Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA DAxiA Bbti : WEDKESLiAV MAltGH 29 i-b * .
The Omaha Be
Pnbliaheol every morning , except Band
Vbe only Mondnv morning dally ,
Dno STwr . S10.00 I Three Montha. * ;
Biz Months. 5.00 1 One . . 1
WKEKLY BEE/publl&ed
ery Wednesday.
One Year . ? 2.00 I ThreoMontbi. .
Six Month * . . . . 1,00 I One . .
atioti * relatini ; to Now find IMItorUl n
era Miould be addressed to the KDiron
L ttciK and Itcmittnncci should bo
dr "tied to THE OMAHA PtmtHiiifw C <
FANT , OMAHA. Drnft * , Cliccka nmll'c
office Ordeia la bo inndo payable to
order of the Company.
WALTER'S running arou
gathering in the solid buiinoas mon
rory sugRcativo.
No workingmnn who has any BC
respect can support a political trio !
lor and jobber like Hnscnll.
WITH republicans ; I am a ropul
can , with democrats a democrat , I
always for the U. 1 * . Dntua Brool
A cocrLK of awindlora have be
traroling through the Bovith vaccini
ing the negroes with beeswax , anew
now they havu both takun the hivi
ONB of Omaha's groatont needs ia
fair aaacHsmont and a low rate of tn
ation. The burden of taxation oug
to bo placed where it belongs.
TEXAS does not propose to bo class
with Tennessee and Virginia as a del
i repudiating atato. It paid off ov
$5,000,000 of its bonded indobtodnc
last year.
POSTAL receipts for February she
an increase of 24 J per cent , over tl
corresponding month of last'yea
This ia a reliable index of the but
ness boom.
FRANK WALTEIW , that pink i
sobriety , morality and integrity
vei-y active in organizing the sol
mon of Omaha to elect a city counc
made up of reputable and rosponaibl
AUBITRATION in England hasprovo
the greatest friend of both employci
and employes and the connecting lin
between the capitalist and the laboi
or. The aoonor it is recognised n
auch in this country the bettor it wi )
bo for both classes. . , * . ,
" ! N union there ia Bt'rongtli. Bu
the only union of workrnoratlint wll
bo strong enough to auccood at th
coming election ia one which joins a
the polls in support of men in when
tuo community has [ perfect confi
donco. ' -
TJIB wealthiest member of congress
Thomas Allen , of Missouri , is lying a1
the point of death. Ho pays taxci
this year on on assessment of ovui
$2,000,000 in St. Louis alcno , am
this is said to bs lose than one-fifth o :
his wealth.
SOME malicious forger aent a peen
to the Chicago Tribune entitled "Tin
Avenging Czar , " bearing the aigna
turo of Bishop Coxo , of Western Nev
York , whioli was a fierce donunciatiot
'of the Germans. Bishop Coxo indig
nantly repudiates the fraud and aski
the widest publicity for his denial.
Lot working men cut it out ami
paste it in their hats that they wit
only throw away their votes by cast
ing them for disreputable shysteru and
corrupt rascals , who have time ant
again been repudiated at the polls bj
Omaha voters.
TIIEUB are 105,000 Chinese at prcs
cnt in the country. Nona of those
will bo affected by the anti-Ohinoac
bill. These coolie brethren at homo
are preparing toship from Hong Kong ,
evading the law by registering as
British subjects.
A ruAUB of the labor problem has
been very sensibly dealt with by the
Massachusetts house of ropreaunta-
liven , which has passed a bill com
pelling manufacturing corporations to
pay their employes as often as once
in two weeks. It is claimed that
frequent pay days encourage frugality
and temperance , and attention is
drawn to the fact that in the Full
River mills , whore payments are madu
weekly , there is much less drunken ,
ness than in Lowell , where the men
are paid off every month.
TIUT contingent congressman
flohomo which Vul ia trying to engi
neer through the houae doesn't moot
with any nioro encouragement from
the prcaa throughout the country
than it will from congrcsu itself when
finally brought before that body for
passage , The St. Louis Republican
Giving Nebraska an additional rop-
oeeontutivo right on the heels of a
new apportionment which will right
all wrongs , ia a monumental absurdi
ty. There in nothing but political
necessity to palliate the folly , and tlio
republican party can strengthen its
majority with better grace by letting
in eorao of the republicans contesting
democratic aeati ,
Railroad attorneys confidently r
sort tlmt the Ken gnu bill is alrca <
killed in the congressional committ
room , to which it was referred , n
laugh pleasantly over the prospects
another mcanuro introduced by R !
Converse , of Ohio , which is Intend
to prevent the consolidation of ra
road companies find to prohibit po
ing compacts.
Mr. Converse's bill makes it 'fi
lawful for any railroad company , 1
the conatruolion of which the Unit
States have granted land , right
way , franchise , or any other thing
value , to consolidate its line with u
othoi parallel or competing line
road or roads , or with any parallel
computing line of bonta or wntcr roi
transportation , either by act of cc
Bolidation , purchase , lease , runni
contract , or otherwise. " It also t
clarcs that it shall bo unlawful i
any railroad or navigation coinpan
over which the United States m
rightfully and constitutionally cxorci
jurisdiction and control , to make a :
arrangements or agrcomonto whi
ahall in any respect prevent or pi
liibit competition in freight or passe
gor trafiic.
The bill has two designs. The fn
provision is drafted to prevent 01
union of the rival 1'aciQc railroads. 1
second section will reach every ra
road and navigation compai
in the country. The pow
of congress U constitutional
exercise "legislative jurisdiction ni
control" over the entire railway sy
torn of the country * BO far aa it joii
states by lines of transportation , h
been distinctly aflirmod by the highc
courts of the country. The ean
principle applies with equal force I
water linos. Congress would long nj
have assorted ita authority if it ha
not been controlled for years by o
unscrupulous and powerful monopol
lobby. Thn corporations have the
agents and retained counsel on tl ;
floor of both the aenato and housi
They are reinforced by a atrong.auxi
iary force of corruptioniots in the h <
tola and lobbies , and between the tw
it has been easy enough to draw th
strings BO aa to prevent legialotio
lioatilo to their principals.
Mr. Converse's bill is not likely t
; > ass. It will probably never com
ip for final notion. The committo
oems generally prove the gravoyar
or measures which corporations op
) oao , and this , measure ia likely t <
nout the fate of a number of its pro
ICCCSSOH. But the tune is cominj
rhon the country will rise up aa oni
ian and swoop from their places o
oproaontativo trust the mon who art
otraying the confidence of their con
tituonts , belying their own convio
ion * and Boiling their very aouls foi
ho corrupting bribes of the corpora
ions who are robbing and plundorinf
ho producers of the country.
While the demand for paving ie
nivcraal in thie city it would bo well
more attention wore paid to keep-
) g clean the atreeto and guttore
hich are already paved and guttered
i Omaha. A heavy layer of mud
ivors the macadomizod surface o
'nrnam ' nlrcot and clogs up the gut
era of both Farnam and DougU
; roets. When the apring raina oem
! io collars of a score of stores aiu
'arohouaoa ' will bo Hooded. Th
-root cleaning force of the city ia no
irgo but if property owners wouli
) ln in acraping together the filtl
oni in front of their stores it coulc
wily bo carted oil and disposed ender
nder the direction of the street com
lissionor. In Paris the cloaniug aiu
vcoping of streets ia made n matte
f upociul tax. Paved streets rcquir
i constant cleaning as mud street
uud repairing. The coat of cleaning
irory street is estimated and the rca
itato pays for it ut so much n fron
lot while the city dooa the work
ndor the old rule in vogue in tha
euning of oontinental cities eacl
roporty owner waa required to keep
ean his pavements and one half the
roots in front of his place of busi
iaa or residence. Every morning
o dirt waa swept in pilea and ro
oved by the city curia. 0
urse auch a plan ia only prao
sable in A city in whicl
.ving . ia the rule and not the oxcop-
> n , us in our own. Still , much o
0 dirty appearance of our streets
uld bo avoided if our citizona wouli
mply with the city ordinances. A
rge quantity of the garbage in our
roots ia thrown there from atorea ami
IUBCB , uud there is no attempt made
1 the part of the city authorities to
event tho.uilVnso. Our alloya arc in
frightfully filthy condition , littered
ith pupura , raga , aahes , vegetable
iiB and rubbish of every description ,
liich , with the approach of warn
jathur , will bo a dangerous menace
the health of the adjoining rosi-
nils ,
Mr. JlcCammon , U.S. commissioner
railroads Ima bmi studying thooxist-
relatioiib between the Paoitio rail-
ada and the government mid has
mo to the conclusion that the na
in has been awindlod outrageously
a number of transactions. Ho has
Hten a letter to the secretory of the
lerior in which he recommends a
; orous prosecution of tboBUilBpoiul
; in the United States circuit court ,
Now York , for the recovery of tax-
[ illetfod to be due to the government ,
The effort to array the business mi
of Omaha against workingmen in t
coming city election , ia in many i
spools deplorable , The workingm
of Omaha are the bono And sine
the brain and brawn of this cil
Most of thorn have little homes a
pay nioro than their proportion
the taxes an compared with the m
of wealth and big corporations. Ne !
ly nil of them have fltnked their I
turo upon the growth and prosper !
of Omnha. They have como he
with Bmall means , to build up horn
for themselves and childron. Th
are identified with every interest tl
community has or may have. Th
are members of your churches ai
your benevolent societies. Tin
children are in the pub
schools side by aide with t !
children of the merchant and tl
manufacturer. And yet the corpoi
tion papers and designing politicia
talk about them as if they we
boosts of burden , cannibals , or liar
oncd criminals. The Republican i
fora to thorn na the "criminal classes
and the very mon who have mai
merchandise of voters , and have d
graded aulTrago by bribery , ballot bi
stuffing and repeating ? and mon wl
in public olllco have committed pen
tontiary acts , have the audacity t
nay to call upon merchants , manufa
turora and capitalists to organize vi
ilanco committees and political at
chamber plota for the purpose of pu
ting down Omaha workingmen , fro
whoso industry this city derives mo
of its prosperity. It ia aboi
time to cry a halt to th
effort to widen the chas
between tliu employers and the on
ployed , between the men who labc
ind these whu employ labor.
Wo hear of citizens' meetings go
ion up by o irpnratiun managers an
nipportod by brass collorod oditoi
ivho have been ready at any time t
icll themselves soul and body , an
lacrifico the most vital interests oho
ho city at the beck of the monopo
ie ? .
Two years ago the working men c
3 in all a saved those capitalists fror
ailing into the hands of the IIoll
rater sharks and jobbers , whor
L'ho Herald and The Republican wor
upporting with might and main
. .ast your the working men ralliei
ound the business mon to equolcl
laacall. Are these working pcopl
IBS entitled to confidence now , am
ro the business mon of Omaha BI
lind as not to BOO what the corpora
ion managers are driving at ? Di
lioy not comprehend that the mail
bjoct of thia present contest ia not t <
rovont the workingmcn from con
rolling the oily government , which a
cat they cannot na long as Mayoi
loyd and six councilmen hold over
ut it is the entering wcdgn to dofea
10 effort to check grasping monopo
ea and particularly to destroy eym
ithy between workingmen and busi
BBB men , BO that > the business mot
mil henceforth bo more howcra ol
oed and carriers of water for the bii
> rporationa.
Wo ask the business mon to pause
ifloct and count the cost of this sort
: warfaro. Let them remember that
malm cannot grow and become teat
: oat city without a largo body ol
icchanics and laborero ; that Omalu
innot nfl'ord to have two classes ol
tizons arrayed constantly against
ich other in deadly hostility without
irious danger and damage to al !
asses. There may a day como whcr
10 business men will need the work-
ig people to aavo thomsolvca fron :
rporato oppression.
There wan a time , not many yean
ick , when Omahu bankers , mor
mnts and manufacturers organized n
tizona movement to pritect thorn-
Ivoa from monopoly extortion and
acrimination , and when they had t < i
ipond on the working people and the
rmora for electiiig men to the legia- [
turo that roproaonted their intoreat
id the public interest , rather than the
toreatH of the railways. In those
lya the workingmen of Omaha wore
> t regarded aa the "criminal
UHSCS , except by the editors that
car the brass collar , and they were
on as bitter and abusive about the
inkers and merchunU UB they now
o about workingmon. While thoaolid
on ot Omaha are appealed to , to or-
nizo againat the working people , not
ivord has been said about n nioro
ngorous element tliatdemoralizeaour
'litica. Wo refer to the low dojigoricH
d dens of vice and infamy that are
rmitted to flourish in tlju town and
orcUo u tnoro potent influence in
ird primaries and city elections than
irking men do. These huunU urn
oiisod in of nil law , uiid
o solid mayor of tlnmlm with all his
lice force doea nothing to protect
o community against that influence ,
lero in also the BO called merchants
d manufacturers union , which played
sh an important part in hut year's
y election , and ia quietly preparing
another onslaught. About New
ar'a day , when the Slocumb law
ut into ollect , wo were promised n
ff departure in morals and tobrioty
Her , Mr. Sherrill and other miii-
Jra on .tho assurance of our mayor ,
; April fool'a day will ahow'thatiii-
ad of fifty saloons licensed in
luary , wo ahall have licensed
ety aaloona , or thereabouts ,
of which a considerable pcrcontaj
are conducted in connection wi
gambling nnd prostitution. If tl
business men of Omaha would orga
izo to cloao those haunts of vice i
stead of arraying themselves ngain
the working people , they might i
the city Bomo good.
And now a word to the workin
men , nnd nil who labor f
watjCB in Omaha. Act pruder
ahow the c'irporatians ai
thu mon of wealth that you
competent to oxerciuo the sovcreij
suffraqa of American citizens as tin
aro. Support no candidate for ofll
who haa n bad record , whoso ropul
lion in stained by bribery , fraud
lawlc.Hsnoss. Support no man th
has proven dishonest in public oflic
Vote down every proposition th
would increase the power of corpor
lions. Do nothing that you would 1
ashnmod of in the future. Prove 1
your conduct that voit nr.o the poe
of any other class o' citizens ,
IT'H all in thu family and an long i
Frank llatton handles the long po
ho proposes to reah for the ripe
persimmons. The Chicago Times r
marks that , "Mr. Frank llatton , >
Burlington , eke of Wathington , has
dual position. As assistant postmaa
cr general ho edits the United Stall
mail , which haa a very largo circuli
tion. Aa a Burlingtonian ho also odi
The Hawkeyc , the circulation i
which isn't ao largo. Between tl :
two hia time ia fully occupied. Tin
there ia an intimate rotation botwce
important posts may bo diacorne
From the fact that as chief of Th
Elawkoyo ho haa issued a circular m
Lice that ho haa transferred Ilia mat
iging editor of The Hawkeye to th
nanagcmont of the Burlington issu
) f the United States mail , and ha
: onferred the management of Th
Efnwkoyo to somebody > l o. Mi
latton haa an onerous tai-1 but h
nnkca the duties dovetail t ith ncal
MKXICO is making a great fuss eve
ho diacovory of ' 'a railroad paaa noa
fimapan which will obviate formida
ilo engineering difficulties. " The dia
every of railroad passca in Nebrask ;
tear Lincoln about the tinin of oacl
Bgislativo session has become BO com
non that it isn't oven thought wort ]
OF ono thing both working men am
ther citizens of Omaha may bo cer
niu. The best ticket IB going ti
omo in thu coming city flection
'arty lines will bo very loosely draw )
nd the candidates in whom peopl
ave confidence as upright and re
poctable mon will bo voted for by al
lassos of good citizens ,
CITIZEN BHOOKH will please oxplaii
D the Stalwart llopnblicana of th
tate why the Republican bolta tin
Lopubliean City ticket befoJo tin
anvontion has mot.
ho Cronturo Alleged to Have Beet
Soon by Two Brutto County
rMlcy Uor&ld.
Thomaa Campbell and Jo soph How
rd , two woodchoppers working in UK
mbpr five milea northeaat of Hurlo.
> n , in thia county , informs ua by lot
ir of a singular creature they na\\
ying through the air last Friday af.
irnoon. They write : "About foui
'clock ' Friday afternoon last , while
; work , wo wore atartlod by the
mud of many wings Happing in the
r. Looking up , wo precoivod pass-
ig over our heads , not nioro than
> rty feel above the tree tppa , a crca-
ire that looked something like a
ocodilo. It waa , to the boat of our
idgment , not less than eighteen foot
i length , and would measure two
tot no rota the body from the head to
10 tail , a distance of probably
velvo feet. The tail WRS about four
io < long , and tapered frcni tha body
i a point probably eight inches wide ,
ho head was in the neighborhood of
ro feet in length nnd the jaws ( for
s mouth was open ) could not have
ion leas than sixteen inches long ,
n each side of the body , between
ie head and the tail , were six wings ,
ich projecting between eighteen
olios and two feet from the body.
a near aa we could see , these winga
ore about fifteen inohoi broatl , and
ipearod to bo formed aimilar to a
luk'a foot. On the under aide of
0 body wo counted twelve loot , six
1 a Hide. " Mr. Howard fired ono
, rrnl of a shotgun at the monster ,
id writes , "It uttered a cry tiniilar
that of a calf and bear combined ,
it gave no aign of being inconvon-
need or injurod. In fact , when the
ot struck , wo heard the bullets rat-
) us though striking against n thin
L'co of aheot iron. The object iui3
10 seen by n number of Chinamen
jrking near us , who wro badly
ghtoiied and lied to their cabins. "
us ia the tint time wo Imvu ever
sinl of auch , i ctcaturu na tliiaj bir
r iiifiirmiMU n * i lu'.l > mem ,
nco we cuniiut doubt their et , < ' .
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
I'ho IK T SALVE in the world for CuU ,
nlaet , Soren , Ulcer , Salt llheuin , Fever
reo , Tetter , 0 tipped Hand * , Chilblain * ,
run , uii'l all tkin eruptions , and ] > obi-
ely curea pllei , It U Kinrantccil to
e catUfHCtlun or money tefunded.
Ice , ' . ' 5 cents per box. For Kale by
liroter and H clit.
A Murderous Lnwyor.
ional AiMOcUtu < .l I'rcss.
ST. LODIS , Mo. , March 28. James
MolJrido , known for many years
the ablest criminal lawyer in thia
Y , made an assault last night upon
uis Trimmer , a grocer. Ho first
id a piatol ahot and then attacked
victim with a bowie knife. Ilia thought to bo mortal.
Tlis w rin i-.ilns have cruised the fn
tieen it \iclnityof Mr.rjnville tn Lu
Into U.ociii.
A party of eastern cdoniftU have \y
clM 'l 1,300 norm of land i.ear IJOH Ani
leu for S2.,010.
Thn total wool c.llj ) of 1881 h nut
43,2&1.7 < ri I' " " " ' " flio export" HTO va
ed at S',000,000.
Snow i-hovfclcM were offered ? 2.oO
Sicrann-nlo , andenoiuh men could not
hvl ut the price.
The Indian Fclmnl nt Ban Ulfgo 1
nbiiittstventy iiupils in attendance. 7
ffTtcU o' H h o-t > n1nlnt ; on the Indl
boy And girl h ro betn very favorable.
Tlie corner s o 10 of the Home f r Aq
Females In H n Vmncl covn ? Inid li
Monday. The building will coi-t $ b'JOI
It Is in clinrgo of tlio blatorn of Me icy.
The Bind storm In Kotn connty , li
Sunday , was so icvero that the 11)ing HI
darkened thd iilr go that bbjecta tw. r
Jeot dhtnnt could not bo een at inhldn
An many B forty Cliiimincn have t-v
the ' jiinuno Theater company of Oakla
for ? " > d.iiiiagex , for fail ng to keep t
theater running until 2 o' . lock n. in , ,
Stali.tcn ! ( if thu pioductH of the st (
for 188 : WheitlO.OOO.OOJ bushe
beet , 1,410,5. . ' ) pounds ; gold a
silver , S77.000.UOO ; product of wine 0,501
000 gallons ; barley , ! iCOO,000 toiHul
quicksilver , 58,033
A Chines i leper was discovered
Wednesday In wretched hovel , not mu
larger tli&n a dog'konnel , hid nmo
bu-lics on the banks of the Penitcncia
n in ilo or two from San Jose. He h
been tin re nearly a year , being auppll
with food by iiU countrj men ,
1'ortland butlners men sent $1,000 to t
MUoietlppi flood BufTerers.
There is laid to be In Florence Ho
precinct , Jackson county , less than for
miles Jacksonville , dense forests
white aod ougar pine which nro yet u
slaitned , nnd which must at no dista
lay prove extremely valuable
1'artieg near l.owiston , are olfcriue :
[ ) er bush < -l for the coming flax crop of th
egion , delivered at the riv r , and A cc
cspundent Bays that many ftrmera w
urn their attention to the cultivation
.hat rapidly-Increasing produce of tl
Carson haa mode a step in advance. SI
s going to bo illuminated with gaa her
tfter iu place of cojl oil.
Ilrhtol is iigain highly tickled ever tl
plendid nciv Btriku la thu Majilowe
this wonderfully rich propcrity is opcnh
me into A true bonanza , much to the gral
ication of the citizens.
'J he snowfall duriug the late storm :
iold Hill , averaged three feet on the levc
'here are drills to be Been iu vmioi
ilacea ten ft el high There la ei0htet
ect of biiow at the summit.
A Navrjo Indian ktood on the railro ;
truck near Navajo Springs , faciug :
approaching freight train. He kept h
placu retojutely til } ho was knocked dow
iy the engine. Thia was a brave'a way i
ODimiitiug tuicide.
It is not likely th t Storey county wi
eon see the $ 'JO , 000 awarded it by tl
upreme couit by its recent decision in th
lullion tux penalty suite. It is state
hut the Bonanza tirm intend carrying th
ase to the United StateH t > upreuio coui
n a writ of error.
Two Germans nriived in Geona las
eik from Iowa. It lud been enowin
jr icverul oaya and the road from Cargo
as a most iuipUBjalie , and they wer
uite iifgubted. They were the guestH o
Ir. and Airs. Bowers. The n xtmoruini
lie Bnow-altde killed their bouts , destroyu
lie house , crippled ono of them am
early frightened the other to death.
The Belcher. Crown Point and Imperil
ompanitc , Gold Hill , have given orders t
oiut uut all tool , air-pipe , car-track an
ther apparatus an I machinery froi
oint < btluw the level of the Su'.roTun
el. Tliis oliuts down the lower level )
'he Crown 1'oint und Belcher coui
unicj will , In wover , continue the en
raUion of low grade ore frqui their U [ :
or leveln.
Apples command $2,50 per bushel i :
alt Like.
At least 100 peraons are said to be ad
icted to opium-smoking in Salt Lak
Salt Lake if the only city in the Uuitei
tutos with 'JO.OUO inhabitant , that hasu'
eo postal delivery ,
It ii reported that Judge C. C. Good
iu of The Salt Like Tribune- can h < tveth <
overnoiship of Montana Territory If hi
ants the place.
The cattle men in the southern part o
iii Territory say their stuck wintered re
arkably well , and have como out In un
mallygood condition.
The number of aged people who hivi
ed recently in Salt Lake City ii quit )
in rkable. Of iho sixty deaths rai.ortei
February , eleven were caused by ( fit
; e. The i/ioneer stock Is rapidly t asshu
vay ,
Utah potatoes now command ninrt )
nta a bushel at retail in. Salt Lako. Thif
the hijliBSt pi ice that ha * rultd for tec
lilteen yearn , and h cmsed by the great
inland [ u California and Colorado ,
lUllroad building will not bo aa lirelj
Utah thii year aa it WAH list , by reason
the Denver & Kto Grande contining
elf muinly to the Colorado end of the
The MornioDB are beginning to fortify
emtelvea in political power. Tl < o poly-
miiti are reilgniug one by one and theii
othrcn fill their place witli staunch
t inborn of the church who do not practice
lyg < miy.
Southern Arizona la Hiippllod with
angcH from Mexico ,
The Tombstone district in Arizona thip
d $418,00J iu bullion last month.
Increased mining excitement is obaerva-
3 all through the New Mexican mining
uipj , nnd mining machinery and tup
leu are crowning all the thoroughfare *
iding to them ,
Iherallioad li now completed forty-
0 miles bovond Miles City.
LaKt week Miles City had ita Jiut rain
, er a four-mouth * ' dry ueutou ,
1'he electric llghta purchased for the
ill an Tunnel h < % o arrived theie.
The Hecla cnmp.iuy IIUH two hundred
u einpli ) . cd in tha mine * at Lion City.
The Kpi ropal HO iety at Dillon will
> n I uild it bur. Ii in thai II mrishi .y
l'lll < V'tl Mnllt Ui l''ill.ili | , llllUt * .
p o 5'J.ti/0 < vi i uuii mi Uiiiiiig
1'lius far , btiio tn Muagber couu y luve
ntero t upon the ranged wi bout Uciug
1 any hay ,
Pwtlve thousand feet of
eek , Hanuock , hai rco ntly beeu located
in ning purpuBt 3.
\ MonUui miiiB U named the Crank ,
uiu diu-o\ered on the day on which
iteau wad sentence 1 ,
V hundred peoph daily la tar below tlui
ir. go iiuiuber of Btrangern who arrive to
ate iu and arouud Miloi City.
The net ind btebnesiof Madison county
irch 1 , 8 a , waa ? 60.407.98-teine ( i
irtase of (2,417.65 for the punt year ,
[ 'he number of impila enrolled at the
lena schoolafcrVebruary was 481 , with
) t l Average d lly attendance at about
"he Mining neaaon in Mt ltr > o county
mieea to bu am j ont ( hit je r. All
the old claims will be worked aa usua' ' , n
A number of new ono will be opened a
llenU are constantly advancing
Hutto. If & landlord dwen't receive eve
month dlmost the full vuluu of IiUiir
ertv , he c maiden that ho Is being robl
by his tenants.
It costs S340 11 brini ; a thoroughbr
howe from LiveriioM , Kniland ; , to IJillc
The coptof brinsi g n well bred-tn n ov
depends entirely rn tha am tint ot wl
an i whisky ho drinkn on the trip.
Fourteen tons of ore , fro n the Lend
mine. Alma , were recently sold for SiJ
The milling cnpicity in CVorvio
2r,0 tons daily , an I the smelting apacl
aOCO tonn d lly.
The development In the tenth level
tlm Hob nwn , Uunnlson , shog 28 feet
tolid ere without H gn of nb.Uemeut.
Uunnison ia olning of new hotel' , ni
bauitp , and now ntreeU ns well as her g
mid wat-r prnjccts. The new hotel pi
l-o'pd is to cose § 100,000.
It U repotted in Denver that the lit
Illusion & MlHiinirl have purchaeed t
Denver & Cii.ldcu rail o id right of wi
Mid tlio conl iiuiio which thai road w
intended to tap.
The al eel works at I'uebto hiive &
000,000 wet the f building under way f
their gitnntic Industrie * , an > l more co
tcmpliitcil. l'i\o hundted hounfs for ci
nloyca are now being built and contract
Negotiations are pending In New Yo
for a loan to construct an irrigating dlti
lor the purpose of watering all the ai
land between Pueblo and tbo Grecnho
range. The ditch will be taken out of t :
Arkansan river near Canon City , and w
water about 150,0110 acrca of land botwci
the foot-hilla and 1'ucblo ,
The cause of the delay in the constru
tion of the Denver , Golden & Salt U' '
road if explained by the officers in tl
way : They eay they are waiting f r t ]
C. B. A Q. tiack to reach Denier , as tin
can then receive the Iron for their roi
814,000 cheaper thtin they can now. Tin
think this Having in freight ia worth wai
Ing for.
Six youthful shovers of bogus mon <
hove been jailed at Leadville. Thojouii
stc had procured a lot of imitation Ml
piinted as an advert ! einent for a di
( joods store , and having soaked them
grease they were then patchul upvil
court-plaster and bore u strong renci
bianco to genuine bills. They were n-adi
pashcd iu the ni ht time * .
St. Tutiiuk's D.iy , in Green Hive
lasted from the rising to the netting i
three BUIIN
Tlio BU [ lintendent of the building di
partment of the U. I' , railway couteu
plates removing his headquarters froi
Itawlins to Kvanston about the liret <
Larum'n U greatly excited over the : r
tempt of inc ndiarica to I urn the tor
Flu B the < recurred within a week. 1m
ihe | .iiiinnt and thorough w.irk of the lit
jrigiario i revinted ceri un loin. Suwp
: ion luw not yet been nirecte i to any pai
licular direction , bin should this occur-
m event not improbable the accuse 1 wi !
Jieet u punitliin nt swift nnd xure.
The Sioux Falls ex pivitlou hat'SO mow
ier .
The countof Ii.ui Homii containHf)2
quare utus. \ .
Dcadwood haa twenty-Gve differen
; inda of weather a day.
The land sales of the Northern Pncifu
n the D kota division foi February wen
,750 acres and 93 to An lots.
The explosion of a cartridge in the Gram
unction mine , near Cuiter City , severely
t not fatally , injured fi ur men.
The.Black Hills railroad company i
omtruct ng a liandtotne passenger cu
t Load for the use of i he narrow gauge
A number of Boston capitaliat-t are ex
ected iu the billa a .on . to invist monej
a purchasing and dovelopint ; mining pro
The sti-ck in thi Masonic Temple build
ngi ssociation at Sioux Falls has reachec
30,000. leaving only § 10,000 more to bi
ubairib d.
The Hoodoo mica mine , two miles south
nst vl Custer City , IB rapidly developiuf
ito a real bonanza. Tlie load cropj oui
jr 1,000 feet ontlie surface.
Fargn has over four miles of in ulated
rater-pr. of covered wire already laid foi
i o elettric light service , which will soor.
e in operation in tlmt city.
The owners nf the Last Bonanza mioj
line at Custer have arrived there from
Ihicngo. They pnld out nearly $3,000 In
ittling up the del ta of the company.
atnl Prouk of Flory Fluid--A Mnn
Killed by Lightmnff.
orrefiponjcmccf The Bee.
WAHOO , Nob. , March 27-Ytiator-
ay about 2 o'clock a terrific hail
orm visited Una section of country ,
nd during its continuance the light
ing atruck the house ot Joseph
lumbora , killing him instantly.
Mr. Kunibera was n Itohemian by
irth , but has lived in this country
ntil ho had become thoroughly
mericanized , talking the English
, nguago fluently. Ho waa formerly
member of the firm of Kumbera &
anak , of thia place , and was highly
sspected by all who know him.
When killed ho was standing near
10 eaat window , and his wife waa
ing on the couch in the opposite
ir.t of the room. The shock knocked
10 wife oonsoleaa , and off the couch
i to the lloor. Shu remained aonso.
as soiiio minutes , and when she ro
ved found her husband lying dead ,
ith hi head across her body. She
ivo the alarm and summoned two
lysicians , but all to no purpose , aa
T. Kumbera'a neck was broken.
lie smokon wifolms the sympathy of
0 whole community ,
1 understand Mr. Kumbora waa a
ember of a Bohemian society , nnd
, d his lift- insured for seven him-
ed dullhrd. AVKIW ,
Kobbod on the Cars
tloiml AMsoclatwd Vrttt
ST. PAUL , March 28..luhn Mack
d wife , a yoiin i.ianied coupltffroin
jlaniuz HI , Alioh , were on route to
iuholl , Dikotn , and while on thu
tin three ii nuit < man aUinrt l in
I'ovi lu Sl.iok jute the i > iuu but lit
Fii-t-d. On h Collowing ni'irni
luu.iu iaa jicckut-Uouk , cuiiiaiiiinj (
00 had 1-ti'eii stolen from his pnckot
d .t w rtlilessono loftinit * plnco. .
Rullrouil Mutters.
iL hal AwoclataJ l'rt .
WILMINOTON , Del. , March 28. A.n
tirely now survey of the Ualtimpro
Ohio's computing HI SI the Phila-
Ipliia & Haltimoro , ia beinj ; made.
naulting Engineer Parker says it is
allul thu ontiru route to the Puto-
c , Wilmington it Haltimoro ,
Firc .
lonal Awtodbttd Ytaa.
3AKDINKU , Mo. , March 28. Rich-
Is & Co. 'a paper mill waa damaged
fire SS.OOOj insured , 330,000.
S'o hfaa-iichf or h.u K-.i'-l.o for
' 'it "WINE OF CARDUI. "
For Sale By
ITS , Itouio 3 rooms , full 'lot on ricrra new
2uth street , ? 1 , < ! M > .
177 , IIouio 2 rooms , full lot on Uoti lan ncir
20ths'rcct , 700.
176 , Boautldil ronlilcncc , full lot on Casa roar
19th street , 12,000.
174 , Tn-o housteanj | lot on Doili'o Dear 9th
street , 21 00.
176 , Houw three roomt , two closeU , etc. , half
lot on 21st i car Grace street , ? SOO.
one-half brick hou o an
< 172 , Ono and - story
two lota on KOURM ! near 2btb street , tl,7CO.
171 , Houcotwo rooms , well , cistern. stable , etc
full lot near Plt-rce and 13th strctt , f 960.
179 , One and ono-half story hou. o elx room *
ind well , hill lot on Con\ ont street near St
Marj'a.nvcnuc , 91,660.
No. 170 , llouso three rooms on Clinton street
near shot lower , $325.
No. 160 , Ilouno an > l 33x120 feet lot on
street near Wclist- Bttcoi , $3DOO.
No. 108 , Ilnuso of 11 roon t , lot S3xl2J fovt on
19th n ar Hurt etrcet , 85,000.
Ofj 107 , Two story house , 9 rooms 4 cloucta ,
rood cellar , on lth street near 1'opplcton'i
M.IH ) ' .
No . U 5 , Ntv of 0 rooms , half lot on
IzarJ n ur lllth direct , $1.S 0.
No. 164 , One and one half story bourn 8 roomi
on 18th urctt nar Loavoi north , { 3,600.
N. 101 , One nnd oni-hMl ftory touso ol 6
rooms near Ilanjcom Park , $1WO.
No. 169 Two hnutci 6 rooms each , clooct" , i tc
in Hurt ill uut near 26tli , fS.fiOO.
No. 167 , house e rornis , tut l < t on 10th ntreet
unr Lcatennorth , t2,400.
No. lf.0 , Jlotite 4 largn roomn , 2 closets
lalf acru on Hurt ctrco. near Dut'On , J 1,200.
No. 166 , Two houeca , ono of C and ono of i
rooms , on 17th street near Matey J.V-'OO.
No. 164 , Three liousos , ont of 7 and two of 6
0011 P each , and corner lot , on Cant near 14th
tro , t , 8000.
Nr. 153 , small IIOIBO and full lot on Piclfl
iear I''th > trcct , ? 2,6W.
No. 151 , Ono story houeo 0 romn , on Leaven
rorth noirlCth , 83,000.
No. 160 , Ilo BO th < ce rooms and lot 92x11
irar 2fltli and I'ari > ham , $2,600.
No. 148 , Now house of eight rooms , on 18th
trett n ar Lcavcnworth 83,100.
No. 147 , llouso of IS rooms on 18th i-troot
tar Slarcy , 45,1,00.
No. 146 , Hou-n of 10 rooms and IjloU on 18th
trcct nci.r JUrcy , fe.U1 ' .
No. 145 , House two Urj- rooms , lot 67x210 too
nShvruan tucnu'j ' ( IGtli jtroct ) near Nicholas ,
Na 143 , Hoif-c 7 roomi , barn , on 0th street
ear Lca\enwort- . ot
Nr > . 142 , Hnn o 6 iu in kitchen , etc. , on 16th
trcut near N'lcNuU' , Jl. T
Xo. 141 , lloiiiuor - Douglas near 26th
: reei , g'lCO.
No. 140 , I ar o hou'C and tno lot * , on 24t
oar Farnham strait , $8,0.0.
No. 139 , Hi so 3 rooms , lot 60xlG6l feet ,
ouglas near 27th street , 81,600.
No. 137 , House 6 rooms nt d half lot on Capito
ronue near 23d street , $2,300.
No. 130 , Ilouno and half acre lot on Cutnlue
root near 24th60. .
No. 131 , House 2 rocnis , full lot , on Imrd
Bin 2 lit s reot , $ SOO.
No. 129 , Tw. . hou M one of 0 and one of 4
wins , on leased lot on Webster near 20th street ,
! ,60tl. I
No. 127 Two story ! oueo 8 roomj , half lot on
'obiter near 19th $3,600.
No. 126. House 3 rooms , lot 0x120 feet on
Ith street near DoueUs , $075.
No , 125 , Two ftory house on 12th near Dodge
rcct lot 23x&a feet $1,200.
No. 124 , Lnrtfo house and full block near
arnham and Con ral street , $8,000
No. 123 , House 0 rooms and Urge lot on Baun-
na street near Barmcks , $2 100.
No. 122 , House 0 rooms and half lob on Wob-
cr near ISih btreot , $1,600.
No. 118 , House10 rooms , lot 30x90 feet on
tpltol aienuo near 22d street , $2,960.
No. 117 , House. 3 rooms , lot 30x123 feet , cm
ipltol a\cnuo near 22d $1,500.
No. 1 14 , House 3 rooms on Douglas near 26th
reet , $750.
No. 113 , llouso 2 rooms , lot C6x99 feet on
ar Cumli K btrcet , $760.
No. 112 , llrlck house 11 rooms and half lut on
si near 14th strict , $2,8uO.
No. Ill , Houdol'2 roomn'on { Davenport uea
th strot , 87,0 0.
No. 110 , Urick house and lot 22x132 let on
.as street near 16th , $3,000.
NO. 108 , 1 aru house on Ilarney near loth
rdit , $1,600.
No 109 , Two houses and 36x1 foot Kit uo
S9 ni ar 14th street , $3,600.
No. 107. llouso 6 rooms and half lot on l&ir
ar 17th sir ct , $1,200.
> * o. 106. House and lot 61x198 feet , lot ou 14th
ar Plcrco etreet , $600.
No. Ii6 , Two story house 8 rooms with 1 i lot
beward near Saundera street , $2,800
tJn. 103 , Olio and one half story house 10 loorai
cbstrr near lUtli street , $2,600.
No. 102 , Two house * 1 rooms each and J lot on
th near Chicago , (4,0.0.
S'o. 101 , House ) 3 rooms , cell r , etc. , 1 } lottipn
nth aienuo nuar Pucillc stree , $ l,6iO.
No. 100,1touso4 rooms , cellar , etc. , hill lot
Izard street ntar lOili , 82.0UO.
S'o. 99 , Very large house and full lot on Har
y near 14tb stroer , $9 000.
S'o. 07 , Largo tiou o of 11 rooms on Sherman
onue near Clark street , make an offer.
S'o. 06 , Una and ono half s.ory housa 7 room *
210x401 feet , stable , etc. , on Bnennan ave-
a near I ! race , 37 1 00.
io. U2 , Largo brick houxo two loU on Daren -
rt street near 19th $18,000.
10. 90 , Large house and full lot on Dodo
irlSihftro.t , $7,003.
i'o. 89 , Large hauso 10 rooms half lot on 20th
California street , $7,600
< 'o. 88 , Largo house 10 or 12 rooms , bcautlfm
ner lot on Cag mar 20th , $7.000.
Jo. 87 , Two story house 3 rooms 6 acres o
d on Saundcrs Btrcet mar Barracks , $2,0(10.
\o. 86 Two btorca and a rtsl < n nee ou leased
'f ' lot , near Mason and 10th street , $ 00.
S'o , T o story hou e 8 rooms , closets , o'c. ,
of on Saundcrs street near
li 6 acroj griiund ,
iaha Uirr. ks , $2 600
ID. bS , Iloupoof U roo-rs , half lot on Capitol
nuo near 12th etn ot. $2,600.
To 62 , One and one liall Blory I OUBO , 6 rooms
i lot on Pierce near 20th etroot , $ lWiO.
To bl 'J'wii 2 story houses , one of 9 and one
rams , Chicago fat. , ntar 12ib , * J,000.
To. 80 llousa 4 rooinn , closets , etc. , Urge lot
18th Btre.t u ar White Lead works , $1SOO.
To. 77 , 1 arg house of 11 rooms , closets , col.
ctj. , with lilot 11 Farnham near 19th rtroot ,
'o 76 , Occanlono-half story house of 8 rooms ,
60x8 * lut on Caxancar 14ih Htreet , (4,600.
ID. 75 , House 4 rooms and basement , , ' 'o '
x32 f it on Muru ) near 8tb itrcet. $4176.
o. 74 , lArgo brick house and two full loU on
> eii | > ort taur 16th utreit , $16(00.
o. 73 Quo and oiio-hu f story liouse and lot .
1S2 feet un Jac son near 12th etrect , $1,600.
'o. 72 , Lxr 'o brick house 11 rooms , lull .ot
Da > e port niur 15th street , $5,0 JO.
'o. 71 , largo hou e 12 rooms , lull lot on Call-
ill near 20ih utrcct. 87,000.
o. 65 , Stable and 3 full lots on ran In utreet
r Saunderii , ijii.OOO.
o. 64 , Two ttory frame building , store below
loomi abou1. on loued lot un Dougu nuar
i ttiei't. i-ftiO
o 'J , II u.e I rjim , laiOuii-nt , etc. , lot
JjU fuct un Ifth > trvot ii' at J > ail \Vurx ,
Oo i.J , .Now uuUiu 1 r < ouu ono story , full lot
o. 6S , llouou ol 7 rooms , ull lot Wetwioi
r ilat btrcet , $2,600.
Farney near 21 t street , $1,760.
o. 61 , f argt hou o 10 rooum , full lot on Bur
r 21-t strtet , $5,000.
o , CO , lloutio 3 ro ma , half lot on Dvenport
r23U treit , < 1,000.
0 69 , Four houtes and half lot ou OaMnoai
1 struct # i WO.
a 1'2 , llouno d rooms ad full lot , Harnef
o. 0 , 'Ihrce hou i * nnd full lot on Caw near
i street , $3,200 ,
16th and Dougloa Street ,