Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1882, Image 1

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Thi OMlt-Peru Diffloulty Again
Before the Public.
This Time in the Form of the
Offloial Oorrospondonco
Over the Aflair.
Showing How Ohili Spurned
* , tbo Good Offlcea of the
United Sta'os.
And Convinced the Oommis-
fcioner She Waa Able to
Manage Her Own Affaire.
Whereupon ThUGovormnont Onoo
Moro Took Its Scat.
National AaaoctatodPrcu.
WASHINGTON , March 28. The state
department communication which the
president transmitted to the house
was in response to the resolution
passed yesterday requiring any proto
col or ether dosuniontasigned by Tros
cott relating to pdaco between Ohili
and Poru. The response states that
no protocol ordocument of that nature
bra boon received from Troscott , and
no nforniation haaboen received from
him or any American representative
in Chili or Peru that such a document
has been signed. The president , how-
eror dooms it proper to submit copies
of correspondence with Trescott
since his last communication
to the house on thu subject.
The first document submitted
is a telegram from FrelinghuysenJ to
Troscott , dated February 4th , saying
the president instructs him to say the
United States government only pro
poses to give counsel and aid negotia
tions. Chili must determine whether
it is wise to accept counsel. No part
will bo taken by the United States in
negotiations based on the surrender
of Tarapaca aud the payment of 20-
000,000 indemnity. The demand ia
looked upon as exorbitant , and the
time is come when Chili can afford to
be magnanimous and just.
A telegram from Frelinphuyson to
Trescott , dated 21st of February ,
permits Trescott to assist to a liberal
war indomity , but says the cession ot
Tan pi a must not bo assented
to without further consultation with
this government by cable and aaya it
is not possible the creditora of Peru
may uiaintim its revenues , which are
hypothecated to thorn. The telegram
closes by saying : "Tho president >
urged moderation on the part of
Ohili. "
Next follows a long letter from
Frulinghuyaen to Trescott , dated
February 24th , in which he reiteratoa
Iho suggestions of the dispatches N
mentioned , and says the president is
very desirous of having the good
offices of the United States made
\-t \ available in restoring peaco.ibut.ia
unwilling to boeoino the medium for Bfi
a proposal which he thinks BO enor 01
mous that it cannot be entertained tr
by Pertif He is still of thn opinion CO
that it would bn the part of wisdom h
for Chili to accept from Peru a just thM
indemnity in monoyguarantcod If in
sisted , by temporary tu
upon occupation
tion of territory , rather than to pre- dcB
omptorily demand cession of territory.
On the other hand he is convinced H11
that the United States has no right St
either by treaty stipulation or public in
law to impose upon the bilJigorents
unasked , ita views and it hay no in
terests at stake so commcnsura'o with
the evils which might fol Na
low interference , which would
authorize it to interpose further than so
as indicated. If Chili is indisposed
to listen to hia advice , the president in
will no.t tike part in negotiations he
based on both surrender of Tarapaca ar
and payment of a largo indemnity. th
To demand of Peru the surrender of beSt
a valuable province and the payment St
Lt § 20,000,000 in ton years , with a
disorganized government and des
poiled territory , is to aak what she
cannot render , and the president
feola that Treacott may frankly pa
of [
and in a friendly spirit bring these til
considerations btfoie the in nistor ,
of foreign affairs in conversation with
him. It ia understood that all Peru int
west of the Andes is in occuoattuii by an Si
Ohili , and all care in maintaining thu de
government and protecting society is
thrown upon the htatilo occupiers.
Chilean representatives claim that Nai
only the Chilean bayoiiot a'avcs Peru
from anarchy. If this bo true , ono IVt
of four things must follow : First , foi
armed occupation must bo thu govern avi
ment ; or second , the invader must bo
driven out by force ; or third , Chili en
will withdraw , claming to much of it 8W
aa it desire. * , and le.tvo the in
rest to its fate , or fourth , we
an honorable peace must bo
mude. Chilli [ c.iu hardly
the first , and will not admit the etc- .v
end possible , but cventa in the his
tory of those two powers show that enRi
what seems impossible has taken Ri
place. The third alternative seems ap
impracticable. If it were Chili could fit
not justify itself before the world , an
and if it should eventuate in the ob- ha
aorption of Peruvian territory , whoso thi
pr ducts are pledged to creditors , it Tli
could not be done without raising a of t
grave.question in the future of Ohili , teby <
which the United States as a friend of by
that energetic , industrious people P.dii
would wish to have avoided , The dii
fourth alternative is , in the
president's opinion , the wisest
course and one ho dc- Na
tires to sue brought about by
peaceful influences. The traditional 11. :
attitude of this country toward sister .
republics is ouo of peace. While wo an
would draw thorn nearer to us , we do bore
not propose ( o force our \ iows upon
them or act as arbitrator or umpire
unless by the desire of both parties ,
or by controlling interests of our own ,
The letter here again urges the ro ;
views already expressed that Tara- nu
paca should not bo demanded by at t
Chili , unlesa it should eventuallyjbe-
coino Chilean through the inability ol
Peru to pay a nvwonnb'o indemnity ,
to bo agreed upon. The president
doea not presume to a/ what
the indemnity should bo , but loavt
it to the discretion of Troscott to as
sent to tender the good offices nf the
United States to Peru on a b Ms of *
very liberal indemnity to Chili. If
Peruvian territory is spared ; if Ohili
insists on retaining any part of the
territory whoso products are claimed
to bo hypothecated to creditors of
Peru , the president in unwilling to
involve the United States in the
complications which might onsuo. Ho
prefers to reserve to this government
the full right to determine its course
should such complications arise.
The next document is it tolognim
to Frolingliuyson , received on the
25th of February , in which ho says
Chili refuses to modify the terms of
peace ; that slio allogcH they nro
better than thu terms oifored at
Lima and Arica. The terms , ho says
are extremis , but Chili js strong and
Peru so crippled that more interven
tion will have no effect. Ho asks in *
struct ions by cab'o , and adds that ho
thinks there is no usorcinainingthcro ,
nd closes by asking if ho shall go lo
Peru and Bolivia , and whether Walter
lilaino shall remain or return. To
this Secretary Frolinghuysen replied
that it is preferred that both remain
for the present , and report the situa
tion from time to time , Jos ng no op
portunity to carry out the president's
views as indie ited.
The next is a telegram to Froling-
huyson , dated March 5h , which
says ho carried out his instruc
tions , but tha terms will not
be modified by Chili and adds : The
publication of the instructions to mo
and my Confidential Telegram has
made it impossible to secure modifi
cation. I will stay ns directed , but I
think with the information I have I
ban bo more useful in Washington. "
On March 15th , ho telegraphed ho
had a full and friendly interview with
the minister of foreign affairs , and as
a result , thinks his presence is requir
ed in Peru. Bluino , ho nays , will go
to Bolivia and thenjo join him in
Porn. Ho closes by saying : "You
need have no fear that I shall depart
from your instructions. "
Cool Robberies.
Nation * ! Aiwociatod Prow. ,
DXTROIT , Mich. , March 28. Two
daring scoundrels visited the housa of
a widow named Couloy in broad day
light , at Jackson , this morning and :
robbed her of a sealskin Hacque and a
lot of jewelry , valued in all at S400.
Ono of them held a revolver [ at hur
liead while the other gathered up the
jwag. After leaving Mr ) . Oooloy they
wont through the v-'ry fame petform-
inco at the house of a widow named
Mrs. Andrew Wilson in another part
f the town. Hero their booty
imounted to over § 1,000 worth of
owelry , silver plate and ether val-
mble articles.
Saloon Mmrder in K nau City.
National Associated Press.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March 28.
Vbout 9 o'clock to-night Martin
rlonahan.and Jerry Folliiy were in a :
aloon kept by Wn j3tock. All were P'
ngasjod in an animated political con- vomi
roverey as to who should bo elected mi
ouncilman from thoit ward. . Mona-
lan and Folley struck Stock , when
he latter pulled a pistol and struck mi
lonahan on the hoad. A rough and th
umblo fight ensued and Folley was ch ;
oalt a terrible blow on the head. I chwe
Cut the battle continued , Monahan we
nd Folldy rallying and closing on Gtmi
lock , who then fired three shots , mi
tiling Monahan and slightly wound- mimi
ig , Folloy. ab
The Manitoba Blizzard. tit
atlonal Auaociatcd 1'roM. cal
WINNIPEG , Man. , March 28. A do
ivero blizzard with an east wind bo- na
m last night , and for the first time
the last two weeks blockaded trains
ere and in Minnesota. Emigrants
re Buffering hardships on account of
be severity of the weather. Numtj {
era are reported returning aouth to p , .
t. Paul and Chicago in consequence. uaf
Sittlnc Ball.
itlonnl AxeoclataU Prcsn. i-1
ST. PAUL , March 28. It is pro- ftll
nsed to remove Sit1 ing Bull and ICO '
his people from Fort Randall to
10 Y jink ton reservation , where , un- en
or nn ofllcor of thu interior dopnrt- ex
lent , they can -bo instructed in t lu un
rts uf peace and civilization , winch an
itting Bull professes BO ardently to Hi'
wire. "
ii 1IU
ThnBluo Cat DotniUvo du
Ansouiatoil I'rivH. ' Th
KANHAS CIIY , March 28 Dvc t- Ull
o Gorditm , wlio ha ) buen onga ; cd tei
ir nnnm tinia in working up the o < o lift
.ainst tha liltio Cut tram robter ,
us urrt'stud to-day on a charge m
iniinal libel , the warrant being
vorn out by ono John Knapp. Thn ab
u vo is , of coureu , to ttop him in his
Scottish Illto Convocation. fui
tlonil i AiiS''clutsJ 1'rtxM otl
INDIANAPOLIS , March 28. The uuv du
ith annual convocation of Scottish fac
ite Masons in the valley of Indiuti- foil
jolis , began this afternoon. About
mr hundred members are in attend- pul
ico. Three hundred and fifty plates pn
vo been ordered for the banquet at uni
10 Booth House to-morrow night. ]
hu grades of Adoniram , Grand Lodge ica
Perfection , four degrees to four tin
ion degrees , inclusive , were conferred Th
N. 11. Ruckle , thirty-throe degrees , goi
G , M. There are about sixty can- arc
idatns for the various degrees , poi
Jealousy Among Negroes.
itlonal AiutociateJ 1'reei. .
INDIANAPOLIH , March 28. Green (
Burnett shot and fatally wounded vie
.obort Alexander , both colored , at Ye
early hour this morn ng , while pic
uth were going home from a ball. hit
auso , jealousy. ret
"Wells' Health Uonower , " greatest
mody on earth for impotence , loan-
ess , sexual debility , Ac. One dollar N
druggist's. Depot , 0. F. Good-
an , ' (6) ( ) lit
Nothing of Importance Done in
Either Honso ,
Bo i Butler , After an Int onflow ,
Snye tbo President Will
Veto the rhlnetoEill.
Hunt Dipneed to Gonsidor
Himself Shabbily Treated
by the Administration.
Inaumuch ns Ho Desires to Re
tain the Navy Department
for A while Longer.
Vtlnoollaneoni Noton of n National
Al A fxxl tcd treat.
IN Till ! RHNATll.
WASHINOTON , March 28. Mr. Bay-
ard called up thu bill appropriating
ground for thu extension of the Phil
adelphia mint , saying that $400,000
are needed for thu purpose , which
During the debate Mr. Teller said
that ho intended to coon bring in a
bill establishing a mint in Colorado ,
to save thu coat of * transpnitation of
bullion tc the cast.
The tariff commission bill came up ,
and after several epoochoa pro and
con , and the rejection of several
amendment a and the adoption of the
amendment offered by Mr. Butler ,
that the commission D
report by < > -
comber 1 , 1882 , the bill passed 38
to 15. The negatives weru Mossra.
Beck , Call , Coke , Davia ( III. ) , Farley ,
Garland , Harris , Jonas'Maxoy , Mor
gan , Pugh , Vance , Veat , Walker , and it
Adjourned at 6:40 p. m.
After the expiration of the morning
liour , the house wont into committee
of the whole on tins tariff bill. Mr.
Ivasson presented the usual arguments
in favor of tariff and was fol'owcd ' by N
Mr. Carlisle in opposition , who apoko
intil 0 o'clock , when the committee tit
ese with the agreement that Mr. CO
Carlisle resumes his speech tomorrow. at
A communication was road from the
ecrotary of war stating in his cstima- of
ion $800,000 moro rations would be pa
icoded for sufferers in the Mississippi
Galley. di
A -communication was read from the po
tate department giving corrospond- CO
nco regarding the attempts to bring
bout peace in South America.
Adjourned at f > :10 : p. m. Na
tlloual Associated Prosn iTO
WASHINGTON , March 25. Bon Batrol
r : , after a long interview with the co
resident ; , says he bolievoa ho will an
oto the Chinese bill to-day or to-
Secretary Hunt , after tlie cabinet
Mi [
looting to-day , said : " 1 talked with
lu president about the cabinet coi
iangea. Ho did not inform mo who
would bo when he nei
ly ; successor or HeN
ould bo named. I think it will bo
en. Ikale. The president offered
10 choice of throe positions , ono as N .
unister lo Russia , which I will prob-
jly accept in the event of a change. " Fo
Hunt saya he haa known for some Pa
nip ho would bo displaced in the noi
tbitiot und provided for elsewhere , we
japito ; his dtsiro to remain until the tut
wy reconstruction is at least fairly
idor way.
The Brat public reception of the
resident ( took place to-night. It was CO I
tended by fully 10,000 , pooplo. The vac
esidunt ( received in thu Blue room , fee
isiatod by General and Mrs. Grant , tra
"osdamea < Frelinghuysen , Brewator , 84
incoln , Hunt , Oamoron , Pondloton
id McPhers'in , Aliss FoJger and tivv
hers. The doora were opened at 8 ass
clock , from which time parties to-
' to ( I HO. The line of people pri'
i - , J down to Punusylviktiia avo- ogra
10. The cabinet , diplomatic corps gra
id uupruuiu cjiiri judges entered by tin
10 ' aouth door to avoid the crowd , T
lie public were admitted by the the
ji'lh do r , Co ! . Rockwell intro- .Tol
iced the gueata to the president. tun
lie rccoptioii lasted from 8 o'clock t'.ii
itil 11 , WUH moro liuyo'y ' at-
nded limn any fliiuil irrocepiiu.i f-ir
teen you a.
Tlio houao committee on waja and
oana have agreed to report the bill
loliihini. < UxtH on bunk checks ,
MJtB , ordera and vouchoi , Uuik
.pital and deposits , matches , pur-
niury , nudicul proparationi and
her articles enumerated in thu bubo-
lie , and itducu those on the inanu-
cturo and eulo of liquors and to-
DAVIS , of Illinois , in circulating a
itition that thu Honiuipiii canal ap-
opriation bn attached to the river
id harbor appropriation bill )
It ia quite probable that the polit-
al contest of the present will bo ever
admission of Dakota as a state.
lie democrats have resolved to anta- >
inize the bill and the republicans
equally determined to urge its '
isaagi ) .
The Buffalo Crop.
.tlonal Auociatod I'reto ,
Sioux CITY , Iowa , March 28. Ad-
ces from the upper Missouri , the
Bllowatonu and the Milk rivers , o
ace thu buffalo crop at 100,000
des and 00,000 robes , with a largo o
ach of the river yet to hear from ,
ast season 15,000 hides and 00,000
'bos wore taken.
Accidental Death.
WINNII-KO , March 28 Nathan chc .
emp , late of Arnprior , Out , , fell wh
down the Blair way pf a boarding
htniRo at midnicht , it is supposed
while n idor the influence of liquor
A worn in of the house found the dead
body at the foot ol the staira this
nioruin * . The jury at the coroner's
inquest gave a verdict of Accidental
death. Ho IO.WCR a wife and family
in Arnprior.
Marine Intelligence.
National Amodatod Prt w ,
NKW Yonic , March 28. Sailed
The Nevada for Liverpool.
Arrived The Maas from Rotter
dam , the Vand/ilia from Hamburg ,
the Ariaona from Liverpool , the Ni
agara from Havana.
11 AVUK , March 28 Arrived The
Amcriquo from Now York.
llAMiunio , March 28 Sailed On
the 2Cth , the Albingia for Now York.
BnKMiiN , March 28.Arrived The
Slrassburt ; from Baltimore.
ROTTEUDAM , March 28. Sailed
On the 2Uth , the Schiedam for New
National Amoclatal Prosi.
MONUOK , LA. , March 28. A dis-
aatroua hurricaiio Rwcpt ever this
place last night. On the McGuire
plantation six cabins and a portion of
a pin house were blown down All
buildings on the Cooper plantation ,
ulna , suffered to a similar extent.
Considerable damage waa done to
cabins and gin h-mgos on the Carpen
ter and Ludlint ; place's. . An a ed
colored womun on the latter place was
blown away and the body has not
been seen since. Several iiugroiiB are
reported killed.
' i- i j urn
Murdgr In Self Dofenno.
National ABSOciatod Pfcvf. [
ST. PAUL , March 28. Andrew
Dehrlein , who killed Matthias RUSH
n a quarrel near Doland , Wright Co. ,
VRS arrested in thia city to-day. He
iviil b'o taken back to Wright County.
He is a German 60years old , and dur-
ng the war served in the Second
Minnesota Regiment. The kill-
ng of Ross was clearly an
ict of self defense , as Ross
tad slashed Oehrleiti's son with a
nife and waa about to stub Oohrlein .
rliou the latter broke hia skull with a
Illinois IiosL latnro-
fnllqnnl Associated Prose , ;
SruiNOPiKLD , March 28. A rcaolu-
ton was introduced ( memorializing
ongrosB to take charge of and con-
trucl the Hcnnopin canal.
A resolution waa adopted by a vote
23 to 15 , asking the president to
arden Sergeant Mason. in
The house judiciary committee was
irectod to report to thu house in op- iznV
osition to revision of the criminal nV
do. bt
Death of an Army Olfloor. hn
ntlonttl Aasocuted Priws.
LEAVENWOUTH , Ka. , March 28. an
'apt. Thoa. H. French , of the Sov-
tith cavalry , died last night. He
. ok part in the Ouster fight , received ante
yvcral wounds aud was uubsequently to
itirpd. He waa a gallant officer and fu
nsiderod : the best pistol shot in the mi
New Fort * In Montana.
ST PAUL , Minn. , March 28. Major
aginnia , delegate in congress from mi
ontana , is hero for the purpose of Br
insulting Gen. Terry as to the e.stab- an
ihment of forts at :
now and ether busi
es in connection with the territory. sic
o returns to Washington to-morrow. a
Indication . me
.tlonal Aseodatrd 1'rcaa. wi
. D. 0. , March 29.
jr the Lower Missouri valley :
irtly cloudy weather , light rain in
irthorri portion , southwcat to northsti
jst winds , alight chongoa in tempera-
ro , rising baromoter.
Mlioollanooua Tolograina.
tlonal AsHoclatoJ Prew
CHICAGO , March 28. The supreme riv
urt decision in the matter of the in
.cation of LaSillo street had the of- indo
ct of running the price of board ot mi
iido membership up from $3,000 to miWi
,000 this morning. Ut
CHICAGO , March 28. The execu- lov
'u committee of the woutern export ort
Bociation ( distilleries ) had a meeting ing
day . and agreed to advance the tov
i'co of hiqhwinos to $ l.i7 for April , Ny
ing : to the Rtlvanco in the price ot poi
ain. The association will bo con- the
lued until Juno 1st.
LOOISVILLB , Ky. , March 28. At son
lunatic uaylnm at Anchorage , Ky , lilll
hn Etiut kided another inmate wh
ined Fi.iuk Wnaver with a bed slat tru
is morni4. . 'I hey ulupt in the \inu lor
uni uriii were thought harmless , aov
ojvur \ \ . 'i be iron almost ton jully , thu
ist wan thi > ii'ht ; uliiuiHt recovered tenon
d w.intuil to Jeava the UHylutn. ll non
is under the impression ho could To
t go until Weaver wan romoved. Cm
SPUINOFIKLD , 111. , March 28. Jas.
riaeoll , II years old , living near
uclmnicdbuig , this county ,
wn yestordaj , carrying a gun. j'lo
LH found later by the Hide of a fence
th the top oi lit. ! head blown off.
ID gun is supposed to have bi-on dia-
arged pronmtnrjly by'ging it o
rough the fence.
KANHAH CITV , Mn , Miuch 28 ,
lirteeu Rudbiuniifugeesarrived here
tn Philadelphia to-day , and will bo
ken charge of by the Jlobruw com
INDIANAPOLIS , March 28 - Fred , VO'
iiib , a railroad employe , was run ab !
er and killed while assisting in af
'itching cars on the union track to-
y. His foot was caught in a frog , afi
was unmarried , but his parents
bidd in No K York ,
It is proposed to lease the bolt rail- cid
ad and union stock yards in this
ice to the Union railroad company , th <
latter company to UHO thu Union thwa
pot for all tracks leading through
city. Both proportiea
are very co i
luablo. luc
aki ;
G. A. LiiKjuist , Merchant Tailor , els
moved to 1200 Farnham alroot , wipe
liere he ia fitted up in the most po
odeni etylo , receiving a largo and uif
.oico selection of Bpringgoodaamong
iiicli uro ipocial novelties , m-'J-m wi
Disoovory of an Alleged Dyua-
raito Plot.
The Object Being to Doatroy
the London Dooko by
Blowmg Them Up.
The English Govormont Refuses
to Rolonao the Agitators
on Pnrolo.
To Allow Them o Ohnnco to
Veto on the Oloturo
MinoollnnnonH Now * that Came
Over tltoCa tile.
National Aiwoclatcd t'rom.
LONIVON , March 28. The govern-
monta of Franco and of iliu United
States have agreed to notify thu
other powers interested of an iniloli
nito poatponenient of the monetary
The police have boon warned nf a
Fenian plot to tumid under the I/m-
don docks and to blow them up with
dynamite. Thu lota of life and prop
erty which would bo caused by nuch a
crime is almost incalcimhlo There
nru the usual rumors tliut this din-
covery is fiction , but it ia positively
tssertcd that thu warning is gunuinu
Mid that it catuo in noiic too great
iiaato. :
In the houio of oommons this even
ing Gladstone refused Soxton'a re- i
juost for the rolunso of Pnrnoll ,
Dillon and O'Kelly on parole on
rhutaday next to vote against the .
'ovornniont on the clotnro proposal ,
ivhich is now being discussed.
LONDON , March 20 In the house ecol
) f commons hisc evuning , Mr. Fora-
.or , chief secretary for Ireland , spcak-
n debate on the rpleaou of thu Irish at .
inspects , said that if in order to stop ;
ho murderous outiiiL'ou in Ireland pi
itrongor meaaures went no dod by the In
ovornmont , ho would ubi < parliament ri
o resort to such incnniiea. Great fo
hooting followed this m nouiicomont od
ST. PKTHUSDUIIO , March 28.Kob - m
now , chief of thu executive commitsu
oo of nihilists , has been arrested. cii
A decree has been issued prolnbit-
ng the importation of salt pork from W
Lmorica , with an amendment author- to
sing the government to adopt what- bu
vor means of inspection appeared wt
eat sii
eatROUR siiW
ROUR , March 28 Gon. Garibaldi W
na arrived in Sicily. Ho received ini
n ovation along the hue from Men- th
na to Palermo. br
PAIIIS , March 28. Franco , Italy on tin
ad Spain are about , sending envoys
Morrocoo to inaiat tlmt the sultan otn .
ilfilla hia promises of butter treat-
tent of Jowa.
Northern Man In tlio South.
ttlooal Aiaodatad Vna.
BOHTON , Mass. , March 28. Several
lauufucturora of boots .md ahooa at
rockton , Uavorhill , Lynn , Natick poi
id Auburn , Maine , hold a mooting the
the atato houao yesterday to con npi
dor the practicability pf eatablishing din
manufacturing town in the south , boi
tlior in thu Blue Ridge oi the Black fet
ountains. A prospective committee me
ill bo sent out. Lo
raui.otlc3ohomo8 of tbo Maernatos mi
for Supromivcy in the Rocky 1st
Mountalno. bo
A correspondent of the San Fran- tw
ace Chronicle , writing of railway leai
valries bntwoon the Pacific railroads am
the Salt Lake country , aays that atri
Diild'n first idea waa to run a line , res
idor the niiino of thu Salt Luke & yea
'estorn , from Luhigh , a point on the
tali Central , westward across thu ant
worarmof thu great American des- win
, pasainij south of Eureka , touch- cut
g at Bclmont and varioua other has
WIIH , terminating at Silver l\ak , in 1110'
vo county , Nevada. At the latter slig
lint a formed with a ti
0 Atlantic and Pacific line , ap- due
imchini ; from the aouthuaat , and foci ;
mo other westward-bound over-
nd route , the exact identity of vcr.
lich is yet in obncunty , und a grand .
mtk railway carrind iicross the Oiili- of
rnia border ju t where tint thirty apv
vmilh parallel of latitude touchcH The
county of Inyo , and thoncu direct cov
thu coast , reaching the Pacific rok
muwlieru oil thu B.iy of Monterey , nut
meet thia aggressiveness , the pul Pacific , aa ia well wdi
lown , projected a line to run i\rn
jin Corinno , Utah , uastwardly and lool
Yankton , Dakoln. No aoonur had and
irk this road than it a
bojun [ on Jay
juld , while still Booking for cuntral tha
d southern outlets to the coast for joii
Union Pacific , blocked the game nis i
thu Neb I Jill magnates by working the
change the roadbed of the Utah & pic <
orthorn from thu mountain ( tides to lonj
oonlyavailublopass leading cuat'vard fou
thu Northern part of Utah. So tiot
ccoaaful was the effort of the Utah it nkii
ortliurn that thu Central Pacific our- feet
tyora and graders were compullod to
laiidon Iho Bear river pasa and muko can
feint of laying a track over un im- clu <
actciablo gradu in the mountains. nli ]
oakhiL' of { ho Denver & Rio a cl :
rando'a invasion of Utah , the cor- hin
spondunt Bays the company haa de >
dod to build westward from Salt Null
ko valley to Eureka , Nov. , and 6
lunco at an opportune time to tide- L.
liter , L.WO !
In reaching for such a result , the Cit
unpany has boon handicapped by a poi
ck of topographical knowledge and to
ill of the part of its pathfindurii , erse toUll
so it has boon guilty of the baoonesk isi
ith which it is charged by ita en-
inonta that heinous offense of tak-
primary possession of go
ith ths Intention of telling out avail- Hi [
.iblo routes to other and bona fide
roads. Whether this has boon a fault
or a ininfortuno the result rcinainft
that the road linn had a acnro of eur-
voying partien in the field , andyotlma
failed to far ns the public can aacor-
fain to lay out a decisive course to
its ofttoiiBihlo objective point. Dur
ing the loaaon the Salt La\o & > Western -
orn also had two or thrno engineering
tirganizAtions at work , and the con
flicts between Iho rival par
ties were important and eomo-
times amusing. A corps of Salt
Lake & Western surveyors under Majj
Joseph A. Wcnt,1 carried , within the
last twouo months , their company's
line over 350 miles ol desert region ,
while frequent collisions with oppos
ing forces inado their progress moro
like the march of a scouting party in
i n enemy's country than the welcome
trump of civilization's vanguard.
Their labor hns conformed to tha gen
eral outline of Gould's plan , and their
survey has been followed up by the
graders and tracklayers as far west as
old Camp Floyd , of historic interest
This route takes in the only advan
tageous pass over Kern mountain lethe
the most easterly range of Nevada ,
the possession of which by Gould's
road will drive the Denver ally of the
Central Pacific to lay ito through nar-
row-gaugo .lino much farther north
than was originally intended.
was ono of the most important of the
season. At ono time "it was almost
claimed and hold by the Denver road ,
but their engineers dallied too loin :
ono miirning ever a cup of coffee and
lost the prize. At fust each com
pany was afraid to niovo toward
Ivoru mountain , fearing to betray
v projected route ; but later in thu
four the road from Colorado located ;
p.irty within a day "a ridu ot the )
nountain. There they were to ro-
imin until an opportune hour , and
.lien seize the pass. Their plan would
mvo succeeded but for thu fortune
vhich ia said to attend all Gould's teA
chemes. Ono day Maj. West , chief
if the Salt Lake and western field
arty , was resting at Fish Springs ,
tfov. To pass away a weary hour ho
.ttachod a pocket relay to the toloI
raph wires and was catching disit k
latches from Washington , when the so
lead engineer ot the Denver line
ode up and , taking his rival I
or a repair operator , instructEi
d him to send an important in
nessagu to the Denver & Uio Urando th
uporintondent's ollioo.West grath
iously consented , and from the tulcth
ram learned where his opponents I ,
'ore established , and when , they inas
-iidod ; to move forward. The night sic
eforo the Denver & Uio Grande men be
ore to drive stakes of location on the an
ides and summit of Kern mountain , ha
/ost , with a score of assistants takan
ig the stars for their guido ran st
icir lines ever the hill , und , while
reakfast was being eaten in the Col-
lu ,
rado camp , rushed along , disturbed
10 previous possessors , put an iron pr
ako through a tin plato loaded with SCI
icon , und claimed the pass ia the
imo of Jay Gould and the Salt Lake
Wentorn. op
A Man with nn Klaatio Blcln.
sw York Tribune , March 26. * '
About thirty doctors aud uowspa- th
sr ropoturs Kathored in a room of wo
10 Ashland House yoatorday aftor- the
to ITeinrich the "In-
on see Haag , - str
a-llubbor Man. " Herr Haag .was cot
irn in Eriangon , Bavaria , and was roc
und in Vienna by G. A. Farini , for-
orly of the Westminister Aquarium ,
nndon. In Vienna ho was oxhibi- lyii
d to the students of the university. the
0 was exhibited privately at differ- cro
it timen by Mr. Furini at the Wost- hen
iniuUr Aquarium. Uts peculiarity kill
that the hkin of any part of his ]
idy , oven to thu tnucoun membrane wit
sidu his lips , can bo pulled out from ace
ro to twelve inches , and when ro rcc
isod will usgunip its natural position waiJ
id show no aigna of having boon J
retched. Thu only case that at all acr
aoinblra this ono was reported 300 ful 1
ars ago by Dr. Thulborg of Vienna. ho i
Herr Uaag is about 82 years old its
d has Boyoral children , none of wh
loin inhori'a thu father's peculiar int
ticlo. Ho is of medium hight , and roc
sandy hair , side whiskers and
nistachu ' , mid a light complexion , am :
Khtly freckled , As ho stood upon tsti
able ! in the centre of a group of hr
ctora yesterday hid skin had u portly - ° ati
tly natural appearance * , but looked ans
plucun as if its possessor had been ho i
ry fleshy , but had become thin
.tin. Hurr Haug first took the HUIJ !
his chest in both hands , pulled it
ward easily , and put it in his mouth ,
en ho pulled his forehead down and
-orod Ins fuco complotoly. AVJiun A
CUB 4 this extended akin took itH
tin ul place at once. He next
lli his nose and chin down und out-
u , , mid then had thu skin of his A
ns and Ijga stretched out till ho ahoi
iked like a bat or flying squirrel. the
doctors examined him thoroughly Doi
with much interest , pronounced '
on HO of "dorinatolyais , " and said 'I
it Herr Haag'u cuticle was nowhere hop
nod to bin muHcular tisauos. On Bui
right arm there in a scar , whore
Vienna doctors hnd taken oil'a ,
ice of thu nkin about four inches un , d
ig and a half inch wide , They BUU
md that the akin had no connoc- opo
n with the floah of the rig ; )
in upon Ilia ears , his hands , his
, and hia head showed thia Biimu trai .
istio quality. In fact Herr Haog
wrap himself in thu mantle of his hoj
iiticity , can pull thu cuticle out
ova his kiieu-paiis and wring it like thr
loth , and can alido around inside atu
insclf to a really alarming uxtont , in
An 111 luois OUloo Soolfor. hoi
tloniil Auodated i
Si'KiNariEr.u , March 28. Ool. W. sal
Gross , an attorney oi Springfield , cot
expected to arrive \Vadhington the
ty to-day. Ho la applicant for ap- wili
intmont as ono of the commissioners i
reorganize the territory of Utah lik
idor the rucont act of congress. He tin
understood to bo well supported. wi
An immense stock of furnishing ha"j
ods , hats , caps , trunks and valises
the mamoutn clothing house of M , "j '
oilman & Co. M17eodlw SO
Thrilling Bxporienoe of on En-
K noor on a Runaway Rio
Grande Locoinotivo.
Dornllod "Within Forty Foot of an
Approaching Train.
Denver Trlbnne.
John Flarharity , the engineer who
jumped from a runaway 'Denver A
Uio Grand engine which How the track
and was broken to pieces within forty
foot of an approaching train at Eilor
station , seven miloa from Lcndvillo ,
waa in the city yesterday , a Httlo bro
ken up from hia frightful experience )
but as the saying goes , "Still in tha
ring. " Ho hna been discharged from
the rord , it having been stated that halest
lost control of hia engine. This , how
ever , ho denies , Baying that it wa
purely accidental and something for
which ho wna not responsible.
Flahnrity was
in the yards at Loadv'ille. Ho was
ordered to go down the road and meet
the incoming patsongcr at Eilor'a.
Just as ho started out of the yards the
strap connected with the lever broke
and ho lost all control of the engine.
The engine was a new ono and in good
condition , and ho sayo ho never can
xph in just why or how it happened.
Iluuning at a tremendous speed and
down grade , ho expected every mo
ment to bo dashed to instant death.
"It waa an awful moment , " oaid
Flarharily , "when I found that tha
ungiifo would not respond to the touch
sf the loyor and that.slio was beyond
ny control. The cylinder heads blow
ut , the Hinoko and steam blinded mo ,
md everything seemed to _ conspire to
lurl us to umtint destruction. " _
"How heavy was the grade1'
"Ono hundred and oL < hty-fivo foot
o the milo.
"Down this ntcop incline the on-
tugged at the lever and brakes , but
was as if I had been tugging at the
olid parts of the onginc itself.
"Then suddenly I rcmomborod that
was to meet the passenger train at
Silor's. My fireman jumped off early
11 the race and I was loft alone ,
hinking that I had loft him dead on
ho track. Wo w ro making moro
han a milo a minute the crgino and
for at that moment I looked on it
a demon which had taken posses-
ion pf mo and mine , determined to
o released for ono from ita thralldom
n3 to become master whpro before it
ad been alavo. Little pieces of Band
tid dirt flow against my face and
i tlf i.Utrtuoo I could ooo the ap-
reaching passenger. I yelled and
roaiu ! f * I know that our only
opo waa to thg that train and got
or on the side track. I oaw the
perator , Woodward , running for the
rain as ho saw mo coming , enveloped
a cloud of amokn and steam end
"With ono last eHbrt'I opened wide
10 throttle , hoping that the engine
ould throw herself from the track on
10 curve and aavo the train from do-
ruction. Then I jumped , end un-
nsciousnoas overcame mo. When I
covered I
int ? on her side within forty feet of
0 passenger train , and people wore
owding around mo and bathing my
iad and hoping that I was not
Flaharity escaped miraculously
ith only a few slight bruises. The
cidont was ono of the strangest on
cord , and in it not a single poraon
IB seriously hurt.
Fhrharity aaya ho can never do-
ribo the horrora of the trip , the aw-
feeling that cainu over him when
found that the engine had him in
power , or the deathly sickness
lion ho found that ho was running
to the passenger. Houses and
cka flow by him like
:3 the track Boomed ono continuous
iream of lire. Then ho was thrown
rough space und oblivionund respite
mo , and afterwards the boauttful
ijuntnco that no ono was hurt. But
says ho would r.ot experience it
tin for all the treasures of the
Shot i Which Wont Wide of Ita
ftbuut U o'clock last evening a
oting nil ray occurred in front of
saloon kept by Baldwin & Co. , on
luglua utruot , near Thirteenth.
Two men , one known as "Grass-
ppor Sam' * and the other named
irko , weru standing in front of the-
or of thu place named ,
the other in the
lowalk. Ono side of tl' J dooraiood
on and Burke etuod juat to the
ht of this. An altercation arose
twoon tha two regarding some money
induction , and the first thing those
10 stood near know was when "Grass *
ipper Sam" drew a revolver and.
od at Burko. The ball passed
rough the heavy plato glass window
striking a man who stood inside
the abdomen , , fell harmless to. the-
or , wlioro it was picked up a half an
ur later.
The two men ran through the
loon , onu after the other , and OfU-
irMdCunowas soon in pursuit of
iota , but , up to & late hour lost night ,
itliout success.
The nowa of the shooting spread
ko wild-fire , and the walk in front of
place was crowded for some time
ith men who aupposod that blood
uii been drawn ,
Go to the millinery opening at the
'iloBton Store , " Thursday , Marolc
Oth. Day and evening , m27-H