1 TFTR OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUKSDAi' , MARCH 2 iB82 TEE DAILY BEE OMAHA. Tuesday Morning March 2B , . Weather Report- ( Tha following obsarvftUonn Krh KaV.en the Bfttn * moment ot ttma ftt ' Ve nU Uons named. ) Wui D ri ninr , U. B.Kw Aii Srimci , \ OHliU , ! rch , 188 * . n-B p. m. ) / imciter. imc iter. SI1 5 - 3-5 10.01 inr Cleat 10.03 NW Irisk Cleat W Brit * air 90.11 NW Fre h 3eat 3D.OS N Hrlsk 71 ear Tanklon. S0.lt JDetVokiM 29.tS Fnnh Cletr " Datrnpoit. 2J.S7 NW firlsk Cloudy NW Fronh Oliar -fit. l/crato . n.B2 NW llrluli Cloudy Veorhead. . 3,1.0) NW LlRht Clear JVJaoent. . . SO.03 S I.'itht Clear 'JTitmarck. 29.84 if. Ililsk Cloudj ) teulord. . . . 9W Freth Cloudy 2 > ! g2 98W Okie Fair Deadmxx ) . 29.0 ( 8W Ilrisk Fair Anlnlborn : 29.71 SW Fair RlTer < ; t 11 Incbe above high water mark. LOCAL BREVITIES. 'The Social Art club meet * al 3 p. ti 1 td y. - The ( jratid jury has not yei been di cbirgcxl. Tlio drunk * yefltcnlsy kept out of U of the police. The Standard Clu'j cloo It.s ncnsot n calico ball on April 1'Jtb The ilemocrntic prlinftritH will l > hoi nn thla city on Thundny ovotiing. Annlo 1'lxlc ? ftppoar * at Itoyd'H opei V faouwt , Tnurpiilay ovonlnc , Muroh 30th , ! The Conoonlin Subncrlptbn ball taken place a week trom Honda night. The tyed Cloud U expected to nrii\ from 8t.Iiouln this fnording , boun for Benton. It ( fl cfltlnntod that the scbool connt DOW being tnkcn will show nenrflO.OO achool children In Omaha. TwoTnow cors with n bridge ropnlrln utfit are lylni ; In the U. I * , depot 'read for a trip orerthe main line. Yesterday the last day for Tiling oppll cations far liquor licenxcB and upwards o In at . H Tcnty-fivo were noon. Otln H. DalloQ IIM re umod the practice tico of law in thin city nnd opened out n : office in room No. C , Union block. A. meeting of tbo TcamntorB' ( Dnibi will bo held at Keller 'H hall nt 7:40 p. in to-day. Andron' Baiar , 1008 Karnam , agen for the Universal Fanhion Company's I'oi feet Pftttofns. .Spring atylrs now ready Now ideas. Catalogueii free. inch27-Gt The "Oannon-llnll" train was put 01 again Sunday by the old rellabl Wabiwbroad. This will be appreciate ( by none more than by the Omaha btuineH men. The Biert cased were called up in dia Wet court ycHtcrday , and the COHO of tin ntato TB. Barney Shannon , will como up to morrow morning. Walter Bonnet appears for the defense in both matter * . ThowindowHof the new Grand Cen tral hotel are all in except the lower storj where both window * and doors ure bnardet up , BO thatlhfj.cntlro hulding is onolonet 'iff and workmenjpfotected from the weather A jipbdiol ratnjwith private coach No 12 went outtloiPapIllion at fl yeaterda ] with Dlvloioa Superintendent Nicholi and party on 'board , return ! OR at noon , The object-wan the location of the already located junction with the IIsBourl Pacific. The position of regiHtrar of the Fourth ward , made vacant by the reHlgna- tion of Cuptain John S. Wood , han been filled by the appointment of ox-Mayor Wilbur. Captain Wood entered upon his diitlcfl in the mall Hervico ycwtenlny. Saturday afternoon n north bound freight train on the Omaha & St. 1'mil railroad wan ditched sevtn tnileti Botith efFort Fort Calhoun , owing to the Hproadlng of the rails , The engine , tender and six cnrs wont Into the ditch , the engine being badly wrecked. The work of lowering the Farnom street grade from .Sixteenth out and nluo of cutting down thu court nouxo square , WM begun by the contractor ycxtorday with a largo forcu of teams nnd men , Thofrauio work uf the house to be uued by the carpenters and other workmen in up , and buslneia in beginning in active style , The thtr enth annual ball of the Hmmet Monument aHBoclatlan will bo given Kanter Monday evening at Kuouy'g hall. The KinmetH have eittablUhed n reputation in the social line that Insures u crush at the coining annual ball. Coming doss on the heels of Lent , thuoUrlc of terpuichuro can relieve theniHolvuii to their jiole'a content. William McOovern , one of the Unli > n PaclfiQ yurd men , was ( inlte uorloutly in jured oh Saturday afternoon by fullini ? be tween two 04M. 1IU injurluj were not appirmt in broken liono ? , but it WAI i feared were internal iiml posxlbly fatal. He was taken to hia homo and received , prompt attention , Yesterday wa reported a < much bettor and will probably recover In few dn > 'n , Uev. Dr. Thomson , provident of the 'Nebraska Conference Seminary , located at York , delivered a very fine educational ennon at the Flint M. K. rimrch flnn . .day .morning to an appreciative audience. The Dr. and bis wlfo are guenU of M. fl. 'McJCoon. The seminary under charge of Dr , . Thomson U In A very flourishing cou- xlltion .and In one i > f the beat places iu the fine utateiia uond young people dexlrlng a ( thorough education , Auiuimtt tht various roversen tha bus- -tnera of the Slaven HuUl had to contend Against theipast year , there was none so- Jhiistrous tu Jt , as the I ito "small JKJX ncare. " Still It * over popular proprietor Juu been at wvrk ualn lately renovating its numerous ntwrtnienta , and now wo find iho house open once morn fur the enter- taiumont oi gueiU. In fact Jt IH almoit full agbtu. We learn from * reliable source that the city physician pronounced the hotU8 gafa four waeka ago. A firet-claM jewelry salcBiimu < lu- eiros a itimtioa whuro hia services would ba required. AddruBs , Aaron , Jlook , Couiioi'I3Iufli ] , Ia. ELECTION FACTS. Thia Out ana Paste It in Your Hat- Information of Benefit to Every Voter in the City of Omaha. The Liat of Polling Plaooa and the Hours of Voting. Whore and When to Register- . List of Officers to Bo Ohoeon. Propositions to bo Voted Upon vn < Other Information. ELECTION DAY. The annual city election of Omah will bo hold on Tnosdny , April 4,1882. The polls will bo upon at eight (8 ( o'clock a , in. , nnd will bo kept opoi until (7) ( ) o'clockp. / . in. of that-day , n the following I'OLUNO I'LAUEA. First ward Felix Slavons' grocery store , Tenth etrcot , near Lonronwortl street. Second ward Wnllonx l otol , LonV' onworlh atroot , between Thirtoontl nnd Fourteenth atrcota. Third ward Dr. Ilydo's ollico , southwcBt corner of ( Twelfth nnd Douglas atroots. Fourth ward County court house , northeast corner of Sixteenth and 1'arnnm fltroo B. Fifth ward Holmes' hardware otpro , northwest corner of Sixteenth nnd California streets. Sixth ward Doidrich'a drug store , No. 2005 Cuming street , south side , between Twentieth and Twenty-first BtrooU. _ WHERE TO REGISTER. The law provides that in order to bo-ablo to yoto at a municipal election , all persons must bo registered , and the 'registrars and where they hold their otlicoa are OH follows : FIKHT'WAKD. ' Judge E. M. Stpnborx ia the regis trar. His ollico ia at No. 514 South .Tenth atroot , weat aide of the street , next to the alley between Howard and Jackson. lie will bo there on Tuesday , March 28th , and every day to the cloao of the week. HKCOKI ) WARI ) . Isaac S. Haacall is the registrar. Ho will ait at 3tod. Sawyer's , on the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Jackson directs , on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Voters of the Second ward who have not registered will bear in mind that only ono day ( Wednesday ) yet remains for thorn to bo put upon the list. TIIIKD WARD. Dr. A. Sorol is the registrar. Hia office will bo at the Antiquarian book store , No. 1420 Douglas street , on the north side of the street , * between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Ho announces to bo there three days , beginning on Monday , the 27th. As iii the Second ward , but one day re mains ( to-morrow ) , and the attention of voters in the Third ward is called to the liability of losing their votes. iFOtJKTII WARD. Col. 11. H. Wilbur is the registrar. Ho will bo at IS. Wyman'a book store , on the weat aide of Fifteenth street , between Douglas and Dodge streets ( Oroightou block ) , from Monday to Friday , March .27th toJJlat , inclusive. -Fiimi WARD. Sohuylor Wakolield is the registrar. Hia ollico will bo at the otlico of M. W. Uartigan , northwest corner of Twelfth and Casa stroota , for three days commencing on Monday the 27th inst. In the Fifth ward , also , there is liability of non-rogistration because only ono day ( Wednesday ) remains for the purpose. 8IXXJ1 WARD , O. 0. Field ia Jtho registrar , llis oilico will bo at his drug store on the north aide of Ouming street ( No. 202&botwoonTwontieth ) and Twenty- first , and ho will bo there on Thurs day and Friday , March aoth and 31at , und Saturday and Monday , April , let and 'M , for the purpose of registra tion. OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED. The mayor's proclamation announ ces all the ollicors to bo chosen except a treasurer to till the vacancy oiuiod by thp deuth of Samuel Q. Mallotto. The list to bo elected is as follows : A city treasurer ( to fill vacancy ) . Ono councilman from the First ward , to servo two years. One councilman from the Second ward , to nurvo two years. Ono councilman from the Third ward , to servo two yoara. Ono councilman trom the Fourth ward , to servo two yours. Ono councilman from the Fifth ward , to serve two years. Ono councilman from the Sixth ward to servo two years. Three members of the board of odu- sation to ooch servo two years , nnd to bo chosen at large. I'ltOI-O.SITlONH. The voters of the city will ulao bo iskod to vote ou the proposition to ; eas * Jefferson Square for a terra of ifty ( CO ) year * for market purposes ind a city hall. They will also vote on the proposi- ion to erect u school building to cost The Twine Hinder Suit. I The hurried dispatch of lust Friday uado our daily atato that the demand f 0 , II. McCormick , of Chicago , forninn 0. Thompson nnd ilolon A. Jorhnm , of Kockford , 111. , upon the Tinnoapolis Harvester works was for royalty of § 10 uach upon every wire linder they had built , or should build u the future under the Apploby patt nta. Wogivoplaco to the following I rein the Chicago Tribune : fir , PAUL , M rch 23.T1)0 riait of Mr. William Lathrop , of llockford , 111. , and Mr. Charles Oalahan , of Chicago cage , to this city nnd Minneapolis to day was , it is understood , for the pur pose of demanding o ! the Minneapolis Harvester works , in the immij of 0. U. McOorinick , of Chicago , aud Nor man 0. Thompson nnd Helen A. Gor- hnm , of llockford , III. , , royalty of $10 upon each twine-binding harvester that said company has made or will make. This claim is based upon the patents which , after aovoral years of controversy in the patent oflico , were , in 1880 , granted to Marquis Gorham , of llockford , and it ia claimed by the parties who demand the royalty that they own and control all the patent * relating to the automatic binding ol the bundles of grain. The Minncap olis htrveator works , the Williarr. Dooring company of Chicago , th < Champion reaper company of Spring field , Ohio , the Estorly harvester com pony of Whitewater , and all othon "that " are using twino-bindors madi under ( ho Apploby patonU arc to b ( proceeded against by the parties con trolling the Gorham patent. The attorneys tornoys who liavo boon engaged bj the latter or WcCormick faction an George Harding , of Philadelphia ; E. N. Dickorson , of New York ; M : I ) , Leggett , of Cleveland ; and Parkinson & Parkinson , of Cincinnati ; from which it will bo aeon that the McCor micka intend to demand royalty ol every company making twine binders ( not wire ) under the Apploby patents , and to this end have engaged the beet legal talent in the country on quoa < tions of patent right. It might be well , therefore , for farmoro to bo care ful who they buy twine binders of , for if it should prove that the McCor micka have the exclusive right to make binders under this patent , the ; would bo entitled to damages from any and all farmers who use twine binders bought of any other agents than theirs. THE BAND OF HOPE. An Organization for Boyu and Qlrle and Tholr Temperance Training. The Woman's Christian Temperance - anco Union has inaugurated a temper ance work among the children of oui city. At the second meeting , hold last Friday , there were seventy names enrolled , three-fourths of which wore boys from orory class between the ages of seven and sixteen. They arc organized under the namoof the Band of IIopo , and the ladies intend to train an army of boys who can stand before their greatest enemy. It is not a secret society , but ia con ducted more like a Sunday school with a Varied programme that will in terest while teauhuig the children the tumble evils of drinking , tobacco and profanity , all of which are embraced in the pledge and on the badge. The Union hopes to orgamzo many more Bands in this city , but the diffi culty is to find rooms. Tie Band was uncomfortably crowded last week and mast secure largo quarters. Is it possible for the pastors and trustees of our churches to imaeino anything more fitting than to offer the use of the basement of each ohurch to the W. 0 , T. U. where a mooting could bo held Friday afternoon of every week ? Certainly it is a Christian work to save the children and train thorn fop future usefulness. The Union , of course , ha little money , and after buying temperance literature and numerous other necessary things , they cannot afford to rent a church. It is tha intention of this society to prepare the children to take part in the public moot ings which are held in the Baptist church on alternate Tuos- lay evenings. This will bring the parents out and add to the general in terest. Hut there again , the union lias de fended upon a collection at these pub ic meetings to dcfra > the actual ox- lenso of heating and lighting and the imount has not boon collected , So .ho good work is blocked , hindered ind crippled every hand by the ack of interest nnd the positive indif- eronco of those who should bo its rionds , much more than by its Avowed enemies. Why cannot our ihurch societies invite the union to told these meetings at the diffuront ihurch buildings ? It will not bo a inancial burden to any quo of them. MORE SMALL FO2v k Ciwo Brought In from Florence Cut OUT and Tnkon to the Po.4t HOUBO. The small pox scare has pas < ? d way , but the disease has not yet on- iroly eradicated , and Col. Houck is inblo to bo obliged to remain at the eat house a few weeks longer , The ist case reported is ono from Flor- nee cut off , The man is a laborer amod John Hunrintm , who recently out there and doubtless contracted : io disease on the road , llo is quito ick , but it was thought bust to move im to the post house , as no ono ould go near him. The lady who is siuk with a mild ppo of the disease on Sixteenth trect is doing us well ns can bo ox- octod.from her feeble condition. She i receiving very good caro. Workisicmon'i There was an immense gathering at wacina's Hull last evening which in- icated something of more than uiual uportanco on the tapis. The doora ere closed early in the evening , and o ono but a member of the union , ith the password , was admitted , hose of the laboring men , too , who nd not taken the obligation of fidel- y to the union and secrecy regarding a action on matters relating to the lining election were required to leave 10 hall and bo sworn before they eroro-admitted. Thia proved n long process , ua all the nationalities represented ro- lirod the administering of the oath , s 10 name of each member thus sworn v was transcribed to the rolls. The I dUiotml members received last oning in that way , swelled the nka to nearly 2,000. The regular routine of business was msacted. "BLACK-DRAUOHT" cure * dype | > - ' and lienrlbnru. THE OEBMAfl Bernhard Llndonmnn'B Dig Bonoflt ft Brilliant Success. Last Sunday evening Mr , Bombard Lindcnmjn had his benefit at the German theatre , which turned o'at tc bo n brilliant financial success. Dosplta the unfarorablo appearance of the weather nn exceptionally large audience assembled to witness an excellent cellent representation of the well kuown Jewish play , "Ono of Oui Folks. " Mr. Lindouvnnn sustained the prin cipal role , Isoach Stern , and ho gel through it admirably. Thomdofatiga bio Grossmann personated Fruohaul in. a lively style , nnd Mr. Molchir made an excellent druggist. Miss liuschtnann enacted the parl of Ernestine very fascinatingly. Mis : GroBsmann took the character of s sweet warbler , nnd regaled the audience < once with some of her vocal talont. Mossra. Ponncr nnd Bergman showed up well in their respective parts. Mias Thicssen was a great BUG. cess in the rote of Aunt Goritschcck , The whole affair was a great suc cess , and great credit is duo to the entire company for their able repre sentation of "Olio of Our Folks. " A Generous Deed. Ono of the kindly deeds which brighten up the pathway oi over worked nufforing humanity was per formed yesterday by Fred. Wirth , the jolly and popular landlord of the City Hotel , which , despite Fred's modesty about it , it in not out of place to men tion. On Harnoy street live an old couple named Volgor , who have re cently lost their only mainstay and support , n son named Fred. The young man wna a barber and worked for some time in this city. Ho went to G-iund Island about a year ago and recently was taken very ill there and came homo only to die. The old people ple were quito poor and the expenses involved by their son's illness loft them destitute. When Wirth learned of this ho bestirred himself and , head ing a subscription paper with a gen erous amount , ho wont to all of the young man's friends whom ho could think of , and succeeded in raising about $50 , which u enough to defray the funeral expenses and leave the old people something beside. When this was given to the old people their grate ful surprise and thankfulness were most touching. NEW NAIL WORKS. : = Probable Sale To-morrow TJndor the Judgment Execution. A meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha nail works company was hold yesterday at the ollico of the works. There was. a tull attendance. Thb purpose of the meeting was to confer regarding the advertised sale to day , and to provide , if possible , some way of averting it. A number of propositions were pre sentee1 , in which certain of the heavier stockholders offered to advance their share of the money required , $50,000 , to pay up the indobtndncss. All of those wore rejected , nnd the meeting adjourned without action. This soeras to indicate that the sale will take place as advertised. In conver sation , ono of the prominent stock holders yesterday aoid that hi thought eastern capitalists would bu ; the works and continue the business' GUILT GLEANINGS. a. Lively Morning in Judge Boneke' Court. Judge Boneko had quite an inter sating session of court yesterday ho batch of business being unusual ! nrgo. "TomO'Loary , the man who fell hit ho hotel collar Sunday afternoon an vas taken to the city jail in a ba ix , was nimble to appear to answe o the charge of drunkenness. It i low stated that in addition to a her iblo gash on the head , the lungs wor iut loose from the ribs by the fall Jis removal to the hospital has boon irdorod. Mrs. Owen Connolly was arresto or imbibing too freely of the arden , nd was allowed to go on account o laving several small children win fould bo left uncarod for by her in arcoration. L. Dorsoy , who became intoxicated Saturday night and abused his mothe : nd stop-father shamefully , was son o jail for twenty days on a broad and mtor diet. Wm. L. Moriarity , n cripple nnd.a oaf mute , was arrested on Saturday vuninir by Officers McCuno and Sul- ivnn , for unprovoked assault with hid rutoh upon nil the boys nnd dogs who assed him on the stroot. On tin ray to juil the fellow proved a purfec evil , tigli tint ; and bit ing inTlil pounded ito submission. Hia trial y ester- ay had to bo conducted in writing , nd at the conclusion the judge sen- jncod him to fifteen days in jail , eiitenco was suspended to allow him olmnco to leave the city before sun- own nnd seek a more congenial abid iK place. Four boys , Dan Burke , Thos. uby , Goo. Williams nnd Thos. Inight are in jail on the charge of ealing a saddle and bridle found in icir possession nnd will probably \\o a hearing to-day. The owner ' the property is not known , but ho in hare the same by calling at the ) lice headquarters and proving own ship. Three disturbers of the peace were led ? 3 nnd costs each , which they tid , and one plain alocumb paid $10 id costs. The old confidence game of the ex ess package was played on a strang from Tennessee Saturday , who was Iked out of f 1C before ho got away Din the villian. A first-class jewelry salesman does - os a situation where his services ) uldbo required. Address , Aaron ock , Council Bluffa , Ia. mch28.nuto't * IMPORTANT NOTIOK. Ladies' Fine Kid shoos , $1.50 ; UOB' aide-lace kid , 90 cents , and icr special bargains at Feenoy t nnollrX 019 10th itreeL A NEW County 0/rk Baumor Apoolnta Al USrrls His Beoond Deputy. Business in the county clerk's offic is increasing in a remarkable inannc in all departments and ahows mor Mian anything else the extent of rcn estate sales and other important trans actions which ( indicate the growth am prosperity of the city nnd county The force of clerks is largo and for al that the oflico is pushed hard to kce ] up with the boom. Heretofore it has boon necessary t < have but ono deputy employed in On oflico , but it has become impossible te got along without an additional one This need has been provided for bi the appointment by County Clerl Baumor , of Mr. Al. Morris to bi his deputy , the other deputy being Mr. Herbert Leavitt. Mr , Morris was sworn in yesterday ant filed his bond in the sum of $10OCK as required by law. Al is well known and very populni with all the citizens of this city , liav. ing been for many yeara deputy col lector of the internal revenue office here , in which position ho acquired no little reputation for his knowledge of the re Venn o laws nnd his rapid and accurate work a an accountant. He will carry to hia now office the same ability and qualifications which made him eo successful in the old and will prove not only nn efficient but popu lar assistant to our no * * clerk who hae shown excellent judgment in his so- olction. BRICKS FOR'BUILDE RS. A Ohnnco for Some Enterprising Firm to Jump At. At present , when the erection of so many now buildings is contemplated , the question of the source of supply for brick for use in the work is an im portant ono. Every year the demand for this class of material becomes greater and in numerous cases the im possibility of obtaining * sufficient quantities has seriously embarrassed the contractors and delayed the com pletion of buildings and other im provements , such as sewers , etc. A gentleman who has resided in this vicinity for many years has called attention to the existence of an un limited amount of "tho best clay in Nebraska for making brick , " about three miles north of this city. This is the locality of the old Florence brick yard , which , in 1850 and 1857 , turned out some as fine brick , ho says , as was over aeon. There is a largo area of this clay land which could b purchased for almost nothirfg or leased for a nomi nal sum and which lies right along the line of the Omaha & St. Paul railway. Wood for burning the kilns could bo obtained at much less cost than in the city and the man referred to assorts that better brick than any now in use in Omaha could bo turned : mt at at least one-third less expense than elsewhere in tliis region of coun try. The owner * of the land can give i clear title and ho thinks that some live firm ought to take hold and utilize ; he valuable clay deposit. COUNTY BUSINESS. Letting of Bridge Contracts-Hearing- of Various Hood OOBO& At the meeting of the county com misaioners on Saturday several very important business matters were tran lacted. Contracts were let to William Von Dohron for the building of th ; hroo now combination bridges , follows : The Tonis bridge , noa Penis' farm , in section 32 , townshi LG , range 12 , nt $337.50 ; the Blum > ridge , near John Blum , in sectio : ! 0 , township 15 , range 11 , § 337,50 ind the Hall bridge , near Edwan tlall's place , in section 3G , township Ifi , range 11 , at § 289. It appearing that there was a va wnoy in the office of J. P. by th ibsonco of Dr. Shafer , of Millard Ion. John 0. Myers was appointed t ill said vacancy. Detliof Thiessen was granted license o sell liquors in Millard for the re naming throe months of the tisca rear. Parties interested for or against th ovcral prop sod now roads will bo ; ivon a hearing before the board at 2 i. in. , April 4th. This includes roadi * os. 181 , 182 , 184 and 18G. The at ention of the farmers of Douglai irecmct is called to the proposed re cation of the road to Pnpillion , run ling by the powder houses , win hould bo present to state their opin DUB for or against re-location , THE TEAMSTERS' UNION. Irgimizntlon Perfected nnd Olilcort Elected. At the meeting of teamsters hold in 'esslor's hall Saturday evening , there as a very largo attendance. The or : ini/.ation of the untjii , which has eon in progress for some time , was orfected by the election ot Michael . Melia president , Thomas Stewart ! croary. and James Hodges treas- ror , Speeches were made by Messrs. [ olia and Hodges and Mr. Robinson , 10 contractor for lowering the grade [ Farnam street , gave the meeting is viowa on the aubject of a uniform ito of § 3 50 per day for teams. , A monthly foe of one dollar per ember was fixed upon , and § 10.50 lid into the treasury before adjourn out. Another mooting is called for Tuea- ly evening at 7:30 : at Kessler's , Economy. A fortune tuny bo Hpeut In using iuef ctiul inedlciuea , when by ai > i > lyiuL' KcLKcntio OIL a eeily and ouoiuic.il cure can be effected. In cauoi rheumatUiu , lame back , bodily nilmeutd pains of e\ety description , it affords In- iut relief , mch'-'l-lw Ladies , take a look at those Shot- nd shawls just received at tha Chi- go Dry Goods Store , 1110 Farnam reet. m24-'Jt "WINE OF OARDUl" four Ume.1 " > oukwi a happy hou&ehold. eiDe Meyer' ; CATARRH CURE. Tha antidotal theory , now admitted lo b the only treatment wklch'Will eradicate Oatai rhal Potion. lUr. Uhu. It. Tartar. 140 Noble etr t. Brook Ijn , N. V. : "One package effected a radio core. " Rer.Oeo. A. R ta , OobtMklU , Scboharie , Co , N. T. : ' 'It revtond ma to toy mlnJsterUll bort.1 Krr. W. H. Sumner. Frederick. Md. : "Fa rmulta In rii eaM * l my family. " Her. Oeo. K. Pratt , St. Btephen'i Rector rhla. ! "Quite wonderful ; let m dlatrlbui your Treatl * , " Chag. M. SUnhope , Nerpori. R. I , : "I wa too deaf to hear the chutch bells rlns ; hearln ] rertored. " Oeorire W. Lambrlftht , 73 Blddl ' itrcet , Ualtl ° Md < ! " 8u0erod ° Mrs. M. E. Shenncy , 3022 Barah street , 8t Louis : "The first natural breath In 0 year- ' Mrs. J. W. Purcell , Oolden City , Col. : "Use < only cne pacVagej entirely lured ; suffered 2' years. " Dr. F. N. Clark. Dentist. 8 Montgomery street Ban Francisco : "Suffered 15 years ; perfect ! ] cured , " etc. Dr. Wei De Meysr't Popular "TREATISE1 on Catnr h mailed free. The great Cure de livened by Druggists , or by D. D. Dewcy & Co , 182 Fulton street , New York ( for I 00 , mon-wcd-frl * atAwc < ikoow SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONt IONKY TO LOAN Call at Law Utnce of D M L. Thomas RoomB Crolehton Block. VTO LOAN At 8 per centln . . J torost In sumn.of 82,500 and upwards , for 8 to G years , on Orst-class city and farm property. UKMIB URAL EBTAII and LOA Aoracr. 16th and Doudas Sts. HELP WANTED. "ITt7"ANTED By a practlc > | carpenter In all YY IU branches , situation as foreman. In. quire at Ceo office. 503 29 WANTED Dining room girl at the Crelghton House. 530-29 "TTT'ANTED 1'laco where I cm earn my board YY board with prtrclcgo of going to school , Address L. K. W. Uee office. 561.23 * TIT" A NIK D A waman cook Mrs. McCoy near YY new'goiornmcutcorrall. Mustboagocd one , no other need apply. 3051 * WANTEE Immediately good ( paper hanger ana caliimlner. Apply to A. Harmon , S. W , corner 15th and Durt sts. 665.201 Immediately an experienced WANTED for n mlllnery house In Llc- coln , Neb. Ml 23 TT7ANTED By a young man board and room YY with a .strictly ( prli ate family. Kefcr- eiice required and exchanged. Address G. C. A , B < se office. 672-28 "ITT'ANTED A situation In a business house YY by a young man who can keep books. Not particular ai to nhapcsltlon. . S-lary - at first not 10 much an object as a place where merit will be rewarded. PangUegood reference fn pretont ernplojcr ai to character and ability. Addrcts M F. this office. 161-tf 'ANTED Two girls at Pacific House. 65123 A sltautlon as housekeeper by a WANTED * the years old. Refer ence exchanged ; Call or address 614 M IBthnt. .08112 t TTTANTeD To rent faom April 10th , a hotwe YY of not lesa than fix u roe ns fora family ot three persons. Rent not to exceed $25 p r per month. Address Tenant , Iltt. illlcc. 521-27 * ANT * U A steady , In lustr oui girl to do general homework. Apply at 1711 Jack- ion street. 65(1-28 * To rent from April 10th , a house WANTED of not less than five rooms for a family of three pernons. Rent not to exceed 425 per month. AddrctuTenant Bee office. 621-3391 A good girl for general house WANTED Apply at 1610 Ha ney s . between 15th and 10th. Mrs. R. U. Wilbur. 659-27 TTTANTED To purchase good secocd-hand YY bar and Ice chest. Apply b > letter L P. L. Bee office. 600-27 * A good washer at the City Steam WANTED . Apply at seven ro'cl.ck Tue lay morning. Mf 2 ? ITT'ANTED Two gentlemen or man and wife YY to takoroom ( naprhato family with or without board. Nice apartment. Centrally lo- : ated. Apply to V. thfs office. 617 28" - 000 at 8 per cent Interest , for WANTED-S2 Al security will bo glien on judnees property. "AddrcA.1'Equitable , care U. ; ' . headqu.ncrs. 64023 Situation to do chore ] mornings WANTED attend school. Address F , U. BBK < ffico. 652-27 * l " 7"ANTKD Olrl forgcneral Housework. Ap- YY ply at the VVeatvrn House , 1'leriO nt. near .9th. 6M-27 * A good girl at cornur Hamilton WANTED I'ier sts. , ftilnnV addition. Oett rages gi > on. 538-tl r " iTjTANTED Scholars. Lcunoun given in K' YY gllsh , German , wrtlng and arithmetic , crun cheap. Inqu'rcat No. 1UH Hurt street ) uiaha. Oopyrlgntlug done at the same placu. 630-29' I17"ANTKD Tosell a barber shop , good lo- YY cation , good bufllnens , eatlt factory reasons ir Bclllnir. Inqulro at 117S. 16th dtiett , Omaha 'eh. 537-tf [ TTANTED A coed bouse east of 23rd street , YY between Fainamand Dodge. A D. ll'r e ith and Farnam. 632 30 J ANTED -To Rent a hou e of 6 or 0 rooms Addrc s X. I. ' , this office. 610-86 * [ 47 ANTKU Family of good standing to adopt V\ a chill vilthout any compensation I- ulrnatw. Christiansen , Midwife , No. SOOltth : u > ct , lictnccn Cuniicgana Hurt. 613-5 * J 1'lrit cliiss rout nnd pimU I T mukfis MttlHilf tires Council II nils 600.SO * "ITANTFU Good 'lontry and meat coolc t\ at Ilia Niagara hou-n , Tenth btrvtt , hu. sum Fanainaml UouglaK. Apply linme- Mu y -HUIII' Dour ill r at tl o ( iartlold hoci > u , . W , cornu HthamlJacKirn t n. 414 tf _ TANTED-flood g.rl. . A | > ly at 10SO North 10th street. Mil * . J. M. COUNHMAN "irANTED A gouu gin irr generol house- r Y work , also a ntinto girl , northwiwt cor- : r 23d and Hurt etrueti. 3S3-tf TTANTED Fundlnir brldvu nd aohool bondn. fV II. T. CUrk. IleileMie. M-tf TrANTED 4 children o boarders In a select lschool , at 10th and California St. L. U XMS 767-tf ' < ItOCBUS' BOOKS WANTED To kiep e > cn- 3T ln In return for trade , P. O. Box 602. TTANTED 2 unfurnished rooms for man and 'Y lf , must be moderate In price. Ad- ess II. . lire offite. 21)7-tf ) FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. 1URNISAED front room ti rent 319 Farnam 1 it ( bet Ifith and 17th sts , 657-2S" 10R 11ENT On 1't April next a fool btiil- 1 ne j room 22x00 mar c.rncr ol IBib and Klga street , Jamen Neville. C49.29 * 10K KENT Furnished r.ioinsat 1407 llonarcl bctnocn lltli and I6th ktreetn touth side lhl < i 3 blocks south cast ol pa < toffice. C54-tf \OH liUNT Uancj cm In txctiuHK ior uoaiii , with otbor boarder * , also front chamber nil-bed COS N. 17th St. 603 tf \0 RUNT Fai m T. M unay. 513-tf lOR'NT tinu Urge fiinilsl.ini roim , with b ) rd , oil tint floor , ouUMu euirancu UOs lifornla it , 645-tf IOR RENT Furnlihed cottage , ilx rooms. 2J19 California l. Mrs. Hall. | 621-U NICKLV fnmwhed room for rent. 1418 Chi- iM.'O str et , bcltecn 14th and 16thWOtf e C1URNI8HKDROOU TO BKKT At JD Marj'a Avenue. 480U FOR RENT Nt R. } , Sec. 6 , T. IS , R. U , no Improved Douglas county land. 11 mlk * from R. R. station , Inquire atSHS I > rinport street FOR RENT Nicely furnWied room. 1220 Farnham nt. "I OR REKT Store room In brisk building. , - JD K. corner lOth and Cumltwr , 0 , F ( / od- man , 1110 Farnham St. TflOR IlKNT-IIOUM on Snerman JL1 rooms , with I table Apply to N W M rill , 307 B. 18th St 507-tf TTTOR HEUT Furnnneu ir i uom , N ( K. oor. J tb and Jacktoit. tZ-U jOR RENT lions * of eight tooma. Enqulr * I J. fhlin * Ro , 161 ! 8. Fifth St. B77-U FR RENT 1 furnUhod room * orer Mai eluntt'Kichan .N , K tor. ItOt and Dodg. street * . t89-tT RENT Nicely furnished rooms with or FOR without board , Reasonable prices. 2011 Vamflt. IUKMsllKD hOOM ItrUK "itfctl i . W. 001 E 19th and Davenport lit t96-U OR BALK One second-hand 25 hornt p'wcr engine , good as new , al'o 2 horse p wir , and two Ifi her e puwcr engines , new. Ballon of a'l lieincw , , Inquire Umaha Foundry ami llalhlne Co.U. I' By. bet 17th and 18th omaha. 662-lin 1T10R BALK A $300 side bar burg , Terr llttla I ; PricolSCX ) . llluoltitn IClhtt. M4-Z3' FOR SALE House throe rooms and half loton 20th street north of Creek , } nOO cath. On monthly pa ) menti 81,000. John UoCa uo , opposite pOBtofflco. 633-tf FUR SALE. Fine family mure ; joune and gentle. Box 421. Council Hlat ; . la. Sl-S T710R SALE HOURS nnd lot on easy term * . J ? Apply at 611 Wa'nut etroet between 6th nnd flth itieoU South of U. 1' . depot , also entire household goods. 531-00' FOR 8ALr < A good stock of general raer- chandlne , will I u voice between four and fire thousand clollnrs , or will cxdmnire lor / land Addresn , S. O. Thomas , Fiilrbury.il i 'io "I710H tJALK One almost new Organ i heap on JL ? lime. Inquire at 314 South loth street , 003-28 * SALE Saloon stock and fixture * and FOR lease grten , rood looitlon. Enquire of L. II. Spencer , northeast corner llth and Harnej. spl 4M1-U BALK Mules and horses at Rodman' * JT1OK ' street barn. apl 477-87 * "I71OR f > Al.K Flv arres of land on tnundom 1 } St'oot , with fine res dcnce , barn and otnor Improvements. Price $2,500 : terms easy. 472-tl W. R. Dartjctt , Heal Estate Agent. COR HALE A new bouie and lot , i6th ! and JD Douglas St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 20tb and Farnham . 418-lm * "I71UH UALK A l'laioU ocUtros ) , m excellent JD cond ton ; very cheap. Inquire at this office. cro-i uf land , 2-story frame house , barn 2 wells and other Improve/ uients , cast side of Saundcru street , near ForR Omaha. For particulars add otn Ge . W. Drew- stcr , Oakland. Neb. 401-tf PALE 'House and corner lot , cheap FOR Price , (1000.00 cash or $1100.0(1 ( on ttme , MoCAGUE , Opp. 1'oai Office. 299-tf "TT10R BALK House with 0 rooms , bam and JD long lease of lot. on 16th St. , bet. Burt ar l Webster. Inquire at Edhnlm b Erlokson's. 366-tf SALE Car load of fat blackey muleo FOR broke Apply ot J. W. Bklnner , Coin la , 32G-lmo * SALE 32 residence lots on ard near 16t > f FOR . Price , $350 to ? 'tO ukch. T nns easy. McCAOUICi Agent. 9pp. Post Office. 369 tf BALE At Hall a food mi.l . , near Military FOR , 75 tons of No. 1 baled hay. Will bo delivered to any part of the city Alai ground fcod at the lowttt caiOi price. W. H. McOOY. 233-lin * SALE nicj-tle , 4f-lnch Standard Cohnv FOR . Apply linlon Klc\a'or. 263-tf OR SAI.K HoiiBu and full lot Tn IC-M | loca- tlon , cheap. Price , S1260. Easy tonna. 3AGUK , Opp. post office. 16tf SALE Rest building lot in Shlnn ad- E10K , 142 feet oust front b ; 12U ftwtiiptb. . McCAGUK , Opp. post offlro. li tf SALK 2 nlfo counters and 2 felhcr piated FOR caeoe , at Ovo , H. 1'eterxoo's , 804 South 10th St. T41-tf T7IOR SALE or will uxcha ? e lor uraaha ptu- JO | Iperty , an Improved see M of land adjoin ing a station on U. I" . R. R. U. DUNHAM.041J Farnham St. , Omaha. 7Atf > t A. KICK rou B MS-tf KSTABROOK Jt COG. D/lA 1'oundsofcho ce country butter tor Ue DUU cheap ; also freeh milk every day at Seal's Grocery ttore , corner ICth and Dodge. ' _ - ' 474-lmo * > " RICK FOR SALE T. Murray. Murray.119tf 119-tf HAY At A. 11. Bander's Feed mor BALKJU Hartley St. 19-U . MIBOELLANEOU3. OUNU A plain gold ring with name rn- B Beraved Iniulre.of | F. .7 Bee offirc. 558-20 * \/fR8 / WINChLbTKKIs prepared to recoT r iVl pupils or Instruction In pilcting. Plejifc all atN. W. cor 2,1th St. Mary's ave.I 6534- l/TAllllOTH / Cluster lilack cap raspberries VJ _ 60 cci.t a dozen , 22.00 per hundred , 810.00 or thauBand at "Idlo-Wllde Place. " I.care or crsar 1414 Dodgust. John 0. WIlUs. mch-25-ov sat-4t ) K ffSf" maple trees fursnlJTlo'tiTia JtJJJ \ feet high , one mile nest of Fort main. Address W. 0 , Alnswortb , Omaha.Nob. 470-1 * 5Q fffwl" \ \ lUV lm PO.V7UU tauliehcd Imtinetis , paying 40wt unt. For further Information apply or addnws i' . C. II. Allen , 1110 Karri. mutrett , Omaha , Neb. _ 447-tf. HO BUTCHEKSANII HTOCKMfcN My cattle L scales are again In perfect order. Call on Ir. Vai Onntin at stock jaids , 10th St. , bet. apllol avenue and Duteniart S' . Plenty of ard room and etabllng. Bright straw In bale r bed tick * . B KSTAIiKOOK. 426 U SlANO AND OHOAN Inetruction by Mlss'iT . S. 1'arn t , S.20th St. . below Plfrw. fll-'l _ > Uuai- > Ana llrst tlaw table- board , at V'011 , \j CaM at. _ ml ini * _ srltuc/Tlo l ON Tvi'K-wiu'iiits : w are in frciiucnt receipt of applications for nntors. IJKI.b ft AMES , 1MXI Famhara , [ fentti lU'inliigtoii Tj pe-Wrlltr. Icbl8-apl IAVH ItHNl Uholcoof 8(1 ( full JtH to luu' r ) nmr Crolghion Cnllcge for HP per year , ; 1 uxtcr L 1honia4 & Uro. , Itoom n , Culghton > lock. vOMf _ llUVVAiiD KUJfiHL AUISTKU OF PA I.M / . " ( EUY AND TOND1 [ ONALIhT , 4 ! S Tenth i i-t.belv - . i1 < ib m id Hiincy , Will , Aitn ; n > . aid uf unruUn ilriU , olitit/i fni in ; nu f la.icc M tbe put id prwint , and on itrtaln conditions in tbo fu re. linotiuiiu alioej made to .rdcr. Perfect " Action i-unriut'-cd Afjsolutely Pure. rhU powder ne rr tsrits. A m rnl ot pu , strength and wholesomenou. More econc % 1 thin the ordlnsry kind > , and cannot I * 1 In competition witu the multitude of low L , short weight , aluui or ptioophate powden. old aily In can * . KOTAI BAKISIO I'owpu Co. , Wall Bt. , New York