THE D-AlLl" , ' IOWA TUESDAY 'ALAJRCH - BEE--COlNOiL bLUl'FS , 28 1882. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , March 25. sunscnipTiox RATES ; fly Currier , - - - - 20ccnt r > cr wcok. ItylUll , . . . . . . . $10 00 net Yo r. Office : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Near BrooAway. C. R , MAYME , Vnnafrcr City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Prang's KostcrcorJs at Seaman' * , mchUdtf There will Ixs n meeting of the Light ( iuardfi this evening. The city calaliooso Is actually being whitewashed. Will won lets never ccnso llnve you fcen that fine display of' Hauler card * tt 15u rmell & Hrnckctt's ? inchllndtf Permit to wed w. yesterday given it "William Johnson nnd Mary Vallendof lla/ol Dell. The young man who wns taken fount ! in l\n innaive condition at the transfer ha been taken away by friends , , Itobert McAuthur , cliargcil with the larceny of $5 from a , mloon keeper , wns yesterday centenccd to thrco days in jail. One of the teams of May no k Go's broom factory took n whirl on Main street yesterday nnd smashed part of a wngon BUCcessfully. The city park begins to put on n look of.grcen , and if the boys can bo knpt from plnvliij ball uptn it long enough to give the grans n good start , all will bo well. A young girl accompanied by a verdant banking youth , applied to police headimar- tu'5 yesterday for vengeance , claiming thnt flomo ono on the fired had talked In * tmltingly to her as fcho xvnlkcd along , A. delegation of the Kntghla of Pythlns of this city last evening visited tholr brother Knights it Missouri Valley , going nnd returning by the Northwestern road. There were about thirty In the party ! A telegram wai received yesterday from St. Jo , stating that Mnrkcll who IH waute.1 hero for ( dealing n geM watch from Phil Williams , has been captured there. Later investigations prove tlat | the officers had the wrong irmn.3 ? Ono ol the umallest ( fouls In the city is reported ns having sent in n bill to a widow for $2.25 for securing pallbearers for her husband's funeral nnd for performing BOIUO other scrviceri which she deemed of n friendly nature , The case of John Piorson , charged with perjury , was again before Judge Ayleiworth yesterday afternoon , but the hearing not'being completed , nn adjourn ment wns taken mtll to-morrow nftor- noon. The news reached this city yesterday that Dr. Nye , of Avocn , died in thnt place Sunday. A number of the Knights Tem plar of Ivanhoo commnndry , of this city , to which ho belonged , oxpcct to attend the funeral which' will bo held nt Avoc.i this afternoon. The United States court did not open yesterday , Judge Love , of Kookuk , not arriving until evening. The court will open this morning. There are few nnd un important criminal cases to bo tried , but the civil dpckot is heavier. Two follows from Osceoln have been lying In jail hero since lost October on the charge of sellin ? two boxes of cigars with" out a license. They were arrested imme diately nfter the adjournment of last fall's term of the United States court , nnd not being able to give bail have been in custo dy over ulnco. k , The lohthetio entertainment to beheld at Dohany's opera house Thursday , March 30 , conslts of dramatic readings , tab- leauxB , vlvnnts , the celebrated fan drill , the movements of which were sug gested byAddisonin "Tho Spectator" and " 1711 , " vocal and Instrumental musio , and the event of the Benson , "ThoEsthetic Slstcrx. St. Alban's lodge , Knighta of Pythiap , has bean presented with n handsome sword and scabbard by J. J. Munell , of Omaha , for the use of its commander. Tlio gift tvas made because St. Alban'u ledge has purchased more uniforms and equipments than any ledge in Omnbn or Council Bltilfa , nnd because it Is better fitted out in all respects. It is stated on good authority that the company which now has the charter ior building tbo water works here falls to go on with the work , another company stands ready to take the enterprise ofl its hands and push it forward to a tmcccssful completion. At lost accounts the com- pnu'y was still trying to dispose of lit * bonds in the Now York market in order to get money to build the works. "Texas" la the name of a big and un couth darkey who wns yesterday arrested for knocking too heavily on the door of dug-out In the eastern pait of the city , Ills gcntlo tapping not brlngiug any re- uponso from within , he seized nn axe and rapped with thnt. About the mime time the door some how fell down , whereat the i'ftto ' female inbido complained gciitly nnd had him arrested. PERSONAL. Frank Milliard has returned from Nyack , on the Hudson , whore he has In'eu attending college John Power ; , of Chicago , 0111 of the fleetest men on foot In the whole country , is stopping at the Ilevere hoiibe. II. Howard George , representing the Chicago Herald , dropped in yesterday to admire the new UEK ullicc , and to compli ment this paper on Its enterprlis and suc cess , Dr. Harry Palmer , who has been spend ing the past two weeks In \ Ulttiiif friends In this city , left yesterday afternoon for hU home in liellefuntalne , Ohio , intending 0n the route to suend one day in looking over Kookuk. Among those in attendance upon the United States court are JJlttiict Attorney J , 8 , liunnelU , of Tot Moines , and hit assistant , W. V. Jtankltu ; Mr , Iluir , ot Uurr & Marahall , attorneys of Lincoln ; Judge H. H. Trimble , of JCeokuk ; J. W. Ulytbe , of UiirHiigtou ; and Smith Me- 1'herbon , of Jted Oak. No liead-ucho or hack-Delia for ladle * ' v ' - J-Sk "WINE OF OAFIDUI. " DEADLY DESPONDENCY. It Oaueea Qeorgo Harter to Bleed Himself to Dnath. His Body Found Stiff nnd Cold In His Employer's Shop. Ycstonlny morning , about 7 o'clock A. T. Scliullz , of the firm of Schultc & Hill , on opening the door of their wagon shop on Fourth street , found a stnrtlingly horrible - riblo sight , it being the prostrate nnd lifeless body of ono of their employes , George Harter. Mr. SchultK was ac companied by Mr. Hans Johnson , and the condition of the body showed to them conclusively that Ilartcr had committed suicide. In the right hand of the dead man wns clasped n pocket knife , covered with blood , while upon the wrist of the other was n gash from which the blood had spouted up upon the adjacent wall , and hud formed in a pool upon tlio floor. Lifo was extinct and the body stilf and cold. TJioro was nothing to indicate why the net was done no note or other evidence showing the feelings or purposes im mediately preceding the net. Coroner Fuul was at oiico called nnd summoned n jury consisting of J. F. Brodbeck , B. U. Kiddle and John K. Cooper. The evidence of Mr. Scliullz and that of Mr. Johnson was taken , and after viewing the body the jury found "that the said Georuo Ilartor came to his do.ith by cutting his left wrist and bleeding to death. " The deceased 1ms for yc.irs been addicted to drink , and has in vain at tempted several times to reform. The seasons of debauch have been fol lowed by seasons of despondency , and it is supposed that it was in ono of these that ho took his own life. Sev eral years ngo ho made a similar at tempt , but was saved , nnd the scar which bore the record appeared on his loft wrist close to where the froah nnd fatal gash was made. . IIo was last soon on Main street about 0 o'clock Sunday evening , mid did not then seem to bo intoxicated. It is sup posed that soon after this ho wont to the shop where ho was employed , nnd to which ho had n key , and entering that locked himself in and taking his pocket knife cut his wrist and bled to death. Harlot was n Gorman , aged about fifty years. Ho has boon n remdont of this city for about seven years , nnd was a wagon mukor by trade. Ho loaves a wife nnd twelve children , the older of whom nro married and living in Now York state. Of the children living , among the oldest hero is a girl in the employ of Mrs. E. J. Harding and her sons. The others are qui to small. The woman is loft in a desti tute condition and Coroner Faul , on learning this , started n subscription paper , and in a short time had secured $2Q , which amount * vill speedily bo swelled. Arrangements have been inado for holding the funeral this morning at 10 o'clock. " * " AMITY COLLEGE Rapidly Growing- Prosperity Ita Forno Spreading Far and Wide. V COLLEGE Srmtras , Page County , la. , March 21. Amity College , the educational centre of southwestern Iowa , is located at College Spring * , a little town of about GOO inhabitants , six miles east and two miles north of Blanchard nnd twelve miles south of Olarinda , Great efforts were made by her citizens last summer , as well as several times previous , to obtain a railroad. A subscription of about eight thousand dollar. ) was raised for the branch of the 0. B. & Q. road from Olarinda , but the company coolly withdrew from its part of the bargain and again loft us disconsolate. Nona of the roads have como to us yet , though they run around us in every conceivable direction as if tan talizing us by trying to see how close- they could como to us and miss us , The Wnbash road , with its Olarinda branch , forms n Y , and the Page City branch of the 0. B. & Q. outs across the top forming a triangle , with College Springs in the contra. Hence , without a railroad , wo cannot , as a town , compare with surrounding towns. Wo have ono blacksmith , ono harness , ono wagon nnd ono cabinet shop , ono drug , ono book and ono hardware store , two grocery , two milliners and two 'dry goods stores , five churches , viz , Meth odist , Episcopal , \Vosleyjin Methodist , Congregational , Presbyterian and United Presbyterian , two hotels , and livery stables , n daily mail to Ola- rinda , a tri-weekly to Blanchard nnd Hamburg , nnd n semi-weekly to Hop- kiiiH , Mo , Thus wo Imvu nil the no- ceesities and some of the luxuries of life , and iiro prepared to entertain the travelers who chance to finds his way to our quiet but industriouo little ton n. The very quietness of the town is fa vorable to the student. The college , our graat feature , gives n Hbral edu cation to both sexes , and , while it is unsectarian , it is a Christian col- logo. Its endowment fund was obtained by soiling shares of stock of a company called the Yesteru Industrial and Scientific association , afterwards changed to Amitv college. The funds thus nb- tained were used to purchase govern ment land at $1,25 per acre. This land is located in Page and Oaes coun ties nnd in Missouri. . After the pur chase had boon made , each stock holder received in hind at $2 DO per aero the amount ho had invested and also , with every share of stock , n scholarship entitling the holder ( o live yeara free tuition in the collegu Tn the land remaining to the company , the town of College Springs was laid out , and the remainder sold or hold for a permanent investment. All land sold by the college is sold under the express stipulation that such land shall not bp used for the manufacture or ealo of intoxicatinu drinks. One- fourth of the funds arising from the silo of laud was to bo used for a build ing fund and the interest on the remaining three-fourths to bo used for the support of the school , 'Iho'firflt class in the ncademic department was organized in 1857. For fifteen ycara its success was va riable , part of the time boiiig ab sorbed by the public schools , until the year 1872 , when the board of trustees decided that n change must bo made nt all hazards , nnd Itov. A. F. McDill wns chosen for president. Ho nt once organized the school on n collegiate basH. A normal course was added to the curriculum , nnd the outlook bade fair for n prosperous career for the college. Under Mr. McDill's nblo management the school grow rapidly until the year 1877 ( when ho resigned , nnd the board were obliged to select some ono else to fill the position. The choice fell upon Ilev. S. 0. Marshall , then pas tor of n United Presbyterian church in Monroe county. Ho is n fine scholar , n grftduatq of Muskingmn ' 'ollc o , Ohio , and also of the theo logical seminary nt Allcghnny City , Pcnn. , nnd is well qualified for the position. Under the present administration thp college is steadily growing in thoroughness nnd in the number of students in attendance. Connected with the colloso are two nourishing literary societies , thu Ohristomathcan and and the Philomnthcnn , The former is just entering its second yrnr , being a reorganization of the old Union society formed about nine years ngo. Iti members number about foity. Its object is to give an opportunity for frcoucnt practice in extemporaneous speaking as well as in declamations , essays and orations. During its short period of existence it 1ms been more than usually success fully , both financial and otherwise. A number of the gentlemen members of this society , calling themselves the "Wobstcrs , " meet every Saturday night for further practice in debate , but is n.ifc arugardly organizedsoc'ioty. rhoPhilomathuan society is auniun and reorganization of the Amitonian and A. B. L. societies and is , wo are informed ! reasonably prosperous. If any young lady or gentlemen see ing this article should bo contempla ting going of ] to school wo would ad vise them to try our college , especially if it is necessary to use economy. The expenses are lower hero , wo presume , than nt any similar school in the state. Good board can be obtained at $2.50 to $3.00 per week , nnd the tuition is very low. % i 0. H. W. THE LAST SAL ) BITES. Tributes Pnld to the Memory or W. J Phillips and the Remains Laid at Host. Last Sunday afternoon nil that was mortal loft of , AV. J. Phillips was laid away with a becoming service. The funeral was held at the family residence , a largo number of sorrowing and sympathizing friends being In at tendance , llov. Mr. Brosoo , pastor of the Methodist church , officiated and the services were very appropriate and touching. At their close the pro cession was for mini to take the remains to their last resting place , the pall bearers being chosen front the Grand Army of the Republic and from the Knights ot Pythias , to both of which orders ho belonged. The veterans of the farmer organization joined in the sad procession to the number of about eighty , under Commander Lindt , while thoiKnighta of Pythias , number ing nearly a hundred , were under the command of Deputy District Grand Chancellor E. J. Abbott. A heavy rain was falling at the time , nnd under such circumstances ,1110 appearance pearanco of both of those organiza tions was commendable , both as to numbers and mien. At the grave the ritual of the Knights was used in pav ing n Insl. tribute. The following resolutions have been adopted by the Lincoln Post. G. A. 11. as a still further expression of their sorrow and sympathy : " WIIEHKAH , The "members of the ' Lincoln Post G. 'A. R. , No. 29 , and members of the Veteran Association of Pottavattnmio Co. do deplore the unexpected separation nnd death of our brother nnd comrade , W. J. Phil lips ; therefore bo it Resolved , That we extend to his bereaved family our heartfelt and sincere core sympathies. That while the din tressed family have lost by an unex pected death a true and loving father and husband , wo have lost a true , devoted voted and faithful brother nnd com rado. rado.Resolved Resolved , In our conclusion we can in deep sorrow only say : The march of another comrade is over , and ho lies down after it in the house ap pointed for all the living. It seems well wo should lenvo our comrade to rest , where over him will bond the arching sky , as it did in great love when ho pitched his tent or lay down weary nnd foot core by the way or on the battle field for an hour's rest. As ho wns there , so ho is still in the hands of the hciivonly father ; and bo it further' Resolved , Thnt wo tender to the family of our Into comrade a copy of these resolutions , nnd thnt the same bo spread upon the minutes of Abe Lincoln Post , No. 20 , G. A. H. , und Pottawattamie County Veteran nsso- Hociation , and that our hoadqunrtoru bo drapnd in mourning for the period of thirty days ; nnd bo it further Resolved , That wo request the pa pers of Council Bluffs , Iowa , to pub- litli the above resolutions. NYii , OAMIMIKLL , Jos. CIUUEU , J. J. BOLIK , J. B. IlKFT , HENHV GKMIKIMKK , Committee. Tlio Election Date in Iowa. Dt lloluo Hci'Uter , \Vo stated the other day that the late legislature had changed nil the annual state elections to H November data. Wo find on examination that this is a mistakein part. What it did was to enact that in odd-num bered years the general election should bo held in October ; inoven-numborod years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The change was to strike out the words "presi dential yeara" and insert "oven-num bered' ' Why it did half work in making the change wo do not know. It seems to bo a queer proceeding , But why cgislatures do such queer thingajwe Have uot been publishing a newspaper long enough to bo able to ioqlab. It would seem thnt , chnncf ni ; it in half , it would have changed it altogether. Thnt would have been the common sense tvny of doing it. Special Levies. A number of citizens and property owners are talking in favor of having the city adopt n policy by which many improvements now made nnd paid for by the general levy upon the whole city , shall bo inado and paid for by npccinl levies Upon the proper ty in the immediate vicinity , and which is directly bonefittcd by the im provement , It is urged by the ad vocates of this policy that where it is desired to mnl < o any improvement of nstreet , thnt n petition shall bo pro cured signed by the owners of a ma- jorily of the adjacent property , nnd that on the strength of this petition the improvement shall bo mndo , nnd the expense taxed direc'ly against the property interested. It is urged that such n financial course would do awny with much of the complaints cxisthig among these who claim that they nro being taxed for the benefit of property which docs not in any wny concern them , nnd the complaints of these who nro pleading for improvements but cannot get them. Tn tlio latter case , under the proposed p-licy , they could ] only lay the bin mo on them selves nnd neighbors for not signing the required petition , and expressing themselves us willing to pay for the improvement , the direct benefit of which they ecck , It is still further urged that in this way the general levy could by used for repairs and general city expenses , for which an ample amount could bo secured without exceeding tlio constitutional limit. At the same time special im provements would not bo kept back by n lack of funds , for if the owners ot piopcrty to bo bcnefitted desired nn improvement bad opough to pay for it , it could bo pushed right along. There are others who object to this sort of n policy. Some raise ques tions of law against it , but the more common objection , whe.i any is expressed - pressed ; is that there nro property owners who have for j curs been pay ing taxes for improvements which benefited other property than their own , and havo" been waiting nnd watching for the city to got around to them. Such property owners would naturally qbjoct to having to hear the burden of improvements in their own vicinity , when they hod helped to pay for improvements which were of benefit - fit to others. The matter is being agitated some what , and the discussion may give birth to a change in the city's policy , by which it will bo enabled to push improvements in portions of the city where they are wanted , and where people stand ready to pay for them , and stayed where the owners feel that their Jburden was all that they could carry without paying for them. Changing Owners. The following transfers of real estate are reported as'taken from the county records by J. W. Squire & Co. , abstractors of titles , real citato and loan agents , Council Bluffs : P. Bartel to P. VVcis , nw 10 , 77 , 41 , and lot 2 in 4 , Minden ; $2,000. P. Weis to N. Kroegor , nw 10 , 77 , 41 : $4,640. M. F. Rohror to J. N. Caeady , 18 in 17 , Mills' add , city ; $350. E. F. Bryant to D. L. Harcourt , 3 in 6 , Street's add , city ; § 250. S. H.'Smith" to J. F. Smith , 4 in 12 , Boers' add , city ; § 100. T. A. Cummins to H. Everett , no 0 and wj so 9 , 70 , 42 ; § 2,400. J. P. Gouldon and D. J. Farrell to E. J. Lovoll , out lot 4 in Neola ; § 150. J. W. & E. W. Davis to C. Batcher , part of lot 22 in 9 , 77 , 39 ; § 200. A. W. Coiiman and 0. R. Smith to It. S. Hartwi ' no 17 , 77 , 39 ; § 1,600. G. W. Ellis'to S. N. Goodhuo , BO 30 , 74 , 44 , nnd 10 nnd 11 in 19 , IIow- nrd's ndd , city ; § 1,000. J. F. & J. I. Speed to F. M. Owens , so sw 0 , 75. 42 ; § 400. W. E. Elwoll to II. E. Pratt , 10 , 11 , 12 , nnd part3 in 17 , Walnut. R. D. Hopkins to W. H. Ham- mans , nA so 1C , 75 , 38 ; § 2,200. The Iowa trotting circuit has boon so far arranged as to commence at Dubuque - buquo Juno G , Cedar Rapids Juno 13 , and at Marahalltown Juno 20 , four days nt each place , with about $3,400 in premiums at each meeting. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIGK. Special aihortlscmontu , U i Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will be- Inserted In thle column at the low rate of TUN CKJTa PER LINE ( or the flret Insertion mid FIVE UKSTS PEIl LINT ( or each buliseijuent liiurtlnii Lcnvo advertisements at our olllcu , Uoom C , Everett' * liloi'k , llroail ay. \ > . K would recommend Joe t'ttiulol aatliobe't > i hand In the cltynt uttln out trees. Ilu ) ia ) aury line lot o ( map M , t > nelJtra and other > liailt < trtoi on taiml. ( It TT10H HAI.i : .V > . aio Moxlaui .N ttloifcl SI,000 I ? vuluunml hlstoiy miKiiowa. A.I ) . l'ACUtl\Kl > , urtO-7t We ton , lana To bu ) lioiinioiul lot on monthly WANTKD . Audrta X , Uco olllto. ma.13 tr. - who will Uko h's pay In monthly Inttallr.ienU , to build two email cotUk'en. Adurotn M , U , , Dee edict , marlS f. TTlOn HRNT-Nlcs ( rout olllce , up ttalrs. En. Jj qulra at Bee olllce , Council llluu * , marlS t ( 'ANTED. Ulrl ( or general houfo work. Apply > t 117 Vine ulrcct. marlOU 'ANTED To rent a small cotlagi at once , Addrcea 0. M , or enquire at HUB olllce. ( eb4-l ( \A7ANTEO-To rent A ten room house In W BOIUO L-ooJ neighborhood or two wmllei houses bide ( > / ilde , Addrum I' , O , llax 797 , Council llluttv , or ain > hi at HEE olllco , Council ItluftM. 40-U ' . ) Etcnbod } In Council Illudj 13 WANTI'.l B , 21 cents JH.T week , lie Iht'red bj carriers. Otlitc , No 0 1'tarl Strut' near Uroadnay , To buy 100 ton * broom corn. WANTED * addrett Council UluQi Broom Factory , Council Ulutli , Io a. 1011 SAIK Old uawri4Dc iwr hundred , ( I Ttie Uco ottlco. Council tlluftt. bc27-t { ITKIi-t-lJoy , with pony , to carrj r l > ir xiulc tlln office , Couucll llutf. 'octlS-tf Beauty , health , and liiiplneiy | f rluliei OF.OABnm . " TOO UTTERLY UTTJ3R ! "STJti'Jt. " ? BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Public in FINE GROCERIES. Witli Everything m Staples at the Lowest Prices , Fresh Roast Coffees , Chioce Drav/ing Teas , Boston Tea Go. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W. SHERMAN JtANUFACTUUEIl OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CIUUSTOI'HEa , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keep everything yon want in Pirst 01 IBS , Choice , Clean GEOCESIES and PEOVISIONS It will pay you to look our es tablishment throughEvery - tbing told for Cash , and at the veiy dosest margins , We have aline oflOc CANNED GOOBS , And we also sell the finest Im ported Goods , Eastern and West ern Gooos put up ' All Canned Goods educed 10 per cent. . Send for our Prices , i triot attention paid to Mail Orders , Agents for Washburn's Super lative Flour , F , J , OSBORNE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo giro special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment ol Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Ooal , OHAS , HENDRIE , President Mrs. Smith , whore did you got these fhio Chandeliers ? " " BIXBY "WOOD'S , . ' THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. FALIttEJR , DBALEH IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AQENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MAURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Glnsd , Pine French China , Silver \Vare &o. , S 0 BROIDWAT , COUNCIL 11LUFFS , lOrt'A. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ; Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council Bluff' Drs. Woodbury fit Son , Cor. Pearl & lit Aio. COUNCIL JJLUrTS. W , S. A11KKT. JACOB SIMS. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Counsollors-at-Law , COUN Olii BLUFFR. JnWA. HARKNE8S , ORGUTT & CO. , DRY GOO AFD CAEPET HOUSE , Broadway , Cor. Fourth St , Council Bluffs , Iowa , mar-2-3m - - MTTELL Ohickering , Wober. Lindeman , J. Mueller JP ' and other Pianos , $200 and upward. 'Burdett , Western Cottage , " Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50 and upward. Musical IM : cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty - - ; imported direct. Music Books , ' Sheet-Music , I'oye , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TT tail. Pianos and Organs eold. for Cash and on Time , Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : C J. MUELLER , 103 South 5th Street. o 13 COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO , , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all hinds ol Produce Prompt attention tfrcn to all consignments. I NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. > - "W" . . IBL ZFOSTIEIR WILL SUPPLY ON SHOUT NOTICE Out Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled ami delivered to Express office free ol charge. Send ( or Catalogue , . COTTKTCIJE. Mirrors , Upholstery , Bbpairitie1 , Etc , Wood find Metallic Coffins , No. 430 Broadway , Cor. "Bryant bt. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. IOWA WYOMING COAL. HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , STARR & REYNOLDS , f07 Main St. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEA-EIIS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landa , and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL BLUFF ELEGANT ! f The New Styles for 1882. WALL PAPER I Largest Stock in Western Iowa. Ji SEND FOE , SAMPLES ! 11 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I G-IE I WE CAUKY THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINE BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW , V Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , whiclp has Begun to Arrive. Z. 'T. ' 'LINBSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10VA And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLAR1NDA IOWA ,