\r on .QQO J.JE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. MARCH 28 188 * . ! "I I . i I DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. v. ARLINGTON , t 8ARATOQA HOTEL , I X MARSH HOUSE , : ! I < > OMMEROIAL HOTEL I HALL HOUSE , \ CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , \ " COMMERCIAL HOUSE , f END'S HOTEL , 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , i MORGAN HOUSE , ' SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEl , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK8 HOTEL , COMMERO AL HOTEL , B GNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , BALL HOUSE , .COMMERCIAL HOUSE , GRAND PACIFIC , WOODS HOUSE , DOUGLAS HOUSE , * EXCHANGE HOTEL , PROPRIETORS J. 0. MclNTIRE , J. e. 8TELLINIU8 , BROWNSVILLE. JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL , CHENEY & CLARK , J. 0. MEAD , . ] SEYMOUR , P. L. THORP , A. 0. OAARPER , 0. W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. E. L. ENO , O. B HACKNEY , FRANK LCVELL , E. L. GRUBB , SWAN & BCCKEP , JUDKINS & ORO , , OEO.OALPH , O. M. REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , 8. BURGESS , Dl B. WILLIAMS , MRS. M. E. CUMMINGS , JL. AVEryr , J. W. QOULWARE , F. M. PARK , , HLNRY WILLS. CHAS. BAGNELL VM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , D , F.STEARNS , J. NORTON , JOHN ECKERT , J. 8. DUNHAM , O. B. HACKNEY , Lincoln , Net. , Mllford , Neb. Neb. Stromiburg Na Loultvllle Blair , Neb. Nellgh , Nob. Nobrntkn City , Neb WeeplncWater.Ne Hardy , Neb. Greenwood , Neb Clarlnda , town "Eremont , Neb. Aililand , Neb Atklnion , Neb. Guldo Recd , Neb , Crcslon , I * , Red Oak , la. Exlra , la. Atlantic , la , Audubon , la. Neola , la. Harlan , la. Darning , la. 1 Gtanton , Burlington Junction , M Ulnnchard , la. Slienandoah , la , . D.yld City , Neb. College Springs , la. Vlllltca , la. Malvern , la , IdaJOrove , la Ocjebolt , la Columbus , Neb. Otceoln , Neb. Clanks. Neb. Ashland , Neb. OF W JbJ3E13E iiSr : < 3- MISSIOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD. Rood Eros. & Co General Merchandise and Postoflico R. S. Wilkinson Cashier Weeping Water Bank P. S. TJarnea Drugs and Books Fleming & Race General Merchandise Fitchio & Ashman Hardware and Agricultural Implimnnts Marshall & Son Boots and Shoes Potter & Webster Jewelry , Musical Instruments and Sowing Machines Joe F. Parkins Agricultural Implements Hatch & Mickle Boots , Shoes and Clothing VS. Clinton Flouring Mills ' 'Thomas & Orion Drugs J. B. Meiklo Altornoy-at-Law P. L. Thorp Missouri Paciflo Hotel J. A. Matthews Editor Recorder W.B. MILLAIID. F. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and ffholesale Frnits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Bankers Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flour , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF / El / AND WINDOW SHADED. 1108 FAR-AM ST. OMAHA. STEELE , JOWON & GO , AND JOBBERS IN iFlcur , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Ail Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of C1GAES IAMACTURED TOBACCO , ASBilts for BKHWOOD HAILS AND LAFL1N a BAUD POWDER CD V is Once More Called to jthe Fact thai m Bank foremost in the West m Assortment ann Fricas ol B FOB MEN'ti , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S ALSO A COMPLETK LINE OF Furnishing Good s Hats and Gaps Wo are'prepared to meet the demands of the trade in regard to Uit.int Styi. and PattoniB , Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & GO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 L3th St S. W. WYATT 3 AND RETAIL DEALER IN mef fl l gM M9 ( r iu iBKiisjifU i "Lath , Shingles , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS AND MOULDINGS 15th and Cuming Sts. , OMAHA , NEB TOO UTTERLY UTTER. The Aethetlc ProRfinmmo Prepared for the Promised Entertainment. A decidedly novel and interesting entertainment is promised at Do- hany's opera house next Thursday evening , for which the following pro gramme has been arranged : i-Airr i. ' Knin Drill -Clear the Truck . Strnus Tablcnu Vivant I'.gpytUn Olrl . . StrnusV Waltz. Tableau Vivant- Hefty tlio Milk Mnld. . . . Comliif TlirMiKh th KcadiiiR Sioux t'hlf Pa Daughter . Inarnwi Miller Miss Clara L. Glbjon. Duct -Fly Away lilrillltip . Abt Mlfacs 1'iiRey nml Mcrkel , Tableau Vivant A Siianfsh Lnily . S | > anlh Melody Tabletu Vivaut The Nun. . . . Ave Matin JJcadlng MoJra . Matlkla Heron Tlio ccl1e from the tragedy of Medea JCCUM between .lasou nnd Medea whim ic lint deserttd in order to marry Crotm , laughter of the king of Corinth. In their iresctico Media Mien for her children but s refused them by Jason. Mia * Clara L. Gibson. Tableau Vivant Italian Contndhm . . . II linccio Tableau Vfront Kva nnd Topiy . . Coining Through the Itye Vocal Solo Aria in E . l\o sin ! Miss Kate 1'usey , I'abloiu Marguerite King of Th > Ic. Jcading Uncle Ucnben's Miss Clara L. Gibson I'AItT II. fhe Decorative Sisters . I'ollard Tableaux. The I'crlnnini ; of the Km ) . Kir. < t Lesson. Kutlm limn. nsliumptital .Solo Kestlvil Music ] ' \T- .imurn . Itubciuicin Miaa Julia Officer. Tableaux. Tlio Utterly Intense. 1'ilial Aifection. Devotion. Weariness. Contentment. Tbo Dltloronco In Hugging. 'coX'n Sun. An unstorn paper , to encourage lUKRing in the locality in wltich it is mblishod , saya : "A Wisconsin manj vhilo hugging his girl of an evening , cceivod a telegram utating that he iad fallen heir tb n fortune. " The aatern paper is right in its efforts to tlmulato a healthy Rontimont in aver of hugging , but it does wrong to told out such inducements as it will not be one time in ten thousand thufc man , while hugging a girl will re vive such a dispatch. Ha will oftener ecuivo a. dispatch , bound in leather , 'rom the girl's f.xthor , which will in- orm him that ho has fallen over a 'cnco , and is heir to a lame back. ? horp should bo no money considnra- ion in a case of hugging , nnd no hope f falling heir to anything. It is for- imo cm ugh to a man to have a girl o hug. Hugging can never become what it should be , our great national ecroutioii and enjoyment , our picnic , s it wore , until all the thought ot outside matters is climated from it , and the hugging is simply done for nstauce , because there is a good op- ) ortunity , and no one to say nay. lie difference in hugging can readily > o seen by these who have done a lit- le of it themsulrus , if they go to n heater and watch tbo actresses and actors. It is not once in a hundred hues that hugging on the stngo is lone because both parties like it , but s always done for money , at so much a week nnd wardrobe furnished. The ictor comes up to the scratch like a lircd man , and puts his arm around ho actress as though ho was holding up a tobacco sign , and the actress miles u two-for n-quarter smile and ook.s us though nho was taking pills. We have often nccn a couple of lovers n the audience , who piobably know cientific huguing when they see it , ook at this stage hugging and curl up heir lips with scorn , and look at each other aa much aa to say , "If it was us on the stage playing that scene wu vould break the audience all up , " Occasionally a couple of stage lovers inbend themselves and get in a huger or two that broaka a corset string , ) Ut in one of these cases the other > lushea and looks around at the wings 0 sco whether the actor's wife or the actress * husband is looking. A year ago when the "Hundred Wives" was > lavcd here MacUinley and Little Ada Oilman hugged old fashioned , ind it Boemod ss though ho would > roak her in two , and she looked as hough she wished ho would , but the ast time the party was hero , a strangu woman was in Ada's place , and Mac- jinloy hugged her as though ho would rather hire a man to do it for him , and the woman acted as though nhn lover had enjoyed a good hug in all lor born days. There has got to bo a certain amount of follow feeling bo- iween them , or it is a mere matter of 'orm and not worth the price of ad- nission. Sometimes wo think wo would like to go on the stage nnd give some of these nctor a few points that would bo of great benefit to them in heir business , but if wo should oiler .o do so thuy would probably impute cannistor motives to us , and hit us with a stuflod club. It is not that wo would care for the hugging , but ho advancement of nit. Thrtro are some nctrsssea that the beat hugger 'n the world could not hug and feel .hat ho had got the worth of his mon ey , and there are other , ! that an actor would bo justified in playing without 1 Biliary and hoarding hiiumtlf , JUKI 'or one hug per evening and Wcdnes day and Saturday matinuo. However : his is u subject that wo had novur thought of until we saw the item in the pastern paper about tha follow * Imviug a fortune left h in , Throat Ilinuitto Olton Commotion With * Cold , cough , or unusual exertion ol the voice. These incipient symptoms nru allayed by thu lisa of Brown's Bronchial Troches , " which if neglect ed often result in a chronio trouble of the throat. mar22-dw-lw Judge McOrary has decided thai Iowa counties cannot oiler a rewart for the apprehension of criminals. An electric light company is aboui to be organized in Dubuque for tin purpose of illuminating the city will electric light of the liruHh patent. Ilou , M. 0. Woodruff , ox-oditoi and railroad commissioner , hm re cenlly purchased 3GO acres of land u Clay'county and is about to become i granger. When the railroads now in progres of construction are completed to De Moines that city will bo thu centre of thirteen railroads. Ira L. Tompins , a brakoma.i on Burlington Cedar Itapidn it Northon freight train , while standing on tin top of a car was struck by the coa house nt Greene the other day , throwi from the train and instantly killed Ho was unmarried. On the 21st inst. , the body of Free Hagenlock was found dead in a dole near Grinnoll. A coroner's jury returned turned a verdict that deceased came to his death by the overturning of a hay-rick nnd wagon by the wind while driving to the field for Imy , throwing him to the ground , the rack strik nj him on the licad and causing install death. Hcforo you begin your heavy spring work after n winter of relaxa tion , your system needs clo timing and strcngthcninc to prevent an attack of Ague , Hilioua or Spring Furor , or BOIIIO other Spring sicklies * ( hit will unfit you for u season's work , You will save limp , much sickness urnl proat expense if you will usu one bottle - tlo of Mop Hitters in your family tlm month. Don't wait. - Hurling , ton Jluwko.vc. marlTdUw A Lnck of Ilurmony. A follow journalist writes us from Jntonagon , Mich. "I am having n ; roat deal of trouble lately with my mpor. AH you know , 1 publish n nice ittlo country paper here , with patent iver and alimentary cnnal. Tlio in- urnal economy is printed in Alilwau- ceo , and I got it every week by ox- > 'ess. The trouble is that my asincinlc , vho lives in Milwaukee , nud edits the iisidu , in very ultra on nome points , ind maku.i iho paper very radical on oino important questions , while I am u liuhi hit inclined to bo violent my- elf on thu same mattons. Now if the member of thostalf who ittunda to the cast iron matter for the naide at Milwaukee. , thinks that I'm a ion-ci mmitta ) , and conservative g- loatie "uuvoryihiutr , and that ho can hapo uio policy of tno paper with his hears , and compel mo 10 write odito- mis for the on side , to agree with lim , ho will meet with u crushing din- PlHUiilmcnt BOIIIH cay. Now for infit-nieo , I always hated Jonkimg. I ceiildn'i endure Ida over listing pomposity and . , Iving.of-the- biil-Ty B'ylo of standing bn- liiid thci thnino and stirring thu hip of state regardless of everybody so. * . .Well , what does this patent inside ditor of mine at Alilwaukeo do , but ndorso the nomination of Colliding or Associate Justice , and paralyze an ditorial I had all written denouncing he whole thing as a scheme to keep 3onk on the carpet ready for ' 84 ; 1 ell you it isn't pleasant to got a lotof lear. crisp editorial matter all ready or the Saturday morning paper , and enow that it is in typo already for press , and then Friday night , got 'our paper by express all printed on no side , and jam full of radical rot in the opposite side of the question. t worries me to make the staff har monize. If I telegraph the olectro- .ypo editor at Milwaukee that the olicy of the paper will bo against he Chinese bill , and settle that all ight , ho will make some grand and > eculiar break in another direction , and weaken the influence of the journ- Whnt's the use of trying to mould mblic opinion in u certain direction vhen a soro-oycd galoot two or throe mmlred miles away is moulding it in another direction with his electrotype ditorials. Pcoplo hero have got so they como n and sk mo whether I'm going to espouse the stalwart element next vcek with my iusido or outside. Thou hey laugh a cold , heartless laugh and ; o away. It's pretty near settled that i've got to make a change or lose my > olitical inlluence. Then in the matter of patent ncdicine ads , there U going to be roublo. Two weeks ago I wrote up a Jim 3row concern in Now York and said .hat it was undertaking to foist upon ho civilized world a patent plasterer or the back , nmdo of old nocks with gluuund molasses on them ; warranted to cure hypochondria and epilepsy. Then 1 said that the linn wanted no to publish its ad for ninety-nine wars with the privilege of continuing the contract at the sumo price , viz ; $2 ) or year and a plaster. I wrote Bomo pretty harsh things about the outfit , and closed by saying hat I'd ' see thublaated swindle in its onoly grave before I'd lend the in- luenco of thu paper to boost a cold , cruel swindle to the pinnacle of fame. When the paper came out on tiatur day , I found that my Milwaukee as- distant hud inserted tlioud withthroo- ( matters of a column of glowing gush in the way of leading notices. You can readily Huo-whut tlio ell'uct of Huch u Journalistic ourno will ulti- nutuly bo. Sometimes the Milwaukee man gets in u largo and uweuping drunk , and then ho puts in selections wrong mdu up , and beefs hU editorials pretty bad , That's the time ho does thu most in jury to thu paper because ho is Imblo 10 unto up a beer garden instead of the crop report and his Holections from other pupuru are not judicious One day ho cut out a two. column do 8crijliun of a rooster combat from The Police Unzeito and crowded out the entire telegraphic summary , U hat doirj ho think the puoplu of Muitlierii Michigan euro for a rooster war in Now York ? Wo don't cure u cent , and ho ouyhl to know h. " The Country Who that has ever lived anytime in the country hut must have heard of the vir tues of Burdock as a blood purifier , Bun- DOCK BLOOD i iiTKim cure dynntiinin , billuuitnetm and all dlnordera arUinu' irom impure blued or deranged liver or kidneys , Trice 31.00 , trial bottles 1U cents. inch21-lw For tun os for Furuiera niid Mo- Thousands of dollars can be ( saved by uaiug proper judgment in taking care of the health of youifdf and family. If you are bHi.ua , have sullow complexion , poor appetite , low and depressed rpirits , and generally debilitated , do not delay a mo ment , hut go at once ; and procure n bottle tle of those wonderful Electric Hitters , which never fall to 'cure , and that for the trilling nun of fifty cents. [ Tribune. Hold by Schrotcr & liecht. < ยง ttA I XJm MV HpMo't.-t M < Minch t liter * l the jiwt houst } liolil inc'innp of the An rrlinn | itoilc | , mull lcmtr anil rmicmlt" , in n icnirOv for il\M > r | < iift bllllouniir ani | IrrrttiiUrltleiicf the linMoln , n cur lirlulls mill tv\vt nml theiinmt Ic M incite , m ax'tlntlip m ni'r\ou ra cj n c * M Renctal iiiilstorniit niul n-Morntho. tor fale hj all ilriiKiiltsi\iulilriiYiiicoiierally. WKSTI3IUS CORNICE WORKS C. SPEOHT , Prpr etor , 1213 Haitiey Street , OMAHA , - - - NSB. MANUFACTURERS OF GiLYilZED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIK , IRON i SLATE ROOHtiD , Patent Motalio Sky- Patent Aduitnblo | Ratchet Onrnnd BRACKET SHELVING. am tlio general Hlntu A cnt lor the ubo\f no nt k'OO'lii. ' IKON IWNUINU. Oreellnpi , l.ilu tradn , Ver.i < idn , KDfTlco and Uank RnlllnKS , Window nnd Cellar Guards ; nlto GKNKUAL AGENT Pecnon and Hill Potent Intlde Blind. nov4'W OIIN STABLKK , Piesldcnt. Vlco I'ron't. W. S. UEUUIKR , Sec. ttiulTrcan. THE NEBRASKA IMuTACTURIE 00 Lincoln , Nab. MANUFACTUKKUS OF Corn Planten , Harrowi , Farm Rollers , Bulky Hay Rakes , Ducket Elevating ; Wind ml Is , &c. Wo ara prepared to ilo job work and mtumfa turlrgfor other parties. Addrcs all orders NEIWA8KA MANUFACTUIIINa CO. , _ LINCOLN NKB _ B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And "Notary Public , Dexter L.Thomas , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW I Hooin SHru'uhton ' Hloo KENJMtDY'S EAST - I NDi A r fn W H ' ' ; i- < - " S V 3. ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. . . GUARDIAN'S SALE. Tlio nalo of lands of minor hclra duly advcrtls 011 In TIIK OMAHA DAILY ttrr. liy A. If. Wymaii , Kuardlan , to taku placu on lY'lmmry IH'li ' , 18S2 , Hit ulilcli liaa IROII ilvlayud liy Ilio Illness of tlic atloniof In tliartru ulli lie heM at tlio notitli leer of tliu Court llousu In Omaha , DouKlaii Co , , btalo < rt Nebraska , litt ien tliu lioura of It and 12 o'clock a , in , , of the sal day of March J882. 1.8-16 ' Guardian , -AMI ) Store Fixiiirc Work nil I'rundi Doiih'o Thlcli Klat ami Dent Hhow Ciso CJIaru 0. ,1. WILDE , 1315 nnd 1317 ORBS Street. I o1" J. L WILKIE , MANUKAOTUUKIt 0V PAPER BOXES. TIB and 220 S. 14th St. CLEVES BEOS , , ARCHITECTS. I'ubllc lluldiiu ) . Churchti , Btoieii In every btylo. Attention itlvun to I'atuit Ofllce Room 10 , Orelghton Block , Omaha , Nebraika. John Q , Jacobs , fat < j rl ) of UifliiJicoU , , 80. W. POiME. . 0. DOANb & CAMPBELL , At torneys-'at-Law ' THE ONLY RELIABLE AND STANDARD BRANDS CtGAKETTES MD ToBACCOS PIONEER CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA. CATP014AJ. . 1U. ' ss-WIBK'l' CAT OUA.U . . ST. JA.MIUB , . < cC. T. , TA7\r.lCS 1-iJ &O. i.mw sorrxTits. runs totucoo AMI runs nicit rxrin , ' * WI3IJ I' r \ 11)11 VI , . ' route MotmiriKOK l'niurpMoil lor clrsnlliiK * . economy , and cunt , inti.irn The soft frcllHK of tlio cork between tiioturtli mitkcff till * tlin inont dcilrablo Mid iilo Miit mniitliplpca. hciililcfll > iorl > lU | ] tlio nlcntluo anil ramlcrlug n coollug Bamatlbu to the Miin SVHI iiit < "iii t ii > renowned HWMIT ( UfoitAt , CiOAnrrrics , atmntiitety pure. rl n - . 'if 'Ml , rnimral 'j. nuil Veteran Cork Mantliiloco | Clfmretlea , ro highly rncommoml < L - . \ \ \ I > < MKI.I.II > KXHS Tlio lip rmls of tlHorlR ! > rcttoinri > Impervious to moin- turn lluiitriinlilitnt uinsmnVpr to cotumnn Ihom without tnntllallnn tlin jwper In the mouth. Mai" ( mm .imOutut Holceio.l brlitlit Virginia Mlltl anil Swict. guaranteed | iuro. \01.ll 11V M.I. l KAI.iUS TIIUOltUIKUJT THIS WOULD. HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY , -AND- T T f . . & / fi f.tXl. ' the first to make the announce ment to his customers and * the general public- Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices- Orders promptly filled and e ery attention given to patrons. J. B. DETWILEEi 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA , - - - - NEBRASKA. -WHOLESALE- BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DKALEIl N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neh. Manufacturing Company , MAKERS OF THE Finest. . Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. plato that te3 The only original firm of ] for In- Rogers Bros. atanco - single AH ou > Spoons , pluted Spoon a Forka and Knives phitod trlpluUilckno.su l& platu only on of care. Each the a e e 11 o a lot being hung whore expo d on n acalo while ins being plated , to to wear , thereby inuuro full deposit making a alnglo of silver on ' posit plated Spoon them , wear aa long aa Wo would call u triple platod' ospoclal attention one , tion to our soc- Rival. Orient- Tiooed All Orders In the West should b AddieswoJ to A. B. HUBERMAHN , Wholesale Jewe'er , NEB- OMAHA , - - - - _ - . Hair Boofls , Notions , Ladies1 Furnishine ; Boofls , Ulsters , Oiroulars , and Suits ,