S U Earape&n pucaga UoltoU- OOLLCOTIONB PROMPTLY MADE. SYMPATHETIC SENATORS , Bewailing the Condition of Lo , I the Poor Indian * Senator Hoar Would Like to See the Aborigines Bet ter Oarsd For. Lively Discussion in the Houeo Over the Proposed Tariff Commits ion Dill Oflicial Notification of the Now Inspection of Pork by France. MUcolluunonn Noton of a National Character. CONGRESS. Nullcnftl Associated Press. mOCEEDINOS IN Tlin RKNATi : . WASHINGTON , March 80. The bill passed , authorizing the Rccrotnry of the treasury to ascertain and report the Amount expended in the itidobt- ness aaaumod by Kansas in repelling invasions and suppressing Indian Iios- tilnicB. The bill retiring brevet Major Gen eral Moigs , with rank nnd pay of a re tired oflisor of the rank of major gen eral , passed. The bill for appraisement and ual of lota in Peru , 111. , passed. Mr. Williams introduced a bill t regulate the importation uf cattli from Canada. The chair presented the ro om moudatiou of the secretary of war fo 840,000 for the completion of For Lewis , Colorado. The bill for the relief of Capt. Eugene gone Wells , placing him on the retired list , passed. The Indian appropriation bill wao resumed. Mr. Hoar , in a set speech , favored better attention to the education of Indiana to fit them to maintain themselves solves without the continued assistance anco of the government , and urgnd a change in the administration of affairs to remove the stigma of mismanage ment and dishonor which hitherto had attached to their treatment. Ho dwelt at length with three essential elements in the solution of the prob lem : First , the capacity of the In diana for education , civilization and citizenship ; second , what it oosta the government to educate them ; third , what it costs to feed them. On al these points he urged careful , judi cious treatment to make them L'ood and uteful citizens. Mr. Plumb , in the course of a long speech , urged that Now England was as much to blame as any other section for the condition of the Indians , and declared that t < o ted man was simply a provisional race , to raako wny for the Anglo-Saxon. Money had been given to niany Indians far beyond treaty obligations , and the Indian problocr will rbnciu unchaiicjod uuti the Indiana disappear. Adjourned at 5:50 : p. in. PKOOEEDINOS IN TUB EOUBK. A motion to take up the Utah elee tion case was voted down. The houao went into committee of the whole on the tariff commission bill , Mr. Duniioll talking in its favor. Mr. Dunnc'll expressed the opinion that the proposed commission would do no more than collect a mass of mat ter which would delay action and congress would expire with out doing anythi g on the tariff question and the people will say it did not do its duty , lie thought i't the duty of the republican party to the country and referred to the reduc tion of the | i at iff by the democratic house which slaugthored itself by failing to revise and reduce the tariff. Wo will bo in the same fix. Wo have jumped into the commission boat and will sail through , and it remains to bo seen what the country will say. Mr. Dunnell was carefully listened to and warmly applauded by the dem ocrats at the close. Mr. Henitt took the floor at 3 o'clock , offering a resolution which ho said he would ask to bo considered at the proper time. It recommitted the bill to the committee , directing it to report in full a bill placing all raw material and waste products used in the manufacture of chemicals that wore produced in this country ; also alcohol used in manafacturiug , on the free list , and substitute specific for ad valorem duties , baaing these upon the average dutiable values during past yearn. No higher rate will be fixed than necessary to compensate for dif ference in the cost of labor in the two countries. The rate of duty , ex cept upon luxuries , ia not to exceed 50 per cent , of the avprogo dutiable values. He was surprised at the re marks of Mr. Kaaaon , which were 10 directly oppotod to his theory , ex pressed in a speech in 1800 This led to an animated sparring match between Messrs. Kasson and Hewitt , the former claiming that the portion of tbo speech referred to and read did not represent him , and de manding the reading of the context , upon which Mr. Hewitt announced that ho would have Mr. Kasson'a speech of 1800 printed in full in the Record aa an appendix to his own. He proceeded with his itrcumonta , holding that delay in revision of the tariff was dangerous , and that the country now ia prosperous but on the ragged edge. Unless we make an outlet for our riches wo shall be over whelmed with them. What is neces sary ia a system by which wo can enter inoro readily the markets of the world. Ho thought articles used in manufacturing should bo admitted free and so lessen the cost of production and BO let UH enter the markets of the world by re duced coat of production. Ho favored the removal of the tariff on iron. The Atlantic ocean , ho said , had given u tariff of ten per cent , on iron , for It ooaU OA much to transport iron from Enropo na it docs to dig nnd manu < fucture it horp. [ Applauio. ] Do favored < vorod a speciCo rate on cotton goodi of nbout 25 per oont , ; woolen goods , 30 per osnt. ; iron and steel manufac ture , 35 per cont. ; nnd ilk goods 40 per cont. On etcol rolls the proiont tariff system doca not benefit the working people , but is mak ing the rich richer nnd the poor poorer , nnd should bo removed. He quoted from the recent statements of Dr. Lyon Plnyfair , deputy speaker of the ] 3ritish hnuso I i > f ojmmo B , that the United States wa injuring herself more thnn England by lur tariff system , nnd predicting whilothu United States must bccoino the great est manufacturing country of the world it would bo greatly and indefi nitely delayed by this protective tnrill Without action on the bill the com mittee rose. Mr. KinK presented the rrsolutiona fur investigation of thaoveiilow of the Mississippi aa to the effect upon the public health and the damage to pub lic property nnd lifo from the same catuu. Adjourned at 5:05 : p. in. CAPITAL NOTES. National Aiwoti&tcd 1'rom. ALASKA. WASHINGTON , March.30. The house committo on territories will probably report in favor of n government for Alaska without delegates , nnd the house committee on commerce unani mously adopted a resolution declaring necessary some immediate legislation for the reputation of inter-state com merce. 1IA111TON VB. 8UKRMAJT. During the campaign of 1880 , Wade Hampton wrote John Sherman n letter - tor in which ho told him his address was Charleston , 8. C. Recently an other article appeared in a Charleston paper about Hampton. Ho had its authorship investigated and ascer tained that it was written by n clerk in the treasury department named Kirk. Hampton went to Folgor and demanded Kirk bo discharged. Fol- gor sent for Kirk for an explana tion. Kirk came and complicated the matter by Baying that while ho wrote the article ho did BO at the auggcstion and dictation of Sherman , who had put him in the treasury department. Ho admitted ho had traduced the character of the senator at the auggcstion of Sherman. Folger was not inclined to believe this , demanding proof. Kirk produced a letter written by Sherman , asking him to write the attack in question. Kirk will bo discharged and Hampton will promptly ask the senate to take n iiaud in the matter. The action of Hampton towards Sherman on the lloor of the senate since has been the subject of comment. It is aaid they almost got into a personal encounter in the senate barber shop yesterday. , MIHCKLLANEOUK. The secretary of state has cabled Minister Lowell to ask the Bntibh government to reprieve Dr. Limson , cpnVicted in England of murder , un til evirlnnco of hereditary insanity can be nin to England. , , ' Tlia afato department has received from Minister Morton newa of the passage by the chambers in Paris of the pork bill , which provides for in spection in France byuxports ap pointed by the minister of commerce , who shall have the right to proscribe the mode of examination. This last clause , which was introduced bj amendment , has in view the ro-ostab- lislnuont of microscopic examination. The discussion of thu Chinese bill lit the cabinet meeting to-morrow will bo merely informal , ft ia now con ceded that the bill will be .signed on Monday. Tbo Canadian Pacific. tfatlonil Associated 1'rcss. CHICAGO , March 30. A special from Winnepeg elates that the Oana Han governmentacting at the request if the Canadian Pacific railway , will ipply to parliament for power to mango the route of the lino. The : ompany has consolidated the Kicking Horse inateadof the Yellow Head , the 'ormer route being much more easy of iccess. Eje-Oov. Moses in the Rogues' Gal lery. Uttonal Ainoelatod Press. NEW YOUK , March 30. Franklin 5. Moses , ox-governor of South Caro- ina , was this morning photographed or the rogue * ' gallery , at police head- , aa a swindler , and was , by ustico Smith , in the Tomba police ourt , committed in default of bailer or several charges of swindling , the irincipal one being that of the llth nut. Steamer Ran In for Repair * . Ut'oail Auoclakd Preii. BOSTON , March 30. The steamer loliver , Now Orloaim to Liverpool , rai towed into New London , Conn. , o-day , her machinery being disabled. Dynamite Explosion * ktlnnul A oclkt a Praia. GLKNWOOD , Ind. , March 30. Wes- ay Manloy dried dynamite cartridges oforo a fire. When about fifty ounds of powder had thus boon laid ut , an explosion occurred , completely rroaking the house. The building nd furniture were blown to atoms. "Washouts on the O. P. latton l Associated Press RENO , Nov. , March 30. There was , o through eastern train last night , A rain woamadoup at ElkMountainJfor icil travel and pmod Reno on time , til trains are delayed by waohoula bo- ween Elk Mountain and Humboldt Veils. The washouts are caused by , ipid melting of snow on the moun- uina nbout the Humboldt river. In lany caeca the track has been swept > mpletoly away , Collision with Cowboys. lUlonal Associated i'rvw , SAN FIIANCISOO , March 30. In a ight yesterday between a ahoritt'a lease and cowboys , near Tombstone , Arizona , ono officer waa killed and two owboys fatally hurt. RIVER STEAMER BURNED The Ooluon Oity Destroyed Fire at Memphis , Together with Nearly All o Her Passengers and Freigh * . Latest Reports Qivo the Nunv bor or Lives Loaf at Loss of An Entire Glrous Out- flt that wore Being'i'Mns- portotTm the hoat. Particulars of TbU Disaster and Other Fires. National Amociatod I'rcm MnJirniH , March 30. The steamer Golden City burned this morning. She was the largent atom wheeler on the waters , being 200 feet long. Thp The fire was discovered at 4 o'clock nnd the bat run to ahoro. She Bur ned a crow of sixty and had thirty- seven paesongora , whoso namea can. not bo given aa the books were de stroyed. Report puts the deaths at over thirty. The boat loft Now Or leans on Saturday for Cincinnati. All of the oflicen of the boat except the the second engineer wore saved. Miss Anna Smith , of Massachusetts , is known to bo lost. Other names of the lost are Miss Campbell , Mra Helen Porcival , Mra. LcKorma and three children , Dr. Monlmn , and wife , Miss Luella Clary , of Cin cinnati ; \V. P. IS to wo , wife and chil dren , of Stowo'a circus , are believed to bo loat , together with all the tonfa , animals , oto , of the circus. Stowo'a circus was lost with six' cages of nniniild. A Buffalo jswam ashore. The roaring of the animals , , the shrieks of the women nnd chil dren amidst the floating , burning oil , was a terrific scone. The Golden City woa built in 1877i and valued at $40,000. MEMPHIS , Match 30. The Btearner , Golden City , burned to the water's odjro , and sank below this city. The liic originated from a lamp. The boat struck the foot of Bealo street and was fastened there for a few mo menta. She burned herself loose and floated off , sinking the tug Oriole. ) The fire was amidahip. The women1 and children could not get forward to DO saved. A few jumped off on a barge and escaped. The forward dock waa deserted. All the officers escaped except the second engineer , Robert Kelly , who waa on duty and. perished at his post , MEMPHIS , March 30 The leas of. lifo by the burning of the steamer Golden City is now- put at 1C. She was one of the rapidest steamers on the river. The names of the lost are tno 8amoas _ _ given. No additk.W , onea are reported. Stowo's circuit 'vTrtJ onrouto for Cairo , whore the spring season was to bo opened. A portion of the show IB at Vickaburg. Among the circus horses lost wait the noted "Solim. " Three trick horses promptly obeyed the call of the keeper and sprung ashore. A buflulo broke his halter nnd dflnhed thro e'i ' the crowd to the bank ; every hair waa Imniod from his hide. John G. Glen- roy , of Philadelphia , the animal kccp > or , was lying asleep under ono of the cages whoa the fire broke out , anil es caped by springing on a barge. MM. Stowo , wife of the proprietor of the allow , waa lost. She wai formerly Lizzie Marcellus , one of Barnum'a greatest attractions. The wreck ia sunk in twenty feet of water at the head of President's island. UUFKALO , March 30. Farthinir Co.'a distillery was destroyed hydro last night , caused , it is supposed , by the explosion of a still. Lost , csti mated at $40,000. St. PAUL , Minn. , Marcli 30. A tire ; > t LoHoour burned EholofTa board ing l.ouso and saloon , a furniture atoro , another naloon building and residence. Misa Fiahbaum , of Sib- ley county , vi , ho hud been working for Erholoft' , WHH burned to death. Her companion i.t the room flayed herself by jumping from a window. Sad Care or of a Woman- Itatlanul Awodated Prom CHICAGO , March 30. The romaina of a remarkably handsome woman , known aa Mra. lielln Lamb , wore taken to Masaachusotta yeaterday over the Like Shoru road , Her death waa caused by an overdose of mor phine , thought to bo taken with sui cidal Intent. The history of the woman is sad and peculiar. Bho was a sister of the wife of James Drutua Booth , a brother of Edwin Booth. Up to four years ago she waa a resident of New York. Bo oming infatuated with the histrbnic reputation of the Booth family , she itudiod for the atago , but failed of luccess , and stopped from the foot- ighta into a house furnished for her regardless of expense by ono who had become intoxicated with her charms. Shortly thereafter she moved to Chi- jago , whore she has since lived with lor sister Agnoa , who has made many inefFectual attempts to reclaim her , ind remained her friend to the last , Roiignatlon of a Consul National AusoUatt-U I'nm. WASHINGTON , March 30 , E. P. Urooks has resigned aa consul at Cork ; o aasumo the editorship of thq Pcoria [ 111. ) Transcript. Doitruotivo Tornudo. fa'.loual At .catut ! ! 1'rwin. MONTOOMKUY , Ala. , March 30. I'he tornado which passed ever Lee sounty on Monday , extended from : hreo inilca west cf Lachopoka , along Long Tratchier crook. Houses , barns ind troea in the track of the storm ( fere leveled. The residence of Mr. alvia waacomplotely demolished. Mr. WM fatally injured , John Tay lor , a hlrtd hand , wiminsUutly killed , ind Win. Thorns had his collar-bone broken. On the Spencer Moore place , "X houses were dealroyed ; in ono tlioro wore six ncgitea. The wind iftod the house , excepting the floor , n4 mr ) . d jt off , leaving the negroes nr.bnood. Ration * for Snffereis. National Prcm Association. WASIIIMOTON , March 30. The BOC- rotary of war sent to-tiny 30,000 rations to Memphis and 20,000 to riptouvlllo , Teiin. , and the 80,000 , rations remaining at St. Louis have hiMsn ordered to Memphis for distri bution in Mississippi. LITTLR HOCK , Murch 30. All dam * tint's from thu ovoillow nro being re- caned , Through trains commenced to run this morning n the Little Rock , Mississippi River & Texas railway. Lur o panus of in on are now nt work repairing breaks on the Memphis it Lutlu huck railroad , but it will bo probably three weeks before through rains wilt run. Furty-iivo miles of thu road from Mndisnn to the Missis sippi river was ovoi flowed , As thu waters rocmlo builders a d construc tion trains follow. NEW OnLKANB , March 30. The statiincnl that ono hundred nndtwcn ty persons periahud in n gin houau at lUlston PJnco , Toimos parish , proves ( o bo \ camml. A gontliinui just in "roni RnUtpn Place says thuro is no 'oundatlou whatever for the story. Nasty Bnslnost. tfitlonal AnoclaUd Ptcsi. PiTTsriKLi ) , MIIBS , March 30. Ev erett C. Price , a photographer , has skipped to Canada , jumping bail , un der \rhich ho was awaiting oxaiuitu- 1011 for criminal intcicouno with Jlara D. Stroup , a Philadelphia Jew ess , having boarded nt the same house rith her nnd occupied an ad orning room. Mita Stroup felt thu diigrnco of his arrest BO keenly that Bho wont to Albany and it is claimed suicided nt the Glebe hotel with belladona. Two ludiea accom panied Miss Stroup to Albany and J'rico went on later , claiming to bo n physician. Ttiero uro suspicions of abortion und the vrholo niUtr is to bo sifted. Price has a wife nnd child at Chicopec who loft him owing to nbuso. Horrible Death , National Aaoctatod Trees SYIUOVHK , N. Y. , March 30. Fred licss , aj. ed15 years , mot with n hor- riblu dci th hero this afternoon , while at work n Loroot & Blaadel'a box fnc- tory and planing mill. His clothing caught in a revolving shaft and ho waa wlijtlod around with frightful velocity , HJH hoiul struck the floor nt every revolution , killing him in stantly. Befoio the machinery could bo stopped bjth nrins were pulled out by the r ota , the right log torn out nt the hip , and the left foot torn oil * . Tbo Government Paper Mill. National AtnocUlftd Pros * . PiTThPiKLU , Masi. , March 30. Capt. lligdon and thu treasury girls who have boon for two wooka inspect ing tho1 government paper mill at Cottsvillo. 'have returned to Washing- -.ic&V wofy Bhoet of paper having boeu accounted'for ' since the mill opened Since 1870 the mill has inado all bank bill and treasury department pupor , except revenue stamps. The mill hau boon closed for lack of uu appropria tion. It ia thought thut it will bo opened ngnin in July. Stages Robljoil. National A r dated 1'riKri. DALLAS , Tex. , March 30. The Sai. Antonio stsi ca , hound tnst and wesl on the El P.iso line , wore rubbud sixty inilua woat of S.in Antonio laat night by two mun , supposed to bo two of the prisoners \vhoufcipod from the JJondes jail a few days ago. This is the firat robbery since the recent sweeping convictions in the federal courtH. Convict Killed. COUIMIIUH , 0. , Mnreli 30. Samuel Twine , H six-year convict from Cin cinnati for burglary , was killed at the penitentiary , HIM aliiovo caught in a belt and the body waa whirled about a wheel. Chicago' * Now Chamber of Com merce. National Ajwocintcil l're x CHICAGO , Maich 30. The work of excavating for thu foundation of the now chamber of commerce building on Laaalla Htreet , waa commenced thia morning with 100 men. Killed by it Lunatic. v HatlonaJ Aoclated I'TMI DAYTON , 0. , Mutch 30. - John Drummond , an inmate of th-J Daylou Insane asylyum , wau found dead in hia room thia morning. The testi- innuy showed Drummond , who was only admitted yesterday , had durini ; the ni.ht ! made an attack on Daniel O'Connoll , hia room-mate , "and the lat ter in self defcnao choked him to loath. Suicide. National AuocIaUxl frees. KANHAHCITY. March 30. J. W. Jhoohan , of Belton'a Falls , Vt , , com- nittod suicide at the Metropolitan lotol. Ho locked himself in his room ind swallowed a dose of laudanum , When discovered ho had been dead loveral hours. GntteauVi Bill of Exceptions. National Amtoclatud l'iau > . WABHINOTON , March 30. The Gui- : eau bill of exceptions waa finished to-night and signed by Judge Cox. [ twill bo printed to-morrow , Mr , Rood will probably arpuo it alone. . , TT. - - zi.t r rrr The Train Robbers Trial * . National Aaioclnted 1'renn. KANSAH CITST , Mo. , March 30 , rhoro are no now developments in the train robbery cases at Independ- Bnce , A jury will probably bo ob tained by to-morrow , when the trials will proceed , Take "BLAOK.DRAUQHT" and you trill fivrur be bill' " " FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. The Oloturo Proposal Oarriofl In the Honso of Commons. Warlike Preparations Doing Made on Account of Sko- belcil's Speech. Germany Orders a Number of Torpedo Boats for the Bnltlc Pleot. The BpnniBii Qovornmout Im- Worried by the Riotu in Barcelona. The Gouornl N w that Cixuio Over thn Oablo. National Associated i'rom. LONDON , March 31. An exciting dubatu took plnco in the house of commons last evening _ ever the cloture - turo ronolutions , Air. Bright speaking strongly in favor of the resolutions , and Gladstone closing the debate with nn urgent appeal to his warty to support the moaauro. Division of the house was ordered , nnd resulted in n vote of 310 for the government proposals to 270 Against. Announce ment of the result was received with continued cheers from the liberal sido. LONDON , March 30. In n ( culling match on the Thames to-day , Gibson boat Gookon six lengths. VIENNA , March 30. Information received hero from Russia , and through moat creditable sources , reiterates the correctness of the report concerning the speech of Gen. Bkoholcff at the military club. The speech was deliv ered in the room of the oHicors of the yacht clubj which is part of the mili tary club , in the presence of the Duke of Loichtonbunj and many officers of the Proohnrficnski regiment. At the request of his brother officers Gon. Skoboloff narrated what had oc curred in the imperial presence. Ho maintained the cuir ap proved his Paris speech , but feared to express hia approval bo- oauao Russia at this hour wai so dependent - pendent on Germany that it was not Biifj to run the risk of a rupture with the latter power. This rupture , however - over , it is believed , is inevitable. It in perfectly well known hero that Germany believes a war with Russia ia curtain to bo fought , at no distant day. The German general sthtThas been for weeks carefully studying the atrategotic doUulu that are necessary to bu mastered before entering on thi | , war. FieldMarshal , Von Hoseko h said that while war could not undertaken with assurance of s until lifter eighteen months futthor preparation , it could bo begun now with reasonable hopes of triumph , lie thinks before war is declared the fortresses of Posen and Thorn should bo greatly strengthened and tlml Danztich and Konigaburg should bo nut in a perfect , state of dojonao. Then war with Russia would invite Franco to her rovongo. All defenses along the French frontier nhould bo very carefully guarded. MAIIUIII , March 30. In the cortes this afternoon the government an nounced that it had instructed the authoriticu to forcibly suppress the manufa turera iigitation in Catalonia. Notwithstanding this announcement , the rioting cuntinucB in Barcelona mid business ia entirely suspended. A largo body of workmen paraded the HtreetB of the latter place to-day , and in p.iBRing the boxes of the Octroi guuidHfiri > d nt thorn. Thia uutiun on the part of the workmen brought on a number f encounter. ! between them and the military , during which no coral persons wu'o wounded and many arrcstu were made. A pro clamation of u a tut D of siege is im minent. BBIILIN , March 30. The German admiralty has suddenly ordered the inasterH ut the Bremen ship yard to cumploto six torpedo boats within four months. It is intended to station the boata in the Baltic. The lower house of thu Prussian diet haa passed the ecclesiastical law amendment bill under n compromise butwoun thu conservatives and cleri cals. The latter uro highly olatod. PAHIH , March 30 Mrs. Mackey denies tiio oniMgumout of her daugh ter with Princu Phillipo do Bourbon , I'lmi'iijh a j mrnnlUt of thin oily P'IO uxpr fsos Imr contunp' ' for fnrMJ'in- bun . g bau'ielnifl , .nut sitya ih.iy : iio 11 I..JH not tdlcratuil in Amuiicu Poatf lllo Robber Arrested , National Ajwo.'I.U I'rixw. EKHTON , Pa , March -Dotoctlvo 3imona arrest id hero to-day a man named John Heed , charged with robbing - bing the postoflico nnd store at Nos [ juohoniing , this stato. Most of the stolen property was recovered. biCINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Ronowor , " greatest remedy on earth for impotence , lean- ion- ) , sexual debility , feo. One dollar it druggist's. Depot , 0. F. Good- on , (5) ( ) Iowa Democrats- National Associated Prow. Dr.fl MOINKH , March 30. The dem- jcrutia stuto convention ia called to neot on August lOth. The place of liolding the suinu ia not yet fixed. A Minister Denies It. National Awociatod I'tutt , CHIUAHO , March 30Rev. . Brooke Hereford denies that ho lua been called to All Sainta' church of Now York. fJuiitamau En Route to Hnaven. National Anodated i'rc * ) . COUHIOANA , Tax. , March 30 , A Chinaman waahennan of thia city WBB converted by a revival ia the Mothc diat hurch and duly bautizod , Slarluo Intolllaonow. National AnxoclMfd Proxi , NEW YORK , March 30. Sailed The Wioland for Hamburg ; the State of Pennsylvania for Glaagow ; the City of Montreal for Liverpool. Arrived The Ethiopia from Glas gow ; the Canada from Havre ; the Eutopia from London. ANTWERP , March 30. Sailed The Plnntyn for Now York. Arrived ThoBelgcnland fromNow York. HAMBUIHI , March 30. Arrived The Gollor from New York. MUcolliiiieonn Toloxami. { National Arrouatcd l'rc * . EABTONPft. , , March 30. The Thomas Iron company purchaacd the Keystone furnace Chain Dam at a figure cover ing thu original coat with the cost of improvement about $15,000. The furnnco employs COO men and turns out 7,000 tons of iron annually. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 30. The aafoof Moore , Becker it Co. nt Dcnton. Minn , , w.\fl blown open and robbed of $700. No clue. POIITI.AMI , Mo. , March 30. Mra. Daniel Deshon , probably the oldest person in the state , died hero to-dj.y , igud 100 jeara. She wna marriut Lhrco tinier , and waa never sick until 1870 , when aho had tjpluiid-pneu- uonia. She had been pnrrtljzcd from the waist down during the lust sixteen nontliB. Indications. National Awodatcii 1'tcw. WASIUNOTON , D. 0. , March 31. A > r the Lower Missouri valley ; ? air and warmer weather , winds shift- ng to oaat ami south , lower barome- nr. THJG CAPITAI Political DulldlnK The Dntvorslty- Tno Federal Court and Other Matters. pedal Corrnpondene * of Tint uu. LINCOLN , March 30. The result of lie city primaries hold yesterday after , eon waa about aa had been anticipa- ed. The Doolittlo ticket carried very ward , thus again assorting the 1. & M. supremacy in political affaire n this city. The opposition waa led > y Kennard , Raymond , Imhoff , and thora , who are endeavoring to secure thor railroad conncctiona for this ity. The total number of votes poll- d waa over 1,700 , an unusually largo lumber for a primary election , and ho Doolittlo tickets had about T1I11BE llUNDUliD MAJORITY n the three wards. The convention will bo held Saturday afternoon. 0 vernnr Nance haa not issued a , i' . ' < mi lotpslaturo jot , but ho hua i IK ju.irly "Arbor Day" proc- lamn etting Wudncuday , April 10 , . - ! 41 the day for the obser vance ui thia peculiarly Nubraakan rito. rito.A two-story brick business block will bo built immediately upon the northwest-corner of P. und " leyenth atroets by'Jamoa Led with. "Tho only' business building now in course of construction ia S. 0. Elliott's store on 0. street , between 12th and 13th streets. TlIliUK It ) LITTLE IMIOKI'IXJT That as much building will be done- hero thia Bummer aa waa luai. The term of ofiico of Oapt. C. N. Baird , lltcoivur ot Public Moneys at- the Lincoln Land oilice , expired lust November , but he at ill holds the of fice , nobody having yet been appoint ed to succeed him. Mr. It.iird is not an applicant for the position , and is anxious to get through with it. It ia believed hero that IXivo Ballcntine , stulo aonator from Furnaa county , will ultimately bo given thu place , lie is u friend of Van Wyck'a , and has been ut Lincoln llOllii Olt LKH.1 ALL WINTKU. A confidential circular "to the friends of moral education" haa re cently been aunt out by thu university ring , advocating thu elevation of Prof. Thpmphoii to the chancellor ship. Thia ia apparently u recogni tion of the fact that Fairiiuld must go , although thp transition from Fuir- liold to Thompson would bo a good deal like the old voyage from the fry ing pan to the fire. Thompson ia at present dean of the agricultural c l- lego and professor of didactics , a high- sounding title , meaning nothmtf ffhatevt r in the present case , and if made chancellor would complete the ruin of our newT TTK1H.NII hT ITU 1NSTITDTION. J > i > l e Diuicly will bo oil hand Tuea- day , ApHI'll , to hold the adjourned term 01 c > nrt. But few CJSUB are to be tried , llic district attorney ia in Washington on Luainoas connected with the atur route trials , It is not known whether Furay'n indictment will alter the otatus of those casea when they next come up or not. The democrats have not aa yet put up any city ticket and it ia altogether unlikely that they will do so. The probabilities are that a coalition will bo tonned between the democrats and the temperance men and diesatisfiod republicans to run somebody against Doolittlo. tt - U J. F , Zodikor , of Franklin county , is being spoken of aa a candidate for secretary of state. Ho ia another of the G , A. R. boya , Auaus. The Coal Mining Troubles National AMcxlalxl 1'reiu. BALTIHOUE , March 30.A dispatch from Cumberland saya R.V , Price , chief of iho Knighta of Libor , loft today - day with the president of the Black Avon coal company for Baltimore , to confer with the coul companies in ref erence to thu mining troubles , The miners were to-day paid in full 05 cents per ton for all coal mined be tween the lut and 14th last , which indicates the employment of now men. Largest stock ot gold and silver watches and jewelry , and the newest U always found at Edholin & Eriok- aoii'n. "