Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1882, Image 1

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    r . . i „ v ir JL " . > QQO
Arrival of the Oity of Tofcio with
\L \ Late AdyicoB ,
Th Japanese Government's
Sohemo to Put Its Brio-a-
i m > - Brae in Circulation.
if The Emperor of China Turning
LOOBO _ Another Batch of
Imperial Snow Prayers ,
The TokioBoarded by a Cutter
i and a Couple of Smuggling
Officers Arrested.
Asiatic Now * Generally of Lant
Kt.Uonal Press Amoctation.
vioes arrived by the Oity of Tokio
from Hong Kong to the 24th of Feb
ruary , and from Yokahama to the 8th
of March.
Hitherto foreigners who have suc
cored Japanese ships in distress , or
anted poisons from wrecks , have been
presented with sums in spocip or let
ters of thanks. The authorities have
decided to give such persons hence
forward rewards in the form of valu
able Japanese manufactures , such as
brontoiron or porcelain flower voson ,
or other ornaments. This scheme ia
two-motived. First , strangers prefer
those articles to money , and second ,
the aalo of Japanese manufactures
abroad may bo thus indirectly ex
It is rumored that native banks and
commercial firms cannot enlist for
eigners among their shareholders. No
partnership haa yet boon covertly es
tablished between Japanese and Euro
peans or Americans. Of late , how
ever , tbo Yokohama foreign chamber
of commerce has addressed one bf the
il western ministers , stating the case ,
adding that many Japanese mercan
tile men are anxious that the prohibi
tory regulation should be annulled.
A serious gale doing considerable
damage is reported to have visited
Nngaeakie on the 18th of February.
Of late the Poking government haa
made considerable purchases of arms
in Japan and aoveral officials on board
the Chinese man-of-war Yu Yuno , at
Yokohama , are now buying in Tokio
such veapons as ha-o boon disposed
of by the war department to native
It is mentioned that the manufact
ure of woolen cloth in Japan is so
much improved that home made is no
longer inferior to imported stuff.
Therefore , from the beginning of next
year the uniform of soldiery , now
made of kokura , ( a Japanese thick
cotton cloth , ) will be of domestic
, . . DigcipUnary offenses lire reported to'
be on the increase among the soldiery
in the capital , ten men on an. average
being tried by court-martial tevery
Agrarian riots are reported in Ynn-
sharia and Kagoto , villages in the
province of Buzen. .The peasantry
complains that money is scarce and
that rico simultaneously depreciates
in value to the great distress of pro
It is reported that the Korean gov
ernment applied to Japan for 20.000
stands of rifles of the Murata pattern.
Native papers state that the recent
fire in Maaagecho , Yokahama , de
stroyed 110 houses anddid , consider
able damage to more , and was the
cause of injury to several persons.
Adequate subscriptions having been
raised , the Lippon Railway company
will commence the construction of the
line between Tokiyo and Mayebashi
Locusts yearly work great havoc oil
the cultivated lands of Hokkaido.
Last year they destroyed crops valued
at 100,000 yen. TJie authoni iea have
under consideration the propriety of
appropriating about ! tOOOGO yen to
take precautions against ravages thin
year.Groat distress IB reported among
the Islanders of Osnima in consequence
quonco of the failure of the sugar crop ,
on the aalo of wh'ch they depend for
the necassarius of existence. They
have nothing to support lifo but
pounded sago palm mixed with a few
owoot potutoo } when these are procur
The North China Daily Nowa in an
article describing the Kaiping coal
mines aaya that by March of the pres
ent year an output of between ono
and two hundred tons of coal per day
may bo made and states that as the
Chinese hewers learn their work this
may bo increased to a thousand or
twelve hundred tons per day.
The government of Chang is now
engaged in the construction of a man-
sivo stone bridge over the Tai Kong
situated about half way between Tam-
sui and Taiwan Foo. The bridge is to
be constructed entirely of granite and
will ba considerably over a milo in
length , The cost of the gigantic un
dertaking ia estimated at aomewhat
over $1,000,000.
The emporor'a prayera for enow
having been hitherto unanawered , lie J
he has commissioned a fresh batch of d
princes and high officers to bring their c
influence to boar on heaven. It is 1
hoped that this will have the desired
effect ore lonij. Last year it was remarked -
marked at Poking that the more his
jnajeaty prayed for a snow the more
frequent became the dust storms , so
that at last the Chinese began to wish e
Jio would desist. L
An armed attack was made recently v
on a tillage on the outskirts of Chi
nese territory opposite Bhaukiwan by
a band of masked robbers who man
aged ( o carry oil' about six hundred f
dollars worth of property and aix 1
dead or wounded men , the villagers o
.having made a determined reaiatance , o
It is rumored that a telegram hat
'boon received by the admiral of th
Chinese squadron from North Bomo
asking for the assistance of mrn-ol
war as the Spaniards are givin
Ono of the British North Bornoc
Company's now settlements haa boc
established at Elopwia , in Sandakai
bay. Iloports which have 'boon pub
lisnod of its progress show not onlj
that that company's work is calou
lated to improve the nativoa in every
way , but that the natives are clamor
Ing for extension of the white man *
The United States revenue cutte
Corwin'aiwatch of two nights for th
appearance ot the City ot Tokio
bound hither from Hongkong , woi
rewarded yesterday morning botweei
9 and 10 o'clock. The Corwin sightoc
the steamer some thirty miles outside
the heads and steamed toward her.
When within a short distance of he :
she sent up a signal lor the Tokio t <
stop and lowered her boat. Not ajit
tlo surprised at boitnj intercepted bj
n government a team or , the captain o
the vessel obeyed the signal , and laj
to for the small boat to pull along
aide. Djputy Marshals Favou , Lins
and Plumb boarded the steamer in i
few momenta and informed the mostc :
of the Tokio that they had warrant
for the arrest of Henry Kennedy ,
steward , and H. Hennessey , purser ,
Without further doUy warrants were
issued on both those persons and they
were made prisoners of the Unitoi'
States on the charge of conspiracy in
attempting to defraud the govern
mcnt rovenuo. The arrests won
made in the most philosophical manner
nor and neither of the prisoners expressed
pressed any great surprise at the time ,
The arrests Veinq accomplished , th <
officers then produced authority to
confiscate any correspondence or let
ters that might bo on board which
bore any relation to seized opium or.
referred to any parties so far impli
cated in smuggling it. Upon search'
ing the mail bags a few letters
wore found which in the
opinion of the officers may prove of
sorvieo ir developments to come
about in the future. The steamer
then proceeded on her way to this
city with the deputy marshals and the
prisoners on board , leaving the Corwin
.o follow | in her wake. The prison
ers were convoyed to the county jail
where they were mot by Joseph Ken
nedy , brother of the Kennedy ar-
estedand an attorney by the name o :
Powlp , who ia counsel for the claim
ints in the opium case. These two
alter parties signified their impa-
ience to have the prisoners released
> y immediately producing a Certifi
cate of deposition of Wells Fargo &
Jo.'s bank of $10,000 M surety for
hem. The genuiness of the certifi .
cate being beyond question the two
men were released in bonds of $5,000
Zaire Darnell's Death.
Special to TUK IKK. !
v '
OODEN , Utah , March ' 27. Yester
day , Ezekiel Durnell was killed al
Park City by being shot by W. J ,
Wilson , known as "Tex. " The two
men had a quarrel over the sum .
three- dollars , owed byDurneIl * to
Wilson , who had put , the account into
.ho office of the Ontario com' '
pany for collection. Both mei
were employed at the Ontario mill.
Durnell advanced on Wilson , who
warned him three times and then fired
the ball , it entering the abdomen near
the navel. Durnoll walked about
eighty feet to a dining-room and fell
dead in the door. Wilson gave him
self up to the marshal and ia
held in custody. Durnoll leaves a
wife and ono child. His remains were
taken to Salt Lake to-day for inter
ment. Durnell was a resident of
Omaha for many years and removed
to Utah five years ago , being then engaged -
gaged in the postal" service on the
Union Pacific.
The Flood Sufferers.
National Associated Proea
WASHINGTON , March 27. Secre
tary Lincoln has received a telegram
from Capt. Lee , at Memphis , saying
there were sufficient supplies at VicVs-
burg to last until April ( Jth , and that
if the people are supplied until April
10th , they can afterwards care for
themselves. He estimates the desti
tute at 75,000. Atent Danforth , at
Charleston , Mo. , telegraphs ( hat more
supplies are needed. Farmers are at
work _ and are taking a more cheerful
view of the prospects.
Railway News.
National Associated I'ucB.
NKW COMEUSTOWN , 0. , March 27.
It has boon reported on good author
ity the Cleveland & Marietta railroad
his been purchased by Commodore
Garrison , of New York , owner of the
Wheeling & Lake Erie road. Thia
will give a direct route from the South
ern Ohio coal fiends to Cleveland and
National 1'rean Association ,
TouiisroNj' , Arx , , March 2"- Two
masked men entered the office of the
Tombstone Mining company , at
Churlerton , last night , and assas
sinated Engineer Heeler. Their mo
tive is unknown.
Fire BUB Arrested.
National Associated 1'rcaa.
GitBKNHHUKa , Ind. , March 27. 0.
M. Oarrett , the St. Paul ( Ind. ) mur
derer , has been roarrestcd on the
ihargo of arson , Talk of lynching
him ia indulged in. [
Dr , Iillioutlial Dying
National Aa > ocLitcd I'ross.
CINCINNATI , March 27. The pub
lished death of Dr , Lilionthal , the
3iuinent author and rabbi , proves to
be incorrect , He ia still alive but is
fory low ,
Doatlt of the Chicago Cliief.
National Aaaocl&ti-d Crow :
f-lOmcAcio , March 27. Fire Marshal
rhomas Barry , chief of the battalion
f the fire department , died last night {
f pneumonia. He had been a mem fc
ber of the fire department slnco 1858.
Confession of Ono of the Partio
The Chicago & Alton Train wa
Hold Up by JOPBO
Aided by Some of the Old Gang
and a Number of Coun
try Boys.
Afterwards Jesse Beat the
Rural Robbers Out of
All the Swag.
And Loft Thorn to bo Punished la
the Crime-
KANSAH Orr-y , March 27. Join
Land , ono of the men engaged in the
robbery of the Chicago & Altoi
train at Blue Cut , in this county , ,
nude a confession to the grand jurj
at Independence to-day , in substance
as follows :
Ho says that the first intimation
that ho had of the intended robbery
was on the morning of the 7th of
September lost , the day upon which
the deed was committed. Creed ,
Chapman and John Bugler went to
him where ho was at work digging a
well , and broached the subject of the
robbery. They asked him to join
thorn , but ho at first declined , saying
that ho did not believe ho could make
any more money in the long
run out of train robbing
than ho could by digging wells. They
told him they would guarantee , him
more money than ho could earn dig
ging wells and insisted that ho should
loiiithem. He told them that ho
had to go down to Glendale to got anew
now drill and would talk to them
later in the day. Ho wont to Glen
dale , whore ho was introduced to a
man who was said to bo JOSBQ James ,
and who told him of a plan to rob the
train that night. Ho then agreed to
join them that night and Raw no
more of them during the day. Ho
did not know who would bo in the
party , excepting the two men who ho
had first talked with and the man in
troduced to him o& Jesse James , until
the entire party collected near the
Blue Cut to rob the train. Ho says
that when all had collected there
were twelve mun present and that
.of those five belonged to the old gang
and the rest were boys from
the neighborhood. He presented the
authorities with the names of all the
seven neighborhood boy a'who are now
tin the country , but that two of them
'skipped out early in the game , and
he supposes have joined the old gang
-who loft them that night after the
robbery. Land states that all those
Sunder arrest , in fact all the green
thorns concerned in the affair , were
.pimply Bt-oolpigeona for the old gang.
Hesays thatu ; was the old members
of the old gang who entered the express
press car and vent through the train ,
apd that all the country boys did was
to' keep up the racket on the outside.
After the robbery the entire party
wont into the woods a short distance
from the track , where the loader ,
who had all the "swag" in their pos
session said to the boys : "Boys , wo
haven't got time to divide , they
are too hot after us , and wo didn't
got the money wo expected to , any
how ; but we will all meet on the
right fork of the Blue next Wednes
day night ( just ono week from the
night of the robbery ) and we'll di
vide there. " With that the- five
( meaning the old gang ) mounted their
horses and rode away with the booty
in their possession , while Laud and
his companions dispersed for their
homos no richer than when they
started out. Before the night arrived
which had' been aot for the divide ,
the ni'tfct of them were safely jailed ,
and the others were fleeing the coun
try as rapidly as possible. Land de
clares bin belief that the robbery was
put up job , deliberately planned by
James and his gang for the double
purpose of securing the plunder and
getting the country boys into it in or
der to divert the attention of the au
thorities from their own operations.
Ho sconiB to bo in great dread of
Jesse James and his pals and always
refers to them as the "old gang , " and
saying with a nod and a wink , "you
know who I mean. " Land in a beard
less boy in appoafance , not oven 19
years of ago. His family are emi
nently respectable and ho always bore
a good reputation until this affair
came out. Land wan remundoc ] to
jail until to-morrow vhcn the trial of
Chapman and Bugler will bo in.
In the criminal court this afternoon
when the docket was called Laud'u
case came first and the prosecuting
attorney asked that it be put at tlio
foot of the docket , which shows that
Land is to bo used as a witness. TJin
next cases called were those of Bugler
mid Chapman. Bugler'H attorneys
uinoiiuced that they were ready for
trial and the venire of twenty-four
jurors was Bworn to answer questions.
Die court then adjourned until to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock , when
Hugler's trial will bo proceeded with.
Xlie Defense of a Blackmailer *
National Asaoclatod Prow.
CHICAGO , March 27. A Boston
ipocial saya the defense of Charles
/unninglmm , who waa arrested for at
tempting to exert § 25,000 from Har-
yoy D. Parker a fortnight ago , is bo
m alibi. Cunningham has able coun
sel , and will produce a number of
affidavits from reputable persons in
the west , to show that on the date of
the olfenso ho was not within n 1,000
miles of Boston. Among the persona
who thua toHtify are W , J. Gilbert ,
manager of Uio Gilbert Publishing
iouse , St. Louis ; G. N. Blossom ,
iropriotor of the Union Depot hotel
it Kansas City , and H.M. Hoxio ,
eneral manager of the International
droat Northern railway at St.
ouis. The prisoner says ha has a
daughter moving in good society i
Chicago , and a aon jutt arriving a
manhood , who fobl keenly the shame
ful position in which ho is placed by
the publication of the charge
against him and bas made a present *
tion of hia case td hU counsel , whicl
convince * them of hisentire innocence
The detectives rely upon , evidence o
the boys whom ( no blackmailer em
ployed that the prisoner is the man
and the emphatic testimony of several
oral experts in hnnd writing when
they consulted before making the or
rest. The caao comes up thin week-
Public I/Midi of Texan
National Associated I'ft * * .
AUSTIN , Marcli 27. The special re
port of the comniusioncr of the gen
eral land ollico of 'Texas shown that
during the eighteen mouths ending
March 1 , 1882 , surveys have beoi
tiled in the ollicc covering 1,105,487
acres ; patents have been issued cov
ering 474,470 acres ; certificates to
railroads and individuals issued cov
ering 20,400,480 acres. The esti
mated public domain subject to loca
tion on Augunt 1 , " 1880 , was 15,391 , .
310 acres , being over five million acres
less than the certificates issued cnl
for. Since 'March lat certificates
liavo been issued that will increase
; ho deficiency to n6v < B million ncree.
The commissioner recommends that
the Texas Pacific , and Panhandle re
serve bo thrown open for location ,
ffhich-nill satisfy all outstand-
ng certificates' hold in all
parts of the United States ,
md that no 'more certificates
jo issued and the public domain of
ho state bo declared absorbed. The
anils set o&idp for public free schools
amount to thirtymillion , acres , with a
minimum price filed by the state at
> 0 cents per acre1 , which will probably
30 advanced to qno , throe and five
dollars with a jiboral reduction to
actual aottlors. i The commissioners
ocommond that'a ' lease bo pormittdd
o cattle men , and they bo confined to
ho territory wist } of the following
ino : Beginning at the northeast cor
ner of Lipacomb county , thence south
with the one hundredth meridian to
ho lied river to the northwest corner
of Bardinorn county ; thence south
and west to include Stonewall , Bor-
ler and Marten counties ; thence east
o the northeast cornar of Tom Green
county ; thence south with the east
ino of Tom Green and Crockett to the
northwoct corner of Kimblo ; thence
with tlio north ond'oaat lines of Kim1
> le , Kerr , Banddrn , Ilovoldo , Laval
a , La Salloj MoMillen , Duval and
luces counties to the Gulf of Mexico.
Sofo Oraokvd.
National Araotutod Press.
KANSAS CITY , March 27. During
the storm last night aomo profession
als wont .through' ' the safe of the house
of Murray & Co.'s'grocery , 1131 Main
street. Entrance to the grocery was
gained by prying off1 five largo iron
bars from the' collar windows. The
work was done with a largo crow bar
that was found/on the premises. 'Once '
in the store quick work was made of
the safe. A heavy , blow from a 12-
pound sledge , i , Bnier broke the com
bination and the small bolts and bars
were picked out in a scientific man
nor. When the inner door _ of the
safe was reached an iron rod 'was
passed into the keyhole and the lock
completely broken. Before the money
was found it was necessary to break
some of the wood work in the safe ,
when the box was easily taken out. It
is not definitely known how much
money was taken but the lowest esti
mate places it at$125. ( It is generally
believed , however , all the loss will
reach several hundred dollars. The
parties left no duo to their identity.
A Financial Surfeit.
? ntioual Associated 1'ronn.
LITTJ.K ROOK , Ark. , March 27.
How to dispose of the $240,000 ro-
oived through judgment in the BU-
ireme court Saturday last from the
Hemphia and Little Itock railroad was
question before the state board of
nance. It was expected the decision
vould bo to pay oil' the. remainder of
lie 10 per cent. 10-ynar bonds , issued
uring the Brooks-Baxter regime , in
870 , but tlio board decided to liqui-
ate the debt of 8175,000 borrowed
n St LOUH to moot current ox-
> 3iises. The receipt of the money
rom the railioad is a godsend to the
: ate , us it oxpeclud the tax cullec-
DUB will be liglit on account of thu
verllow and other caused.
atioiml AsuoduU'd 1'ruw.
DETUOIT , March 27. A disroputa-
lohouHU at Grandllnpidskopt | by the
otorious Alapgio Cousin , was the
couo of a miirdur last night , the vie-
in being Mag's old father , John
I undersoil , who was shot in the
louth by a colored barber named
Vm. Clark , Maggie and Clark had
uarrolod and Clark struck her , when
[ onderson interfered with a thick
tick of wood and Clark shot him
ead Clark ia under arrest. All the
arties were drunk.
Tbo Jeannette Search.
atlonal AbaoclaUxl 1'rew.
WASHINGTON , March 27 Lieut ,
larbor telegraphed from Irkutsk that
when ho applied for the steamer Lena ,
hich Bennett had authorized the
ovornmont to take , aayingho that had
ecurcd it for use in the search after
) oLong , ho was refused by the own-
ra , who said Bennett had made no
ucli contracts. Hunt has cabled
iennelt for information.
Mlioollnnooui Telegram * .
atlonal AitoclaM I'rou
March 27. Tlio
ourta have raised the injunction
gainst Gowan sdoferredbond scheme ,
SAICATOOA , jf&rch 27. I , V. K.
i ilson , agent for ( ho Delaware &
[ nduon Canal company , at Rutland ,
roppod dead this morning , aged 63
SAN FIUNCIHOO , Murch 27. An
xplosion of the Vulcan powder werka
t Stegu station this morning killed
our whites and eovou Chineee ,
Yesterday's ' Proceedings in th
Seriate and Honso ,
Tbo Burden of the Buninooo in
tbo Former Being the Now
Commission Bill
Nebraska's Junior So ate
Tftkea tbo Floor in Oppo
sition to It ,
* -
The Advocate Qonornl'a Review
of tbo Mason Case Recom
mends Dismissal.
No ton of n Notlonn. '
SMlonU Amoclttal I'rrss.
WAHIHNO.TON , March 27. The sec'
rotary of war aont in n communicatioi :
of necessary notion to facilitate navi
gation of the Mississippi tributaries.
Mr. Morgan introduced a bill grant
ng tlio right of way over the public
ands of Alabama to the St. Louis &
"lorida railroad.
A motion by Mr. Vest to recommit
ho bill admitting Dakota poised.
The bill granting a pension of $5,000
a year fo Mrs. Garfield , Mrs. Polk
nd MM. Tyler from September 19th ,
881 , passed.
The taritT commissisaion bill was
akou up. Mr. Van Wyck , of No
iraakn , spoke in opposition. Ho
urged prompt legislation to amend the
ariff on iron and stool and augr ; ho
irralgnod the supreme court dooision
n the recent nugar coaos , and said
hat discoloration was practiced solely
with a view to defraud the treasury.
Mr. Anthony delivered a short
peooh in favor of the bill.
Mr. Brown also spoke in favor of
ho measuro.
Mr. Call obtained leave to offer
onio remarks on a resolution in favor
of paying a claim arising under the
roaty of 1880 and 1881 with Spain.
Mr. Jones , of Florida , supported
ho passage of the bill.
Adjourned at 5 p. m.
A resolution wan adopted asking
his at tit o department for a copy of
ho protocol or other papers signed
by Trcscott in the Chili-Peru affair ;
ilao for information as to prospects of
ho rolouso of Americana from British
aila in Ireland.
Mr. Flower , of 'Now York , pro
ontod a petition of 2,000 merchants
of Now York , for passage of the
jowoll bankrupt bill.
Bills were introduced to authorize
he iaauoof $25,000,000 in fractional
currency ; for the appointment of a
commission to report upon the beat
loans to Iproyont Mississippi over-
lows ; to establish a department of in
ustry ; to establish experimental
ornia in different sections of the
onntry ; to pay the government ex
ports in the Quiteau case $25 per
.ay ; to repeal the license tax on com-
norcial ogontn in the District of
Columbia , and for the punishment of
violations of the copy right law.
Mr. White created quite a breeze
> y demanding insertion in the Record
of the remarks of Mr. Ivomm after
Mr. Oscar Turner's explanation on
abt Friday , and after being read , the
liair stated they had boon omitted by
onsont of the chair and the mom burs
oncernod , and need not bo inserted.
The house then took up the District
of Columbia bill , the special order for
ho day , and spent the entire after-
teen on that bill , returning the Gar-
eld Memorial Hospital bill to the
ommitteo , with instructions to pro-
> uro n general act for the incorpnra-
ion of organizations of this national
uturo , and adjourned at 4:45 : p. m.
Tlio house committee heard e.x-Gov
rnor Drown , of Tennessee , in opposi-
ion to the Ilt'ngnn bill. Ho closed
: io'Bpoaking for the opposition. Ken
an begins his argument in favor to
'I'll0 housi ) conmiittue mi iippi'opriu-
on diecusaed tlio army bill and will
irobnbly utriku out the compulsory
etiriiinent ulauno , both buing covered
> y independent bills.
John Jay Knok'.i term of comptrol-
or of the cutronoy oxpiruH April L'fith
text , Tlio comp'roller i'l nppuiuted
or five jeans atui ICnox haa held the
dice two terms
It is rumored to-night Senator Tut
or , of Colorado , wilj probably ronign
roni the senate to-morrow ,
Tlui latest gOBnip about Secretary
virkwood is that ho will be president
f the commissioners provided for in
lie polygamy bill ,
Further investigation by | iuuial
gents of the treasury at San Fran-
isco reveals the fact that a number
f residents there were implicated in
10 recent opium smuggling conspi-
Secretary Lincoln received the
udge advocate general's report in
Sergeant Mason's case to-day , but ro u
uses to malto it publicyet. . It is
tnown , however , that it recommends
nitration of the sentence.
At the president's drat public rocon-
ion to-morrow night , Colonel Hock-
well will present the guests. ,
Before Judge \Vylio this afternoon
iio star route oases against Boone
nd others , charged with subornation
f perjury , were taken up. All the
ession was occupied in reading the
Telegrams were received here to-
ay from bankers and capitalists in
few York interested in land grant
ailroada , inquiring whether Teller ,
is secretary of the interior , is likely
0 bo governed by the views indicated
1 the bill ho Introduced , declaring
orfuituro of unearned lands in va-
nous land grant railroads. Teller re
fuiod to bo interviewed ]
The rumor that Don Cameron ia seriously
riously ill with pneumonia is foundoi
on the fact that ho has a severe cold
which prevents his going out. He
however , entertained the prosiden
and General Grant t dinner thi
' ' " *
National Apodatod I'rmn.
DKTMOIT , March 27. The Albion
Spring Tooth Harrow works were par
tially destroyed by an incendiary fire
early in the morning. Leas abou
$26,000 ; fully insured. They will rebuild
build at onco.
Indian Outbreak Probnblo.
National Af ocl lrd I'rtiw.
WASHINGTON , March 27. Ap-Mit
Miles , of the Cheyenne and Arapa
hoe ugeuoy , telegraphs an Indian out
break ia probably on account of the
scarcity of game and a reduction ol
government rations to a starvation
point ,
Marino latollUjonoo.
National AmocUtoil 1'row.
LivnurooL , March 7. Arrived
The City of Brniaola from Now York ,
the Indiana from Philadelphia , the
Republic from Now York and thu
Parisian from Boston.
PLYMOUTH , March 27. Arrived
fho Gollurt from Now York for Ham
QUKKNHTOWN , March 27. Passed
The Ballio for Now York.
Oioar Wild * .
National Ainocmtod 1'rctw.
SAN FKANOISCO , March 27 Oscar
Wilde arrived here yesterday ,
i i *
Philadelphia' * Compliment * to the
taUontl Awoclntfd 1'rcia.
PuiLAUKLVHiA , March i7. ! The
lussiau charge d'alTiiirs at Washing-
on returned the repolution sent hint
o bo presented to the czar by the cit-
zens of Philadolpliia at a mass moot-
ug protesting against Jewish out
rages in Russia , saying ho could not
receive I horn because of their Inn-
Oonntorfoitor Captured.
AuocUtod Frost.
SruiNtiFiKLi ) , 111. , March 27. P.
3. Tyrrell , of the United States secret
lervico , arrived in Springfield to-day ,
laving in charge Charles B. Lauur ,
recently arrested in Nashville , Toun. ,
on a charge of being the leader of a
) iuid of counterfeiters in southern
Illinois in 187G. Lauor was lodged In
ail to await trial.
UnniSo nt Olft -
iatkoiul AeMcIatcd Proan.
Meui'iua , March L 7. J. M. Nash ,
a retired Cincinnati merchant , agrees
o donate $40,000 worth of books for
he-new Memphis public library , and
a friend of his $220,000 worth of
He Carved Dem Coon * .
KANSAS CITY , March 27. Wesley
fohnson , a colored desperado , got on a
spree in West Kansas City last night
and cut eight or ten with a knife
Johnson became aggrieved at come
larties in a saloon , and began to as
iault every person that came near
lira. Ono of his victims , a man
lamed Johnson , was stubbed in the
mck and badly gashed about hia
lead. The wound in hia back is
loop and some seven1 inches
ong. The man lies in a critical con-
ition with chances against his recov-
ry. Johnson was finally ovorpow-
rod and taken to jail. _
Din O'Jjonry in T
.atlon&l .
GALVEHTON , March 27. Daniel
0 Loary , the ox-champion pedestrian ,
who haa been sojourning here , ycstor-
ay undertook to walk 25 miles
gainst amateurs , who were to cover
ivo miles each. At the end of the
wen tie th milo O'Loary withdrew from
ho track , abandoning the race.
) 'Lcary mid hia manager left for
Nashville this afternoon.
ty TolfKrnph to 1 MIS HIK
Election of uillcora Main Street to
bo Fixed Up , Otnor Bualnons.
At thu regular mooting of the city
council last evening there was a full
board present.
Patrick Luuy w IB confirmed cliirf of
the fire department.
IJ. 0. S\VIIKIIP | wn uiinmiiiously
elccto I city I'leik and II. A AVI ry
stre < " super1 mur ,
7 * viis divided t hiu i Main Htn or
p'l ' I ' ) | ) . .fiflllllll C'1 ' > H I Ml
Cue uri * oiiiinitti * JUKI uctud
to iiKjuiru i < il i tlio iiilvHt illi y if get 0
ting tlio iiko i ic alur n system for the
city and alao thu expediency of having
a paid fire department. t
Ailjoiirm/d until Monday
Y. M. C. A. ,
A mooting was hold last evening to I
the Young Men's Christian 11
Association , and adopted a const'tu- c "
on and by-laws , and deferred the
lection of oflicors until next month
Free of Coat ,
All iiuraona wlnhlng to teat the merits of
great remedy one that will positively
euro Consumption , UougliH , Colda , Asth
ma. Ilroncliltle , or any affection of throat
anil lunt'H are requcatnil to call at
Schrotor & Uecht'n DniR Htoro anil get p.
tilal liottlu uf Ur , Kinii'a Now DUcovafv
for Coumuiiption , KKKK of com , whlcli-vill
HIOW yuii wlut a rru'iilur dollnr-wizc boitlo
will do ,
waa alwayti a prcut fa-
orite with tlio proas. Kb nuvur bored
jlturu with rermeiitu tli&t dcucrlptlcnii of
lerrorttuii'x mlligtbo publlnhoil. While
tvneviera Ward , unit actrenstM Jlko her ,
epended upon their clothed , Irfd
lJOnherjDerltH.-Newrleanh [ Vi icayuno
"Wells' Health Ronewor , " gmatest
omody 011 earth for impotence , loan-
loss , sexual debility , &o. One dollar
t druggist's. Depot , 0. F Good-
'an , ( )
Bon , Skoboloff Steps to tlm
Front Again ,
With Ono of Hio Brief Inoen-
diary but Very Patriotic
, Speeches.
The Emperor of Austria Will
Not Visit the King
of Italy.
Becnuse of the Objection There
to Entertained by the
MlnoollanootM Now * that Ocuna
Over the Cahlo.
S'atlniul AmoclaM 1'rnw.
MADIUII , March 27. In the clum
ber of deputies this afternoon the
minister of the colonies , in defending
the action of the government towards
puba , contended that the Cubans en-
toyed the lauio civil and political
rights that the people of Spain were
now enjoying and that the govern
ment could not permit the slightest
\gitation in tavor of self-government
n that island.
ST. PETKIIHBUUO , March 27. Nine
soldiers , mombois of the Creobraahon
regiment , have boon arrested in this
city charged with nihilism.
Gen. Skoboleff , in reply to the
Vlonteiifgrin address said : "As God
s my witness , I embrace the cause
of my brethren who are , fighting for
heir religion and their , " rights , bo-
ieving that those engaged in the
missions of the Slaves can pray for a
martyr's death "
LONDON , March 28 A dispatoh
ram Cairo says it is reported that the
chodivc'a resignation is imminent and
hat the powers are discussing who
hall bo tmccessor.
PAIIIH , March 27. The committee
> f the chamber of deputies on tho.
oath's bill have adopted by a yoto of
LO to 1 a recommendation for its nbo-
ition. They have also recommended
, ho removal of all religious' emblems
'rom picturca in courts of justice.
DUBLIN' , March 27. The residence
of the agent of Lord Olanbrock , at
Dlanbrock , county Galway , was
wrecked last night by dynamite.
Dlanbrock ia deputy lord lieutenant ,
and opposes Gladstone. Thu same
light a metal shell wrecked the house
> f Mr. Lucas , a wealthy tarmor in
Dumay county. No one was hurt.
BKIIUN , March 27. The tjreat ma-
ority of newspapers in this city are
ncrodulous as to the friendly profes-
ions of Russian officials.
VIENNA , March 27. The proposed
isit of Emperor Francis Joseph to the
dng of Italy has been abandoned on
account of the Vatican opposing hia
reception at Rome.
, PAJUB , March 27. M. BerUle , the
celebrated French , caricaturist , is
load ,
BEHLIN , .March 27 , The German
ovornment ia opposing on the ground
f the unhealthy character of the
limato the scheme ot Panama canal
tlicials who ptoposo engaging a large
number of Gorman workmen for
orvico in construction of the Panama
anal , and have notified Gorman
workmen to desist from oflbring their
orviccs to the company.
ST. PKTKIWIIJIUI , March 27. Tlio
Ilicial Invalido Russo reports in a
pooch at a banquet given at Gatz-
liina by the czir in honor of the om-
icror of Oormany'rt birthday that the aaid that the emperor waa his
riond , and this declaration led to
hocrft , Russian officers present join-
ng in hearty response.
Qou'oVa ' $53,000,000- ,
few fork Times.
The true inwardness of Mr. Gould's
ast trick haa still not been compro-
londod by the general public , who
oo nothing but the fact that ho ia m
losacsaion of an immense amount of
iccuritioa , and is in apparent league
vith another great miliionairo. Wall
troct itself does not orpastr.vwabout
, lie philosophy or psychology of the
lung. It rushes to buy , because
Yandeibilt and Gould arc buying. It
will juit as eagerly soil to-morrow , if
t dincovors that the butter ia on the
ithor aide of the broad. Can any man
mowing anything at all about Wall
trout uli lira , possot-a any permanent
ppntilo tor atockf , when ho knows
itt Mi/oin' ' eiirt luadaof them can bo
no IIDIMI thu market whenever
1r. * > MI il eho'Mi' ' : ) ur ie compelled so
ii ihjjii Hi' ut ilium ?
Even iviuiiilig t.iatthoioSM.OOO-
JOOof BO-CI inil sruuritiea are all the
property of Mr. Gould , and that there
is no lien or power of attorney on
them , the fact of their boint ; in hm
liandu jrovoB t' > at they are practically
unsalable and unloanable. Ho doox
not issue Blocks and bonds for the
purpose of keeping them. Like any
other manufacturer he produces his
urticlo to eel ! it. The more certifi
cates of bonds and stocks ho prints the
more he wants to sell.
Until the $53,000,000 of aecuritiea
exhibited at the Barnum-like show of
Monday last are distributed on both
aides of the ocean they have procti-
callyino lvalue. No well-managed
bunk would lend money on one lump
of 50,000 shares of Missouri Pacific ,
Western Union , or Wabash.
The point is that ho can not got
either $53,000,000 , qr one-quarter of
that amount out of them unless the
public chooses to take them off his
hands. It remains , then , to be seen
whether the public will do so , and at
what price. Ho has managed to not
out of his Union Pacific , Texas Pa
cific , Missouri , Kansas & Texas , and
several other ventures with amazing
dexterity and wonderful success.
But it is doubtful whether the "inno
cent investors , " na he calls the public
who have bought from him stocks ut
double the price they oomniand now ,
can again bo induced to buy his