Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    i in i r i v vr ATrr : oo
JUUi ) OMAHA DjijY \ JiElJ ! ! Till' USD AY. _ MA [ C H JOJBtH
The Ice Barrier Not Yet E
moved from Various Water
Courses in the North
and West.
The CcrOitlcriftho t I
BDurl , and the Plans of the Boats
on that Stream ,
St. Taut Planter Press ,
Who nmonc ; newspaper renders w
forgot what Florence would c.ill tl
11. 0. T. ( li'gh ' old time ) the im
Missouri wns on hist sprint ; ? Tl
tenchorotis , devastating stream Inol
up at Poplar river aa early as Ful
ruary 12 , drowning nearly a thousan
ponies nnd nbout twenty Siou :
When the general broak-up camn Bn
marck , Mnndnn , Pierre ( east an
west ) , Yaukton. Vermillion , El
Point , Siotu City , Omaliii , and poini
below , all felt its power lor torrorisi
and destruction , nnd the thousand
upon thousands of dollars' worth c
property destroyed in the Uakot
bottom , between Yaiikton and th
Big Sioux river , with the consequon
sufloring and govermoiitnl , civic an
general aid , wore not at nil unlike th
present horrors nnd their consequent
on the lower Mississippi. The elcatn
boats suffered sadly. The Nolli
Peek , Big Horn , Rose Bud , Outte
Black Ilillfl , llolona , Ponlnnh , Josu
pliino nnd General Aloado boinglandoi
high , if not dry , on glacior-lik
mounds of ice , several of then
further inland than a steamboat eve
penetrated before. The poor eli
Western went down in the wrok a
matter , and several smaller boats
among them the Union at Bismarck
shared her ( ate. Yankton was th
scone of greatest damage to steam
boat property last Benson ; but it an
other such break-up should follow
this year , Biamarck and Mundai
would show the greater list of dc
atruotion. On the west aide , at Mun
dan , protected by cribSing and th
dykes of the new bridge , are th
Not th western Transportation com
pany's steamers , Uen. Blondu , Nc'li '
Pock and Petiinnb , and near them i
the government boat Emily. One
half inilo above is the Northern Pu
cifio bo'at Batchelor ( she , too , wu
wrecked in upper river last spring
and Leijhton & Brurm" Eclipse , ani
still further up turo.mi , Oapt. iiuloy'
Niobrara. The Powuis1 line boa
Black Hills lies nt Painted Woodi
twenty inilos above Mandiui , in
shoUured bund. The other bouts ar
well protected by cribs and outljin
points of land.
are the Dakota * nnd Joseph ino of tin
Ooulson line ; the Butte and Helena o
the Powera line , and ( lie big side
wheel transfer boat Northern Pacific
All these are protected by dyke 01
crib , and it may LIU said generally
that all of thirteen steamera men
tioncdiBtttnd most oxcvlluut chancci
of coming out all right , unless the
broak-up shall bo unusually bad.
This Bf cms less and less prob iblo , ne
thn mild weather continues. At
Yankton are the Rose Bud and Big
Horn , well protected also , and fur
ther up the Gen.-Terry , which ie
also safely eheltorccV Among the
now independent boair to run on the
river this year is the J. W. Behon.
owned and commanded by the noted
Grant' ftlanh. She will \probably ph
between Yuiiktonand CPlorro , witr
occasional tjjips further Up the river
.Steamboatmen hope for/u / good nvur
ago of water in the 4ii iuwri thii
.season , believing that , Although lo\\
early in the your , it will bo bettai
.lntorynnd there will bo loss "
TivnV' ' to bo dr .aded. Thcisa wh <
didn't get a ulico Ht the government
contracts oxfiriBS no particular regret
saying that there is always businosi
enough and to aparo. Tin * rates ot
government freight are BO much lowe
this year than last (0 ( 3-10 cents lesi
per 100 pounds per 100 miles , between
tweon Lincoln and Benton , for in
stance ) that if much money ia to bi
made there must bo a good river am
a decided promptitude in thu furnish ,
ing of freight. The govornmonl
steamer Uon. Sherman , which wai
badly uaed up by striking t , snag 01
her last trip down in the fall , hui
boon on the ways at St. Louis ant
thoroughly repaired at a cost of aboul
$0,000. She starts up-river in a vorj
few days.
The opening of the Northern Pacific
to Milui ( Jity and beyond , of course
militates against trade somewhat on
the Missouri and the Yellowstone , but
it is a question if the immigration and
its attendant and inevitable increase
in freightage requirements will not
nearly make up for the losv Certain
it is that there is no talk of taking any
boats out of the river , a ml owners nnd
captains seem confident of plenty of
business. ' It ia greatly to bo dissirod
that freight bo furnished for thu np
per country ii soon as inaaihlo , IIH
trips after the first week in Oc'obur
are dangerous nhv1.yi , iindholdom pro
fitable t ; > thu fihippur , at leiat. Alto ,
gether wo may look for UB lively tiuvs
on tin ) Missouri HUH us evur bu-
fore , and u Jargo incivuio in the iwuth
and cast boiimltonuaguHuems curtain ,
The Bismarck lyibiinu furnishes the
following relutivo to ice niattins lit
that point ; In 1870 thn mnanh occur
red April 0 ; in 1871 , April 1 ; tn 1872 ,
April 15 ; in 1873 , the yrnr the mil-
road reached the city , March 10 , in
1874 the ice broke on thu 13th day of
April. Thu imnth of March that
year was much the same as the pros *
ent month Commodore Kouniz who
had the rivt-r contract with the
Northern Pacific and Diamond ft
line , load d the steamer Peninah and
b.artod n r Carroll , thuro still being
plenty of floating ice in the river. Tn
1875 the ice broke on the 17th of
April. The river was high and the
bottom lauds on the west side of the
river where Mandan now stands and
uouth of Biamarck were submerged.
An incident of this break-up was the
fact that a herd of sixteen dror , forced
from the timber opputito Fort Lin
coln , took refuge on a high knoll about
a mile from Bismarck , near where the
old Green mansion stood , and wore
easily shot by soldiers from Camp
Hancock. Dr. Porter's dog also dis
tinguished himself ttt that time by
swimming out and killini ; a small doe ,
In 1870 the opening train on the
.Northern Pacific arrived at 7 p. in. of
the 4th of March , and the river broke
on the 25th , at 5:30 : p. tn. Tho.bro
was ft very qulot ono nnd caused ;
damage. In 1877 tno ice moved
1:20 : p. m. , March .10 , and ran tijl 7
m. nnd stopped. It began again t
next day at 7 a. m. nnd ran clear.
at both Burnt creek and Sibl
island , nnd the bottoms were moro
loss covered with back water. It w
nt this time that Mr. Creasy lost bo
his limbs by freezing. Ho wascaug
on the bottom land south of tow
and escaped by climbing a trco. Du
ing the bitter cold night nnd the ei
following , before ho could bo rescue
both his limbs were frozin , rondorir
amputation ncccssry. < . A nephew <
P. II. Smith wns frozen to death ;
Burnt creek on the night of thu 31
while endeavoring to roach high Inni
On the night of the 31st an oxprd
tion WM organized in Bismarck I
rescue him nnd others at Burnt creel
but thn storm was too sovcro. Tli
next day , April 1 , Conductor Prc
bort's trnin got stuck in the sno
nbout nine miles out , nnd ho nn
others walked to town. In 187f
March 14 , the ice moved nnd the chat
nol nt Lincoln wan clear on the Kith
On thn 20th the ferryboat Union n
sumud regular trips. The break-u
this year wns very
In 1871) ) , commencing nt 0:30 : p. m ,
March 29 , the ice moved out umootlil
during the day. In 1880 the ice froz
to n depth of thrco foot , nnd was B
aolid that railroad trains were run nl
winter on the ico. This was the -viti
tur that the railroad began movitij
westward from Bismarck. The ic
broke March 30 nt 5 a. m. , nnd th
river continuid to run bank full fo
throe days. In 1881 , at 5:15 , morn
ing of March 30 , the ice broke am
ran until On m. , March 31 Th
river rose rapidly to n height novo
before known in this vicinity , nm
another peculiar feature waa thn
while ordinarily the river runs ban I
full of ice for two or thrco days , thi
yuar the river was clear of ice in jus
six hours and n half , nnd rotnainci
clear. The bottom land south of Bis
marck was ono vast Inko for thre
.laja , and at Mandan the water rosi
to n height of four foot in most of tin
houses. Thu streets were filled witl
liugo chunks of ice nnd the poopli
wuro obliged to
for safe y. April 1 , while the wato
was nt .t standstill it turned cold nut
froze i ho water between the chunks o
ice lodged between the river propo
mid Mandan tu.d the water receding
left almost a solid field of ice threi
miles widu and four to ten toet deep
Iliia break up was BO furious that rail
road iron between Biamarck nm
Mandan was twisted double nnd it
joino instances broken ns if they won
[ > ipo Bti'ins. The railroad company
were obliged to cut a ohanno
through ice to roach Mandan mu
; housunds of ties tlontod down thi
ivor. The steamer Eclipse landoi
it the foot of Third struct , Bismarck ,
Vpnl 1 , nnd after taking on a striiij
land nnd nbout 200 passenger * )
tomod up to n point opposite ant
ibout two miles from Manonn , on nr
ixcursion trip , returning in the even
ro that the break will bo as gontli
s n lamb , but should the weather bi
old here and warm above , so that thi
iroak is forced by the rushing waton
rom the northwest , then n lively tinv
nay bo oxpootod , nnd Capt. Massio'i
ears realized. David .Stowart of tin
lignal Borvico nnd others' ' nlso kop
memorandums of . ti/rf >
fhioh ngrou to the noovo.
Grant. Rooortaon and Jones ,
Washington Corruapunduiico Now
STork Honild ; After considerable
mailing about Mr Tildun and hu
labit of turning up in the nick ui
imc , thu group supor.itcd , nnd c
loiald writer asked of thuguntlemmi
oforrod to. "Isn't ' General Grunt's
/isit to the president considered rath-
jr timely , i his own interest ? "
To which ho replied that General
3rant and Mrs. Grant should be
.lioro nt this tune has some aignifl.
: ance , of course. General Arthur ie
naking'much of llum , and while
, ho ox-president will doubtless pro-
it by the visit BO far ns the
inny bill is concerned , the
ircaunt president will certainly profit
yy the return favor imposed upon hie
; ui > st through noblesse oblige. Sena-
or Jones , of Nevada , is in nil res-
iccls master of curumonios. Ho has
10 axe of his own on the fltono , . but
ie tenaciously turns the handle foi
lie benulit of his friend , the preai-
unt. Ho means business all the
line. Ho is credited with n auggos-
ion thnt it might bo well for Collector
tobertson to visit Washington , "to
no Secretary Folgor and exchange
leas. " At all events the colluotur ,
D ojnpaniod by his wife , wont onand
as decidedly lioni d. Ho sent his
ird in to Soimtor Miller , who hap-
oned to lo out , whereupon another
'iutor took him into thu nunnto
lininbor , whiTu for fntoen minutes hu
.lanmivkoil mm. Lunar , llmnp-
) it , B lyard und the riMt were iutro-
11 'iul , nnd in H'jvi'inl ' of the fouatoia
ti'l btum with him in tlo ) hmurhouBo ,
iu colluutor tolt very much like a boy
jvUitiu/hi : * old cliO'il ' housu. Sou-
j'ury Folgor was moro llmngr.icinus ,
nd iiftot- paying his devoir there
Irothur HolmiUoii went to the White
louse. And ho wuntngnin. And again
0 wont. Whether hu "oxclmngud
JO.IB" or not I can't toll , but of ono
ling you may bo curtain , ho has no in the gubernatorial light at
II. As betwoi'ii Btiilwurts , why flliould
half-breed raru who wins ? And in u
iangular contest Cornell , Star in
nd Wood ho , as a devout rupub i-
incan only nay ; "iHliall votofor'thu
oiuineo , " Senator Jones was hoard
> say ; "Robertson wna n chiirmint ;
illow , " and Secretary Folgor cumpli-
ionod ( him to ' 'tho nines" ( whatuvnr
the nines" may bo ) for the ndmira-
to conduct of the custom house. You
ay rest assured that Folgor will stay
hero ho in , and BO will HoberUon.
A Good Hoimowlfo.
A gooa housewife. , when uho is
ving horhouso its spring renovating
lould boar in that the dear inmates
f her house are moro precious than
any houses , nnd thnt their systems
ued cleansing by purifying the blood ,
iguluting the Btoniach and bowels to
ruvent and euro the diseases arising
oin spring malaria nnd miasma , und
10 must know that there is nothing
lat will do it BO perfectly and surely
1 Hop Bitters , thu purest nnd boat
' medicines. [ Concord ( N. IIS
atriot. l Jid (
Political ( losstp nndjfiomo Intorostli
* l > ccUl porroX > ntenco of Tnr. hn.
LINCOLN , March 2t ) . The city p ;
marics nro to bo held this nftornoi
from 2 to 7 o'clock. The ojlicors
be elected hero comprise a maye
clerk , treasurer , police judge , city o
ginocr , three councilmi'n thrco mor
bors of the board of education , nr
ono cemetery 'trustee. There do
not scorn to bo the rnimo amount <
strif.i over this last office that there
about thu others. The Burlingtn
rend , which has been in the habit <
controlling local politics lioro forsoni
time , will endeavor to carry 'tho pr
iimrioa for Doolittlo for mayor. II
H prcsrlcnt of the city council nnd
prominent lumber merchant here
The opposition will probably run < !
A. Marshall , thu lawyer , fo. tlir
position. Wright , the retiring mayoi
will immodiatuly go into training fc
the legislative rnco next fall , with th
prospect at present , of getting
His administration has had the cflec
of antagonizing abou t all the valuabl
support ho ever had , though ho has t
late been endeavoring to propitiat
that potent political body the Mutli
dist church by taking a stand again :
Sunday theatricals nnd n renewal c
liquor licenses. The now , lugislutiv
apportionment gives this count
aix.membira of the lower house
These will probably bo divide
between the city and county , enc
taking three. As there are thro
wards in thu city of about equal pop
ulation , it is presumed that tnch war
will claim a membflr.
Hon. Clinton Briges , of Omnhn
wna hero yesterday , und apparent !
made no attempt to conceal the fuc
that lie is in the field as a candidat
For senator. If n frank avowal o
that fact will bo of any materia
service to him , Mr. Briggs will un
loubtodly bo u formidable candidate
The lion. John M. Thayer wa
tioro u day or two since , engaged 01
the sumu mission , thu goa
lip say , na was Mr. Briggs
[ f Senator Saunders has any rcgari
-ortho condition of his fences in Lan
master county he had bettor take nd
irMituuo ot the first lull in congroa
lional proceedings to coino homo ant
repair them In connection witl
jJoii. Thayer'a candidnay it may bt
nnontioned as a suggestive fact tha
three uuw posts of thu G. A. II. , hav <
} uon rtcontly established , whilu sonu
, wonty moro have applications h'loc
'or organization. Thu nowCposta ar
it O'Noill , Holt county , Minden ,
ECeu riK'y county , and Mead , Saun
lors county. As was stated in thu
lorreHpondunco some days ago , thi
veterans are enlisting for another
war , and will probably sou sonu
Ighting this summer quito as warm
if not MS dangerous , as that they won
The strong-minded ladies of thii
sity propose to exercise their rights it
; hb upDroaching municipal eloctior
uid will cast their ballots for schoo
A number of flho bloods nt > r.-ir
juotto , u now jtuwii in HumilJmj
souyltyi littTt petit > iuncu ; ( o'f Tt.-vve td
xrifttliiaa militia. ) company under tin
[ tutu law. The qjtota being alreadj
'ull , it is not iikoly that they can
otUizu the dcsiro. The martial glorj
Luhieved by thu present militia com
) atiiu& in their recent campaign ai
has doubtless
if thesu Marquutto youths to go in
.nd do likuwuu.
The now representative hall in the
rest wing of the houao is being fitted
ip for the nppronching session of the
legislature. It. is n beautiful room
nth n commodious gallery capable ol
eating four or ( ivo hundred persons.
The Nebraska Loan nnd Trust com-
any , of Hustings , has been incorpor-
ted , with a capital of $100,000. The
ibject of the company is loaning
nonoy , uto.
The residence of D. G. Hull , in this
ity , was invaded by burglars at an
arly hour yesterday morning and the
cumly larder devastated , although no
ilver or other ware was removed ,
'lio judge has the sympathicr of the
ommumtv in his heavy bereavement.
Lincoln a city authorities have been
aken greatly by surprise at the sud-
on appearance of $8,000 worth of
ity bonds , sent huru for redumption.
t seems that tlioao bunds , to the ox-
out of $20,000 , were issued in 1872 ,
mil THE ruurosu
1 * buying firu apparatus , digging cis-
urnu , etc. Thu authorities Imvo sui-
losed uvur i-inco that the bonds wuru
[ > run twenty years , instead of tun ,
s is thu tact. This grot > s piocu of
tlicial stupidity cuisossuriom ; cmbir-
asaiuont just nl present , us thu city
ro.uury m completely empty , nnd thu
nly way to meet the difficulty in to
tifuiid the amount for another term
f your * Thu biilancu of tha § 20,000
i expected to in a few daye.
"Ulivotto" WIIH prusontoil last niyht
t thu opur.i liuiito by u uooil troupe.
Liinio 1'ixloy nppuara thuro to-night
a M'ltBa. Aiuiua.
'en ' und Ink SUotchoa of the Supreme
Judges and Tholr Solf-Apiiolnted
Body Servants Who Noltuor
Die nor
Wavhinctnit Corro. pendent of the
Uitfurd Tiinub : Itisnot true , tliu
ttaches of the court say , that any of
10 justices have had gowns made in
'ana ' by Worth. They are all homo
iade , and have been made by ono
imily of people for nearly forty years ,
aoh Chandler hud a' very poor opin.
m of thesu gowns , for it is said of
im that ho onctt said to Salmon P.
haso , a former chief justice ; "Sal-
ion , when you have your d d old
ickot on you look every inch n
idgo. " There is no reason why ono
f these gowns should bo called n
ickot , for the skirt roaches to the
uor , The gowns nro put on thu jus-
cos in what is called the robe room ,
Ijoining the court , at five minutes to
2 o'clock , for the judges never go
non the bench until high noon. Then
ftor the marshal's deputy sings hU
iiong about "God bless the Unit
States and the justices of this cour
or words to that Offcct , the am
of the justices having been ] >
viously announced , thty take th
seats and are ready for business. T
clerkship of thu coutt is worth tnr
than the salary of four of thu justici
ns it is said to frequently pay ov
$40COO per year. Tho' Charges n
simply terrible. It coat about n d <
lar for the clerk to look at you , ai
another dollar to got out of Ins sigl ;
They have a little talk then of koo
ing the decisions back ns long n * po
siblc , often n c uplu of months , m
in thu meantime if any oho wants
copy of thu decision it costs $2 I
each pagu of 100 words. There is r
good reasun why the decisions shou'
not bo put in type the day they m
dulivcrcd , and furnished na thu d
bates of cungrcis are furnished , tl
day follow imr , but this wns
nnd they never do anything nbout tl
court except inthe time honored nn
oxci ssively flow way. This , nil ngrei
* ould bo u great convenience , but
would tnko § 10,000 a year out of tli
fees of thu clerk , und , of course , it i
not d nio. Several times bills hav
been prepared for introduction in coi
gross on thu subject , but sumoho
nothing was heard of them aftermm
Tlioao who proposed them were cor
vinccd that it was not the custon
and they let the matter dror
The supreme coutt lias ahvuj
held thnt every bill relating to th
court must bo lirst sent to them fc
inspection , nud strange OB it may ai
pear they have always carried thoi
point in this respect. When Bolv
Luckwood , the female lawyer , appliu
for admission to practice before th
court , thu justices were shocked nn
the clerk hoirificd. Thu court con
sidered the application , and after hold
ing it under advisement for a rnont
or BO , gravely declared against her , 01
the ground that it was against th
custom , if not the law. Bolva , ill rt
ply said it was against the custon
unco to ride in a railroad car , or t
light up a house with gas , but thos
customs were not in keeping with th
progressof the times. The reply wa
that there was no help for her. Belva
buiiig practical , slipped over to th
scnutu , drew a bill giving women thi
right to practice law , provided the ;
ivora competent , and had it intro
iu'cod Who had a similar bill intro
iucod in the house , which body pass
jd it. The senate in turn passed it
ind lo ! the custom was
A law took its place , and she or nn ;
) thor woman is now perfectly free t <
; ot a big feu for appearing nnd argu
ng n before the supreme court
provided she ia fortunuto enough ti
5etemplOJed. llv '
It is against the custom , and nooni
s allowed to do it under penalty of be
np put out of the court room , fo
my ono , newspaper reporter or law
for even , to write a word in the cour
room , or take note of any point in i
leoision or remark of any' ' of tin
udgoa. This appears strange , anc
rot it is fact , and there are hundredi
) f newspaper correspondents win
{ now from being proventtd. Th <
sustom is to go to thu clerk and wail
i week or so for him to make such ox
.racts of an opinion , as are wanted
md pay him his fees. The only waj
o get over this is to keep the point !
n your head and write them1 out bl
ot coming out of the courtlroorn
vhich/ms to bo 'done un vteit ii
V ! ' ° 'i5uS5'5V.on f'ay- |
The bp'mTThs of the supreme ] cour
.ro inucli too long. They go into i
n'story of every case , and oftonY per
on has to read a' half hour or so bo
ere the point in the decision is reach
id. But. all this plajs into thu hand :
if the clerk. Hu gets \eallhy ii
onsequonco of it. Imagine thu read
rs of a pouor in these days of tele
; r.iph having to wait three or foui
rocks lor n decision ! The judges nrt
00 slow. They don't intend to . bi
low , but they nro , without knowing
t. It is seldom that a do-
ision can bo had in less than
month after n case has been ur-
uod. In similar courts in England a
ecision is given in five minutiis nftor
case is argued. Thii is as it dhould
e. The judges , in holding ofT their
ccisions , without knowint ; it , are on-
idling a certain number of resident
ttorneys at the expense of other at-
jrnoys , who do not happen to reside
uro ; for , knowing the delay , the ox-
uuse of waiting , etc. , non-resident
twyers are frequently required to so-
uro the assistance of resident attor-
eys to nrguo and look after their
1 that each justice bus a body servant ,
ho justices got money for their own
ody servants , but the custom is oth-
rwisu , nnd the body servants nro paid
1,200 per annum by thu govern-
lent. Some of the justices want to
iltct their own body servant , but
icy uru not allowed to do it by the
Iher body servants , for the custom
that thu newly appointed justice re-
lins tliu body Borvunt of liis prede-
; ssor. The body Borvants hayu r.iro-
been known to allow justice to vio-
.to . this custom. Mr. Justicu Woods ,
hoMIS appointed by Gaitield , in
leaking to some gontlumun of
lis custom , said : "My body
in ant ia the moat annoying
itng I have yet experienced ,
hu fellow is thu first man I see in the
orniii ! > and the lust I BOO at night ,
o forced his w.-ij' into my loom nt
iu Klhott house , ordered mu to go
) wn to bro.ikfast , and then asked mu
hat I would luivo for broukf.vit , tik-
g my order to the cooks himself ,
could not get rid of him in any way ,
0 haunted ino all the time. 1 tried
1 find places to send him to get rid
him , but bo was back as quick us
litiung. Tlut follow will bo the
iath of me. I have this satisfaction ,
> wovpr , the other justices are tor.
rod in the anmo way. "
When Mr. Justice Gray of Massa-
uu'tts recently went on the supreme
inch he had nn idea ho would do
st as ho plousod ; but after a trial ho
mlly had to yield , nnd ia now as
mpletely in thu power of his body
rvant as any of the others. Ho not
ily was not allowed to select a man
r hiniftelf , but was forced to accept
0 services of a follow ho d > os not
Cl" .
They nro death on custoir ; thoylivo
1 custom , nnd not ono of the body
rvnnts does a thing different from
lint he did years ago. As a rule the
> dy servants are past middle ago.
10 fathers and grandfathers of some
of thorn served in the same capnoil
for they noror loiift'now mnn'into t
Mrs. .T. n. Robertaon , IMtUtnnv. Pa. , writes :
was euffcrinir from pcncral JcblHtu want of |
petite , constipation , etc. , no that lire HU & bui
den ; after mink' Burdock Olood Itlttcrn I ( clt be
ter than for ) cars. I cannot pralso jourUlttn
too milch. "
. rt. nf Huffalo , N. V. , writes : "Von
Burdock Dlci Uttcre , In chronic ( llnciwci of th
lilooJ liter I..J Kluncjo , hi\o bccri ulRiiall
marked with BUCCCPA. I hat a Used them mj BC
nitli he't results , for torplilltx of tholhcr nnd I
CMoof n frlcnJ of mine suffering from drops }
the cHect was limn clous. "
Unico Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : ' ! hav
been subject to acrlous disorder of the kldncji
and unable to attend to huslncwt ; Ilurdock Illoo
Hitters r elided mo before half abottlo asu ci
1 feel confident that they u 111 entirely euro inc. "
* Aienlth Hall , Dlntrhampton , N.Y. , write"
"I Buffered with a dull piln through mv el
lun ? and shoulder. Lost my spirits , nppctlt
and color , and could ulth dltliculty keep up al
day. Took your liurdock Dlood Bitters tin dl
reeled , and hate felt no pain since first week al
tor uslnsr them. "
Mr. Noah Batoi , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "Abou
four yean a o I had an attack of bilious fever , am
never fully recovered. My dI < ? esfHo orjfan
were weakened , and I would bo comicly proa
tratcd for days. After using two bo * 'rs of > ou
Burdock Dlood Hitters the lmpro\ t was si
vl Iblo that I was astonished. I can i . thougl
61 years of age , do a fair and rcasoi iblo day'i
0. Dlackct lloblnson , proprietor of The Conadi
Presbj tcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For j can
I suffered irrcatly from oft-recurring headache. , '
used your Burdock Dlood Bitters with happlcs
results , and I now find mtxelf In better bcaltl
than for years pout. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ! havt
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bll
loud headaches , and can recommend It to-anyoni
requiring a euro for bllllousnesa. "
Mrs. Ira Mutlnolland , Albany , K. Y , writes
"For several years I have suffered from ott-rucur
ring bllllous headaches , djejicpsla , and com.
plaints , peculiar to 111BUA. . Slnctf using youi
Burdock Blood Dlttcra I ain entirely relloe
9rlce , 91.00 poi nettle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti
POSTER , MILBUEH , & Oo , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale byjeh & McMahon and C. F.
Joodman. Je 27 cod-mo
Cnls great tpccillc LUIIV tnat most Icotuomo
Wfeotkor iD its Prlmnry , Secondary
or Tertiary t-tage-
Removes all traces of > crcury iroui the ej stern -
tern , Cures Scrofula , OM So-et , Ilheuma-
tlbm , &zcma , Catarrh or an )
Blood Disease.
Core * 'When Hot Spring ! Fail !
Mahern , Ark. , May 2 , 1881.
Wo have casen In our town who lived at Hot
Springs and were finally cured with S. 3. S.
Memphis , Monn. , May 12 , 1831
Wo have sold l,21Mi bet Ics of S. S. S. In a year.
t ha.i given unlveraM satisfaction , ralr mlnucd
> hyslclans now recommend It ns a positive
pociQc. S. MAKsrikLD ft Co.
Louisville , Ky , , May 13. 1881.
S. S. S. has given better sati faction than any
ocdlclne I ha\o eior sold. J , A. FL.IMKU.
Uorivei , Col. May 2 , (1881. (
Kcry purcha ertpcaksln the highest terms
) fb. S. b. L. ilelsiotnr.
nichinond. Va. . May 11 , 1881.
You can rifer anybody to us In regard to the
uerlts of y. S. S. Folk , Miller & Uo.
"la " o ne > cr known S. S. S tofall to cure a cose
f Syphilis , when properly taken.
II. L UciiLard. 1 , , , n
iiiW.irren. :
The abate signers aroucntlcman of blt-'li stand-
Governor oifleorirli.
Write for particulars and oopy of Ittle
ook 'Muxsaire to the Ulifcrtunato.
81.000 Rnwnrd > H > > o paid to any
liomiet who will llnd , on anmyels 1 < K ) bottles
S. 8. , one partlclof Mercury lodldo I'otas-
iuin or any Mineral substance.
.Atlanta , Oa.
Price of regular size reduced to $1 75 per < nt
e Small BIZU , holding hall the quantity , price ,
Sold by KKNNAKD & CO. ,
nd Druggists Generally
The Grail English
S'u er falls to cuio
Sennua Dbhllir > . VI
t.-il Exhaustion , Emls-
Inna , Seminal Woak-
HOOD , and "all the
> . \ II tlli-cts of youth
( ill foUitH ami execs-
ia. It tOH | permi
limitl } all vMokcnliik' .
Int oliintary loin a"il
Irnliti mum the BJ -
imi , Ihelnoiliab'u re-
iiltol triiBuciillirac-
, .
„ „
i.cH , wh'cli ' uro BO distruc I * " to mind anil Imily
id u > nk i I'fu iniacriblti , oltcii Icailln ; ; to liikanl-
ami ilcith It e'rciutliena tliu NmuKjtraln ,
icinor > ( Illooil , Mm Ics , Pl uthe and llcpro-
iictlva Urn im , It rcsntoK f ) all the organic
nctli'iH their ( ormur vln'or and vitality , ma.
ntr IKo ehucrfiil anil viijojabla I'rlcci $3 a
ittlc , or four times the < ( uan Hj 810 , bent hy
; i > ro n. n'curo from olnii r\atlon , to r n > addrtsn ,
i receipt of price. No. 0. 0. D. Bent , except
i receljit of SI aa a k'Utra itta. let tern rj-
icstini ; anatur * ti iislluclosu iitamp ,
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills
e tt > licst anil cheapest rlHpopsU and Ijlllloua
itol i thomarktt. Sold by all druggists. 1'rlio
On HISTIK'S KIDXHT Kxvior , NrrRimci'M ,
ui'Hill Llnilof Kidney und lilaJdirvomiilalnte ,
moirhci , lcct ai d Itui-orrliea. lormlocy all
.UL'ir sU : * l a battle.
TIROIIvo St. , St. loule , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
"o Nervous Sufferers
i , J. B. SimpBon'e Specific
It ti positw o cure for i rm toirhc , Semlpa
SCU.WB. . ImiXJiaucy , and 11 dlsoaaei resulting
m Fcl/.Abuue / , fts i'llcnUI Anxiety , Loss.
mory , r lns In th BacltJorjHde and dlteuci
* " ' " " ' lcaj
- : "IrlTii I"3 * to
insanity an
Tie HpeclBc
Modlelne It
being Ubed
lth wouJer-
( ul succcea.
. _ _ Pamphlet *
> Ttrefl to 1I * Writ * for them and gut full par-
Price , ' Speclflt , ll.CO l > i package , or nix pack
II . laf-tt . 00 . Addreui all order * to
Not 101 and 106 Mala St. Buflalo , N , Y.
9oW Iu Omaha by 0. f. Ooodman , J. W. Bell ,
K. lib , ' and all
R. J. SAXE ,
Has opened a New Hat Store in Opera House Block on 15th St.
wliere can be fonnd all the desirable Styles at Moderate
PricesAconiDletfl Spring Stock- has been bought
and will arrive in a few days , ,
A Full Linn of Gents' Furnishing Goods Will be added soon.
J. A.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near ( Inio.D Pacific DoDot , OMAHA.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A 3RA.WGJ2Qi * Fo 1- " St. . Oroaha
* " " " " " " "
mm aammj& f
Mining and Milling Company.
Corking Capital - ? 30,000.
ixpiUlbock , iooonoo ,
ar Vttluo of Share ) , $26,000.
DR. J. I. TJI01U3. Proaldent , Curnmln , Wyomln ; ; .
WM. E. TILTO.V. Vlco Pro-lrttnt , Cummins , Wyoming '
G. N. HAUWOOD , aecretary , Cummlnn , Wyoming. '
A. O. LUNN , Trcumirer , < ; nmmlne , Wyoming. ' '
r. J. I. Tlioniap. l.oula Millc' W. o. Brimol. A. O. Dunn.
. N. H r ood. Fr , Ueo. II. Falos. Lewis Zolnun
Dr J 0. A'atklns
) > 2moBm OEO. W. KENDALL , Author led Agent for SMe of Stock : Br" " Veb.
Buy t he PAT EN "PR OCE8S'
always gives satisfaction , because it make ?
superior article of Bread , and is the Chear
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to ruiK alike or
l money refunded.a
vv. M. YATES.
9f Vt0 H * ' A.ia lifcB WV tflha > ffla < VdhiUdn
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
SI *
1213 Fnrnharn St. Omaha ,
no Wiiiclioa nnd Clocks , Pianos , the Stock and others.
( imonds nt Importers' Prices , Organs , Whitney & Ilohnoa.
wnlry , most Artistic Style . ] \luaic Books , Slieot Muaio.
verwnro , un Kl sant Steel ; , A ccordians , Violins ,
cclaulcn , Kjo GhuiHoa , itc. Flutes nnd Fifeu , Guitars ,
ioru CJlassea , Choicu Asaortineiit. jNTusio Bozua , Ilarnionicas ,
graving , in Best Styloa. Violin Strings , Guitar Strings , iXrc ,
10 IlppairiiiK n Specialty , Inducements Superior to othors.
ices in I'luiu Figures. Our Motto , 'Plain Figures. "
; ? " As wo copy mme of uur competitors STYLES or advertisements we politely rest -
; st a return of the coinpllnient. >
pera House Block. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
ring Goods Receiving Daily anfl Stook very nearly-i Complete