Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
THT.OiUAiiA'JDA'lLY ' JiiiK : MONDAY MARCH 27. i882. THE DAILY BEE CMAHAPUBU8HINOOO , 010 Fcrnham , bet. 9th and 10th Street * , TCRMS OK flljnSCRIPTION. 0 copy 1 yearln advaneepojtpatd ( ) J10.0 8 montfis " " 6M 1 m nth " " 8.00 RAILWAY riMa TABLE , TIME "AtlD CntOAOO , BT. flCl , y1v | AWl1l OMAHA RAILROAD. Leave Omaha I'awiciiircr No. 2 , PJna. : in. Ac C'rnmcdatlonNo. 4 , l:0 : p.m Arrive Omaba ? cnifer No. 1 , JJO ; p. rn Acinnunoditlon No. 8. ID'Mv m MAV1X8 OMAHA PAbl 0 "OOTII ft V 0. , B. * . J:40 a. tn. XMO p. m 0. tt N. W. , 7:40 a. in. 3 : * p. in. 0. , R. I. ft P. , 7:40 : a. rn. 3 : b p. u. . K. 0. , St. J. i 0.1) ) . , lemei t 8 . m. and 6iSt , p 11. Arrive * at 8t , Lmil M fisvi t m. and 6:6 : p rn. tV. , St. L. * I'M Inavoi at n. in. and 5:40 : p Arrltt * f. 61. Loiit at ttMii . m. ami 7so m WKflT OR B. * M. In Neb. , Thrr.ucb Kxptw , SSO a. m n. 6. II. Lincoln Expro * 6:40 : p. m. U I' . Overland Kxprtt * . 12'16 p. in. 0. * R. V. ( or Lincoln , 11:46 : a. m 0. A U V , for O cooh , 9:40 : a. m. U. P frclcht No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m. O. P ' relglit No. P , 3:20 : . in. U. 1' . height No. 13 , 2ROp. : m. V , P. Irclsht No. 7 , 6:10 : p. ru. mlr nt , w , P. Deliver cxprcxii , " : Sfi p. m. D. P. freleht Nn 11 , 11BO : p. m. U. P. Uciuci Ircluht , s:25 : p. nl. AXktVINb fHOM < AtT AND P01TII1. 0 B. O 6:00 a. ra. 7:76 : p m. C. * N. W.,9:4S : a. m. 7:25 : p. m. C. 1.1. i P. , 9:46 : a. m. 9.06 p. m. . C. , St. Joe & 0 B. , 7:40 : a. m. t5p. : in ARHIVINQ mOMHW BRaTAND HOtnllWIUlT 0. ft U. V. from Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. O. P. Pacific ExprcE 3:26 : p. m. B * H.ln Nob. , Thiongh Kxpri * * 4:16 : p m B. & M. Lincoln Express U:40 n' . 0 P. Denver cxprou , 7:3ft : a. m. U. P. Freight No. 14-4.W p. ni.-J U. r. No. 0 6:10 a. in. Cult ? ant. U. P. freight No. 14,12n : P. m. U. P. S'o. 8 9 : p p. m. U. P. So. 12 1:15 a. ia. U , V. lu er freight , 1:10 : n. in. 0. * n. V. mlxnl , tr. 1:45 : p. nu DIWJY TBAItH umwicnn OW'IU ANB l ] ( | , VLl'F/A. Loavc Omaha at -O , 00 , 10.00 and 11:00 : p m. ; 11 2:00 : , 3:00 : , I'V ( Mi.l 5'A ) p. m , ue \uOounill \ Bluffat t2S , 0:55. : 10:25 : and l ! i a. m. ; 1:26 , 2:26 , 3'26 , 4i6 ! and 6:25 : p. m. SunMiJH The duiunij Icavw Onnhn at B:00 : nd 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00,1:00 and 6:00 : p. in. Loaves Council niuftB at 9-25 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:25,1:26 : : nd 6:26 : p. m. Through and local pa'wonijer trains between Omaha and Council DluUs. Leave Omaha 8:16 : T16 , 8:50a. : in. ; 3:40 : , K:46 : , 6:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:46 : : : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 : , 7:16 , , DI. Opening an < - Oloilng of Mrlli. tOUTR 0m * . CI/OB. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. ru Chicago &N. W ll.W 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chlntto , R I. & Pacific.11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 2iO : Chicago , U. i Q 11:00 : 9:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Wabash 12-.SO 6:30 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. 9:00 : 5:30 2:40 : Union Paclfl : 1:00 : 11:10 Omaha & R. V 1:00 : 11:40 I.fcM. InNsb 1:00 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6:00 7:30 : B. & M. Lincoln 10:30 : 0:00 : H. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 : J. P. Penver Exu 8:00 : 6:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 : 2:40 : Local malln for State ol Iowa leave but once a dar , \ii:6:30a.m. : Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TirOS. F HALL P M. Business Directory. Ab tr ct and Real tstate. JOHN L. UcCAQUK , opposite Post Office. W. B. BAKTLETT 317 South 18th Btroat Architects. DUFBENK & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Boom 14. Crelghton Block. A. T , LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cioljhton Block. Boou and 8hoe * . JAMES DsVINE & CO. , Pine Boot * and Shooe. A ( rood assortment homo work on hand , corner 12th tuJ Harnoy. THOS. EKIOK80N , 8. E. cor , 16th and Douglas. C JOHN FOBTUNATCS , tot loth street , manufactures to order good war * al fair prices. Bemlrlnr done. Bed Spring * . J. r. LABBIMEB Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlai et. Book * , Newi and Stationery. I J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Egg * . UoSHANE & 8CHUOEDKK , the oldest B. and E. I house In Nebraska esUtblbhed 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAUHANT , MRS. A. RYAN , D'hwcit corner IGthand Dodge. Beet Board for the Monty Satisfaction Guaranteed Hnliatalinours. Board by the Day , Week or Mouth. Oood Terms for Cash , Furnished Konm * Supplied. UarrlaRes and Road Wagon * . WM SNYDER , 14th and Barney Streets. Clothing ; tiought. J. HARRIS will pay hlghestCash price tor second band clothlnf , Corner 10th aud Farnham. oewe or * . JOHN BAUMER 1SU Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEBTHOLD , Rag * and Metal. Lumber Lime and Cement. fOSTER & GRAY corner 6th and Douglaa ate. P. Lamp * and Glassware. J. BONNER 1S09 Douglas St. Good Variety , Merchant Tailor * . O. A LINDQUEST , . One ol our moat popular Merchant Tallin la re ceiving the latent designs for Spring aud luuimur Goods for gentlemen's wear. Stylish , durable , and prlcoa low u over 216 13th bet. Dou.&Farn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Rcull , Fan cy Goods In gnat variety , Zephyn , Card Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , A.C. Cheapest House In Ihe West Purchasers BT.M ) SO per cent. Ordir by Mall , 116 Fifteenth Street. r-oiinary. JOHN WEARNB&SONb cor. Hth & Jackson el Hour and Foed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Sth and F rnti m Ut . , s. , proprietors. Urocera. Z nTKYENS , ilst betweui Cumlng anu Itat I A. MoSHANE , Coru. 23d and Cumin * Strode , MartJwaio , Iron tno uteel. OLAN 4 LANGWOUTHY , Whok le , 110 11 ? Uth street A. HOLMES corner 16th and California. Harness. Saddle * , &c. Si B. WEIST 20 13th St. bet FaraUarney , Hotel * , ANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. Can0eld,9th & Farnhau DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 618 FarnbamSt. dLAYEN'S HOTEL , F. Slaven , 10th St. bootbein Hotel GUI. Hamel 9th & Leaven worth Drug * , Paint * and Oils. I KUHN & CO. Phirmaclitg , Fine Vane Goods , Cor. Utn and Douzui treeta W. J. WHITEHOUPE , Wholesale & Retail , ICtbst. 0. FIELD , 022 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR. Druggist. 10th and Howard Street * . Dentists. 81 DR. PAUL Williams' Block Cor. Uth & Dodge. 81m , Ury Good * Notion * , fctc. JOHN U. F , IKllMANN & CO. , Hsw York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1818 Fam- ham ttreet. t. n. Epewold alao boot * and shoes jth & Pacific. furuiture. A , F. GROSS.-New and Btxud Hand Furniture nd Stoves , 1114 DcuzU * . Highest cash price A aid for second htni scooot. .BONNKR 1809 pottfU li. Fine ttoodi , Ac. r crca Works. OlfAL'A FENCE 00. OUST , TRIES A CO ISlt Uarney St. , Impro s d Ic Boies , lice acii Wood Fence * , Offlca Ubui , Oounlit * Plus and Walnut. Clgin and Tobacco , ( VKST It FRiTSCtlEP. , manufactured ol C1T ( M ind Whet < * * l * r > l nl n TdMcfoo. 1SOS Douglaj V. y. ' tiORKSZRy m nntcturor jtia Farnham Florlit. A. Donwhne , plant * , cut flowers , tetdi , ooqaet tc , N. W cor. 16th and Doup-l street * Oivll Engineer * and Surveyor ! . ASDRKW ROSKWATER. Crclghton Block iirt v * . Or l and Sewerage Sjt t m n Merchant * . JOHN 0. Wit t.m.i U4 Italia Street , f" " PKKMEK fur itoulb fat Urge hlmttte n ' fKllr unit 'Veklv CornUe Work * . > tetn Cornice * terk . ilanutectmors Iron .rnlco , Tin , Ir.iu n4 Slate Hoofllng. Order im on- Ideality promptly executed In the bet mnner. Fnrton Mid OKc 1213 llsrnoy St. C. Sl'tOHT , Proprietor. Iron Coriilec , Window CP9 , ete. ixl Mid put up In any part ol thi nuiitrv. T. SINHOLU ilBTtilrtcgnthrtrcet ' Clroc orj BONN EH 1309 Douein ( ttcet. Good line. OlothlnR and r-urnuhlng Qoodi , I BO. II. PETEUSOiN. Al O H t , O > p . Boots 4hoe Notions and Cutlery , SOI B. 10th itreet Refrigerator * , Oanfleld't Patent. C. F. OOODilAN llth St. bet. Farn. A Uarner Show Caio Manutactory 0. J. mijDR , . Uwvlor In ll klndj ol Bhow Caaeu , UprlRhl C e , 4 . , 1317 CAM St. FRANK L. OEHIIARD , proprietor Omah. Show Ca < < e mnnulactory , 818 South 16th etrcct between LwMsnwotth aud Marcy. All Rood vrarrtntoJ flr t-cl ; < . Pawnbroker * . rt08F.NFF.LD , 10th St. . hot , far. A liar tttovei ftna mware. A. BURMESTEU , Denier In Stoici nn J Tin ware , and Manufacturer ) ( Tin Roots and all kind * ol Dulldlng Work 0 Id Fellows' Block. J. DONNEll. 1809 UoutfM St Good and Cheap , Seedi , J. EVANS , Wholes and Retail Seed Drill ) and OiiltUators Odd Follows LUIl. Phyilclani anl W. 8. Qinns , M. D. , Riom No 4 , Oretghton Block , 16th Street. P. S. LE1SENK1NG , tt. D. M&nonlc Block. C. L. 1IART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofllco DU. I , . 11. Oil ADI ) Y , Oculist and Airbt , S. W 15th and Farnham Btc Photographer * . DEO. HEYN , PROP. 0 rand Contrnl Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , uc-ir Masonic Hall. Flrst-claag Work and Prompt * PlumblnK , da * and Steam Fitting ; . P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21612th Ht. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D.-71TZPATRICK , 1 < 09 Douglas Street. alntlnR an aper anglng. HENRY A. KOSTKRS , 111 Oo&ge Street.C Shoe atorea. Phillip LanK 1820 Farnham St. bet. 18th & Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAK , llio uoutria * St. . new and iocond Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , &c. , bought and eold on narrow marrtns. Ualoon * . HENRY KAUF11ANN , In tne new brick block on Dou 'lM Straet , has Just opened a most elegant Bed nail , Hot Lunch ( rom 10 to 12 eery day. 1 Caledonia " J FALCONER B7 16th Street. Undertaker * . CHA3. RIEWE , lOlU Farnham Dot. 10th & lltd. ' 00 Cant Qtore * . . P. C. BACKUS 1ZOB Farnham St. , Fancr Ooodl DAVIS & StlYDER , , 160 ? F rnh m 3t Omaha , Nebra 3UOOOOO .cVCHEUEIS t M.ully selected land It. Eastern Nebraska tot eale , Qroat Dargalni In' , Iraprovod ( arm ) , and Omaha city prooertv. O. F DAVIS WErTiy rvvi'ai. * > a t H. M JSUSTWEILEK XC LXX XCO LJD tln Emplopimt Agent ni sc Railroad. Outfit on Short Notice- tl llth St. , Near Farnham. tlr ! ml-ood-t tcat CRAIG'S ' OITY GEEEN HOUSE ato't 9 now open to the public with a full supply o Cut Flowers and Plants } For Sale. Wo u ill bo glad to nave the public tr call and BOO us Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made & to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. reai Ulty Green House , S. W. Cor 17th and Web- aidi t r , ono block from 16th street cars. . Nursery , di 2Ja street , opposite Foit. Jas. Y. Crai ? , Florist and Landaca'po Gardner. Feb2-Gm. _ W. J , CON NELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW OFPICB trout Rooms ( up uculrs ) In Uauauim new bulldlnir , N. W corn r Fft anth n-1 KENNEDY'S ° EAST - I NDiA 01 < ' ILER . . dole . OMAHA. OIIN HTABLKH , KROUK MCIUUP , 81 Pjcsldent. Vice Pria't. W. S. UEISIIKB , Bee. and Trcas. THE NEBRASKA TlJl 0 Jl MMMCTUEIM 00 an Lincoln , Nab. o a MANUFACTURERS OF I ? Corn Plantert , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Bulky Hay Rakes , Ducket Elevating Wlnu. Is , &c. ty We are prepared to do Job work and manufac * turlrglor otucrpartlu. , Addrci all orders of NEU1IASKA MANUFAOTUI1INQ CO. , LINCOU * NUB n H. D. MCLAUGHLIN , iu ATTORNEY - AT - LAW > > o And Notary Public. ai H aili lili Dexter L , Thomas , II li ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Room 8H' l < htoa Cloo THE VALE OF TEARS. Where Indian Women Wop Over the Bodies of Their Braves. Logonclary Lore nnd Lntterday Lucn The Ways nnd Wnnta of Wooplng Wntor. Corrcipondcnco ot Tim Bun WEEPIXO WATEU , Nob. , March 17 On this beautiful spring morning i chanced to bo the good fortune of "Ranger" from Tun BEF. hive t alight in the brisk and rapidly grow ing town of Weeping Water Thi lorely town is situated upon the bank of n beautiful stream of the satin name in the central part of Cas county. Soon after my arrival I mot am made the acquaintance of J. B Moiklo , the attorney of the place who kindly showed mo around tli town and introduced mo to the bus ! ness men of the placo. Upon a care ful inquiry I was able to collect r few scraps of the history of the town , which is about as follows : The name is derived from an olt Indian legend , according to which it soenn that long ago , before the white man had trespassed upon the hunting grounds of the dusky tribes , whoi the powerful tribe of the Otoo natipi was at war with the Omnhas , while making one of their usual summer pilgrimages , the two tribes met bj chance upon the broad prairies south jd the Matte , 'and traced n long and deadly battle , in which every warrior on cither side was slain. When the silence apprised the women and cliil dron of both the tribes that the battle was over , they came out from both the camps , and finding their husbands And fathers all dead , snt down and wejit. Their tears flowed in such pro fusion that , being gathered together in a narrow vale , they lormed a crys tal fountain , from which over ( lows the clear and sparkling stream ol Nohawkn , or the Weeping Water. The first white settler in Weeping Water water was William Heed , who came with his family from Trumbull county , Ohio , in the spring of 1857 , and entered the land upon which the town now stands. In the same spring came F. M. Wolcott , then quite n youne man , trom Summit county , O. These two wore the only men in the place for some years , and arc now the only ones who remain of the firs ! settlement. A mill was started upon the stream at a point within the present corpora tion then called Weeping Water Falls. The first postofllco was established in 1804 , with Mrs. F. M. Wolcott as postoflico. Her salary for that year amounted to $13.25 The mail came in but once a week. In 1805 Win. JRcod was appointed postmaster , andover ever since that time the ollico has boon held by him and his sons. The town was laid out in 1807 , by A. B. Smith , surveyor , and incor porated as a village in 1809. A good waterj > ewer mill was jbuilt just below the ] falls , a store and blacksmith shop started , and the town began to grow a very slow and steady growth until the ' year 1880 , when the census showed population of about'400. In the summer the engineers loca ted the Missouri Paoillc railroad through the very heart of the town ; rom that time it has had a boom andf now the population is about 1,000 and constantly increasing. There are two churches , a graded school , 25 or 30 stores of various kinda , ihreo lumber yards , ono flouring mill n the town , ono a short distance be- oiv and another n short distance above , town , three hotels in running order and ' another under headway , ono bank , etc. , etc. The people are energetic and enter prising i and are bound to have ono of he best towns in the State. Wo called at the store of Reed Bros. Co. , which is a largo double store room , 44x70 foot , and well filled with ai immense slock of general merchan dise. For many years this was the only store in the town and whoa com- , jotitors began to come in stood at the load of the list and still leads thorn all in trade. In connection with the store they have a merchant tailoring establishment and a bank. The drug business is well represented - of sonted by P. S. Barnes and S. W. Drton. Mr. Barnes is one of the cary - y settlers and has worked up a good justness ; has ono of the finest loca- iuns in the town and a neat and well > ept storo. 1 Mr. Orton is n new-comer but al ready ho has acquired a good trade and It sconiH to bo meeting with unbounded . success. Ho will hold his own with the best of them. Fleming it Itaco occupy n nuw and Bubsuntml two btory stone building , s 22x80 , with a full stock of genera ! norchaiuliso and are doing a thriving juu..fes , 1 hey own and occupy the * nt building in town and their trade tair < iiiU their doing so. ' The hardware and till business is successfully carried on by Fitcliio & Ashmunlio also sell iijuiciiltural mplemonts. They have their full hare of the tr.ulo and report all they can do. They have just got fairly settled in a now building which they mvo ereoi cd this winter. Marshall A Son make andsell boots nid shoes , they keep a largo stock on mnd and are over willing and ready show customers what they have got. ' riioy monopolize the custom work of ho town and surrounding country , nd show a determination to keep at ho head. Potter & Webster deal in watches , owplry , sowing machines and muai- al instruments , They liavo a largo I tnck and are doing a good business. hov are advocates of the system of la naking certain lines of goods a special , and not dabbling in all kinds of n rado at once , and their prosperity hews that they are making a success it. it.Hatch Hatch and Michael deal exclusively boots and shoos and clothing. They it lave a good and pleasant storeroom , itc ut their trade is such that they will i compelled to enlarge their room at i early day. Considering the fact h hat they have been in the town leas $75 , han six months speaks well of their Bt enterprise and business ability. to Joe F. Parkins doea a rushing busi- fit loss in agricultural implements and y < sells more ttian any other firm in the county. He has been in thobusines only live yrs , but is known b' ' ovuryMdy in the count } ' , althougl there oto'other now firms starting in the business , hia trade h cohstantli increasing. Ho occupies a tine now btiildiiiu which ho has built this spring and is sure of success. S. Clinton owns and operates the tlouring mill in town , and has a wide patronge. His ii n largo atone , water power mill , which is run from ono year's end to another by the Weopint Water , and has the reputation of be ing the best in the country. The law and real ostatn business is represented by J. U. Morklo , who , with his partner , B. A. Gibson , occu. pies a very pleasant ollico on Main stroot. They have n good library ant know how to use it , and , althougl ; among the now comers to the t own are doing n thriving business. Wo found the people to bo oner i otic , enterprising ntidcourteousvhicl : insures the mnkinii of a good town , May success attend , their ellorts. For business review see advertising columns. KANUKU. PRIVATE DALZBJLIj TREES HIS MIND. Indignation nt Mtvson'a Sentence Throughout the Woatoni Reserve To the Editor ol The Chicago Tribune , Siu Sergeant Blasonvia brought up in Brooktiold tonrnahip , this ( No- bio1) ) county , and resided within suvon inilos of this town till the war broke out. IIo worked on a fixnn nnd wns n good boy. This is the testimony of \11 the farmers hereabout , who remem ber him "a smarl " as , mannerly boy , and who all speak of him in the kind est terms. IIo was but uighlocn years old when ho went to Zancavillu and unlisted in General Legirett's old regiment , the Soventy-oiiihth Ohio , which was recruited laigely from here about. I have mot several of the Sovonty-oighth inon recently , and their uniform testimony is that Mason waa a bravo soldier during the war for ; ho Uniori. The interest in his caao a , perhaps , stronger hero than anywhere - where elao. It is singular , but it ia a 'act , that amoni ; all the boys who grew up with Mason , and many of whom served three years in the unny with him , many of them in the pinmi mcaa , ho has not 8 single enemy in : ho whole number. He waa an atnia * ) lo and excellent young man surely , ) r there could bo found some one lore in his old homo , where all his early associates and nearly all his irmy comrades live , to speak an un- cind word of him. It may bo added , right hero two companies of Garfiold's old 42d Ohio wcro raised , and several survivors of : hat regiment reside hero yet. Their veneration of Garfield ia well known. For many years past General Gardold iiad been in the habit of personally attending the great National soldiers' reunions for which this place is so famous , and at all those gathering the lurvivors of the 42d had the post of loner in processions , in camp , and in ; ho esteem of Garfiold. Every man of them was personally acquainted with Garfield , Their sorrow for his death ia sincere and inexpressibly ; roat. So when the 42dand 78th men lore learned' that'Sergeant Mason had ired at Guiteau , they cheered over it , and the only regret they expressed nras that Mason muaod the murderer. So good man anywhere could have any other feeling , unless ho has been prejudiced and poisoned against the rcluntoor soldiers at West Point , the lotbod of all American treason and military aristocracy. The indignation of all these old friends of Sergeant Mason at the brutal sentence of the court martial ia boundluas. Boston Jorbett had the only ovation of his ifo here. In 1874 twenty thousand ' volunteer soldiers shook his hand at ho National Reunion. A few West ? ointers present spurned him with contempt. Ho had violated military ot discipline ( ? ) by killing Lincoln's nuruoror. That was unpardonable And so now our man hero have no rord to express their admiration of ' Mason's spirit , and no words to con voy any idea of their abhorrence of ho aristocratic jurists , yclept a court , > hat pronounced this cruel and unusual - ual judgment of condemnation. The vholo American people are with Mason , and this pig-headed court another argument for the abolition of West Point. Why , Mason should have the thanks Congress and State ) every Legisla- uro , and the immediate pardon of the ? rosident. A largo petition asking iis pardon has boon forwarded to-day 0 the President from here. The pro- osal of The Chicago Tribune to raise fund for the support of Mason's amily meets with universal applause. should bo pushed , We , his old .pighbors , will do all wo can. It is imo that the people of this whole lontinem bo notified that down deep n the hi arts of Garlield'a old friends a fnuhiig that will not bo trilled with vithout munifuting itbblf in thunder B ones , ] t demands the pardon of tfasim and the death of Guiteau. It rill have both. It must ! It admires 'Bill JOIIL-H. " and only blunwa him and Mason because they did not kill 1 ho assassin. The man who to-day would kill Uuitoau would bo the most lojiuiar man on this continent. The luoplo fear the wroich may escape hrough legal quibbling and nonsense. Nonsense is.onsenae , oven when jacked by legal precedents or military power , It is nonnonsu still. Hancock vill learn the terrible feeling of indig- lation his conduct , brutal and heart- ess , has awakened , if uvor ho runn for 'resident again , This act lays him on ho shelf beyond a doubt. PBIVATK DAL/.KLL. < OAI.DWKLL , OHIO , March 10 , 1882 , Bradford , Pa. Thou. Fitclmn , liraJford , Pa , , writes ; eiiclDte money for SriiiNO UI.OSSOM , as Bald I would If It cured me. My tlynpei > - lias vanished , with all its yiui > tuiiiH. Many thanks : I ulmll inner bo without it the house. " Price 60 ccntH , trial hot- les 10 cents. nich'21-lvv 1 The Mttjoety of the Law. There is a justice of iho peace put Crosby county , Week before last found a man guilty of shooting a jull that did not belong to him , and inodhim 875. "Why , jedgo'said lie doomed man , "I haven't got no ; I can't pay no auch lino. " "The state of Texas puts mo in .this ollico find a way to make men pay their fines. You bill out cedar poles until you have cut enough to satisfy the majesty of the l.w , " relied the jus lice , -.Hut , jodue , what o has the stnto of Toxna cot for ccdnr poles ? ' "Tho atnto of Texas hnsu't got no uao for cedar poles. It's this court who ncotls them cedar poles to build n fonco. I'll ' tnko tlin poles nnd settle with the state of Toxa > for them. " And the poor devil is cutting cedar poles for the state of now. niionnmtio liollof OMAHA , Neb. , May 2 ! ) , 1881. II. H. WAHSEK it Co. : Snia I have frequently used your Safe Kid ncy and Liver Ciiro for rheumatic at tacks and have always derived bonotit therefrom. E. D. IVITTOX. MAIUETTINGS , NOTICE TO PONTRAOTOR3. ) 1) . C , Matili 10 , 1832 , f Pro | < 09 ls lll 1)0 rrccUwl at the Contract Ollico ot ilili ilcpartn vnt Until 3 p. in , ol April 29 , lbS2 , for carrjlni ; mall , ol tlin United Stnton , umn inos < ctipor an > l transfer rjiito In tlie City ot Onmna , State of Nebraska , Iroiu Julv 1,1SS/ , to Juno 30,18SO. AiUcHl-oiuont of route , In Itructlons to bidden , ami all i thcr ncciMwiry Information - formation " 111 do tutnWioil upon application to the ) < oittiiA3tcrat Omaha , or tno Second Aulst. ant I'OttmaUcr ( lencral. lencral.T. . HOWE , Postmaster Clcneral , MarlSmlcctSatGr. FAST TIME ! In ROliu K U take the iiliicago & Northwest- jcc-aLix. 8PJxrArsBr. } . Trains leave Omah 8:10 : p. m and 7:40 : a.m. Tor lull Inforinitlon call on It. I1. DUE' . , . Ticket ARdit , llth nnd K.irnliam Sts J , HKU , , U. P. Halluay Depot , or at JAMK4T. OLAItK , Conor Avein , Omaha ] & 17mfea tf FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA ALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Poluts Enit and South-East. TIIKLINKCOMPIUSES Nearly 4 000 miles. Solid Smooth Btccl Tracts All connections are mailo III UNION ObPOTS. t 1ms a National llountatlon t Lolni : the Qroat Through Oar Lire , nml IH universally oncedvil to ho the FlrtEbT EQUIPPED Half cad In the world far all class < it travel. Try It and \ on will Ond travolln a Inxury nsUiad ol a discomfort. Through Tickets via 'his Cu'.ubraled Line ( or ale'at ail fllcca In the Wes . All Information about Kates of Fare , I looping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , ic. , will be orfully lvi-n liy oppl Inliu to T. J. HOTTER , 2d Vlco-froa't & Don. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Oon. PassniKcr At. | Chicago , W. J. DAVKNPOIIT , Uon Afrcnt , Council IllulTj. H. 1' . DUELL.TIckot A t omaha. morn-cd ly 'ROBOSALS FOIl THE COI TKUCTION OF SEWEHS. ' Omen or CITV Fkauttrn. \ OMAHA Nrn , 1881. f Scaled proposes w111 ho rccolvcJ at the ollico the undersigned until fTacaday April 18th , S82 12 o'clock n on , tor the construction ol ewers In North Omaha n follow : 1000 ( cot of J foot brick sow or 728.fcct C ) feet brick sew or and 728 of 6 } feet brick tower , located on Izird trect between ICth and 17th , and on 17th lie- ween Izard and Nicholas , belnoen 17th and 1st streets , together with all necessary man- lOlci ) , lamps-holes , and catch haalns , M per lans and specification ! ) In the city Knilnccrs ifllco. I'ropoHals to bu prepared upon blanks urnlshed by ilio city Engineer. Illas will also 10 rocehod ( or the construction of a timber out- all embracing the ( urnlshlnK and drl\lng of 00 oak piles inoro or loss 25 ( cot Ion * , 12 to 8 nines , mid l.fiOn feet of oak lumber as per plans nd pecll cations In Iho Enclii'ers olllce. Work o bcL-ln on or before Juno lit , and to bo com iloted Uccombor 1st 1882. Paymout < to bo nadu iiKiiitbly In ca'li uarrants , 16 per cent to 10 resened until final complethn. nnd accept nco of work by thoproptr uithornlcs. All ld to he accompanied by the signature of pro rated surctlo4'who will in e\ent of awarding o ( contract enter Into bonds of the i It } for txecu- Ion of the vuck In the sum of $30,000 , J , J , li. U. JKMKTT , 2 City Clerk. D , S. BEMTON , ATTORNEY AT - LAW AC-II . ? f\rv OPEEA IN NEW YOKK , Dy diehard Grant White , one of the richly Illustrated nrtlcIuH In the April UKNTUIIY MAIMZIKB. S. KALISH , THE STAR TAILOR. 1 Door W , of Oruioksliaiik's , las now a flno complete Block of fenrlnif Good i onalatlnK of Trench , Kiiwllih and Hit beat Do- ii Prices low or tliu lowest. inli ° Iv BYRON REED & CO , KHTAfcLIIIUlD Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA ) ; Keep a complete abstract of title to IU * taU In Oinalia un Unuflu countv , matt DB. J. < ' , SOHWKBB , I Physician and Surgeon , CI1HON10 D1SKABKS , UIIF.UMATI8M , Etc. , A Hl'ECIAI/TV. Olflco No , 1112 Farnhini St. . botwecn lith aud 16th. Omaha , Nun. C Ch Ca THE OOOffiENTAL a E d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets OMAHA , kEB. I .TWO Dollars Per Day , SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Men's , Boys' and Children's ! CLOTHING Ready for Inspection AT Palace Clothing House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1310 Parnain Street , Near 14th. . MirlGood. BASWITZ & WELLS , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of SPRING GOODS ! And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good Goods ! Low Prices ! AND SQUARE DEALING AT THE " Opera House Shoe Store. " tan31-d3m CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His , New Store , , 1308 FARNHAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. I- M AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S 'AND CHILDREN'S ' SUITS EVER SEEN ! . 30 OTOTZtT. " CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L BRASH , - - 1308 FARNHAM ST. tucs-thvr- Opera House Clothing Store ! cr. Daily Arrivals of Now Soring Goods in ClotMng and Beat's ' Furnishing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE ! " I am selling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'a Pine Shirts , known as the BEST fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. mloodlm Oldest Wholesale and ietail JEWELRY HOUSE n Omaha , Visitors can here ind all novelties in SIL VER WARE , CLOCKS , lich and Stylish Jeweky , he Latest , Most Artistic , ind Choicest Selections in I ECIOUS STONES and 01 descriptions of FINE iVATCHES at as Low Pri ses as is compatible with lonorable dealers , Call ind see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , sorner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING G HOUSE IN TUB WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold- for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , A SPLENDID stock ot Steinway Pianos , Knaba Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes , Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c , PO not ; fail to see us before pur chasing. MAXJiMEYER & BRO. , f MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES Large Stock Always on Hand ,