Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1882, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : HONDA * , MARCH 27 1882 HIP DA FLY KEF. Mon'Hiy Morning March 27. LOOAL BlitiVITIES. Yesterday wai PoMian Sunday. The Social Art club meets at 3 p. m , to-morrow. The r < Jn has mrnle Omnhn the queen of mud again. The drunki yesterday kept out of the reach of the police , The Standard Club clo H 1U soa-ton with a calico ball on April 19th The democratic primaries will be belt In this city on Thursday evening , Annlo Pixley appear * nt lioyd'i opera bouse , TuursJay O'cnlng , Mirch 30th , In M'llw. M'llw.The The Ooncordla SuWtiptinn Kaitcr ball takes place a week troni Momlai night. Tim J cd Cloud In expected to arrive frum St.LouU to-day or to-morrow , bourn for Uenton. Beautiful Ho Idcnce Lots $10) ) each > down and $5 per month , Bomls , agent , l.'th and Douglas streets , tf It In osthmtod that the school census1 now Icing taken will show near 10,0" ! ( Kchool children In Omaha. A woman fell at the crossing of Kiev * cnth and Farnam slicels Saturday night and cut hr foroheid badly. A quiet time linn follow the recenl excitement concerning the strike , but business la booming all the samo. The Dpcning of the nuw brick on "Douglas strict , near .Ninth sheet , wai celebrated by "the boys'1 on Saturday evcnlngi The Union Pacific train westward yeitcrdayi morning wiw a big one , being composed of nine coaches , all of which wore well filled. The two boys arrested for stealing n revo'ver from tho. ninety-Dine cent store have been discharged , no complaint being filed ajainnt them , Loon Lev ! , sentenced to four years in the SUte'n prison for receiving stolen goods , has taken an appeal to the Supreme Court , retaining Walter Bennett ai conn- fi-1. The "Cnnon.BnH" train was put on Again yesterday by the old reliable Wabaah road. This will bo appreciated by none moio than by the Omaha business men. -The "Union Spy" opens to-night at Boyd'n opera house , and we venture to say will prove one of the most entertain ing productions ever seen on un Omaha stage. The case of smill pox on Sixteenth street is progressing favorably. One of the Sisters of Charity from s3t. Joseph's hospit il went there yesterday and assumed Attendance. Five hundred dollars cash will buy the took and fixtures of the Michigan Tobao- c. Stnre , 1417 Douglas street. Business good , rent low. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. marl4-tf Judge Sivage was at the court room this morning to take ball in the Van Nor man case but the bondsmen did rot appear at the hour set. Bill la fixed as In the o'her cases at $1,500. The remains of Win. Grindell , the conductor who died on Friday , were sent by Undertaker Jacobs to friends in Plat- tervillo , Wisconsin , yesterday morning , having been brought to this city Saturday evening. Seventy-flve gentlemen and ladies of Omaha , and a batalllon of regular soldiers from Tort Omaha , will participate in the production of "Tho Union Spy , " under the immediate supervision of C'ol. K. b. Temple. The position of registrar o' the Fourth ward , made vacant by the resigna tion of Captain John S. Wood , has been filled by the appointment of ex-Mayor Wilbur. Captain Wood enters upon his I. . duties in the mail service to-day. D-puty Sheriff Charles Linton , of Denver , on Wednesday last in that city arrested , on a requisition from Nebraska , J. P. McMillan , a vtnder of Klliptio patent spring bedsteads , who is wanted for certain al egcd laud swindles In Nebraska. Saturday afternoon a north bound freight train on the Omaha & St. Paul railroad was ditched sevtn miles south efFort Fort Calhoun , owing to the spreading of the rails. The engine , tender and six oars wont Into the dltch.tho engine being badly wrecked , Mr. A. Bonzon nnd the I ) . & M , road t aie engaged In a controversy as to certain B uwttert ) concerning a barn which stood on the condemned property now being graded and the road's attorney , Charlie Green , Lai sworn out a warrant charging Mr. Benron with obstructing the streets. It would be interesting to huve Mr. Green define wherein an obstruction of this char acter Is moreculpublo tlmti on obstruction ft by bayonet * . The baru wont kill anybody ftfl -body any way , A man named Itlchard Kyan , who leald he came from the end of the 11. & M , tiack , where he was engaged as a spike driver , and that he was on his way to this city , whera he ha i friends , was picked tip uluU in the B , & M , depot at Lincoln > ea- PJ terday and ta 'en to the Infirmary , where Jiedleda few hours later. He had said it hit he w a from Pennsylvania , and came wwt about five years ago ; that he was a .single man , and hU employer owed him a I PI unnth'u wages. About $15 in currency weie found upon his poruou , Pneumonia 1 was the fatal dineaie , Amwncat ; the various reverse * tin bus- Ine'B of the Slaven Hotel had to contend against the past year , there was none so dl'aatrouB toll , as the hte "small pox bcare , " Still iti ever popular proprietor has been at work aafn lately renovating its numerous apartments , and now we find the house open once more for the enter tainment of guests. In fact it is almost ( full again. 'We learn from a reliable source that the city physician pronounced ithe houie uafe four weeks ago. Fancy Card Collections , fiend green stamp for a beautiful set Drew's Advertisiug Cards free. DUJSW MANVKAOTUUINO Co. , Haiti- snore , Md. m&olt. WOMAN'S WRECK Of a Family That Was Once Believed to be Happy. A Divorce Case In Denver Which Wll Interest Omaha People In Many Ways. The subjects of the following art ! clo are well known in Omaha. Mr Sperry wtii for some time in the liv cry business hero , a clerk in the poatotllco , a councilman and deputy sheriff. Ho also resided in this city until ho reo jived the appointment o post trader. The article is from the Denver Tribune of Saturday morning and runs as follows : The taking of tliu depositions o witnesses for the plaintiff in the son- national divorce suit of Sperry vs Sperry was concluded yesterday morning before Sam Mi1 ton , commissioner sionor , and the sealed testimony sen at once to the plaintiffs attorneys ii Ytmkton , Dakota. Several additions witnesses wore examined , their test ! mouy all being to the effect that Mrs Sperry had lived with Daniel Grot ; ory as his wife , and had booi married to Gregory , the tranaactioi having been , it is alleged , illegal in n double sense and that both hud boot guilty of other t-roBs { regularities which would hardly fit either for a place very high in the religious 01 hooial circles in which the woman hiu once moved. Mrs , Willoughby , who came down from Morrison , tcstifiec that Gregory and the defendant hai formerly roomed ut her house , living together as mar. and wife. Julius Levy stated that Mrs , Sperry admit ted that she wrs Gregory's wife when the latter was in jail charged witl rape. All stated tliat aho claimed to have been MAKItlKD TO OKEdOHV by Justice C. S. Eyntor on the 14 tl of November , 1880. Stephen B. Hudson's testimony was similar to his confreres. Detective Joe Arnold related latod the fact of the arrest of Urcgory when ho found them together on Chatham street occupying the same apartment. In reference to the pri vate character of Mrs. Sperry the wit ness states that oho was a complete wreck mentally , physically and mor ally , and had boon living in n tout with Gregory somewhere in the sub urbs of- the city. Witnesses stated that she drank continually and to the moat frightful excess ; that her asso ciates wore the lowest of the low , and that from being the happy and loved wife of a prosperous and influ ential man she had sunk to the slums where the street had almost become lior homo and the gutter her bed , all through her own infatuation and fool- hardiness. She told ono of the witnesses thut she had tried Sperry for twenty years , and was now determined to stand by Qrogory. After the examination a Tribune reporter mot a former friend of Mrs. Sporry's , who know all about lor lifo and waywardness. The story Df her lifo lifoHEADS HEADS LIKK A UOMANOE , or a page torn from a story of the ilums of Now York or Paris , and .cachesnothing if it does not teach the fatality of the cup which u woman > uts to her lips when she turns aside rom the pith of duty and turns from ho calm but happy light of homo to .ho forbidden fruit which hangs on jithoraido. Twenty-eight years ago , on the 1st lay of October , 1845 , at Nuslmu , Now Hampshire , Angelina 0. Sperry , was married to her present husband , vho is now applying for a divorce , [ t was a notable event in the little tillage when Angio Fuller was mar ried to Charles 0. Sperry , the promi- lent Boston merchant , Sperry had a jnuich store in Nashua , and there ho not Miss Miller. She was young ind pretty then and a favonto in the ittlo town. Sperry was burnt out , wico in Boston , and in n day when Ires were not so profitable as they ire now. Ho tool : his family west to Dinalin , where ho took a position as noiioy order clerk in the postodico , ind soon began to retrieve his for- .uno. His wife was n leader in lllllt OWN HOL'IAL C'lHOLU hen , ovury Suuday she occupied her > ow at Trinity church and no ono vould hnvo guessed the and denoue ment which has since brought her to i hovel and u nameless relationship with an unworthy man. Speny Hgain engaged in merchan- Ji/.ing , nuulu money , mid was finally ippomted Indian ngcnt nnd post tmt- ur at Yunkton , DAutn. Hero his rife mot nnd became infatuated with iis clerk , Daniel Gregory , a common ooking fellow whoso occupation ever linco has never boon above the grade ) f tliu most common laborer , and ran iwny with him , coming by way of Dmiiha and Kansai City to Denver , L'hu couple arrived hero two years ago n June , and have been hero over linco. From IIKUK TUB HTOUY HASTES upidly to her downfall and dograda- ions and is given as nearly as possible n the rolator'a own language : "Before Mrs. Sherry left Yunkton ihn ordered over $1,200 worth of Irosses and line underclothes and had hew charged to her husband. But 10 improvident were they about noney matters that she had to pawn lor watch in Kansas City to got money .o pay George's faro to Denver. On lor arrival hero her sister paid her jxtra freight on her baggage , nnd she went to the house with "Dan" and .hat inevitable dog Prince , with a sere eg , which is always with her , " "What were her habits herol" "Sho laid drunk on the iloor from morning until night beside the dog , ind Gregory was not much bettor , The moat horrible things are related of both of them. The woman would DO OUT TO THE SALOON about 10 o'clock at night and got more whisky , and she and Gregory would lay around the room from morning antil night. The couple moved rap- dly from place to placo. They had rooms for a time on Champa street , : hey boarded with her outer , they boarded at the Tauoy house , and at the illiams house- and I don't know ho w many other places. Gregory drov a J.Iordic coach for a while , and for time was employed to drivi a street sprinkler. In fact ho di ( any little odd job ho could lay hi hand to. Finally this other troubl came , and Gregory was arrested for rape. In the expose of their private relations which followed , Mra. Sperrj thought it would bo better to get mar ried to Gregory. Now comes the pe culiar part of the affair They won before 0. S. Eyster , then and now nn ex-justice of the peace , with their at lornoy , a prominent young member o the Denver bar , and the justice mar ried ( ? ) them on the DAY HE WENT OUT OF OFFICE. "In regard to this matter nnd otho things connected with it , " continue ! the Tribune informant , "I can prom iao you some sensationa' ' development before many days. Things occurro < about that time which would stir U ] the indignition of every roapcctabl person in Denver if they were pub fished. ' "Where is Gregory and the woman now ? " 'Mrs. Sperry is living in a room in a little hovel at 31 South Twolftl street. I aaw her on the street to day , a wreck of her former self Gregory is working on Doctor's ranch , about three miles from the city ; ( is a common 'dock hand/ turn ing his attention to cow punching or digging post holes , whichever oomcs most convenient. The couple lived in a tent on the ranch for a while but I expect they thought they hm better separate , pending the trial o this suit. " "What kind of a looking man is Gregory ? " "Ho is a tall , ungainly man , witl rod side whiskers and a long neck Ho dresses coarsely in overalls , and ' . do not see how any woman could over admire him especially Mrs. Sperry whoso husband was a very fine look ing and genteel man. " IIKH DBFENKE. "Mrs. Sperry herself , " the relater continued , "told mo that are did no care anything for Gregory , bu wanted to uao him. She expect to prosecute her husband for selling liquor totho Indians on the reservation tion , a penal offense She claims Urn she left because her husband wa guilty of improper irregularities wjtl hi npico , Georgio Sporry. Georgio has since , howovoi ? , been married to their son Harry , who is now Indian agent in his bro'hor's place , as the law provides that only men of family ma ; hold that position. When Mrs Sperry hoard of this marriage she called the curses of high heaven upon her husband , who had thus covorct up his shame , she claimed , in his son' dishonor. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Preparations for the Forthcoming City Election. A convention of the republicans o the ily of Omaha will bo hold at the court house in said city on Saturday evening , April 1 , 1882 , at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of nominating a ticket for the ensuing city election and for the transaction of such other buainosa as may properly como before the con vention. Each ward will bo entitled to seven delegates. Primary elections will bo hold in the several wards on Friday , March 31 , 1882 , from 5 to 7 o'clock p. m , , for ; ho purpose of nominating a council man for the ward and for the election of delegates. JTho primaries trill bo hold as fol- ows : First ward , at Guild's store , No. 316 Tenth street. Second ward , at Wallanz Hall , 1320 Lieavonworth street. Third ward , at Dr. Hyde's office , Douglas and Twelfth streets. Fourth ward , at court house. Fifth ward , at corner of Cali- brnia and Sixteenth streets. Sixth ward , at No. 1 engine house. By order of city central committee. CHAR. K. COUTAN : , Chairman pro torn. L. H. WEBSTKU , Secretary. Mexican bonds were quoted at the unprecedented high price of 49 cents jn the dollar by the Chicago Times nf March 4th. As these securities draw ' per cent , this will brine them more nto public favor than they were dur- ng the recent strife in Mexico. m-o-23-3t - - - STILL THEY COME. V Royal Dry Goods Paliico Opened Up To-Day. It does not look as if the recent triko had frightened capital away rory far from Omaha , but rather as if t demonstrated thut the Omaha citi- .ons instated on being paid enough to jo able to dress well , as well as to jeep the wolf from fbeir doors , This s suggested by the fact Unit ono of ho neatest and most complete stocks jf goods to bo found in the city wiia Saturday opened at No , 1307 Farnani itroot , Henry Dohlo's old aland , by n jouplo of well known Chicago dry ioods men , Messrs. ' Garrabrant and 3olo. These gentlemen own a argdry g-ods oaaablish- nont in Chicago , and are low opening up a branch house in Jmalm , under the direct supervision > f Mr. Cole. They have leased the mtiro building , ono of the boat in Jontrul block , and have got it in hot- or shape than it over was before , rhoy have boon for two weeks ' filling .ho throe stories with the'ir goods , ind on the first floor , where the dis play is made , they show a magnificent ot of goods of the best quality and , ho most unquestionable beauty , rhoy have all the now styles in silks , moires and foulards , and a irery largo supply of fancy ; ooda and novelties of all kinds. Spacious as is their room it is crowded rvith the rich and exquisite goods and .hero is still much more to como , rhoy opened Saturday for the first .line and invite the public to como and nspect their goods. In a few days they will make still 'urther improvements in their quar- era , as they have a now elevator on its way from Chicago , and will make iccess to the nocoud and the third loom easy. Vfo wish the now firm all luccoss , and they will undoubtedly win it. SMITH ON DECK. The Wheeler & Wileon Agent on His W y to Omaha. Something Now Aoout the Bobbery Racket , nnd Another Sldo to the Embezzlement Story. Sidney Smith , the runaway genera agent of the Wheeler & Wilson sow itig machine company , is by this time on his way to Omaha from Little Hock , Ark. , where ho was arrested ot a telegraphic request last week , Dep uty Sheriff Crowoll went after Smitl on Friday , and , it is expected , will return turn with him this evening. The statement in TIIK BEB that Smith was acting as the agen bf the company-ill that city wa partly incorrect , owing to the mistake in the dispatch aom from Little Bock , Smith was en gaged in the sale of Wheeler & Wil son machines , but as a canvasser for the agent , wheae name is llobbins. It appears that the company have been cognizant of Smith's wherea bouts for some time , but have contin ued to watch him until some facts could bo arrived at which would es tablish a case on the charge of ombez- E'emont. The amount for which Smith is claimed to bo a defaulter is not known , nor can it bo until the ac cused man produces the books which have boon missing since his depart ure. These books will enable the company to learn their exact loss. Among the diuses for Smith's defi cit is the robbery , which ho claimed to have suffered about five weeks pre vious to his departure. At the time th's robbery was alleged to have been committed , some doubts existed con cerning the actual occurrence , but af ter developments show that Smith was doubtless victimized to the tune of two or three hundred dollars. Ho was known to have drawn $500 from the bank in the afternoon for the purpose of paying for certain fur niture and carpets which he had put into the now office rooms in the opera house block. Instead of paying the bills mentioned , however , his evil guniuH , whisky , got the bettor of him und by night ho was wandering around in the neighborhood of the dives on Tenth street , between Doug las and Dodge streets. Ho was in veigled into one of the dives , whore a notorious colored woman known as "Slick Sal" hangs out. How long ho was there it is not known , but the city agent of the company states that Smith came to the office about 2 o'clock in the morning and said that ho had been robbed. Al though ut first not definite as to where he had been "touched" at length his head cleared enough to enable him to remember whore lie had boon. He then alleged that this "Slick Sal" had invited him into her place and had given him something to drink , after which she told him to lie down on the couch and go to sloop. He did so and , while asleep , was faintly con scious of somebody's going through him , but was unable to move or pre vent them. After awhile ho aroused himself ind went out and steered for the office. While on the way ho found ; hat all of his money except $50 had loon taken , but ho had iorgotte * where ho had boon. When he finally recovered his mind ho insisted that ho md been dosed and the money taken 'rom him by the negro woman referred o. One of Smith's friends investigated ; ho matter as thoroughly as ho could m the following day , and discovered .hat the negro woman had skipped ) Ut , but where aho had gene no ono vould toll. It was afterwards dis- jovored that she had gone to Sioux. 3ity with a negro gambler who was lor "solid man , " and that they t > 'other had spent most of the money hero. This unfortunate affair is stated by in employe of the office to have made smith very despondent and ho scorned o have entirely lost his grip. The tflairs of the office went mphazard and three weeks lipped along without Smith's uaking a report. The result of this viia the change of agents. Smith's if tor disappearance has boon pub- ishod heretofore , nnd the particulars if it are familiar to TIIK HUE readers. .t is expected that when Smith is ox- iminod ho may have some inter- sting statements to in alto cncorning other parties who voru in the otlico under him some imo ago. The general opinion of hoao who know the urrcatod man > est is thut ho did not intend to do- raud the company , but that when ho vug "touched he tried to make it up > y extra sales , and then , being re- noved , resolved to skip out und taku ho books with him , in order to leavu ho aflair clouded as much ut possible. BURGLARS MAKE A HAUL. "ho Residence of John Little , the Grocer , Robbed of $250. Valuable Gold Watch , Jewelry and Money Taken. A well executed burglary waa com- nittod Saturday night upon the house f John Little , the grocer , on South Nineteenth street. A gold watch of aluablo workmanship and highly irizod because of its associations , two old breastpins , a pair of heavy ' gold leovo buttons and about $50 in cash rero stolen , The entrance to the house was iflbotod through a front bay window , vhich waa loft unfastened , BO that the mrglora easily pushed it up. The lour of the burglary is put by Mr. Jittlo at about 4 o'clock , as ho had men up about every hour previous to hat time to attend to ono of his child- on who waa ill. When ho finally ank to sloop it waa to slumber very oundly , and the family did not iwukon until late in the morning , Whether chloroform had been used or lot ho waa unable to tell , aa the odor of medicines i.i the room had Destroyed the possibility of detecting it. _ When Mr. Little began to dreas he discovered first the Ions of hU pocket hook , in which ho had * bjut 850. Ho then iniaaed hi ? wr.tuh. It had been in his vest , which hung over she bed. The watch chain had been cut and a part of it was still attached to the vest. Further investigation revealed - vealod the leas of two fine gold breast pins belonging to Mrs. Little and her husband's heavy gold sleeve buttons. Ono of the breast pins had an ame thyst stone and the sleeve buttons also contained nmothyat. The burg lars had left no tracks or other evi dences which might lead to their de tection , and the only way in which to catch the thieves will bo through the stolen proprrty. OlUcera are working up the case. THE UNION SPY. The Open iuj ; Night of the Grand Military Drama. Other Dramatic Events Near ntHaud On Saturday evening the final rehearsal - hoarsal of the grand military and spectacular drama , the Union Spy , which will bo presented for the first time this evening ut Boyd's opera house , took place in that temple of Thespis with most satiafactory results. This drama has boon iti course of preparation for several weeks , under the supervision of Colonel E. 13. Tempe - po ! , the author , and is produced under thi3 auspices of the Grand Army of the llopublic for the benefit of the widows' and orphans' relief fund The caato has boon Well and carefully ' chosen aud the training thorough and constant. The consequence is that the rehearsal itself waa u splendid entertainment , mid with all the stage accessories , acoitic eifects and tableaux which will be added ut the regular poformanco to-night it will bo ono of the most ex citing and thrilling plays over seen in Omaha. Col. Temple has donn some sploi > did work for the boys of Custer post , and it cannot but result in a great suc cess financially. The appearance of a battallion of regulars in the flag pres entation scone , the battle scene and the scene in the Andoraonvillo prison pen , will each call forth the heartiest admiration , and the tableaux and battle in which the mimic gun-boats appear and shell the woods are moat effective. Col. Temple is himself an actor of rare ability , and ho will bo well sup ported in all the parts. The securing of special low rates on all the railroads loading into the city will secure the attendance of a largo lumber of visitors from abroad , and ; ho entertainments of Monday , Tues- lay and Wednesday nights and Wednesday matinees will be all too 'ow to accommodate the crowds who will desire to BOO "Tho Union Spy. " M'LISS. Following "Tho Union Spy , " on Thursday evening the favorite actress , Anuio Pixley , appear at Boyd's in "M'liss or the Child of the Sierras. " ' 'We have heretofore recorded our : onviction of this gifted actress and pretty woman. In her line she is lonpareil , combining the frolic and : hic of Lotta with the archness of Charlotte Thompson. We know no ictress who could combine so much is does Miss Pixley , and wo are sure jur public will welcome her appear- xnco hero on next Thursday night. " TOM KKKNJJ. On Friday and Saturday evening md in matinee Saturday afternoon , .his great tragedian will appear at Boyd's , playing Macbeth , Richelieu , ind Fool's Revenge. An exchange ays : "Keone'a conception of the ambi- ious Macbeth , like everything else , hat Mr. Keene does , is full of strik- ng originalities. The Thane of Caw- lor as presented by the tragedian , is i man of singular nobility , goaded on o unnatural deeds of blood by his ust for ambition , but with a moral weakness which palsies his purpose. Macbeth , when ho has pained the hrone , is tortured by the memories > f his crime. The portrayal of the sonflicting emotions of the character jy Mr. Keene is.said to bo the acme ) f stage art. In the final soouo of the ilay , a prominent critic says , 'Mr. veono's Macbeth is the incarnation if despair. Like a lion driven into a over , ho turns upon his persecutors , glits with terrible energy , and dies nest effectively. ' The patrdna of the Ihakaperian drama have a rich treat n store for thorn , A company of miversnl excellence aupportu Mr. veoiio this season. " IIAZKL KiiiKi : . The great dramatic aucceaa "Hazel Cirko , will bo given at IJoyd'a oporu ! ua > , Monday und Tuesday , April ii und 4th. Mr. R , S.Yires , buai II-BB manager of the Madison Squat o ' Hazel lurko' ' company , is in the it\ , making the necessary arrange- neiitb. Ecoiiomy- A fortune may be apeut in using inef- ectual medicines , when by applying L'IIOMAH' KCLKCTUIC OIL a apoedy aud conomical cure can ! > e effected. In cases > f rheumatUm , laiuu back , bodily allmeuU T tmius of e > ery description , it atfurdu in- tnnt relief , A Curd of Thanks. ? a Moasra. J , J , Dickey , Juy Nurthrup , 0. 1C. Cradle aud F. H. Smith , Committee - tee : Allow mo to extend to you my moat incoro thanks for the interest you lave taken in my behalf in original- ng and carrying out the plan for the ; oinplimontary concert tendered me. Dhrough you I deairo to express my icartfolt thanks to the ladies and gon- .lemon who so kindly took part in the Hitartainment and made it such a com- ileto success. And to the press for ho many courtesies extended to me n so thoroughly advertising the affair. Mso to the public for the large attendance - tondanco and kind appreciation. Very sincerely , LIZZIE GALDKHWCOD , Ladies , take a look at those Shot- and shawls just received at the Chi- go Dry Goods Store , 1116 Faruam itreot. m24-2t Death of an Old Citizen. Dr. Isaac Edwards died at 8 p. m Sunday , March 26 , 1882 , aged C years. The deceased was token il just a week nifo with bronchitis. Ho was an old tesident of Omaha , having removed to this city in 1800. H loavoa three children , all grown , viz Mrs. N. N. Edwards and Mrs. Yorgo of Omaha , and Mr. John E. Edwards of Mt. Vernon , Iowa. The funora announcement will bo made hero nftor. Meyer's CATARRH E. The Only Known Real Cnro. &BRO. SPECIAL >SGES. TO LOAN MONh . ONKY ro LOAN Oull at Daw urne-i of D M L. Thorni * UoomH Crclehton Illock O MJAA At b pof ecu tin tercst in surna.of 52,600 and upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on Qrst-claiw. city &nd 'irm property. URMIS URAL KSTAI uu < l LOAN AaiutcY , Ifith and Douphg Sta. HELP WANTED. tTITANTh D To rent faom April 10th , n house W of not less than five rooms fora family o ! three pcroins. Kent not to exceed § 25 p r per month. Address Tenant , BKK cilice. B21-27 * \X7 ANTED Two gentlemen or man and wife VV to take room in a private family with or without board. Nice apartment. Centrally lo cated. Apply to V. this offlto. B17-23 -\7fTANTED-S2 000 nt 8 per cent interest , for VV fho > o re , Al security w 1,1 bo given on business property. Address Equitable , cara U 1' . headqu rtcrs. 540-23 "AMED Situation to do chore ] mornings W and evening and attend school. Address J. U. BP.K ( tllce. 662-27 * WANTED-T o girls at Pacific House. 653-25' TANTED Girl forgeneral housework. Apply - . . ply at thn Western House , Pier e t. near 10th. 650-27" W ANTED A good Rirl at corner Hamilton and Pier sts. , chliin'j addition. ft > t 538-tl WANTED Situation by ayoun * mm 22 , } Cirs old as clerk in a Dry Goods or No t'ons store. One thai hag eome cxpe fence , can ipeak English ind L erman. Call or address b. ' . Hollander caie of 1 timer's Hull Rent utant umaha. 539J5 WANTED Scho'ars. Lessons gi\o in E - glieh , German , wrtlng ami arithmetic , erms cheap. Inqu re a * . No 'n t Hurt etreet Jmaha. Copri htli g done at the same plact. . 630-29' V/CTANTED / To soil a barber thop , need , o- V V cation , good business , satlsfai tory reasons r selll.c. Inquire at 117 a. 15th ttieet , Omaha feb. 637-tf WANTED A t oed house east of 23rd street , betncen Farnani and Dodge. A D. M < r.-o 4thani Farnam. 632-30 \TrANTED Situations by two girls as c ok VV an clmmbirmald. App y at 435 S. 16th treot. " 60f-2S" WANTED Situation In private family or grocery store. Can Klve best of refer- , stands how to iake care of hor- es. Addresi M. S. , ? . O. city. 625 25 * ITTANTED Girl to do general housework. YV Apply at 2016 California St. 62S-25 * ANTED To Kent a hou e of 6 or 0 rooms VV Addre a X. C. this office , 616-86 * W ANTE L Family of good standing to adopt a chill without any compensation. Ii.- | Ulr at a. Christiansen , ilidwlfc. No. 808 ICth trcet , between Cummg ana Burt. 618-6 * ITTANTEO First class coat nnd pants VV makers , filctcalf Bros. Council Biutts. SOO-3 < K ITTANTED Good pastry and meat cook VV at the Niagara house , Tenth street , bo- ween Farnaaanrt Douglas. Apply Imme diately 404 31 - ANTED Hoarders at the Garileld hocse , wANTED corner 14th and Jackjnn Sta. 414 tt ITTANTED Good girl. Ap ly at 1080 North YV 10th street. MRS. J. M. COUN8MAN 398-tf W "ANTED A gouu Kin icr general house work , also a nurse girl , northwest cor- cr 23d and Burt street * . 383-tf ntTANTED Funding brldgu auu nchool riouil , VV H.T. Clark , BrllevQe. 26-lf [ 7f7"A.STED 4 children as boarders In a .elect VV school , at 19th and California St. L. B iGOMIS 767-tf " 1 ROCEIW BOOKS \VArrCD-To ktcp eien- JT IIIKS in return for trade. P. 0. Box 602. 3f.2-tf T AN ! ED-r2 uiiturnikhcd rooms for man und vV wife , mutt be moderato in price. Ad- rcsj H , , Bio otllce. 207-tf FOR RENC-HOU8E8 AMD LAND I710R RE.NT-On 1 t April next a good busl- D ne j ro nn 22vtO near corner of 16th and lodge etrve . Janio-i > ovllc. ! 64023 * RENT FurnbhuJ rnoinsat 1407 Howard FOR 14th and 16th streets eouth side rlthin B blocks nouth east of postolllce. 661-tf HENT Two ronu suitable foi Final ! FOR , nt 2016 Nicholas s % WO 25' [ 710H RENT Uandsomi ly furnished front L1 bcdtoom In n prUato house , to single gcn- letnan. lltfcrenvo cicluiiL-d. 1312 ItodgtHt. it. 13th and 14th , SiS-25 | riO HENT Kami T. Murray r 543.11 NT One largo fur ills' ' ed ro > iu , with rOH iard , oil tlrst floor , out * de eii ranee lt > 03 Jalifornla st , C45-tf RENT Furnished cottage , tl * rooun. FOR California st , M . Half. 621-tf 4 NICELY furmthtd room for rent , 1416 ChiC - C\ . cage ttreet , between 14th and 16th.630tf 630-tf PIURNISHED KOOM TO HENT At 2020 St 1 } Mary's Avenue. 480tf RENT N. Y. I , Fee. 0 , T. 16 , K. 11 , un- FOR ed Douglas jounty land. 1 } miles rom R. 11. station. Isquire ut 2113 Davenport itreet 423 tf BEMIS rents bousei.Iots , farms , stores , rooms etc. OlSces 16th and Douvlos Sta. riOR RENT-Nlceljr furnished room. Apply at D 1220 Farnhain at. ii8-tf 17011 REET Store room in brick building , N. L1 K. corner ICth and Curulug , C , K Good- u&n , 1110 Farnham St. Q03-tf E1011 RKNT House oa anerman AVCIIUO , rooms , wikh ( table Apply to N. W M * nil , SO ? 8. ISito St. S07-M 7-OR RENT Furnunuu uuu .oom , N. K. cor. 9tb and Jack son. HtN'T House of elebt loouu. Enquire E10R 1 J. PhlDM Hog. 1612 B. Filth St. 977-tf K10B KENT S furnished rooms over MX H chants' Ezct DgeN. K. cot. 16th tad DoOt 1710R BENT Nicely furnlihod room * wltb PI without board , H won bU prlcM. 2011 UUi St. URNISHKD ROOMS FOR RENT-S. W. Cot. 19th and Davenport Bt 990-tt FUK OALt SALE A $300 side birbiwr , vety little V FOIl & . BluoRun ICthsl. BU 23 * * ITtOU SAIE A ftptcudld icrol1 taw , cheap JL1 corner 9th amn'oaar i i stoic t42-2V JjE Houto three rooms and hilf lot.on K 20th street north of Creek , $900 cash. On month'- payments 81,000. John L. McCfo'UC ' , opposite pOTtofllce. C33-tf SALE. Fine family marc ; jounc and PUR . Box 421 , Council Blag * , la 21-2 SAI E Housa and lot on easy terms. FOR at 11 Wa'nut street between 6th and 6th streets South of V. P. depot , also entire household goods. 631-30 * SALE A good stock of general mer chandise , will Invoice between four and five thousand dollars , or will exchange lor land Address , S. O. Thomas , Falrbury , Neb. 506-30 * HA I.K One almost new Organ ilie.ip on FUR . Inquire at 314 South 10th street. 603-28 * "I70R SALE Saloon stock and fixtures and JU itasc git en , good locUlon , Enquire ol L. II. Spencer , northeast corner llth and ilarney. spt 4'fl-tf IOK BALK Mults and horsol at Redman's JL1 16th street barn. spl 477-27 * l/oil fAiK KUc ai-res of land on raundes JL St cct , with fine res dcncc , barn and other Improt emcnts. Prlco $2,600 ; terms ca y. 472-tf W. R. Bartlett , Heal Kstate.Agcnt. 171 OH SALE A new house and lot , 2Mll and JU Douglas St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 26th and Farnham ts. 418-lm * 171OK SALE A Piano (0 octaves ) , in excellent JL1 cond t on ; very chop Inquire at IhlsoIQco. sp429-tf ! , eUUeucn. S5 down and y5 per montrnvrr * , LUIS , Agent. V IT1WRHALE Five cro. ; f land , 2-ntory frame JL house , barn 2 wclla and other Improve ments ; cast side of Saunders street , near Fort Omaha. For particulars add.esi OCB. W. Drowsier sier , Oakland , Neb. 401-tt SALE House and corner lot , cheap Price , 81000.00 cash or $1100.0) on time. McCAOUE , Opp. Poai. Office. 299-tt BO Is houses , lots , ( arms an > > ' - BEMIS , 15th and Douglas Sts. T710R SALE House with 0 rooms , barn and JU .ong lease of lot. on 16th St. , bet. Burt and Webster. Inquire at Edholm & Erlckson's. 355-tf I710R SALE Car load Of fat blackey mules JL broke Apply of J , W. Skinner , Coin la , 826-lmo * * T710R SALE 32 residence lots on and near ICth JU street. Price , ? 350 to SaM ) each. Terms easy. McCAGUE , Agent , Opp. Post Office. 1 860 tf \ SALE At Hall H Iced mid , near Mtlitar ] FOR , 76 tons of No. 1 baled hay. Will be delivered to any part of the city Also ground feed at the low est cash price. W. H. McCOY. 233-lm * I OR SALE Bicycle , 18-inch Standard Colum F bia. Apply Union Elevator. 263-tf OR SALE House and full lot In good loca. tion , cheap. Price , $1250. Easy terms. UcCAGUE , Opp. post office. 16tf SALE Best building lot In Shlnn's a-1- FOR _ , 142 feet castjront by 120 feet doptii. y/ McCAdUE , Opp. post office. 11 tf FOR SALE 2 nice counters and 2 silver plated show cases , at Geo. H. Peterson's , 804 South LOth St. 741-tf HALE Or will excha go for Omaha pr E1OH I , an improved sec M if land adjoln- nir a station on U. P. R. R. U. DUNHAM , 1411 Faruham St. , Omaha. 720 3m KICK FOK KAlIST B ESTABKOOK & CUE. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS-8100 each , $5 down and S5 per month. BEMIS , agent , ISthand Douglas Sta. * O ; . A Poundsotcno ce country butter for sale Owl/ cheap ; also fiesh milk every day at lioal'it Oocery ttore , corner Itth and Dodge. 474.1iio B KICK FOll SAuE T. Murray. 119-tf HAY At A. U. Zander * * Feed Stoi BALED Ilarney St. iij-tt MISCELLANEOUS. l\/fRS / MANCHESTER Is prepared to ncelve\ , LVl pupils lor Instruction In pit tlug. Please "t * . : allatN. W. cor 2nh St. Mary's ave. . 555 30 VfAUMOTH Cluster Black cap raspberries LVJL EO cent a dozen , 82.00 per hundred , 10.00 ler thousand at "Idle-Wilde Place. " leave or- ers ut 1414 Dodge st. John 0. rt I11U. mch-25-ov sat-it T AKEN UP By the subscriber oa February L 19th IS82'ncar West Omaha , Douglas Co. , fob. 1 bay mare about tweho jears 61d , 1 dark iay mare colt , about two jcars old , 1 dark bayer or o colt about one year old , with strap halt.r n his head. Owner Is requested to pay charge * nd take property. K. W. Carpenter / TEALE'S Celebrated blue grass pasture two i Li and one-half tnllcs iiouth-cast of Fort Cal- ioun uillbiptn for colts and horses at the Id mtes Yearling per month 50c , ftwo year old Id 75c , three years old and upwards one dallar lt Included. Season from April Uth to NOT mber 16th. Special rates to ixtraaluaDk tock. iinvid Ncale. 509-24 } ' Soft maple trees f r sale , 10 to 12 V 'O.l/UU feet high , one mile west of Fort Tnaha. Address W. C. Alnsworth , OmahaNeb. 470-1 gQ A A A wlll buy half Interest In an es- PO.UUU taollshed business , paying 40 per cnt. ' For further nformation apply or address V. C. B. Allen , 1110 Farn in street , Omaha , Neb 447-tf. 11t > UU'iCHr.Ks AMD HlOCKMuM Mycattte U scales are again In perfect order. Call on Ir. Va > i Oiman at stock jo ds , 10th St. , bet. apilol a\enue and Daven an St. Plenty of i ard room and stabling , lirl ght strawln bale A i ' r bed-ticks. K ESTABIiOOK. 435-tf f > lANO AND ORGAN Instruction by Miss B L 8. ParfUt , S. 20th ht. . below Pierce. 9tf ] " > OOM8 And first claw table board , at 2011 LV CassSt. ml.lm' -KCMI81 NKW MAJ'S , 10c. 3 Maps , 92.60. 01.0. P. U ON TYPE-WUITEUS-W are In frequent receipt of applications for [ KrutOH. BELL & AMES , 1MXJ Farnham , tfi'Mta llcmlngton TypeWriter. . foblB-apl 1AVE HENT Cl.olco of SO full lot to Ua 3 near Crelghton College for82o per year luxter L. Thoinaa & Bro , , Hoom 8 , Crulijhtoo' loc'0 ' _ -ft * " i"j KUELlJL IAG1STKK OF r 48TKUY AND CC TH IUNALI8T , 49t T nct , tjrtwoon F. . ( ' nd llainey. W rh the M of x\n < * i Jlrits , obtain fn > - n glance it tin < > ' riy pitwnt , anil n iiaiu conditiouulri t w lu ire. Boot * -.u.i < . made ro uJc/ . ' rfw 1 mill1. " " POWDEi ] Absolutely Pure. ' Thil powder ne > er rarits. A iu rid of pu | ty , utrtngth and v , holesomeness. More eerno1 1 ulcal thin the ordinary kinds , and cannrt buf old In competition Hlth the multitude of la t , short weight , alum or phuphaU powiL"if i Sold cxiy In cftijs. RoTAt oiitKQ POW&UO * i. \ I , New York