Nil U.AILY J5JDJD ; THUBSSDA\ MARCH 30 , 882 * IHJLPA.TLY BEE A CMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Famham , bet. Oth and loth Street * . TERMS or SUUSCIIIPTION. 0 cory 1 year , In adrancepp ( trall ) . . $10.00 8 month ! " ' . . . 6.00 ninth 3.00 TIMS TABLE , 1 CARD CHICAGO , * T. rtnMIKXIUfOLia AM ) IOMAIIA RAILROAD. Leave Omaha Panncnircr No. ! , 8:80 : a , m , Ac- eimmoiUtlon No. t , 1:01 : p. m A'rivtOmala Paswemrcr No , 1 , 6:20 : p. m. Acccn : : datlon No. 3,10:60 : a. m. itINO OMAHA EAST OK SOUTH lOUXV. a , B. fc Q. 70 ; a. m. 8:40 : p. rn. 0. & N. W. , 7:40 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. , R. I. & P. . 7:40a. : m. 3:40 : p. m , K. O. , 8t. J. i C. 3. , loaves at 8 n. m. and 6:80 : pm. Arrives at St. Louis at 0:30 : it. rn. and 6:62 : p 'n. 'n.W. , StL.ik P. , leaves at 8 a. m , and 8:40 : p. Arrives a St. Louis at 6:40 : a. m , and 7:80 : m WRST OB eournwisTS.1 n , ft H. In Neb. , Through Express , 8:60 : a. m. D. A M , Lincoln Kxprcs * 0:20 : p. m , U P. Overland Kxprcsp , 12:16 : p. tn. 0 , 4 a V. for Lincoln , 11-46 a. ra. 0. & K V. for Opccola. I ) 40 a. in. U. P freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. ra. 0. f ! tclRlit No. 9 , 8:80 a. rn. U.I' , freight No. 18 , 260p.m. U. P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 p. tn. emigrant. . . P. Denver exprc'j , 7:36 : p. m. U. P. freight Nn 11 , 11-30 p.m. C. P. Dcnvet f rcluht , 8:25 : p. ra. ASMVIKG f OM IAPI AND 0 B. A Q 6 : ( > o a. m 7:26 : p m. c. a N. W. , 0:40 : n. m. 7:25 : p. n. a R. r. A P. "n":46 : . . ta' 9:06 : p ! mi * . C. , St. Joe .tO 1) . , 7:40 c. m. 8:4p. : t 1R31VINB FROM Till T I AND BOCTirVVB' > T 0. * K , V. from Lincoln l.OS p. in. H. P. Pacific r.xpre-R 3:26 : p. in. B * M. In Neb. , Through BxpreBa 4:15 : p rn D , A U , Lincoln Hxpru * 9 40 u IE. C. 1 * . Denver cxprcw , 7:35.0. : m. U. P. FrciRht No. 14 2:50 p. m.J U. P. Ho. 6 6:10 a. tn. Krnlg ant. U. P. freight No. 14,12:16 p. in. U. P. No. & -9 CO p. m. U. P. No. 13 1:46 : a. in. 0. P. Dunvor frclcht , 1:10 a. tn.J 0. & It. V. tclxod , ar , 4:45 : p. m. * DUMMY TRAIltg fcltrwnrtl OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLDrra. Lcavo Omaha at 8:00 : , 9:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:01 : p in. ; 1 0 .00 , 3.00 , 4:00 and 6:00 : p. m. Leave Council DlutTu at " .26 , 3:26 : , 10:26 : an llSB a. m. ; 1:26 : , 2:26 : , 8:26 : , 4:25 and 6:26 p. ra Sun-fftjt The dummy lenvco Omnha at 9:0 : ( and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 , 4:00 : and 6-00 p. m. Loavce Council Bluffa at 6:25 : and 11:26 a. m. ; 2:25,1:2 : : nd 6:26 p. m. Through and local paH cnger trains bclwcc Omaha and Ccumll niufls. Leave Omaha C:1B l ! 5 , 8:60a.m. : ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , 00 p. m. Arnv Omaha 7:40,11:36,11:46 : a. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 110 p. m. _ Opening ann doling of Mrlli. ROUTS OFEK. CLOSE. K. m. p. m. a. m. p. m CticajciiN. W 11.00 M > .00 6:80 : 2:1 : Chlc-is-o , 11 1.1. Pacllic 11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:4' : ' Dh'caico ' , B. & Q 11:00 : 9.00 6:30 : 2:4i : W baah 12.SO 5:80 : ? :4i : Bloyt City and I'm inc. . 9:00 : 6-30 2:11 : Union Paclfl : 4.00 11:40 : Omaha AU. V 4:00 : 11:40 t.ft M. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6.00 7:80 : D. < fe M. Lincoln 10:30 : 6:00 : , U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 J. P. Denver E ! B.OO 8:80 : O. , Sioux City & St. P..11:00 : 2:40 : L-ici.1 malls for Sttto of loira Icara but once a day , viz : 6:80 : a. ra. Office npen Sunclajfl from IS m. to 1 p. m. Tiros. K HALL P M. Business Directory , Abitract end Real fcttnte. JOHK L. McCAGUK , opposite Post Office. W. K. DARTLETT 317 South ISth Street. Architect ! . nDFUKNK & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room It CrclKhton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Rocm 2. Cielehton Utock. Dooto and Shoes. JAMES DIVINE & co. , rine Boats anil Shoca. A good assortment home work on band , corner 12th and Ilarney. TB03. KIUCK80N , 3. E. cor. 10th anil JOHN FORTUNATUS , tit 10th ( rtroot , manufacture * to oruor ( food wori at Mr prlcca. Rcoalrlnc done. Bed Spring * . J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlaiut. Book * , New * and Stationary. J. I. FRltpiAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Egg * . UoSHANE & SCHHOEDER. the oldeot B. and E. hooae rn Nebraska CBtabllnhed 1875 Omaha. OBNTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. HYA-N , fiuthweet corner IGthand Dodge. Beat Board for the Money. [ Satisfaction Guaranteed , Uoliat all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good TcrniB for Caeh Furnlalied Ronnis Rnpplled. URrrlaRcs and Ro&a WM 8NYDER , 14th and Ilamov Streets. Clothing nought. J. HARRIS will pay hlRhestCMh prlto for aecouJ band clothlnc. Corner 10th and Farnham. Jswe eri. JOHN BAUMER 13U Farnham Street. Junk. Q. BERTIIOLD , Raga and Metal. Lumber- Lima and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY corner 0th and Douglas dt . Lamp * and Ul iware. i. BONNKll 1SO-J Dooilui bt. Hood Variety. Merchant Tailor * . G. A tfNDQUEST , Out of our moat j Cfular Jlcrchant Tallur * la tt < - reiving the latctt dctlL'ns for Spring and Sununui Goods for gentkmen u wear. btjl ) li , durable , led prices low as ever 216 13th bet. ' Millinery. MH3. C. A. RINOKR , WliolcsiluanJ Retail , Fan- cr Oooda In great \arlcty , Zcphyn , Card Boardu , Hosiery , Cloven , CortKte , &c. Cheapest House In IhcWoat. I'urdjoBcra save SO per cent. Order tjy Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. round ry. \YEAH.VKit30NS cor. 14th AJarkBonsts Hour and Feed. Oil All A CITY MILLS , 8th and Fambka Rta , Welihana Bros. , proprlotore. Urocora. C. STEVENS , Zlst botnoen Cumlug and Izar T. A. MoSHANE , Cora. 23d and Cumin ? Utreeta. Hardwme , Iron and bteel. OLAN k LANGWORTHY , liolesale , 110 anc1 112 lltb ttreet A. HOLMES corner 16th and California. Harriet * , Saddle * , &c. B. WEIBT 20 18th 8t. bet Farn-4 lUtiiey Hotel * ; ANFIELD HOUSE.Gco. Caufleld,9th& Farnhani DORAN HOUSE , 1J II , Cary , 013 Farnham St. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Sla > en , 10th St. Southern Hotel Ous. Hamel Oth &Loavennortb Drug * , Paint * and Oil * . KUHN It CO , fharmaclstt , Fine Vane Uoodi , Cor , Utn and DoMl trceti W. J. WHITKIIOUE , Wholc&ato & Retail , 16th t. 0. FIELD , 2023 Worth Side Cumin ; Street. PARR. Druggist , lotn and Howard Streets Dentlita. DR. I'ADL WIlHima' Block Cor. Utb & Dodce. Dry Uood * Notion * , ttc. JOHN II. F. LUllMANN & CO. , Kew York Dry OooJt Store , 1310 and 1813 Fanv b > m strut. L. C. Enevold aluo boots ajid iboca 7tb I : Pacific , ruruiture. A t. UUObS , New led Btoond Hand Furniture od Stoves , 1111 Doutrla * . Htgbett cash price aid for second buna 7000 * . UONNKK 1809 Dou/U t. Flue voodi , ( to. frrceWorki. QUA I ! A FENCK CO. T , rillEarC mHUroeySt , , Improft Id Ic BOXM , Ircc acj Wood Fence * , Offica Ul * j , Ooonliif ? lne acd Walnut. 4 _ OlKar * and Tobacco. WEST A , manufacturers of Clp r , and WholcMlc Dralenl n Tonaccos. 130il > ouilw . V. > . LORKN2FM manunu turcr 1416 Farnham Florist. A. Ionahu ( ; , plants , cut flowers , s ed , ooqnets etc. JS.V. . cor. 18th and Doucl.ia ( trceta. Civil Engineer * and Surveyor * . ANDREW ROSEWATER , CrclKhtcn Block , Town Surveys , Grade ami Son crags Sistemt a Specialty. Uommlitlon Merchant * . JOHN 0. WIL LIS.Hll Dod < e Street. D B. BEEMER. For details eo large adrcrtlif menl In Dally and Weekly. Cornice Work * . Western Cornice Work * , Manufacturer * Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Sluto HoofHnj ; . Orders from any locality promptly executed In the bt t manner. Factory and OOlce 1213 Ilarney St. C. SPECIIT , Proprietor. Iron Cornices. Window Car * , etc , , d nnd put up In any part of the country. T. SINHOLU 416 Thirteenth street Crockery , J. BONNER ISO ) Douglas street. Good line. Clothing nnd Furnlthlnn Qood * . CIEO. H. PKTKRSON. Alw ItaUi , Caps. Boots , Hhow Notions and Cutlery , & 04 H. 10th street. Rerrlgerator * , Cantleld' * Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN lllh St. bet. Farn. & Harney. Cliow Manufactory. 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In nil hltiiln of Show Caeeo , Upright Caaee , ft . , 1317 Casa St. Fr.ANK L. OKnitARO , proprietor Oman * Shou Ctt'O manufactory , 813 South 10th etreet , betnccn Low en north and Marcy , All Rood ; arrwtod fir < t-clas . P v < n'jroKon. UOMKNyKLU. 10th Rt , . hi-t. far f ( Hat Utove * ana inware. A. UURMESTHU , Dealer Iti btovcs and , and Manntactutu of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Bull.llnr Work , OddFellona'Block. J. BONNER. 1 09 Dounlia St. Good and Cheap Goods. J. EVANS , Wholemlo nnd Hot-ill SOCK ! Drills am Cultivators Odd Follows Hall. Physician * an i Surgeons. W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No I , Crclghto Block , 16th Street. P. S. LKISKNRIKO , Jl. D. Masonle Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postoffici DR. L. B GHADDY , Oculist find Aurlst. S. W 16th and Farnham 8ts Phctograpner * . GCO. 1IEYK. PROP. Graml Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near M&aouls llall. First-cLtas Work and Prompt Plumblnf , Qaa and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21012th bt , bet Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. 7ITZPATRICK , 1409 Douglas Street. aiming an aper nnglng. HKNRY A. KOSTKRS. 141 OodRe Street. Chco Otorei. Phillip Lang 1820 Farnham st. bet. ISth & 14th , Second Hand Store , PERKINS & LEAR , 1410 Douglas St. . New ana Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods , Sec. , boutrht and sold on narrow marring. hlaloons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tno DUW brick block on Douglaa Struct , hat Juet opened a most elegant Bees Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 o\ cry day. 11 Caledonia " J FALCONER B7qI6th Btreel. Undertaker * . 3HAS. RIEWE , I01l ! Farnhim bet. 10th * lltd , GO Cent Ctoros. V. 0 , BACKUS 1206 Farnbum St. . Fancy Good , FAST TIME ! In golnjr East take the fiMcago&Northwest- Trains leave Oirahx 3:40 : p. m. and 7:40 : a. m , For full information call on H. P. DUE'j.jTickel \Rent , Utb and Farnham 8ts ' J. IIELL , U. P , Railway Depot , or at JAMK3 T. CLARK , Gener Agcni , Omaha _ ] al7m&e tf W. GIBBS . IS. , PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON , Room No4 , Croiirhtou Block , 15th Stroot. OUTA.HA. NEBRASKA. Oricr llouits : 10 to2 A M. 3 to G r.M , 1 < 5 phnne mnnnistiil with Osn'.rnl Olip -AND Store Fix ui re Work nd French Donb'o Thick Flat and Bent Show Case Olacs 0. J. WILDE , 1315 and 1317 Cass Street. Genius Rewarded ; Oil , toe Story of the Sewing Machine , A handwmc llttlo pamphlet , blue and goli1 ovc , with nmnerouu engravings , will be GIVEN AWAY a any iiuult pera-ii calling for It , at any branch r BUb-olllco of ThoSlnjfer Jlauufacturlntf Coin- any , or will bo sent by mall , post paid , to nvporaon living at a distance from our olllcci. The Singer Manufacturing Oo , , 'rincipal Oflice , 31 Union Square , NEW YORK. B. D. McLAU&HLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. ClarKson Sc. Hunt. auaxw * n Illihatils & Hunt , ITTOSNE YS - AT - LAW H MthW" " > l 'It : t > . M h "KEN'NEDY'S EAvST - INDIA ILER & CO. , lole MauufactnrerB. OMAHA. GUARDIAN'S SALE. The sale of lands of minor heir * dull advirkU- J InTiixOuAiu DAILY I3KK b ) A , U. W man , uardlan , to take place on Kebruarj IStli , IBbl ! , ut uhlch has been dtUjeJ by thelllnne of the ttorncy In charge , will be held at the south aor of the Court House lu Omaha , Douglas Oo. , Ulc o-f Nebraska , between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock a. m. , of the SIM day of March , 1SU2. A. V. WVMAM , Oturdlao. 1-8-16 AQBIODLTDIilJ. Broom Corn. A Inrger acreage of broom corn will bo planted in Nebraska than over be fore. Farmers are convinced that the crop aflords a larger margin of profit than formerly , when the brush alone was in demand. It requires good , rich soil , and can bo planted in this latitude as late as the niiddlo of Juno ; but it is best to put it in aa soon after frost as possible. About two and one- half quarts of seed will answer for one acre. The ground is prepared the same ns for corn. It endures drouqht bettor than corn , and , possessing a very dense foliage , it protects itself , to a certain degree , against weeds , and therefore requires less cultivation. A good yield of brush is about one- third of A ton pet acre. As the labor required for its cultivation is but lit tie , it probnbly isasprofltnbloas othe crops that need much attention fror planting or ( towing to harvesting. Tl brush is cut in a green aluto anil cure under well cultivated sheds. Th seed mains a valuable addition tocon when n ixed aud fed to stock , cspcc inlly when ground. Kor poultrj- ono of the hoist , puticulatly for joun chicks. The y old of scud is equal tu jf not greater tlmn , that of corn , : xn requires less expunso to hiirvcst. Oon p.irtul with wheat as a crop , consid ering expense , broom corn is moro pr litablo , and it is always salable. Farming In Hnrlan County Puys. Alma Herald. Wilson Wiltey , of tins precinct cnmo to this place with n yoke of cattle tlo , an old wagon and two cows , nui had only fifty cent ? in money when h got hero. IIo took a dry uplun claim aud wont to breaking , and hai shown hitnqulf a faithf ul , worker an u good farmer and citizen. lie say. . ho now has u deed for his farm of llif acres worth $1,200 ; 1C head of cattl that will average at u low ostimat $200 , 4 head of horses worth at Ions $300 , $50 worth of hogs , 300 bushsl of corn , wheat enough to answer fo family and seeding purposed , has buil a frame house worth $500 and is now out of debt. Has made a good living fo a largo family and now figures up hi net worth At SIJ.OOO. Ho him hai good success with all kinds of crop and is satisfied that ho is doing nincl bettor than ho could have done in th eastern states. Foddor'c'orn. I'hihilelphta Itccoid. A great amount of labor 'is lost by sowing fodder corn too thick. Manj sow three bushels to the ncro ; soni sow but two bushels and a .fo1" sov but ono. . I sow but ono-hali bushel and my corn is always too thick. Thi man who has raised the largest croj ; the past season sowed but twelve quarts of seed to the acre. Make thu drills at least four foot apart , and sow ono half bushel of onsilego seed corn to the aero ; then , when it is about a foot high , thin it to six and oigh inches botwcon stalks. When cprii is planted too thick thoso'plantn which d not attain theirf ull growth are nothing moro than weeds. As dirt is only ni&Xt out.of jilaco , so a wood in only a plant out'of place as when it is crowded by other plants of the same kindso , that its growth is impaired ; It then becomes a mere weed , and Duly serves to injure the growth oho ; -ho proper number of plants in the lill or drill. The Decline of the Scrub. But n very few years have passed liuco the of the majority beef-pro- luccrs of America wore satisfied wit ! , ho product uf a scrub cross. Chca [ lativo cows and cheaper imtivo sires voro the foundation of no.irly all thereat ; roat beef heuls of tlio country. The : onsequonco of this short-sighted pol cy was that American cattle had no < > putatton in foreign nmtkota , and nt lomo the block offerings were the > oorest in the world. The importa- ions of pure-bred cattle from the ithcr side was confined almost oxclu- lively to hrecdors who had no call for roung siren to improve the great herds if the Western and Southwestern anclics , the business of raising stock > oing entirely confined to suctions of ho country where native cattle were lomparatvvoly .unknown. The pio- teor exporters , hwwover , soon diacov- ired that if they were to have the lightest SUCCOBH with American cattle n foreign markets it was necessary to mprovo tjreatly the quality of their liicrings. It tuvinj ; been proven in solatecl shipments of high-grado cattln hat thu exporting of beef could bu undo a profitable business , it was nod eng before the demand for bloodot ires became quite active nnd general. Thia demand has steadily increased , intil at the present time brooders of ho various families of hoof cattle are inablo to supply the homo donmnd or youiig bulls in whoso vions Hews ho blue blood of English nnd Scotch iros. The improvement following his course of breeding is tieun not inly in the increased popul.uuy of Imoricnn beef in foreign lands , but tuy bo observed in all the receiving -ards of this country. Local butch- ra liavo quartets upon their blocks diich show the good cllVct of the ristocrntic Shoit-lTorn and Hereford rosa , and consumer/ ) , especially in ho ttuat cities of the country , find it iDEsiblo to purchase table beef which s a vast improvement upon the ough , stringy substance of fifteen 'ears ' ago. The effect of this great improvement ipon the native cnttlo of thin country 5 practically demonstrated in thoNow fork markets , where it is said the upply of high-grade beef actually xceeds the demands of the hutchors , nd , otrnngo as it may BOOIII , ninny of horn require inferior cattle for their uniness. lianclimon have been odu- uted to that extent that scrub bulls vo lost their value , and it nmybo { * id Unit all money expended by roedera in procuring and raieing the est classes of stock has already been oturned a hundred-fold in the en- iried ? profitu which u good cross lway inturca , The oxiwrt eattlo jrwardod from New York como irgely at present from Wyoming and olorado , where the feeders are using ono but tlio beat of pure-bred or lull-grade Short-Horn and other im- urtod bulb. This improvement is early becoming more conspicuous , and the prices received in the English markets dining the prst winter for cattle from this side of the ocean in dicate that the boof-eators of England are rapidly discarding the unworthy prejudice which has existed gainst American cattlo. Qonornl items. Hens soluom pay expenses after they are three years old. Alabama has over 2.000,000 acres of government land subject to entry under the homestead and pre-emption laws. Corn growing is being encouraged in Now England by money prizes to boys. A Ilhodo Island youth ijrow 18 bushols.on ono-olghth of an acre and got a pri/.o of $50. Poplar will grow rapidly ob any moist soil , and perhaps w uld do well in portions of the West , where it is desirable to i < row trees As it is used larcoly in paper maim Incturo , its production should b pMtl table. Mancol'wurzols cannot bo raaoi aucccssfully by sowing brondnut hk turnips. The ground must be wol prepared and enriched , and the ccei carefully planted in drills and cov ered at a uniform depth , and the croj properly cultivated afterward if a gooi yiildis expected. Moro hasty am' siipi'rlicinl management mijht give a moderato or small crop. Advices from Montana nro to th riled th , t owing to the wonderful in cre.iso in the herds of that scctioi r.inchmcn will soon bo compelled t fence in ground for winter pasturage , or put up hay with which to feet their cattle during a part off the win tor. Thu pastures are becoming toi small for the increasing hords. The ordtr withdrawing from entry homestead lands along the line of the Canada Pacific railway is caueing i considerable amount of discontent a Winnipeg among the settlers jutt ar riving , who do nol fully understand its import , It is said to have bncn done ai the demand of the syndicate to bafilo speculators who are outwit ting them in thu matter of town sites. The trouble ia increased though no knowing whether it implies to the whole or a portion of the first railway bolt. bolt.Whenever Whenever the farmer makes any particular crop a specialty ho should start with the highest Ttypo of seed that ho can procure , and it should bo his constant effort to improve upon it every year , by growing his own seed with the greatest caro. Ho should have his ideal of perfection , and care fully select , every year , such speci mens to breed from ascomo the nearest to his ideal. In this way an intelli gent farmer will inako a wonderful as well as a rapid progress , and will soon bo able to put on the market a bettor quality than those who depend on purchasing seed in the open market , nnd will make a largo profit , while his neighbors will got hardly enough to pay expenses. \Vorltingmou. Buforo you begin your heavy ipring work after a winter of relaxa tion , your system needs cloAUsiiig and strengthening to prevent an attack of Ague , Bilious or Spring Fever , or joiuo other Spring sickness thai will unfit you for a season's work. You will ( save .time , much Bicknecu nnd crcat expense if you will use ono bottle tle of Hop Bitters in your family this month. Don't wait. Burling ton Hawkoye. marl7d2w Sudden Chancres oljtho Weather Oj- ton Cause Pulmonary , bronchial , and oath- natic troubles. "Brown's Bronchial L'roches" will pllay irritation which nduces coughing , oftentimes giving mmcdiato relief. m29-lw ortunos for Farmers nnd Me chanics , TJiounamls of ddllare can be imved by alng proper judgment in taking care of lie health of youiBelf ami family. If you re hi IUIIR , have fialloiv cnuiplexlon , pour ppetlte , low and dcpro < ecd i-pirits , and enerally debilitatud , do nut delay a mo. lent , Imt go ut once ; and procure a hot- lu o/ / those wonderful Klectrio Bittern , liluh never fall tn cure , and that for the rilling mm of fifty cculn. [ 1'ribtmo. iold byScliroter & JJecIit. TRUTH ATTESTED. iomolmporttuithtatomnvtii of W l Known People \Vliolly VcrlJlod. In ordnr that tin public tuay fujly rualliu the Liiiiinencsi of il a statements , as uoll us thr awcrand value of the nrtldu of whldi the ; icak , oiilllsli liur with Uo fac-alnillo urcii of parlies u osoulmerlty In lioioml ques on. 1 hi Truth f thcvo testimonials Is abm- ito , nnr can the mcts they aniioiintc lie \n- \ orud OMAHA , N r. , MayZi , 1881. I. II. WAntxn & Co.t DKAK Knc 1 Imo ( requontly used Warncr't tfo Kldnot nuil Uver Curu or local aftuctlour tttnihnt upon savcro rheumatic attaikH , and avoaUavB derived benefit therefrom , I have IHO lined the bafo Nervine with satisfactory ro- jits , I consider thcuo inudlclncij worthy ol lionuty Trcasiircr UMAIIA , Nun , May 21 , l bl I. H WAHNim & Co. , ItoclicDtcr , N. V.i OKV/H ; I hart tue itnur Kate Kidney and lvr Curu tbls sprint ; as a It er Inv tKorator , and llnd It the best remedy I over tried. Ihavt scd ( bottles , arid It him mailo ma del better lian etrr 1 did hi fore Inthu Hprinir. U. 1' . H. Uhops. OMAHA , Km. , MayiU , Ibtll. I. II. WAUNKK ti Co. ; BIIUJ : For more than ID yiara I rmvo stifferod mch In' onrinlence from combined kidney and vor diseases , nnd have boon untble to work , ly urln > iy orii's also being affected. I tried a real many medicines and doctor ? , but I grew erse and one day by day. I won told I had rljht's Dlscasv , and \vlnhtd I nijutll dead III luld not havu speedy relief , 1 tool < your Safe Idney and Utvr Uuru , LnouliiK tiotlilnc u\m \ 6B over known to euro Uia dUoano. and I havn at been disappointed. The incdliliie has cured IP , aud lam pt-rfco ly well 'i day , cntlrtly trough your tafv Kidney Mnl UvcrC'ure .1 l h you ull uui tn In publlahlnii tbU valuable imody through tlni w or 1.1 U. 1MI. It. Shops. of ciUilly | utronit cndoruemtnts many tl tin In caics\\hcro huixi was abandonul haiu itn voluntarily Klvcu , khowluK the remarkable iwtr \Varnirs E ale Kidney aiid Liver Cure all dUca'csof the Kldnejf , merer urinary or' .im It any onu who reads this has any pbya. U trouble reuumbtrtbei'reat remedy , mu --FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE DETR1IT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . And all PoluU Entt and South.Eoit. TinMNicoMi'itisis : : : Noarh 4 0 > ' inlki Solid Hmnoth Steel Truck ; All caniu'cllrin nro inalu In UNION DhPOTS II ln iv Nntionil Itcputatlon rs Irlnir th Through Car LI m. nml li unuernill , lOiunJdl toll lint FINEST EQUIPPED Hull r ml In lhi > noild for nil ilan * nut trixxrl Trj ItntidMitlil find tr.uoliii ( ; n Inxuiv InrtoA-l 11 n dlHOinfort. IhriuiRh Tickets lhl IVIibrvcd Line fo sale tit ail illlpi HM | tbou . All liitiviiiatioti about llati n of Kuro , I IcciiliiR Car Acoommmlvloiu , 'lime Tnb'is , &c. , will bo chccif , ll > Rlvii bv nppllnln < to T.J. HOTTER. 2d Viiiire > tt .t Gen. MiliaicrCblcaio. ; PERCIVAL LOWELL , Oen rftssciiRorK' . Chlcaco , W. J. DAVKNI'OUT , ilcu Accnt , Cotmcll llltiffj II V DJKI.I , , Ticket AKt morn-cd ly Hop BiUuro jrr t i Hop U I ? juiinrr jnunif * ml ttli'NMu " from sliT h ilncnlloii in ill l | mi am in r riciS or cltirlf , M in . . firlnp trft poorlienllli or l nf ul u oh A K'f ( ttcV acre , rtljr on H op \\niofnr jounip , Tliru i > nti90in nU . Ji nevrr you tici n > iaU.r rr on l 'iu ( llmt jnur fjflcni fann of I" o n e ) lu-nl * elitiii'itiK. ton- < llvi > t > e ilmt mlKht n rtlmumtlni ; , liaro t'fcn jinn cnli < c br tlmtily MWOI < nlv Hop Mepl.ttor * Cll tO' . oo \ Is an * baclut i > iani iM-nn luitl lireilat at th ttniiiiicA , lile fo. * . HOP c n r o bmrcft , blood. drunk ennOBB Idyr ui nrn < f HBO of opium You will bo tGbacou , o * . tini-Mf j mi ure narcotic * . Hop Blttor * HjiiUfcromni pill * . hi-litl . V : anil a w c Iow iilrltcilti7 NEVER urculur Ui It mny uei * nrrrtv ay o your s FAIL n-ra on. life. It hat , saved huti- otkMftr , It. T mods A Toronto , Ool. MAM ( Vent for being the moet direct. in'rX. | l , tn > afe < t line connoctlni ; the i/ront MetropnIU , OIII vAQO , and the KAHTHF.H , Nouni.VUsTrni , i ) ft ind SOUTH-KAHTIIRN LINK ) , which tcmilnatcl hurr , vltu KANSJU ) CITT , LuAVuNvoani , ArnnisON , 30PNCIL DLDTTH and OKIIU , tbo Jwrrian from which radlato EVERY LINE OF R0AD hat penetrates the Continent from tfae kllr > nr tlver to the Pacific Slope. The 3HIOAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA OIFIO RAILWAY s the only line from Chtai.0 owning : riIn Canaan , or whlrb , by Itu own rcuj , roaclith tli lolnts aliovo natnrd. No niAvsvi.n-a RT C.HHIIAQI Jo MisaiNa coNNscrio\a I Nn buddllng In III entllitod or unclean care , M etert iu arrlcd In roomy , clean and ttntlUuxl : pou Fast Kxnrciw Tmlni DAT C/iuiot until alwl maifnltiiuucn , 'AMC ' SLxxriho C'Aim , and out own unr IINIKQ OAES , limn which lucials nro ccrvoit of un urpaai < cd excellence , at the low rate of Sm.s-r 'INK CK.TTM lAoir , with ample tlmu for hoiltblu nlpjmcnt. Through Cars between CblcaRO , Poorla , Ull rauboo and Mliwurl River Point * : and clew UD icctlonsat all points of InteraMiicn ulth ith ) i oads. Wo ticket ( do not foriret thl l dlrottly v > v ij ilaco of liniiortaiico In Kun vi , MobrisM. . ) ; U \ Hits , WycmliiB , Utah , Idaho , Nnvwh , Cullforr. j , Irogon , Wa ltliiton ! Territory , Oomratlii , Ailfbi nd Now Meztco , Asll beral arrangements Ktgntaing biggme n ny other line , and rates of fare alnaj s Ari OMT x ompetltors/who furnish but a tlllie o tbo com 3rt. 3rt.DDKS and tacklu of uporUminn free. TlckoU. niatM and folilom at all pnm li > fflces In iliu United dialed and Canada. R. R. CAI1LE , K. ST. JOHN , 'Ice ' 1'ron't i llui. ' ' " ' Tn Irllouaneisanil Irreirularltlui of the boMeln , a cur for thills and fever anil tliuiiinat Ic al lutlu , as ani'datlvi ) In nirvoun ittntu , a * an tntral Invljtomnt nnd riNtoratlic For bale b ) all ilnii.'i.'l ta and dtali t generally. tnariJto al NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. B. 0. WupBNmeanU Ilialn Treatment 6iw.ltioJor | Hjntcrla , Mitinuwi , Coiivulnlon ) . orvout llM'JachoMental ' Drpruaelou , I/oiwol cniory.Siiormatorrhuia.liiipoUiiInvoluntary mlssloiiii , 1'rcmaturu Old Alfv , cauuuil by over- icrtlon , cll abuisc , or ovir-liiJul iicv. which udt to mlbtry , iltcay anil ( loath , Onu box ulll ire recent cnw . hit h box urmtalni one month' * catmeiit , Onu dollar a box , ur nix boxoi [ or 10 dollari ; bent by mall | iri ) > aM on rocclpt ol rice.Vo Kiiarantto blx boxed to cure any cune , ' 1th taUi order received by iu lor blx boxen , ac- iiajaulud with Bvo dollar * , Mil ) noud tbu jiur- ia r our written KUarantcu to return tlio lOney K the treatment does not f tf tt a euro , 0. f. Goodman , Uruiu'U , Bole , Wholutal and null Ak'eut , Omaha , Ktb , Ordcra by wall at iirular price. ilfcwly SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OP- Men's , Boys' and Children's ! CLOTHING Ready for Inspection AT Palace Clo tiling House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. . MarlOood. BASWITZ & WELLS , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of SPRING- GOODS ! And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good Goods ! Low Price s ! AND SQUARE DEALING AT THE "Opera House Shoe Store. " m CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FARNHAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. AflD OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S'AND ' CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L BRASH , - - 1308 FARNHAWi . ST. tucs-thv r.fnt Opera House Clothing Store ! J" . LTTlsTID. Daily Arrivals of Now Soring Goods in jlothing and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , - And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" I am soiling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'a Pine Shirts , known is the BEST fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREfcT. mlf0Um L'he Oldtrif , Who'eaale and Jetail JEWELRY HOUSE n Omaha. Visitors can here ind all novelties in SIL VER WARS. CLOCKS , lich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , md Choicest Selections in iECIOUS STONES and ill descriptions of FINE BATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with lonorable dealers. CaU ind see our Elegant New Jtore , Tower Building , lorner llth and Farnham Streets 1KB M'UING M118IN IN T11K WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes , Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c , Do not fail to see us before pur chasing , MAX MEYER & BRO. , VIANUFAGTURERS OF SHOW GASES Large Stock Always on 1. 11.