Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1882, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAA DAILY BEE-MONO AY MARCH 27 , 1552 , FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NEW YORK , March 25. KONBT. The money market closed at 3 per cent. Kxchango closed firm at 4 80@4 90. Governments closed firm. UOVKUNMENT BONDS. Currency C'a . . . 120 bid 4's coupons . 110 bid 4J'a coupons . . . ,114 bid 6fs continued 103 bkl 6's continued 101 bid RAIUlOAD 1'ACtfic railroad bunds cVo cd M follows Unionists . Ur > Jllfl Union Land Grants . 116 ( < 9ll7 UizionSinklngFundvireredat. . .117 (3)118 ( ) STOCKS A strong fedhsj characterized the tlcil ings on tha stock exchange to-day , anil a further advance was established , tin quo tations made being in some instances the highest of th week. Western Union was n feature of the. list , rising to 69J t n hrge transactions. Denver & 11 io Grande , St. Paul. and -coal shares were more inent and advanced sharply. In the Southwestern shares , Texas Pacific , Kan sas & T < nas , and Missouri Paclfiu were stroiu- and advanced. There w s a general oral improvement in the rot of the active list in sympathy with the .advance in the ibove mentioned stocks. There were re actions at intervals , but each decline brought in fresh ord n to buy , and near i the dose the highest prices of the day were current. In final dealings there was a reaction of i@V per cent. , which left the closing quotations i@3i per cent , higher than yesterday. The following were closing bids : Am'nDi8t.Ttfl. 51i Man Beach. . . Alton &T.H. . 28 Mot. elevated * . 88 a'referred. . . . C < 8 MdC 17 B. A. Line pfd. G7 Mobile & 0. . . 25 C B&Q 1311 N JO 849 C S 51 Northwestern. .131 jj 'Canton Land , . . < GO Preferred . . . .14 : C. & Alton 131 NY O 183 C S & C 68 .Nor& Wpfd. . 51 Cedar Falls. . . . 22J N Y Elevated. . 75 CP 01 Nash&O G4 Col Coal 49J -NO Coal 15 C C &IC J.3 § N P 35J Caribou 2 1'referrod 70 Central Arz 32J O&W 27 O& O i3 Ohio Cent 1GJ Istpfd 311 0 & M , . . 31 ? .DL& W 124i Omaha 38j D. &H .101 Preferred. . . . 104J D & R G ftl Ohio S 19 Erie 37i Ore Nav 135 E Tenn 13 Ont. Silver 343 Preferred. . . . . 223 PacMail 42J Adams 142 PD&E 11J Fnrgo i29 Pull. Pal. Car..127 American 14 Quick-ilver. . . . 11 i US 751 Preferred. . . . 08 Minn . 12J Reading GO GB 12 R&A 44 Homestake 17i R&D 138 H&St J 90 R & WP 141 Preferred. . . . 834 Robinson 31i Houston & Tex. G9j R&P 39 | I. C 135 RI 133j { K & D M 15 R&W 29 Kan & Tex 351 San Francisco. . 40.\ LS .119 ] Preferred. . . . 54 ? L A & Mo. . . . 19 1st Preferred. 911 1,1 52J St. Paul 115J Louis. & Nosh. . .7GJ Preferred. . . .123 L N A& C. . . G7 StP& D 30J Little Pittsburg 21g Preferred. . . . 78 $ M LS &W. . . .48 : Standard Oil. . . 1G M & K 121 St PM&M..119J M & C 55 T&P 45J MichCen SO : T D &B 134 Mnr & Cinpfd. 13 Union Pacific. .113 ; JSP M V& M G0 | AlanhattanEL. 51 Western Union. 89. Preferred. . . . 92 STATE IONIS. Tennessee G's ( new series ) declined to 49 rom 50. } , and North Carolina consuls ad vanced to-62 from 81. FINANCIAL. IlKVIEW. Events of the week in financial circles were important. Money was weak throughout , and rates for call loansranged , from 3 to 5 per cent. , with exceptional transactions at 2 per cent. Governments were strong throughout , : ept for continued 5V , which after an early advanca lost port of the improve ment. Foreign excliange was linn and higher. Stocks ware strong throughout the week v and prices advanced .sharply. At linter- ' " vals there .were salee to icalize profits , which caused some sharp reactions , but they were ail subsequently recovered , and prices for the active list iu the last deal ings ( howedan advance , of 2@7 peroont. , led by Denver & Rio Grande , Texac Pacific - cific , Westearn Union , Iisxouri Pacific , iLake Shore , Wabosh , New Jersey Cential , ( Central Pacific , Ohio & 'Mississippi , oi'id / . Kansas & Tores. The rise in Southern Specialties wacimarked , game of them jid- v\ 10@2Uj)9r cent. SALEH. The following were the sales of the muae .active stocks to-day. Total sales , 470,000 f UT 42100 II & St. Jo pf'd 2000 J.O&I C. . . . 00 K&T 22100 CCO&I i00 ! L&N 7500 C. IJ. & Q . . . 500 LS 24900 NYC 4200 L. E& W 1GOO N J.C 18800 Northwestern. 5500 JO 200 Preferred. . . 100 Ohio.Central 4300 O& W 17700 Mich > Cen. . . 4500 PM 1700 N P 20000 RD 7200 Preferred , 11400 Jtl 300 CP G'JOO .6t. P & Om . . 600 , MicT 1000 Preferred. . . G400 M&n. Kiev. . 800 BtPaul 27100 OS 7001 J.'referred . .13500 C k O 800 Kash. k Chat. 170 DL&W 53GOO ALL. S&W. 5000 D&RG G170J Preferred ] . . . 122'0 ' E ie 14700 M.4 0 Jst p'f.'d 200 Preferred. . . 1COO MoPac 15010 x - oim HANK SIATKMH.VT. The bank statement to-day in favouble. The followiog are the changes : Ix > an < i decreased -.S 1,097,100 Specie increased -l.tOD .Legal tenders dereased 1UOUOO Deposits decreased l,441,2i.O Circulation iacreased 71,000 JLa&erres increajidd 184,809 CHICACO MO.NKV. CIIICAOO , March 26. PreiUm , Keuti & Da , , banker. ' , quote money in fair denmn.'t at 5@7 ] > er r.eut , on call , nnd 3 8i er cui.t * . iltflf. Uastern exchange between city banks 76@80o premium per 11,000. The clearings of the associated b.inki were $ J,57G,000. State * bonds continue to ( id. ace. Municipal and railroad bonds more ac tive. UWTKI ) BTATE8 J10NDH. * > Extended sixes , 1881 101 @ 1011 4rs Extended five ? , 1881 ,1031a)103j ( ) 4Va Coupons JI4114 { 4s Couponi 1185 District of Columbia , 3GVd IOT\ \ OTJIEIl LO.N'DB , Minneiota State 4i'e , and Interest. . O. M. & St. P. 7' and interest 0. M. & St. P. G's and Interest O. B. &O.4'n , B. " &M.TnMcb. 4' , , . . , , , 84 . "abash 6's , , , . . 83J Chicago * ; Northwestern 5'i . , 99 } Jacksonville & S. E P5J XATIONAti BANK NOTK3. \VAstiiNxrox , March 25. Bank notes received for rcd mptiou durIng - Ing the week , $1,180,000 ; bonds held to secure national bank circulation , $3G9- 955,700 , as follows : Currency G' S 8,031,000 Currency 5's 174,500 Currency 4 J's 32,293,850 Currency fn 93,050,950 Currency 3J's 210,205,400 Bonds deposited to secure circulation during the week , ? 1,037 700 ; to secure cir culation withdrawn during the week , SI- 391,700. COMMERCIAL. Umnbn AVliolonnlo Mnrhot OFHCK or Tim OMAHA BEE , 1 Sitturdny Evening , March 25. f Of thu wholctala market dming the past week little can be said , except , per- liap , a steady increnso in the volume of bu-iii'Ri , and a creator number of buyers were present In person. This , together with the settled tpring-liko weather of the last few days , la an Indication tint trade Is .fairly orcned , and the anticipated lx > om Is now at hand , as up to this time the bulk of business has been done throxigh ordi rs. . The local grain trarfe of the past week is reported more active , and a steady in crease k pr'co , to n lltnltod extent , has ruled tin ought tit the week. To-day's report show the following Increase over this day of last week : Wheit-No. 2 advanced 2jc ; No. 3 ad vanced 3c , Barley No. 2 advanced Ic ; No. 3 ad vanced 2c. Ityb Advanced Ic. Corn Advanced * 2c. Oals Advanced ; } c. Flour There has been a moderate home trade , and quotation prices have beeu well maintained , but outside of thU business' ' in this line has been dull. Bran and chopped feed is still scarce and iu'dcmand. Provisions are reported stead ) ' , and n fair business was transacted. Produce receipts have been very he.ivy throughout the week and prices generally declining. Eggs The marnct is glutted , and prices are rapidly declining. Sales have been made as low as lOJc ; outside figures , 12c. Potatoes The market has been good , but heavy prospective receipts would indi cate a decline. Prices have been ruling so high in this market that several cars of Imported S etch Champions have been received and sold largely for seed. Poultry Scarce and in good demand. All lots sell on arrival at 13@13 c for turkeys And 12u for chickens. Butter ll-'ceipts are heavier and prices weakening. Choice lots have been sold at 31@33c. Be ins Owm ; to large importations from Germany , prices have declined , large lots having been sold as low as $3.30. Apple ? are scarce acd demand light. Onions arj in fair demand and prices declining , selling from Htores as Idw as S3.50 per barrel. Oranges As the season advances , large shrinkage in repacking forces an advance in prices. Lemons rule steady at quotation figures , but as warm weather approaches higher prices arc anticipated. Green vegetables from local gardens are in good supply. Groceries A good movement is report ed , particularly in dried fruits and cm goods. Prices are steady , as a rule , yet sugars have advanced § @ic , and syrups 5@7c per gallon. This is principally on account of the present high price of corn over last-year's contracte. Dry goods , drugn , clothing and other general merchandise uro reported , quo tations and prices , ne arule , well main tained. Hogs Farmers are shipping more freely ; receipts of 50 card reported if a better showing tlian forsoveral weeks past. Lard is improving , but p.lowly. Packers are holding in anticipation of better prices. Brick are reported in demand and ad vancing to .ruinous . price * , $10 per 1000 being demauedd for kiln count. From the present outlook for the next three or four weeks , we should consider this a good market for shippers. The only changes in to-day's market are as follows : Wheat No. 2 declined } cj ATe , 3 de- idined > , ; . Barley No. 2 declined Ic , Oats- Advanced | c. Eggs Declined Ic. Lard Oil Declined Be. Headlight Oil-Declined ic. Turpentine Advanced Ic. Local drain Dealing1 WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 117ica ! h No. 3 , 3ic ; rejected , G7jc. B/UILEY. Cash No. 2 , 93cNo. . : < , CSj. CSj.KYK. KYK. Cash , G8c. COHN.-Caah No. 2 , 52o. OATH. Ca8h,33n. STKKKT PIIIOKS Corn , 50@45.oats , 50(5)45. ( ) H A7f 80 fO@G 50s \ ton. Provision * . FLOl/lt Spring wheat , straight grade , ja25@a. 0 ; "Pioneer" CclJfornia , 8400 ; patent , $ li 75@4 50 ; winter vheat straight irade $3er ( er 4 25 ; patent , ? < 50@5 00 ; gc- tinni rye , $2 50 ; Wheat , * ? 00 ; Queen Bee , 84 85 ; Jasper , 83 87 ? Big Sioux , 3 50. IlYK FL0UE-S3 25 , MILLSTUFl'3 Uran , fr cwt. 1 10 uer ton , 1C 00@17.00 ; uteeniiiga , per cwt. we ; shorts , per , \vt 1.10 ; ch jjpod feed , o r owt. 1 20 ? oiral nolted , yeltiw , 1 40 ; vhite. $1 GO. "OTATOES Nebuwkaii , 1 25 ® ! 35 ; Imported Scotch Champions 1 < > 01 (15 ( , ' dVVBKT I'OTATOKH ( ; euuln Mtwoa- t''H.I fii'fl' ' per Hi. WILL ) lUOK- 25l LO , . HUTTEll l.'rcamery , 40@42c ; choice roll , 33@35o ; common roll , 2G@28c. APPLKS Good , sound , very scarce .t 5 50@G 50 per bbl. 450 LEMONS , Steady ; per box , 4 25 ® OKANGES per box 4 25@4 50 BEKSWAX-Yellow. 20@22c. ONIONS-83 50 per LaVrel. OKANBEKHIES-Por bbl. , 310 00 ® OELKllY-Per doz. , 75c. DHES8ED GKESE-Per lb. , 9@llo. OY8TEKS-Select8,45oj sUndaSs , 35c. Mediums 25c. DRESSED CHICKENS -Steady at 10@llc. DRESSED TUllKlyS-12i@13o. ! OHEESE-1014c. CASE VALENCIA RANGES- 98 25 a 9 00. Qrocer i List. COFFKK.-Rlo , lair , lie ; JUo , good i2c ; Rio , prime to choice , ISJo ; Old gov't JAVA ; 26i@28ic , Mocha , 281cj Arbnckle's , 16o. 16o.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o Choice , G0@75c ; Young Ilyson , peed , SO ® 50cj choice , G5c@Sl 00 : Japan Nat Iieaf , 85c | Japan _ , choice . , CO@75cjOolong [ , cowl , Oofong , , 40 55 ; Souchong [ ( , stood. 8540c : choice , S5&4oe. S UOA11S. Chit loaf. lOgc ; Cnmhed lOJc ; Granulated , lOJc ; Powderctl. lOJc ; Klnopowdenxl , It'Jc ; Standard Coffee A ! 93c ; New York Confectioner's Standard A. 9lo ; Good A , S)3c ) ; Prairie Extra 0 , 92 o oSYRUPS. . Sugar house , bbl . 47c ; hall bis , 49c ; kegs , 4i galloms $2 18J ; choice table syrup , 4Gc ; half bbls,4Gc } kegs , 82 18J. SODA. Dwlcht's 11. papern , f3 00 ; De- and do , $3 00 ; Church'd , 83 00 ; Keg ioda. STARCH. Pearl , 4&c & ; Silver Gloss 81 CdSjo ; Corn Starch , 8j@9cj Excelsior Glow. 7c ! Corn. 74o. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , I 85 ; Ash ton , In sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , Ea , 3 45s hbls dairy. 100. 3 . 3 05. DRIED FRUITS Choice halves evaporated pcachcn.7c : Salt Lake 10 Jcvap- : orated Mb bocs,13Ac ; Michigan , 7c ; Kew York apples , 7lc ; f'nnics , old , CJc ; now , 7c ; Currantd , G7c ; Blackberries , now , CHEESE Full Cream , I4c ; Part Mm lljc. WOODENWARE Two hoop pallf , I 95 ; three hooii pails , 2 20. No. 1 tubs 50 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 50 : No , 3 tubs. 7 f,0 pioneer washboards , 185 Double 1 90 : WollbuckctM , 325. LUAD-Bar , 81 65. SPICES. Pepper , | 19 ; Allcplce , 19c ; Cloves , 40c : Nutmoifs , 81 00 : 2'c : > ! n > ii , Mace SI 00. MATCHES Per caddie , 90n ; round cases , $7.G5 ; square cases , 85.10 PROVISIONS Breakfast bncon , 13j. . hnjcc larxl , 14 ic ; dried beef , 13jc ; ehould- ers , 9c : hams , 13c ; bacon , sides , llic. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 89 00 ; do iulutlf bbls , 5 25 ; smalls , iu bbl.i , 12 00 do , In half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGu : pure apple , 13c ; PruBRlnei > uro atmlo , IGc. HOMINY Now , 85 00 ner bbl. BEANS Medium , hand picked SJ 20 per bushel ; navy , 81 00 ; calof navy , 81 00 ROPE Sisal , 4 inch and lorgsr , 8@ 9cilnch ; , 9t. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330 ; Kirk's satin. 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 05 ; Kirk's whl Russian , 500 : Kirk's Eutoca , 20 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) . JO ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55 ® CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8s , lGcbox'cs ; 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , Gn. IGc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 840 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , 8G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. 87 00 ; white clover , now , 814 00 11 nlfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , new , 81300. Timothy , good , new , 83 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue grass , clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass , 82 50 : red top _ , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , German , 81 00 to 81 25 ; Hungarian. 80c. HEDfYESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 busheln or over , 84 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. . 825 00. FIS JL Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , 84 75 ; jS'o. 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , 6 70 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 10 ; family 10 lb kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colum bia river salmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; Georjf" ' * Bank codfish , 6c ; Gen. boneless cocl.v" , 9Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc. MACKEREL Half bblsmess mackerel , 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , C 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do 75c. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb j ( Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per caeo , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case , J GO ; 'do ' ! lb ( standard ) , nor case , 2 30 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) , per. case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozen 2 55. Sardines , small tfsh , imported , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , quarter boxes per box , He ; do half boxes , per box , 21&C. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 lb per case , [ 300 ; Corn2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 3 20 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 3 3 1 ; string beans , per cose , 2 25 ; Lima beans per case , 2 20. Succotash ] > er case. 2 25. Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 80 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per cose , 2 75 : raspberries. 2 lb , per case , 2 75@3 00. Damsons , 2 IT ) , per cose , 2 45. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00 , Whortleber ries per caf.e , 2 80. Egg plnms , 2 lb per , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50. Green gagee,2 lb per case , 3 50 : do choice , " lb per cane , 4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case , 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 : do 3 lb , case , 6 00@G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per cahe.385 ; do pie , 6 lb , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , 7@8c ; Louisiana , 7 < asc ; fair , G@Gi. PEANUTS-Roastcd , choice , red Tennessee - nessee , 9o per lb ; fancy white , lOc per lb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , llic. Dry Good * . BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7e ; Cabot W , 71c ; Chittcnango A , GJc ; Ureat Falls E , 8Jc ; Hoosier , < 3jc ; Honest Width , 7c : In dian Head A , 8jc ; Indian Standard A , .6Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w , , Rjc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic : Pequot A , Sjc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5ic ; Wachus- ctt B , 74c ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 124o ; Wai- oott BB. 8jtc. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Sc ; Atlantic LL. Glc ; Badger Stat < X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S , 4-4 , 6Dco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconla O 39 , Stc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdalo 4-4 , lOc ; Pepperell N 30 , 7o ; do 0 32 , 7Jo ; do 11 3G , 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8ic ; Pocassct 0 4-4 , 7tfo ; W&msutta4-4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog- cido n L 4-4,9icl'iIackstoneAA ; Imperial 8Vo ; do do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,89 ; Fidelity 4-4 , 9 4c ; Fruit of the Loom , 10 ; dfo can.bric4-4,13cdoWaterTwIst,10icGrcat ; ; FalUQ , lOJc ; Indlau Head shrunk 4:4 , 12o : Ixmsdale. lOc ; do cambrla 37 , 12Jc ; New York Mills. 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepperell N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc ; Pocasset 4-4 , 81c ; Utlca , Ho ; Wamsutta O X X , 124o. DUOJCS TJnbleached Atlantic , 10 o 7c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; 'Lone Star , 8 u * . 12c : Savufre. 18c. DUCKS ( Colored ) Albsny K brown. 80 ; do 0 , drab UPdo X A , stripes and plaids , 12Vc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Dnmswick brown , 8 0 ; Chariot fancy , I24c ; do eirtru heavy , 20c ; Fall River drown , extr * heavy , 11 4c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Noonuet ] A brown , 15o , TICKINGS Am oskeap A O A 32 lie ; do XX blue 82 , 18J ; Arrowunna , 9J ; Claremoitt B B , 15Jc : Conoatogu ex tra , 174c ; Hamilton D. lljc Lewiston A 30 , lOo ; Mlnueli ha 4-4 , 20c ; O-ne a xup-r extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGjc ; Putnam - nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Khetucket 8 lOic : do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , Bio DENIMS , Amoikeak , blties/ul brown IGJc ; Audovor DD blue , 15c ; Arlington blue Scotch , ISJc ; Concord OOO , blue and brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX do do 14Jc : Haymaker'n blue and brown , , 9ic ; Mystic River DD utrlpe , JCic ; 1'earl River , blue aud brown , 15Jc ; Uucatvllle , blue and brown , ] 34o , CAMBRICS Barnard , We ; Eddyatone lining , 2i inch double face , Kjc ; Garner A glazed , 5c : Manhattan glove ( inl h , f Jc ; NewjKjrt do Go ; do glazed , 6Jc ; Pequot do Be : l < oclwood kid finish , Go , CORSET JEANS Amory , 8c : Andros- coggti Bat teen , 84Clarendca ; , 6'icjConea- toga eatteens , 1oHallowel \ , c ; Indian Orchard improved , 74o ; Narr > gansett , 7ic ; Pepperill satt * en 94n ; Rockport , 7Ja PJtINTSAliens. . G4c ? AmericanGjo ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4ijc ; Cocheco , 7c ; C nestoga. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Duunell , 6l@7c ; Eddyatone , 7c ; Ghucester , Go ; Hftrmony , 64o ; Knickerbocker , G4c ; Mer- rlmac D. 7c ; Mystic , SJc ; Sprarues , 6c ; Southbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7oj U rl. bore , 5Jc ; Oriental GJo. GINGHAMS Amo keag. lOicj Amos- ke ? dress 12J , ' Argyle , IWcj Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 74c ; HlghUnd , | 4c ; Kenllworth , SJc ; Plun kett , 104o > Su - 8CXCOTTONADES Abbervlllo l 4ci Agate , We ; American , He ; Artlstan. 20c ; Cairo D and T , 134c ; Clarion D and T , 174c ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T.lGo ; Key stone , ISJc ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonpareil , IGo ; Ocean D and T , 134c ; Royal , 1041 ; Sussex , 12c ; Tiogo. 12jc , ; WachiiKett "hirt- \nt \ 5beck . 124c ; do , Nankin , 124c ; York , plain Nankin. 12jc ; do.checkR , striixjs nd fancy , 12c ; do , 8 oz , 20c. SHEETINGS AndroscogcinlO-4,27jc ! do 9-4 , 24o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; ContlnenUl C 42 , He ; Fruit of the Ixxnn 10-4. 27 * ! New York mills 98 , 3T.c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 224p ; Pembroke 10-J , 2 , * > c ; Pequot 10-4 , 28jc ; do 7-1 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; renporoll 06 , 29o ; do 67 , 21c ; do 57 , I8c ; Utica 9S , 85o ; do 53 , 22Jc ; do 48 , 17c Olgnr * and Tobacco * . CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seeil Havana , $50.00 ! CloarHavauo , 875.00. TOUACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 lb , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rope , firsi quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 24 lb , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoo , pounds , 24 lb , butts , COc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 2J lb , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , pounds 65c ; Bullion , tmunds GOc ; Lorfl- lard's Climax , txrauds , Glc. FINE CUT In palls. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thrcnti. 70c ; Fountain , 80c ; Favorite , ( MO ; Rocky Mountain , COc ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Catllns O. S. , 5 lb boxes lr lbG3c ; I ori- lllanl's Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , GOc. SMOKING All prndcs Common. 25 to 33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 10 or. 51c ; Dukes Durham , 1G or , 50o ; Seal ol North Carolina. 16 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebnm- kn , 16 oz , 38c ; Jxmo Jack , 4 oz , linen bags per lb , 81.35 ; Marburgs' Pnck , 2 oz , tin oil , 5 5c : Dog Tail. 5c. Paint * Oils nd Varnlthei. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P. , 04"o ; white lead , O.P.tO Co .S.P.G4 puroGtMar83lllc8grccn ; , l to 5 lb cane , 20c French zinc , gi ? ° n seal. 12c ( French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In vcrnish osst , ? 0c ; French zince , in oil onst , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw and burnt. Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , IS , ; iclined lamblack ] , 12c ; coach black , l"c ; i"ory black , IGc ; drop block , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and nhutter green , L. M. & D. . 14c ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan iln. , 22c ; American Vcrmtllod , I. &P. , 18c ; chrorao yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1'5 ; patent Jrver , Gc ; graining color * : light oak. dark oa c , walmit. nhcstuut. nnd aih l'2c Dry ° alnt White lead , OJc ; french rlnc. lOo ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders. ljc ; \s biting com'l , lie ; lampblack German- to vn , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 80 ; Prus sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umberburnt , 4c ; umber , raw , lcuienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , Ic Paris green gen\iinc , 35c ; Paris green com'l 25c ; chromo green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. ] 0c , rose pink , 14 c ; Venetian read , Cookson's ? ? c : Venetian red Am , , lc ; rol lead , 7ic ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yellow - low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2c ; ochre , American , ljc ; Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2c : Spanish browii , 24c ; Trinco's mineral 3c ; VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $140 ; Coach , No. 1 , 8120 " ; Domar , 81 50 ; Japan. 70c ; aspbaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 50 : hard oil finish. 81 30 OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , 114cl'50 ; headlight , per gallon , 12c ; 175' headlight , per gallon , 164c ; crystoline , per gallon , 19c ; linseed , raw. per gallon , G2 ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , G5c ; lard , winter sti'd , per gal lon , 95 ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , G5c ; castor , XXX. pf-r gallon , 130 ; No. 3,115 ; sweet , per gallon , 85cj sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 35 ; fish , W. B. . per gallonGOc ; noatefoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , 50 : spenn , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tcr- pontmo , per gallon , G5cQnaptha ; , 74' , per gallon , SOc ; G4 , 20c Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates. 8340 ; plow steel , special cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; ppecial or GermauGc ; cast tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , set , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per lb , 7@llc ; woaliers , per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , He ; coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 80 ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8c ; Burden's borsenhoes , 5.15 ; Burden's muleshoes , G 35. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 375 Gd , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , fine , 6 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing. 4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; 10d finish , 4 75 ; 8 < I finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , 5 25 half keuTH , lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 : Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 : do. , half kcjrs , 83.48 : do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast- hit' . ketfB. 83.35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet 50c. BAl.BED WIllE In car lots,8 30 per 100 ; in less than car lots. 8 55 uer 100. Horiet and Mules. Tha market is brisk and all grades are selling well at ilitrht advance in pi Icon. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range an fol. lows : Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dra.'t hones , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 890. to 8100. ; Extra plugi > , 8 0. to 75. ; Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 1C to 151 hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; 144 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ; 14 to 144 hands , 875. to 100. ; 134 to U bands. 8CO , to 75. Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 230 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , 1 30 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 121 per proof gallon ; re-distilled vtiekion , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@ 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Km- tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , 80 00@1000 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS larportod , 4 60@0 00 ; domestic , 140@300. RUMS Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; New England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic. 1 60@3 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 2SOO$3 OjAmarlnj , case , 1200 ® 10 00 , CLARETS Per case , 4 60@16 00 WINES Rhino wine , per cose , G 00 ® 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , Lumber , WI10LKHALE. We quote lumber , lath and shingles on cars at Omaha at the following pricex ; JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 ft. ami under , 821 GO ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMBKRS 10 ft. and under. 82200. TIMHUR AND JOI8T-18 ft. , 823 ( ) . ; 20 ft. , 821 00 ; 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 2 ! ft. , 887 BO. KENCIN-No. 1 , 4 un.l . G In. , lt > no ; Xo. , 820 HO , SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common board * ) S1880 ; No. 2 , 81700. STOCKI BOARDS-12-in. D , 82300 ; 12-ln. O. 835 00 ; 12-ln. IJ , 810 00. SIDING-A , 821 O'J ; IJ , 821 00 ; 0 , $18 00 * FLOORING-A , 81000 ; IJ. 837 50 ; 0 , 83200 ; I ) , 82300 , SHINGLES No. 1 , ? 1 75 ; G-In. clear , 82 75 ; star , 83 25 ; extra A , 81 00. LATH-NO , i. 83 50. SHIP LAP-Plain , 82300 ; O. ( i , Nor 2,82100 ; O G. No. 1 , $35 00. No. 2 , $13 50 ; 1-in , No. 1 , 818 50. THICK FINISH-$18 00@55 00. HTARRED FELT-Per lb , 3o STRAW BOARD-Per id , 3c. JJHAH CREEK LIME -81 25. PLASTER PARIS-8235. LOUISVILLE CEAIKNT-12 00. Material. L-IME Per barrel , 1 35 ; bulk per bu 35c. Cement , bb ] , 82 50. Iowa plft tf bbl , f2 60. Hair per bn , S5c , ' Tarred felt 100 Ibs 83 50. Straw Uard , 84 CO PAPER Straw p i > er , 3c ( rag pRixr , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; mnnila paper , lOcj news paper , 8c COA1/ Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morri * Hun ] llow burg , 812 ; Wiltcbrcast lump , $0 0 ; Whitcbrcast nut. 80 f 0 ; lown lump , 86 50 ; Iowa nut 8650 ; Rock Springs 88 ; Anthrftcito , all sizes 812 00@12 50. Qru . DRUGS AND CUKMIOAIjS Acld Carbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartarlc. We ; Balsam Copabla , per lb , 75c ; Hark , Saxsafias ptr lb , 14c ; Calomel , jxir lb , 75c ; Clnchonidio,1 per oz , 8100 ; Chlorofonn , t > er lb , 100 ; Diner's powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Epson alts P r lb , 3ic ; Glycerine , pure , per lb , 45c ( Ix-nd , Acetate , wr lb , 21c ; Oil , Ca t.r ( . , Xo. 1 , per gal , 1 30 ; Oil , Castor , Xti. , per gal , 812T > ; Oil , Olive , per p l. tflO \ ; Oil , Origanum , ftOo Opium , 85 2.Oulninc ; 1' . \\.k R. & S. , per or , 82 40 ; Poti s ium , Iwlldc , i > cr Ib ; 82,1 , " > ! Salacm , per or , 40c ; Sulphate uf Morphine , per ( > * , $4 00 ; Sulphur flour , per lb , > Jc ; Slrvchulue. tier oz , 81 60. Wool. .Merino unwashed , light , ll@16c ; heavy , 18@15c ; mpdlum unwashed , light , 18@20c ; washed , choice , 82cs fair , SOc ; tub-dlngy and w. , 28c ; biitry , black nnd uotted wwu * 2ffr-c less Hides t-urs , Etc. H1DK8 i.rccn butcher'n hide , ; 6\a \ < cuied7ic ; hides , green salt , part cured 7" hides , lijc ; dry Hint , nouml , lS@14c ; dry calf and kli > , 12@13c ; drj * salt hidesmmnii , llf112cj green calf. wt. 8 to 15 lb < . . 10@lle ; green call , t , under 8 Hw , per skin , 50o : \ft-ccn \ t > clt , 50@81 2.i green lamb skins 8110125 ; damaged hides two-third rate , cut retired and one grub , classed two- tllrdt rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. Com skins No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , ' -0. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , HOflj No. 3 , 16c ; No. 4 , 5e. Fox. NO. 1 , OOc : No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , ! > -'c ' ; iinort ntripe , 40oj narrow stripe 25c ; t Mini dtrlpe , lOc. Tallow , Go. Lea her. Onk sole , 38c to 42c ; hcml-ick sulc , 38o to 3Gc ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; tunmr , t' r.o to 80c ; hemlock c ilf , 8 c to 120 ; htm- lock tippi-r , 23oin2Gc ; oat u-per. 2lc ; alligator. 4 00 to C 50 ; cnlf kid , 32@3' > cj Grchenkld , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , KUo to 1 00 ; oak cslf , 1 ' . ' 0 to 1 3D ; French kin , 110 to 1 fir. ; F ouch c.tlf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rim- HetU. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; toi | .ings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , oOa to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c : slmon , 2 rO to 3 00. HARNESS-No. 1 star oak , 43c ; No 2 d. . . 40c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 40c ; No. 2 do , 37c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 38c ; No. 2 do , 3Gc. Connotl Bluff * Marltot. COUNCIL BLcrrs , March 2 6 Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheuf , S GO ; California Eureka , patent 3 8 . < ; best brand of Kansas , 3 50@3 90 ; Kansas and Missouri flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 3 76 ; rye flour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 15 00 per ton Chop Com 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , 8112@116 ; No. 3 , 72o : rejected , 52c. Corn 52. Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 35c. Barley No. 2. 90c ; No. 3 , 75c Hay Loose , 5 00@G 00. Wood-5 50 ® 7 00. Live Hogs 5 25@5 75. Cattle Shipping , 4 50@5 00 ; milch cows 30 00 ® 15 00 per head : butchen- stock , 3 00@3 50. Sheer ) 3 75@4 25. G Hides oc ; G S hides 7c. Wool 15@.y5. Butter Creamery , SOc ; in mils wrap- pet ) , 25c : rolls not wrapped , 2U ; mixed colors 15@20c. Eggs Packed , 2.\c \ ; froah , 15i' . Potatoes 130 ; Salt Lake , 1 51) . Onions 1 25@1 40. Dressed Poultry Chickens , lOcj ducks lOc ; gceae. 8c ; turkeys , 12ic. Live Chickens 2 25 per dozen. Chicago rroauou. CHIOAQO. Murch 25. Flour Steady and firma ; moderate business transacted ; common to choice western spring , 4 50feG 75 ; Minnesnta , 5 0 @ 7 00 ; patents , G 75@8 25 ; rye ( lour , 4 85 @ 515. Wheat In No. 2 spring a quiet and dull feeling prevailed. But few outside orders were received , and the fluctuations were too small to stimulate local specula tion , and trading was on a limited sc.ile. Tha feeling was easier , and a lower range of prices was established , closing , how ever , tttcady , with a portion < > f the decline recovered. At the c ese No. 2 stood at 1 351c for ca-h , March and April ; 1 S08 forMiy ; 1 283 for June ; 1253 for July ; 111 § fur August ; 1 031 03J for the year ; No. 3 quiet at 1 10ul ) 12 , according to location ; rejected entirely nominal. Corn A fair speculative demand pre vailed , but the feeling was n little unset tled. Thu markcttoihjned quiet at i@lu I decline. A further reduction of J@Jowus ; submitted to about the middle of 'change. Durln ; the latter pitrt of the scfHlon tha fef ling was ttrongcraxain and prices ranged i@o higher , with considerable trading nt the improvement and f.drly active for all grades. No. 2 cloned at G3@G3Jc fr cash , March and A lil ; GSJcf ir May ; 07fj @G8cf .r June ; G8Jc for July ; 5Go for the year ; rejected , G1J < j Oatn Firm and sllghtlv higher : No. 2. 42cfor March ; 42i@424o"lor April ; 45ja | ( > 82JO. Pork Fairly active and higher. Mev * cloeed at 17 1017 15 for cash ; 17 074 f' ' April ; 17 30@17 3 \ for May ; 17 60 ® 17 524 for J" e ; 17 70@17 75 for July Lard Autive ; 1070igl075 lor cubh ; 10 ,0@10 724 fir ApiII ; 0 90@10 92J for Mav ; 11 024ull ( ) 15 for June ; 11 12i@ll 15 for , Bulk Meats Market more active ; short libs , 9 47J9 50 for ca h ; 9 45@9 474 f r April ; 965@957J for May ; ! l G5@'J G74 for June. Whisky-Steady at 118. Butter In good demand nnd mar ket firmly held. Creamery , choice to fancy , 40@42c ; fair to good do , S3@38o ; dairy , choice to tancy , 32@37u ; do fair to good , 23@28c ; fr.sti in ado and packing stock , 18@28c ; low grades , 10@13c ; roll , 16@2Go for common to fair ; 28@30o for good Io choice ; grease , 7@9c , Eggs Quiet and demand moderate. Strictly fresh , 15u. Ileo'ts Shipm'ta Flour 10,170 12,045 Wheat 11,935 4,003 Coru 39.318 80.45U Oats 45.20G 40,081 Rye 2,277 2,700 Uurley 12,921 11,331 Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO , March 25. The Drover't Journal reports as foil ws : Hogs Rcceiptu , 13 000 head. Thu miir- k t for packing hogs was a llttlu weaker , nnd tr.idlng was blow but sules of good hogs were gt nerally made at about stva y in tea Common rough lots were plentiful , aid us thu demand was weak trading was at ubout 5c loarr , and the cloto was weak an I a fe * late arrivals wi-iu uriMild Commini to good mix d , tJ35@7 tO ; heavy lackem and uhlpnera troiiK during the must part of thu day. but closed weak , prices ranged from 0 80 ® 7 40 ; light hogb lower , 0 25@7 60 ; skips and culU In Urge supply anil lower , rang- ng fram 5 00(5,1 ( ! 20. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 head , Trading lively to thoextentol supply which was vtry meagre ; common hii > ping , 5 30 ; fair , 5 80 l@5 95 ; medium , 0 20 ; good G 15 ; choice. 0 40@0 05 ; export , G 8@G . 90 ; ml od buichors' stock actlvu and strong ; all the offerings were e garly taken ; cow * , 3 00 ® 5 25 : bulls , 3 25(5(5 ( ( 81) ) ; uteerd , 5 25@5 : btockera and feederu steady and * old well at300fiOO , Sheep Receipts 800 head. Mnrketqutet and ubout uucnanged. The quotations for common. 465 ; medium , 5 75@5 UO ; gotid , G C0@0 10 ; choice , G 15 , Cleveland Market , OLKVELAJTD , Match 25 , Petroleum Firm , quiet and unchanged ; standard white , 110 tf t , 7v Now York Prodnoo- Nsw YORK , March 23. Flour Steady ; No. 2. 2 80@3 76 ; city mill extra , G V58 00 ; southern flour quiet common to choice extrn , 6 20@8 00 ; Wheat-Cash red 101J ; higher and vxsry strong ; options quiet and weak ; N ! 2 rctl , 14. @ 1I5J ; No. 1 do , 148 ; No. 1 white , 13lj ! No.J. . red. April , 1 40(3) ( ) 1-I3J : tin May , 141S@14'.4 ; do June , 1 37 @ 1 383. Corn Firm for caxh , lots for option un graded mixed , 72J@77 ; No. 2 751753c : No. 3 whlt , 88@ Oc ; No. 2 mixed April , 76J@7oic ; do May , 75Jc. Oats ltx 1 quiet and steady ; white higher nmt f lly active ; No. _ 1 whjto , 68c ; No. 2 doL5768i ! No. 1 mixed , 64e | No. 3 , 62J@6fj ; mixed western , 63@56c ; .Vo , a mixed , March , " Hyo Flimer ; bids for state. Harlcy Qiilot ; ungraded Canada , 114 I'ork-Sttong ; new mew , 17 60 ® 7 G2J. Lard Strong , fnlrly iiCiivo nnd higher , 11 lit icas > . : II OJ April. Whl ky Nnmliwl. Pctruleutn Market firm and quiet ; united , 8l3c ; crude In barrels G3 < @ ' ' 7jcs ! nnDtlu , In Imrrilo. G G3jc asked ; re fined here nnd In Baltimore , In barn Is " 4c ; do Philadelphia , 7go. St. Louln Proilnco. ST. Louis , March 25. Flour Funcy nnd choice lower ; fnncv , 40(5G ( ; 00 ; choice , G 10@G 26 ; fami ly , 6 WXSll 60 ; XXX , 6 505 05 ; YX , 6 00 @ 5 60. rom Steady nnd linn ; G7jo for ca h ; . . - fi.r March ; 07o { ! foi'trrilG8Jc ; for May ; GS c for Juno ! G'.lo forJuly ; GUJc for Ai glut ; MJo for the year. OaU Sirtingor nnd hcling better ; 41)c ) for cAoh ; 45io for Ajirll ; 45Jc for Slay ; 4 Io for June ! 37io for July , R > -Klrmer t8ll a' > c. IJrtrley Unchanged. Lead Dull nnd iiudmnred. liutt r Steady ; cicamcry , I0@42c ; dalr , 30S38c. ( ! KKKH Finn at I3ic. Whisky117. . Flax Seed Quiet at 1 3 ! > © 1 35. Pork firmer ; 17 GO for cash ; 17 GO for May. Lard Nominal at 11 26. 26.Uvo'ts. ' . Shlpmtx. ITlour 1,463 7,030 Wheat 18,281 8,4K ( Corn 37.775 100,589 Oats 247.G38 1,840 Ityo . . . . . . Harley 1,4HI Cincinnati Prodi. . in. CINCINNATI , .Murch 26 Mesa Pork Jobbing dcmnnd at i7 76 ® 17 80. Lird Piimo team , 10 70(3)10 ( ) 75. Bulk MoatH Clear sides held at 10 124. Bacon Clear sides 10 G24@10 G5. Flour Quiet ; winter family , 5 80@G 00. Wheat Kiwicr ; No. 2 red , I 31. CornA Kiiuccza iu spot mx < 'd contin- uex ; No. 2 mixed , 72c hid. Oats Fair demand and Htill firm ; No. 2 mixed held at 62c. Rye More active ; No. 2 quiet. Barley Dull and caiy ; Choice No. 2 fall , 1 OOjnsked. Whiskey Firm at the close at 1 1 ' . Kaniaa City Produce Market- KANCAB CITY , Murch 25. Wheat Weak and lower ; No. 2 , much , 1 17 * ; April , 1 17 ; No , 3 coah , 98c ; March , " ! l84c" ; April , 98c ; May , 981c ; June , 92c ; No. 4 cash , S7c ; May , H c. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , canh , 02ij March , Caj@G24c ; April , G24c ; May , Ggc ( June , G31c ; No. 2 white mixed , cash , 714c ; March. 71 io ; April , 70io : May , 71o , ( Jala Dull ; No. 2 coiih , 444c ; March , 45ac ; May , 474c. Roo'ts. Shliim'ts. Wheat . 3,727 15,100 Corn . 33,901 192l4 Oats . 758 2,309 Rye . 200 149 Kansas City Live Stock. KANSAH CITY , March 25. Cattle Receipts 310 ; shipments 245 ; market strong and active at 5@10 higher ; native shippers , 5 00@U 40 ; native stockers - ers and feeders , 3 75@4 GO ; native COWB , 2 25 ® 150. I logo Receipt * . 2.331 ; shipments 1,502 ; market slow and dragging nt 6c lower ; good to choice heavy. G 35G 75 ; mixed packing. G 00@G SO ; ' light shipping , B 70 ® ( ! 00. _ Toledo Produce TOLEDO , March 26 Wheat Very quiet ; No. 2 , 1 3Ti for c.iuh ; 1 31 for March ; I 314 bid for April ; 131 for May ; 1314 f r " < ! ; 1 l"i for July ; 1 12 for August ; 11 4 f ° r thu year Corn Inactive : high mixed , 70jc ; No. 2 Gto ! for cash and March ; G9c for April ; OOlo asked for May ; G9o for June ; G9Jc asked for July ; G9 c for th j ear. Oats - Unchanged. OH Market. PiTTMiiuiia , .March 25 The oil imuketj op net ! at 82 jc , and closed at noon at Sllc : April and May , 84c ; June , SOJo ; Now York refined , 74c ; Antwerp , 18 irancH. Shipments United , G2,2S8 burreU ; tide water , 8,3G1 bairels ; churtoK. : i09.52G barralH. 1'itUbiirg sales , 5 10 , 000 barrels. PitUbnrgtxihitnge stock , St-Xjoni * Jjiye Stock. St. Louis Maich 25. Cnt'lo Unchanged and ctcady ; extras G ; fiV/,0 ( 7 ; good to ci.olco . nativen , 5 75 ® G 00 ; miidinm to chciko butchers' , 4 50 ® 5 25 ; nat vu stuckerc , 4 I0@4 60 ; native cows and heifers 3 75@5 00. Receipts 172 head ; shipments ; 07 head. Hogs Nothing doini. ; prices un changed ; light , G 00@li 25 ; YorkeiH , G 40 ® 0 CO ; packing , G 2B@0 55 ; liutcherH acd Hi-lect , G 607 20. RecciiitH , 721 head ; shipments , 2.V. ) head. Peoria Produce. PKOIUA , March 25 , Corn N w , firm ; high mixed , (5G@G74 ( @G04c ; mlxo Rco'tH. Ship'ts. Wheat 1,800 475 Corn . ' 35,000 37,500 Oats 29,100 18,375 Rye 460 1,000 Barley 2,750 1,200 Bit lit Liberty Live Stock. KAHT Limtnry , Pa. , March 25 , Cattle Nothing dolnv. Hogs Slow ; receipts , 2,600 ; shipments 9,000 ; 1'hilftJelphlan , 7 50@7 GO ; Ytirknw , G 767 00. Sheep Nothing doing ; receipts , none ; hlpmeiitH , 1,200 Bultimuro Produce. liALTUioiiK , March 25 , KlniirJulct. . Wheat houthuin steady ; fullz , 1 35 ® 140 ; IOM.'iKjrry , 1 4H1 48 ; No , 2 ml winter fin , tr but quiet ut 1 'Ml .or CMli ; 1 37i@l 374 f r April. Corn White southern steady nt 8t > c ; yellow steady t 76@7Gc. i Philadelphia Produce. PlliLADKLi'iiiA , March 25. Wheat Firmer at 1 3Gj@l 40 for cash and March : 1391@1 40 f r April. Corn Ffliner nt 7."ijo ( for cash and March ; G5@G5jo ( for April. OaU Firm nt 65@57 for cash and March. Rye Firm at 8fl@884c. Liverpool Produce. LiVKitrooL , March 25 , Flour American , 10d@12i. Wheat-Winter , 9a Gd@104 Cd ; white. 9 * Gd@9 9d ; spring , 9a@10j ; club , 9n 9d @ 10. < 2d , Com G.t for new. and Gn for old. Pork 77a. Lard3s Gd. J3nITnlo Llvo Stock. EAT BorrALO , March 25 , Hogs Strong ; receipt * , 52 ; shipments. 67 ; Yorker * , 710@7 20 ; medium and heavy weights , 7 15@730. Turpentine Market- WILMINOTON , N. C. , March 25. Rosin Firm ; strained , ! 90good ; , 195 , SplriU-FIrm nt 5 50. ' 1,11 Firm at 1 75. Cotton Mnrkot- NEW YonK. Murch 25. Cotton Spot dull , midland nnd upland. 12 3-1U ; sa'ct ' are , 100 bales for export , eml 200 Inlcs delivered on contract * ; futures dull and easy ; Match , 12J ; April , 121 ; May , 12.2 ; June , 1Z4 ; Jn y , 12 14-1G. CALlToRN'iA'FLOUR. -'ncratnento mills patent flour ( red brand ) . Our brat Eureka patent flour ( blue brand ) . The only patent flour man- llfficttlfixl , nil lllft Pftplho nnimfVn . , , u nlftlwi tumu It Is the whitest , strongest nnd jest family ( lour in thu state. Ask your grocer for it. Try It and you will UBO no other. E. M. McCnKAirr A Co. , Sacramento , T. J. EVANS , Agent , Crystal Mills , Council Bin fix. ZEKE DUKNELL. Shot nnd Instantly Killed In a Utnh Mining Cnmp. E. Durnoll , nn old resident of Oniahn , and in his tinio a proininont ward politician , was shot dead at the Ontario mill , in Park City , Utah , yesterday morning , by n man named \V. J. Wilson , nlias "Texas. " The murder was the rutult of n quarrel over throt. dollars owed by "Zoko" to Wilson. Wilson gave himself up to the marshal , and claims that ho killed Durncll in eolf-dofonso. The special telegram that convoyed the news to TIIK BEG also stated that the camp was greatly excited , and there was considerable ! talk oi using hempen on Wilson. Durnoll was a brother of Samuel Durnoll , who was in the gro- cury business with John Evans , and who was accidentally killed on the Sixteenth street bridge about three ye.irs ngo. Xoko was a postal clerk fur a long time , running out of hore. PERSONAL. . Miss Lizzie Calderwood leaves for Bos ton on Thursday. M. 0. Maul has returned from a visit to his relatives in Pennsylvania. Charles Can an has been appointed clerk in Judge Chaawick's court. Dr. Pcabody and N. J. Burnam returned H > turday from a hunt on the Platte , Clement Chano has gone to St Louis to sojourn fora week with relatives. K. A. Crall , of the Missouri Pucificrail- way engineer c > rpp , is in the city fora few days Owen Slareu , formerly a member of the city council of Omaha , has returned from New Mexico. A. Bruegger , of Chicago , general a4ent of th * White Anchor hose company , is in town. town.Mrs. Mrs. M. Sweeney , of Now York , who ha i been visiting tha famiU of F. J. Me- Shane for some time past , lelt for homo yesterday. J. W. Ingram , past jr of he Christian church , goes to Schuyler the lust of thid weekwhere ha expects to spend the most of the month of April , under the Auspices of the Christian missionary hoard of thix state , General Superintendent Hatch , Assist ant General Traffic Manager Hlland , and II , C. Hope , superintendent of tolcgr-ph , of ho St. Paul & Omaha reid , a rived from St. Paul Saturday oveiiinir. They returned on a special train Sunday morn ing. BORROWING TROUBLE. Murnngo Llconcos Issued by the County Court the Last Two Wooka. Win. 0. AndrosB , ogod 40 , to Mrs. Mary Jourdain , aged 30 , botli of Omaha. Anton Wabcck , aged 22 , to Miss1. Mary Tomsick , aged 20 , both of Omulm. Alof Hudlund , aged 29 , to Miss Ida Lunugberg , aged 25 , both of Oiniiha , . JOHN Jensen , of Washington county , aged 27 , to Miss Anna Miller , of Omaha , aged.20. John F. w'urnoth , aged 30 , to Mrs. Katie L , Bonestool , aged 29 , both of Columbus , Neb. Edward Kaufman , aged 27 , to Miss Kntio Liconuz , aged 21 , both of Omaha. George Wilson , aged 28 , to Miss Annie Johnson , aged 22 , both of Omaha. Thoa. Urooks , of Council Bluda , ngod 21 , to Miss Annie Gorman , of Dos Moinus , aped 32. Alexander Lunburg , aged 33 to- Jonhana Louisa Nilsson , aged 18 , both of Omaha. E. Jepson , aged 28 , to Miss Chrla- turn Pateruon , aged 29 , both of Elkhorn - horn Station. Chris. DuckhuB , aged 28 , to Miss Maggie Qlandt , aged 21 , both of Douglas county. D , R. Steele , aged 30 , to Miss U.irriu McCarraghor , aged 20 , both of Omaha. E , II. Otto , aged 24 , to Margarotho Norden' a ud 21 , both of Omaha. W. IIVarron , Ohio , aged 25 , to Miss Fnnnie 0. Terrill , of Missouri , aged 2 ! ) . W. 1 < \ Moyt-r , gi-d 22 , to Miss Maggie Shannon , agud 19 , both of Omaha , Goo. E. McCculoy , of Qrouloy , Ool. , aged 20 , to Miss Mollie A. lioyd , of Omaha , aged 20 , 0. F. Johnson , aged 30 , to Miss Aimio Mattier , aged 10 , bjth of Omaha. 0. D. Eruanbraok , aged 31 , to Helen E. Paul , aged 35 , both of Fort Dodge , la , John 0. Larson , of Sarpy county , aged 30 , to Miss Sophia Johnson , of Omaha , aged 29. Qarrabraut & Cole , tha new dry goods firm , 1307 Farnain street , will show in a few days all the latest styles and shapes in parasols. I parasols.'I 'I ' A