Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Assignment of J , H , Hayorly ,
Amusement Manager.
Too Many Speculations nnd Non-
Pnying Theaters.
Ch1c70 SfccM to ttio Cincinnati CommcrcUI.
The sudden dcpartuio of Colonel J ,
H. Hnvcrly for Europe has created a
considerable sensation in theatrical
circles , and doubtless uonio incidents
in the life of the ox-manager will bo
interesting to the readers of The Com
morcial. As I have known him from
his boyhood , 1 can furnish several
which nro not generally known.
Colonel Jack , whoso real name is
Christopher llaverly , was born at
Curtin'o Furnace , JJoggs township ,
Center coun'ty , Pa. , and , as the story
books say , "of poor but honest pa
rents. " When of the proper ago ho
was apprenticed with n tailor
named William McClcllan , of Hello-
fonte , Pa. , eomo five miles from the
place of his birth. Ho very soon
quarreled with his boss , and throwing
n hot gooio at him , was arroa'cd and
confined in Ilellofonto jail. A second
( luatrcl arose , in which a pir of
ancara became the weapon , and thu
poor tailor had to fly for his lifo. To
avoid another incarceration younp
llavorly skipped out. Ho succucdod
by hook or crook in getting to Toledo.
At this point ho cot on a train as as
sistant peanut vendor , where ho re
mained until ho secured a horse and
cart and commenced as full pcddlor.
His next move was in becoming as
sistant malinger of a low music hall in
the same place known as the Adolphi.
Ho tlion took the road with a snide
show , which , not proving remunera
tive , ho throw up , and returning to
Toledo , started a skin faro hell ,
which ho ran till ho got in with Gal.
Wagner's minstrels. Hoaoonbocamo
solo manager of the show , to which
ho gave the name of "Uavorly Min-
Btrele , " and with which ho visited
Chicago , when Mr. McConnell , of
that city , observing how smart a man
ho was , and to what an extent ho ad
vertised , became his friend and
backer. AB his "enterprises" in
creased , extra backing was necessary
and McConnell , of the National
Printing company , backed his paper
to the amount of15,000 , through a
New York bank. Wild speculation
after speculation at length alarmed
his friends , and ho was repeatedly
requested to curb his ambitious
ipirit , but Air. McConnell and The
National printing oltico wcro too
dioply involved with him to with
draw support , and when the "Michao !
Stro < oF' ( ' and ono or two other concerned -
corned were added to the already
overwhelming amount of risk McCon-
neil submitted to a further $25,000
strain. This , added to the insane
mining speculations into which Hav-
erly had entered , and which so un
mercifully fleeced him , caused his
backers to squirm , and a restraining
hand was placed on the reins , which
the colonel rebelled at and kicked
over the traces. His career was now
merely a matter of ' 'either you must
go or I must , " and as ho had rashly
taken theatres where there was not
the remotest possibility of a dividend
over being declared , and as the
"Strategists , " the Mastodons and
other organizations were loudly cry
ing for salaries , while the monoyii
made elsewhere were Bwallowod up in
Colorado mud-holes , or even worse
place * near Gotham , Mr. McConnol !
dctoimined , about a month ago , upon
a definite measure , and the announce
ment of Jack Uavorly'a sickness was
the entering wodgo. It was finally
forced upon him that ho must go , and
while even in his death-agony , nego
tiating for more theatres , ho was
brought up with a round turn. A
journey abroad for the benefit of his
health wan determined upon and thu
scheme was carried out.
Everything llavorly had was turned
over to McConnell , and disintegration
will immediately take placo. Those
theaters which are paying and the remunerative
' munerativo combinations will bo kept
'up. All the others will be at once
dropped , or sold out as soon as cus
tomers can bn found. The Fifth
avenue and the Brooklyn will be
parted with. The Chestnut street ,
Philadelphia , which is merely a dra
matic graveyard , will bo dropped like
a hot potato , customer or no customer ,
McConuoll retaining only these which
will indemnify him for the very heavy
losses which ho has or must sustain.
Mr. Havorly is married the second
time to ono of the Duval sisters , of
which there were three , variety
artists , and of which Colonel Havorly
has boon the husband of two. These
fact ] may bo implicitly relied upon , as
I have thorn from sources which can
not bo questioned. The Uavorly bub
bio has burst , and it is to bo hoped
McConnell will rculizo on the property
ho has secured.
Tlio Extraordinary Family of an
Ohio Man.
Zanes lleCorrciiioridcnco ! | Cincinnati Enquirer
Ono day there came into old Mr.
Gallagher's hat store a man who asked
to look at a cap. Ho was shown a
number of caps , and , selecting ono
that suited , ho stated that ho would
take four of them. Tho' huttor was
somewhat astonished to hoar the man
ask four caps at once , especially as ho
said ho wanted them all the same
size."Havo you four sons of ono size ? "
asked Mr. Gallagher.
"Yos , air , I have ; and Pvo got sixteen -
teen others besides , " answered the
man."Whoro are they ? " inquired the
hatter , who was now all torn up by
curiosity at the strange statement.
"Thoy'ro down hero at the market , "
was the reply.
"Bring them hero , " said the hatter ,
"and I'll make them all a present of a
cap each. "
The man went out , and shortly re
turned chasing into the store a drove
of boys that looked something like
the fanioutf utuircaso band you might
BOO in the theatre if you over visited
such a placo.
"Hyar they bo , mister. Those ho
my boys , they bo. "
"Well , well , well , I never ! Doesn't
that beat all ! " ejaculated the old hatter -
tor , as ho gazed in wonder at the
group of gawkinjf young fellows who
stood there in all sprU of awkward
attitudes , BOIIIQ staring about in an
absent soft of way , others giggling
Jlko chool-girJs , and the test getting
all tangled np with each other in en
deavoring to keep from tramping on
the boxes and oil-cloth or matting on
the floor.
"Come in boys , como in and make
yourselves at home , " shouted Mr.
Gallagher as the string blocked up the
doorway. And ho was soon busy
"fitting" their pates with caps.
"This 'ore's Thomas Dittimus , "
said the happy father , dragging forth
'ho eldest of the gang. "lIoTs the
firstborn , ami a mighty good boy he
' . too. He's about thirty-five year *
old.He was speedily suited with a cap
and told to stand aside.
"This hyar ono , " said the old stock-
raiser , "is the next oldest. His
name is Christopher Holmes. " And
his father grabbed another of the
drove as though ho were a big sheep.
"Ef you'll notice , stranger , you'll see
that the first boy has got black eyes
like mine , and this has blue eyes like
his mother. " It but the work of
a second to slap a cap on the blonde
head , and ho was pushed over by the
side of his older brother , with the in
junction not to got mixed in with the
others till every fellow had got his
now cap. "
"Stop out here , Peter Dlalander , "
commanded the owner of the bunch
of boys. At this a third young man
ambled out in front of the delighted
hatter , who enjoyed the experience
beyond description. "Ilyar's a other
black-eyed boy , " remarked the boy-
builder. "You see every other ono
is a blue-eyed , and the rest is black-
eyed so far , and this helps to keep
the rut. of them if you Understand
the system , but when you come to go
through the whole string you'd got
mixed after the first ton , as I'll ex
plain to you further along. Now this
ono is Calendar Jones , " and making a
daah in among the mob the daddy
brought out a fourth son and almost
held him up by the back of the neck.
A cap was passed down ovorhis head ,
and ho was assigned a position amen
the seniors.
Number five was fished out of thu
regiment and introduced as Eecy Icy.
Ho got his cap and wont to join the
others that was already fitted out.
Then came Osy Neoshy , followed next
by Gcorgo Wampum , then Shawno
"I kind o' aort o' try to keep 'em
divided into Jots of five , you see , by
giving them 'names of u different na
ture , yet something alike ; for in
stance , Injun names all comu together ,
lint right about hyar I always gil
mixed when I try to pick the lads ou <
according to their ages , 'causo , you
BOO , the eyes begin to change alonj ,
about the tenth baby that comes
Commencing with the first , who , as
you saw , had black eyes , the change
of coloi keeps on black , then blue til
it gets down to the tenth or eleventh
when there is a changr- right arouiu
the other way. For instance , the
tenth being blue , the eleventh ought
to bo black , but ono of his eyes is blue
and ono is- black ; then the others
start out just opposite to ttio way
they first began. TJiat is , you wil
notice , how str.ingo that let mo
see , " mused the lather , trying to
aingloouttho proper ono. "Yos the
twelfth , who should have had blue
eyes if the change had not taken
place , is black. Then the next is
blue , the next black , and so on to the
end. On account of this change the
firi > t and last are black , whereas , il
the alternation had been kept up tin
it started they would have been op
posite in color. In the same way the
next to the first and the next to the
last are both blpip , and so on. "
The introductions kept on , and the
boys were all fitted with a cap each ,
free of cost , by the good-natured hat
ter. The father stilted that there
were no twins in the party , nnd that
they -were all the offspring of ono
wife. There was about a year's dif
ference in their respective agea , the
youngest b ing about twelve. Rela
tive to keeping the rug of the family
the old man stated that his wife , the
mothnr of thu boys , know them bettor
than ho did a great deal that is , eho
could call oil' their names and ages
without having to stop to think , like
ho did , at times.
"What do you propose to do with
your boys ? " inquired the hatter.
"Mako farmers of "em. We're
jest traveling through hyar now on
our way to settle somowhar , but wo
don't exactly know whar. "
"Did you over have any girls1 !
"Nary gal , stranger. All boys , and
WO'TO never had any death in our fain
ily. "
Notos.ancl Incidents on the Water
San Francisco Chronicle.
Since January 1st last 7,511 Chinese
neso have reached this coast , against
1,7-10 for the corresponding period of
last year. Every Htoamear that ar
rives from China at this time , there
fore , ia an abject of interest.
Not lea's than COO people were at the
seawall yesterday morning and wit
nessed the landing of the 818 Chinese
from the Devonshire. The crowd of
spectators did not comprise simply the
took loungers and city-front idlers ,
but men and women wcro there whose
appearance on the seawall attracted
marked attention. Tn ono who hus
never witnessed the landing of a cargo
of Chinese , such a scone is full of
novelty and excitement , The Custom
liouso officers are in complete charge
) f the ship and passengers. The limit
lines are drawn across the seawall , nl-
lowing sufficient apace for the Celes
tials to como ashore and deposit their
tuggago for inspection. In the mean
imo the Chinese inspector , the rep
resentative of the Six Companies and
Mongolian runners keep up a constant
distracting din of communication with
the paaHungors on the vessel telling
them what to do , what to bring with
thorn and how to act. Added to this
noise is the clink and clamor of the
job wauons , rushing forward impatient
for a load of the valuable cargo , the
driyera yelling at each ether as they
rush forward striving for vantage
ground. At last the order is givui ,
and the human tide Hews upon the
seawall with bag and bagcuge , bamboo
sticks and baskets , while above all
: ho acoiio the voice of every excited
Celestial is joined in one grand inharmonious -
monious chorus. A band of Mexican
cattle corralled by vacqueroa could
'P ? * PrtJ8e l " 'ore exciting scene ,
fho baggage of every passenger ia
jponed by the expert custom-house
nspoctora and experienced assistants ,
who chock baggage and owner ahko ,
and dismiss them to the wagona in
waiting. The Chinese have as
great n weakness for riding !
aa a sailor han for gin , anc
they crowd the job wagons , climbing
in from all points of the comi ass
pile on top of their assets and each
other as a junk-dealer would his rags ,
bags , bottles and Hacks. To fully appreciate
preciato Hie scene U must be reinera
bored all this time every driver of n
job wagon waiting for a load and
every Chinaman waiting to bo loadet
is trying his level best to make all the
noise his capacity for vociferation will
permit. Wagon alter wagrn tills and
deposit' , unloads nnd returns again ,
until all have been transported to the
hive in the heart of the cily.
Such was the scene witnessed by
hundreds of interested spectators on
the noawall yesterday morning as the
Devonshire discharged her human
cargo , and such will ba the scene , to
bo repeated week after work as one
after another the ships hasten to our
shores , until thu strong arm of con
gressional enactment shall bar the entrance
trance of the Golden Gate.
A Good Housowilo.
A good housewife , wlun she is
[ giving her house iva spring renovating
should bear in that the dear itimatua
of her house are moro precious than
many houses , and their systems
need cleansing by purifying the blood ,
retaliating the tUoin.icli and bowels to
prevent and cure ihu diseases arisinu
from spring malaria and miasma , and
she must know that there in nothing
that will do it BO perfectly and surely
aa Hop Bitters , the purest nnd best
of medicines. [ Concord ( N. Us
Patriot. i. . ] r , < \ (
Application * ! fur Liicunxo to Koll Liquors
at Jletnil.
Notice In lierdij plrcti lint tliu umlrrifgnf d
mnl ouch of ihcui lime filed with tliu Llty
clerk of the city of Omnlii nn iippllcntlon ti
the Mayor nnil Cllr Connill of said cJU fo
far license to cell Mnlt , bjilrlttioiu nnil Vlnou
I.lquorn at tliclr rrspcrtlro places of liunlni
In inlil city ns rrrlnifter itutoil , from nnd
alter April 10th IhBZ
Ihtt * llccn i will I * granted In cucli cusc
Mid upon cacli iif tlio mid Applications unlcs
objections , IPIIHI'-H i.inco or protest It iniid
thereto , as It ; mw Is jirorfdfd wltnln two
weeks from till * . J'lli da ) ol Mnrcli A 1) 182
The name * of t i'lr several places of lunlnoni
net wlicrn tlioj pi pine ) tii curry on nnld uiisl
UC9 > lsill ! filll | ) h
I clfiard WlllU " ' I"1'1 Karnani si , Third
1'ctir Goes' in C > U I'arnitm st 1'ourth Ward
IMwnrci Unl i , nt H10 1'ivrnam > t Tlilrt
Mri. A moll'Ilium , at 310 8. 10th at Third
AUx Daemon lit llltlist between Mercy anc
Mmonrint Wn 1.
John O. llrnndt , at fX2 } to 512 8. 10th
I lr l Ward.
Amelia .luliti , ill 912 S , 10th it I'lrit Ward.
Triderltk l > i > t ! , Hi 002 S. 13th nt Second
Wnrd ,
IMwnrd Ilulun , al 1014 Chicago nt TIM
CharloK ririHch , alxirnsr Ifllli nnd Jacksoi
nt I'lrnt Ward.
Allred Woulf , nl.S. II. corner 2Jnd and Cum-
IncHtnblxlh Wind
I ) . | \ Jlndsen , al 1121 S. Cth si First Ward.
M A.JIcNunmrn , 1114 nnd'Jir.H Mllmt Third
II , 'llorrnborger , 1321 Douuliu st Thlid
'Ilios. Cn11anin07 Drtngla" at Thlnt Ward
II. Kanlm.ii , 1314 DoiinluHtt'llilrcl Ward.
Sam Icali ) > , il2.S. 12lli nt'lhl * ! Ward.
I'.d. Vanrur. 1-11 Kiirnam nt ' 1 hlrd Ward
M W , Koinitdy , 3126. ] .1lli nt Third Word.
M. Wallcnz. U.ivuiiWorlh botuieu 13tham'
Hlh at Second Wind
Clias. Itiumi a vn , 1010 I nrnain at Third
JurncB Palroner , ror. lath and I'linnim it
Tlilnl rtard.
J W Miirph > .V Co , at 1314 Douglas kt
Third \\ard.
1' A. Mammon , 8--'l cor. ICth and Cnmlng
stB Kllth Wurd
biliiclncr& KidniHii allS23 Dodgost I'ourtl :
A , Utley & Co , 12 2 and 1201 Douglas it
Third Wcrd.
John Trunk tor. llth and Douglas ats Third
Johu O'Uuiiiicll 1038. 10th nt Third Ward.
Mrn J. lliuumiM , Columbia lirewury , bo
twittn IClli olid 18th stn 1'lftli Ward.
I ) U McUuckln , 314 b. 10th street llilnl
( 'has II. bclirolh cor. 3id and I'liio I'irst
N. McCoy I'ojiplcloii are. between 20th and
JJnil sin bmonil Wurd
Trunk 1'lvonko 7lh nnd Marcy st Tlrst
r. Wlrlli. at 1002 Hariioy at Third Ward.
J K ssJer , 13th at between 1'lcrcu and Wll-
URIIIS.Second Ward.
K. K. Smith 1121 ChlcuRO bt Fifth Ward.
P. bmtlli tor. 2tst oml Cumli.g blxth Waid
U. rUlmbnili 412 S. 13th st Third Waid.
Cho < Ncbor S. i : . cor 10th and Capital A >
1 bird Ward.
Mrs. I' . Koch tor. 10th and Castallor Third
Jacob Ktuifm n H02 N 10th T fth Wurd.
0. A. IIAUMVH , Ally.
TIIK OMAHA IlrK newspaper v\ll < publish the
abovu notice onio each ncuk for t o weeks al
the expense of the applicant.
J. J. L.C. jKttiTT ,
' City Clerk.
Matter of Application of Kennard Urns.
& Cj. , tor I'crmit to Sell Liiiuor
Notice ia hereby given that Keimard
Urcis. & Co. , did upon the 27th day ol
March , A. D , , 18812. file their application
to tlio Mayor and City Council of Omaha.
for permit to sell Mult , Spirituous , and
Vinous Liquors , as a UrugKist. for medi
cinal , uiucliHiiIciiI , and chemical purposes
only , ut No. Uu2 Doiiglm street , Third
\\ard , Omaha , Nob. , from the 10th day of
April , 1882 , to the lOthday of April , 1883.
If there bo IKI objection , remotiBtianco ,
or protest filed within two weeks from the
27th of March , A. 1) . , 1882 , the sild per
inlc will bo granted ,
Kl'.NKAIIl ) HllOS. & Co. ,
The OMAHA IKK ! newspaper will publlnh
tlio ubovo notice once each for two weeks ,
at the oxpoiiuo of the applicant. ' 1 ho Pity
of Omaha U not to ho charred therewith.
J. J. I < O. JKWEIT.
per M. Deputy Clerk.
Matter of Application of Y. K , AdainH
for Ijiipmr License.
Notice Is hereby g\en ! that K. JJ.
Ailumtulld upon the S7th ! diy oi March ,
A. U , , 18S'Illo bin application to the
.Mayor anil City Council of Onialia , for
license to tell Mull , Biiiritmnu ami Vinous
LdinorH , at No. 1111 .South Tenth street ,
Third wiiril. Onialin , Nob. , from the 10th
day of April , 1882 , to the 10th day of
July , 18S2.
if them bo no objection , renionstrat ce
> r protest tiled within two \\fekn Iroiu
M-irch 27th , A. ] ) . ; Ib82. tlm H.iitl llcenxe.
will bo granted. 1' ' K , ADAMH ,
THE OMAHA llKKnewgpnpor will publish
.ho al > o\o notice once each work for luo
weeks at tht ) expense of tlic uppllcanl ,
Thu ity of Omaha In nut to bo charged
tiieieuitli. J , , r. L. 0. JKWLTT ,
1'crM. Deputy City CJuik.
UlUIRll Km t ll > likti
Real Esiai , ? igency
ol uilt > (
% 4 cotintv
Dli. I'1. SOHlilKBB ,
Physician and Surgeon.
Olllco No. 1112 Karnlum St. , botuuvn Utli and
Uth , Ouiaha , Nob.
Geo. P. Bern is
IQth nd Dodge 6t . , Omaha , Neb.
Tlili KCUCJ u > Mf KtmurLru brokcrft/e iiiulnMt
Do4 nt ( ip-xiulito mJ thcrcforo.ftny liri ; lii.
( vx. ; . uluiuicdto An *
Mutter of Application of Soren Neilsen for
L iquor lAi
Notice in hereby given that Snrcn Xell-
* en , did ujwn the 2/th day of Man h , A.
D. , 1882 , file his application to the Mayor
nnd City Council of Omaha , for llcenfoto
eell Malt Splntuoux and Vinous Llmiors ,
* n Xo. " 07 and 70'J Klevcnlh mtcet , Fift
ward , Omahft , Neb. , from the 10th day of
April , 1882 , to the 10th day of .July , 1882.
If tr ere be no obiectlou , remonstrance
or protect filed within two weeVs front
Stnrch 27lh , A. IX , 1882 , tha saldlio.nse
will bo granted. SOHEN NMUSF.N ,
Tnr OMAHA UPE ncwipiper will tmb-
llth the nbovo notlco once 'nch week for
two nccki at the oxfunie of the applicant.
The City of Omaha is not to be charged
i herewith , .1. .1. L. C. JKWHT ,
I'.ty . Clerk.
M. R. K1SUON ,
Gcnl Insuranci ! Apnt
1'hocnlx Anuranto Lo. , of London ,
Cash Ansctts . . . ? 5 304,604.00
Wtstchoiaer , .Y. , Capital . t,000,000r >
The Merchants , of Newark , N J. ,
Capital 1,276,1000 ,
Ohnl Flro , 1'hllidolphla , Capital . . 1,200,000.0
Firemen's Fund , . . . .1,233,016.0
Hrlt'fh America Assurance Co . . 1M)0,0' . > O.U
Offlco , Boyd's ' Opera Houso.
lB05r rnhnm fit. , . . . O-nahn , Ntbr
SffcOO-OOO 'XC'jT&IiiSS '
Jini.1111) atlcLtw ! liuul lu f.Mtoni "ie.l > rat > Kafci
4 ID Hunt l.irMni : > In lni ) < r ( P < l fatms , nd
Onuli * e'Hy prom rtv
1 m I
It plaits from l Uol a n Incn to
* lilth In the coatfoul folta or finest allki
It doc.i all kinds and fit ) lotof | laftlng In uso.
No lady that dot a her own dress making can
afford to do without one as nice plaiting It
never out of fashion , If seen It sells itfcU. For
Mnrlilnci , Circulars or Agent's terms addrees
CONG All & CO. ,
113 A.ilamnSt. Chicai'O 111
Emplopeat A ent
Railroad Outfit on Short li'otlco-
.llth St. , Near Farnham.
ml-e d-t
Is now open to the publl. with a full supply o
Cut Flowers and Plants
Kor Sale. Wo will bo glad to na > o the public
call and tea us
Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made
to Order
City Orccn House , 8. W. for 17th and Web-
stir , ono block from Kltti street cin. Nursery.
. ' 3d street , oppositu Koit Ja . Y. Craig , Florist
and LandscnuoUardncr. KenS Bin.
Somolmportrmtbtntomnj'ti of V7 l
Kno-itrn Poojilo "Wholly
In order that the public may ( ally reulizo the
genuineness of the etateii entc , < ki well as thf
| wwer anil value ol the artlclo of which the }
speak , wo publish her.with the fac-almllu signa
tures of parties whoso clncorlty is licjoml quca
tlon. The Truth of these testimonials Is abra
lute , nor can the facts they announce bo ig
OMAHA , NIB. , May U , 1881.
II. H.WAiunm&Co. :
DKAufim : I ha\o frequently iwed Warncr'e
Safe Klclnoj aud Ll\r Unr < or affection *
attendant upon eetcro rhcumatli ! ntbul.s , and
have ali > ays elcrhcct licncllt therefrom. I hate
also used the Safe Nertmo with natlifuctory ro
suits. I consider thceo mrdiclnus northr O1
Ueputy TroiBurcr
OWAIIA , NKB , May 24 , IhBl
1 { . n WARNKR & Co. , Ilocbcstor , N , Y. :
CUNTS : 1 have IIM tyour Safe Kldnoy and
Liver Cure this spring as a 1cr Invlgorator , and
1 find It the best remedy I over tried , I halt
used 4 bottles. , at d It has rnado mo feel bettor
than ecr I did before In the Hpring ,
U , V. U. Shops.
OMAHA , N B. , May 24 , Ibal.
BIRD : Kor moro than ID yiara I have suffered
much In onvcnionco from combined kldnoy anO
liver diseases , mid have been mublo to work ,
my urln > iy orgins also being nlfecltd I tried
great many modlclms and doctor' , 'jut I grew
uorso and \vono day by day I was told I had
llrlght'H Disease , andlwUhod in ) foil dead III
could not have upc-cdy rtbef. I look )0iir dale
Kidney and Liver Lure , knowing nothing olw
was over Known to euro tha disease , ami I hav
not been diapiolntid | ThJ mcdUlnehas cund
mo , and I am pcrfuc ly uoll to day , cntlrul )
through ) our &afo Kidney and U\erCuro I
wUhjoualleucc Mln pubiUhlni : thin \aluabli
rcuiodr through Jici v c-rld
U , I'.H. H. Shops
lliotuxdo of tquall ) Btrong undorscments man )
if ticm In cues \\hero hopuvsas abandoned lm > econ
> \ojuntarlly gnen , uliowlngtho remarkable
lowerof Warner's kale Kldnoy and Ll erCure ,
nail dlsea cscf the l\ldnc > n , Ihcror urlnan oran -
; an Ham onowlio read * this hianyphs-
ial trouble rem mbc'r the great renudj ,
mu .
If TOU urn
oflm ln
itmr KlH work , tu
l'jnulu" an u , tori'bnUuin-n jr
Hop Dlttora. l m > t > , UMI Hop O.
if j < unrr0 ! i * n" inii f ru" ' i ' '
f . \v tinii ui a li >
a ui ulni'l * 1 1
D.irhiaUburlwiiiiMi K ou '
jo Illjr nu Hop lttef' '
V ' nei you are. lilt JUITXI
ilioueur you tul nattU. 'r , w " 7
Ihai your jftim form \ > t V !
i. ix ! dennsinir luu- that
mir or ttlumlalini ; ,
' ' "
i'i'k u" Hop
UH te * .
i5 * y * jfouify -
, O. I. O
orui'nutyro".J U D ttoclul
Kiid irr * l tfc
HOP We ruulfimesi e u r o to
ateot opium
Vou will tcbaeout
u rod If jouuw mrcotlc * .
Hop Dltter *
lfjou r Hiu . .
l.t tx w e W * ad
luw > iilrltiii.trr NEVER Clreultr
Ut It may no-
ave your FAIL 10. ,
life. It ha
mved hurt *
Jrecle. A Toronto. Out
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cure * dyupep-
; ' ' " " jtJon iiiul Jioartburu.
Mrs. J. n , Itotiortaon , Plttaburg , Pa , w rites : "I
was suffering from general debility , want of ap
petite , constitution , etc. , no that tire wan a bur
den ! 't ' r lining Burdock Ulooil Bitters I felt bet
ter than for j cars. I cannot praise your Hitters
too much , "
H. Olblrt. ol nnffalo , N. Y , , writes : "Vour
Hurdock Illci Hitters , In chronic diseases of the
blooil , Ihcr v.J kldnojn , ha\e been signally
marked with success. I have used them mjsolf
nith runt results , for torpidity of thelUcr undln
caioof a friend of mine Buffering from dropsy ,
the edict was man clous. "
Bruce Turner , lloche-rtcr , N. Y.wrltcs : 'I have
bcui subject to serious disorder of the Mdncjs.
and uniblc to attend to builncm ; Uurdock Illood
Hitters relieved mo before half nbolllo wan used
I feel confident thatthtv will entirely euro me. "
, Hlnghampton , N , Y , , writes :
I suffered with a dull pal" through mv clt
Itmi ; nnd shoulder. Ixnt my spirits , appetite
and color , end could with dltllcully keep up all
day. Took jour llurdodc Illood Hitters ai dl <
reeled , ami hiuo felt no | ln since flnt neck at
tcr unlnir them. "
Mr. Noah Hates , KlmUa , N. Y. . writes : "About
four } ears ago I had an Attack of hlllous fever , and
ncicr fully rcco\crcdt My ( ll cstho orpan )
wcro weakened , and t would Imcompletely pros
trated for ilays. Aft cr uslnif tw o bottles of your
Uurdock Illood Hitters the improvement waa so
\l-ll > lo that 1 was astonished. I can now. though
Gl \ can of age , do a fair and reasonable da ) 's
C. Dlackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Out. , writes : "Ferjears
I suffered frrcatly from olt-rccnrrlnp headache. I
usol jour Uurdock IJIood Hitters with happiest
resiiltH , and I now Dud mi pelf In better health
than for } cars past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' 'Iha\e
used Uurdock Hlood Bitter * for ncnous and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend it to an ) one
requiring a euro for bllilousncas. "
Mrs. Ira MullnolKnd , Albany , K. Y , writes :
"For scncral years I ha\o suffered from oft-recur
ring bltlloua headaches , dyspepsia , and com
G'alnts peculiar to my BOX. Smco using jour
urclock Blood Blttcra I am entirely rclicncJ. "
Price , ai.OQ pel Bottle ; Trial Dottlei 10 Ctl
FOSTER , MILBDRN , & Co , , Props ,
BUFrAlO , N. Y.
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F.
Jo 27 cod-mo
Tnla great tpcciflc cures that most loatnsoino
"Wbotbor ii ) Its Primary. Soooudorv
or Tortinrv Stngo-
Itcmotcsnll traccHof . < cnuryrom the sjs-
lorn , Cures Scrofula , Old Sores , llheuma-
tism , Eczema , Catarrh or any
Illood Disease.
Carol "Whoii Hot Springs Tail I
MaUern , Ark. , May 2,1831.
Wo ha\o canes In our town who lived nt Hot
Springs and were finally cured with S. S. S.
Memphis , Mcnn. , Ma ) 12 , 1881
Wo ha\o sold 1.29U IratMcs of S.S. S. In a > car.
It hax L'Hcn universal satidfactlon. talr minded
ph)8lclans now recommend it ns a poslthe
Louisville , Ky , , May 13. 1831.
S. S. S. has given helter salfifactlon than any
medicine I ha\o ever sold. J. A.
Ucmcr.Col. , May 2 , 1881. .
iEvorypurcha crEpcakain the highest terrai
ofS. S. 8. L. llclasetor.
nichmoiid. Va. . May 11,1881.
You can refer any body to us In regard to the
merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller & Co.
Have never know n S. S. S lo fall to euro a case
Cf Syphilis , when properly taken.
II. L. Dcmiard. ) .
Ell Warren. ] Perry , niv .
The above signers aroncntlcmon of high stand
l"ff- . A II COLQU1TT ,
Ooicrnor otdeorcla.
Write for particulars and oopy of Ittlo
book 'Message to the Unfortunate.
81.00O Rnwnrd will bo paid to any
chemist who will tind , on analysis 100 bottles
B 8. S. , ono particle of Mercury Iodide Potas
sium or any Mineral substance.
Atlanta , Oa.
Price of regular slro reduced to $1 76 per i nt
tie Small size , holding half trio quantity , price ,
Sold by KENNAHD & CO. ,
and Druggists Generally '
The Great English fie
.NeTcr falls to cuio
Vervous Debility , VI-
tiil Exhaustion , Em- !
tlons , Seminal Wcak-
HOOD , and all thee
e11 effects of jouth-
( ul follies and execs-
ica. It stops ] > c'rnm-
ncntly all weakening.
iinoluntary losa sand
- ! rains upon the BJS-
ttin , the Inevitable re-
eult of these evilprae-
tlcei , which re no dcstruotUo to mind and body
and make life miserable , often leading to Intanl-
ry nnil death It strengthens Iho t < cno , IJnun ,
( tnemor ) ( Blood , Muscles , HlgtstUo and Ilcpro-
diictlvo Orgnns , It restores W all the organic
functluii Ihulr forumr > lgor and vitality , ma
Ing llfo cheerful and enjojable 1'rlco , $3 a
'lOttle , or four times tr.o quau.lty * 10. Sent by
express , bccuro from observation , to any address.
on receipt of price. No. C. 0. I ) , sent , except
on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. letters r > -
quoting answers imut Inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintio'a Dandelion Pills
are tl I boat and cheaiwst d ) popsla and blllloug
enrol ' the market , bold b ) all druggists. Price
JO cents.
HlVTlK'8 KlO.NH 1'KIBar , NflllEIICUM ,
lilndof Kidney and bladder couiiilalnto.
go orrl'en , gleet ard Itueorrhca. rormlo jail
iai gktti 1 a bottle. ,
TJSOIiteSt , St. Louis , Mo.
For f-nlo In Omaha b )
. t , . .
Isn - ' i mi , B.oo
age * lor i W. AJJrw * 11 onliw te.
No 101 and IM Uiln . ImBuIo , N \
SoM < n Oinali * b\ > K ( tooiunr , J W Kel !
J. K. Mi. and all i nirel * * * * } whcr * .
Ornc Front Rooms ( tin stairs ) lu lUnscom building , N. W. corner I fteentb oj
rnb a StrvcM.
R. J. SAXE , * ilk * ort *
Has opened a Now Hat Store in Opera House Block on 15th St , ,
wnero oan be found all the desirable Styles at Moderate .
. Prices , A complete Spring Stock lias been bought
and will arrive in a few days ,
A Full Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods will be added soon ,
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Quion Pacific Depot ,
Ste m Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A SR N1 205 FO - St. . Omaha
BB |
latmSmm tBB&xaaKQ
Mining and Milling Company.
tVorklng Capital - $3tX,000.
Capital Slock , 31,000,000
Par Value of ahjr $26,000.
DH. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wj omiiM.
Wil. K. TIL1ON , Vleu Pn IJent , < i.inmlns , Wyoming
U.K. nAHWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wjomlng.
A. 0. LUNN , Trcawrur ' nnmlns , Wyoming.
Dr. J. I. Thotiias. I oulf Miller W. f > . llratnel. A. G. Dunn 'bo ry
B. N. liarwood Friicli.eavciih. . Oco. II. Falos. Lewis Zolraan
Dr J C. Watkins.
no22me6m QEO. W. KKNDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale of Stock : Be- n i.a Neb.
always gives satisfaction , because it rnskes
superior article of Bread , and is the Chear-
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.a
VM. \ . YATES ,
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. (
Fire and Burglar Proo
JL. O < O 2 1" , Sic
1020 Farnham Street ,
IE1. O.
1213 Farnhsm St. Omaha.
Fine Wu'clies und CJockn. Pianos , the Sleek and others.
DininniiUa at Tmpi rtors" I'll cos. Organs , Whitnny & llolmoa
Juuohy , moat Aitisuo Sh If"
Silverware , nn Kli > ? nnt Sri ok AtcurduiiH , Yiuhns ,
Flutes unrt Fifis , Guil'irc.
Opuni filnaacs , Ohoico AaBortniont , Huaioliosoa , ILirmoiuc ia. '
EiigritviiiKi in Host Stylos. Violin Strings , Guitar Strings , Ac.
Fine Repairing Specialty. Inducements Superior to others.
Prices in 1'lain Fiijurea. Our Motto , "Plain Figures. "
jtaTAs we copy nonsuf our couipotitura STYLUS or advertbeinenti we politely re *
jiieflt a return of the compliment.
Opera House Block. ANGELL , BOWEN & WHITE.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Spring Goods' Receiving Daily and Stook very nearly Complete