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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1882)
OMAHA DALLY BEE : MONDAY. MABCH 27 1882- BAYONET RULE. Another Installment of State Press Comment , "and the " SI" Has Hot Been Told. " The Overwhelming Sentiment Ridicules the So-Oallod "Riot and Rapine , " The Mayor und Sheriff Merci lessly Mauled Democracy and Bayonets Lie Down Together. Those Long Days of Imaginary Terror Who Pays the Ficldlor ? A Lens-Felt Want. Scwatd Reporter. "What the rotor * of Omaha should take into Borious consideration nt the coming municipal election is whether officials cnnnot bo elected who can govern that city and enforce the laws without calling for protection of the ntato militia and government troops every time there is eomo street parade of laboring-men's demonstration. Still Worm * Yorit Tlrnci. Omahn was in n terrible pickle ! The Willow Springs distillery was to lose a few hands by the strike. So troops wore sent out there to guard the promises , the first and only private property that was thus guarded. The Omaha Republican says the govern ment is interested in this distillery. This is the first intimation wo have had'that ' the U. $ . _ government was engaged in the distillery business. The Troopi Sarod Him. Johnson County Journal. The Omaha riot has at last been quelled , but not until the troops wore called , and ono man killed , besides two or thrco who wore pounded near ly to death. Qov. Nance and Mayor Boyd have done well in bringing the strikers to time , but there is question in our mind whether it would not have been accomplished sooner if Jim Stcphenson had boon turned over to their tender mercies , Am Ontrngo on Taxpayer * . Central City Courier. The Courier unhesitatingly pro nounces the great military parade at Omaha as an outrage on the taxpayers of Nebraska. The entire state militia , with three or four companies of regu lars , a Gatling gun and a twelve- pounder , wore called into service to protect Omaha against the rioters. Possibly a few troops were necessary , but from the extravagant preparations made it would seem ns though the state had boon in danger of an inva sion by a foreign power. All iBrokon TJp. , Beatrice Courier. When the news reached Beatrice lost Thursday morning that the pres ence of Company "G" would bo required - quired in Omaha to wipe out a mob live thousand strong , the faces of many of the boys suddenly became "sicklied o'er with the palo cast of thought/ ' and it seemed for n time as though the company would bo about broken up by rhoumatim , bilious at tacks , and various other complaints , not omitting a singular makdy which had a very weakening effect on the backbone. : A Shot at Boyd and Miller Orleans Sentinel. \VhiIo wo deprecate the condition : of civil affairs in Omaha , wo cannot 3 censure the honorable laboring man : who seeks to better his moans of existence - istonco for the trouble occasioned by the "rabblo and loafer olomont" in n city like Omaha. This idea of calling out government troops and the state militia , at a heavy expense , in a mat- tec of no more serious naturn than this has proved to bo , clearly shows the weakness of the executive ofli- cials who have , wo think , acted more from a desire to please the corpo rations than to moot an urgent neces sity. Flondlih Inhumanity. Button Register. If it is true , as reported , that Jim Stophcnnon , the contractor , whoso employes began the strike , advertised for 500 men when ho only needed 100 , and then paid them $1.10 and $1.25. wo should not cry if ho were reduced to the necessity of working twelve hours at two shillings a day. This enticing men to leave homo in the winter season , under false pretences of furnishing work at good pay , and then matching his cupidity against their necessities , is an exhibition of a fiondlsk inhumanity , and a depravity nil but absolutely total. If a law could bo framed to moot such a case , the culprit should receive no more mercy than ho exhibited in dealing [ with those ho so cruelly wronged. Two Jaolw and a Male. Pltrco County Call. It does not appear from the reports we have rocolvod that the sheriff or mayor tried to bring the ringleaders to justice , before they called upon the governor for troops , but seem to have ' loit their heads at the first approach of danger , or what they imagined to : be danger , and made an ass of them selves at once , In the meantime the strikers are quiet and orderly , but determined to .obtain fair wages for a fair day's { work , and as long as they restrain from violent proceedings , are entitled to the support of every citizen who is compelled to earn his bread by work ing for wages. Fronf all accounts rents and provisions are high in Omaha , and it is impossible for a man and family to live on 81.25 per day. And a man who will take a contract to dp work BO low that ho cannot pay higher wages ought to lese money ' on the contract ; but these who knor anything of Jim StephoiiEon know that lie is not that ! kind of a hairpin. Wo remember one bjtter cold day last winter , while at Plain view , Jim Stepheruon came into the Jiotel , wrapped in his buffuHj I ' overcoat and 'his 'head1 ' bundled'npl ' nitb scarfr , while hw man had ca'rcp-1 ' ly anything around his head nnd hac frozen his face and cars during th long drive fr6m Pierce in the face o the bitter northwest wind ; and w also remember the unfeeling and bru tal language he used to the man fo not knowing better than to start ou without being bettor prepared , an how ho sent him out of the warm room to do something for him. I seems to us that wo would strike fo higher wages if wo were compelled work for such a man. Strikes. Th Pokrolt Eip&ku. It appears that strikes are cpidemi nowadays , or else Omaha has con taminatcd the whole country. Las week the dispatches announced a ful line of strikes at different points The iron workers at Iloniostoad , nea Pittsburg , Pa. , were on the strike and killed a "scab , " troops o militia were called , nnd the striki ended peacefully by arbitration. A Lawrence , Mass. , several thousand ) cotton mill hands are striking agains reduction of wages , but the author ! ties by far have no idea to call the troops. At Columbus , Ohio , tin tailors struck for an increase of wages no troops ns yet was called upoi them. At Bloominglon , Ills. , the railroad hands arc out : no militia in sight. At Cleveland some rolling mill hands demanded higher wage ; and ceased working. Their demand was refused , but the mayor did not telegraph for troops. In Topeka Kansas , pipe layers for water work ) demanded an Increase of wages and were disorderly , but oven the temper ance crank , St. John , had more sense than our own Nanco nnd Mayor Boyd , and loft both the militia and the strikers nt rest. In the Cumber land regions , Maryland , 4,000 coal minors wont out , but the democratic governor of that state is n better dem ocrat than our democrats , Dr. Miller or Mayor Boyd , and believes that bayonet rule is not n democratic in stitution. At Troy , Now Xork > C2 moulders nro striking , but the dis patches do not inform us that the troops are getting ready for them. In Nebrnskn nlono is n Rip Vnn Winkle of n governor and a cowardly mayor in Omaha , who put the city under martial law without any cause what ever. , Order nnd Iiahor. York Times. Lot it bo distinctly understood that Hie Times ; is and has always been in favor of good order and obedience to existing laws however repulsive to the individual. Ho is not to decide whether the law is right or wrong. His business is to obey it in spirit and lottor. Wo are in favor of all honor- nblo and lawful moans to improve the condition of laboring men , and to ele vate that portion of society. The spirit of equality which has existed ao long in our country and which has leveled all ranks , is dear to the heart of a true American. No distinction an account of nationality or pecuniary condition. Wo are opposed to any course that saps the life blood of labor to build up a moniod aristocracy in our land. But whatever is accom plished must bo peaceably and quiet ly done. As wo said last week , "law and order must and will be maintained. " Wo do not be lieve that the laboring men , the very men who stood bravely in the ranks in the face of rebel guns , who marched in heat nnd cold , who charged upon almost certain death , will wantonly now seek to destroy the government for which they risked and sacrificed 30 much. Let men who remained comfortably at homo during the great conflict to preserve the nation beware liow they impugn the motives and no tions of these men. Lot the sneaks , ownrds nnd thugs who make the dii- turbunco and outrage the law , bo summary dealt with. Lot them also boar the odium themselves. Do not hnrgo i ; upon the great army of lion- t , intelligent laboring men of our ountry. They' rescued our nation from she oppressor nnd eighty years nftorwnrds saved it from disroption. They have produced our broad , manned our ships , and built and operated our mills nnd railroads. They work pur mines , prune our for ests and build our cities. As a class , they are every whit as good as the men who denounce thorn , and far more useful to the nation nnd to so ciety. Do not suppose that wo nro upholding' mobs and riots. Wo are only taking this time when wo urn most liable to cpnsuro for so doing , nnd still more liable to bo miscon- itrued to enter a protest against the liory denunciations of laboring men , which class comprises nine-tenths of our citizens. A Good Housewife. A gooa housewife , when she is giving her house its spring renovating should bear in that the dear inmates of her house nro inoro precious than many houses , and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the blood , regulating the stomach and bowels to : prevent nnd cure the diseases arising from spring malaria nnd miasma , and iho must know that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly and surely is Hop Bitters , the purest and best ) f medicines. [ Concord ( N. Hz Patriot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17.d ( CANNIBALS IN PBJBB. Massacre of a Bhtp's Crew with the Story Tola by burvlvora. lAmdon Tlraei. Details have boon received at Ply mouth from Sydney of the recent 'rightful massacre of n portion of the rew of the trading schooner Isabella on ono of the Islands of the Fiji croup. The narra tive was furnished by Mr. J. E. Hawkins , the master of the Isabella. DIP starboard boat , with Mr. Mair , ovormnont agent , on board , loft the Isabella for the Island of Santo at 7 i. rn. on Nov. 12. The day passed without the boat returning. Mr , Elawkins sent boats in search , but irithout result. Next morning mother boat was sent ashore. They net a boat from the steamer May 2ueon , of Queensland , which reported hat of the ' two missing boats' crows md that morning swam off to that 'easel , which was ut anchor some four niles from the scone of the massacre , md that both were severely wounded. Vo boats then proceeded along the here in search of the imating ioat , which was found hauled omo distance into the bush. She had teen gutted , and natives were hover- ng abouf at a respectful distance , 'wo oars were found : in the bush , on the opposite side of nmhl creek. landin party then , proceeded inland , leaving a man in each boat lo keo them afloat and td bo In roadinosc The search patty cnmo to a village , n which was found some of the gear belonging longing to the missing boat. As th search party only consisted of on white man nnd five natives , it wn thought advisable not to go fUrthe into the bush , but to return to th vessel nnd report whnt had been done As thp party returned lo the boats th head of Mr. Mair , Iho governmon agent , was found among the rock frightfully tomahawked. In the ro suit n stronger party was formed , con sisting of two boats from the Ma ; Queen , two from the Surprise , am ono from the Mavis. They landed and in a village further in the bus ! than the ono visited already , they found parts of a human body. The boats having returned to the ship Cnpt Hawkins decided to bury thcs < remains as well as the head of Mr Mair , which wns dono. The survivors of the massacre wen two half-cnsto Fijians , viz. , Mnlnka nnd Jimmy both serving on boarc the Isabella as boat's ' crow. They stnto they saw the two white men killed 1. o. , Mr. Mnir , Government Agent , nnd Mr. Hampshire , mnto also the two others of the boat's aronr i. o , , Don Jumna and Amosi , half , castes. The boat was attacked when about to leave the baach , having ro cruitcd thrco men. No offense wns liven to the natives , who had brought iown the recruits themselves. Mai- nkni hnd two severe tomahawk cuts on the head , onobeing on the loft side penetrating the skull. The blow nust , fortunately , have been a slant- ng ono ; it was three and a half inches eng , but the brain was not cut into. The other wound was on the forehead , Between the eyes. These wounds were sowed up by the Captain of the May Quoin. The other man saved md a knife wound on the fore- load , These two state that they unipod overheard nnd Hiram iwny. The natives pursued them , > ut they were able to land md hide among the rocks. When ho moon rose they swam to another ilaco , bid tliuinaelves , plppt awhile , and at daybreak swam , with the as- istanoo of lojis of wood , to the ahoonor May Qu'on. They both tnto that they saw Mr. Mair shoot a man through the body with his re volver , but ho < vns overpowered by lumbers. Mr. Hampshire wns shot hrough the body and received n cut rom n tomahawk in the side. Ho ell overboard and tried to swim way , but was surrounded by the nn- ivcs and hacked to' " pieces , as was Iso Don Juani. Amosi was shot lead and fell overboard. All having > eon done that could bo done , as the natives had retired far back iu the ) ush , nnd it would have boon impossi > Io to get nt them , Captain Hawkii i .corned it his duty to proceed at once o Fiji nnd report the matter to the uthorities. WESTERN GORNIOE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Hamey Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IEON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON | SLATE ROOFING , Specht'Ei Patent Metalic Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. m the general State Agent for the above no of goodi. IRON FENOING. 3reitlna , Balustrades , VerandasJOfllce and Bank Ralllnpt , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT Peenon and Hill Patent Inside Ollnd. norMlf TRUTH ATTESTED. lomelmportantStatomcxts of Wei Knowu People Wholly Verified. In order that the public may fulljr rcallie tht cnulncncts of the statements , ja well as the Toworamlaltio of the article of which then [ Htak , we publish herewith the fac-sluillo t\gni- \ iircs of parties wliono sincerity U beyond quea Ion. The Truth of those testimonials Is abuo- ute , nor can the facts they announce bo Ig- ortd ° N" M ' 24 ml- MAU1' > , , . . ' " > - I. . WARMIK & Co , : DKAK 8m : I have frequently used Warner's afo Kidney and Lltr Cure or local aOcctloni ttendant upon name rheumatlo Attacks , and m\oal B ) derived bencttt therefrom. I have l o used the Safe Nervine with satisfactory re- tilts. I consider these medicines worthy of onlldencA Deputy Treasure ! OMAHA , NEB , May 21 , : ssi I. D WARNIR & Co. , Ilochtater , N. Y. : OSNTS : I bar * DM oour Safe Kidney and . \ \ er Cure this spring as a Iverlntlgorntor. and find It the test remedy I emtried. . Ihau led 4 bottles , and It has made me Iiel better ban ever 1 did before In the prlnir , U. T. U. Shops. OMAHA , NIB. , May 24 , Ibtjl. I. If. WARNER & Co. : SIRS : Kor more than ID yiars I hate tudered uuch In omtulence from combined kldnc ) and uriltiooiea , nd hate been im'kloto work , uy urliuiy ortrmsaUobelnitaffic'id. 1 rlod A rcat many medicines and doctor * Sut I Kiev , vonto and wor.o day by day 1 nui told I had rlaht'sDlecaie , and 1 wUnul uiywlf deal If I auld not have npiscuy rihui. 1 too , . > our dalt Idney and Lher Cute , knowing nothing el > as e\er know ute euro tha dlsuaso , anal haw ot been disappointed. Thu medians has cured ne , and I am perfeo ly well to-day , entirely hrougfa your Sale Kidney and Lher Cure I lib VQU ojl ucc ss In publUhlni ; this valuable cmedrthrough ibn world U , I'.It. II. Shorn. houundi of equally itronj cndorseuicntt niauy f tbciu In cue * hero hope waa abandoned haxo e \olunUrlljrKU en , hhowluif the remarkable xi erofarnfriiFafc Kldnoy and Lher Cure nail dUtatuicf the Kldncjt , liver or urluaryor ant. If any cue whp roadi thl lia any phi al trouble rtojiiobcr the great remedy. ' Hosteller's Stomach fitters It thcftreat house hold mcdlcino of the Anulcan people , and I tikrn everywhere a n raf guard agtlnttcn ( demies and endemic' , t\i a tctncdv for dyspepsia bllllouMiciS and Irregularities of the bowolf , a rtcur1 for chills and fever and rhcumat Ic n meets , AS netdnlive In nervous case ? , & * $ ns ; cnctnl Invljtorant and rcntoratlvo. For sale by ill ( Irntrylsti and dealers generally , mar23to al GHAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK e-n' 'TRADE . MARK English rein. - eivAn un failing cure > fdr Seminal Weakness , Spermator- rhta , Impotency - oncy , and all Dlscascathat' BEFIRETAKIHQ . .wee' AFTER TAKINB , Self-Almsc ; M Loss of Memory , Universal Lassl tude , Tnln In the Back , Dimness ol Vision , Pro rnaturo Old Age , and many other Diseases that cad to Insanity or Consumption and a Prcma uro Grave. 43TFulI particulars tn oar pnmnhlet , which wo dcslra to vend free tvmall to ever } ' one. 2TTh < i Specific Medicine Is told by all druggists at $1 per package , or 0 pack ? cs for 85 , or will bo sent free by mall f.n rec < ptof the money , by addressing THE DIM IEDICINECO. , Butlalo , N. Y.1 I ! i. . V Goodr ocTme-eod THE KENDALL PLAITIM IACHII1 1 DRESS-MAKERS' COMPANION , It plalta Iro.n 1-10 of a n Inch to vldth In the coatf c ; t felts or finest silk j It docs all kluds'and stj lo * ol t lading In use. No lady tbat docs her own dress-making can afford to do without one is nice plaiting Is never out of fashion , If seen It sells itself. For Much I nea , Circulars or Agent's terms address CONGAR & CO. , 113 4.inmsSt. ! Phicnro 111 GUARDIAN'S SALE. The sale of lands of minor hclra duly advcriis cd In Tim OMAHA DAILV BKK by A. u. Wjman , ; iiarclian , to take place on February 18 li , 18 2 , nit which has been delated by the Illness of the ttornor In charge will bo held at the south oor of the Court House In Omaha , Douglas Co. . Itato of Nebraska , between the hours of It nnd 2 o'clock a. in. , of the 22d day of .March 1RS2 , A. U. WYMAN , 1-B-1D Guardian. J. L WILKIE , MAXUFACTUREUOF PAPER BOXES. T18 and 220 S. 14th St. OLEVES BROS. , ARCHITECTS. Public Ilu'ldmjs ' , Churchei , Residences , btoiesin every btvle. Attention given to'Tatcnf Q5ce Drawings. Office Room 10 , CrclfhtoJrDlock , Omul Nebraska. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. GALDWELLHAMILTON&GO ted snnio ns that of an Incorporated laulr. Accounts licit in our/vono- old subject to sight ohook without nO- ico- Certificates of deposit issued pav- nblo in three , six and twelve months , hearing Interest , oren _ de mand without interest , Advances inatlo to customers on approved securities nt market rates ofintoroit. The interests of customers are closely guarded , and every facility compatible with principles of sound hanking freely extended. Dravr sight drafts on England , xeland , Scotland , and all narts of Europe. Sell European passage tlokoti. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th and Dodge Oti. , Omaha , Neb. Thin KtuC } uoeftkikiOTMabrokornKO budnetg Doi * nt speculate mid therefore ny hartalni ; , * > > Mtliiiiiiicd to 'i1 * luittiatl J. C. ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting ! AUK.STU fOK Turbine Water Motor. ( .ALSO JODBtRS IS auivs , Pipe Fitting anil Brass 'or. 14th and Uarnoy , Omaha , Neb , AVATKK MOTOR IN CONSTANT OPKEATIOS. SO. W. DU N , * A. 0 , DOANE & CAMPBELL , At tor neys-at-Law Olarkson & Hunt , BuoooWT" o H h rl , fe Hunt , ATTORNEYS. AT-LAW 8 Uthxi"- ' latttrof AppUcatlou of Mnrkell & Swfcbe fcr Liquor License NOTICK. Notice la hereby given that Markell & wolio did upon the 25th day of Inrch A. D. , 1882 , file their appli ; atlon to the Mayor nd City Council of Qinaho. for license to ell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquor * , t Union 1'acltio Depot , Flrtt wanl , Oma- , Neb , from the 10th day of April , 188 , o the 10th day of October , 1882. If there be no objection , remonstrances r protest filed u Ithlu two weeks from larch25th , A.I ) . 1882 , the said license ill be granted , . MAItKKL & BWODE , * Applicants. THK OMAHA BEK newspaper will pub. ah the above notice once each week for wo ueeks at the expense of the applicant , he city of Omaha Ii not to beicharge4 herewith. J , J , L. 0. JJSWETT , i Burdock jonsuHcrfrbm Dysjitpsla , use DVllDOClx 'LOOD BITTERS If jou are afflicted with DIliouincM , use BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If jou are prostrated with tick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS II your Bowels are disordered , regulate them w 1th BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. II your Blood Is mpuro , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. tjouhiuo Indigestion , jou will nnd an antldoto u BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. f > ouare trembled with Spring Complaints , or adlcato them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. f your Lhcrls torpid , restore Itto healthy action n 1th BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Ll\er 1s affected , ) ou will find a sure re storative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jou hue any species of Humor or Hmple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you ha\o any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curatUe remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. 'or Imparting strength and vitality to the BJ acm - cm , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the j stem with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , I.OO pel Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Otl FOSTER , MILBURN. . & Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y , Sold at wholesale by leh & JIcMahon and C. F. Ooodmin. Jo 27 cod-mo Tola great epeclflc curca that most loatbiomo disease SYPHILIS RThothor iu Its Primary , Secondary orTortinrv Stage- Removes all truces of si orcuryrom the ays- tern , Cures Scrofula , Old Sores , Rheuma tism , Eczema , Catarrh or any Blood Disease. Cures Wlion Hot Springs Fail ! Malvcm , Ark. , Hay 2,1881. Wo have cases In our town who lived at Hot prlng and wcro finally cured ulth 8. S. S. McCAMUON & MURRf. Memphis , Jlonn. , May 12,1881. Wo have sold l,29t ) botflea of S.S. S. In a year , t has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded ihjslclans now recommend It as a positive peclfic. S. JU.N8FIBLD & CO. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1881. S. S. 3. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I ha\o e\cr sold. J , A. FLIUUJBK. Uenvei , Col. May 2,1881. E ory purcha er speaka In the highest term * f S. S. S. L. Mclssetor. Richmond. Va. . May 11,1881. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of S. S. S. folk , Miller & Co. Ha-o never known 8. S. S. to fall to euro a case- f Syphilis , when properly taken. II. L. Dennard , lp-rrv . - an. . Ell Warren. j-Perry , Ga. The above signers are gentleman of high stand- B. A II COLQUITT , Governor of Georgia. S.S.S. . . . P YOU WISH WE WlLUTAKEYOURSE CA TO UE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and copy of Ittlo book -'Mtssaeo to the Unfortunate. 81OOQ Reward will bo paid to any homlst who will llnd , on analysis 100 bottles 8. S. S. , ono particle of Mercury , Iodide Potas- lum or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Ga. Prlco of regular size reduced to 81.76 per bet lo Small size , holding half the quantity , price , SoldbyKENNARD&CO. , nd Druggists Generally. The Great English .Remedy Norer falls to ctno Ncrvous Debility. Vi tal Exhaustion , Emis ions , Seminal Weak- , ilHOOD , and all the llavll eQocta of youth- lful follies and execs- ics. It stops pcrma- Inently all weakening. involuntary loan sand drains upon the'sjs- Item , the inevitable re- suit of these evil prac tices , w htch are sq destructive to mind and body and malco Ufa miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nervcs.Braln , memorjf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Organs , It restores to all the orcanlo unctlrns their former vigor and vitality , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , 3 a lottle , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by xpress. secure from observation , to any address. on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except on receipt of $1 .as a guarantee. Letters n- uestlnjr answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills re tbs best and cheapest djspcpsla and bllllous uro Iu the market. Sold by all druggists. Price 0 cents. DR. MINTIR'B KIDXKT RKUEDT , NEPRETICUM , Cures all kind of Kidney and bladder comnlalnte. onorrhca , gleet and leucorrhca. For sale by all aupglsts : 1 1 a bottle. ENGLISH .MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For pale In Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. Jan6-lv _ . _ To tsurterers TM CIREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or J. B. Sinipaou'B Specific . . . . It lo i ! > e cure for aixruatoirhe * , Bowlna rVi-oki.vca , Impounc ) , and Ul diseases reaultlni ! are snlI-Abute , v > Mental Anxlet ] , LOJI ' ry. Pains In thn l < ai.V or HIclo , uuJ dlttatut rikii -r-r - jhat lead to vonrumptlon I'.sault ) an earlygr&te The Specific ilmllclns U u > ud wondt-r-" ) for No . 101 aH ir > ! l u- _ SoH'ln Omaha by P f Opfiln ) , " * J. K. lab , ami all frueitUi. . e iv her BOSTON MARKET , Cuming Street J. J , NOBES , Propr , Fresh and Salt Meats of all Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o , , in Season. John G. uacobs , , r-oi uerly of Cleb * Jacob * . ) " " "ERTAKER FASHIONABLE HATTER I M a j. SAXE , Has opened a Hew Sat Store in Opera House Blook on 15fch St , , . where can ue found all the tlesirable Styles at Moderate Prioos , A comDlete Spring Stock has oeen bought and will arrive in a few days , A Full Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods will be added soon. R. J SAXE , FASHIONABLE HATTER , S , W. WY WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , BOORS , BLIPS AND IOULDIMS. 16th and Cuming Sts. , OMAHA , NEB IROTIH : & CTOHSTIES , Wholesale Lumber , So , 1408 Famkm Street , Omaha , Sob , THE NEW AMERICAN NO 7. rrtI I A FINE OPENING' Wo want a peed live , active person to tale the apency n Omaha. Iho licit kind of terms will . , . J given. . Call at onr olllco In Jacobs' IJlock , or write the illiceat 2 4 Wnba h. At c Chicago" Ills. , t onco. mnr-23-tf CARPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY -A.ND- . ' * * * * * * t * VH V * V a $ t JAH 4 * * Ajw tB * ? < ft i"fc v i g a feJS H % liM fr * f _ . i/vl ? W 2UL § 31 the first to make the announcement - ' ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH m WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Pripes. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J B. BET WILE R ; ; . 4 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA , - - . - - NEBRASKA , FOSTER & GRAY , V WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnhara and Douglas Sts. , T