i" In ! n THE OJMAHA DAILY BEESA'i'URD / Y MAii o , lbS2. FINANCE'AND COMMERCE. NKV > YOHK , March 24. MONET. The money market closed t 2 p r vent. Exchange clwod firm at 4 87@4 90. Governments closed firm. UOVKKNUENT BONM. ! ? < * > \y& \ 4'BCoupou } ! < . * . . . .114i bid 6lscontfaue < l . 103i bd C's continued . 101 bid RAHnOAlJ UOND8. Pacific rallroud bomla closed OB follows : Unionists . 1151@110 Union Land Grante . 115 bid UnlonSlnklngFundolIcredat. .116 @I18 } 114115 8TOCKH The atock market this morning opettod Htrong , and thcro WAB general impro.-e- tmont in prices , led by Now Jersey Centra' , which Hold up to 84 } against 84j at the c'.yso last evening , Hubsequcutly there w\s a vigorous Belling movement , under which the advance was not only lost , but prices were forced down to the lowest of the day , which were fjcnerally current shortly after midday. During thu niter- noon , however , a stronger tune 't hi , and prices , under the lea.viehip of L.iko Shore , Misiourl Pacific and Western Union , Advanced Bharpl } , the highckt quotations of the day being senerdlly cur- relit iutin.d dealings. Following are the closing prices. Ajn'nDlst.Tel. 47 Manhattan El. . 522 Alton &T.1I. . 27 Preferred. . . . 92 Preferred. . . . 08 Alan Beach . . 31 } B. A.Lino pfd. 02 } Met. elevated. . 88 C BAQ 133 MdC . IS O S 518 Mobile O . . . 251 Canton Land , . . 59 NJC . fc4J C. & Alton 130 } Northwestern. .131 C S & 0 51 Prefcrrel..l40j Cedar falls. . . . 2J NY C . 133 CP 918 N P . 343 Col Coal 4Gi Preferred. . . . 7oj 0 O &IO 13J NY Eli voted. . 103 Con.Coal ,29 Nosh&O . 03 0 O 0 & I. . . . 78 NO Coal . 15 Caribou 2 -or& W.pfd. . 50A 0& O V2 } O&W . 254 iBtpfd 33 Ohio Cent . IGg id ) p'fd 23 } O & M . 85 } O.fcG.pfd 81 Omaha . 38J D & R G Gil Preferred. . . . 103 OL& W 1221 Ohio S . 17 D. , & W 105J Ore Nav . 135 E&W 34f Ont. Silver. . . . . 135 Brio 30 ] Ore Trans . (58 ( ETenn llj Pull. Pal. Car. . 128 Preferred. . . . 19 PD&E . 31V GJJ IU PacMoil. . G2J .Preferred . 17 Quick liver . . . . llj Adams 143 1'ref erred. . . . 53 'Fargo ' 128 Reading . 69 j American 93 K 1 . 132J US 75 R&D . laGJ Uomestake 174 R& WP . . 130 H&St J 90 R&P . 31J .Preferred. . . . 8J Robiniou . 3 Houston & Tex. G7i R&A. . . . . . . . 23 Preferred. . . . 13 San Francisco , . 40 IB& > W 43 Preferred. . . . 52 J. C .13G lnt Preferred. 91 Kan & Tex. . . . . 35 St. Paul . 113 ] K&DM . 101 Prefeited. . . .122 LS .118J StP& D . 294 L A. & Mo. . . . 18 Pi ef erred . . . . 7G LI 51 Sutro Ltmia. & , Nosh. . 70 Standard Oil. . . 15J LittloiPittsburg St PM&M. .119. ' L N A ic 0. . . 07 TP 45 M L S & W. . . 47i T D &B 144 M 6c K 121 Vt M . 02 M & 'C 52 } Union Mich Cen 80 Mar & Cinpfd. 13 Ptefurred. . , , ,2dpfd We .tbrn Union. M P" . . . . . 88J HALKH. The following were the'fcjdeB of the most Tftctlve stooks to-day. TofU alea , 490,000 shares. * WUT 47100 O C & I C . . . 1000 i.&y : 75 < x 0. H. & Q . . . 300 L d 48GOC : NYO 8100 L. E&W 220 ( N J C 21oOO Nurlhwreritern. 550 ( 1C 300 Pieferred. . . . 10 ( Ohio Central. . 3.0 O&V. . . . 2801 Mich Cen 2UOO I'M 450C NP 29JO QuicksiU < orpfd lOt Preferred . . 19100 Reading . . . . 4401 Union Pao. . . 11900 San Francisco. 20 ( Mot. Kiev. . . . . 100 Preferied . 1 C Man. iilcv. . . SOO St. P&Oin .1210C A&TH 100 Preferred. . . 111C ( -OS 1000 St Paul. . . L90C C& O. 100 Preferred , . . SOC D&JI 100 Xnsh , & Chat. 50 DL&W 17200 M. L. S&W. 40C D<G G850J Wabasli. . . , 127UC B.ie. . . . A3000 Preferred. . . 11GOC Preferred . . . 1300 MoPac 1220C CHICAGO MOKKV. CHICAGO , Mutch 24. rrestuu , Keun & Co. , banker ? , Kjiiotc money native at 5@G per cent on call , Jvnd G@8per cent on time. Uostern exchunga between city firm at 75c premiuia per $1,000. The clearings of the associated were .r',47C,000. Governmentri active ami bight rI' , * touching 119. The general market waa finn , with higher pricex. There was a good demand for local and municipal eeciiritiw , Gilt edge Hccuritles were nought after neil good prKes were obtained , In railroad LondH thu market wan irregular , but holders were firm , in anticipation of a higher mar ket. Choice double No. 1 commercial pa per was In request. Foreign exchange was strong. A general bull feeling per vaded the market , and i-till higher price > < re looked for. UNITKI ) hTATKrt HUMW. Si'a Extended Bixex , 1881 . 10U@10U Sj's Extended fiveH , 1881 . 1022@103i 44'u CouponB . Ii4a1143 4rB Couponi . llbylli ) District of Oolumbia , 305 ? . . . .107J OTHKK J1ONDH. Mlnne.ota State U'f , nnd interest. . . 100 } Sterling , iight. . . . : . 489)1 ) Sterling , 00 dtj-H . . . 4801 0. M. & St. P. Tt and Interest . 12(1 ( C. M. & St. P. G'n and interest . 1051 Dubunue . . . . . . . 1033 O. B. &Q. IV , 1889 . , . SO ] B. KM. in Neb. 4'n . H Wabuih 5'a . 8i < ? Chicago li Northwestern VH. . . ,98"99 ? Jacks 'nvUle&B. ' K-l'd. . . . < K\ \ I Oruu.Ua WUoloualu Murket. OKKior. oh THE OMAHA Bur , i Frl l. v Kvening , Mnrch 21 , | T/i' uj' ! i'.fi ' t' tli u-jay'j , jn. rwt , ( u , aa follows : Wheit-No. 2 advanced He ; No. 3 ad vanced Ic , Corn Advanced } o. Oats Advanced } c. Drefeed Chickens Advanced Ic. All kinds of suxar have advanced Jc. Si riipit have advanced 2c , Local Grain Wf fEAT.-Caah No. 2 , 1 18 ; cash N . 8 , 94c : rejected , G7o. HARLEY. CoBrt No. 2. We ; No , P , Gfl : . KYK. Cash. G8c. CORN. Cash No. 2 , 52c. OATS.-Caah.33p. STREET PRfOES-Coro,60@45i oate , 50@45. f ! AY } 0 f 0@0 60 per ton. Provliloni. FLOUR Spnng wheat , atralght ifrade , Pioneer" California , $400 ; $3 75@4 r-0 ; winter whp t straight i m rye , $2 60 ; Wheat , M 00 ; Queen Bee , $4 25 ; Jeuipor , $3 87 ; Big Sioux , f3 50. RYE FLOUR- 26. MILLSTUFFS-Hran , per cwt 1 10 per ton , IS 60@17.00 ; jcreenlngn , j > er cwt. wo ; RljorU , per swt 1.10 ; chopped feed , p < it cwt , 1 20 ; meal bolte < L yellow , 1 40 ; OTATOK8 NebrAnkiw , 1 25@1 35 ; Im [ > ct1ed Scotch Champion ! 1 C0@l 05. aWEKT POTATOES Gonulne MUBCH- tlns.4 @T c per Hi. WILIDUCK12G@HO. KUTTr.lt Creamery , 40@4c : cholco roll , 33@35c ; common roll , 2G@28c. APPLKS Good. Bound , very scarce .t $5 50(30 ( 50 per bbl , LEMONS Steady ; per box , W 25 ® 450. 450.ORANGESporbox 4 25@4 tO BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22o. ONIONS 1 10@1 40 porbushel. CRANBERRIES-Por bbl. , 81000 ® IfO. CELERY Per doz. , 75c. DRESSED GEESE Per lb. , 9@Uc. OYSTERS SelcotB,45c ; Btandards , ar > c. Mediums 25c. DRESSED CHICICENS-Steady at 10@llc. DRESSED TURKEYS -1213o. CHEESE 10@14o. CASE VALENCIA RANGES- SS 2.a 9 00.Grocers. Grocers. List. ( XFFEE. ) Rio , tnii , lie : Rio , good Ho ! Rio , prime to choice , 12u ; Old gov'l nva ; 2GJp2ci ( } ' , Mocha , 28cj Arbucklo'B , TEAH. GuniHiwder , gooil , 45@55 < Jhoice , G0@5c : ImpcriiU , good , 40@45c 'hoico , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 8G@ " > 0e ; choice , C"c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , > 3q : Japan , choice , G0@75cji Oolong , good , )5@40 ; Oolong , clio.oe , 40@55 ; Souchong , Hood. S540c : choice , 35 ® 15c. S UGARS. Cut loaf. lORc ; Cnisho ( : I0c ; Granulated , lOjc ; Powdered. lOgi ; t'inepowderod , It'jc ' ; Standard Coffee A 95 e ; New York Confectioner's Stnndarc \ , 9"c ; Good A , fljc ; Pralrlo Extra C , 9i. 9i.SYKUPS. . Sugar house , bbls , 47c : hail bis , 49c ; kegs , U eallons , $2 18 } ; cholw table syrup , 40o ; h ltbblg,4Gc ; kegs , $2 18 } dODA. Dwicht'g lb papers , Jf3 00 ; Dt * nnd do , $3 00 ; Church's , S3 00 ; Keg loda , IU < - .STARCH. Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 8J c2SJc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Excebdoi C51os . 7c ; Corn. 74s. SAljT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash ton , In sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 00 , 5s , 3 4fi ) bln dairy. 100. SB. R G5. DRIED FRUITS Choice halve * , evaporated peaches. 7c : Salt Lake 101 vap orated 11) boxeslS4c ; Michigan , 7c ; Nev Vork npplen , 7io ; Prunes , old , 0c ; new , 7 c ; CurrantR , OJ@7o ; Blnckborrle1) , new , 15c. 15c.OHEESEFull Cream , 14c ; Pan kim lljc. WOODENWARE Two hoop paib L 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub } 50 : No. 2 tubH , , 8 50 : No. 3 tube , 7 50 yionecr wtshboards , 1 85 Double Cr wn ' 90 ; Well buckets. 825. LEAD Bar , SI 05. SPICES. Pepper , | 19 ; Atopies. 19c Cloves , 40c ; Nutmos , 51 00 : 25cvjas8iu ; v ace 8100. MATCHES Per caddie , 90c ; rouni sanes , $7.05 ; square cases , $5.10 PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , I3j choice lard , 14c ; dried beef , 13c ; should ers , 9c : hamn. 13c ; bacon , aides , llc. NEW PICKLES Medium , iu barrels f.9 00 ; do iu half libls , 5 25 ; smalls , in bbl 12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 CO ; gherldce , it bhls. 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAH Pure apple extra , IGa pure apple , ISc : PniBsine euro annl , IGo HOMINY New , $5 00 per bbl. BEANS Medium , hanil picked Sl'2 ( per bushel ; navy , $1 00 ; calcf navy , C * Of ROPE Sisal , } inch and larger , 8a ( Ay i inch , 3c. "SOAPS Khk's Savon Imperial , 8 SO Kirk's satim 830Klrk'a ; atandard , S'G5 Kirk's wlii Russian , 500 : feirk'i Eutoco , 20 Kirk's Proirio Queen (100 ( cakcK ) . 10 ; ICirk's magnolia , 4 CBfi CANDLES Boxeiv 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8 10cboxea ; 40'lba. , 10 oz. , Cs. IGc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , S40 Western , 2 7 $ ; North "Star , 2 50 ; Lewis lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In c&ae 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In cose. 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , cholci new , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovei new , 37 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 il alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , now 31300. Timothy , good , new , § 3 00 blue grass , extra clean , SI 50 ; blue grass clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; red top choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri SOc ; millet , German , $100 to 81 25 ; Hungarian. 80c. HEDOKSEED-Omige orange , 1 to J bushels , c5 00 ; osage orange , 10 buNhelB o : over , $1 50 ; honey locust , t > or lb. , 35c ; pe : 1001be.S250a FIS .i Family white fish , .90 lb hf bbl ! t 75 ; A'o , 1 white fish , 90 IbUif bblfl , G 70 No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 10 ; familj IU lb kits , 85c ; Notr Holland herring , pel kqg , 1 35 ; Runuiau Aardinen , 75c : Colui" bia river salmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; Geoiy . ' Bosik codfish , Ge ; Gen. boneless coi.x. ' . . 9e ; boneless fieh , Sic. MACKEREL Half bhla mesamackorel 100 IbB , $12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex chore do 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbl , Jut famllj' do , 10 ( Ibs , < C 00 ; mess mackertl , 12 lb Lits , 2 25 No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ibdo , 1 50 : No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do 75c. CANNED GOODS Oystere , 2 11 ( Field' * ) , per case , Si 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per cai > e , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per cose , t GO : do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case. 2 0 ; dc 2 lb ( slack ) , i > cr cane , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( alack ) , iwr ca.se , 200. OnlotiH , .3 80. Salman , 1 lb , j > er dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 21b , per ilczeu 2n. . Sardines , Binall full , imported , unc quirter boxes per bor , 14 Jo ; Amerieui , quarter boxca per box , lie ; do half boxes , per Uix , 21 } c , Lobsters , 1 lb per dozw , 1 80. TomatocB , 2 'M ; do 3 lb per case , | 3 HO ; Com 2 Iti ( Moimtala ) [ > or ca e , 8 20 ; soaked com , 2 10 ; do 1 lb ( Vannouth ) , per ca o , S 3' ' ) ; Hiring beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans ncr case , 2 20 , Succotash | > er caae , 2 25. Peas , common , per case , 2 OOipeox , choice , rier case , 4 50 , Blqckberries , 2 lb , per case , i80 ; Btrnwberrlcrt , 2 lb , ] > er COMB , 2 75 : raspberriefl , 2 lh , per case , 2 75@3 00. DamaonH , 2 IU , per ca , 2 45. Bartlett : > earH per cime , 3 Oo@4 00 , Whortleber- fiei per case , 2 80 , Egg plums , 2 lb J > er cijte , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per coxe. 4 50. 3roen gages,2 lb per cose , 3 50 : do choice , 0 It | > cr case-l 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case , 4 00@(5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per cose , 3 10 : do 3 lb , case , 0 00@C 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per cat.e.385 ; do pie , 0 lb , per dozen , 3 50 , RICE Carolina , 7@8o ; LouUIana , 7 @ 8te ; fair , G@0 } . I'EANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten- neesoe , 9o per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS-Atlantlo A , 8cj Aiipleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FK 8c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W , 7lc ; Chlttennmro A , Ojp ; Ureat Falls K , SJc ; Hoohier , OJc ; HoueHt Width , 7 < jc ; In dian Head A. 8Jjc ; Indian Standnnl A , 5Jij ) Tndliii Or'-hard d , w. , 8.jc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River. 7o : Pequot A , 8Jo ; Bhawmut LL , 7c ; Utlca C , 5c ; Wachus- ett B , 7c ; do A , 8Joj do E 48 , 12c ; Wai- cett BB. 81 . FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 ; 7c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jo ; Atlantic LL , 0c " ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7o ; Bennlngton 0 4"-l , Gc ; Buckeye 8. 4-4 , GJcc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8c ; Laconia O 39 , 8lo ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 9c ; fyonwlale 4-4. lOo ; Pepperell N 30 , 7oj do 0 32 , 71c ; do R SO. 7So ; do E 39 , 8c ; Pocasset 0 4-4 , 7fo ; WamButta4-4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androsco ) } . fdn L 4-4 , ! > } cBlackiitoneAA : In-pedal Sic ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,89 ; FldelIty4-4 , 9cFrult ; of theLoom.lO ; oo can.brio4 ,13cdoWaterTwUt,10cOreat ; ; FalUQ , 10ci } Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12o : Lomviale. lOc ; do cambric 87 , 12o ; New York Mllla. 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Pepperell N G Twills , 12c : PocahontM 4 , 9o ; Pocasaet 4-4 , sjo ; Utica , lie ; Wftinautta 0 X X , 12ic. DUOKS Unblenohed Atlantic , 10 c * 7c ; Bftltlmor * do , 1G ; Lon SUr , 8 01. * 12c : SikTHim. 18c. DUCKS ( Colerod ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do O , lr b il do XX , stripes and plaldn , 12ic ; do XXX brown und drub , stripes nnd plaid * , ISJc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; L'runswlck brown , BJc ; Chariot fancy , 12c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fnll River brown , extra heavy , llc ; Indiana A brown , 13ci N t nBet A brown , 16o. TICKINGS Am oBkeAR A O A S3 . IrlW X | QVi Aft-f % llv * l't * * U 4UT * in wu * 30,16c ; Mlnnohaha 4-1 , 20cj Omcpa urr extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl lllvor 82. lGc : Put nam XX blue Btrljie , 12c ; Shotucket S 10c ; do S8 12c ; Yeoinftn'ii blue 29 , 8jo UKNIMS. Amoskenk , bluonud brown Jcj Andovcr DD blue , ISJcj Arlington blue Scotch , 18Jc ( Concord OOO , blue nnd brown. 12ic : do AAA , do do 18J } do XXX blue nod brown , 13jc , CAMBKICS ilnrnnrd , Blcj Kddyitone lining. 24 Inch double fnco , 8\c ; Garner A glazed , 5c : Mnnhnttftn elove finUh , C > Jc : NewjKjrt do Oc ; do glazed , 5Jc | 1'equot do Cc : Ixwkwood kid finish , Gc. COKS13T JEANS Amory , 8c ; Andres- copgln Ratteen , 8JcUlarendcn ; , OJcjOoncR- togn Batlccns , 7c ; Hallowel , 8c ; IndlAu Orclianl Improvcil , 74c : NArr gAnsctt , 7Jc ; 1'opperlll BAttmin Oln ; llockjxjrt , 7o , p PRINTSAllcnu. . CJc : Amerlcnn , OJc } Arnold , 7cj Berwick , 4Sc ; Cochoco , To ; ConotogA. C c ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Duunoll , OJ@7c ; Kddystone. 7oj GhuLostcr , He ; llnrmony , fiic : Knickerbocker , 0e ! Mcr- i rimao I ) . 7c : Mystic , 65c ; Bprnmen. tlcj I Stmthbridgc , Gc } do. Glnghniiw , 7ct I tnrl- ' , hum , Hijc ; Oriental CJo. I GINGHAMS Amo keftK , lOJc : AIIIOB- keiif ilrcss 121' Argyle , lOJc ; Atlntitlc , ! icj Omnborland , 74c ; H'fthlHuil ' , SJc ; Kcnilworth , 8Jc ; Plun kott , lOJcj SUB- POX. 8c. CUTTONADES AblKsrvlllo 18Jc ; Agnte. Oc : American , lie ; Artisii\n , 20c ( Cairo D and T , ISJc ; Clarion D And T , I7jcj DOCCAU Co. stripes DandT , IGc ; Key Btone , 18ic ; Nantucket , 19c : Koniiarcfl , IGc ; Ocean D and T. 13jp ; lloynl , 1GJ i ; SuBsex , 12c ; Tlogn , 12JC } WachtiBott Bhlrt- in < ? sbockB. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York. plain Nankin. 12 > c ; do , chcckn , Btripoa nno fancy , 12Ac ; do , 8oz , 20c. 8UHETINGS Andro9cog8inl0-4,27ici do 3-1 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , lie : Fniit of the Loom 10-4. 27J ( New York mills 98 , 35oj do 78 , SOc ; do C8 , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10-4 , 2.5cs Pcquot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do 7-4 , Iflc ; do 49 , IGc : Penpcrell 90 , 29c ; do r < 7 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c [ Uticn 9C , 5c ; do 68 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17o OlKorm and Tobaccoi. CIO AUS. Beods , $15.00 ; Uoniiocticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , 935.00 ; Seed Ilnvann , $50.00 ; ClenrHavnna , ? 75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 lb , GOc ; Siwttod Fawn , 61cj Our Hope first , quality , G2c ; Star , ( xiundfl , 2- Ib , butts , GOc ; Horeo Shoo , poundR 24 lb , butts , GOc ; Gtlt Edge pounds , 21 lb , butts , GO ; Army and Navy pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc ; Loril lard's Climax , pounds , Glc. FINE OUT In nails. Hard to Beat , 75cj Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc Favorite , 65c ; Itocky Mountiuu , GOc Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , we. In tin foil CatlliiB O. S. , 5 lb hnxcs , p r lb G3c ; Lori Ulard's Tiger , 65cj Diamond Crown , GOo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Black wells Durham , 1 ( oz Glc ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 50c ; Seal o North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 1G oz , 38o ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bugs per lb , 51.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil. 5 5c ; Dog Tail. G5c. Paint * Oils and Varnishes , PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omnhn P. P. , Gic ; white lead , O.P.&C Co .S.P.G pureO.&IarsaIllef < greeD , Ifto 5 lb crniB , 20c French zinc , gifin eeal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst 20c ; French zince , in oil asnt , 15c ; Hav and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw ant burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13 refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lcc l"ory block , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussia ! blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; clironi green , L , M. & D. , 14c ; blind and Bhutto in-een , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18c Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscas dr 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , I8o chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18c yellow oofare , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; paten dryer , Gc.graniiig ; ! colors : light oak. darl oa t , walnut , chentnut and a h 12o Dry ualnt White kad , GJc ; French zinc , lOc ; ParL whitping 2c ; whiting gildera. IJc v , hi tint ; ooinl , 14c ; lampblack Gorman town. 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; 1'rus Bian blue , C5c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke brown , 8c ; umberbumt , cj umber , raw lcsienna ; , burn t , > lc ; eienrm , raw , 4c Paris grcou genuine , S5c ; Paris green com' 25c ; chroma green , N. Y. ' SOc ; chrom green 1C. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng , , 70e ; ver million , America , ' 18c ; Indian .rod. lOc rose pink , 1-lc ; venctlau read , Cookson' Me : venetiaa red Am. , 5Jc ; ro-l lead , 7Jc chroiiiti yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yel Jew , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre French , 2jc ; oehre , American , lie Winter's miuural. 2Jc ; leliigh brown. 24o apanish browa , 2ic ; L'rinoo'fl mineral So VARNISHES Barrels per gallon Furniture , eiAra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 2. ; furniture , IT , 8. c ; coach , extra , SI 40 Coach , No. 1 , Ct 20 ; Damor , $1 50 : Jcnan 70c ; asphaltuBi , 70c ; sheilas , $3 50 ; hart oil finish. 8130 < &ILS 110'ctrbon , per gallon , HJcjl'SC be&dlight , per gniion , l2Jc ; 175 * headlight IK.T gallon , IGJc ; crystoline , par gallon , Iflc llnBoed , raw , j > er gallon , 02 ; Iti i > er gallon , Ian , 1 00 ; XXX. p r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet I > er gellon. 85c ; si > oim , W. B. , per gallon 1 35 ; h , W. B. . jer gallon , GOc ; neatsfool , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , C5c ; lubri cating , rero , per galloa , SOc ; nuuancr , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , S5c ; No , 2 , SO : B [ rm , nignal , per gallon , 80c : tor- pcntine , per gallon , C4c ; naptha , 74 , per gallon , afc ; GT. 20o Heavy Hardwire Ll t. Iron , rftteH , i$3 40 ; plow ateel , tipecla cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; pocialurJeruiaufio ( ; cast tool do. 15@20 wjcon apokoH , Bet , 2 253 00 ; Iiu ( ) , per act , 1 25 ; follooH , nawcu dry. 1 40 ; tangnen , each , 70@85c ; axlon , each , 75o ; Bquare nuta , per lb , 7@llc washera. per lb , 8@18o : rirttH , per lh , lie ; coil chain , per lb , G@l2c ; tnalleahle , 8c ; Iron wedgon , Co ; crowbars , Go ; harrow teeth , 4c ; her e Jioo , per keg , fi 00 ; 'spring BtoeL 7@8c ; Burden's lowborn , fi 35 ] Burden's mule * hoes , G 35. NAILS 10 to aod. GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 Gd , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , G 00 : 3d , line , 6 50 ; clinch , all flizcH , 5 25 ; Gd , casing , 4 75 : 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casinc.Ta" ; lOd inifih , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Od fiuUh , 5 25 lalf keirB , lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck Bhot , 82.10 ; Oriental Puwdor , kegii , 90.40 : do. , half cogg , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; HUut- a , Vega. e3.it5 : Fuse , uor 100 feet 50c. BA BKDVIlJK In car Iot8.8 30 per 100 ; In less than carlotx. 8 55 tier 100. Horiei * nd Mule * . The market U brisk ami all grades are uelling well at i > llcht advance in piiceH. L'he demand for good homes exceeds the mpply considerably. 1'rlctn range ai fol- OWB : Fine single driven , $150. to BOO. ; Kxtrn Iraft liorses , $175. to 225 , ; Commun druit jorses , 3100. to 150. ; Extra farm horsed , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horaon .90 , to $100. ; Extra ilugi' , < X ) , to 7fi.j Common plugn , $20. to10. . MULISH. 15 to 15 } hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ; 14 to 14 } hands , $7 * . to 100. ; 1 ! ! } to 14 LumU , $ < X ) , to 75 Llauor * . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 280 per wine ; allou ; extra California xpfritB , 187 proof , L 30 per proof gallon ; triple retined snirita. 187 proof , 1 24 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstllled vtlikies , 100@150 ; fine blended , 150 ® 250 ; Kentucky bourbonu , 200@700 ; Ken- lUckv and Pennsylvania ryeu , 2 00f7 00 BRANDIKB Imported , $ U 00@1000 ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Iccported , 4 60@0 00 ; domestic , HUMS Implied , 4 50@0 00 ; New England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic. 1 60(5)3 ( ) CO PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY 1 75(84 ( 00. OHAMPAaNES Imported n r case , ! GOO@31 OjAmsriwj , CAM , 1200 ® .8 00 CLARETS P r CUBS , 4 60 < glG 00 WINES Rhtna wine , p r CA/-P , G 20 00 ; CAtAwbft , per COM , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. WHOLS8ALK , We quote lumber , Uth nnd nhinglM on cars At Omaha At the following prlcon : JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 ft. And under. $21 ( X ) ; 18 ft. , $22 00. TIMBKRB 1C ft. And under , $22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , $2300 ; 20 ft. , $24 00 : 22 ft. , $27 60 ; 2 ft. , $27 M. FENCING -No. 1 , 4 nd 0 In. , 822 00 ; No. 2 , $20 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common bonrdu ) * 18 50 ; No. 2 , $1700. STOCK ! BOARDS , 12-In. D , 300 ; 1'Mn. (5. $35 00 ; 12-ln. B , $10 00. SID1NG-A , $21 OJ ; B , $21 00 ; ( ' , $18 00. FLOORINO-A , $40 00 ; B , $37 50 ; C , $32 00 ; D , $23 00. , SHINGLES No. 1 , $1 75) ) G-ln. clear , $2 75 ; star , $3 85 ; extrA A , $1 00. LATHNo. . 1. $3 TO. SHIP LAP-Plaln , $2300 ; 0. G. Nor 2 , $2100 ; O. G. No. 1 , $3.00. OEILINO-f-ln. No. S , $2o 00 ; J-in. No. 2. $37 00iii. : . No. 1 , $42 50. FlNISHING-Mn. No. 3 , $37 50 ; l-lo. N. 2 , $13 50 ; 1-ln. No. 1 , $ IR 50. THICK FINISH-S48 00@M 00. TARKED FELT-Perlb , 3e , STRAW BOARD-P r lh , So. BKAR CREEK LIME $12.- . PLASI'HR PARIS-$2ar > . LOUISVILLE OEMENT-S200. DulldlrR Material. LIME Per bAirel , $1 35 ; bulk pcrbu. , 35c. Cement , bbl , 92 50. IOWA planter , bbl , $2 50. Hivlr per bn. Soc. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. $3 50. Straw board , $4 CD PAPER St'nw paper , Sfc ; r g paper , 4c ; dry goods uapcr , 7cmanilA paper , lOc- ; news paper. Sc COAL Uumbeimnd bUcU inltli , $12 ; Morris Run Bldt-sburg , ? 12 ; WhltcbivuHt lump , $0 f Of Whitohreast nut , SO0 ; Iowa lump , $0 60 ; Iowa nut 50 50 : Rock Sprinin- , $8 ; AuthrAoite , nil slzw. $12 00@12 W ) . OrUf . DRUGS AND OHEMlUAlAcla CarboUc , SOc ; Acid , Tartarlc , Kte ; Balsam Copabia , per lb , 7Bc ; Bark , S Mnfra , ixr lb , 14c ; Calomel , | Mr lb , 75c ; Clnchonidia ycr oz , $100 ; Chloroform , i > er lb , 100 ; Dover's iMiwdnrB , per lb , 81 10 ; Kpecrj talto , per lb. 3ic ; Glycerine , imrc , per lb , I Tic : Lead , Acetate , per lb , 21c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per , < al , 1 30 ; Oil , n tor , No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; Oil , Olive , per /id. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c Opium , : ? r > 2S ; Quinine P. A W. i H. & S. , per nz , 32 40 ; Potasxium , loilide , per lb : $235 ; Salacm , per or..40c : Sulphate elI I Iorphlnc , per oz , $4 00 ; Sulphur ( tour , per lb , 4c : Strvchnine. tier 07. 81 50. Wool , Hghl , Haaltic ( ; heavy , HI@16c ( medium Muwiwh l , light , I8fo)20c ) wnxhed , choice , 32o ; fair , SOc ; tub-dings and w. , 28c : liutry , 'Mackand ' uottm ) wooU 2(5f ( > C l0h Hide * l-urs. Etc. 1IIDKS inuen butcher's hide , ; 6\i'tf7 \ cured 7jc ; hiilra , green Halt , part cuml7-i hldi'H , ( > { c ; dry flint , Bound. 13@14c ; drj calf and kip , 12@l"c ; dry xalt hides , mmnd ll@l'Joj green cnlf. wt. 8 fcolSU * . , 10@llc gietn calf , wt. tuidur 8 HID , pet skin. BOc irrceu i > elt , .Vg5l ( 2S ; p-cn lainli sVini- $1 10@12o ; damaged bides , two-third ritti- cut Bcored and ono grub , cl.iHsed two tllnlu rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. oil Coon akins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 20 , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , f)0c ; No. 2 SOc ; No. 3,15o ; No. 4 , Cc. Vex , No. 1 GOo ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black G5c ; short stripe , 40cj narrow Btrl | > o 25c broad etripe , 10c. Tallow , Gc , Lcnihcr. Oak Hole , 38c to 42c ; hemlock xole , 28is tc .ICc ; hoiulrck kip. 80c to 100 ; rtmner GSc to SOo ; hemlock cnlf , 8'c to 120 ; hi'iii lock upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak ti per , 2lc alliBator. 4 00 to fi 50 ; cilf kid.j82@.T > c Greitten kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , txic tc 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 130 ; French kin 110 to 1 55 ; F , ench calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; HIM HettB. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 topoinga , 0 I'O to 10 50 ; U L. Morocco , KO to 35c ; i > obblo O. 1) . Morocco , 35c ; siuion 2 fO to 3 00. HARNESS-No. 1 utar oak , -I3c ; No . do , 40c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 40c ; No. 2 do 27c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 38c ; No. 2 do , 3Uc Council BlaUa Marliot. COUNCIL Btorra , March 24 Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheaf S CO ; California Jiureka , patent 3 8.1 ; ben brand of K.insai , 3 50@3 90 ; Kansas an Missouri flour , 3 D0@4 25 ; graham , It rye flour , 340. Bran and Shorts 15 00 per ton Chop Corn 22 50 per toil. Wheat No. 2 , $112@1 IS ; No. 3 , 72c rejected , 52c , Corn 52. Oats Ko. 2 , 40o ; rciccto.1 , 35c. Barley No. 2 , t)0c ) ; No. 3 , 75o , liny Lno < e , 5 006 ( 00. Wood-5 50 ® 7 00. , Live Hogs 5 83@B 75. p Cattle Shipping , 4 50@5 00 ; mile cows 30 00@45 00 per head ; butcher stock , 3 00@3 60. Shcoi > 3 75@4 23. G Jllides 5cG ; S hides , 7c. Wool 15@'J5. Butter Creamery , 30o ; in rolls , wrap ped , ! > c : rolls not wrapped , 20c ; inlxu co ors , 15@20c , Egfis 1'acked , 'Jic ; fresh , 15u. I'otfttoeH 1 30 ; Salt Lake , 1 Bl ) . OnJoiis 1 25@l 40. Drowfled Poultry Chlcltons , 10c ; lOc ; Keotit'i 8c ; turkeys , 12Jo. Lv ! Chickens 2 25 per dozen. Chicago IToauoe. CUICAOO. March 24. Flour .Steady and about unchnuitcc demand moderate ; common toch'jicowrsl ern BprioR , 4 50 ( ? < G 75 ; Minnesiita , 5 75 patents , < J 75@8 25 ; winter wheat Hour 4 507 00. Wheat No. 2 sprint ; ruled quiet durin most of ( he seuMon and the aggregate lnul ; ness trart acted was only moderate. Ni cow inlluenceu were brought in bear upor tile market and t ailing wa * princiiiilly o a local character , with homo fntluciiuo govornlrjK the course The market ut the okenln | ( , ' price * were l@l.jo higher f.ir the various futures , but weakened under free offerings and duclioes l@ljc per bushel then rallied S@i'c , fluctuated and finally closed about feUc on the board , and 01 call 'at 1 358 for canh and March ; 1 3U foi April ; 1 30S@1 M'i for May ; 1 2 for Juno ; I 25J for July ; I IVf for August 1 03 for the year ; No 'Iqnlet at I 07&1 11 and rejected at PC@88Jc , according t ( [ ocitlou. Corn Only a moderate KuulnetH WUH reported. The feeling was ( inner and [ iricts higher and moderately well umin- tained. The otteiinK * were not very largo an I the inquiry fair , especially for tliu more deferred deliveries. At tfio opening trices were li@lIo ( ( { higher und a Itirlhei mprovemtnt of i@ic highnr. On call joard No 2 closed at U3o for < aeh and Marjh : ( Kilo forApill ; 0 l@U82of r May ; 08@C84o for Juiu ; C8u for July : 60Jo for the year } high mixed , 07c ; rujecled in ; oed dcmuml , Outs Quiet and not much interest alien In the market , No. 2 closed at 42a or .Msich ; 42Jo for April ; 4uj@i5a { for M y ; 41Jo for .lime ; 41Jolor July Jtyc Very ( piIetiNo 2at 82iutor April ; SOc for Mnv. Barley Dull and iiultt ; N.J 2 , 1 OJ ; % 82@83c Pork Fairly active and fteady. M loted at 17 00@17 12J for cash ; 17 00 for April ; 17 75 for May ; 17 45 for June ; 7 C2J for July } 10 074 lor the year. Lard Gootf , active and ellghtly higher , Icslns at 10 05@10 074 for cash ; 10 074 @ 10 70 for April ; 10 fa2j for May ; 10 O.i or June ; 11 05 for July ; 11 12 * for Aug. ustj 11 224 for September ; 10 65 for the oir. Bulk Mtats Steady and higher. Short ibs , U 45 for ca h ; U 424 tor April ; 9 55 or Muy ; 965(6970 ( for June ; 070 for 'uly. Whmky-Quiet at 1 18. Butter Firmer and demand better on account ; Unlit receipts. Creamery , choice o fancy , 40@12c ; fair to good , 33@S8c ; dairy , choice to fancy , 82@37c ; do faire o good , 23@28o ; freari iimdo and packing lock , 18@28o ; low grades , 10@13c ; roll , 6@2Co for common t fair ; 28@30o fur ; oed to choice. Kcfrs-In mcK ] rftte demand ; ruuplv Roe < f. Strictly freth , 16c.Itee'tn Itee'tn Shlpm'U Hour . 1.305 1M Vheat . 1,985 8C3)j ) 'ora. . . . . IW.174 C7,41'J OftU. . . . . * . 4,430 89,412 lye . 1.197 IW ) . . , . 10,558 6414 lilvo Stnok. CIIIOAOO , March 24. The Drovor'i Journal reports RH foil > wss Hogs Receipt * , 15,000 hend. For com mon to good the gancrnl market wnn wenker and less aitlve , though oed , fat tnck sold very re lly ft' lully former Ateo ; rottsh * ml liijlit mixed Rr drii , how. ver , were plfMiHFu' ' , and u nn n average old 60 low-6r ; fr nh receipts were liberal , : on lderini { nil thins' but had the olfer- ngs been of good a\i rage quality the eup- ily doubtless would ho t dlen short of he drmanit ; prices raiiKOil from G 2 C ) ! 75 ; sliipi , flriu and Moady ut G 8)7 60 ; ight hi-gn , dull ami MlgLtlv lower nt ti 30 tO 76skip ; and ut 1 , dull and lower n' ' 5 40@G 25. Cattle Uecelpti , ti.KOhcad. Tin mar- cit for shtppiug cattle wn very lively and prices wrro fully lOc higher .vll nnnmJ ; it w.i u RollerV market , and trading wan lone rap dly ; o million to peed , 5 40 ® > 30 ; choice , 0 30@0 05 : export U7 ( > 1 76 ; butchcrii , choice cows , 3 00@1 76 bullf , 3 W@0 25 ; steer5 -I0@6 03 ; erivand feeder * , mtrkct nbw ; nnd unchanged - changed at 3 60486 00 , * Sheep Reoelpls 4,000. Mm kei quiet ) rIcH nominally uiicliango < ; fair , 650y ( " "i medium , 5 8' ' ) ; choice , t ! 20@0 2"i. Now Vork Froaunt . NKW YoiiK , March 21 Flour I1 1 m add quiet and pilcos un hnngu ; .vnitlicrii Hour H o < ly ; cnmuiiv o choice i xtr.i , 625@800 ; Min.ieHMta . ux in , I U j < jfS lib ; city mill ex , .i , 6 60@8 00 \Vhcat 0 , oned lla)21r ( ) ! hlnhor anc lonifwlint unrouttd , closing rtoady - ith i s'lght ' reaction ; No. 2. 1 I2@l 4IJ mixo winter , 1 IttJ ; No. 1 whit.1 7@1 40J No. 2 reil. April , 1 414C 1 Wt do May 1 41J1 ) 42J ; do Juno , I 38@l 38 . Corn Higher and very lirm ; douiam nnxlLTHto ; No. 3 rod , 761ffl76ic ; No. : whit88 ; No. 2 mixed , Mtvrch , 75c ; d April , 757r > jjc : do ilny , 75V@7GJo. OatH lllo higher and fairly active liMiut : fir ; No. 1 white. 68c ; No. 2 dn > Gc ( ; S'o. 1 mixed , 5lc ; mixed western , 60 @Mic ; No. 2 mixed , March , 53@53ia Rye Firm nt 89@95c. Harley Steady and in fair demand. I'ork Firm but quiet ; Dovr mess , 17 60 Lard Strong , i.cc vo and hlght > r ; 10 H. for cnnh ; 10 'J2\ \ for Aiiri ) 10 80 for Juno Whisky NomliM. Petroleum Market a shade higher am stroi g ; united , 82c ; crndo in barrels rols , ti7g } ; ; naiitb. * , in b.invlj , GiJ iiHkcd ; refined hero and lit Bikltlmore , li l > arr < Is , 7&c & ; do I'hllodolphin , 7o. | { St , Iiouls Frodnoo. ST. Loum , March 23. Flour Dull and weak nut unchangei nncy , 6 450 70 ; choice , 0 lu@0 25 ; fam ly , 6 90 ; XXX. 5 U@5 00. Whiut Feollng bettor and higher ; Ni 2 red , 1 32 for dsli ; 132 for March ; 1 4 for April ; 1 33.J for May : 125 for.Ium 1 11J for July : 107 for August ; I OGJ ! H the year ; No. 3 , dc , 1 25 } ; No. 4. 1 114. Corn Clostd weak but higher ; 07J for cash ; H78o for March ; Gilo for \pn ( iSJc for May ; G8i < j for June : O'.lo ft July ; 70o for August ; 62c for tinyear. . Oats Strong but dull ; 48o < t casl 45c for April ; 45Jo for Alayllic ; fi June. Kyo-Slow at 81c. Barley Firmer and more active at 90 ( 91c 'Li d-Dull at 4 60 bid nn-1 4 021 niikt for refined. liutt-r Unchanged ; creamery , 40@l2i dairy , 35@38o. Ecgs Firm at l.Ho. Whisky 117. Flax Seed Finn demand ut 1 34 Pork-Quiet ; 17 20 for cahh ; 17 274 f' March. Lard Nominal at 10 00. 00.lloo'ts. lloo'ts. Shipmt Flour 1,041 5.8 ! Wheat 21,870 2,7 ! Corn 21,080 21,0 ; Oats 42,783 10,0 ! Rye 500 7. Harley 11,450 . . . Kansas City Prodnco Murliot- KANSAB CITV , ! Mnrch21. Wheat-Slow ; No. 2 cash , 118J ; aid 1 18i ; prll , 1 18 ; Nn. 3 caMi , 99.- ; Marc ! t)9 ) c ; April , 9le ) ; May , 9'Jjc ; June , 93 No. 1 cash , 89@89ia ; March. 8 5 ; Apr ! 894 ; May , SSJc ; rejected , canli , 70J. Corn -Firmui ; No , 2 mixed , cash , 02(1 ( 02o ; March , G'2\c ; April , 02c ; Alay , 01 ! June , OSic. Oats No. 2 carh , 40Jc ; March , 40i AM 11 , 'I7c. Ryo-No. 2 cash , 90c. Reo'tH. Shipm't Wheat 4,031 3,2/ / Corn 25,805 1101 Oats nunu 3 , . ' ( ! Jiye none inn SHouis JJlyo Stooli. St. Louis , March 24. Cattle Voij- strong and higher ; d maud good but supply small ; exporter 0 25@G 7 ; good to cliolce natives , 5 0i ( ) 0 00 ; medium to choice butuhors' , 4 75 ( 6 75 ; native stockon- 75@4 75 ; niti' ' cows and heifers , 4 00@5 00. Receipt 443 head ; shipments J25jiejil. Hogs Unclianged and firm ; denial fair uml vnlues strong ; light , 0 ' 5@'i ' 3 YoikeiH , fi 45(20 ( 00 ; porkers , 0 20@tJ fi hutchcm atvi wlect , 0 76 ( J7 f 0 ; pigs , 5 ! gf. 10. Reocipts , 1,9.18 head ; vlil | > nient 2,015 hoa < l. Peoria Prodaoe. I'KOniA , Alurch 24. Corn New , firm ; high mixed , 00@OOJ mixo , 0508c. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 47474c , Ryo--Ouiet ; No. 2 , a'iic. Hlgh-wincH Unchanged at 1 10. Roc'ts. Shlp't Wheat 1,800 non Corn 41,700 48,61 Oats 20,050 9,0 ! Kyi ) 1,600 1101 Barley 610 C ( Dry Good * Muriiet , NKW YoilK , March 21. Tliu maiket for dry goods lias bre characterized by the mine general fealuri reported of late , Transaction * with coir nilsi-1'.u lirnibcs are chiefly of a hand t mouth character , but somewhat monotor ) Un , and the volume of business , If no lurge , wa * fairly satisfuctorv for this tlm of year The jobbing trade continues o good iironortloua , with u marked degree o activity In department goods. Baltimore Produce. BAI/TIUOHK , March 21. Flour-Steady. Wheat - Southern quiet ; fultz , 1 35u ( 4H ; Lonsjborry , 1 43@118 ; No. 2 rei ii.ttr nlrong at 1 3(14 ( 'or ' cash and March Corn White southern quiet r.t 8Gc ; yd ow ipilet at 76 7'ic ' ; inlxinl western firm < rat 7 lie. Pbilaaelpbla Prodaoe. PuiLAUiai'HiA , March 2-1 , Wheat Easier at 1 38 ® 1 39 for cash nd March : 1384@1 39 IT Ajiril , Corn Firm at 74i@7"'lo for cosh and larch ; 75j@75io for April Oata Firm at 54@56o for canh and ilarch , Rye Nominal. Ken u City Iilyo Stock. KANHAH CITY , March 21. Cattle Receipts 2,667 : shipmcutB , 172 ; market ttrcng and active at unchanged > rlces ; native shippers , 6 00@0 25 } native tockera and feeders , d 50@4 25 ; native own , 2 25 ® 125. Hog -Receljts , 2,259 : hlpraents , lC58j roug and active at Thursday's prices : jootl to choice heavy. -10@G 76 ; mixed lacking , 0 10@G 40 ; light uhlpping , 6 70 ® 00. Cincinnati Prodnco. CINCINNATI , March 24 Me . Pork i77B@180 , with Jobbing Lud-Piimc ICAUI , 10 05 ( )10 ) 074. llnlk Mcnt Fair demand ; clear sldw , OCO. Bacon Clear radon , 10 G2i@10 03. Flour ( ! o < xl demand ami firmer ; winter amlly. 6 U@0 10. Wheat-Easier ; No. 2 ml , 1 86@1 80 , CornIxwi active and easier ; mixed ear , 2o. sales , Gootl consiimj ptive demand and rni ; No. 2 mixed , f'SJc Rye Dull and hrm ; No. 2 , 91c. Barley Cholco No. 2fall , 1 DO. Whiskey Active nnd strong at 1 1 ' . Liverpool Prodnoo. l.tVKia-oou March 24. Flour American , lV@12ri. WhoHt-SteiMly ; winUr , 9 < dl@10 Od ; h e , Os Gd9 Oil ; firing , l @lh ; club , i ! M@IO < 2d. Corn On lOil for now , andGs 4Jd for old. Pork 77s. Lard 53 * Cd. Tolotto Proflnoo- TOLEDO , Mnrcli 24 Wheat Firm an 1 quiet ; No. 2 , I .Ti or oth ; I 83 for Mnrcn ; 133 $ for April ; 34 for May ; 132 for June ; 1 1GJ for uly ; 1 12 for Augmt ; 11 } for the ycAr. Corn I'inrff > 'oimnd HKht ; high mixed , 0@7lc ; No. 2. 09fl for CAHI | C8c for March ; 9o for April ; 01c for May. OaU Nnthl g doing. t Liberty JLlvo Stooh. BAHT UIIKUTV , Pa. , March 24. CnUlo Nothing doitu.- ; receipts , 50 ; lilimiftiH 180 , ' llogn Kirn ; i-m-iiiU , li.700,1 tdilpmcntit , ,700 ; PhlhuUlplilikN , 7 Mji)7 ) ) 00 ; "Yorkoni , i 75 < j5i7 00. Sheet ) Firm nnd unchanged ; receipt * , 1,400 ; hlpmontH , ' . Cotton Market- NKW YOIIK , March 24 , Cotton Spot dull and raster ; mMUnili nd upland. 12 3-M ; futures cloned firm al KS12.IOO higher ; \pril , 12 l.WG ; May 1232.3.1 * ; Juno 1261-52 ; , lu y , 1207-08 , Torpontlno Marltnt. WlLitlNciTON , N. 0. , March 24. Rosin Firm ; strained , 1 85 ; good , 1 00 Spiritn Firm at 1 54. Tar Steady at 1 70. Buffalo Live Stet - . KAHT DUXFALO , .M irch 2t. HoRH Firm ; receipts , 01 ; shipments , 49 ; Yorkers , OSK710 ) ; gy.ii mfdiuu wolglrn , 715@725. Cleveland Marliot. CLKVELA.N-D , Match 1M. 1'otroloum UnchanKcdjHtundard whitf , 110 test , 7c CALIFORNIA FLOUR , -ucruuiento mills patent flour ( re ( braml ) . Our best Kureka patent llou ; ( blue brand ) . The only patent llour man ufactured on the I'ucilio coast. We claiu it is the whitist , strongest and bestfumil ; Hour in thu state. Ask your grocer for It Try it and you will use no other. K. M. McCiiKAitY k Co. , Sacramento. T. J. KVANH , Agent , Crystal Mills , Council BlulTs. THE GREEN AND THE GRA1 The DUIbronco Between tbo Cllmnt of Great Britain and Nebraska. A BKK reporter yesterday hnd tli pleasure of meeting Air. Thomas Oa turgnrd , the well known miller o Fremont , nnd for fourteen years pas it'resident of Nebraska , who , accoir pained by his wite is returning from BIX mouths visit to the old country. [ jMr. Ostorgard left this state in Sq tembor last und wont to his nutiv country , Denmark , visiting Coper hngon and other places of intoiodl llo was surprised , after BO long a absence from the old country , to fin the dill'erenco in prices between tliu and this. Ho smoked cigars that cos one cent each but at length grow ex trnv ngunt and bought two-cent cigar which ho pronounces better than ou twenty-live cent cigars. Ho t'.avo th reporter one und ic was certainly ver. tine , lie brought home quite n lo with him and also a quantity of genii ino meerschaum pipes and cigar hold ers us presents for nia friends. Tlies are line goods und huvo elegant atnbe mouth pieces , tliu inatci'inl for whic iu gntberod on the shores of Dei : mark , where it is cast up by thoNort Sea a i id thu Baltic. The prices woul paralyze a western dealer. Mr. Ol turgurd BUVH one cmi Imvo moro fu in Copenhagen for ion cents tlnin h cun in Onialm for u dollar nnd ho i probably right. There is moro fun i the juvenile gnmu of "Copenhagen for nothing than can be hnd in matui yeiua for a five dollar note. On his return trip he stopped i Scotland , where the g ass was si inches high and as bright as a buzzar dollar. Glasgow ho pronounces inoi like Chicago than any city on his tri ] It in full of bustle and excitement a the time. Another stop was made at Larnt near Belfast , Ireland. Hero vegetn tion was as fur advanced as it is i Nebraska in June , No winter ha been experienced anywhere in th United Kingdom , und Mr. Ostergan liiids a strunp ) contrast between thos green Isles mid the gray and desolut looking plains of Nebraska Ho say the immigration Ulia year will b enormous , although Homo alarm i felt over there for fear America i about to be overcrowded , as they can not understand how wo could other wise raise potatoes and other stuff ii such quantities as to bo compelled tc ship them to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Ostorgurd are stop < ) ing OV < T to visit Iho lady's brother , Mr. S. J. Larson , of the U. P. head quarters , and will leave for Fremont on Sunday. BOOTH AND HIIOK8. TIIK UIIKAI'KNT HTOCK , Till ! I-MKlKHf HVO ( K. THK UK8T UOOPH. All wanting to buy good shoes ihoap , go to the old reliable shoo tore CJJK I'JtiCB MoitHt'H. Our tock tliia year surpasses all previous urchaues for good goods and low ricos. 25 cents to 713 cents cheaper han any other house can sell you , A. D. MOF.HE , 14th and Farnain. . < „ The latest attraction In Spriug novelties At Elguttor'a Mammoth Olothini ; House , 1001 Fanfam St. , Cor 10th. Ladles , tuko a look at those Shot * and shawls just received at the Chi * ; ago Dry Goods Store , 1110 Farnam street. ni2-l-2t MERME MASQUERADE , The Ohalk Olub Will Celebrate Its Fifth Anniversary in a Grand Ball. . 'ho ' Question of Oootumos the Most Perplexing Point of All. 'ropoeod ' Resolution of Indignation nt tbo.Cmol Action of the Mercenary Batbotlc. "Tho great society event of the soa- on , Btr I" exclaimed Col. Frnnk Moore liis morning as ho paused for breath while selling tickets for Europe , and lien left the poor reporter in a mnzo f astonishment and bewildering oubt as to what the genial secretary f the Chalk club meant. Afterwards , mdor the implicit bond aj [ secrecy , ic explained : "You see , 1 was * o busy a few min- itt's ago that I couldn't toll you what wanted to. The grand event I ro- crred to is none other th.xn a masque- ado to bo given April 1st by the club ixt Turner hall , Col. Frank Uanlon ins gone east to-day to look for suit able costumes. If the costumes which no have sent for can bo pro cured in time the masquerade will uroly bo held by April 1st. " The reporter opened his mouth to say something , but his whole corin- tonnnco was swallowed up in on inter rogation point , and so the gracious in formant wont on : "You see , there is aomo trouble about these costumes. Mr. Hanscom wants to be the > fairy , but his figure la i little oir for wings. Frank Ilnnlon ms hit it about right. Ho will repre sent a boquet , or a nose-gay , as it weie. Joe Tohon is to bo "Ono Hun dred Years Ago , " or what ho know in the Swootwator. Maxwell will no loubt bo the "Cool Minnesota. " Jiin Watson and Put Cooley will irobably represent ' 'Tho Two Orphans. " Charley Ogden has expressed - pressed an inclination to represent ono of the Darwinian Antipodes , but many of his friends , in view of the political contest next fall , are endeavoring to dissuade him from what they regard too grout a desire to cling to the habits of his ancestors. I , myself , " and liero Mr. Moore's countenance bright ened nnd ho drew himself proudly up "I will doubtless represent the 'Father of Our Country , ' because it is well known that I cannot tell a lie. " By this time the reporter had fainted , and was carried into the roar to bo revived with a draught of Joe Tohon's Now Year's reception bever- ugo pure Missouri. AN INDIGNATION MEKTINO. A largely attended meeting of the club wus held last evening , at which _ , , a quite important matter was brought'i' ' up and freely discussed. Although K * # j the meeting adjourned without taking S any decided action , it seemed to be the Unanimous opinion that some thing in the way of n decided expres sion should bo inado , and that a copy of the resolutions shou'd ' bo sent to California for publication in thu up pers of the 1'acitic slope. The indi vidual who came under the bun of the club's acrimony is none other tliiin Oscar Wilde. The oflonsocomplaini'd of is un insulting proposal reported to liavo been sent by him ( o Judge Woolworth und his es timable wife on the day following his lecture in this city. An invitation was extended to th tuathotio too-too Irish-English poet to uiuo ut the resi dence of Mr , Woolworth and enjoy the society for un hour or two of the most aristocratic of his admirers in this city. To this complimentary in vitation it is stated thai Oscar sent a polite acceptance , upon the condition that a $50 sight draft bo made out to his order. In condemning such u mercenary and insulting reply , ono of the members of the club said : "Mr. President : It ill befits IMP to speak while I am laboring under such emotion. I can only say that Oscar Wilde knows not what a turbulence ho caused in the breasts of our best aociovy by his brutul nnd un-oMthotic action. The palatial residence , which only so recently wus graced by the- presence of King Kulukau " "A nugur I" came from the roar of the hall , probably from some individ ual who , having Celtic blood in his veins , spoke beforu lie thought. Ho WHB discovered to bo the same follow who broke up the mooting of the club , when that body mot soinotimo ago to tender the free dom of the city to the son of the "Queen of the Cannibal Islands"and because of the break this time ho was suminaril } expelled from the room. After the excitement inside and the bricks from outside had subsided Boirewhat , the speaker went on : "As I wns saying , Mr. President , I lonsidor that the man who would want money to relieve his embarrass ment in the presence of such company n such u place is unfit oven to travel m the Union Pacific railroad , and , horoforo , I move that we pass a reso- ution of corusure. " This was dJ&cussed for so long , pro and con , certain members seeking to excuse Wilde , on the ground that ho was unacquainted with our people , md therefore , though. * them just like ho Bnolworacy if other places , that ho meeting Ixvuuio mii'od up as to vhuin the nsuluuon of censure hould apply , and adjourned , subject o the call of the chairmaa. FLOWERS AND BOUQUETS , Mr. B. Bros , who has for many years' Kion preparing the elegant garden of \ Krug , has just completed arrange- , mentB for a five-years' lease of the Green House in Ilanscom Park whereof ' * ho haa the entire management. Ho has pl&cod in said Green fihoueo about G.OOO of the most choice plants. Par ties desiring choice Flower Plants or Bouquets , can be supplied with Any thing in his lino. All orders will bo promptly attended to ni20-Gt PERKINS & LEAR , 1410 Douglas street , buy and Roll Now and Second hand furniture , m22-4t