Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1882, Image 5

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    THE OMAA DAILY BEliTIJ18D Or lUJtCd 28 ,
\ * *
NKW YOBK , Marsh 27.
The roomy marVt cloied tt 4 per
Exchange clowd firm at ,4 85@4 W.
Governments closed firm.
Cnrrcncy6' 126 bM
4' coupon ! . .119 ] bid
4V& coupons . . . . . . . . .114) ) bid
Df continued 103J bid
G't continued lllj bid
Pacific rallrojid bonds clohod as follows :
Union Ms 115i@116
Union Lund Grants 115ia llC
UnlonSinkinffFundolT.jrcdat. . 110
The stock market to-day was active aud
strong thrr.iighont and prices adv need
ateaollr to the close , when the hlghestquo.
tatinni ol the day nutin snnio instaucej of
thejsea on were evflJent. The features of
dealings were Western Union telegraph ,
Missouri Pac c , Denver , Northern Pa
cific preferred , Louisville & Nashville and
New Jersey Central. In specialties Klch-
mend & Danville rose 3 per cent , tf rmlnal
34 ; and Colorado Coal 3.J. Sales for the
day aggregated over 5W.OOO shares and
dealings were attended with much erclte-
' * \0Xhe following were closing bid * :
Am'nDlsi.T l. 65 ManhattanKl. . 63
Alton &T. II. . 28 Preferred. . . . 92 }
Preferred. . . . t > 8 Met. elevnto-i. . 88
B. A. Line pld. 64 Man Beach . . . 33J
C B&Q 1344 MdC 1C
C S 61 * N J 0 -53
< 3ol Coal 621 Northwest ° rn..l32l
Cedar Falls. . . . 22 } Preferrel..l40l
O C &IO 14 NY C 133 $
OP i ? N P 52
Canton Land , GO N P 3GJ
O O C & I. . . . 78S ( 'referred. . . . 783
C& 0 V3 NY Elevated. . 105
c &o : 14 O&W 27J
Preferred. . . . 23 Omaha 39
2.1 pfd 24 Preferred. . . . 1051
CStL&NO. 041 Ohio S . . . 19
Col &Gpfd. . . . 82 Ohio Cent 102
OL& W .1241 OreTran 701
D.&H O & M. . . 38j
D & II G , C7i Preferred. . . . 103
31 Ont. Sliver 341
37) ) ' PD&E 131
KTenn 13R Pull. Pal. Car..127 *
Preferred. . . . 22rf PncMatl 43
Adams 114 Quickdlver . . . . 114
American"i Preferred. . . . 674
US 7t5 Heading COJ
GB 12 It & WP . . .110
Preferred. . . . 20 K&D 14Gi
Houston & Tex. 71 ] U\-P : 33 ?
H&St J 90 San Francisco. . 40 ?
HomcsUke 17 Preferred. . . . 65 |
I. 0 1 G 1st Preferred. 94
/Knn&Tex 36 } Sutro f
) K&DM 18 StP& D 37J
L N A& C. . . C7 Standard Oil . 15 $
LS 110 , St. Paul..k..117i
Louis. &Nash. . 70 , Preferred..125J
LI C5 T D &B 15
MLS &W. . . 50 , T&P 45 ?
M & E 122 Union Pacific. . 114J
M & C 55 V& M
MiohCen 86 J Western Union. 914
Mar & Cin pfd. 13) ) Wabash 3'4
2dpfd 7 Preferred. . . 8
M P 100J
State bonds dull.
The following were the sales of the more
Active stocks to-day. Total sales , 510,000
AExp " . 300 K &T 26100
iLsTrExp"- JL.&N 55400
OC&I 33000 LS 15800
_ . K. & Q . . 3800 L.E&W 800
NYC 8300 Northwestern. 7400
N .1 C 200 O&W . 0000
1C GOO O &M1300
Ohio Central. . IGuO PM 2300
Mich Cen 2100 Heading 11900
NP 40700 San Franci co. 300
Preferred. . . 13900 Pi ef erred. . . 700
CP 11200 St. P & Urn . . 5901
U.P 890 Preferred. . . 5CO
Man. Kiev. . . . 100 St Paul. 37100
A. &T.H 100 Preferred . . -500
OS 700 Nash. & Chat. 70'
' ' ' ' " ' ALL. S&W. HOC
_ & II. . . . . . . 'lOl Wabash 4000
DJj& W 1 ! ) 00 Preferred. . . 10. 0
&KG GG010J Mo Pac 2JGCO 14700
CIIICAOO , March 27.
Preston , Kean & Co. , baukers , report
money in .lull demand at 6@7 per cent , on
- . call , and G@8 per cent on time.
Eastern exchange between city banks
SOc premium per § 1,000.
The clearings of the associated b.inks
were $0.335,000.
Governments bonds continue to advance.
Thorp IB a moderate demand for local
Railroad bonds firm but dull.
All kind * of business depresstd on at-
count of the weather.
3Vs Extended sixeH , 1881 1011@101p
34'sExtended fives , 188l..103l@103
44'B Coupons H4tj@115
4s Coupon * 119 ( ? 11I91
fc-MinneBeta State , 44's and Interest. . 100\ \
"Sterling , sight 4801
Sterling , GO diyu 48Gi
C. M. & St. P. 7's and interest 129
Chicago & Pacific 105
Dubucme 102103
f ( '
Lrmatta Wliolosalo Mnrliot-
Jlonday Kvening , March 2. , I
Local Grain UeallnK
WHKA'P.-Cash No , 2,117i , ; cash No.
3 , J3iu ; rejected , G7io.
B/vllLUY. Cash No. 2 , 93c ; No. ! ' ,
KYK. Caih , G8o ,
( JOHN , Caih No. 2 , 62u.
OATS. Caih , 'I3o.
STHE13T PUICliSCorn , < 10@45 ; oatc ,
60 ® 15.
HAY 10 CO@G 60 per ton.
Provision * .
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$3 25@3 0 ; "Pioneer" California , $1 00 ;
patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight
grade * 3 85 ® 1 25 ; patentSt 50@5 00gra ;
ham rye , S2 60 ; Wheat , 93 00 ; Queen
Bee. &i 25 ; Jasper , S3 87 ; Big Sioux ,
? 60.
BYE FLOUR $3 25.
t M1LL8TUFF8 Bran , per cwt. 1 10
" per ton.lG 00@17.00Greenings ; , per cwt.
> ' SOc ; shorts , per jwt 1.10 ; chopped feed ,
per owt. 1 20 ; meal Mted , yellow , 1 40 ;
white. 81 GO.
° OTATOES Nebraskas , 1 25@l 3a ;
imported Scotch Champions 1 C0@l G5 ,
aWEET POTATOES Genuine Musca-
tlne,4 @ 5o per Ib.
WILD DUCK-ei 25@1 tO.
KGGS llfflllio. , ,
IJUTTEU u'reainery , 40@tc ; choice
roll , 30@33o ; common roll , 2 @ 25c.
APPLES Good , sound , very source
at 85 50@0 60 per bbl. ,
LEMONS Steady ; per box , 8425 ®
OllANGES-per box 4 25 ® I 60
BEESWAX Yellow. 20@22c.
ONIONH 83 50 per barrel.
OKANBEUUIES-Per bbl. , $1000 ®
1 00.
CELERY Per doz. , 75o.
DKESSED GEESE Per Ib , , 9@llc.
OY8TEHS Selects. 45c ; standards , 35o ,
i Mediums 25c.
CHEESE 10 < 3l4e.
$8 25 a 9 00 ,
Qrocerft . Llit ,
COFFEE.-lUo , lair , llo ; Rio , good
2c ; Rio , prime to cholc ,12ic ; Old gov't
Java ; 2628c , Mocha , 28Jc ; ArbuclcloV ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@65o
Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o
Cholco , G0@76c ; Young Hyson , good , 3C@
0c ; cholco , 65cSl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35cj Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , peed ,
I5@40 ; Oolong , , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
gfiOtl 3540c ; choice , 850450.
SUGARS. Cut loaf. lOSc ; Crushed
0o ; Grannlatod , lOlc ; Powdered , lOJr ;
' 'InejKJwdcrod , lOjc ; Standard CoHeo A :
gs ; New York Confectioner's Standard
\ . 9jo ; Good A , P3c ; Prairie Extra C ,
3 YRUFS.-Sugar house" , bbK 17o ; half
il , 49c ; kegs , < J gallons , $2 18j ; cholco
table iiyrup , 4Gc ; half bbls,4fe ( ; kegs , $2 181.
SODA. Owlght's Ib papers , * 3 00 ; Du-
f nd dcP : < 00 ; ChurchV , 83 00 ; Keg soda.
S'J UU'lt. Po. rl , 4Jc ; Silver Ohm * , 81
. . .Sfc. dun Starch , 8J@9cj Excelsior
JlosN 7r : Corn. 7Jc.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ashen -
on , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 6s , S 45 ;
his dairy. 100. 8s. 305.
DRIED FRUITS Choice halvop ,
vaporated peaches.7c ! Salt Lnko 10Jcvap- :
rated Mb boxes , 13cj Michigan , 7iu ; New
fork apples , 71r ; Prunen , old , Gjc ; now ,
Ac ; Currants , ti7n ; Hl.-vakherrios , new ,
"CHEESE Full Cr n. , I4o ; Part
klm IHc.
WOODENWAUK TWO hoop pan * ,
95 ; three hoop palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub *
60 ; No. 2 tuba , . 8 50. No. 3 tubs. 7 60
lonoer wahboardb , I 85 Double Crown ,
! )0 ) ; Well buckets 3 2T .
LKAD Bar. SI 65.
SPICES. Pepper , | 19 ; AUspIce , 19c ;
Cloves , 40c ; Nutmegs , 81 00 : 25coasai ; ,
tnco 81 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , 90c ; round
ases , 87.05 : square cases , 85.10
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 13j.
holco lard , 14Jc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; should-
rs , 9c : hams , 13c ; bacon , sides , llic.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
9 00 ; do in half bbls , 6 25 ; smalls , in bbls ,
2 00 do , in half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , in
bis , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 60.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc :
iure apple , 13c : Prussim ? uure ounlo , IGc ,
HOMINY Now , 85 00 per bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked 81 20
ier bushel ; navy , 8t 00 ; calef navy , 81 00
ROPE Sisal , J inch and larger , 8@
c ; 1 inch , 9c.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330 ;
Cirk's uatinc 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 G5 ;
Cirk's Whi Russian , 500 : Kirk's
Eutoca , 20 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
100 cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia 55 ®
CANDLES Boxes , 40 lbn , 16 oz , 8a ,
Gcboxcs ; 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , Gs , IGc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' '
ye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case ,
90 ; Anchor Ball 2 dcz in case. 1 60.
FIELD SEED Red clover , cholco
ew , 80 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
ew , 87 00 ; white clover , now , 814 00
1 alfa clover , new , 812 50 ; alsike , new ,
1300. Timothy , good , new , 83 00 ;
lue grass , extra clean , 81 60 ; blue grass ,
lean , 81 25 ; orchard grass , 82 60 ; red top ,
loice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , 8100 to 8125 ;
lungarian. SOc.
HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5
ushels , $5 00 ; osage orange , 10 oushels or
vor. 84 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
00 Ibs. . $25 00.
FIS jL Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 0 70 ;
Jo. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits. 110 ; family
0 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per
eg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colur"-
ia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; Georg-
lank codfish , Oc ; Gen. boneless cod-iA. ,
Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
MACKEREL Half bbla mess mackerel ,
00 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do.
00 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
bs , G 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
Vo. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 60 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 75o.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
) cr case , 2 60 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
" 60 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 30 ; do
Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
ier case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , ]
i , per dozen , 1 60@170 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
' 55. Sardines , small lsh ; , imported , _ one
[ uarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American ,
juartor boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
HT box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
SO. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per
-ose , i3tfl ; Coi'i 2 Ib ( Mountain )
> cr case , 3 20 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 3 j
tring beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans
er case , 2 20. Succotash per case. 2 25.
'eas , common , per case , 2 00 ; pens , Choice ,
icr case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
80 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75s
aspborries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 76@3 00.
) anisons , 2 It ) , per cast ; , 2 45. Bartlett
ears per case , 3 Oo@4 00 , Whortleber-
ies per case , 2 SO. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
ise , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
5rpen gages,2 Ib per case , S 50 : do choice , 0
' ) per casL',4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 :
o 3 Ib , case , G 00@G 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , par
abe.385 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 60 ,
RICE Carolina , 7@8c ; Louisiana , 7
> 8Hc ; fair , G@GJ.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten-
essee , Oo per Ib ; fancy white , lOo per Ib ;
raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
npleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott
F , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7e ; Cabot W ,
to ; Chittenango A , Glc ; Ureat Falls E ,
| c ; Hooslcr , Glc ; Honest Width , 71c : In-
an Head A , 8 c ; Indian Standard A ,
Spj Indian Orchard d , w. , 81c ; Lawrence
Jj , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic : Pequot A , 8jo ;
Jhawmut LL. 7c ; Utica 0 , 54c ; Wachus-
tt B , 7ic ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12io ; Wal-
ott BB. 8Jc
4 ; 7io ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 c ;
A.tlantio LL. OJo ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Jennington C 4-4 , Gjc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJco
[ ndian Orchard A A 9-8. 8Jo ; Laconia O
9 , 8Jlc ; Lehigh E l-4.94c ; Lonsdalo 4-1 ,
Oc ; 1'epperell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do R
30 , Tie ; do E 39. 8Jc ; Pocassct C 4-1 , 7Jo ;
\Vamsutta4-l 13o
tin L 4-4flJc ; BlackstoneAA In perial HIC ;
10 do half "bleached M,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 ;
Fidulity4-l. OicjFrult of theLoom.lO ; do
can.lnio4-I,13cdoWatprT\viHt,10ioGreat ; ;
"all/iQ / , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-1 , 12o-
jonwlalo , lOo ; do cnnibrlc1 37 , 12io ; New
York JNIiils , 12c ; Pequot A. lOc ; Peppcrell
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontaa 4-1 , Ojc ;
" > ca < t 4-1 , 8Jc ; Utica , He ; Wamsutta
X X l ° ic
DUO'lCS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o
c ; Btltlmoro do , lOc ; Lone Star , 8 o r.
2c ; Savni.'o. 18c.
iiLOKS ( Colored ) Alb my K lio\vn.
Sc ; do 0 , ilrali ilst loX , stripes and
plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fail River
lirown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown , 13o : Neponset A brown , 15c.
TIOKJNGS-Amoskeag A 0 A 32
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrowanna ,
9Jc ; Claremont B B , 16Jc : Conestoga v
tra , 17io ; Hamilton D. llio Lewtston A
30 , 16c ; MInnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River 32 , 10c ; Put
nam XX blue utripe , 12c ; .Shetucket S
lOUc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8Jc
1)ENIMS , Amoskeak , blueand brown
ICJc ; Andover DD blue , ISic ; Arlington
blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord 000 , blue and
brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX
dodo 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , ,
9ic ; Mystic River DD stripe , 10 jc ; Pear
River , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uncaaville
blue and brown , 13 0.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 51c ; Eddyston
lining , 2-1 inch double face , 8ic ; Garnur A
glazed , 5c ; lanhattan glove fiuiuh , 5 c
NewiMJrt da Co ; do glazed , 6Jc ; Pequot d
6c ; iJockwwxl kid finish , Co.
CORSET JEANS'-Arnoty , 8cAndros ;
coggiu sutteen. BicjClarendcn , CScjConeH
toga Eotteens , 71o ; Hallowcl , 8c ; Indi7i
Or H3rd improved , 7icj NarrAgansott ,
Pepperill sattf n 9Jo ) Rookport , 7J
PRINTS. Aliens , ojo ; Amtrican , 6j < J |
Arnold , To ; Berwick. 4c ) Cooheco , 7c ;
Oonostogs. GJo ; Dunkirk , 4jo ; Dnnnell ,
'i@7o ; Eddystone. 7c : GhuwBtor , Cc ;
larmony , BJc ; Knickerbocker , 6Jc ; Mer-
imao 1) , 7c ; Mystic , CJc ; SpraciKW , 6c (
Southbridg 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7oj Llarl.
' > ere , 6Jc ; Oriental GJc.
GINGHAMS Amoftkcftfr , lOJc ; Atno
_ e\ ? dress 12 1 Argyle , lOlo ; Atlantic ,
c ; Cumberland , 7Jo ; Highland , 8c ;
Cenllworth , 8Jcj Plun kett , lOJcj Sus-
eXCOTTONADES Abborvllle ISJc ;
Veate , We ; American , He ; Artislan. 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T ,
7Jc ; Deccan Co.stripes DandT. 16c ; Key-
touo , 134c ; Nuntuckot , 19c ; Nonpareil ,
Co ; Ocean D and T , 13ic. Royal , 1GJ i ;
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 12ic ; Wachusett shirt-
n < t jhecks. 12jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York ,
ilain Nankin. 12ic ; do.chccka , stripes and
ancy , 12Hc ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
811KETINGS Androscogeln 10-4,27jo !
o 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
2 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1. 27i ; New
York mills 98 , arc ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22Jc ;
'oinbroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-4 , SSJc ) do
-4 , 19c : do 49 , IGc ; Peppcrell 96 , 29c ;
o G7 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utlca 90 , ! )5c ) ; do
8 , 22Jcj do 48. 17c
Clean and Tobaccot.
CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana ,
,50.00 ; ClcarHavana , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
4 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rope ,
rs ! . quality , ' 62c ; Star , pounds , 24
t } , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoo , pounds ,
4 U ) , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge ,
lounds , 24 Ib , butts , CO ; Army and Navy ,
rounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , OOr : I/orfl-
ard'a Climat , pounds , Glc.
FINE CUT-In palls.-Hanl to Beat ,
5c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain. 80c ;
worlta , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , fiOc ;
'ciicy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil
atlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib b3c ; Lori-
llanl's Tiger. 65c ; Diamond Crown , 660.
SMOKING All grades Common. 25to
? 3o. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 10
? 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , SOc ; Soal'of
Vorth Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras-
a , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , liutin bags
jerlb , 81.35 ; Marburgs'Puck , 2 ot , tin
oil , 5 5c : Dog Tall. G5c.
Palnti Olliand Varnlihei.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
' . P. , GJo ; white lead , O.P.&O Co .S.P.6i
ure,6oMarsalllcsgreen ; , Hto 5 Ib cans , 20o
Trench zinc , gi : < m seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
ed seal , He ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
Oc : French zince , in oil asst , 15c ; Raw
nd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and
urnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13 ;
efined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ;
"ory black , 16c ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian
lue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
reen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
reen , L. M. & Dy 14c ; Paris green. 18c ;
ndian red , 15c : Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
rt , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. & P. , ISc ;
hrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18o ;
ellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1'5 ' ; patent
ryer , Go ; graining colors : light oak. dark
at , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c
Dry "alnti
Vh te lead , GJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris
hiteing 2Ac ; whiting giMers. IJc ;
biting com'l , lie ; lampblack German-
own , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prus-
; an blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
rown , 80 ; umbor.lburnt , c ; umber , raw ,
csienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
'aris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l
25c ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom-
Teen K. , X2c ; verniillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver-
nillion , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc ,
oae pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
3c : Venetian red Am. , Ifc ; re-l lead , 7c ;
hrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel-
ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ocnre ,
Drench , 25c ; ochre , American , IJc ;
Vinter'a mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown. 2jc :
panish brown. 2jc ; Prince's mineral Sc ;
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon ,
'umiture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
1 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 40 ;
.Joach , No. 1 , 8120 ; Damar , 81 50 ; Japan.
Oc ; osphaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 50 : hard
11 finish. 31 30
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , HJc ; T50
eadlight , per gallon , ISJc ; 175 * headlight ,
jer gallon , 164c ; crystoline , per gallon , 19c ;
inseed , raw. per gallon , 02 ; linseed , boiled ,
: > er gallon , G5c ; lard , winter sti'd , pertjal-
on , 95 ; No. 1 , SOc'No. ; 2 , 65c ; castor ,
KXX. p r gallon , 1 30" ; 'No. 3 , 115 ; sweet ,
ier gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
35 ; fish , \V. B. . per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot ,
xtra , per gallon , 75c ; No , 1 , G5c ; luhri-
ating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ;
o'den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
, 0 : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tor-
entmo , per gallon , 05c ; naptha , 71 , per
allen , SOc ; Gt . 20c
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , § 340 ; plow steel , special
ast , 7c ; crucible,8c ; specialurGerinanGc ;
a t tool do , 15@20 wagon siiokes , bet ,
25@3,00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
ry , 1 10 ; tongues , each , 70@Snc ; axles ,
ach , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
vashers. i > er Ib , 818c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
-oil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 80 ;
ron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , fie ; harrow
ceth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
teel , 7@8c ; 15urden' horseshoes , 5 i5 ;
burden's muleshoes , 6 35.
NAILS 10 to UOd , 3 00 ; 8 to 10 , 8 75
> d , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 8d ,
"no , G 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Cd , casing.
75 ; 8d casing , 4 511 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd
nish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; 6d finish , 5 25
lalf kecs , 10q extra.
SHOT. Shot , S1.85 ; Buck shot , S2.10 ;
) riental Powder , kegs , 86.40 : do. , half
egs , 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast-
mr. ketts. 83.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50o.
BAl.BED WII5E In car lots , 8 30 per
00 ; in less than cor lots. 8 55 per 10J ,
Hones and Mulei.
The market is brisk and all grades nro
jlling well at ilieht advance in pi Ices ,
'he demand for good horses exceeds the
upply considerably. Prices range o { clews
ows :
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
raft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common draJt
orses , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses ,
110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
90. to 8100. ; Extra plugi , SIX ) , to 75 , ;
Common plugs. 320. to $40.
MULEH. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8126 ,
n.50. ; UJ to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
to 145 bauds , 875. to 100. ; 13J to 14
Llquori ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 230 per wlno
allen ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
3i ) per proof gallon ; triple relined npirits ,
87 proof , 12tper proof gallon ; re-distilled
crinkles , 1 00@1 5U ; fine blended , 1 50 ®
50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; K n-
uclcv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00fo7 ; 00
BftANDIKS Imported , ? 6 OOfelO 00 ;
.omcHtio 140 ® 00.
GINS Ire.iorted , 4 50@6 OU ; domestic ,
40@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 flOtf/.O 00 ; New
Jncland. 2 004 00 ; donieitic , 1 60@3 50
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
iSOOCSj'JI OjAasrUo , case , 1200 ®
CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00
WINES Rhino wine , per case , 0 00 ®
2000 ; Catawba , per i-asu , I t 07 00.
We quote lumber , lath and shingles on
cars at Omaha at the following prices ;
mder , 821'OOj 18 ft. , $22 00.
TIMBERS 10 ft. an-1 under. 822 00 ,
TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 823 or ;
20 ft. , 824 00 ; 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 24 ft. , 827 50 ,
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 in , , * 22 00 ;
No. 2 , 820 CO.
SHEETING No , 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) 818 50 ; No. 2 , 817 00.
STOOKI BOARDS-12-in. I ) , 823 00 ;
IV-in. C. S35 00 ; 12-in. B , 840 00 ,
SIDING A , 821 09 ; B , 821 00 ; C ,
FLOORING-A , 840 00 ; B , 837 50 ; 0 ,
§ 32 00 ; D , S23 00.
SHINGLES-Ko. 1 , 81 75 ; 6-in. clear ,
§ 2 75 ; star , S3 25 ; extra A , 8J 00.
LATH-NO. 1.8360.
SHIP LAP-Plain , 823 00 ; 0. G. Nor
" $21 00 ; O. U. No. 1 , 835 00.
OKILINO j-lii. No , 3 , S2500jin
No. 2. 837 00 ; jS-in. No. 1 , 812 50 ,
FINISIIING-l-ln.No,3 , S37 50 ; 1-In
No 2 , 813 50 ; 1-ln. No. 1 , 818 60.
THICK FINISH 81800@5.r.00.
STRAW BOARD-l'er Ib , Sc ,
BulldlPR Material.
LIME I'M barrel , 81 85 ; bulk per bn
I6o. Cement , bbl , 82 60. Iowa plaate
jbl , 82 60. Hair per bit , Ko. Tarre.
elt 100 Ibi , $3 60. Straw board , $4 CO
PAPER Straw paper , 8c ; rag paper
0 } dry goods napor , 7o ; inanUA paper , lOo
news paper. 8c.
COAIi-Cumbcrland blaeksmiUi , 812
forri.i Run BloRsburg , (12 ; Whlt brea *
mnp , ? G 60 ; Whltobroast nut. 80 60 ; Iowa
ump , $0 60 ; Iowa nut 80 60 ; Rock Spring * ,
1 ; Anthracite , all size * , 812 00@12 60.
Jarbollc , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , riOc ; Balsam
3opabla , per Ib , 75c ; Bark , Sawiafras , per
j , Me ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonldin ,
> er oz , 81 00 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100 ;
lover's powderK , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epson
alts , | > or Ib. Sic ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
5c ; I/eiul , Acetate , pr Ib , 24c ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , PI 80 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8126 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal. 81 60 ; Oil , Origanum. 60o
Opium , 85 25 ; Quinine P. k W. k R. & S. ,
> or oz , 82 40 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib ]
2 35 ; Salacin , per or. , 40c ; Sulphate ol
Morphine , per oz , 84 00 ; Sulphur Hour ,
10r Ib , 4Jc ; Strychnine , uer oz. SI 60.
i Alerino unwashed , light , 14ltk > ; heavy ,
3@16c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ;
vashed , cholco , S2c : fair , SOc ; tub-dingy
, nd w , , 28c ; hurry , hlackand cotted wool *
! @Cc less
Hldet f-ur * , Etc.
HIDES lireen butcher's hldo , ; CJft
urod 71c ; Melon , green salt , part cured 7 >
ildes , t > lc ; dry Hint , sound. 13@14c ; dry
* lf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hidesHouiul ,
l@12c ; ( jrecu calf. wt. 8 to 15 IK. 10llo ;
reen calf , vrt , under 8 U > s , per skin. WV"
reen tralu , 50 ( ! 81 2o ; grreu lamb skins ,
jl 10@12.rn damaged bidet , two-third n t ( %
ut scored nnd ono irnili , claused two'
Llrds rnto , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off ,
" > eon sklnB , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
-O.j No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
SOc ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,
jOcj No. 2,26o. Skunk , No. 1. black ,
< 5c ; short Btripo , 40c ! narrow ntrlpo 26c ;
road stripe , lOc. Tallow , IV ,
Oak nolp , 38c to 42c ; liemlock 8o , 28o to
Cc ; he i ok kip , 80s to 100 ; runner ,
j."c tu 80c ; hondock c < lf , 8 o to 1 20 ; hem *
ock up.itr , 23o to 2Gc ; oa < u per. 24c ;
llleat. . ! , 100 tofi 50 ; cdf kid , 32@3-c ;
Grcisen kid , 260 to 2 75 ; oak kip , bUo to
00 ; o.ik CMlf , 1 0 to 1 3i > ; French kip ,
10 to 1 55 ; F.eiich c.ilf , I 25 to 2 00 ; rut-
etta , 6 50 to 7 50 ; liningH , G 00 tu 8 60 ;
opmngs , 9 no to 1060 ; B L. Morocco , SOc
, o SOc ; ebblo O. D. Morocco , 35c ; Klmon ,
rO to i 00
HAIt VESS-Nn. 1 - tnroakUlc ; No 2
in , 40vj No. 1 Oliln oak , It'c ' ; No. 2 do ,
7c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 'Wo ; N' " . 2 do , 3Gc.
Coruioll BrnffN Mnrliot.
Klour Crystal Alills Golden Sheat ,
00 ; Californi.i I'.ureka , patent , 3 81 ; best
nand of Ktiiinns , 350 3 ! M ) ; Kansas and
Missouri flour , 8 50(3)4 ( ) ' . ' 5 ; graham , S 76 ;
ye flour , 3 40.
Bran and Short * 15 0(1 ( per ton
Chop Corn 2U 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 8112@116 ; No. S , 72o ;
ejected , 62c.
Corn 52.
Oats No. 2 , 40o ; rejected , 35c.
Barley No. 2 , 90c ; No , 3 , 75c ,
Hay Loose , 5 00@6 00.
Wood-5 50 ® 7 00.
Live Hogs 5 25@5 75.
Cattle Shipping , 4 605 00 ; milch
own 30 00@45 00 per head ; butchers
lock , 3 00@3 50.
Sheep75@4 25.
G Hides 5c ; G S hides , 7c.
Wool 15@'J5.
Butter Creamery , SOc ; in rolls , wrap
> ed , 25c : rolls not wrapped , 20c ; .mixed
olors , 15@20c.
Eggs - Pockedc \ ; fresh , 15o.
Potatoes 1 SO ; Salt Lake , 1 50.
Onions 1 25@140.
Dressed Poultry Chickens , lOc ; ducks ,
Oc ; geese , 8c ; turkeys , 12Jc.
Live Chickens 2 25 per dozen.
Clilcneo frodnoe.
CHIOAOO. March 27.
Flour Steady and about unchtnKPd ;
ommon to choice western fliiring , 4 50 ®
> 7riMinnes'ita ; , 6 75@8 25 ; winter wheit
lourj , 4 50@700rve ; ( lour , 4 85@515 ;
mckwheat do. , 4 55 ( ) 00.
Wheat In No. 2 spring only a medium
jusinesH was traiiMicted and , while the
eeliig was Fiimewhat unsettled , prices
veragcd higher all round , th ai h the lull
mp ovement was not suntainoil through-
nit t-ie entire session. The market opon-
d about ; § ( SJc higher , but weaMii'd
.uukly unit declined ( J i : , then rallied
ii'iur n good spuculalivo ilenmnd aiul
> ricin were ndvntictd about Ic uhu\ i _ m-
KH figuruK ; became wnxl ; aiain , do lining
© gc ; Ihu tinted , and finally close ! nUmt ,
® Jo bettir on the ifgulai board , and on
, U1 at 1 3oc for ca h and March ; I 35 for
Vpril ; 130g forMiy ; 1 29jj fur June ; 1 26
r July ; 1 12f . Angunt ; 103 for the
ear ; No. 3 spring quiet at IIUJC HI ;
ejected , 80Jc.
Corn Quiet- , but active on speculative
ccount , and the mirlet ; : ruled stronger
urmg the greater portion of the day. At
lie opening the market WAS ( inner and
rices were i@lc higher , which was fol-
owed by a turtlier apjruca ! ion of J@S- ! ;
atcr , however , the feeling ruled easier and
lie greater portion of the advance was
oil. Shipping demand was moderate for
11 g ados on call and the hoard. No , 2
loscd at 03ic for cash , March and A ril ;
8i@i8 ( c fir May ; i > 81@68Bc for Juue ;
840 for July ; 55Ao for the year ; high
nixed 68c ; rejected in good demand at
Oats-Firm , on account of the fcarcity
f oderincs. No. 2 closed at 43Jo for coau
nd Anril ; 46jJ@46o for Muy ; 45JO for
une ; 43 o for July.
Rye Dull and ncg'ected ; No , 2 , SOc fur
ipril ; 860 for May.
Barley Inactive and not much doin ; ;
STo. 2 , 1 00@1 01 for cash ; No. 3 , 8Jc for
larch ; 82 < g8i. ic for April.
Pork Moderately active. Mess closed
117 12J@17 25 for cnsh ; 17 05 for April ;
7/7J for May ; 17474 for .lime ; 1760
or July ; 10 00 fur the year
Lard Attiyo nnd linn , closing at 10 8" >
jlO 87i tor caih aud Apiil } 11 024@ll 05
nrMnvll ; IRfnr Juno ; 11 274 f' " Jll > ;
I 42i for September ; 10 70 iui thu v < r.
15uti < MU.UH Firm ; i-hortillw , 9 5 i for
\ hl ; ! 15 for April ; U5iJ@.r.5 ! for Muy ;
'OStorJune ' ; 9 75 for July ; 980 for Au-
: iiHt.
Whisky Steady at 11H.
Butter Firmer. Oreainery. thnico to
auuy-10Sj ( I2o ; fair to good do , 2l(2,3f-c ( ;
lairy , choice to lancy , 32@37t ; do fair
H good , 'ii3@8c ' ; frtsh inaild packing
tock , 18@i8o ! ; l'iw ' grades , 10o13o ( ; ; grea r ,
® 9c ; roll , l.M lie for coiumon to fair ,
! 8fe30o fur goo i 10 cholco. .
H'KM Ealei ; i-alcx only to local trade
Strictly fresh , 1 U@15ir.
Reo'ts Shipm'ts
'lour 1,973 10,7oli
Wluat 13,321 13,112
orn a 0OJ 72,8'i7
Oats 87,711 6i.liy ! ,
lye 1,000 5157
Jarlev 17,651 9,801
Chicago JLive Stook.
CIIIOAQO , March 27 ,
The Drover's Journal reports as foil ws
Hogs Receipts , 21 OOOhend. The mar
< et was weak at the opening , as the re
ceipts showed a marked increase over any
day for a few weeks pa t. On an average
sales were lOc lower. Sorting was rjulto
cl me and the trade cloned weak with some
rough stock unsold Common to gooc'
mixed , 6 15@G 65 ; hardly an v really prlun
hogs \iero to bu fount and the geiara
( ( utility of the offerings was not good ; guoi
to cholco packiiii ; anil shipping hogs noli
at about ( i70fe7 ( K ) , with a ( uw thick heuv
droves at 7 15725 ; a few | di
hogs , intludlng but.lient' ' and Phlladelphl :
IKIO'K , so d at G ti" ) , but by far the bulK o
thu light hogo bold below < iC5GGO ; fai
tu good luU went at C 40@U 60 , aul com
HIGH iil0-a were sold at G 20G 35 ; buyer
sorted very vlobely to-day , and many hu
that would havti been taken withoui
inunnur la-t week were rejected , and buy
CM of very light stock made their pur
very oheap ; skip * nnd ttilt * at 5 25
QJG 15.
Cattle-aoceipt * . SJOO ! bend. Hft.flpt
were ipiit > hrj * for the < ptiiilij dap of
thcw.-i.fc i/nt / > [ / rtnj. * con i/itel / chltffly
of 'umiiii n-ii iu ii ii rsitlr 'I'lrc ifeu-
eiftl lOlhli rtj | , f l [ in tliitt Ki1 IfH *
actl.e , lmi ( vjr/.rt oilv f , which wrm r | * r-
In/ly olTrred and for wli.oli then ! i a
> li rp ilcnund , w4d qulcklv l. dtiMtig ff
mer ratei. ( Jowl In rholc. ' whipping
? . ! * . ' . wpre "lfftJyi hut common lo lair
killing" cattle wer a mlto ( lnw and fold
at pricei 10,5 lowr. Orders fi > r prime
cattle to export nlhe are moro tlmn eiiuil
to the Mipply , nnd a nuinbef gn In field
while for bnyonc gettlnu what they
nnt.'n } tnp w"v o' iit | lltv : o.Hiimon
"hipping , MVf > MI luir. 6874 000 ;
medium , fi ( Hi ( ; S 1 . ; chime , 0 lo/tO ( 70 |
export , 0 7 < * ' < fl'7 80 ; mi ml liulcheis stock
liiiet ; COWBJ IKKi ? , ! r.5 ; bulU , 2 60@5 40 ;
Btre , 637J@ri80 ; stolen and fewlcM
dull snd wcik nt 3 20@f. 00.
Snrcj ) Kro'lptt 400 head. Slow i llor-
Ing < ; pmir Nebraska , 4 60 ® I M ; fair to
tnedhiin , 6 00@ ; > 85.
St. IioniH Prodnoo.
ST. Louis , March 20.
1 lourSteady , hut iiulet ) fancy , 0 I0@
G SO ; choice , 0 lOffiO 21 ; family , 51 @ 6 76 ,
XXX , 5 00fe6 05 ; XX , R 5" .
\\heit llinhur but no utabllity 131 fore
o Bh ; ISl.for M rch ; 1 82 for ; ! 33J for
Mav ; 125J for , lune ; 1 111 for July ,
" " '
- -
-u fortf ,
'or August ; < S2jo | for the ) cur.
O.iUIn demand and 1-1-h r ; 4Uio for
oa h ; Ific fur March ; -tfijc for April ; 4Gjc
for Mn45J ; for June ; 40c fur July.
UeDull and easier iitXIfff.S. , . .
Harlcy I.lttlo iloiim nt "I'dftSf '
l < ead Dull imd uncliHlifed ; 1 Ml for rej ;
I IUJ ru-kcd.
Butt r Klni'cr and ncnroe ! v cninory ,
40@42c ; dairy , 35@Wc. :
l.sgn Dull and wok at IL'ic
Whisky Active at 1 17.
Flax Seed Klrm ; f ales at 1 33.
Purkrirm and 16o higher ; 17 70 for
cosh ; 17 1)0 for Apii' ' ; 17 60 for May.
Ltrd Nominal nt h gher ; refined -
fined atlU@lli'c.
Now York Produce.
NKW YOUK , March 27.
Flour Shacio Htromjir and in moderate
Icinnnd ; No. 2. 2 80@H 50 ; superfine ,
) 8 , @ 1 00 ; southern flour firm ; common
0 choice txtr.i , 6 20@8 00.
Wheat- Opened 4oo ) higher , cloning
weak ; No. 3 rod , * 137@t H7J ; mixed
v Inter , 1 38 ; No. V. red. April , 1I3J
@ 144 ; do May , -I23@l 42J ; do June ,
38@1 3SJ.
Corn -Opened ic higher , cloMng scarcely
o.finn ; ungraded mixed red , 73@77 } : ND.
2. 7Cc ; No. 2 mixed , March 75J@
" 0 ; do May , 70@76i ; do Juno , 70J.
Outs ' . @llc higher and fairly active ;
No. 1 white , 59c ; No. 2 do , 58o ; No. 1
mixed , Me ; mixed western , 63@5Gc ; mixed
tate , 54@r GJc ; No. i ! mixed March , 6 ? c ;
March , 5IJ@6.rc.
Itye Firm and quiet at 88(5911 ( .
B i ) ley Firm and scarce.
fork Strong and quie" ; new mess , 17 60
@ 17 G2J on spot.
Lard Strong , fairly active , 11 15 J , cash ;
1 10@11 13f , r March and April.
Petroleum Market finn , quiet and
inchanged ; crude , in barrels , 3J@7Jc ! ;
moth i , in ban * ! * , 3Jc asked ; re
ined here and in Jialtimoro , In barrels ,
Tie ; do Philadelphia 7jjc
StXouli X.lye Stock-
St. Louis , March 27.
Cattle Slow and quiet for want ot of-
e rings ; exports , G GO@G 85 ; good to
choice natives , G 00@G 40 ; medium to
choice butchers' , 5 50 ; native stocker * ,
3 20@420 ; native cows and heifers , 3 70
@ 5 00. Iteceipts , 1.123 head ; shipments
. ' 20 head.
Hogs Market values nominally at G 00
( < rl ! 25 fur light ; Yorkeis , 0 40@0 GO ;
Baltimorus , G CU@G 70 ; packing , G 20@
G 50 ; butchers aud select , G S0@7 20 ; pigs.
GOOGG15. Ifeceipts , 2,730 heail ; ship
ments , 129 head.
City Prodnco Murliot.
KANHAH CITV , March 27.
Wheat Slow hut lirmNo. ; 2 , cash , 1 18 ;
Mntbh , 11H ; pril , 1 17.J : No. 3 caah ,
Uc ; March , 'Jiljc ; April , USie ; May ,
Sc ; June , 9 c ; No.1 cash , b'Jjo ; March ,
7o ; May. 87o.
Corn - Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , cash , G2J ;
larch , ( Me ; April , fi'cMay \ , G3J@G32e.
une. G.'Uc ; No. 2 unite mixed , caah ,
April , 70fc ; May , 7 ( Ju
Oats 1'Vm ; No. 2 earli. 4Sjjc ; March ,
7Jc ; April , 48c.
Iluc'ts. Khlpm'tn.
Vhcat . 2,671 ! 1,014
Uorn . 20,177 9 , ! > 81
City Iilyo Stooh.
KANHAH Cm , March 20.
Cattle Receipts 219 : shipments. nonnj
tarket slow jjiid woofc at a decline of
rom 5(510j ( ! from Saturday' prices ; naIve -
Ive Hhippers runae from 5 2.1@G 15 ;
utchers" stock , 5 00@fi 90 ; native COWH ,
50@4 50.
llogt Uecelpts , 2,321 ; shipmentH , 551 ;
larket weak at a decline of 5n from Hit-
rday's pricex , choice heavy. G 25(3)6 ( ) 75 ;
mixed packing. G 00@G 25 ; light flipping ,
50@5 GO. _ _
En t Liberty Live Stoolr.
UABT LIIJKUTIT. Pa , , March 27.
Cattle -Active ( 10@15o higher ; receipts ,
,120 bead ; shipments , 1,921 head.
Hogs Slow ; roieiptK , 4,700 head ; ship-
nents , 4.500 held ; I'hlladelphiaK , 7 25 ®
28 ; Yorkerc , GGOC40 80.
Sheep Finn and unchanirod ; receipts ,
,2001101(1 , ; shipments , tOO head.
Tolutlo Proauon.
ToLtno , March 27
Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2 , oisli , 1 lllj
Mircli , 1 id askcil ; April 13I [ ; May ,
31B .ruiio , 1 31Zl July 1 ir./j ' / Augmt ,
124askolyoar ; , I 103. '
Corn Litdu iloiiif ; high intxod , 7H@
2c ; for No. 2 LWJ * ! , COgc ; March , cam
Oo ; April , ( iiljc ; Al.iy , H9 c ; June. 70u
sko 1 ; yenr , GOc.
H Undiluted.
Oil Market.
I'lTTHiiuno , March 27
The oil maikit , op lied at 82Jc ; anil
closed at noon at 82 Jo ; April , 82 u May ,
81gc ; Juno , 87c ; Now York rcliiied , 5Jc ;
Antwerp. 18 francs. Shipment * fide
water , 150 barrels ; charteic , 89,285 , bar
rels. I'itUburg sales , 58r,000 barrels.
I'ittsbiirgexilungoHtock , 1 * i\
Pcorlu. Prodooo.
PKOIIIA , March 27.
Corn Irregular , active aud higher :
high mixed , iWJ@G7o ; mlxo' ' , ( ! ( li@GO o.
Oats Firm and higher ; No , 2 white
live-.form and Inactive ; No. 2 , 8G@851 ;
Hfghwines Unchanged at 1 10.
lleo'ta. Ship'ts
Wheat. , 900 47r
Corn. . . . 00,200 59,000
Oats 31,700 ll,87r
Ky 1,500 1.50
Barley 3.W10 Non
Liverpool Proiluoo.
l.iV iiruoi. , March 27.
Flour American , 10j@12i.
Wheat-Winter , 94 Od.10) ( ) Cd ; white
GdSj9 ( < 9il ; rprlnf , 0 , @ 10d ; club , 9a 9 (
IO < 2d.
Corn Gi for new , andGd for old.
Pork 77s.
Lard-Kb * Gd.
Cleveland Haricot ,
CLKvr.i-A.yn , March 27.
Petroleum Quiet and uteaJy ; nUuidar
wliltu , 110 teat , 7o.
Clnclawntl Prodno * .
CtNCiHXATi , Murch 27.
Me s Pork Kirn nt IS 00.
Iml IMine ttenui. 10 tfttftilD 87j.
Bulk Meat-Clour sides held at 10 10 ®
10 12J.
Bnc-m Clear BIU'OH in light supply , an.
held at 10 76 ; * ith ivitoi t 10 70.
Klour CliwQil tHiipt > i l steady ; wlnlo
, hVat no ed'fhu' ; No. 2 red , 1 3K3) )
I'oru - rirm ; No. U mlicd,72@72c.
OaU- Scarce and firm ; No. 2 mhci'r
Uyp Klrmj fair demand ; Nr2 , 9Ic.
Barley No. 2 full , ( > 8c@l PCt
\VhiKy Lower atid talrly vjtlvo at
1 Ib ,
Baltimore Prodnoo ,
lAt/micmK , March 27.
Klour Firmer.
Wheat Southern firm ; full1 3T > @
1 10 ; Ix-iK-lx-rry , 1 4.p.@l 48 ; No. 2 red
winter , > 374 'or ' March.
Corn While southern otcady at 80c ]
yellow steady at 7ic ! ; mixed wcxtern firn
at 75u bid fur cnsli nnd March ,
PhlliMlolDhln Prodnoo.
Wheat Firmer at 1 3'J@1 401 for cash
and March ,
Corn at 7"'i@7Co for cash }
75@70o for March ,
OaU Firm at 67@58c fur caihi 50
@ 58o for March.
Uyo-O.ulct at 8 @S e.
Dry QoodK Market ,
f EW YOUK , March 27.
Thu dr > goodi uinrket was rather quiet
o-day , tlui uufavivrnbo condition of the
weath- ha lug cawed many buyers to
cftr opornlloiin fur the pie ent. The do-
mud t liiH1 liaLds was li regular aud
ipon tin ) wh In sluKglsh , but a pr.tty lair
lUhlncfH in di.u rstlo prints and dejiart *
ncnt goods was roportni by some of the
i-ailing jolib rs.
Turpentine Market
NS'ii-MiNOTON , N. C. , March 27.
Ho iu Firm' strained , 1 M ; good , 1 95.
SpirlU Firm at 55.
Tar--Firniat 1 70i
Boffalo-Llvo Stooh.
KABT UUKPALO , Mar fc 27.
Hogs Dull ; receipts , 42 ; shipments ,
7 : Yorkers , G10@7 ! 10 ; good medium ,
15g72J. (
Cotton Market.
NKW YOUK , March 2G.
Cotton Spot cotton dull ; quotations
nclmuged ; sales : 69 bales for export ;
32 bales spinners' ; L'5 bales delivered on
contracts ; futures cloned barely rteitily ;
,100 higher tlmn lust Saturday ; Maicn ,
2 < ail ! ; April , 121J@123 ; May , 12.18 ®
2.49 1 une , li ! ( > 5@12.G ( ! .
Sacramento mills patent Ibur ( red
irand ) . Our best Kuruka patent flour
blue- brand ) . The only patent ( lour niivn-
ifacturod ou the Pacltio coast. Wo claim
t is the whitest , strongest and best family
our in thu state. Ask your grocer for it ,
'ry it and you will use no other.
E. M. McCliKAiiv It Co. ,
T. .1. EVANS , Agent ,
Crystal Mil' ' Council Bluff"
Sherman Can field returned yesterday
fter an extended absence from the city.
Hon. 0. P. Matthewson went w st
'cstorday. '
J. G. Pollock , Union Pacific Agent at
Norfolk , who haa been in the city for HOV-
raldays , left for homo yesterday.
Mr. L. Jaukwoskl , of the Union Pacific
leadquarters , returned from a two weeks'
isit to Denver and Pueblo yesterday ,
mle and hearty.
Mr , and Mrs. M. A. M , Namara and
bildron left 'last evening on the Denver
xpress for Sterling , Colorado , where Airs.
kloNamara and the children will remain
vith her parents for name time.
Mr Peter Wolfe , the blushing blonde o
'he Howard .Reporter , is viewing the scenes
" " the . Heroes
f recent "carnage" on dump.
oes homo this morning.
Among the many v isitow in the city on
aturdiy was Mr. A. P. llankin , of Chi-
ago , who represents the St. Louis Lead
nd Oil Jompany , Mr. Hankin Is a very
cnial gentleman whoso acquaintance it is
grsat plsasiiro to make. Ho was visiting
10 popular Pullman car conductor on the
Jnion Pacific railroad , Sam Minton
hey were school mates and have been life-
ems friends and aru emphatically a "good
> air to draw t' ) , "
KHIIIINO'H KIIKHU ! Salve hau genuine
lorit , as all who usu it will testify. Price
r.c. Tiylt.
A Largo Supply of Sham Oolnu In Cir
culation Tbo Dollaro of 1813
toBoTroatod With Suspi
The Sub Treasury oflicwls furnish
OHIO facts with rofcronco to couutor-
oiting silver coin that uruinturuating.
'ho matter of the counterfeiting of
ilvor dollars is becoming a serious
natter. The Into counterfeits are ,
omo of them , of a very dangerous
ort , being so perfectly executed as to
hnost deify detection , oven in the
wnks. It is not un uncommon thing
f > find from fifteen to twenty counter *
oit dollars in every consignment of
110,000 received in the Sub-Treasury
rom the banks. On Tuesday two
were found in a miwll consi iirnent of
inly S100 from one of tlio banks. Tlio
jounterfoils nro so like the genuine
dollar in appearance , weight and ring
hut they iradily pins : through the
junka , tlio oluclnlB of whioli are goii
orally accounted exceptionally quail
led to diacover anything f the aort
DoiintorfejtH of tlio ( lollurs of ' 7 8 , 79.
80 and'81 are moat manor uos and
here are several different onus ou
'or euoli year. Tlio unrest way of d o
Deling them in the ordinary coureo o
Business trading is to examine tliu
nilling , It will bo found to bo some
what irregular , and may bo the easier
seen upon comparison with a genuine
dollar. Most of these counterfeits are
mudu of soft metal and have u coating
> f silver. One of them is made of a
composition of which glass is an ingredient
When "counter
gredient , stamped
feit" at the Bub-treasury , the dollar o
tnis make llifs into pieces just as woult
a piece of glass ,
There is but little doubt that thesi
counterfeits are made in Chicago , o
at least are issued hero. Consignments
monts of silver to the Bub-Trousur
from the con a try are almost entirol
free from counterfeits , while consign
menU from the city banks and larg
I'uusos , as before stUed , will uverag
fifteen to twenty counterfeits in over
$10,000. , Not long ago a muu ofl'ere
for u considerable BUIII of money t
inform the Treasury ollioiala ot u. ma
who had justropaired u "pounurfeil (
ing machine , " thus giving a clu
which might be followed up to th
conviction of n coantorfeiting gan (
The Treasury hud no money apuropr
ntcd for UBO in this way and Wirid not
accept the ofler. Why the m. < * whtr
wiahed lo equonl was not tnkert ftfttr (
ciistody docs not appear ,
The most dangerous counterfort of
the silver dollar , however , is ono oP
tlio JBSUO of 1843. Only a few R'
them have into thn
como Sub-Treasu
ry , nnd it is probable that they havo'
boon out but n short time. At the
Sub-Treasury thia counterfeit is pro
nounced the finest over executed ,
Tlio weight , Rcnoml appearance and
milling are almost indistinguishable
from tlioso of the genuine dollar.
The ring , though , is not quitcmo clear
and boll-like. The counterfeit is
nlxrot half silver , and atid haa no of
feet upon it until applied to tbs in-
torioT , a liolo being nccoMarily drilled
nt leiwt a third of the way throuqA for
the purjwso. Aside from tlio fact of
this counterfeit being so perfectly ex-
ccutod , thu fact that it boaro-tlio onto
of 1847- renders it much the inuco
dnngorouo. Thpro vns not much' , i
any , counterfeiting done as onrly m
18-II ! , and had thuro been all the snui
riotis coin would have long since clia
appeared. When one gets a dollarr
jonring BO old a dito it is unhesitat
ingly accepted without careful eoniti-
ny. Ono naturally jumps to the win-
jlusion that the coin was really inmitd'
in the year photv n by the date and
must bo n good ono , and is < likely t < r
.hink , if ho thinks much about it ; ,
.lint only the Into issues are now
counterfeited , and for the most pnrt
such is thu case. The fact that thcr
com appears to bo ono of the "dollars-
of our daddies" is calculated1 to dis-
irm suspicion , and it was a clever'
doa of the counterfeiter to select an
old issue in preference to a latoono. .
The genuine dollars of 1843 are of > "
course not very numerous in circula-
ion nowj nnd the chances are very
; reat against any given person being
ondored ono of them from ono year's
end to another. If anyone thenifl -
olFored a dollar bearing , that date , ho
nay bo certain that the chances are in
nvor of its being a counterfeit , oven
hough to him it may appear perfectly1
; ood.
"Stewart's" Closing Out.
Uiltlmora American.
There is a rumor , which I give for
what it is worth , that the A. T. Stow-
art.cstatojs gradually closing out and *
oiling out its vast manufacturing nudi
r ad ing interests in anticipation of ru-
inquisliing business altogether. There-
s no one now , it is said , who has any
ongor any interest in keeping the-
msiness together and devoting the
time and personal attention necessary
to enable it to comneto successfully
and maintain its leading position witn
other great firms. Judge Hilton doea
not like the detail of trade , and sees
no glory/in the future that has not al
ready boon reached by this famous
louse. To have taken such a step at
nco would have brought ruin upon
iiousands ; to do it gradually , nllow-
ngitto pass from ono into many
lands , can hardly seriously incoiu-
node any. There was a time when
no loss of A. T. Stewart'sdrygooda
tcro would have boon looked , upon an
personal misfortune , not only by
women in Now York , but throughout
10 entire country. A. T. Stewart
was the first man in the trade , in thift <
ountry to adopt fixed 'prices , , and i
might doubtless bo Baidan the world , ,
inco the Now York system haa com-
> ollod the adoption of the same rule'
if late years in Paris and Bondon.
lo also regulated prices and' kept
liom at a moderate standard for a.
uarter of a century , during which
mo ho practically controlled the
larket. Thirty-five years aqo "Stow-
rt's" was already known throughout
10 country , and country maids and
latroim made regular pilgrimaged to
10 great white store on the corner of
linmuen ntreot , whore they wcro
8uro" of what they bought , and of'
utting the worth of their money ,
/omen ewe a debt of gratitude to A.
. Stewart , notwithstanding the fail-
re of his intention to pro vide a homo
or working girls.
Agent I.
Railroad Oatflt on Short Notloo-
, lltb St. , Near Farnham.
i now open to the public with a full supply o
Cut Flowers and. Plants
or Bale. We will lie glad to nave the public
call and see u >
Bouquets or Any Floral Doolffn Modo-
to Order
City Orocn Houuf , H.V. . Cot 17tli and Web-
t r , ono block Jrom Ifitli strout oara. Nursory.
Jaitroot , opixialto Foil. Jas. V. CrAlLHormt. .
nd Landscaiiu Gardner. KobSOin.
Dy Richard Grant White ,
noun of the richly illustiatod articles in
It iilaltu Iroai 1-lCof a u Inch to
idth In the conryoht ( olts or tliioat sllkt
It < loua all kind ) and ntyle. ol I laltln ? In U90v
No luly that ilcwa her own Urwa maklni ; can
attord to do without one as nice plaiting 1 *
never out ot fashion , if Keen It sells Itself , For
Uachlnea , ClrcuUrn or AKisnt'a tarnii aUdresK
liadamsSt. . Chlcaro. Ill
Gen'l ' Insurance Agent
rtiovnu Audurancu Co. , ol Londoo ,
WcetL-hcsaer , . Y. , Capital . I.OOO.OW.OO
The Merchants , of Newark , N. J , ,
Capital , . . , . 1,276,000.0
Glitd Klro , I'hlhdclphla , Capital. . . , 1,800,000.0
Flremeu'd J und . , . 1,239,016.0.
UrltliJi Amurlca Amuranca Co . 1,600,000
Offlco , Boya's ' Opera HOUBB ,
l-'ic t yi'iu-s' trial ujs provun "BLACK *
pRAUCit'1Tlt ! llio beat liver n