DAILY BM : lUESDAF MAJRGK 28 The Omaha Bee Published ijvery morning , except Sunday , Ch only Monday morning ( tally , rKKMSUYMAIL- 9na YM . $10.00 I Thre Honth . ? 3.00 0U Months. 6.00 1 One . . 1.00 rHE WKEKLY BKE , rmblUkeder. ery Wednesday. TJERM8 POST PAIDt- OnaYear. . $2.00 I Three Months. , 60 BlxMomthR. . . . 1.00On | . . 20 UORTlESrwNDENOE All Common ! . atlons relating to News and Editorial mnt- era should be addremod to the Kotron or DUSINES3 LETTERS-A11 Btulnem L tt n And Remittance * should bo ad' droR&d to THE OMAHA PUBUSHINO COM- PAHT , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * and Pont- Otfica Orders to be made payable to the order of the Company. OUm PUBLISHING ( JO , , Prop'rs , E nOSEWA'AXK. Editor. WITH store and house rents up to the top notch , employers and employ ees both appear to bo "working for the landlord. " ST. Lows is still loudly cursing her macadam pavements. The Post-Dis patch says that the city it nothing but a big overgrown village , which wallows in the mud ono half of the year and gasps in dust the other half. ALBXANDKU FALCONBR , a member of Plymouth church , Brooklyn , has been arrested on the charge of per sistently annoying the daughter of n resident on Columbus Heights with Jove letters. This sort of thing seems to run in the Plymouth family. TIJK state department is about to discontinue the publication of the consular reports , The problem ' .f how to furnish employment for our foreign consuls in order to keep them out of mischief again appears in the foreground. . DuniNo thirteen years the various Pacific railroads cleared not earnings amounting to over ono hundred and fifty-seven millions of dollars. This vast sum of money is the result of systematic extortion and heartless plundering of the producers of the country which would put to shame a Turkish tax gatherer. A. MOVEMENT is ou foot to erect a monument to Alexander Hamilton , at Wohawkon , the spot whore ho fell in a duel with Aaron Burr. The movement otight to fail. A great deal of sentiment has * boon wasted OVQT -what was called the untimely death of Hamilton , who died while engaged in a violation of the laws for which ho was equally responsible with his chal lenger. As the truth becomes known there is more and more a disposition to admit that while Burr was no an gel , Hamilton was far from being a saint , cither fin his private or public life. JOHN DOE AND THE GRAND JURY. The special grand jury cunvon ed a the instance of Attorney General Dill- worth to indict pattie.s that wore be lieved to have directly or indirectly taken part in the so-called Omaha la bor riots is still in session. It is a notorious fact wall known to this grand jury that Gco. P. Armstrong - ' strong n citizen of Oinulm and Doug , las county was unlawfully killed by a soldier in this city on the twelfth day of March. It is not lawful for any soldier of the regular or volunteer army to use deadly weapons where martial law has not boon proclaimed , except when the killing is done to save his own life. The unlawful kill- ng of any citizen by n soldier is mur der under our laws , just as the un lawful killing of a soldier by any piti- izon would bo murder. It is the manifest ifost duty of the grand jury now in session to investigate the unlawful killing of Geo. P. Armstrong , and present en indictment against his murderer. The officers ot the militfu and Adjutant General Alexander have sought to shield the murderer of Armstronir by giving out that they did not know nnd could not discover who did the killing. When applica tion was inadu to them fur Ihu imiuu of the soldier that killed Armstrong they roportid that his namu was John Doe They might us well havti mud his name was Uiclmrd Hoe or Jim Crow. There uio those who justify the conducfof.theao oilicors on the ground that it would have been unsuldicily for them to betray a comrade und surrender him to bo punished for u crime which they condomd. Lot these deluded people read the follow ing extract from the congressional statutes : \V ) > "ii nny pflicer or soldier is ac cused of a capital crime or of any offense - fenso against the person or property of any citizen of .any of the United States which is punishable by the laws of the land , the commanding olli- cor and the officers of the regiment , troop , battery , company , or detachment - mont to which the person so accused belongs , are required , except in time of war. upon application duly made by or in behalf ot the party injured , to use their utmost endeavors to deliver him .over to the civil magistrate , and to aid the officers of justsco in appro- bonding him in order to bring him to trial. If upon such application any officer refuses or wiliully neglects except in time of war , to deliver over tuch person to the civil mugiatratcu or to aid the officora of justice hi appre hending hlmj ho shall bo dismissed from the Borneo , How did our militia officers , how did Adjutant-General Alexander n d his commandor-ln-chiof , Governor Nanco , carry out the spirit and letter of this lawt Did they render any auistAnco to the civil authorities in the effort to bring the soldier that murdered Armstrong to trial ) Did they not act as accessories after the fact in shielding the criminal by professed ignorance of his nnmo ' and whereabouts ) Was not their conduct in thus aiding and abetting the escape of a soldier that committed a capital crime a shameful violation of the laws that govern officora of the regular army in times of peace ? Nobody pretends that this city was under martial law when Armstrong was killed. The courts were open the civil magistrates were exorcising their functions with out resistance. What possible excuse was there for the criminal colluson between the so-catlod John Doe and the oOicois that were in command of the militia at the B. , t M. dump. This is not a matter to bo lightly passed over as a more incident of tko so-called Omaha riot. There was no riotous disturbance in Omaha during the time the troops wore stationed hero. At no time during their stay hero were the troops called on to as sist the polio' ) or sheriff in quell ing disturbance. It would bo n dangerous precedent to allow this unlawful killing of Armstong. to go unpunished. But oven if the killing of Armstrong had boon justi fied , under civil or military law the man that did the killing .should bo brought before some tribunal and ac quitted. Attorney General Dill- worth may consider it no part of his duty to ask the court to instruct the grand jury to investigate the unlawful killing of dofonsohms citizens by armed soldiers -but wo believe it to bo the duty of the grand jury to as certain the real name of "John Doe" and present an indictment against him if not against officers that have become abettors f murder on re fusing to give John Does real name. MONOPOLY CORRUPTION IN THREE STATES. The corrupting influence of corpo rate monopolies is OHO of the greatest Bangers which threatens the vitality of American free institutions. No nation can long preserve its existence when the fountain of justice and the balls of the law-makers are invaded by bribe-givers and occupied by men who will sell their opinions and their votes for money consideration. All history shows that venality and cor ruption have been the chief cause of the decline of nations and the fall of governments in which popular representation sentation was the basis. Within the past twenty-five years a power greater than the power of the people has boon slow but steadily gaining ground in this country. It has drawn its strength from the toil oi ten millions of producers , and fattened on an im munity from popular intemperance , obtained by the use of boundless wealth in the hands of unscrupulous men. Controlling to-day an accumu lated capital greater than the entire national debt , and manipulating on the stock exchange of the world sums of money greater than Om3us , it is bidding defiance to our laws , Inugh- ing at popular sovoroigrnity , and erecting in the country a monarchy of wealth , in which corruption is the minister of state , and fraud , robbery and venality the cabinet council. Our courts are daily attacked by monopoly influences , our legislatures manipulated by creatures of the cor porations , und ovou the national congress - gross is not free frdm the taint of sus picion. No stronger commentary upon the alurming condition of affairs , the powers of the corporations and their reckless defiance ot popular will andfpopular sentiment , is needed than the fact that throe state legislatures ara to-day publicly charged with being influenced by monopoly bribes and tlut they miiko ino attempt to justify or deny the charge. In Ohio ( ho ntato cipitti ! hn been li'oiegud ' nil vunter by u powciful monopoly lobby intent upon ( jot ting possiwion of the state 0.111 ils , The ubj'otof ' ( ho railroad ? was first to rumoro the competition in the carry ing business olfiirud by the canals und second to obtain jioeauBsion o'f the ainiil beds for speculative purpose * . Over one hundred thousand dollars was spent for corruption purposes when u bold attempt to bribe it num ber of the senate resulted in the din- closure of the plot. A committee of investigation is now in session and the state proes is calling upon its members to probe the transaction to the bottom and to make ( he guilty parties suffer without fear or favor. Ohio is thoroughly aroused over the danger to her artificial waterways which have acted as strong checks to the monopoly plunderers and as regu lators of tariff charge ) on the produce of the state , The railroad managers in Now York have been equally active. The growth of anti-monopoly sentiment in the state hat been greatly assisted by the work of the Anti-monopoly League , and at the beginning of the prcbont session of the legislature prospects scorned especially favorable for the passage of greatly needed bills for railway regulations , Suoh were promptly introduced and referred - forred to committees where they have since lain unacted upon. In the meantime Albany is hold by a combi nation railroad lobby , possessed of un limited moans and composed of some of the ablest corporation attorneys in the state. The New York Times openly charges that the active work of the lobby is showing itself exactly as it has done in proviouc years , and declares that it is an open question whether the great commonwealth of Now York can got any thing to which the Now York Central road objects. Now Jersey is so completely under the control of the Pennsylvania and Now Jersey Central roads that a mem ber of the legislature last week rose in his seat and solemnly declared that the best thing the legislature could do was to lease the state to the railroads and make them pay all the taxes and assume all the liabilities. All railroads in the state have boon de clared free from local taxation and as the crowning climax of infamy the entire - tire water front in Now York harbor , including the roparian lands of Hoboken - bokon , Jersey City and Communipaw have boon coded with all the rights and interests of the municipalities and state to the corporations , The bill was rushed through both houses of the legislature in spite of the frantio protests of the taxpayers and when vetoed by the governor was passed by the senate over his veto , Sixty thou sand dollars is reported to bo the sum required to secure this outrageous piece of legislation from a sot of men pledged to support the demands of the people. What the country needs more than anything else is a few first class lynch ing boos. Just as soon as the influences of the lobbies are more powerful than the wishes of the people wo cease to have a representative government in anything more than the more name. UNDKK the law passed by the last legislature , women will bo entitled to vote at the coming city election for motnbora of the board of education Attention is called to the fact by the head centre of woman suffrage that no registration is necessary. Tholaw mak ers very charitably refused tosubject the fair sex to the impertinent questions which the registrar is compelled to put to men regarding ago , and pro- viouH condition. Our law makers know very well that women eligible to vote would rather forego the blessings - ings and glory of suffrage than make record of their ago , and hence they very properly spared their tender feelings on this point. It is to bo hoped that the strong-minded will rally the sex in Htrongor numbers than at the last election. The burning desire - sire of women for the ballot didn't manifest itself last year in Nebraska any more than it has done in several other states whore the experiment has boon tried. The suffering sisters re fuse to awaken to a realizing son&o of their privileges. In Massachusetts the advocates of woman suffrage are in despair over the neglect of wcmen to rally at the polls. In Vermont , at the spring election at Burlington last year only six women were at the polls. This year in the bamo place , school commissioiiera were chosen Ma two wards , and out of sixty-four women entitled to vote only five voted , The same results are reported from other portions of the state. We shall see next how the women of Omaha ap preciate the glorious privilege. PERSONALITIES. Anna Dickinson la not one of your con ventional strong-minded women in the mutter of dress. Shu wearit fashionable and costly clothing. The two eldest cx-Sonaton of the Uni ted States now living ate Mr. Ynlce , of Florida , auti Mr. Cilley , of Now Hamp shire. The latter , who la ninety-one yenr * old , In lying dangerously ill. Afore ex-Sena ors of remote servlct ) are constantly appearing in the newspaper * . John 1' , King , who la now living near Augusta , ( la , , is said to have begun his duty as Senator earlier than any other man now In oxlstcir't * . His net-vice bo an In 183J , and ended in 163 , A Franklin street man nwoke on Satur day nlulit to bear Home one ou hln itoop , llu went out there and caught the in- tiiuler , . ' 'Who ' . u ytianger. nio you ? de. iimnde'l ' the lumwlioldt'r , " 1 cinnot tell n llu , " replied the utinugcr. In a rather thick uileo , "I m Voniior. t'nu blind ; tt'UH M > gioat that the ouner of the pretn- Hen wnt over backward , und i-triklng on hia headmw tars enough to keep LU en tire family in weather furimmthu to comr , -Daiibury [ Now * . Oeu. W. rf. llorecrant , wlu is now the subject of much talk , wivs born In Ohio in 18111 , and graduate' ) nt Weat Point in 1812 , becoming nhurtly after assistant pro- fesHor of engineering them , 1 Inborn ) of the few grneralH living who have jealgned from the army and .Uterwards rr.intervd 1'iesId'Ut ' Arthur reci'Uei more dainty souvenir * than uny unmarried clergyman In the 1 ml. llU blue bed room at the executive inanilmi thowu luimberlesi ) handkerchief caces , glove hoxe , pin cuHhlonc. HOCnt l > agn. clotnlm I ruth holder * . all pocket * , and the like mostly labeled "Hwieinlirance , " "ToVeim of friendship , " iind "I'Vnjtt-mc-ni'l , " nr tiniilur ( 'go.- live legend * . Jubtloe (5ray , of thesunreme court , was a graduate of Yale at sixteen , ud Jus tice Blatcliforil , was graduated from Columbia college at seventeen. Judge lilatchford Is Very wealthy In real estate , ilia wife wau Mlta Appletou , of Boston , a daughter of Kbfn Appleton. Theju go is enpeclally etroni ; In admiralty and patent cauiea. and his given much atten tion to extradition cases also , St. Jerome Harnaluu Chuffee bays he will come to Denver us teen as le gets through reviewing thy loaves and fuliei at Washington , tin hiu uo politic * ! object In MOW ; ho wjahea to consult with Full ComtnUiloner Slsty ni to the fcanlbiblllty of introducing alligators into the waters of Colorado , Since his removal from New York to Florida he lias become dooulv interested In the alligator and his habit' , ami he ia exceedingly auxlom to Introduce this curious reptile into Itocky Mountain society. [ Denver Tribune , ] A FALSE ALARM. The two corporation organs have sounded a false alarm to frighten men of property and business men of Omaha into an alliance with the rail way managers that will give the monopolies control of the city coun cil for another year. The appearance of Hascall at the workingmen's meet ing is flaunted by Doctor Miller as a red rag m the faces of Omaha's capitalists and the injudicious talk of the speakers at the late workingmon's mooting about voting for "yellow dogs and damned rascals rather than , supporting monopoly cappers" is made the text by The Republican for a hysterical appeal to democrats and republicans to drop party and "jino in" with the U. P. brigade. Now wo say to the business men and property owners of Omaha to keep cool and don't Sy off on a tan gent as some of you did recently when you rushed headlong down to Lincoln to ask for troops to suppress in imag inary insurrection. The workingmcn of Omaha are neither the knaves nor the fools you take them to bo. Moat of them are taxpayers , and all they have in the world is invested here. They are ju.it as much interested in good gov- mont and law and order as the richest men in town. Last year , when the corporation cappers in The Republican were appealing to you to elect Has- call mayor of Omaha , the workingmen - men , believing it to bo a dangerous expedient , supported James E. Boyd in the interests of good gov ernment and law and order. They would support Boyd again if ho had shown himself to bo a man whoso per formances were as good as his promi ses. For instance , this law and order mayor pledged his honor to enforce the Blocumb law , and arrest every violator every day , every week , and every hour. Tie has had ono man arrested twice and there ho rested. On the Sunday when Armstrong was murdered the saloons were running in full blast and drunken soldiers and citizens were roaming about the streets imperilling life and inciting riots a good deal more thun anything done by the striko.-s. The town is full of dis orderly houses , but the law and order mayor has shut his eyes on those out laws and wo have hoard of np efforts to enforce the law on this class of "yellow dogs and scoundrels. " It is true Hascall was at the work- ingmons meeting and he was allowed to talk as Doctor Miller might have boon allowed to talk if he had boon there. But the workingmen of Oma ha have no more confidence in Has call now than they had -a year ago. He didn't show himself while they were overawed by bayonets , and they can't be bamboozled by hia eleventh hour sympathy. The fact is that the interests of the business men are with the workingmen - men and not with the monopolies. Both want honesty and economic gov ernment. Both are interested in mak ing the corporations andlanu speculators - tors pay their just share of public taxes. Both are interested in pre venting the formation of a Tweed ring which expects to control public works through a close corporation that is to bo in collusion with paving and sower- ngo contractors. Business men of Omaha need not fool alarmed about the "yellow dogs and d n scoundrels. " The only time wo have boon in danger from "yellow dogs and d n scoundrels" was when they were put up by the corporation managers through bulldozed primaries stulfed ballot boxes and organized gangs of repeaters. Who Located DoaMolnos Oskatooea Standard , " In the pleasant office of the most perfect livery barn in the state , wo sat with some of the old citizens watchinu with some interest the contest - test in the Fourth ward , Oskaloosa , aa to the straight republican and citi zens ticket. Among the rest , and the oldest Human of thorn all , was Hon. M. T. Williams , who incidental ly re narKod that ho chose the spot whereon the Iowa hub and axel rests. In other words , was one of the com missioners to locate the county Boat of Polk county. Olio , a Sir. Piiineo , was sick and did not go out to look the country over , und the other , whoso name wo Imvo lost , also tarried with the snuir , or at home , while Air. Williams with about a hundred sol- dieru rode all over tlioso hills and vales to determine by thu topography of that howling wildurneas pud by compass and chain the very best site for the capital. Thu captain of the post ( Rico , we believe ) furnished Wil- iinnu with n linoly caparisoned "cali co" hoist ) to ride ; und moat patiently did ho with his escort and surveyor look thu country over for somu dr.yrt. ' At last , " says Williams , "We found thu finest natural si o in thu world for a great city , an amphitheater ot hills , gently sloping to a nearly circular valley , where the states were driven and wu decided toi r" A fow'pooplo wore centered near the forks , or rather the junction of the 'Coon and Des Moiiies rivers , then. This was about September , 1810. Yet there were enough to take a western interest in so important an event as a countv seat location ; and that evening Mr. Williams mot some two-hundred of these near the river by some kind of a shod whore a good many barrels were piled , and from one of these ho nuido a speech , giving Ins reasons for locating thu county seat there , and further stated that ho not only had chosen the place for their county seat , but "alsothat of the iuturo capital of the state , " whereupon they hoisted him higher than the barrels , and on tlioir shoulders bore him about ns the , hrro of the hour. Time Uas fulfilled hit propho < jy. THE CHARMED CIRCLE. Muttericga From Depths of Po litical Life at the State Capital. The Extra Session and the State House Ticket Dawes Smiling Blandly.- Trimmers nt Sea aa to the Coming1 * Issue. Special Corrt r > ondcnc \ > f Tim KM. LINCOLN , March 27 , 1882. April 18th is the date now somi-omcially announced for the mooting of the legislature , although the call will not bo issued for some days yet. It is stated that the chief reason for the delay in calling the extra session has been that the Douglas county dele gates might agree upon the desired amendments to their city charter be fore coming down. This , perhaps , is a wise precaution , as there would belittle little probability of their over reaching - ing an amicable conclusion after getting ting hero. It is generally understood hero that the gathering together of the legislature will be the signal for the commencement of the political machinations. Candidates kuop com ing in hero with suspicious frequency. The "state house ticket" will put in some effective work during the extra session. The probable style of this ticket is as follows : Alexander , for governor ; Dinamoro , of Button , for treasurer ; Eoggen , for secietary of state ; Kendall , for laud commissioner ; Waliochs , for auditor , and Jones tor superintendent of public instruction. Dawos , who intends to dispute Alex ander's claim to the governorship , has been hero several times lately , mend ing his fences. Ho wears a placid smile when interrogated about his chances , but very properly refuses to toll upon what foundation he rests his hopes for ultimate success. G. W. E. Dorsoy. of Fremont , has one enthusiastic advocate in the per son of G. W. E. himself ; but beyond that his name is not mentioned , unless with a suggestive wink. Brad. Slaugh ter is a candidate for secretary of state , as he has been fre quently before. There is u very un easy feeling in political circles hero regarding the part the Alliance is to take in the contest. Some of the shorter sighted ones affect an air of incredulity when told that their calcu lations are liable to bo upset by the influence of this now party , but the shrewder members of the "ring" do not attempt to conceal their claim. "There is just one thing for the repub lican partyto | do , " said a prominent candidate for a state office yesterday. "It has got to espouse either the wo man suffrage or the temperance cause , make that the dominant issue and crowd the anti-monopoly movement to the wall. Otherwise wo are gone. " The reply of the Missouri Pacific managers to the Lincoln board of trade committee was to the effect that if the city should make a suitable proposition it would bo favorably re ceived by the road. By a "proposi tion" is meant , of course , a liberal sop in the way of bonds or their equiv alent. This unfortunate city and county being already bonded almost beyond redemption , it ia to ba hoped that no such "proposition" will be made. Whenever the Missouri Pu- cilic people are convinced that Lincoln is a desirable point to tap , fhoy will \ como hero regardless of uny such in ducements. A party will bo given hero to-night by the Pleasant Hours club to its president , Mr. Fink , who leaves for Atchison to-morrow. The injunction against the issuance of water bonds by the city has been modified by Judge Pound so that $7,000 worth of bonds may bo issued , instead of $10,000 , as was proposed at first. ' Lincoln has about twenty-five firms engaged in the real estate business , all confidently expecting a mammoth "boom" in that line when warm weather fairly sets in. It is needless to add that the indications are against the fulfillment of their expectations. The business is hopelessly overdone. AKQUS Port Nlobrara Settlement. OMAHA , March 25. IMItorofTiu IKK ; : In December , 187' ) , the vicinity efFort Fort Niobrara IVUB a fine country for settlement and a military post \vaj then , nt that point , established to pro tect settlement there. The conmiundor then prepared an order to have twelve sections of land declared to bo n military reservation in every way at that time suitable and sufliciont to supply wood and timber unirfbr all other puspnsoi' . In Juno , 1881 , the commander of thnt post discovered tlmt n laruu cattle ranch was A g > mt thin ; , ' to Imvo , and heprepivied another order declining an ciilnrufineut of that reservation to include uixty sections of land , but nith a careful exception of a part of section 27 , township , range 27 west , on which the military post is located. And it was immediately discovered by the commander of the post that this exuentrd part of stction 27 was a first rate place for a ranch and ho tel , in which some money could bo made out of the transient parsons haing business thereabouts , and the commander now owns a hotel hero. | RTtiP [ sutlers' $ company , J. M. Thatcher , J. Moore , A. E. Thatcher and Mr. Cornell , put their heads to gether , and by careful consideration concluded that about pay day a whisky and gambling saloon near the post , on the excepted part of that section would be a paying institu tion , und they furnished the where with from their * sutlers to ono John Dion. And such a taloon ever since the post was established has been doing u thriving business there. In October , 1881 , the T. E. & M. V , railroad survey was pointing towards the west side of Ft. Niobrora reserva-1 tion. And in ofpvombor , 1881 , a largo settlement wC * commenced by parties who did not ki'ow that an ex ecutive order , declaring an enlarge ment of that reservation , endorsed ns a proclamation , and filed in a pigeon hole at the war oportmoht , was a no tice to the public of such reservation , especially when the commander of thi post had received a copy , for publica tion , and had never published it in any newspaper of general circulation Those settlers , "by mistake , happen cd to got on some prairie land on ti west line of that enlargement , ana proposed not only to settle as farmers but actually contracted to build town there. The commander of the post immediately diately discovered that a town so near might lesson the profits of his hotel business. Then again ho discovered that ho in order to got into this "town specu lation , " as ho calls it , would have to sign , as all others had , an agreement to invest some money in building on the town site. Then again ho proposed to go in with the railroad company and not the settlers on the town question , and drive out these settlors. And the commander at once concluded thai Ft. Niobrara was established to ob struct and not to protect - such set tlement , and ho has over since pro' ocoded to obstruct thorn. The sut lers also discovered that a town so near might cut off some of their trade and profits. And they became per' feclly horrified at the visions of sa loons two miles from the post , and their effect in destroying the discip line of the soldiery. . And so two Thatchers , one Moore and ono Cornell all unite their energies gies to obstruct such settlement , and declare it very dangerous to military discipline. Tnon they had the wood conrrnc for 1,000 cordn of wood last year , u $4.85 per cord , to bo stolen off ih < public land , and not to bo taken of the wood and timber reservation And should the wood and timber en largcmont bo opened , or any part of it , to settlement they might have some competition in future bid dings f" > r wood , and they might not bo able to make { other persons , steal and H'll wood to them at $3 per cord , for v hich they received $4.85 and that would be financially wrong. And since they have , with Commander or Capt.JMontgomery , boon more or less mixed up in this wood stealing business , it was important now that sorao honest people desired to _ settle in that vicinity that something bo done to prevent exposure. So the commander by no fair representations or by missropresontation , induced Judge Dundy to have Cornell , the sutler and wood contractor appointed a commissioner of the United States circuit court , at Fort Xiobnu-a , ' ' > they could thereby protect tiioi selves und intimidute others 1" being the only officer within 1 < > U mile with power to urreut. Now Captain Montgomery has sig nified his willingness that congress should give the railroad company the right to buy a half section of land within the reservation to build a town on , but no settler must be allowed to have anything to do with such a town so near the post. Little by little this matter is get ting before congress , and what the re suit will be no one can now foresee. But if there is any use for the milita ry post at Fort Niobrara , it is to pro tect and not to obstruct settlements in that vicinity. The commander of suid post has been building laundresses' houses , and using u dozen government tr.insportix- tion teams und about twenty men , at government expense , to cut oil nnd destroy the timber of the reservation , over since November 15 , 1881 , and apparently without the uuthority of Sam , or order. Will the commander of the Division of the Platte investi gate and explain ? If there is a necessity for u depot within the reservation , then it will bo necessary thnt such depot nnd sur roundings bo placed outside of mill tnry jurisdiction for public uso. POTKIN. WHAT to do with Secretary Kirk- wood is now the question under dis cussion in Washington. It has been definitely decided that the Secretary of the Interior must give way to Mr , Teller , of Colorado. It is understood that the head of a commission to re organize the territorial government of Utah has been offered him , with the alternative of a foreign mission. With Mr. Kirkwood's departure , only Hunt and Lincoln will remain o Garfiold's old cabinet. Bluine has gone ; Windom has gone ; James has gone ; MacVengh has gone ; Kirkwood is going. Ohandlor.is after Secretary Hunt's shoes , and Hunt is likely to go. Politics is a most "onsarlin thing" from whichever side wo view it. The Llok Observatory The great telescope for the Lick Observatory will , it is expected , be ready before the stipulated time. The contract calls for the glass to bo fin ished and delivered by November 1 , 1883 , and it is thought that the lens will be constructed within that time. The price , us xgruod upon , IB $00,000 , $12,000 ot which wus paid in advance on feigning the contract. Two of the building * at the miinmit of Mount Hamilton , the site of the Lick Ob servatory , have been completed -tho first dome und the traimit house. Within the firut or ainull d.inid elands the twulvo-iuuli ttltucupn of Cl.irk'fl and a four-inch comet-Bcekor , while the transit house , which stands a few feet east of the small dome , is iur- : nished with time instruments , all in complete working order , The six-inch meridiar circle is to stand a short tistance east of the transit house , dho purity of the air on Mount Ham- Tton will , it is belie fed , enable the tow observatory to surpass in results he work expected from the observa- ory just 01 mplotcd on Mouut Ktna. Buoklin's Arnica Salve. The 111 ST SALVE In the world for Cut * , ISrutse * , iSoreD , Ulcers , Halt liheuiu , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblain ; , Corim , nu'l all ekiu eruptions , and poU. thely cures pile ) . It u nuarauteed to Ij'hu tatlsfaction or money refunded. 1'rlce , 25 cents per box , For sale by Hchruter and liecnt. HOUSES LOTS ! 4 For Sale By BEMIS , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS SIS- , R ! US , IIouso 3 room * , full 'lot on ricrw u Suth street , 81,660. 177 , House 2 rooms , full lot on Dougta DOW ! 6th street , 700. 176 , Beautiful resilience , full tot on Cua cesr 19th Street , J12.000. 174. Two houses and } lot on Dodpg DMT gth street , 81 GOO. 176 , House throe roomi , two closets , ! . , holt lot on 21tt i car Greco itroct , ? 300. 172 , One and one-hill story brick house an two lots on Douglas near 28th street , I1JCO 171 , House two rooms , ncll.cutorn. itablo , etc full lot near Fierce and 13th Btreit , (960. 179 , One and one-half story house lx roouu and well , half lot on Convent street near Si. Mar'a avenue , 81,860. No. 170 , IIouso three rooms on Clinton street near shot tower , $325. No. 1R9 , House and 83x120 foot lot on uttoet near Websb r street , 83,600. ' No. 108 , House of 11 roon u. lot 33x120 feet on 19th n nr Burt street , 86,000. oM 1H7 , Two Rtory house , 9 rooms I closet * , uoort ci I ar , en leth street near 1'oppJeton't W.W. No . 115 , New houtn of 0 rooms , half lot on hard nrur IRtli turrti , 81,860. No. 164 , Ono and ono hill story house tf room * on 18th street cai Loa\ot worth , $3.600. N. 161 , One ar.d one-half ttory bou of 5 rooms near Hanscom Tatk , 91,600. No. 16S Two hotiBCH T > rnoin.i each , clrost ) , etc on Hurt sited near 25th , 3 , . ' > 00. No. 167 , riouHciOronns ful lit on 10th stnot near Lcav enworth , gJIOQ. No. 166 , House 4 law rooiiH2 closets half aero on Durt htrce ncnr Hut on , 41,200. No. 166 , Two bounce , one of 6 nnd ono of 4 rooms , on 17th street nuar Mure ) r.M/00. No. 164 , Thrcn houstti , our of 7 end two of I rooms each , and corner lot on C'iu > < near 14th street , \000. Nr. 163 , email hou o and full lot on PadSa near l n troet , SI.HXI. No. 161 , One btorv honse ( i rooms , on Leaven worth neir 16th , 83,000. No. 160 , Ho'BD th'CM rooms and lot 92x11 n tar 26th and K.-irnhnm , i'J.DOO. ' No.-MS , New houno of ci ht rooms , en 18th etrcit n'ar Ltavenworth * 3,100. No. 147 , House of 12 rooms on 18th street near Mircy , 86,1,00. * No. 146 , Hou'ool 10 rooms and llota on 18th strot-t nenr Marcy , $0.bO ( , , No. 145 , House tv o Unru rooms , lot 67x210 fe onHheru an a\cnuu ( lO'li street ) near Nicholas , ( .600. No 143 , IIouso 7 roonm , harn , on 20th ttitxit near I.ea\en cirtfi.boo Vn. 142 , Ilou c u iu < UK , Mtchen , etc.on 16th street near N.cholao , } l..i7 > No. 141 , Uou > e 3 rooms Ou Douglas Bear 20th street , 8360. No. 140 , Largo houte and two Iota , on 24 near Famham street , 88,0 < X ) . No. 139 , IIouso 3 rooms , lot 00x106 } feel , Douglas'noar 27th street , 81,600. No. 137 , House B rooms and half lot on Caplto venuB near 23d street , 82,300. No. 136 , IIouso and half acre lot on Cumlng street near 24th 8350. No. 131 , House 2 rocms , full lot , on Ixard noan 21it street , 8800. No. 129 , Twuhcfuse * ono of 6 and one of 4 rooms , on leased lot on Webster near 20th street , 82,60(1. No. 127 Two story house 8 rooms , half lot on Webster near 19th 83,600. Np. 126 , House. 3 rooms , lot 20x120 feet on 26th street near Douglas , 8 < ! 76. No , 126 , Two story bouse on 12th near Dodgu street lot3xOU feet 81,200. No. 124 , Largo house and full block near Far n haul and Ccn ral street , 83OUu No. 123 , IIouso 0 rooms and largo lot on Saun- dera sircetncar Barracks , $2 100. No. 122 , IIouso 0 rooms and half lot on Web ster near 16th t-troet , 1,600. No. 118 , IIouso 10 roams , lot 30x90 foot on Capitol a\cnuo noir 22J btreet , { 2,060. No. 117 , IIouso 3 rooms , lot 30x120 ( cot , on Capitol iucmo near 22d $1,600. No. 114 , House 3 rooms on Douglas m-ir 26th truet , S75J. .No. 113 , House 2 roims , lot 60x99 feet on near Cumlr g btrcot , 3760. No. 112 , llrick house 11 rooms and hall lot on G.si near 14th strict , ? 2buO. No. Ill , IIouso 12 rooui3 > n ( Davenport aea 02th street , 87,0 0. No. 110 , Brick house and lot 22x132 Ro on Cass street nuar 16th , # 3,000. NO. 108 , 1 argo IIOUHO on Harncy near 16th arot , 3d,600. No 109 , Two houses and 36x1 foot lot uo si near 14th Btreet , $3,600. No. 107 , IIouso 6 rooms and half lot on Izar near 17th strrct , 81,200. . > o. 106. House and lot 61x193 feet , lot on 14th near Pierce street , fOOO. No. U6 , Two story house 8 rooms with 1) lot on Sewarcl near Sauuders street , 82,800 No. 103 , One and one half story house 10 roomi Webster near 16th street , $2,600. jflN'o. 102 , Two houses 7 rooms each and ) lot on Uth near Chicago , fi.0,0. , No. 101 , House 3 rooms , ccllu , etc. , 1 } lots on South avenue near I'acidc stree * , 81,660. No. 100 , House 4 rooms , cellar , etc. , half lot on Izard street near 16th , 82,000. No. 09 , Very l"rK ° house and full lot on liar ney near Uth street , 89 000. No. 07 , Large house of 11 rooms on Sherman avenue near Clark street , make an odor. No. 96 , One and one half story house 7 room * lot 240x401 feet , stable , etc. , on Sherman ave nue near Grace , 87100. No. 92 , Large brick house two lots on Daven port street near 10th 818,000. No. 00 , Large house and full lot on DoJu near 18th etro r , 87,001. No. 89 , Largohauae 10 rooms half lot on 20rh ear California street , 87,600 No. 88 , Largo house 10 or 12 rooms , beautiful corner lot on Cass mar 20th , 87,000. No. 87 , Two story l.ouuo 3 rooms 6 acres eland land on Blunder * street ntar Barracks , 82,000. No. 86 TKO otorcs and n rtuluince on leased half lotnear il mon and 10th street , 8800. No. 84'lVo btory home 8 rooms , closets , eic , nlthC acres of ground , on Saundcrs street near Omaha Ujrracks , 82,600 No. 83 , House of U roo-rs , half lot on Capitol a\rnuo near 12th street. SV-00. SN'o b2 , One and ono halt utory r ouse , 6 rooms mil lot ou Pierce near 20th str .t , 81,800 , No. 81 , Two 2 story houses , one ot U and onn 6 rooms , Chicago St. , ntar 12th , 3,000. No. 80 House 4 roams , closcU , ttc. , lark's lot on ISth street ntarhlte I.uid worts , 81,300. No. 77 , Largo liouso of 11 rooms , cloects , eel- nr , ctj. , with 1 ] lotrn Karnbamtiearlflthstreet , & 010. No. 76 , Oi cntil one-Kill story house nf 8 roorru ) , lot C6x8 > ftet on Cannear 14th utrcot , $4,600. No. 76 , IIouso 4 rooms and basement , /Jo 161x132 fat an ilan-ynuirSlli treet. W76. No. 74 , Largo lirk-k house and tuo full loU oa Davenport near 16th Btreet , ? 16t)0. ) No. 73 Ouu and ono-lia'f story house and lot 36x182ftvt on Jae.pon near 12thstrtet , f 1S U. No. It , Large brkk house 11 rooms , hill lot on Date port near Uth street , { 6,03d. No. 71 , Largo hou-o 12 ruomg , full lot . ,11 Call- ornla near 20ih street , 87OOU , No. 66 , Stable and 3 fall lots on ran In street ! near Blunders , 82,000. No. 04 , To story frame building , store bolaw ind IOOMU above , on leuud lot on Douuu uear 16th Btreet , fWOO No. tS , lluu o 4 roomi , basement , etc. . lot ) Jx230lcet on Islh street mat Nail Works. 1,700. f-o. 62 , New bouse 4 rooms ono story , full lot No. 68 , House ot 7 rooms , ull lot Webster > ear let street , 82,600. in Hartley near 21st street , 81,760. No. 61 , Large house 10 rooms , full lot on Dur iear2Ut street , 85,000. No. 60 , House 3 ro ms , hall lot on Dsvenport icar 23d street. 81,000. No 60 , Four houses and hall lot on Cans near 3th street 82 600. No 12 , House u roouu ard full lot , Harnejr tear 26th street , 82.COO. No. 9 , Three houses and full lot ou Cau uvar 14th street , 83,200. REAL ESTATE AGENCY 15th and Douglas Street , r Tvr A = * / % B . - 3XT3EI3B6