Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
1 DAILY J3JUJ& WBDNESUAV MARCTT 29 , i882. THE DAILY BEE CMAHA PUBLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS CIS Farnham , btt. Oth and 10th Streeti THUMB OP SUBSCRIPTION , 0 copy 1 ycir.ln Jr ncopo ( tjiald ) | 10.X ( 8 monthj " " B.W ninth " " . . 8.00 * * \ILWAY TIME TABLE , r-ABD rntrAoo , it. rAtit , MimRArouR AND .OUAIIA RAIUIOAD Lime Omaha l' fwnircr ho. ' ! , 8:30a.m. : Ac T t Om h Paoocnccr No. 1 , f:20 : p. ru H J ilntion No. 3,10:50 : a. m. iitsu oina RAM oi. oonr frso. 0. , E. & d. 7UO a. m. S.-40 p. ni. 0. & H. W. , 7:40 : a. iu. "M 1' . ru. 0. , n. I. fc r. , 7IO : a. ifl.-S : ti. m. K. 0. , St. J. L C. 1. , lean * t 8 n. m. rd 0:81 p m. Arrhcs ' .I Rt. l/uiistat fl:3fitt : m. and 6:5 : ! Vf , , tl. It l'lc vMot8 a. in. and SHOP Armc * a St. Loul * at l : D > . rfl. ind 7:80 : m * ST OR BOOTHS BSVB. B A M. tn Neb. , Through Kxprc < , 3:60 : a. B. i M , . Lincoln Kxprc 6iO : p. lu , t I' . Orerlnnd Epre , 32:16 : p. tu. 0 , U. V. for Llncln , 11:15 a. in. 0. * H V. for Owcola , 9140 a. ui. B. P trcleht No. 6 , 6Ma.m. H. P ' iclRiito. . 9 , 6:20 : a. in. U. P. froluht No. IS , 2Mp. : ) ui. U. T. freljht No. 7 , 8:10 : f. m. muUranl. -.P. Dcimr fxprcsa , 7:36 : p.m. . C. V. trrlrht No 11 , 11:30 : p. m. U. P. Dem tt freight , 8:25 : p. m. 4BUVUIG- 0 HA1 > T tXD fODTO. C U. f. If t > : W > A. m. 7:25 : p m. C. * N.V. . , : > a. tn. 7:25 p. in. C. 1.1. * .1 > . .8:45 : a. tn. P:05 : p. ru. : . , SU Joe ti C . . 7JO s. m. 8:45 : p. m IVUCINa FBOM TUB B tKO BOUTIlWlfT , 3. fc K. V. firm Lincoln 1:08 : p. re. U. ? . 1'aclllo Kiprow 3:23 : p. &k I' i. M. In Neb. , ThroURli Exprcte JlH p m. B. * M. Lincoln Exprriw 0:40 : n rr. 0 P. Henvcr cxprfe' , 7:35 : n. ni. t. P , I'rclpht No. 11 5:50 : p. m.5 U. P. So. 0 C:10 : & . in. Kinln ant. U. P. fiolcht No. II , 12:15 : p. m. U. P. Vc. 8 PCt : ) p. in. tl. P. VP. 12 1:45 : . rn. U. I1. Denver froluht , 1:10 ! . . in j O. A U. V. mixed , ar. :4t : p. m. EUMM7 TBAI 8 B r nnK OXAtU tSI > TOC.-itlL Bl.UFPb. t1 Omahn at 3:00 : , U:00 : , lfi:00 : and 11:00 : la m. ; 10 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4:00 and 6:00 : j > . m. * , Council Blulla at 8:26 : , 0:26. : 10:25 : und I tt . in. ; I:2E , 2:25 : , 3:26 : , 4-25 and t:25 p. m. UunJftyo Tlio dummy loavc * OinnhA at 0:00 : anil tlAW n , m.J 2:00 : , 4:00 : end 5:00 : p. m. Leaves ' Council muds at B:26 wl 11:25 k. in. ; 2:25 : , 4:26 : anil .V2fi p. m. ThrotiKhanil loc-xl pAsicn er trains between Omaha and Council IllulTs. Leave Omaha 0:16 : , f:45 , Sr : 0a. m.j 3:40 : , 5:46 : , O.-OO p. m. Arrive t Oinsta 7:40 , ll'S6,11:45 a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 110 p. m. Opening nn < 1 Olotlng of Mrllt. CWTK OMIM. 01.031. a. in. p. m. a , m. p. ra . OMo.ofcN. W 11.00 B:00 : 6:80 2:40 : Cbtuvro , K l.cs Pacific. 11:00 : 8:00 : 6:30 : 2:10 : Chlrwo , . ft < } 11:00 : 0:00 6SO 2:40 : W 'i h 12:80 : 8:30 : 2:40 : 8oux ! City inJ Pa'tflc. . 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Paclfl : . 4:00 : 11:40 : 1:00 : 11:40 : I.fcM. inNcli . 4.DO 8:10 : OmahaJ : Sioux City - 6.00 7:80 , B. & M. Lincoln . 10:30 : 6:00 : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : llflD J p. Denver Exp . B:00 6:30 : O. , Slu-ax City & St. P. . . 11:00 : 2:40 : LiPil niatls for SUta of Jn a leave bat once a day vlr.C'SOa. m. J . ; crtn Sunday ? from 12 ui. to 1 p. m. TIIOP. K HALL P M. Bisiness Hirectorv. Abstract end neal titato. JOUN L. McCAQUE , cppolto Pout Offlcs. W. R. BARTLKTT 317 South 18th Street. Architects. tR'FKENK i MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14 Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2 , CieUhton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DsVINE & CO. , .riii.i Bootd nJ Shoos. A ( rood assortment vitiine work on hand.icorner 12th and Hainoy. THOS. BRICKSOK , S. E. car. 16th and DoueUs. JOHN FOUTUNATUS. ' 333 loth street , manufactures to order good work O ( ilr price * . RcwUrlnc done. Bed Springs. f tAlini HER Manufacturer. Books , News and Stationery. i. I. FRUEHATJF 1016 F&rnham Htreet. Butter and Ecgs. UrtlUANE & SCIIROEDER , the oldcnt B. and B. t'iu c In Kcbrmka eatabll'icd 1S76 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTADRANT , MRS. A. KYA-N , . i were CHfccr IGtband DodK'e. Bett Board for the Moncj' . Bst'.Bfactlon Oiuranko. ! , 11,1 it all Hourn. fioird by the lay , Week or IJonth. Good Terms for Caih , m ) Rnntris Supplied. Oarrlagci and Rood Wagons. aNYDER. 14th and narnoyStreetB. Clothing bought. .J. UAKRId will pay hlghestCash price for second bird clathlnr. Corner 10th and Farnham. Jowe ore. JOHN BAUMER 1311 Farnbaui Street. Junk. II , UEBTHOLD , llaja and Metal. Lumber Lime and Cement. & OKAY corner tlth and BougUa Sta. Lamps and Olassware. ) . CONNER 1809 Douglas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A L1NDQUEST , Or.u o ( our moat fcpular Mel chant Ttliors is ru- ctlrlnptl.u lattvit dedlgno for Hpriny aun r > uuuuor Ucjds for Kcntltun'n wear. Styllth durable , > r.d prices low aa ever 216 ISth bet. Dot Millinery. UKH. U. A , BINOra , Wholueale and IU..1I , Fan cy C. oi ! lu great variety , ZqihyrH , Card Bo rd , ncja'ury , Gloves , Corsete , &c , Cheapoat House In 4bt Wait. I'urchaterB wvo 80 per rent. Order IV Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. couniry. iOflli WZAHNE&bOKS cor. 14th&J kooriurn Mour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , fcth nd F rnb m ( ltd. , s. , pruprlitorB. Urocert. Z. tTKVBNS , 21at between Cumlng na I. A. UcHHANK , Corn. 23d an MMuwait , Iron * no oteul. OLAN LAIIOV.ORIUY , Wt.OiBole , 110 U UlUntrciit A. HOLMES corner IMtt and falllornli. Harness , Buddies , &c. B. WE18T 20 13th St. bet FarulUrney Hotels ; &KI 1ELD HOUSE , Ooo. Canneld,9th & Farnhtm OORAN HOUSE , P H. Car } ' , 813 Farnham St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. Sonthern Hotel Gus. Hauiel Oth &Leavenwortb Orugi , Paints and Dili. KUIIN & CO , Fhannadtta , Fine Vane Uooda , Oor , Ibtli and DOUSIM trccta IT , J. WniTEHOOI-E , Wholesale & Retail , 16th t. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Bide Cumlng Street. PARR. Diwtftat. iota and Howard StreeU. " " Dentlita. : DR. PAUL WlllUmn1 lllock Cor. 16th & Dolge. Ury Uoods Notions , ttc , JOHN H. F. LEtlMANN & CO. , Kew York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 181X Farii- him street. L. 0. Enewold also boot * and shoes 7th 4 Pacific. ruruuure. 1 r. GROSS , Hew and Bfrjond Hand Furniture od Stores , 1114 Dcturlat. Hlghwt each price aid for second band goods. .CONNER 1809 DabrU it. Fine iroodi , 4c. ferce Works. OUAEA FENCE CO , BUST , FRIES 4CO llt OarneyBI. , Improve 4 Ic Boies , lice and Wood FeocM , Offloa lUars , Conoliir ? tc and Walonl. Clears and Tobacco. VTKST & FRITSCHER , manufacturers of Cigar * , and Wholemle Dnalerri n Tobacco * , 1S05 Dou lat y. F. LORKN2Kymamitacturer _ 1416 Farnham Florist , A. Donaghue , plants , cut flowers , weds , Aoqaet etc. N. W , cor. 16th and Donrlas ttreeta. Olvll Engineers and Surveyors , ANDRKW noSKWATER , Crelghton Block town Surroj-n , Grade and Sewerage Systems Oommlulon Merchants. JOUN 0. W1L 1,18,1414 Dod e Street. Q B. RhKMER. Fur dctAlli e * larite advertise tuent In Dillv and Wcokb. Cornice Works. tY'Mtern Cornier MorVc , Mimifactureii Iron Oornlco , Tin , Iron and Shto Uoofllng. Order from atij IccalH ) promptly exccuteJ In the be luauncr. Factory and Ottce 1213 Harney St. C. SPEC1IT , Proprietor. Oalvanlted Iron Cornices , Window dps , etc. manufactured nnd put up In any part of th ifluntrv. T. SINII01.U 41flThlrtrcn > h iitrect Crockery. / . BONNER 1S09 DouiriM street. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Goods , UEO. II. 1'ETKRSON. Al3 HaUi , Capi ) , Boots ihoo Notions and Cutlery , 804 8.10th street. Refrigerator * , Canflold's Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN lltli St. bet. Farn. A llarncy Ohow Case M nufACtory. O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kln'ds of Show Cases , Upright Canei , a ' . , 1317 Caw St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omah Show Cao manufactory , 818 South 10th street between Loavcnnoith and Marcy. All good warranted first-claw. Pawnbrokers. R08KNFKLD. 10th St. . bet. far. 4 Hat Utoves ana Inwara. A. BURMESfEK , Dealer In Otot es nnd Tlnwnrc , and Manufacturei Of Tin Roof * nnd all klndp of BulUIng Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1.100 DaugUa St. Good and Cheap Seeds. .1. EVANS , Wholcnalo and Rcl.tll lined Drills and Cultivators Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians on 1 QurKeoni. \V. B. OIBU3 , II. D. , Room No 4 , Crolghton Block , 16th Street. P. S. LE1SUNKING , 4. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflto DR. L. H. UUADDY. Oculist nnd Aurlst. S. W 16th and Farnham Ste Photogrnpners. OKO. 1IEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. nftr Maaonlc Hall. Flnt-claea Work and Prompt. nctn guarnntocn Plumblnn , Uat and Steam Fitting. P. W. TAUPY s CO. . 21012th bt. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. 7ITZPAT1UCK. 1409 Douglas Street. alntlng an npur IENR\ . KOSTEHS. 141 Uodgo Street. Shoo Store * . Phillip Lang 1820 Karnham at. bet. ISth & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAK , 1416 Douglas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture , IIouso r miUhlng Goods , &c. , bouirht and Bold on narrow inarrlns. bnlooni. ' HENRY KAUFMANN , In too nc * brick block on Douglas Etroet , Just opened a moat elegant Uccj Htll. Hot Lunch from 10 to IS oery day. " J FALCQNKR 67qfl6th Btrnot Undortakora. CIIA8. R1KWE. lOlii Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. SO Oont Etorci. P. C. liACKU.4 1S05 Farnhttin St. . Fancy OoodB JOUN STABLER , President. Vice Trca't. W. B. DKIBIIKR , Sec. and Trcas. THE NEBRASKA WIDIACTIMB CO Lincoln , Neb. MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Sulky Hay Rakes , Bucket tlevatlng Wind ml Is&c. . We are prepared to do job work and m&nufa tuiirgfor other parties. Addrca all orders NEBRASKA IIANUFACTUIIINQ CO. , Lincoln NKU KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA o A t' Ti C = 3 3S . m % w tKj'S \ $ ? \ $ \ ' ( i 5 a \ $ y - 8 K-r - sjii ILEE & CO. . Sole MantifRcuirers. OMA.HA , GUARDIAN'S SALE. Tlio sale of landn of minor heirs Only ndurUs- ed in Tux OMAHA DAILY HKK by A. U.Vvtnai , niardian , to take place on February 18 h , ' -2 , nit \\hlch has bien delated by Iliulllnets ft Hu attorne ? In clmrifo wih ho held at thu boutli leer of the Court Homo. In Omaha , Douglns Co , . Staloo/Nihraaka , between thu IIOUM of H Mid 2 o'clock ft in. , of the 22d day of March 18 . A. U. WVilAX , 1-8 IB Cuardun. ( AND Store ; Fixture Work ; nd French Doub'c Thick Flat and Dent Fbow C'a u ( Jhrs O. J. WILDE , 1315 and 1317 Oass Street , ' - - fo'- J. L WILKIE , MANUFAOTUJIKKOP. PAPER BOXES , TIB and 220 S , 14th St. CLEVES BROS. , ARCHITECTS. i'ubllc IliUldintfl. Churches , Residence * , htoicsIn every Stylo. Attention then to I'attnt Otllce Drawings. Offlce Room 10 , Crelghton Block , Omaha , Nebraska. ; W. S. GJ13J3S , PHYSIOIAH AND SURGEON , Room No. 4 , Creihton | Block , 16tli Street. OATAHA , NEBRASKA. , " Orricr HouEslOtol2 : A M. Sto6p.ii. le phone coanectsd with Osa'.rsl Offlce Raising Corn for Sorxl. Not many yours ago nearly cvcrj fnnnor raised , clcntiud , and put uj every vnnuty if vugotnblo seed which lie sowed in his garden. It wns to gardud a * oconomicnl to save gnrdoi sotids in this WAV. In sxino places i was necessary for ovoiy gardincr ti bo his own seedsman , as thn loc.i tnarkot WHS pucrly Biipjilifil ilh tlio ocdi of vcgotnbk'S. At proaont tcurcely any fnnnor or pnrdcner rniscs the suudii ho piiints , ua it is found ti bo iiiuto tconoiiiical to buy them o dealers. Tlio scoda purchased nro generally true ta imnie , ( if the niosl unproved varieties , and of nuro stwck. A gomittitiou ngo ncnrly ovoiy farmer raised the grass and clovur sued ho Bowed. Tlio raising , gathering , ami cleaning of it were nttondtul with con- Biilcr.xblo dilliculty , ns sniall fanners had not the tools fur doing the work economically. At present very foA fanners uttotnpt to raise , clean , and aiivi- the gi . a , nul clover seed they sow. Tht'j buy them from dealers who got thorn from farmers who nmko a business of raising them , and luivo the best fpcilitics for doing the work ot cutting , thrashing , and clu.uiing. A farmer genor.illy buys better , cleaner , and more reliable grass niul clever seed tli.ui ho raise , unless ho titkes great pains. There is the reverse uf econutny in raiaing the comparii'.ively small amount of grnss and clever seed which the avtr.iga farmer wante during any one so.taon. Gr.iss and clover seeds are generally very profitable crops to raiao if the busniL'33 is carried on oxtensivcly , and thu beat machines are employed for doing tliu work of harvesting , thrash ing , and cleaning. Unless ono has these , however , ho can not compo'o with those who have good facilities. Farmers who buy tlio , clover , Vegetable , and lion or seeds they sow in thuir iiclda and gardens ordinarily r.iiso and euro Uu > corn they plant. The reliability of aeed corn is a mat ter uf great consequence to nearly every tuarmer. Corn is often liia loading and moat important crop. Ho relies on it for feed for his stock , de signed for the market , and often for the food of his family. It is in many cases the market crop of the farm , i'ho failure of the corn crop is often attended with financial ruin. It is in many instances lost on account of unreliable seed. The cases of failure on account of poor seed increase every year. Last season the crop was a partial or entire failure in largo sec tions of thu country for thu reason that poor seed was planted. The-corn raised 1I 1 the previous year waa poor and tlio I following winter was unfavorable for curing and keeping it in the out buildings found on most farms. Dealers had small quantities of strictly reliable seed corn to dieposo of , and could not obtain u supply for thu rea son that hardly any farmers Hindu a business of raising it aa they do of raising grass and clover seed. As a consequence , unreliable seed , often taken from cribs that were poorly protected , was planted , and u poor crop was the result. Lust year the amount of corn raised in the country waa comparatively small , and the quality in most places was very poor , i. scarcity of good seed is reportud 'rom utmost all parts of the county , dinners who were fortunate in har vesting a largo crop of well-ripened corn , cured and pre owed but little of it with a view of disposing of it for seed. It is likely , therefore , that aa much poor seed will bo planted the somiiiK season as there waa last year. [ f such is the case the loss will amount ; o a very largo sum , and will result in injury to the entire country. Thu raising , curing , and preparing 'or market the seed for our most im- 101 taut cultivated crop uhouli consti tute a specialty in funning. Persons should engage in raising corn for seed as thuy do in raising grass , clover , vegetable , and llowor needs. It should bo u regular business. l''armors should engage in it who livu in the places best adapted to the growth of the crop. Corn can bo produced in every State und territory this side of the Rocky mountains , but the area adapted to the ( reduction of superior corn in quite muted. The raising of corn for seed should be restricted to this region. Only the best and purest varieties should bo cultivated. The ground should bo wall prepared und highly manured. The hills should bo wide apart and but a small number of ttalks ihonld bo allowed to ( { row in u hill. The bust cultivation should bo bo to wed upon it , and the use of tli'i und hoe should not bo neglected , liy adopting this courru carscf very largo HJZO and filled with superior grains can bo produced. At harvest time only the best ears should be selected 'or seed They should bo traced up aiidcmcd under tnu best conditions. Curing houses that will lot in sunlight ind I.e , ) i out MINIM' ' uro should bo erect ed for hunting thu corn in till it is well dried. If necessary , air artificial- y luatcd , * i > id rlrii'i , bhould bo intro- Uuciid to itul in the precis of cnrinjj. Hy judici'iitH Fu'oftiuM ' nt 'n. i d that is it'HitfKU i t [ ir > > . . . in ceod tli quijity mil prodiuinvm s of the gr IP < , tul < jroatiy iniiir < ivc > ( . When funnuM nii . i uiio .ivuil the L'U'IH of iliu qit > / i s. ni l.iiis , und esculent tootb liey hovu'ii there was no improvement n any of these product.O.i tlio / ither hiind , there was u eoiutiut do- , uriorution. When the mining of heso ateds paused into thu hin < JH < < f experts and specialists improvomontH nmmdiced und continued. Thu like vill bo thn c.tsu when the raising of oed corn becomes a specially. nUrant Disease Oftoii Comiuimoo Withn /old , cough , or unusual exertion of hi ) voico. These incipient symptoniH ire allayed by the use of Brown'n ironchial Troches , " which if neglect often result in u chronic trouble of ho throat. mar22-dw-l w SCATTERED BUILDINGS. ProHont Locations of the Centennial Htructures. Phlladcliibla Uccurd , a Thu Main Conlonnial Ihiilding , now n courao of demolition , in Fuirmrmnt 'urk is the last to bo rumovod of the nuny buildings erected solely for thereat roat exhibition. Like its less pro- al ontioua companions , it was Bold for a nero trifle of its original costand will n the future servo thu purposes ef rede. The first iron column in the uamnioth structure was erec'od en "lay 8 , 1875 , and as the contractors expect to lay the building level wi'h ' ho ground by the 1st of August next ila lifo can bo reckoned at sovoi years. The Mnnt IJniMmif cost 81,720- 150,71 , ntul at tlif- close os tlio exhibition bition soKl for $1)0COO. ! Tlio pur chaser was John S. Morton , on bohnl uf the Permanent Kxhilutiou Coin- p ny , winch in turn gold thostuicMiro Inst'sutnnior to JJ. 0. Mitchell S)7,000. ! ) Mr Mitch. . II is up.rte. . , . . have doubled his iii' < iu > y in soiling the materials of which HID building was constructed. The iron inrk was bought by Macintosh , l-Iemphill Co. , iron workers , < > f Pittsburir , and already the eastern section of the mammoth structure is in the Smoky City. It Mill bo used for tlio sn pcrstrncturo of iron mills nnd stations along the Pennsylvania Itnil ro. d. a portion being reserved for building purposes whore it can bo used advantanoously. The glass , tin roof , woodwork , nnd in fact everything that entered into the coi < struction of tl e building , has boon Hold Machinery Hall , which next approached preached the Alain Itiiilding in sizi , cost S7iO,42-J : 01 , nnd was sold to W. 0. Allison , the West Philadelphia car manufacturer , for $21,000. , Tlio building waa cut into sections , ono pnrtion entering the car works , an other furnishing the roof for the mar ket house on Chestnut street , below Thirty-second ( which , however , han never been used for thnt purpose ) , while a third section was used in re building the Atlantic Oil llofinory after the great ftro at Point Drec/.o. Agricultural Ilall cost $204,0-45 , and was purchased by Kichtml Dobbins r for 81 ,000. It still administer * to [ the amusement of PliihululpliiaiiR , ita now nanio being Industrial Art Hall , and its now location being on Mroau . street , nbovo Vino. Another softion c of the building tuts nned in the mar ket house at th'1 corner of Broad street and Columbia uvonue. Mr. Dobbins also bought t'u ' Shoo a id Leather An nex for § 3000 , and what portions of it could not ) > o used in decorating the Industrial Art Hall wore removed to Long Hranch and converted into pi- vili 'tis ' und bath houses. Motnotial Hall , which cost thu city § 500,000 and the atato $1,000,000 , and Horticultu ral Ilall , were designed for permanent structures. The cost of the Women's Pavilion was guarded with jealousy by the Hoard of Control , and was novcr : ' trusted to musculino ears. Uowuyur \ it sold for a more song , S1320 being all that waa paid for it by II. H. Yard , who removed it to the seashore near Atlantic City , where it was transform ed into a hotel. . The decorations in Judges' Ilall wore transferred to the Alain Huild- ing when the Permanent Exhibition " was opened , but the greater portion jf thu structure wan taken to Morton station , on the Philadelphia and West Cheater Railroad. It waa pur chased by John S. Morton for $1500. The United States Government ex : pended $578,500 upon its building and received $0500 for it. The Do- wrtmunt of Public Comfort , upon vlnch $22,500 was expended , realized 51000. It was removed to Sea Girt , $ . J. , by James Hunter , and trans- / brined into cottages. nf The Pennsylvania S.ilt Manufactur- OA ng Company recreated the Wagon aw vll Annex at Greenwich Point , paying or it $850. Thu Centennial National Jank building still stands in West Philadelphia in the shape of small mildings , having boon sold to II 01 31ouao for SGOO. Tlio Now Jersey Staio buildings is now doing service x [ at HaddonGold , Centennial .Board of of Finance shelters Philadelphiuns if visiting Atlantic City. Ono thousand lollars were realized upon the Miner al Annex , it being removed to Capo ' Hay by its purchaser , William King , Di and made into bath-houses and cot- BUI ' , agos. The Chilian building was util- 0" > zed by the Pennsylvania lluilroad Company aa a freight bui'ding. ' Rhounmtio Roliof- 111 OMAHA , Nob. , May 29 , 1881. Ill [ H. H. WAUNKH & Co. : SIKH I Oran mvo frequently used your Safe Kid n ney and Liver Cure for rheumatic attacks anOJ derived benefit OJ\ tacks and have always foi therefrom. E. D. KIITON. ortnnos for Farmers aud Me : chanics. VI' VI'U Thousands of dullaro can bo saved by U proper judgment in Ukins care f lit ) health uf youibtlf aud family. If you are bilious , lm\o willow complexion , poor appetite , Jew and depressed fpiritB , mul generally debilitated , do not delay a mo- netit , I'ut go at once ; nud procuiu a hot- loof those wonderful JJItotrio 15itteiB , wjilcn never full to cure , and that for the rilling nun of fifty centa. [ Tribuuu Sold bySclirotcr & lieclit. ORAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARXl.0atualTRADE . MARK -Huh rcm. An un- a oi AFTER TAKIRD. " ' , AVI , " ' BofMuiory , 1'iiHirHal l i i . i ' , , ' , , " " < 0 lll < 'lv' l"'n" ' aol Vihion , I'ro i.ntiiraoi/i Ayu nml mmiy othtr Phcimn .that fretjr - ' " ' ° r uo"B""l'"on ani1 1'rcmft. imrtlptilaru In our parjiililut , wtilch to , , ! /ri-o / ! v mail to every ono Tllit > Hpetiflc iudiclim In jold bj all < lrii-s'l t it SI per I'ackau-u , or C pick wcs lor fD , or will ,0 Milt In ; , | , v , n ni , , n roe | it nf thu inonuj , nldr ( uv TIIKOKA tKOUllNK W > . , . Iliitfalo , N. Y r l I , 'UOl'OSALS t' . H. iKIil N KH ICK ) a I'lNH It IWK OrM'V AKO A } Mar , Will , H 2 ) Heoltxl ] ir | > o nls , ' ' ilor d ndiiiillcut o tliu rtrtlo i of n < mlian m nlln rclio I I thin X'cnc , In acconlaii'O v > lOi p'fiim ' mul B | > cillra- ion on lllr , vlt > f " Chlfl tirniastur , 1) ffl lartiniititot tliu I' itu , Oiiiulia , Ken , , unil ill- tctcil to the uiiiiu feigned , earn of tliu C'hlof luartermaitcr , Dcp jtuieii of thu 1'latte , imalm , Nch. , will lortcolicd untl 12 o'clock eon , on Monday , May 1-t , 1882. ontract to liu rewarded to the lowest icipon- Ible bidder , nulijoct totliu ajpjuoval of thu do- artmcHtof th Iritcilor. 1'ropoualii mutt utito luiiHtli of thuo required or completh tf Imlldlni ; , alter | jpro > al rl fflS uontr ct , and inuit l > o accoinpanlcJ liy a ( .crtlrlml hutk ui n boinu L' 'tul Hlatcn Dupcultor. | > ay- ) jl to the order of tliu undeifltMtd for a Least v'o(6JK.T ( ) cent ol thu amount ot th pro- ioxal , which check nball bo forfeited to hu Inlttd Sta el In CVHI any didder Jcclvju , ' the &rd , sliall full to execute prcinptlr a contract with peed and tutllclent diirttl e , aucrdlri : to iHiUirmii of lila lild , othcrwho to ) > a returned u thu bldlu , S Mam liuilJIngli Wju two story BOilO , ad ditloni take ono story 32(100. of luiabcr. < For further Information udclris * iuider > liii > a I'lnu Hdge Agency , Dakota. V.'T.ilouII.LYCUUDl , 4 dSw 0. B Indian ( 111 Olarkson & . Hunt , BuouvttfO" o Klcbardi Ji Hunt , ATTORNEYS-AT- , ft' Om b Kuli. - -FOK CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And nil Points Enit nnd South.Entt. "riiKMNKcoMrniaKs Nenrly < 0 n ) tnllc * Solid .Smooth Strel Trm-Us MUioniHTllotisari ! iiulo In UNION DbPOTB II bus n Nation i' ' Itppntntlon im H-Inc tlio 3rent Through Crtr LI o. uiiil l < nnhemally ninrwlnl tob. ih HlnEftT EQUIPPED Half > MiJ In I In1orM ( or nil uU t ant travel. Tr ) It nnd\O4pnlit llnd travfllni ; a luxury nctmd nf n tllicoinfnrt. ThruliKli Tlcki'tnU liU ( Vlchrntnl Line for ii'o ' nt nil illli-cs In the U c . Alt InroJinatlon about llatc of Kiirc , . . . . . 'nr ArocniinoiU'loin , Tiwo Tali'Mv. . , will bo hcurfully irlvon hv pp'jliiln < to T. vK COTTER./ / PEHCIVAU ' DWELL. ( loll. PllM < W. J. DAVKXl'OKl , ( Ion Ai.'ciit , L'niincll IHiilT ) . 11. I' . DJKLI , , Ticket Ast inorn-eil iy FAST T.\TlE ! In going K.IHI ttikc On * GMcao&Borthwest- IrnliiH lonu Oi'lu S:40 : n. in nnd 7:40 : a. in , 'or full Infoinmtlon call on II. P. VUK\ Ticket \iciit , 14th and K.irnhnin SU J. lir.LL , U. P. till way Depot , or nt JAMKST. OLAUK , Oouor- A CII ] , Oinihn ) * il7niAto tf . -v TrJ r"t"T-- lj'--T'- - - srr--i."V : T7/c fSS ? - " ? ; ' \ r-F yf § ' VMj ; ; "UT jJErnJT : - > - - . - - - . il-C' * ! - -\-ArT V. " ' vCto j"y * > , M ; \ vj f. : - $ } & * * " * ' H-'S . I/ II - iV V. * * * * J- * * * ! * /tt - * jS . T J * < ; * ; % ? , : ' > " Sl 'Il- ; . : : - : /Bet lit lieing the uii't in t , i | I'ukei' ' , rn feat line rnnnnctlii/ " % ( Uutraiujtli , I'Ml IAOO , and tbn niiiiuRt , fCuHrn-IUnrHRN , I ) if ud SOUTH. ILMTVIIN FIN S , * n i-h tjrniln\tct htrc , rltli KANHAH OITV , ' , i ' IBIU , ATCIIIHON , kiuNciL Divrn nn > ) < ) * n liMrimv from which radiate EVEN" LlMC < tor pun tral H tu < Coiitntt ) . lUrr to the l' | i > - "lo-k. JHIO OO > :00t ( I , t I'A OIKTO KAH thonnly linn Iroii Olito.v nvi < lu < tnoi In aiihvi. or which , by 16 , > i < * rev ) , rnv itn th alnta ahovo nuiuo'l'o m * < < MIS-UNO umMuninMtt S tuddllng In 111 ntllai < jd or iinclnin can , n > - ry punn-jngtr arrl d In roomy , vlien v\ > rfl fivl co cliK ipon Fiflt Kxpriuw ' 1'rur.t DAT CABS of unrUalol u. " . .onso , 1' 'ALAPR SLnnriKO CAEH , and ui innworld.fa < joui I.M.\O : CAIU , uiion whlrh nirai srti Hiriu ] of un urpawed excifllcnci' , at Mm rutn nf HRVKNT 'IMI OK.NTH SAVII. with nn i > n lor hoilthlll tilojment. , Through earn uurw > > u v.'lita. o , 1'turlu , 1511 wukmiiuid UlHMiurl Rlvir 1'nlnti ; un j "lrmctu Ki-tloici nt , i\l | pilnti. nf lnti > rKNtlnii ulth othcl oad4. Wo tliKit : ( 'do not turret thtm dlrc'.tly to oicry ibce of ImiHirtaiHM in unnsi , Nebraikr. , Bla-k Ills , \Vyornlii , ; , Idaho , Nnvuda , Caltforc j , Irrgoa , wanhlugton Torrltory , Colorado , Arlzota ud NowMuvleo Aa ' bural ririnuecmfinUi regarding boggige U ny other lln < > , and rit n nf faro aluajn ant ow i timpctltoiH \ , wl o furniHh but a tltho a the coin * art , Doiri ana tacl.K. of tjmtumait free , TlcUntt , maim arid folduru at all prlndpa ilkuH In tbu ulti l SUbia and Canada. R. R. CAULK , K. ST. JOHN , Plcu ' I'ruu't A Oen. Onn. Tkt > indl' na'r Ag Munwrr. ( y\\mv \ Ohlrano Iloktetter'n Ftoniaili ' HkTJ 1 thutn-'it IIOIIHI lold ineillclno of the Ancrh-un | > ciiile | , mid i civryHiieio ft-n fafi'guiinl lolnut | tik Iciiura and ondciiile. , nun irimdt f or ilj * | ivpn.a illllouaiDiwaiid lrruKularltle4 of tbu l.owuln , n cur for clilllH und ( tier anil rliciimat lu l ilettn , ns a fccdathe in nir\ou cateH , 0.4s * i uncral Invivtnrutit and rcutniatlvi ) . For Haiuby all drii muiinddui UIB gontmlly. niariSto ul SEWING MACHINE. A FINE OPENING , We want a fooj Hie , tctlve person U > ta1iv thu iieiieyiii ; Omaha. Jhv butt kind of tvrmi twill joiclvun. Call at onr olllcv In JacoW lllock , or vrlto thoolllco at all W > ba h , Aru. L'hltugo. * . , ut onw. d , P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW ) Sguth Thirteenth Htroot , wttb SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OP- Men's , Boys' and Children ! Ready for Inspection AT- Palaoe Clo tiling House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1310 FHruam Street , Near 14th. MarlCood. BASWITZ & WELLS , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of % I And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good Goods ! Low Price & ! AND SQUARE DEALING AT THE " Opera House Shoe Store. " | nn31-)13m T CLOTHIER ! Is NONA/ Located in His New Store , 1308 FARNHAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S 'AND CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L. BRASH , - - 1308 FABNHAM ST. tucs-thvr-Bat Opera House Clothing Store ! O" . LTTIsTZD. Daily Arrivnls of Now Suriiif ; Gooild In Clolilimg and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAIT FIGURES , And Soldi At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" I am selling the Celebrated Wileon Bro/s Pine Shirts , known as the BEST fitting and Moat Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. iiilciodlm Tiio Oldest Wholesale and THU LKAD1NG Retail JEWELRYHOUSE ! usin ! \\t I Vij > Jt ) in Omaha. Visitors can hero IN TJll'Wi:3TI ( General Agents for the all novelties in SILVER find Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARK. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as Eastern Manufacturer ihe Latest , Most Artistic , any and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs soid RECIOUS STGNESand for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all of FINE descriptions A SPLENDID stock oi WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes , and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren , Store , Tower Building , Sterling , Imperial , Smitb American Organs , &c. Do llth and Farnham corner not fail to see us before pur Streets chasing. MAX'iMEYER ' & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES Large Stock Always on Hail.